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Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms ...€¦ · coastal spruce budworm, C. orae...

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Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) V.G. Nealis 1 AbstractThe comparative ecology of conifer-feeding budworms in the genus Choristoneura Lederer (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Canada is reviewed with emphasis on publications since 1980. Systematics and life history are updated and historical outbreak patterns and their current interpretation summarised. Recent evidence is analysed in the context of ecological interactions among three trophic levels; host plant, budworm herbivore, and natural enemies. The inuence of weather and climate are viewed as modulating factors. The population behaviour of budworms is interpreted as the result of tri-trophic interactions that vary at different scales. The result of these multi-scale interactions is that despite shared phylogenetic constraints and common adaptations, different budworm species display different population behaviour because of specic ecological relationships with their respective hosts and natural enemies. Introduction When outbreaks of the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) came to the attention of Canadian for- esters in the mid-20th century, entomologists already recognised the distinct forms of budworms living on different conifer tree species in different forest regions of North America. They also knew that spruce budworm outbreaks had damaged Canadian forests several times in the past (Craighead 1924; Mathers 1932; Turner 1952; Blais 1954). What was new by mid-century was that both forests and the industry they supported were changing rapidly and disturbances such as the spruce budworm were seen as a signicant threat. Most jurisdictions in Canada had legislation that enabled active forest management and by the 1950s aerial application of pesticides to protect forests from spruce budworm became routine (Webb et al. 1961). Since then, there has rarely been a year in living memory without signicant forest damage caused by a budworm outbreak somewhere in Canada (Fig. 1). The basic research that accompanied the forest management response to these out- breaks has resulted in a forest-insect system for which knowledge and alternative interpretations are uncommonly rich. Much of this knowledge has been gained by scientists working in Canada. The concentration of expertise in a few govern- ment agencies and universities working on a mostly publically owned natural resource resulted in continuous effort that sustained both extensive annual surveys as well as investigation of the fundamental biology and ecology of these insects. This paper compares the ecology of the major conifer-feeding species in the genus Choristoneura Lederer (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Canada. These closely-related species share phylogenetic constraints which characterise their common evo- lutionary histories, and related adaptive syndromes which mitigate the tness consequences of these constraints (Price 1994). The ecological relation- ships that emerge from these adaptations determine macro-ecological phenomena such as eruptive population cycles. I begin with a review of bud- worm systematics, life history, and seasonality followed by the evidence on historic outbreaks. These are the foundational elements and resulting patterns of population ecology. Next, I examine trophic interactions with a focus on new knowledge compiled in the past 30 years, coincidentally the duration of a typical research career. Trophic inter- actions are interpreted as ecological drivers that V.G. Nealis, 1 Natural Resources Canada-Canadian Forest Service, Pacic Forestry Centre, 506 W. Burnside Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8Z 1M5 1 Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]). Langor, D.W. and Alfaro, R.I. (eds.) Forest Entomology in Canada: Celebrating a Century of Science Excellence doi:10.4039/tce.2015.15 Received 5 November 2014. Accepted 14 January 2015. First published online 29 May 2015. Can. Entomol. 148: S33S57 (2016) © 2015 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources S33 https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.4039/tce.2015.15 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 19 Sep 2020 at 03:07:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
Page 1: Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms ...€¦ · coastal spruce budworm, C. orae Freeman, and a western pine-feeding budworm, C. lambertiana (Busck), are poorly

Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding sprucebudworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

V.G. Nealis1

Abstract—The comparative ecology of conifer-feeding budworms in the genus ChoristoneuraLederer (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Canada is reviewed with emphasis on publications since 1980.Systematics and life history are updated and historical outbreak patterns and their current interpretationsummarised. Recent evidence is analysed in the context of ecological interactions among three trophiclevels; host plant, budworm herbivore, and natural enemies. The influence of weather and climateare viewed as modulating factors. The population behaviour of budworms is interpreted as the result oftri-trophic interactions that vary at different scales. The result of these multi-scale interactions is thatdespite shared phylogenetic constraints and common adaptations, different budworm species displaydifferent population behaviour because of specific ecological relationships with their respective hostsand natural enemies.


When outbreaks of the spruce budworm(Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) came to the attention of Canadian for-esters in themid-20th century, entomologists alreadyrecognised the distinct forms of budworms livingon different conifer tree species in different forestregions of North America. They also knew thatspruce budworm outbreaks had damaged Canadianforests several times in the past (Craighead 1924;Mathers 1932; Turner 1952; Blais 1954). What wasnew by mid-century was that both forests and theindustry they supported were changing rapidly anddisturbances such as the spruce budworm wereseen as a significant threat. Most jurisdictions inCanada had legislation that enabled active forestmanagement and by the 1950s aerial application ofpesticides to protect forests from spruce budwormbecame routine (Webb et al. 1961).Since then, there has rarely been a year in living

memory without significant forest damage causedby a budworm outbreak somewhere in Canada(Fig. 1). The basic research that accompaniedthe forest management response to these out-breaks has resulted in a forest-insect system forwhich knowledge and alternative interpretations

are uncommonly rich. Much of this knowledgehas been gained by scientists working in Canada.The concentration of expertise in a few govern-ment agencies and universities working on amostly publically owned natural resource resultedin continuous effort that sustained both extensiveannual surveys as well as investigation of thefundamental biology and ecology of these insects.This paper compares the ecology of the major

conifer-feeding species in the genus ChoristoneuraLederer (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Canada.These closely-related species share phylogeneticconstraints which characterise their common evo-lutionary histories, and related adaptive syndromeswhich mitigate the fitness consequences of theseconstraints (Price 1994). The ecological relation-ships that emerge from these adaptations determinemacro-ecological phenomena such as eruptivepopulation cycles. I begin with a review of bud-worm systematics, life history, and seasonalityfollowed by the evidence on historic outbreaks.These are the foundational elements and resultingpatterns of population ecology. Next, I examinetrophic interactions with a focus on new knowledgecompiled in the past 30 years, coincidentally theduration of a typical research career. Trophic inter-actions are interpreted as ecological drivers that

V.G. Nealis,1 Natural Resources Canada-Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 W. Burnside Rd.,Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8Z 1M5

1Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).Langor, D.W. and Alfaro, R.I. (eds.) Forest Entomology in Canada: Celebrating a Century of Science Excellencedoi:10.4039/tce.2015.15

Received 5 November 2014. Accepted 14 January 2015. First published online 29 May 2015.

Can. Entomol. 148: S33–S57 (2016) © 2015 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented bythe Minister of Natural Resources


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Page 2: Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms ...€¦ · coastal spruce budworm, C. orae Freeman, and a western pine-feeding budworm, C. lambertiana (Busck), are poorly

Fig. 1. Area of defoliation (millions of ha) by (A) spruce budworm in eastern Canada (Newfoundland andLabrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Québec, Ontario), (B) spruce budworm, two-yearcycle spruce budworm, and western spruce budworm in western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories), and (C) jack pine budworm in Manitoba (MB), Saskatchewan(SK), Ontario (ON), and Québec (QC). (Source: National Forestry Database. http://nfdp.ccfm.org/insects/quick_facts_e.php accessed 23 September 2014).

S34 Can. Entomol. Vol. 148, 2016

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Page 3: Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms ...€¦ · coastal spruce budworm, C. orae Freeman, and a western pine-feeding budworm, C. lambertiana (Busck), are poorly

transcribe the consequences of adaptation in avariable environment to patterns of abundance inspace and time.The primary literature on the spruce budworm,

C. fumiferana, alone is formidable. Includingpublications on other conifer-feeding budwormspecies makes parsimonious selection of citationsa challenge. In keeping with the theme of thisspecial issue, I have favoured publications byCanadian scientists where appropriate althoughgiven the volume of these the choices were notreduced by much. Excellent reviews becameavailable following the last outbreak (Harvey1985; Volney 1989; Sanders 1991) so I also havetried to restrict myself to post-1980 publicationsexcept what I consider to be original, seminalcontributions that provide the enduring ideasand evidence that have influenced my view ofbudworm ecology.

Conifer-feeding spruce budworms

SystematicsSo who are these budworms? Biosystematic

analysis supports eight species in the spruce bud-worm complex of conifer-feeding Choristoneurain North America including six species in Canada(Lumley and Sperling 2010). Many more biotypesare recognised (Volney and Fleming 2007) and somore cryptic species may be revealed eventually(Lumley and Sperling 2011). Populations offour species: (eastern) spruce budworm; jackpine budworm, C. pinus pinus Freeman; westernspruce budworm, C. occidentalis Freeman; andtwo-year cycle spruce budworm, C. biennisFreeman; have erupted extensively at least onceduring the last 50 years, a period representingbarely one generation of tree and forest (Fig. 1).Collectively these species occupy most ofCanada’s major conifer forest ecozones (Fig. 2).The distribution and status in Canada of thecoastal spruce budworm, C. orae Freeman, anda western pine-feeding budworm, C. lambertiana(Busck), are poorly known and not consideredfurther.The near identical life histories of these bud-

worm species suggest close phylogenetic rela-tionships and recent divergence. Until the 1950s,forest entomologists applied the species name“fumiferana” to all budworms even though they

recognised different biogeographic entities asso-ciated with different host-tree species. Theoutbreaks that occurred in the mid-20th centuryprompted taxonomic revision of the group drawnfrom detailed morphological studies of adults(Freeman 1947) and larvae (MacKay 1962). Themany polymorphisms within species and overlapof characters among species, however, obscuredclear separation of species based on conventionalmorphology (Harvey 1985, 1996). Further, success-ful hybridisation between most species combina-tions and their progeny demonstrated high geneticcompatibility within the genus (Volney 1989;Harvey 1997; Nealis 2005). Nonetheless, Freeman(1967) recognised the distinct species mentionedabove among the different forms while the searchcontinued for diagnostic morphological characters(Dang 1985) and biochemical attributes such aspheromones (Silk and Kuenen 1988), isozymes(Harvey 1985), and mitochondrial DNA (Sperlingand Hickey 1995).Despite this dedicated search for clear distinc-

tions, effective separation of species requiresinformation on morphology, geography, ecology,and genetics (Lumley and Sperling 2010). Asnoted by Stehr (1967), the simplest, most reliablemethod for distinguishing budworm speciesin Canada remains the geographic location andhost-tree associations on which the population inquestion is found. This practical method of iden-tification may become less reliable in westernCanada as changing climate and forest composi-tion create new areas of sympatry and potentialhybridisation (Volney and Fleming 2007). None-theless, this biogeographical pattern and eco-logical relationship with the host-tree forms thereference point for this comparative review oftheir ecology. For brevity, I refer to “budworms”when describing attributes common to all speciesand either the scientific or accepted commonname when making species distinctions.

Life historyConifer-feeding budworms are relatively spe-

cialised, feeding on one or at most a few generaof tree species within a single plant family(Pinaceae). Each life stage is intimately associatedwith their preferred host species (Table 1). Adultmoths mate soon after eclosion in mid-summer tolate-summer and lay eggs on needles in imbri-cated masses ranging from 20 or fewer eggs per

Nealis S35

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mass in the spruce budworm (Nealis and Régnière2004a) to 60 eggs per mass in the jack pine bud-worm (Fowler and Simmons 1987) with the otherspecies intermediate. Foliage architecture affectsfemale oviposition behaviour (Grant 2006) and sothe number of eggs per mass characteristic of abudworm species may be related to needle lengthof its preferred host (balsam fir and spruces havethe shortest, and jack pine the longest, needlelengths in the spectrum). Lifetime fecundity forfemale spruce budworms can vary nearly three-fold (80–220 eggs) depending on the quality andquantity of food (Nealis and Régnière 2004a). Asimilar range in lifetime fecundity has been esti-mated for western spruce budworm (personalobservation) and available estimates of meanfecundity for jack pine budworm (≈130 eggs) arecomparable (Nealis 1995).Hatch occurs in one to two weeks. Neonate

larvae do not feed but disperse immediately insearch of sheltered niches on the host tree wherethey spin an individual hibernaculum, moult, andpass late summer, autumn, and winter as a second-stage larva. Diapause terminates gradually in late

winter after which budworms remain dormantuntil warmer spring conditions prevail (Régnière1990; Nealis and Régnière 2014). Emergence ofsecond-instar budworm from their hibernacula inthe spring occurs in advance of bud-flush, at leastin univoltine individuals, so that budworms mustfirst mine previous-years’ needles (McGugan1954; Shepherd 1992) and forage continuouslywithin and between the crowns of trees to findcurrent-year pollen cones and swelling buds(Sanders 1991). Many small budworms are lostduring this dispersal stage (Miller 1958; Nealisand Lomic 1994; Nealis and Régnière 2009).I return to this key point in later sections.As bud development proceeds, budworms enter

the buds, construct feeding shelters and passthrough four or five more instars (McGugan 1954;Nealis 1987; Nealis and Régnière 2014). As inall parts of the life cycle following egg hatch,budworms prefer a solitary habit during the feed-ing period and are reluctant to move from theirfeeding shelters as long as current-year foliageis available. Back-feeding on previous-years’foliage may occur in extremely high population

Fig. 2. Geographic distribution of major conifer-feeding budworms in the genus Choristoneura in North America(after Harvey 1985, courtesy of R Alfaro).

S36 Can. Entomol. Vol. 148, 2016

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Page 5: Comparative ecology of conifer-feeding spruce budworms ...€¦ · coastal spruce budworm, C. orae Freeman, and a western pine-feeding budworm, C. lambertiana (Busck), are poorly

Table 1. Host-trees and mean (range) outbreak periodicity and duration for major conifer-feeding budworms in North America.

Characteristic Spruce budworm Western spruce budwormTwo-year cycle sprucebudworm Jack pine budworm

Hosts: Primary*Secondary

Balsam fir, white spruceBlack spruce, red spruce

Douglas-firGrand fir, white spruce

Subalpine fir, white/Engelmann spruceBlack spruce

Jack pineRed pine

Outbreak: Periodicity≅,mean (range)

Western Québec and Ontario, 70 years(27–138)1

Québec and New Brunswick,41 years (19–79)1

Western Ontario, 33 years(15–62)2

Québec, 42 years (28–65)3,4

Northern Québec, 37 years(13–110)5

British Columbia, 22 years(14–28)6,7

New Mexico, 33 years (17–70)9

Colorado, 38 years (15–90)9

New Mexico, 31 years (15–100)10

Colorado, 39 years (33–79)11⊥

British Columbia, 30 years(26–37)12⊥

British Columbia, 32 years(24–39)16

British Columbia, 39 years(20–80)17

Saskatchewan andManitoba,10 years (NA)18

Wisconsin, 5,6, and 10 years(NA)19

Ontario, 15 years,(12–17)20

Outbreak: Durationmean (range)

British Columbia, 12 years (6–20)6,7

Eastern Canada, 9 years (1–25)8Colorado and New Mexico, 11, 13years (5–26)9,10

Pacific Northwest, 12 years (8–16)13

Northern Rockies, USA, 4.4 years(1–30)14

British Columbia, 8.4 years(7–11)12⊥

British Columbia, 4.3 years(1–13)15

British Columbia, 11 years(4–20)16,17

Ontario, Michigan,Wisconsin(2–4 years)21

Ontario (2–6 years)20,22

1Blais (1983), 2Blais (1985), 3Boulanger and Arseneault (2004), 4Boulanger et al. (2012), 5Morin et al. (1993), 6Shore and Alfaro (1986), 7Burleigh et al. (2002), 8Gray (2013), 9Swetnam andLynch (1989), 10Swetnam and Lynch (1993), 11Ryerson et al. (2003), 12Alfaro et al. (2014), 13Flower et al. (2014), 14Johnson and Denton (1975), 15Parfett et al. (1994), 16Zhang and Alfaro(2002), 17Zhang and Alfaro (2003), 18Volney (1988), 19Volney and McCullough (1994), 20Scarr et al. (2012), 21McCullough (2000), 22Nealis et al. (2003).

* Tree species on which extensive and significant damage are observed in Canada.≅ Interval between initial years of observed damage in regional outbreaks.⊥Calculated from reported means.















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densities, especially when the hosts are truefir (Abies Miller; Pinaceae), but it is distinctlyless common when the hosts are spruce (PiceaDietrich; Pinaceae), Douglas-fir (PseudotsugaCarrière; Pinaceae), or especially pine (PinusLinneaus; Pinaceae) in which older foliage isexceptionally tough. In all cases, survival andfecundity are significantly reduced when bud-worm are forced to feed on previous years’ foliage(Blais 1952; Dodds et al. 1996). In fact, theseasonal window of high nutritional quality of thehost-plant for budworms is quite brief. There is arace to begin the feeding season because thequality of current-year foliage declines rapidly sothat late-feeding budworms are also subject toreduced survival and fecundity (Lawrence et al.1997; Nealis 2012). Pupation occurs near the finalfeeding site and adults emerge approximately oneweek later.The only variation in this life cycle is for two-

year cycle spruce budworm which feed for a briefperiod in the spring of their first year, then settleinto a new hibernaculum as a third instar, moult toa fourth instar, and enter a second diapause wherethey remain throughout the first summer, autumn,and second winter. They emerge in the springof the second year to complete their life cycle(Mathers 1932; Shepherd 1961; Shepherd et al.1995). A small proportion of univoltine budwormpopulations can be biennial (Harvey 1967),especially in western spruce budworm (Nealis2005). The hybrid progeny of two-year cyclespruce budworm parents and univoltine parents ofwestern spruce budworm can be either univoltineor biennial depending on photoperiod, indica-ting both heritable and environmental influences(Nealis 2005).Adult budworms employ chemically similar,

although species-specific, pheromones for mating(Silk and Kuenen 1988), which, combined withdifferences in moth phenology, serve to reducepotential hybridisation in sympatric species(Sanders 1991; Shepherd et al. 1995; Lumley andSperling 2011; Nealis and Régnière 2014).Female fecundity is inversely related to localdefoliation (Nealis and Régnière 2004a) andseasonal foliage quality (Lawrence et al. 1997;Nealis 2012). Our knowledge of adult behaviouris restricted to C. fumiferana but at a coarse levelprobably applies to all budworms considered here.Female moths oviposit at least half of their egg

complement in the natal site irrespective ofhost condition provided that some needles areavailable. Moths are capable of long-distance,nocturnal flights with the direction and distanceinfluenced by ambient meteorological conditions(Greenbank et al. 1980; Sturtevant et al. 2015).

Behaviour of populations

Spatial and temporal patternsHistorical evidence for budworm outbreaks has

been reconstructed by study of growth rings intrees (e.g., Blais 1954, 1965a; Burleigh et al.2002; Zhang and Alfaro 2002; Alfaro et al. 2014),lumber in old buildings (Krause 1997; Boulangeret al. 2012), insect remains in sediments (Simardet al. 2006), and defoliation surveys (Kettela1983; Volney 1988; Parfett et al. 1994; Simpsonand Coy 1999). These reveal that the sprucebudworm has been resident in northern forestecosystems of Canada for at least 8500 years andoutbreaks have been recurrent for at least the pastfour centuries. There is also evidence of outbreaksof western and two-year cycle spruce budwormsfor several centuries (Zhang and Alfaro 2002;Alfaro et al. 2014). Interpreting these patternsassembled from a combination of direct andindirect evidence gathered at different scalesand variable sampling intensities is hazardous indetail (Régnière and Lysyk 1995) but nonethelessrepresents our best evidence of historical popula-tion patterns.Blais (1954, 1965a, 1983, 1985) used tree rings

as indicators of spruce budworm outbreaks acrossthe southern boreal forest of eastern Canada andconcluded that outbreaks have been regional inscale but not clearly periodic as the intervalsbetween outbreaks for a given location werehighly variable (Blais 1968). Royama (1984) wasconvinced of a regular periodicity of ~35 years inthe historical record and argued the unusuallylong intervals between outbreaks observed byBlais were the result of an undetected outbreak inthe late 19th century for which there is now someevidence (Morin et al. 1993). But even withoutthis speculative correction, most of the historicaldata compiled subsequent to Blais’ research reporta regular outbreak interval of 33–42 years albeitwith considerable range in all datasets. Morelimited data from the extreme western range of

S38 Can. Entomol. Vol. 148, 2016

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C. fumiferana indicate a shorter interval of22 years (Table 1). Overall the historical recordfor spruce budworm suggests a low frequencyperiodicity synchronised over a wide geographicrange.Evidence of outbreaks in western spruce

budworm has been reconstructed from tree ringsin New Mexico, United States of America(Swetnam and Lynch 1993), Colorado, UnitedStates of America (Swetnam and Lynch 1989;Ryerson et al. 2003), Pacific Northwest, UnitedStates of America (Flower et al. 2014), and BritishColumbia, Canada (Campbell et al. 2006; Alfaroet al. 2014). Here, too, there is evidence ofregional-level outbreaks that share large-scalepatterns for several centuries. As in spruce bud-worm, western spruce budworm outbreaks occur at30-year to 40-year intervals with considerableregional range (Table 1). A series of data fortwo-year cycle spruce budworm from northernBritish Columbia suggests an outbreak intervalof 32 years (Zhang and Alfaro 2002, 2003), acuriosity since this interval represents only half asmany generations as the comparable interval in theone-year cycle budworms.The duration of these low frequency out-

breaks of conifer-feeding budworms is difficultto estimate from historical records because itvaries spatially with geographic conditions (Kempet al. 1985; Shepherd 1985), the methods andassumptions of the measurements (Alfaro et al.1982), and the scale of observation (Gray 2013).Durations estimated from dendrochronologies areusually longer than those estimated from directobservation of defoliation for the same speciesin the same area. Mean outbreak duration forC. fumiferana is approximately nine years in easternand 12 years in western Canada, but varies from afew to as many as 25 years in all regions (Table 1;Candau et al. 1998; Gray et al. 2000). The durationof western spruce budworm outbreaks is similar tospruce budworm outbreaks (Swetnam and Lynch1989, 1993; Flower et al. 2014) although apparentlyis shorter in the northern portions of the range whereoutbreaks usually last less than 10 years and oftenno more than four years (Table 1; Johnson andDenton 1975; Maclauchlan et al. 2006; Alfaro et al.2014).An informative variation to these low-frequency,

persistent outbreak patterns is the jack pinebudworm. The historical record on this species is

restricted to survey data from the 20th century buteven with this direct evidence, patterns areirregular and currently changing. Volney (1988)proposed a 10-year periodicity for jack pinebudworm outbreaks in the Prairie Provinces ofCanada but this was confounded with the peri-odicity of forest fires, which influence this systemsignificantly. Regardless, this apparent historicalpattern has changed because outbreaks of jackpine budworm have been essentially absent fromthe prairie region since Volney’s analysis andhave become recurrent, if not yet periodic, morethan 1000 km east in Ontario, Canada (Scarret al. 2012; Hughes et al. 2014). Surveys fromWisconsin, United States of America, revealedhighly variable periodicities averaging from fiveto 12 years depending on specific site conditions(Volney and McCullough 1994). An associatedcharacteristic of jack pine budworm outbreaks istheir short duration, lasting only two to six years atthe regional level (McCullough 2000; Scarr et al.2012) and even fewer for individual trees withininfested stands (Nealis et al. 2003).Despite high variability in the range of outbreak

periodicity and duration at the local level, bud-worm outbreaks appear synchronised over largeareas via several potential mechanisms includingcorrelated, large-scale weather-related perturba-tions and dispersal of moths (Cooke et al. 2007).Once again, deviations from this generalisationare informative. Synchrony of spruce budworm inthe contiguous, balsam-fir rich forests of easternCanada is clear (Royama 1984) but less so in themore mixed, climatically diverse forests of centralCanada (Blais 1985; Candau et al. 1998), andeven less so in the sinuous, river-valley spruceforests of northwestern Canada (Burleigh et al.2002). During the last outbreak, observed defo-liation in Canada began and ended in regionseast of −80° longitude 10 years before thesesame events further west (Fig. 1A, B; Régnièreand Nealis 2007). Synchrony in outbreaks ofwestern spruce budworm is limited to smallergeographic areas (Alfaro et al. 2014) withoccasional overlap among adjacent areas other-wise distinct (Swetnam and Lynch 1989, 1993;Ryerson et al. 2003). This different pattern maybe related to western spruce budworm’s broadlatitudinal distribution over mountainous terrain,which would constrain moth dispersal and resultin more localised weather effects than would

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be the case for the spruce budworm. The longduration and greater amplitude of outbreaksin both spruce budworm and western sprucebudworm makes apparent synchrony over largeareas in these species likely. In jack pine bud-worm with short-duration outbreaks, large-scalesynchrony is less apparent with the extensiveoutbreak of the 1980s being the notable exception(Fig. 1C).Most studies of budworm outbreak patterns

cited here emphasise mean values, which reinforcethe perception of the regularity of cycles withcharacteristic durations. However, there is alsovariation in outbreak behaviour that contains rele-vant information for understanding dynamics. Forexample, catastrophic forest change resulting fromhigh mortality of dominant trees is not universal inany budworm system and actually atypical in most.Today’s northern forests are shaped by the legaciesof past disturbance caused by budworms. Severeoutbreaks may be ecologically transient at one scalebut transformative at another. Since variation inthe frequency, severity, and duration of outbreaksdetermines their ecological and socio-economicimpacts at all spatial and temporal scales, under-standing how and why outbreaks vary in theseparameters helps prepare for future disturbancesand identification of ecosystem-level indicators ofclimate or land-use changes in prevailing forestdisturbance regimes.

Population dynamicsWidespread, severe damage to trees in mature

stands was the most evident, empirical informationavailable to early investigators of populationdynamics. A heuristic explanation emerged inwhich outbreaks occurred in homogeneous, maturestands dominated by preferred host species. Theabundant food source permitted rapid populationgrowth under favourable environmental conditions.Persistent defoliation reduced foliage and killed themost vulnerable trees. The resulting reduction infoliage, in turn, forced decline in spruce budwormpopulations (Blais 1983). Outbreak cycles werethus related to the average period between destruc-tion and regeneration of vulnerable stands withina resilient forest system. This was the basis forsynthetic models of spruce budworm dynamics(Ludwig et al. 1978; Jones 1979) and concep-tual explanations of associated forest dynamics(Baskerville 1975).

This resource-driven perspective appealed toforest managers because of its cause-and-effectrelationship to stand attributes. It led to clear man-agement decisions as intervention was required ifsevere impacts were to be avoided in highly vul-nerable stands (MacLean 1996). This perspectivealso explained apparent, increased severity andextent of outbreaks in the 20th century as selec-tive harvesting, regeneration, and fire-suppressionincreased the abundance of the most susceptiblehost species for spruce budworm (balsam fir) (Blais1983), western spruce budworm (Douglas-fir)(Anderson et al. 1987; Swetnam and Lynch 1993),and jack pine budworm (jack pine) (Volney 1988).There were, however, problems with this expla-

nation. First, not all outbreaks result in catastrophicreduction in basal area of susceptible tree species forspruce budworm (Morris 1963a; Alfaro et al. 2001)and especially for jack pine budworm (Gross 1992)and western spruce budworm (Alfaro et al. 1982;Van Sickle 1987). Second, even in the case whereforest stands were severely impacted, the length ofthe outbreak cycle, 30–40 years, was not longenough to replace a northern conifer forest. Othersignificant ecological factors must be modifying thisperiodicity.The Green River Project in New Brunswick,

Canada, introduced a quantitative life systemapproach to spruce budworm population dyna-mics (Morris 1963a). The data were used inseveral interpretations of population ecology(Morris 1963b; Jones 1979; Royama 1984) but allfeatured eruptive, periodic outbreak dynamicsdriven by lagged, density-related processesassociated with trophic interactions modulatedby weather and confounded by moth dispersal.Two paradigms emerged; one in which sprucebudworm populations rapidly switch betweenmultiple equilibria as a function of resourceavailability (Ludwig et al. 1978) and an alter-native view in which populations oscillate gradu-ally with a unique conditional equilibrium thatvaries according to the current state of differentforcing agents such as natural enemies (Royama1992). The ensuing debate has drawn usefulattention to how the relative strength and directionof trophic interactions influence dynamics (Cookeet al. 2007; Sturtevant et al. 2015). I return tothis in detail after first considering the pervasiveeffect of weather and the obfuscating effect ofmoth dispersal.

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Influence of climate and weatherClimate often defines the primary environ-

mental range of insects via the cumulative andcross-scale effects of local weather on popula-tions (Fig. 3). A simple, explanatory relationshipbetween weather and budworm outbreaks, how-ever, remains elusive. The influence of weatheron population dynamics of budworms is morecomplex than direct, modulating rather thandriving rates of change and absolute levels ofpopulation densities at multiple scales through itseffect on ecological relationships that determinefecundity and survival. Weather is an environ-mental context for understanding variability in theintrinsic drivers of population change.Wellington et al. (1950) analysed synoptic

weather patterns in northern Ontario and concludedthat spruce budworm outbreaks were preceded byyears with relatively warm, dry summers and fewerstorms. Supporting evidence was found for sprucebudworm elsewhere by Greenbank (1956) andPilon and Blais (1961), and for western spruce

budworm by Thomson et al. (1984). All suggestedthese conditions favour foraging by larvae andmoth dispersal. Statistical approaches identifiedspecific meteorological variables correlated to out-break behaviour of jack pine budworm (Clancyet al. 1980), western spruce budworm (Kemp et al.1985) and spruce budworm (Candau and Fleming2005; Gray 2013) but explanatory ecological pro-cesses were difficult to interpret or returned contraryresults (Swetnam and Lynch 1993; Flower et al.2014). This ambiguity is not surprising given theformidable number of weather variables that canenter an analysis and risk spurious inferences(Royama 1984) or the differences in data sourcesand analytical techniques among studies (Gray2013). These empirical studies have most value insynthesis of large datasets and identification oflikely and unlikely hypotheses. For example, mosthistorical analyses conclude the importance ofweather is contingent on location-specific forestcomposition, in particular, abundance of suscep-tible hosts (Shepherd 1959; Blais 1968; Candau and

Fig. 3. Time and space scales (log) of northern conifer forests and their relationship to ecological processesthat influence the population dynamics of budworms. Dispersal of budworm larvae and moths providelinkage between macroscale atmospheric processes and microscale landscape processes. The results of microscaleprocesses such as larval dispersal vary among jack pine budworm, spruce budworm, and western sprucebudworm systems whereas natural enemy foraging and community composition are similar over all scales(adapted from Peterson et al. 1998).

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Fleming 2005; Gray 2013) but becomes a moredominant influence at the margins of budworms’ranges (Blais 1968; Volney and Fleming 2007;Régnière et al. 2012b).Understanding population dynamics within a

species’ range requires consideration of theeffects of weather on contemporaneous trophicinteractions (Volney and Fleming 2007; Gray2008). Process-oriented phenology models re-scaleseasonal events in an insect’s life history fromcalendar to physiological time. Phenology modelsfor budworms vary from simple heat unit accumu-lations (Shepherd 1961; Lysyk and Nealis 1988)to nonlinear functions incorporating individualvariation for all life stages (Lysyk 1989a; Régnièreet al. 2012b; Nealis and Régnière 2014). They havebeen used to investigate ecological relationshipsbetween budworms and their tree hosts (Thomsonet al. 1984; Lysyk 1989b; Volney and Cerezke1992; Thomson andBenton 2007; Nealis 2012) andnatural enemies (Nealis 1988; Quayle et al. 2003)as well as to predict shifts in geographic range withclimate change (Régnière et al. 2012b).

Dispersal of moths and recruitment of eggsBoth male and female budworm moths disperse.

The direct contribution of female moths activelytransporting eggs has received most attention(Greenbank et al. 1980; Royama 1984) but disper-sing male moths may contribute to increase inpopulations by enhancing mating success at lowpopulation densities (Régnière et al. 2012a). Mothdispersal appears to be more weather than popu-lation related (Greenbank et al. 1980; Andersonand Sturtevant 2011) and there is credible anec-dotal evidence that immigration has been thesource of sudden increases in local populationdensities (Wellington et al. 1950; Greenbank1957; Dobesberger et al. 1983). Whether dis-persal leads to persistent new outbreaks or popu-lations return to their former, low-density state inthese situations depends on local conditions.Nonetheless, the likelihood of moth immigrationin the first place is more dependent on location ofthe receiving area relative to a source with respectto direction of prevailing wind during the adultperiod, than on the ecological suitability of theforest receiving budworms (Greenbank 1957;Anderson and Sturtevant 2011). Moths havelimited, if any, choice as to where they land. Sothe extent to which large-scale patterns are the

result of moth dispersal remains controversial intheory (Royama et al. 2005) and problematic inpractise (Sturtevant et al. 2013) because the neteffect of observed dispersal activity in a givenlocation is not obvious. What is clear, however, isthat the capacity and inclination for moths tomigrate long distances is a phylogenetic traitcommon to all Choristoneura which adds signifi-cant potential for stochastic influence on localrates of change and results in a meta-populationstructure of sustained and synchronised outbreaksover a regional scale for all species (Fig. 3; Cookeet al. 2007).

Trophic relationships

Top-down: the influence of natural enemiesSurveys of natural enemies such as parasitoids,

predators, and pathogens are available fromthroughout the ranges of most budworms. Para-sitoids have been particularly well studied andthere are recent identification keys and tablessummarising associations with the different bud-worm species (Huber et al. 1996; O’Hara 2005;Bennett 2008; Fernández-Triana and Huber2010). The number of parasitoid species foundreflects the search effort and so the greatest num-ber of the more than 200 species recorded fromChoristoneura in North America is associatedwith C. fumiferana and the lowest number for thefour species considered here is from the lesserknown C. biennis (Fernández-Triana and Huber2010). The impressive diversity of parasitoidsassociated with spruce budworm from one inten-sively sampled area has been analysed as a foodweb comprising at least five trophic levels fromthe balsam fir producer through the budwormherbivore to tertiary hyperparasitoids (Eveleighet al. 2007).Despite the complexity of natural enemy assem-

blages, some useful qualitative generalisations arepossible. First, while there is a rich, potentialdiversity of parasitoids attacking conifer-feedingChoristoneura, there are only a few species that arerelatively abundant and these same species areabundant throughout the continental range ofChoristoneura (Fig. 3). Second, the most commonparasitoid species parasitise all of the budwormspecies considered here (Huber et al. 1996;O’Hara 2005; Bennett 2008; Fernández-Triana and

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Huber 2010) and several are true generalists,attacking other Lepidoptera hosts. The generalistcharacteristic of the parasitoid fauna attackingbudworms has led to the notion that most para-sitoids in budworm outbreaks are opportunistic(Eveleigh et al. 2007) and have a limited ability torespond numerically to increases in budwormabundance because of their reliance on alternativehosts to satisfy their seasonal life history require-ments (Miller 1963; Blais 1965b; Sanders 1991).The few parasitoid species with seasonal life his-tories that do match budworms’, such as Apantelesfumiferanae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)and Glypta fumiferanae Viereck (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae), are ubiquitous and common but itis debatable whether their rates of attack track,rather than drive, rates of change in their hostpopulations (Miller 1963; Royama 1984; Nealis1988). Another potential limit to strong numericalresponses of primary parasitoids is the diverse set ofsecondary parasitoids and hyper-parasitoids thatattack these parasitoids during the outbreak period(Eveleigh et al. 2007).A less obvious faunal pattern for parasitoids of

budworms is the association of particular specieswith the density, or outbreak phase, of thebudworm population. The relative diversity of theparasitoid fauna changes as outbreaks progress(Eveleigh et al. 2007) and apparent parasitism bya few species such as Meteorus trachynotusViereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), increasesduring collapse of budworm populations (Miller1963; Blais 1965b; Nealis 1991). Endemic sprucebudworm populations are attacked by very few ofthe parasitoid species common at higher densitiesbut, interestingly, are attacked by a completelydistinct set of species rarely encountered in out-break populations (Miller and Renault 1976;Eveleigh et al. 2007).Similarly, the importance of predators varies

over the outbreak cycle. Several species ofspecialist migratory birds and small mammalshave negligible impacts on outbreak populations(Morris et al. 1958; Mattson et al. 1968) despiteinitial numerical responses as budworm popula-tions increase (Holmes et al. 2009). The impact ofbird predation is inversely related to budwormdensities (Campbell et al. 1983). The prevailinghypothesis is that bird predation has an important,perhaps regulatory, influence on low-densitybudworm populations although critical data

remain unavailable (Sanders 1991; Venier andHolmes 2010). A qualitative analysis of bird pre-dation in budworm dynamics argued that the roleof predators gains more insight when viewed asfunctional (e.g., body size), as opposed to taxo-nomic, groups (Holling 1988). As is becomingapparent with parasitoids, guilds of bird predatorshave distinct impacts at different budworm den-sities with distinct consequences on populationbehaviour.Pathogens also have been well studied in

budworm populations (Eveleigh et al. 2007) buttheir role in the ecology of budworms is equivo-cal. Royama (1984) evoked a potential suiteof diseases as the “fifth agent” contributing topopulation collapse observed in the Green RiverProject but it is not clear whether these were actualpathogens or the result of insufficient informationin the original study. As with parasitoids, the samepathogens or their homologues have similarroles in the different budworm systems. Commonpathogens such as Nosema Nägeli (Microsporida:Nosematidae) become more prevalent overthe course of an outbreak (Régnière 1984; vanFrankenhuyzen et al. 2011; Eveleigh et al. 2012)but their effects on individuals are generally sub-lethal and their impact on rates of populationchange enigmatic (Wilson 1987; Eveleigh et al.2012). Fungal epizootics are infrequent andlocalised (Perry and Régnière 1986). Detailedmolecular characterisation of several viruses iso-lated from spruce budworm and western sprucebudworm show them to be essentially variants ofotherwise similar genomes (Arif et al. 1986;Graham et al. 2008; Thumbi et al. 2013); moreevidence of the close phylogenetic lineageof these budworms. Baculoviruses are widelydistributed in budworm populations but theirprevalence is very low and epizootics are rareto absent in C. fumiferana (Cunningham andKaupp 1995). They appear more frequent inC. occidentalis populations but only at excep-tionally high densities where their impacts aretransient (Nealis et al. 2015).The association of generalist natural enemies

common to all budworms over their continentalrange suggests that natural enemies in the bud-worm system respond to, rather than determine,the population density of budworms; the “bird-feeder” effect whereby high-density budwormpopulations attract or enable a greater number of

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widespread generalist natural enemies to exploitdense populations (Eveleigh et al. 2007). Thethird pattern of a few species of natural enemiescommonly associated with collapsing or endemicpopulations, however, suggests that the critical rela-tionship between natural enemies and budwormsemerges near transition points in the outbreak cyclewhere budworm densities tend to increase ordecrease relatively rapidly through several ordersof magnitude as a result of significant trends ingeneration survival and recruitment (Fig. 4).The difficulties of inferring this transient but

critical role of natural enemies from populationmeasurements has been long recognised butproposed solutions based on direct sampling seemformidable (Royama 2001). A qualitative work-ing hypothesis using comparative analysis and thecontext of trophic interactions (Cooke et al. 2007)offers a robust alternative that makes use of theweight of evidence provided by uncommonlyrich historical knowledge available for budworms.I return to this point in the final section.

Bottom up: influence of the resourceBlais (1985) stressed the central importance of

balsam fir in the location and severity of outbreaksof C. fumiferana. Certainly most analysis of his-torical records find a clear relationship betweengrowth reduction or defoliation, proxies forspruce budworm population density, and somemeasure of balsam fir abundance (e.g., Gray2013). Similar associations between outbreaksand abundance of preferred host trees are foundin the other Choristoneura species (Campbell1993; Shepherd et al. 1995; McCullough 2000;Maclauchlan et al. 2006). While it may bean obvious prerequisite for outbreaks to occurwhere host-trees are abundant, the extent towhich the influence of the preferred host pervadesevery aspect of the life history and ecologyof conifer-feeding budworms, with significanteffects on outbreak characteristics, may be lessclear. Viewed as a cross-scale factor, the eco-logical relationship between budworms and theirhosts tells us much about the similarities anddifferences in their dynamics.At the coarsest scales, basal area of susceptible

host species is repeatedly confirmed as the domi-nant indicator of likely infestation and significantdamage (Turner 1952; MacLean 1980; Bouchardet al. 2005; Gray 2013). Thus, stand compositionand age (size) of host trees emerge as signifi-cant factors over other site-related indicators(Bergeron et al. 1995; MacLean and MacKinnon1997) although at slightly larger scales, abioticenvironmental gradients may become evident(Magnussen et al. 2004; Bouchard and Auger2014). The presence of non-host trees reducesimpacts whether they are mixed in the stand(Su et al. 1996) or the stand is embedded in alandscape-scale matrix of host and non-hoststands (Campbell et al. 2008; Bouchard andAuger 2014). But is it simply food supply?Certainly, foliage depletion can reduce survivaland fecundity by depriving larvae of food butthese are transient, first-order effects not asso-ciated with population collapse (Morris 1963c;Royama 1984; Nealis and Régnière 2004a;Régnière and Nealis 2007).Qualitative changes in the nutritional ade-

quacy of host foliage or active host responses todefoliation have been proposed as correlates ofpopulation decline, especially in western sprucebudworm and jack pine budworm (Campbell 1993);

Fig. 4. Idealised budworm population cycle showingchange in budworm density and associated changein trophic interactions in different phases. Budwormpopulations (grey) increase with an increase inresource availability (green) although this increase isdampened by strong, persistent top-down effects byspecialised natural enemies (red). Outbreaks occurwhen host-related survival increases budworm densityand specialised natural enemies effective at lowpopulation densities are replaced by generalists thatinflict relatively low levels of generation mortality(purple). Collapses occur when persistent damage bybudworm feeding reduces host-related survival incombination with increases in mortality by a smallsubset of natural enemies.

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i.e., host quality does matter. A defining phyloge-netic constraint for all of these budworms is theirrequirement to feed on rapidly growing, current-yearshoots when nitrogen availability is greatest (White1993). Outside this relatively narrow seasonal win-dow of nutritional adequacy, current-year foliage ismore difficult to exploit. In early spring, buds arehard, enclosed by scales, and difficult to penetrate(Shepherd 1992; Nealis and Lomic 1994; Nealisand Nault 2005). In mid-summer, developmentof foliage is characterised by decreasing fitness ofbudworms associated with increased lignification ofcurrent-year foliage (Lawrence et al. 1997; Nealis2012). However, these are normal, seasonal changesin the physical characteristics of the foliage, whereasmost of the studies of host quality examineplant-chemical and physiological relationships toidentify either constitutive or induced mechanismsof resistance (Clancy 2002). For good experimentalreasons, this work often uses artificial diet contain-ing extracted, controlled nutritional supplements(e.g., Albert and Bauce 1994; Delvas et al. 2011)and so remove the seasonal physical characteristicsof intact foliage. Overall results show that asidefrom the dominant importance of nitrogen, varia-bility in host-plant chemistry has minor negativeeffects on the performance of budworms and thereis little evidence of induced plant responseswith significant negative feedbacks to populationrates of change (Mattson et al. 1991). A simpler,more direct ecological relationship between bud-worms and their hosts lies in the distribution,abundance, and physical characteristics of the hostresource and its effect on recruitment of eggs at thecoarse scale and the survival of small budwormlarvae at finer scales.

Summer dispersal of neonates andoverwinter survivalAll budworms disperse at least twice before

feeding; first following hatch in summer to findhibernation sites and then the following spring toforage for food. Their likelihood of survivingthese events is their risk of dispersal (Nealis2003). This risk varies with dispersal distance,weather conditions under which dispersal occurs,and the success of these small larvae, first infinding suitable hibernation sites and then ade-quate feeding sites. In between these dispersalevents, budworms must survive several months ofvariable weather without feeding or imbibing

water. The details of this sequence are importantto understand for the comparative analysis.Moths lay eggs on foliage at the periphery of

the tree crown. When they hatch, larvae reactpositively to light except at warmer temperatures(>29 °C) at which they become photonegative(Wellington and Henson 1947). If walking towardthe light, many reach the branch tips and drop,suspended on a silken thread. The risk of thisdispersal event, however, is relatively lowbecause summer weather in northern forests tendsto be strongly convective and downdrafts forcedislodged budworms downwards where they arelikely to be intercepted by the lower branches ofthe conical-shaped crowns of their host tree; evenmore so for larvae dispersing during warmersummer days when they are photonegative.So, dispersal of first-instar budworms is mostlywithin the crown of the tree (Régnière andFletcher 1983).When budworms encounter rough surfaces, the

photic stimulus is replaced by a tactile stimulusthat results in settling and constructing a shelteredhibernaculum (Wellington and Henson 1947).The net effect is that neonates tend to establishtheir overwinter sites more interior and lower inthe crown than where eggs were laid (Régnièreet al. 1989). The final distribution of overwinteringbudworms, however, varies significantly amongspecies because of the interaction between theircommon behaviour to settle in sheltered locationsand the specific characteristics of their associatedhost trees in providing such locations. Balsam firhas woody bracts on its branch tips, which arepreferred overwintering sites for spruce budworm(Blais 1952; Greenbank 1963). Spruces havepronounced leaf-pegs on branch internodes (Farrar1995), which also provide sheltered niches. Theresult is that most C. fumiferana find suitableoverwintering sites along the foliated branchesclose to where eggs were laid and do not need todisperse a great distance to find overwinter sites onthe tree bole (Miller 1958). This is also likelytrue for two-year cycle spruce budworm in thespruce-fir forests of western Canada. Jack pine, bycomparison, produces no such woody structuresand its slender peripheral shoots have smooth bark.Pronounced bark flakes and grooves providingsheltered niches only become common on the basalbranch surfaces and tree bole of jack pine, whichis where most jack pine budworm overwinter

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(Nealis and Lysyk 1988). Douglas-fir also hasfewer suitable overwintering sites on its branch tipscompared to the deeply furrowed surfaces near thebranch base and especially on the tree bole. Simi-larly, most western spruce budworm overwinter onthe bole than elsewhere (McKnight 1969; Nealisand Régnière 2009). Thus while all budwormshave a common need to find suitable locations tooverwinter, their ultimate choice is determined bythe specific surface features of their host-trees.Wellington and Henson (1947) stressed the

importance of a sheltered niche in protectingspruce budworm in hibernacula from desiccationduring the warm days of late summer and autumn.Direct field measurements found a positivecorrelation between survival of spruce budwormand their propensity to choose hibernation siteson complex branch surfaces (e.g., bracts, lichenmats) compared to smooth-barked shoots (Régnièreand Duval 1998). Exposure to relatively warmtemperatures in the laboratory during the pre-diapause period increased mortality by desiccation(Bauce and Han 2001) and accelerated loss of lipidand glycogen reserves so budworms also weremore vulnerable to mortality later during the post-diapause period (Han and Bauce 1998). Thisnegative effect of warm summer temperatures onsubsequent overwinter survival is apparent infield populations but the effect can be reduced inshelters that buffer weather conditions (personalobservation). So, the behaviour of first-instar bud-worm in finding protected overwinter niches redu-ces the negative effects of exposure to inclementconditions on their survival. But this adaptive syn-drome results in a trade-off between improvedoverwinter survival and increased risk of dispersalthe following spring.

Spring dispersal and survival duringforagingEmerging, second-instar budworms are strongly

photopositive throughout the foraging period(Wellington and Henson 1947). This is what bringsthem to the branch tips in search of feeding sites.Weather during the spring dispersal period istypically cooler and more turbulent than duringfirst-instar dispersal the previous summer resultingin extensive inter-tree dispersal of larvae as theyballoon on silk threads between tree crowns(Beckwith and Burnell 1982; Régnière and Fletcher1983). As mentioned, all univoltine budworms

considered here emerge in the spring in advance ofbud-flush so it is normal that they use temporaryalternatives including pollen cones and previous-year needles (Sanders 1991). The availability ofthese critical, alternative resources varies amonghost species and over time affects patterns ofsurvival of their budworm guests and, in turn, hasconsequences for respective dynamics.Coniferous trees periodically produce pollen

cones early in the season before vegetative budsflush. These are favoured by foraging budwormsas they bridge the period between spring emer-gence and bud-flush (Blais 1952; Greenbank1963; Nealis and Lomic 1994). Pollen cone pro-duction is most frequent in mature trees growingin open situations and within a species, productionof pollen cones tends to be synchronised region-ally (Blais 1952; Greenbank 1963; Hugheset al. 2014). The relative importance of pollencones to spring emerging budworms depends onalternative resources of the host trees, essentiallyprevious years’ needles that can be mined or tiedtogether with silk to form a protected feeding site.Spruce budworm and western spruce budwormreadily mine older needles in the absence of pollencones (McGugan 1954; Shepherd 1992; Trier andMattson 1997; Nealis and Nault 2005). Jack pinebudworm, however, is unable to mine the needlesof jack pine and so pollen cones are critical duringits spring dispersal period (Nealis and Lomic1994). Fortunately for jack pine budworm, jackpine has a high propensity to produce pollen cones(Nealis et al. 2003; Hughes et al. 2014). So anadaptive syndrome for all budworm species thatmitigates the problems of precocious emergenceis the temporary use of previous years’ needlesand pollen cones when available.What happens to these early-season feeding

sites during outbreaks emphasises the differencesamong host tree species and consequent dynamicsof their associated budworms. When defoliated,conifers reduce pollen cone production abruptly(Blais 1952; Nealis et al. 2003; Hughes et al.2014). This has an immediate impact on jack pinebudworm that now must forage more extensivelyfor scarce resources critical to its survival (Nealisand Lomic 1994). By comparison, the immediateimpact of fewer pollen cones on spruce budwormand western spruce budworm is less dire becausethese species can mine needles and their hostscompensate for defoliation by producing even

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more vegetative buds (Shepherd 1992; Nealis andRégnière 2004b). Nonetheless, severe defolia-tion by western spruce budworm reduces needledensity of the host, which similarly increasesforaging dispersal in subsequent generations(Nealis and Régnière 2009). There is no evidenceof such tree-level effects between spruce bud-worm and its spruce-fir hosts.Continuous foraging during the spring emer-

gence period may increase the likelihood thatbudworms will find fresh buds (McGugan 1954;Shepherd 1992; Nealis and Lomic 1994) but at thecost of an increased risk of dispersal at the standlevel that also differs among systems (Régnièreand Nealis 2008). Spruce budworm and two-year cycle spruce budworm occupy boreal andcordilleran spruce-fir forests where their shade-tolerant hosts characteristically develop fullcrowns forming dense stands with a high degreeof canopy closure at maturity. By comparison,western spruce budworm and jack pine budwormuse hosts that are less shade tolerant and havemore open crowns and sparser canopy densities inthe dry sites they occupy (Farrar 1995). Thesefeatures mean that between-crown dispersal ofbudworm characteristic of the spring emergenceperiod is more hazardous to western spruce bud-worm and jack pine budworm than to sprucebudworm as it is more likely to result in larvaelanding off the host. Field measurements show ahigh rate of loss of early-stage larvae in jackpine budworm and western spruce budworm(Nealis and Lomic 1994; Nealis and Régnière2009). The comparable situation only occurs inspruce-fir forests once the stand has becomethinned by prolonged defoliation and significantgaps develop that change the characteristicsof the stand to one that resembles the more opencondition of Douglas-fir and jack pine stands(Régnière and Nealis 2008).To summarise, all early-stage budworms share

the same adaptive syndrome; find a shelteredniche to overwinter and emerge early in the springto forage for the earliest available resources. Butthe population outcome can be different amongbudworm species because of the interaction ofthese dispersal events with the distinct character-istics of their respective host trees. Budwormsexploiting jack pine and Douglas-fir overwinteron rough surfaces in the interior of the crown andso must travel further to hibernate in the summer

and again in the spring to forage for resources thanbudworms exploiting spruce and fir. Differencesin risk of dispersal are accentuated at the standlevel as jack pine and Douglas-fir trees havesparser crowns and density of trees per ha istypically lower than in spruce-fir stands. Thesenormal differences among tree and stand char-acteristics become magnified as delayed negativefeedbacks from defoliation first reduce pollencone and needle density at the tree level andeventually create resource gaps at the stand levelas trees die (Fig. 3).Are these relative differences in the eco-

logical relationships between budworms and theirrespective hosts significant to population dynam-ics? Both theory and empirical evidence wouldsuggest so. In theory, lagged, reciprocal, density-dependent responses between a consumer and itsresource can generate outbreak cycles (Royama1992). The empirical evidence of large-scale out-break dynamics of these species shows the samegraded response in their defining parameters asthe specific budworm-host ecological relation-ships summarised here. Spruce budworm, with itslow frequency, long duration, and extensivelysynchronised cycles correlates to the slownegative feedbacks of the host to the effects ofbudworm density (Régnière and Nealis 2008).At the other extreme, the short-lived, relativelyhigh-frequency, vaguely periodic and morespatially fragmented nature of jack pine budwormoutbreaks correlates to the near immediate reduc-tion of critical pollen cones with subsequentimpact on jack pine budworm survival followingthe first episode of significant defoliation (Nealisand Lomic 1994; Nealis et al. 2003). Outbreaksof western spruce budworm are certainly moreregular and long-lived than those of jack pinebudworm but there are regional differencesthat make generalisations regarding extensivelysynchronised and persistent outbreaks less con-vincing than those of spruce budworm in easternCanada. The final section examines how thesebottom-up ecological relationships interact withtop-down factors to shape the eruptive behaviourof all budworms.

Integrating trophic interactionsCooke et al. (2007) present a graphical model

in which spruce budworm population cyclesare induced by delayed, density-related negative

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feedbacks among three trophic levels. This tri-trophic concept is dissected here to reveal markedchanges in the interaction between bottom-up andtop-down factors as the population cycle proceedsfrom endemic to outbreak to collapse (Fig. 4).Within suitable climatic zones, budworm survi-

val is favoured in forests with high foliagedensities characterised by large, overlapping treecrowns with abundant current-year buds aug-mented by pollen cones. Forest growth is a rela-tively slow-moving variable (Fig. 3) so the changetoward a condition that favours budworm survivaltakes many budworm generations. But in theabsence of other disturbances, the trend towardimproved resource conditions will proceed.Sustained increase in budworm populationscommensurate with resource improvement, how-ever, depends on more than foliage and goodweather as low density budworm populations aresubject to very high rates of mortality from naturalenemies (Sanders 1991; Eveleigh et al. 2007) aswell as by reduced mating success (Régnière et al.2012a) that curb sustained increases in density.Over the immense biogeographic range char-

acterised by extensive northern conifer stands,stochastic elements will result in areas wherethe coincidence of abundant foliage and limitedparasitoid activity permit some increase inbudworm densities over a few generations. Withhigher local densities, there will be more disper-sing moths, homogenising the local increase inrate of recruitment over a larger area. Because ofthe persistent impact of natural enemies, however,even favourable bottom-up conditions do notnecessarily propel budworm densities to outbreak.Favourable local conditions must be sustained forseveral generations for an outbreak to developlocally, at least in C. fumiferana (Royama 1984).But relaxation of top-down mortality dominatingat low densities will happen somewhere in theextensive geographic range as the bottom-upconditions improve for budworm and the impor-tance of natural enemies effective in endemicpopulations diminish. This change in the tri-trophic interaction reinforces further increase insurvival, recruitment, and population density tooutbreak levels (Fig. 4).Conifer hosts are tolerant of feeding budworms

as these herbivores are essentially grazers ofnon-vital tissues. Occasional, severe defoliationcauses first-order reductions in population

densities through a combination of starvation,reduced fecundity, and net emigration so defolia-tion the next year is seldom as severe. An impor-tant change occurs, however, in the tri-trophicinteraction as budworm populations reach out-break levels. The natural enemies associated withendemic populations are replaced functionally atoutbreak levels by a different guild of common,generalist species that collectively impose a fairlyconsistent but relatively low level of mortalityduring the outbreak. This absence of strong,variable top-down effects that were present duringthe increase phase permit rapid recovery ofbudworm populations from short-term, negativebottom-up effects such as severe defoliation sothat outbreaks are sustained, sometimes for morethan a decade (Fig. 4).However, as cumulative damage from budworm

becomes significant, the bottom-up interactionchanges systematically with significant impacts onbudworm survival (Fig. 5). First, defoliation redu-ces pollen cone production in all conifers. This hasan immediate, negative impact on small jack pinebudworms which are reliant on this resource(Nealis and Lomic 1994) but less so for sprucebudworm andwestern spruce budwormwhich maystill mine previous years’ needles in the absence ofpollen cones. Nonetheless, dispersal losses willincrease. Eventually the negative feedback fromdamage will become more significant for thesespecies as needles become sparse and needle-mining more difficult, particularly for westernspruce budworm (Nealis and Régnière 2009). Ittakes even longer for these negative feedbacks toaffect spruce budworm where host foliage remainsplentiful and palatable for several years andresource-related mortality does not becomeapparent until the vulnerable conifer component ofthe stand dies and becomes replaced by gaps andnon-host species (Régnière and Nealis 2008). Thusdelayed negative feedback from the host occurs inall species; it is just a question of how long it takesto become significant for population rates ofchange (Fig. 5).Once bottom-up feedbacks change the resource

environment, the rate of change in budwormdensities becomes neutral and then negative(Nealis and Régnière 2004a). Population densitydecreases unless subsidised by immigration.Apparent, or relative, rates of parasitism increaseeven without a substantive increase in parasitoid

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density simply because budworm densities arelower and parasitoid densities are not closelydependent on local budworm populations. So, thecollapse of budworm populations initiated bynegative, bottom-up feedbacks becomes morelikely as the great diversity of predators, para-sitoids, and diseases further depress survival andrecruitment (Fig. 5). When these top-down lossesdo not occur, budworm outbreaks persist, causingsignificant tree mortality and driving the forest toa major episode of change (Ostaff and MacLean1989; Nealis and Régnière 2004b). The frequencyand extent of such severe events varies by species.In the jack pine budworm and western sprucebudworm where the shift from a positive to anegative bottom-up feedback is relatively fast anddirect, stand destruction is less common thandeath of smaller trees and thinned crowns withthe exception of stands with a substantial Abiescomponent (Wulf and Cates 1987). In spruce-firforests, where bottom-up feedbacks are weakestand have a significant effect on budworm popu-lations only in the extreme, significant damage toforests is more frequent, especially in balsam-firdominated stands (MacLean 1980).


Trophic interactions are fundamental ecologicalrelationships that integrate several small-scalebiotic interactions such as top-down or bottom-up perturbations and shed light on populationpatterns. To explore this for conifer-feedingbudworms, factors that influence populations arestratified by trophic level and their interactionsexamined as populations proceed through differ-ent phases of change. This perspective gainsfurther generality by comparing the ecologyof closely related budworm species to identifyshared phylogenetic constraints and adaptivesyndromes that shape their common life historystrategies. When these common life histories playout in different forest environments, emergentpatterns reveal how ecological relationshipstranslate the adaptations of individuals to popu-lation patterns in variable environments.A defining phylogenetic constraint for

Choristoneura budworms is their specialisedfeeding on current-year buds of a small group ofrelated host plants. The constraint is temporal asfresh buds provide adequate nutrition only for ashort period of time relative to the time requiredfor larval feeding and maturation. The adaptivesyndrome mitigating this constraint is that bud-worms overwinter as larvae and emerge early in thespring ready to feed immediately on the earliestavailable buds. This precocious emergence, how-ever, comes with a cost as budworms typicallyemerge before current-year foliage is suitable andso must forage extensively for several days andeven weeks until buds are available. The risk ofdispersal associated with this foraging varieswithin and among species such that different sur-vival patterns emerge. At the finest spatial scale,early-instar budworms expand the narrow seasonalwindow of plant adequacy by exploiting previousyears’ needles and pollen cones as temporaryresources. The production of pollen cones itself isperiodic and regionally synchronised in northernconifer species and so there are periods when thisalternative resource is especially abundant overlarge areas. Budworm species feeding on true firand, to some extent, spruce and Douglas-fir canalso use previous years’ foliage but old foliage ofpines is unpalatable so jack pine budworm is moredependent on pollen cones to bridge the periodbetween emergence and bud flush. As budworm

Fig. 5. Trophic interactions and decline of budwormpopulations. As budworm populations (Rbudworm)approach the capacity of the host resource (Kbudworm),negative feedbacks result in greater variation anddeclining trend in population density. At the sametime, natural enemy capacity (Knatural enemies) increasesrelative to budworm densities creating a greaterprobability of population decline. Note the generationscale for development of this tri-trophic interactionvaries by species although the absolute values are anapproximation (modified from graphic by J. Régnière).

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damage increases, pollen cone production isreduced with immediate, dire consequences forjack pine budworm but less so for non-pine feedingbudworms. The increasing negative, bottom-upfeedbacks from feeding damage ultimately occursin all budworm systems but at different temporalrates and spatial scales (Cooke et al. 2007).Whereas the bottom-up feedback affects survival atthe branch and tree levels within a few years forjack pine budworm (Nealis and Lomic 1994) and alittle longer in western spruce budworm (Nealisand Régnière 2009), it does not become significantfor survival of spruce budworm until the change inresources occurs at the stand level (Régnière andNealis 2008) (Figs. 3, 5).Delayed, density-dependent feedbacks from

bottom-up sources might be sufficient to explainthe basic oscillation in budworm populations viachanges in generation survival but more can beexplained by including the interaction withtop-down sources of mortality. Endemic bud-worm population levels can be determined, inpart, by resource availability but also maintainedby intense pressure from specialised natural ene-mies with strong functional responses. Budwormpopulations may be kept so low by natural enemiesthat local mating success is compromised, furtherimpeding population increase (Régnière et al.2012a). Improved suitability of forest conditionfor budworms as conifer stands develop post-disturbance has two components: (1) the relativelyrapid increase in foliage, augmented by periodicpollen cone production and (2) the more gradualcreation of tree-scale and stand-scale structurewhich acts to reduce losses of dispersing smalllarvae and perhaps buffers microclimates.Under the conditions set by the resource,

budworm populations will become sufficientlyabundant to saturate the functional response of nat-ural enemies so that the generation rate of survivalfavours continued increase in budworm density.Moth dispersal accelerates the inclusion of more andmore stands in the outbreak so that the dynamics ofany one stand becomes connected to that of thelandscape, reducing the dominant influence of localconditions. Knowing the density and spatial scale atwhich the dynamics transition from local to area-wide outbreak phases is a critical contemporaryquestion in budworm population dynamics.Periods of more rapid change in local budworm

density are associated with major, relatively fast

shifts in the nature and impacts of natural ene-mies; first the apparent disappearance of specialistnatural enemy species as budworm populationsincrease beyond the endemic phase and again atthe end of the outbreak when generalist naturalenemies increase their impact as forest conditionis degraded and negative feedbacks reduce localdensities (Figs. 4, 5).This review has focussed on trophic interactions

and the characteristics of outbreak patterns in severalrelated budworm species based on the past threedecades of laboratory and stand-level studies whereprocesses and population structure and density can bemeasured and experiments conducted. Populationmodels produced during this same period were builtentirely on evidence compiled during the 30 yearsprevious to most of the studies reviewed here. Thosemodels identified phases in the outbreak cycle wheretrophic interactions had characteristic and significanteffects on population rates of change but lacked suf-ficient information to analyse these interactions overwidely variable environments and timescales. Forexample, the changing interactions of bottom-up andtop-down effects conditioned by budworm densityand recruitment discussed here may create a boom-and-bust system with multiple equilibria (Ludwiget al. 1978) but there is insufficient evidence that ratesof change in population densities actually accelerateat these critical points. A unique conditional equili-brium that varies with the local state of trophic inter-actions would also generate richly complex dynamics(Royama 1992) and may be a more powerful, if lessprescriptive, model of the system.The influences of weather and dispersal have

been mentioned only insofar as they modulatethese trophic interactions. But these stochasticmodulations can be significant: think of large-scale immigration of moths to a susceptible forestor a sequence of weather patterns that promotesproduction of pollen cones or increases overwintersurvival over a larger geographic area with suscep-tible hosts (Fig. 3). Certainly any future model mustdeal explicitly with moth dispersal as it obscuresdetection of alternative tri-trophic possibilitiesby accelerating rates of increase extrinsically; anirruptive process. Recent progress promises newinsights from different perspectives (Régnière et al.2012a; Sturtevant et al. 2015).A new cycle of population models is surely

due. Population models that include processesinformed by the last generation of research will

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reduce the inherent uncertainty of the nonlineareffects of weather and dispersal of moths, whichhistorically have been assumed, ignored, ordismissed. In turn, a greater understanding of weatherand dispersal will shed light on how changes in cli-mate and forest landscape will interact with ourunderstanding of trophic relationships to produce thedisturbance patterns that will continue to shape thefuture of northern forest ecosystems.


Tom Royama’s critical approach to data andinsistence on rigorous methods launched the latestgeneration of research with a clear goal and highstandard of scientific conduct. Jacques Régnièrehas been my long-time research partner, challen-ging my half-baked ideas while always addingvalue. Barry Cooke has been a generous listeningpost and broadens my thinking with his insight. Iam grateful to him and Brian Van Hezewijk forimproving an earlier draft of this paper.


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Nealis S57

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