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COMPANY PROFILE 2011 - kezzi.co.ug believe in Commercial Marketing ... Our aim is to provide...

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KEZZI ENTERTAIMENT LIMITED Office Tel: 256- 312-295238, Mobile : 256- 772- 692-251, 256- 772- 431-272 . P.O. Box 31538 Kampala-Uganda.East Africa. Email: [email protected] COMPANY PROFILE 2011 EVENTS ADVISORY | EVENTS MANAGEMENT | EVENTS LOGISTICS | EVENTS PLANNING | EVENTS SECURTIY

KEZZI ENTERTAIMENT LIMITEDOffice Tel: 256- 312-295238, Mobile : 256- 772- 692-251, 256- 772- 431-272 . P.O. Box 31538 Kampala-Uganda.East Africa.Email: [email protected]



Leave Nothing To Chance

Kezzi Entertainment is a Ugandan registered Events and Entertainment firm that provides innovative strategies for the industry.

We belong to a school of that, every event is different from the other hence special attention should be given to detail per event no matter how similar they may appear. Our Entertainment experience in Event Production and Management services will leave nothing to chance.

Entertainment is an invaluable tool for projecting positive ideas about a company. Entertainment improvescustomer knowledge by informing the target audience about specific aspects of the company's business.Whatever markets you're targeting? Your message needs to be clearly understood so whether you'rehighlighting an area of expertise, launching a new product, raising a corporate profile across differentmarkets entertainment easily does it

KEVIN ZZIWAManaging Director



ContentsKezzi Entertainment 1

Our Qualities 2

Why Choose us 3

Our Services 4Hospitality & Welfare managementCorporate EventsConference managementMedia & Communications developmentEvents Research 6 Events Security

Miss Uganda 2011 7

Events Portfoliio 8 Our Clients 9

We belong to a school of that, every event is different from the other hence special attention should be given to detail per event no matter how similar they may appear. Our Entertainment experience in Event Production and Management services will leave nothing to chance.

Kezzi Entertainment

Kezzi Entertainment is a Ugandan registered Events and Entertainment firm that provides innovativestrategies for the industry.

Mission StatementOur mission is to become the overall ac knowledged leader in provision of quality entertainment and pbulic relations services in the region. (Leaving nothing to chance…) Our commitment is to achieve leadership in the entertain-ment industry through quality service delivery, High creativity and complete dedication and hardwork in everything we do.

Korporate StatementAs our corporate policy, we assist businesses achieve their goals hence maximize their profits. We believe in Commercial Marketing concepts. Our core strength is encompassed in a Kreative team backed by experience and devotion to give our clientele an edge over their c ompetitors.

Loyalty & SatisfactionA dynamic relationship with our clients and a creative and thorough approach to all projects creates the environment for success. Our determination to achieve the very best for our clients has encouraged many of them to stay with us.

Our TeamWe have a team of young energetic creative minds that will make your event a memorable event. Kevin Zziwa, Brenda Nanyonjo, Tonny Mutengu, Fredasher Lwanga and a vibrant support team.


Our Qualities

Our philosophyThe workplace is changing. Now, more than ever before, organisations must consider how their workplace is regarded not just by their employees but also by the world at large. Typically, businesses focus on measuring quantifiable outputs such as profit, market share or growth, without considering three vital contributory factors that inevitably determine not just success, but also survival:

PlayOur belief Is ” teams that play together work together" and we believe that having fun at work is important not just in creating a positive team environment, but also in raising morale, boosting confidence and reducing staff turnover.Having fun helps maintain the positive attitude to work that generates commit-ment and job satisfaction. Our programmes can be designed to address many different issues, but the one thing they have in common is that they are all set within a framework of fun and enjoyment, without taking participants out of their comfort zone.

AttitudeWe believe that there is always a choice about the way you do your work even if there is not a choice about the work itself. We encourage people to choose a positive attitude to their job and to their clients and colleagues. In taking this positive approach, individuals are committing themselves to doing the best they can, exploiting opportunities and developing their own role.

RelationshipsIf you believe the old adage that "it's not what you know, but who you know", then it stands to reason that true] success must depend - at least in part - on the quality and not just the quantity of our relationships. Our ability to balance work and home life, while also allowing time to appreciate the hidden qualities of the people around us is increasingly becoming a lifestyle measure of success.


Why Choose us

Why You Might Need an Entertainment AgencyEntertainment is an invaluable tool for projecting positive ideas about a company. Entertainment improves customer knowledge by informing the target audience about specific aspects of the company's business. Whatever markets you're targeting? Your message needs to be clearly understood so whether you're highlighting an area of expertise, launching a new product, raising a corporate profile across different markets entertainment easily does it.

KORPORATE ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTSAbout Corporate events“Corporate events are an integral part of a long communication plan used to communicate the objectivesand strategies of a public Relations programme hence a need to design and manage them in a mannerthat communicates Brand and Company message.”

Question: How many times have you been to a corporate function or event?Answer: Many, many times would probably be you answer.Question: And, of these, many how many left a lasting impression in your mind?Answer: Not quit so many, would probably be your answer.Question: And, of those you remember, how many left you with a clear memory of the message the company or brand was trying to impart to you?Answer: Very, very few, would probably be your answer.

That is why we provide innovative corporate entertainment and event manage-ment solutions to motivate and develop the most forward thinking organisa-tions. We combine unique indoor and outdoor entertainment tocreate memories that last a lifetime.

Everything we do is agreed by you, so we value good communication whether you are launching a new productor service, or have any other business, we spark your publicity)


Our Services

We belong to a school of that, every event is different from the other hence special attention should be given to detail per event no matter how similar they may appear. Our Entertainment experience in Event Production and Manage-ment services will among other things cover;

Genreal ServicesTurnkey Projects, Events Consultancy,Events Conceptualization, Events Communication and Marketing,Events Management, Events Logistics Management,Events Security & Site Management Hospitality and Welfare ManagementRisk Assessment Management Sales promotionsExhibition and Conferences

Hospitality And Welfare ManagementBy nurturing a health business relationship we can understand our client needs more effectively and in turn help the productivity of their business bearing in mind that most companies derive 4/5 of their revenue from clients hence the importance of building a solid relationship with your most valued clients. Our hospitality deals allow you to relax and make the most of your very important day-ensuring its impression to your client

Corporate EventsKezzi are activity specialists offering a range of tailored services for companies and NGOs. Our activities are wide ranging as you would expect from one of the most experienced Corporate and non-corporate activity providers.

Kezzi specialize in organizing Corporate and non corporate events, our experience in all of concerning these areas ensure that you and your company will have a truly memorable experience that we can offer!!! We will provide fantastic event packages that will be enjoyed by your targeted audience combing all the elements needed to ensure your company has a successful event with Great activities, Top Venues, Accommodation and Quality Entertain-ment. Making us an events supermarket


Our Services

Conference Management Kezzi provides the right atmosphere to ensure your message gets across effectively. After determining your exact requirements; we deliver the whole package for you, from sourcing the correct venues to the end of conference party.Kezzi conference services include - Venue sourcing,Transportation and Accommodation, Priority registration and check in, Sourcing of conference facilities, On site Management, Post event evaluation and appraisal.

Media And Communications DevelopmentWithout a media and communications plan, companies run the risk of reacting to external events in a knee-jerk manner, wasting valuable communication opportunities and getting pulled “off-mission” in the process.

Our aim is to provide companies articulated communication strategy that will support your company meet the goals of its business plan. Our plans help you focus those resources on the most important tasks and set priorities.We strive to provide you with a good plan which imposes discipline and clear thinking that will help you clarify your objectives and target audiences, sharpen your message and help you better understand the environment in which you will be delivering that message.

We strive to ensue that any strategic communications planning we come up with for you will help your company /organisation integrate all of its communi-cations work on a particular issue, including not only media activities but also all other relations. We work with the knowledge that a strategic communica-tions plan will help you develop better media plans and that a well-developed media plan is important because the media is the primary education force in our society. kezzi Entertaiment will provide the following services,

Media Strategies and Bookings, Pitching the Press, Writing Press Releases and Story Pitch Letters, Press Kit Development, New Company & Product Launches Trade Show Support


Our Services

Conference ResearchApproachWe're driven by an obsessively single- minded objective: to extract meaningful, timely and accurate insights and present them to our clients in user friendly ways. Thus, we approach every project with the single minded determination of digging deeper into data to unearth that is not apparent on the surface. This way we do our bit in reducing risks in the decision marking process.MethodologiesWe use Qualitative and Quantitative methods to collect data. Examples of Quantitative methods Telephone, Face to Face (at- home or in- halls) interviews panel and mystery individuals (shoppers, Flyers etc). Qualitative methods include Focus Discussion Groups (FDGs), in-depth interviews, and observations

Events SecurityKezzi provides security consulting and operational management for major events. We offer and assist event managers in the development of their security screening programs. At kezzi, we support our clientele withsound security advice, detailed planning and on-site security coordination.We would like to thank you for your interest in our corporation and hope that you find the following information helpful. Please contact us to find out how we can help to protect your next event. Kezzi Entertainment /Event Security Consulting and Operations can assist you in creating a safe and enjoyableevent for your spectators, performers and guests. With years of experience at major festivals, concerts and athletic competitions, the Kezzi Management Team has the knowledge necessary to design a safe and secure environment.From your first moment of planning to the very end of your event, Kezzi Events Security will consider and address all of your operational concerns.

Security ServicesFacility and Staffing Critiques, Metal Detection Screening, Emergency Preparedness and Procedure, Operation Plans And Project Timelines, Event Operations, Additional Resources And Planning, Safety Survey


Miss Uganda

Miss Uganda 2011The Rebirth of the Miss Uganda ContestKezi Entertainment got the franchise to orgaise the Contest. The pre-selection of the 20 girls and a three weeks intensive training.

The Grand Finale to select the winner was held on the 10 Sep 2011 at Golf Course Kampala. Miss Uganda 2011-2012 is sponsored by Red Pepper, Club Silk, Blucube, WBS TV, Capital FM, Ndere Troupe and Mirinda.


Press Conference

Miss Uganda 2011The Winners The Prize Car

The Couture collectionThe Presenters The Judges

Boot CampCBS - Enkuuka

Events Portfolio

Events MnagementWe belong to a school of that, every event is different from the other hence special attention should be given to detail per event no matter how similar they may appear.


Press Conference

MISS UGANDA 2011 The WyclefJean Show White Cap Launch

UB40 show Last King of Scotland Silvia Awori - MotoCoture

CBS - Ekitoobero CBS - Enkuuka Rally

Our Clients

We value our clientsKezzi Entertainment is a Ugandan registered Events and Entertainment firm that provides innovativestrategies for the industry.


Press Conference

Lowe ScanadUGANDA

The Last King of Scotland

Ministry of Health

MagazineAfrican Woman

Fashion Label
