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Company(Presentaon - TAGI-UNI · market,expected,50% maths) Trend) for)adap9ve)learning)systems)...

Date post: 03-Oct-2018
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be#ermarks GmbH September 2012 Company Presenta.on www.be2ermarks.com

be#ermarks  GmbH  -­‐  September  2012  Company  Presenta.on  


Be2ermarks  is  ...  

 …  an  online  solu9on  that  enables  math  learning  

…  based  on  a  didac9cal  concept  and  therefore  …  

…  not  a  prac9ce  machine  but  an  individualized  tutor  

…  almost  like  a  good  math  teacher  siAng  right  next  to  you  

It  helps!  

2009  according  to  Unesco,  2012  according  to  Global  Industry  Analysts,  InternetWorldStats,  Facebook  

  Global  private  tutoring  market  over  $  50  billion    33%  world-­‐wide  internet  penetra.on  in  March  2012    Yearly  growth-­‐rate  Facebook  subscribers  world-­‐wide  

26%,  in  South-­‐America:  62%    

530  million  children  world-­‐wide  in  secondary  educa.on  alone  

Be2ermarks  –  a  strong  investment  case  

  Responds  to  increasing  market  demand  in  adap9ve  learning  

  Goes  far  beyond  any  other  learning  tools  in  mathema9cs  and  has  demonstrated  significant  improvement  for  its  users  in  Germany  and  India  

  Has  a  highly  scalable,  sustainable  and  profitable  business  model    

  Is  managed  by  Arndt  Kwiatkowski  (CEO),  Marianne  Voigt  (CFO/COO),  Niko  Deskovic  (MD  Interna9onal)  -­‐  serial  entrepreneurs  who  built  Immo-­‐/AutoScout24  from  1997  to  the  No.1  European  real  estate/car  pla]orm  

Increasing  bandwidth  available  for  educa9onal  usage  worldwide  • 100  m  Indian  households  with    3G  in  2015  

Na9onal  decisions  to  introduce  eLearning    •   6  m  Classmate  PCs  installed  •   2.4  m  OLPC  installed  •   Decisions  to  abolish  school  books  in  China,  South  Korea  ...  

US:  Investments  in  digital  educa9on  growing  •  In  2011  430  m  USD  invest  

World-­‐wide  educa9on-­‐hungry  middle-­‐class  • USD  150  bn  tutoring  market,expected,  50%  maths  

Trend  for  adap9ve  learning  systems  • Knewton  raises  USD  33  m  for  adap9ve  learning  and  partners  with  Pearson  

• Macmillan  invests  in  be#ermarks  • Government  tender  in  Uruguay  for  adap9ve  learning  maths    

•  Infrastructure  increasingly  enabling  interac9vity:      80%  of  UK  and  24%  of  Mexican  Classrooms  with  Whiteboards    

OLPC  =  “OneLaptopPerChild  Classmate  =  Learning  series  by  Intel  






Be2ermarks  adresses  a  global  market  ...  

  Didac9c  concept  enabling  full  adap9vity    

  Proven  learning  results  regardless  of  a  student’s  star9ng  point  

  Product  supports  teachers  as  well  as  parents  in  helping  students    

  Wide  range  of  use  cases    School  system  online  and  offline,  in  class  and/or  for  homework,    

 star9ng  grade  4  

  Remedial  courses  for  secondary  and  post-­‐secondary  educa9on  

  Teacher  training    Private  tutoring    

...  with  a  unique  and  compe..vely  priced  product  

Next-­‐genera.on  maths  learning  based  on  adap.vity    

•  Macro-adaptivity provides individualized learning paths –  Enables time-saving learning strategies

•  Micro-adaptivity gives productive responses to wrong inputs –  Engages students to learn

Write  products  of  the  same  variable  as  powers.  

Put  coefficients  always  in  front  of  the  variables.  

Write  with  out  mul9plica9on  dot.  

Apply  binomial  Formulas.  

The  line  has  the  correct  slope  but  does  not  pass  through  point  P.  

You  have  not  yet  labeled  all  ver9ces  of  the  triangle.  

Micro-­‐adap.vity  is  the  key  to  learning  Intelligent  valida9on  –  more  than  right  or  wrong  

•  “In 30 years of teaching I have not come across such a well-thought-out and suitable system. It really helps motivate children for this unloved subject.”

Dagmar  Hennecke,  Teacher  of  7c,  Städ6sches  Gymnasium,  Herten  

•  “Selec.on  Commi2ee  of  digita  2012    -­‐  „The  online  learning  system  is  an  excellent  self-­‐learning  tool  for  math  in  grades  4  to  9  but  also  higher  grades...  It  does  not  just  process  results  but  trains  exercise  solving  step-­‐by-­‐step  and  gives  the  necessary  hints  to  try  on...The  system‘s  responses  mo6vate  users,  wrong  inputs  receive  individual  and  detailed  feed-­‐backs.  The  product  is  clearly  differen6ated  from  the  usual  simple  mul6ple-­‐choice  exercises  of  other  online  exercising  tools.“  

•  “In the last state-wide comparative math exam (VERA-8), my 8th grade showed results that were up to 20% above state average. I attribute this to our regular work with bettermarks.”

Joe  Hansen,  Teacher  of  an  8th  Grade  at  a  Hauptschule  in  Schleswig-­‐Holstein  

Note:  Hauptschule  is  Junior  High  School  /  Lower  Secondary  Level.  Gymnasium  is  High  School  /  A-­‐Level.  


Early  Adopters  in  Germany  

  2.000  ac9ve  teachers  in  April/May  2012  with  20.000  students  

  Paid  licences  in  30  schools  as  of  September  2012  

  1.000  private  subscribers  

  Tutoring  franchise  star9ng  Germany-­‐wide  roll-­‐out      in  October  2012    

  University  of  applied  science  Heilbronn  using  bm  for  maths  bridge  classes  for  engineering  

Mexico 30M  students,  school  pilot in

preparation with MM MX for end

of 2012

Uruguay 500k  students,    school  pilot in

preparation with Ceibal for Oct


India 300M  students  school  pilot in

preparation with MM India for

autumn 2012, pilot with imprint

in 500 K schoolbooks

Brazil 35M  students  

pilot with MM for 2013  planned

Interna.onaliza.on  already  beginning  

»  Outsourced  invest    for  English  version  at  250k  and    Spanish  version  at  200k  

»  2  language  versions  enable  access  to  large  interna9onal  markets  

LatAm 200M  students

India 300M  students

Localiza.on  experience  based  on  2  language  versions  

Execu.ve  team  with  extensive  experience  

Arndt  Kwiatkowski  (CEO)  Founder  of  Immobilien  Scout  GmbH  (IS24)  in  1997;    CEO  of  IS24  un9l  2008,  Co-­‐founded  be#ermarks  in  2008  

Marianne  Voigt  (CFO,  COO)  CFO/COO  of  IS24  1999  to  2008,  Co-­‐founded  be#ermarks  in  2008  

Christophe  Spéroni  (Product  Development  and  Management)  Team  lead  Community  IS24  2006  to  2008,  Co-­‐founded  be#ermarks  

York  Xylander  (CTO)  Partner  of  IS24  IT  development  and  opera9ons  star9ng  1998,    joined  be#ermarks  in  October  2008  

Niko  Deskovic  (MD  Interna9onal)  Co-­‐founder  of  AutoScout  in  1998  and  CEO  un9l  2011,    business  angel  with  be#ermarks  since  2009  

•  Capital  invested  in  be#ermarks  to-­‐date:  €  15.5  m  

•  Thereof  30%    invested  by  Founders/  Management  

•  Other  invest  by  Business  Angels,  German  state  bank  KfW,  interna9onal  publisher  Macmillan/Georg  von  Holtzbrinck-­‐Group  and  impact  investor  BonVenture  

-  The  company  is  funded  un9l  beginning  2013  -  From  then  to  Break  Even  Be#ermarks  needs  an  addi9onal  €  

10m,  depending  on  the  build-­‐up  of  interna9onal.  

€  16  million  investment  in  proven  product    

Investment  capitalized  interna.onally  !""# !"$" !"$$ !"$!% !"$& !"$' !"$(

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•  Joachim  Schoss    Entrepreneur/Investor,  Co-­‐Founder  of  Immobilienscout24,  Scout24    

•  Rolf  C.  Dienst  Founder  Wellington  Partners  VC  Munich,  Investor  in  IS24  

•  Gaurav  Mehta  Entrepreneur/Investor,  Co-­‐Founder  of  Pratham  e.V.  

•  Dr.  Anne#e  Thomas  CEO  of  Macmillan    

Advisors  /  Investors  
