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compatibility tips.doc

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  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    Marriage topics and compatibility screening tips for the benefit of society (Most of the problems in this

    world are caused by disturbed or insane individuals who are the product of troubled homes.)..a quite completeextensive research, compiled and edited by Divya-p. the procedure/ file is divided in 5 steps;st step; loo! at the chart of the persons to be married do they have a "ood, so-so or bad !arma for marria"e#nd step; synastry of the # charts ($estern astro rely only on that)%rd step; compare the !utas (poruthams)this can be calculated more easily by computer usin" "oravani &yotish'th step; prasna for the future couple, prasna from the boys side concernin" the bride, from the "irls side5th step; set up a muhurta for the marria"e ceremony

    intoduction; According to K.N. Rao, one of Indias most reputed contemporary astrologers; even the very best astrologer can only hope to achieve acorrect prediction average of ! out "# for compatibility.

    $o% do not rely on the astrological analysis alone. &ver and above all, try to understand the basic principles of match ma'ing as e(plained hereafter;

    ma'e use of your own discrimination, do not ignore your gut feeling and consult with e(perienced friends and well wishers )who should, of course,

    'now both the girl and the boy*. If these three + common sense, intuition and the advice of unpreudiced well+wishers + unambiguously spea' in favorof a match, chances are very good that the marriage will wor' out even if there was no horoscope reading done.

    the astrologers ob is not to tell you whether or not you should marry a particular person; his ob is simply to point out potential difficulties that might

    manifest in your relationship. -eing unbiased, he may be aware of factors which you cannot see

    If your marriage fails or turns out to be turbulent, do not blame the astrologer. -lame either your bad 'arma or yourself + for not putting in enough time

    and effort into deciding whether or not someone can ma'e a good mate.

    It is not realistic to e(pect your astrologer to be a psychic with mystic powers who can read your mind and e(actly foresees what is going to happen inthe future. -ut he should be able to say what could happen or what often happens in cases li'e yours.

    ompatibility /uic' view; ma(imum points is 01, 2he total score should be 31 or at lest above "! pts. to be considered properly

    compatible, and thus worth giving it a go. ¸ ¶ ¼ º ½» ¾ É Ê  Bridegroom

      Star ►BrideStar ▼umber of padas  *er si"n +

      01 234 637 8 69 :7 :2 * 1 *:



    Bha 4

    Kr i


    Kr i 3

    Roh 4

    Mr i 

    Mr i 

    Ar i 4



    !"n 1

    !"s 4



    Ma# 4





























    Sr a














    Aswini 4 28 33 27 17 23 22 25 16 17 22 30 27 20 24 14 9 10 12 22 28 22 18 24 13 12 24 13 25 26 20 19 14 15 14 23 26

    Bharani 4 33 28 23 18 26 14 17 25 25 30 22 24 19 14 24 19 18 3 13 28 21 18 17 19 19 17 25 27 18 10 9 19 23 22 4 25

    K r i t t i k a 1 6 28 28 18 10 16 19 19 19 24 26 22 15 10 20 15 14 17 27 14 19 16 19 25 25 19 11 13 13 25 24 15 18 17 14 10TAU

    Kri t t i ka 3 19 19 19 28 18 26 17 17 17 21 23 19 19 21 22 20 18 23 22 9 14 21 24 30 22 15 7 12 10 24 29 30 23 20 22 13

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    A r i # r a 4 18 26 21 19 24 25 34 28 25 12 20 12 21 27 20 24 24 27 20 27 20 13 19 5 15 28 27 21 22 17 19 12 17 18 26 26

    %&nar'as& 3 18 25 21 19 22 23 31 24 28 14 21 15 21 25 19 23 24 26 19 27 21 14 20 6 14 27 27 21 22 16 18 13 16 17 26 26(A)

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    1st step; look at the chart of the persons to be married; do they have a good, so-so or bad

    karma for marriage? When the parents of a girl or boy approach an astrologer, the latter should assess the longevity of the boy andthe girl and only then proceed with other factors, relating to marriage (Do the candidates have good, bad or mixed karma (destiny) for

    wealth, health, children and marital happiness), If one of the two candidates appears destined to have a short life-span, the astrologer will, of

    course, not recommend the match 4arashara 5ora $hastra tells us about early widowhood or separation; 6A woman loses her husband or a man


  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    loses his wife, if Mars is in the houses "3,7,8 or ! from the Ascendant unaspected by or unassociated with any benefic planet. If both possessing this

     planetary combination oin in wedloc', it ceases to have any bad effect.

    Upapada Matching; 9papada is the arudha of the "3th house in any horoscope. 2his is computed by counting as many houses from the "3th lordas the lord gained from the "3th house. If the upapada falls in the "3th or the 1th house, then count "oth from the sign again to arrive at the finalupapada.9papada tells a lot about the spouse, one who is committed to follow you for the whole lifetime or at least for the duration of the marriage. 2he variousresults related to upapada can be studied from yotish classics such as -rhat 4arashara 5ora $hastra or 9padesha $utras of maharishi :aimini. 2hematching of 9papada is very crucial as this shows, how the images of the partners are related to each other and hence has a strong say on the maritalaffairs and harmony. 2he matching criteria for upapada is given below+". 2he agna of the bride should be in trine or 8th from the 9papada or in the pa'a upapada and vice versa.

    3. 2he 9papada and A should be placed in Kendra or 2rine or 0osit.# tog.th.r or ,&t&a--+ as>.;ting .a;h oth.r th.+ -i'. tog.th.r .'.n with #i::.r.n;.s o: o>inion* ?.r. on. thing has to . not.#* &>>os. th. -or# o: th. 7th isth. .n.,+ o: th. -or# o: -agna< it th.n ,.ans that th. >artn.r is th. nati'.s .n.,+* I: th. -or# o: Iagna is not th. .n.,+ o: th. -or# o: 7th th.n th. nati'. wi-- notr.;i>ro;at. th. i--"wi--* In s&;h a ;as. it is on-+ th. nati'. that .;o,.s th. s&::.r.r* i,i-ar-+ r.gar#ing th. as>.;t Th. as>.;tor has a::init+ towar#s th. as>.;t.. an#th. r.'.rs.* o in s&;h a ;as. th.r. is sing-. si#.# a::init+* @&rth.r< o: th. two th. ,or. >ow.r:&- r&-.s o'.r th. oth.r* oni K&ta, (on=&ga- ha>>in.ss to . =g.# + th. 7th ho&s.*; tr.. irga, g. :ro, h&kra an# th. 8th ho&s.*# ana, (o,>ar. th. g&nas o: th. -or# o: 1 an# 7 nat&ra- g&nas sign C star g&na*

    . @or a-- th. r.st o: th. K&ta,s ;ontri&ting to ha>>in.ss o: th. ;o&>-. -ook to th. 4th an# 7th Bha'as: i: th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. is ogi or in th. star o: th. ogi or with th. ogiD th.n th.r. is g.n.ra- ha>>in.ss an# >ros>.rit+ 'i;. '.rsag I: th. -or# o: th. 7th Bha'a as>.;ts /agoa or is with -or# o: -agna th.r. is a,i;ai-it+*h @ina--+ an# :or #.:init.n.ss =g. :ro, th. .::.;ts o: ashas -or#s :ro, th. )a'a,sha (hart*g.# this wa+ th. nat&r. o: th. >artn.r ,a+ . as;.rtain.# :ro, on. ;hart on-+* .stin+ :or;.s this nati'. to ,arr+ on-+ s&;h a >artn.r* Th.n wh.r. is th. h&,anhan# an# #is;ri,ination to s.-.;t th. on. o: o&r wishEGENERAL KARMA TENDENCIES OF THE WOMEN  ertain parts of Moola, Astesha, :yeshta and =isa'ha are destructive for the in+laws if thenatal moon is there ; Moola )first /uarter* > bad for husbands father, Aslesha )first /uarter* > bad for husbands mother, :yeshta )first /uarter* > bad for 

    husbands elder brother, =isa'ha )last /uarter* > bad for husbands younger brother.GENERAL KARMA TENDENCIES OF THE MAN REGARDING MARRIAGE AND FUTURE WIFE FROM HIS NATAL CHART

    If the #th house happens to be$

    Ari.s Th. wo,an wo&-# . int.r.st.# in 'isiting t.,>-.s* Ta&r&s h. wo&-# . :on# o: :..#ing oth.rs*.,ini K..>s th. ho&s.ho-#< &t.nsi-s .t;*< n.at an# ;-.an* (an;.r Int.r.st.# in athing .t;*/.o @in#s >-.as&r. in >.r:or,ing rit&a-s -ik. ho,a* irgo h. wo&-# . int.r.st.# in ;o--.;ting >.r:&,.s< &t.nsi-s .t;*.ak.r* ;or>io h. wo&-# . an .G>.rt in ;&-inar+ art*agittari&s Int.r.st.# in -ist.ning to r.;itations o: .#as an# %&ranas* (a>ri;orn Ho&-# . int.r.st.# in ;o--.;ting goo# sh..ts .t;*AF&ari&s h. wo&-# . ;-.'.r in storing grains* %is;.s h. wo&-# ha'. >-.as&r. in ;o--.;ting ron. arti;-.s an# ;&rios an# . a ni;. s>.ak.r*The following conditions relating to the 7th house indicate the wifes death (widower):i Th. 7th ho&s. ,&st . w.ak< ha'ing ,a-.:i; asso;iation an# as>.;t* ii As.n;. o: th. as>.;t o: th. -or# o: th. 7th< 1st or a .n.:i; on th. 7th ho&s.* iii Th.-or# o: th. 7th ho&s. an# .n&s< .ing in ini,i;a- ho&s.< or #.i-itation A,sha or ;o,&stion< ar. as>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;s< witho&t .n.:i; ;onn.;tion*i' Th.s. two >-an.ts sho&-# . >osit.# in 6th< 8th or 12th ho&s.* I: two o: th. ao'. ;on#itions ar. :&-:i--.#< th. wi:.s #.ath wo&-# . ;.rtain*the man would not !e married" i I: Mars . >osit.# in th. 7th ho&s.< th. nati'. wo&-# . s.>arat.# :ro, or .r.a'.# o: his wi:.* Th. sa,. .::.;t wo&-# :o--ow< i:at&rn sho&-# o;;&>+ or as>.;t th. 7th ho&s. witho&t .n.:i; ;onn.;tion*ii I: (a>ri;orn . th. 7th ho&s. with &>it.r in it< or i: ;or>io . th. 7th ho&s. with .n&s in it< th. wi:. wo&-# #i.* i,i-ar-+ i: Ta&r&s . th. 7th ho&s. with M.r;&r+ init< th. >.rsons :irst wi:. wo&-# #i.* iii I: %is;.s . th. 7th ho&s. with at&rn in it< th. r.s&-t wo&-# . th. sa,.*i'irgo .ing th. 7th ho&s. with &>it.r in it< an# th. 4th ho&s. with ,a-.:i;s wo&-# #o th. sa,. =o*' /or#s o: th. 5th an# 8th ho&s.s o;;&>+ing th. 7th ho&s. a-so #o th. sa,. thing*i$ely %ro!lems to wife or with wife& .:or,it+ : Hi:. i: Th. &n an# .n&s >osit.# in th. 5th< 7th or 9th ho&s.i I: .n&s . s&rro&n#.# + ,a-.:i;s witho&t .n.:i; ;onn.;tion< th. nati'. wo&-# s&::.r on a;;o&nt o: his wi:.< or . .r.a'.# o: h.r*ii Th. sa,. r.s&-t wo&-# :o--ow< i: th. 4th an# 8th ho&s.s :ro, .n&s . >osit.# + ,a-.:i;s witho&t .n.:i; ;onn.;tion*iii I: th. &n an# Rah& . in th. 7th ho&s.< th. wi:. wo&-# . s.>arat.# :ro, hi,* Th. ,an th.r.a:t.r wo&-# -os. .'.r+thing*i' ho&-# .n&s o;;&>+ a ,o'a-. sign with th. as>.;t or asso;iation o: at&rn< an# . s&rro&n#.# + ,a-.:i;s< th. wi:. wo&-# . &n;hast. an# -.a'. hi,*' I: .n&s . >osit.# in Mars Rashi or A,sha an# ;onn.;t.# with Mars< th. nati'. wo&-# g.t a ;r&.- wi:.* I: this oga o;;&rs in at&rns sign or A,sha< or i: .n&s. in his #.i-itation in Rashi or A,sha h. wo&-# . ,arri.# to a ,.an or -ow";-ass gir-*'shtha$aarga *ethod ho&-# th. 7th ho&s. in .n&ss Ashthaka"arga ;hart . w.ak< th. nati'.s s>o&s. wo&-# ;.rtain-+ >r.#.;.as.< >ro'i#.# Man#i o;;&>i.sa trin. :ro, th. as;.n#ant*Hi:.s .athD ho&-# .n&s . >osit.# in Ari.s< ;or>io< or /.o< an# as>.;t.# + or ;o,in.# with th. -or# th.r. o:< an# at a ti,. wh.n th. :ir. .-.,.nt ris.s Ari.s<;or>io< or /.o as;*< th. nati'.s wi:. wo&-# #i. thro&gh :ir.* Hh.n .n&s is asso;iat.# with Man#i< an# Rah& o;;&>i.s a k.n#ra or kona with r.s>.;t to .n&s< th.

     wi:. wo&-# #i. as a r.s&-t o: snak.it. or >oison #r&gs*Th. wi:. wo&-# ,..t with a #isastro&s .n#< in ;as. th.r. . ,a-.:i;s in th. 8th ho&s. :ro, .n&s in asso;iation with at&rn* .ath #&. to ani,a- atta;k I: .n&s inth. ao'. ;on#ition o;;&>i.s a sign signi:+ing F&a#r&>.# ari< ta&< -.o2n# ha-: o: sag< h.r #.ath wi-- . #&. to ani,a- atta;kD an# i: th. #.;anat. o: .n&s . '&-t&r.ari2< g.,2< -.o1< -i2< < #.ath wo&-# . #&. to ir#sD i: .n&s . in a wat.r+ sign ;an< s;o< >is< h.r .n# wo&-# . #&. to #rowning in a tankD an# i: .n&s< ;o,in.#

     with th. Moon< . in a ,o'a-. sign (an;.r< %is;.s or -att.r ha-: o: (a>ri;ornE Un#.r th. ao'. ;on#ition< #.ath wo&-# . in th. s.a thro&gh wat.r*

    enus in com!ination with oth.r >-an.ts an# &>agra>has ;a&s.s th. :o--owing .::.;tsi Hith th. &n Th. wi:. wo&-# . '.r+ >ro,in.nt in th. :a,i-+< &t >oss.ss.# + a s>irit h&ta*ii Hith th. Moon h. wo&-# . s&>.rior to h.r h&san#*iii Hith Mars h. wo&-# . &n;hast. an# tro&-.# + #.,ons*i' Hith M.r;&r+ h. wo&-# . ;har,ing< .n#ow.# with goo# ;hara;t.r an# -.arning< &t tro&-.# + 'i#+#haras a ;-ass o: #.,i"go#s*' Hith &>it.r B. >aragon o 'irt&.s an# -.ss.# with sons< &t tro&-.# + gan#har'as anoth.r ;-ass o: #.,i"go#*


  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    'i Hith at&rn B. o: a# ;hara;t.r< :ri.n#-+ with th. wi;k.#< a h+>o;rit. an# :o&- tong&.#* )ot. Th. ao'. .::.;ts ;o&-# a-so . attri&t.# to th. nati'.s wi:.< i:.n&s o;;&>i.s th. ho&s.s o: th.s. >-an.ts**'ii Hith Rah& or K.t& h. is -ik.-+ to . #.:or,.# or short o: a -i,< an# in -.ag&. with #.s>i;a-. :.--ows*'iii Hith Man#i a,akantaka or ka-a Th. nati'.s wi:. is -ik.-+ to ,..t with an .ar-+ #.ath*iG Hith Ar#ha>rahara ?.r #.ath wo&-# . gra#&a-< or a:t.r >rotra;t.# i--n.ss+ifes ,aste-,ommunity-.ocial .tatus 'nd %hysical /eatures"ho&-# &>it.r or .n&s o;;&>+ th. 7th ho&s. in th. ,a-. ;hart< his wi:. wo&-# . o: th. sa,. ;-ass or ;o,,&nit+* n th. oth.r han#< oth.r >-an.ts >osit.# in th. 7thho&s. ar. -ik.-+ to ,ak. h.r on. o: s-ight-+ -ow.r stat&s* ?.r >h+si;a- :.at&r.s sho&-# . as;.rtain.# :ro, strong.r o: th. -or#s o: th. sign an# A,sha o;;&>i.# + th.-or# o: th. 7th ho&s.* Th. wi:.s ;hara;t.r< ;o-o&r< stat&r.< ;ast.< nat&r. .t;*< ar. to . r.a# :ro, th. strong.st o: th. :o--owing thr.. or ,or. >-an.ts 'i*< .n&s -or# o:th. 7th ho&s. an# thos. that ar. >osit.# in th. 7th ho&s.*

    Th. wi:. wo&-# . -.ss.# with goo# sons< :ort&n. an# r.-igio&s #is>osition< i i: th.r. . a .n.:i; in th. 9th ho&s. :ro, .n&s< >ro'i#.# its -or# o: th. 9th ho&s.:ro, .n&s is strong* ii I: th. -or# o: th. 7th . a .n.:i; an# as>.;t.# + or ;on=oin.# with a .n.:i;*iii or i: th. 5th< 7th< 9th an# 11th ho&s.s< ;o&nt.# :ro, th. on. o;;&>i.# + th. 7th -or#< ar. >osit.# + .n.:i;s or an+ strong >-an.t< th. sa,. r.s&-t sho&-# .#.;-ar.#*

    Th. ,an is -ik.-+ to g.t a wi:. who wo&-# . #istr.ss.#< .ing arr.n or si;k-+* i i: th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. . a ,a-.:i; an# asso;iat.# with or as>.;t.#+ ,a-.:i;sD ii or i: th. 5th< 7th< 9th an# 11th ho&s.s ;o&nt.# :ro, th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s.< ar. o;;&>i.# + ,a-.:i;s<0appy con1ugal life is the result of the following ogasi Th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s.< .ing >oss.ss.# o: str.ngth< or .n.:i;s sho&-# o;;&>+ or as>.;t that ho&s. i*.* 7th*ii .n&s an# th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. sho&-# . strong< o;;&>+ a&s>i;io&s ho&s.s an# . asso;iat.# with or as>.;t.# + .n.:i;sThe rides family"  I: th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. . >oss.ss.# o: str.ngth< th. nati'. wo&-# g.t a .a&ti:&- ri#. :ro, a ri;h :a,i-+* n th. oth.r han#< i: that >-an.t .

     w.ak< th. gir- wo&-# . &g-+ an# hai-ing :ro, a >oor :a,i-+*ho&-# th. 7th -or# . ;o,in.# with or as>.;t.# + .n.:i;s< or h.,,.# in .tw..n .n.:i;s< th. ,an wo&-# . -.ss.# with a goo# wi:. an# ;hi-#r.n*

    Th. sa,. r.s&-t wo&-# :o--ow< i: th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. . in th. sign o: A,sha o: a .n.:i;< or i: .n&s . si,i-ar-+ sit&at.#< an# th. -or# o: th. 10th ho&s. .>oss.ss.# o: str.ngth*

    n th. oth.r han#< i: .ith.r th. &n or -or# o: th. 7th ho&s.< .ing >osit.# in a sign or A,sha .-onging to a ,a-.:i;< or as>.;t.# + or ;on=oin.# with,a-.:i;s< h. wo&-# g.t an &n;hast. wi:.*ho&-# th. 7th ho&s. . o;;&>i.# + Rah& or K.t& an# as>.;t.# + or asso;iat.# with ,a-.:i;s< th. >.rsons wi:. wo&-# . ;hara;t.r-.ss sin:&-* I: Rah&

    an# K.t& sho&-# attain th. A,sha o: th. ,a-.:i;< sh. wo&-# >oison th. h&san# an# . a-wa+s F&arr.--ing with th. h&san# an# . th. &tt o: ri#i;&-. to th. >.o>-.4ffects 5f %lanets 6n The .eenth 0ouse 5n 0im" Th. &n ?. wi-- ha'. -iaison with anoth.rs wi:.* Th. Moon ?. -o'.s his wi:. ,ost*Mars ?. wi-- ha'. s.G"r.-ations with ,an+ wo,.n* M.r;&r+ ?. -o'.s his wi:.* &>it.r h. wi-- . '.r+ 'irt&o&s an# -o'.# + th. h&san#*.n&s ?. is '.r+ -&st:&-* at&rn ?. wi-- ha'. -iaison with -ow";-ass wo,.n*+ifes social .tatus:  I: th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. is strong.r than th. -agna"-or#< an# >osit.# in a .n.:i; A,sha an# as>.;t.# + a .n.:i;< attainingaish.shika,sha or its high.st .Ga-tation< his wi:. wi-- . hai-ing :ro, a s&>.rior :a,i-+< an# >oss.ss.# o: .G;.--.nt ;hara;t.r an# :.at&r.s* I: th. ;on#itions ar.;ontrar+< h. g.ts a wi:. :ro, a >oor :a,i-+ or -ow";-ass6ndications 5f %ossi!le 8emarriage Two Marriag.s C Thr.. or Mor. Marriag.si Th. as;.n#ant is a #&a- signD th. Moon an# th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. ar. >osit.# in #&a- signs or A,shas*ii Two >-an.ts sho&-# . in th. 11th ho&s.< an# M.r;&r+ an# at&rn o;;&>+ th. 7th ho&s.*iii I: th. &n an# Mars . in th. 7th ho&s. or its A,sha< it wo&-# show that th. ,an has ,or. than on. ,arriag.< &t -i'.s on-+ with on. wi:.* I: th. thr.. >-an.ts 'i*<.n&s an# -or#s o: th. 7th ho&s.< ;o&nt.# :ro, th. as;.n#ant an# th. Moon< . .n#ow.# with str.ngth an# >osit.# in goo# ho&s.s< th.r. wo&-# . thr.. ,arriag.s I:

    on-+ two . strong< th. ;han;. is :or two ,arriag.sD an# i: on-+ on. . strong< on. ,arriag. on-+* I: .ith.r th. 7th -or# or .n&s . in its high.st .Ga-tation an# i: at th.sa,. ti,. th.r. . two or ,or. >-an.ts in th. 7th ho&s.< thr.. or ,or. ,arriag.s wo&-# r.s&-t* Th. n&,.r o: ,arriag.s ,a+ a-so . :o&n# o&t :ro, th. )a'a,sha;o'.r.# + th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s.*

    Anoth.r 'i.w is th. :o--owing I: th.r. ar. two strong >-an.ts in th. 7th ho&s.< th.r. wi-- . two ,arriag.s*The following are some more ogas for remarriagei Th. 7th ho&s. .ing strong< its -or# an# .n&s ,&st . >osit.# in on. o: th. :o--owing Rashis 'i*< own ho&s.< own #.;anat.< argotta,a,sha Rashi an#)a'a,sha .ing in th. sa,. sign*ii Th. 2n# or th. 7th ho&s. ,&st ha'. a ,a-.:i; as>.;t or >r.s.n;. an# th. -or# . w.ak*iii Th. 7th or 8th ho&s. :ro, -agna is o;;&>i.# + ,a-.:i;s< an# th. 12 th ho&s. + Mars< >ro'i#.# th. ;on;.rn.# ho&s. is not as>.;t.# + its own -or#*i'Th. -or# o: th. )a'a,sha o;;&>i.# + th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. . .;-i>s.#< #.i-itat.#< >osit.# in ini,i;a- or #.i-itation A,sha #.;anat.< or s&rro&n#.# oras>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;s*' I: th. s.;on# or s.'.nth ho&s. . o;;&>i.# + ,an+ ,or. than two ,a-.:i;s< an# i: its -or# . as>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;s< thr.. ,arriag.s ar. in#i;at.#*'i I: th. as;.n#ant< 2n#< or 7th ho&s. . o;;&>i.# + ,a-.:i;s< an# i: th. 7 th  -or# . #.i-itat.#< .;-i>s.# or >osit.# in an ini,i;a- sign< thr.. ,arriag.s sho&-# .#.;-ar.#*

    'ii /or# o: th. 7th ho&s.< .ing >osit.# in k.n#ra or kona< is to . in his .Ga-tation< :ri.n#-+ sign* argotta,a,sha an# oth.r argas that ar. his own< an# asso;iat.# with th. -or# o: th. 10th ho&s.< h. wi-- ha'. ,an+ wi'.s* 'iii Th. sa,. r.s&-t wo&-# :o--ow i: th. -or#s o: 7th an# 11th ho&s.s . strong an# >osit.# in trin.s

    2nd step; synastry of the 2 charts ; *utual erification of !oth ,harts (from New techniques of predictions # 2)a .. how th. -or#s o: th. -agna o: oth ar. #is>os.#* !'.n i: th.+ ar. .n.,i.s< i: th.+ =oin or as>.;t .a;h oth.r th.+ wi-- -i'. tog.th.r* I: th. -or# o: th. 7th Bha'a or its ;&s>a- star"-or# is th. Birth ogi o: th. oth.r or is in th. star o: th. Birth ogi o: th. oth.r J ha>>+",at;h*; i: on.s -agna is in anth.rs oga star " ogai;*# i: th. two -aGn.ss ar. ,&t&a--+ in goo# >ositions oth.r than 6.;ts th. )ati'.s -agnaJ oo#*g.# in this s;i.nti:i; wa+ +o& wi-- arri'. at ;orr.;t ;on;-&sion* In :a;t wh.n I a, ;ons&-t.# I wi-- :irst s;r&tinis. th. horos;o>. in th. ao'. ,ann.r an# at th. -aststag. o: r.;o,,.n#ation s.. th. ,ost i,>ortant koota,s on-+ s&;h as A+&r< )a#i an# Ra==& K&ta, -.a'ing th. r.st to oth.rs to -ook into i: th.+ :..- so anGio&s*

    'nother edic method -i,it.# to ,oonD Is th. =&Gta>osition o: th. Moon in th. ,ans ;hart an# th. Moon in th. wo,ans ;hart har,onio&s orinhar,onio&sE I: th. gir-s ,oon sign . at th. :ag .n# o: (an;.r< ;or>io or %is;.s an# th. o+s ,oon sign< th. '.r+ n.Gt Rashi< th. r.s&-t wo&-# . &tt.r >.n&r+*1L12 r.-ation * A ,a-. whos. nata- ,oon ha>>.ns to . in th. 'isi-. ha-: o: th. gir-s ,oon 8 to 12 &t not th. -agna< th. a--ian;. wi-- . '.r+ goo#* In ;as. th. o+s

    ,oon ha>>.ns to . th. 6th :ro, th. gir-s ,oon< it is ,o#.rat.* !'.n th. 4th sign :ro, th. gir-s wo&-# . goo# :or a--ian;.< >ro'i#.# th.r. is agr..,.nt in r.s>.;t o:as+a,  solar fire gies a good western synastry reportD ?.r. is th. ,.tho# works I: M.r;&r+ in on. horos;o>. is not har,onio&s-+ r.-at.# to M.r;&r+ in th.oth.r< th. two >.rsons in'o-'.# ar. -ik.-+ to ha'. a #i::.r.nt st+-. o: s.-:".G>r.ssion an# ;o,,∋ation wi-- not :-ow s,ooth-+* I: Mars in on. horos;o>. isinhar,onio&s-+ r.-at.# to Mars in th. oth.r< th. ,an an# th. wo,an in'o-'.# ,a+ . '.r+ #i::.r.nt in th.ir initiati'.< ;o&rag. an# ass.rti'.n.ss* I: .n&s in on.horos;o>. is in #i::i;&-t as>.;t to .n&s in th. oth.r< th.ir attit.s to -o'. an# ro,an;. ,a+ . in;o,>ati-.* B+ ;o,>aring a-- th. >-an.ts in this wa+< a w.st.rn


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    astro-og.r ;an #.ri'. a goo# #.a- o: in:or,ation ao&t th. strong an# th. w.ak >oints o: a r.-ationshi> on #i::.r.nt -.'.-s< &t .'.n th.n it ,a+ not a-wa+s . >ossi-.to ;-.ar-+ sa+ wh.th.r or not a ,at;h is r.a--+ goo#* %.rsona--+< I .-i.'. that oth th. In#ian s+st., an# th. H.st.rn ,.tho# ha'. th.ir own ,.rits an# ;an;o,>-.,.nt .a;h oth.r* In oth.r wor#s< an astro-og.r who knows oth s+st.,s is at an a#'antag.< as h. ;an :a-- a;k &>on a s.t o: #ata '.#i; r.'.a-ing th. #.stin+an# anoth.r s.t r.'.a-ing th. >s+;ho-og+ w.st.rn astro o: th. ;-i.nt*

    3rd step; compare the kutas poruthams!; (same order as in "oravani)introduction$ muhurtha is meant for assisting us in our spiritual progress. 9nli'e mundane astrology muhurtha is not based on intuition, as we have

    stated it is based only and firmly in shastra, no need of speculative readings, ust read.According to the muhurtha shastra it is not the temporary dispositions based on 'arma that the individual is going through that is to be ta'en into

    consideration, it is the birth constellation that is important )it set the main footpath< character* and not the birth chart as a whole. 2his many people

    misunderstand. ?or marriage we want to see natures and the phases that persons are due to go through because of the 3 moon stars. 2his generally will

     be very difficult to analy@e without the use of =edic astrology who emphasi@e on this only. $rimad Kalapra'ashi'a shastra gives us an overview in brief on page 81 6Bhinam, Canam, Doni, Rasi and Rau, are the five chief points in whichthere should be agreement in the horoscopes of the bride and bridegroom. &f these, Bhinam and Rau are first in importance. Bhinam is particularlyso to the -rahmanas; Canam to Ksatriyas; Rasi to =aisyas; and Doni to $hudras. )It is interesting to note the modes of nature in relation to which caste

    chooses its importance.*

    2o determine suitability the horoscopes of the boy and girl must be in full agreement in at least E 'utas upon "3.

    " 1 #ina porutham #hina k&ta 3>tsD ,.ans ;o,>atii-it+ o: irth stars an# in#i;at.s h.a-th< -&;k :ort&n. or ,is:ort&n. an#

    -ong.'it+ o: th. ;o&>-. /.ngth o: ,arri.# -i:.< it is .s>.;ia--+ o: >ri,ar+ i,>ortan;. :or rah,ani;a--+ in;-in.# >.o>-. Dprinciple& ina K&ta ,.ans ,ating o: ;harts or ;o,>atii-it+ :or #a+ to #a+ -i'ing an# sharing o: ha>>in.ss an# sorrow* Th. wor# #ina si,>-+ ,.ans #a+ an# r.:.rs toth. #a+ to #a+ -i'ing an# sharing*  Th. >oint is that wh.n two >.o>-. ,arr+ th.n th.+ sho&-# . s&>>orti'. o: .a;h oth.r #&ring th. #a+s o: worr+ an# tro&-.s* @or.Ga,>-. on a #a+ wh.n th. Moon is in th. 3r# :ro, =an,a naksatra o: th. o+ an# h. is sorrow:&- th.n this ,oon sho&-# . strong :or th. ri#. an# sh. sho&-# .

    a-. to s&>>ort hi, to ti#. o'.r th. #i::i;&-ti.s* That is th. r.ason wh+ #ina k&ta is n.;.ssar+< oth.rwis. oth wi-- . o'.r;o,. + sorrows at th. sa,. ti,.L #a+*To understand the wor$ing of 9ina Kuta you hae to study the tara!ala of !oth 1anma and lagna na$satra of the couple  an# #.t.r,in. th.ir

    ;o,>atii-it+" 6f dina $uta is not present in the 1anma (moon) na$satra ,at;hing th.n th. ;o&>-. wi-- n.'.r r.a--+ .;o,. '.r+ ;-os. to .a;h oth.r s&t-. #istan;.<#isagr..,.nts an# th.+ wi-- not . o: an+ s&>>ort to .a;h oth.r #&ring #i::i;&-t #a+s an# sharing wi-- . -ow* n th. oth.r han# if dina $uta is not present fromlagna na$satra  th.n th.+ ;annot agr.. gross #isagr..,.nts on ,a=or iss&.s an# sho&-# . a#'is.# to r.s>.;t th. 'i.ws o: th.ir >artn.r inst.a# o: g.tting into,.aning-.ss arg&,.nts* This is a-so on. o: th. r.asons wh+ ,arriag. .tw..n ;o&>-.s ha'ing th. sa,. =an,a naksatra was not .n;o&rag.#*  

    A groom whose moon star is the 0rd )vipat " st pada*, Eth )pratya' 7 th pada* or 8th )=adha 0rd pada* from the brides star, is not accepted )givestroubles and shows separation*. It is e(ceedingly bad in the 0rd or 8th star. 2he Eth star is not that bad. 2he 1th )$aadhana* Na'shatra is also

    inauspicious, however, not as bad as the 0rd< Eth or 8th. %rinciple& 2he farther the :anma Na'shatra of the boy from the CirlFs Na'shatra, the better it

    will be for him for their happiness.

    $hould the grooms birth happen in the !!th Amsha from the brides Amsha , it would be e(tremely harmful. one born in the "#!th Amsha, i.e. the last

    /uarter of the previous star. !!th Navamsa is the 7th from Moon in BG, whereas "#!th is the "3th from the Moon in BG. "#!th 4ada is ust the pada

     before the MoonFs Na'shatra pada, whereas the !!th pada is 3# padas before the womanFs :anma Na'shatra pada.

    " 2 $ana porutham 6>ts on. '.r+ i,>ortant as>.;t &t not ;o,>&-sor+ s or anas<na,.-+ .'a< Man&sh+a an# As&ra* It is #.sira-. to ha'. th. stars o: th. ;o&>-. .-onging to ;o,>ati-. ganas< to .ns&r. ,&t&a-agr..,.nt o: t.,>.ra,.nt :or har,onio&s >ros>.rit+ an# w.-:ar. in w.##.# -i:.< it in;r.as.s a::.;tion C on# with ti,. .tw..n th.>artn.rs .s>.;ia--+ i,>ortant :or ksatri+as< no-.s C ro+a-t+ :or who, an;.stra- t.n#.n;+ is th. :irst ;rit.ria*   )partners of similar temperaments of nature*, A Beva can marry a Beva, a Manusha can marry a Manusha, and a Ra'shasa can marry a Ra'shasa. Another point is that a

    Manusha or Beva man should not try to marry a Ra'shasa girl unless there are neutralising factors. -ut marriage between a Ra'shasa man and a Beva

    or Manusha girl is passable. If marriage is performed between prohibited Canas there will be constant /uarrels and disharmony, the couple would

    then welcome an opportunity for e(tra marital relations, separation and

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    " ( )oni %orutham 4>ts*,aGi gi'.s an in#i;ation o: th. >h+si;a- ;o,>atii-it+ o: th. ;o&>-. :or sat is:a;tor+ ,ating -.a#ing to %ros>.rit+ an#:inan;ia- stai-it+* This is o: :irst i,>ortan;. :or th. sras who ar. ,or. on th. gross -.'.-* ,his #"ta cannot be compromised- .ood yonicompatibility promotes the birth of many sons

    a) Na$shatra oni (common one for analysis and points)&%rinciple: I: th. gir- is orn in a :.,a-. )akshatra an# th. o+ is in a ,a-.< th. ;o&>-. wi-- ha'.:inan;ia- stai-it+* I: oth ar. in :.,a-. )akshatra< th.r. wi-- . -oss o: w.a-th* I: oth ar. in th. ,a-. )akshatras< it is to . r.=.;t.#*oni K&ta tak.s into a;;o&nt what .Gt.rna-s on. wi-- .ar< s.G&a- &rg.< s.G&a- ;o,>atii-it+< si. o: ;o>&-ator+ organs an# th.ir ;o,>atii-it+ an# so on*  !a;h nat&r. is.F&at.# with an ani,a- a;;or#ing to th. ;a>a;it+ o: in#&-g.n;.< an# ,o#. o: r.gar#* This is gi'.n again a;;or#ing to th. =an,a nakshatra* In shastras< marriagebetween the same animal class of yoni (male or female) brings great happiness, for it is natural harmony * (o,>atii-it+ o: ,a-. an# :.,a-. a,ong :ri.n#-+

    +onis< with oth ha'ing :.,a-. nakshatras< wi-- at -.ast ring a :air a,o&nt o: har,on+ an# agr..,.nt** I: in;o,>ati-. +onisL nakshatras ar. ;o,in.# .a;h wi-- -i'. a-i:. o: h.--< th&s IT ?U/ )T B! !!) T?U?T @*Same star for both: I: th. o+ an# th. gir- sho&-# ha'. th. sa,. nata- star a,ong th. :o--owing 12 stars 'i*< +.shtha< M&-a< %&r'a Asha#a< %&sh+a< Ash-.sha<Magha< ?astha< Rohini< hanishtha< hatahishak< Ar#ra an# Bharani< th. r.s&-t wo&-# . &ntowar# :or +oni 'i.w>oint* Th. r.st ar. goo#+he nakshatras copulatory natures are as follows&-

    12* yonis 3*12* yonis 421!! 53


    ". A$JINI 37.$A2A-5I$ 5&R$

    3. -5ARANI 38. R=A2I 45AN2

    !. 49$DAMI 0.KRI22IKA $54

    7. R&5INI E.MRCA$IRA $R4N2

    "G. M9A 1.ARBRA B&C

    G. A$$5A 8.49NA=A$9 A2

    "#. MAC5A "".49R=A45AC9NI RA2

     "3.922ARA45A 31.922AR-5ABRA &J"E. $JA2I "0. 5A$2A -9??A&

    "1. =I$AK5A "7.I2RA 2ICR  

    "!. :D$25A "8.AN9RAB5A 5AR

    3#. 49R=A$5A 33.$RA=ANA M&NKD

    3E.49R=A-5ABRA 30.B5ANI$25A I&N

    3". 922ARA$5A M&NC&&$

    +he following pairs are to be avoided&- &J and 2ICR, 45AN2 and

    I&N, 5&R$ and -9??A&, B&C and 5AR, $R4N2 andM&NC&&$, M&NKD and C&A2, A2 and RA2, as they are their natural

     prey, thus marriage would be torment. All other naturally hostile pairs should be

    avoided, irrespective of how much the se(ual impulse is pushing to unite.

    Doni lass 5o




















    R a





















    5&R$ 7 3 3 0 3 3 3 " # " 0 0 3 "45AN2 3 7 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 " 3 0 3 #$54 3 0 7 3 " 3 " 0 0 " 3 # 0 "$R4N2 0 0 3 7 3 " " " " 3 3 3 # 3B&C 3 3 " 3 7 3 " 3 3 " # 3 " "A2 3 3 3 " 3 7 # 3 3 " 0 0 3 "RA2 3 3 " " " # 7 3 3 3 3 3 " 3&J " 3 0 " 3 3 3 7 0 # 0 3 3 "-9??A& # 0 0 " 3 3 3 0 7 " 3 3 3 "2ICR " " " 3 " " 3 # " 7 " " 3 "5AR " 3 3 3 # 0 3 0 3 " 7 3 3 "M&NKD 0 0 # 3 3 0 3 3 3 " 3 7 0 3M&NC&&$ 3 3 0 # " 3 " 3 3 3 3 0 7 3I&N " # " 3 " " 3 " 3 " " 3 3 7

    b) asi 6oni (not commonly used but can confirm or alleviate 7aksatra yoni)&  word Doni means the source or birth+place. 8oth thesigns and stars have their distinctive 6onis 2hey are four in number as )"* -ird, )3* Reptile, )0* Animal, and )7* 5uman.

    )"* $econd half of apricorn, and 4isces belong to the bird Doni )3* ancer and $corpio are of reptile Doni.

    )0* Aries, 2aurus, eo, $agittarius )3nd half* and first half of apricorn are animal source.)7* Cemini, =irgo, ibra $agittarius )first half* andA/uarius are of human origin.If the 6onis signs of moon of the couple are the same, it is very good . If one is animal and the other human, it is moderate. &ne of animal Doni

    should not be oined with the other of reptile or bird Doni. $imilarly one of human origin should not be oined with reptile or bird Doni.apricorn 3nd half, 4isces 4a'shi )bird*ancer, $corpio ReptileAri, 2au, eo, $ag 3nd half ap "st half4asu )animal*Cem, =ir, ib, $ag "st half, A/u. Nara)human*4ompatibility of asi 6oni$

     4asu L 4asu > Cood 4asu L Nara > ?air  4asu L 4a'shi or Reptile > -ad

    5uman L 4a'shi or Reptile > -ad Ne(t is a 2able for /uic' loo';  chec' the moon sign of the bride

    groom in any order and see their sign<

    rasi compatibility for yoni 'uta.

    ari ta& g., ;an -.o 'ir -i s;o .ag1st ha-:

    ag2n# ha-:

    (a>1st ha-:

    ,ap2n# ha-:

    aF& >is

     ari goo# goo# :air !ad goo# :air :air !ad :air goo# goo# !ad :air !adTa& goo# goo# :air !ad goo# :air :air !ad :air goo# goo# !ad :air !ad., :air :air sa,. !ad :air sa,. sa,. !ad sa,. :air :air !ad sa,. !ad(an !ad !ad !ad sa,. !ad !ad !ad sa,. !ad !ad !ad E !ad E/.o goo# goo# :air !ad goo# :air :air !ad :air goo# goo# !ad :air !adir :air :air sa,. !ad :air sa,. sa,. !ad sa,. :air :air !ad sa,. !ad/i :air :air sa,. !ad :air sa,. sa,. !ad sa,. :air :air !ad sa,. !ad;o !ad !ad !ad sa,. !ad !ad !ad sa,. !ad !ad !ad E !ad E

    .ag 1st ha-: :air :air sa,. !ad :air sa,. sa,. !ad sa,. :air :air !ad a,. !adag 2n# ha-: goo# goo# :air !ad goo# :air :air !ad :air sa,. goo# !ad :air ad(a> 1st ha-: goo# goo# :air !ad goo# :air :air !ad :air goo# sa,. !ad :air !ad,ap 2n# ha-: !ad !ad !ad E !ad !ad !ad E !ad !ad !ad sa,. !ad sa,.AF& :air :air sa,. !ad :air sa,. sa,. !ad sa,. :air :air !ad sa,. !ad%is !ad !ad !ad E !ad !ad !ad E !ad !ad !ad sa,. !ad sa,.



    *ffect of 6onyanukulya& !exual compatibility

    Male ?emale =ery Cood; all+round progress and prosperityMale unuch =ery Cood?emale ?emale Moderate, fair amount of harmony and agreementMale Male 5armful )fights for supremacy *?emale Male 5armful )male is dominated*?emale unuch =ery -ad

    unuch Male 9nacceptableunuch ?emale Moderateunuch unuch =ery -ad

     Extra analyis; Effets Of Sex !f t"e !#$le % &!!n stars 'n! $!ints

    all!tte( f!r t"at); #se t"e ta*le a*!+e t! see t"e ,en(er !f t"e stars

    " * +asi %orutham kuta 7>ts*D gi'.s an in#.G o: th. >rogr.ss an# growth o: th. :a,i-+ a:t.r ,arriag. a >ri,ar+ i,>ortan;. :or

    th. 'ais+asL ,.r;anti-. ;o,,&nit+* This $uta cannot !e compromised 2he number of units for Rasi Kuta is 8 )seven*.


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    %rin;i>-.* th. an,a ,oon Rasi o: th. ,an sho&-# not . in th. A#ris+a >ortion In'isi-. ha-: :ro, th. an,a ,oon Rasi :ro, th. wo,an< th. A#ris+a >ortion is:ro, as;.n#ant to #.s;.n#ant*)ara#aD I: oth ha'. th. sa,. an,a ,oon Rasi< ,arriag. ;an #on. >ro'i#.# oth ha'. not th. sa,. ,oon )akshatra arga M&ni< Brihas>ati an# Bhrig&D I: othha'. th. sa,. an,a ,oon RasiD th. ast.ris, o: th. o+ sho&-# >r.;.#. that o: th. gir- i: th. ,arriag. is to >ro'. ha>>+* th.n th. K&tas or a#a>tai-it+ n..# not .a>>-i.# at a-- in that ;as. In ;as. th. ;onst.--ation o: th. gir- >r.;.#.s that o: th. o+< th. a--ian;. sho&-# . r.=.;t.#,ommon anma Na$shatra (for general iewpoint) This is a :&rth.r .Gt.nsion o: th. >rin;i>-. o: ;o,,on an,a Rasi* Th. an,a )akshatras o: th. ri#. an#ri#.groo,< .ing on. an# th. sa,.< ar. a>>ro'.# in ;as. o: Rohini< Ari#ra< Makha< ?asta< isakha< ra'ana* Uttaraha#ra an# R.'ati* Th. .::.;t wo&-# .or#inar+ i: th. ;o,,on an,a )akshatras ar. Aswini< Krittika< Mrigasira< %&nar'as&< %&sh+a< %&a* Uttara* (hitta< An&ra#ha< %oor'asha#ha an# Uttarasha#ha<Bharani< As-.sha* (o,,on an,a )akshatras is not r.;o,,.n#.# i: th. )akshatras ha>>.ns to . wati< +.shta< Moo-a< hanishta< atahisha an#%oor'aha#ra *

    ?.r. again ;.rtain an;i.nt a&thors ho-# that .'.n tho&gh th. an,a )akshatras ar. sa,.< th. .'i- .;o,.s n&--i:i.# i: th. %a#as ar. #i::.r.nt* I: th. an,a)akshatra .-ongs to two signs .*g*< Krittika th. %a#a o: th. ri#. sho&-# r.-at. to th. >r.;.#ing sign* @or .Ga,>-.< i: Krittika is th. ;o,,on an,a )akshatra< th.ri#. sho&-# ha'. h.r an,a Rasi in M.sha an# th. ri#.groo, in rishaha* I:< how.'.r< th. ;o,,on an,a )akshatra .-ongs to two signs .F&a--+ .*g*<Mrigasira< (hitta< .t;* th. sign :or th. :irst two F&art.rs sho&-# . that o: th. ri#.groo,*Th. ;o&>-. sho&-# not ha'. th. sa,. an,a Rasi< sa,. an,a )akshatra an# %a#a* ?ow.'.r< in r.gar# to atahisha< ?asta< wati* Aswini< Krittika<%oor'asha#ha< Mrigasira an# Makha< th. .'i- gi'.n ris. to + 'irt&. o: ;o,,on an,a Rasi< )akshatra an# %a#a g.ts ;an;.--.# i: th. ;o&>-. ar. orn in th. :irstF&art.r*

    -oy moon rasi results According to Madhvacarya$ame as girl acceptable if moon Μ is different , but if both have moon in Μ H 3,7,1,!,G,"#,"0,"!,"G,3#,30 or 37In 3 from girlFs all 'inds of evil, unwanted results will follow loss of wealth. L Inurious relationship even if boy is in maitra Μ from girlIn 0 from girlFs misery and sorrow Crief, sorrowIn 7 from girlFs there will always be great poverty nmity, uarrels and Misunderstanding )not so serious*In E from girlFs unhappiness can be e(pected )maybe* loss of progeny relationship can be inurious even if boy is in maitra ΜIn 1 from girlFs there will be a loss of children sorrow, disease, troubles, danger and separationIn 8 from girlFs there will be health, agreements and happiness e(ceptionally good even if lords are inimical )-rihaspati*

    In ! from girlFs any progeny will prosper )but dustana* > brea' of marriageIn G from girlFs there will be enoyment and prosperity -ut relationship can be inurious even if boy is in maitra ΜIn "# from girlFs there will be great wealthIn "" from girlFs there will be happinessIn "3 from girlFs foresees longevity for the couple relationship can be inurious )to boyO* even if boy is in maitra Μ from girl*xceptions H if there be agreement in respect of =ashya and =edha, the problems can be overloo'ed or cancelledH Jhen both Rasis )moon dispositors* are owned by one planet or if the lords of the two Rasis are mutual friends )see table below*, then any malefic

    effects attributed to the inauspicious placement of any planets is cancelled out.

    H Jhen the women is born in an odd :anma Rasi, then the man born in the 1th and !th there from can be ta'en as an optional measure. If she is born

    in even :anma Rasi, the man born in the 1th should be reected and the !th can be accepted.  H If the :anma Rasi is of the male is not in a favorable place from the :anma Rasi of the ?emale, the blemish can be reduced, if the lord of those rasisare mutually friendly. 5owever, the blemish intensifies, if the lords are inimically disposed.

    H If the :anma Rasi of both the man and women have vasya )H !; docile* and do not have vedha )H"#; hurting*, then the 1th and !th position of the

    manFs rasi from the womanFs one can be accepted.

    " $raha Maitram or +asyadhipathi %orutham 5>ts* in#i;at.s >ros>.rit+ agri;&-t&r.L :oo# /i:. st+-. C o=.;ti'.s o:-i:.< %s+;ho-ogi;a- #is>ositionD it is + :ar th. ,ost i,>ortant ;onsi#.ration* This $uta cannot !e compromised principle .; Jhen the moon dispositors of the bride and bridegroom are friends )or is the same planet*, the Rasi Kuta is said to obtain full strength.

    Jhen one is a friend and the other is neutral, it is passable or all right, and when both are neutral, Rasi Kuta is considered very ordinary. Jhen both

    are enemies, Rasi Kuta does not e(ist but%. *xception+ ven when there is no friendship between the moon dispositors, Rasi Kuta can be obtained

     by friendships of the moon dispositors in the Navamsa chart, also when there is no friendship between the moon dispositors if the couple have their :anma Rasis disposed in " and 8 from each other then everything is fine.%rinciple / 2he mutual placement of the moon dispositors of the couple should determine the e(tent of the compatibility.)not in mutual dustana* so it

    ma'es their friendship better or worse.

    friendship of the Moon sign lords helps to give

     prosperity, illustrious children with long life and

    good fortune, actuality this is the most important :uta of 

    all as it deals with the psychological dispositions of thecouple, their individual mental attitudes and their affection

    for each other. &ne will have to be very careful in the

    assessment of these factors and on superficial grounds no

    horoscope should be reected as unsuitable or unfortunate.

    4AN2 ?RINB N92RA NMD$un Moon, Mars, :upiter Mercury $aturn, =enusMoon $un, Mercury Mars, :upiter, =enus, $aturnMars $un, Moon, :upiter =enus, $aturn Mercury

    Mercury $un, =enus Mars, :upiter, $aturn Moon:upiter $un, Moon, Mars $aturn Mercury, =enus=enus Mercury, $aturn Mars, :upiter $un, Moon$aturn Mercury, =enus :upiter $un, Moon, Mars

    " . /asya %orutham 0 to 2 >t* 0J noo#+ is #o;i-.< 1J 1 is #o;i-.< 2J oth ar. it is an in#.G o: ,&t&a- -o'. an# har,on+ to . .G>.;t.#

    in th. +.ars to ;o,.* This >a'.s th. wa+ :or ,&t&a- tr&st an# .ns&r.s ha>>in.ss in ,arri.# -i:.*  This $uta cannot !e compromised"2his is important, as suggesting the degree or magnetic control or amenability the wife or husband would be able to exercise on the other.

    %rinciple I: th. an,a rasi o: th. ,an is th. 'as+a rasi o: th. wo,.ns an,a rasi or 'i;. '.rsa< th.n th. 'as+a k&ta >r.'ai-s* I: th. groo,s rasi ha>>.nsto . th. 'as+a rasi o: th. ri#.< th. ri#. sha-- #.ar-+ -o'. th. groo, an# 'i;. '.rsa* Th&s< I: th. an,a rasi o: th. ,an an# wo,an ha>>.ns to . th. as+a rasi o:.a;h oth.r< th.n th. a::.;tion a,ong th., is th. strong.st*

    In th. :o--owing ;as.s< th. rasi o: th. ri#. an# groo, .;o,.s th. as+a rasi o: .a;h oth.r* .,ini N irgo N This is 4th N 10th :ro, .a;h oth.r< (an;.r N

    ;or>io N This is 5th N 9th :ro, .a;h oth.r*th.rwis. th. attra;tion wi-- . ;a-;&-at.# :or .a;h >.rson towar#s th. oth.rD @or Ari.s " /.o an# ;or>io ar. a,.na-.* @or Ta&r&s " (an;.r an# /iraD :or.,ini " irgoD :or (an;.r " ;or>io an# agittari&sD :or /.o " (a>ri;orn an# irgoD :or ;or>io " (an;.rD :or agittari&s " %is;.sD :or (a>ri;orn " Ari.s an# AF&ari&sD:or AF&ari&s " Ari.sD an# :or %is;.s " (a>ri;orn* Th. &nit o: agr..,.nt is 2*ho&-# th. ,a-.s nata- sign -&nar . 'as+a docile) to th. :.,a-.s -&nar sign< th. a--ian;. wo&-# -.a# to a ha>>+ ;on=&ga- -i:.* In th. -ist ao'. so,. Rashis ar.,&t&a--+ 'as+a< not a--D .*g* .,ini ar. ,&t&a--+ #o;i-.< whi-. /.o an# /ira ar. not ,&t&a--+ so* Tho&gh agittari&s an# %is;.s ar. own.# + on. an# th. sa,.


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    >-an.t< +.t th.r. is no ,&t&a- a+sh+at'a #o;i-it+ .tw..n th. two signs* In =ging ;o,>atii-it+ o: th. two ;harts< +o& ha'. to start a-so :ro, th. o+s Rashi<nakshatra .t;* @ro, that >oint o: 'i.w i: th. gir-s Rashi . ash+a to th. o+s sign< it sho&-# . ;onsi#.r.# as a >oint o: agr..,.nt*M.nta- Attra;tion not.* In ,atri,onia- a--ian;. the most important factor is the mutual attraction and 1u!ilant or !uoyant mental attitude  o: th. two >.rsons*n th. oth.r han#< i: a show o: int.r.st is >&t &> &n#.r ;o,>&-sion< th.ir w.##.# -i:. wo&-# not . '.r+ ha>>+* It is sai#< Mano hi =an,antara"sangati=na, " th. ,in#r.,.,.rs asso;iations o: >r.'io&s -i:.* ?.n;. .'.n in th. as.n;. o: oth.r >oints o: agr..,.nt< this a-on. wo&-# ;on:.r i#.a- ;on=&ga- :.-i;it+* @or< th. s&";ons;io&s ,in# t.--s on.< this is +o&r -i:.">artn.r a;;or#ing to +o&r >ast kar,a*

    "0 +au dosha 0 or 1 >t* sa:. or not D :a'ors :.-i;it+< gr.at ha>>in.ss in ,arri.# -i:. an# i,,&nit+ :ro, wi#owhoo# -ong.'it+ o:

    th. h&san# Ra==& is on. o: th. ,ost i,>ortant as>.;ts to . -ook.# into whi-. ,at;hing horos;o>.s :or th. >&r>os. o: ,arriag.. 2his

    indicates the strength or duration or married life and therefore it merits special attention.7otice; exception; Rau Kuta need not be considered in case Craha Maitri, Rasi, Bina and Mahendra Kutas are present.

    1st system popular but similar to vedha!;  2he 38 constellations have been grouped into five types of Rau;Rau; boy and girl star must belong to different groups for safety If husbandFs wifeFs moon star are in the same rau%adara K#-s"i. na*i  Krit, =isa'ha 4unar. 9t.ashadha 9t,4hal. 4.bhadra hurt or pierce the stomach )destruction of children*. :antha Rohini $wati + Ardra $ravana + 5asta $atabhisha hurt or pierce the nec' )death of either partner*? !hiro hitra does not get or give vedha, Mrigasira Bhanistha hurt or pierce the head )husbands death*

    6iterally this word )=edha* means piecing or hurting. A particular star is said to be =edha or pierced by another. Jhere there is such a =edha+

    relationship between two stars, alliance should not be recommended. %rinciple / ven if there is other agreement such as =asya, etc., =edha will

     prevail )so the Qcurse seems unavoidable*.

    2his =edha scheme has been mentioned in lectional Astrology in connection with house construction especially. 5ow to find out whichstar is hurt on a particular dayO $ee if any planet is posited in any star of any of the five groups. If there be one, treat the whole group as =iddha

    )pierced*, and so none of the stars can be elected for house construction or house warming. 5ence the stars of the two ought not to belong to the same

    group. In the absence of this blemish alliance would be beneficial. !eems very similar to the above a

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    women there will be mutual affection and happiness if the bridegroom has better attributes )guna /ualities* than the bride. 6 then Q2he attributes of the

    native are dependent on his father and mother, his time of birth and the persons he gets associated with. 2hese are the root causes of /ualities )varna gunas* possessed by him. +he attributes endowed by the time of the birth and associations are stronger than those received from the parents .

    " 2 2adi 3uta / 8>ts*D 2his is considered to be the most important and at the same time the most significant Kuta. In $ans'rit, Nadi meansseveral things but in reference to astrology, it signifies pulse or nervous energy indicating the physiological and, to a certain extent, hereditary

    factors. $o it is important to the mood of the relationship and then to the physiological;nervous stability of the couple   children thereof. A boy

    with a predominantly windy or phlegmatic or bilious constitution should not marry a girl of the same type especially pitha; there will be many fightsas they are too fiery by nature. 2he girl should belong to a different temperament. 2he three Nadis are ruled by the different constellations as follows

    If the constellation of the boy and the girl should fallin different rows, then agreement between the couple

    will be good. $tars of the couple may fall in the first

    and last column under certain circumstances. $ee SA1+1 %I+"1 !2*!"1

    (kapha)Aswini -harani Kritti'aAridra Mrigasira Rohini4unarvasu 4ushyami Aslesha9ttara ph 4urva ph Ma'ha5asta hitta $wati:yestha Anuradha =isa'haMula 4oorvashadha 9ttarashadha$atabhisha Bhanistha $ravana4urvabhadra 9ttarabhadra Revati

    If Nadi Kuta agreement is not present on the basis of the Na'shatras, then the same may berec'oned ta'ing into account the Na'shatra 4adas. 2hus, the different /uarters will be

    governed by the three humours )Nadis* thusA1+1 %I+"1 kapha A1+1 %I+"1 kapha A1+1 %I+"1 kaphaAsvi " Asvi 3 Asvi 0 Magh " Magh 3 Magh 0 " 3 0-har 3 -har " Asvi 7 4.4hal 3 4.4hal " Magh 7 3 " 7-har 0 -har 7 Kritt " 4.4hal 0 4.4hal 7 9t.4h " 0 7 "Kritt 7 Kritt 0 Kritt 3 9t.4h 7 9t.4h 0 9t.4h 3 7 0 3Rohi " Rohi 3 Rohi 0 " 3 0 " 3 0Mrig 3 Mrig " Rohi 7 3 " 7 3 " 7Mrig 0 Mrig 7 Ardr " 0 7 " 0 7 "Ardr 7 Ardr 0 Ardr 3 7 0 3 7 0 34una " 4una 3 4una 0 " 3 0 " 3 04ush 3 4ush " 4una 7 3 " 7 3 " 7Asle 0 4ush 7 4ush " 0 7 " 0 7 "Asle 7 Asle 0 Asle 3 7 0 3 7 0 3

    2he evil due to Nadi Kuta can be ignored subect to the following conditions+

    a* the Rasi and the Rau Kuta prevail.

     b* the same planet is lord of the :anma Rasis of both the male and the female.c* the lords of the :anma Rasis of the couple are friends.

    7ther agreements )these are not compulsory because they become somehow irrelevant in this age but they give

     better tuning to the outcome prospects of marriage; prosperity of the lineage after marriage*$otra 8greement

    $ 8rahmins especially should consider 'otra :uta Ancient $ages who handed down the =edic lore are seven in number )saptarishis*; Marici, Atri, =asistha, Angiras, 4ulastya, 4ulaha and Kratu. 2here are many ancient sages who are called progenitors of Cotras )who arenot in the saptarishi list* li'e =ishvamitra, Kashyapa, Cautama )Kripacarya was a descendant of Cautama as $rila 4rabhupada followers*,:amadagni and -haradva )not included in the 8*. 2his lineage )gotra* of horary sages is based on two factors; birth and learning., i.e. from father toson; and teacher )mentor + preceptor* to disciple. 2he 3! stars )na'shatras* including Abhiit )which is placed in apricorn between 9ttarashadha and$hravan* have been distributed among the above sages at the rate of four asterisms per sage as follows)"* Marichi Aswini, 4ushya, $vati, Abhiit. )3* =asishta -harani, Ashlesha, =isha'ha, $hravan.

    )0* Angiras Kritti'a, Magha, Anuradha, Bhanistha. )7* Atri Rohini, 4urvaphalguni, :yestha, $hatabhisha'am.)E* 4ulastya Mrgashirsha, 9ttaraphalguni, Mula, 4urva -hadrapad. )1* 4ulaha Ardra, 5asta, 4urvashadha, 9ttarabhadrapad.)8* Kratu 4unarvasu, hitra, 9ttarashadha, Revati.Cautama is one of the saptarsis )M-, slo'a E#, hapter "00, Anusasana 4arva*. Cautama sat in the court of -rahma and worshipped -rahma. )M.-.$abha 4arva*. )but is not in the official list with the stars*

    %rinciple$ identical gotra of a boy and girl would lead to calamity )disaster to the lineage.*. If they belong to different gotras, their union willlead to happiness, prosperity and progeny )the lineage shall prosper*. 2he gotras can be ta'en also from the lagna na'satra; in this case also if thena'satras belong to different gotras then it is e(cellent but if they are of the same gotra the result for the lineage will be moderate )not a disaster*. Note 2his factor of compatibility of horoscopes is not ta'en into consideration too much these days, unfortunately with the decline in =edic culture,and pure family lineages. actually in some countries it is still forbidden to marry relations )cousins* from the father side )blood+line*. Also $rila4rabhupada did say that because muslims can marry any blood relatives they are not very intelligent.

    %akshi 8greement /ihanga 3uta!9 Dominance of one partner over other, in this scheme each star has a 2otem+bird. ?or the ?ivestars from asvini to Mrgashirsha, the presiding bird is -herunda )-harandha'a*; for the ne(t si( stars from Ardra to 4urvaphalguni, it is called 4ingala;for the ne(t si( from 9ttaraphalguni to Anuradha, it is called Ka'a )crow*; for the ne(t five from :yestha to $hravan, it is called Ku''uta )coc'*; andlastly for the ne(t five Bhanistha to Revathi, it is Mayura )peacoc'*."ow it works; Inimical pair of relations; 4eacoc' dominates oc', coc' dominates row, crow dominates 4ingala pingala dominates bherunda.Bthe dominator will create enmity, inineage  In the Qgood old days when child marriage was the order of the day)this became prevalent during the Qfanatic medieval period* the ideal marriage was )considered* one where the males age 0 times that of the female.If it is double, the effect is considered moderate. If the boy be younger than the girl, e(tinction of family would follow.

    In the =edic period, however, the rules were /uite scientific. ?or, the ancient lawgivers have ordained that a girl should wait for three years after shecomes of age and then elect a worthy youth for her partner. ara'a, the doyen of Ayurvedic Masters, has asserted that a youth below 3E years and a girl below "1 years ought not to beget issue

    Mental =ompatibility 8shtakavarga!; %rinciple . if the :anma Rasi of the groom falls in the sign which, in the MoonFs asta'avarga of the girlFs chart has more bindu, it is good. $imilarly,if the :anma Rasi of the Cirl falls in a sign which, in the MoonFs asta'avarga of the boy, has more bindus, it is e/ually good.


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    %rinciple / ?ind out the Ka'sha in which the Moon is found in the girlFs horoscope. If the :anma rasi of the boy falls in the sign of the lord of thisKa'sha; the compatibility is good. 2he reverse is also holds true.:aksha& According to the Ashta'avarga scheme ach sign is divided into ! Ka'shas of 0T 7EF each lorded respectively by $aturn, :upiter, Mars, $un,=enus, Mercury, Moon and agna.2able of Ka'shas; O0 to 3O45 3O45 to 7O30 7O30 to 11O15 11O15 to 15O 15O to 18O45 18O45 to 22O30 22O30 to 26O15 26O15 to 30O

    r&-.r $aturn :upiter Mars $un =enus Mercury Moon agna

    $uppose in the brides case the Moon is in A/uarius ""T 7#. 2his will be the 7th 'a'sha, the lord of which is the $un. If the grooms :an in a Rasi fallsin the sign ruled by the $un, vi@., eo, it is good.

    =hittanukulya; (kind of gandharva; love marriage)

    $tan@a E7. If the couple love each other, they can enter into wedloc', even if there is no agreement in other ways. 2his is very important in the matter of marriage. $tan@a EE. &ne who loves a girl sincerely, from his heart should marry her. 4ure love is greater than any other virtue. N&2$; $tan@as E7 and EE are suggestive and reflect the wisdom of the ancients in giving priority to mutual love in preference to any other astrological factor. -ut the love for each other must spring from their hearts and not from ust casual desire. When such pure love is seen between aboy and a girl, no astrological consideration should intervene to prevent such a marriage . -ut in the modern times, e(cept in very rare cases, it isnot love that seems to weigh. It is lust which is transient and disappears the moment initial infatuation ends. 5ence we see today any number of tragedies involving young men and women.In matrimonial alliance the most important factor is the mutual attraction and ubilant or buoyant mental attitude of the two persons. &n the other hand,if a show of interest is put up under compulsion, their wedded life would not be very happy. It is said, Mano hi anmantara+sangatinam + the mindremembers associations of previous life. 5ence even in the absence of other points of agreement, this alone would confer ideal conugal felicity. ?or,the sub+conscious mind tells one, this is your life+partner according to your past 'arma. Karma is inviolable. It is otherwise 'nown as fate.Also;manonu'ulam prathamam prashastam + the first consideration in assessing marriage compatibility is whether the boy and the girl li'e each other.

    8ya-vyaya< ncome and @penditure;4rinciple ount from the Na'shatra of the bride to that of the groom. Multiply this number by E and divide the product by 8. 2he reminder is =yaya or e(penditure. If the counting is again made from the :anma Na'shatra of the groom and the same calculation is repeated, the reminder indicates Qayaor gain or income.

    If the aya is greater than vyaya, marriage brings all round prosperity. If this is reverse, the couple will e(perience poverty.

    +na-#hana< 7verall marital happiness; %rinciple . ount from Aswini to the :anma Na'shatra of the groom as well as the bride andtotal them up. Add to this sum "0. ?rom this total figure subtract 03. Bivide the difference by E. hec' the reminder for the following resultsU> Reminder V)CroomL-rideL"E+03*.s &t ,&st a-so st+ th. >h+si;a- :.at&r.s o: th. ;o&>-.* B.:or.answ.ring a >arti;&-ar F&.stion h. ,&st ;onsi#.r th. stat. o: ,in# o: th. F&.stion.r an# a-so th. o,.ns s..n or h.ar# at th. ti,. o: F&.r+* In oth.r wor#s< to gi'.r.a--+ so&n# a#'i;. th. astro-og.r sho&-# ,..t oth th. gir- an# th. o+ an# ask F&.stions ao&t th.ir -i:. histor+ as w.-- as th.ir .G>.;tations r.gar#ing ,arriag. an#th.ir i#.a- ,arriag. >artn.r*5mens 8egarding *arriage during prasna " i'aha"ak&na.uccess of marriage  th. F&.ri.st ho-#ing his han#s =oin.# tog.th.r or to&;hing his ;h.st or h.a#*5mens indicating quic$ marriage* Arri'a- o: a ;-oth"'.n#orD a >.rson w.aring n.w ;-oth.s an# ho-#ing wash.# on.s in th. han#D arri'a- o: a #.ar >.rsonD a '.ss.-"'.n#or arri'ingD sight o: a ,irror with a han#-.D sight o: th. whit. :-ow.r -&;as as>.ra or T&,. in Kanna#a< si-'.r arti;-.s< so,.on. r&ing his .+.s< two o=.;tso&n# tog.th.r*0indrances to marriage* I: th. F&.rist to&;h.s his kn..s or :..t* r his a;k or hi>s with his -.:t han#*I: ir#s< ani,a-s or snak.s ar. s..n ,ating< th. gir-s ;hastit+ wo&-# . in #o&t* I: a ,an ;o,.s to th. >-a;. o: F&.r+ a;;o,>ani.# + two wo,.n< or on. wo,ana;;o,>ani.# + two ,.n< or a ;ow an# a &-- ar. s..n in th. 'i;init+< it in#i;at.s r.,arriag.*i ight o: r.# :-ow.rs wo&-# -.a# to a >ost>on.,.nt owing to th. gir- .ing in ,.ns.s*ii ;rat;hing on.s o#+< sight o: -oo#< an .-.>hants tr&,>.ting< a &::a-os ;r+< :a--ing o: a r.# :-ow.r :ro, th. tr..*iii Two >.rsons ;o,ing tog.th.r an# th.n going in o>>osit. #ir.;tionsD sight o: a #.a# o#+D two >.rsons .ngag.# in F&arr.-*ad 5mens I: in th. 'i;init+ o: th. s.ssion so,.o#+ is s..n #igging th. .arth< or th. so&n# o: a woo#.n >i.;. .ing sawn is h.ar#< it wo&-# s&gg.st that th. gir- inF&.stion is o: F&.stiona-. ;hara;t.r*In >rasna ;hartD


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    %rospects 5f *arried ifeD I: .n&s an# -or# o: th. 7th ho&s. . >osit.# in 3r#< 6th< 10th or 11th ho&s.< th. ;o&>-.s :ort&n. wo&-# in;r.as. a:t.r ,arriag.* In th.sa,. ,ann.r th.ir :ort&n. wo&-# i,>ro'. a:t.r th. irth o: a ;hi-#< sho&-# th. signi:i;ator o: >rog.n+ 'i*< &>it.r< an# th. -or# o: th. 5th ho&s. . >osit.# in U>a;a+agrowth ho&s.s 3>+* n th. oth.r han#< i: h. . in his#.i-itation or ini,i;a- ho&s.< sh. ,ight . witho&t .a&t+ an# 'irt&.* I: th. Moon or .n&s< o;;&>+ a :ri.n#-+ ho&s.< as>.;ts th. as;.n#ant< whi;h is an o-# sign< th.ri#. wi-- -o'. th. groo, int.ns.-+*

    I: Mars< th. &n or &>it.r< o;;&>+ing a :ri.n#-+ ho&s.< sho&-# as>.;t th. as;.n#ant that is an .'.n sign< th. ,an wo&-# ha'. .G;.>tiona- -o'. :or th. gir-*

    >rasna :ro, th. o+s si#. ;on;.rning th. ri#.D I: a gir- t&rns &> s#.n-+ at th. F&.r+ s.ssion< an# .gins to ta-k< or stan#s -ooking on< or i: so,.o#+ .ta-king ao&t a gir-< th.n th. >.rson wo&-# g.t a gir- si,i-ar in :.at&r.s to th. on. who has ;o,.* Th. #ir.;tion :ro, whi;h th. gir- wo&-# hai- sho&-# . #.t.r,in.#

    thro&gh th. Arha or th. as;.n#ant< whi;h.'.r is strong.r* 6ndications 5f ,haracteristics 5f the future wife Type 5f -.Gion .t;*< a--ott.# to that >-an.tD &t i: it .-ongs to a ,a-.:i;< th. gir- wi-- ha'. :.at&r.s .t;*< assign.# to that >-an.t* Hh.n th. -or# o: that -agna or th. Moon .>osit.# in th. 7th ho&s.< th. F&.rist wo&-# g.t a ri#. witho&t his s..king' eautiful ride& ho&-# th.r. . .n.:i;s in trin.s or ang-.s< an# th. 7th ho&s. own.# an# as>.;t.# + .n.:i;s< th. F&.ri.st wo&-# g.t a ;har,ing gir- as hisri#.* n th. oth.r han#< i: th. 7th ho&s. . own.# an# as>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;s< h. wo&-# . ,arri.# to an &g-+ gir-*The rides ,haracterD At a F&.r+ ao&t this< i: th. -agna . an i,,o'a-. sign< an# oth th. Moon an# th. -agna"-or# . in i,,o'a-. signs< sh. sho&-# . #.;-ar.#to . o: &ns&--i.# ;hara;t.r* I: th. ao'. thr.. .ntiti.s . in ,o'a-. signs< th. gir- tho&gh in ,ai#.nhoo# ,&st . s>oi-.#D &t i: th. Moon . in a #&a- sign an# th.as;.n#ant in a ,o'a-. sign< h.r :-aw ,&st . n.g-igi-.*

    I: th. Moon an# Mars . =oin.# in a ,o'a-. sign th. gir- ,&st ha'. ..n .n=o+.# ;o'.rt-+ + so,.o#+D whi-. i: at&rn an# th. Moon . >osit.# in th.-agna< sh. ,&st ha'. ..n .n=o+.# o'.rt-+* ho&-# Mars an# at&rn . in k.n#ras an# .n&s in ;or>io< in sign or #.;anat.< an# . as>.;t.# + th. Moon< sh. ,&st. &n;hast.*

    Hh.n th. -or#s o: th. as;.n#ant an# th. 12th ho&s.< or o: th. 1st< an# 7th ho&s.s< .G;hang. th.ir >ositions< or wh.n .n&s an# th. Moon o;;&>+ th.irown or .Ga-tation ho&s.s< th. ,an wi-- g.t a gir- who, h. -o'.s ,ost* I: at a F&.r+ th. Moon . >osit.# in th. -agna< 6th< or 8th ho&s.< an# a ,a-.:i; in th. 7th ho&s.<th. gir- wo&-# . wi#ow.# within 8 +.ars* I: a #.i-itat.# ,a-.:i;< as>.;t.# + his .n.,+< o;;&>i.s th. 5th ho&s.< sh. wo&-# .;o,. .ith.r &n;hast. or arr.n*The querist would hae no marriage< sho&-# th. Moon or at&rn o;;&>+ing an .'.n sign i#.nti;a- with th. 6th or 8th< . as>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;s* ii Th. sa,. .::.;t

     wo&-# :o--ow< i: th. Moon an# .n&s a-ong with ,a-.:i;s o;;&>+ an .'.n sign i#.nti;a- with th. 6th or 8th ho&s.*The person would lose his first wife< i: th. -or# o: th. 7th ho&s.< ;on=oin.# with a ,a-.:i;< . >osit.# in th. 1st< 6th< 9th< or 12th ho&s.< or is #.i-itat.#

    >rasna :ro, th. gir-s si#. ;on;.rning th. ri#.groo,D Th. gir-s >ar.nts &s&a--+ ask th. astro-og.r i: th. groo, wo&-# . worth+ o: th.ir #a&ght.r an# th.ir,arri.# -i:. . >ros>.ro&s an# ha>>+* A;;or#ing to Brhas>ati In th. F&.r+ ;hart th. as;.n#ant r.>r.s.nts th. ri#.< an# th. 7th ho&s.< th. ri#."groo,s >h+si;a- ;on#itions< ;hara;t.r .t;*i.# + .n.:i;s< th. w.#-o;k wo&-# -.a# to >ros>.rit+ an# ha>>in.ss*Th. oth.r ha'as 'i*< 2n#< 3r# .t;*< wo&-# in#i;at. th.;orr.s>on#ing signi:i;ations o: th. ri#. as in th. ;as. o: th. nata- ;hart* i: th. &n . >osit.# in his #.i-itation or ini,i;a- ho&s.< witho&t as>.;ting th. as;.n#ant orArha< th. astro-og.r sho&-# #.;-ar. that th. gir-s :ath.r wo&-# . #.a#* i,i-ar r.s&-t ;an . r.a# :ro, th. Moon in r.s>.;t o: th. ri#.s ,oth.r* n th. oth.rhan#< i: th. &n .ing strong . >osit.# in a goo# ho&s.< h.r :ath.r ,&st . a-i'.< tho&gh th. -agna . not as>.;t.# + th. &n* ?ow.'.r< th.r. is no #i::.r.n;.Tho&gh th. :ath.r is a-i'.< th. gir- ,a+ not . .n.:it.# + hi,* i,i-ar-+ oth.r r.-ations sho&-# . ;onsi#.r.# :ro, th. r.s>.;ti'. signi:i;ators* I: th. &n . >osit.# inan ini,i;a- or #.>r.ss.# ho&s.< or i: th. 7th ho&s. is not as>.;t.# + th. &n< groo,s :ath.r ,a+ not . a-i'.* Th. ,oth.rs .Gist.n;. has to . in:.rr.# :ro, th.Moon &n#.r si,i-ar ;ir;&,stan;.s *arriage will ta$e place without hindrance if D th. -or#s o: th. -agna an# th. 7th ho&s.< or .n&s an# -agna"-or#< ar. tog.th.r or as>.;t .a;h oth.r< or i: th.+ ar.

    .Ga-t.# or in :ri.n#-+ ho&s.s< or .G;hang. >ositions r Moon in 2n#< 4th< 5th< 7th< 9th< or 12th< an# as>.;t.# + &>it.r*5!stacles to the marriage A;;or#ing to Brhas>atiD F&.r+ ,a#. #&ring waning Moon C ,oon in an .'.n sign or in th. 8th ho&s.< or as>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;sJ th.,arriag. wi-- not tak. >-a;.*Moon in 3r#< 6th< 10th< or 11th ho&s. .ith.r :ro, th. Arha or as;.n#ant is as>.;t.# + Mars Josta;-.s to th. ,arriag. on a;;o&nt o: th. gir-s ,onth-+ ;o&rs.*.toppage 5f The *arriage"H Ma-.:i; is in th. 8th ho&s. at F&.r+ C #.i-itat.# or as>.;t.# + oth.r ,a-.:i;s*P 6th ho&s. o;;&>i.# + a #.i-itat.# ,a-.:i; an# as>.;t.# + ,a-.:i;< th. sto>>ag. is #&. to i--n.ss o: th. ri#. or groo, or short -i'. to th.,< or It ,a+ . #&. toth. ,a;hination o: r.-ati'.s*P Moon in th. 6th or 8th ho&s. ;o,in.# with ,a-.:i;sD th. ;o&>-. wo&-# ,..t with th.ir .n# in th. 8th +.ar o: th.ir ,arriag.*P Mars in th. 6th or 8th ho&s. :ro, th. Moon< th. h&san# wo&-# F&it th. wor-# within 9 +.ars witho&t .g.tting an+ iss&.*P Moon an# Mars in th. -agna or 7 thD h&san#s #.ath .G>.;t.# in th. 7th ,onth*

     Th. >arti.s sho&-# th.n a>>roa;h an astro-og.r on an a&s>i;io&s #a+ :or :iGing an a&s>i;io&s M&h&rtha :or th. ,arriag. ;.r.,on+*5th st.>D s.t &> a ,&h&rta :or th. ,arriag. ;.r.,on+

    quic$ receipe for marriage date& 1* Marriag. sho&-# nor,a--+ o;;&r in an o## +.ar o: th. ,a-. an# .'.n +.ar o: th. :.,a-.* th.rwis. this :or.o#.s tro&-.s* 2*Marriag. sho&-# ha>>.n wh.n &>it.r as>.;ts or transits th. 2n# :ro, U>a>a#a*th. ,arriag. #at.L >.rio# ;o&-# . a-so ;hos.n &sing #asas s&;h as i,shottari< )ara+ana< )aisargika #asa .t; an# thro&gh transits


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    muhurta (selection of an auspicious time ) for marriage ceremony&  The ceremony should ta$e place when the sun is in the northern course= in the wa>ingphase of the moon= on an auspicious day"moon na$satras& s>.;ia- on.s :or ,arriag. a-on. Rohini< Mrgashirsha< Magha< th. 3 Uttaras< ?asta< 'ati An&ra#ha< M&-a an# R.'ati*A;;or#ing to so,.< .'.n Aswini< (hitra< hra'an an# hanistha ,a+ . a;;.>t.# in .G;.>tiona- ;ir;&,stan;.s*.tar 4lected"(tara!ala)  Th. .st stars ar. thos. .G;.>t th. 1st< 3r#< 5th an# 7th in an+ ro&n# :or oth >artn.rs :ro, th.ir r.s>.;ti'. nata- stars* ?ow.'.r< in th.;as. o: th. ri#. h.r nata- star or its trin. 1-an.tar+ transits ar. thos. o: &>it.r an# th. &nD th.+ ar. th. sin. F&a non :or ,arriag.* This is high-+ .n.:i;ia- to othth. ri#. an# th. groo,* ho&-# &>it.r o;;&>+ th. 3r#< 6th< 8th< 4th< 10th or 12th .'.n th. 1st is ;onsi#.r.# a# :or hi, :ro, th. nata- Moon o: th. ri#. or th.groo, at ,arriag.< h. wo&-# .stow >ros>.rit+< ;on=&ga- :.-i;it+ an# s&;h oth.r ;h.rish.# things< on th.,< >ro'i#.# th. ho&s. is his own or .Ga-tation sign* th.rwis.

    &>it.r sho&-# . >ro>itiat.# thro&gh a>>ro>riat. a>a< ?o,a< :..#ing #istri&tion o: >rasa#a, .t;* in or#.r to in'ok. ?is ,.r;+ an# .n.'o-.n;. on th. ;o&>-.*Triple .trengthD A;;or#ing to so,.< o: a-- .n.:its th. groo, sho&-# s.;&r. th. &ns transitor+ .n.:it< whi-. th. gir- &>it.rs< an# oth th. Moons (han#raa-a* I:this is not gott.n< th.r. is -ik.-+ to . osta;-.s* I: th. &n is in th. 8th< 4th or 12th in transit in th. groo,s ;as.< it is -ik.-+ to r.s&-t in trag.#+* !::.;ts o: this str.ngthar. sai# to . 1 -ong -i:. on a;;o&nt o: &>it.rs goo# transitD 2 w.a-th thro&gh th. Moons transitD an# 3 >ow.r< thro&gh th. &ns transit* I: Mars . in goo# transit<th. .n.:it to th. ;o&>-. wo&-# . gain o: -an# or >osition*'uspicious 'scendantsD :or ,arriag. th. .st signs ar. 1 .,ini< irgo< an# /ira as -agnas* 2 Mo#.rat. ar. Ta&r&s< (an;.r< agittari&s< an# %is;.s* !'.n th.-att.r on.s wo&-# . .G;.--.nt< sho&-# th.+ . o;;&>i.# + a .n.:i;* o,. t.Gts r.;o,,.n# .'.n (a>ri;orn an# AF&ari&s with .n&s in th.,haga- t.# in .,.rg.n;i.s< >ro'i#.# th. Moon isas>.;t.# + .n.:i;s* Th. #a+s o: th. #ark :ortnight ar. to . a'oi#.# .+on# %an;ha,i*unar *onths" aishakha 21st A>ri- " 20th Ma+< +.stha 21st Ma+ " 20th &n.< Magha 21st an&ar+ " 20th @.r&ar+< an# %ha-g&na 21st @.r&ar+ " 20th Mar;har. th. .st ,onths* &t o: th. r.,aining 8 ,onths Asha#ha 21st &n. " 20th &-+< hra'an 21st &-+ " 20th A&g&st< Bha#ra>a#a 21st A&g&st " 20th .>t.,.r

    an# %a&sha 21st .;.,.r " 20th an&ar+ ar. ;onsi#.r.# as ,ost ina&s>i;io&s* a wo,an ,arri.# in th. ,onth o: Mrigashirsha 21st )o'.,.r " 20th .;.,.rit.r in th. 10th an# th. &n an# M.r;&r+ in th. 11th"ishn& %ri+a oga*  3* .n&s in th. 2n#< &>it.r in th. 12th< th. &n in th. 8th an#at&rn in th. 6th " r..natha oga*  4* .n&s in /agna< &>it.r in th. 4th< M.r;&r+ in th. 2n# an# at&rn in th. 11th " a,ra oga*  5* M.r;&r+< &>it.r an# .n&s in/agna " i=a+a oga* 6* .n&s an# &>it.r in /agna .-.'at.# or oth.rwis. strong " a+a oga* 7* at&rn in th. 3r#< &>it.r in th. 6th< th. &n in th. 10th an# Mars inth. 11th " %&sh+a oga* 8* Mars in th. 3r#< at&rn in th. 6th< .n&s in th. 9th< &>it.r in th. 12th " Maharshi oga*  9* .n&s in /agna< &>it.r in th. 11th " Ar#ha,aoga*


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  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    :rishnamurthy !ystem of 1strology (:% 1strology)


    . When counting the number of children, such as the first child being represented by the >th house

    cusp, the /nd child being represented by the #th house cusp, the third child being represented by the Cth

    house cusp, etc, what happens when there has been an abortion@ Do we count that as a child@

    Mista'es made here will give mista'es in predicting correctly the se( of each child and the number of 

    children. Jhen an abortion ta'es place after 0 months from conception, the fetus is counted as a child becauseduring that abortion, the se( of the child was clearly developed, but when abortion ta'es place before the

    completion of the 0 month gestational period, this pregnancy is not ta'en as a child birth because the se( of the

    child, prior to that time, is not clear. $o this factor must be clearly 'nown for an astrologer to fi( both the se(

    of the child, and the correct number of children that the mother will deliver.


    ". onsider houses ! and "3 for accidents !th  serious illness, accident, suicide; "3th  P self+undoing,

    confinement in bed or hospital, defects, deformities, amputation or mutilation of a limb, bodily inury. Mars,

    $aturn, Rahu, and Ketu cause accidents.

    3. If the sub lord of either the Ascendant or the !th house cusp is posited in the star of the occupant or the

    owner of the !th or "3th house, there will be an accident.

    0. 2he danger to the individuals life will li'ely prove fatal if the sub lord is in the star of either the occupant

    or the owner of the !th, 8th, or 3nd.

    7. 2he individual will survive the accident if the sub lord is in the star of either the occupant or owner of the

    3nd, 8th, and ""th.


    . What indicators show adoption in a chart@

    An individual who has been denied children will opt for adopting a child if the Eth cuspal sub lord and :upiter,

    $aturn, Mercury, Mars, and Moon, are connected to the 7th, !th, and "3th houses.

    8adhaka "ouses&

    ". 2he badha'a houses are houses that are harmful to life, and badha'a houses are more harmful for life than

    mara'a houses. 2he badha'a houses are the ""th for those born in ardinal )moveable* signs, the Gth for those

     born in ?i(ed signs, and the 8th for those born in Mutable )dual* signs.

    3. ?or death, first consider the badha'a houses, and then the mara'a houses as dangerous for the native, as

    there is danger to life during the oint period )dasha

  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    !laces /o"r !artner 0ants to be ,o"ched As !er their odiac

     Bollywoodshaadis.com – Fri !ay" #$% &:$' P! (S) 

    • mail• $hare0E•• "

    Dou might thin' that you 'now what turns your partner on in bed, and what they li'e and disli'e. -ut, when it

    comes to that sensuous and thrilling session, are you sure that you are hitting the e(act placesO Je as' you to

    enter the ama@ing world of astrology to discover your loverFs most erogenous @ones, which will ta'e their

     pleasure to an all new high. Now, this is something you definitely would not want to miss out on, so ta'e a loo'.

    ecommended ead&

    +ricks to =se "is !un !ign that will ake "im %ropose to 6ou

    +ruth about being 8orn a anglik 

    *asy akeup +ricks to ake 6ou 2ook !tunning on 4amera




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    -eing a ?ire sign, Aries men and women get into the mood /uite easily when you focus your attention on their

    head and face. $tro'ing and 'issing your guyFs hair and face is enough to ma'e him e(tra naughty. And, your girl

    would be e/ually pleased by the slightest 'isses on her forehead, nose, and ears. $o, master this techni/ue ofmassaging their heads and blowing 'isses in their ears, for some heated action between the sheets.



  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


     Not everyoneFs hands, arms and shoulders are as sensitive to touch as that of a Cemini. Des, these body parts of

    your Cemini lover can assure you a deeper and sensuous /uality time between the sheets. Jhen your guy has

    had a rough day at wor', give him a soothing shoulder massage, to get him in the mood for some love. 9se a

    feather to stro'e your Cemini girlFs arms and gently stro'e her finger, and you will surely leave her begging formore.

    1lso ead& > +hings en 7ever 7otice during !ex




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    If they are not responding to the usual, then it is time to up the gameX 4amper them by being tic'lish around their 

    chest and abdomen, to get them in the mood. It is no surprise to anyone that breasts are one of the most sensitive

     parts of a womenFs body, and considered as an emblem of affection for them, this is even more so for a

    ancerian. $o, cover this area with some deep breaths, 'isses, and tingling to unleash her wild side. ?or yourancerian man, let your hands and lips roam all over his chest and tummy area, before actually getting into




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    Key to these proud beings is to wor' your way around their bac's to get their hearts racing. Massage, scratch,

    lic' and bite their bac's to find your way into their animal instinct. Apart from their bac's, it is also their hearts

    which ma'es the foundation of foreplay for them to which they seem to have a huge reaction. 2hey are hot+

     blooded lovers, and intimacy and passion wor' best when their heart is included in their action. 2ry slowlytracing their heart with your fingers and we bet they will beg for a repeat performance.

    ead ore& C %laces en Want to be +ouched




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    2he fun @one to tantalise and tease a =irgo is their belly. 2hey will /uic'ly give in if you sensuously swirl your

    tongue or run the tips of your fingers on their nave. :ust linger over and 'iss this ultra+sensitive spot to

    manoeuvre your partner, and it would lead to a lot more than you e(pected. Apart from your hands and lips, add

    a feather or an ice cube to open their passionate passage, for a ride li'e never before.Don9t iss& .E omantic +hings *very 4ouple ust Do on "oneymoon




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    -e playful with a ibraFs hips and lower bac' with complete passion and trigger them with ama@ing feelings.

    Rubbing and sliding your hands on the curves of your partnerFs lower bac' will set you both for the most

    romantic ourney. $light stro'ing and 'issing their pleasure area is bound to send goosebumps all over their body.

    1lso !ee& What arried Women 4an 2earn from !unny 2eone




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    It becomes easy with them as you donFt have to discover a new terrain. ?or a romantic moment, concentrate only

    on the 6act6, and no need to focus on anything else. 2hey are intense lovers and you donFt have to ma'e efforts to

    find their most sensitive @one. All you are left to do is ma'e sure that you 'now how to do YitF right to drive themcra@y )and not awayX*.



  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    2heir hotspot is their inner thighs, which guarantees ma(imum pleasure when it comes to arousing their senses.

    $light touching of the area is most gratifying. Dou can 'iss, caress, massage or even lic' them there, and you will

    surely witness their body trembling with pleasure. 2easing each other with little lic'ing and biting can prepareyou both for an intense night.



  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    apricornians get impatient with pleasure if 'issed at the bac' of their 'nees. $o, focus on your foreplay by

     being active with areas li'e thighs, and then going down towards their 'nees. 2he s'in behind the 'nees is thin

    and delicate, and can lead to firewor's if tic'led carefully. 9sing your lips in rela(ed short circles on the s'in

    around the 'nees can have volcanic effect on apricorn.



  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    An A/uarianFs penchant for something unconventional ma'es their calves and an'les the most erogenous @ones

    for them. $o, give it a go this time by fondling or rubbing the an'le area to easily increase your partnerFs desire.

    ach and every move that allows touching these @ones will ma'e an A/uarian more inclined towards the game.

    Apart from the usual tric', use some fragrant oil to massage their feet and an'les soothingly and sensually.Don9t iss& !igns that !uggest 6ou are 'ood in 8ed




  • 8/16/2019 compatibility tips.doc


    As' a 4iscean about their fascination with their feet, and you will be able to tap the pleasure you never even

    'new e(isted. Dou can sweep them off their feet )literallyX* by softly stro'ing their toes, an'le or the base of their 

    foot. -egin a soft massage by fondling their heels and feet and you will give the most desired pleasure to your

    4isces mate. Kiss, bite, and for more pleasure go for a hot oil massage to please their sensesX

