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Competency Training Evidence for Panel Operator Answers

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Competency Training Evidence for Panel Operator. Process Abbreviations PV= Process variable. SP= Set-point. LP= Low pressure. MP = Medium pressure. HP= High pressure EDC= Energy Department Control (Power station) Cycle 1 1a. Benzole plant start-up BPP4SWP49 1. Inform all concerned parties (Usually Rco 4 or Rco 53) there is going to be a benzole plant shutdown. 2. Ensure all benzole oil flow controllers are in manual and shut on pages 400 and 402 1/2FiC404, 1/2LiC406, 1/2LiC404, 2LiC409, 2LiC407. Page 400 Auto/ manual selector
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Competency Training Evidence for Panel Operator.

Process AbbreviationsPV= Process variable.SP= Set-point.LP= Low pressure.MP = Medium pressure.HP= High pressureEDC= Energy Department Control (Power station)Cycle 11a. Benzole plant start-up BPP4SWP49

1. Inform all concerned parties (Usually Rco 4 or Rco 53) there is going to be a benzole plant shutdown.2. Ensure all benzole oil flow controllers are in manual and shut on pages 400 and 402 1/2FiC404, 1/2LiC406,

1/2LiC404, 2LiC409, 2LiC407.

Page 400

Page 402

Auto/manual selector

Auto/manual selector

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3. Request the benzole operator (Rco 53) to re-establish circulation pumps 1+2P407/8/or 9s and 2P410/12/or 11s, then

check page 466 that all required drives are on. Once this is done open all oil flow controllers to establish a circulation from scrubbers to the benzole still then to 1/2T405 then back to scrubbers.

Page 4664. Open control valves on pages 400 and 402 1+2FIC-404 lean oil flows back to 1+2C402 scrubbers from the benzole plant. 1+2LiC406 oil level control valves from the 1+2C402 scrubbers to the 1+2C401 scrubbers and 1+2LiC404 oil level control valves from 1+2C401 scrubbers to the benzole plant and 2LIC-409 benzole still level controller to establish circulations. 5. 5. Once circulation is established, check on page 402 that L.P. and M.P. steam controllers 2FiC402 and 2TIC-413 are in manual and closed. Then request benzole operator (Rco 53) to confirm all block valves in and out of these controllers are open.6. Once confirmed, re-introduce M.P. steam to heater using 2TIC-413 until a temperature of at least 110°c is reached. At 110°c on L.P. steam can introduced into the still by opening 2FiC402 whilst carefully monitoring the benzole still base pressure on page 402 aim should be a still head of 103 and base pressure below 200m/bar.7. As the benzole dephlegmator temperature increases request the benzole operator to put the water back on. Dephlegmator temp can be seen on page 403. Whilst at the same time re-introduce water to the dephlegmator via 2TiC433 control valve on page 403. (Aim approximately 82°c Try to keep an approximate 50/50 oil to water ratio).

Page 403

Red = pump running.

Green = pump stopped

Dephlegmator temperatureAnd control valve

Phlegm oil control valve.2.5m³/HR

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8. As the creosote oil temperature rises back to the washers request cooling water pump 0P435 (page 466) to be put back in service control temperature of oil thereafter by manually operating 1T409-316 on page 402.9. Now request 2P414 or 0P422 is started up whilst checking that phlegm oil flow control valve (2FiC405) is shut. Page 40310. Once pump is running re-establish phlegm oil flow manually to benzole still with an aim of 2.5m3/hr. Once A steady flow is established, 2FiC405 in automatic control. Page 40311. Settle plant out and then request benzole operator to put benzole plant back on the foul gas main (If operational). Check on page 405 that 0PiC435 is now showing suction of -4m/bar and not a pressure.12. Now inform benzole operator of intention to bring purifier back on line.13. Ask Benzole operator to confirm all valves “set up” and re-introduce oil flow back into purifier via 2LIC-407 controller on page 402 with a running level aim of 50%.14. It is good operations to continually monitor page 600 to keep an eye on L.P. steam pressure and vent system as more L.P. is now being used, it may be necessary to put a turbine in service as more L.P. steam is now being used.

Page 600

14. Check page 466 to confirm all necessary drives are in service 1+2P407/8/9, 2P410/11/12, 0P435, 0P422 and 2P414.15. Thereafter check pages 400, 402, 403 until plant is steady. When plant is steady all controllers can be put into automatic control.

1b. 1. Before the operator starts to open any block valves ensure all valves are in manual and also in the closed position

especially steam valves as a sudden burst of steam into a cold line will cause steam hammer, possible rupture of the line and at worst if the operator is in the vicinity they maybe injured or worse.

2. Ensure still head is above 110°c before introducing LP steam.3. Monitor still vapour pressure as it may fluctuate if the operator has not remove all condensate from system.4. Wait till condenser and dephlegmator temperatures begin to rise before cooling water is re-established as

blockages may occur if they are cold.5. As extra steam is being used now monitor the let-down station as a steam turbine may need to be put on line if

we have to import excess LP steam.

LP let down station. Try to maintain a central position.

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1a.Gas holder entry. BPP5SWP29

Note EDC will be aware of the impending entry and will lower the gas holder level accordingly overnight.

1. Contact either battery control (Telephone 8106) or Rco6 to have the instrument air compressors checked to ensure that at least 2 are in operation and 1 is on standby. Also a pressure of no less than 5.6 barg is shown on page 601 on the DCS.

Page 601

2. Inform Falck (8577) of the gas holder entry. 3. Confirm the base holder cabin phone and alarms are in working order by contacting the base man. The base man

should call the By-Products every 15 minutes and if not this should be investigated. 4. Switch on the "Men in gas holder" alarm on the control room panel.5. Inform battery control there are men in the gas holder once entry takes place. 6. If during the entry the flare stack pilots fail the gas holder personnel should be withdrawn. Ensure the flare stack

is controlled by EDC.7. Monitor the gas holder level on local and DCS instrumentation and take action to instruct the working party to

withdraw from the gas holder if the level exceeds 45,000m3 (82%) or falls below 35,000m3 (64%).8. Monitor the plant air pressure and be prepared to withdraw gas holder entry team should it drop below 5.6barg. 9. On completion notify the battery control and Falck. Then switch of the "Men in gas holder" alarm.


1. Monitor air plant pressure at all times and be prepared to have the entry team leave if there are problems. (Minimum 5.6mBar).

2. Although EDC will be monitoring the gas holder level this should still be done by the control room operator as well.

3. Ensure there is contact between the baseman every 15 minutes and if not investigate. (8182).

Plant air/Breathing air Pressure. Above 5.6 bar for gas holder entry

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1. Liaise with battery control and ensure there is a battery stop before the tests can take place. (8106).2. When battery control confirms they are ready relay the information to the team leader (Rco4) so as the tests can

commence.3. The team leader will start to close the outlet of the online pump until the flushing liquor to the battery starts to

drop. Once this starts to fall below 6barg the standby pump should cut in to pick up the pressure. Although there is local gauges notify the team leader the pressure is still dropping if this is the case. All four pumps will be tested. 1/2p110 and 1/2p111. Page 102

Page 1024. Once complete notify battery control that normal operations can commence. (8106).

1b.1. There must be a battery stop before the tests begin. (8106).2. If the pressure continues to drop the Team Leader (Rco4) should be notified immediately.3. As this is a noisy area ensure all radio communications are concise and understood.

2a. Weekly fire fighting wet test AEMT-8DEFC3

1. Notify security that a wet test is to take place and which zone is to be tested. (6494).2. Check the level in the Fire fighting tank. Page 604

Stream 1/2 flushing liquor pressure

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Page 604

3. Ensure there are no tankers or work being carried out in test zone. Liaise with outside operator. 4. 0p425 running hardwire alarm should light on the right hand panel. 5. Once the test is complete, resets hardwire panel alarms and inform security the wet test is complete.


1. Security must be informed prior to and after test. (6494).2. No benzole tankers to be admitted if benzole loading station is to be tested.3. 0p425 should be operated a maximum of 3 times in 1hr. when running this will show on the hardwire panel.4. Occasionally zones other than the one to be tested alarm in. This must still be investigated and then reported to

security as a false alarm and also the engineer to rectify. 5. If the hardwire alarm does not clear inform the outside operator to investigate.

3a. Exhauster change BPP1SWP09

Note: Exhauster changes as a panel operator is more a monitoring process that requires relaying process information to the team leader and other members of the team.

1. Battery control will be aware that an exhauster change is to take place and will have stopped pushing and charging.

2. Ensure the detarrers are shut down before commencing change over. Page 166.

Fire fighting tank level

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Page 166

3. Once the battery confirms that they are ready relay this to the team leader (Rco 4) that the changeover can take place.

4. During the changeover the exhauster will be switched into manual both in the exhauster house and the control room. Monitor the exhauster and if any problems arise contact the team leader. Page 105.

Page 105

5. Once the changeover is done the team leader will radio control to match the output signals and once done the exhauster can be put back in auto.

6. The detarrers can be restarted.7. On completion notify the battery they can restart. (8106)

3b.1. The Battery must be boxed up prior to change.


Exhauster Auto/ Manual

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2. Detarrers must be stopped prior to change over.3. Exhauster suction must be monitored throughout as above -31mBar the exhauster will trip on high suction.4. Ensure the inside and outside suction signals are matched up before auto is selected as this could lead to a rapid

increase or decrease of the exhauster speed which could ultimately lead to the exhauster tripping and the battery bleeders lifting.

Cycle 2

1a. Booster change. BPP5SWP41

Note: Booster changes as a panel operator is more a monitoring process that requires relaying process information to the team leader and other members of the team.

1. Inform EDC that there is going to be a booster change taking place. Telephone 8297.2. Radio the team leader (Rco 4) and inform him that he has the go ahead to change the booster over.3. Monitor the gas holder level and pressure in the gas main throughout. Page 500

Page 500

4. Once complete liaising with the team leader try to get the outlet gas pressure as close to the set point EDC require before finally putting the booster back in auto. Page 501

Gas holder level indication

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Page 501

5. Notify EDC the booster change is complete. Telephone 8297.

1b.1. If work is being carried out in the 11kv substation the booster change cannot take place as this could potentially

put the person or persons in harm’s way.2. Ensure the speed of the booster is going to be adequate to give the EDC required booster output pressure before

auto is selected because if not a rapid increase/ decrease in speed may have a detrimental effect.3. If two boosters are online ensure the speeds are matched up.4. Gas holder level, the gas main and the booster pressures should be monitored throughout.

1a. Ammonia plant start-up with vapour valve. BPP3SWP74b .

1. The plant will already be on break water supply therefore reduced feeds to Ammonia washers to between each just before the operational restart of the plant.

2. Ensure that 2C304 / OC305 / 1C303 / 2C303 steam controllers are in manual and closed. DCS page 304.

Booster output set point.

EDC booster set point pressure.

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Page 3043. Ensure dephlegmator cooling water valves are in manual and closed. Page 305.

Page 305

4. Confirm that the virgin feed control valves are in manual and are in the closed position, this ensures there is no sudden feed of liquor to the stills when the block valves are opened. DCS page 302/3/6

Dephlegmator valve positions SP=85°c

Still steam control valve positions

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Page 302

Page 303/6

Page 306

Strong Liquor flow controller SP=40m³/HR

Still level controller SP=45%

Virgin Liquor flow controllers

Stripped Liquor flow controller SP=18m³/HR

Still level controller SP=45%

Strong Liquor flow controller. SP = 40m³/HR

Stripped Liquor flow controller SP= 18m³/HR

Still level controllers SP=45%

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4. Check that all oncoming still level controllers are in manual and in the closed position. DCS page 302/3/6.5. Start slowly warming up the selected stills, by operating in manual the low pressure steam control valves. Page


Page 3046. Monitor the pressure within the vapour pipework and ensure the pressure is between 5Mb and 70Mb at all

times. Page 306, 8/9.7. The Production Team Leader/Operator will let you know when there is a good head of steam at the vents and

then request the steam to be shut back off. The operator will then close all reflux drains and vents, then open the incinerator purge vent.

8. Make sure the operator now starts up 1P319 or 2P319. These are cooling water pumps for the free still dephlegmator 1&2C303. Page 366

9. Open the liquor from the storage tanks to the selected still to establish a still base level. Create a strong liquor closed circuit circulation to the washers via the 1 or 2P314 or 315 pumps, whilst changing over from the breakwater supply. Try to maintain a still level and not use the drain as this will contaminate the lime sump.

10. Start slowly warming up the selected stills by increasing the LP steam control valves. Start off at 10% on each of the stills, then continue to increase the steam feed to achieve a vapour pressure of between 5 Mb and 70mb. DCS page 305.

Ensure that all of the still head temperatures are above 60 degrees. 11. Adjust cooling water to Dephlegmators or steam control valve to still to help achieve this. Page 305.

Page 305

Dephlegmator cooling water controllers

Incinerators vapour pressure. 1/2f301 will trip at 3mbar.

LP steam control valves

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12. Slowly increase the steam flow to the free still to and maintain a minimum of 5mb maximum of 70 MB pressure. 13. Once there is a good head at the purge vent the 15 minute timer will be started. Page 308/914. As soon as the timer has finished set the vapour controller OPI-324 for the desired incinerator 1/2F301 to 20 %

output. Then liaise with the incinerator control room to synchronise the shutting of the purge vent and pushing of NH3 vapour start button.

Note: The first chamber temperature must be higher than 700 degrees and the second chamber temperature higher than 400 degrees before vapour can be introduced to the incinerator. Vapour trips below 3mbar.

15. There will be an instant reduction of vapour pressure, so the steam to the free ammonia still may need to be increased to maintain a positive pressure within the vapour pipework. Trips at 3mb.

16. Once the vapour pressure and flow are established to the on-line incinerator, the vapour control valve output will need to be gradually opened to 100 % as the steams to the stills, and liquor feed to the still are gradually increased.

17. Once the vapour valve OPI-324 is 100% open, request the operator start the caustic pumps to online stills as required, and introduce the virgin feed flows. Page 366.

18. Continue to warm up all stills to the normal operating parameters. Increase the virgin liquor, strong liquor, steam and water flows to the still and associated equipment as required. Also increase / decrease the gas and air mix to maintain the optimum burning temperature for the incinerator. Page 308/9

Page 309

Note, none of the still steam control valves can be put into auto mode until OPI-324 is at 100% output, otherwise any steam controller put in auto mode will default to manual and zero output, causing the vapour pressure to fall, possibly tripping the plant on low vapour.Note, once the vapour valve is set at 100% output, adjust the vapour pressure using the steam only. Adjustment of OPI-324 will result in steam defaulting to the trip, zero output position, if the open limit is lost.

1b.1. Ensure the no entry to the ammonia plant board is in place and anyone tagged on signs out and removes there

tag.2. Before the Ammonia operator starts to open any block valves ensure all valves are in manual and also in the

closed position especially steam valves as a sudden burst of steam into a cold line will cause steam hammer, possible rupture of the line and at worst if the operator is in the vicinity they maybe injured or worse.

3. As extra steam is being used now monitor the let-down station as a steam turbine may need to be put on line if we have to import excess LP steam.

Coke oven gas Air


Purge timer

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4. Monitor vapour pressure as the incinerator will trip if it 100mBar or goes below 3mBar.5. Still temperature should be maintained above 60°ᶜ or the vapour cannot be introduced.6. Take care not to introduce cooling water too quickly to the dephlegmator as this will cause the vapour pressure

to crash. 7. Still base pressure and levels to be monitored throughout. 8. Unless the vapour valve is fully open do not try to put the LP steam to the stills in auto as this would trip the

plant.9. Monitor chamber temperatures as chamber 1 and 2 if they fall below 700°ᶜ and also 400°ᶜ respectively exceed

1275°ᶜ and chamber 2 950°ᶜ the incinerator will trip.10. Until the ammonia plant is stable keep on a closed circuit to minimise contamination of the lime sump

2a. Naphthalene plant shutdown.BPP2SWP08 ( Please note that at present the final system is offline and may not be reinstated so this has been omitted from the procedure)

1. There may be times when 0T204 naphthalene product tank is out of service and therefore the product will be getting sent to 1T404 benzole daily make tank, if this is the case then the following procedure will apply. If not request the benzole operator to redirect the naphthalene product to 1t404 and if needed empty the naphthalene oil receiver to 0t412.

2. Carry out a hot shot of condenser 0E202 by going to page 201 and putting 0TIC226 in manual and closing the valve, when condenser reaches 50o panel man to request the operator to stop 0P218.

Page 201

3. Put L.P. steam control valve 0FIC202 in manual and shut the valve. Page 2014. Close M.P. steam control valve 0TIC211 by putting in manual and closing the valves. Page 200

Cooling water to condenser

LP steam control valve.

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Page 200

5. Take off the oil circulation by closing 1+2FIC-201s and 1+2LIC202s in manual and shutting valves. Page 200 6. Request the operator to shut down oil circulation pumps on the system: 1+2P211 or 0P212.7. Look at page 266 to ensure all necessary drives are off. Once done notify the Team Leader that the naphthalene

plant is shutdown.

Page 2662b

1. Ensure there is a hot shot done on the condenser to keep the temperature up as long as possible to stop the change of naphthalene solidifying in the system when it cools below 30°c.

2. Make sure there are no high levels left in any vessels when shutting down flows.3. As less steam is now being used also monitor the L P let down station.

2a. Benzole plant shutdown BPP4SWP48

Once aware of a complete Benzole plant shutdown the normal course of action will be to inform the Benzole operator about it, then provision must be made prior to the shutdown to dump the purifier to 0T412 sludge tank on page 402 of the VDU the oil feed valve from the Benzole still to the purifier will need to be put in manual and closed (2LIC-407), after the purifier contents are reduced, Benzole operator will pump purifier contents to 0T412. At this point begin a

MP Steam control valve to main heater

Oil flow controller

ODT Level controller flow

This page shows all pumps stopped

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hot shot of the creosote coolers by closing 1T409-306 on page 402 of the VDU, when the gas temperature leaving 1+2C402 washers is 50°c approx ask Benzole operator to stop 0P435 cooling water pump.

Page 402

1. At page 402 on the VDU close the L.P. steam control valve to the still 2FCV-402 and the M.P. steam valve to the heater 2TIC-413 by placing them in manual and shutting the valves to zero.

2. At page 403 close dephlegmator water control valve 2TCV433 by placing it in manual and shutting the valve to zero.

3. At page 403 the phlegm oil flow to the still will need to be taken off by putting 2FCV405 in manual and shutting the valve to zero, and then ask the Benzole operator to then stop either 2P414 or 0P422, asks the Benzole operator to then confirm that the water valve to the online condenser is closed.

Page 403

4. Confirm with Benzole operator that the foul gas main is “off” (IF ONLINE) and tanks and vessels on the Benzole are “venting to atmosphere”.

5. At this point check oil levels in scrubbers, still, tank and begin to co-ordinate the stopping of oil transfer pumps 1+2P407/8/or 9s in pump alley and 2P410/12/or 11s at Benzole plant with the aim of leaving 2C403 Benzole still empty. When empty close 2LIC409 Benzole still level control valve on page 402(see above) with the scrubbers 1+2C401 and 1+2C402 and 1T405 all at 50% approx. At page 400 close control valves 1+2FIC-404 lean oil flow

Dephlegmator control valve

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back to 1+2C402 scrubbers from the benzole plant, 1+2LCV406 oil level control valves from the 1+2C402 scrubbers to the 1+2C401 scrubbers and 1+2LCV404 oil level control valves from 1+2C401 scrubbers to the benzole plant

Page 400

6. Now look on page 466 to ensure that all necessary drives are off. Once done confirm with Team Leader that benzole plant now fully shutdown. Note, should the shutdown be over one hour then the benzole scrubbers will need to be gas bypassed and the phlegm oil line will require flushing through periodically, generally every hour. It is also good practice to continually monitor page 600 and check L.P. steam vent system and make alterations to plant accordingly to keep the vent in control.

Page 466

Red = pump running.

Green = pump stopped

1+2FIC404 lean oil flows. 1+2LIC406 level

control valves.

1+2LCV404 oil level control valves.

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Page 600


1. Ensure the creosote coolers have had a hot shot and there temperature is around 50°c to maintain heat in the system to reduce the chance of blockages.2. Do not allow the 1/2407/8/9 pumps to be switched off if the scrubbers levels are too high as this may end up backing up through the gas main.3. The phlegm oil line will require flushing periodically if the benzole plant is off for more than an hour to minimise the risk of line blockages. 4. As less steam is now being used monitor the LP steam let down station on page 600 to ensure the vent is not fully open.

3a Primary cooler pump changeover BPP1SWP112.

Note: Before progressing with the changeover, confirmation must be received from the battery that they are in a “safe position” to allow the changeover to go ahead.1. Inform the outside operators carrying out the changeover when the batteries are boxed up so they can proceed. 2. Exhauster suction must be monitored throughout the procedure. Page 105

Page 105

LP let down station. Try to maintain a central position

Exhauster suction

Exhauster speed

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3. During the changeover the primary cooler flows and levels should be monitored at all times and any changes should be immediately relayed to the outside operators. Page 103.

Page 103

4. On completion of the task notify the battery they can now commence operations. (8106).


1. Flows must be monitored as if the flows are lost this would lead a lack of cooling of the coke oven gas which could ultimately lead to greater volume of gas which could trip the exhauster then lift the battery bleeders. Page 103

2. If the 1p103 or 2p119 are in service for the 1/2p102 pumps the level should be monitored to ensure the outside operator has not opened the outlet valve to far as the 1/2p102 pumps have a far less pumping capacity than the 1p103 & 2p119 pumps which could lead to the emptying of the primary coolers. Page 103

3. The primary cooler temperatures should also be monitored as if to high could trip the exhauster and lift the battery bleeders due to an excessive volume of gas. Page 104

Page 104

Primary cooler level indications

Primary cooler liquor flows

Primary cooler temperatures

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3a. Exhauster trip No specific SWP

1. In the event of an exhauster trip the panel man will be expected to inform all concerned parties such as Team Leader (Rco4), EDC (8297) and battery (8106) and Benzole operator (Rco53) so that remedial action can be taken to return the exhauster back to normal operations as soon as possible.2. If the exhausters trip the panel man will be expected to ensure the detarrers are stopped immediately. Page 166

Page 1663. Due to there now being no gas being pulled from the battery the battery bleeders will have lifted, so quick actions are required to bring the exhauster back into service. With that in mind the Team Leader must be informed immediately as he can take control and delegate the team to resume normal operations as quickly as possible.4. Inform EDC (8297) of the exhauster trip and let them know that you will inform them as soon as normal operations have been resumed.5. The type of exhauster trip should now be identified e.g. high suction trip will require the high suction trip reset button to be depressed on the right hand panel (top left of), a failure to press this reset button will mean that there will be no output signal inside the exhauster house, the exhauster will be at minimum revs of 1,000 rpm approx. A high pressure trip will also drop the exhauster to minimum revs.Note: There is also an over speed trip fitted to each exhauster and if the exhauster speed exceeds 4200 rpm a mechanical trip is actuated and the machine will stop. The mechanical trip will need to be reset.Note: a). A loss of oil pressure will trip the exhauster completely and the mechanical

trip will need to be reset.b). Also if mechanical – is operated by hand.c). If emergency button is operated on exhauster panel in exhauster house.

6. After the “outside” team get the exhauster back into control in manual the panel man will be awaiting instructions.7. The Team Leader will now relay via the radio the new output signal for the on-going exhauster which the panel man should match on his screen. Page 105

1V101/ 2V102 Detarrers

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Page 1058. A now tandem co-ordinated changeover will be made in the exhauster house and in the panel from “manual to auto”.9. Panel man should now inform the battery (8106) it is now OK to start pushing and charging again and EDC (8297) can be informed that normal operations have been resumed.10. Ensure the red emergency detarrer stop button is reset if this has been used to stop the detarrer to allow the detarrers to be put back in service and ask for detarrers to be put back in service after reset. This is located on the right hand panel.3b.

1. Ensure detarrers are off as air may be drawn into the system if the exhausters stop which on a restart could lead to an explosion. When re-instating the detarrers if they have been fully shut down there is an approximately 1hr timer that eliminates any moisture that will have to lapse before they will restart. Page 166

2. Suction needs to be monitored as above -31mBar the exhauster will trip on high suction. Page 105.3. During any trip scenario on the exhausters there may be a “kick” on the L.P. steam pressure causing problems on

the Benzole, naphthalene and ammonia plants and also the volume of steams will be affected, so consistent checking of L.P. steam valve positions on all plants is advisable. Pages 201, 302/3, and 402

4. Dependant on the type of trip an electrician, fitter or technician may have to be called.5. If the stop is extended the gas holder level must be monitored and EDC kept informed at all times.

6. Ensure outside and inside suction outputs are matched up before putting in auto as a rapid drop in speed or a surge may occur if this is not done which would affect the suction. Page 105

4a. Booster trip No specific SWP1. In the event of a booster trip the panel man will be expected to inform all concerned parties such as Team Leader (Rco4), EDC (Telephone 8297) and battery control (Telephone 8106) and Benzole operator (Rco53) so that remedial action can be taken to return the booster back to normal operations as soon as possible.2. Until normal operations are resumed careful note must be taken of the gasholder level and gas pressures within the main.3. Flare stack operations must also be observed. Page 500


Output set- points

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Page 500 4. Incinerator operations must be monitored. Also as gas flow fluctuations can alter temperatures and cause ammonia plant trips. Pages 308/9

Page 309

5. When the booster is back in service, expect to get a radio message to match signal on page 501 on 1PIC-517 to that of the booster locally. This will be done in manual control, at this point a co-ordinated change will be carried out in the panel and at the booster to auto control from manual.

Flare stack output positions. A + C are controlled by EDC and B is controlled from By-Products

Flare stack gas flow

Booster inlet/outlet COG pressure

Incinerator chamber temperatures

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Page 501

6. When so done, phone EDC (8297) and tell them that you are going to give control back to them by tabbing the control from local to remote, then inform battery (8106) that operations are back to normal.7. A visual check of the screens on SECTION 5 will enable the panel man to see that the anti-surges are operating in auto and levels and pressures are as normal. Page 501 See above.

4b. 1. Liaise with EDC (8297) in monitoring the gas holder level. 2. If gas holder levels keep increasing and the flare stacks do not open you will have to contact the outside operator (Rco 53/4) to take the b flare stack into manual to control the gas holder level. Page 500 Notify EDC if this is done. 3. Keep the team leader (Rco 4) informed of the gas holder level as he may decide to close the coke oven gas inlet/outlet valve to maintain a level. Page 500 See below.

Page 500

4. Due to the fact the incinerators are the furthest from the boosters trips can occur due to loss of gas pressure.

Booster control set pointSet by EDC

B-Flare stack controller

Gas holder level

Page 24: Competency Training Evidence for Panel Operator Answers
