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Compendium of Tourism Statistics Data 2014 – 2018 2020 Edition
  • Country tables,

    Compendiumof Tourism StatisticsData 2014 – 20182020 Edition

    The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a United Nations specialized agency, is the leading international organization with the decisive and central role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how. Its membership includes 159 countries, 6 territories, 2 permanent observers and over 500 Affiliate Members.

    Understanding, for each country, where its inbound tourism is generated is essential for analysing international tourism flows and devising marketing strategies, such as those related to the positioning of national markets abroad. Deriving from the most comprehensive statistical database available on the tourism sector, the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics focuses on data related to inbound tourism ( total arrivals and overnight stays ), broken down by country of origin.

    The 2020 Edition of these Methodological Notes in English, French and Spanish presents data for 203 countries from 2014 to 2018.

    World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) www.unwto.org

  • Compendium of Tourism StatisticsData 2014 – 2018

    2020 Edition

  • Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO )

    Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 EditionISBN, electronic version : 978-92-844-2145-9 | DOI : 10.18111/9789284421459

    Published by the World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ), Madrid, Spain, 2020All rights reserved.

    World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) Tel. : ( +34 ) 915 67 81 00Calle del Poeta Joan Maragall, 42 Fax : ( +34 ) 915 71 37 3328020 Madrid Website : www.unwto.org Spain E-mail : info @ unwto.org

    The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinions whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

    Citations :

    English :World Tourism Organization ( 2020 ), Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition, UNWTO, Madrid, DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459 .

    Español :Organización Mundial del Turismo ( 2019 ), Compendio de estadísticas de turismo, 2014 – 2018, Edición 2020, OMT, Madrid, DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459 .

    Français :Organisation mondiale du tourisme ( 2019 ), Compendium des statistiques du tourisme, 2014 – 2018, édition 2020, OMT, Madrid, DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459 .

    All UNWTO publications are protected by copyright. Therefore, and unless otherwise specified, no part of an UNWTO publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm, scanning, without prior permission in writing. UNWTO encourages dissemination of its work and is pleased to consider permissions, licensing, and translation requests related to UNWTO publications.

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    For all remaining countries as well as for other permissions, requests should be addressed directly to the World Tourism Organization. For applications see : https://www.unwto.org/unwto-publications .

  • Foreword

    Decision-making requires reliable information to guide sound policies and development strategies. In order to support countries in monitoring and better understanding the impact and evolution of tourism across their economies, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) systematically gathers tourism statistics from countries and territories around the world into a vast database that is used to produce two key statistical publications every year: the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. Together, these two publications constitute the most comprehensive statistical information available on the tourism sector.

    The UNWTO Compendium of Tourism Statistics provides data and indicators on inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, as well as on the number and types of tourism industries, the number of employees by tourism industry, and macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism. This is complemented by the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics which focuses specifically on data related to inbound tourism (total arrivals and overnight stays), broken down by country of origin.

    The statistics presented in the 2020 editions of the Compendium and the Yearbook give an insight into tourism’s multiple facets and its ever-growing importance and are an indispensable reference for all tourism stakeholders. Above all, they provide decision makers with the information needed for more evidence-based policymaking and, as a result, more sustainable tourism development and its contribution to advance the 2030 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Zurab PololikashviliSecretary-General , World Tourism Organization

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459


  • Avant-propos

    La prise de décision doit pouvoir s’appuyer sur des informations fiables permettant de définir des politiques et des stratégies de développement adéquates. Pour aider les pays à assurer le suivi de l’impact et de l’évolution du tourisme dans leurs économies et à en avoir une meilleure compréhension, l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) procède à une collecte systématique de statistiques du tourisme auprès de pays et de territoires du monde entier. Ces statistiques sont rassemblées dans une vaste base de données qui permet, chaque année, de faire paraître deux publications statistiques clés : le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme et l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme. À elles deux, ces publications offrent les informations statistiques les plus complètes sur le secteur touristique.

    Le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme préparé par l’OMT contient des données et des indicateurs sur le tourisme récepteur, émetteur et interne, sur le nombre et les types d’industries touristiques et le nombre de salariés par industrie touristique, ainsi que des indicateurs macroéconomiques liés au tourisme international. Ces données sont complétées par l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme qui se concentre spécifiquement sur les données liées au tourisme récepteur (nombre total d’arrivées et de nuitées), avec une ventilation par pays d’origine.

    Les statistiques présentées dans les éditions 2020 du Compendium et de l’Annuaire apportent un éclairage sur les multiples facettes du tourisme et sur son importance croissante. Elles constituent un guide de référence incontournable pour toutes les parties prenantes du secteur touristique. Et par-dessus tout, elles fournissent aux décideurs les éléments d’appréciation dont ils ont besoin pour formuler des politiques en connaissance de cause et, partant, assurer un développement plus durable du tourisme et sa contribution à l’avancement du programme 2030 et des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD).

    Zurab PololikashviliSecrétaire général, Organisation mondiale du tourisme

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459


  • Prólogo

    La adopción de decisiones requiere información fiable que permita orientar adecuadamente las políticas y las estrategias de desarrollo. Con el fin de ayudar a los países a supervisar y entender mejor la incidencia y la evolución del turismo en su economía, la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) compila sistemáticamente estadísticas de turismo de países y territorios de todo el mundo en una extensa base de datos que cada año da lugar a dos publicaciones estadísticas clave: el Compendio de estadísticas de turismo y el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo. Juntas, estas dos publicaciones constituyen la más completa información estadística disponible sobre el sector turístico.

    El Compendio de estadísticas de turismo de la OMT proporciona datos e indicadores sobre turismo receptor, emisor e interno, sobre el número y los tipos de industrias turísticas, sobre el número de asalariados por industria turística y sobre aspectos macroeconómicos relacionados con el turismo internacional. Estos datos se complementan con el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo que se centra específicamente en los datos relacionados con el turismo receptor (totales de llegadas y de pernoctaciones) desglosados por país de origen.

    Las estadísticas presentadas en las ediciones de 2020 del Compendio y del Anuario permiten explorar las múltiples facetas del turismo y su creciente importancia y son una guía de referencia indispensable para todos los agentes del turismo. Sobre todo, proporcionan datos fehacientes a los responsables públicos para que sus políticas tengan mayor fundamento y, como resultado, promuevan el desarrollo de un turismo más sostenible y su contribución al avance de la agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).

    Zurab PololikashviliSecretario General, Organización Mundial del Turismo

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459


  • Table of contents

    Foreword / Avant-propos / Prólogo ................................ iii

    Introduction / Introducción ............................................. xiii

    Country tables ................................................................ 1

    Index of indicators and basic data .................................. 459Indice des indicateurs et données de base .................... 465Índice de indicadores y datos básicos ............................ 469

    Country notes ................................................................. 473Notes des pays ............................................................... 499Notas de los países ........................................................ 524

    Conceptual references and technical notes .................... 549Références conceptuelles et notes techniques .............. 566Referencias conceptuales y notas técnicas .................... 583

    Country tables by alphabetical order

    Albania / Albanie ............................................................. 3Algeria / Algérie / Argelia................................................. 6American Samoa / Samoa américaines /

    Samoa Americana .................................................... 8Andorra / Andorre ........................................................... 9Angola............................................................................. 11Anguilla / Anguila ............................................................ 13Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua-et-Barbuda /

    Antigua y Barbuda .................................................... 14Argentina / Argentine ...................................................... 16Armenia / Arménie .......................................................... 19Aruba .............................................................................. 22Australia / Australie ......................................................... 24Austria / Autriche ............................................................ 27Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan / Azerbaiyán ............................ 30

    Bahamas ......................................................................... 33Bahrain / Bahreïn / Bahrein ............................................. 35Bangladesh ..................................................................... 38Barbados / Barbade ....................................................... 39Belarus / Bélarus / Belarús ............................................. 41Belgium / Belgique / Bélgica ........................................... 44Belize / Belice ................................................................. 46Benin / Bénin .................................................................. 48Bermuda / Bermudes ...................................................... 50Bhutan / Bhoutan / Bhután ............................................. 52Bolivia, Plurinational State of /

    Bolivie (État Plurinational de) / Boliva (Estado Plurinacional de) ............................... 54

    Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine / Bosnia y Herzegovina ............................................... 56

    Botswana ........................................................................ 59Brazil / Brésil / Brasil ....................................................... 61British Virgin Islands / Îles Vierges Britanniques /

    Islas Vírgenes Británicas ........................................... 63Brunei Darussalam / Brunéi Darussalam......................... 64Bulgaria / Bulgarie .......................................................... 66Burkina Faso ................................................................... 69Burundi ........................................................................... 71

    Cabo Verde ..................................................................... 73Cambodia / Cambodge / Camboya ................................ 75Cameroon / Cameroun / Camerún .................................. 77Canada / Canadá ............................................................ 79Cayman Islands / Îles Caïmanes / Islas Caimán ............. 82Central African Republic / République Centrafricaine /

    República Centroafricana ......................................... 84Chad / Tchad .................................................................. 86Chile / Chili ..................................................................... 87China / Chine .................................................................. 90Colombia / Colombie ...................................................... 92Comoros / Comores / Comoras ...................................... 94Congo ............................................................................. 96Congo, Democratic Republic of the /

    Congo (République démocratique du) / Congo (República Democrática del) ......................... 98

    Cook Islands / Îles Cook / Islas Cook ............................. 100Costa Rica ...................................................................... 102Côte d’Ivoire ................................................................... 105Croatia / Croatie / Croacia .............................................. 107Cuba ............................................................................... 110Curaçao .......................................................................... 112Cyprus / Chypre / Chipre ................................................ 114Czech Republic / République tchèque /

    República Checa ...................................................... 117

    Denmark / Danemark / Dinamarca .................................. 120Djibouti ........................................................................... 123Dominica / Dominique .................................................... 124Dominican Republic / République dominicaine /

    República Dominicana .............................................. 126

    Ecuador / Équateur ......................................................... 128Egypt / Égypte / Egipto ................................................... 131El Salvador ...................................................................... 134Eritrea / Érythrée ............................................................. 136Estonia / Estonie ............................................................. 138Eswatini .......................................................................... 141Ethiopia / Éthiopie / Etiopía ............................................ 144

    Fiji / Fidji ......................................................................... 146Finland / Finlande / Finlandia .......................................... 148France / Francia .............................................................. 151French Guiana / Guyane française / Guyana Francesa ... 154French Polynesia / Polynésie française /

    Polinesia Francesa .................................................... 155

    Gambia / Gambie ............................................................ 157Georgia / Géorgie............................................................ 159Germany / Allemagne / Alemania .................................... 162Greece / Grèce / Grecia .................................................. 165Grenada / Grenade / Granada ........................................ 168Guadeloupe / Guadalupe ................................................ 170Guam .............................................................................. 171Guatemala ...................................................................... 172Guinea / Guinée .............................................................. 174Guinea-Bissau / Guinée-Bissau ...................................... 176Guyana / Guyane ............................................................ 177

    Haiti / Haïti / Haití ............................................................ 179Honduras ........................................................................ 180Hong Kong (China) / Hong-Kong (Chine) /

    Hong Kong (China) ................................................... 183Hungary / Hongrie / Hungría ........................................... 185

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Iceland / Islande / Islandia .............................................. 188India / Inde ...................................................................... 190Indonesia / Indonésie ...................................................... 192Iran, Islamic Republic of /

    Iran (République islamique d’) / Irán (República Islámica del) ..................................... 195

    Ireland / Irlande / Irlanda ................................................. 197Israel / Israël ................................................................... 199Italy / Italie / Italia ............................................................ 202

    Jamaica / Jamaïque ........................................................ 205Japan / Japon / Japón .................................................... 207Jordan / Jordanie / Jordania ........................................... 210

    Kazakhstan / Kazajstán .................................................. 213Kenya .............................................................................. 216Kiribati ............................................................................ 218Korea, Republic of / Corée (République de) /

    Corea (República de) ................................................ 220Kuwait / Koweït ............................................................... 223Kyrgyzstan / Kirghizistan / Kirguistán .............................. 225

    Lao People’s Democratic Republic / République démocratique populaire lao / República Democrática Popular Lao ........................ 227

    Latvia / Lettonie / Letonia ............................................... 229Lebanon / Liban / Líbano ................................................ 232Lesotho ........................................................................... 234Liechtenstein .................................................................. 236Lithuania / Lituanie / Lituania .......................................... 238Luxembourg / Luxemburgo ............................................. 241

    Macao (China) / Macao (Chine) / Macao (China) ............. 243Madagascar .................................................................... 246Malawi ............................................................................ 248Malaysia / Malaisie / Malasia .......................................... 250Maldives / Maldivas ........................................................ 253Mali / Malí ....................................................................... 255Malta / Malte ................................................................... 258Marshall Islands / Îles Marshall / Islas Marshall .............. 260Martinique / Martinica ..................................................... 262Mauritius / Maurice / Mauricio ........................................ 264Mexico / Mexique / México ............................................. 266Micronesia, Federated States of /

    Micronésie (États fédérés de) / Micronesia (Estados Federados de).......................... 269

    Moldova, Republic of / Moldova (République de) / Moldova (República de) ............................................ 270

    Monaco / Mónaco ........................................................... 272Mongolia / Mongolie ....................................................... 274Montenegro / Monténégro .............................................. 276Montserrat ...................................................................... 278Morocco / Maroc / Marruecos ........................................ 279Mozambique ................................................................... 282Myanmar ......................................................................... 285

    Namibia / Namibie .......................................................... 287Nepal / Népal .................................................................. 289Netherlands / Pays-Bas / Países Bajos .......................... 291New Caledonia / Nouvelle-Calédonie /

    Nueva Caledonia ...................................................... 293New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande / Nueva Zelandia ........ 295Nicaragua ....................................................................... 297Niger / Níger ................................................................... 300Nigeria / Nigéria .............................................................. 302Niue / Nioué .................................................................... 305North Macedonia / Macédoine du Nord /

    Macedonia del Norte ................................................ 306

    Northern Mariana Islands / Îles Mariannes septentrionales / Islas Marianas Septentrionales ................................. 308

    Norway / Norvège / Noruega .......................................... 309

    Oman / Omán ................................................................. 312

    Palau / Palaos ................................................................. 314Panama / Panamá .......................................................... 316Papua New Guinea / Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée /

    Papua Nueva Guinea ................................................ 318Paraguay ......................................................................... 320Peru / Pérou / Perú ......................................................... 322Philippines / Filipinas ...................................................... 324Poland / Pologne / Polonia ............................................. 327Portugal .......................................................................... 330Puerto Rico / Porto Rico ................................................. 332

    Qatar ............................................................................... 334

    Reunion / Réunion / Reunión .......................................... 336Romania / Roumanie / Rumania ..................................... 338Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie /

    Federación de Rusia ................................................. 341Rwanda ........................................................................... 343

    Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis / Saint Kitts y Nevis ..................................................... 345

    Saint Lucia / Sainte-Lucie / Santa Lucía ......................... 346Saint Vincent and the Grenadines /

    Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines / San Vicente y las Granadinas ................................... 348

    Samoa ............................................................................ 350San Marino / Saint-Marin ................................................ 352Sao Tome and Principe / Sao Tomé-et-Principe /

    Santo Tomé y Príncipe .............................................. 354Saudi Arabia / Arabie saoudite / Arabia Saudita ............. 356Senegal / Sénégal ........................................................... 359Serbia / Serbie ................................................................ 362Seychelles ....................................................................... 365Sierra Leone / Sierra Leona ............................................ 367Singapore / Singapour / Singapur................................... 369Sint Maarten (Dutch part) /

    Sint Maarten (Partie Néerlandaise) / Sint Maarten (Parte de los Países Bajos) .................. 371

    Slovakia / Slovaquie / Eslovaquia ................................... 372Slovenia / Slovénie / Eslovenia ....................................... 375Solomon Islands / Îles Salomon / Islas Salomón ............ 378South Africa / Afrique du Sud / Sudáfrica ....................... 380Spain / Espagne / España............................................... 383Sri Lanka ......................................................................... 386State of Palestine / État de Palestine /

    Estado de Palestina .................................................. 388Sudan / Soudan / Sudán................................................. 390Suriname......................................................................... 392Sweden / Suède / Suecia ............................................... 394Switzerland / Suisse / Suiza ............................................ 397

    Taiwan Province of China / Province chinoise de Taiwan / Provincia china de Taiwán ........................................ 400

    Tajikistan / Tadjikistan / Tayikistán .................................. 403Tanzania, United Republic of /

    Tanzanie (République Unie de) / Tanzanía (República Unida de) .................................. 406

    Thailand / Thaïlande / Tailandia....................................... 407Timor-Leste ..................................................................... 410Togo ................................................................................ 412

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Tonga .............................................................................. 414Trinidad and Tobago / Trinité-et-Tobago /

    Trinidad y Tabago ..................................................... 415Tunisia / Tunisie / Túnez .................................................. 417Turkey / Turquie / Turquía ................................................ 419Turks and Caicos Islands / Îles Turques et Caïques /

    Islas Turcas y Caicos ................................................ 422Tuvalu ............................................................................. 424

    Uganda / Ouganda ......................................................... 425Ukraine / Ucrania ............................................................ 427United Arab Emirates / Émirats arabes unis /

    Emiratos Árabes Unidos ........................................... 430United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni / Reino Unido .............. 432United States of America / États-Unis d’Amérique /

    Estados Unidos de América ..................................... 435United States Virgin Islands / Îles Vierges américaines /

    Islas Vírgenes Americanas ........................................ 438Uruguay .......................................................................... 440Uzbekistan / Ouzbékistan / Uzbekistán .......................... 443

    Vanuatu .......................................................................... 446Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of /

    Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) / Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) ....................... 448

    Viet Nam ......................................................................... 451

    Zambia / Zambie............................................................. 453Zimbabwe ....................................................................... 455

    Country tables by geographical order


    East Africa – Afrique orientale – África Oriental

    Burundi ........................................................................... 71Comoros ......................................................................... 94Djibouti ........................................................................... 123Eritrea ............................................................................. 136Ethiopia ........................................................................... 144Kenya .............................................................................. 216Madagascar .................................................................... 246Malawi ............................................................................ 248Mauritius ......................................................................... 264Mozambique ................................................................... 282Reunion........................................................................... 336Rwanda ........................................................................... 343Seychelles ....................................................................... 365Somalia ........................................................................... n.a.Tanzania, United Republic of .......................................... 406Uganda ........................................................................... 425

    Zambia ............................................................................ 453Zimbabwe ....................................................................... 455

    Central Africa – Afrique centrale – África Central

    Angola............................................................................. 11Cameroon ....................................................................... 77Central African Republic ................................................. 84Chad ............................................................................... 86Congo ............................................................................. 96Congo, Democratic Republic of the ................................ 98Equatorial Guinea ........................................................... n.a.Gabon ............................................................................. n.a.Sao Tome and Principe ................................................... 354

    North Africa – Afrique du Nord – África del Norte

    Algeria ............................................................................. 6Morocco ......................................................................... 279South Sudan ................................................................... n.a.Sudan ............................................................................. 390Tunisia ............................................................................. 417

    Southern Africa – Afrique australe – África Austral

    Botswana ........................................................................ 59Eswatini .......................................................................... 141Lesotho ........................................................................... 234Namibia........................................................................... 287South Africa .................................................................... 380

    West Africa – Afrique occidentale – África Occidental

    Benin .............................................................................. 48Burkina Faso ................................................................... 69Cabo Verde ..................................................................... 73Côte d’Ivoire ................................................................... 105Gambia ........................................................................... 157Ghana ............................................................................. n.aGuinea ............................................................................ 174Guinea-Bissau ................................................................ 176Liberia ............................................................................. n.a.

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Mali ................................................................................. 255Mauritania ....................................................................... n.a.Niger ............................................................................... 300Nigeria ............................................................................ 302Saint Helena ................................................................... n.a.Senegal ........................................................................... 359Sierra Leone.................................................................... 367Togo ................................................................................ 412


    Caribbean – Caraïbes – El Caribe

    Anguilla ........................................................................... 13Antigua and Barbuda ...................................................... 14Aruba .............................................................................. 22Bahamas ......................................................................... 33Barbados ........................................................................ 39Bermuda ......................................................................... 50British Virgin Islands ....................................................... 63Cayman Islands .............................................................. 82Cuba ............................................................................... 110Curaçao .......................................................................... 112Dominica ......................................................................... 124Dominican Republic ........................................................ 126Grenada .......................................................................... 168Guadeloupe .................................................................... 170Haiti ................................................................................ 179Jamaica .......................................................................... 205Martinique ....................................................................... 262Montserrat ...................................................................... 278Puerto Rico ..................................................................... 332Saint Kitts and Nevis....................................................... 345Saint Lucia ...................................................................... 346Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ................................... 348Sint Maarten (Dutch part) ................................................ 371Trinidad and Tobago ....................................................... 415Turks and Caicos Islands ................................................ 422United States Virgin Islands ............................................ 438

    Central America – Amérique centrale – América Central

    Belize .............................................................................. 46Costa Rica ...................................................................... 102El Salvador ...................................................................... 134Guatemala ...................................................................... 172Honduras ........................................................................ 180Nicaragua ....................................................................... 297Panama ........................................................................... 316

    North America – Amérique du nord – América del Norte

    Canada ........................................................................... 79Greenland ....................................................................... n.a.Mexico ............................................................................ 266Saint Pierre and Miquelon ............................................... n.a.United States of America ................................................ 435

    South America – Amérique du Sud – América del Sur

    Argentina ........................................................................ 16Bolivia, Plurinational State of .......................................... 54Brazil ............................................................................... 61Chile................................................................................ 87

    Colombia ........................................................................ 92Ecuador .......................................................................... 128Falkland Islands .............................................................. n.a.French Guiana ................................................................ 154Guyana ........................................................................... 177Paraguay ......................................................................... 320Peru ................................................................................ 322Suriname......................................................................... 392Uruguay .......................................................................... 440Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of ................................... 448


    North-East Asia – Asie du Nord-Est – Asia del Nordeste

    China .............................................................................. 90Hong Kong (China) .......................................................... 183Japan .............................................................................. 207Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of ........................ n.a.Korea, Republic of .......................................................... 220Macao (China) ................................................................. 243Mongolia ......................................................................... 274Taiwan Province of China ................................................ 400

    South-East Asia – Asie du Sud-Est – Asia del Sudeste

    Brunei Darussalam .......................................................... 64Cambodia ....................................................................... 75Indonesia ........................................................................ 192Lao People’s Democratic Republic ................................. 227Malaysia .......................................................................... 250Myanmar ......................................................................... 285Philippines ...................................................................... 324Singapore ....................................................................... 369Thailand .......................................................................... 407Timor-Leste ..................................................................... 410Viet Nam ......................................................................... 451

    Australasia – Australasie

    Australia .......................................................................... 24New Zealand ................................................................... 295

    Melanesia – Mélanésie

    Fiji ................................................................................. 146New Caledonia ............................................................... 293Papua New Guinea ......................................................... 318Solomon Islands ............................................................. 378Vanuatu ........................................................................... 446

    Micronesia – Micronésie

    Guam .............................................................................. 171Kiribati ............................................................................ 218Marshall Islands .............................................................. 260Micronesia, Federated States of ..................................... 269Nauru .............................................................................. n.a.Northern Mariana Islands ................................................ 308Palau ............................................................................... 314

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Polynesia – Polynésie – Polinesia

    American Samoa ............................................................ 8Cook Islands ................................................................... 100French Polynesia ............................................................ 155Niue ................................................................................ 305Pitcairn............................................................................ n.a.Samoa ............................................................................ 350Tokelau ........................................................................... n.a.Tonga .............................................................................. 414Tuvalu ............................................................................. 424Wallis and Futuna Islands ............................................... n.a.


    Afghanistan ..................................................................... n.a.Bangladesh ..................................................................... 38Bhutan ............................................................................ 52India ................................................................................ 190Iran, Islamic Republic of ................................................. 195Maldives ......................................................................... 253Nepal .............................................................................. 289Pakistan .......................................................................... n.a.Sri Lanka ......................................................................... 386


    Central/Eastern Europe – Europe Centrale/orientale – Europa Central/Oriental

    Armenia........................................................................... 19Azerbaijan ....................................................................... 30Belarus ............................................................................ 41Bulgaria........................................................................... 66Czech Republic ............................................................... 117Estonia ............................................................................ 138Georgia ........................................................................... 159Hungary .......................................................................... 185Kazakhstan ..................................................................... 213Kyrgyzstan ...................................................................... 225Latvia .............................................................................. 229Lithuania ......................................................................... 238Moldova, Republic of ...................................................... 270Poland ............................................................................ 327Romania.......................................................................... 338Russian Federation ........................................................ 341Slovakia .......................................................................... 372Tajikistan ......................................................................... 403Turkmenistan .................................................................. n.a.Ukraine ........................................................................... 427Uzbekistan ...................................................................... 443

    Northern Europe – Europe du Nord – Europa del Norte

    Denmark ......................................................................... 120Finland ............................................................................ 148Iceland ............................................................................ 188Ireland ............................................................................. 197Norway ........................................................................... 309Sweden ........................................................................... 394United Kingdom .............................................................. 432

    Southern Europe – Europe du Sud – Europa meridional

    Albania ............................................................................ 3Andorra ........................................................................... 9Bosnia and Herzegovina ................................................. 56Croatia ............................................................................ 107Greece ............................................................................ 165Holy See ......................................................................... n.a.Italy ................................................................................. 202Malta ............................................................................... 258Montenegro .................................................................... 276North Macedonia ............................................................ 306Portugal .......................................................................... 330San Marino ..................................................................... 352Serbia ............................................................................. 362Slovenia .......................................................................... 375Spain .............................................................................. 383

    Western Europe – Europe occidentale – Europa occidental

    Austria ............................................................................ 27Belgium ........................................................................... 44France ............................................................................. 151Germany ......................................................................... 162Liechtenstein .................................................................. 236Luxembourg .................................................................... 241Monaco ........................................................................... 272Netherlands .................................................................... 291Switzerland ..................................................................... 397

    East Mediterranean Europe – Europe méditerranéenne orientale – Europa Mediterránea Oriental

    Cyprus ............................................................................ 114Israel ............................................................................... 199Turkey ............................................................................. 419


    Bahrain ........................................................................... 35Egypt .............................................................................. 131Iraq ................................................................................ n.a.Jordan ............................................................................. 210Kuwait ............................................................................. 223Lebanon .......................................................................... 232Libya ............................................................................... n.a.Oman .............................................................................. 312Qatar ............................................................................... 334Saudi Arabia ................................................................... 356State of Palestine ............................................................ 388Syrian Arab Republic ...................................................... n.a.United Arab Emirates ...................................................... 430Yemen ............................................................................. n.a.

    n.a.: not available

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459


  • Introduction

    The United Nations recognizes the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as the appropriate organization to collect, analyse, publish, standardize and improve statistics on tourism and to promote the integration of these statistics within the sphere of the United Nations system. Pursuant of this mandate, the UNWTO Statistics Department collects tourism statistics and disseminates them through two publications : the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics.

    The Compendium of Tourism Statistics 2020 provides statistical information on tourism in 203 countries and territories for the period 2014 – 2018. This is a reference guide for the measurement and analysis of the tourism sector. Together with the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, it constitutes the UNWTO’s main dataset and publication of annual tourism statistics. Both publications are derived from UNWTO’s tourism statistics database, which constitutes the most comprehensive statistical information available on the tourism sector.

    The 2020 edition of the Compendium is the thirty-ninth in a series that began in 1975 as a biennial publication, and which has been produced annually since 1986. The structure of the Compendium is coherent with the internationally agreed system of definitions, concepts and classifications for tourism statistics, namely the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 (IRTS 2008), and therefore with the conceptual framework of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA:RMF 2008).

    The objective of the Compendium is to make readily available in one publication a comprehensive set of data on tourism. The Compendium contains 145 internationally-comparable basic data series and indicators on :

    1. Inbound tourism2. Domestic tourism3. Outbound tourism4. Tourism industries5. Employment6. Complementary (macroeconomic) indicators

    The data included in the Compendium correspond to official statistics collected by governments or national tourism administrations and reported regularly to UNWTO through various questionnaires. The UNWTO Statistics Department disseminates the data after performing various data quality checks both in terms of data validation and data homogeneity with the historical series and related data as well as with the data set published in the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. Not all countries and territories produce the complete data series requested in the questionnaires. For this reason you may not find data for all the 145 series for a specific country. The basic information framework underpinning the Compendium can be found in the Conceptual References and Technical Notes (Annex 1). The macroeconomic indicators are prepared by UNWTO.

    The 2020 Compendium edition is available in English, with indicator names, conceptual references and country notes provided in English, French and Spanish. The figures included in this edition correspond to data entered in UNWTO’s statistical database as of 31 December 2019. Therefore, any corrections or changes received after this date will only be included in the next edition.

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    The Compendium is principally a database of regularly updated annual information per country available in electronic format (PDF, Excel) from 1995 in the UNWTO Elibrary (www.e-unwto.org). Users seeking the latest available statistics for shorter reference periods or regional aggregates are invited to consult other UNWTO publications available in the UNWTO Elibrary, notably the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.

    UNWTO wishes to express its sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the information published (national tourism administrations, national statistical offices, central banks, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank) for their valuable support, recognizing especially the crucial role of all contributing countries and territories for their continued commitment to the development and improvement of tourism statistics.

    Madrid, January 2020

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



  • Introduction

    L’Organisation des Nations Unies reconnaît l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) comme étant l’organisation compétente pour recueillir, analyser, publier, unifier et améliorer les statistiques du tourisme et promouvoir l’intégration de ces statistiques au sein du système des Nations Unies. Conformément à cette mission, le département des Statistiques de l’OMT recueille les statistiques du tourisme et les diffuse au moyen de deux publications : le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme et l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme.

    Le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme 2020 fournit des informations statistiques sur le tourisme dans 203 pays et territoires pour la période 2014 – 20180. C’est un guide à usage de référence pour la mesure et l’analyse du secteur du tourisme. Avec l’Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme, il constitue le principal ensemble de données et la principale publication de l’OMT en matière de statistiques annuelles du tourisme. Ces deux publications sont préparées à partir de la base de données de l’OMT de statistiques du tourisme, laquelle représente le réservoir le plus complet d’informations statistiques disponibles sur le secteur du tourisme.

    L’édition 2020 du Compendium est la trente-neuvième d’une série qui a commencé en 1975. L’ouvrage, d’abord publié tous les deux ans, paraît chaque année depuis 1986. La structure du Compendium suit le système adopté au niveau international de définitions, de concepts et de classifications pour les statistiques du tourisme, à savoir les Recommandations internationales 2008 sur les statistiques du tourisme (RIST 2008), et donc le cadre conceptuel du compte satellite du tourisme (Compte satellite du tourisme : recommandations concernant le cadre conceptuel 2008; TSA:RMF 2008).

    Le Compendium répond à l’objectif de mettre facilement à disposition, dans une seule publication, un ensemble complet de données sur le tourisme. Il contient 145 séries de données et indicateurs de base, comparables à l’échelon international, sur :

    1. Tourisme récepteur2. Tourisme interne3. Tourisme émetteur4. Industries touristiques5. Emploi6. Indicateurs (macroéconomiques) complémentaires

    Les données incluses dans le Compendium correspondent aux statistiques officielles recueillies par les gouvernements ou par les administrations nationales du tourisme et communiquées à l’OMT, à intervalles périodiques, à l’aide de divers questionnaires. Le département des Statistiques de l’OMT diffuse les données après les avoir soumises à différents contrôles de qualité couvrant à la fois la validation des données et l’homogénéité des données avec les séries historiques et les données connexes ainsi qu’avec l’ensemble de données publié dans l’Annuaire de statistiques du tourisme. Tous les pays et territoires ne produisent pas les séries complètes de données qui sont demandées dans les questionnaires ; il se peut donc que vous ne trouviez pas, pour un pays en particulier, de données pour chacune des 145 séries. Le cadre d’informations de base sous-tendant le Compendium est fourni dans les Références conceptuelles et Notes techniques (Annexe 1). Les indicateurs macroéconomiques sont préparés par l’OMT.

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    L’édition du Compendium 2020 est disponible en anglais, les noms des indicateurs, les références conceptuelles et les notes sur les pays apparaissant en anglais, en espagnol et en français. Les chiffres inclus dans la présente édition correspondent aux données saisies dans la base de données statistiques de l’OMT en date du 31 décembre 2019. En conséquence, les éventuelles corrections ou modifications reçues après cette date n’apparaîtront que dans l’édition suivante.

    Le Compendium est avant tout une base de données d’informations annuelles par pays, mise à jour régulièrement et disponible en version électronique (PDF, Excel), depuis 1995, dans la bibliothèque électronique de l’OMT (www.e-unwto.org). Les utilisateurs qui voudraient connaître les dernières statistiques disponibles pour des périodes de référence plus courtes ou des agrégats régionaux sont invités à consulter les autres publications de l’OMT dans la bibliothèque électronique de l’OMT, notamment le Baromètre OMT du tourisme mondial.

    L’OMT exprime sa sincère gratitude, pour leur aide précieuse, à toutes celles et ceux qui ont permis de réunir ces informations (administrations nationales du tourisme, bureaux nationaux de statistique, banques centrales, Fonds monétaire international et Banque mondiale). L’Organisation tient à saluer plus spécialement tous les pays et territoires ayant apporté leur contribution pour leur rôle crucial et leur engagement constant en faveur du développement et de l’amélioration des statistiques du tourisme.

    Madrid, janvier 2020

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



  • Introducción

    Las Naciones Unidas reconocen que la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) es la organización competente para recopilar, analizar, publicar, uniformar y mejorar las estadísticas de turismo y promover la integración de esas estadísticas en el marco del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Siguiendo este mandato, el Departamento de Estadísticas de la OMT recopila estadísticas de turismo y las difunde a través de dos publicaciones : el Compendio de estadísticas de turismo y el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo.

    El Compendio de estadísticas de turismo 2020 ofrece información estadística sobre el turismo en 203 países y territorios para el periodo 2014 – 2018. Constituye una guía de referencia para la evaluación y el análisis del sector turístico. Junto con el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo, constituye el principal conjunto de datos de la OMT y la principal publicación de estadísticas anuales de turismo. Ambas publicaciones se alimentan de la base de datos de estadísticas de turismo de la OMT, que representa el más completo repositorio de información estadística disponible sobre el sector turístico.

    La edición de 2020 del Compendio es la trigésima novena de una serie que comenzó en 1975 como publicación bienal y que lleva preparándose anualmente desde 1986. La estructura del Compendio es coherente con el sistema de definiciones, conceptos y clasificaciones para estadísticas de turismo acordado a escala internacional, concretamente el de las Recomendaciones internacionales para estadísticas de turismo 2008 (RIET 2008), y por lo tanto, también con las recomendaciones sobre el marco conceptual de la Cuenta satélite de turismo (CST : RMC 2008).

    El objetivo del Compendio es poner a disposición del público interesado, en una sola publicación, un conjunto exhaustivo de datos sobre turismo. El Compendio contiene 145 series de datos básicos e indicadores comparables a escala internacional sobre :

    1. Turismo receptor2. Turismo interno3. Turismo emisor4. Industrias turísticas5. Empleo6. Indicadores complementarios (macroeconómicos)

    Los datos incluidos en el Compendio corresponden a las estadísticas oficiales recopiladas por los gobiernos o las administraciones nacionales de turismo, y comunicadas con regularidad a la OMT a través de diversos cuestionarios. El Departamento de Estadísticas de la OMT difunde los datos, después de aplicar varios controles de calidad en términos de validación de los datos y homogeneidad en relación con las series históricas y otros datos afines, así como con el conjunto de datos publicados en el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo. No todos los países y territorios producen todas las series de datos que se solicitan en los cuestionarios, razón por la cual es posible que no encuentre los datos de las 145 series para un determinado país. El marco de información básica que sustenta el Compendio se explica en las referencias conceptuales y las notas técnicas (Anexo 1). Los indicadores macroeconómicos los prepara la OMT.

    La edición del Compendio de 2020 se publica en inglés, pero los enunciados de los indicadores, las referencias conceptuales y las notas de los países figuran en español, francés e inglés. Las cifras que figuran en esta edición corresponden a los datos introducidos en la base de datos estadística de la OMT

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    a 31 de diciembre de 2019. Por lo tanto, cualquier corrección o cambio recibido después de esta fecha no aparecerá hasta la próxima edición.

    El Compendio es principalmente una base de datos de información anual por países regularmente actualizada y puede consultarse también en formato electrónico (PDF, Excel) desde 1995 en la biblioteca virtual de la OMT (www.e-unwto.org). Los usuarios que busquen las últimas estadísticas disponibles para periodos de referencia más breves o agregados regionales pueden consultar otras publicaciones de la OMT disponibles también en biblioteca virtual, en particular el Barómetro OMT del Turismo Mundial.

    La OMT desea expresar su sincero agradecimiento por su valioso apoyo a todos aquellos que han permitido, con sus aportaciones, reunir la información publicada (administraciones nacionales de turismo, oficinas nacionales de estadística, bancos centrales, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial) y reconocer especialmente el papel crucial de todos los países y territorios que mantienen su compromiso con el desarrollo y la mejora de las estadísticas del turismo.

    Madrid, enero de 2020

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



  • Country tables2014 – 2018


    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


    Arrivals (1)1.1 Total (2) ('000) 3,673 4,131 4,736 5,118 5,9271.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 3,341 3,784 4,070 4,643 5,3401.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) 127 162 507 293 5871.4 * of which, cruise passengers ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by region (1)(2)1.5 Total ('000) 3,673 4,131 4,736 5,118 5,9271.6 ♦ Africa ('000) 1 3 1 2 41.7 ♦ Americas ('000) 90 97 104 124 1491.8 ♦ East Asia and the Pacific ('000) 31 33 36 54 681.9 ♦ Europe ('000) 3,424 3,759 4,485 4,687 5,3321.10 ♦ Middle East ('000) 3 4 4 5 71.11 ♦ South Asia ('000) 1 2 2 2 31.12 ♦ Other not classified ('000) 123 234 103 245 3651.13 * of which, nationals residing abroad ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by main purpose (1)(2)1.14 Total ('000) 3,673 4,131 4,736 5,118 5,9271.15 ♦ Personal ('000) 3,624 4,089 4,677 5,050 5,8401.16 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) 1,315 1,579 1,919 2,372 2,7841.17 * other personal purposes ('000) 2,309 2,510 2,758 2,678 3,0561.18 ♦ Business and professional ('000) 48 42 59 69 87

    Arrivals by mode of transport (1)(2)1.19 Total ('000) 3,673 4,131 4,736 5,118 5,9271.20 ♦ Air ('000) 337 401 457 578 6921.21 ♦ Water ('000) 198 211 276 393 4391.22 ♦ Land ('000) 3,138 3,519 4,003 4,147 4,7961.23 * railway ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.24 * road ('000) 3,138 3,519 4,003 4,147 4,7961.25 * others ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    AccommodationHotels and similar establishments

    1.31 ♦ Guests (3)(4) ('000) 161 257 .. .. ..1.32 ♦ Overnights (3)(4) ('000) 259 484 .. .. ..

    Expenditure1.33 Total US$ Mn 1,849 1,613 1,821 2,050 2,3061.34 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 1,700 1,499 1,693 1,943 2,1861.35 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 149 114 128 107 120

    Expenditure by main purpose of the trip1.36 Total US$ Mn 1,700 1,499 1,693 1,943 2,1861.37 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 1,369 1,160 1,343 1,566 1,8341.38 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 330 339 350 377 352

    Indicators1.39 Average size of travel party Persons .. .. .. .. ..

    Average length of stay1.40 Total Days .. .. .. .. ..1.41 ♦ For all commercial accommodation services (3)(4) Nights 1.60 1.90 .. .. ..1.42 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Nights .. .. .. .. ..1.43 ♦ For non commercial accommodation services Days .. .. .. .. ..1.44 Average expenditure per day US$ .. .. .. .. ..


    AccommodationHotels and similar establishments

    2.21 ♦ Guests (3)(4) ('000) 136 171 .. .. ..2.22 ♦ Overnights (3)(4) ('000) 199 307 .. .. ..

    Indicators2.23 Average size of travel party Persons .. .. .. .. ..

    Average length of stay2.24 Total Days .. .. .. .. ..2.25 ♦ For all commercial accommodation services (3)(4) Nights 1.40 1.80 .. .. ..2.26 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Nights .. .. .. .. ..2.27 ♦ For non commercial accommodation services Days .. .. .. .. ..2.28 Average expenditure per day US$ .. .. .. .. ..


    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Notes


    Departures3.1 Total ('000) 4,146 4,504 4,852 5,186 5,4153.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..3.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Expenditure3.4 Total US$ Mn 1,689 1,311 1,338 1,473 1,7503.5 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 1,590 1,238 1,262 1,433 1,6793.6 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 99 73 76 40 71

    Expenditure by main purpose of the trip3.7 Total US$ Mn 1,590 1,238 1,262 1,433 1,6793.8 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 1,270 921 945 1,089 1,2933.9 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 320 317 317 344 386

    Indicators3.10 Average length of stay Days 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.003.11 Average expenditure per day US$ 82.0 76.5 97.1 61.0 64.6


    Number of establishments4.1 Total Units 20,976 24,485 26,212 25,357 ..4.2 ♦ Accommodation for visitors Units 14,637 18,586 20,043 19,599 ..4.3 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Units .. .. .. .. ..4.4 ♦ Food and beverage serving activities Units 5,719 5,033 5,308 4,737 ..4.5 ♦ Passenger transportation Units .. .. .. .. ..4.6 ♦ Travel agencies and other reservation

    services activities Units 620 866 861 1,021 ..4.7 ♦ Other tourism industries Units .. .. .. .. ..

    Accommodation for visitors in hotels and similar establishments

    Monetary data4.8 ♦ Output US$ Mn 290.4 276.1 350.4 440.3 ..4.9 ♦ Intermediate consumption US$ Mn 155.6 157.1 208.1 264.7 ..4.10 ♦ Gross value added (5) US$ Mn 134.8 119.0 142.0 175.6 ..4.11 ♦ Compensation of employees US$ Mn 70.1 70.5 81.8 110.0 ..4.12 ♦ Gross fixed capital formation (6) US$ Mn 12.1 18.3 40.1 50.2 ..

    Non-monetary data

    4.13 ♦ Number of establishments Units .. .. .. .. ..4.14 ♦ Number of rooms (7) Units 15,081 12,986 17,692 .. ..4.15 ♦ Number of bed-places (7) Units 32,879 29,903 41,376 .. ..

    Indicators4.16 Occupancy rate / rooms Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.17 Occupancy rate / bed-places Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.18 Average length of stay Nights .. .. .. .. ..4.19 Available capacity (bed-places per 1000 inhabitants) Units 11.26 10.23 14.14 .. ..

    Travel agencies and other reservation service activities

    Monetary data4.20 ♦ Output US$ Mn 78.2 103.2 138.0 173.2 ..4.21 ♦ Intermediate consumption US$ Mn 52.6 88.0 91.7 154.3 ..4.22 ♦ Gross value added (5) US$ Mn 25.7 15.1 46.3 19.0 ..4.23 ♦ Compensation of employees US$ Mn 5.0 4.6 5.8 7.5 ..4.24 ♦ Gross fixed capital formation (6) US$ Mn 3.4 4.3 2.5 2.8 ..

    5. EMPLOYMENT (4)Data

    Number of employees by tourism industries5.1 Total ('000) 26.7 29.0 39.2 43.6 ..5.2 ♦ Accommodation services for visitors (hotels

    and similar establishments) (8) ('000) 19.4 21.8 30.0 33.4 ..5.3 ♦ Other accommodation services ('000) .. .. .. .. ..5.4 ♦ Food and beverage serving activities ('000) .. .. .. .. ..5.5 ♦ Passenger transportation (9) ('000) 6.2 6.2 7.7 8.3 ..5.6 ♦ Travel agencies and other reservation

    services activities (10) ('000) 1.1 1.0 1.5 1.9 ..5.7 ♦ Other tourism industries ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Notes

    Number of jobs by status in employment

    5.8 Total ('000) 49.4 59.0 66.9 69.9 ..5.9 ♦ Employees ('000) 26.6 29.1 39.3 43.6 ..5.10 ♦ Self employed ('000) 22.8 29.9 27.6 26.3 ..


    6.1 Gross travel propensity Units .. .. .. .. ..6.2 (1.2 inbound tourists) / population Units 1.14 1.29 1.39 1.61 1.86

    Macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism

    6.3 Inbound tourism expenditure over GDP Percent 14.0 14.2 15.4 15.7 15.36.4 Outbound tourism expenditure over GDP Percent 12.8 11.5 11.3 11.3 11.66.5 Tourism balance (inbound minus outbound tourism expenditure)

    over GDP Percent 1.2 2.7 4.1 4.4 3.76.6 Tourism openness (inbound plus outbound tourism expenditure)

    over GDP Percent 26.8 25.7 26.7 27.0 26.96.7 Tourism coverage (inbound over outbound tourism expenditure) Percent 109.5 123.0 136.1 139.2 131.86.8 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods Percent 149.1 188.6 230.7 227.5 198.26.9 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of services Percent 74.2 71.7 68.7 63.2 63.76.10 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods and services

    Percent 49.5 52.0 52.9 49.5 48.26.11 Inbound tourism expenditure over current account credits Percent 34.8 35.5 36.7 36.0 35.96.12 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods Percent 40.5 38.5 36.5 35.9 38.56.13 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of services Percent 81.6 78.6 75.6 73.0 75.86.14 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods and services

    Percent 27.1 25.9 24.6 24.1 25.56.15 Outbound tourism expenditure over current account debits Percent 25.1 23.7 22.8 22.1 23.5

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


    Arrivals1.1 Total (1) ('000) 2,301 1,710 2,039 2,451 2,6571.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.4 * of which, cruise passengers ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by region1.5 Total ('000) 2,301 1,710 2,039 2,451 2,6571.6 ♦ Africa ('000) 542 659 901 1,177 1,4291.7 ♦ Americas ('000) 10 10 12 13 211.8 ♦ East Asia and the Pacific ('000) 50 75 58 63 851.9 ♦ Europe ('000) 258 289 311 376 4271.10 ♦ Middle East ('000) 81 50 42 80 571.11 ♦ South Asia ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.12 ♦ Other not classified ('000) 1,361 627 717 742 6381.13 * of which, nationals residing abroad ('000) 1,361 627 717 742 638

    Arrivals by main purpose (2)1.14 Total ('000) 940 1,083 1,323 1,708 2,0191.15 ♦ Personal ('000) 612 723 942 1,470 1,8381.16 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) 612 723 942 1,470 1,8381.17 * other personal purposes ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.18 ♦ Business and professional ('000) 329 360 380 238 181

    AccommodationHotels and similar establishments

    1.31 ♦ Guests ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.32 ♦ Overnights ('000) 838 839 993 1,315 1,345

    Expenditure1.33 Total US$ Mn 316 347 246 172 ..1.34 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 258 311 209 141 ..1.35 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 58 36 37 31 ..

    Expenditure by main purpose of the trip1.36 Total US$ Mn 258 311 209 141 ..1.37 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 258 310 208 140 ..1.38 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 0.1 1.0 0.6 0.2 ..


    AccommodationHotels and similar establishments

    2.21 ♦ Guests ('000) .. .. .. .. ..2.22 ♦ Overnights ('000) 6,216 6,307 6,284 6,091 6,221


    Departures3.1 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..3.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 2,839 3,638 4,530 5,058 5,6103.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Expenditure3.4 Total US$ Mn 679 762 556 632 ..3.5 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 608 685 474 580 ..3.6 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 71 77 82 52 ..

    Expenditure by main purpose of the trip3.7 Total US$ Mn 608 684 474 580 ..3.8 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 503 605 443 542 ..3.9 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 105 79 31 38 ..


    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Notes


    Accommodation for visitors in hotels and similar establishments

    Non-monetary data

    4.13 ♦ Number of establishments Units .. .. .. .. ..4.14 ♦ Number of rooms Units .. .. .. .. ..4.15 ♦ Number of bed-places Units 99,605 102,244 107,420 112,264 119,155

    Indicators4.16 Occupancy rate / rooms Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.17 Occupancy rate / bed-places Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.18 Average length of stay Nights .. .. .. .. ..4.19 Available capacity (bed-places per 1000 inhabitants) Units 2.55 2.56 2.65 2.70 2.82


    6.1 Gross travel propensity Units .. .. .. .. ..6.2 (1.1 inbound visitors) / population Units 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06

    Macroeconomic indicators related to international tourism

    6.3 Inbound tourism expenditure over GDP Percent 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 ..6.4 Outbound tourism expenditure over GDP Percent 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.4 ..6.5 Tourism balance (inbound minus outbound tourism expenditure)

    over GDP Percent -0.2 -0.3 -0.1 -0.3 ..6.6 Tourism openness (inbound plus outbound tourism expenditure)

    over GDP Percent 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.5 ..6.7 Tourism coverage (inbound over outbound tourism expenditure) Percent 46.5 45.5 44.2 27.2 ..6.8 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods Percent 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.5 ..6.9 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of services Percent 8.9 10.0 7.2 5.7 ..6.10 Inbound tourism expenditure over exports of goods and services

    Percent 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.5 ..6.11 Inbound tourism expenditure over current account credits Percent 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 ..6.12 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods Percent 1.1 1.5 1.1 1.3 ..6.13 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of services Percent 5.8 6.9 5.1 5.6 ..6.14 Outbound tourism expenditure over imports of goods and services

    Percent 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.1 ..6.15 Outbound tourism expenditure over current account debits Percent 0.8 1.1 0.9 1.0 ..

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


    Arrivals1.1 Total ('000) 51.6 47.1 38.3 42.3 51.81.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 21.6 20.3 20.1 20.0 20.21.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) 30.0 26.8 18.2 22.3 31.61.4 * of which, cruise passengers ('000) 30.0 26.8 18.2 22.3 31.6

    Arrivals by region1.5 Total ('000) 21.6 20.3 20.1 20.0 ..1.6 ♦ Africa ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.7 ♦ Americas ('000) 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.9 ..1.8 ♦ East Asia and the Pacific ('000) 16.3 15.1 14.9 14.5 ..1.9 ♦ Europe ('000) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 ..1.10 ♦ Middle East ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.11 ♦ South Asia ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.12 ♦ Other not classified ('000) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ..1.13 * of which, nationals residing abroad ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by main purpose1.14 Total ('000) 21.6 20.3 20.1 20.0 20.21.15 ♦ Personal ('000) 17.5 16.3 16.6 16.8 16.61.16 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) 4.8 4.6 5.1 5.6 4.81.17 * other personal purposes ('000) 12.7 11.7 11.5 11.2 11.81.18 ♦ Business and professional ('000) 4.1 4.0 3.5 3.2 3.5

    Arrivals by mode of transport1.19 Total ('000) 21.6 20.3 20.1 20.0 ..1.20 ♦ Air ('000) 16.6 16.4 15.8 16.4 ..1.21 ♦ Water ('000) 5.0 3.9 4.3 3.6 ..1.22 ♦ Land ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.23 * railway ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.24 * road ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.25 * others ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Expenditure1.33 Total US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..1.34 ♦ Travel (1) US$ Mn .. .. 22 22 ..1.35 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn .. .. .. .. ..


    Number of establishments4.1 Total Units .. .. .. .. ..4.2 ♦ Accommodation for visitors Units .. .. .. .. ..4.3 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Units .. 20 .. 26 ..4.4 ♦ Food and beverage serving activities Units .. .. .. .. ..4.5 ♦ Passenger transportation Units .. .. .. .. ..4.6 ♦ Travel agencies and other reservation

    services activities Units .. .. .. .. ..4.7 ♦ Other tourism industries Units .. .. .. .. ..

    Accommodation for visitors in hotels and similar establishments

    Non-monetary data

    4.13 ♦ Number of establishments Units .. 20 .. 26 ..4.14 ♦ Number of rooms Units .. 266 .. 279 ..4.15 ♦ Number of bed-places Units .. .. .. 395 ..

    Indicators4.16 Occupancy rate / rooms Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.17 Occupancy rate / bed-places Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.18 Average length of stay Nights .. .. .. .. ..4.19 Available capacity (bed-places per 1000 inhabitants) Units .. .. .. 7.10 ..


    6.1 Gross travel propensity Units .. .. .. .. ..6.2 (1.2 inbound tourists) / population Units 0.39 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.36


    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


    Arrivals1.1 Total ('000) 7,797 7,850 8,025 8,152 8,3281.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 2,363 2,663 2,819 3,003 3,0421.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) 5,433 5,187 5,206 5,149 5,2861.4 * of which, cruise passengers ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by region1.5 Total ('000) 2,363 2,663 2,819 3,003 3,0421.6 ♦ Africa ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.7 ♦ Americas ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.8 ♦ East Asia and the Pacific ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.9 ♦ Europe ('000) 2,330 2,597 2,741 2,922 2,9591.10 ♦ Middle East ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.11 ♦ South Asia ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.12 ♦ Other not classified ('000) 33 67 78 81 831.13 * of which, nationals residing abroad ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by main purpose1.14 Total ('000) 7,797 7,850 8,025 8,152 8,3281.15 ♦ Personal ('000) 7,680 7,678 7,881 8,022 8,1531.16 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) 7,228 7,089 7,199 7,035 7,6201.17 * other personal purposes ('000) 452 589 682 986 5331.18 ♦ Business and professional ('000) 117 173 145 130 175

    Arrivals by mode of transport1.19 Total ('000) 7,797 7,850 8,025 8,152 8,3281.20 ♦ Air ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.21 ♦ Water ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.22 ♦ Land ('000) 7,797 7,850 8,025 8,152 8,3281.23 * railway ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.24 * road ('000) 7,797 7,850 8,025 8,152 8,3281.25 * others ('000) .. .. .. .. ..


    1.29 ♦ Guests ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.30 ♦ Overnights ('000) 6,780 8,111 8,301 8,738 7,236

    Hotels and similar establishments1.31 ♦ Guests ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.32 ♦ Overnights ('000) 4,654 5,207 5,265 5,597 4,584

    Indicators1.39 Average size of travel party Persons .. .. .. .. ..

    Average length of stay1.40 Total Days .. .. .. .. ..1.41 ♦ For all commercial accommodation services Nights 2.87 3.05 2.94 2.91 2.381.42 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Nights .. .. .. .. ..1.43 ♦ For non commercial accommodation services Days .. .. .. .. ..1.44 Average expenditure per day US$ .. .. .. .. ..


    Number of establishments4.1 Total Units .. .. .. .. ..4.2 ♦ Accommodation for visitors Units .. .. .. .. ..4.3 * of which, "hotels and similar establishments" Units 241 239 235 235 2394.4 ♦ Food and beverage serving activities Units .. .. .. .. ..4.5 ♦ Passenger transportation Units .. .. .. .. ..4.6 ♦ Travel agencies and other reservation

    services activities Units .. .. .. .. ..4.7 ♦ Other tourism industries Units .. .. .. .. ..

    Accommodation for visitors in hotels and similar establishments

    Non-monetary data

    4.13 ♦ Number of establishments Units 241 239 235 235 2394.14 ♦ Number of rooms Units 12,339 12,134 11,910 11,934 11,9984.15 ♦ Number of bed-places Units 34,019 33,613 32,963 33,099 32,903


    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Notes

    Indicators4.16 Occupancy rate / rooms Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.17 Occupancy rate / bed-places Percent .. .. .. .. ..4.18 Average length of stay Nights 2.87 3.05 2.94 2.91 2.384.19 Available capacity (bed-places per 1000 inhabitants) Units 429.41 430.86 426.53 430.05 427.31


    6.1 Gross travel propensity Units .. .. .. .. ..6.2 (1.2 inbound tourists) / population Units 29.83 34.13 36.48 39.02 39.51

    Copyright © 2020, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Compendium of Tourism Statistics, Data 2014 – 2018, 2020 Edition | DOI : https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284421459



    Cod. Basic data and indicators Units 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


    Arrivals1.1 Total ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.2 ♦ Overnight visitors (tourists) ('000) 595 592 397 261 2181.3 ♦ Same-day visitors (excursionists) ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.4 * of which, cruise passengers ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by region1.5 Total ('000) 595 592 397 261 2181.6 ♦ Africa ('000) 106 176 53 41 351.7 ♦ Americas ('000) 84 105 62 34 381.8 ♦ East Asia and the Pacific ('000) 66 98 51 40 291.9 ♦ Europe ('000) 326 198 213 135 1061.10 ♦ Middle East ('000) 7 5 10 5 41.11 ♦ South Asia ('000) 8 10 9 7 61.12 ♦ Other not classified ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.13 * of which, nationals residing abroad ('000) .. .. .. .. ..

    Arrivals by main purpose1.14 Total ('000) 595 592 397 261 2181.15 ♦ Personal ('000) 360 320 291 187 1671.16 * holidays, leisure and recreation ('000) 88 87 49 35 351.17 * other personal purposes ('000) 272 233 242 153 1321.18 ♦ Business and professional ('000) 235 272 107 74 51

    Arrivals by mode of transport1.19 Total ('000) 595 592 397 261 2181.20 ♦ Air ('000) 595 592 397 261 2181.21 ♦ Water ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.22 ♦ Land ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.23 * railway ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.24 * road ('000) .. .. .. .. ..1.25 * others ('000) .. .. .. .. ..


    1.29 ♦ Guests ('000) 567 545 371 600 7821.30 ♦ Overnights ('000) 1,769 1,612 1,478 1,432 1,344

    Hotels and similar establishments1.31 ♦ Guests (1) ('000) 409 400 264 339 4281.32 ♦ Overnights (1) ('000) 1,230 1,198 946 846 564

    Expenditure1.33 Total US$ Mn 1,597 1,171 628 884 5571.34 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 1,589 1,163 623 880 5441.35 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 8 8 5 4 13

    Expenditure by main purpose of the trip1.36 Total US$ Mn 1,589 1,163 623 880 5441.37 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 261 168 92 98 921.38 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 1,328 995 531 782 452



    2.19 ♦ Guests ('000) 574 726 376 365 7152.20 ♦ Overnights ('000) 1,810 1,971 1,534 1,470 1,678

    Hotels and similar establishments2.21 ♦ Guests (1) ('000) 369 264 130 111 2642.22 ♦ Overnights (1) ('000) 992 870 953 835 707


    Expenditure3.4 Total US$ Mn 505 389 823 1,216 7623.5 ♦ Travel US$ Mn 113 146 594 977 5553.6 ♦ Passenger transport US$ Mn 392 243 229 239 207

    Expenditure by main purpose of the trip3.7 Total US$ Mn 113 146 594 977 5553.8 ♦ Personal US$ Mn 6 70 557 676 4973.9 ♦ Business and professional US$ Mn 107
