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Comparison for New Clause 49 - With Old Clause 49

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  • 8/10/2019 Comparison for New Clause 49 - With Old Clause 49




    Comparison between the provisions of Old Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and the

    provisions of the said Clause after considering the amendments which are effective

    from 01.10.2014 and Circular dated 15thSeptember, 2014 issued by SEBI

    Sl. No. New Clause 49 Applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49


    of Clause 49

    The new Clause 49 shall be applicable to all listedcompanies, however the compliances will not bemandatory for time being in respect of following classof companies:

    i) companies having paid up equity capital/ net worthnot exceeding Rs. 10/ Rs. 25 crores as on last dayof previous financial year. However on applicabilitythe same shall be complied with six moths from its

    applicabilityii) companies whose equity shares are listed

    exclusively on SME and SME-ITP platforms.

    No such provision

    I. Shareholders


    Rights of Shareholders

    1. The company should seek to protect and facilitate theexercise of shareholders rights.i) The Right to participate in, and to be sufficiently

    informed on, decisions concerning fundamentalcorporate changes


    The opportunity to participate effectively and vote ingeneral shareholder meetings.


    Should be informed of the rules, including votingprocedures.


    Shareholders should have the opportunity to askquestions to the board, to place items on the agendaof general meetings, and to propose resolutions,subject to reasonable limitations.

    v) Effective shareholder participation in key CorporateGovernance, decisions should be facilitated.

    vi) The exercise of ownership rights by all shareholders,including institutional investors, should be facilitated.

    vii)Company should have an adequate mechanism toaddress the grievances of the shareholders

    viii)Minority shareholders should be protected fromabusive actions, either directly or indirectly, andshould have effective means of redress.

    No such provision

    2. The company should provide adequate and timelyinformation to shareholders.

    i) Shareholders should be furnished with sufficientand timely information, as well as full informationregarding the issues to be discussed at the meeting.

    ii) Capital structures and arrangements that enablecertain shareholders to obtain a degree of controldisproportionate to their equity ownership should bedisclosed.


    All investors should be able to obtain informationabout the rights attached to all series and classesof shares before they purchase.

    No such provision

  • 8/10/2019 Comparison for New Clause 49 - With Old Clause 49


    3 The company should ensure equitable treatment ofall shareholders, including minority and foreignshareholders.

    i) Shareholders of the same series of a class should betreated equally.


    Effective shareholder participation in key CorporateGovernance decisions.

    iii) Exercise of voting rights by foreign shareholdersshould be facilitated.

    iv) Company should devise a framework to avoidInsider trading and abusive self-dealing.

    v) Processes and procedures should allow for equitabletreatment of all shareholders.

    vi) Company procedures should not make it undulydifficult or expensive to cast votes.

    No such provision


    Role of stakeholders in Corporate Governance

    4. The company should recognize the rights ofstakeholders and encourage co- operation betweencompany and the stakeholders.


    Rights that are established by law or throughmutual agreements are to be respected.


    Stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtaineffective redress for violation of their rights.

    iii) Company should encourage mechanisms foremployee participation.


    Stakeholders should have access to relevant,sufficient and reliable information on a timely andregular basis.

    v) Company Should Devise an Effective Whistle BlowerMechanism.

    No such provision


    Disclosure and Transparency5. The company should ensure timely and accurate

    disclosure on all material matters including the

    financial situation, performance, ownership, and

    governance of the company

    i) Information should be prepared and disclosed in

    accordance with the prescribed standards of

    accounting, financial and non-financial disclosure

    ii) Channels for disseminating information should

    provide for equal, timely and cost efficient access to

    relevant information by users.


    The company should maintain minutes of themeeting explicitly recording dissenting opinions, if


    iv)The company should implement the prescribed

    accounting standards in letter and spirit in the

    preparation of financial statements, and should also

    ensure that the annual audit is conducted by an

    independent, competent and qualified auditor.

    No such provision

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    S.No New Clause 49 applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49

    D. Responsibilities of the Board

    6. Disclosure of Informationi) Members of the Board and key executives

    should disclose to the board whether they,directly, indirectly or on behalf of third parties,

    have a material interest in any transaction ormatter directly affecting the company.ii) The Board and top management should meet

    the expectations of operational transparency tostakeholders while at the same time maintainingconfidentiality of information.

    No such provision

    7. Key functions of the Board

    i) Reviewing and guiding corporate strategy,major plans of action, risk policy, annualbudgets and business plans; settingperformance objectives; monitoring

    implementation and corporate performance;and overseeing major capital expenditures,acquisitions and divestments.

    ii) Selecting, compensating, monitoring and, whennecessary, replacing key executives andoverseeing succession planning.


    Aligning key executive and boardremuneration with the longer term interestsof the company and its shareholders.

    iv)Ensuring a transparent board nominationprocess with the diversity of thought,experience, knowledge, perspective and gender

    in the Board.v) Monitoring and managing potential conflicts of

    interest of management, board members andshareholders, including misuse of corporateassets and abuse in related party transactions.

    vi)Ensuring the integrity of the companysaccounting and financial reporting systems,including the independent audit,


    Overseeing the process of disclosure andcommunications,

    viii) Monitoring and reviewing Board Evaluationframework

    No such provision

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    S.No New Clause 49 applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49

    8. Other responsibilitiesi) The Board should provide the strategic

    guidance to the company, ensure effectivemonitoring of the management and should beaccountable to the company and theshareholders.


    The Board should set a corporate cultureand the values by which executivesthroughout a group will behave.

    iii) Board members should act on a fully informedbasis, in good faith, with due diligence andcare, and in the best interest of the companyand the shareholders.

    iv) The Board should encourage continuingdirectors training to ensure that the Boardmembers are kept up to date.


    Where Board decisions may affect differentshareholder groups differently, the Board

    should treat all shareholders fairly.vi) The Board should apply high ethical standards

    and should be able to exercise objectiveindependent judgment on corporate affairs.

    vii)The Board should be able to exercise objectiveindependent judgment on corporate affairs.

    viii) Boards should consider assigning asufficient number of non-executive Boardmembers capable of exercising independent

    judgment to tasks where there is a potential forconflict of interest.

    ix)The Board should ensure that, while rightly

    encouraging positive thinking, these do notresult in over-optimism that either leads tosignificant risks not being recognized orexposes the company to excessive risk.

    x) The Board should have ability to step back toassist executive management by challengingthe assumptions underlying: strategy,strategic initiatives (such as acquisitions), riskappetite, exposures and the key areas of thecompany's focus.

    xi) When committees of the board are established,their mandate, composition and working

    procedures should be well defined and disclosedby the board.xii)

    Board members should be able to committhemselves effectively to their responsibilities.

    xiii) In order to fulfill their responsibilities, boardmembers should have access to accurate,relevant and timely information.

    xiv) The Board and senior management shouldfacilitate the Independent Directors to performtheir role effectively as a Board member andalso a member of a committee.

    No such provision

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    II. Board of Directors

    A. Composition of Board

    S.No New Clause 49 applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49

    1. The Board of Directors of the company shall

    have an optimum combination of executive and

    non-executive directors with at least 1 woman

    director and not less than 50% of the Board of

    Directors comprising non-executive directors.

    Appointment of Women Director shall be

    applicable w.e.f. April 1, 2015.

    The Board of directors of the company

    shall have an optimum combination of

    executive and non-executive directors

    with not less than fifty percent of the

    board of directors comprising of non-

    executive directors.

    2. Where the Chairman of the Board is:

    (i) Non-Executive, a minimum of 1/3rd of the

    Board should comprise of Independent


    (ii) Executive, a minimum of of the Board

    should comprise of Independent Directors

    (iii) In case Non-executive Chairman is thepromoter of the Company, at least 1/2 of

    the Board to be independent

    (iv) Minimum age of independent Directors

    shall be 21 years.

    (v) An independent director who resigns or is

    removed from the Board of the Company

    shall be replaced by a new independent

    director within a period of not more than

    180 days from the day of such resignation

    or removal, as the case may be.


    B. Independent Directors

    3. Definition: As compared to Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 (Attached as per

    Annexure I)

    4. Limit on number of directorshipsi)

    A person shall not serve as an independentdirector in more than seven listedcompanies.


    Any person who is serving as a whole timedirector in any listed company shall serve asan independent director in not more thanthree listed companies.

    No such provision.

    S.No New Clause 49 applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49

    5. Maximum tenure of Independent Directors


    shall be in accordance with theCompanies Act, 2013 andClarifications/circulars issued by theMinistry of Corporate Affair, in this Regard

    from time to time.

    No such provision

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    6. Formal letter of appointment to Independent


    i) The company shall issue a formal letter of

    appointment to independent directors in

    the manner as provided in the Companies

    Act, 2013.

    ii) The terms and conditions of Appointment

    shall be disclosed on the website of the


    No such provision

    7. Performance evaluation of Independent


    i) The Nomination Committee shall lay down

    the evaluation criteria for performance

    evaluation of independent directors.

    ii) Evaluation criteria as laid down by the

    Nomination Committee, shall be disclosed in

    its Annual Report.

    iii) The performance evaluation of independent

    directors shall be done by the entire Board

    of Directors (excluding the director being



    On the basis of the report of performanceevaluation, it shall be determined whether

    to extend or continue the term of

    appointment of the independent director.

    No such provision

    8. Separate meetings of the Independent



    All independent directors of the company

    shall hold at least one meeting in a year,

    without the attendance of non-independent

    directors and members of management in

    order to review the performance of the

    Chairman, Non Independent Directors and

    the Board, etc. . All Independent Directors

    shall strive to be present at such meeting.

    No such provision

    9. Familiarization programme for Independent


    i) The Company shall familiarize the

    Independent directors with the company,

    their roles, rights, responsibilities in the

    company, nature of the industry in whichthe company operates, business model of

    the company etc., through various


    No such provision

  • 8/10/2019 Comparison for New Clause 49 - With Old Clause 49


    ii) The details of such familiarization

    programmes shall be disclosed on the

    companys website and a web link thereto

    shall also be given in the Annual report.

    C. Non-Executive Directors Compensation and Disclosure

    10. All fees / compensation, if any paid to non-

    executive directors, including independent

    directors, shall be fixed by the Board of

    Directors and shall require previous approval of

    shareholders in general meeting.


    D. Meeting of Board of Directors

    11. The Board shall meet at least four times a year,

    with a maximum time gap of 120 days between

    any two meetings

    The board shall meet at least four

    times a year, with a maximum time

    gap of 4 months between any two

    meetings.12. List of items is specified which must be placed

    before the Board in every meeting.

    (As per Annexure- II)


    (As per Annexure-II)

    E. Other Membership of Directors

    13. A Director shall not be a member of more than

    10 committees*


    14. A Director shall not act as Chairman of morethan 5 committees* Same

    15. Every director shall inform the company about

    the committee positions he occupies in other

    companies and notify changes as

    and when they take place.

    Annual requirement for every directorto inform the company about thecommittee positions he occupies inother companies and notify changesas and when they take place.

    * It applies to the Committees of only public limited companies whether listed or not.

    * For the purpose of reckoning the aforesaid limit only Audit Committee and Shareholders

    Grievance Committee shall be considered.

    16. The Board shall periodically review compliance

    reports of all laws applicable to the company,

    prepared by the company as well as steps

    taken by the company to rectify instances of

    non compliances.


    17. An independent director who resigns or isremoved from the Board of the Companyshall be replaced by a new independentdirector at the earliest but not later than theimmediate next Board meeting or 03 months

    from the date of such vacancy, whichever islater.

    An independent director who resignsor is removed from the Board of theCompany shall be replaced by a newindependent director within a periodof 180 days from the date of such


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    F. Code of Conduct

    18. The Board shall lay down a code of conductfor all Board members and seniormanagement of the company


    19. This Code of Conduct shall be posted on the

    website of the Company


    20. All Board members and senior management

    personnel shall affirm compliance with the codeon an annual basis. The Annual Report of the

    company shall contain a declaration to this

    effect signed by the CEO.


    21. The Code of Conduct shall suitably incorporate

    the duties of Independent Directors as laid

    down in

    the Companies Act, 2013.

    No such provision

    22. An independent director shall be held liable,

    only in respect of such acts of omission or

    commission by a company which hadoccurred with his knowledge, attributable

    through Board processes, and with his

    consent or connivance or where he had not

    acted diligently with respect of the provisions

    contained in the Listing Agreement.

    No such provision

    G. Whistle blower Policy

    23 i)

    The company shall establish a vigilmechanism for directors and employees toreport concerns about unethical behavior,

    actual or suspected fraud or violation ofthe companys code of conduct or ethicspolicy.

    ii)This mechanism should also provide foradequate safeguards against victimizationof director(s) / employee(s) who avail ofthe mechanism and also provide for directaccess to the Chairman of the AuditCommittee in exceptional cases


    The details of establishment of such

    mechanism shall be disclosed by thecompany on its website and in the Boardsreport.

    The Whistle Blower Policy as a

    mechanism for employees to report to

    the management concerns about

    unethical behavior, actual or

    suspected fraud or violation of the

    companys code of conduct or ethics

    policy was not mandatory.

    III. Audit Committee

    A. Constitution & Independence of Audit Committee

    1. Audit Committee shall have minimum three

    Directors as members


    2. 2/3rd of the members shall be Independent



    B. Members Qualification

    3. All members of the Audit Committee shall be

    financially literate


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    4. At least 01 member shall have accounting or

    related financial management expertise


    C. Chairman of the Audit Committee

    5. Chairman of the Audit Committee shall be an

    Independent Director


    6. Chairman shall be present at AGM to answer

    shareholders queries


    D. Meeting of Audit Committee

    7. Audit Committee should meet at least four

    times in a year


    8. Not more than four months shall elapse

    between two meetings


    E. Quorum

    9. Quorum shall be either two members or 1/3rd

    of the members, whichever is greater


    10. A minimum of two Independent directors

    should be present at every meeting


    F. Role & Powers of the Audit Committee

    11. The role of Audit Committee shall include but

    not restricted to: (briefly)

    Oversight of companys financial reporting


    Ensuring the credibility, sufficiency andcorrectness of financial information

    Recommending to Board appointment,

    removal, etc. of statutory auditors and

    fixation of audit fees, and payment for other


    Reviewing with management,

    quarterly/annual financial statements etc.

    before submission to the Board for approval

    Reviewing Internal control structure

    including the Internal Audit function in all


    Scrutiny of inter corporate loans and


    Valuation of undertakings or assets of the


    Evaluation of internal financial controls and

    risk management systems


    No such Provision

    No such Provision

    No such provision

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    12. The powers of Audit Committee includes:


    Investigating any activity within its terms of


    Seeking information from any employee

    Obtaining outside legal or other professional


    Securing attendance of outsiders with

    relevant expertise, if it considers necessary


    G. Review of Information by Audit Committee

    13. Following information shall mandatorily be

    reviewed by Audit Committee (briefly)

    Management Discussion & Analysis of

    financial conditions and results of operations

    Statement of significant Related Party


    Management letters/letters of internalcontrol weaknesses issued by the Statutory


    Internal Audit Reports

    Appointment, removal and terms of

    remuneration of the Chief Internal Auditor


    H. Miscellaneous provisions

    S.No New Clause 49 applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49

    14. Audit Committee may invite such of the

    executives as it considers appropriate to be

    present at its meetings including the Finance

    Director, Head of Internal Audit & a

    representative of the Statutory Auditor


    15. Company Secretary shall act as the Secretary to

    the Committee


    I. Nomination And Remuneration Committee

    16. The company through its Board of

    Directors shall set up a nomination and

    remuneration committee which shall comprise

    at least three directors, all of whom shall benon-executive directors and at least half shall

    be independent. Chairman of the committee

    shall be an independent director.

    Provided that the chairperson of the company

    (whether executive or non-executive) may be

    appointed as a member of the nomination and

    remuneration committee but shall not chair

    such committee.

    No such provision

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    IV. Subsidiary Company

    A. Applicability

    1. Subsidiary shall be considered as material

    if the investment of the company in the

    subsidiary exceeds 20% of its consolidated

    net worth / 20% of the consolidated

    income as per the audited balance sheetof the previous financial year.

    Material non-listed Subsidiary means

    where Turnover/net-worth (Paid-up capital

    + Free reserves) of the subsidiary exceeds

    20% of the consolidated turnover/net-

    worth respectively of listed holdingcompany and its subsidiaries in the

    immediately preceding accounting year


    Other provisions

    2. At least one independent director on the

    Board of Directors of the holding company

    shall be a director on the Board of

    Directors of a material non-listed Indian

    subsidiary company.


    3. Audit Committee of the listed holding

    company shall also review the financial

    statements, in particular, the investments

    made by the unlisted subsidiary company


    4. Minutes of the Board meeting of the

    unlisted subsidiary company shall be

    placed at the Board meeting of the listed

    holding company


    5. The management should periodically bring

    to the attention of the Board of Directors

    of the listed holding company, a statement

    of all significant transactions* and

    arrangements entered into by the unlisted

    subsidiary company.


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    S.No New Clause 49 applicable from 1/10/2014 Old Clause 49

    6. The company shall formulate a policy for

    determining material subsidiaries and such policy

    shall be disclosed on the companys website and a

    web link thereto shall be provided in the Annual


    No such provision

    7. No company shall dispose of shares in its material

    subsidiary which would reduce its shareholding

    (either on its own or together with other

    subsidiaries) to less than 50% or cease the exercise

    of control over the subsidiary without passing a

    special resolution in its General Meeting except in

    cases where such divestment is made under a

    scheme of Arrangement duly approved by a


    No such provision

    8 Selling, disposing and leasing of assets amounting

    to more than twenty percent of the assets of the

    material subsidiary on an aggregate basis during afinancial year shall require prior approval of

    shareholders by way of Special Resolution, unless

    the sale/disposal/lease is made under a scheme of

    Arrangement duly approved by a Court/Tribunal.

    No such provision

    Significant transaction or arrangement shall mean any individual transaction or

    arrangement that exceeds/likely to exceed 10% of the total revenues/expenses or total

    assets/liabilities of material unlisted subsidiary company in the immediately preceding

    accounting year.

    The term material non listed Indian subsidiary shall mean an unlisted subsidiary,incorporated in India, whose income or net worth (i.e. paid up capital and free reserves)exceeds twenty percent { 20% } of the consolidated income or net worth respectively, of thelisted holding company and its subsidiaries in the immediately preceding accounting year

    V. Risk Management

    1 i) The company through its Board of

    Directors shall constitute a Risk

    Management Committee. The Board shall

    define the roles and responsibilities ofthe Risk Management Committee and

    may delegate monitoring and reviewing

    of the risk management plan to the

    committee and such other functions as it

    may deem fit.


    The majority of committee shall consist

    of members of the board of Directors.

    iii) Senior Executives of the company may

    be members of the said Committee but

    the chairman of the committee shall be a

    member of the Board of Directors.

    No such provision

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  • 8/10/2019 Comparison for New Clause 49 - With Old Clause 49


    subject to their value not exceeding Rs.1 crore pertransaction.

    d. Audit Committee shall review, at least on aquarterly basis, the details of RPTs entered into bythe company pursuant to each of the omnibusapproval given.

    e. Such omnibus approvals shall be valid for aperiod not exceeding one year and shall requirefresh approvals after the expiry of one year"

    2. All material Related Party Transactions shall require

    approval of the shareholders through special

    resolution and the related parties shall abstain from

    voting on such resolutions.

    Provided that 1 & 2 shall not be applicable in the

    following cases:


    Transactions entered into between two

    government companies;


    transactions entered into between a

    holding company and its wholly owned

    subsidiary whose accounts are

    consolidated with such holding

    company and placed before the

    shareholders at the general meeting for


    All entities falling under the definition of relatedparties shall abstain from voting irrespective ofwhether the entity is a party to the particulartransaction or not.

    (A transaction with a related party shall be

    considered MATERIAL if the transaction /

    transactions to be entered into individually or taken

    together with previous transactions during a

    financial year, exceeds ten percent {10%} of the

    annual consolidated turnover of the company as per

    the last audited financial statements of thecompany)

    No such provision

    3 Details of all material transactions with related

    parties shall be disclosed quarterly along with the

    compliance report on corporate governance

    No such provision

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    4. The company shall disclose the policy on dealing

    with Related Party Transactions on its website and

    a web link thereto shall be provided in the Annual


    The company shall formulate a Policy on materiality

    of related party transactions and also dealing with

    related party transactions.

    No such provision


    Disclosure of Accounting Treatment

    5. Where in the preparation of financial statements, a

    treatment different from that prescribed in an

    Accounting Standard has been followed, the fact

    shall be disclosed in the financial statements,

    together with the managements explanation as to

    why it believes such alternative treatment is more

    representative of the true and fair view of the

    underlying business transaction in the Corporate

    Governance Report.


    C. Proceeds from Public Issue, etc

    6. Where money is raised through an issue (public,

    rights, preferential, etc) then it shall disclose to the

    Audit Committee :-

    uses/applications of funds in major categories

    on a quarterly basis as a part of quarterly

    declaration of financial results

    and on annual basis in a statement form of

    funds utilized for purposes other than those

    stated in the prospectus/offer document (till

    such time that the full money so raised has

    been fully spent) (statement to be certified by

    the Statutory Auditors of the company


    D. Remuneration of Directors

    7. Annual Report of the Company shall contain :-

    pecuniary relationship/ transactions of the non-

    executive directors vis--vis the company

    all elements of remuneration package of

    individual directors

    details of fixed components & performancelinked incentives, service contracts, notice

    period, stock option details, etc

    criteria of making payments to non-executive


    number of shares & convertible instruments

    held by non-executive directors


    8. Non-executive directors must disclose their

    shareholding in the listed company in which they

    are proposed to be appointed as director. These

    details must also be disclosed in the notice of

    general meeting called for such appointment.


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    E. Management

    9. Management Discussion & Analysis Report should

    form part of the Annual Report of the Company Same

    10. Senior Management* to disclose to the Board:

    all material financial & commercial


    where they have personal interests

    that may have potential conflict with the

    interest of the company


    * Senior management shall exclude the Board of Directors but includes the personnel of the

    company who are members of its core management team and all members of management one

    level below the executive directors including all functional heads.

    F. Shareholders

    11. In case of the appointment/re-appointment of a

    new director following information is to be provided

    to the shareholders:

    brief resume of the director

    nature of his expertise

    other directorships

    shareholdings (in case of non-executive



    12. Quarterly results and presentations made by the

    company to analysts shall be put on

    companys web-site, or shall be sent in such a form

    so as to enable the stock exchange on which thecompany is listed to put it on its own web-site.


    13. A committee under the Chairmanship of a non-

    executive director and such other members as may

    be decided by the Board of the company shall be

    formed to specifically look into the redressal of

    grievances of shareholders, debenture holders and

    other security holders. This

    Committee shall be designated as Stakeholders

    Relationship Committee and shall consider and

    resolve the grievances of the security holders of thecompany including complaints related to transfer of

    shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, non-receipt of

    declared dividends.

    A board committee under the

    chairmanship of a non-executive

    director shall be formed to

    specifically look into the redressal

    of shareholder and investors

    complaints like transfer of shares,

    non-receipt of balance sheet,

    non-receipt of declared dividends

    etc. This Committee Shall bedesignated as


    Grievance Committee.

    14. To expedite the process of share transfers, the

    Board of the company shall delegate the power of

    share transfer to an officer or a committee or to the

    registrar and share transfer agents. The delegated

    authority shall attend to share transfer formalities

    at least once in a fortnight.


    VII. CEO/CFO Certification

    1. CEO or the managing Director or manager or in

    their absence, a whole time Director appointed in Same

  • 8/10/2019 Comparison for New Clause 49 - With Old Clause 49


    terms of Companies Act, 2013 and the CFO shall

    certify to Board:- (briefly)


    There is no material untrue statement in

    financial statements.

    b) True and fair view of affairs and compliance

    with Accounting Standards/applicable laws are

    presented in financial statements.


    No transactions are fraudulent/illegal/violate

    Code of Conduct.

    d) Accept responsibility for internal control for

    financial reporting.

    e) Indicate to Auditors/Audit Committee

    significant charges in internal control /

    accounting policies, instances of significant

    fraud involving management/employee etc.

    VIII. Report on Corporate Governance

    1. There shall be a separate section on Corporate

    Governance in the Annual Reports of company, with

    a detailed compliance report on Corporate



    2. Non-compliance of any mandatory requirement of

    this clause with reasons thereof and the extent to

    which the non-mandatory requirements have been

    adopted should be specifically highlighted.


    3. The companies shall submit a quarterly compliance

    report to the stock exchanges within 15 days from

    the close of quarter as per the format given. The

    report shall be signed either by the Compliance

    Officer or the Chief Executive Officer of the



    IX. Compliance

    1. The Company shall obtain a certificate from

    The Auditors or

    Practicing Company Secretary

    regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate

    Governance. Same

    2. The aforesaid certificate is to be annexed with theDirectors Report which is sent annually to all the

    shareholders and Stock Exchanges

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    Annexure - I

    Comparison of Definitions of Independent Directors under Clause 49 of ListingAgreement and Section 149 of Companies Act 2013 and new Clause 49 of ListingAgreement





    Old CLAUSE 49 OF




    1 An independentdirector in relation toa company means adirector other than amanaging director or awhole-time director ora nominee director.

    1 An independent directorshall mean a non-executivedirector of the company.

    Independent director shallmean

    a non-executive director,other than a nomineedirector of the company:

    2 Who, in the opinion ofthe Board, is a person

    of integrity andpossesses relevantexpertise andexperience.

    2 No such provision. Who, in the opinion of theBoard, is a person of

    integrity and possessesrelevant expertise andexperience;

    3 No such provision. 3 The Board of directors ofthe company shall have anoptimum combination ofexecutive and non-executive directors with notless than fifty percent ofthe board of directors

    comprising of non-executive directors

    The Board of Directors ofthe company shall have anoptimum combination ofexecutive and non-executive directors with atleast one woman directorand not less than fifty

    percent of the Board ofDirectors comprising non-executive directors

    4 This concept ofnumber ofIndependentDirectors, linking withChairman, notpresent.

    Although, in terms of

    Section 149(4) of theCompanies Act,2013{Act} everylisted public companyshall have atleastone-third of the totalnumber of Directorsas IndependentDirectors on theBoard (fractions to berounded off as 1).

    Following classes ofCompanies, shallhave atleast twoIndependent Directors{ in terms of the rules

    4 Where the Chairman of theBoard is a non-executivedirector, at least one-thirdof the Board shouldcomprise of independentdirectors and in case he isan executive director, atleast half of the Board

    should comprise ofindependent directors.

    Provided that where thenon-executive Chairman isa promoter of the companyor is related to anypromoter or personoccupying managementpositions at the Board levelor at one level below theBoard, at least one-half ofthe Board of the companyshall consist ofindependent directors.

    Explanation- For the

    Where the Chairman ofthe Board is a non-executive director, at leastone-third of the Boardshould compriseindependent directors andin case the company doesnot have a regular non-

    executive Chairman, atleast half of the Boardshould compriseindependent directors.

    Provided that where theregular non-executiveChairman is a promoterof the company or isrelated to any promoter orperson occupyingmanagement positions atthe Board level or at onelevel below the Board, atleast one-half of the Boardof the company shallconsist of independent

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    Public Companieshaving paid upshare capital of Rs.10 Crore or more;or


    Public Companieshaving turnover ofRs. 100 Crore /- ormore; or


    Public Companieswhich have, inaggregateoutstanding loansor borrowings ordebentures ordeposits exceedingRs. 50 Crore ormore

    purpose of the expressionrelated to any promoter

    referred to in sub-section(ii):a.) If the promoter is alisted entity, its directorsother than the independentdirectors, its employees orits nominees shall bedeemed to be related to it;

    b.) If the promoter is anunlisted entity, its directors,its employees or itsnominees shall be deemedto be related to it.


    Explanation: For thepurpose of theexpression related toany promoter

    referred to in sub-clause(2):

    i. If the promoter is alisted entity, its directorsother than theindependent directors, itsemployees or its nomineesshall be deemed to berelated to it;

    ii. If the promoter is

    an unlisted entity, itsdirectors, its employeesor its nominees shall bedeemed to be related toit.

    5 Who is or was not apromoter of thecompany or itsholding, subsidiary orassociate company;

    5 No such provision except,the provision of non-executive Chairman beingpromoter of the companyand consequently at leasthalf of Board to beindependent

    Who is or was not apromoter of the companyor its holding, subsidiaryor associate company;

    6 Who is not related topromoters or directorsin the company, itsholding, subsidiary orassociate company;

    6 He is not related topromoters or personsoccupying managementpositions at the board levelor at one level below theboard;

    Who is not related topromoters or directors inthe company, its holding,subsidiary or associatecompany;

    7 Who has or had nopecuniary relationshipwith the company, itsholding, subsidiary or

    associate company, ortheir promoters, ordirectors, during thetwo immediatelypreceding financialyears or during thecurrent financial year;

    7 Apart from receivingdirectors remuneration,

    does not have any materialpecuniary relationships or

    transactions with thecompany, its promoters, itsdirectors, its seniormanagement or its holdingcompany, its subsidiariesand associates which mayaffect independence of thedirector

    Apart from receivingdirector's remuneration,has or had no Materialpecuniary relationship with

    the company, its holding,subsidiary or associatecompany, or theirpromoters, or directors,during the twoimmediately precedingfinancial years or during thecurrent financial year;

    8 None of whoserelatives has or hadpecuniary relationship

    or transaction with thecompany, its holding,subsidiary or associatecompany, or their

    8 No such provision. None of whose relativeshas or had pecuniaryrelationship or transaction

    with the company, itsholding, subsidiary orassociate company, ortheir promoters, or

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    promoters, ordirectors, amountingto two per cent. ormore of its grossturnover or totalincome or fifty lakhrupees or such higheramount as may beprescribed, whicheveris lower, during thetwo immediatelypreceding financialyears or during thecurrent financial year;

    directors, amounting totwo per cent. or more ofits gross turnover or totalincome or fifty lakh rupeesor such higher amount asmay be prescribed,whichever is lower,during the twoimmediately precedingfinancial years or duringthe current financial year;

    9 Who, neither himselfnor any of his relativesholds or has held theposition of a keymanagerial personnelor is or has been

    employee of thecompany or itsholding, subsidiary orassociate company inany of the threefinancial yearsimmediately precedingthe financial year inwhich he is proposedto be appointed.

    9 He has not been anexecutive of the companyin the immediatelypreceding three financialyears;

    who, neither himself norany of his relatives

    holds or has held theposition of a keymanagerial personnel or is

    or has been employee ofthe company or itsholding, subsidiary orassociate company in anyof the three financial yearsimmediately preceding thefinancial year in which heis proposed to beappointed;

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    WEF 1-10-2014

    10 Who, neither himselfnor any of his relativesis or has been anemployee orproprietor or apartner, in any of thethree financial yearsimmediately precedingthe financial year inwhich he is proposedto be appointed, of

    (A) a firm ofauditors or companysecretaries in practiceor cost auditors of thecompany or its

    holding, subsidiary orassociate company; or

    (B)any legal or aconsulting firm thathas or had anytransaction with thecompany, its holding,subsidiary or associatecompany amountingto ten per cent. ormore of the grossturnover of such firm;

    10 He is not a partner or anexecutive or was notpartner or an executiveduring the preceding threeyears, of any of thefollowing:

    1} the statutory audit firmor the internal audit firmthat is associated with thecompany, and

    2} the legal firm(s) andconsulting firm(s) thathave a materialassociation with thecompany.

    Who, neither himself norany of his relatives is orhas been an employee orproprietor or a partner, inany of the three financialyears immediatelypreceding the financial yearin which he is proposed tobe appointed, of

    (A) a firm of auditors orcompany secretaries inpractice or costauditors of thecompany or its holding,subsidiary or associatecompany; or


    any legal or aconsulting firm thathas or had anytransaction with thecompany, its holding,subsidiary or associatecompany amounting toten per cent or more ofthe gross turnover ofsuch firm;

    11 No such provision. 11 He is not a materialsupplier, service provideror customer or a lessor orlessee of the company,which may affectindependence of thedirector;

    Who, neither himself norany of his relatives is amaterial supplier, serviceprovider or customer or alessor or lessee of thecompany

    12 Who, neither himselfnor any of his relativesholds together with hisrelatives two per cent.

    or more of the totalvoting power of thecompany.

    12 He is not a substantialshareholder of thecompany i.e. owning twopercent or more of the

    block of voting shares.

    Who, neither himself norany of his relatives holdstogether with his relativestwo per cent or more of

    the total voting power ofthe company;

    13 No such provision. 13 He is not less than 21years of age

    He is not less than 21years of age

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    WEF 1-10-2014

    14 No such provision. 14 Explanationa.

    Associate shall mean acompany which is an

    associate as defined inAccounting Standard(AS) 23, Accounting forInvestments inAssociates inConsolidated FinancialStatements, issued bythe Institute ofChartered Accountantsof India.

    b. Senior managementshall mean personnel

    of the company whoare members of itscore managementteam excluding Boardof Directors. Normally,this would comprise allmembers ofmanagement one levelbelow the executivedirectors, including allfunctional heads.

    c.Relative shall meanrelative as defined in

    section 2(41) andsection 6 read withSchedule IA of theCompanies Act, 1956.

    d. Nominee directorsappointed by aninstitution which hasinvested in or lent tothe company shall bedeemed to beindependent directors.

    Explanation:Institution for this

    purpose means a publicfinancial institution asdefined in Section 4A ofthe Companies Act, 1956or a corresponding newbank as defined in section2(d) of the BankingCompanies (Acquisitionand Transfer ofUndertakings) Act, 1970 orthe Banking Companies

    (Acquisition and Transfer ofUndertakings) Act, 1980[both Acts].

    Explanationi. Associate" shallmean a companywhich is an

    associateas definedin AccountingStandard (AS) 23,

    Accounting forInvestments inAssociates inConsolidatedFinancialStatements, issuedby the Institute ofCharteredAccountants of India.

    ii. Key ManagerialPersonnel" shall mean

    Key ManagerialPersonnel as defined insection 2(51) of theCompanies Act, 2013.

    iii. Relative shallmean relative asdefined in section 2(77)of the Companies Act,2013 and rulesprescribed there under.

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    WEF 1-10-2014

    15 Who, neither himselfnor any of his relativesis a Chief Executive ordirector, by whatevername called, of anynon-profit organisationthat receives twenty-five per cent. or more ofits receipts from thecompany, any of itspromoters, directors orits holding, subsidiary orassociate company orthat holds two per cent.or more of the totalvoting power of thecompany; or

    15 No such provision. Who, neither himself norany of his relatives is aChief Executive ordirector, by whatevername called, of any non-profit organisation thatreceives twenty-five percent or more of itsreceipts from thecompany, any of itspromoters, directors orits holding, subsidiary orassociate company orthat holds two per centor more of the totalvoting power of thecompany;

    16 Who possesses suchother qualifications asmay be prescribed.

    16 No such provision. No such provision

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    (Compliance report in respect of the minimum information to be placed before the Board

    in terms of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)



    New Clause 49

    Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    Information to be placed before the Board

    1 Annual operating plans and budgets and any updates. Same

    2 Capital budgets and any updates. Same

    3 Quarterly results for the Company and its operating

    divisions or business segments.


    4 Minutes of meetings of Audit Committee and other

    Committees of the Board.


    5 The information on recruitment and remuneration of

    senior officers just below the board level, includingappointment or removal of Chief Financial Officer and

    the Company Secretary.


    6 Show cause, demand, prosecution notices and penalty

    notices, which are materially important.


    7 Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, any

    material effluent or pollution problems.


    8 Any material default in financial obligations to and by

    the company, or substantial nonpayment for goods

    sold by the company.


    9 Any issue, which involves possible public or product

    liability claims of substantial nature, including any

    judgement or order which, may have passed strictures

    on the conduct of the company or taken an adverse

    view regarding another enterprise that can have

    negative implications on the company.


    10 Details of any joint venture or collaboration agreement. Same

    11 Transactions that involve substantial payment towards

    goodwill, brand equity, or intellectual property.


    12 Significant labour problems and their proposed

    solutions. Any significant development in Human

    Resources/ Industrial Relations front like signing ofwage agreement, implementation of Voluntary

    Retirement Scheme etc.


    13 Sale of material nature, of investments, subsidiaries,

    assets, which is not in normal course of business.


    14 Quarterly details of foreign exchange exposures and

    the steps taken by management to limit the risks of

    adverse exchange rate movement, if material.


    15 Non-compliance of any regulatory, statutory or listing

    requirements and shareholders service such as non-

    payment of dividend, delay in share transfer etc.


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    New Clause 49

    Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    1 A brief statement on companys philosophy on

    code of governance.

    No Change

    2 Board of Directors:

    a. Composition and category of directors, forexample, promoter, executive, non-executive, independent non-executive,nominee director, which institutionrepresented as lender or as equity investor.

    b. Attendance of each director at the Boardmeetings and the last AGM.

    c. Number of other Boards or Board

    Committees in which he/she is a member orChairperson.d.

    Number of Board meetings held, dates on

    which held.

    No Change

    3 Audit Committee:a. Brief description of terms of referenceb.

    Composition, name of members andChairperson

    c. Meetings and attendance during the year

    No Change

    4 Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

    a. Brief description of terms of reference


    Composition, name of members andChairpersonc.

    Attendance during the yeard. Remuneration policye. Details of remuneration to all the directors,

    as per format in main report.

    Remuneration Committee:

    a. Brief description of terms of

    referenceb. Composition, name of members andChairperson

    c. Attendance during the yeard. Remuneration policye. Details of remuneration to all the

    directors, as per format in mainreport.

    5 Stakeholders' Grievance Committee:a.

    Name of non-executive director heading thecommittee


    Name and designation of compliance officerc. Number of shareholders complaints

    received so fard. Number not solved to the satisfaction of

    shareholderse. Number of pending complaints

    Shareholders Committee:a.

    Name of non-executive directorheading the committee


    Name and designation ofcompliance officer


    Number of shareholderscomplaints received so far


    Number not solved to thesatisfaction of shareholders

    e. Number of pending complaints6 General Body meetings:

    a. Location and time, where last three AGMsheld.

    b. Whether any special resolutions passed inthe previous 3 AGMs

    c. Whether any special resolution passed lastyear through postal ballot details of

    voting patternd. Person who conducted the postal ballot

    exercisee. Whether any special resolution is proposed

    No change

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    to be conducted through postal ballotf.

    Procedure for postal ballotSl.


    New Clause 49Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    7 Disclosures:

    a. Disclosures on materially significant

    related party transactions that may havepotential conflict with the interests ofcompany at large.

    b. Details of non-compliance by thecompany, penalties, strictures imposed onthe company by Stock Exchange or SEBIor any statutory authority, on any matterrelated to capital markets, during the lastthree years.

    c. Whistle Blower policy and affirmation thatno personnel has been denied access tothe audit committee.


    Details of compliance with mandatoryrequirements and adoption of the non-mandatory requirements of this clause

    No Change

    8 Means of communication:a. Quarterly resultsb. Newspapers wherein results normally

    publishedc. Any website, where displayedd. Whether it also displays official news

    releases; ande. The presentations made to institutional

    investors or to the

    No Change

    9 General Shareholder information:a.

    AGM: Date, time and venueb.

    Financial yearc. Date of Book closured. Dividend Payment Datee. Listing on Stock Exchangesf.

    Stock Codeg. Market Price Data: High., Low during each

    month in last financial yearh. Performance in comparison to broad-

    based indices such as BSE Sensex, CRISILindex etc.


    Registrar and Transfer Agents


    Share Transfer Systemk. Distribution of shareholdingl. Dematerialization of shares and liquiditym.

    Outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or anyConvertible instruments, conversion dateand likely impact on equity

    n. Plant Locationso.

    Address for correspondence

    No Change

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    New Clause 49

    Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    1 The BoardThe Board - A non-executive Chairman may

    be entitled to maintain a Chairman's officeat the company's expense and also allowedreimbursement of expenses incurred inperformance of his duties.

    The BoardA non-executive Chairman may be entitledto maintain a Chairmans office at thecompanys expense and also allowedreimbursement of expenses incurred inperformance of his duties. IndependentDirectors may have a tenure notexceeding, in the aggregate, a period ofnine years, on the Board of a company.The company may ensure that the personwho is being appointed as an independentdirector has the requisite qualificationsand experience which would be of use tothe company and which, in the opinion of

    the company, would enable him tocontribute effectively to the company inhis capacity as an independent director.

    2 No such provision Remuneration Committee

    i. The board may set up aremuneration committee todetermine on their behalf and onbehalf of the shareholders withagreed terms of reference, thecompanys policy on specificremuneration packages for

    executive directors includingpension rights and anycompensation payment.

    ii. To avoid conflicts of interest, theremuneration committee, whichwould determine the remunerationpackages of the executive directorsmay comprise of at least threedirectors, all of whom should benon-executive directors, theChairman of committee being anindependent director.


    All the members of theremuneration committee could bepresent at the meeting.

    iv. The Chairman of the remunerationcommittee could be present at theAnnual General Meeting, to answerthe shareholder queries. However,it would be up to the Chairman todecide who should answer thequeries.

    3 Shareholder Rights

    A half-yearly declaration of financialperformance including summary of thesignificant events in last six-months, may besent to each household of shareholders.

    No Change

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    4 Audit qualificationsCompany may move towards a regime ofunqualified financial statements.

    No Change



    New Clause 49Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    5 No such provision Training of Board MembersA company may train its Board members

    in the business model of the company aswell as the risk profile of the businessparameters of the company, theirresponsibilities as directors, and the bestways to discharge them.

    6 No such provision Mechanism for evaluating non-executive Board MembersThe performance evaluation of non-executive directors could be done by apeer group comprising the entire Board ofDirectors, excluding the director beingevaluated; and Peer Group evaluation

    could be the mechanism to determinewhether to extend /continue the terms ofappointment of non-executive directors.

    7 No such provision Whistle Blower PolicyThe company may establish a mechanismfor employees to report to themanagement concerns about unethicalbehaviour, actual or suspected fraud orviolation of the companys code of conductor ethics policy. This mechanism couldalso provide for adequate safeguardsagainst victimization of employees who

    avail of the mechanism and also providefor direct access to the Chairman of theAudit committee in exceptional cases.Once established, the existence of themechanism may be appropriatelycommunicated within the organization.

    8 Separate posts of Chairman and CEOThe company may appoint separate personsto the post of Chairman and ManagingDirector/CEO.

    No such provision

    9 Reporting of Internal Auditor

    The Internal auditor may report directly tothe Audit Committee.

    No such provision

    10 The company will mandatorily comply withall the Accounting Standards issued byInstitute ofChartered Accountants of India (ICAI) fromtime to time.

    No Change

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    New Clause 49Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    11 Corporate Filing and Dissemination

    System (CFDS), viz.,www.corpfiling.co.in(1) The company agrees -

    (a) to file on the CDFS, such information,statements and reports as may be specifiedby the Participating Stock Exchanges in thisregard.(b) that the Compliance Officer, appointedunder clause 47(a) and the company shallbe responsible for ensuring the correctness,authenticity and comprehensiveness of theinformation, statements and reports filedunder this clause and also for ensuring thatsuch information is in conformity with theapplicable laws and the listing agreement.

    (c) to ensure that the electronic filing ofinformation through CFDS, pursuant tocompliance with any clause of the listingagreement, shall be done within the timelimit specified in the respective clause of thelisting agreement.(d) to put in place such infrastructure asmay be required to comply with the clause.Explanation: For the purposes of this clause(i) The term Corporate Filing andDissemination System (CFDS) shall meanthe portal at the URL www.corpfiling.co.in orsuch other website as may be specified bythe participating stock exchanges from timeto time to take care of exigencies, if any.(ii) The term Participating Stock

    Exchanges shall mean the stock exchangesowning and maintaining CFDS.

    No Change

    12 The company agrees to notify the stockexchange and also disseminate through itsown website, immediately upon enteringinto agreements with media companiesand/or their associates, the followinginformation:-

    a. Disclosures regarding the shareholding (ifany) of such media companies/associates inthe company.b. Any other disclosures related to suchagreements, viz., details of nominee of themedia companies on the Board of thecompany, any management control orpotential conflict of interest arising out ofsuch agreements, etc.c. Disclosures regarding any other back toback treaties/contracts/agreements/MoUs orsimilar instruments entered into by the

    company with media companies and/or theirassociates for the purpose of advertising,publicity, etc.

    No Change

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    New Clause 49Applicable from 1/10/2014

    Old Clause 49

    13 The issuer company agrees to maintain afunctional website containing basicinformation about the company e.g. detailsof its business, financial information,shareholding pattern, compliance with

    corporate governance, contact informationof the designated officials of the companywho are responsible for assisting andhandling investor grievances, details ofagreements entered into with the mediacompanies and/or their associates, etc. Thecompany also agrees to ensure that thecontents of the said website are updated atany given point of time.

    No Change

    14 Listed entities shall submit, as part of theirAnnual Reports, Business ResponsibilityReports, describing the initiatives taken by

    them from an environmental, social andgovernance perspective, in the formatsuggested as under.

    No Change

    Date:- 17thOctober 2014
