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Compliments & Complaints. Feeling, flavor and taste.

Date post: 27-Dec-2015
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Compliments & Complaints

Compliments & Complaints

Feeling, flavor and taste

Taste 味道• sour• sweet• bitter• spicy, hot• salty• tangy• stale

• hot, cold• tough, hard• chewy• fine, smooth• soft, tender• crispy• crunchy• rich• creamy• greasy• juicy, moist

Mouth Feel 口感

Flavor 風味• Our milkshakes have 6 different flavors. – strawberry, banana, mango, – vanilla, chocolate, coffee

• Flavor = taste + smell

It’s a very

light filling sour sweet bitter spicy (hot) salty



This meal is

delicious enjoyableterrificwonderfuldelightfullovelypleasantflavo(u)rfulappetizing awfulterriblerevolting

This food tastes

This salad is


oldnot freshlimp

The steak/meat is undercookedovercookedunderdoneoverdonerawrarebloodytoo toughharddrychewy rancid

These eggs are rawrunny

too softtoo hard


not fresh

This toast is too darktoo lightburnt




This soup is not hot (enough)lukewarmwatery


too oilygreasy


This tea/coffee is coldtoo weak too strong too bitterflatmildoffawfulterriblelousy

Personal feelings

I amI feel

tiredthirsty hungry sleepywell (good)

I can smell taste

the food (dish)

Common tableware’s problems• napkin, paper towel,

tissue paper

• knife, fork, spoon

• bowl, plate, saucer

• glass, cup, mug

• ash tray, tray

• stained• dirty• chipped• broken• cracked• bent• blunt• missing

Complaints 顧客抱怨• This napkin has stains. 這餐巾 ( 口布 ) 有汙點

• This napkin is dirty (not clean). 這餐巾 ( 口布 ) 是髒的

• The knife (fork, spoon) is bent (blunt). 這刀子 ( 叉 , 匙 ) 是彎曲的 ( 鈍的 )

• This plate (bowl) is chipped (broken). 這盤子 ( 碗 ) 有缺角 ( 是破的 )

• This cup (glass) is cracked. 這杯子 ( 玻璃杯 ) 有裂縫

• Arranged table is close to the toilet. 桌子太靠近廁所

• The service is slow. 服務很慢• I have been waiting for a long time.• The soup is cold. 湯是冷的• There are insects (cockroach/fly) in my food. 食物有

蟲• There is a hair in my soup.• The room temperature is too warm (too cold). 室內溫度太溫暖 ( 太冷 )• Food is not fully cooked. 食物沒煮熟• Impolite waiter. 不禮貌的服務生• Filthy tablecloth. 桌布髒• Loud music. 音樂太吵

• I am not happy with my • I think there is something wrong with the


• There is a missing .• I have no .


ask for a new one


get havechange

another one?我能換另一個嗎?

A new one?我能有個新的嗎?

me a new one? 能給我個新的嗎?


Could youCan you


Waiter/waitress answers…

• (How) can I help?• Is there anything wrong?• What’s the problem, sir?

• I am (terribly/really/very) sorry (about that).• My apologies. Sir/Ma’am.• Please accept my apologies.• I apologize for the mistake (this trouble/the

delay/ the inconvenience/ the mix up).

• I’ll change/replace it for you.• I’ll get/bring you one immediately (right away/at

once/straight away).• I’ll get/bring you another one (a clean one/a hot

one/ some more).

• Would you like to change it for something else?• We’d like to offer you complimentary drinks.• We would like to give you a discount on your


Billing & Paying

Money and Paying

• cost• value Check (cheque)Credit cardCash• bill• coin

• currency– US dollars– NT dollars– Japanese yen– euro

• cover charge• service charge• tips• tax

• cashier• manager

cost & value

• How much does it cost?

• What’s the value of this?

checks• Official check• Traveler’s check• Personal check

currency in USCoins• penny = 0.01• nickel = 0.05• dime = 0.1• quarter = 0.25

• Bills

Other currencies

• Japanese yen • euro

I want to pay…• I would like to settle my bill.• I want to pay my bill.• Check, please.• Could I have the check, please?• May (could) I have my bill, please?• Could we have separate checks


How much is the total?• You bill comes to 600 NT dollars.• Your total is 600 NT dollars.• The total (sum/amount) is (comes to) 600 NT

dollars.• 600 NT dollars is your total charge.

Billing questions• What’s this item (charge/amount) here for?• I think you’ve made a mistake on my bill.• I think there is something wrong with the

balance.• How much do you add for service?• Does the price include service charge?• We did not order that dish.

onion rings.that chocolate cake.

Explain billing…

• Your bill includes a 6% tax and a 10 % service charge.

• A 10% service charge is included in the bill.

• You don’t have to pay extra for tax.

• It’s already included (in the price of the meal)

• The total cost is the sum of the main meal plus the dessert.

• I think the restaurant has overcharged me for dinner.

• You can get a 10% discount if you use your ABC credit card.

• A 15% tip for good service is considered standard in the United States.

• Let’s go Dutch (fifty-fifty). (Let’s split it.)

Waiter or waitress may ask… • How will (would) you be paying?• How would you like to pay?• How would you like to settle your bill?

Customers may ask …

• Do you

• Can I pay with credit card?

travel(l)er’s personal check?credit cards?


We don’t

credit cardstraveler’s (personal) checkspersonal checksforeign currency

as payment.


Extra requirements

• May I have you company invoice number?• Could you sign (your name) here?• Could I have your signature beside the “X”

mark?• Could you please make out your check to “Red

Lobster”?• Do you need a receipt?

Way of payment

I’ll pay in cash (US dollars). I’ll pay by cash.

credit card. traveler’s check.personal check.
