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compliance2business - company presentation (English)

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  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    www . c omp l i a n c e 2 b u s i n e s s . e u

  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    "Simplicity is complexity resolved"

    Constantin Brncui - sculptor.

  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)




    Chemicals management

    REACH consultancy

    Management systemsProduct integrity

    Business continuity

    Educational and training


  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    Stefano Colicchia

    Steano is an executive with more than 20 years experience gained inchemical manuacturing and trading industries, with specifc ocus on

    product stewardship and compliance, regulatory aairs, and quality


    He has developed the concept o compliance2business creating a

    consulting frm to provide a wide range o services assisting companies

    to comply with saety and regulatory requirements, maintaining productintegrity and quality.

    Beore that, he had spent more than 10 year with Azelis - a leading

    European distributor o specialty chemicals where he was SHEQ

    Director ater having covered dierent managerial positions.

    He had worked or Novaria, one o the constituent Azelis companies,

    had appreciated the world o automotive components with Kenmore

    and had previous specialty chemicals experience with Lamberti.

    He is a well respected keynote speaker and he has attended seminars

    about REACH implementation - highlighting key aspects and business

    chances in Europe, Korea, India, Unites States and China.

    He has chemical background and he is qualifed DGSA (Dangerous

    Goods Saety Advisor) according 96/35/EC Directive.

    In his spare time he likes to run, read, and countryside walks with his

    wie and his dog.

    Services thinking.

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    EU Classifcation and Labelling

    The Classifcation, Labelling and Pac

    system o classifcation, labelling an

    mixtures with the Globally Harmonised

    The CLP criteria have replaced the cu

    Substances Directive (67/548/EEC) a


    Compliance2business helps custome

    substances or mixtures in accordan

    Saety Data Sheet authoring

    Companies are required to provide cowith regard to the hazards, uses and r

    in the workplace.

    This kind o communication is made

    recent CLP Regulation 1272/2008/E

    the common wording Material Saety

    Compliance2business assists compa

    tion concerning their products.

    Chemicals management

  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    Consultancy on dangerous goods carriage.

    Carriage of dangerous goods is regulated internationally by agreements andEuropean Directives, regularly updated to take account of technological


    This complex area of safety legislation is a keystone for each company which

    manage and ship dangerous goods both nationally and internationally.

    Compliance2business offers a comprehensive dangerous goods supportservice across all modes of transport (ADR, IMDG, IATA).

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    REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization o Chemical Substances)

    legislation is one o the most complex legislation has ever involved the chemical


    Manuacturers and importers o substances in quantities o 1 tonne or more per

    year shall submit a registration to the European Chemical Agency.

    Compliance2business provides comprehensive technical support and strategic

    registration advices or REACH compliance.

    Our services includes:

    Only Representative or non-EU companies

    Third Party Representative or EU frms

    SIEF and consortia support

    Communication in the supply chainNotifcation o new substances


    REACH Fever health check-up

    Legal consultancy

    REACH consultancy

  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    Product integrity

    Chemical manuacturers and distribut

    ers are requently questioned by their


    Lists o undesired components or sub

    present as pre-requisite during the n


    Compliance2business gives broad teintegrity management.

    Our services includes:

    Regulatory screening on product su


    Management o trade control schemeand Drug precursors.

    Assessment service or Substances o

    Supply chain compliance screening o

    Identifcation o hidden costs behind p

  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    Implementation o HACCP schemes at all stages, allows to identiy potentialphysical, chemical, and biological risks, and actions taken in response may

    reduce or eliminate the risk o the hazards.

    HACCP schemes may also be certifed using international norm ISO 22000

    which deal with ood saety and includes the well known seven basic principles

    Compliance2business supports companies in strengthening their systems

    through a systematic preventive approach to ood saety.

    Management systems


    The Responsible Care ethic helps frms to operate saely and proftably with

    due care or uture generations.

    Companies, through their national associations, work together to continuously

    improve their perormance on health, saety and environment communicating at

    the same time with stakeholders about their products and processes.

    Compliance2business assists companies to introduce the chemical industrys

    global voluntary initiative.

    Responsible Care

    Chemical distributors are oten asked to strength their quality and saety

    management systems in order to ulfl ESAD requirements used by chemical

    producing companies to have o their distributors assessed in a uniorm


    Compliance2business supports companies ensuring a smooth implementation

    o the single assessment scheme.

    ESAD (European Single Assessment Document)

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    Business continuity

    Incidents and unexpected episodes can slow down or even halt companie

    ers and downstream users.

    An eective business continuity strate

    it assures efcient recovery in the quic

    protecting at the same time the comp

    it allows continuity o services towar

    case o an unpleasant episode.

    Compliance2business helps compani

    having to "cure" and "catch-up" when

    Preparedness plans

    A product recall system is a undame

    saety management system.

    All organisation involved in the supply

    needed action to protect public healt

    saety problem.

    Product recalls are essential to :

    Minimize the risk o injury

    Ensure compliance with legal requirem

    Protect company assets, including bra

    Compliance2business assists compa

    the needed procedures.

    Product recall procedures

  • 8/9/2019 compliance2business - company presentation (English)


    Compliance2business helps companies to solve their training needs with tailor

    made courses and in-house training.

    We also support organisations in emerging countries with dedicate sessions of

    environmental awareness.

    Educational and training

    "If knowledge can create problems,

    its not through ignorance that we can solve them

    Isaac Asimov - Writer and professor of biochemistry.

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    Via f.lli Bandiera, 320020 Arconate, MIlano




    +39 346 740.349.1

    [email protected]




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