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Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly

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  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly



    All hotels are having their own planning and business strategies but the hotel who is

    having the best, is the most successful hotel among its competitors. So the hotel can get

    success within its competitors by applying best and effective marketing strategies.

    The Primary objective of the project was to understand the prevailing market

    conditions of Hotel Market Segment in the area of Bareilly through a comparative

    study on

    To analyze about the sales and promotions of hotels.

    Market controlled & held by Hotels in this region.

    Satisfaction of consumer while using the hotel.

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly




    Visitors are further sub-divided into two categories: tourists; who must stay one or morenight in the place visited and same-day visitors; visitors who visit a place and return the

    Same day. Comprises many industries like lodging, transportation, entertainment, meals,

    and financial services, among others.

    It is boom time for India's Tourism and Hospitality sector. A 5,000 year history, culture,

    religion and alternative medicine fascinate both budget and luxury travelers alike. The

    focus of the industry is on the Atithi Devo Bhavah campaign, targeted at the inbound

    foreign tourists in the country. Translated literally this means Guest is God.

    The Department of Tourisms resolve in promoting Indian tourism has strengthened as it

    recognises its potential. Tourism in India is the third largest foreign exchange earner,

    accounting for 2.5 per cent of GDP. It also makes a direct contribution to economy with

    significant linkages with agriculture, horticulture, handicrafts and construction.


    Commencing with a slow growth at the start of the millennium, the Indian tourism

    industry has performed quite well in the last couple of years. The Indian tourism industry

    has out-performed the global tourism industry in terms of growth in the volume of

    international tourists as well as in terms of revenue. The World Travel and Tourism

    Council (WTTC) has named India along with China as one of the most fastest growing

    tourism industries for the next 10 to 15 years.

    The key driver for this growth in the Indian tourism industry has been a fast growing

    economy for the last 3-4 years. Despite lagging in the basic infrastructure that supports

    the tourism industry, Indian tourism industry has been showing an impressive double-

    digit growth. In order to sustain this growth and meet the expectations, it is essential for

    the Government of India to invest in infrastructure such as transport and


  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    According to global hotel and hospitality consulting firm, HVS International, the strong

    performance in tourist arrivals in 2005 can be attributed to a strong sense of business

    and investment confidence in India inspired by: Indias strong GDP performance.

    Strengthening of ties with the developed world, and

    Opening of sectors of the economy to private sector / foreign investment. The

    efforts made by the Ministry of Tourism & Culture in the last few years have had a

    salutary effect on India's tourism industry.

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    The Hotel Industry comprises a major part of the Tourism industry. Historically viewed

    as an industry providing a luxury service valuable to the economy only as a foreignexchange earner, the industry today contributes directly to employment (directly

    employing around

    0.15 million people), and indirectly facilitates tourism and commerce.

    Prior to the 1980s, the Indian hotel industry was a slow-growing industry, consisting

    primarily of relatively static, single-hotel companies. However, the Asiad, held in New

    Delhi in 1982, and the subsequent partial liberalization of the Indian economy generated

    tourism interest in India, with significant benefits accruing to the hotel and tourism

    sector, in terms of improved demand patterns. Growth in demand for hotels was

    particularly high during the early 1990s following the initiatives taken to liberalize the

    Indian economy in FY1991, as per the recommendations of the International Monetary

    Fund (IMF). The euphoria of the early 1990s prompted major chains, new entrants and

    international chains to chalk out ambitious capacity additions, especially in the

    metropolitan cities. However, most of these efforts were directed towards the business

    travellers and foreign clientele.

    Structure of the Industry

    Hotels in India are broadly classified into 7 categories (five star deluxe, five-star, four

    star, three star, two star, one-star and heritage hotels) by the Ministry of Tourism,

    Government of India, based on the general features and facilities offered. The ratings are

    reviewed every five years..

    Premium and Luxury Segment

    This segment comprises the high-end 5-star deluxe and 5-star hotels, which mainly cater

    to the business and upmarket foreign leisure travellers and offer a high quality and range

    of services.

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    Mid-Market Segment

    This segment comprises 3 and 4 star hotels, which cater to the average foreign and

    domestic leisure traveller. This segment also caters to the middle level business travellerssince it offers most of the essential services of luxury hotels without the high costs since

    the tax component of this segment is lower compared with the premium segment.

    Budget Segment

    These comprise 1 and 2 star hotels referred to as Budget Hotels. These categories do

    not offer as many facilities as the other segments but provide inexpensive

    accommodation to the highly price-conscious segment of the domestic and foreign

    leisure travellers.

    Heritage Hotels

    In the past four decades, certain architecturally distinctive properties such as palaces and

    forts, built prior to 1950, have been converted into hotels. The Ministry of Tourism has

    classified these hotels as heritage hotels.


    At any point in time, applications for classification are usually pending with the Ministry

    of Tourism because of which such properties remain unclassified. The number of hotel

    rooms pending classification has declined from historical 15-20per cent to 5per cent of

    the total rooms available in the recent past.

    Key Consumer Segments

    The market for the hotel industry can be divided into the following key consumer

    segments based on purpose of visit:

    The Business Traveler

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    The Business Traveler is a businessman or a corporate executive travelling for business

    purposes. This segment includes corporates, both domestic and foreign, who open

    offices in the hotel premises during start-ups, corporate executives who make extended

    stay either for long duration projects or while waiting for permanent accommodation(primarily expatriates) and convention arrivals. While the senior executives usually stay

    in 5 star hotels, the middle level executives, who are much larger in number, stay in the

    budget hotels.

    This segment offers better realizations, as they demand relatively smaller discounts on

    room rents (about 10per cent-15per cent), use more of facilities such as PCs, fax multi-

    media, conference halls. Also, the Food & Beverage (F&B) revenues are better as they

    usually eat in the hotel itself due to their busy schedules.

    The Leisure Traveler

    The Leisure Traveler could either be a foreigner or a domestic traveler whose primary

    purpose of visit is holiday and site seeing. Among non-business foreign tourists the

    primary motivation for visiting India is largely cultural attraction followed by

    conferences and conventions, tourist attractions like beaches, wild life, hill resorts etc.

    Usually, leisure travelers are part of a package run by a tour operator. The margins

    offered by leisure travelers tend to be lower because of two reasons. Firstly, they seek

    higher discounts and also provide less F&B revenues as they usually eat out. The

    business offered by this segment is highly seasonal and tends to peak in the September to

    March period.

    Airline Cabin Crew

    Airline Cabin Crew forms another important segment because of the repetitive and

    guaranteed nature of the business that they provide. Usually, these are a part of an annual

    contract whereby, in return for a fixed rate, a certain number of rooms are provided on

    demand for cabin crews. With discount rates in the range of 40 per cent and 50 per cent,

    this represents a low-yield segment for hotels in general.

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    International Tourist Traffic

    Main reason for this increase in business traffic to India has been followingfundamental factors:

    Indias strong GDP growth.

    Opening of sectors of the economy to private sector/foreign investment.

    Strengthening of ties with developed world.

    Reforms in aviation sector which led to better connectivity with many countries(such as

    ASEAN) and created additional capacity on existing routes (for e.g. USA, Middle East).

    Also, introduction of low cost airlines also contributed to the demand. The increase in

    international flights, seat capacity and frequency into the country and the decision to

    allow private airlines like Jet Airways and Air Sahara to fly overseas has had a positive

    impact on tourist and business arrivals into India, by way of providing additional seats to

    key destinations.

    Development of infrastructure by the Government

    Indias emergence as an outsourcing hub

    Success of Incredible India campaign and other tourism promotion measures.

    Indias growing recognition as an exciting place to visit (The Readers Travel

    Awards 2006, conducted by Cond Nast Traveller has recently placed India at

    number four among the worlds must-see countries, up from number nine in 2003)

    has helped boost its image as a leisure destination.

    Supply scenario

    According to estimates by HVS International, around 10,856 hotel rooms in Delhi, 9,318

    rooms in Mumbai, 7,794 rooms in Bangalore and 7,408 rooms in Hyderabad are

    expected to be added by 2011.

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  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly



    Tourism being a concurrent subject under the Indian constitution, both the central and

    state governments regulates the hotel industry. The regulations include statutory and

    regulatory sanctions (or approvals and licenses) from the Central and State departmentsor agencies. This includes license to operate a restaurant, a hotel license (issued by

    municipal authorities), license from police (issued by local police) and a bar license

    (issued by excise department).

    Tourism Policy

    In order to develop tourism in India in a systematic manner, position it as a major engine

    of economic growth and to harness its direct and multiplier effects for employment and

    poverty eradication in an environmentally sustainable manner, the National Tourism

    Policy was formulated in the year 2002. Broadly, the Policy attempts to:

    Position tourism as a major engine of economic growth

    Harness the direct and multiplier effects of tourism for employment generation,

    economic development and providing impetus to rural tourism

    Focus on domestic tourism as a major driver of tourism growth

    Position India as a global brand to take advantage of the burgeoning global travel

    trade and the vast untapped potential of India as a destination

    Acknowledges the critical role of private sector with government working as a

    pro-active facilitator and catalyst

    Create and develop integrated tourism circuits based on Indias unique

    civilization, heritage, and culture in partnership with States, private sector and

    other agencies

    Ensure that the tourist to India gets physically invigorated, mentally rejuvenated,

    culturally enriched, spiritually elevated and feel India from within.

    The Governments major policy initiatives include: Liberalization in aviation

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    Pricing policy for aviation turbine fuel which influences internal air fares

    Rationalization in tax rates in the hospitality sector

    Tourist friendly visa regime

    Immigration services

    Procedural changes in making available land for construction of hotels

    Allowing setting up of Guest Houses

    The Indian Ministry of Tourism has identified 31 villages across the country to be

    developed as tourism hubs. The states in which these villages have been identified

    include Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,

    Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Assam, Sikkim, Rajasthan and West


    Governments Open Skies Policy

    The Governments Open Skies policy, permission for domestic airlines to commence

    international flights, start-up of various low-cost carriers, and fleet expansion by

    domestic players has created a huge incentive for domestic travelers to explore far-off

    destinations within and outside India. The booming aviation business is bringing an ever-

    increasing number of passengers to India, and pulling Indians out of their homes and

    into hotels.

    Foreign Trade Policy

    The Foreign Trade Policy announced in April, 2006, offered following incentives to the

    hospitality industry:

    Hotels and Restaurants are allowed to import duty free equipment and other items

    including liquor, against their foreign exchange earnings under the Served from India

    Scheme. As in previous years, this entitlement is 5per cent of previous years foreign

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    exchange earnings for hotels of one-star and above (including managed hotels and

    heritage hotels) approved by the Department of Tourism and other service providers in

    the tourism sector registered with it. The stand-alone restaurants will be entitled to duty

    credit equivalent to 10per cent of the foreign exchange earned by them in the precedingfinancial year (instead of the earlier 20per cent).

    Service exports in Indian Rupees, which are otherwise considered as having been paid

    for in free foreign exchange by RBI, will now qualify for benefits under the Served from

    India Scheme. Also, foreign exchange earned through International Credit Cards and

    other instruments as permitted by RBI for rendering of service by the service providers

    shall be considered for the purposes of computation of entitlement under the Scheme.

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    Benefits of the Scheme earned by one service provider of a Group company can now be

    utilised by other service providers of the same Group Company including managed

    hotels. The measure aims at supporting the Group service companies not earning foreign

    exchange in getting access to the international quality products at competitive price andproviding services of international standards. This new initiative allows transfer of both

    the script and the imported input to the Group Service Company. The earlier provision

    allowed transfer of imported material only.

    FDI in Hotel and Tourism Sector

    100 per cent FDI is permissible in the sector on the automatic route. The term hotels

    include restaurants, beach resorts, and other tourist complexes providing

    accommodation and/or catering and food facilities to tourists. Tourism related industry

    include travel agencies, tour operating agencies and tourist transport operating agencies,

    units providing facilities for cultural, adventure and wild life experience to tourists,

    surface, air and water transport facilities to tourists, leisure, entertainment, amusement,

    sports, and health units for tourists and Convention/Seminar units and organizations.

    Other Government Initiatives

    Government has undertaken following initiatives to attract both inbound and outbound


    Incredible India: Under this program the Government promotes India through

    various integrated marketing programs.

    Atithie devo bhava (guests are equal to god) : Under this program the

    Government create awareness among Indian people who come in contact with the


    Various Infrastructure building initiatives

    Encourage religious tourism for instance promote various places in India as

    Buddhist abodes.

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    Other projects are the Rs. 5,400 million National Highways Development

    Project, the 5,846 km Golden Quadrilateral and the 7,300 km north-south and east-

    west corridors. Sagarmala project which intends to create a network of seaports,

    which will change the way people discover and experience real India.

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    Opportunities in the Sector

    Considering Indias size and unparalleled diversity - natural, geographic, cultural and

    artistic, there is vast room for growth in tourism industry. As travelers surge into India,the demand for rooms, across segments, has skyrocketed.

    The expected growth of the industry in future has provided its players with an

    opportunity to invest in new technologies such as CRM tools and latest security systems,

    and to venture into niche tourism segments like Medical, Religious, Cruise, Casinos,

    MICE etc. India can also develop infrastructure to host international conferences and

    trade shows, thus increasing its share of tourist traffic from such activities

    Health tourism

    India is gradually gathering popularity as a health tourist destination. The country needs

    to exploit the cost advantage it can offer to a health tourist, the study said. The biggest

    driver for healthcare tourism is the disparity in costs.

    A heart surgery in the US costs USD 30,000 as compared to USD 6,000 in India.

    A bone marrow transplant in the US costs USD 250,000 and USD 26,000 in India.

    With yoga, meditation, ayurveda, allopathy, and other systems of medicine, India offers a

    unique basket of services to an individual that is difficult to match by other countries.

    Clinical outcomes in India are at par with the world's best centres since India has

    internationally qualified and experienced specialists.

    Critical Success Factors

    The key success factors for the Hotel Industry are mentioned as follows:

    Site and Location

    This can be considered the most critical factor in determining the success of a hotel

    property. In addition to identifying a city, the site location within the city also assumes

    significance and issues like distance from the Central Business District (for metro hotels)

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    and connectivity (access to roads, proximity to airports) assume importance.


    Equally important is the positioning of the hotel according to the target guest segment.For example, business hotels set up to cater to the high yielding corporate clientele in

    metro cities would have a distinct competitive advantage over facilities targeted towards

    leisure travellers in the same city for attracting business travelers.

    Financial Flexibility

    Development of hotels is a highly capital intensive activity and new hotel properties,

    typically, have a high break-even point. Therefore, financial flexibility is essential,

    especially during early years of operations.

    Brand Equity

    Branded hotels can be further classified into chain hotels and independent hotels. Chain

    hotels would typically be affiliated to one of the large national or international hotel

    chains. Association with a hotel chains allows the property to be branded with one of the

    chain brands. In such cases the property benefits from the equity of the chain brand and

    promotion and advertising efforts made by the chain no only in India but also overseas.

    This way the property is able to attract tourists from areas where a independent hotels

    may not be able to reach effectively.


    Indias poor domestic tourism infrastructure is leading to a threat of losing foreign

    tourists to other competing countries. India is highly prone to prevailing socio-economic

    and political conditions. Like terrorist strikes, riots, epidemics, political uncertainty,

    slowdown in reforms etc. The growth in the Indian tourism sector is accompanied by the

    imminent destruction of local ecology and an increase in pollution, which, in the long

    run, is going to negatively impact the tourism industry of India.

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    The biggest challenge in the Indian tourism sector is that of entry of new players, the

    countrys growing economy has attracted a host of new players, the number of which is

    expected to increase further. Aman Resorts, Shangri-la Hotels, Four Seasons Hotels and

    The Hilton group are some of the international players that are at various stages ofestablishing presence in India. As the number of player increases, the competitive

    intensity in the sector is likely to increase. Remarkably, unlike earlier, many new

    entrants are reportedly considering entry into the mid-market segment, which is currently

    dominated by non-chain properties.

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    In 1994, Bareillys hospitality industry changed forever with Hotel Swarn Towers

    opening and rapidly becoming the hotel of choice for Bareillys local, national &

    international guests alike. Our MD, Mr. Raj Shekhar strives to enhance the global

    reputation that the hotel has developed for quality service, elegant style and overall

    dedication to excellence.

    The hotel offers unrivalled services and facilities including three(veg & Non-veg) a/c

    restaurants serving Indian, Chinese, South Indian and Mughlai cuisines, an a/c Bar, three

    a/c Banquet Halls, 50 a/c double rooms , as well as parking facility for upto 50 cars at a


    We endeavor to provide the best to our guests with 24Hrs Room Service, Laundry

    Service and other superlative facilities like:-

    Satellite/ Cable T.V,

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    Direct dial Phone


    Mini Bar

    Fruit Basket, Welcome Drink, Complimentary Power Breakfast available in / with


    Free Drivers Meal & Accommodation

    Broad Band Wi-Fi Facility

    400% Power Backup


    Svelte AC GYM

    Multi Cuisine Restaurant

    From the moment you arrive you can expect a warm welcome and standards of service

    that are second to none. Our dedicated staff believe in paying attention to details and take

    personal pride in seeing that your needs are met.

    Situated at a very convenient location of not more than 100 meters far from Railway

    Station and 3 kms from Bus Station, Hotel Swarn Towers serves you all days round the

    week .

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    Choose from our selection of two floor types Executive & Platinum and variety of rooms

    i.e. Deluxe room, Luxury Executive room, Executive Mini Suite, Presidential Suite,

    Platinum mini suite, Platinum Executive.Sleek and modern furnishings have been selected with supreme comfort in mind The

    rich cardinal colours of the curtains, throws & cushions compliments the elegance of

    stylish interiors. - a vibrant fusion of warmth and comfort.

    Presidential Suite

    The Presidential Suites add yet another feather to the hotels's cap. The services offered in

    these suites are beyond the expectations of the guests.

    The Presidential suites are synonymous with luxury, comfort and style. The suites are

    tastefully embellished with the sole aim of giving utmost stay pleasure to the visitants.

    Platinum Room

    Our most luxurious platinum rooms are our largest rooms with restored period features

    and Associate is a first class property fully furnished to an excellent, modern and

    comfortable standard. With its convenient location Your every need has been considered

    and catered for. These spacious and elegant rooms will make for a truly indulgent and

    memorable stay.

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    Deluxe Room

    Deluxe Rooms which are well furnished with modern amenities and homely touch. Just

    fly off your shoes to enjoy the ultimate luxury topping before the evening sets in. These

    cosy looking rooms are designed to suit your taste, endowed with soft colours and heaven

    of natural lighting.

    Luxury Executive

    The Executive Rooms at Hotel Swarn Towers stand to be the vanguard in respect to

    design and facilities. Designated to keep up to the demands of contemporary business

    traveller, these rooms are voguish, ergonomically appointed and tastefully embellished

    with the sole aim of being a perfect business suite.

    Needless to say, at our Executive Rooms we offer you round the clock service even on

    your smallest need.

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    Executive Mini Suite

    A perfect place to blend business and pleasure, specially designed to meet needs of

    discerning business travelers.

    The en-suite bathrooms are ideal place to wind down after a busy day.

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    Welcome to Hotel Pancham continental, A first 3 star facility business hotel and the best

    address for business and leisure travellers and known for making all the difference with

    unmatched ambience, fascinating luxuries at one place.Pancham continental is not just a

    hotel it is an experience that will translate & blend with your world imagination.

    Strategically located in the heart of Bareilly Commercial Centre,. The Glass elevators

    further adorn the lobby. Every aspects of Hotel pancham continental is distinct.

    It offers International standards in well appointed rooms & suites, exquisite food &

    beverage facilities, state-of-the-art conference facilities, banquets and much more.

    We also offer facilities for today's business traveller viz., Internet

    Connectivity,Facsimile,Xerox, travelservices.

    Our efforts for relentless service to the utmost satisfaction of our valued patrons has won

    us the most preferable venu in Bareilly


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    It offers a combination of centrally air-conditioned well appointed 24 rooms,inculding

    deluxe,royal deluxe and luxury suites with in-room entertainment, direct dialing

    telephone with national and international access, round-the-clock room service,

    ergonomically designed furniture, posturepaedic mattresses etc.

    The bathrooms are provided with marble flooring and vanity counters, modern bathroom

    fittings, telephone, bath tub and other standard amenities.

    For your convenience and comfortable stay, we also offer

    Laundry services

    Travel Services (tours & travels, Air & Railways booking)

    Business Centre



    Safe Deposit

    Private Parking etc.

    24 hrs power back up

    Dining and Entertainment

    Not to forget to care for your appetite, we offer a delectable array of South Indian, North

    West Frontier, Continental, and Chinese Cuisine.

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    Sargam is completely family Restro-Bar synonymous with exotic dinning experience

    owing to our outstady Cuisine, crisp environ & exemplary service. We offer an

    exhaustive menu at sargam with cuisine ranging from Indian, Chinese to continental,

    prepared by our chefs with their acquired skill & expertise, the meals tantalize the taste ofbuds of food connoisseurs.

    Hard Rock

    A well stocked bar with live screen and music with choicest selection of liquor and exotic

    cocktails & mocktails for those lighter moments.

    Banquets and Conference

    We got largest Air Conditioned Banquet halls in the city, All the facilities of well

    equipped Banquets and Conference venues with state-of-the-art audio and video aids,

    make us a perfect address for Conferences, Board Meetings, Sales Meets, Road-Shows,

    Exhibitions, Cocktail Parties, Weddings, Receptions etc.

    We take care of all your needs and requirements like theme parties, floral decorations,

    any special arrangements viz., acharya, pundits, brahmins, honeymoon suites, video

    shooting, photography, travel arrangements etc.

    We can accommodate up to 600 guests at our various Conference and Banquet venues.

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    Hotel Bareilly Palace . Formed in 2001, Hotel Bareilly Palace is the third generation in

    the field of construction and hospitality. Our diversification into Budget hotels is fairly

    new though we see ourselves forming a large chain to suit the corporate needs and heres

    a start!!

    Corporate travel doesnt mean you to live out of a suitcase for months at a time. We offer

    temporary corporate housing with all the comforts and conveniences youd except in your

    own home. Upack and youre good to go. Come and go as you please and live like a


    Our business is to provide all the comforts to make your stay comfortable and

    convenient. Whether its a business meeting or an extended stay for your employee, our

    spacious rooms offer all amenities you need at much more affordable prices.

    With our established client database and years of professional service in the Hotel

    business were proud to announce our diversification in two new businesses i.e Service

    Apartments & Catering business.

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    We understand our guest needs for a peaceful and calm environment after a hard days

    work. We respect the need for ones own space and our rooms are built to provide youthe perfect blend of modernity, comfort and luxury.

    Each rooms are stylish or beautifully designed with natural, earthy tones and stunning

    contemporary interiors. An array of colors and designs combined with state of the art

    amenities create rhythm among the rooms which is a composition of sophistication and


    Features of the rooms include fully marble shower rooms, free Wi-Fi and work desk,

    Satellite TV, LCD-TV, fully stocked healthy mini-bar, luxurious linens and duvet,

    Tea/Coffee maker, etc.


    At Hotel Bareilly Palace we believe in the word value, which is why we ensure you get

    the best of both worlds - a modern and chic accommodation at a great price.

    Our In-room amenities Include:

    LCD TV

    Free WIFI Internet Access

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    24 Hour Room Service

    Air Conditioning With Individual Room Control

    Direct Dial Telephone

    Personal Safe

    Writing Desk

    Reading Lamp

    Individual Heating Temperature Control

    Electronic Key System For Room Access

    Vacuum Sealed, Double Paned Windows For Noise Reduction

    Walk-In Shower Opaque Designer Curtains To Provide Total Blackout

    Orthopedic Mattress With High Quality Pillows And Bed Linen

    Fluffy Slippers For Use During Stay

    Smoke Detector

    Laundry Service, Charges Apply

    Exclusive Toiletries

    Other Amenities Include:

    24 hour Restaurant

    Complimentary Buffet Breakfast

    Copier and Fax services for a nominal fee

    Complimentary Business Centre

    Doctor on call

    Car Rental


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    Our concierge staff is available 24 hours 7 days a week to assist you with sightseeing

    tours, eating out and shopping suggestions in addition to any other personal needs you

    may have.

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    Uttar Pradesh is committed to provide a world-class hotel experience, accessible to the

    value - conscious travelers all around the world. With a vision of redefining what Inns

    have come to mean in India, we are single - mindedly focused on providing luxurious

    services with tremendous quality.

    Our hotels provide services like Deluxe rooms, Banquet halls and Business Centre. We

    take special care of every aspect of guest services and experience and a feedback is very

    important to us.

    The hotel offers a range of amenities and unparallel hospitality. A complimentary

    breakfast buffet awaits you each morning at our coffee shop. Our convenient location on

    the top floors of a mall, make shopping and additional dining options easily accessible. In

    addition, key corporate hubs, historic monuments and central Bareilly are all nearby.

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    We provide services in hotels across INDIA. The other operational properties in the





    Each of the 29 guest rooms features an array of modern conveniences, such as a flat-

    screen color TV with multi-channel cable, tea and coffee maker, blackout curtains, high-

    speed Wi-Fi net access and well-appointed bathrooms with a complete range of toiletries.

    Conference & Banquet Facilities


    Emerald 45 Pax 30 Pax 20 Pax

    Sapphire 70 Pax 35 Pax 25 Pax

    Onyx 70 Pax 35 Pax 25 Pax


  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Distance from international airport (IGI Delhi) 295 kms (approximately 4Hrs 45


    Distance from domestic airport ( Airport) 280 kms (approximately 4 Hrs 30

    minutes) Distance from railway station 7 Kms (approximately 25 minutes)

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly




    The research applied in the project is descriptive research as the major objective of

    research is to describe the comparative study of various hotels in Bareilly.


    The major objective of descriptive research is to describe something ---- usually market

    Characteristics or functions .Descriptive research is conducted for the following reasons:

    1. To describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as consumer, salespeople

    organizations, or market areas.

    2. To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population exhibiting a certain


    3. To determine the perception of products characteristics.

    4. To determine the degree to which marketing variables are associated.

    5. To make specific predictions.

    Descriptive research is preplanned and structured. It is typically based on large

    representative samples. a formal research design specifies the method for selecting the

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Sources of information and for collecting data from those sources. A descriptive design

    requires a clear specification of the who, what, when, where, why, and way of the



    An element is the object about which or from which the information is Desired .The sample

    element for this project are the consumers in Bareilly.


    It refers to geographical boundaries in which sampling has been done.

    The sampling extent of this project is Bareilly.


    It is the least expensive and least time consuming of all sampling techniques. Sampling

    units are accessible, easy to measure and co-operative so convenient sampling will be

    used for the purpose of project. We had surveyed people as per our convenience on the

    sites we had decided to survey, during our research.

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly



    A structured Questionnaire supported by personal interviewshas been used to collect

    primary data in this project.


    The data which is collected in this project is primary and the report is based more on

    primary data but secondary data is also used in it and the sample size is 50


    The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research

    plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the

    study the researcher should keep in mind two types of data via: primary and secondary.

    The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for first time , and thus

    happens to be original in character, the secondary data , on the other hand , are those

    which have already been passed through statistical procedure.


    Data used in the project is basically primary data. But at some places secondary data has

    been used to support the study.

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly



    We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in an experimental

    research but in case we do research of the descriptive type and perform surveys , whether

    sample surveys or census surveys , then we can obtain primary data either through

    observation or direct communication with the respondents in one form or another or

    through personal interviews . This in other words , mean that there are several methods of

    collecting primary data, particularly in surveys and descriptive researches. Important ones


    Observation method

    Interview method


    In this project the source of primary data collection is Observation method, Personal

    Interview method and Through questionnaires. This has further helped me in the study

    while giving recommendations and establishing the co-relations in the project.


    Secondary data means that are already available i.e .They refer to the data which gave

    already been collected and analyzed by someone else. The collection of secondary data

    has been done by various publications, books, magazines, journals, newspaper and

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    internet. By way of caution, the researcher , before using data, must see that they possess

    following characteristics

    Reliability of data

    Suitability of data

    Sample size:-50

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    Q.1.Pleasant greeting and being helped by doorman

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    Q.2.Minimal waiting time in line at "check-in"

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    Q.3.Courteously greeted at front desk

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    Q.4.Reservation in order when I arrive

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    Q.5.Bell person promptly at my room after "check-in"

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Q.6.Bell person telling me about hotel facilities

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Q.7.Housekeeping services timely and efficient during your stay

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Q.8. A "quality" room amenities package (shampoo, soaps, etc.)

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Q.9.Using "special services"--wake-up calls, show or restaurant reservations, babysitters,


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    Q.10.Courtesy and helpfulness of the person who took your room service order

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    Q.11.Prompt "room service" delivery

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Q.12. A "quality" room service snack or meal

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly



    As a hospitality executive, can you afford to ignore the strategic possibilities of

    Intelligent Communications for your business? As we have shown, Intelligent

    Communications enables a myriad of competitive advantages that span revenue growth,

    cost efficiencies and brand differentiation.

    Though one may be tempted to think Intelligent Communications capabilities have

    existed for years through technologies such as computer-telephony integration (CTI), the

    reality is that recent technology developments such as IP Telephony, web services and

    service-oriented architectures bring Intelligent Communications to a higher and more

    practical level. Now, not only are truly innovative communications solutions affordable

    and repeatable, but they can be more effectively integrated directly into critical processes,

    giving your firm a true competitive advantage.

    Who will be the leaders in the hospitality industry that capitalize fully on the

    revolutionary capabilities of Intelligent Communications? Many hospitality companies

    are doing the groundwork through adoption of IP Telephony on cost-improvement

    grounds, but the possibilities from there for real, differentiating improvements - such as

    guest service, staff responsiveness and operational efficiency - are nearly endless.

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly



    Q.1.Pleasant greeting and being helped by doorman

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.2.Minimal waiting time in line at "check-in"

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.3.Courteously greeted at front desk

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.4.Reservation in order when I arrive

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.5.Bell person promptly at my room after "check-in"

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.6.Bell person telling me about hotel facilities

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.7.Housekeeping services timely and efficient during your stay

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

  • 8/3/2019 Comparative Study Hotel in Bareilly


    Q.8. A "quality" room amenities package (shampoo, soaps, etc.)

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.9.Using "special services"--wake-up calls, show or restaurant reservations, babysitters,


    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.10.Courtesy and helpfulness of the person who took your room service order

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

    Q.11.Prompt "room service" delivery


    Very Good




    Q.12. A "quality" room service snack or meal

    Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
