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Date post: 07-Nov-2021
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COMPASS NEWS A periodical newsleer brought to you within COMPASS Project, Ref. nr. 597889-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP ISSUE 1, DECEMBER 2019 1 st Consorum Meeng Launching Conference Study visit to Danube University of Krems, Austria Study visit to EUCEN, Belgium Top stories in this newsletter 1 st Consortium Meeting Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the Grant Coordinator of the E+ project TOWARDS EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY LIFELONG LEARNING MODEL IN MOLDOVA - COMPASS”, Ref. nr: 597889-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, organized the 1st Consorum meeng on 20 21 March 2019 with all partner instuons involved in the project. The COMPASS Project is funded by the European Commission – Execuve Agency for Educaon, Audiovisual and Culture - within the Erasmus+ programme in the amount of 891.479,00 EUR and it will be realized together with partner instuons from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Austria, Slovenia, France. MD partner instuons include 6 universies, as well as Ministry of Educaon, Culture and Research and Rectors Council. Launching Conference Launching Conference and Internaonal Workshop on LLL of COMPASS Project took place on 20 - 21 March 2019, in the premises of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. Internaonal Workshop on LLL in Moldova gathered over 100 parcipants from universies, Ministry of Educaon, EU experts . The workshop analyzed the growth stage of LLL in Moldova, validaon of previous learning (VPL), including formalies and informaon; applicaon of exisng ECTS instruments and procedures for LLL; connuous training of academic staff. Further aenon was given to encouraging a policy dialogue on formulaons and recommendaons for the development of the LLL strategy. Study visit to Danube University of Krems, Austria Study visit to the Danube University Krems (Austria, Krems), in framework of the COMPASSproject was organized on 06 10 May 2019. Representaves of the Moldovan delegaon, consisng of rectors, vice rectors, directors of LLL, in partnership with other members of the COMPASS Consorum, parcipated in various acvies aimed at strengthening the Implementaon and Management of LLL in the Moldovan universies and the good development of the project. Were made interacve presentaons and sessions focused on the analysis of good pracce on: - E-LEARNING for LLL at DUK; - Connuing Educaon Study Programs at Duk; - LLL Quality Management, LLL Study Programme Management and Markeng; - Implementaon and Management of LLL Study Programs. The agenda of the event included several presentaons and interacve sessions and two workshops dedicated to the COMPASS project management. Study visit to EUCEN, Belgium Study visit to the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in framework of the COMPASSproject was organized on 17-20 September 2019. Representaves of the Moldovan delegaon, consisng from directors of LLL group, in partnership with EU members of the Consorum, parcipated in various acvies aimed at strengthening the Implementaon of LLL in the Moldovan universies and the good development of the project. Were made interacve presentaons and sessions focused on the analysis of good pracce on the LLL organisaon at UClouvain: roles of COFC, IUFC, facules and academics; LLL vs tradional teaching: How do Adults Learn?; LLL Master at UCLOUVAIN: Master in Economic and Social Policy (FOPES); How are LLL courses designed and promoted at UCLouvain; Distance LLL: the Louvain Learning Lab; Validaon of non-formal and informal learning in Belgium and at UCLOUVAIN. The agenda of the event included several presentaons and interacve sessions and two workshops dedicated to the COMPASS project management. Study visit to IL3, UB, Barcelona,Spain Study visit to the University of Barcelona, Spain, Instute of Connuing Educaon in framework of COMPASS project was organized on 11 - 15 November 2019. Representaves of the Moldovan delegaon, consisng from members of LLL groups, in together with EU members of the Consorum, parcipated in various acvies aimed at familiarizaon with the principles and strategies of adult educaon in the European educaon system, as well as the introducon of European standards in adult connuing educaon programs at the centers for connuing educaon at partners universies. Were made interacve presentaons and sessions focused on the analysis of good pracce on the status of the LLL in the PC partner universies and at the naonal level and the vision for development within the COMPASS project; presentaon and validaon of the preliminary results, LLL Survey; Good Pracces from Spain, Austria, Italy, Portugal. Also, parcipants parcipated at the VINCE Project Final Symposium where they had the opportunity to communicate with experts in the field of LLL from Austria, Italy, Portugal. I wish you all interesng and informave reading. Please, stay in touch for further informaon also through our webpage: www.compass-project.md Dr. Olesea SIRBU, Grant Coordinator of the COMPASS Project

COMPASS NEWS A periodical newsletter brought to you within COMPASS Project, Ref. nr. 597889-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP


1st Consortium Meeting

Launching Conference Study visit to Danube

University of Krems,


Study visit to EUCEN,


Top stories in this newsletter


Consortium Meeting

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the Grant Coordinator of the E+ project “TOWARDS EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY


organized the 1st Consortium meeting on 20 – 21 March 2019 with all partner institutions involved in the project. The

COMPASS Project is funded by the European Commission – Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture -

within the Erasmus+ programme in the amount of 891.479,00 EUR and it will be realized together with partner

institutions from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Austria, Slovenia, France. MD partner institutions include 6 universities,

as well as Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and Rectors Council.

Launching Conference

Launching Conference and International Workshop on LLL of COMPASS Project took place on 20 - 21 March 2019, in

the premises of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. International Workshop on LLL in Moldova gathered

over 100 participants from universities, Ministry of Education, EU experts .

The workshop analyzed the growth stage of LLL in Moldova, validation of previous learning (VPL), including formalities

and information; application of existing ECTS instruments and procedures for LLL; continuous training of academic

staff. Further attention was given to encouraging a policy dialogue on formulations and recommendations for the

development of the LLL strategy.

Study visit to Danube University of Krems, Austria

Study visit to the Danube University Krems (Austria, Krems), in framework of the “COMPASS” project was organized on

06 – 10 May 2019. Representatives of the Moldovan delegation, consisting of rectors, vice rectors, directors of LLL, in

partnership with other members of the COMPASS Consortium, participated in various activities aimed at strengthening

the Implementation and Management of LLL in the Moldovan universities and the good development of the project.

Were made interactive presentations and sessions focused on the analysis of good practice on:


- Continuing Education Study Programs at Duk;

- LLL Quality Management, LLL Study Programme Management and Marketing;

- Implementation and Management of LLL Study Programs.

The agenda of the event included several presentations and interactive sessions and two workshops dedicated to the

COMPASS project management.

Study visit to EUCEN, Belgium

Study visit to the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in framework of the “COMPASS”

project was organized on 17-20 September 2019. Representatives of the Moldovan delegation, consisting from

directors of LLL group, in partnership with EU members of the Consortium, participated in various activities aimed at

strengthening the Implementation of LLL in the Moldovan universities and the good development of the project. Were

made interactive presentations and sessions focused on the analysis of good practice on the LLL organisation at

UClouvain: roles of COFC, IUFC, faculties and academics; LLL vs traditional teaching: How do Adults Learn?; LLL Master

at UCLOUVAIN: Master in Economic and Social Policy (FOPES); How are LLL courses designed and promoted at

UCLouvain; Distance LLL: the Louvain Learning Lab; Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Belgium and at

UCLOUVAIN. The agenda of the event included several presentations and interactive sessions and two workshops

dedicated to the COMPASS project management.

Study visit to IL3, UB, Barcelona,Spain

Study visit to the University of Barcelona, Spain, Institute of Continuing Education in framework of COMPASS project

was organized on 11 - 15 November 2019. Representatives of the Moldovan delegation, consisting from members of

LLL groups, in together with EU members of the Consortium, participated in various activities aimed at familiarization

with the principles and strategies of adult education in the European education system, as well as the introduction of

European standards in adult continuing education programs at the centers for continuing education at partners

universities. Were made interactive presentations and sessions focused on the analysis of good practice on the status

of the LLL in the PC partner universities and at the national level and the vision for development within the COMPASS

project; presentation and validation of the preliminary results, LLL Survey; Good Practices from Spain, Austria, Italy,

Portugal. Also, participants participated at the VINCE Project Final Symposium where they had the opportunity to

communicate with experts in the field of LLL from Austria, Italy, Portugal.

I wish you all interesting and informative reading. Please, stay in touch for further information also through our webpage: www.compass-project.md

Dr. Olesea SIRBU, Grant Coordinator of the COMPASS Project

