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Competitive Inhibitor of3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarl

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American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 132, No. 3, September 1988 Copyright () American Association of Pathologists Brain and Optic System Pathology in Hypocholesterolemic Dogs Treated with a Competitive Inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarl Coenzyme A Reductase P. H. BERRY, BVSc, MPhil, J. S. MACDONALD, PhD, A. W. ALBERTS, BS, S. MOLON-NOBLOT, PhD,J. S. CHEN, BS, C.-Y. L. LO, BS, MS, M. D. GREENSPAN, BS, PhD, H. ALLEN, VMD, G. DURAND-CAVAGNA, PhD, R.JENSEN, DVM, PhD, Y. BAILLY, VM, P. DELORT, DVM, and P. DUPRAT, DVM, PhD From the Department of Safety Assessment, Merck Sharp & Dohme-Chibret, Riom, France, the Department ofSafety Assessment, Merck Sharp & Dohme, West Point, Pennsylvania, and the Department ofBiochemical Regulation, Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratory, Rahway, NewJersey The cholesterol lowering compound lovastatin, a com- petitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl co- enzyme A reductase (EC HMG CoA reduc- tase), was given in nine separate experiments to nor- mocholesterolemic dogs at rates up to 180 times the maximum therapeutic dose in man (1 mg/kg/day). Mean serum total cholesterol concentrations were re- duced as much as 88% below normal. Clinical evidence of neurotoxicity occurred in up to 37% of animals given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin for 11 or more days, especially in one laboratory where the dosing regime resulted in higher concentrations of plasma drug lev- els. Dogs receiving 60 mg/kg/day or less never ex- hibited neurologic signs. The central nervous system (CNS) of affected dogs exhibited endothelial degener- ation and hemorrhagic encephalopathy. Focal extrava- sation of horseradish peroxidase occurred frequently (6/8) in the retrolaminar optic nerve of asymptomatic or clinically affected dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lova- statin, with endothelial degeneration and discrete op- tic nerve degenerative lesions interpreted as ischemic. The association between the degree of hypocholester- olemia and occurrence of clinical signs was not exact. Total brain cholesterol was similar in treated and con- trol dogs. Hypocholesterolemic dogs had proportion- ally lowered serum concentrations of alpha-tocoph- erol, but oral supplementation of this vitamin did not prevent the neurologic syndrome. Endothelial degen- eration in the CNS and optic nerve may have reflected in vitro morphologic effects of HMG CoA reductase in- hibitors due to extreme inhibition of nonsterol iso- prene synthesis. Retinogeniculate axonal (Wallerian- like) degeneration occurred in >12% of dogs given 60 mg/kg/day or more lovastatin, with central chromato- lysis of occasional retinal ganglion cells. These neuro- axonal changes may have been secondary to vascular effects, but superimposed direct neurotoxic action at the high dosage levels of lovastatin could not be ex- cluded. There was no evidence ofdrug induced adverse effects in the CNS of dogs given up to 30 mg/kg/day lovastatin for 2 years. (AmJ Pathol 1988,132:427-443) THE FUNGAL METABOLITE LOVASTATIN (formerly mevinolin) is a competitive inhibitor of the rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, 3-hy- droxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) re- ductase (EC' Lovastatin or related com- pounds2 can lower serum cholesterol concentrations by as much as 46% in several species including hu- mans,3"7 cynomologous monkeys,8'9 rabbits,9-" and dogs"9" 2"13 without significant toxicologic side effects. In adult rats and mice, the lack of a permanent cholesterol-lowering effect of these compounds may be due to their induction and stabilization of hepatic HMG CoA reductase.'46 Despite the importance of cholesterol as a constituent of the developing and ma- ture nervous system,'7"8 there are no previously re- ported neuropathologic effects associated with the use of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors in experimental Accepted for publication April 5, 1988. Address reprint requests to P. H. Berry, Department of Safety Assessment, Merck Sharp & Dohme-Chibret, 63203 Riom Cedex, France. 427

American Journal ofPathology, Vol. 132, No. 3, September 1988Copyright () American Association of Pathologists

Brain and Optic System Pathology inHypocholesterolemic Dogs Treated with aCompetitive Inhibitor of3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarlCoenzymeA Reductase




From the Department ofSafety Assessment, Merck Sharp &Dohme-Chibret, Riom, France, the Department ofSafetyAssessment, Merck Sharp & Dohme, West Point, Pennsylvania,and the Department ofBiochemical Regulation, Merck Sharp &Dohme Research Laboratory, Rahway, NewJersey

The cholesterol lowering compound lovastatin, a com-petitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl co-enzyme A reductase (EC HMG CoA reduc-tase), was given in nine separate experiments to nor-mocholesterolemic dogs at rates up to 180 times themaximum therapeutic dose in man (1 mg/kg/day).Mean serum total cholesterol concentrations were re-duced as much as 88% below normal. Clinical evidenceof neurotoxicity occurred in up to 37% of animalsgiven 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin for 11 or more days,especially in one laboratory where the dosing regimeresulted in higher concentrations of plasma drug lev-els. Dogs receiving 60 mg/kg/day or less never ex-hibited neurologic signs. The central nervous system(CNS) ofaffected dogs exhibited endothelial degener-ation and hemorrhagic encephalopathy. Focal extrava-sation of horseradish peroxidase occurred frequently(6/8) in the retrolaminar optic nerve ofasymptomaticor clinically affected dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lova-statin, with endothelial degeneration and discrete op-tic nerve degenerative lesions interpreted as ischemic.

The association between the degree of hypocholester-olemia and occurrence of clinical signs was not exact.Total brain cholesterol was similar in treated and con-trol dogs. Hypocholesterolemic dogs had proportion-ally lowered serum concentrations of alpha-tocoph-erol, but oral supplementation of this vitamin did notprevent the neurologic syndrome. Endothelial degen-eration in the CNS and optic nerve may have reflectedin vitro morphologic effects ofHMG CoA reductase in-hibitors due to extreme inhibition of nonsterol iso-prene synthesis. Retinogeniculate axonal (Wallerian-like) degeneration occurred in >12% ofdogs given 60mg/kg/day or more lovastatin, with central chromato-lysis ofoccasional retinal ganglion cells. These neuro-axonal changes may have been secondary to vasculareffects, but superimposed direct neurotoxic action atthe high dosage levels of lovastatin could not be ex-cluded. There was no evidence ofdrug induced adverseeffects in the CNS of dogs given up to 30 mg/kg/daylovastatin for 2 years. (AmJ Pathol 1988,132:427-443)

THE FUNGAL METABOLITE LOVASTATIN(formerly mevinolin) is a competitive inhibitor oftherate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, 3-hy-droxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) re-ductase (EC' Lovastatin or related com-pounds2 can lower serum cholesterol concentrationsby as much as 46% in several species including hu-mans,3"7 cynomologous monkeys,8'9 rabbits,9-" anddogs"9" 2"13 without significant toxicologic side effects.In adult rats and mice, the lack of a permanentcholesterol-lowering effect of these compounds may

be due to their induction and stabilization of hepaticHMG CoA reductase.'46 Despite the importance ofcholesterol as a constituent ofthe developing and ma-ture nervous system,'7"8 there are no previously re-ported neuropathologic effects associated with the useof HMG CoA reductase inhibitors in experimental

Accepted for publication April 5, 1988.Address reprint requests to P. H. Berry, Department of

Safety Assessment, Merck Sharp & Dohme-Chibret, 63203Riom Cedex, France.



animals. High doses oflovastatin in pregnant rats maycause fetal skeletal malformations, however. The inci-dence ofthese changes is suppressed by coadministra-tion of the enzyme product mevalonate,'9 suggestinga mechanism-based effect due to extreme inhibitionofHMG CoA reductase.

In contrast to the effects of HMG CoA reductaseinhibitors in rats, when these animals are given agentssuch as triparanol or AY-9944, which restrict choles-terol synthesis after squalene cyclization, there is ac-cumulation of cholesterol-precursor sterols in severaltissues including the brain.20'2' Cholesterol-sup-pressed, fetal holoprosencephalic malformations mayalso occur,22 and in rats dosed neonatally with eitheragent, there is disturbed myelinogenesis with accumu-lations of numerous intracytoplasmic inclusions pre-dominantly in oligodendroglia throughout the centralnervous system (CNS).2325The HMG CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin is

used in human hypercholesterolemia at 1 mg/kg/dayor less to reduce abnormally high serum cholesterolconcentrations and the associated risk of coronaryheart disease.4'5'26'27 In the studies reported here, lo-vastatin was given to normocholesterolemic maturebeagle dogs at rates up to 180 times the maximumhuman therapeutic dose, causing rapid reduction inmean serum cholesterol concentrations by as much as88%. There was associated abetalipoproteinemia, andserum alpha-tocopherol was proportionally reducedwith cholesterol (Alberts AW, unpublished observa-tion) to levels previously associated with canine hypo-vitaminosis E.2829 Sudden tremors and convulsionsoccurred in some treated dogs. The purpose of thisstudy is to describe the clinical signs, changes in serumcholesterol concentrations, and morphologic findingsin brain and optic system of the affected dogs, to ex-amine the effect of alpha-tocopherol prophylaxis onthe development of the neurologic syndrome, and toconsider possible pathogenetic mechanisms that maybe related to extreme inhibition ofthe pivotal enzymeHMG CoA reductase.

Materials and Methods

Animals and Methods

At Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD)-Chibret, Riom,France (Laboratory A), or MSD Research Labora-tories (MSDRL), West Point, PA (Laboratory B), nineexperiments were completed between 1980 and 1986with 303 individually-caged beagle dogs 27 to 53weeks old initially, weighing 6.6 to 13.6 kg. Treatmentgroups usually were comprised of 4 to 8 dogs per sex,used as controls or given 5 to 180 mg/kg/day lovasta-

tin orally in a capsule each morning for up to 105weeks. In laboratory A, American beagles (MarshallFarms, North Rose, NY) or French beagles (Centred'Elevage du Domaines des Souches, Toucy, France)were each offered 300 g per day of certified caninechow (Ralston Purina, St Louis, MO; or Usine d'Ali-mentation Rationnelle, Villemoisson, France) within40 minutes oftreatment. In laboratory B, each beagle(Marshall, or Hazelton Research Animals, Denver,PA) received 350 or 400 g per day of chow (Purina)up to six hours after treatment.A study conducted at laboratory A examined the

effect ofalpha-tocopherol prophylaxis on the develop-ment of neurologic changes. In each of four groupsthere were one female and two male dogs serving ascontrols, or dosed orally for up to 12 weeks with either0.5 g b.i.d. alpha-tocopherol acetate (in Rovimix E-50, provided by Hoffman-La-Roche, Basel, Switzer-land), 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin, or both 0.5 g b.i.d.alpha-tocopherol acetate and 180 mg/kg/day lova-statin.

Biochemical AnalysesFollowing absorption, lovastatin, an inactive lac-

tone, is hydrolyzed to its active, open dihydroxy acidform. Inhibitory activity in plasma was measured 1,2, 4, and 24 hours after treatment of dogs with 5 to180 mg/kg/day lovastatin continuously for at least 25weeks. In laboratory A, on the day of collection ofplasma for these analyses, dogs were fed within 5 min-utes of receiving lovastatin. In laboratory B, food wasoffered between the 2- and 4-hour blood sampling.

In all dogs, serum total cholesterol concentrationswere estimated" at intervals of 1 or more weeks. Anal-yses ofserum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) choles-terol, as well as lipoproteins by gel electrophoresis,were done3' less frequently. Plasma alpha-tocopherollevels were determined32 at weekly intervals in all dogsin the alpha-tocopherol supplementation study, andin brain homogenate of the frontal cortex of dogsgiven 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin for 40 weeks in labo-ratory A. Frontal cortex levels ofmevalonate productscholesterol, dolichol, and ubiquinone were also deter-mined by HPLC analysis.33 Extracts of brain lipidswere chromatographed on a normal phase system us-ing a cyanopropyl column and 0.1% isopropanol inheptane as the solvent system. The lipids were de-tected with a CRB 2140 diode array detector andquantitated by comparison with known amounts ofstandards.

Clinical AssessmentAll dogs were examined daily and selected animals

were subjected to detailed neurologic examination.34

AJP o September 1988


The optic fundus of all dogs was examined at regularintervals using an indirect ophthalmoscope. Tropi-camide, 0.5% (Mydriaticum, MSD-Chibret), was usedas a mydriatic to facilitate visualization ofthe fundus.Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure was measured35before necropsy of five overtly normal dogs given 180mg/kg/day lovastatin for 40 weeks and four untreatedcontrol dogs.

Necropsy and Morphology

In routine studies, dogs were killed by exsanguina-tion during barbiturate anesthesia. Brains were

weighed (wet) and fixed by immersion in 10% neutral-buffered formalin with cervical spinal cord, optic, andsciatic nerve (midfemoral). Portions of thoracic andlumbar spinal cord from selected dogs with neurologicsigns were similarly fixed. Eyes were preserved inZenker's fixative. Paraffin-embedded, hematoxylinand eosin-stained (H&E) sections ofthese tissues wereexamined and selected special stains also were used.Vertical, semi-serial H&E sections of eye and opticnerve head (ONH, defined here as papilla with ap-proximately 4 mm of retrolaminar optic nerve) were

cut across the entire thickness ofthe optic nerve of24ofthe dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin.Dogs were also selected for perfusion fixation and

transmission electron microscopy (EM) of the brainand optic system after intravenous injection of horse-radish peroxidase (HRP). In one study, each dog was

given 20 ml of 60 to 65 mg/ml HRP (Sigma, type II)by slow (2 to 3 minutes) intravenous injection (Table1). After 30 to 105 minutes dogs were heparinized,anesthetized, and perfused via an intra-aortic cannulawith 8 1 of phosphate-buffered, pH 7.3 fixative (0.5%paraformaldehyde, 2, 2.5, or 3% glutaraldehyde), de-livered at 120 to 140 mm mercury using a peristalticpump. Eyes with orbital optic nerve and coronally-sliced (3 to 5 mm) brain were post-fixed in 2%, phos-phate-buffered glutaraldehyde for 2 to 48 hours at 4C. Brain slices were rinsed subsequently in phosphatebuffer, incubated at 20 C for 40 minutes in 0.1% di-aminobenzidine substrate solution,36 rinsed, and pho-tographed. Longitudinal, 50 ,u serial sections of eachleft ONH were cut on a vibratome (Lancer Company,St Louis, MO). These and similar sections of amyg-dala and thalamic optic tract were incubated as de-scribed above to localize HRP. Vibratome sectionswere mounted unstained, or post-fixed in osmium.Osmium-fixed tissues were dehydrated in serially-concentrated alcohols and embedded in Epon resin.One micron, toluidine blue-stained sections were ex-

amined from the amygdala, thalamic optic tract, andthe prelaminar, laminar and retrolaminar ONH. Ul-

Table 1 -Dogs Selected for Morphologic Study Using PerfusionFixation After Intravascular Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP)

Final totalNo. of serum HRPdays Neurologic cholesterol circulation

treatment* signs (mg/i 00 ml) time (min)t

Control84Mt 24 - 148 9586M 30 - 123 6591F 87 - 135 10579F 88 - 200 65

Treated94M 11 + 19 3096M 12 + 54 5578M 15 - 22 5504M 15 - 26 9098M 24 - 8 6593F 28 + 16 3081F 87 - 2 5892M 88 - 2 100

* 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin.t Time in minutes between intravenous injection of HRP and commence-

ment of perfusion.t Individual dog numbers; M, male; F, female.

trathin sections from selected sites were cut, stainedwith uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and examined ina JEOL 1200EX electron microscope. Paraffin andH&E-stained sections of brain and semi-serial sec-tions of the contralateral (right) eye and ONH fromeach perfusion-fixed dog were examined also.


Biochemical Analyses

Mean plasma concentrations (measured as inhibi-tory activity) oflovastatin increased with dose, but in-dividual values varied widely within treatment groups(Table 2). In laboratory A, where chow was offeredimmediately after treatment, the highest plasma levelsof active drug (2249.5 ± 1694.9 ng/ml) were mea-sured 4 hours after treatment ofdogs with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. In laboratory B, where feed was offeredbetween 2 to 4 hours after treatment, peak plasma lev-els of active drug (438.7 ± 312.5 ng/ml) were found2 hours after treatment of dogs with 180 mg/kg/daylovastatin.

Reductions in average total serum cholesterol con-centrations of treated dogs of both sexes were closelyproportional to dose, and varied to 88 or 66% belowpretest values in dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatinin either laboratory A or B, respectively. When maledogs alone in laboratory A were considered, reduc-tions to 93% occurred (Figure 1). Serum HDL- andLDL-cholesterol were both reduced, the latter in par-ticular. Gel electrophoresis often showed lowering ofthe serum betalipoprotein fraction to below measur-

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Table 2-Plasma Levels of Inhibitory Equivalents of Lovastatin in Dogs Treated Continuously for 25 or more Weeks.

Lovastatin inhibitory equivalents (ng/ml)Lovastatin No. oftreatment dogs 24 hours* 1 hour 2 hours 4 hours

Laboratory At20 mg/kg/day 5 21.9 ± 20.5 51.5 ± 53.3 _ 178.8 ± 95.260 mg/kg/day 4 33.2 ± 18.2 75.1 ± 43.3 - 2082.0 ± 1731.8180 mg/kg/day 6 74.1 ± 51.3 169.1 ± 96.0 - 2249.5 ± 1694.9

Laboratory BtControl 10 0 14.1± 32.8 0 1.9 ± 6.0

5 mg/kg/day 10 4.3 ± 9.1 42.0 ± 36.2 65.4 ± 35.0 38.3 ± 37.830 mg/kg/day 10 7.8 ± 12.2 95.2 ± 98.4 175.9 ± 140.3 94.6 ± 69.1180 mg/kg/day 8 31.4 ± 23.6 231.6 ± 348.0 438.7 ± 312.5 317.1 ± 336.4

* Hours after last dose of lovastatin, or empty capsule in case of controls, values expressed as mean ± SD.t Laboratory A (MSD-Chibret, Riom, France)-dogs offered 300 g of certified chow within 5 minutes of drug treatment.t Laboratory B (MSDRL, West Point, PA)-dogs offered 350 g of certified chow between 2 and 4 hours after treatment.

able limits in dogs treated with 60 or 180 mg/kg/daylovastatin. Only dogs treated with 180 mg/kg/dayshowed neurologic signs. These subjects always hadsubstantially lowered serum total cholesterol concen-trations (Table 1) but the relation between serum cho-lesterol concentrations and the appearance of neuro-logic signs was not direct; not all dogs with very lowserum cholesterol values showed clinical signs (Table1, Figure 1).In the 12-week alpha-tocopherol acetate supple-

mentation study, mean serum alpha-tocopherol con-centrations of dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatinalone decreased from 6.72 ± 0.82 to 2.68 ± 1.03 ,ug/mlat termination (Figure 2). With concurrent lovastatin,




I 9-



Figure 1-Mean and standard error of concentrations of serum total choles-terol from dogs used in study of brain and optic system pathology. Male(A) and female (0) control. Male (-) and female (U) treated, 180 mg/kg/daylovastatin. Final cholesterol values for individual treated dogs studled with(0) or without (0) overt neurologic signs.

alpha-tocopherol treatment, serum alpha-tocopherollevels increased more than threefold in each dog bythe end ofthe second week, from 7.20 ± 0.89 to 25.24± 1.57 ,ug/ml. Different individual response patternsthen were observed, but in each dog, including onethat showed neurologic signs (Figure 2), serum alpha-tocopherol concentrations were almost always higherthan in the unsupplemented treated dogs.

Analyses of brain alpha-tocopherol in clinicallynormal dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin for 40weeks showed no difference between control andtreated dogs (Table 3). Analyses of brain cholesterol



\ 4


Fgr2-enan stndr ero of Ieu cocnrtintalh-oWEEK OF STUDY

Figure 2-Mean and standard error of serum concentrations of alpha-to-copherol (Vitamin E) from dogs used in study of effect of alpha-tocopheroltreatment on occurrence of neurologic signs after treatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. Control (A), oral alpha-tocopherol (0), lovastatin (-), lo-vastatin and alpha-tocopherol (U), individual dog that showed neurologicsigns (0).

AJP * September 1988


Table 3-Levels of alpha-Tocopherol and the Mevalonate Metabolites Cholesterol, Dolichol, and Ubiquinonein Brain Homogenates of Dogs given 180 mg/kg/day Lovastatin for 40 Weeks

No. of alpha-Tocopherol Cholesterol Dolichol* UbiquinoneTreatment dogs (,g/g) OLg/g) (9g/g) (9g/g)

Control 4 9.97 ± 2.2 12044 ±1573 48.2 ± 10.2 21.1 ± 2.9Lovastatin 6 9.78± 1.3 12431 ± 1356 41.8± 11.5 15.9±2.5t

^ Unesterified.tP<0.05.

content similarly showed no differences (Table 3).There was no treatment-related effect on wet brainweight. Dolichol and ubiquinone content wereslightly reduced in the treated dogs (Table 3); thedifference in ubiquinone content was statistically sig-nificant (P < 0.05).

Clinical Signs

Neurologic signs occurred only in dogs given 180mg/kg/day lovastatin. In laboratory B, 1 of 28 dogstreated at this rate for up to 105 weeks was affected,whereas in laboratory A the incidence was 16 of 63 indogs treated for up to 40 weeks. Clinical signs oc-curred after 11 to 91 days, with sudden onset of overtdisturbance 2 to 24 hours before death or when thedogs were killed. One mildly affected dog recovered.Signs consisted of hypoactivity; with ataxia evidencedby swaying, stumbling, and hypermetria. Affected an-imals walked into objects but there were no discern-ible changes in ocular reflexes or fundic morphologyat ophthalmic examination. Recumbency, vomiting,ptyalism, transient tremors, as well as tetanic and clo-nic convulsions occurred in most affected dogs. Neu-rologic and fundic examination of overtly asympto-matic dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin showed noabnormalities. In five apparently normal dogs given180 mg/kg/day lovastatin for 40 weeks, CSF pressures(mean, 87.5 mm; range, 79 to 92 mm) were similar tothose of four control dogs (mean, 100.75; range, 92 to110 mm).

Morphological Changes

Brain and Orbital Optic NerveChanges occurred mainly in dogs given 180 mg/kg/

day lovastatin, particularly those with neurologicsigns (Table 4), including one animal supplementedwith alpha-tocopherol. The amygdala and frontal cor-tex were most affected, but the whole cerebral and cer-ebellar cortex, and the brainstem caudal to the me-dulla oblongata were also involved in some dogs.Edema was indicated by multifocal to diffuse zones ofperivascular HRP in grey matter and to a much lesser

extent in white matter (Figure 3). Perivascular "ring"hemorrhages (Figure 4A), foci of extravasated HRP,and homogeneous, eosinophilic material (Figure 4B)surrounded capillaries and other small vessels, whichalso showed fibrinoid degeneration and regenerativehyperplasia. Hemorrhages were present in areas ofneuropil free of extravasated HRP, and edema andhemorrhages were sometimes found in overtly nor-mal dogs treated with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin (Ta-ble 4). Slight dilatation oflateral ventricles was presentin occasional treated and control dogs.There were changes on electron microscopy in vas-

cular endothelium of treated dogs without apparentalteration of adjacent neuropil. Affected endothelialcells had distended cisternae ofrough endoplasmic re-ticulum (RER), intracytoplasmic membrane-boundvacuoles, and were sometimes partially separatedfrom adjacent cellular processes (Figure 5A). Horse-radish peroxidase extended into interendothelialclefts and densely infiltrated basal laminae. Intra-en-dothelial vesiclelike profiles (<500 nm) containingHRP were seen occasionally. In some small vesselsthere was more than one layer of degenerative cells(Figure SB). In more advanced vascular degeneration,flocculent or dense luminal deposits ofHRP extendedthrough interendothelial spaces to adjacent neuropilwhere there were swollen perivascular astrocytic pro-cesses, extravasated erythrocytes, and fibrin (Figure6). These degenerated vessels were sometimes sur-rounded by two or more layers of directly apposedbasal laminae, and had luminal thrombi includingmasses of necrotic cellular debris. Reactive endothe-lial cells had swollen nuclei, expanded cytoplasm withprominent RER, free ribosomes, and phagolysoso-mallike bodies, as well as numerous luminal microvil-lous processes.

Perivascular malacia was sometimes associatedwith vascular degeneration (Table 4). Very slight tomoderate in degree, the multifocal to diffuse zones oc-curred most consistently in the amygdala and wereusually accompanied by infiltrations of polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes with a few monocytes and Gittercells.

Scattered axonal (Wallerianlike) degeneration(WD) of retinogeniculate fibers was evident in both

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432 BERRY ET AL AJP * September 1988

Table 4-Histologic Changes in Paraffin-HE Sections of Brains of Dogs given 5 to 180 mg/kg/day Lovastatin for up to 59 Weeks*

Dogs withDogs clinically normal clinical signs

Lovastatin (mg/kg/day) 0 5 20 60 180 180

No.ofdogs 62 16 16 16 48t 15Brain histologic changes

Microvascular hemorrhagic angiopathy -t - - - 5 15Focal perivascular malacia - - - - - 14Retinogeniculate Wallerianlikedegeneration - - - 3 32 12

Vestibulocochlear Wallenanlikedegeneration§ - - - 1 1

Findings compiled from the studies in laboratory A (MSD-Chibret, France), including the alpha-tocopherol supplementation experiment.t One dog showed CNS signs but recovered and was clinically normal when presented for necropsy.t Indicates change not present.§ A total of 2 of 16 dogs in 1 study.

overtly normal and clinically affected dogs given 60 to180 mg/kg/day lovastatin (Tables 4, 5). The incidencewas dose dependent. The axonal degeneration oc-cuffed with similar intensity from 3 to 4 mm retro-laminar in the orbital optic nerve to the terminal optictract near the lateral geniculate nucleus. Electron mi-croscopy showed that the changes in axons and my-elin sheaths conformed essentially with those de-scribed previously in experimental WD.37'38 No endo-thelial degeneration was seen in optic tract. SlightWDwas present infrequently in central projections of theeighth cranial nerve of dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lo-vastatin (Table 4). The root of the vestibulocochlearnerve, the trapezoid body, vestibular fibers, and my-elinated fibers reaching the cochlear nuclei wereaffected in two dogs.

Eye and Optic Nerve Head (ONH)

In 50-,g sections ofONH from control dogs (Figure7A), there was minimal retention ofHRP within ves-sels in the prelaminar and retrolaminar optic nerve,and no detectible reaction product within nerve fasci-cles. At the level ofthe lamina choroidalis and laminascleralis, HRP was present in perivascular spaces andwithin fascicles, as previously noted in normal ani-mals ofother species.39

In dogs treated with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin, re-trolaminar segmental edema of the ONH was indi-cated by focal extravasation ofHRP (Figure 7B,C) ex-tending to approximately 3.5 mm behind the laminascleralis (Table 5). Walls of vessels in the retrolaminarpia and within the optic nerve had dense deposits of

AFigure 3-Coronal, 3 to 4 mm slices of perfusion-fixed brain after diaminobenzidine incubation, from dogs injected intravenously with HRP 55 to 65 minutesbefore anesthesia and perfusion. A-Control. There is no evidence of HRP leakage into neuropil. B-A dog killed with nervous signs after 12 daystreatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin, there is locally extensive leakage in the region of the amygdala (open arrows), and multifocal leakage in the cerebralcortex (closed arrows). White matter appears less affected. The optic chiasma and tract is free of extravasated HRP (arrowheads).


Figure 4-Amygdala of a dog with nervous signs after 21 days treatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. A-Perivascular hemorrhage (H) and fibrinoiddegeneration of several small vessels (arrows). B-Detail of advanced vascular degeneration with eosinophilic, luminal, mural, and perivascular fibrinoiddeposits (arrows). Pyknotic nuclei are present (arrowheads). There is perivascular hemorrhage, vacuolation of neuropil and polyxorphonuclear leukocyteinfiltration. (H&E, A, xl112; B, X455)

HRP that filled perivascular spaces and extended intoadjacent nerve fascicles. In the most severely affectednerves, there were increased laminar and prelaminarconcentrations ofHRP (Figure 7C). By EM, vascularendothelial degeneration was confirmed occasionallyin retrolaminar small vessels. In those showing ad-vanced degeneration, the vessel wall consisted of ap-posed layers ofbasal laminae only, devoid ofendothe-lium. Luminal thrombi consisted of necrotic cell de-bris and tightly packed erythrocytes, some in theprocess ofdiapedesis (Figure 8).

Focal degeneration of the ONH (Table 5) occurredas discrete retrolaminar (Figure 9A-C) or less fre-quent laminar (Figure 9D) or prelaminar (Figure 9E)foci of fascicular vacuolation or swollen axons amongextravasated HRP (Figure 7C). Retrolaminar degen-erative foci occasionally were multiple and coalescing,extending across the optic nerve. Electron microscopyshowed that the fascicular extracellular space of de-generate foci was expanded and sometimes containedHRP. Vacuoles corresponded to swollen axons with

dispersed organelles or clear contents and thin myelinsheaths, or nonmembrane-bound spaces apparentlyderived from degenerate cellular processes. Someswollen axons within foci of degeneration containeddense accumulations of normal or disrupted mito-chondria, membranous organellar debris, and central,normally-oriented microtubules. Other axons hadelectron-dense, amorphous contents and disrupted orcollapsed myelin sheaths. Light microscopy of themost advanced focal lesions showed fibrinoid degen-eration and regenerative hyperplasia of small vessels,hemorrhage, polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltra-tion, and gliosis, with expansion ofinterfascicular sep-tae and focal loss ofmyelinated axons.

In the ONH of all dogs there were occasional indi-vidual degenerate axons, not always associated withnearby focal degeneration or extravasated HRP (Ta-ble 5, Figure 10). These nonmyelinated or myelinatedaxons manifested the variety of ultrastructural mor-phologies found in degenerate foci (Figure hOD). Inaddition, other individual prelaminar axons con-

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Figure 5-Transmission electron micrographsshowing vascular degeneration in frontal cortex ofa dog with nervous signs after 21 days treatmentwith 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. A-In the endo-thelial cell there are distended cistemae of rough en-doplasmic reticulum (RER), with finely granular con-tents. Membrane-bound, cytoplasmic vacuoles (V)with predominantly clear contents are present. Thedegenerate cell is partially separated (arrow) fromadjacent cellular processes. The adjacent neuropilappears unaltered except for small extracellular ac-cumulations of HRP (arrowheads). L, vascularlumen. B-In this vessel there are two layers ofdegenerate cells (1, 2) with distended cestemae ofRER contained dispersed and focal concentrationsof electron dense material (arrowheads). Basal lami-nae (arrows) are infiltrated with HRP, which is alsopresent in neuropil adjacent to extensive accumula-tions in the vascular wall (0). Perivascular astrocyticprocesses are disrupted (As). (Pre-embedding di-aminobenzidine incubation, sections stained on gridwith uranyl acetate and lead citrate. A, X31920; B,X6960)

tained enlarged mitochondria and membrane-boundvacuoles apparently derived from them (Figure lOB),or accumulations of microtubules and neurofila-ments. Others were distended with varying propor-tions of degenerative or maloriented forms of theseorganelles (Figure 1OC). Central chromatolysis of oc-casional retinal ganglion cells was present in paraffinand H&E-stained sections of eyes of dogs given 180mg/kg/day lovastatin (Table 5). The retina was notexamined by EM.


The rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis,HMG CoA reductase, and its product mevalonate,play key roles in mammalian cell metabolism. Meva-

lonate-dependent synthetic paths lead not only tocholesterol, a major membrane component and ste-roid hormone precursor,40 but also ubiquinone, a re-spiratory chain coenzyme,4' dolichol, an isoprenoidintermediary of protein glycosylation,42 isopentenyladenine, a transfer RNA constituent,43 and recentlydiscovered isoprenoid proteins important in mainte-nance of cell shape, at least in vitro." In the regula-tion of these paths and the flux of available mevalo-nate between them, in vitro studies suggest multiva-lent feedback regulation of HMG CoA reductase,45with high mevalonate affinity for synthesis of smallquantities of the crucial nonsterol isoprenes. The vir-tual absence of clinical side effects or disturbances innonsterol isoprene metabolism following therapy ofhypercholesterolemic humans with HMG CoA re-

AJP * September 1988


Figure 6-Transmissionelectron micrograph ofadvanced vascular de-generation in amygdala ofdog with nervous signsafter 24 days treatmentwith 180 mg/kg/day lo-vastatin. The vascularlumen contains platelets(P), erythrocytes, andmasses of organellar de-bris (D). Flocculent, darkluminal deposits of HRPextend into disruptedinter-endothelial spaces(arrowheads). There aretwo or more layers ofbasal laminae (arrows)without intervening cellu-lar processes. Endothelialcells (E) have extensivecytoplasm with prominentorganellae. The perivas-cular extracellular spaceis expanded and containsHRP (H) and fibrin (F).(Pre-embedding diamino-benzidine incubation, sec-tion stained on grid withuranyl acetate and lead ci-trate. x6750

ductase inhibitors suggests insufficient inhibition ofthe reductase to significantly restrict nonsterol meva-lonate demands.

In this investigation, normocholesterolemic beagledogs received up to 180 times the maximum humantherapeutic dose of lovastatin, leading to peak meanplasma levels of total inhibitory activity (2249.5± 1694.9 ng/ml) approximately 30 times the equiva-lent values in humans (71.5 ± 37.7 ng/ml; DobrinskaMR, personal communication). Treated dogs hadminimum mean total serum cholesterol concentra-tions as much as 88% below normal, and neurologicdisturbance occurred in up to 37% of dogs given 180mg/kg/day of lovastatin, but in no dogs given 60 mg/kg/day or less. Mean plasma levels of active drug, thedegree of cholesterol-lowering, and incidence of neu-rologic changes were greater in dogs treated in labora-tory A than in laboratory B. The reason for this dispar-ity is not known precisely, but the finding of the high-est plasma drug levels in dogs offered feed within afew minutes of treatment may indicate greater drugabsorption in these animals.Dogs that manifested neurologic signs apparently

were normal until the sudden onset of tremor andconvulsions after 11 to 91 days of treatment. Theseclinical signs suggested disturbance confined primar-ily to the CNS,34 where vascular endothelial degenera-tion was the fundamental pathologic change. All dogs

with nervous signs and occasional overtly normal ani-mals treated with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin had CNSvascular lesions that were most frequent in the amyg-dala. The multifocal to diffuse extravasation ofHRPindicated widespread breakdown of the blood-brainbarrier,36 consequent to altered vascular endothe-ium.46 47 The presence of capillaries and other smallvessels in apparently normal neuropil but with degen-erated endothelium indicated a distinct pathologiceffect in these cells. Horseradish peroxidase extendedthrough occasional disrupted inter-endothelial spacesand this was probably the major route of vascularleakage. Necrotic endothelial cells in situ were notfound in the brain, but masses of organelle debris inluminal thrombi may have been remains ofsloughed,degenerated endothelial cells. Multiple, directly-ap-posed layers of basal laminae probably indicated re-petitive intimal damage with re-endothelialization, orresidua of transmural injury to multilamellar smallvessels.48'49

Segmental retrolaminar extravasation of HRP inthe ONH, distinct from normal laminar accumula-tions,39 was present in six of eight dogs given 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin independent of the occurrence ofneurologic signs or vascular changes in the brain. En-dothelial degeneration, necrosis, and sloughing wereoccasionally confirmed in small vessels in retrolami-nar zones of extravasated HRP. Thus, like in the

435Vol. 132 * No. 3

Table 5-Morphologic Changes in Optic System of Eight Dogs given 180 mg/kg/day Lovastatin

Dog number

94M* 96M 78M 04M 98M 93F 81 F 92M

No. of days treatment 1 1 12 15 15 24 28 87 88Neurologic signs +t + - - - + - -

Morphologic changesONHt retrolaminar HRP

leakage ++§ ++ - - ++ +++ + +ONH Focal degeneration ++ + - - - +++ + +ONH individual axonal

degeneration ++ + + + + + + +Retinogeniculate Wallenranlikedegeneration +++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ +

Retinal ganglion cellchromatolysis + + + - - +

M, male; F, female.t + or - indicates presence or absence of neurologic signs.t ONH, optic nerve head - optic papilla and 4 mm of retrolaminar optic nerve.§ - absent, + very slight, ++ slight, +++ moderate.

brain, a direct degenerative effect of treatment in vas-cular endothelium probably accounted for retrolami-nar extravasation of HRP in the ONH. Prelaminarand increased laminar deposits of extravascular HRPalso occurred in the ONH, but the origin of these ac-cumulations was not resolved. They may have re-sulted directly from endothelial degeneration andHRP leakage not confirmed morphologically, diffu-sion ofHRP from degenerated retrolaminar vessels orfrom adjacent choroid vasculature normally perme-able to HRP,39 or perhaps increased papillary HRPextravasation secondary to increased intracranialpressure50 in dogs with advanced CNS vasogenicedema. No increase in CSF pressure of clinically nor-mal treated dogs was found, but CSF pressure in dogswith neurologic signs and advanced CNS edema wasnot measured.Although vitamin E-responsive hemorrhagic en-

cephalopathies occur in a number of species,5'1-53 andserum alpha-tocopherol levels in these dogs were low-ered proportionally with cholesterol to levels pre-viously associated with canine hypovitaminosis E,28'29evidence suggests possible deficiency in these dogsmay not have been the primary cause ofCNS hemor-rhage and endothelial degeneration. Hemorrhagic en-cephalopathy has not been associated previously withvitamin E deficiency in dogs,28'29 and the CNS vascu-lar changes were not prevented by prophylactic alpha-tocopherol supplementation at levels used effectivelyin vitamin E responsive neuropathy ofhuman abeta-lipoproteinemia.55 Furthermore, although serum al-pha-tocopherol concentrations were lowered intreated dogs, actual brain tissue levels were normal insix dogs after 40 weeks of dosing with 180 mg/kg/daylovastatin.

Although in vivo mevalonate-supplementation ex-periments have not yet been undertaken to examinethe issue specifically, results of several in vitro studieswith HMG CoA reductase inhibitors4456-59 suggestendothelial degeneration in the brain and retrolami-nar optic nerve of these dogs could have been a directconsequence of inhibition of HMG CoA reductase.Endothelium in vivo is proposed to behave like quies-cent in vitro monolayers of the same cells,60 so resultsfrom in vitro studies may have particular relevance invivo. With cultured vascular endothelium and othercell lines, media concentrations ofHMG CoA reduc-tase inhibitors equivalent to those found in serum ofthe high-dose dogs at laboratory A59 cause mevalo-nate-responsive disturbance of cell morphology andgrowth. The reason why degeneration might be mor-phologically expressed uniquely in CNS vascular en-dothelium of dogs treated with high doses of lovasta-tin is unclear. However, pathogenetic factors thatmight favor morphologic expression ofHMG CoA re-ductase inhibition particularly in these circumstancescould be: 1) equivalently higher blood levels of activeinhibitor in dogs after dosing than in other speciesstudied (MacDonald JS, unpublished observation); 2)low quiescent endothelial reductase activity with lim-ited capacity for induction following treatment;57 and3) special susceptibility ofCNS small vessels to muralinsudation and degeneration because of functionaldependence on interendothelial tight junctions36 andabsence of perivascular space.The identity of the putative limiting mevalonate

product(s) causing endothelial degeneration in theCNS ofthese dogs is speculative, but restriction of ex-ogenous (serum) cholesterol is not likely to be of pri-mary importance. Cholesterol quantitatively can be

436 BERRY ET AL AJP * September 1988

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Figure 7-Optic nerve head, 50-gt unstained vibratome sections of per-fusion-fixed tissue incubated in diaminobenzidine from a control (A) andtwo treated dogs (B, C). Each dog injected intravenously with HRP 95,58 and 30 minutes respectively before they were killed. A-The pre-laminar (P) and retrolaminar optic nerve (ON) shows minimal retentionof HRP in vessel walls. None is apparent in nervous tissue. At the levelof the lamina choroidalis (LC) and lamina scieralis (LS) there is someHRP in vessels walls and within fascicles of the optic nerve (as reportedpreviously in normal animals). B-Treated dog clinically normal after87 days treatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. There is minimal HRPin vessels and nerve fascicles at the level of the laminae (LC, LS), butsegmental extravasation of HRP in the retrolaminar optic nerve isevident. C-Treated dog with nervous signs after 28 days treat-ment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. Marked accumulation of HRP inthe retrolaminar, laminar and prelaminar optic nerve. Pale retrolaminarzones of vacuolation (arrows) correspond to foci of degeneration seenin histological sections (see Figure 9A). (diammobenzidine incubation,no counter stain. A, X48; B, X48; C, x30)




Figure 8-Transmission electron micrograph ofdegenerative small vessel in retrolaminar opticnerve of dog with nervous signs after 28 daystreatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. Seg-ments of the basal lamina are denuded of vascu-lar endothelium (arrows), and are directly ap-posed to luminal erythrocytes. There is luminalorganellar debris (D), Extravascular erythrocyteprofile (El), intramural erythrocyte profile (E2)confined by basal laminae of vessel wall, anderythrocyte (E3) in process of diapedesis. Thereis expansion of the extracellular space (S) of theadjacent fascicle with separation of astrocyticprocesses. (Pre-embedding diaminobenzidineincubation, section stained on grid with uranylacetate and lead citrate. x8000)

a major mevalonate product at certain stages of cellgrowth,6' but reduced availability of exogenous cho-lesterol to vascular endothelium or other quiescentcells in vitro following inhibition ofHMGCoA reduc-tase may not be the fundamental cause of degenera-tion.56,17 In vitro morphologic changes, although re-versed with added mevalonate, do not respond to ex-ogenous LDL-cholesterol57 and are not dependent onde novo cholesterol synthesis in affected cells.56'57 Lackof direct correlation between serum cholesterol con-centrations and the occurrence of overt neurologicsigns in these treated dogs may have reflected findingsfrom these in vitro studies.To define the limiting mevalonate metabolite(s),

the brain concentration of the nonsterol isoprenesdolichol and ubiquinone were measured. Whole-brain ubiquinone levels were slightly but significantlylowered. These results may not have reflected concen-trations actually within endothelium, however. In vi-tro studies with brain endothelial cells are needed topursue these findings. Speculative factors involved inthe endothelial degeneration may have involved dis-turbance in either ubiquinone synthesis, dolichol-linked protein glycosylation,62 synthesis ofother non-sterol isoprenes such as those important in the main-tenance of cell shape, or both.44'56

Perivascular malacia in brains of treated dogs withvascular lesions was probably secondary to vascular

thrombosis and ischemia, as found in other encepha-lopathies in which endothelial degeneration is thelikely primary event.5' 63 The discrete, focal nature ofthe degenerative changes in the retrolaminar ONH,and their close association with degenerate andthrombosed vessels suggests these lesions were also ofischemic origin. Spontaneous, noninflammatory de-generative changes in the retrolaminar optic nerve ofanimals are described rarely,64 but have been pro-duced experimentally in monkeys by occlusion ofshort posterior ciliary arteries.65 Similar focal degener-ative changes in human anterior ischemic optic neu-ropathy can result from vascular disorders causingischemia, hypoperfusion, or relative anoxia in theONH,6668 where particular vulnerability may resultfrom a low differential between intra-ocular and localvascular perfusion pressure.

In or adjacent to focal lesions in the ONH, axonswere distended with mitochondria and vesiculo-membranous debris. Such changes have been notedpreviously when local ischemic, anoxic, and mechani-cal effects are suspected to directly disturb axonaltransport and cause degeneration.50'65'69 The other in-dividual prelaminar axons containing enlarged mito-chondria have also been described in optic discedema,50 and may have represented reactive axonsproximal to sites of disrupted axoplasmic transport.Enlargement and degeneration of mitochondria,

AJP * September 1988



Figure 9-Optic nerve head focal degeneration. Paraffin and H&E (A, B) and Epon-toludine blue (C-E) sections from dogs with nervous signs after 11 to 28days of treatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. A-Focal retrolaminar vacuolation of adjacent fascicles of optic nerve (arrows) and localized expansionof interfasicular septae (S). Contralateral optic nerve head to that shown from dog in Figure 7C. B-Focal vacuolation (arrows) of the retrolaminar opticnerve with adjacent fusiform axonal swellings (arrowheads) closer to the retina. Umit of the lamina scleralis (LS). C-Detall of retrolaminar focal degenera-tion. Dense HRP In the perivascular space (arrow), distended myelin sheaths with clea contents (A) vacuoles (V), and collapsed myelin sheaths(arrowhead). D-Optic nerve at level of lamina scleralis and lamina dcoroidalis. Detail of focus of dense, granular, axonal swellings with paler centres(arrows). E-Junction (arrowhead) of lamina retinalis (prelaminar optic nerve, upper half of micrograph) and lamina choroidalis. Occasional swollen paleaxons (A) and collapsed myelin sheaths (arrow). (A, x48; B, XI 12; C, x800; D, x813; E, x826)

439Vol. 132 * No. 3



lo., 'IR ob"

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T-.'Figure 10-Individual axonal degeneration in optic nerve head. Epon-toluidine blue section (A), and transmission ectbon micrographs (B-D) of prelaminar(A-C) or laminar (D) optic nerve from dogs showing nervous signs after 11 or 12 days treatment with 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin. A-Scattered individualswollen myelinated axons (M) containing vacuoles. Collapsed myelin sheaths (arrows), and other vacuoles (arrowhead) are present. The retinal ganglion cell(G) appears normal. B-From a nearby zone of the prelaminar optic nerve, individual nonmyelinated axons contain enlarged mitochondria (M), vacuoles(V), and accumulations of neurofilaments and microtubules (arrow, detail not evident at this magnification). C-An adjacent nonmyelinated axon is dis-

tended with swirling accumulations of microtubules (arrows), neurofilaments (arrowheads), enlarged mitochondria (M), and degenerative organellae. D-

Lamina choroidalis (adjacent to the focus of degeneration showing in Figure 9D), there is flocculent HRP in the extracellular space (S), the myelinated axon is

distended with normal and degenerative mitochondria (iong arrow), vesicuio-membranous debris, and membrane-bound vacuoles ). Central, normallyoriented microtubules (arrow) are evident. (A, epon-toluidine blue. B-D stained on grid with uranyl acetate and lad citrate. A, x933; B, x10000; C, X18130;D, X11000)


however, sometimes with microtubule and neurofil-ament accumulations, may also be a nonspecific fea-ture ofseveral toxic axonopathies.70Axonal (Wallerianlike) degeneration with neuronal

chromatolysis, as found in the optic system of dogstreated with 60 or 180 mg/kg/day lovastatin, may fol-low a metabolic effect within a neuronal perikaryon orin an axon itself, or may be due to direct or metabolicproximal separation of an axon from its neuron."-"In this study the exact pathogenesis of optic systemaxonal degeneration and ganglion cell chromatolysisis not known. A likely hypothesis would be axonal de-generation and neuronal chromatolysis, both second-ary to ischemic effects on axons in the ONH wherevascular endothelial degeneration could be the pri-mary pathogenetic event. In the absence of provenvascular degeneration in the ONH of all dogs, therealso might be a separate or superimposed direct neu-rotoxic effect. Neurologic changes in these dogsclearly contrasted with those induced in rodents byagents inhibiting cholesterol synthesis after squalenecyclization, however.2325 In these dogs there was noevidence of direct disturbance of myelinogenesis ormembrane synthesis throughout the nervous systemas observed in neonatal rats treated with AY-9444 ortriparanol.

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AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Drs. C. F. Hollander, M. J. Van Zwie-

ten, J. D. Burek and D. L. Bokelman for helpful support,Drs. L. Cork, J. T. McGrath and R. L. Sidman for consulta-tion, Dr. M. K. Axthelm for the immunohistochemistry forcanine distemper virus, and Dr. T. Nolan for measuringCSF pressures. They also thank Hoffman La Roche, Basel,Switzerland for their generous gift of alpha-tocopherol ace-tate, C. Grauliere and the technical staffat Chibret and WestPoint for expert technical assistance, and N. Delorme fortyping the manuscript. The ultrastructural studies were per-formed in the Service de Microscopie Electronique (Direc-teur, Dr. Bohatier), Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Cler-mont-Ferrand.
