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Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons 1 Jean-Pierre Dubé, Chicago Booth and NBER Zheng Fang, Sichuan University Nathan Fong, Fox School of Business Xueming Luo, Fox School of Business January 2017 forthcoming Marketing Science 1 Dubé: Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, 5807 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 (e-mail: [email protected]); ; Fang: School of Business, Sichuan University (email: [email protected]); ; Fong: Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (e-mail: [email protected]); Luo: Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (e-mail: [email protected]). We would like to thank Eric Bradlow, Xiao Liu, Raji Srinivasan, K. Sudhir and Chunhua Wu for comments. We would also like to thank attendees of the 2016 Marketing Science Conference, the MIT CODE Conference and the NYU Big Data Conference, and workshop participants at Boston University, the Global Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics, the University of Louisville and the University of California San Diego for their insightful comments. We are grateful for the cooperation of our mobile service provider with the implementation of our field experiment.
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Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons1

Jean-Pierre Dubé, Chicago Booth and NBER

Zheng Fang, Sichuan University

Nathan Fong, Fox School of Business

Xueming Luo, Fox School of Business

January 2017

forthcoming Marketing Science

1Dubé: Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, 5807 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 (e-mail:[email protected]); ; Fang: School of Business, Sichuan University (email: [email protected]); ; Fong:Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (e-mail: [email protected]); Luo: FoxSchool of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (e-mail: [email protected]). We would like tothank Eric Bradlow, Xiao Liu, Raji Srinivasan, K. Sudhir and Chunhua Wu for comments. We would also like tothank attendees of the 2016 Marketing Science Conference, the MIT CODE Conference and the NYU Big DataConference, and workshop participants at Boston University, the Global Center for Big Data in Mobile Analytics,the University of Louisville and the University of California San Diego for their insightful comments. We aregrateful for the cooperation of our mobile service provider with the implementation of our field experiment.

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With the cooperation of a large mobile service provider, we conduct a novel field experiment that simul-taneously randomizes the prices of two competing movie theaters using mobile coupons. Unlike studiesthat only vary one firm’s prices, our experiment allows us to account for competitor response. We testmobile targeting based on consumers’ real-time and historic locations, allowing us to evaluate popularmobile coupon strategies in a competitive market. The experiment reveals substantial profit gains frommobile discounts during an off-peak period. Both firms could create incremental profits by targeting theircompetitor’s location. However, the returns to such “geo-conquesting” are reduced when the competitoralso launches its own targeting campaign. We combine our experimentally-generated data with a de-mand model to analyze optimal pricing in a static Bertrand-Nash equilibrium. Interestingly, competitiveresponses raise the profitability of behavioral targeting where symmetric pricing incentives soften pricecompetition. In contrast, competitive responses lower the profitability of geographic targeting, whereasymmetric pricing incentives toughen price competition. If we endogenize targeting choice, both firmswould choose behavioral targeting in equilibrium, even though more granular geo-behavioral targetingcombining both real-time and historic location was possible. These findings demonstrate the importanceof considering competitor response when piloting novel price-targeting mechanisms.

Keywords: mobile marketing, price discrimination, targeting, field experiment, geo-conquesting,geo-fence

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1 Introduction

Mobile coupons are an emerging, frontier platform for implementing richer forms of price discrimi-nation than were previously possible. By 2014, global phone penetration surpassed 3.6 billion users1.The geo-positioning technology built into smartphones enables novel and granular forms of real-timetargeting based on location and behavior. According to eMarketer, more than forty percent of US firmswere predicted to offer mobile coupons in 20152, and Juniper Research predicts more than 1 billionmobile coupon users by 20193. Geo-conquesting is a relatively new format of mobile advertising thatdirects consumers towards a specific firm while they are physically in a competitor’s location. Accord-ing to Local Solutions, “Though geo-conquesting is a relatively new marketing concept, it can be usedto great effect. Targeting consumers where they shop (and in areas where they are likely to be usingtheir mobile devices) allows marketers to engage in physical hypertargeting to improve traffic and re-sults.4” According to xAd, one third of its “geo-precise” campaigns involved geo-conquesting5. Whilemany prospective firms are in the early stages of piloting such geographically targeted mobile couponcampaigns, most of these test campaigns omit competitive considerations. A recent advertisement formobile geo-conquesting services illustrates this point with a case study of conversions for a campaign bya Honda dealership that targeted competitor dealerships (Figure 1). A major concern is that the lack ofcompetitive considerations would adversely affect the anticipate gains.

The theory of price discrimination offers mixed results on the likely returns to targeting in a competi-tive environment. A large body of literature dating back at least to Pigou (1920) has studied the theory ofmonopoly price discrimination for a firm with market power (see Varian (1989) for a detailed overview).In general, so long as a firm has market power, consumers can be segmented, and arbitrage throughresale is infeasible, a firm will typically have an incentive to price discriminate. Focusing on targetedpricing to a group of consumers, or “third-degree price discrimination”, a monopoly firm’s ability totarget different prices to different consumers based on available consumer information weakly increasesits profits. While it is tempting to apply the intuition from monopoly price discrimination to oligopolisticmarkets, the intuition can be misleading (see Stole (2007) for a comprehensive discussion of oligopolyprice discrimination). When oligopoly firms adopt targeted pricing strategies, the impact on industryprofits depends on the gains from surplus extraction relative to any potential losses associated with theintensity of competition. Unlike the monopoly case, oligopoly price discrimination is more nuanced, andthe likely gains/losses to firms relative to uniform pricing depend on the characteristics of the market and

1“The Mobile Economy 2015,” GSMA, accessed athttp://www.gsmamobileeconomy.com/GSMA_Global_Mobile_Economy_Report_2015.pdf on 7-13-2016.

2“Marketers Boost Efforts to Reach Coupon Clippers via Mobile,” eMarketer, 5-15-2015, accessed athttp://www.emarketer.com/Article/Marketers-Boost-Efforts-Reach-Coupon-Clippers-via-Mobile/1012488 on 7-13-2016.

3“Mobile Coupon Users to Surpass 1 Billion by 2019,” Juniper Research, 7-29-2014, accessed athttp://www.juniperresearch.com/press-release/coupons-pr1 on 7-13-2016.

4“What Is Geo-Conquesting, and How Can It Drive Campaign Results?” by Love Hudson-Maggio, accessed athttp://blog.cmglocalsolutions.com/what-is-geo-conquesting-and-how-can-it-drive-campaign-results on 7-13-2016.

5“Mobile-Location Insights Report, Q2 2013,” xAd


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the nature of price discrimination. Consequently, the determination of the sign and magnitude of returnsto targeted pricing in a competitive market is ultimately an empirical, as opposed to theoretical, ques-tion. In practice, a firm that runs a pilot study to test the effects of targeted pricing could inadvertentlyover-estimate the return on investment if it ignores its competitors’ incentives to adopt similar pricingpractices.

We design and implement a mobile field experiment in a large Asian city to study the pricing in-centives and likely profitability of targeted mobile coupons in a competitive market. We conduct ourexperiment with a real-time subject pool of 18,000 mobile subscribers located within “geofences” cen-tered on two shopping malls located 4 km (about 2.4 miles) apart, each with a competing movie theaterchain6. The experiment is conducted during an “off-peak” hour to avoid exceeding theater capacity. Nei-ther theater had previously used mobile coupons as part of its regular promotional programs and noneof the subjects in our experiments had previously obtained a mobile coupon from either theater. At thetime of the experiment, neither theater was using price discounts during off-peak periods of the day. Ourmobile coupons capture the potential benefits of an “early-bird” price charged to consumers who arealready in one of the shopping malls before noon on a Saturday. Our analysis does not alter the regularprices charged by the theaters at their respective box offices. Each subject in our experiment receives anoffer via SMS (short message service) from each of the two movie theaters, or receives a single SMSfrom one of the two movie theaters. Each SMS contains an offer to purchase a voucher to see a movieat that theater for a randomly chosen discount off the regular box-office price. A control group receivesno offers and, hence, only has access to the regular ticket prices at the theaters’ respective box offices.The experiment is designed analogously to the pilot tests run by mobile providers for prospective clients.Typically, a client would use the test to determine the ideal mobile discount to implement in practice.

A novel feature of our current experimental design is that we randomize the mobile discounts offeredby each of the two theaters concurrently. We can therefore compare a firm’s pricing incentives andexpected profits when it is the only one engaging in mobile targeting versus when its competitor alsoengages in mobile targeting. To overcome the challenges of coordinating the price discounts of the twocompeting firms, we partnered with a major wireless service provider that operates a mobile marketingplatform and issues promotions on behalf of its clients. This type of price variation would not be availableto a typical movie theater. Theaters rarely change the ticket prices for a given time slot over time. Formost retailers, obtaining the required price variation to study demand differences across the narrowlydefined geographic and behavioral segments we study would also be difficult to obtain. Even if a firm wasto randomize its prices, in most markets it would be unlikely to obtain data pertaining to the competitor’sdemand. Our experimental design resolves these limitations of typical field databases.

The mobile phone technology enables us to analyze several novel targeting opportunities. The abilityto locate a consumer geographically in real time using her unique telephone number, GPS and cell towertriangulation on mobile signal reception allows firms to implement geographic price discrimination. We

6A geofence is a digital perimeter defining the geographic boundaries of a market. In our setting, we use a 500 meterradius around each of the two shopping malls.


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can measure the returns to a geo-fencing strategy, which the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)defines as identifying a point of interest on a map and establishing a radius around it for targeting pur-poses. In our study, we use a foot-traffic radius around a movie theater during a specific time of day7.We also measure the returns to a geo-conquesting strategy, which the MMA defines as using locationdata to identify a brand’s competitors in an effort to promote a competing or competitive offering to theirconsumers. We use the foot-traffic radius around the location of a competitor movie theater. Finally,we also investigate a geo-behavioral strategy, which the MMA defines as the ability to target uniqueaudiences and/or users based on the context of a given location, past or present location behaviors etc.We combine a consumer’s current location with a recency measure indicating whether an individual con-sumer had visited one of the theaters during the previous two months8. In this case, recency proxies fora customer’s historic affinity towards seeing movies.

The experiment shows that a firm would profit from a geo-fencing campaign that targets deep mobilediscounts to consumers already inside the geo-fence during the off-peak period of the day. Conversionincreases from a baseline rate of about 0.5%, in the control condition, to over 4% with a mobile discountof 40% off the regular price. Consistent with Fong, Fang, and Luo (2015), the experiment also revealssubstantial incremental sales and profits from a geo-conquesting campaign that targets deep mobilediscounts to consumers inside the competitor’s geo-fence during the off-peak period. Neither theatergenerates any tickets from control consumers located in the competitor’s geo-fence that do not receive amobile discount. However, a 60% mobile discount targeted to the competitor’s location generates closeto a 3% conversion rate and, hence, incremental revenues.

The observed gains from mobile targeting are moderated by competition. When a competitor launchesits own “defensive” geo-fencing campaign, the returns to geo-conquesting fall dramatically. Conversionfalls below 1% and the campaign loses almost 80% of the incremental expected revenues. Interestingly,the response rate to defensive promotions in a theater’s own location appear to be relatively immune tothe incidence and magnitude of the offensive promotions of a competitor, suggesting an asymmetry incross-promotional effects between the defensive and the offensive firm.

A limitation of the price experiment is that we are unlikely to observe a firm’s true profit-maximizingprice (i.e. best-response). Instead, we combine our experimentally-generated choice data with an empir-ical model of demand as in Dubé, Luo, and Fang (2015). Besides creating the required data to estimatea choice model, another novel feature of our experiment is that it eliminates all the usual price endo-geneity concerns that have challenged the traditional demand estimation literature using observationalfield data for consumer goods (e.g. Berry (1994)). To ensure the model can accommodate the observedasymmetric cross-price effects of defensive and offensive price promotions, we use a multinomial probitwith correlated utility errors. The estimated probit model allows us to supplement the experimental data

7“Location Terminology Guide: the language of location,” the Mobile Marketing Association, accessed on 7-14-2016 athttp://www.mmaglobal.com/documents/location-terminology-guide.

8Past work has found that such RFM measures (recency, frequency and monetary value) provide useful segmentationvariables by proxying for differences in consumers’ lifetime values (Fader, Hardie, and Lee (2005)).


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by predicting the level of demand at untested price points. Accordingly, we can compute each firm’s truebest-response: its optimal mobile discount conditional on the competitor’s price. We find that each firmwould over-estimate the returns to targeted mobile coupons if it optimized its respective discount underthe assumption that its competitor offers no mobile discount (i.e. charges consumers the full 75 RMBbox-office price).

An interesting question is whether targeted mobile couponing during this off-peak period wouldemerge as an equilibrium strategy and whether the theaters would generate incremental revenues inequilibrium. To analyze the mobile promotions as a non-cooperative strategic game, we use the results ofthe experiment to trace out portions of each firm’s best-response function. Assuming firms can only playthe prices on our test grid, our results suggest that both firms would offer deep discounts to all consumersegments in equilibrium. We then use our demand estimates to predict the equilibrium discounts undervarious targeting scenarios in which any positive price is allowed, including those not on the test grid.We start with a baseline case where each firm uses mobile coupons to implement a uniform, early-birdprice for consumers located in either mall’s geo-fence during the off-peak period. We then compare thisapproach with geo-targeted pricing based on different real-time locations, behaviorally-targeted pricingbased on different recency states, and geo-behavioral targeted pricing based on both different real-timelocations and recency states. Our analysis abstracts away from some potentially dynamic issues thatcould arise if our early-bird discounts were to cannibalize demand during peak periods of demand laterin the day.

The equilibrium uniform discounts for both firms result in net prices that are about 70% lower thanthe regular box office prices. In section 6.2 below, we show that these discounts are comparable tothe early-bird price discounts offered by the largest movie theater chain in the US. We then analyzeunilateral targeting whereby one firm targets mobile discounts differentially across consumers whilethe other firm uses a uniform coupon value for all consumers. Both firms unilaterally benefit fromtargeting on geographic location and/or on past consumer visit behavior, although the unilateral gainsfrom geographic targeting are considerably larger than from behavioral targeting. There is no theoreticalreason for geographic targeting to dominate behavioral targeting per se. This finding is an empiricalconsequence of the differences in the degree of consumer heterogeneity in geographic space versuspurchase recency.

The returns to targeting are found to be quite different in equilibrium when both firms can endoge-nously choose whether or not to target. Interestingly, targeting on past behavior is more profitable inequilibrium than under unilateral targeting. This is due to the best-response symmetry in the consumertype segments and the fact that competition is more intense in the “High” market (consumers who re-cently visited a theater) than the “Low” market (consumers who did not recently visit a theater). Incontrast, the profitability of location targeting falls in equilibrium relative to the unilateral cases. Whileboth firms are still better off than using a uniform coupon value for all consumers, the gains are mitigatedby their asymmetric pricing incentives, leading each firm to target much lower prices in its rival’s localmarket. These results demonstrate how the unilateral manner in which many firms test targeting oppor-


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tunities in practice could easily mis-estimate the benefits from targeting if there is competitive response.In our study, firms would over-estimate the returns to geo-targeting and would under-estimate the returnsto behavioral targeting. Finally, we find that when firms can endogenously choose the specific targetingformat, the coarser form of behavioral targeting emerges as the unique equilibrium even though a moregranular geo-behavioral targeting was feasible.

2 Background

2.1 Mobile marketing

Mobile technology has profoundly altered online consumer behavior and created new opportunities fortargeted marketing. In particular, users of mobile devices tend to carry them at all times. Compared withPC-based internet access, a device is more likely to be tied to single user. Finally, the devices themselvesoffer location-specific services, and in many cases the service providers will receive location information.These features present an improved opportunity for targeting based on consumers’ real-time locations,and on behavioral histories tied to a specific person. They also improve managers’ ability to evaluate theeffectiveness of marketing tactics, by providing improved measurement of individuals’ behavior and theability to run randomized experiments at the individual level.

Mobile coupons are becoming an increasingly popular marketing promotion. “47% of mobile con-sumers want retailers to send coupons to their devices when they are in or near the store.9” Asia inparticular constitutes an ideal setting for mobile couponing. China and India are the two top countries interms of mobile advertising responsiveness by consumers with click rates of 78% in China and 58% inIndia. In China, 33% of mobile consumers rated mobile coupons as their preferred mobile ad format and40% considered geographically-targeted mobile ads to be acceptable media. In contrast, fewer than 20%considered targeting on a user’s name or her keywords used in text or phone calls to be acceptable10.

Industry experts routinely report impressive response rates and incremental returns to firms that geo-target mobile offers. RocketFuel, a leading US provider of geo-targeted mobile ad placement, reports anaverage lift rate of 41.23% across geo-targeted campaigns11. Whole Foods generated a 4.69% conversionrate on mobile coupons targeted to subscribers within driving distance of its stores, a response rate nearlythree times the usual industry average12. Similar improvements in conversion rates from location-basedtargeting have been documented for charitable organizations like Goodwill, quick-serve restaurant chainslike Quiznos, retailers like Pinkberry, as well as consumer packaged goods products and automotive

9“One-Click Savings: A Quick Look at 2015 Mobile Coupon Statistics,” 3-4-2015, ac-cessed at http://www.trueship.com/blog/2015/03/24/one-click-savings-a-quick-look-at-2015-mobile-coupon-statistics/#.V4ZJQusrJD8 on 7-13-2016.

10PwC Global Total Retail Survey 2013.11“Rocket Fuel Proves Digital Ads Influence Physical Activity, Drives 41.3% Lift in Store Visits With Programmatic

Targeting,” Business Wire,February 17, 2015.12“Thinknear case study: Whole Foods Market Partners with Thinknear to Drive Store Visits,” accessed on 7-4-2016 at



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service providers13. Academics have confirmed the improved response rates on campaigns targetedbased on the real-time geographic proximity to a retailer (e.g. Ghose, Goldfarb, and Han (2013); Luo,Andrews, Fang, and Phang (2014); Danaher, Smith, Ranasinghe, and Danaher (2015)). Danaher, Smith,Ranasinghe, and Danaher (2015) explain the appeal of mobile coupons: “They are inexpensive, quick todisseminate, and adaptable; moreover, they can convey a reasonable amount of information; appeal tonotoriously difficult-to-reach younger consumers; and be customized on the basis of location, personalinformation, and prior purchase behavior.” (page 711) They report more than 10 billion mobile couponsredeemed worldwide in 2013.

Practitioners continue to seek increasingly granular forms of geo-precise targeting both within alocation (e.g. within a store) and across locations (e.g. distinction between “types” of locations). Oneincreasingly popular form of geo-precise targeting is geo-conquesting, whereby the mobile advertisertargets consumers near a competitor’s location. Early practitioner reports suggest that geo-conquestingleads to even higher response rates14. In one of its quarterly Mobile-Location Insights Reports, xAd notedthat one third of their geo-targeted campaigns now include such geo-conquesting. A recent academicstudy of mobile promotions for a movie theater finds that real-time targeting of mobile consumers neara competitor’s location can increase purchase rates, with higher incremental purchases for very deepdiscounts off the regular price (Fong, Fang, and Luo (2015)).

In addition to location, mobile advertisers can also target consumers based on behavior. The combina-tion of geographic and behavioral targeting should enable firms to triangulate on the most geographicallyrelevant consumers. In our study, we combine geographic location with historic visit behavior. We usethe recency measure to proxy for differences in willingness-to-pay across consumers within a location.

A potential limitation of the existing body of evidence for mobile targeting is the omission of strategicconsiderations. The evidence typically studies the incentives for a single firm to geo-target offers, holdingcompetitor actions fixed. For instance, YP Marketing Solutions recently ran a hyper geo-targeted mobilecampaign for Dunkin’ Donuts that “targeted competitors’ consumers with tailored mobile coupons.15”They reported a 3.6% redemption rate among mobile users that clicked and took secondary actions.However, this analysis held competitors’ actions fixed. In other words, the existing evidence studiestargeted marketing through the lens of a monopoly theory. Given the evidence of a strong incentive fora focal firm to poach its competitor’s consumers, one might expect the competitor to face symmetricincentives to implement geo-conquesting campaigns. Our work contributes to the literature by analyzingthe returns to geo-conquesting in a competitive environment. We design a large-scale field experimentthat allows us to analyze geo-conquesting through the lens of oligopoly theory rather than monopoly

13“Using Location for Audience Targeting: A Perspective Issued By the MMA On Behalf of The MMANA Location Committee Audience Working Group,” Mobile Marketing Association, accessed on 7-4-2016 athttp://national.yp.com/downloads/using_location_for_audience_targeting.pdf.

14Mark Walsh, “’Geo-Conquesting’ Drives Higher Mobile Click Rates,” Online Media Daily, May 17, 2013. [Ac-cessed on 11-7-2015 at http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/200578/geo-conquesting-drives-higher-mobile-click-rates.html?edition=].

15“Mobile Retargeting, Optimization & Hitting the ROI Bullseye,” accessed on YP Marketing Solutions website on12/1/2015 at http://national.yp.com/downloads/MMS_Chicago.pdf.


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theory. Our findings indicate that the returns to geo-conquesting may be overstated when equilibriumconsiderations are ignored.

2.2 Competitive price targeting

Besides fleshing out the opportunities to use mobile couponing in a competitive market, our empiricalfindings contribute to the literature on competitive third-degree price discrimination. For a monopo-list, price discrimination will always weakly increase the firm’s profits as long the firm can segmentconsumers, possesses market power, and can prevent re-sale. Similarly, under typical conditions, pricediscrimination will weakly increase an oligopoly firm’s profits, holding competitors’ actions fixed. Ac-cordingly, Fong, Fang, and Luo (2015) find that a unilateral geo-conquesting campaign increases profitssignificantly. But, except under very stylized modeling assumptions, it is difficult to predict whetherequilibrium profits rise or fall under competitive price discrimination. This difficulty is nicely demon-strated in Corts (1998), who makes an interesting distinction between two types of models. Supposethere are two consumer markets. A firm characterizes one of the markets as “weak” (and the other mar-ket as “strong”) if, for any uniform price set by a competitor, the optimal price is lower than in the othermarket. A pricing model is characterized as exhibiting “best-response symmetry” if firms agree on thestrong and weak markets. Otherwise, the model is characterized as exhibiting “best-response asymme-try.” Under best-response symmetry, several papers have derived conditions under which the monopolypredictions appear to hold and price discrimination can increase profits under sufficiently intense com-petition in the “strong” market (Borenstein (1985); Holmes (1989); Armstrong and Vickers (2001)).Under best-response asymmetry, several stylized applications of the Hotelling model appear to predictan unambiguous prisoner’s dilemma whereby all firms endogenously commit to price discriminating andgenerate lower equilibrium profits than under uniform pricing (Thisse and Vives (1988); Shaffer andZhang (1995)). However, Corts (1998) shows that this result is not general and that, under best-responseasymmetry, the uniform equilibrium prices need not lie between the price discrimination prices. In fact,best-response asymmetry turns out to be a necessary condition for two polar outcomes: “all out pricecompetition” or “all out price increases.” Under the former, prices and profits fall in all markets. Underthe latter, prices and profits increase in all markets. Whether all out competition or all out price increasesemerges is ultimately an empirical question regarding the relative importance each firm attaches to thestrong and weak markets. Based on these findings, our approach to assessing the returns from targetingconsists of devising a field experiment to assess the profitability of each consumer market to each of thecompeting firms.

More recently, Chen, Li, and Sun (2015) study the equilibrium incentives of firms to target prices bylocation, as opposed to by consumer. A novel feature of this setting is that consumers can endogenouslymove between locations based on their expectations about firms’ geo-targeting incentives. This “cherry-picking” intensifies price competition so that, in equilibrium, a firm does not successfully poach its rival’s


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local consumers16. Our corporate partner did not believe that consumers would be likely to changetheir geographic locations (i.e. make a return-trip to the other mall) to obtain the more favorable geo-conquesting movie discounts. The return bus fare of 4 RMB between the two malls would offset halfthe difference between a geo-fenced price and a geo-conquested price, in addition to the 20-minutes ofreturn-trip travel time. In our analysis, we therefore do not consider the ability of consumers to cherrypick in our empirical analysis. However, this would be an interesting topic for future research on geo-targeting and consumers’ strategic incentives more generally. In settings with higher regular-price items,a consumer’s incentives to arbitrage on location could be much higher.

A related literature has analyzed the inter-temporal incentives for competing firms to target pricesbased on past consumer behavior (for a survey see Fudenberg and Villas-Boas (2006)). When consumersare also forward-looking, firms may find themselves in a prisoner’s dilemma with lower profits than ifthey could credibly commit to not targeting based on past behavior. In our mobile campaigns, we doconsider targeting based on past consumer visit behavior; but we do not consider the dynamic incentivesof firms or consumers. We cannot rule out that the returns to geo-behavioral targeting would become lessfavorable with forward-looking consumers. However, Shin and Sudhir (2010) have found that even withforward-looking consumers, the prisoner’s dilemma may not arise if consumers exhibit a sufficientlystrong stochastic preference component like the one in our probit demand model.

Ex ante, our empirical setting appears to exhibit the intuitive properties of best-response asymmetry:the firms are geographically differentiated and can use mobile marketing to target consumers locatedclose to their competitor. Calibrating a model of competitive pricing on our experimental results, wecan observe whether the decision to adopt price targeting leads to a prisoner’s dilemma. The presenceof a prisoner’s dilemma would empirically demonstrate how the presence of competition can reverse theprofitability of price targeting. The lack of a prisoner’s dilemma would not falsify the theory; however, itwould suggest that competitive effects need to be quite severe in order for price targeting to lower profits,and would potentially demonstrate the insufficiency of best response asymmetry for generating such aresult.

Several authors have conducted empirical tests for the incidence of competitive price discrimina-tion (e.g. Shepard (1991); Borenstein and Shepard (1994); Goldberg and Verboven (2005); Busse andRysman (2005); Borzekowski, Thomadsen, and Taragin (2009)). Borenstein and Rose (1994) find thatthe degree of price discrimination in airline fares increases with the degree of competition. However,few papers have analyzed the profit implications of price discrimination and the potential, under best-response asymmetry, for all-out competition. In a study of the US ready-to-eat cereal industry, Nevo andWolfram (2002) find that shelf prices tend to be lower during periods of coupon availability. Besanko,Dubé, and Gupta (2003) conduct a structural analysis that calibrates a targeted couponing model withcompeting firms and manufacturers using ketchup data, finding that competitive price targeting does not

16The authors also relax the usual “full market coverage” assumption by including a mass of marginal consumers whowould not buy from either firm in the uniform price equilibrium. As long as the category expansion effects are not too largeand price competition is not “too strong” in this neutral market, equilibrium profits can still increase under location targeting.


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lead to all out war. However, their model also incorporates several other factors including a combinationof horizontal and vertical differentiation between products, and horizontal and vertical competition be-tween firms (retailers and manufacturers). Building on these findings, Pancras and Sudhir (2007) studythe equilibrium incentives for a consumer data intermediary to sell access to consumer data and providetargeting services to competing firms in a retail distribution channel. They too find that competitive tar-geting need not lead to all out war. Our setting provides a convenient context for studying competitiveprice discrimination as we have two firms selling relatively homogeneous products that are differentiatedprimarily along a single geographic dimension. We do not consider the incentives of the data intermedi-ary, in this case the mobile platform, to sell targeting services. The platform offers targeting capabilitiesthat use both real-time location, providing our horizontal dimension, and historical location, used to inferpast behavior that comprises our vertical dimension.

3 Field Experiment

3.1 Experimental Design

Since Chinese movie theaters rarely changed their prices historically, it would be impossible to studytheater-level demand across different consumer segments using observational field data. Moreover, atypical theater chain would be unlikely to observe visit behavior to competing chains, rendering theestimation of a theater choice model infeasible. To circumvent this problem, we use data from a uniquepricing field experiment that was conducted with the cooperation of a major wireless service providerthat provides the platform for targeted mobile promotions. In the experiment, a mobile SMS promotionconsisted of an offer to buy one general admission voucher for any 2D movie showing at a given movietheater on the day the SMS was sent. The SMS contained a brief description of the offer, and recipientscould click on a link to purchase the voucher and take advantage of the price discount for any movieshowing in the theater on that day. In practice, an advertiser pays 0.08 RMB per message sent. Since thisstudy was coordinated with the wireless provider, all of the messages used in our campaigns were paidfor by the wireless provider, not the theaters17.

Our subject pool consists of mobile subscribers that were randomly sampled during the course ofthe hour between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturday November 22, 2014. We used this earlySaturday time slot, an off-peak time for the movie theaters, to ensure that we would not exceed theatercapacities. These types of “early-bird” prices are quite common in the United States18. The subjects

17In this experiment, we do not vary the price per message sent, treating it as exogenous. We can derive each theater’sincremental revenues per message sent and, hence, demand for messaging services. However, the set of consumers forSMS services spans a much broader range of markets than theaters, such as gaming, apps, call services, restaurants, travel,education, and mobile news. Each of these markets likely has different SMS service demand due to differences in the degreeof competition and the magnitude of incremental revenue potential. In sum, our data are not suitable for studying the mobileplatform’s pricing incentives for access to SMS messaging.

18In 2006, AMC launched early-bird pricing across all its theaters in the US. See for instance, “The Early Bird Catchesthe Cheapest Movie at AMC,” Moviefone, 7-13-2006 accessed on 7-4-2016 at http://www.moviefone.com/2006/07/13/the-


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were sampled from two locations: the 500-meter-radius geofences surrounding two competing theaters(hereafter referred to as firms A and B), located in two large shopping centers respectively. Each subjectwas classified into one of four segments based on her observed geographic location and type. Thegeographic location represents the mall in which the subject was located, A or B, at the time of theintervention. Based on the location, a consumer’s type was then determined by her historical visits tothe theater in the corresponding mall, a measure of recency. A movie theater visit was defined by anydwell time in the theater of at least 90 consecutive minutes, measured using the GPS and cell towertriangulation on mobile signal reception for the individual’s phone. A consumer was classified as “High”type if she visited the movie theater at least once during the preceding two months; otherwise she wasclassified as “Low” type. None of our subjects previously received SMS promotions from either theater.Therefore, the “High” versus “Low” classification is based on visiting the theater at regular box-officeprices. This classification was chosen to capture a consumer’s propensity to watch movies. The fourconsumer segments therefore consist of: (A, High), (A, Low), (B, High), and (B, Low).

Each subject was randomly assigned to one of several promotional conditions. Based on a subject’slocation, the local theater was classified as “defensive” and the more distant theater was classified as“offensive.” We use a symmetric design such that we can analyze each of theaters A and B from theoffensive and defensive perspective. In the control condition, a subject did not receive an SMS offer. Inour SMS promotion conditions, the discount depths were chosen based on the mobile carrier’s experiencewith previous promotions and based on the pilot study in Fong, Fang, and Luo (2015). In our “defenseonly” condition, a subject received an SMS from the defensive theater reading: “To buy a voucher forgeneral admission to any of today’s 2D showings at [defensive theater] at a [20%, 40%] discount, followthis link: _.” In our “offense only” condition, the subject received an SMS from the offensive theaterreading: “To buy a voucher for general admission to any of today’s 2D showings at [offensive theater] ata [40%, 60%] discount, follow this link: _.” In our “offense and defense” condition, the subject receivedtwo SMS messages, one from each of the offensive and defensive theaters respectively. In the promotioncells, we directly observed whether or not a subject purchased a voucher through the SMS offer. Alimitation of our experimental design is that we do not observe the redemption of the voucher. However,our corporate partner did not anticipate that many (if any) respondents would leave the mall and returnlater that day to see a movie at a peak period.

To construct the sample, we began by sampling mobile subscribers located in the two shopping malls’respective geofences at the time of the study. During the course of the hour when subjects were sam-pled, approximately 57,000 mobile subscribers were observed across the two locations. The populationweights associated with each of the four observed consumer segments are: 12% (A, High), 26% (A,Low), 18% (B, High) and 44% (B, Low). With 9 pricing conditions applied to each of the four observedsegments, the experimental design involves a total of 36 cells, or 9 cells per segment. Approximately500 subjects were assigned to each cell, with a total sample size of 18,000 subscribers. Within each



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consumer segment, the randomization of subjects across the 9 pricing cells was performed by assigningeach sampled mobile subscriber a random uniform integer between 1 and 9. We counter-balanced theorder in which the offers from each of the two theaters were received for those subjects receiving an SMSfrom each theater. Testing for sequential promotions was outside the scope of this study.

For each subject, we observe whether or not a ticket was purchased from one of the movie theaters.We directly observe when a subject purchased one of the movie vouchers offered in a promotional SMS.To determine the rate at which our control subjects bought movie tickets in the “no promotion” cells,we use the GPS and cell tower triangulation on mobile signal reception for a subject’s mobile deviceto track whether the subject visited one of our two theaters and dwelled in the theater’s premises forat least 90 consecutive minutes. To control for the possible purchase acceleration associated with ourtime-sensitive SMS offers, we tracked the control subjects for eleven days to assess whether they “ever”went to a movie at one of the two theaters. We used an eleven-day period to avoid overlapping with thetiming of release of new movies that could change demand.

In total, 553 of our 18,000 subscribers purchased a ticket representing about 3.1% of the sample. 535of the 16,000 subjects receiving at least one SMS offer purchased a voucher, a promotional responserate of 3.3%. This 3.3% conversion rate is comparable to other recent targeted pricing experiments onmobile phones (e.g. Dubé, Luo, and Fang (2015)). We never observe a subject visiting a movie theatermore than once in the “no promotion” control case, nor do we observe a subject purchasing more thanone movie voucher in response to the SMS offer. Therefore, we can treat consumer demand as discretechoice.

In addition to observing the exact prices charged and purchase decisions of each subject, we also ob-serve several measures of each subject’s mobile usage behavior. In particular, we observe each subject’saverage monthly phone bill (ARPU), total minutes used (MOU), short message services (SMS), and datausage (GPRS). Summary statistics for the mobile usage variables are reported in Appendix B, Table 10by segment.

We report randomization checks in Appendix B, Table 11. Making all pairwise comparisons for the9 cells (36 comparisons) for our 4 mobile usage variables (for a total of 144 comparisons) resulted in 6differences in means at the .05 significance level, and an additional 4 differences at the .10 significancelevel, which is not a rate greater than chance. Running a Tukey Test for each mobile usage variable tocorrect for multiple comparisons, no significant differences were found between any pair of cells, forany of the 4 mobile usage variables. In Appendix B, Table 12, we also provide summary statistics abouteach of the two malls, finding that both cater to similar demographic profiles of consumers.

A limitation of our experimental design is that mobile coupons not only reduce the net price paidby a consumer, they also have a promotional effect which could also shift demand. We partially resolvethis concern by testing multiple coupon values, which introduces price variation conditional on the pro-motion. But, our control condition does not have a promotion attached to it. Ideally, we would have acontrol condition that receives an SMS with a notification about movie tickets without an actual pricediscount. However, our corporate partners did not feel comfortable sending consumers promotional SMS


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messages without some sort of deal included.

4 Experimental Results

An advantage of the design of the experiment is that we can analyze some aspects of the promotionaleffects model-free. Basic tests for differences in aggregate purchasing across pricing conditions areprovided in Appendix B, Tables 13 to 16. The analogous tests are reported by consumer segment inTable 17 to 20. For our model-free analysis, we collapse the data across consumer type segments andpool the two firms into “defensive” and “offensive” states. The defensive state indicates a firm’s owngeo-fence whereas the offensive state indicates a competitor’s geo-fence.

4.1 Geo-Targeted Pricing

We first analyze geo-targeted pricing. The corresponding conversion rates (i.e. % of subjects that buy aticket voucher) by promotion condition are reported in Figure 2 and the corresponding average revenuesper messaged consumer (using the full ticket price net of the mobile discount) are reported in Figure 319.

The first column of Figure 2 reports the results of geo-fencing. Defensive promotions raise de-mand substantially. Increasing the discount from 20% to 40% doubles sales from 1.95% to 4.81%(p-value<.01)20. Therefore, as expected, a theater faces a downward-sloping demand curve in its lo-cal market. The corresponding first column of Figure 3 indicates that a geo-fenced discount of 40% offthe regular price increases expected revenue per messaged consumer to 2.17 RMB.

The first row of Figure 2 reports the results of geo-conquesting. To a lesser extent, these offensivepromotions also increase sales. None of the sample consumers purchase a ticket from the offensivefirm at regular price. A 40% discount does generate offensive ticket sales of 0.21%. Increasing the of-fensive discount from 40% to 60% increases offensive ticket sales substantially from 0.21% to 2.37%(p-value<.01)21. Interestingly, these results confirm that a theater faces a downward-sloping demandcurve in its competitor’s local market and that the “other mall” represents a potential market for a the-ater. The corresponding first row of Figure 3 indicates that a geo-conquested discount of 60% off theregular price increases the expected revenue per messaged consumer to 0.71 RMB. These are incremen-tal revenues given that the control cell generates no ticket sales from the competitor location. Suppose atheater had already implemented a geo-fencing campaign with a 40% mobile coupon for consumers in itsown location. Implementing the geo-conquesting campaign with a 60% mobile coupon for consumers in

19We used the population weights to correct for the fact that the High and Low recency consumer segments have differentsizes at the population level.

20The full set of sales figures and tests for promotional effects for conventional geo-fencing (defensive firm) are reported inTable 16, in the Appendix, . Alternative methods of testing differences in mean purchase rates are described in the Appendix,Table 13.

21This finding is consistent with Fong, Fang, and Luo (2015). The full set of sales figures and tests for promotional effectsfor geo-conquesting (offensive firm) are reported in the Appendix, in Table 14.


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the competitor location increases total revenues by 32.7%22. Moreover, the differences in defensive andoffensive price sensitivities suggest an opportunity for geographic price targeting based on own versuscompetitor location.

The remaining four cells of Figure 2 capture the cross-promotional effects when both the offensiveand defensive firms implement a campaign concurrently. Interestingly, defensive promotions appear tobe immune to an offensive promotion. As we move along the columns of the second and third row, we failto reject that the level of sales for the defensive firm remains unchanged and the cross-effects of offensivepromotions on defensive demand are all statistically insignificant. If we focus on the high segment inlocation A only (see Figure 4), then we do see a slight cross-effect from the offensive promotion. Thedemand for defensive tickets at a 40% discount falls from 5.95% to 4.92% when the offensive promotionis increased from 40% to 60%; although this difference is not significant (p-value=.73). Therefore,demand for the “offensive” theater comes primarily from the outside good – i.e. the conversion of non-purchasers conditional on the defensive firm’s prices. This role for category expansion indicates thatthe full market coverage assumption in Shaffer and Zhang (1995) does not apply in our study of movietheaters and that a prisoner’s dilemma is therefore not a foregone conclusion when both firms engage ingeo-conquesting in this market.

The effects of the offensive promotions do appear to be mitigated by a defensive promotion. Aswe move down the rows of the third column, we observe a large and statistically significant declinein the level of offensive ticket sales compared to the response when there is no defensive promotion.For instance, increasing the offensive discount from 40% to 60% increases offensive ticket sales by 2.2percentage points (p-value<.01) when there is no defensive discount, but only by 0.54 percentage pointswhen there is a defensive discount of 20% (p-value=.05, with diff-in-diff of 1.63 percentage pointsp-value<.01). Therefore, the defensive theater not only draws its demand from converting local non-purchasers, it also draws demand away from the offensive theater. Substitution patterns between the twofirms are therefore asymmetric, with the offensive firm facing more competition from the defensive firmthan vice versa. The corresponding cells of Figure 3 indicate that the expected revenues per consumer inthe geo-conquesting campaign with a 60% mobile coupon are only 0.18 RMB when the defensive firmissues a 40% discount.

We now turn to each firm’s pricing incentives. Based on Figures 2 and 3, the incremental purchasesfrom the promotions generate incremental revenues per consumer for both the offensive and defensivefirm. Furthermore, the cross-promotional effects on revenues are asymmetric. Both firms, have a clearincentive to implement the deep discount; although the “optimal” discount level for each firm likely liessomewhere off the price test grid.

22These gains are computed using the population weights to correct for differences in the population size of each location


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4.2 Geo-Behavioral Targeted Pricing

Now we analyze the opportunity for geo-behavioral targeted pricing, distinguishing between “defensive”and “offensive” location, as well as High versus Low consumer recency types. The corresponding pur-chase rates by promotion condition are reported for each segment in Figure 4. Most of our intuition aboutthe sales lift from discounts in the geo-targeted pricing case above carry over to each of the consumertype segments. There is an asymmetric cross-promotional effect in each segment whereby the offen-sive firm’s geo-conquesting coupons are offset by the defensive firm’s geo-fencing coupons, but not viceversa. The magnitudes of the effects differ by segment. The sales levels are smaller in the Low segmentthan in the High segment, as expected. Therefore, both firms compete in the two consumer type markets,although competition appears to be more intense in the High market than in the Low market.

An interesting feature of the experimental data is that none of the Low consumer types purchases aticket at the regular price. However, aggressive discounts are capable of drawing a substantial numberof these consumers to buy tickets. A defensive discount of 40% attracts over 4% of the Low consumersegment to purchase.

Looking once again at pricing incentives, we report the average revenues per potential consumer bysegment in Figure 5. As in the uniform geo-targeted case, both firms appear to have a strong incentiveto offer deep discounts in each of the consumer segments. We therefore have strong evidence that firmswill want to implement discounts. However, as before, it is unlikely that the experimental price test gridcontains the exact optimal price in each market.

In sum, our model-free analysis indicates that each firm appears to have an incentive to use “early-bird” type mobile discounts during the off-peak period of demand. The potential gains appear to varyby both geographic location and consumer type segment. However, the returns to a targeted mobilecoupon campaign are clearly mitigated by the targeting efforts of a competitor. We also observe a starkgeographic asymmetry whereby the offensive firm’s targeting efforts are more vulnerable to those ofa defensive firm than vice versa. A clear limitation of an analysis of the raw experiment is that thecoarseness of the price grid prevents us from observing each firm’s optimal price (i.e. best-response)and, hence, from observing the equilibrium prices that would likely prevail in this market. We overcomethis limitation in the next section by combining our experimental data with a model of demand.

5 Probit Demand

We need a model to impute the conversion rates at price points off the experimental price test grid. Inthis section, we describe the trinomial probit model of demand that we use to estimate demand along theentire support of prices. By allowing for correlated errors, the model should be flexible enough to fit theobserved patterns of asymmetric cross-promotional effects for the defensive versus the offensive firm ina market described in section 4. Another popular specification is the random coefficients logit, which iseasier to estimate. The flexibility of this model would come from measuring within-subject, unobserved


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heterogeneity in tastes for theaters. Since we have cross-sectional data in this application, we prefer theprobit which allows for flexible substitution patterns without the need for explicitly modeling within-subject unobserved heterogeneity.

5.1 Consumer Demand

Let h = 1, ...,H denote the consumers and j = A,B denote the theater alternatives, where j = C is theno-purchase alternative. Each consumer belongs to one of the k = 1, ...,K observable segments (based ongeography and historic purchase intensity). At the population level, the segment proportions are denotedby

λ kKk=1 . Each theater has attributes X j =

(I1 j,I2 j, p j

)where I1 j = 1 if j is theater 1 and 0 otherwise.

p j is the ticket price at theater j.Assume a consumer h in segment k obtains the following indirect utility from her choice:

uhA = θ kA−αk pA + εhA

uhB = θ kB−αk pB + εhB

uhC = εhC

where ε are random utility shocks. Let ηh ≡

[εhA− εhC

εhB− εhC

]∼ N

(0,Ψk) if consumer h is in segment

k. We can write the vector of theater-specific indirect utilities as Uh ≡



]= BkX + ηh, where

X =

[X ′AX ′B

]is (6×1) vector of product attributes and Bk = I2⊗β kT

is a (2×6) matrix of parameters

with β k =(θ k


k). Finally, index consumer choices by yh ∈ A,B,C.The expected probability that a consumer h in segment k chooses alternative j is

Pr(yh = j|Bk,X ,Ψ

)= Pr

(uh j−uhi > 0,∀i 6= j


We can simplify our analysis by using the following transformations for consumer h in segment k:

Zk,(A) =



], Zk,(B) =




or in matrix formZk,( j) = ∆

( j)Uh, j ∈ A,B


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∆(A) =

[1 −11 0

], ∆

(B) =

[−1 10 1


and E(

Zk,( j))≡ µ

k,( j)Z =∆XBk,Var

(Zk,( j)


( j)Z =∆( j)Ψk∆( j)T and corr

(Zk,( j)

)≡ ρ

( j)Z =

Σ( j)Z(A,B)√


If we standardize Zk,( j), we obtain zk,( j) =[D( j)

]− 12

Zk,( j)h , where D( j) = diag

(Σ( j)Z



zk,( j))≡ µ

k,( j)z =

[D( j)

]− 12

∆XBk. We can now write the choice probabilities as follows:

Pr(y = j|Bk,X ,Ψk) = Pr

(zk,( j) > 0|µk,( j)

z ,ρ( j)Z


=∫ µ

( j)zA−∞

∫ µ( j)zB−∞ φ


( j)Z

)dydx , j ∈ A,B

= Φ

(µ( j)zA ,µ

( j)zB ;ρ

( j)Z



where φ (x,y;ρ) = 12π




)and Φ(x,y;ρ) =

∫ x−∞

∫ y−∞ φ (u,v;ρ)dvdu,

and Pr(y =C|Bk,X ,Ψk)= 1−∑ j∈A,BPr

(y = j|Bk,X ,Ψk).

The probabilities in equation (1) give rise to the usual trinomial probit model of choice. We estimatethese choice probabilities using the MCMC algorithm proposed by McCulloch and Rossi (1994). Thefollowing priors are assigned

Bk ∼ N(B,A−1)

Ψk ∼ IW (ν ,V )

where A=diag(0.01), ν = 6 and V = diag(ν) . The estimation algorithm is defined over the unidenti-fied parameter space. In our results, we report posterior distributions for the identified quantities. Weconduct all of our analysis in R, using the rmnpGibbs function from the bayesm package. Since weexpect the taste coefficients and random utility covariances to differ across segments, we estimate themodel separately for each segment. For each run of the estimation algorithm, we simulate a chainwith 200,000 posterior draws and retain the last 100,000 draws for inference. The algorithm pro-duces a set of draws, ΘrR

r=1from the posterior distribution FΘ (Θ|D) where D is our data and Θr =(B1,r,Ψ1,r) , ...,(BK,r,ΨK,r) are our demand parameters. We can compute the posterior choice prob-

abilities for each of our k segments, Pr(y = j|X ,Θk) where j ∈ A,B,C .


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5.2 Aggregate Demand and Substitution Patterns

To derive the demand system for each theater, we integrate over all the consumers in the population. Theposterior total market share for theater j is

S j (p) = ∑k λ k ∫ Pr(y = j|Bk, p,Ψk)dF (Θ|D) (2)

where we focus on the price vector p = (pA, pB) and drop the theater dummy variables to simplify thenotation hereafter.

The posterior own- and cross-price elasticities of the total market share for theater j are:

ε j j =p j

S j (p)∑k


k ∂Pr(y = j|Bk, p,Ψ

)∂ p j

dF (Θ|D)


ε ji =pi

S j (p)∑


k ∂Pr(y = j|Bk,X ,Ψ

)∂ pi

F (Θ|D)

respectively. Exact expressions for the derivatives,∂Pr(y= j|Bk,X ,Ψ)

∂ pi, are derived in Appendix A.

5.3 Demand Estimates

A unique feature of the demand estimation exercise is that the prices consumers face at each theater weregenerated through randomization, eliminating the usual endogeneity concerns associated with observa-tional marketing data23. Recall that the pool of consumer subjects come from four distinct segmentsbased on their geographic location and historic movie theater visit behavior: (i) high consumers in lo-cation A, (ii) low consumers in location A, (iii) high consumers in location B and (iv) low consumersin location B. We estimate a separate choice model in each of the four segments. As we explain below,we want the theater-specific intercepts and the covariance terms to be segment-specific. The interceptswill help us fit differences in response rate levels across segments. The covariance terms will help us fitthe non-IIA substitution behavior differences across cells. We use both a multinomial logit model and amultinomial probit model to verify whether the IIA problem from the former leads to inferior fit. Recallthat we do not need to estimate the segment weights, λ k, as these are observed by matching mobilesubscribers with their location at the time of the study and their historic theater visit behavior.

Table 1 summarizes the posterior fit of each specification, by segment, using the posterior logmarginal likelihood computed with the method of Newton and Raftery (1994). In each case, we trimmedthe lower and upper one percent of draws to avoid underflow problems24. The results indicate that the

23For instance, Chintagunta, Dubé, and Goh (2005) simulate monopoly targeting using household-level estimates obtainedfrom an instrumental variables estimator to resolve the endogeneity in observational price variation.

24The trimming avoids very small-valued draws that could lead to numerical problems with the calculation of the harmonicmean.


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additional flexibility of the multinomial probit, which allows for correlated and heteroskedastic randomutility shocks, improves fit in the high consumer segments in both locations. However, the probit onlyfares marginally better than the logit in the low consumer segments in both locations. The improvedfit of the probit stems largely from its ability to fit the cross-promotional effects, especially in the highconsumer segments. In Appendix B, Figure 13 reports the offensive purchase rates in each of our ex-perimental cells. Focusing on the high consumer segment, the probit fits the purchase rates better asthe offensive firm increases its discount from 40% to 60% off the regular price. The probit allows formore flexible substitution between the two theaters relative to the outside good. As a result, offensivepromotions can increase offensive ticket sales without stealing “too much” business from the defensivefirm.

To assess the differences in fit of the logit and probit specifications, we report the predicted purchaseprobabilities along with the observed purchase rates in Figures 13 and 14. In the tables we can seethat the probit does a better job predicting the cross-promotional effects noted in Section 4. Recall thatfor both theater locations, the offensive purchase rate in the high consumer segments is sensitive to thedefensive price. The probit predictions better capture this sensitivity. Thus, we conclude that the addedflexibility of the probit is better suited for modeling demand in this market.

Hereafter, we focus our results on the multinomial probit specification. We report the estimatedcoefficients from the multinomial probit in Table 2. For each coefficient, we report the posterior meanand the 90% posterior credibility interval. We observe quite a bit of heterogeneity across the consumersegments, as one would expect. Most important, we find a lot of heterogeneity in the distribution of theutility shocks, especially with regards to the covariance in the shocks. Our point estimates are consistentwith substantial heteroskedasticity, although we cannot rule out that the variance of theater B shocks isone. At the bottom of the table, we report the correlations, ρA,B. We find that the theater-specific utilityshocks are highly positively correlated for the high consumer types in both locations. The strong evidencefor correlation explains why we select the multinomial probit in favor of the multinomial logit in eachsegment. The intuition can be seen in the raw data. All offensive discounts in the high segment draw somedemand away from the defensive firm. However, only the large discount of 60% off draws new buyersinto the category. For the low segment, the theater-specific shocks are highly negatively correlated inlocation A. In our data, we observe almost no substitution between the theaters in this segment, consistentwith strong idiosyncratic preference for a specific theater. Accordingly, any increases in demand froma discount appear to derive from category expansion. The correlation is small and positive in segmentB and, once we account for parameter uncertainty, we cannot rule out that the correlation is zero. Therelatively high correlations in the strong segments will also intensify demand in these segments.

Next, we turn to our estimated price elasticities. In Table 3 we report the posterior mean own andcross-price elasticities in each consumer segment, computed at the regular prices (both charge 75 RMB)and also at the largest discount of 60% (both charge 30RMB). As expected, the low consumer segmenthas higher own elasticities than the high consumer segment at both price levels. In all four segments,we find that both firms’ regular prices of 75RMB are at very elastic regions of their respective demand


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curves. Given that both theaters are far from capacity at regular prices during the off-peak time slot25,we would expect the effective marginal cost per ticket to be close to zero. In our analysis, we ignorethe potential role of concession revenues. Hence, optimized uniform pricing should be at the unit-elasticregion of total demand, which is the weighted average of the segment demands. If firms are optimizingtheir profits and setting uniform prices, they should be operating on the inelastic region of at least oneof the segments. This evidence suggests an opportunity for firms to generate substantial demand duringoff-peak hours through large discounts off their box-office prices, which are uniform across all time slots(peak and off-peak). This result is consistent with the substantial returns to large discounts we observedin each segment in our raw experimental data as discussed in section 4 above and in figures 3 and 5.

We can see these patterns by looking at the estimated demand functions plotted in Figures 6 and7. Each plot reports the posterior expected demand function along with the 90% posterior credibilityinterval. In Figure 6 we can see the asymmetric substitution patterns. When Theater B lowers its price,the shift in demand for Theater A in Mall A is minimal. However, the shift in demand for Theater A inMall B is quite large. Figure 6 illustrates the much higher intensity of competition in the High segmentthan in the Low segment. In Mall B, a decrease in the price for Theater B has a much larger effect onHigh demand for Theater A than Low demand for Theater A.

The cross elasticities are also as expected. In the high consumer segments, we observe highly asym-metric cross-elasticities, with the offensive firm’s demand much more vulnerable to the defensive firm’sprice. In the low consumer segments, we observe relatively little substitution between the two theaters,meaning that discounts mostly draw new consumers into the category.

6 Decision-Theoretic Pricing

We now describe how a theater would likely use the demand data to implement a mobile couponingstrategy during the off-peak period of demand. We propose a decision-theoretic approach that accountsfor the uncertainty in demand and profitability. We use the posterior expected profits as each firm’sreward function. Posterior profits are computed based on the posterior distribution of demand, which wesimulate using the R posterior draws from the chain used to estimate the demand function via our MCMCalgorithm. We assume the firms use the data, D, and the demand estimation procedure in section 5.1 toform the following posterior beliefs about demand parameters, FΘ (Θ|D). We also implicitly assumefirms are risk neutral

In our analysis, we assume that consumer demand is fully captured by the probit specification. We donot allow for strategic consumers to arbitrage the targeting through their expectations about differentialpricing across locations. As we explained in section 2.2 above, our corporate partners did not believethat consumers would switch locations to try and obtain these coupons. Even if consumers were aware

25Theater A has a capacity of 1,200 seats per show and theater B has a capacity of 2,000 seats per show. With 4 shows perday and mobile subscribers representing 75% of total mall traffic on a typical Saturday afternoon, the theaters are less thanhalf full for the average show.


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of the existence and timing of the coupons, the differences in targeted prices between locations turns outto be small relative to the additional time and expense of the trip26. We also do not allow for consumersto purchase tickets for use during peak periods later in the day.

On the supply side, we do not account for potential costs charged by the mobile platform for eachtargeted SMS. According to our corporate partners, in practice firms pay between 0.025 RMB and 0.06RMB per SMS sent. The cost is per message and not per response. This cost would not affect our resultsfor the full-price scenarios in which a theater does not issue mobile coupons and, hence, charges only thefull box-office price of 75 RMB. For each of the mobile coupon campaigns we study, the SMS cost wouldbe identical since each campaign requires sending a coupon to all mobile subscribers. Therefore, SMScosts would not affect our substantive conclusions about the relative performance of different mobilecampaigns. Moreover, given the high incremental profits associated with using even a uniform mobilecoupon campaign relative to charging the full box-office prices, the SMS costs will not change ourtheaters’ incentives to use mobile coupons in general.

6.1 Targeted Pricing Structures

The base case consists of a uniform pricing strategy whereby a theater targets the same mobile discountto all consumers across the two locations and type segments during the off-peak period of demand. Firmj′s optimal uniform pricing problem consists of picking the price puni f orm

j as follows

puni f ormj = argmax

p j

p j ∑

Kk=1 λ kE


j|p,Θk) |Dk]≈ argmax

p j

p j[∑

Kk=1 λ k 1

R ∑Rr=1 Pr

(j|p,Θr,k)] (3)

which generates the following first order necessary conditions







j|p,Θr,k)+ puni f orm






λk ∂Pr

(j|p,Θr,k)∂ p j

= 0. (4)

Please see Appendix A for the derivation of the slopes of the probit demand system. Firm j can assessthe choice of puni f orm

j by studying the corresponding posterior distribution of profits:

puni f orm




λk 1R





We also investigate various forms of mobile discount targeting facilitated by the mobile technology.In our application, we can partition consumers into K = 4 segments based on their location during theoff-peak period (theater A versus theater B) and their recency state (High versus Low). Let Ω denote a

26Return bus fare between the theaters is 4RMB and requires 20 minutes of travel time. So the benefits of arbitragingacross locations seems offset by the travel and hassle costs.


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partition of the K = 4 segments. We use the following partitions:

• Geographic targeting:

Ω = location A, location B= high type in loc. A, low type in loc. A, high type in loc. B, low type in loc. B

• Behavioral targeting on type:

Ω = high type, low type= high type in loc. A, high type in loc. B, low type in loc. A, low type in loc. B ;

• Geo-behavioral targeting:

Ω = high type in loc. A, low type in loc. A, high type in loc. B, low type in loc. B .

For a given partition with elements ω ∈ Ω , firm j′s targeted pricing problem consists of pickingthe vector of prices pΩ

j as follows

pΩj = argmax

p j


p jω ∑k∈ω

λ kE[Pr(

j|pω ,Θr,k) |Dk]

≈ argmaxp j


p jω ∑k∈ω

λ k 1R ∑

Rr=1 Pr

(j|pω ,Θ

r,k) (5)

which generates the following first order necessary conditions





j|pω ,Θr,k)+ pΩ



λk ∂Pr

(j|pω ,Θ

r,k)∂ p j

)= 0, ∀ω ∈Ω (6)

Please see Appendix A for the derivation of the slopes of the probit demand system. Firm j can assessthe choice of pΩ

j by studying the corresponding posterior distribution of profits:∑


pΩjω ∑


λk 1R





In several of our targeting schemes, demand consists of a mixture over different consumer types.Under geographic targeting demand for theater j in location k is given by:

S j|k = λ(low,k)Pr

(y = j|pk,Θ



y = j|pk,Θ(low,k)


Similarly, under type targeting, demand for theater j from type k consumers is given by:

S j|k = λ(A,k)Pr

(y = j|pk,Θ



y = j|pk,Θ(A,k)



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We assume the firms select a pricing structure based on its posterior mean profitability. Since eachscenario uses the same posterior distribution of demand parameters, FΘ (Θ|D), the posterior distributionof profits, will be correlated across scenarios. One must therefore be careful when comparing marginalprofit distributions. To account for statistical uncertainty when comparing pricing structures, we use theposterior probability of a profit difference. Consider two scenarios of interest with price vectors p and p

respectively. Formally, we want to test whether π j (p)> π j (p) conditional on our data D, where π j (p)

is firm j’s profit when both firms use prices p. We can compute the exact posterior probability that firmj is more profitable in a scenario with prices p than prices p as follows:

Prob(π j (p)> π j (p) |D





1π j(p|Θr)>π j(p|Θr). (7)

6.2 Ignoring Competitor Response

In section 4, we found that a theater could increase its revenue substantially during the off-peak periodby issuing mobile discounts. We now compute the optimal mobile discounts during the off-peak period.In practice, firms may run a pilot study to determine the optimal price under the implicit assumption thatthe competitor’s price remains fixed. We now compute each firm’s optimal uniform coupon structure,geo-targeted coupon structure, behavioral-targeted coupon structure and geo-behavioral targeted couponstructure. In each case, we first hold the competitor’s price at 75 RMB to mimic the format of the typicalpilot test. For each coupon structure, we then combine our demand estimates, from section 5.3, with thecorresponding system of first order necessary conditions, from section 6.1.

We assume that the off-peak period of demand is an independent market relative to other time slotsin the day. We therefore rule out the possibility that low, “early-bird” prices would cannibalize demandat peak periods of the day (e.g. Saturday evening) when the theater typically sells many more ticketsat the full 75 RMB price. Solving the full dynamic pricing game where consumers optimally decidewhen to see a movie during the course of the day is beyond the scope of our data and analysis. Ourcorporate partners do not believe that most evening consumers would substitute for a showing beforenoon. Some of the cannibalization would be limited by the fact that only consumers in the mall beforenoon on a Saturday would ever learn that mobile discounts were offered for the off-peak period (i.e.regular evening movie-goers would not receive such coupons). In addition, cannibalization could beaverted by restricting the mobile coupons to apply only to mid-day showtimes. In spite of these factors,we are unable to test whether cannibalization would occur over the longer-term, and this is a limitationof our analysis.

Figure 8 displays each firm’s best-response function when each uses a uniform mobile discountduring the off-peak period. That is, we plot each firm’s optimal uniform mobile discount corresponding toa given rival price. The green arrows indicate where each theater would set its price if it optimizes againstthe assumption that the rival will charge the full 75 RMB ticket price. We can immediately see that eachtheater would offer a substantial discount of about 70% off the regular 75 RMB box-office price. This


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type of early-bird discount is comparable to the early-bird rates observed in US theaters during similaroff-peak periods of the day. A recent price search on Fandango.com revealed many AMC27 theatersin shopping malls in large urban areas offering early-bird discounts of more than 60% off the regularevening box-office price on newly released movies. For example, the AMC Van Ness 14 theater in SanFrancisco posted an early-bird price of $6.29 for a morning showing of its newly-released films, a matineeprice of $11.09 for early afternoon and a regular evening price of $16.59 for shows after 7pm28. Thisearly-bird discount of 62% off the regular evening price is comparable to our optimized 70% discountoff the regular price.

Figure 9 displays each firm’s best-response function when both use geo-targeted pricing. The greenarrows indicate how each firm would price in each of the two geographic markets (near theater A andnear theater B respectively). As expected, each firm would target a lower price in the rival’s market thanin its own market. Thus, the “early-bird” rate charged by a theater would be more aggressive in the rival’smarket.

Figure 10 displays each firm’s best-response function when both use behaviorally-targeted pricing.The green arrows indicate how each firm would price in each of the two consumer recency segments(High and Low). Now we see more symmetry in the theaters’ targeting decisions. Both theaters targethigher prices to High-recency consumers than Low-recency consumers. Furthermore, the price targetedto High-recency customers would be nearly 3 RMB higher than the uniform discount.

In Table 4, we report each theater’s anticipated revenues for each targeting structure when each firmrespectively assumes the rival will not change its price from 75 RMB. We also report each firm’s realizedrevenues when both theaters concurrently set prices with incorrect beliefs about competitor prices.

As expected from the theory of monopoly price discrimination, both firms anticipate the higher ex-pected profits from geo-behavioral targeting when they ignore competitor response. This is because thegeo-behavioral prices implement a more granular form of price discrimination. Even though we observeoverlap in the posterior credibility intervals of profits across scenarios29, a given theater’s expected pos-terior profits are significantly higher when it targets different coupons across segments. For both theaters,there is a close to 100% posterior probability that realized revenues would be lower than anticipated un-der each targeting scheme. For theater A, the expected realized revenues are between 14.5% and 15%lower across the various targeting structures. For theater B, the expected realized revenues are between3% and 4% lower.

In sum, both theaters would benefit from an early-bird discount. Moreover, as per the literature onmonopoly price discrimination, both firms would expect to increase profitability by targeting differentearly-bird discounts across different consumer segments. However, each theater would also over-estimatethose incremental profits from targeting during the off-peak period of demand if it pilot tests its targeting

27As of March 2016, AMC is the largest US chain with 387 theaters: “AMC Theatres buys Carmike Cinemas to createlargest chain,” by Hadley Malcolm, USA Today, 3-4-2016.

28Accessed on Fandango.com on 6-11-2016.29Recall that profits are correlated across scenarios because they use the same posterior distribution of demand parameters.


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under the assumption that the competitor would not also implement a targeting scheme of its own. Fortheater A, the expected realized posterior profits from geo-targeting are lower than those from uniformpricing if theater B also implements geo-targeting.

A potential concern with these findings is that the voucher is valid all day, even though it is purchasedbefore noon. We cannot track exactly when the respondent redeemed her voucher and saw a movie. Asexplained earlier, our corporate partner did not believe many (if any) respondents would leave the malland then return again later in the day during a peak period to see a movie. However, we cannot rule outthat some of the large profit gains may be cannibalizing demand from later in the day.

6.3 Equilibrium Pricing

Suppose both firms run successive tests over time and adjust their prices accordingly. As one theaterimplements a new price, it changes the rival’s “best-response,” causing the rival to adjust its price. Re-cent research, (e.g. Doraszelski, Lewis, and Pakes 2016) finds that firms may eventually reach a Nashequilibrium through such repeated pricing interactions with learning. Accordingly, we study the staticNash equilibrium in prices as an approximation of on-going pricing behavior in this market. The Nashequilibrium assumption allows us to analyze the role of competitive response formally. As before, weassume that the off-peak period of demand is a separate market from the peak periods of demand during,such as during the evening.

Like many oligopoly models with empirically realistic demand specifications (e.g. random coeffi-cients logit), it is not possible to prove existence and uniqueness of a Bertrand-Nash price equilibriumfor a probit demand oligopoly except under very strong independence assumptions (Mizuno (2003))30.In our numerical simulations, existence is established by computing a fixed-point to the system of neces-sary conditions. Uniqueness is verified by inspecting each firm’s best-response function over the rangeof prices from 0 RMB to 75 RMB.

6.4 Equilibrium Uniform Pricing Results

Results for the uniform equilibrium prices during the off-peak period are displayed in Table 5. Consistentwith the experimental results, both firms have strong incentives to reduce their prices. In equilibrium,Firm A charges 19.29 RMB per ticket and firm B charges 18.86 RMB per ticket, drawing in substantialdemand, especially from the Low consumer segment. These prices are in fact not much different fromthe pilot-test results discussed in the previous sub-section. Note that the best-response curves plotted inFigure 8 indicate that, at least for uniform pricing, neither firms’ optimal price is very sensitive to whatthe rival charges, even though the level of demand would be affected.

30In addition to the correlated errors, our demand specification differs from the standard independent probit because it is adiscrete mixture of the probit demands in the two geographic and two consumer type segments.


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6.5 Equilibrium Unilateral Targeting Results

We now explore each theater’s incentives to target prices across the different consumer segments duringthe off-peak period of demand. We begin by investigating what happens when one firm unilaterally runs atargeting campaign while the other firm continues to offer a uniform discount during the off-peak period,but is allowed to adjust its uniform price in equilibrium. We compute the Nash equilibrium during theoff-peak period for which one firm targets while the other firm sets a uniform price.

The unilateral targeting results are reported in Table 6. The first row repeats the last row of Table5, indicating the expected revenues per messaged consumer under uniform pricing, which we use as abenchmark. The subsequent rows report each firm’s expected revenues when it unilaterally implementstargeted mobile coupons. Unlike the case of monopoly price discrimination, a firm does not unambigu-ously increase its expected profits by unilaterally targeting in equilibrium. Theater A, for instance, isworse off using geo-targeting than uniform pricing when theater B uses a uniform pricing strategy. Bydiscounting its price in theater B’s local area, theater A triggers a defensive reaction causing theater B tolower its price. Surprisingly, Theater A would be better off using a uniform mobile coupon policy thangeo-targeting once Theater B is able to adjust its own price in equilibrium.

Figure 11 plots the posterior distribution of the percentage difference in revenues under targetingand uniform pricing for each scenario. Relative to uniform pricing, Theater A generates an expectedloss of -1.31% with unilateral geographic targeting, but an expected gain of 0.44% under unilateral typetargeting and 1.1% when unilaterally combining type and geographic targeting. In contrast, Theater Bgains under all three unilateral targeting scenarios, with an expected gain of 3.33% under geographictargeting, 0.94% under type targeting and 4.45% under both. Figure 11 also visualizes the posteriorprobability associated with profit differences between pricing scenarios. For instance, there is only a17% posterior probability that theater A would be more profitable under unilateral geographic targetingthan under uniform pricing. In contrast, type targeting and geo-behavioral targeting both have more thana 96% posterior probability of being more profitable than uniform pricing for theater A. For theater B,all three unilateral targeting scenarios have at least a 95% posterior probability of being more profitablethan uniform pricing.

While we do not report the results for the theater using uniform pricing in Table 5 and Figure 11, thefindings are as one might expect. Under geographic targeting, the passive competitor’s expected profitsfall by 1.24% for theater A and by 0.47% for theater B. These losses reflect the fact that the targetingfirm charges substantially lower prices in the rival’s market. Interestingly, the theater using uniformpricing always has a slightly positive expected revenue gain under unilateral behavioral targeting. Underbehavioral targeting, the targeting firm raises its price in the High consumer segment, causing someconsumers to substitute to the competitor and softening competition. This incremental revenue increasestotal competitor profits.

In the last row of Table 6, we look at the combination of geo-behavioral targeting by allowing firms toprice discriminate unilaterally across all four consumer segments. Both firms are unambiguously better


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off with this finer degree of price discrimination. In summary, both firms would benefit from at least oneform of targeting when the rival uses uniform pricing.

6.6 Equilibrium Targeting

We now consider scenarios in which both firms target. Under each targeting scenario, both firms set theirprices to satisfy the optimality conditions in equation 6. From the theoretical literature on competitiveprice discrimination, we already know that the returns to targeting in equilibrium are not unambiguous.

We first refer back to each firm’s best-response function in each of the targeting scenarios, as plottedin Figures 9 and 1031. We can immediately see that under geo-targeting, we have best-response asymme-try. Each firm considers its own market as the “strong” market and its rival’s market as the “weak” marketalong the entire support. From Corts (1998), we know that the returns to targeting on firm profits areambiguous in this case. In contrast, under behavioral targeting we have best-response symmetry. Eachfirm considers the High market to be strong and the Low market to be weak along the entire support.From Holmes (1989); Corts (1998); Armstrong and Vickers (2001) we know that equilibrium profits canrise in this scenario as long as competition is sufficiently intense in the “strong” market. We alreadyknow from the Table 3 that the cross-price elasticities are much larger in the High market than in theLow market. In fact, cross-price elasticities are nearly zero in the Low markets suggesting almost nocompetition.

In Table 7, we summarize each firm’s equilibrium revenues under each targeting scenario. As before,we report the posterior mean profits for each firm along with the respective 90% posterior credibilityintervals. Recall that the correlation in profits between pricing scenarios implies that credibility intervalscan be highly overlapping even though one scenario has a very high probability of being more profitablethan another.

Beginning with behavioral targeting, both firms’ expected equilibrium profits are slightly higher thanin their respective unilateral targeting scenarios32. Even though we observe overlap in the posteriorcredibility intervals of profits across scenarios, the posterior probability that a given theater’s profits arehigher when both engage in behavioral targeting as opposed to when it unilaterally uses behavioral-targeting is over 99% for each theater. This result is consistent with the theoretical literature underbest-response symmetry. Equilibrium price levels are reported in Table 8. Theaters A and B lowertheir prices by only 3.6% and 5.8% respectively in the Low market where competition is relativelylight. In contrast, theaters A and B increase their prices by 18.9% and 26.0% respectively in the Highmarket, where competition is relatively intense. Behavioral targeting softens price competition in theHigh segment. This result is also visualized in Figure 10 where the intersection of the best-responsefunctions in the Low market are very close to the uniform price equilibrium, whereas the best response

31Each firm’s best-responses are computed numerically using R’s built-in “optim” function.32We solve for the equilibrium prices satisfying the system of first-order conditions in each scenario using the Newton

solver in the non-linear equation solver package “nleqslv” in R.


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functions in the High market intersect at substantially higher levels for both theaters. Figure 12 plots theposterior distribution of the percentage difference in revenues under targeting and uniform pricing foreach scenario. Both firms strictly benefit from behavioral targeting relative to uniform pricing.

In contrast, under geo-targeting, Table 7 reveals that both firms’ expected equilibrium profits arelower than in either of their respective unilateral targeting scenarios. The posterior probability that agiven theater’s profits are higher when both engage in geo-targeting as opposed to when it unilaterallyuses geo-targeting is only 1.1% and 18.7% for theaters A and B respectively. In this scenario, with best-response asymmetry, the theory is ambiguous and the results are ultimately an empirical matter. TheatersA and B raise their prices by only 1.5% and 6.4% respectively in their defensive markets. In contrast,they lower their prices by 44% and 45.7% respectively in their offensive markets. In other words, eachfirm launches a massive price attack in one another’s local markets. While this does not lead to an all-out price war, it severely limits the extent to which firms can benefit from local price discriminationin a competitive environment. This result is also visualized in Figure 9 where the intersection of thebest-response functions involve defensive prices that are very close to the uniform price levels, but theoffensive prices are considerably lower33. Looking at the top panel of Figure 12, we can see that 49% ofthe posterior probability mass in the distribution of profit differences for geographic targeting relative touniform pricing are negative, for theater A. Just over 9% are negative for theater B.

In the last row of Table 7, we allow each firm to use geo-behavioral targeting. Recall that when thetheaters ignore competitor response, as in sub-section 6.2 above, they anticipate the highest expectedprofits under geo-behavioral targeting. With competitive targeting, both firms realize higher expectedequilibrium revenues with coarser price discrimination. Theater A is better off with pure behavioraltargeting and Theater B is better off with pure geo-targeting.

An interesting empirical question is whether firms would endogenously choose to price discriminatein equilibrium. As in Chen and Iyer (2002), we can also investigate potential asymmetries in each firm’sincentives to select a specific targeting scheme based on a specific form of consumer targetability34.Consider a two-period game in which each theater first commits to a pricing structure (targeting versusuniform), and then in the second period each theater plays its corresponding Bertrand-Nash pricingstrategy.

Table 9 sets up the payoff matrix associated with the 4× 4 game in which each firm selects eitherthe uniform pricing strategy or one of the three targeting strategies. One of the three forms of targetingis always a best-response for each theater, regardless of the other theater’s pricing choice. However,the specific targeting best-response varies across competitor actions. For our demand estimates, thereis a unique equilibrium in the first stage of the game in which both firms choose behavioral targeting.

33The fact that profits do not unambiguously decrease relative to uniform pricing is different from the prisoner’s dilemmafinding in Shaffer and Zhang (1995). The current model differs in two ways. First, we do not assume full coverage meaningthat there is an outside option that softens the profit impact of lower prices. Second, we do not allow perfect targeting in thesense that a firm cannot target a consumer based on her random utility shock.

34This is not identical to Chen and Iyer (2002) as they endogenize the degree of addressability whereas we merely offerthe firms a discrete choice between targeting schemes.


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Conditional on theater B using behavioral targeting, the posterior probability that theater A could increaseits profits by deviating to uniform pricing or geographic targeting is less than 1%; although it is 40% forgeo-behavioral targeting. When theater A uses behavioral targeting, the posterior probability that theaterB could increase its profits by deviating is less than 3% for uniform, geographic and geo-behavioraltargeting. Therefore, in equilibrium both firms choose behavioral targeting and the improvement inprofits relative to uniform pricing is highly significant.

The equilibrium choice of behavioral targeting is surprising given that both theaters would perceiveand realize higher incremental revenues from a richer, geo-behavioral targeting scheme in the scenariowhere they do not anticipate competitor targeting (Table 4). Therefore, in equilibrium, the firms do notselect the most granular form of targeting. In fact, theater B derives higher incremental revenues fromgeo-targeting when it did not consider competitor response. When we restrict the theaters to use sym-metric targeting rules, they would still always choose targeting over not targeting as expected. However,in the case of geo-targeting, there is a non-trivial probability that a prisoner’s dilemma could emerge.Under geo-targeting, theater A faces a 48% posterior probability that profits would be lower than in thecase where both firms use uniform pricing. For theater B, the posterior probability of lower prices thanunder uniform pricing is only 9%.

The non-IIA preferences in the multinomial probit demand framework play an important role inour findings. To investigate the role of IIA, we re-run our equilibrium targeting analysis with ρ = 0to eliminate the correlation in preferences. Results are reported in Table 21 in Appendix B. The moststriking difference from above is that targeting on geography reduces theater A’s equilibrium profits.This is because setting ρ = 0 reduces substitutibility for consumers located near theater B, making itharder for theater A to poach consumers. However, setting ρ = 0 increases substitutibility near theaterA, making it easier for theater B to poach consumers. Consequently, theater A has a harder time poachingand, at the same time, needs to intensify its local defensive pricing. Although not reported, when we usethe Logit demand system which exhibits the IIA property, we actually find that the strategic decisionto target on geography versus uniform pricing creates a prisoner’s dilemma whereby each firm targetsand generates lower equilibrium profits than under uniform pricing. Recall that the Logit demand modelexhibits inferior fit, based on the posterior marginal likelihood. Therefore, explicitly eliminating theIIA property with an unrestricted, multinomial probit demand is important for our conclusions about theequilibrium implications of targeting.

7 Conclusions

This study provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of targeted pricing in a competitive market,using a mobile field experiment. Using a novel experimental design that independently varies the ac-tual prices of two competing firms, our approach bridges the gap between applied theory and empiricalwork to provide several managerially relevant insights and methods. In particular, when the structure


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of consumer segments creates best-response symmetry and competition is tougher in the strong market,competitive price targeting can soften overall price competition, leading to higher profits than under uni-form pricing. In contrast, when consumer segments lead to best-response asymmetry, competitive pricetargeting can toughen price competition, leading to lower prices and lower profits than under uniformpricing.

In practice, most firms test targeting strategies while holding their competitors’ actions fixed. Im-plicitly, firms are applying the monopoly theory of price discrimination. However, the theory literatureon competitive price discrimination shows that monopoly price discrimination may provide the wronganalogy for profitability. We find that firms have a strong unilateral incentive to target pricing in ourmobile setting, and are not deterred by the threat of competitive response. However, competition moder-ates the profitability of targeted pricing. Interestingly, competition raises the profitability of behavioraltargeting where firms face symmetric pricing incentives that soften price competition. In contrast, com-petition lowers the profitability of geographic targeting, where firms face asymmetric pricing incentivesthat toughen price competition. In sum, while competitive targeting does not result in lower profits per se,we do find that firms may mis-estimate the profitability of targeted pricing by disregarding competitiveresponse.

For our study of movie theaters, a manager would conclude that the returns to behavioral-targetinggenerate larger incremental profits (approximately 1% for each firm) than geo-targeting in a competitivemarket where both firms target their prices. A manager would have reached the opposite conclusion hadhe/she disregarded competition. An evaluation of a unilateral targeting scheme in which the competitordoes not deviate from its regular box-office pricing overestimates the returns to geo-targeting and under-estimate the returns to behavioral targeting. As a rule of thumb, the degree of symmetry or asymmetryin a competitor’s pricing incentives can provide guidance on the potential direction of bias in a unilateralevaluation. Finally, if we endogenize the choice of how to target, a symmetric behavioral targeting equi-librium emerges even though a more granular geo-behavioral targeting was feasible. In contrast, if weignore competitor response, both firms would unambiguously select geo-behavioral targeting.

Our analysis also reveals both the academic and managerial importance of the design of the exper-iment. We manipulated both firms’ actions simultaneously. In practice, most firms have some under-standing of their own profits conditional on their competitors’ current prices. However, they are unlikelyto have knowledge of how their optimal policies would change under counterfactual prices by their com-petitors. This study demonstrates the importance of strategic considerations when a firm evaluates theadoption of new targeting technologies. We address the fact that the experiment did not contain the best-response levels of each firm by using a structural model. This combination of both an experiment anda model offers a pragmatic solution to practitioners who might not be able to test “enough” price pointsto observe the optimum or equilibrium in a model-free manner. In practice, if a firm was able to test“enough” price points, the equilibrium would be “observed,” simplifying the analysis considerably byobviating the need for the demand estimation and price optimization.

The equilibrium analysis at the end of the paper applies to a static, simultaneous-moves pricing


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game. We have not addressed the potential inter-dependence between our off-peak period and morepopular time slots for movies later in the day. While our corporate partners do not anticipate typicalevening movie consumers to start going to early-bird showings, we cannot rule out that our findingswould change should such cannibalization arise. An interesting direction for future research would be toconduct experiments like the one herein across multiple time slots and to track subjects over time to seeif they change their usual movie theater visiting behavior.

We also do not address the potential endogeneity of the consumer segment definitions that can arisein a multi-period environment. In practice, as targeting draws more consumers into a theater, it en-dogenously changes the composition of the “recency” segments. In our application, we define recencybased on consumers’ visits to the theater at regular box office prices, not based on targeted promotionalprices. However, an interesting direction for future research would be to explore how dynamics affectequilibrium targeting and whether firms would continue to profit from behavioral targeting. Moreover,it would be interesting to explore whether behavioral targeting would involve targeting lower prices tofirms’ strongest local consumers in such a dynamic setting as in Shin and Sudhir (2010). We also assumethat consumer locations are exogenous. However, another interesting direction for future research wouldbe to explore whether consumers change their mall visiting behavior in response to their experienceswith different degrees of targeted pricing across locations, as in Chen, Li, and Sun (2015). In this regard,our analysis might be interpreted as the short-term effects of price targeting. Longer term, consumersmay strategically alter their location choices strategically to arbitrage the real-time couponing.

Finally, we analyze a very specific form of behavioral targeting based on recency. An interestingdirection for future research may be to study alternative forms of behavioral targeting and the conditionsunder which they toughen versus soften price competition.


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Figure 1: A 2015 advertisement for mobile geo-conquesting services (case study of Honda Dealership)

Table 1: Posterior Model Fit by Segmentsegment Multinomial Logit Multinomial Probit

high consumers in location A -778.5684 -774.7321low consumers in location A -456.5403 -456.4356high consumers in location B -784.3276 -768.8367low consumers in location B -489.8145 -488.7583


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Figure 2: Purchase Rates

Def 0%, Off 0% Def 0%, Off 40% Def 0%, Off 60%




Def 20%, Off 0% Def 20%, Off 40% Def 20%, Off 60%




Def 40%, Off 0% Def 40%, Off 40% Def 40%, Off 60%




Defense Offense



d C



n pe

r M





er (


Discount (%)

Figure 3: Expected Revenues per Messaged Consumer

Def 0%, Off 0% Def 0%, Off 40% Def 0%, Off 60%



Def 20%, Off 0% Def 20%, Off 40% Def 20%, Off 60%



Def 40%, Off 0% Def 40%, Off 40% Def 40%, Off 60%



Defense Offense



d R


ue p

er M





er (



Discount (%)


Page 38: Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons1 › research › papers › mobile targeting.pdf · mobile targeting based on consumers’ real-time and historic locations, allowing

Figure 4: Purchase Rate by Segment

Def 0%,Off 0% Def 0%,Off 60%




Def 0%,Off 0% Def 0%,Off 60%




Def 20%,Off 0% Def 20%,Off 60%



Def 20%,Off 0% Def 20%,Off 60%



Def 40%,Off 0% Def 40%,Off 60%



Def 40%,Off 0% Def 40%,Off 60%



Defense Offense



d C



n pe

r M





er (


Discount (%)


Page 39: Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons1 › research › papers › mobile targeting.pdf · mobile targeting based on consumers’ real-time and historic locations, allowing

Figure 5: Expected Revenues per Messaged Consumer by Segment

Def 0%,Off 0% Def 0%,Off 60%




Def 0%,Off 0% Def 0%,Off 60%




Def 20%,Off 0% Def 20%,Off 60%



Def 20%,Off 0% Def 20%,Off 60%



Def 40%,Off 0% Def 40%,Off 60%



Def 40%,Off 0% Def 40%,Off 60%



Defense Offense



d R


ue p

er M





er (



Discount (%)


Page 40: Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons1 › research › papers › mobile targeting.pdf · mobile targeting based on consumers’ real-time and historic locations, allowing

Table 2: Posterior Means of Multinomial Probit by segment (90% posterior credibility intervals in paren-theses)

coefficient high A low A high B low BθA -0.344 0.25 -1.066 -1.413

(-0.651,-0.028) (-0.178,0.695) (-1.344,-0.79) (-1.737,-0.964)θB -1.043 -0.628 -0.376 0

(-2.002,-0.425) (-1.499,-0.023) (-0.741,-0.035) (-0.311,0.349)α -0.027 -0.044 -0.027 -0.028

(-0.033,-0.021) (-0.053,-0.035) (-0.036,-0.019) (-0.043,-0.017)ΨA,A 1 1 1 1

- - - -ΨB,B 1.006 0.738 1.152 0.577

(0.437,2.105) (0.323,1.393) (0.692,1.651) (0.287,1.237)ΨA,B 0.787 -0.795 1.025 0.152

(0.341,1.259) (-1.125,-0.542) (0.801,1.234) (-1.019,0.663)ρA,B 0.796 -0.951 0.962 0.348

(0.443,0.931) (-0.99,-0.826) (0.926,0.985) (-0.953,0.955)

Table 3: Multinomial Probit Elasticities by segment (evaluated at regular prices of 75RMB)high, A low, A high, B low, B

both set regular prices of 75 RMBFirm A price Firm B price Firm A price Firm B price Firm A price Firm B price Firm A price Firm B price

Firm A -5.33 0.15 -10.17 1.07E-16 -16.99 13.17 -7.88 3.72

Firm B 3.44 -8.35 1.77E-14 -11.82 0.02 -4.84 0.42 -8.96

both set prices of 30 RMB (60% off)Firm A price Firm B price Firm A price Firm B price Firm A price Firm B price Firm A price Firm B price

Firm A -1.40 0.10 -2.07 0.00 -7.97 5.95 -3.10 0.77

Firm B 1.52 -3.44 0.00 -4.33 0.01 -1.25 0.03 -1.91

Figure 6: Shift in Posterior Expected Demand for Theater A when Theater B cuts its price(dotted lines represent the 90% posterior credibility intervals )

0 20 40 60 80





price (RMB)



on r


Theater A Demand in Mall A (High Recency)

Competitor charges 75 RMBCompetitor charges 30 RMB

0 20 40 60 80




price (RMB)



on r


Theater A Demand in Mall B (High Recency)

Competitor charges 75 RMBCompetitor charges 30 RMB


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Figure 7: Shift in Posterior Expected Demand for Theater A when Theater B cuts its price(dotted lines represent the 90% posterior credibility intervals )

0 20 40 60 80




price (RMB)co





Theater A Demand (High Recency, Mall B)

E[ Pr( j=A | pA , pB = , ΘBHigh ]

E[ Pr( j=A | pA , pB = , ΘBHigh ]

75 30

0 20 40 60 80




price (RMB)



on r


Theater A Demand, (Low Recency, Mall B)

E[ Pr( j=A | pA , pB = , ΘBLow ]

E[ Pr( j=A | pA , pB = , ΘBLow ]

75 30

Figure 8: Uniform Pricing

0 20 40 60 80




Best Response under Uniform Pricing

Theater B price



A p




Uniform Price Equilibrium

optimize against rival price=75RMB


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Figure 9: Best-Response Functions for Geo-Targeting

0 20 40 60 80




Best ResponseGeo−Targeting

Theater B price



A p


BRA defenseBRA offenseBRB offenseBRB defense

Uniform Price


Mall A Price


Mall B Price Equilibrium

optimize against rival price=75RMB

Figure 10: Best-Response Functions for Behavioral Targeting

0 20 40 60 80




Best ResponseBehavioral Targeting

Theater B price



A p



Uniform Price


High type Price


Low type Price


optimize against rival price=75RMB


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Table 4: Anticipated versus Realized Profits from Mobile TargetingExpected Anticipated Revenue per Expected Realized Revenue per

Messaged consumer (RMB) Messaged consumer (RMB)Theater A Theater B Theater A Theater B

Full Price 0.124 0.237 0.124 0.237(0.085,0.171) (0.162,0.32) (0.085,0.171) (0.162,0.32)

Uniform Price 2.296 3.026 1.961 2.913(1.81,2.823) (2.352,3.86) (1.46,2.52) (2.24,3.74)

Geo-Targeting 2.305 3.116 1.956 3.013(1.82,2.837) (2.428,3.946) (1.451,2.521) (2.332,3.835)

Behavioral Targeting 2.306 3.054 1.979 2.946(1.822,2.838) (2.376,3.884) (1.473,2.542) (2.269,3.766)

Geo-Behavioral Targeting 2.321 3.15 1.98 3.036(1.833,2.852) (2.451,3.979) (1.47,2.544) (2.347,3.865)

Anticipated revenues for theater i πi (p∗i |p−i = 75), Realized Revenues for theater i are πi(

p∗i |p−i = p∗−i)

Table 5: Uniform Price EquilibriumFirm A Firm B

Price 19.2942 18.8641Share: high type, location A 0.1896 0.0168

low type, location A 0.2795 0.0465high type, location B 0.0005 0.2039low type, location B 0.0106 0.2380

Expected Profit per messaged consumer 1.9604 2.9133

Table 6: Unilateral Targeting (90% posterior credibility intervals in parentheses)Firm A Profit per messaged consumer Firm B Profit per messaged consumer

Uniform 1.96 2.91(1.46,2.52) (2.24,3.74)

Geo-Targeting 1.933 3.01(1.45,2.49) (2.33,3.83)

Behavioral Targeting 1.97 2.94(1.46,2.53) (2.26,3.76)

Geo-Behavioral Targeting 1.98 3.04(1.47,2.55) (2.35,3.87)


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Figure 11: Posterior Distribution of Percent Difference in Unilateral Revenues per Messaged consumerUnder Targeting versus Uniform

Unilateral Location TargetingTheater A




0 5 10 15



Unilateral Location TargetingTheater B




0 5 10 15





Unilateral Type TargetingTheater A




0 5 10 15




Unilateral Type TargetingTheater B




0 5 10 15




Unilateral Type & Location TargetingTheater A




0 5 10 15




Unilateral Type & Location TargetingTheater B




0 5 10 15




Table 7: Equilibrium Targeting (90% posterior credibility intervals in parentheses)Expected Revenue per Messaged Consumer (RMB)Theater A Theater B

Uniform 1.96 2.91(1.46,2.52) (2.24,3.74)

Geo-Targeting 1.96 2.98(1.46,2.53) (2.3,3.82)

Behavioral Targeting 1.98 2.95(1.47,2.54) (2.27,3.77)

Geo-Behavioral Targeting 1.97 2.97(1.47,2.54) (2.28,3.8)


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Table 8: Equilibrium Pricesmarket Theater A Price Theater B Price

Uniform pooled 19.294 18.864Geo-Targeting Loc A 19.575 10.564

Loc B 10.485 20.064Behavioral Targeting High 22.948 23.786

Low 18.597 17.775Geo-Behavioral Targeting Loc A, High 21.335 10.870

Loc A, Low 19.146 10.546Loc B, High 5.230 20.595Loc B, Low 11.874 19.322

Figure 12: Posterior Distribution of Percent Difference in Equilibrium Revenues per Messaged Con-sumer Under Targeting versus Uniform

Equilibrium Location TargetingTheater A




−5 0 5 10 15





49 % of mass below 0

Equilibrium Location TargetingTheater B




−5 0 5 10 15




9 % of mass below 0

Equilibrium Type TargetingTheater A




−5 0 5 10 15




Equilibrium Type TargetingTheater B




−5 0 5 10 15





Equilibrium Type & Location TargetingTheater A




−5 0 5 10 15




Equilibrium Type & Location TargetingTheater B




−5 0 5 10 15






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Table 9: Targeting Choice as a Strategic Game (each theater’s expected revenue firm per messagedconsumer)

Firm BUniform Geo Behavioral Geo-Behavioral

Firm A

Uniform 1.960, 2.913 1.937, 3.007 1.969, 2.940 1.942, 3.041

Geo-Targeting 1.933, 2.900 1.963, 2.984 1.956, 2.651 1.958, 2.768

Behavioral Targeting 1.969, 2.919 1.956, 2.383 1.979, 2.948 1.977, 2.722

Geo-Behavioral 1.982, 2.905 1.966, 1.501 1.978, 1.882 1.973, 2.968


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A Appendix: Probit Derivatives

Recall that the expected probability that a consumer chooses alternative j is

Pr (y = j|B,X ,Ψ) = Φ

(µ(1)z1 ,µ

(1)z2 ;ρ



The matrix of derivatives of the share is as follows:

∂Prob(y = j|B,X ,Ψ)

∂XT =∂Prob(y = j|B,X ,Ψ)

∂ µ( j)Tz

∂ µ( j)z


where∂ µ

( j)z

∂X ′= diag

(Σ( j)z

)− 12

∆( j)B.

It is straightforward to show (see below) that


∂x= φ (x)Φ



and therefore∂Pr (y = j|B,X ,Ψ)

∂ µ( j)zi

= φ

(µ( j)zi

µ( j)z(3−i)−ρµ

( j)zi√



A.1 Derivative of bivariate Gaussian∂Φ(x,y;ρ)

∂x=∫ y



1−ρ2exp(−x2−2ρxv+ v2



If you complete the square inside the exp(•) function, you can isolate the component depending on v :

exp(−x2−2ρxv+ v2


)= exp

(− (v− px)2





And so we can re-write the derivative as


∂x= φ (x)Φ



B Appendix: Supplemental Figures and Tables


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Table 10: Summary Statistics. ARPU = “average revenue per user,” MOU = “average minutes used permonth,” SMS= “average number of SMS sent per month,” GPRS=”average kilobytes downloaded permonth.”

Segment ARPU MOU SMS GPRS NLoc A & High 109.96 771.54 205.23 90127.72 4450

-85.19 -720.44 -279.56 -217276Loc A & Low 111.02 772.97 202 85707.8 4461

-92.06 -726.6 -224.21 -132691Loc B & High 110.22 766.16 212.39 94731.77 4550

-92.14 -709.3 -327.51 -274771.8Loc B & Low 112.19 774.46 206.72 90548 4539

-87.47 -711.54 -271.03 -206697.4High 110.09 768.82 208.85 92455.32 9000

-88.77 -714.82 -304.76 -248021Low 111.61 773.72 204.38 88148.87 9000

-89.77 -719.03 -248.93 -174008.4Location A 110.49 772.26 203.61 87915.03 8911

-88.69 -723.52 -253.37 -179981.3Location B 111.2 770.31 209.56 92642.42 9089

-89.84 -710.42 -300.64 -243174.3all 110.85 771.27 206.61 90302.1 18000

-89.27 -716.93 -278.26 -214243.91

Table 11: Mobile Usage Randomization ChecksARPU MOU SMS GPRS Combined

Unadjusted P<.05 6 0 0 0 6Adjusted P<.05 0 0 0 0 0Number of Comparisons 36 36 36 36 144Unadjusted Rate 17% 0% 0% 0% 4%Adjusted Rate 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Note: Randomization checks for assignment of pricing treatments were performed using consumers’historical mobile usage variables presented in Table 10. Unadjusted P<.05 and Adjusted P<.05 count thenumber of pairwise comparisons between experimental cells where average mobile usages had statisti-cally significant differences. The corresponding rates divides the counts by the number of comparisons.The unadjusted P-values find differences at an overall rate expected by chance. Adjusted P-values useTukey’s honest significant difference adjustments for multiple comparisons of pairwise means; the ad-justed P-values find no significant differences.


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Table 12: Comparison of LocationsLocation A Location B

Shopping Area (sq. meters) 102,000 120,000Bus Lines 10 10Visitors (people/day) 53,000 55,000Number of Merchants 650 670Population (1km radius) 26,367 24,233

Note: Shopping mall location statistics are drawn from the respective malls’ promotional materials,except for population. The nearby population (within 1km) was estimated using GIS data from the 2010Census, provided by a research center at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.

Table 13: Aggregate Purchase Rates for Offensive PromotionsOffensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0035** 0.0280** 0.0035** 0.0280** 0.0245**(0.0000) (0.0013) (0.0037) (0.0013) (0.0037) (0.0039)

2 20% 0.0000 0.0040** 0.0110** 0.0040** 0.0110** 0.0070*(0.0000) (0.0014) (0.0023) (0.0014) (0.0023) (0.0027)

3 40% 0.0000 0.0025* 0.0065** 0.0025* 0.0065** 0.0040†(0.0000) (0.0011) (0.0018) (0.0011) (0.0018) (0.0021)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0000 0.0005 -0.0170** 0.0005 -0.0170** -0.0175**(0.0000) (0.0019) (0.0044) (0.0019) (0.0044) (0.0048)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0000 -0.0010 -0.0215** -0.0010 -0.0215** -0.0205**(0.0000) (0.0017) (0.0041) (0.0017) (0.0041) (0.0045)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0000 -0.0015 -0.0045 -0.0015 -0.0045 -0.0030(0.0000) (0.0018) (0.0029) (0.0018) (0.0029) (0.0035)

** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10, standard errors in parenthesesNote: Means and differences computed using experimental sample weights. Standard errors for differ-ences in proportions and all p-values computed using conventional normal approximation. Since theapproximation can perform poorly for very small proportions, we also test using several alternatives,including linear regression (conventional and robust standard errors), nonparametric bootstrap, and per-mutation testing, all of which obtain similar results (available from authors upon request). Sample sizeis 2,000 per cell (N=18,000 total).


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Table 14: Aggregate Purchase Rates for Offensive Promotions (Weighted)Offensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0021** 0.0237** 0.0021** 0.0237** 0.0216**(0.0000) (0.0008) (0.0034) (0.0008) (0.0034) (0.0035)

2 20% 0.0000 0.0041* 0.0094** 0.0041* 0.0094** 0.0053*(0.0000) (0.0016) (0.0022) (0.0016) (0.0022) (0.0027)

3 40% 0.0000 0.0027* 0.0060** 0.0027* 0.0060** 0.0033(0.0000) (0.0013) (0.0018) (0.0013) (0.0018) (0.0022)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0000 0.0020 -0.0142** 0.0020 -0.0142** -0.0163**(0.0000) (0.0018) (0.0040) (0.0018) (0.0040) (0.0044)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0000 0.0006 -0.0177** 0.0006 -0.0177** -0.0183**(0.0000) (0.0015) (0.0039) (0.0015) (0.0039) (0.0041)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0000 -0.0014 -0.0034 -0.0014 -0.0034 -0.0020(0.0000) (0.0020) (0.0028) (0.0020) (0.0028) (0.0035)

** p<.01, * p<.05, † p<.10, standard errors in parenthesesNote: Means and differences computed using population weights for high/low behavioral segments (lo-cations A and B weighted equally). Standard errors for differences in proportions and all p-values com-puted using conventional normal approximation. Since the approximation can perform poorly for verysmall proportions, we also test using several alternatives, including linear regression (conventional androbust standard errors), nonparametric bootstrap, and permutation testing, all of which obtain similarresults (available from authors upon request). Sample size is 2,000 per cell (N=18,000 total).

Table 15: Aggregate Purchase Rates for Defensive PromotionsOffensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0050** 0.0040** 0.0000 -0.0010 -0.0050** -0.0040**(0.0016) (0.0014) (0.0000) (0.0021) (0.0016) (0.0014)

2 20% 0.0225** 0.0205** 0.0190** -0.0020 -0.0035 -0.0015(0.0033) (0.0032) (0.0031) (0.0046) (0.0045) (0.0044)

3 40% 0.0520** 0.0505** 0.0475** -0.0015 -0.0045 -0.0030(0.0050) (0.0049) (0.0048) (0.0070) (0.0069) (0.0068)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0175** 0.0165** 0.0190** -0.0010 0.0015 0.0025(0.0037) (0.0035) (0.0031) (0.0051) (0.0048) (0.0046)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0470** 0.0465** 0.0475** -0.0005 0.0005 0.0010(0.0052) (0.0051) (0.0048) (0.0073) (0.0071) (0.0070)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0295** 0.0300** 0.0285** 0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0015(0.0060) (0.0058) (0.0057) (0.0083) (0.0082) (0.0081)


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Table 16: Aggregate Purchase Rates for Defensive Promotions (Weighted)Offensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0031** 0.0024** 0.0000 -0.0006 -0.0031** -0.0024**(0.0010) (0.0009) (0.0000) (0.0013) (0.0010) (0.0009)

2 20% 0.0195** 0.0173** 0.0158** -0.0022 -0.0037 -0.0015(0.0032) (0.0029) (0.0028) (0.0043) (0.0042) (0.0040)

3 40% 0.0481** 0.0468** 0.0444** -0.0013 -0.0037 -0.0024(0.0050) (0.0049) (0.0048) (0.0070) (0.0070) (0.0069)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0165** 0.0149** 0.0158** -0.0016 -0.0007 0.0009(0.0033) (0.0031) (0.0028) (0.0045) (0.0043) (0.0041)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0450** 0.0443** 0.0444** -0.0007 -0.0007 0.0001(0.0051) (0.0050) (0.0048) (0.0071) (0.0070) (0.0070)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0285** 0.0294** 0.0286** 0.0009 0.0000 -0.0008(0.0059) (0.0057) (0.0056) (0.0082) (0.0081) (0.0080)

Figure 13: Offensive Purchase Rates vs. Logit and Probit Predicted Rates







Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%







Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%







Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%







Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%







Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%







Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%







Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%







Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%







Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%







Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%







Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%







Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%




Location A Location B

Actual Logit Probit


Page 52: Competitive Price Targeting with Smartphone Coupons1 › research › papers › mobile targeting.pdf · mobile targeting based on consumers’ real-time and historic locations, allowing

Table 17: Purchase Rates for Location A High TypesOffensive Response

Offensive DiscountDefensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0060† 0.0419** 0.0060† 0.0419** 0.0360**(0.0000) (0.0034) (0.0092) (0.0034) (0.0092) (0.0098)

2 20% 0.0000 0.0084* 0.0156** 0.0084* 0.0156** 0.0072(0.0000) (0.0042) (0.0055) (0.0042) (0.0055) (0.0069)

3 40% 0.0000 0.0040 0.0123* 0.0040 0.0123* 0.0083(0.0000) (0.0028) (0.0050) (0.0028) (0.0050) (0.0057)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0000 0.0024 -0.0263* 0.0024 -0.0263* -0.0288*(0.0000) (0.0054) (0.0107) (0.0054) (0.0107) (0.0120)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0000 -0.0020 -0.0296** -0.0020 -0.0296** -0.0276*(0.0000) (0.0044) (0.0104) (0.0044) (0.0104) (0.0113)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0000 -0.0044 -0.0033 -0.0044 -0.0033 0.0011(0.0000) (0.0050) (0.0074) (0.0050) (0.0074) (0.0090)

Defensive ResponseOffensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0123* 0.0100* 0.0000 -0.0023 -0.0123* -0.0100*(0.0050) (0.0044) (0.0000) (0.0067) (0.0050) (0.0044)

2 20% 0.0233** 0.0210** 0.0253** -0.0023 0.0020 0.0043(0.0067) (0.0066) (0.0069) (0.0094) (0.0096) (0.0096)

3 40% 0.0657** 0.0595** 0.0492** -0.0062 -0.0165 -0.0103(0.0112) (0.0105) (0.0098) (0.0154) (0.0149) (0.0144)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0111 0.0110 0.0253** 0.0000 0.0143 0.0143(0.0083) (0.0079) (0.0069) (0.0115) (0.0108) (0.0105)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0534** 0.0496** 0.0492** -0.0039 -0.0043 -0.0004(0.0123) (0.0114) (0.0098) (0.0168) (0.0157) (0.0151)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0424** 0.0385** 0.0238* -0.0038 -0.0185 -0.0147(0.0131) (0.0124) (0.0120) (0.0180) (0.0177) (0.0173)


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Table 18: Purchase Rates for Location A Low TypesOffensive Response

Offensive DiscountDefensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0185** 0.0000 0.0185** 0.0185**(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0061) (0.0000) (0.0061) (0.0061)

2 20% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0078* 0.0000 0.0078* 0.0078*(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0039) (0.0000) (0.0039) (0.0039)

3 40% 0.0000 0.0039 0.0041 0.0039 0.0041 0.0002(0.0000) (0.0027) (0.0029) (0.0027) (0.0029) (0.0040)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0107 0.0000 -0.0107 -0.0107(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0072) (0.0000) (0.0072) (0.0072)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0000 0.0039 -0.0144* 0.0039 -0.0144* -0.0182*(0.0000) (0.0027) (0.0068) (0.0027) (0.0068) (0.0073)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0000 0.0039 -0.0037 0.0039 -0.0037 -0.0075(0.0000) (0.0027) (0.0048) (0.0027) (0.0048) (0.0056)

Defensive ResponseOffensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)

2 20% 0.0079* 0.0170** 0.0117* 0.0091 0.0037 -0.0053(0.0039) (0.0060) (0.0047) (0.0071) (0.0062) (0.0076)

3 40% 0.0418** 0.0388** 0.0432** -0.0030 0.0014 0.0044(0.0092) (0.0085) (0.0092) (0.0125) (0.0130) (0.0126)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0079* 0.0170** 0.0117* 0.0091 0.0037 -0.0053(0.0039) (0.0060) (0.0047) (0.0071) (0.0062) (0.0076)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0418** 0.0388** 0.0432** -0.0030 0.0014 0.0044(0.0092) (0.0085) (0.0092) (0.0125) (0.0130) (0.0126)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0339** 0.0219* 0.0316** -0.0121 -0.0024 0.0097(0.0100) (0.0104) (0.0104) (0.0144) (0.0144) (0.0147)


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Table 19: Purchase Rates for Location B High TypesOffensive Response

Offensive DiscountDefensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0080* 0.0363** 0.0080* 0.0363** 0.0283**(0.0000) (0.0040) (0.0082) (0.0040) (0.0082) (0.0091)

2 20% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0144** 0.0000 0.0144** 0.0144**(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0054) (0.0000) (0.0054) (0.0054)

3 40% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0039 0.0000 0.0039 0.0039(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0028) (0.0000) (0.0028) (0.0028)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0000 -0.0080* -0.0220* -0.0080* -0.0220* -0.0139(0.0000) (0.0040) (0.0098) (0.0040) (0.0098) (0.0106)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0000 -0.0080* -0.0324** -0.0080* -0.0324** -0.0244*(0.0000) (0.0040) (0.0086) (0.0040) (0.0086) (0.0095)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0105† 0.0000 -0.0105† -0.0105†(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0061) (0.0000) (0.0061) (0.0061)

Defensive ResponseOffensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0078* 0.0060† 0.0000 -0.0018 -0.0078* -0.0060†(0.0039) (0.0035) (0.0000) (0.0052) (0.0039) (0.0035)

2 20% 0.0370** 0.0344** 0.0287** -0.0027 -0.0083 -0.0056(0.0086) (0.0080) (0.0076) (0.0117) (0.0114) (0.0110)

3 40% 0.0585** 0.0605** 0.0605** 0.0020 0.0021 0.0001(0.0104) (0.0107) (0.0105) (0.0149) (0.0148) (0.0150)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0292** 0.0283** 0.0287** -0.0009 -0.0005 0.0004(0.0094) (0.0087) (0.0076) (0.0128) (0.0121) (0.0115)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0507** 0.0545** 0.0605** 0.0038 0.0099 0.0061(0.0111) (0.0113) (0.0105) (0.0158) (0.0153) (0.0154)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0214 0.0261† 0.0318* 0.0047 0.0104 0.0057(0.0134) (0.0133) (0.0130) (0.0189) (0.0187) (0.0186)


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Table 20: Purchase Rates for Location B Low TypesOffensive Response

Offensive DiscountDefensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0156** 0.0000 0.0156** 0.0156**(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0055) (0.0000) (0.0055) (0.0055)

2 20% 0.0000 0.0076* 0.0062† 0.0076* 0.0062† -0.0014(0.0000) (0.0038) (0.0036) (0.0038) (0.0036) (0.0052)

3 40% 0.0000 0.0021 0.0058† 0.0021 0.0058† 0.0038(0.0000) (0.0021) (0.0034) (0.0021) (0.0034) (0.0039)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0000 0.0076* -0.0094 0.0076* -0.0094 -0.0170*(0.0000) (0.0038) (0.0065) (0.0038) (0.0065) (0.0075)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0000 0.0021 -0.0098 0.0021 -0.0098 -0.0118†(0.0000) (0.0021) (0.0064) (0.0021) (0.0064) (0.0067)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0000 -0.0055 -0.0003 -0.0055 -0.0003 0.0052(0.0000) (0.0043) (0.0049) (0.0043) (0.0049) (0.0065)

Defensive ResponseOffensive Discount

Defensive A B C D E FDiscount 0% 40% 60% (B) - (A) (C) - (A) (C) - (B)

1 0% 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)

2 20% 0.0223** 0.0095* 0.0103* -0.0128 -0.0120 0.0009(0.0066) (0.0042) (0.0046) (0.0079) (0.0081) (0.0062)

3 40% 0.0421** 0.0433** 0.0370** 0.0012 -0.0052 -0.0063(0.0088) (0.0092) (0.0083) (0.0128) (0.0121) (0.0124)

4 (2) - (1) 0.0223** 0.0095* 0.0103* -0.0128 -0.0120 0.0009(0.0066) (0.0042) (0.0046) (0.0079) (0.0081) (0.0062)

5 (3) - (1) 0.0421** 0.0433** 0.0370** 0.0012 -0.0052 -0.0063(0.0088) (0.0092) (0.0083) (0.0128) (0.0121) (0.0124)

6 (3) - (2) 0.0199† 0.0338** 0.0267** 0.0140 0.0068 -0.0072(0.0110) (0.0102) (0.0095) (0.0150) (0.0145) (0.0139)

Table 21: Equilibrium Targeting with ρ = 0Firm A Profit per messaged consumer Firm B Profit per messaged consumer

Uniform 2.22 2.93Location 2.19 3.00

Type 2.23 2.96Type and Location 2.20 3.03


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Figure 14: Defensive Purchase Rates vs. Logit and Probit Predicted Rates





Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%0




Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%





Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%





Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%





Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%





Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%





Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%





Defense: 0% Offense: 0% Defense: 0% Offense: 40% Defense: 0% Offense: 60%





Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%





Defense: 20% Offense: 0% Defense: 20% Offense: 40% Defense: 20% Offense: 60%





Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%





Defense: 40% Offense: 0% Defense: 40% Offense: 40% Defense: 40% Offense: 60%




Location A Location B

Actual Logit Probit

