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Complete lion king presentation

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A presentation on the Lion King which discusses the motivations of each major character and also highlights leadership theories which pertain to them.
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• The Lion king film is about Mufasa who is King /Leader of the Pride lands in Africa, He rules over all the animals fairly and justly. Simba, Mufasa’s son is born and is seen as the new heir and future of the pride lands. All the animals rejoice on the news about the new baby cub Simba. Which is seen as a sign of hope and further prosperity for the pride lands. Mufasa, Younger Brother of Scar on the other hand is bitter after his nephew Simba is next in line to the throne. Vengeance and jealously are on Scar’s Mind (IMDB 2013).

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• Mufasa, the King of Pride Rock is a wise, strong-minded, truthful and influential leader. Mufasa exhibit’s good knowledge and understands the significance of his obligation and responsibilities as King. Possessing great authority over his territory. Mufasa has the self-belief and intellect to coach and lead his son Simba, making him an exemplary “good leader”. Mufasa acts with honesty, he is a devoted leader of his family, friends and pride lands. He respects the circle of life and in turn the animals of Pride Rock respect him.

• According to Northouse (2001) Transformational leaders hold particular qualities: high values, empowerment, integrity, inspiration, cooperation and contribution to begin change. It is clear that Mufasa demonstrates a true likeness of transformational leadership qualities. It becomes obvious that Mufasa, has dedicated time to Simba in order to teach and empower him to take his role as King.

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• Simba is heir to the throne and is one of the main characters in the the lion king. Simba is mislead into thinking he killed his father, full of guilt he flees into exile and forgets about his identity and the imminent prospect of becoming king. Thus forgetting what his father mufasa taught him, about the circle of life and the responsibilities of being next in line to lead the pridelands.

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• Scar is Simba’s uncle and is third in line to the throne to be king after his brother Mufasa and Simba. Scar is manipulative and corrupt, he is envious of his brother’s rule and the fact that Simba will one day become king and have power over him and the Pride Lands. Scar yearns for power at any cost which leads him to murder Mufasa and make a defenceless Simba think that he is to blame and compels him to runaway, allowing Scar to deceitfully assume his seat as head of the pridelands.

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THEORIES ON LEADERSHIP• Mind tools (2014) notes that Trait theories

maintains that effective leader’s share some common personality characteristics, or "traits.“

• Trait theories connects that traits and qualities (for example, honesty, compassion, assertiveness, good decision-making skills, and likability) that are useful when leading others. Nevertheless, none of these traits, can assure a successful leader. Cherry (2014) talks about Lewin’s three leadership styles authoritarian leadership (autocratic) which is seen to reflect Scars attitude towards leaderships as authoritarian which makes decisions independently without the groups input and follows more of a dictatorship. However Mufasa takes more of a Participative leadership (democratic) which involves everyone in the decision making process and is fair and just which is Mufasa’s Mantra to ensure and uphold the “Circle Of Life” and protect the animal kingdom.

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ABOUT MUFASA • Mufasa is the king of the pride lands, father of Simba and also the brother

of his rival scar. Mufasa is an ideal leader within the film, he is well built and portrayed as a strong and dominant character. Being a powerful leader he is as well kind hearted, honest and very wise. He is a calm and true leader who makes decisions on behalf of all of pride land. His temper was rarely shown unless he was provoked to anger.

• Mufasa is thoughtful and considerate to everyone in the pride lands and did not make selfish decisions. Kadushin and Kadushin (1997) offer a further definition of communication as ‘ the sharing of thoughts, feelings attitudes and ideas through the exchange of verbal and non-verbal symbols. We share our private thoughts and feelings with others through communication’. (Barnard. A, 2011. Key Themes In Health and Social Care, Page 19).

• Another quality is that Mufasa always overlooks his brothers flaws and turns a blind eye upon the jealousy and rivalry within his brother scar.

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• At the beginning of the movie Mufasa is shown to be leader, being the male dominant figure he is shown to be standing at the top of the kingdom on pride rock with his family. So from the very start it is evident he will have a lot of importance throughout the movie. Egan (1998) applies SOLER to define nonverbal communication, a technique which enhances active listening (Counselling Central, 2012). This is portrayed in Mufasa’s posture and body language which is firm and his authority is respected to ensure that pride land residents identify him as a leader.

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HOW IS HE SHOWN TO BE A LEADER?• Mufasa holds great responsibility over pride land he ensures that

everyone is safe away from any danger. His decisions benefit all, however when danger arises Mufasa is the first to react upon it in order to save his kingdom. Moss (2008) states that active listening is important to any relationships development and is a route for people to fully obtain and understand what another has said (Barnard. A, 2011. Key Themes In Health and Social Care, Page 22). As the leader he resolves disputes and quarrels which other animals may have and comes to an accurate decision by thoroughly listening to them. Also he ensures crime such as killing other animals for fun doesn’t occur and that all animals are treated equally. An example would be when his brother scar has Zazu in his mouth and Mufasa makes scar set the bird free.

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• Mufasa has a great strength of mind to portray excellent will power, as a king he guides Simba from a young age to become a strong and intelligent lion. He wants him to be mature and wise in order for Simba to take care of pride land after himself. The Trait theory focuses upon personal characteristics of leaders, looking closely at leadership solely from the perspective of a leader. Focussing on whether leaders are born with the characteristics to be a ruler or whether they are made and trained to be one. (Management study guide.com. 2013). We could link this theory to the relationship between Mufasa and Simba as Mufasa is a born leader and Simba was taught to be a leader by his father. According to this approach, intelligence, determination, honesty, integrity and drive are common traits which effective leaders’ possess (Levi, 2001). It is evident that Mufasa undoubtedly establishes the qualities of a real leader.

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• Mufasa is at the top rank of the hierarchy within this movie. He is the most powerful and everyone else is below him. The motivation model of Maslow's (1943) hierarchy of needs states how people are driven to accomplish their requirements. This links to Mufasa within the esteem needs stage as he has a status and a reputation to hold so he has the responsibility of taking care of everyone within pride land. Mufasa possesses the majority of the quality's discussed within Maslow's hierarchy's of needs as he is a great leader.

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• Simba means Lion in Swahili.

• Simba was the son of Mufasa.

• Through out the film “lion king” we see Simba as a new born Cub, a curious young lion and also as he grows up a proud king.

• When Simba was born he was presented to be the future king of the Pride Lands.

• Simba was always playful, lively and ready for an adventure.

• As an adult Simba’s body grew up to be thick and rich red, which almost looks identical to his dad Mufasa.

• Simba had a loving relationship with Mufasa and looked up to him.

• His happy days turn into tragedy when his evil uncle Scar kills Simba’s father Mufasa which leads to Simba running away from the kingdom.

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• Maslow (1943) states how people are motivated to achieve certain needs. The fourth stage of the model which is esteem needs demonstrates how status, responsibility and respect are all factors needed to become a leader. Simba was motivated into the role of becoming king

• As it gave him independence and also meant that he was given respect by the followers of the land.

• Overall Simba developed on all of these attributes.

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• Simba is represented as an assigned leader as from birth he was given the role of becoming king of the pride lands after his father Mufasa. This meant that from a very young age Simba would have been taught the skills and traits needed to become a successful leader from his father. As a youngster, Simba was therefore not aware of the skills and qualities needed to help with his role in the future. This can show how certain skills and qualities can be learnt over time for example from a young age, Mufasa taught Simba qualities such as confidence and courage that would help Simba become an effective leader in the future.

• Sudweeks, F Simoff, S.J (2005) p1

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• Self confidence is also another skill which is needed in order to be a successful leader. After the death of his father, Simba decides to run away from the situation and not dealing with the problem as a future leader would have. Whilst Simba was away from the pride lands, Simba begins to enjoy a problem free life. How ever when Simba’s friends Timon and Pumba arrive they help Simba to deal with his situation in order to build up his confidence. Confidence is also another quality which is needed for a successful leader.

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• Towards the end of the film, Simba sees a vision, where Mufasa is telling him to realise what was expected from him and this then leads to Simba, accepting his responsibility as a king and returning to the pride land and gaining the title of a king.

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• Scar is Mufasa’s younger brother and Simba’s uncle. Scar becomes jealous of Simba, because he is the next heir to the throne. Scar is a very intelligent individual and his deceiving ways are rewarded by gaining loyalty from Zira and her pride of lionesses. Scar is only concerned with achieving the highest amount of power and would not hesitate in killing anyone who comes in his way, or who he sees as competition. Although he may seem strong and aggressive, he is also cowardly. Rather than face violence, he is more likely to run away. Scar plots the murder of his own brother and nephew, without any emotion of sadness or guilt.

• It has been said that Scar is mainly based on the villain from Hamlet, King Claudius, and also Adolf Hitler. When singing the song “Be Prepared” in The Lion King, Scar sings to the Hyenas telling how he will Musfasa and then Scar sits on a high rock watching the Hyenas march along. This similar to a video of Hitler, in which he was watching the Nazis march along.

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• Northouse (2010) argues that people are leaders because of their upper and more formal role in society or an organisation and others can be a leader due to how society responds to them. An assigned leadership is an individual who is assigned to a position of leadership, this would be Simba as when his dad Mufasa died he was assigned leadership by the tribe and community to replace Scar as he was wrongly assigned the leader of the tribe. An emergent leader is an individual who is not assigned to a leadership position and has the same status as any other individual but their actions morals and involvement within the community encourage others to make he/she the leader. In the lion king this would therefore be Mufasa as he cared and helped the community to be peaceful and harmonious. However Scar would be neither a assigned leader or an emergent leader as he cheated his way to becoming a leader therefore would gain enough respect to become an emergent leader as he was seen as a dangerous and selfish character.

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• Behavioural theories are based on the idea that leaders are made not born. Skinner (1948) used his experiment the ‘skinner box’ to gather the ideas of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement strengthens behaviour and makes a person more likely to do something if they have been praised or gained a reward from something. Negative reinforcement makes a person less likely to do something as it has no effect or no reward.

• This is the idea that individuals learn to become leaders through watching others achieve success, this behaviour would be reinforced as it is positive and punished if negative. Scar has clearly watched and learn how Mufasa behaves in order to win people over and rein acts they way he behaves to fool and misguide others to thinking that he is similar to Mufasa.

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MOTIVATION AND BEHAVIOUR THEORIES• Trait theory has the preconception that an

individual is born or inherited traits and they have born characteristics that make them a good leader. Trait theory often explains that individuals often share personality types or behavioural characteristics, which make them a leader. Trait leaders know what they want and they know how to get what they want, they also know how to communicate with others to get what they want, Bennis, W. (1998). This may be the case of Scar as he is determined to be a leader and he faces many struggles to become a leader even if that means betraying his family to get where he wants to be. Scar has many traits of a leader such as, self – confidence and courage. This is portrayed in his character as he has no fear of killing his own brother Mufasa and neither does he care that he has died, as in his eyes it is just another step closer to becoming the leader of the tribe.

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• Stogdill and Mann found that although some traits can be similar many studies prove that even though a person who is a leader in one situation may not always be a leader in any other situation. This may be the case of Scar as he is the leader to the hienars and tells them how to kill Mufasa but when he becomes the leader of the whole tribe he is a terrible leader and does not motivate and encourage the tribe to be successful. Similarly according to Myers Briggs personality types Scar would be viewed as an ‘introvert’ as he would prefer to be alone and not in a group of people, however Scar does poses qualities of an ‘extrovert’ because he is a go getter and does not settle until he reaches the goal he set out to achieve. Peter Wright (1996) suggests that those who show strong characteristics of leaders were often not meant to be or aren’t leaders at all, Scar shows a mix of characteristics of a leader which could suggest that he is not meant to be a leader at all which is why when becoming a leader he ultimately fails.

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• According to Bass (1999) this theory is based on personal and societal goals, which can benefit both the leader and the follower. Scars leadership style is transactional as he was selfish and always had a motive to achieve something and to prove people wrong. His actions were unreasonable and extremely self-centred as he only thought about himself. He had a desire to be at the top and his competitiveness over ruled him and thus led him to deceive his family. Scar was very devious as he used the hyeners to help him work his way up and they would do whatever he said because they were frightened of Scar as he was powerful enough to kill.

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• The full range leadership theory is an extension from transformational theory This theory has several components, the first being Idealized influence thus meaning that the followers of the leader have an emotional engagement with the leader this can either be positive or negative emotions. The second component is Idealized influence and this looks at the leaders influence on society and how they treat and manage society. The last component would be Laissez faire, this is the idea that the leader does nothing whilst the followers do all the work (Antonakis and House 2006). According to these three components Scars leadership style shows clear traits of a laissez faire style as when he becomes the leader of the tribe he simple relies on the rest of the tribe to do everything including bringing him his food. Eventually the island becomes grey and dull because of the lack of spirit and motivation from the leader.

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• Within the story of the lion king, Simba the central character and reluctant hero of the story is aided by his friends. After Simba’s Uncle Scar deceives him and Murders his father he is forced into exile. While alone in the wild and vulnerable he is befriended by a Warthog named Pumba and a Meer cat called Timon.

• Through their tutorship and initial protection Simba grows quickly both in body and spirit.

• This is a very important stage for Simba’s character as he learns to trust again in other animals.

• While together Simba , Pumba and Timon feel safe as there is safety in numbers and as Simba grows he becomes their protector as well as friend.

• As the story of the Lion King moves on, we see Simba as an adult lion which shows us that considerable time has elapsed since he went into exile. He saves Pumba from a hungry lioness who turns out to be his childhood friend Nala.

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• Nala the lioness and childhood friend of Simba, tells Simba that his Uncle Scar , is now pride leader and is an evil influence over the pride and all the once green and plentiful lands that made up Mufasa’s kingdom, are now a wasteland devoid of life.

• Nala the lioness encourages Simba to return to the pride and challenge Scar for supremacy of the pride.

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• Simba with the support of his friends Pumba, Timon, Zazu and the Lionesses and the rest of the animals who wish to follow a true and just king, is empowered to return from exile and throw down Scar and his hyenas and reclaim his fathers crown.

• Each of his friends helps within the ensuing battle to retake the pride lands and reintroduce his fathers ideology of a ‘circle of life’.

• This joint effort culminated in Simba fighting Scar.

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• Simba, with the help of his friends takes back the pride lands and is crowned king in a ceremony which all of his friends attend, alongside many of the animals who supported his father Mufasa.

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• Why help Simba in the first place? What advantages are there in having Simba as the leader of the pride lands?

• Daft (2008) describes David McCllend’s acquired needs theory which sheds light on why after enduring ‘Scar’s’ rule many of the animals would be encouraged to help Simba become king. The acquired needs theory suggests that over time people change in terms of their wants and needs. The needs and wants we have are in a state of flux and are determined by a number of factors one of those factors being the current environment. Within the story of the Lion King we see how under the rule of Scar the environment is changed from a lush oasis to a barren desolate wasteland where the rule of order has gone and an evil dictatorship threatens all animals who are not either hyena or Scar. This being the case we can see how the animals who help Simba have a vested interest in seeing him become king. Under Simbas rule like his fathers there is order and all animals have a stake in the ideology of a circle of life. Protection from bad elements in society, a green and bountiful land which offers food and shelter. The needs of the animals changed while under Scar’s dictatorship, they recognised the need to reintroduce law and a just king who would offer them protection.

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• Riggio, Chaleff and Lipman-Blue (2008) describe how great leaders are often moulded by their followers. The followers needs and wants are understood by those that lead them. The follower is reliant upon the leader to set a course of action and teach them what is required of them in order for the joint venture to be successful. The relationship is dependent upon a trust that the aims and needs of the follower will be provided by the leader. This requires the leader to understand their followers in order to provide them with the right course of action which will bring about the right results for all both leader and followers. There is no ego involved in a following relationship on the contrary both leader and follower are involved in the shared goal. The leader must be able to communicate the action in clear terms and be responsible in the decisions they make.

• Within the Lion King Simba provides a leader who is clear in his target of ousting Scar and bringing about peace and restoring law to the land. Pumba, Timon, Zazu and the lioness follow Simba with this expectation and the nature of Simba’s leadership is reciprocal, help him over throw Scar and you all will share in the rewards.

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• Gable (1970) discusses Abraham Maslow’s theories and points out that at a basic need level physiological needs are a driving force behind behaviour. The most basic of these is physical survival and within the Lion King this is a central theme. With Scar in charge we see a once green land decimated and lawless. The animal,s who follow Simba are choosing to follow him because under his rule their chances of physical survival are greatly enhanced.

• Gable (1970) also highlight’s Abraham Maslows environmental or social conditions as central to satisfying basic needs within people. If the society does not allow for freedom of speech, freedom of action (as long as no physical harm to another),freedom of inquiry, justice, honesty and fairness and order, then this threatens the basic needs of all in such conditions. This type of environmental deprivation will drive behaviour to reclaim these basic freedoms in order to sate needs. This principal is also very evident within the Lion king and can explain why the animals follow Simba and wish to over throw Scar’s regime which suffocates their basic needs through a harsh environment.

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• Montana ,Bruce and Charnov (2008) discuss a range of theories credited with motivating human behaviour. One of the theories looked at was reinforcement theory, which was developed extensively by B.Skinner. Skinner’s work looked at a basic principle. If behaviour was reinforced positively such as giving a reward then this type of behaviour was more likely to be repeated. Conversely if the behaviour was reinforced negatively with punishment then the behaviour was less likely to occur. This theory can be applied to the Lion king with Simba’s friends. The negative experience, endured whilst being subjects under Scar’s leadership led them all to change their behaviour and align themselves with Simba as his leadership promised rewards such as freedom, shelter and protection. This promise of reward motivated their behaviour and the consequences were a committed following of Simba and with the outcome being successful this would further reinforce their behaviour to follow Simba’s leadership as their sacrifices were rewarded.

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• Montana ,Bruce and Charnov (2008), also describe equity theory. This theory can also be useful in understanding the motivational forces involved in understanding Pumba, Timon, Zazu and the lionesses behaviour. Equity theory explains people strive for equity, especially when a period of inequality has existed or unfairness. Within the Lion king we can see that whilst Scar was in charge through his brutal dictatorship the only ones who profited under his tyranny were himself and the hyenas.

• The rest of the animals were treated unfairly and brutalised under Scar, this inequality would have resulted in a burning desire for equality from all the animals not least Simba and his friends. This desire for equity can explain their fight against Scar and the Hyenas.

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• Antonakis, J. and House, R.J., (2002). The full-range leadership theory: The way forward. In Avolio, B. J. & Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.) (2002). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. New York: Elsevier.

• Bass, B.M., (1999). Two decades of research and development in transformational leadership [Electronic version]. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

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• Bennis, W. (1998) On Becoming a Leader, London: Arrow.• Cherry,K. (2014). Lewin's Leadership Styles. Available:

http://psychology.about.com/od/leadership/a/leadstyles.htm. Last accessed 31st December 2013.

• DAFT,R.,2008.The leadership experience.USA:Thomson Learning Academic Centre.

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• LEVI, D. (2001). Group Dynamics for Teams. 3rd ed. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

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• Minds Tools. (2014). Leadership Styles. Available: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_84.htm. Last accessed 31st December 2013

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