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Comparison of the Czech republic and Slovakia in European identity formation through symbolic power...

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  • 7/31/2019 Comparison of the Czech republic and Slovakia in European identity formation through symbolic power of the euro


    Comparison of the Czech republicand Slovakia in European identityformation through symbolic power

    of the euro

  • 7/31/2019 Comparison of the Czech republic and Slovakia in European identity formation through symbolic power of the euro


    Comparison of the Czech republic andSlovakia in European identity formationthrough symbolic power of the euro..............1

    1.Introduction...........................................................................2Theoretical part........................................................................6

    Defining the identity and symbols.........................................................6Identity according to the Declaration on European Identity ..................7Views of some authors at the EU identity and symbols..........................7EU as an imagined community..............................................................8Banal nationalism and the EU................................................................9

    3. Methodology......................................................................11Practical part..........................................................................13

    European identity in the 2009th .........................................................13European identity in the 2010th .........................................................14Note about European identity in Slovakia and the Czech republic........15

    Opinions about the euro 2009.............................................................15Opinions about the euro 2010.............................................................16Opinions about the euro 2011.............................................................17Election into the European Parliament 2009........................................18Public opinion on the Lisbon treaty......................................................18Helping to the collapsing state of euro zone- case of Greece...............20


    1. Introduction

    Nowadays there is bigger and bigger discussion about being more a

    European instead of own countrys nationalist. Moreover sometimes

    there can be a pressure whether from the EU apparatus or national

    governments or parliament or media. But is possible to import

    Europeanism by help of symbols, informing, convincing and so on?

    On the other hand Europeanism or common European identity seems

    to be necessary if we look at the EU as a nearly federal system, which

    is in many aspect similar to the US federal system. Comparing themtogether there are really huge differences in their inhabitants senses

    of identity. We can say, the US have been existing for a much longer

    time and the EU is still in the process of integration. But its been

    quite a while since the cooperation of european states started in 1951

    as a European Coal Steel Community1. Moreover there was made a

    Declaration on European Identity at the Copenhagen Summit in 1973.

    1 According Dinan (2003) reasons and slow development of cooperationstarted after the Second World War.


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    The identity was defined on the basis of tree pillars. This is a sight of

    a long history of the European identity and its importance for the


    The question of identity is especially important for the new member

    states, which join the EU few years ago and havent been going

    through the whole process of EU formulation and integration. Special

    tolls are especially necessary to build and support the building of the

    identity. Symbols (as a flag, anthem, common currency and so on)

    can fulfill this role.

    McNamara (2010) using Andersons concept of imaged communities

    and Billigs concept of banal nationalism writes about the power of

    symbols (as anthem, Euro currency, European flag, european

    ,,language and so on). ,,The authority the EU exercises is

    underpinned by symbols and practices that have much in common

    with the political technologies deployed by nation-states, but that

    have distinct limitations in their claims on European citizens loyalty.

    (ibid: 131) She calls the Euro as an emblematic of the careful

    balancing of national and European symbols. Moreover Billigs

    concept of banal nationalism claims, that also if the symbols arent

    noted by inhabitants and would have been noted if disappear, they

    fulfill role of identity (according to Anderson awareness of common

    imagined community) holder. This concept is the key one for us

    because, we are going to find out, if adoption and usage of the euro

    currency (which is considered as a banal nationalism) helps to

    strengthen European identity perception of inhabitants.

    What is the impact of symbols, concretely the Euro on the case of the

    Czech republic and Slovakia? Did it help a greater acceptance of the

    EU authority? The Czech Republic hasnt adopted the most important

    symbol- Euro currency. Slovakia has been using the Euro since the 1st

    of January 2009. The Czech Republic and Slovakia used to be one


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    nation till 1993. So they had a long common history, including

    experience with communist regime, which had influenced all parts of

    every day life. After Velvet revolution they were dealing together with

    all problems and challenges connected with democratizationprocesses and also with EU singing up effort. They also entered the

    EU in the same wave. However there is one big difference- usage of

    the symbol- Euro. So we have two quite similar states with one

    difference, which helps us to study the influence of the introduction of

    Euro symbol, if it helped agrater identity awareness in Slovakia.

    Looking thought the literature about our topics, we hadnt found any

    similar work. Most of the academic papers deal only with the question

    of the EU identity. There are many concepts of viewing on the EU

    identity. For example Gerad Delany (2002) in his article Models of

    European Identity: Reconciling Universalism and Particularism

    separate three models of the European identity: Moral universalism,

    European postnacionalist universalism, European cultural

    partikularism and European pragmatims. Florian Pichler (2009: 37-56)

    in a chapter European Identities from below: Meanings of

    Identification with Europe differs three conceptual attitudes to

    European identity: Cultural, Political and Cosmopolitan. Matthias

    Kaelberer (2004: 161-178) focuses on relationship between many,

    collective identity and European integration in his article The Euro

    and European Identity: Symbols, Power and the Politics of European

    Monetary Union. Moreover he deals not only with the role of the Euro

    as a mean of facilitating the creation of the identity, but also with a

    necessity of some kind of european identity, which is necessary for its

    successful usage. We have found one article, which wasnt only about

    theory, but deals also with countries, it is Risse, Engelmann-Marin,

    Knofp, Roschers article: To Euro or Not to Euro?: The EMU and

    Identity Politics in the European Union focus on supporters and

    opponents of the Euro acceptance in: Germany, the UK and France).

    They claim too, that Euro is connected by the identity policy and


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    political vision of European order. The supporters stand for an idea of

    a common European integration as a mean of dealing with the

    cultural differences. The opponents stand for national currencies,

    which are symbols of national states. (ibid: 175) Moreover there existEurobarometer Surveys, which deals with this topic. They ask people

    several questions about their feeling, thoughts and so on. This survey

    is quantitative. Nowadays Laura Cram with James Mitchell and Stratos

    Patrikios are working on a series of online survey experiments with

    visual cues, which will expose participants in England, Scotland and

    Wales, within the UK, and in Ireland to implicit symbolic and

    functional triggers related to the European Union. Unfortunately, the

    surveys and their methodology havent been published yet.

    As you could see, there is no relevant article on this topic. So come

    back to the McNamara symbolic policy and Billigs banal nationalism.

    Can a symbol as is the Euro help to create common EU identity? Here

    we can see one problem of the thesis the Czech republic hasnt

    accepted euro yet. It has being in the EU since 2004 and still without

    euro. So one question has come on our mind. Does the euro have

    any influence on perception of EUs authority and loyalty of Slovaks?

    The cases of the Czech Republic and Slovakia help us to find out if the

    euro helped and brought more loyalty of Slovak to the EU authority

    and common European identity. To solving this problem in the case of

    the Czech republic and Slovakia we use this research question:

    What changes in identity connected with the EU has been

    occurred in the minds of inhabitants after starting using euro

    in Slovakia comparing with the Czech Republic?

    We are going to operacionalize the identity not only with the help

    inhabitants attitudes and their claim of their feelings about the

    identity, but also through their behavior and opinions on the euro,


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    important events happening in the EU. If their behavior or opinions or

    attitudes are similar as the EU proclaims and therefore they agree

    with it and dont go against it, than we would say, that they obey and

    are aware by the European identity. If not, than we would say, thatthey dont obey by the European identity.

    To examine, the identity perception of the inhabitants we are gong to

    focus on EU election turnout, acceptance of using euro in Slovakia

    and willing to accept euro in the Czech Republic, surveys connected

    with euro using and expected positive or negative changes in country

    after euro acceptance.

    If we find some differences in identity perception between Slovakia

    and the Czech republic, well say that the Euro symbol has influence

    on the loyalty of the Slovak. And than well assume our findings. If we

    dont find any difference, well say that the Euro symbol doesnt have

    any influence on the EU identity.

    Theoretical part

    Defining the identity and symbols

    There is many works on the term of identity, but it doesnt to help for

    creating only one explanation of it. Sociology, psychology,

    anthropology, history, political science and so on deal with this term.

    Andersons concept of Imagined communities is described later, also

    connected on the EU.

    Identity is a variable knowledge about others and us. So the identity

    represents that, what the human is and also that he isnt. (Szal

    2003: 17)

    The symbols are considered as tools for identity creation. Symbols

    are pluralistic (rituals, objects and so on) and every symbol itself is a

    system of symbolic meanings, which are a part of another symbolic


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    systems (Zajac 2002: 4). The symbols importance for states and also

    the EU is that they help to increase identification of people with

    political or other entity.

    Identity according to the Declaration on EuropeanIdentity

    The European elites arranged about the necessity of defining and

    creation of common European identity in Copenhagen 1973. They

    defined three pillars. The first was a common heritage, interests and

    duties inside the community. The second was a dynamic nature of

    europen unification and the third one scope, which the 9 countries

    had been reached in their common cooperation in the rest of theworld. (Declaration on European Identity 1973)

    All three pillars were based on internal unity, common features,

    heritage and internal consistency with regard to the rest of the world.

    European identity should have been a tool for consolidation of

    international order.

    Views of some authors at the EU identity and symbols

    First of all we would like to describe some concepts, which are

    against common european identity with a focus on reasons why, to

    we can better understand the broad context. Than we focus on the


    There is only one more author who also thinks about the Europeanidentity in the rest of our literature: Weiler- The Transformation of

    Europe. He speaks about the development of the EU after 1992 and

    explains two possible vision. He called ironic rejecting the nationalism

    of the member states and creation of a new European nation and

    European nationalism. (Weiler 1991: 2482) So we can assume that

    he is against common European identity.


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    Another author who is against of possibility of creation of European

    identity is Fiala, who claims that the usage of symbols for creating

    identity isnt enough without creating a common language- cultural

    framework. Without it, it is impossible to create a common publicspace for discussion, confrontation of interests and presentation of

    political themes. The main problem is that without these

    circumstances is impossible to create transparent political decision

    making and democratic control of decision making. (Fiala 2006)

    These concerns can be marked as worries about the democratic

    deficit of the EU.

    Next we are going to focus on the above mentioned Matthias

    Kaelberer (2004), who deals with the using currency as a mean of

    identity. He criticizes usage of the many or currency as a mean of

    collective identity because the relationship between identity and

    currency is more abstract than real (ibid 167). However he considers

    the Euro as one of the most important symbols of European

    integration and identity among countries.

    EU as an imagined community

    Benedict Anderson (in Hroch: 2003: 243-244) considers the nation as

    an "imaginary political community that exists in the imagination as a

    community by its very nature and externally bounded sovereign. It is

    imaginary, because members of the nation do not know each other,

    they never meet each other, they never hear about each other.

    However the imaginary about the community lives in the minds ofmost of them. "The psychological dimension of the nation by Krejci

    (1996: 669) lies in the subjective consciousness of individuals in their

    jurisdiction to that nation, this criterion is critical. Moreover Benedict

    Anderson (2008:19) argues, that national identity value is generally

    the most legitimate political life value of our time.

    Likewise the nation, the EU according to Andersons concept shouldbe considered as an imaginary community too. Thus it isnt nation, it


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    functions nearly like a federation of states, which tries to build their

    own identity. Moreover using imaged community concept McNamara

    (2007: 13) claims, that the EU can only be symbolized, because even

    as various aspects of the EU come to have concrete form, in itsentirety as a political actor, it doesnt have material presence but

    exists only in our imagination. The Euro is the most dramatic example

    of the process of entitativity, as the single currency makes concrete

    the imagined community it constructs (McNamara 2007: 14). No only

    Euro, but also passports with EU symbols, no passport controls on

    EUs borders and so on help to create the EU imagined community

    consciousness and therefore the EU identity. Moreover McNamara

    (2010: 136) considers very important moments, when Europeanness

    is reframed symbolically and experienced materially, for example

    when you dont have to change money if you travel to an other EU

    state (except these which dont use Euro). Symbols become fact

    through social processes and also through their physical expressions,

    which become objects that actors interact with the practice. However

    in a way of political authority, the EU has to coexist alongside its

    national members with their own well-developed political

    communities and symbolic apparatus (McNamara 2010: 136).

    However he EU cannot draw upon that exclusive narrative of political

    identity, but rather must coexist alongside its national members, with

    their own well developed political communities and symbolic

    apparatus. The EU must somehow navigate these pre-existing and

    robust identities to succeed. (McNamara 2007: 17)

    Banal nationalism and the EU

    A great part of the general public, as well as political representation,

    and especially many sociological scholars, nationalism is understood

    only in its hot and confrontational form as unique and often violent,

    and therefore bad and for society undesirable phenomenon, which is

    situated outside the already established nation-states. The definitionis limited, or rather reduced to a struggle for independence, unity and


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    independence, machines without offering an alternative term or even

    the concept of the ideological complex, which maintains and

    reproduces the established national Western nations (Billig 1995: 43).

    Hot variant is seen as a force that creates new nations, or converselythreatening the existing nations. However, Billig (1995) considers

    banal nationalism as an implicit power, which is maintained and

    continually reproduced by nations and functioning nation-states.

    Furthermore, he understands the banal nationalism as an answer to

    the question of how it is possible (if nationalism and nation-state is a

    recessive phenomenon, as many

    scholars such as Fukuyama claim) that it comes to uprising of

    national sentiments and emotional reactions of the nations on

    patriotic callings of their political leaders during time of crises in

    Western countries (t tka 2007: 81).

    Banal nationalism works on the daily social practices, it goes for the

    routine daily reproduction of social symbols and institutions" (t tka 2007: 80, 91).

    A key insight of this approach is the insight that nationalism does not only arise in crisis

    and conflict, but that nations are reproduced on a daily basis, through banal and

    mundane ways, and it is those habits of mind and practice that underpin national

    identity (awareness of imagined community). Billig argues that even those activities

    and representations that seem the most clichd (flags and anthems, for example)

    matter, for they reproduce national identity in ways that prime populations for

    supporting their states in more emotional or difficult times, such as

    war. He argues that established nations continually flag or remind their populationsof nationhood in a myriad of seemingly innocuous ways. Billig (1995: 40)

    mentions unwaved flags or unsaluted flags. They do not require direct

    and dedicated attention. These are flags, which we pass every day

    and we are not aware of their presence, however we would have

    noticed if they would have disappeared out of our lives. Not only flags

    but also currency, passports with national symbols and so on fulfill

    function of realizing imagined community or identity. They are doing

    it subconsciously.


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    According to McNamara (2011: 17, 18) banal nationalisms well

    captures the under the radar, taken for granted rhetoric and

    practices that create Europe as a legitimate actor and an authoritystructure that reverberates back on individual identity. EUs cultural

    impact is real in the very particular type of banal imagined

    community. Participation in this community involves both active

    dynamics (imagine this!) and passive participation (unthinking

    repetition that reproduces, habits without rethinking).

    According to Cram (2009: 101) a European Union identity has more

    functional or banal aspects than are suggested by many of the

    traditional measures, in terms of sliding scales of stated affiliations.

    The mechanisms through which any identification with the EU might

    emerge are complex and involve a combination of rational cost

    benefit calculations and complex socio-psychological factors.

    3. MethodologyWe are going to answer following research question in our paper:

    What changes in identity connected with the EU has been

    occurred in the minds of inhabitants after starting using euro

    in Slovakia comparing with the Czech Republic?

    This question is a reaction to the McNamara s power of symbols and

    Billigs concept of banal nationalism.

    The cases of the Czech Republic and Slovakia help us to find out if the

    euro helped and increase European identity in minds of Slovakias


    To examine, the identity perception of the inhabitants we are gong to

    focus on EU election turnout, acceptance of using euro in Slovakiaand willing to accept euro in the Czech Republic, surveys connected


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    with euro using and expected changes in country.

    If we find some differences in identity perception between Slovakia

    and the Czech republic, well say that the Euro symbol has influenceon the European identity of the Slovak. And than well assume our

    findings. If we dont find any difference, well say that the Euro

    symbol doesnt have any influence on the EU identity.

    So we can assume that we are going to use standard positivist

    approach because well use deduction, existing theory and variables.

    How we are going to come to an answer to our question. We are

    going to use comparism of the Czech republic and Slovakia. Why we

    can compare the two states to find if loyalty increases in one of

    them? We will use a kind of experiment called subsequent

    observation, which compares together two groups, from which one

    was under the influence of experimental variable and the second one

    wasnt. Slovakia has the Euro, the Czech republic doesnt. There are

    some problems like the countries arent similar size and arent totally

    similar. However its the best group of countries, which we can

    compare because of their common history and so on.

    By each related situation or factorrs (like European parliament

    election turnout) will be compared results from each country and

    according to then summed if the European identity of Slovaks was

    higher or lower than the Czechs. We are going to compare them from

    the start of using Euro in Slovakia, which means the 1st of January


    We are going to use the secondary analyses of documents (as

    newspapers articles; articles of experts, polls, surveys and so on),

    which are connected with the European identity of the inhabitants;

    we use also information gathered from the European parliament


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    election. These data will mostly have a qualitative character.

    Firstly, we are going to explore Andersens concept of imagined

    communities with relation to the EU. The reason is, that the EU as anearly federal system is trying to gain awareness of common identity

    of its inhabitants. Andersonss concept is ideal, because it speaks

    about relationships among inhabitants without knowing each other.

    Moreover McNamara (2011: 13) claims, that the EU can only be

    symbolized, because even as various aspects of the EU come to have

    concrete form, in its entirety as a political actor, it doesnt have

    material presence but exists only in our imagination. This description

    helps us to understand the role of symbols in the identity creation of

    the EU.

    Than, we are going to deal with Billigs concept of banal nationalism.

    The reason is that Billigs claims, that also if the symbols arent noted

    by inhabitants and would have been noted if disappear, they fulfill

    role of identity (according to Anderson awareness of common

    imagined community) holder. This concept is the key one for us

    because, we are going to find out, if adoption and usage of the euro

    currency (which is considered as a banal nationalism) helps to

    strengthen European identity perception of inhabitants.

    Practical part

    European identity in the 2009th

    Slovaks have the strongest relationship to their country and their

    region. The vast majority of people feel a high degree of Slovaks

    (81%) and another 17% to some degree. Slovaks have very strong

    relationship to the region where they live (70% to a large exent, 28%

    somewhat). Slovaks are among the five European nationalities, which

    feel mostly Europeans. 44% of Slovaks feel as (nationals) and also

    Europeans. (data from eurobarometer 2009: 22-30)


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    Moreover 22% of Slovaks feel more as European after euro

    acceptation, 76% Slovaks claim that nothing has changed.

    Czechs have too the strongest relationship to their country and region

    in which they live. In the Czech Republic, the vast majority of people

    feel a high degree of Czechs (84%) and another 15% to some degree.

    Czech have also very strong relationship to the region where they live

    (74% to a large extent, 25% somewhat). More interesting in the

    context of this work is the extent to which Czech feel Europeans. In

    the Czech Republic, approximately a third (31%) of people feel very

    much like Europeans and others almost half (47%) to a certain

    extent. A fifth of inhabitants feel European almost or do not feel

    European at all (22%). (data from eurobarometr 2009: 47-51)

    Comparing together these results, we can see, that Slovaks feel much

    more as Europeans than Czechs. This means, that more inhabitants

    considerer themselves as Europeans, so they have European identity.

    European identity in the 2010th

    The number of Slovaks, who consider themselves as (nationals) and

    Europeans has increased to 45%, what is one percentage more.

    (Eurobarometer 2010)

    Czechs are at the opposite part of the spectrum. 59% of them definedthemselves only by their nationality. (Eurobarometer 2010) However

    72% of Czechs are proud on European identity, 87% on national

    identity. 90% of Czechs feel a sense of belonging to the state and

    74% to the Europe. (Osoba Petr 2010)

    Comparing together these results, we can see, that Slovaks feel much

    more as Europeans than Czechs. If we look at the trend, we can see,that the amount of Slovaks who feel as nationals and Europeans has


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    been slowly increasing. This means, that awareness of Slovaks about

    European imagined community has been getting stronger. Despite of

    the fact, that Czechs feel more as nationals than as Europeans, they

    are strongly proud on their European identity and their belonging tothe Europe. So we can see there some awareness of Czechs about

    European identity.

    Note about European identity in Slovakia and the Czechrepublic

    Going through many Czech and Slovak web pages, archives of

    internet newspapers (SME, Pravda) AnoPress archive (connectingarchive of all newspapers and magazines in the Czech republic),

    academics papers I havent found any term of European identity or

    Europeanism, expect national and Commission results of


    Opinions about the euro 2009

    Less than a year after the introduction of the euro Slovak citizens aremuch more positive to the common European currency, than in the

    EU average. 71% of Slovaks believe that the euro acceptance was

    good, only 22% refuse the common currency.

    Up to 68% of Slovaks agrees that the euro has generally mitigated

    the negative impact the current financial and economic crisis.

    (Eurobarometer 2009: 41) The number has increasing tendencies, ithad rise from 66% in spring to 68% in autumn. The positive view of

    Slovaks on the euro increased in time of crisis. This can be seen as a

    power of this symbol in Slovakia, because as said Billig the

    importance of national symbols and so on rises in the time of crisis.

    Moreover 77% of Slovaks think that euro helped Slovakia to be more

    interesting to foreign investors and 76% that euro strengthen

    Slovakias position. (European commission 2009)


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    IVO analyst Olga Gyrfov sees a positive perception of the euro in

    particular, sincere convince of people that the euro is a good step for

    the economy and personal wallet. "The crisis has also contributed toeuro-euphoria. Regardless of whether this is so or not, people take

    the interpretation that the acceptation of the currency, which applies

    in many other countries, will help them to bear the impact of

    economic crisis easily, people think, that the country would be

    stronger by the euro," says Gyrfov. Other reasons include

    according to Gyrfov a sense of pride that "we did it" even earlier

    than those who were in the process of integration far ahead. (SME


    Most of the Czechs 56% think that euro doesnt have positive impact

    on the mitigating of the negative impact of the current financial and

    economic crisis. 37% of Czech think that euro has positive impact.

    (Eurobarometr 2009: 47)

    Moreover 53% of Czech support euro acceptation and 40% is against.

    Summing it up, Slovaks are much more optimistic to impact of euro

    than Czech. They consider it useful for the country and also for

    solving the crisis. In this point we can see much bigger or stronger

    believe in euro and positive opinions and therefore also stronger

    European identity of Slovaks.

    Opinions about the euro 2010

    The view that the euro alleviate the negative impact of economic

    crisis strongly agree or agreed 68% of Slovak citizens, contrary to

    such opinion disagree or

    strongly disagree only 27% of Slovaks. (Eurobarometer 2010: 10)

    Only 38% of Czechs agree with euro acceptation, 55% of them areagainst it (CVVM 2010: 5). We can see increasing number of euro


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    denying and skepticism. Moreover according to lidovky survey (2010)

    most of the readers (3174 people from 5020 people who answered) of

    the internet server think, that euro would harm the country.

    Looking at the whole process, the number of Slovaks believing in euro

    help in crisis didnt increased or decreased. However we didnt find

    results of this variable in the Czech republic. So we can compare only

    their support for euro acceptance and it decrease, the skepticism

    increased. Summing it up, Slovaks believe in euro much more than

    Czechs, who are getting more and more pessimistic, what means,

    that Czechs didnt want to accept one of the EU symbols.

    Opinions about the euro 2011

    The number of Slovaks, who think that euro acceptance was a good

    thing has decreased in last year to 63%. Moreover the number of

    people who think that euro was a wrong thing has increased to 34%.

    (Focus 2011)

    75% of Czechs dont want the euro acceptance and only 21% want

    euro to be accepted (CVVM: 2011). The increasing trend of refusing

    euro as a home currency has been in the Czech republic since the

    year 2001, however it has been strongly increasing for last two years.

    Jan Mat jka, director of Media Research agency, thinks, that the

    economic crisis, particularly the financial problems of some eurozonecountries, has increased interest in economic issues among the

    people. Moreover these problems caused new thoughts about the

    advantages of a common European currency, stability in the euro

    zone, and even about the risk of the zone crash and return to national

    currencies. Czechs agree more with the opinion of President Vaclav

    Klaus, who belongs to the flame critics common European currency.

    (Tden.cz 2011)


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    Summing it together the number of people who think that acceptance

    of euro was or would be a right decision has been decreased also in

    Slovakia not only in the Czech republic. However, the number of

    people thinking about euro in a positive way is still quite high inSlovakia. It is much worser in the Czech republic, where is strong

    trend of refusing euro.

    Election into the European Parliament 2009

    There came only 19,64% of electing inhabitants of Slovakia to vote

    for European parliament members election 2009. More people came

    to vote in the Czech republic, 28,22%.

    Moreover most of the Slovaks 61% arent interested in the election.

    The number is even higher in the Czech republic, up to 70%. (Focus


    This numbers are speaking by themselves. If we compare Slovakia,

    the euro user and the Czech republic, the euro non-user, we can seethat there was much lower voter turnout in Slovakia. Moreover the

    acceptance of euro didnt force the people to be more interested in

    the election. So we can sum it up, that acceptance and usage of euro

    so far havent influence the loyalty to the EU and European identity

    concerning to the elections.

    Public opinion on the Lisbon treaty

    We are going to focus on public opinion on Lisbon treaty, because it

    was the most important step for the EU in the years by which we are

    dealing with. Moreover we think, that supporting of this treaty can be

    a great sight of the European identity and awareness of common

    European imagined community. We can consider the treaty as a

    force, which rally the member states more together and made the EU

    more powerful.


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    There was hold no regular public survey on the Lisbon treaty in

    Slovakia. Therefore we are forced to use survey, which was held on

    web pages of the most visited Slovak newspaper- SME.


    Most of theSlovaks readers dont go through the Lisbon treaty text- 82% (2138

    readers answered the question). (SME 2009) An other question of the

    newspaper was: it was held a referendum about the Lisbon treaty,

    how would you vote? 3179 readers answered. The answers show, that

    there is no particular opinion on the treaty. 47% of readers would

    agree with the treaty, so far 45% against.

    There is not really high interest of the Czechs about the Lisbon treaty,

    only 27%. 71% of Czechs declare their non-interest about the Treaty.

    However what is more interesting more people (45%) think, that the

    Parliament should agree with the Treaty. Only 25% of Czechs think,

    that it shouldnt agree with the Treaty and 37% doesnt know. (CVVM


    Summing it together more Czechs agree than disagree with the

    Lisbon treaty, however most of them arent interested in the Treaty.

    This is quite confusing for any judgment. The non-interest can be sign

    of lack of loyalty to the EU and identity. On the other hand, many

    people agree with it, which can be sign of the loyalty. Comparing it to

    Slovaks, the results are similar, most of them dont read it, what can

    be a sign of non-interest in the events in the EU and therefore lack of

    the EU identity. We claim this, because we expect, that the people

    awared of their EU identity should be interested in the situation in



    Here is necessary to mention, that this kind of survey has no validity andcant be generalized on the whole society. It has only informationalcharacter and is better than nothing.


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    Helping to the collapsing state of euro zone- case ofGreece

    We choose this topic because of our conviction, that it is the most

    important event in the euro zone in the last years, which cussed huge

    discussion about the future existence of the zone.

    60.5 percent of Slovak citizens refuse a loan to Greece. According to

    a survey of the Agency for Public Opinion Research, conducted on 10

    to 19 May on sample of 1118 respondents. For the financial help of

    Slovaks to Greece is only 25.4 percent of respondents and 14.1

    percent of respondents can not answer, or are not interested in the

    problem. (podnkam.sk 2010)

    Greece Financial assistance amounting to 110 billion euros, which

    was agreed by the European Commission, the European Central Bank

    and the International Monetary Fund, dont support 59.9 percent of

    respondents. Moreover according to 54.2 percent of respondents loan

    provided to Greece will not prevent its bankruptcy. 80,1% of Czechs

    is against the financial help for Greece Republic, on The contrary,only 13.6 percent of respondents agree with the financial assistance

    to Greece. (Madiafax.cz 2010) Moreover Czechs are frightened by the

    possibility of impact of the Greece crisis on them. Therefore, more

    than two-thirds - 73.8 percent - believe in the fact that it is not

    necessary to pursue the adoption of the euro as soon as possible.

    There is clearly visible straight attitude of Czechs and Slovaks on thehelp for Greece. They dont agree with it, by what they go against the

    decision of the EU. Therefore we can claim, that they are not loyal to

    the EU institution and their behavior is against the common decision.

    So we cant see any obeying by the European identity. Moreover the

    crisis of Greece caused, that Czechs want to postpone the acceptance

    of euro.


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    We focused on the power of symbols in the European identity

    creation in the Czech republic and Slovakia in our work.

    We tried to answer our research question. The question was: What

    changes in identity connected with the EU has been occurred

    in the minds of inhabitants after starting using euro in

    Slovakia comparing with the Czech Republic?

    To answering this question we used following concepts as a

    theoretical background: Andersons concept of Imagined

    Communities, McNamaras claim3

    and Billigs concept of Banalnationalism. We consider the EU as an imaginary community,

    because the EU can only be symbolized, because even as various

    aspects of the EU come to have concrete form, in its entirety as a

    political actor, it doesnt have material presence but exists only in our

    imagination. The Euro is the most dramatic example of the process of

    entitativity, as the single currency makes concrete the imagined

    community it constructs. Moreover Billigs concept of banalnationalism claims, that also if the symbols arent noted by

    inhabitants and would have been noted if disappear, they fulfill role of

    identity (according to Anderson awareness of common imagined

    community) holder. According to Cram (2009: 101) a European Union

    identity has more functional or banal aspects than are suggested by

    many of the traditional measures, in terms of sliding scales of stated

    affiliations. The mechanisms through which any identification with theEU might emerge are complex and involve a combination of rational

    costbenefit calculations and complex socio-psychological factors.

    Due to the difficult examination of whole identity of both nations, we

    3 The authority the EU exercises is underpinned by symbols and practicesthat have much in common with the political technologies deployed by

    nation-states, but that have distinct limitations in their claims on Europeancitizens loyalty. While the euro is emblematic of the careful balancing ofnational and European symbols. McNamara (2010: 131)


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    operacionalized the identity in a more broadly way. We used not only

    inhabitants attitudes and their claim of their feelings about the

    identity, but also through their behavior and opinions on the euro,

    important events happening in the EU. If their behavior or opinions orattitudes are similar as the EU proclaims and therefore they agree

    with it and dont go against it, than we would say, that they obey and

    are aware by the European identity. If not, than we would say, that

    they dont obey by the European identity.

    Comparing together identity conclusion in Slovakia and the Czech

    republic, we can see, that Slovaks feel much more as Europeans than

    Czechs. If we look at the trend, we can see, that the amount of

    Slovaks who feel as nationals and Europeans has been slowly

    increasing. This means, that awareness of Slovaks about European

    imagined community has been getting stronger. Despite of the fact,

    that Czechs feel more as nationals than as Europeans, they are

    strongly proud on their European identity and their belonging to the

    Europe. So we can see there some awareness of Czechs about

    European identity.

    Summing it up, Slovaks are much more optimistic to impact of euro

    than Czech. They consider it useful for the country and also for

    solving the crisis. However the number of people thinking about the

    euro in positive way has decreased in this year. Despite this fact we

    can see much bigger or stronger believe in euro and positive opinions

    in Slovakia than in the Czech republic, where is strong trend of

    refusing euro. Because of all the mentioned about the euro we claim,

    that Slovak has much stronger European identity in this point than


    If we compare Slovakia, the euro user and the Czech republic, the

    euro non-user, we can see that there was much lower voter turnout in

    Slovakia. Moreover the acceptance of euro didnt force the people to


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    be more interested in the election. So we can sum it up, that

    acceptance and usage of euro so far havent influence the loyalty to

    the EU and European identity concerning to the elections.

    Lisbon treaty was an other point of our interest. We found, that many

    Czechs and Slovaks arent interested in the Treaty or they didnt read

    it. What isnt sign of behavior, which comes from strong identity

    perception. However they are for acceptance of the Treaty, so their

    behavior is in accordance with the EU interests. If we complete it,

    there is no difference among these two nations in this point.

    The last point of our interest was the financial help for Greece. Here

    was again no difference in the attitudes, however they went against

    the EU decision to help the country. So we cant see here any positive

    behavior or attitudes of the inhabitants and therefore we cant state

    any loyalty to the EU.

    When we sum all our findings up, we find, that Slovaks as euro users

    have stronger EU identity than Czechs. They feel Europeans, trust the

    euro and its power and are euro optimists. There was no difference

    among opinions of Czechs and Slovaks in the case of Greece

    (disagreement with the EU opinion and therefore lack of loyalty in this

    point) and the Lisbon treaty (agreement with the EU). Slovaks were

    worser than Czechs in the EU election. Its 2:2:1. There were just two

    positive changes and one negative in EU identity of Slovaks

    comparing to Czechs. So its difficult to say it the symbolic power of

    euro and also banal power of the euro as one of tools important for

    identity creation worked in case of these two countries.


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