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Troup County, GeorgiaComprehensive Annual Financial Report

For the Fiscal Year EndedJune 30, 2009

Prepared by:Office of CommissionersAccounting Department

Troup County, GeorgiaComprehensive Annual Financial ReportFor the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009


Introductory Section

Letter of Transmittal 1Organizational Chart 6List ofPrincipal Officials 7GFOA Certificate ofAchievement. 8

Financial Section

Independent Auditors' Report 9

Management's Discussion and Analysis 11

Basic Financial Statements

Government-wide Financial Statements:Statement ofNet Assets 20Statement ofActivities 21

Fund Financial Statements

Governmental Funds:Balance Sheet 22Reconciliation ofthe Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds to the Statement of

Net Assets 24Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 25Reconciliation of the Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund

Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement ofActivities 27Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -

Budget and Actual General Fund 28Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances-

Budget and Actual- Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund 29

Fiduciary Funds:Comparative Statement ofFiduciary Assets and Liabilities - Agency Funds 30

Notes to the Basic Financial Statements 31

Troup County, GeorgiaComprehensive Annual Financial ReportFor the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009

Required Supplementary Information

Schedule of Funding Progress - Postemployment Healthcare Plan 54

Supplementary Information

Individual Fund Statements and Schedules

Governmental Funds

Nonmajor Governmental Funds: .Combining Balance Sheet - By Fund Type 55Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances - By Fund Type , 56

General Fund:Comparative Balance Sheet 57Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 58Schedule ofRevenues - Budget and Actual 59Schedule ofExpenditures - Budget and Actual 62

Special Revenue Funds

Major Special Revenue Fund:Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet 63Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 64

Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds:Combining Balance Sheet 65Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 66Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet , , 67Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in FundBalances - Budget and Actual 68

Juvenile Supervision FundComparative Balance Sheet 69Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in FundBalances - Budget and Actual 70

VictimlWitness Assistance FundComparative Balance Sheet 71Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in FundBalances - Budget and Actual 72

Emergency 9-1-1 FundComparative Balance Sheet 73Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund

Balances - Budget and Actual 74

Troup County, GeorgiaComprehensive Annual Financial ReportFor the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009

Hotel/Motel Tax FundComparative Balance Sheet 75Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund

Balances - Budget and Actual 76

Capital Projects Funds

Major Capital Projects Funds:Capital Improvements Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet 77Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 78Parks and Recreation Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet 79Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 80Government Services Center Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet 81Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 82SPLOST1lIFund

Comparative Balance Sheet 83Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 84

Nonmajor Capital Projects Fund:Combining Balance Sheet 85Combining Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances .....................................................•..................................... 86Jail Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet 87Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 88Senior Center Expansion Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet 89Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances 90

Fiduciary Funds:Agency Funds

Combining Statements of Changes in Assets and Liabilities '" 91

Other Schedules:Schedule of Projects Constructed With Special Sales Tax Proceeds 95

Troup County, GeorgiaComprehensive Annual Financial ReportFor the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2009

Statistical Section(Unaudited)

Financial Trend InformationChanges in Net Assets - Governmental Activities 97Changes in Net Assets - Governmental Activities - Percentage ofTotal 98Government-wide Net Assets - By Component 99Chart - Total Government-wide Net Assets 100General Governmental Revenues ·by Source 101Chart - Total General Governmental Revenues 103Tax Revenues by Source - Governmental Funds 104Chart - Tax Revenues by Source - Governmental Funds '" 105General Governmental Expenditures by Function 106General Governmental Current Expenditures by Function 108Chart - Total Current Expenditures 109Summary of Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds 110Chart - Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds 111Chart Governmental Fund Revenues and Expenditures '" 112Changes in Fund Balances - General Fund 113Chart - Changes in Fund Balances - General Fund 114Fund Balances - Governmental Funds 115

Revenue Capacity InformationTaxable Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Property - By Type 116Chart - Taxable Assessed Value 117Direct, Overlapping and Underlying Property Tax Rates '" 118Chart - Direct, Overlapping and Underlying Property Tax Rates 119Property Tax Levies and Collections , 120Principal Property Taxpayers 121Direct, Overlapping and Underlying Sales Tax Rates 122Taxable Sales by Category 123

Debt Capacity InformationRatios ofTotal Debt Outstanding - By Type 124Underlying and Direct Governmental Activities Debt 125Legal Debt Margin , 126

Demographic and Economic InformationDemographic and Economic Statistics 127Principal Employers '" 128

Operating InformationCounty Employees by Function/Program 129Operating Statistics by Function/Program 130Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program 131

Troup County, GeorgiaComprehensive Annual Financial ReportFor the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2009

Special Reports

Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and OtherMatters Based on an Audit ofFinancial Statements Performed in AccordanceWith Government Auditing Standards 132

Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to Each Major Programand on Internal Control Over Compliance in Accordance with OMB A-133 134

Schedule ofExpenditures ofFederal Awards 136Schedule ofFindings and Questioned Costs 141







February 18,2010

To the Honorable Chairman, Distinguished Members of the Board of Commissioners andCitizens ofTroup County, Georgia:

State ofGeorgia law requires that all general-purpose local governments publish within six months of the close ofeach fiscal year a complete set of financial statements presented in conformity with generally accepted accountingprinciples (GAAP) and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by a fIrm of licensedcertilled public accountants. Pursuant to that requirement, we hereby present the comprehensive annual financialreport (CAFR) ofTroup County, Georgia for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009

This report consists of management's representations concerning the .finances of Troup County, Georgia.Consequently, management assumes full responsibility for the completeness and reliability of all of the informationpresented in this report. To provide a reasonable basis for making these representations, management of TroupCounty, Georgia has established a comprehensive intel:naJ. control framework that is designed both to protect thegovernment's assets from loss, theft, or misuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for the preparation ofthe County's financial statements in conformity with GAAP. Because the cost of internal controls should notoutweigh their benefits, the County's comprehensive framework of internal controls has been designed to providereasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free from material misstatement. Asmanagement, we assert that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, this financial report is complete and reliable inall material respects. We presented it in a manner for the reader to gain maximum understanding of the County'sfmancial position and results of operations as measured by the financial activity within its various funds.

Troup County's financial statements have been audited by J. K. Boatwright & Co., P.C., a firm of licensed certilledpublic accountants. The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the fmancialstatements of Troup County for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 are free of material misstatement Theindependent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in thefinancial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management; andevaluating the overall fInancial statement presentation. The independent auditor concluded, based upon the audit,that there was a reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that Troup County's fmancial statements forthe fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 are duly presented in conformity with GAAP. The independent auditor's reportis presented as the fIrst component of the fInancial section of this report.

The independent audit of the fInancial statements of Troup County was part of a broader, federally mandated"Single Audit" designed to meet the special needs of federal grantor agencies. The standards governing SingleAudit engagerp.ents require the independent auditor to report not only on the fair representation of the fInancialstatements, but also on the audited government's internal controls and compliance with legal requirements, withspecial emphasis on internal controls and legal requirements involving the administration of federal awards. Thesereports are available in Troup County's separately issued Single Audit Report.

GAAP require that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basicfinancial statements in the form of Management's Discussion and Allalysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is

1BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • 100 RIDLEY AVE./P.O. Box 1149 • LAGRANGE. GA 30241 • (706) 883-1610 • FAX (706) 883-1743

designed to complement MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it Troup County's MD&A can be foundimmediately following the report of the independent auditors.


Troup County, Georgia was incorporated in 1826. It is located on the western border of the State adjacent to theState of Alabama. Troup County, Georgia occupies 414 square miles and serves a population of 64,233. Its locationoffers easy access to three major cities--Atlanta, Georgia; Columbus, Georgia; and Montgomery, Alabama--via thetransportation arteries of Interstate-85 and Interstate-185. Troup County also is serviced by various modes oftransportation including air (LaGrange - Callaway Airport), rail, bus, and motor freight Troup County's annualaverage unemployment rate for 2009 was 13.0%--up from the 2008 rate of 8.2%. The economic growth of TroupCounty has been steady and with the influx of new industry into this area, the outlook for the future is one of growthand expansion.

Geographically, Troup County is bordered to the north by Heard and Coweta Counties, to the east by MeriwetherCounty, to the south by Harris County and to the west by State of Alabama Counties of Randolph and Chambers.Three growing, incorporated mu:irlcipalities are located within Troup County: City of LaGrange (County seat); CityofHogansville; and City ofWest Point.

Troup County is empowered by state statute to levy property tax on both real and personal property located withinits boundaries. It has operated under the Board of Commissioners County Manager form of government since1974. Policy-making and legislative authority are vested in the Board of Commissioners consisting of the Chairmanand four Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for passing ordinances, adopting the budget,establishing tax millage rates, appointing committees, and hiring the County Manager. The County Manager isresponsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the· Board of Commissioners, for overseeing the day-to­day operations of the government; and appointing the heads of the various county departments. The Board ofCommissioners serve four-year staggered terms to avoid all members being replaced at the same time. TheChairman is elected at large; the four Commissioners are elected by district

The County provides a full range ofservices. These services include law enforcement; corrections; construction andmaintenance of streets, highways, bridges and other associated infrastructure; E-911 emergency communications,voter registration and elections; tax assessment and collection; emergency management services; parks andrecreation activities; and general administrative and support services. The County also provides fire protection,planning and zoning; building permits and code enforcement; animal control; and solid waste disposal sites to theunincorporated areas of the 90unty. In addition to the government activities included in this report, the County alsoincludes the Troup County Department of Public Health (TCDPH) as a component unit This entity meets thecomponent unit criteria as set forth in GAAP. The Troup County Airport Authority, Troup County Board ofEducation, Troup County Department of Family and Children Services, Troup County Development Authority,Troup County Family Connection Authority, and Troup County Public Facilities Authority do not meet establishedcriteria for inclusion in the reporting entity and accordingly, are excluded from this report.


Troup County received exciting news in late 2006 when the State of Georgia and Kia Motor Company announced anagreement had been signed for the Korean automaker to build an automobile assembly and manufacturing plant inthe City of West Point At $1.2 billion., Kia's West Point facility is the single largest corporate investment evermade in the State of Georgia, and is slated to create more than 2,500 jobs, a significant boost to the local economy.The landmark business deal has included commitments for supplier companies to locate in Georgia and Alabama,bringing an additional 4,100 jobs to the local area. Troup County has had the inside track in wooing these suppliersto locate near the Kia site to fit into Kia's ''just-in-time'' inventory strategy. The ''just-in-time'' strategy seeks tostreamline production time and costs by locating parts and materials suppliers in close proximity to the assemblyplant. Construction of Kia's new, two-million-sq.-ft. assembly plant, located on a portion of a 2,200-acre site, hasbeen completed and production began in November 2009. Initially, it will build Sorento SUVs. The plant facility


includes a stamping plant, welding shop (with 244 robots), a paint facility, an assembly line, two co-located supplierfacilities, and a staging area leading to a 2-mile test track. The facility is expected to produce 300,000 vehicles peryear at maximum capacity.

Prior to the Kia announcement, Troup County helped fund a Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) studyto develop a Multi-Modal Transportation Plan, a study to serve as a long-term planning tool through the year 2035.The Transportation Plan provides a mechanism for guiding infrastructure decision-making well into the future.illtimately the study will help to identify multi-modal improvements and prioritize project implementation in theform of a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Certainly, the growth spawned by Kia has focused muchattention on infrastructure issues.

To address those infrastructure needs, the 1% Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) was renewed (and referredto as SPLOST ill) by voter referendum in fall 2006. SPLOST ill collections began January 1,2007 and will span 6years through December 31,2012. Revenues will be shared jointly by the County and the three municipalities. It isestimated SPLOSTill will generate $70 million in revenue, the majority earmarked for infrastructure (roads, streetand bridge improvements) with the balance spent on a public health facility, public safety equipment andwater/sewer system improvements.


Budgeting Controls. The County maintains strict budgetary controls over its funds. The objective of thesebudgetary controls is to ensure compliance with legal provisions embodied in. the annual appropriated budgetapproved by the Board of Commissioners. Activities of the general fund and special revenue funds are included inthe annual operations budget. Multi-year, project-oriented financial plans for major capital improvement programsare also adopted. The level of budgetary control (that is, the level at which expenditures should not exceed theappropriated amount) is established at the department level. The county maintains an encumbrance accountingsystem for accomplishing budgetary control. Encumbered amounts lapse at year-end. However, encumbrancesgenerally are reappropriated as part of the subsequent year's budget.

As demonstrated by the statements and schedules included in the financial section of this report, Troup Countycontinues to meet its responsibility for sound financial management. The General Fund unreserved fund balance hasbeen managed very conservatively to maintain a June 30, 2009 balance of $20,435,370 or about 50% of the totalannual operating budget. This unreserved fund balance continues to be dedicated to major capital projects asapproved by the Board of Commissioners. For the future, the Board of Commissioners will consider options forreplenishing fund balance expended on major capital projects.

Long-Term Financial Planning and Debt Administration. The County has no general obligation bonded debt.On May 22, 2007, Troup County entered into an intergovernmental agreement with LaGrange DevelopmentAuthority, Troup County Development Authority and City of LaGrange to acquire, construct and equip a newindustrial park (Callaway South Industrial Park) on approximately 1,100 acres located within the City of LaGrange.Two series of revenue bonds were issued, Series 2007A in the aggregate principal amount of $1,565,000 and Series2007B in the aggregate amount of $5,285,000. The revenue bonds are secured by an intergovernmental agreementunder which City of LaGrange and Troup County agreed to a 50%/50% split on debt service payments commencingFebruary 2008. The two governmental entities are in good standing on bond debt service payments. City ofLaGrange and Troup County are to be reimbursed for debt service payments with future proceeds from the sale orlease of parcels.

Cash Management Policies and Practices. Troup County is responsible for careful ac.counting of public funds, formanaging County [mances wisely, and for planning and provisioning of public serviq·~s. The process is complexbecause unlike private businesses, Troup County has a broader scope of responsibilities. The County is expected toaddress the community's social issues, protect the citizens' interest, provide public safety, and enforce laws andregulations. The key values of the County's financial management include fiscal integrity, prudence, planning,honesty, and openness. Specifically, it is the county's intent to maximize the level of public services offered whileminimizing cost and the level of debt. To that end, the County has contracted with various banks and financial


institutions to provide for its cash management needs. Cash temporarily idle during fiscal year 2009 was invested inthe State of Georgia Local Government Investment Pool, flexible repurchase agreements, certificates of deposits,money market accounts, and interest-bearing checking accounts. The County's investment policy is to minimizecredit and market risk while maintaining a competitive yield on its portfolio. Accordingly, deposits were eitherinsured by federal depository insurance or collateralized. Deposit collateral was held by a fmancial institution'strust department in the County's name. Fiscal year 2009 investment earnings as compared to prior year were asfollows:

Fund 2009 2008 IncreaseTyPe Earnings Earnings (Decrease)

General $ 143,020 $ 494,245 $ (351,225)Special revenue (833,535) (373,238) (460,297)Capital projects 81,630 191,454 (109,824)

Total $ (608,885) $ 312,461 $ (921,346)

Fiscal year 2009 investment earnings decreased by $921,346 compared to fiscal year 2008 primarily due asignificant loss in fair market value of the Recreation Endowment Fund coupled with a severe downswing in interestrates as the economy weakened. Nevertheless, in these difficult economic times, Troup County has attained an Alcredit rating from Moody's Investor Services and an A+ credit rating from Standard & Poor's. These excellentratings can produce significant savings in interest expense and are solid evidence of our financial strength andstability.

Risk Management. Troup County provides "self insured" medical and dental coverage for its employees. Thismeans the County directly assumes most of the liability for insurance claims; however, its liability is capped fromcatastrophic and aggregate losses through the purchase of excess ("stop loss") insurance coverage. The County alsohas insurance coverage for claims and losses in general liability, law enforcement liability, vehicle liability, building& property liability, workers' compensation liability, and bonds fidelity. In addition, there is an in-house safety andaccident prevention program in place to limit losses and claims occurring on the job. An integral part of thatprogram is a safety committee composed of county employees that investigates accidents and recommendscorrective action to preclude recurrence.

Additional information on Troup County's risk management activity can be found in Note 4-A of the notes to thefinancial statements.

Pension and Other Post-employment Benefits. Troup County sponsors a defined benefit pension plan for its full­time employees. The pension plan is affiliated with the Association County Commissioners ofGeorgia (ACCG) andadministered by GEBCorp of Atlanta, Georgia. Each year an independent actuary engaged by the pension plancalculates the amount of the annual contribution that Troup County must make to the pension plan to ensure that theplan will be able to fully meet its obligations to retired employees on a timely basis. As a matter of policy, TroupCounty fully funds the annual required contribution to the pension plan as determined by the actuary. As a result ofTroup County's conservative funding policy, Troup County has succeeded in funding 112.8% of the present value ofthe projected henefits earned by plan participants.

Troup County also provides postretirement health care benefits for qualified retirees and their dependents under theCounty's self-insurance plan. At the end of the most recent fiscal year, there were nine (9) retired employeesreceiving these benefits, which are fmanced on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Additional information on Troup County's pension arrangements and post-employment benefits can be found inNotes 3-H and 4-B to the fmancial statements.



The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence inFinancial Reporting to Tronp County, Georgia for its comprehensive annual fmancial report (CAFR) for the fiscalyear ended June 30, 2008. This was the twenty-third consecutive year Troup County, Georgia received thisprestigious award. The Certificate of Achievement is a national award recognizing conformance with the higheststandards for preparation of state and local government fmancial reports. To be awarded a GFOA Certificate ofAchievement, a governmental unit must publish an easilycreadable and efficiently-organized CAFR. Such reportsmust satisfy both GAAP and applicable legal requirements.

A GFOA Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report continuesto meet GFOA Certificate of Achievement Prograru requirements and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine itseligibility for another certificate.

Tbe preparation of this report would not have been possible without the efficient and dedicated services of the entirestaff of the County fmance and administration departments. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to allstaff members who contributed to the preparation of this report. .As in most endeavors, it was a tearu effort thatproduced this outstanding fmancial document. The active involvement and professional support of J.K. Boatwright& Co., P.C., Partner Susan K. Black, Lead Auditor Roger C. Dawson, and Consultant Paul Glick have beeninstrumental in the completion of the associated audit and statistical section of this report. Finally, credit must alsobe given to the Chairman and the Board of Commissioners for their solid support to ensure the highest standards ofprofessionalism are maintained in managing the fmances ofTroup County, Georgia.

Respectively submitted,

/MuL.-fJ' 1)~Michael J. DobbsCounty Manager

Stewart P. MillsFinance Officer! County Clerk


Troup County Board of CommissionersOrganizational Chart

Troup CountyVoters

Board ofCommissioners

- CountyAttorney



I I I IPurchasing Marshall Tax Fire Department!

Engineering,E911 Work Court

RoadsAnimal Control Assessor EMA

and SanitationRelease Services

Finance Building, Zoning Human Shop Maintenance Correctional Parks and Juvenileand Planning Resources Institute Recreation Court


Richard English, Jr.

Morris Jones

Michael 1. Dobbs

Jerry Willis

Tax CommissionerClerk of CourtSheriffProbate JudgeMagistrate Court JudgeState Court JudgeSuperior Court Judges

Troup County, GeorgiaList ofPrincipal Officials

June 2009

Richard C. Wolfe, Chairman





Buck Davis

Ken Smith, Sr.

Gary S. WoodJackie W. TaylorDonnyTurnerDonald W. BoydVickie Sue McWatersJeanette L. LittleAllen B. KeebleQuillian BaldwinWilliam LeeAubrey DuffeyJohn SimpsonJack Kirby

Certificate ofAchievementfor Excellence

in FinancialReporting

Presented to

Troup County

GeorgiaFor its Comprehensive Annual

Financial Report

for the Fiscal Year Ended

June 30, 2008

A Certificate ofAchievement for Excellence in FinancialReporting is presented by the Government Finance 'Officers

Association of the United States and Canada togovernment units and pnblic employee retirementsystems whose comprehensive annual financial

reports (CAFRs) achieve the higheststandards in government accounting

and financial reporting.


Executive Director

~.. H-·"··: ,I"... II •• _ ••

I, I:.... ij. . -, .-" :

/L....:......'i- -.





January 22,2010


To the Board of Commissionersof Troup County, Georgia

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the discretelypresented component unit, each major fund, .and the aggregate remaining fund information of TroupCounty, Georgia, as of and for the year ended June 30,2009, which collectively comprise the County'sbasic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are theresponsibility of Troup CoUnty, Georgia's, management. Our responsibility is to express opinions onthese financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States ofAmerica and the standards applicable to financial audits contained' in Government Auditing Standards,issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and performthe audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of materialmisstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts anddisclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles usedand significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statementpresentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, therespective financial position of the governmental activities, the discretely presented component unit, eachmajor fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Troup County, Georgia, as ofJune 30, 2009,and the respective changes in financial position and the respective budgetary comparison for the GeneralFund and the Major Special Revenue Fund for the year then ended in conformity with accountingprinciples generally accepted in the United States ofAmerica.

In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated January 22,2010, on our consideration ofTroup County Georgia's internal control over financial reporting and on ourtests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements andother matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control overfmancial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on theinternal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an auditperformed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing theresults of our audit.

The management's discussion and analysis on pages 11 through 19, is not a required part of the basicfinancial statements but is supplementary information required by accounting principles generallyaccepted in the United States of America. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consistprincipally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of therequired supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinionon it.


Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectivelycomprise the Troup County, Georgia basic financial statements. The introductory section, combining andindividual nonmajor fund financial statements and budgetary schedules, schedule of projects constructedwith special sales tax proceeds, and statistical section are presented for purposes of additional analysisand are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The accompanying schedule of expendituresof federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U. S. Office ofManagement and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-ProfitOrganizations, and is not a required part of the basic financial statements of Troup County, Georgia. Thecombining and individual nonmajor fund financial statements and budgetary schedules, the schedule ofprojects constructed with special sales tax proceeds and the schedule of expenditures of federal awardshave been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and,in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken asa whole. The introductory and statistical sections have not been subjected to the auditing proceduresapplied in the audit of the basiC financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on them.

Yours truly,

C/(.i<.~-:!!J-¢ &.,~~VK. BOATWRIGHT & CO., P. C.Certified Public Accountants



MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Troup County, Georgia


Within this section of the comprehensive annual financial report or" Troup County, Georgia (the County), the County'smanagement is pleased to provide this narrative discussion and analysis of the financial activities of the County for the fiscalyear ended June 30, 2009. The County's fmancial performance is discussed and analyzed within the context of theaccompanying fmancial statements and disclosures following this section.


• The County's assets exceeded its liabilities by $126,302,388 (total net assets) for the fiscal year reported.

• Total net assets are comprised of the following:




Capital assets, net' 'ofrelated debt, of $101,765,619 include property and equipment, net of accumulateddepreciation, and reduced for o~tstanding debt related to the purchase or construction of capital assets: .Net assets of $16,297,173 are restricted by constraints imposed from outside the County such as debt covenants,grantors, laws, or regulations.Unrestricted net assets of $8,239,596 represent the portion available to maintain the County's continuingobligations to citizens and creditors.

• The County's governmental funds reported total ending fund balance of $30,175,576 this year. This compares to theprior year ending fund balance of $28,650,866 showing an increase of $1,524,710 or 5.32%.

• At the end of the current fiscal year, unreserved fund balance for the General Fund was $20,435,370 or 54.6% of totalGeneral Fund expenditures.

• Construction of the new Kia Motors automobile assembly plant has been completed and full-scale production is on. schedule to commence November 2009.

• Overall, the County continues to maintain a strong financial position in a very weak economy.

The above financial highlights are explained in more detail in the "financial analysis" section of this document.


This Management Discussion and Analysis document serves as an introduction to the County's basic fmancial statements.The basic financial statements include: (1) government-wide financial statements, (2) fund financial statements, and (3)notes to the basic financial statements. The County also includes in this report additional information to supplement the basicfinancial statements. Year-to-year comparative data is presented where appropriate. Financial tables compare fiscal year2009 data to fiscal year 2008 data.

Government-wide Financial Statements

The County's annual report includes two government-wide financial statements. These statements provide both long-termand short-term information about the County's overall financial status. Financial reporting at this level is similar to that foundin the private sector with its basis in accrual accounting and elimination or reclassification of activities between funds.

The first of these government-wide statements is the Statement of Net Assets. This is the government-wide statement ofposition presenting information that includes all of the County's assets and liabilities, with the difference reported as netassets. Over time, increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the fmancial position of theCounty as a whole is improving or deteriorating. Evaluation of the overall health of the County would extend to othernonfmancial factors such as diversification of the taxpayer base or the condition of County infrastructure, in addition to thefinancial information provided in this report.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Troup County, Georgia

The second government-wide statement is the Statement ofActivities, which reports changes in the County's net assets duringthe current fiscal year. All current year revenues and expenses are included regardless ofwhen cash is received or disbursed.The statement of activities is designed to show the County's financial reliance on property tax revenues to fund the variousservices and functions the County provides to its citizens.

Both government-wide fmancial statements distinguish governmental activities of the County that are principally supportedby property taxes, sales taxes and intergovernmental revenue. Governmental activities include general government, judicial,public safety, public works, health and welfare, and culture and recreation.

The government-wide financial statements are presented on pages 20 & 21 of this report.

Fund Financial Statements

A fund is an accountability unit used to maintain control over resources segregated for specific aptivities or objectives. TheCounty uses funds to ensure and demonstrate compliance with fmance-related laws and regulations. Within the basicfinancial statements, fund financial statements focus on the County's most significant funds rather than the County as awhole. Major funds are separately reported while all others are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. Individualfund data for nonmajor funds is provided in the form of combining statements in a later section of this report.

The County has two kinds of funds:

Governmental fUnds are reported in the fund fmancial statements and encompass the same functions reported asgovernmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. However, the focus is very different with fundstatements providing a distinctive view of the County's governmental funds. These statements report short-term fiscalaccountability focusing on the use of spendable resources and balances of spendable resources available at the end of theyear. They are useful in evaluating annual fmancing requirements of governmental programs and the commitment ofspendable resources for the near-term.

Since the government-wide focus includes the long-term view, comparisons between these two perspectives may provideinsight into the long-term impact of short-term financing decisions. Both the governmental fund balance sheet and thegovernmental fund operating statement provide a reconciliation to assist in understanding the differences between these twoperspectives.

This section also includes the budget statements for the General Fund and the major special revenue funds.

The basic governmental fund financial statements are presented on pages 22 - 29 of this report.

Fiduciary fUnds are reported in the fund financial statements and generally report assets maintained by the County'sconstitutional officers (e.g., the tax commissioner, the sheriff).

The basic agency financia} statement is presented on page 30 of this report.

Notes to the Basic Financial Statements

The accompanying notes to the basic financial statements provide information essential to a full understanding of thegovernment-wide and fund financial statements. The notes to the basic fmancial statements begin on page 31 of this report.

Supplementary Information

In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain supplementaryinformation concerning the County's budget presentations. Budgetary comparison schedules for the nonmajor specialrevenues funds and the other governmental funds can be found in the supplementary section of this report. These schedulesdemonstrate compliance with the County's adopted and final revised budget. In addition, the combining and comparativestatements are presented in this section.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009


Troup County, Georgia

The County's net assets at fiscal year-end are $126,302,388 as compared to $118,395,634 or a 6.68% increase. Thefollowing table provides a summary of the County's net assets:

Summary ofNet Assets

June 30, 2009 June 30, 20lm

Governmental Percentage Governmental Percentage

Activities ofTotal Activities ofTotal


Current assets $ 32,626,324 24% $ 31,829,024 25%

Capital assets 103,640,960 . 76% 96,897,128 75%

Tctal assets 136,267,284 100% 128,726,152 lO(Jl/o


Current liabilities 3,339,050 34% 3,975,955 38%

Long-termliabilities 6,625,846 66% 6,354,563 62,0/0

Tctalliabilities 9,964,896 100% 10,330,518 lO(Jl/o

Net assets:

Invested in capital assets,net ofrelated deli 101,765,619 81% 94,741,900 8(Jl/o

Restricted 16,297,173 13% 14,027,454 12,0/0

Unrestricted 8,239,596 6% 9,626,280 8%

Tctal net assets $ 126,302,388 100% $ 118,395,634 lO(Jl/o

The County continues to maintain a high current ratio. The current ratio compares current assets to current liabilities and isan indication of the ability to pay current obligations. The current ratio for governmental activities at June 30, 2009 is 9.7 toI as compared to 8 to I at June 30,2008. The increase in the ratio relates to fewer current liabilities, as the County's majorconstruction projects are completed, resulting in lesser amounts owed to contractors.

The County reported positive balances in net assets. Net assets increased $7,906,754 during fiscal year 2009 primarily due tocompletion of road paving projects funded by the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Taxes (SPLOST).

Note that approximately 82% of the governmental activities' net assets are tied up in capital (with 30.2% of the capital assetsbeing infrastructure). The County uses these capital assets to provide services to its citizens.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Troup County, Georgia

The following table provides a summary of the County's changes in net assets for the last two fiscal years:

Summary of Changes in Net Assets

For the Year Ended June30, 2009 For the Year Ended June 30, 2008

GQverumental Percentage GQvernmental Percentage

Activities ofTotal Activities of Total


Charges for services $ 6,298,076 11% $ 7,268,827 14%

Operating grants 4,768,403 9% 3,248,206 6%

Capital grants 4,572,743 8% 1,229,308 2%General:

Taxes 39,322,3% 71% 39,346,632 74%

Inveslment earnings (608,885) -1% 312,461 1%Other 1,284,862 2% 1,427,309 3%

Total revenues 55,637,595 100% 52,832,743 100%

Program Expenses:

General government 4,539,757 10% 7,554,183 15%

Judicial 4,830,161 10% 4,547,103 9%Public safety 22,048,272 46% 21,270,146 42%

Highways and streets 9,019,162 19% 10,079,059 20%

Health and welfare 1,186,264 2% 1,154,390 3%Culture and recreati rn 5,649,583 12% 5,759,119 11%

Conservatirn 167,530 0% 183,108 0%

Interest 290,112 1% 218,408 0%

Total expenses 47,730,841 100% 50,765,516 100%

C1Iange in net assets 7,906,754 2,067,227

Beginning!let assets 118,395,634 116,328,407

Ending net assets $ 126,302,388 $ 118,395,634


The County is heavily reliant on property taxes to support governmental operations. Property taxes provided 39.5% of theCounty's total revenues as compared to 39.8% in fiscal year 2008. Sales taxes equal 27.8% of total revenues forgovernmental activities as compared to 31.1% in fiscal year 2008. Also, note that program revenues cover 34.2% ofgovernmental operating expenses, as compared to 27.1% in fiscal year 2008. This means that the government's taxpayersand the County's other general revenues fund approximately 65.8% and 72.9% respectively of the governmental activities.As a result, the general economy, local businesses and property owners have a major impact on the County's revenuestreams.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009


Troup County, Georgia

As with most general-purpose governments, the public safety function is the largest cost center, comprising 46% of theCounty's total expenses. General government, judicial, highways and streets, and culture and recreation combined make upapproximately 54% of total expenses.

Included in these functional expenses is depreciation expense, which makes up $2,735,071 or 5.7% of total expenses.

This table below presents the cost of each of the County's programs, including the net costs (i.e., total cost minus programrevenues generated by the activities). The net costs illustrate the financial burden placed on the County's taxpayers by eachof these functions.

2009 2008Total Cost Percentage Net Cost Percentage Total Cost Percentage Net Cost Percentage

of Services of Total ofServices of Total of Services of Total of Services of Total

General government $ 4,539,757 10% $ 3,953,607 12% $ 7,554,183 15% $ 7,075,900 18%

., Judicial 4,830,161 10% 3,969,540 12% 4,547,103 9% 3,693,712 10%

Public safety 22,048,272 46% 14,656,746 45% 21,270,146 42% 13,765,409 35%

Highways and streets 9,019,162 19% 4,490,774 14% 10,079,059 20% 8,559,454 22%

Health and welfare 1,186,264 2% 1,145,038 4% 1,154,390 2% 1,101,843 3%

Culture and recreation 5,649,583 12% 3,418,272 11% 5,759,119 11% 4,421,341 11%

Conservation 167,530 0% 167,530 1% 183,108 0% 183,108 0%

Interest 290,112 1% 290,112 1% 218,408 1% 218,408 1%

Total $ 47,730,841 100% $ 32,091,619 100% $ 50,765,516 100% $ 39,019,175 100%

The net cost is the gross cost of operations less charges for services, fines, operating grants and capital grants. Note thatapproximately 50% of program revenues relate to the public safety function. Approximately one-third of the public safetygross costs are recovered from program revenues. These program revenues are primarily judicial fines/fees andsheriff/correctional institute fees.

The public safety operating grant relates to the inmate subsidy received from the Georgia Department of Corrections, or $2.2million. The capital grants of $1.3 million relates to grants received from the Georgia Department of Human Resources forour senior center and for Troup Transit bus line services. .


. Governmental Funds

As discussed above, governmental funds are reported in the fund statements with a short-term, inflow and outflow ofspendable resources focus. This information is useful in assessing resources available at the end of the year in comparisonwith upcoming financing requirements. Governmental funds reported ending fund balances of $30,175,576. Of this year-endtotal, $11,763,657 is unreserved indicating its availability for continuing County service requirements. Legally restrictedfund balances (i.e., the reserved fund balances) include: $2,599,940 committed to pay outstanding encumbrances, primarilyfor road construction, $8.8 million committed to capital projects and $5.7 million for operations and maintenance for parksand recreation programs from the Troup County Recreation Endowment Fund.

The total ending fund balance of governmental funds shows an increase of $1 ,524,710 compared to prior year.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30,2009

Major Governmental Funds

The County reports six major governmental funds.

Troup County, Georgia

General Fund - The General Fund is the County's primary operating fund and the largest source of day-to-day servicedelivery. The General Fund's fund balance increased by $410,819. In fiscal year 2008, the fund balance increased$1,459,508. Total unreserved fund balance is now approximately 50.6% of total annual budget and is considered veryadequate.

Total General Fund revenues decreased $298,618 over fiscal year 2008, or .8%. The majority of that decrease occurred inlocal option sales tax revenues, which were $282,116 below prior year due to the weakened economy.

Total General Fund expenditures in the General.Fund decreased approximately $1,643,696 or 4.2%. The contributor to thatdecrease was the reduction in capital outlay spending, specifically heavy equipment lease/purchases.

The General Fund subsidized the E-911 fund by $482,673, which was a $63,431 reduction versus prior year.

Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund - This fund was established with a $7 million grant from Callaway Foundation, .Inc. The grant is designed to cover the operating and maintenance costs for the recently constructed, SPLOST-funded parksand recreation facilities. The fund is structured to provide annual proceeds to the County equal to 5% of the December 31st

fair market value averaged over the last five-years at December 31st.

During the difficult economic times of fiscal year 2009, the fund reported an $842,369 investment loss and expended$410,299, based upon the formula above.

Capital Improvement Fund - This fund reported $4.5 million in intergovernmental revenue and expended approximately$5.7 million on capital projects. This fund reported a deficit of approximately $7 million. Historically, this fund reports abalance deficit as it is funded primarily by General Fund transfers from the unreserved fund balance.

Parks and Recreation (SPLOST II) Fund - The fund balance at June 30, 2009 was a $279,834 deficit, which will beeliminated through collection of additional sales taxes.

Government Services Center (SPLOST II) Fund - This fund expended $262,837 for capital outlay and to retire the bonddebt relating to the Government Services Center (County courthouse and administrative offices). The fund balance at June30,2009 was a $369,383 deficit, which will be eliminated through collection of additional sales taxes.

SPLOST illFund - This fund is the follow-on SPLOST approved by voter referendum. It spans a6-year period effectiveJanuary 1, 2007 and expiring December 31, 2012. This tax is shared with the cities within the County by intergovernmentalagreement and is earmarked to fund a new County Health Department facility, road/street/bridge improvements, water/sewersystem improvements and public safety equipment, primarily fire engines, tanker trucks and an 800-Megahertz emergencyradio communications system.

In fiscal year 2009, over $10 million of sales taxes was recognized as revenue and approximately $6.3 million was expendedon capital projects and payments to the cities within the County. At June 30, 2009, the ending fund balance was $9.7 million.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009


Troup County, Georgia

Revenues - The revenue budget was increased $142,630 or just.3% over the original budget.

Property tax revenue was $28,480 above the amended budget. 1b.is variance relates primarily to motor vehicle taxes beinghigher than anticipated. Local option sales taxes were $207,250 under budget related to the economic downturn.

Intergovernmental revenue was below the final budget by $25,629. 1b.is was due to inmate housing revenues being lowerthan anticipated.

License and permit revenue was slightly above budget by $8,556.

Charges for services were $857,988 below budget, primarily due to landfill operations not bringing in as much revenue forconstruction and demolition waste as expected. That was associated with the stagnant environment in residentialconstructjgn. In addition, the Work Release Program had fewer participating inmates due to the lack of jobs in the weakenedeconomy.

Fines and forfeitures revenue was $319,230 below budget relating to less state court fines collected (for traffic citations) thananticipated due to state cost-cutting measures that reduced the presence of Georgia State Patrol cars on the roads.

Investment earnings were $94,125 below budget, due to low interest rates yielding less return on investment.

In total, revenues realized were $2,711,795 or 6.6% below the final amended budget.


The expenditure budget was amended upward just $142,630.

Public safety expenditures were $1,167,459 or 5.7% below the final amended budget because of personnel vacancies in thesheriff's office, the jail and the correctional institute. Recruiting and retaining correctional and detention officers are ongoingproblems for the County.

Highways and streets (including sanitation) were under budget by $610,460 or 17.8%. Savings occurred as hiring freezesresulted in vacant positions not being filled.

In total, expenditures were $2,954,827 or 7.3% below final amended budget.


Capital Assets

The County's investment in capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, for governmental activities as of June 30, 2009,was $103.6 million. The total increase in net capital assets was $9.7 million or 7%. 1b.is was primarily due to capitalizationof buildings, machinery and equipment, and infrastructure related to Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST)funded projects.

See Note 3-D for additional information about changes in capital assets during the fiscal year.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited)As ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Troup County, Georgia

The following table provides a summary of capital asset activity:

June 30, 2009 June 30, 2008 June 30, 2009 June 30,2008Non-depreciable assets:

Land $ 16,331,181 $ 15,848,146 90% 96%Construction in progress 1,812,246 733,899 10% 4%

Total non-depreciable assets 18,143,427 16,582,045 100% 100%

Depreciable assets:Buildings 62,531,963 60,622,083 54% 56%Machinery and equipment 21,747,944 19,788,488 19% 18%Infrastructure 31,286,228 27,383,129 27% 25%

Total depreciable assets 115,566,135 107,793,700 100% 100%

Less accumulated depreciation 30,068,602 27,478,617

Book value - depreciable assets $ 85,497,533 $ 80,315,083

Percentage depreciated 26% 25%

Total capital assets, net $ 103,640,960 $ 96,897,128

At June 30, 2009, the depreciable capital assets for governmental activities were 26% depreciated. This compares closely to25% at June 30, 2008. The comparison indicates that the County is replacing its assets at approximately the same rate as theyare depreciating--a positive fmancial indicator.

Long-term Debt

Troup County has no general obligation bond debt.

On May 22, 2007, Troup County entered into an intergovernmental agreement with LaGrange Development Authority, TroupCounty Development Authority and City of LaGrange to acquire, construct and equip a new industrial park (Callaway SouthIndustrial Park) on approximately 1,100 acres located within the City of LaGrange. Two series of revenue bonds wereissued, Series 2007A in the aggregate amount of $1,565,000 and Series 2007B in the aggregate amount of $5,285,000. Therevenue bonds are secured by an intergovernmental agreement under which City of LaGrange and Troup County agreed to a50%/50% split on debt service payments commencing February 2008. The two governmental entities are in good standingon debt service payments. City of LaGrange and Troup County are to be reimbursed for their debt service payments byfuture proceeds from the sale or lease ofparcels.


MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited) Troup County, GeorgiaAs ofand For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

The changes in long-term debt follow:2009 2008 Change

Intergovernmentalagreement (2007A) $ 782,500 $ 782,500 0.0%

Intergovernmentalagreement (2007B) 2,550,000 2,642,500 -3.5%

Compensated absences 1,022,550 955,878 7.0%

Claims 476,221 414,930 14.8%

Capital lease 107,496 167,832 -36.0%

Capital lease 1,767,842 1,987,396 -11.0%

Landfill closure costs 190,179 150,072 26.7%

Total $ 6,896,788 $ 7,101,108 -2.9%

See Note 3-F for additional information about the County's long-term debt.


The primary revenue streams for the County are property and sales taxes. These provide a desirable revenue mix sinceproperty taxes are inelastic and sales taxes are elastic. Both revenue sources, however, are highly sensitive to fluctuations inthe economy, and were victims of the recent nationwide economic downturn. In fiscal year 2009, the County property taxbase increased only slightly due to stagnation in reassessment values of existing properties and the slowdown of newconstruction. For the future, however, the new Kia Motor Company automobile assembly plant in Troup County is expectedto dramatically affect property values and boost local economic growth and expansion. Historically, the County'sunemployment rate.has unfortunately been above state and nationwide rates. In June 2009, the County's unemployment ratepeaked at 14.6%. During the same timeframe, state and nationwide rates were 10.5% and 9.7% respectively.


This financial report is designed to provide an overview of the County's finances, comply with finance-related laws andregulations, and demonstrate the County's commitment to public accountability. If you have questions about this report orwould like to request additional information, contact the Finance Director, Troup County Government Center, 100 RidleyAvenue, LaGrange, Georgia 30240.

Please note that Troup County Department ofPublic Health (TCDPH) is a component unit of the County and is included as aseparate column in the government-wide financial statements. (See Note I-A for an explanation). TCDPH is reportedseparately to emphasize that as a component unit, it is legally separate from the County. Detailed fmancial statements forTCDPH may be obtained directly from the Troup County Department ofPublic Health, 900 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Georgia30240.




FunctionPrimary Government

General governmentJudicialPublic safetyHighways and streetsHealth and welfareCulture and recreationConservationInterest

Total Governmental Activities

Component UnitsTroup County Board of Health

Troup County, GeorgiaStatemeltt ofActivities

For tire Year Elided JUlie 30, 2009

-Primary Government

Net (Expense)Revenues and Changes

Program Revenues in Net AssetsOperating Grants,

Charges for Contributions Capital Grants GovernmentalExpenses Services and Sales and Interest and Contributions Activities ..£omponent Unit

$ 4,539,757 $ 359,941 $ 226,209 $ - $ (3,953,607) $4,830,161 792,515 68,106 - (3,969,540)

22,048,272 4,133,934 2,796,429 461,163 (14,656,746)9,019,162 355,440 61,368 4,111,580 (4,490,774)1,186,264 38,226 3,000 - (1,145,038)5,649,583 618,020 1,613,291 - (3,418,272)

167,530 - - - (167,530)290JlL - - - (290,112)


$ 47,730,841 $ 6,298,076 $ 4,768,403 $ 4,572,743 $ (32,091,619) $

$ 13,270,224 $ 725,683 $ 12,746,920 $ - $ - $ 202,379

General Revenues:Property taxes levies for general purposes $ 21,949,157 $Sales taxes 15,468,391Selective taxes 1,904,848Investment earnings (608,885) 13,231Gain on sale of capital assets 7,251Miscellaneous 1,277,611

Total General Revenues 39,998,373 13,231

Change in Net Assets 7,906,754 215,610

Net Assets Beginning of Year 118,395,634 818,820

Net Assets End of Year $ 126,302,388 $ 1,034,430

See accompanying notes to the basic fmancial statements



Troup County, GeorgiaBalance Sheet

Governmental FundsJune 30, 2009

Parks andRecreation Capital Parks and

General Endowment Improvements RecreationAssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 13,061,757 $ $ $ 70,357Investments 5,712,828Receivables:

Accounts 448,705Sales taxes 769,218Other taxes 93,951Intergovernmental 407,666Interfund 7,453,418 89,108

Inventory 195,002Prepaid items 498,114

Total Assets $ 22,927,831 $ 5,712,828 $ 89,108 $ 70,357

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 759,034 $ $ 179,006 $ 4,065Accrued expenditures 704,862Intergovernmental payableInterfund payable 6,784,617 346,126Deferred revenue 11,292

Total Liabilities 1,475,188 6,963,623 350,191

Fund BalancesReserved for:

Encumbrances 273,650 1,048,686Program purposesInventory 195,002Prepaid items 498,114Culture and recreation 50,507Endowment 5,712,828Capital outlay

Unreserved:Undesignated (deficit), reported in:

General fund 20,435,370 -Capital projects funds (7,923,201) (279,834)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) 21,452,643 5,712,828 (6,874,515) (279,834)

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 22,927,831 $ 5,712,828 $ 89,108 $ 70,357

See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements


Government Other TotalServices Governmental GovernmentalCenter SPLOSTID Funds Funds

$ $ 8,733,145 $ 918,390 $ 22,783,6495,712,828

448,7051,709,894 2,479,112

93,9517,298 414,964

261,631 45,476 160 7,849,793195,002498,114

$ 261,631 $ 10,488,515 $ 925,848 $ 40,476,118

$ 21,367 $ 59,627 $ 59,770 $ 1,082,869704,862

651,726 651,726609,647 109,403 7,849,793


631,014 711,353 169,173 10,300,542

1,277,604 2,599,940574,780 574,780



8,499,558 281,190 8,780,748

20,435,370(369,383) (99,295) (8,671,713)

(369,383) 9,777,162 756,675 30,175,576

$ 261,631 $ 10,488,515 $ 925,84,8 $ 40,476,118


Troup County, GeorgiaReconciliation ofthe Balance Sheet ofGovernmental Funds

to the Statement ofNet AssetsJune 30,2009

Total Governmental Fund Balances $ 30,175,576

Amounts Reported for Governmental Activities in theStatement of Net Assets Are Different Because:

Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financialresources and therefore are not reported in the funds

Cost $ 133,709,562Less accumulated depreciation (30,068,602) 103,640,960

Other long-term assets are not available to pay for current-period expenditures and therefore are deferred in the funds:

Property taxes 11,292

Interfund receivables and payables between governmental funds are reportedon the fund balance sheet but eliminated on thegovernment-wide statement of net assets:

Interfund receivables (7,849,793)Interfund payables 7,849,793

Liabilities not due and payable in the curreritperiod and therefore are not reported in the funds:

Compensated absences payable (1,022,550)Claims payable (476,221)Accrued interest (80,145)Capital leases payable (1,875,338)Intergovernmental agreement payable (3,332,500)Landfill closure and postclosure care costs payable (190,179)Net OPEB Obligation (548,507) (7,525,440)

Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 126,302,388

See accompanying notes to the basic fmancial statements



Troup County, GeorgiaStatement ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

Governmental FundsFor The Year Ended June 30,2009

Parks andRecreation Capital Parks and

General Endowment Improvements RecreationRevenuesProperty taxes $ 21,969,112 $ $ $Sales taxes 4,807,415Other taxes 1,780,043Intergovernmental 4,370,981 4,572,743Licenses and perinits 200,906Charges for services 2,481,241Fines and forfeitures 1,496,862Investment ea.rinngs 143,020 (694,961) 11,458Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments (147,408)Miscellaneous 982,095 295,516

Total Revenues 38,231,675 (842,369) 4,868,259 11,458


General government 3,649,794 67,414Judicial 4,720,706Public safety 19,479,214Highways and streets 2,828,385Health and welfare 731,287Culture and recreation 4,848,855 410,299Conservation 167,530

Capital Outlay 395,372 5,657,160 48,133Debt Service:'Principal retirement 312,054Interest and fiscal charges 285,446

Total Expenditures 37,418,643 410,299 5,724,574 48,133

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures 813,032 (1,252,668) (856,315) (36,675)

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Sale of capital assets 7,251Transfers in 70,679Transfers out (482,673)

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (404,743)

Net change in fund balances 408,289 (1,252,668) (856,315) (36,675)

Fund Balances (Deficits)Beginning of Year 21,041,824 6,965,496 (6,018,200) (243,159)

Increase in Re~erves for Inventoryand Prepaid Items 2,530

Fund Balances (Deficits) End of Year $ 21,452,643 $ 5,712,828 $ (6,874,515) $ (279,834)

See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements


Government Other TotalServices Governmental GovernmentalCenter SPLOSTID Funds Funds

$ $ $ $ 21,969,11210,660,976 15,468,391

124,805 1,904,848438,036 835,436 10,217,196

200,906936,764 3,418,005185,872 1,682,734

61,361 17,645 (461,477)(147,408)


11,160,373 2,100,522 55,529,918

124 15,102 386 3,732,8204,720,706

1,381,211 20,860,4255,403,229 8,231,614

223,842 955,1295,259,154

167,530195,357 917,956 .2,208,777 9,422,755

60,335 372,3897,021 292,467

262,837 6,336,287 3,814,216 54,014,989

(262,837) 4,824,086 (1,713,694) 1,514,929

7,251411,994 482,673


411,994 7,251

(262,837) 4,824,086 (1,301,700) 1,522,180

(106,546) 4,953,076 2,058,375 28,650,866


$ (369,383) $ 9,777,162 $ 756,675 $ 30,175,576


Troup County, GeorgiaReconciliation ofthe Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changesin Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement ofActivities

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Net Changes In Fund Balances - Total Governmental Funds

Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because:

$ 1,522,180

Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statementof activities, the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives asdepreciation expense. This is the amount by which depreciation expense exceededcapital outlay in the current period.

Depreciation expenseCapital outlay

Governmental funds do not report donated capital assets.Donated capital assets increase net assets.

Governmental funds report proceeds from the disposal of capital assets.Proceeds must be adjusted to reflect gainlloss on the transactions.

Property tax revenUes in the statement of activities that do not providecurrent rwancial resources are not reported as orevenues in the funds.

Deferred @ 6/30/09Deferred @ 6/30/08

Repayment of the capital lease payable is an expenditure in the governmental funds,but the repayment reduces long-term liabilities in the statement of net assets.

Repayment of the intergovernmental agreement principal is an expenditure in thegovernmental funds, but the repayment reduces long-termliabilities in the statement of net assets.

Interest expenses reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of currentfinancial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds.

Liability @ 6/30/09Liability @ 6/30/08

Compensated absences reported in the statement of activities do not require the useof current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expendituresin governmental funds.

Liability @ 6/30/09Liability @ 6/30108

Claims payable reported in the statement of activities do not requireO the use of currentfinancial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds.

Liability @ 6/30/09Liability @ 6/30/08

Landfill closure and postclosure care reported in the statement of activities do notrequire the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported asexpenditures in governmental funds.

Liability @ 6/30/09Liability @ 6/30/08

Net OPEB Obligation in the statement of activities does not require the use of currentfinancial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds.

Liability @ 6/30/09

The increase in fund balances reserves for prepaid items and inventory are added directly to thefund balances at the fund level but expenses are reduced at the government-wide level.

Change InONet Assets of Governmental Activities

See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements


$ (2,735,071)9,420,690




















Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Fund

Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

RevenuesProperty taxesSales taxes and otherIntergovernmentalLicenses and pennitsCharges for servicesFines and forfeituresInvestment earningsMiscellaneous

Total Revenues


General governmentJudicialPublic safetyHighways and streetsHealth and welfareCulture and recreationConservation

Capital OutlayDebt Service

Principal retirementInterest and fiscal charges

Total Expenditures

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Sale of capital assetsTransfers inTransfers out

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)

Net Change in Fund Balances

Fund Balances Beginning of Year

Increase in Reserves for Inventory and Prepaid Items

Fund Balances End of Year

See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements


VarianceOriginal Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative)

$ 21,940,632 $21,940,632 $21,969,112 $ 28,4806,794,708 6,794,708 6,587A58 (207,250)4,375,023 4,396,610 4,370,981 (25,629)

192,350 192,350 200,906 8,5563,339,229 3,339,229 2,481,241 (857,988)1,816,092 1,816,092 1,496,862 (319,230)

237,145 237,145 143,020 (94,125)2,105,661 2,226,704 982,095 (1,244,609)

40,800,840 40,943,470 38,231,675 (2,711,795)

3,861,158 3,942,274 3,649,794 292,4805,163,753 5,197,035 4,720,706 476,329

20,662,695 20,646,673 19,479,214 1,167,4593,443,097 3,438,845 2,828,385 610,460

742,065 739,065 731,287 7,7785,152,384 5,153,819 4,848,855 304,964

178,650 178,650 167,530 11,120419,353 469,424 395,372 74,052

319,554 319,554 312,054 7,500288,131 288,131 285,446 2,685

40,230,840 40,373,470 37,418,643 2,954,827

570,000 570,000 813,032 243,032

30,000 30,000 7,251 (22,749)70,679 70,679

(600,000) (600,000) (482,673) 117,327

(570,000) (570,000) (404,743) 165,257

$ 408,289 $ 408,289




Troup County, GeorgiaParks and Recreation Endowment Fund

Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fun~Balances - Budget and Actual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

VarianceOriginal Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative)

RevenuesInvestment earnings $ $ $ (694;961) $ (694,961)Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments 1,000,000 1,000,000 (147,408) (1,147,408)

Total Revenues 1,000,000 1,000,000 (842,369) (1,842,369)


Culture and recreation 1,000,000 1,000,000 410,299 589,701

Total Expenditures 1,000,000 1,000,000 410,299 589,701

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures $ $ (1,252,668) $ (1,252,668)

Fund Balances Beginning of Year 6,965,496

Fund Balances End of Year $ 5,712,828

See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements


Troup County, GeorgiaComparative Statement ofFiduciary Assets and Liabilities

Agency FundsJune 30, 2009 and 2008

2009 2008AssetsCash $ 4,022,019 $ 4,033,248Taxes receivable 203,339 167,222Other receivables 4,090 2,489

Total Assets $ 4,229,448 $ 4,202,959

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 2,743,577 $ 2,848,535Due to other taxing units 550,595 508,266Escrow bond deposits 182,000 181,820Federal forfeiture funds 191,063 112,861Confiscated funds 50,240 46,183Inmate funds 112,287 103,255Deferred liabilities 398,504 400,607D.A.R.E. program 82 1,432

Total Liabilities $ 4,229,448 $ 4,202,959

See accompanying notes to the basic financial statements




Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009


Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 1Reporting Entity I-ABasis ofPresentation 1-BMeasurement Focus I-CBasis ofAccounting I-DAssets, Liabilities and Fund Equity : I-E

Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments 1-E-lReceivables I-E-2Interfund Balances 1-E-3Consumable Inventories I-E-4Prepaid Items I-E-5Capital Assets 1-E-6Compensated Absences I-E-7Accrued Liabilities and Long-term Obligations I-E-8Fund Equity I-E-9Interfund Activity 1-E-l 0Estimates 1-E-llComparative Data I-E-12

Stewardship, Compliance and Accountability 2Budgetary Information 2-ADeficit Fund Equities 2-B

Detailed Notes on All Funds 3Deposits and Investments 3-AReceivables 3-BProperty Taxes 3-CCapital Assets 3-DInterfund Balances and Transfers 3-ELong-term Debt : 3~F

Landfill Closure and Postclosure Care Costs 3-GPensions 3-HNet Assets 3-1

Other Notes 4Risk Management 4-APostemployment Healthcare Plan 4-BCommitments 4-CContingent Liabilities 4-DJoint Ventures 4-EHotellMotel Taxes 4-FDeferred Compensation Plan 4-G


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note i-Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies

The financial statements ofTroup County, Georgia (the County) have been prepared in conformity withaccounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP) as applied to governments. TheGovernmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard-setting body forgovernmental accounting and financial reporting.

The most significant of the County's accounting policies are described below.

i-A. Reporting Entity

The reporting entity is comprised of the primary government, component units and other organizationsthat are included to ensure that the financial statements are not misleading. The primary government ofthe County consists of all funds, departments, boards and agencies that are not legally separate from theCounty. For the County, this entity includes the County and its constitutional officers.

Component units are legally separate organizations for which the County is financially accountable. TheCounty is financially accountable for' an organization ifthe County appoints a voting majority of theorganization's governing board and (1) the County is able to significantly influence the programs orservices performed or provided by the organizations; or (2) the County is legally entitled to or canotherwise access the organization's resources; the County is legally obligated or has otherwise assumedthe responsibility to finance the deficits of, or provide financial support to, the organization; or the Countyis obligated for the debt of the organization. Component units also may include organizations that arefiscally dependent on the County in that the County approves the budget, levies their taxes or issues theirdebt. .

The component unit columns included on the government-wide financial statements identify the financialdata of the County's discretely presented component unit. They are reported separately to emphasize thatthe component unit is legally separate from the County.

A brief description of the discretely presented component unit follows:

The Troup County Board ofHealth (TCBH) provides health related services to the citizens ofthe Countythrough the Master Public Health Agreement with the Georgia Department ofHuman Resources. Thechief executive officer of the County and three members appointed by the Board of CoIlllIlissioners makeup a majority of the governing board of the TCBH. The County has the ability to modify or approve thebudget of the TCBH.

The TCBH is reported as a component unit because the entity is legally separate, however, the Countyappoints a voting majority of the department's governing board, and the County is able to impose its willon the entity. The TCBH is presented as a discretely presented component unit because the entity doesnot provide services entirely to the County, and the department and the County do not have substantivelythe same governing boards.

Separate financial statements for the component unit can be obtained directly from:

Troup County Board ofHealth900 Dallis StreetLaGrange, Georgia 30240


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note I - Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies (Continued)

I-B. Basis ofPresentation

The County's basic financial statem~nts consist of government-wide statements, including a statement ofnet assets and a statement of activities and fund financial statements, which provide a more detailed levelof financial information.

Government-wide Financial Statements - The government-wide financial statements include thestatement ofnet assets and the statement of activities. These statements report financial information for

. the County as a whole. The primary government and the component unit are presented separately withinthese financial statements with the focus on the primary government. Individual funds are not displayedbut the statements distinguish governmental activities, generally supported by taxes and grants andCounty's general revenues. Neither fiduciary funds nor component units that are fiduciary in nature areincluded.

The statement of net assets presents the financial position of the governmental activities ofthe Countyand its discretely presented component unit at year-end.

The statement of activities presents a comparison between direct expenses and program revenues for eachfunction of the County's governmental activities. Direct expenses are those that are specificallyassociated with a function and therefore clearly identifiable to that particular function. The County doesnot allocate indirect expenses to functions in the statement of activities.

The statement of activities reports the expenses of a given function offset by program revenues directlyconnected with the functional program. A function is an assembly of similar activities and may includeportions of a fund or summarize more than one fund to capture the expenses and program revenuesassociated with a distinct functional activity. Program revenues include: (1) charges for services whichreport fees and other charges to users of the County's services; (2) operating grants and contributionswhich finance annual operating activities including restricted investment income; and (3) capital grantsand contributions which fund the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of capital assets. Theserevenues are subject to externally imposed restrictions to these program uses. For identifying to whichfunction program revenue pertains, the determining factor for chargesfor services is which functiongenerates the revenue. For grants and contributions, the determining factor is to which function therevenues are restricted.

Other revenue sources not properly included with program revenues are reported as general revenues ofthe County. The comparison of direct expenses with program revenues identifies the extent to which eachgovernmental function and each identifiable business activity is self-financing or draws from the generalrevenues of the County.

Fund Financial Statements - During the year, the County segregates transactions related to certainCounty functions or activities in separate funds in order to aid fmancial management and to demonstratelegal compliance. Fund financial statements are designed to present financial information of the Countyat this more detailed level. Fund financial statements are provided for governmental funds.

Major individual governmental funds are reported in separate columns.

Fund Accounting - The County uses funds to maintain its financial records during the year. A fund is afiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. The County uses two categories offunds: govermnental and fiduciary.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 1 - Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Governmental Funds - Governmental funds are those through which most governmentalfunctions typically are fmanced. Governmental fund reporting focuses on the sources, uses andbalances of current financial resources. Expendable assets are assigned to the variousgovernmental funds according to the purposes for which they mayor must be used. Fundliabilities are assigned to the fund from which they will be liquidated. The County reports thedifference between governmental fund assets and liabilities as fund balance. The following arethe County's major governmental funds: .

General Fund - The general fund accounts for all financial resources except thoserequired to be accounted for in another fund. The general fund's fund balance isavailable to the County for any purpose, provided it is expended or transferred accordingto the general laws of the State of Georgia.

Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund - This fund was established to account for anendowment from Callaway Foundation, Inc., which may be expended for expenses inoperating and maintaining recreation facilities.

Capital Improvements Fund - This fund accounts for capital improvements included inthe County's capital program.

Parks and Recreation Fund - This fund accounts for the revenues provided by a specialpurpose local option sales tax, intergovernmental contract proceeds and expendituresrelated to the construction ofparks and recreation facilities.

Government Services Center Fund - This fund accounts for revenues provided by aspecial purpose local option sales tax and expenditures related to the construction of anew government services center.

SPLOSTillFund - This fund accounts for the revenues provided by a special purposelocal option sales tax and expenditures related to the infrastructure improvements.

Fiduciary Funds - The County's fiduciary funds are agency funds which are custodial in natureand used primarily by the County's constitutional officers.

I-C. Measurement Focus

Government-wide Financial Statements - The government-wide financial statements are prepared usingthe economic resources measurement focus. All assets and all liabilities associated with the operation ofthe County are included on the statement ofnet assets. The statement of activities reports revenues andexpenses.

.Fund Financial Statements - All governmental funds are accounted for using a flow of current financialresources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilitiesgenerally are included on the balance sheet. The statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fundbalances reports the sources (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) and uses (i.e., expenditures andother financing uses) of current financial resources. This approach differs from the manner in which thegovernmental activities of the government-wide fmancial statements are prepared. Governmental fundfinancial statements therefore include a reconciliation with brief explanations to better identify therelationship between the government-wide statements and the governmental fund statements. Fiduciaryfunds employ the economic resources measurement focus.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30,2009

Note 1 - Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies (Continued)

I-D. Basis ofAccounting

Basis of accounting determines when transactions are recorded in the financial records and reported onthe financial statements. Government-wide financial statements are prepared using the accrual basis ofaccounting. At the fund reporting level, the governmental funds use the modified accrual basis ofaccounting. Differences in the accrual and the modified accrual basis of accounting arise in therecognition of revenue, the recording of deferred revenue, and in the presentation of expenses versusexpenditures. Fiduciary funds use the accrual basis of accounting.

Revenues - Exchange Transactions - Revenue resulting from exchange transactions, in which each partygives and receives essentially equal value, are recorded on the accrual basis when the exchange takesplace. On the modified accrual basis, revenue is recorded when the exchange takes place and in the fiscalyear in which the resources are measurable and become available. Available means that the resources.

,will be collected within the current fiscal year or are expected to be collected soon enough thereafter to beused to pay liabilities ofthe current fiscal year. For the County, the phrase "available for exchangetransactions" means expected to be received within 60 days of year-end.

Revenues - Non-exchange Transactions - Non-exchange transactions in which the County receives valuewithout directly giving equal value in return, include sales taxes, property taxes, grants and donations. Onan accrual basis, revenue from sales taxes is recognized in the period in which the taxable sale takesplace. Revenue from property taxes is recognized in the fiscal year for which the taxes are levied. (Note3-C) Revenue from grants and donations is recognized in the fiscal year in which all eligibilityrequirements have been satisfied. Eligibility requirements include timing requirements, which specify theyear when the resources are required to be used or the year when use is first permitted; matchingrequirements, in which the County must provide local resources to be used for a specified purpose; andexpenditure requirements, in which the resources are provided to the County on a reimbursement basis.On a modified accrual basis, revenue from non-exchange transactions also must be available (i.e.,collected within 60 days) before it can be recognized.

Under the modified accrual basis, the following revenue sources are considered to be susceptible toaccrual: property taxes, sales taxes, investment earnings and federal and state grants.

Deferred Revenue - Deferred revenue arises when assets are recognized before revenue recognitioncriteria have been satisfied.

On governmental fund financial statements (i.e., on the modified accrual basis), receivables that will notbe collected within the available period have been reported as deferred revenue (i.e., they are measurablebut not available) rather than as revenue.

Grants and entitlements received before the eligibility requirements are met (e.g., cash advances) also arerecorded as deferred revenue.

ExpenseslExpenditures - On the accrual basis of accounting, expenses are recognized atthe time they areincurred. On the modified accrual basis, expenditures generally are recognized in the accounting periodin which the related fund liability is incurred and due, ifmeasurable.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 1 - Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies (Continued)

1-E. Assets, Liabilities and Fund Equity

1-E-1 Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Investments

Cash and cash equivalents include amounts in demand deposits as well as short-term investments with amaturity date within three months of the date acquired by the County.

Investments are stated at fair value based on quoted market prices.

Georgia law authorizes the County to invest in the following type of obligations:

• Obligations ofthe State of Georgia or of any other states• Obligations of the United States Government• Obligations fully insured or guaranteed by the government or government agencyII Obligations of any corporation of the government• Prime bankers' acceptancesII The State of Georgia local government investment pool (i.e., Georgia Fund 1)• Repurchase agreements• Obligations of the other political subdivisions of the State of Georgia

1-E-2 Receivables

All trade and property tax receivables are reported net of an allowance for uncollectibles, whereapplicable.

1-E-3 Inteifund Balances

On the fund financial statements, receivables and payables resulting from short-term interfund loans areclassified as "interfund receivables/interfund payables." These amounts are eliminated in thegovernmental activities colUJIl.ri of the statement ofnet assets

1-E-4 Consumable Inventories

On the government-wide financial statements, inventories are presented at the lower of cost or market ona first-in, first-out basis and are expensed when used (i.e., the consumption method).

On the fund ftnancial statements, inventories of governmental funds are stated at cost. For all funds, costis determined on a first in, first out basis. The cost of inventory items is recorded as an expenditure in thegovernmental fund types when purchased. At the fund reporting level, an equal amount of fund balanceis reserved indicating this amount is not available for general appropriation.

1-E-5 Prepaid Items

Payments made to vendors for services that will beneftt periods beyond June 30, 2009, are recorded asprepaid items using the consumption method by recording an asset for the prepaid amount and reflectip.gthe expenditure/expense in the year in which services are consumed. At the fund reporting level, an equalamount of fund balance is reserved as this amount is not available for general appropriation.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 1 - Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies (Continued)

l-E-6 Capital Assets

General capital assets are those assets specifically related to governmental activities. These assets. generally result from expenditures in governmental funds. The County reports these assets in thegovernmental activities column of the government-wide statement ofnet assets but does not report theseassets in the governmental fund financial statements.

All capital assets are capitalized at cost (or estimated historical cost) and updated for additions andretirements during the year. Donated capital assets are recorded at their fair market values as of the datereceived. The County maintains a capitalization threshold of five thousand dollars. The County's.infrastructure consists primarily of roads and bridges. Infrastructure acquired prior to fiscal years endedafter June 30, 1980 and prior to the implementation of GASB Statement No. 34 has been reported.Improvements to capital assets are capitalized. The costs ofnormal maintenance and repairs that do notadd to the value of1J;le asset or materially extend an asset's life are expensed.

All reported capital assets are depreciated except for land and construction in progress. Improvements aredepreciated over the remaining useful lives of the related capital assets. Useful lives for infrastructurewere estimated based on the County's historical records ofnecessary improvements and replacement.Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the following useful lives:

Asset Class


Machinery and equipment


l-E-7 Compensated Absences

GovernmentalActivitiesEstimated Lives

50 years

3 -7 years

40 years

Vacation benefits are accrued as a liability as the benefits are earned if the employees' rights to receivecompensation are attributable to services already rendered and it is probable that the employer willcompensate the employees for the benefits through paid time off or some other means.

All compensated absence liabilities include salary-related payments, where applicable.

The total compensated absence liability is reported on the government-wide financial statements.Governmental funds report the compensated absence liability at the fund reporting level only "when due."

l-E-8 AccruedLiabilities and Long-term Obligations

All payables, accrued liabilities and long-term obligations are reported in the government-wide financialstatements.

In general, governmental fund payables and accrued liabilities that, once incurred, are paid in a timelymanner and in full from current financial resources, are reported as obligations of these funds. However,compensated absences that will be paid from governmental funds are reported as a liability in the fundfinancial statements only to the extent that they are "due for payment" during the current year. Theintergovernmental agreement, the claims and the landfill closure and post-closure care costs arerecognized as liabilities in the governmental fund financial statements when due.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 1 - Summary ofSignificant Accounting Policies (Continued)

l-E-9 Fund Equity

Fund equity at the governmental fund financial reporting level is classified as "fund balance." Fundequity for all other reporting is classified as "net assets."

Fund Balance - Generally, fund balance represents the difference between the current assets and currentliabilities. The County reserves those portions of fund balance which are legally segregated for a specificfuture use or which do not represent available, spendable resources and therefore are not available forappropriation or expenditure. Unreserved fund balance indicates that portion of fund balance that isavailable for appropriation in future periods. Designations are management's intent to set aside theseresources for specific services.

Net Assets - Net assets represent the difference between assets and liabilities~ Net assets invested incapital assets, net of related debt, consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, reduced bythe outstanding balances of any borrowing used for the acquisition, construction or improvement of thoseassets. This net asset amount also is adjusted by any bond issuance deferral amounts. Net assets arereported as restricted when there are limitations imposed on their use either through the enablinglegislation adopted by the County or through external restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors or lawsor regulations of other governments. All other net assets are reported as unrestricted.

The County applies restricted resources first when an expense is incurred for purposes for which bothrestricted and unrestricted net assets are available.

l-E-IO Interfund Activity

Exchange transactions between funds are reported as revenues in the seller funds and asexpenditures/expenses in the purchaser funds. Flows of cash or goods from one fund to another without arequirement for repayment are reported as interfund transfers. Interfund transfers are reported as otherfinancing sources/uses in governmental funds. Repayments from funds responsible for particularexpenditures/expenses to the funds that initially paid for them are not presented on the financialstatements (i.e., they are netted).

Transfers between funds reported in the governmental activities column are eliminated.

l-E-ll Estimates

The preparation of the fmancial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted inthe United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amountsreported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results may differ from thoseestimates.

l-E-12 Comparative Data

Comparative total data for the prior year have been presented only for individual funds in the fundfmancial statements in order to provide an understanding of the changes in the :f'iillmcial position andoperations of these funds. Also, certain amounts presented in the prior year data have been reclassified tobe consistent with the current year's presentation. Certain revenues are classified as intergovernmental atthe fund reporting level but reclassified as charges for services at the government-wide reporting level.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 2 - Stewardship, Compliance and Accountability

2-A. Budgetary Information

The County adopts an annual operating budget for the general fund and each special revenue fund. Aproject budget is adopted for each capital projects fund. The budget resolution reflects the total of eachdepartment's appropriation in each fund.

The general and special revenue fund budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with GAAP. Budgets forcapital projects funds are adopted on a basis consistent with GAAP except the budget period is a projectperiod rather than an annual period.

The legal level of control (the level at which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations) for eachadopted annual operating budget generally is the department level within each individual fund. Anychange in total to a fund or departmental appropriation within a fund requires approval of the Board ofConiinissioners.

The County Manager may approve budget transfers within departments. During the year, the Board ofCommissioners approved budget revisions.

All unexpended annual appropriations lapse at year-end.

2-B. Deficit Fund Equities

The following individual funds had deficit fund balances at the fund reporting level at June 30, 2009:

Capital Improvements FundParks and RecreationGovernment Services CenterSenior Center Expansion

$ 6,874,515279,834369,38399,295

The deficit fund balances will be liquidated through general fund revenues appropriated for completion ofthe projects.

(The notes to the basic financial statements continue on the next page.)


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds

3-A. Deposits and Investments

Deposits - Custodial Credit RiskCustodial credit risk is the risk that in the event of a bank failure, the County's deposits may not bereturned to it. The County does not have a deposit policy for custodial risk. As of June 30, 2009,$9,848,156 ofthe County's bank balance of $35,089,627 was exposed to custodial credit risk as follows:

Uninsured and UncollateralizedUninsured and Collateral held by Pledging Bank's

Trust Department in the County's Name


$ 206,304


$ 9,848,156

The component unit's deposits were entirely covered by federal depository insurance and collateral heldby the custodial bank in the unit's name arid in the State of Georgia Pledging Pool.

Deposits - External Investment PoolA portion of the County's deposits at June 30,2009 were invested in Georgia Fund I. It was created byOCGA 36-83-8, and is a stable net asset value investment pool that follows Standard and Poor's criteriafor AAA rated money market funds. However, the State of Georgia Office of Treasury operates GeorgiaFund I in a manner consistent with rule 2a-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and it is consideredto be a 2a-7 like pooL The pool is not registered with the SEC as an investment company. The pool'sprimary objectives are safety of capital, investment income, liquidity and diversification whilemaintaining principal ($1 par share value). Net asset value is calculated weekly to ensure stability. Thepool distributes earnings (net of management fees) on a monthly basis and determines participant's sharessold and redeemed based on $1 per share.

Investments - Credit Risk

As of June 30, 2009, the County had the following investments:

Investment Types

Endowment:Ridgeworth Prime Quality Money Market FundMutual FundsSunTrust High Quality Intermediate Fund




Fair Value

$ 14,4663,687,0382,011,324

$ 5,712,828

The above are investments held by the Troup County Recreation Endowment Fund. The Troup CountyRecreation Endc;>wment Fund is a separate legal entity and is presented as a blended component unit forfinancial statement reporting.

Georgia law authorizes the County to invest in limited types of obligations (see note l-E-l). The Countyhas no investment policy that would further limit the investment choices. As of June 30, 2009 theCounty's investment in Ridgeworth Prime Quality Money Market Fund and in SunTrust IntermediateHigh Quality Bond Fund has an AAA rating by S&P. All other 'investments are unrated.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

Investments - Interest Rate Risk

The County does not have a formal investment policy that limits investment maturities as a means ofmanaging its exposure to fair value losses arising from increasing interest rates. However, the County'scurrent investments are all short-term in nature. .

Investments - Concentration ofCredit RiskThe County places no limit on the amounts that may be invested in anyone issuer. However, theCounty's current investments amount to no more than five percent of total investments with anyoneissuer, or are invested in mutual funds that are exempt from this provision.

3-B. Receivables

Receivables at June 30,2009, consisted of taxes, interest, accounts, and intergovernmental receivablesarising from grants.

Receivables and payables are recorded on the County's financial statements to the extent that the amountsare determined to be material and substantiated not only by supporting documentation, but also by areasonable, systematic method of determining their existence, completeness, valuation, and in the case ofreceivables, collectability.

3-C. Property Taxes

Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1, based on property tax values asassessed on that same date. Taxes are levied by September 15 and are due by November 15 of the sameyear. After November 15, the bill becomes delinquent and penalties and interest may be assessed by thegovernment. The County bills and collects its own property taxes and also taxes for the State of Georgia,the Troup County Board ofEducation, the Downtown LaGrange Development Authority, the City ofLaGrange, the City ofHogansville, and the City of West Point. The collections and remittances areaccounted for in the County Tax Commissioner agency fund.

(The notes to the basic financial statements continue on the next page.)


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

3-D. Capital Assets

Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2009, was as follows:

Balance Balance

July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 2009Governmental activities:

Capital assets not being depreciated:

Land $ 15,848,146 $ 490,535 $ 7,500 $ 16,331,181

Construction in progress 733,899 1,812,246 733,899 1,812,246

Total non-depreciable assets 16,582,045 2,302,781 741,399 18,143,427

Other capital assets:

Buildings 60,622,083 1,987,986 78,106 62,531,963Machinery and equipment 19,788,488 2,081,104 121,648 21,747,944Infrastructure 27,383,129 3,903,099 31,286,228

Total other capital assets 107,793,700 7,972,189 199,754 115,566,135

Total cost 124,375,745 10,274,970 941,153 133,709,562

Accumulated depreciation:Buildings 6,425,234 1,228,907 31,111 7,623,030Machinery and equipment 11,535,942 1,108,202 113,975 12,530,169Infrastructure 9,517,441 397,962 9,915,403

Total accumulated depreciation 27,478,617 2,735,071 145,086 30,068,602

Governmental activities capital assets, net $ 96,897,128 $ 7,539,899 $ 796,067 $ 103,640,960

Governmental activities depreciation expense

General governmentPublic safety

Highway and streets

Health and welfareCulture and recreation

Total governmental activities depreciation expense


$ 731,027716,295



$ 2,735,071

Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

BalanceJuly 1, 2008

Component unitAdditions Deductions

BalanceJune 30, 2009

Depreciable capital assets:Machinery and equipmentLess accumulated depreciation

$ 1,980,3001,712,740

$ 146,361 $


914$ 2,125,148


Component unit capital assets, net

-3-E. - Interfund Balances and Transfers

$ 267,560 $ 34,042 $ 599 $ 301,003====

Interfund balances at June 30, 2009, consisted of the following amounts and represent charges forservices or reimbursable expenses. These remaining balances resulted from the time lag between the datesthat (1) interfund goods or services are provided or reimbursable expenditures occur, (2) transactions are

. -recorded in the accounting period, and (3) payments between funds are made. The County expects torepay all interfund balances within one year.

Payable from:Parks Government

Capital and Recreation Services Center Jail Senior CenterImprovements Fund Fund Fund Fund Total

$ 6,747,355 $ $ 596,820 $ 10 $ 109,233 $ 7,453,418160 160

84,495 4,613 89,108

Payable to:

General FundJail FundCapitalImprovements

Parks andRecreation Fund

Government ServicesCenter Fund

SPLOSTillFund 37,262





Total $ 6,784,617 =$==3=46=,1=26= $ 609,647 =$==10= =$==10=9,3=93= $ 7,849,793

Interfund transfers consist of $482,673 transferred from the General Fund to the Emergency 9-1-1 Fund tosubsidize the operation of the Emergency 9-1-1 center. Additionally, $70,679 was transferred from theHotellMotel Tax Fund to the General Fund. This amount represents the remaining portion of HotellMoteltax after compliance with the requirements ofOCGA 48-13-51 (See note 4-F).


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

3-F. Long-term Debt

Intergovernmental Agreements - Troup County has entered into two intergovernmental contracts:

The LaGrange Development Authority (the "Issuer"), the Troup County Development Authority,LaGrange, and Troup County entered into an intergovernmental contract under which the Issuer is toacquire, construct and equip a new industrial park (Callaway South Industrial Park) on approximately1,100 acres located within LaGrange. The issuer issued two series of revenue bonds, Series 2007A in theaggregate principal amount of $1 ,565,000 and Series 2007B in the aggregate principal amount of$5,285,000. The revenue bonds are secured by the intergovernmental contract under which LaGrangeand Troup County have agreed to each pay one-half of the debt service on the bonds when due,commencing in February 2008. The Issuer is obligated for up to 50 years to reimburse LaGrange andTroup County for payments made under the intergovernmental contract from net proceeds received fromthe sale or lease ofparcels.

Commitment - On July 1, 2008, Troup County entered into an agreement with the LaGrange-TroupCounty Hospital Authority (the "Authority") to support the Authority's effort to finance the acquisitionand construction of additional healthcare facilities and renovations to existing healthcare facilities inTroup County. The Authority issued Revenue Anticipation Certificates, Series 2008A in the aggregateprincipal amount of $46,590,000. Troup County has pledged to levy property taxes up to seven mills, toprovide funds to service the principal and interest payments in the event of default by the Authority.

Capital Leases - During 2007, the County entered into a capital lease obligation for telecommunicationequipment and systems. The telecommunication equipment held under the capital lease at June 30, 2009had a cost of $274,987. The capital lease requires a monthly payment of $5,613 including an interest rateof 5.0% for a term of sixty months.

During 2008, the County entered into a capital lease obligation for machinery and equipment. Themachinery and equipment held under the capital lease at June 30, 2009 had a cost of$1,987,396. Thecapital lease requires an annual payment of $307,000 including an interest rate of4.4% for a term of fiveyears.

The future minimum lease obligations and the net present value of the minimum lease payments for theleases are as follows:

Year EndingJune 30,


TotalLess: amount representing interest

Present value of minimum lease payments



$ 374,356351,904306,700



$ 1,875,338

Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

Changes in Long-term Debt - Changes in the County's 10ng-teITIl obligations consisted of the followingfor the year ended June 30, 2009:

Outstanding Outstanding Amount DueJuly 1,2008 Additions Reductions June 30, 2009 in One Year

Governmental Activities

Compensated absences $ 955,878 $ 388,761 $ 322,089 $ 1,022,550 $ 713Claims 414,930 3,753,012 3,691,721 476,221 428,599Capital Lease (2007) 167,831 60,335 107,496 63,423Capital Lease (2008) 1,987,396 219,554 1,767,842 229,214LandIuI' closure and

post-closure care 150,072 40,107 190,179Intergovernmental Contract (2007A) 782,500 782,500

Illtergovernmental Contract (2007B) 2,642,500. 92,500 2,550,000 97,500

Total Governmental Activities $ 7,101,107 $ 4,181,880 $ 4,386,199 $ 6,896,788 $ 819,449

Component Unit

Compensated absences $ 477,589 $ 21,971 $ $ 499,560 $

The compensated absences payable, the claims payable, the capital lease (2008), the landfill closure andpost-closure care costs payable, intergovernmental contract 2007A and intergovernmental contract 2007Bare being paid from the general fund.

3-G. Landfill Closure and Postclosure Care Costs

State and Federal laws and regulations require that the County place a final cover on its construction anddemolition (C & D) landfill when closed and perfoITIl certain maintenance and monitoring functions at thelandfill site for five years after closure. In addition to operating expenses related to current year activityof the landfill, an estimated liability is being recognized based on the future closure and postclosure carecosts that will be incurred near or after the date the C & D landfill no longer accepts waste. Therecognition ofthose landfill closure and postclosure care costs is based on the arnpunt of the landfill usedduring the year. The estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure care costs is $190,179 as ofJune 30,2009, which is based on 42.37% usage (filled) of the landfill. It is estimated that an additionalliability of $258,674 will be recognized as closure and postclosure care costs between the date ofthebalance sheet and the date the landfill is expected to be filled to capacity (2016). The estimated totalcurrent cost of the landfill closure and postclosure care ($448,853) is based on the amount that would bepaid if all equipment, facilities, and services required to close, monitor and maintain the C & D landfillwere acquired as of June 30, 2009. However, the actual cost of closure and postclosure care may behigher due to inflation, changes in technology, or changes in landfill laws and regulations.

The County has undesignated funds in the General Fund in excess of $20 million at June 30, 2009. Noreserve is deemed necessary.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

3-H. Pensions

A. Plan Description

The County contributes to the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia ("ACCG") DefinedBenefit Plan ("Plan"), an agent multiple-employer public employee retirement system that acts as acommon investment and administrative agent for participating counties in Georgia. The County's payrollfor employees covered by the Plan as of January 1,2008 (the most recent actuarial valuation date) was$14,583,693 (based on covered earnings for the preceding year). The County's total payroll was$18,261,510. The ACCG issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements andrequired supplementary information for Troup County.

All full time County employees are eligible to participate in the Plan after completing one year of service.Benefits vest after five years of service. Participants become eligible to retire at the earlier of: a) age 65with 3 years ofparticipation in the Plan, b) age 55 and 30 years of service, or c) age 60 and 20 years ofservice. Upon eligibility to retire, participants are entitled to an annual benefit in the amount of the sumof: a) 2.67% of average annual compenSation for each year of service prior to January 1, 1989 to amaximum of 15 years and b) 1.8% of average annual compensation for each year of service afterDecember 31, 1988, payable as a 50% Joint and Survivor annuity. Compensation is averaged over a fiveyear period prior to retirement or termination. The Plan also provides benefits in the event of death ordisability. These benefit provisions were established by an adoption agreement executed by the CountyBoard of Commissioners.

B. Funding Policy

The County is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate. Section 47-20 of the Georgia Codesets forth the funding standards for state and local governmental pension plans. Administrative expensesare based on total covered payroll ofplan members and are added to the annual funding requirement.

The Georgia Constitution enables the governing authority of the County, the Board of Commissioners, toestablish and amend from time to time, the contribution rates for the employer and its plan members.

County employees are not required to contribute to the Plan.

For 2008, the County's annual pension cost of$I,211,276 exceeded the County's required and actualcontributions. The required contribution was determined as part of the January 1,2008 actuarialvaluation using the projected unit credit actuarial cost method. The actuarial assumptions included (a)8.0% investment rate of return, (b) projected salary increases of 6.0% per year, and 0% per year cost-of­living adjustments. Both (a) and (b) included an inflation component of3%. The asset valuation methodused is market value. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability is being amortized as a level dollar ofprojected payroll on a closed basis. The remaining amortization period at January 1, 2008, was 10 years.

A copy of the plan's financial report may be obtained from:

County Employee Benefits Corporation of Georgia1100 Circle 74 Parkway, Suite 300Atlanta, Georgia 30339


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

Schedule of Funding Progress(Dollars in thousands)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) UAALasaActuarial Actu1irial Actuarial Funded Unfimded Annual Percentage ofValuation Value Accrued Ratio AAL/(UAAL) Covered Covered

Date ofAssets Liability (AAL) (1)/(2) (2)-(1) Payroll Payroll

12/31/2006 $ 16,810 $ 17,055 98.6% $ 245 $ 12,739 1.90/012/31/2007 18,500 19,402 95.4% 902 14,141 6.4%12/31/2008 18,464 21,636 85.3% 3,173 14,584 21.8%

Schedule of Employer Contributions

(Dollars in thousands)

Annual AnnualRequired Percentage Pension Percentage

Year Ended Contributi on Contributed Cost Contributed

6/30/2007 $ 1,044 100% $ 1,044 100%

6/30/2008 1,072 100% 1,072 100%6/30/2009 1,192 100% 1,211 102%

(The notes to the basic financial statements continue on the next page)


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30,2009

Note 3 - Detailed Notes on All Funds (Continued)

3-L NetAssets

Net assets invested in capital assets, net of related debt and net assets restricted for program purposes onthe Government-wide statement ofnet assets as of June 30, 2009 are detailed as follows:

Invested in capital assets, net of related debt:

Cost of capital assets

Less capital lease related debt

Less accumulated depreciation

Invested in capital assets, net of related debt

Restricted for program purposes:



$ 133,709,560



$ 101,765,619

Drug abuse treatment and education

VictimlWitness assistance fund

Juvenile Supervision

Restricted for program purposes

Note 4 - Other Notes

4-A. Risk Management







The County is exposed to various risks of losses related to torts, thefts of, damage to and destructions ofassets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; and natural disasters. During 1987 in an effort to holddown the cost of rising medical and health insurance, the County began paying part of its employee'sclaims out of its general fund. For the plan year ending September 30, 2009 the County is self-insured forclaims up to $90,000 per employee for a maximum of approximately $5,696,000 in the aggregate forclaims incurred and paid within the plan year. Claims exceeding this amount are covered by a privateinsurance carrier. The County includes dental insurance coverage for its employees in its self-insuranceplan.

The County has joined together with other counties in the state as part of the Association of CountyCommissioners of Georgia Self-Insurance Workers Compensation Fund, a public entity risk poolcurrently operating as a common risk management and insurance program for member local governments.

As part ofthis risk pool, the County is obligated to pay all contributions and assessments as prescribed bythe pool, to cooperate with the pool's agents and attorneys, to follow lo~s reduction proceduresestablished by the fund, and to report as promptly as possible, and in accordance with any coveragedescriptions issued, all incidents which could result in the fund being required to pay any claim of loss.The County is also to allow the pool's agents and attorneys to represent the County in investigation,settlement discussions and all levels of litigation arising out of any claim made against the County withinthe scope of loss protection furnished by the fund.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 4 - Other Notes (Continued)

The fund is to defend and protect the members ofthe fund against liability or loss as prescribed in themember government contract and in accordance with worker's compensation law of Georgia. The fund isto pay all cost taxed against members in any legal proceeding defended by the members, all interestaccruing after entry ofjudgment, and all expenses incurred for investigation, negotiation or defense.

Settled claims have not exceeded commercial coverage in any of the past three fiscal years.

Claims expenditures and liabilities are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and theamount of that loss can be reasonably estimated. These losses include an estimate of claims that havebeen incurred but not reported.

Changes in the reported liability since June 30, 2006 resulted from the following:

Beginning of Current Year End of

Fiscal Year Claims and Changes Claims Fiscal Year

Date Liability in Estimates Payments Liability

2007 $ 360,967 $ 3,441,124 $ 3,419,462 $ 382,629

2008 382,629 4,350,907 4,318,606 414,930

2009 414,930 3,753,012 3,691,721 476,221

There were no significant reductions in insurance coverage from prior year, and there have been nosettlements that exceed the County's insurance coverage during the past three years.

4-B. Postemployment Healthcare Plan

A. Plan Description

The County provides postemployment benefits (OPEB) for healthcare to eligible retirees and theirdependents under the County's self-insurance plan. The plan is a singJe-employer defined benefit plan.The benefits are provided in accordance with County ordinances and policies.

Eligible retirees are those persons who:1. Retired from active service of the employer on or after August 1, 19902. At retirement have a minimum of 15 years continuous active service with the employer; and3. Are at least age 50 at retirement; and4. Elect to contribute to the Plan the contribution required for a retired employee.

The portion ofpremiums contributed by the retired employee is determined based on years of service andrange from 25% to 50%.

B. Funding Policy

The contribution requirements ofparticipants and the County are established by and may be amended bythe Board of Commissioners. The required contributions are based on projected pay-as-you go financingrequirements as determined annually by the County.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 4 - Other Notes (Continued)

C. Annual OPEB Cost and Net OPEB Obligation

The CoUnty's annual other postemployment benefit (OPEB) cost (expense) is calculated based on theannual required contribution (ARC) ofthe employer, an amount actuariaily determined in accordancewith the parameters of Government Accounting Standards Board Statement 45, "Accounting andFinancial Reporting by Employers/or Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions." The ARCrepresents the level of funding that, ifpaid on an ongoing basis, is projected to cover normal cost eachyear and amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities (or funding excess) over a period not to exceed thirtyyears. The following table shows the components of the County's annual OPEB cost for the year, theamount actually contributed to the plan, and changes in the County's net OPEB obligation to the plan:


Determination of Annual Required Contribution

Nonnal Cost at year end

Amortization ofUAAL

Annual Required Contribution (ARC)

Determination ofNet OPEB Obligation

Annual Required Contribution

Interest on prior year Net OPEB Obligation

Adjustments to ARC

Annual OPEB Cost

Contributions made*

Increase in Net OPEB Obligation

Net OPEB Obligation, beginning of year

Net OPEB Obligation, end ofyear **















* Employer contributions will be equal to the net expected employer benefit payments (gross benefit

cost offset by the retiree's contributions) during the 2009 fiscal year plus any additional funds the

County will place in a GASB 45 qualifying trust. GASB 45 defines contributions for this purpose

to be actual benefit payments during the year plus contributions, ifany, to a separate,

irrevocable trust.

** The Net OPEB Obligation has been calculated using Estimated Employer Contributions for 2009


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30,2009

Note 4 - Other Notl!s (Continued)

The County's annual OPEB cost, the percentage of annual OPEB cost contributed to the plan, and the netOPEB obligation for the year ended June 30, 2009 are as follows:

Percentage of

Fiscal Annual OPEB Cost NetOPEB

Year Ended OPEB Cost Contributed Obligation

6/30/2007 N/A N/A N/A

6/30/2008 N/A N/A N/A

6/30/2009 $ 640,834 14.39% $ 548,507

D. Funded Status and Funding Progress

As of June 30, 2009, the most recent actuarial valuation date, the County's funding has been limited toparticipant contributions. The actuarial accrued liability (AAL) for benefits was $5,177,427. Thisamount is also the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL).

Actuarial valuations of an ongoing plan involve estimates of the value of reported amounts andassumptions about the probability of occurrence of events far into the future. Examples includeassumptions about future employment, mortality, and the healthcare cost trend..Amounts determinedregarding the funded status of the plan and the annual required contributions of the employer are subjectto continual revision as actual results are compared with past expectations and new estimates are madeabout the future. The schedule of funding progress, presented as required supplementary informationfollowing the notes to the financial statements, presents multiyear trend information about whether theactuarial value ofplan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actuarial accruedliabilities for benefits.

E. ActuarialMethods andAssumptions

Projections ofbenefits for financial reporting purposes are based on the substantive plan (the plan asunderstood by the employer and the plan members) and include the types ofbenefits provided at the timeof each valuation and the historical pattern of sharing ofbenefit costs between the employer and planmembers to that point. The actuarial methods and assumptions used include techniques that are designedto reduce the effects of short-term volatility in actuarial accrued liabilities and the actuarial value ofassets, consistent with the long-term perspective of the calculators.

In the June 30, 2009, actuarial valuation, the unit credit actuarial cost method was used. The actuarialassumptions include a 4.0 percent discount rate, which is a blended rate of the expected long-terminvestment returns on the employer's own investments calculated based on the funded level ofthe plan atthe valuation date. Other actuarial assumptions include mortality rates, withdrawal rates based on the ageof the employee, disability rates, retirement rates and an annual healthcare cost trend rate of 6.5 percentinitially, reduced by decrements to a rate of 6.0 percent after ten years. The VAAL is being amortizedover the maximum permissible amortization period of thirty years.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 4 - Other Notes (Continued)

4-C. Commitments

The County has entered into various noncancellable scheduled maintenance lease agreements that expireon June 30,2012. Future minimum lease payments under the leases are as follows:

4-D. Contingent Liabilities


$ 57,60754,000


$ 112,957

The County has received federal and state grants for specific purposes that are subject to review and auditby the grantor agencies or their designee. These audits could result in a request for reimbursement to thegrantor agency for costs disallowed under terms of the grant. Based on prior experience, the Countybelieves such disallowances, if any, will be immaterial. '

The County was a defendant in several lawsuits at June 30, 2009. In the opinion of County management,the outcome ofthese contingencies will not have a material effect on the fmancial position of the County.

4-E. Joint Ventures

Under Georgia Law, the County, in conjunction with other counties and cities in the ten county westcentral Georgia area, is a member ofthe Three Rivers Regional CoIi:1mission (RC) and is required to payannual dues thereto. During the year ended June 30, 2009, the County paid $29,365 in such dues.Membership in a RC is required by the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) Section 50-8-34which provides for the organizational structure of the RC in Georgia. The RC Board membershipincludes the chief elected official of each county and municipality of the area.

OCGA 50-8-39.1 provides that the member governments are liable for any debts or obligations ofaRC.Separate financial statements may be obtained from:

Three Rivers Regional Commission120 North Hill StreetP. O. Box 818Griffin, Georgia 30224

4-F. HotellMotel Taxes

The County levies and collects a hotel/motel tax in accordance with the provisions of Section 48-13-51 ofthe Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA). The County levies and collects the tax at a rate of 5%.

During the fiscal year ended June 30,2009, the County collected $124,805 in hotel/motel taxes. Inaccordance with OCGA 48-13-51, the County expended $54,126. Expenditures exceed 40% ofcollections and meet the statutory requirement.


Troup County, GeorgiaNotes to the Basic Financial Statements

For the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Note 4 - Other Notes (Continued)

4-G. Deferred Compensation Plan

The County provides an opportunity for employees to participate in a deferred compensation plan,commonly referred to as a 457 Plan. The County does not make contributions to the plan. Employeeelected contributions are maintained in separate accounts for each employee by the third partyadministrator.




Troup County, GeorgiaSchedule ofFunding Progress

Postemployment Healthcare PlanYear Ended June 30, 2009


Actuarial Actuarial Actuarial Actuarial

Valuation Value Liabilities Liabilities Funded

Date ofAssets (AAL) (1) (VAAL) (2) Ratio

July 1, 2006 N/A N/A N/A N/A

July 1, 2007 N/A N/A N/A N/A

July 1, 2008 $ $ 5,177,427 $ 5,177,427 0.00%

(1) Actuarial liability determined under the unit credit cost method.

(2) Actuarial liability less actuarial value of assets, if any.








Percentage of









Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Balance Sheet - By Fund Type

Nonmajor Governmental FundsJune 30, 2009

Nonmajor Nonmajor TotalSpecial Capital Nonmajor

Revenue Projects GovernmentalFunds Funds Funds

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 572,986 $ 345,404 $ 918,390Intergovernmental receivable 7,298 7,298Interfund receivable 160 160

Total Assets $. 580,284 $ 345,564 $ 925,848

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 5,504 $ 54,266 $ 59,770Interfund payable 109,403 109,403

Total Liabilities 5,504 163,669 169,173

Fund Balances (Deficits)Reserved for:

Program purposes 574,780 574,780Capital outlay 281,190 281,190

Umeserved - undesignated (deficits) (99,295) (99,295)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) 574,780 181,895 756,675

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 580,284 $. 345,564 $ 925,848


Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - By Fund Type

Nonmajor Governmental FundsFor The Year Ended June 30, 2009

Nonmajor Nonmajor TotalSpecial Capital Nonmajor

Revenue Projects GovernmentalFunds Funds Funds

RevenuesOther taxes $ 124,805 $ $ 124,805Intergovernmental 835,436 835,436Charges for services 936,764 936,764Fines and forfeitures 185,872 185,872Investment earnings 8,834 8,811 17,645

Total Revenues 1,256,275 844,247 2,100,522

ExpendituresCurrent:General government 386 386Public safety 1,381,211 1,381,211Health and welfare 223,842 223,842

Capital Outlay 2,208,777 2,208,777

Total Expenditures 1,605,053 2,209,163 3,81,4,216

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues.Over (Under) Expenditures (348,778) (1,364,916) (1,713,694)

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Transfers in 482,673 482,673Transfers out (70,679) (70,679)

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 411,994 411,994

Net change in fund balances 63,216 (1,364,916) (1,301,700)

Fund Balances Beginning of Year 511,564 1,546,811 2,058,375

Fund Balances End of Year $ 574,780 $ 181,895 $ 756,675



Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30,2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalentsReceivables:

AccountsSales taxesOther taxesIntergovernmentalInterfund

InventoryPrepaid items

Total Assets

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payableAccrued expendituresJnterfund payableDeferred revenue

Total Liabilities

2009 2008

$ 13,061,757 $ 13,251,095

448,705 269,828769,218 941,687

93,951 127,622407,666 378,980

7,453,418 6,881,042195,002 196,730498,114 493,856

$ 22,927,831 $ 22,540,840

$ 759,034 $ 825,722704,862 641,412

63511,292 31,247

1,475,188 1,499,016

Fund BalancesReserved for:

EncumbrancesInventoryPrepaid itemsCulture and recreation


Total Fund Balances

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances





$ 22,927,831




$ 22,540,840

Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Fund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges ill Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

RevenuesProperty taxesSales taxesOther taxesIntergovernmentalLicenses and permitsCharges for servicesFines and forfeituresInvestment earningsContributionsMiscellaneous

Total Revenues


General governmentJudicialPublic safetyHighwaysandstre~s

Health and welfareCulture and recreationConservation

Capital OutlayDebt Service

Principal RetirementInterest and fiscal charges

Total Expenditures

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Sale of capital assetsCapital leaseTransfers inTransfers out

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)

Net Change in Fund Balances

Fund Balances Beginning of Year

Increase in Reserve in Inventory & Prepaids

Fund Balances End of Year


2009 2008

$ 21,969,112 $ 21,039,0634,807,415 5,097,4021,780,043 1,772,1724,370,981 4,207,161

200,906 188,3542,481,241 2,760,3681,496,862 1,902,612

143,020 494,24526,000

982,095 1,042,916

38,231,675 38,530,293

3,649,794 3,489,3684,720,706 4,531,450

19,479,214 19,105,5172,828,385 2,886,017

731,287 708,0814,848,855 4,958,188

167,530 167,567395,372 3,090,201

312,054285,446 125,950

37,418,643 39,062,339

813,032 (532,046)

7,251 576,1101,987,396

70,679 76,947(482,673) (546,104)

(404,743) 2,094,349

408,289 1,562,303

21,041,824 19,582,316

2,530 (102,795)

$ 21,452,643 $ 21,041,824

Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Fund

Schedule ofRevenues - Budget andActualFor The Year Ellded JUlle 30, 2009

(With Actual Amoullts For The Year Ellded JUlle 30,2008)

2009 2008Variance

Original Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

Property taxes:Real $ 19,951,850 $ 19,951,850 $ 19,786,187 $ (165,663) $ 19,255,845Intangible 406,000 406,000 346,736 (59,264) 324,773Motor vehicle 1,582,782 1,582,782 1,836,189 253,407 1,458,445

Total Property Taxes 21,940,632 21,940,632 21,969,112 28,480 21,039,063

Selective taxes:Local option sales tax 4,935,000 4,935,000 4,807,415 (127,585) 5,097,402Railroad tax 16,650 16,650 27,149 10,499 23,719Beverage tax 190,000 190,000 181,728 (8,272) 193,091Franchise tax 200,000 200,000 212,105 12,105 228,640Insurance premium tax 1,393,058 1,393,058 1,359,061 (33,997) 1,326,722Hotel/motel tax 60,000 60,000 (60,000)

Total Selective Taxes 6,794,708 6,794,708 6,587,458 (207,250) 6,869,574

Intergovernmental-State of GeorgiaDepartment of Transportation:Highways 18,587 35,379 16,792 41,412Parks and recreation 95,000 95,000 111,501 16,501 69,946Inmate detail 42,182 42,182 42,182 27,708

Department of Corrections - inmate subsidy 2,194,600 2,194,600 2,244,722 50,122 2,113,780Department of Administrative Services - flood control 27,000 27,000 25,989 (1,011) 26,071Department ofRevenue:Real estate transfer tax 105,000 105,000 49,662 (55,338) 128,603

Department ofDefense - salary supplement - fire chief 16,813 16,813 17,634 821 16,813Board ofPardon and Parole 10,000 10,000 16,455 6,455 16,160Juvenile Court - administrative office of the courts 28,520 28,520 28,520 28,520Department ofHuman Resources:Troup senior center 208,012 208,012 185,729 (22,283) 167,877Hogansville senior center 35,477Pandemic influenza planning 3,000 3,000Troup transit 425,000 425,000 428,401 3,401 352,834

Total Intergovernmental-State of Georgia $ 3,152,127 $ 3,173,714 $ 3,189,174 $ 15,460 $ 3,025,201



Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Fund

Schedule ofRevenues - Budget and Actual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

(With Actual Amounts For The Year Ended June 30, 2008)(Continued)

2009 2008Variance

Original Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

Intergovernmental-Federal GovernmentUS Department of Treasury:

Two Rivers $ 47,148 $ 47,148 $ 38,605 $ (8,543) $ 43,401West Point Lake payment in lieu of taxes 58,000 58,000 127,273 69,273 56,525West Point lake patrol 44,800 44,800 37,400 (7,400) 48,200

US Department of Agriculture-summer lunch program 105,000 105,000 52,224 (52,776) 26,328US Department of Justice:

Council of Juvenile Court Judges of Georgia 6,600 6,600 12,277 5,677 11,625Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant 2,500 2,500Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant 24,809Legal 5,738

Total Intergovernmental-Federal Government 261,548 261,548 295,088 33,540 191,817

Intergovernmental-Local GovernmentsCity of LaGrange, Georgia:Payment in lieu of taxes for housing authority 13,032 13,032 10,669 (2,363) 11,188Inmate housing 505,000 505,000 408,750 (96,250) 620,229

City of Hogansville, Georgia:Inmate housing 40,000 40,000 72,838 32,838 28,202Prison labor 42,182 42,182 33,327 (8,855) 39,000Fire service 176,770 176,770 176,771 1 141,372

City of West Point, GeorgiaPrison labor 42,182 42,182 42,182 40,560

Meriwether County, Georgia: "

Prison labor 42,182 42,182 42,182 40,560Troup County Board of Education - resource officer 100,000 100,000 100,000 69,032

Total Intergovernmental-Local Governments 961,348 961,348 886,719 (74,629) 990,143

Total Intergovernmental 4,375,023 4,396,610 4,370,981 (25,629) 4,207,161

Licenses and Permits:Alcoholic beverage licenses 10,500 10,500 8,972 (1,528) 7,904Business licenses 40,000 40,000 38,535 (1,465) 35,788Building/trailer permits 29,550 29,550 27,779 (1,771) 42,534Bank licenses 110,000 110,000 124,403 14,403 100,044Driveway/timber permits 2,300 2,300 1,217 (1,083) 2,084

Total Licenses and Permits $ 192,350 $ 192,350 $ 200,906 $ 8,556 $ 188,354



Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Fund

Schedule ofExpenditures - Budget and Actual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

(With Actual Amounts For The Year Ended June 30, 2008)

2009 2008Variance

Original Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

General GovernmentLegislative $ 44,324 $ 44,324 $ 43,908 $ 416 $ 42,982Executive 1,381,089 1,402,596 1,236,348 166,248 1,091,667Elections 220,827 290,827 289,291 1,536 179,699Financial Administration 1,810,357 1,818,857 1,737,383 81,474 1,730,520Other 404,561 385,670 342,864 42,806 444,505

Total General Government 3,861,158 3,942,274 3,649,794 292,480 3,489,373

Judicial 5,163,753 5,197,035 4,720,706 476,329 4,531,450

Public SafetyPolice protection 9,893,815 9,881,275 9,591,595 289,680 9,266,302Fire protection 3,923,404 3,922,341 3,650,086 272,255 3,490,182Protective inspection 588,174 588,174 477,032 111,142 433,420Correction 6,179,552 6,174,133 5,710,661 463,472 5,852,480Other 77,750 80,750 49,840 30,910 63,133

Total Public Safety 20,662,695 20,646,673 19,479,214 1,167,459 19,105,517

Highway and StreetsHighway and streets 1,929,258 1,929,258 1,535,962 393,296 1,447,969County shop 538,073 530,021 438,299 91,722 542,194Sanitation 975,766 979,566 854,124 125,442 895,854

Total Highway and Streets 3,443,097 3,438,845 2,828,385 610,460 2,886,017

Health and welfare 742,065 739,065 731,287 7,778 708,081

Culture and recreation 5,152,384 5,153,819 . 4,848,855 304,964 4,958,188

Conservation ofnatural resources 178,650 178,650 167,530 11,120 167,567

Capital Outlay 419,353 469,424 395,372 74,052 3,090,201

Debt ServicePrincipal,retirement 319,554 319,554 312,054 7,500Interest and fiscal charges 288,131 288,131 285,446 2,685 125,950

Total Debt Service 607,685 607,685 597,500 10,185 125,950

Total Expenditures 40,230,840 40,373,470 37,418,643 2,954,827 39,062,344

Other Financing Uses - Transfers out 600,000 600,000 482,673 117,327 546,104

Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses $ 40,830,840 $ 40,973,470 $ 37,901,316 $ 3,072,154 $39,608,448




Fund BalancesReserved for endowment

Troup County, GeorgiaParks and Recreation Endowment Fund

Comparative Balance Sheet_~.JJ!1!e20,2009 and June 30, 2008


$ 5,712,828

$ 5,712,828



$ 6,965,496

$ 6,965,496

Troup County, GeorgiaParks and Recreation Endowment Fund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008RevenuesInvestment earnings $ (694,961) $ 443,880Increase (decrease) in fair value of investments (147,408) (841,663)

Total Revenues (842,369) (397,783)


Culture and recreation 410,299 424,437

Total Expenditures 410,299 424,437

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures (1,252,668) (822,220)

Fund Balances Beginning of Year 6,965,496 7,787,716

Fund Balances End of Year $ 5,712,828 $ 6,965,496



Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Balance Sheet

Nonmajor Special Revenue FundsJune 30, 2009

TotalDrug Victim! Nonmajor

Abuse Treatment Juvenile Witness Emergency Hotel! Special Revenueand Education Supervision Assistance 9-1-1 Motel Tax Funds

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 418,435 $ 148,992 $ 5,559 $ $ $ 572,986Intergovernmental receivable 1,734 5,564 7,298

Total Assets $ 420,169 $ 148,992 $ 11,123 $ $ $ 580,284

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 900 $ 4,604 $ $ $ $ 5,504

Fund BalancesReserved for program purposes 419,269 144,388 11,123 574,780

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances . $ 420,169 $ 148,992 $ 11,123 $ $ $ 580,284


Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

Nonmajor Special Revenue FundsFor The Year Ended June 30,2009

TotalDrug Victim! Nonmajor

Abuse Treatment Juvenile Witness Emergency Hotel! Special Revenueand Education Supervision Assistance 9-1-1 Motel Tax Funds

RevenuesOtherTaxes $ $ $ $ $ 124,805 $ 124,805Charges for services 38,226 898,53~ 936,764Fines and forfeitures 69,414 116,458 185,872Investment earnings 7,540 871 423 8,834

Total Revenues 76,954 39,097 116,881 898,538 124,805 1,256,275

ExPendituresCurrent:Public safety 1,381,211 1,381,211Health and welfare 12,119 40,586 117,011 54,126 223,842

Total Expenditures 12,119 40,586 117,011 1,381,211 54,126 1,605,053

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures 64,835 (1,489) (130) (482,673) 70,679 (348,778)

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Transfers in 482,673 482,673Transfers out (70,679) (70,679)

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 482,673 (70,679) 411,994

Net change in fund balances 64,835 (1,489) (130) 63,216

Fund Balances Beginning ofYear 354,434 145,877 11,253 511,564

Fund Balances End ofYear $ 419,269 $ 144,388 $ 11,123 $ $ $ 574,780


Troup County, GeorgiaDrug Abuse Treatment and Education Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30,2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 418,435 $ 354,491Intergovernmental receivable 1,734 1,399

Total Assets$ 420,169 $ 355,890

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 900 $ 1,456

Fund BalancesReserved for program purposes 419,269 354,434

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 420,169 $ 355,890


Troup County, GeorgiaDrugAbuse Treatment and Education Fund

Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances - Budget andActual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009(With Comparative ActualAmountsfor the Year Ended June 30, 2008)

2009 2008

VarianceOriginal Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

RevenuesFines and forfeitures $ 83,000 $ 83,000 $ 69,414 $ (13,586) $ 75,453Investment earnings 4,000 4,000 7,540 3,540 12,350

Total Revenues 87,000 87,000 76,954 (10,046) 87,803

ExpendituresCurrent:Health and welfare 282,000 282,000 12,119 269,881 28,964

Excess (Deficiency) of RevenuesOver (Under) Expenditures $ (195,000) $ (195,000) 64,835 $ 259,835 58,839

Fund Balances Beginning ofYear 354,434 295,595

Fund Balances End of Year $ 419,269 $ 354,434


Troup County, GeorgiaJuvenile Supervision FundComparative Balance Sheet

June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 148,992 $ 147,868

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 4,604 $ 1,991

Fund BalancesReserved for program purposes 144,388 145,877


Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 148,992 $ 147,868


Troup County, GeorgiaJuvellile Supervisioll FUlld

Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures alldChallges ill FUlld Balallces - Budget alldActual

For The Year Ellded JUlle 30, 2009(With Comparative ActualAmoullts for the Year Ellded JUlle 30, 2008)

2009 2008

VarianceOriginal Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

RevenuesCharges for services $ 34,000 $ 34,000 $ 38,226 $ 4,226 $ 32,547Investment earnings 1,000 1,000 871 (129) 10,688

Total Revenues 35,000 35,000 39,097 4,097 43,235

ExpendituresCurrent:Health and welfare 50,000 50,000 40,586 9,414 60,323Contingency 135,000 135,000 135,000

Total Expenditures 185,000 185,000 40,586 144,414 60,323

Excess (Deficiency) ofRevenuesOver (Under) Expenditures $ (150,000) $ (150,000) (1,489) $ 148,511 (17,088)

Fund Balances Beginning of Year 145,877 162,965

Fund Balances End of Year $ 144,388 $ 145,877


Troup County, GeorgiaVictim/Witness Assistance Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 5,559 $ 6,557Intergovernmental receivable 5,564 4,696

Total Assets $ 11,123 $ 11,253

Liabilities and Fund Balances

Fund BalancesReserved for program purposes $ 11,123 $ 11,253

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 11,123 $ 11,253


Troup County, GeorgiaVictim/Witness Assistance Fund

Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009(With Comparative ActualAmounts for the Year Ended June 30, 2008)

2009 2008

VarianceOriginal Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

RevenuesFines and forfeitures $ 145,000 $ 145,000 $ 116,458 $ (28,542) $ 138,670Investment earnings 1,250 1,250 423 (827) 1,507

Total Revenues 146,250 . 146,250 116,881 (29,369) 140,177

ExpendituresCurrent:Health and welfare 146,250 146,250 117,011 29,239 142,172

Excess (Deficiency) of RevenuesOver (Under) Expenditures $ (130) $ (130) (1,995)

Fund Balances Beginning of Year 11,253 13,248

Fund Balances End of Year $ 11,123 $ 11,253


Troup County, GeorgiaEmergency 9-1-1 Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ $Intergovernmental receivable

Total Assets $ $

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ $Interfund payable


Fund BalancesReserved for program purposes

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ $


Troup County, GeorgiaEmergency 9-1-1 Fund

Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances - Budget andActual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009(With Comparative Actual Amountsfor the Year Ended June 30, 2008)

2009 2008


FinalBudget Actual


(Negative) ActualRevenuesCharges for services


Public safety

Total Expenditures

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Transfers in

Net change in fund balances

Fund Balances Beginning of Year

Fund Balances End of Year

$ 898,224






$ 898,224







$ 898,538













$ 899,645






Troup County, GeorgiaHotellMotel Tax Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ $Intergovernmental receivable

Total Assets $ $

Liabilities and Fund Balances

Liabilities. .Accounts payable $ $Interfund payable

Total Liabilities

Fund BalancesReserved for program purposes

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $


Troup County, GeorgiaHotel/Motel Tax Fund

Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures and

Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

(With Comparative Actual Amountsfor the Year Ended June 30, 2008)

RevenuesOther taxes

2009 2008

VarianceOriginal Final PositiveBudget Budget Actual (Negative) Actual

$ 100,000 100,000 $ 124,805 $ 24,805 $ 128,245

ExpendituresCurrent:Health and welfare

Excess of Revenues OverExpenditures

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Transfers out

Net change in fund balances

Fund Balances Beginning of Year

Fund Balances End of Year
















. 10,679







Troup County, GeorgiaCapital Improvements FundComparative Balance Sheet

June 30, 2009 and June 30,2008

2009 2008AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ $Receivables:

Interfund 89,108 83,495

Total Assets $ 89,108 $ 83,495

Liabilities and Fund Balances

Liabilities.Accounts payable $ 179,006 $ 37,709Interfund payable 6,784,617 6,063,986

Total Liabilities 6,963,623 6,101,695

Fund Balances (Deficits)Reserved for encumbrances 1,048,686Unreserved - undesignated (deficits) (7,923,201) (6,018,200)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) (6,874,515) (6,018,200)

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 89,108 $ 83,495


Troup County, GeorgiaCapital Improvements Fund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, ExpenditUres and.Changes in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30,2008

2009 2008RevenuesIntergovernmental $ 4,572,743 $ 1,229,308Miscellaneous 295,516

Total Revenues 4,868,259 1,229,308

ExpendituresCurrent:General government 67,414 231,210

Capital Outlay 5,657,160 3,041,486

Total Expenditures 5,724,574 3,272,696

(Deficiency) of Revenues (Under) Expenditures (856,315) (2,043,388)

Fund Balances (Deficits) Beginning of Year (6,018,200) (3,974,812)

Fund Balances (Deficits) End of Year $ (6,874,515) $ (6,018,200)


Troup County, GeorgiaParks and Recreation FundComparative Balance Sheet

June 30,2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 70,357 $ 135,384Receivables:

Interfund 483,622

Total Assets $ 70,357 $ 619,006

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 4,065 $ 22,693Interfund payable 346,126 839,472

Total Liabilities 350,191 862,165

Fund Balances (Deficits)Unreserved - undesignated (deficits) (279,834) (243,159)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) (279,834) (243,159)

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 70,357 $ 619,006


Troup County, GeorgiaParks and Recreation Fund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008RevenuesInvestment earnings $ 11,458 $ 4,510Miscellaneous 54,731

Total Revenues 11,458 59,241


Culture and recreation 67Capital Outlay 48,133 114,729

Total Expenditures 48,133 114,796

(Deficiency) of Revenues (Under) Expenditures (36,675) (55,555)

Fund Balances (Deficits) Beginning of Year (243,159) (187,604)

Fund Balances (Deficits) End of Year $ (279,834) $ (243,159)


Troup County, GeorgiaGovernment Services Center Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ $Receivables:

Interfund 261,631 755,977

Total Assets $ 261,631 $ 755,977

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 21,367 $Interfund. payable 609,647 862,523

Total Liabilities 631,014 862,523

Fund Balances (Deficits)Unreserved - undesignated (deficits) (369,383) (106,546)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) (369,383) (106,546)

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 261,631 $ 755,977


Troup County, GeorgiaGovernment Services Center Fund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30,2008

2009RevenuesInvestment earnings

Total Revenues






General governmentCapital OutlayDebt Service:


Total Expenditures

(Deficiency) of Revenues (Under) Expenditures

Fund Balances (Deficits) Beginning ofYear

Fund Balances (Deficits) End of Year


124 5,103195,357 23,000

60,335 57,3997,021 9,958

262,837 95,460

(262,837) (95,048)

(106,546) (11,498)

$ (369,383) $ (106,546)

Troup County, GeorgiaSPLOSTHI Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30,2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 8,733,145 $ 4,838,088Receivables:

Sales taxes 1,709,894 2,084,729Interfund 45,477 107,747

Total Assets $ 10,488,516 $ 7,030,564

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 59,627 $ 799,907Intergovernmental payable 651,726 794,594Interfund payable 482,987

Total Liabilities 711,353 2,077,488

Fund BalancesReserved for:

Encumbrances 1,277,605Capital outlay 8,499,558 4,953,076

Total Fund Balances 9,777,163 4,953,076

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 10,488,516 $ 7,030,564


Troup County, GeorgiaSPLOSTillFund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008RevenuesSales taxesInvestment earningsIntergovernmental

Total Revenues

$ 10,660,97661,361



$ 11,315,230123,600



General governmentHighways and streets

Capital Outlay

Total Expenditures

Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures

Fund Balances Beginning of Year

Fund Balances End of Year


15,1025,403,228 6,629,680

917,956 3,087,266

6,336,286 9,716,946

4,824,087 1,721,884

4,953,076 3,231,192

$ 9,777,163 $ 4,953,076


Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Balance Sheet

Nonmajor Capital Projects FundsJune 30, 2009

TotalSenior NonmajorCenter Capital Projects

Jail Expansion FundsAssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 332,252 $ 13,152 $ 345,404Interfund receivable 160 160

Total Assets $ 332,412 $ 13,152 $ 345,564

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 51,212 $ 3,054 $ 54,266Interfund payable 10 109,393 109,403

Total Liabilities 51,222 112,447 163,669

Fund Balances (Deficits)Reserved for capital outlay 281,190 281,190Unreserved - undesignated (deficits) (99,295) (99,295)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) 281,190 (99,295) 181,895

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 332,412 $ 13,152 $ 345,564


Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

Nonmajor Capital Projects FundsFor The Year Ended June 30,2009

TotalSenior NonmajorCenter Capital Projects

Jail Expansion FundsRevenuesIntergovernmental $ $ 835,436 $ 835,436Investment earnings 8,811 8,811

Total Revenues 8,811 835,436 844,247


General government 386 386Capital Outlay 1,274,123 934,654 2,208,777

Total Expenditures 1,274,509 934,654 2,209,163

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures (1,265,698) (99,218) (1,364,916)

Fund Balances (Deficits)Beginning of Year 1,546,888 (77) 1,546,811

Fund Balances (Deficits) End of Year $ 281,190 $ (99,295) $ 181,895


Troup County, GeorgiaJail Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 332,252 $ 1,630,435Interfund receivable 160 160

Total Assets $ 332,412 $ 1,630,595

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 51,212 $ 21,427Interfund payable 10 62,280

Total Liabilities 51,222 83,707

Fund BalancesReserved for capital outlay 281,190 1,546,888

Total Fund Balances 281,190 1,546,888

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 332,412 $ 1,630,595


Troup County, GeorgiaJail Fund

Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

RevenuesInvestment earnings $

2009 2008

8,811 _$:....-_6_2,::-.9_32_


General governmentCapital Ontlay

Total Expenditures

Excess (Deficiency) ofRevenues Over(Under) Expenditures

Fund Balances Beginning of Year

Fund Balances End of Year


386 5831,274,123 318,512

1,274,509 319,095

(1,265,698) (256,163)

1,546,888 1,803,051

$ 281,190 $ 1,546,888

Troup County, GeorgiaSenior Center Expansion Fund

Comparative Balance SheetJune 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008

2009 2008

AssetsCash and cash equivalents $ 13,152 $ 83

Total Assets $ 13,152 $ 83

Liabilities and Fund Balances

LiabilitiesAccounts payable $ 3,054 $Iriterfund payable 109,393 160

Total Liabilities 112,447 160

Fund'Balances (Deficits)Unreserved - undesignated (deficits) (99,295) (77)

Total Fund Balances (Deficits) (99,295) (77)

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 13,152 $ 83


Troup County, GeorgiaSenior Center Expansion Fund

.Comparative Statement ofRevenues, Expenditures andChanges in Fund Balances

For The Years Ended June 30, 2009 and June 30,2008

2009 2008RevenuesIntergovernmental $ 835,436 $

Total Revenues 835,436

ExpendituresCurrent:Health and welfare 77

Capital Outlay 934,654

Total Expenditures 934,654 77

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures (99,218) (77)

Fund Balances (Deficits) Beginning ofYear (77)

Fund Balances (Deficits) End of Year $ (99,295) $ (77)



Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofChanges in Assets and Liabilities

Agency FundsFor The Year Ended June 30, 2009

Balance BalanceTax Commissioner July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 288,729 $ 59,995,227 $ 60,001,787 $ 282,169Taxes receivable 167,222 49,959,892 49,923,775 203,339

Total Assets $ 455,951 $ 109,955,119 $ 109,925,562 $ 485,508

LiabilitiesDue to other taxing units $ 455,951 $ 109,955,119 $ 109,925,562 $ 485,508

Balance BalanceSpecial Escrow . July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 196,162 $ $ 48,327 $ 147,835

LiabilitiesDue to others entities $ 196,162 $ $ 48,327 $ 147,835

Balance BalanceInstallment Fines July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 400,607 $ 25 $ 2,128 $ 398,504

LiabilitiesDeferred liabilities $ 400,607 $ 25 $ 2,128 $ 398,504

Probate Judge


LiabilitiesDue to other entities

Balance BalanceJuly 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

$ 1,315,336 $ $ 26,084 $ 1,289,252

$ 1,315,336 $ $ 26,084 $ 1,289,252



Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofChanges in Assets and Liabilities

Agency FundsFor The Year Ended June 30, 2009


Balance BalanceSheriff July 1,2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 385,052 $ 1,066,710 $ 962,878 $ 488,884

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 3,005 $ $ 213 $ 2,792Escrow bond deposits 181,820 244,511 244,331 182,000Federal. forfeiture funds 112,861 277,212 199,010 191,063Confiscated funds 46,183 50,890 46,833 50,240Inmate funds 39,751 494,097 472,241 61,607D.A.R.E. Program 1,432 250 1,182

Total Liabilities $ 385,052 $ 1,066,710 $ 962,878 $ 488,884

Balance BalanceChild Support July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30,2009

AssetsCash $ $ 148,343 $ 148,343 $

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ $ 148,343 $ 148,343 $

Balance BalanceMagistrate Judge July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 36,087 $ 1,006,805 $ 1,009,409 $ 33,483

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 36,087 $ 1,006,805 $ 1,009,409 $ 33,483

Juvenile Court


LiabilitiesDue to other entities

Balance BalanceJuly 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30,2009

$ 7,200 $ 28,522 $ 30,263 $ 5,459

$ 7,200 $ 28,522 $ 30,263 $ 5,459



Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofChanges in Assets and Liabilities

Agency FundsFor The Year Ended June 30, 2009


Balance BalanceClerk of State Court .July 1,2008 Additions Deductions .June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 42,143 $ 57,655 $ 68,334 $ 31,464

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 42,143 $ 57,655 $ 68,334 $ 31,464

Balance BalanceClerk of Superior Court .July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions .June 30,2009

AssetsCash '7~ ' $ 1,227,683 $ 2,505,155 $ 2,517,417 $ 1,215,421

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 1,227,683 $ 2,505,155 $ 2,517,417 $ 1,215,421

Balance BalanceTransfer Tax .July 1,2008 Additions Deductions .June 30,2009

AssetsCash $ 16,895 $ 97,535 $ 103,586 $ 10,844

LiabilitiesDue to other taxing units $ 16,895 $ 97,535 $ 103,586 $ 10,844

Balance BalanceInmate Store .July 1,2008 Additions Deductions .June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 75,984 $ 250 $ 14,442 $ 61,792Other receivables 2,489 1,601 4,090

Total Assets $ 78,473 $ 1,851 $ 14,442 $ 65,882

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 14,969 $ 233 $ $ 15,202Inmate funds 63,504 1,618 14,442 50,680

Total Liabilities $ 78,473 $ 1,851 $ 14,442 $ 65,882



Troup County, GeorgiaCombining Statement ofChanges in Assets and Liabilities

. Agency FundsFor The Year Ended June 30,2009


Balance BalanceIntangible Recording Tax July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 35,420 $ 566,489 $ 547,666 $ 54,243

LiabilitiesDue to other taxing units $ 35,420 $ 566,489 $ 547,666 $ 54,243

Balance BalanceWork Release July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

AssetsCash $ 5,950 $ 2,570 $ 5,851 $ 2,669

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 5,950· $ 2,570 $ 5,851 $ 2,669

Balance BalanceTotals July 1, 2008 Additions Deductions June 30, 2009

Assets.Cash $ 4,033,248 $ 65,475,286 $ 65,486,515 $ 4,022,019Taxes receivable 167,222 49,959,892 49,923,775 203,339Other receivables 2,489 1,601 4,090

Total Assets $ 4,202,959 $ 115,436,779 $ 115,410,290 $ 4,229,448

LiabilitiesDue to other entities $ 2,848,535 $ 3,749,283 $ 3,854,241 $ 2,743,577Due to other taxing units 508,266 110,619,143 110,576,814 550,595Escrow bond deposits 181,820 244,511 244,331 182,000Federal forfeiture funds 112,861 277,212 199,010 191,063Confiscated funds 46,183 50,890 46,833 50,240Inmate funds 103,255 495,715 486,683 112,287Deferred liabilities 400,607 25 2,128 398,504D.A.R.E. program 1,432 250 1,182

Total Liabilities $ 4,202,959 $ 115,436,779 $ 115,410,290 $ 4,229,448



Troup County, Georgia

Schedule ofProjects COllstructed With Special Sales Tax Proceeds

Year Ellded JUlle 30, 2009

Original Current ---------Expenditures--------- Estimated

Estimated Estimated Prior Current Percentage of

~ Costs Costs Years Year Total Completion

Jail $ 9,908,585 $ 13,662,931 $ 12,388,808 $ 1,274,123 $ 13,662,931 100%

Parks and

Recreation $ 20,000,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 19,943,180 $ -48,133 $ 19,991,313 100%


ServicesCenter $ 30,000,000 $ 28,000,000 $ 27,404,207 $ 195,357 $ 27,599,564 99%

SPLOSTIIIInfrastructure $ 70,000,000 $ 44,000,000 $ 3,770,879 $ 917,956 $ 4,688,835 11%




Troup County, GeorgiaIntroduction to Statistical Section


Ibis part of Troup County's comprehensive annual financial report presents detailed information as acontext for understanding this year's fmancial statements, note disclosures, and supplementary information.Ibis information is unaudited.


Financial TrendsThese tables contain trend information that may assist the reader in assessing the County's currentfmancial performance by placing it in historical perspective.

Revenue CapacityThese tables contain information that may assist the reader in assessing the viability of the County'stwo most significant "own-source" revenue sources, property taxes and sales taxes.

Debt CapacityThese tables present information that may assist the reader in analyzing the affordability of theCounty's current levels of outstanding debt and the County's ability to issue additional debt in thefuture. The County has not had any general obligation bonds outstanding for the last ten fiscalyears.

Demographic and Economic InformationThese tables present demographic and economic information intended (1) to assist users inunderstanding the socioeconomic environment within which the County operates and (2) to provideinformation that facilitates comparisons of financial statement information over time and amongcounties.

Operating InformationThese tables contain service and infrastructure indicators that can inform one's understanding howthe information in the County's financial statements relates to the services the County provides andthe activities it performs. The County will be expanding the disclosure of operating information infuture years.

Data Source:Unless otherwise noted, the information in these tables is derived from the comprehensive annual fmancialreport for the applicable year. The County implemented GASB Statement No. 34 in fiscal year 2003,therefore tables presenting government-wide fmancial data include only seven years of information.



97 - 115

116 - 123

124 - 126

127- 128

129 - 131

Troup County, GeorgiaChanges in Net Assets - Governmental Activities (Unaudited)

Last Seven Fiscal Years 1

(accrual basis ofaccoulzting)

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30,

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Expenses:

General government 3 $ 3,135,515 $ 3,277,310 $ 3,450,385 $ 4,039,973 $ 3,763,951 $ 7,554,183 $ 4,539,757Judicial 3,321,981 3,596,852 3,740,623 3,929,890 4,250,478 4,547,103 4,830,161Public safety 16,162,153 16,820,359 17,420,410 18,851,801 19,991,303 21,270,146 22,048,272

Highways and streets " 3,077,170 3,504,427 3,273,133 4,052,567 4,695,819 10,079,059 9,019,162Health and welfare 575,436 656,074 666,129 650,001 801,638 1,154,390 1,186,264Culture and recreation 3,811,613 4,249,349 4,785,801 4,949,623 4,964,807 5,759,119 5,649,583Other 491,280 148,937 159,926 160,450 160,475 183,108 167,530Interest and fiscal charges 637,725 1,273,011 1,058,363 771,458 426,388 218,408 290,112

Total Expenses 31,212,873 33,526,319 34,554,770 37,405,763 39,054,859 50,765,516 47,730,841

Program Revenues:Charges for services:

Judicial fees 792,346 763,293 727,454 760,520 773,557 807,508 792,515Sheriff fees 1,174,126 1,359,417 1,558,404 1,501,232 1,806,319 2,732,941 1,432,281Fines 7 1,345,401 1,557,006 1,845,234 1,692,141 1,817,866 1,902,612 1,803,115Emergency telephone fees 523,995 489,278 479,936 851,849 308,599 301,322 898,538Parks and recreation 780,655 502,186 538,461 556,866 624,616 685,316 618,020Landfill 145,210 168,791 155,917 329,841 692,093 402,413 336,750Licenses and permits 217,386 232,332 204,381 219,572 176,393 188,354 200,906Other 101,894 98,822 93,007 254,512 896,749 248,361 215,951

Operating grants and contributions 2 5,566,966 6,680,983 3,410,243 3,382,577 3,197,665 3,248,206 4,768,403Capital grants and contributions 6 290,490 1,746,631 369,769 54,487 1,393,171 1,229,308 4,572,743

Total Program Revenues 10,938,469 13,598,739 9,382,806 9,603,597 11,687,028 11,746,341 15,639,222

Net (Expense) Revenue (20,274,404) (19,927,580) (25,171,964) (27,802,166) (27,367,831) (39,019,175) (32,091,619)

General Revenues:Taxes:

Property 14,557,450 17,640,583 18,502,577 19,221,406 19,917,933 21,033,583 21,949,157Sales 12,032,317 12,578,088 12,814,028 14,541,921 14,635,723 16,412,632 15,468,391Selective 1,354,563 1,446,903 1,539,841 1,639,412 1,755,406 1,900,417 1,904,848

Gain on sale ofcapital assets 19,492 400 147,090 303,662 7,251Investment earningl 1,132,956 1,305,047 884,795 1,513,281 2,188,601 312,461 (608,885)Miscellaneous 1,632,635 906,259 1,769,810 635,369 552,211 1,123,647 1,277,611

Total General Revenues 30,729,413 33,877,280 35,511,051 37,551,389 39,196,964 41,086,402 39,998,373

Change in Net Assets $ 10,455,009 $ 13,949,700 $ 10,339,087 $ 9,749,223 $ 11,829,133 $ 2,067,227 $ 7,906,754


1 The County implemented GASB Statement No. 34 in fiscal year 2003, therefore, only seven years ofgovernment-wide financial data is presented.2 In fiscal years 2003 and 2004, the County recognized contributions from Callaway Foundation, Inc. totaling $2 million and $3 million for financingthe operation and maintenance costs ofparks and recreation facilities.

3 The increase in expenses from 2007 to 2008 for the general government function relates to the payment ofSPLOST to the cities within the County.

" During fiscal years 2009 and 2008, the County completed a substantial higher amount of road paving and transportation materials ascompared to fiscal year 2007.

5 During fiscal year 2009, the County reported a loss on investments due to the investment of endowment funds into a diversified portfolio ofstocks and bonds which have deteriorated rapidly during the 2009 recession.

6 During fiscal year 2009, the County recognized reimbursement from the Georgia Department of Transportation for right-of-ways purchasedby the county for the South Loop Road Project

7 During fiscal year 2009, State Court fines have decreased substantially due to a decline in traffic citations, much related to fewer state patrolofficers on duty because of state budget reductions.

Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.


Troup County, Geor.giaChanges itl Net Assets - Goverll11lental Activities - Percentage ofTotal (Unaudited)

Last Seven Fiscal Years 1

(accrual basis ofaccounting)

Expenses:General governmentJudicialPublic safetyHighways and streetsHealth and welfareCulture and recreationOtherInterest and fiscal charges

Total Expenses

For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30,

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

10.05% 9.78% 9.99% 10.80% 9.64% 14.88% 9.51%10.64% 10.73% 10.83% 10.51% 10.88% 8.96% 10.12%51.78% 50.17% 50.41% 50.40% 51.19% 41.90% 46.19%9.86% 10.45% 9.47% 10.83% 12.02% 19.85% 18.90%1.84% 1.96% 1.93% 1.74% 2.05% 2.27% 2.48%

12.21% 12.67% 13.85% 13.23% 12.71% 11.34% 11.84%1.57% 0.44% 0.46% 0.43% 0.41% 0.36% 0.35%2.04% 3.80% 3.06% 2.06% 1.10% 0.44% 0.61%

100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

7.24% 5.61% 7.75% 7.92% 6.62% 6.87% 5.07%10.73% 10.00% 16.61% 15.63% 15.46% 23.27% 9.16%

12.30% 11.45% 19.67% 17.62% 15.55% 16.20% 11.53%4.79% 3.60% 5.12% 8.87% 2.64% 2.57% 5.75%7.14% 3.69% 5.74% 5.80% 5.34% 5.83% 3.95%1.33% 1.24% 1.66% 3.43% 5.92% 3.43% 2.15%1.99% 1.71% 2.18% 2.29% 1.51% 1.60% 1.28%0.93% 0.73% 0.99% 2.65% 7.67% 2.11% 1.38%

50.89% 49.13% 36.35% 35.22% 27.36% 27.65% 30.49%

2.66% 12.84% 3.94% 0.57% 11.93% 10.47% 29.24%

100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%Total Program Revenues

Program Revenues:Charges for services:Judicial feesSheriff feesFines 7

Emergency telephone feesParks and recreationLandfillLicenses and permitsOther

Operating grants and contributions 2

Investment earningl

47.37% 52.07% 52.10% 51.19% 50.81% 51.19% 54.88%39.16% 37.13% 36.08% 38.73% 37.34% 39.95% 38.67%4.41% 4.27% 4.34% 4.37% 4.48% 4.63% 4.76%0.06% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.38% 0.74% 0.02%3.69% 3.85% 2.49% 4.03% 5.58% 0.76% -1.52%5.31% 2.68% 4.98% 1.69% 2.73% 3.19%

100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%Total General Revenues

General Revenues:Taxes:PropertySalesSelective

Gain on sale of capital assetsInvestment earningsMiscellaneous


1 The County implemented GASB Statement No. 34 in fiscal year 2003, therefore, only seven years of government-wide financial data is presented.

2 In fiscal years 2003 and 2004, recognized contributions from Callaway Foundation, Inc. totaling $2 million and $3 million for financing theoperation and maintenance costs ofparks and recreation facilities.

3 The increase in expenses from 2007 to 2008 for the general government function relates to the payment of SPLOST to the cities within the County.

4 During fiscal year 2008, the County completed a substantial higher amount of road paving and transportation materials as compared to fiscal year 2007.

5 During fiscal year 2009, the County reported a loss on investments due to the investment. of endowment funds into a diversified portfolio ofstocks and bonds which have deteriorated rapidly during the 2009 recession.6 During fiscal year 2009, the County recognized reimbursement from the Georgia Department of Transportation for right-of-ways purchased bythe county for the South Loop Road Project.

7 During fiscal year 2009, State Court fines have decreased substantially due to a decline in traffic citations, much related to fewer state patrolofficers on duty because ofstate budget reductions.

Data Source:

Applicable years' comprehensive armual financial report.


Troup County, GeorgiaGovemmellt-wide Net Assets by Compolle~lt (Ullaudited) J

LastSevell Fiscal Years 2

(accrual basis ofaccoulltillg)

June 30, 2003 June 30, 2004 June 30, 2005 June 30, 2006 June 30, 2007 June 30,2008 June 30, 2009

AmountsGovernmental Activities

Invested in capital assets,

net ofrelated debt3 $ 46,863,245 $ 59,073,849 $ 66,834,441 $ 76,569,003 $ 89,391,413 $ 94,741,900 $ 101,765,619Restricted 14,371,134 15,039,605 15,642,917 14,735,219 13,344,274 14,027,454 16,297,173Unrestricted 9,226,885 10,297,510 12,272,693 13,195,052 13,592,720 9,626,280 8,239,596

Total $ 70,461,264 $ 84,410,964 $ 94,750,051 $ 104,499,274 $ 116,328,407 $ 118,395,634 $ 126,302,388

Total Percelltage Illcrease From Prior Year 0.0% 19.8% 12.2% 10.3% 11.3% 1.8% 6.7%

Percentage ofTotalGovernmental Activities

Invested in capital assets,

net ofrelated debt3 66.51% 69.98% 70.54% 73.27% 76.84% 80.02% 80.57%Restricted 20.40% 17.82% 16.51% 14.10% 11.47% 11.85% 12.90%Unrestricted 13.09% 12.20% 12.95% 12.63% 11.69% 8.13% 6.53%

Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%


J Accounting standards require that net assets be reported in three components in the fmancial statements: invested incapital assets, net of related debt; restricted; and unrestricted. Net assets are considered restricted only when (1) anexternal party, such as the State of Georgia or the federal government, places a restriction on how the resources may beused, or (2) enabling legislation is enacted by the County. There are no restrictions currently reported as a result ofenabling legislation.

2 The County implemented GASB Statement No. 34 in fiscal year 2003, therefore, only seven years ofgovernment-widefinancial data is presented.

3 The increase in "invested in capital assets, net ofrelated debt" from fiscal years 2004 - 2009 relates to the capitalizationof parks and recreation facilities and a government services center, which are being financed by debt secured by specialpurpose local option sales taxes, which is being repaid over five years or in a shorter time period than the capital assetsare being depreciated.

Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.



Chart - Total Government-wide Net AssetsTroup County, Georgia

Last Seven Fiscal Years(accrual basis of accounting)
















2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fiscal Year


2000 2001 2002 2 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Revenue Source

Taxes 3 17,831,669$ 18,345,724$ 23,336,629$ 27,954,139$ 31,601,722$ 32,844,984$ 35,572,661$ 36,312,165$ 39,352,112$ 39,342,351$ Intergovernmental 3,952,549 4,016,174 4,847,725 4,688,554 5,218,361 4,461,074 4,261,400 4,107,013 5,436,469 10,217,196 Licenses and permits 327,049 222,769 262,439 217,386 232,332 204,831 219,572 176,393 188,354 200,906 Fines and forfeitures 1,256,365 1,229,710 1,193,178 1,186,184 1,183,798 1,641,613 1,692,141 2,034,182 2,116,735 1,682,734 Charges for services 2,151,998 2,107,674 2,823,115 2,612,076 2,810,401 2,857,914 3,336,289 4,020,085 3,692,560 3,418,005 Contributions 4 - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 13,753 2,500 - - - Investment earnings 5 703,723 794,036 209,991 1,132,956 1,305,047 884,795 1,513,281 2,188,601 312,461 (608,885) Miscellaneous 6 630,879 652,823 586,281 1,631,245 906,259 1,769,810 635,367 550,510 1,123,647 1,277,611

Total revenues 26,854,232$ 27,368,910$ 35,259,358$ 41,422,540$ 46,257,920$ 44,678,774$ 47,233,211$ 49,388,949$ 52,222,338$ 55,529,918$

% Change From Prior Year 18.2% 1.9% 28.8% 17.5% 11.7% -3.4% 5.7% 4.6% 5.7% 6.3%

Taxes 66.4% 67.0% 66.2% 67.5% 68.3% 73.5% 75.3% 73.5% 75.4% 70.8%Intergovernmental 14.7% 14.7% 13.7% 11.3% 11.3% 10.0% 9.0% 8.3% 10.4% 18.4%Licenses and permits 1.2% 0.8% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%Fines and forfeitures 4.7% 4.5% 3.4% 2.9% 2.6% 3.7% 3.6% 4.1% 4.1% 3.0%Charges for services 8.0% 7.7% 8.0% 6.3% 6.1% 6.4% 7.1% 8.1% 7.1% 6.2%Contributions 0.0% 0.0% 5.7% 4.8% 6.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%Investment earnings 2.6% 2.9% 0.6% 2.7% 2.8% 2.0% 3.2% 4.4% 0.6% -1.1%Miscellaneous 2.4% 2.4% 1.7% 4.0% 2.1% 4.1% 1.3% 1.1% 2.2% 2.3%

Total revenues 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%


Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Governmental Revenues by Source (Unaudited) 1

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)

For the Year Ended June 30,


Percentage of Total


Notes:1 Includes all governmental fund types.

Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

5 For fiscal years 2000 - 2002, includes only the general fund. In fiscal year 2008, investment earningswere reduced significantly from fiscal 2007 primarily due to endowment earnings in equity securities.

6 For fiscal years 2000 - 2002 includes investment earnings for all funds other than the general fund.

2 In fiscal year 2002, the parks and recreation endowment fund was reclassified on this table from anexpendable trust fund to a special revenue fund.3 For changes in the sources of taxes, see the "tax revenues by source - governmental funds" statisticaltable4 For fiscal years 2002 - 2004, recognized contributions from Callaway Foundation, Inc. for financingthe operation and maintenance costs for parks and recreation facilities.


Troup County, GeorgiaChart-Total General Governmental Revenues

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)



























2000 2001 2002 2003


Net Assets
















































2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fiscal Year

Total Revenues


SpecialFor The Purpose

Fiscal Year Local Local Insurance AlcoholicEnded June 30, Property Option Sales Option Sales Premium Beverage Other 1 Total

2000 12,520,132$ 4,003,738$ 28,496$ 893,494$ 170,828$ 214,981$ 17,831,669$ 2001 12,935,590 4,017,629 27,078 942,030 165,892 257,505 18,345,724 2002 14,073,557 3,868,147 4,102,935 2 879,913 159,833 252,244 23,336,629 2003 14,567,259 3,719,682 8,312,635 971,593 125,802 257,168 27,954,139 2004 17,576,731 3,950,525 8,627,563 1,041,983 151,172 253,748 31,601,722 2005 18,491,115 4,012,504 8,801,524 1,127,445 149,039 263,357 32,844,984 2006 19,391,328 4,536,174 10,005,747 1,203,973 150,901 284,538 35,572,661 2007 19,921,036 4,574,886 10,060,837 1,261,727 162,224 331,455 36,312,165 2008 21,039,063 5,097,402 11,315,230 1,326,722 193,091 380,604 39,352,112 2009 21,969,112 4,807,415 10,660,976 1,359,061 181,728 364,059 39,342,351

% Change in DollarsOver 10 Years 75.5% 20.1% 37312.2% 52.1% 6.4% 69.3% 120.6%

2000 70.2% 22.5% 0.2% 5.0% 1.0% 1.2% 100.0%2001 70.5% 21.9% 0.1% 5.1% 0.9% 1.4% 100.0%2002 60.3% 16.6% 17.6% 3.8% 0.7% 1.1% 100.0%2003 52.1% 13.3% 29.7% 3.5% 0.5% 0.9% 100.0%2004 55.6% 12.5% 27.3% 3.3% 0.5% 0.8% 100.0%2005 56.3% 12.2% 26.8% 3.4% 0.5% 0.8% 100.0%2006 54.5% 12.8% 28.1% 3.4% 0.4% 0.8% 100.0%2007 54.9% 12.6% 27.7% 3.5% 0.4% 0.9% 100.0%2008 53.5% 13.0% 28.8% 3.4% 0.5% 0.8% 100.0%2009 55.8% 12.2% 27.1% 3.5% 0.5% 0.9% 100.0%

Notes:1 Includes franchise taxes, railroad taxes and hotel/motel taxes.

Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

Percentage of Total

Tax Revenues by Source - Governmental Funds (Unaudited)

2 Two special purpose local option sales taxes were approved for the construction of park and recreation facilities and anew government services center, each of which was effective January 1, 2002 and expired December 31, 2006. Aspecial purpose local option sales tax was approved effective January 1, 2007 and expires December 31, 2012. This taxis being shared with the cities within the County and will fund a new County Health Department, infrastructureimprovements, water and sewer system improvements and public safety equipment, primarily fire trucks.

Troup County, Georgia

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)



Chart - Tax Revenues by Source - Governmental FundsTroup County, Georgia

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Fiscal Year

Alcohol Beverage

All Other

Insurance Premium

Special Purpose Local Option Sales

Local Option Sales



Function 2000 2001 2002 2 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Current: General government 2,611,317$ 2,806,739$ 2,902,630$ 3,181,509$ 2,960,646$ 2,903,232$ 3,676,841$ 3,380,368$ 3,726,264$ 3,732,820$ Judicial 2,962,541 3,120,471 3,098,418 3,323,448 3,590,112 3,712,517 3,956,021 4,242,383 4,531,450 4,720,706 Public safety 11,579,523 12,874,798 14,254,297 15,425,696 16,188,265 16,719,086 18,480,260 19,457,423 20,535,725 20,860,425 Highways and streets 7 3,961,945 3,304,611 4,007,187 2,571,379 2,922,271 2,643,544 3,470,784 4,092,685 9,515,697 8,231,614 Health and welfare 726,902 743,466 805,943 569,904 593,436 596,155 600,603 741,654 990,915 955,129 Culture and recreation 3 1,109,806 1,064,786 3,415,385 3,637,059 3,948,555 4,433,889 4,645,411 4,647,255 5,382,692 5,259,154 Other 365,618 404,532 406,673 533,123 142,972 153,783 154,291 154,809 183,108 167,530

Total Current 23,317,652 24,319,403 28,890,533 29,242,118 30,346,257 31,162,206 34,984,211 36,716,577 44,865,851 43,927,378

% Change From Prior Year 6.3% 4.3% 18.8% 1.2% 3.8% 2.7% 12.3% 5.0% 22.2% -2.1%

Capital Outlay 4 1,722,023 3,779,403 4,976,111 11,387,428 17,425,698 15,865,556 4,669,561 3,548,428 9,675,194 9,422,755

% Change From Prior Year -12.9% 119.5% 31.7% 128.8% 53.0% -9.0% -70.6% -24.0% 172.7% -2.6%

Debt Service 5

Principal - - - 1,500,000 7,940,000 9,230,000 9,790,000 10,159,757 57,399 372,389 Interest and fees - - - 810,506 1,235,459 1,081,755 801,050 463,550 135,908 292,467

Total Debt Service - - - 2,310,506 9,175,459 10,311,755 10,591,050 10,623,307 193,307 664,856

% Change From Prior Year 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 297.1% 12.4% 2.7% 0.3% -98.2% 243.9%

Total Expenditures 25,039,675$ 28,098,806$ 33,866,644$ 42,940,052$ 56,947,414$ 57,339,517$ 50,244,822$ 50,888,312$ 54,734,352$ 54,014,989$

% Change From Prior Year 4.7% 12.2% 20.5% 26.8% 32.6% 0.7% -12.4% 1.3% 7.6% -1.3%

Debt Service as a% of NoncapitalExpenditures 6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.3% 23.2% 24.9% 23.2% 22.4% 0.4% 1.5%


Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Governmental Expenditures by Function (Unaudited) 1

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)

For the Year Ended June 30,



Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

1 Includes all governmental fund types.2 In fiscal year 2002, the parks and recreation endowment fund was reclassified on this table from an expendable trust fund to aspecial revenue fund.3 Beginning in fiscal year 2003, the new parks and recreation facilities were operational.4 The capital outlay expenditure for fiscal years 2003 - 2005 included construction of parks and recreation facilities and theconstruction of a government services center.5 Beginning in fiscal year 2003, the County began repaying $18,010,000 in debt issued to construct park and recreation facilitiesand in fiscal year 2004 began repaying $20,560,000 in debt issued to construct a government services center.6 Beginning in fiscal year 2003, the noncapital expenditures are total expenditures less the amount capitalized.7 During fiscal year 2008, the County purchased a substantial higher amount of road paving and transportation materialsas compared to fiscal year 2007.


2000 2001 2002 2 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Current: General government 2,611,317$ 2,806,739$ 2,902,630$ 3,181,509$ 2,960,646$ 2,903,232$ 3,676,841$ 3,380,368$ 3,726,264$ 3,732,820$ Judicial 2,962,541 3,120,471 3,098,418 3,323,448 3,590,112 3,712,517 3,956,021 4,242,383 4,531,450 4,720,706 Public safety 11,579,523 12,874,798 14,254,297 15,425,696 16,188,265 16,719,086 18,480,260 19,457,423 20,535,725 20,860,425 Highways and streets 3,961,945 3,304,611 4,007,187 2,571,379 2,922,271 2,643,544 3,470,784 4,092,685 9,515,697 8,231,614 Health and welfare 726,902 743,466 805,943 569,904 593,436 596,155 600,603 741,654 990,915 955,129 Culture and recreation 3 1,109,806 1,064,786 3,415,385 3,637,059 3,948,555 4,433,889 4,645,411 4,647,255 5,382,692 5,259,154 Other 365,618 404,532 406,673 533,123 142,972 153,783 154,291 154,809 183,108 167,530

Total Current 23,317,652$ 24,319,403$ 28,890,533$ 29,242,118$ 30,346,257$ 31,162,206$ 34,984,211$ 36,716,577$ 44,865,851$ 43,927,378$

Current: General government 11.2% 11.5% 10.0% 10.9% 9.8% 9.3% 10.5% 9.2% 8.3% 8.5% Judicial 12.7% 12.8% 10.7% 11.4% 11.8% 11.9% 11.3% 11.6% 10.1% 10.7% Public safety 49.7% 52.9% 49.3% 52.8% 53.3% 53.7% 52.8% 53.0% 45.8% 47.5% Highways and streets 17.0% 13.6% 13.9% 8.8% 9.6% 8.5% 9.9% 11.1% 21.2% 18.7% Health and welfare 3.1% 3.1% 2.8% 1.9% 2.0% 1.9% 1.7% 2.0% 2.2% 2.2% Culture and recreation 3 4.8% 4.4% 11.8% 12.4% 13.0% 14.2% 13.3% 12.7% 12.0% 12.0% Other 1.6% 1.7% 1.4% 1.8% 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4%

Total Current 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Notes:1 Includes all governmental fund types.

Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,

Troup County, GeorgiaGeneral Governmental Current Expenditures by Function (Unaudited) 1

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)

2 In fiscal year 2002, the parks and recreation endowment fund was reclassified on thistable from an expendable trust fund to a special revenue fund.

Percentage of Total


3 Beginning in fiscal year 2002, additional parks and recreation facilities wereoperational, resulting in increased expenditures.


Troup County, GeorgiaChart-Total Current Expenditures

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)













2000 2001 2002 2003


Net Assets






















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fiscal Year

Total Current Expenditures


Source 2000 2001 2002 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Total Revenues 26,854,232$ 27,368,910$ 35,259,358$ 41,422,540$ 46,257,920$ 44,678,774$ 47,233,211$ 49,388,949$ 52,222,338$ 55,529,918$

Total Expenditures 2 25,039,675 28,098,806 33,866,644 42,940,052 56,947,414 57,339,517 50,244,822 50,888,312 54,734,352 54,014,989

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 2 1,814,557 (729,896) 1,392,714 (1,517,512) (10,689,494) (12,660,743) (3,011,611) (1,499,363) (2,512,014) 1,514,929

Other Financing Sources (Uses)Sale of capital assets - - - 19,492 400 - 140 382,615 576,110 7,251 Inception of capital lease - - - - - - - 274,987 1,987,396 - Inception of intergovernmental

agreement 3 - - 18,062,433 - 21,338,789 - - - - - Transfers in - - - - - - - - 546,104 482,673 Transfers out - - - - - - - - (546,104) (482,673)

Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) - - 18,062,433 19,492 21,339,189 - 140 657,602 2,563,506 7,251

Net Change in Fund Balances 1,814,557 (729,896) 19,455,147 (1,498,020) 10,649,695 (12,660,743) (3,011,471) (841,761) 51,492 1,522,180

Fund Balances, Beginning of Year 13,753,765 15,610,944 14,857,684 34,908,051 34,377,905 45,068,900 32,416,370 29,481,301 28,702,169 28,650,866

Other Changes 42,622 (23,364) 595,220 967,874 41,300 8,213 76,402 62,629 (102,795) 2,530

Fund Balances, End of Year 15,610,944$ 14,857,684$ 34,908,051$ 34,377,905$ 45,068,900$ 32,416,370$ 29,481,301$ 28,702,169$ 28,650,866$ 30,175,576$


Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

3 During fiscal years 2002 and 2004, the County received loan proceeds to construct new parkand recreation facilities and a new government services center.

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,

Troup County, GeorgiaSummary of Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds (Unaudited)

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)

1 In fiscal year 2002, the parks and recreation endowment fund was reclassified on this tablefrom an expendable trust fund to a special revenue fund.2 During fiscal years 2002 - 2006, the County was expending loan proceeds to construct newpark and recreation facilities and a new government services center, resulting in an increase inexpenditures and a deficiency between revenues and expenditures. A special purpose localoption sales tax was approved effective January 1, 2007 and expires December 31, 2012. Thistax is being shared with the cities within the County and will fund a new County HealthDepartment, infrastructure improvements, water and sewer system improvements and publicsafety equipment, primarily fire trucks.


Chart - Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental FundsTroup County, Georgia

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)




















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fiscal Year

Net Change in Fund Balances


Troup County, GeorgiaChart - Governmental Fund Revenues and Expenditures

Last Ten Fiscal Years(in thousand dollars)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Revenues $26,854  $27,369  $35,259  $41,423  $46,258  $44,679  $47,233  $49,389  $52,222  $55,530 

Expenditure $25,040  $28,099  $33,867  $42,940  $56,947  $57,340  $50,245  $50,888  $54,735  $54,013 










2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Revenues:Taxes and commissions 19,233,694$ 19,641,504$ 22,974,159$ 24,043,460$ 25,566,914$ 26,189,784$ 27,908,637$ 28,556,570$ Licenses and permits 262,439 217,386 232,332 204,831 219,572 176,393 188,354 200,906 Courts and law enforcement 1,069,089 1,077,641 1,080,486 1,486,413 1,536,559 1,817,866 1,902,612 1,496,862 Intergovernmental 4,313,640 4,491,399 4,984,395 4,091,305 4,260,914 4,000,297 4,207,161 4,370,981 Other 3,472,066 3,397,957 3,362,572 3,592,725 3,423,696 4,181,931 4,323,529 3,606,356

Total Revenues 28,350,928$ 28,825,887$ 32,633,944$ 33,418,734$ 35,007,655$ 36,366,271$ 38,530,293$ 38,231,675$


General government 2,870,685 3,181,404 2,917,295 2,853,497 3,315,601 3,352,966 3,489,368 3,649,794 Judicial 3,098,418 3,323,448 3,590,112 3,712,517 3,956,021 4,242,383 4,531,450 4,720,706 Public safety 14,238,192 15,423,084 16,169,593 16,717,361 17,185,059 18,072,404 19,113,231 19,479,214 Highways and streets 2,679,778 2,448,156 2,909,933 2,643,544 3,470,784 2,920,433 2,886,017 2,828,385 Health and welfare 638,679 423,441 474,964 471,549 453,121 481,433 708,081 731,287 Culture and recreation 3,379,162 3,606,470 3,714,219 4,030,541 4,229,469 4,207,393 4,958,188 4,848,855 Other 848,112 533,123 142,972 153,783 154,291 154,809 167,567 167,530

Capital Outlay 1,051,693 859,670 1,350,946 189,555 341,818 498,274 3,082,487 395,372 Debt Service - - - - - - 125,950 597,500

Total Expenditures 28,804,719 29,798,796 31,270,034 30,772,347 33,106,164 33,930,095 39,062,339 37,418,643

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (453,791) (972,909) 1,363,910 2,646,387 1,901,491 2,436,176 (532,046) 813,032

Net Transfers In (Out) - - - - (443,352) (469,633) (469,157) (411,994) Sale of Capital Assets - - - - 382,615 576,110 7,251 Inception of Capital Lease - - - - - - 1,987,396 - Changes in Reserves 215,380 284,280 41,300 8,213 76,399 62,629 (102,795) 2,530 Restatements - 683,597 - - - - - -

Net Change in Fund Balances (238,411) (5,032) 1,405,210 2,654,600 1,534,538 2,411,787 1,459,508 410,819

Fund Balance Beginning of Year 11,819,624 11,581,213 11,576,181 12,981,391 15,635,991 17,170,529 19,582,316 21,041,824

Fund Balance End of Year 11,581,213$ 11,576,181$ 12,981,391$ 15,635,991$ 17,170,529$ 19,582,316$ 21,041,824$ 21,452,643$

Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,

Troup County, GeorgiaChanges in Fund Balances - General Fund (Unaudited)

Last Eight Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)


Chart-Changes in Fund Balances - General FundTroup County, Georgia

Last Eight Fiscal Years(Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting)

















2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Fiscal Year

Net Change in Fund Balances


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009General Fund

Reserved 222,277$ 198,914$ 320,561$ 604,840$ 646,140$ 704,860$ 781,259$ 843,888$ 741,093$ 1,017,273$ Unreserved 11,949,518 11,819,624 11,260,652 10,971,341 12,335,251 14,931,131 16,389,270 18,738,428 20,300,731 20,435,370

Subtotal General Fund 12,171,795 12,018,538 11,581,213 11,576,181 12,981,391 15,635,991 17,170,529 19,582,316 21,041,824 21,452,643

General Fund Percentage Change 15.5% -1.3% -3.6% 0.0% 12.1% 20.4% 9.8% 14.0% 7.5% 2.0%

All Other Governmental Funds 1

Reserved 2 2,796,095 237,691 23,527,758 24,359,543 34,110,371 19,030,468 14,989,843 13,325,775 13,977,024 17,394,646 Unreserved

Capital Projects Funds 643,054 2,800,369 (200,920) (1,557,816) (2,022,859) (2,199,579) (2,679,071) (4,205,922) (6,367,982) (8,671,713)

Subtotal All Other Governmental Funds 3,439,149 3,038,060 23,326,838 22,801,727 32,087,512 16,830,889 12,310,772 9,119,853 7,609,042 8,722,933

All Other Governmental FundsPercentage Change 6.8% -11.7% 667.8% -2.3% 40.7% -47.5% -26.9% -25.9% -16.6% 14.6%

Total Governmental FundsReserved 2 3,018,372 436,605 23,848,319 24,964,383 34,756,511 19,735,328 15,771,102 14,169,663 14,718,117 18,411,919 Unreserved 12,592,572 14,619,993 11,059,732 9,413,525 10,312,392 12,731,552 13,710,199 14,532,506 13,932,749 11,763,657

Total Governmental Funds 15,610,944$ 15,056,598$ 34,908,051$ 34,377,908$ 45,068,903$ 32,466,880$ 29,481,301$ 28,702,169$ 28,650,866$ 30,175,576$

All Governmental Funds Percentage Change 13.5% -3.6% 131.8% -1.5% 31.1% -28.0% -9.2% -2.6% -0.2% 5.3%


Data Source:Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

Troup County, GeorgiaFund Balances - Governmental Funds (Unaudited)

1 For consistency, certain amounts have been reclassified between reserved and unreserved fund balances.2 Two special purpose local option sales taxes were approved for the construction of parks and recreation facilities and a new governmentservices center, each of which were effective January 1, 2002 and expired December 31, 2006.

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)

At June 30,


Preferential & Motor TotalConservation Vehicles Less: Total Taxable Direct Estimated Annual

Fiscal 5 Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Use Utility and Mobile Other Tax Exempt Assessed Tax Actual PercentageYear Property Property Property Property Property Property Homes Property 3 Property Value1 Rate 4 Value Change

2000 485,455,833$ 266,337,514$ 376,205,450$ 63,015,306$ 18,711,988$ 35,572,389$ 121,788,193$ 5,146,391$ 121,939,903$ 1,250,293,161$ 8.830 3,125,732,903$ 5.8%2001 515,113,215 277,668,823 387,890,739 68,529,033 22,363,592 40,034,720 135,576,221 6,989,279 124,030,293 1,330,135,329 8.830 3,325,338,323 6.4%2002 550,895,364 289,454,909 440,963,828 68,382,244 23,678,156 42,719,954 145,731,698 5,666,753 145,059,909 1,422,432,997 8.830 3,556,082,493 6.9%2003 599,333,762 311,471,873 424,290,129 70,062,280 26,496,772 41,009,624 146,904,567 3,652,767 142,132,287 1,481,089,487 8.830 3,702,723,718 4.1%2004 652,153,559 302,430,375 419,754,169 75,530,460 32,631,756 45,379,443 144,836,172 1,984,347 143,102,779 1,531,597,502 10.830 3,828,993,755 3.4%2005 696,137,617 290,387,917 450,895,319 100,625,156 55,798,944 45,388,386 145,372,098 5,325,924 185,135,007 1,604,796,354 10.560 4,011,990,885 4.8%2006 749,051,155 298,667,525 443,691,072 102,547,284 60,941,772 44,300,578 151,221,183 5,443,890 202,331,861 1,653,532,598 10.560 4,133,831,495 3.0%2007 811,585,473 306,166,848 444,130,115 109,504,208 66,221,472 44,203,834 144,743,802 3,646,654 198,211,639 1,731,990,767 10.560 4,329,976,918 4.7%2008 872,468,473 320,674,955 442,280,944 124,522,588 83,356,396 43,547,414 135,813,394 2,918,449 220,979,172 1,804,603,441 10.560 4,511,508,603 4.2%2009 946,047,411 346,802,645 460,100,637 132,010,296 97,138,960 39,771,528 140,912,911 3,106,190 325,018,232 1,840,872,346 10.560 4,602,180,865 2.0%

* 687,824,186$ 301,006,338$ 429,020,240$ 91,472,886$ 48,733,981$ 42,192,787$ 141,290,024$ 4,388,064$ 180,794,108$ 1,565,134,398$ 3,912,835,996$

** 94.9% 30.2% 22.3% 109.5% 419.1% 11.8% 15.7% -39.6% 166.5% 47.2% 47.2%

2000 35.4% 19.4% 27.4% 4.6% 1.4% 2.6% 8.9% 0.4% 9.8% 90.2%2001 35.4% 19.1% 26.7% 4.7% 1.5% 2.8% 9.3% 0.5% 9.3% 90.7%2002 35.1% 18.5% 28.1% 4.4% 1.5% 2.7% 9.3% 0.4% 10.2% 89.8%2003 36.9% 19.2% 26.1% 4.3% 1.6% 2.5% 9.1% 0.2% 9.6% 90.4%2004 38.9% 18.1% 25.1% 4.5% 1.9% 2.7% 8.6% 0.1% 9.3% 90.7%2005 38.9% 16.2% 25.2% 5.6% 3.1% 2.5% 8.1% 0.3% 11.5% 88.5%2006 40.4% 16.1% 23.9% 5.5% 3.3% 2.4% 8.1% 0.3% 12.2% 87.8%2007 42.0% 15.9% 23.0% 5.7% 3.4% 2.3% 7.5% 0.2% 11.4% 88.6%2008 43.1% 15.8% 21.8% 6.1% 4.1% 2.1% 6.7% 0.1% 12.2% 87.8%2009 43.7% 16.0% 21.2% 6.1% 4.5% 1.8% 6.5% 0.1% 17.7% 82.3%

* Dollar Average For Ten Years.** Percentage Change in Dollars Over Ten Years.

1 All property is assessed at 40% of fair market value.

4 Tax rates expressed in rate per $1,000.

Data Source: Georgia Department of Revenue, Tax Digest Consolidation Summary, http://www.etax.dor.ga.gov/PTD/cds/csheets/index.aspx

Percentage of Total

Troup County, GeorgiaTaxable Assessed Value 1 and Estimated Actual Value of Property By Type (Unaudited) 2

Last Ten Fiscal Years


5 The fiscal year indicated above reports the tax digest from the prior calendar year.

3 Generally includes timber and heavy equipment.

2 Gross digest before homestead or freeport exemptions.



Troup County, GeorgiaChart - Taxable Assessed Value

Last Ten Fiscal Years(modified accrual basis of accounting)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Fiscal Year


Motor Vehicle and Mobile Homes


Cons & Pref. Use






Direct Overlapping 1 LaGrange CityDowntown City of Troup

Tax Fiscal County State of Development of West CountyYear Year Rate Georgia3 Authority Hogansville Point Schools

1999 2000 8.830 0.250 4.000 10.500 8.000 17.780 2000 2001 8.830 0.250 4.000 10.500 7.930 17.780 2001 2002 8.830 0.250 4.000 10.500 7.920 17.780 2002 2003 8.830 0.250 4.000 10.150 10.000 17.780 2003 2004 10.830 0.250 4.000 9.950 9.740 19.280 2004 2005 10.560 0.250 - 7.950 10.500 18.500 2005 2006 10.560 0.250 4.000 7.950 10.400 18.850 2006 2007 10.560 0.250 4.000 7.950 10.354 18.850 2007 2008 10.560 0.250 4.000 7.950 10.354 18.850 2008 2009 10.560 0.250 4.000 7.950 9.781 18.850

Data Source:

Troup County, GeorgiaDirect, Overlapping and Underlying Property Tax Rates (Unaudited)

Last Ten Fiscal Years(rate per $1,000 of assessed taxable value)

Georgia Department of Revenue, Property Tax Division, http://www.etax.dor.ga.gov/PTD/cds/csheets/millrate.aspx

Underlying Rate 2

Notes:1 Overlapping rates are those of governments that overlap the County's geographic boundaries.

3 The State of Georgia levies one quarter of one mill on each county's taxable property to help financetheir certification of each Georgia county's tax digest.

2 Underlying rates are those of the LaGrange Downtown Development Authority, City of Hogansville,City of West Point and Troup County Schools that apply to property owners located within TroupCounty. Although an underlying city, the City of LaGrange has not levied a property tax in the last tenfiscal years.


Troup County, GeorgiaChart-Direct, Overlapping and Underlying Property Tax Rates

Last Ten Fiscal Years(rate per $1,000 of assessed taxable value)










































2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009






Fiscal Year

Direct - Troup County

Overlapping - State of Georgia

Underlying - Cities and Schools


For The CollectionsFiscal Year Taxes Levied in Subsequent

Ended for the Percentage Year By Percentage PercentageJune 30, Fiscal Year2 Amount of Levy Year of Levy Amount of Levy Amount of Levy

2000 9,341,361$ 9,085,038$ 97.26% 182,023$ 9,267,061$ 99.20% 74,300$ 0.80%2001 9,697,869 9,554,683 98.52% 303,814 9,858,497 101.66% (160,628) -1.66%2002 10,214,433 9,945,818 97.37% 160,264 10,106,082 98.94% 108,351 1.06%2003 10,954,021 10,747,267 98.11% 257,347 11,004,614 100.46% (50,593) -0.46%2004 13,972,211 13,559,567 97.05% 101,364 13,660,931 97.77% 311,280 2.23%2005 14,312,113 14,147,104 98.85% 70,940 14,218,044 99.34% 94,069 0.66%2006 14,850,673 14,706,303 99.03% 52,727 14,759,030 99.38% 91,643 0.62%2007 15,631,393 15,292,881 97.83% 26,650 15,319,531 98.00% 311,862 2.00%2008 16,484,627 16,381,046 99.37% - 16,381,046 99.37% 103,581 0.63%2009 17,628,513 17,509,137 99.32% - 17,509,137 99.32% 119,376 0.68%


Data Source: Troup County Tax Comissioner's Office

3 In fiscal years 2001 and 2003, the County reports more than 100% of the tax levy collected. Adjustments weremade to the tax digests in these years with "not-on-digest" amounts added to the tax digests and errors deductedfrom the tax digest. The net effect results in increased tax collections beyond the amounts levied. Although thetable has been restated to reflect the requirements of GASB Statement No. 44, restating the excess collections tothe appropriate year was not practical.

2 The information presented in this table relates to the County's own property tax levies, and does not includethose in which it collects on behalf of other governments.

Uncollected Taxes 1, 3Fiscal Year of The Levy Total Collections to Date

Troup County, GeorgiaProperty Tax Levies and Collections (Unaudited)

Last Ten Fiscal Years

Collected Within the Total

1 The amounts reported in the total uncollected taxes column are the uncollected taxes for each tax levy.

Troup County, GeorgiaPrincipal Property Taxpayers (Unaudited)

For The Fiscal Years Ended June 30,2009 and 2000

2009 2000Percentage Percentage

of Total of TotalTaxable Taxable Taxable TaxableAssessed Assessed Assessed Assessed

Principal Taxpayer Value 1 Rank Value Principal Taxpayer Value 1 Rank Value-

Milliken and Company $ 107,694,412 1 5.97% Milliken and Company $ 106,695,733 1 10.09%Wal-Mart 36,829,895 2 2.04% Mobil Chemical Company 25,237,555 2 2.39%Kimberly-Clark Corporation 32,631,382 3 1.81% Shorewood Packaging 21,179,308 3 2.00%Duracell, Inc. 29,177,001 4 1.62% Kimberly-Clark Corporation 18,233,860 4 1.72%Interface Flooring Systems, Inc. 28,758,843 5 3.03% Interface Flooring Systems, Inc. 17,831,822 5 1.69%Ex.x,on-Mobil Corporation 20,028,976 6 1.11% WestPoint Stevens, Inc. 17,656,450 6 1.67%Diverse Power 15,244,654 7 0.84% William Carter Co. 14,988,852 7 1.42%BellSouth Telecommunications 11,353,859 8 0.63% Duracell, Inc. 14,126,542 8 1.34%Forestar-USA-Real Estate 8,641,252 9 0.48% PowertellAtlanta, Inc. 12,475,722 9 1.18%

Fuller E. Callaway Foundation 8,301,729 10 0.46% Inflation Systems, Inc. 11,666,582 10 1.10%

Total Principal Taxpayers 298,662,003 15.64% Total Principal Taxpayers 260,092,426 24.59%

All Other Taxpayers 1,610,447,310 84.36% All Other Taxpayers 797,775,897 75.41%

Total $ 1,909,109,313 100.00% Total $1,057,868,323 100.00%


1 Net of freeport exemptions.

Data Source:Troup County Tax Commissioner's Office


Troup County, GeorgiaDirect, Overlapping and Underlying Sales Tax Rates (Unaudited)

Last Ten Fiscal Years

For The Direct Overlapping Underlying TotalFiscal Year Troup County State of Troup County Direct, Overlapping

Ended June 30, LOST] SPLOST 2Georgia Schools 3 and Underlying Rates

2000 1.00% 0.00% 4.00% 1.00% 6.00%2001 1.00% 0.00% 4.00% 1.00% 6.00%2002 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2003 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2004 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2005 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2006 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2007 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2008 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%2009 1.00% 1.00% 4.00% 1.00% 7.00%


1 The local option sales tax was approved by referendum October 1, 1979 and is effectiveindefinitely. The County is required to reduce their property tax millage rate in the current year bythe amount of these taxes collected in the prior year.

2 A special purpose local option sales tax wa~ approved effective January 1, 2002 and expiredDecember 31, 2006. The current special purpose local option sales tax was approved effectiveJanuary 1,2007 and expires December 31,2012. This latter tax will be shared with the cities and

. will be used to fund a new County Health Department facility, infrastructure improvements, waterand sewer system improvements and public safety equipment, primarily fire trucks.

3 An education special purpose local option sales tax was approved effective July 1, 2002 and

expired June 30, 2007. The current special purpose local option sales tax was approved effective

July 1, 2007 and expires June 30, 2012. The latter tax is being used to construct new school

buildings and renovate existing school buildings.

Data Source:Georgia Department ofRevenue, Sales and Use Tax Division,http://www.etax.dor.ga.gov/IndTax_SalesTax.aspx




By Category:

FoodAutomotiveGeneralUtilitiesLumberHomeMiscellaneousManufacturingMiscellaneous ServiceApparel

Total Taxable Sales

Total Percentage Increase

$ 216,670,821169,928,817130,339,648114,013,54170,196,30549,820,55557,357,05655,094,22239,942,20511,500,015

$ 914,863,185


Troup County, GeorgiaTaxable Sales by Category (Unaudited)

Calendar Years 2005 - 2008 1

2006 2007 2008

Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage

23.68% $ 234,360,002 23.28% $ 250,899,537 23.69% $ 222,737,636 19.84%18.57% 210,461,594 20.91% 221,939,638 20.95% 219,717,547 19.57%14.25% 143,702,244 14.28% 144,776,814 13.67% 144,966,753 12.91%12.46% 119,084,420 11.83% 123,171,486 11.63% 125,184,361 11.15%7.67% 78,729,366 7.82% 77,625,590 7.33% 79,963,893 7.12%5.45% 52,912,980 5.26% 53,653,320 5.06% 52,275,503 4.66%6.27% 62,226,949 6.18% 59,390,222 5.61% 97,580,535 8.69%6.02% 58,193,844 5.78% 68,254,164 6.44% 93,997,441 8.37%4.37% 46,923,006 4.66% 46,286,283 4.37% 73,135,810 6.52%1.26% - 0.00% 13,305,827 1.26% 12,926,993 1.17%-

100.00% $ 1,006,594,405 100.00% $1,059,302,881 100.01% $1,122,486,472 100.00%

10.0% 5.2% 6.0%


1 Only four years of data is available.

Data Source:Georgia Department ofRevenue


Troup County, GeorgiaRatios ofTotal Debt Outstanding by Type (Unaudited)

Last Ten Fiscal Years

Governmental Activities 4 Percentage

Capital Intergovernmental of Personal Estimated 5 PerJune 30, Leases Agreements Total Income Population Capita

2000 $ 13,674 $ $ 13,674 0.000% 58,799 $2001 0.000% 59,633

2002 1 18,010,000 18,010,000 0.012% 59,827 3012003 16,510,000 16,510,000 0.011% 60,148 274

2004 2 29,130,000 29,130,000 0.018% 61,177 4762005 19,900,000 19,900,000 0.012% 62,203 3202006 10,110,000 10,110,000 0.006% 62,641 1612007 225,230 225,230 0.000% 63,382 4

2008 3 2,155,228 3,425,000 5,580,228 0.003% 64,233 87

2009 1,875,338 3,332,500 5,207,838 0.003% 65,094 80


1 In fiscal year 2002, the County incurred debt to construct parks and recreation facilities.

2 In fiscal year 2004, the County incurred debt to construct a new government services center.

3 County entered into a capital lease in the amount of $1,987,396 for machinery and equipment and entered intoan intergovernmental agreement with the LaGrange Development Authority and the Troup County DevelopmentAuthority in the amount of $6,850,000, ofwhich the County is repaying 50%.

Data Sources:

4 Applicable years' comprehensive annual financial report.

5 Demographic and Economic Statistics table.


Troup County, GeorgiaUnderlying and Direct Governmental Activities Debt (Unaudited)

June 30, 2009

Governmental Unit

Underlying Debe

Troup County Board ofEducation:3

General obligation bonds



$ 34,210,171


Applicable 1


EstimatedShare of



$ 34,210,171


Hogansville:Capital leases

LaGrange:LoansCapital leases

WestPoint:Capital leases

LaGrange-Troup County Hospital AuthorityRevenue bond

Total Underlying Debt

County Direct Debt

1,336 100.0% 1,336

2,835,000 100.0% 2,835,0003,622,932 100.0% 3,622,932

30,947 100.0% 30,947

46,590,000 100.0% 46,590,000


Intergovernmental agreementsLaGrange - industrial park revenue bonds

Capital leases

Total County Direct Debt

Total Underlying and Direct Debt





$ 92,498,224


1 Applicable percentages were estimated by determining the portion of another government unit's assessed value that iswithin the County's geographic boundaries and dividing it by each government's total assessed valuation.

2 Underlying governments are those that coincide, at least in part, with the geographic boundaries of the County.

Data Source:

3 Troup County Board ofEducation.

4 Each specific government.

S Each specific authority.


Troup County, GeorgiaLegal Debt Margin (Unaudited)

Last Ten Fiscal Years

January 1,

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Assessed Value 1 $ 1,250,293,161 $ 1,330,135,329 $ 1,422,432,997 $1,481,089,487 $ 1,531,597,502 $ 1,604,796,354 $ 1,653,532,598 $1,731,990,767 $1,804,603,441 $1,840,872,346

Legal Debt Margin

Debt limit (10% of

assessed valuei $ 125,029,316 $ 133,013,533 $ 142,243,300 $ 148,108,949 $ 153,159,750 $ 160,479,635 $ 165,353,260 $ 173,199,077 $ 180,460,344 $ 184,087,235

Debt applicable to limit: 2

General obligation bondsLess: Amount reserved for

repayment of generalobligation debt

Total debt applicable to limit

Legal Debt Margin $ 125,029,316 $ 133,013,533 $ 142,243,300 $ 148,108,949 $ 153,159,750 $ 160,479,635 $ 165,353,260 $ 173,199,077 $ 180,460,344 $ 184,087,235



====0.00% =====.0.00%====


Total net debt applicable to thelimit as a%of the debt limit


2 Under Article 9, Section 5, Paragraph 1of the State ofGeorgia Constitution, the County's outstanding general obligation debt should not exceed 10% of the assessed value of the taxable property located within the County.

Data Source:

1 Statistical table of "Taxable Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value a/Property - By Type."


Troup County, GeorgiaDemographic andEconomic Statistics (Unaudited)

Last Ten Years

(thousands Per Per Capita

ofdollars) Capita Personal Unemployment Rate 9

Personal Personal Income Median School State of United County

Year Population 1 Income 2 Income 3 % of U.S. 3 Age 4 Enrollment 5 County 6 G . 6 States 7 EmploymentSeorgla

2000 58,799 $ 1,418,550 $ 24,075 81% 34.6 11,311 3.9% 3.9% 4.0% 29,1402001 59,633 1,462,638 24,527 80% N/A 11,642 4.4% 4.2% 4.5% 29,5862002 59,827 1,502,366 25,112 81% N/A 11,706 5.9% 5.3% 5.8% 27,8652003 60,148 1,530,141 25,440 81% N/A 11,737 6.2% 5.5% 6.3% 28,3802004 61,177 1,589,371 25,980 78% N/A 11,885 6.1% 5.2% 5.6% 28,3122005 62,203 1,685,112 27,091 78% N/A 11,943 7.1% 5.6% 5.1% 28,3352006 62,641 1,724,223 27,525 75% N/A 12,102 5.9% 5.0% 4.6% 28,6932007 63,382 1,794,988 28,320 73% N/A 12,273 5.9% 4.8% 4.6% 28,6042008 64,233 1,868,582 29,091 73% N/A 12,386 8.3% 6.2% 5.6% 27,9652009 65,094 1,945,194 29,883 73% N/A 12,465 14.5% 10.4% 9.5% 26,523


9 The substantial increase in the unemployment rates in 2009 relates to the nationwide recession.

Data Sources:

1 http://recenter.tamu.edu/data/popc/popcs13.html, 2009 based upon management's estimates.

2 2000 - 2007 - U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis - http://www.bea.gov/regional/reis/defau1t.cfm?selTable=CAl-3&section=2, 2008 & 2009estimated by management

3 2000 - 2007 Bureau ofEconomic Analysis - http://www.bea.gov/bea/regional/reis/drill.cfm, 2008 & 2009 estimated by management

4 U.S. Census Bureau - http://usgovinfo.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://factfinder.census.gov/

5 GA Department ofEducation, March count - http://app.doe.k12.ga.us/ows-bin/owa/fte-pack_ethnicsex.entryjorm

6 Real Estate Center, http://recenter.tamu.edu/data/empc/LAUCN132850.htm

7 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau ofLabor Statistics,http://data.b1s.govIPDQ/servlet/SurveyOutputServlet?data_tool=latest_numbers&sefies_id=LNS14000000

S Real Estate Center, http://recenter.tamu.edu/data/empc/LAUCN132850.htmN/A - Not Available


Troup County, GeorgiaPrincipal Employers (Unaudited)

For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2009 and 2006 1


Troup County School SystemMilliken and CompanyWal-Mart Distribution CenterWest Georgia Health SystemInterfaceflorTroup CountyDuracell G.B.M.G.City ofLaGrangeAmerican Home ShieldMountville Mills

Total Principal Employers

Other Employers - Estimated

Total Employers


Troup' County School SystemMilliken and CompanyWest Georgia Health SystemInterfaceflorWal-Mart Distribution CenterTroup CountyDuracell G.B.M.G.City ofLaGrangeEmerson Network PowerKleen-Tex Industries

Total Principal Employers

Other Employers

Total Employers

Type ofBusiness

EducationFloor covering, etc.General merchandiseHealthcareCarpet tilesCounty governmentBatteriesCity governmentHome warranty service centerIndustry entry mats

Type ofBusiness

EducationFloor covering, etc.HospitalCarpet tilesGeneral merchandiseCounty governmentBatteriesCity governmentTelephone communicationsDust control mats

Number ofEmployees






Number ofEmployees


. 1,1151,012






of Major CountyRank Employers

1 7.53%2 4.36%3 4.71%4 4.00%5 3.26%6 1.82%7 1.49%8 1.33%9 1.26%10 1.22%

30.99% .




of Major CountyRank Employers

1 7.94%2 5.85%3 4.68%4 3.72%5 3.37%6 1.81%7 1.58%8 1.43%9 1.33%10 1.22%





1 Information prior to June 30, 2006 is not available.

Data Source:LaGrange/Troup County Chamber of Commerce, http://www.1agrangechamber.com/common/content.asp?PAGE=338Specific local governments.


Troup County, GeorgiaCounty Employees by Function/Program (Unaudited)

Last Six Fiscal Years 1

Fiscal Year

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008Function/program

General GovernmentBoard of commissioners 5 5 5 5 5Administration 3 3 3 3 3County clerk 1 1 1 1 1Human resources 2 2 2 2 2Finance 4 4 4 4 4Information technology 2 3Voter registration 2 2 3 3 3Tax commissioner 10 10 10 10 10Tax assessor 7 9 9 9 9Buildings and grounds 7 5 5 5 5Purchasing 2 3 3 3

Total General Government 46 44 45 45

.JudicialCourt administration 4 4 6 6 6Victim/witness advocacy 3 1 1 I 1Probate court 4 4 4 4 4Juvenile court 9 9 11 10 11State court 2 2 2 2 2Magistrate court 12 12 9 10 11Clerk of superior court 13 13 13 13 13Solicitor 6 6 5 6 7District attorney 3 2

Total.Judicial 55 51 51 52 55

Public SafetyPolice protection 119 125 132 140 143Fire protection 59 59 59 61 61Protective inspection 7 6 6 6 8Corrections 91 93 94 97 99E-911 27 24 24 24 25Emergency management 1 1 1

Total Public Safety 304 308 337

Highways and StreetsHighways and streets 24 23 23 29 32County shop 10 10 10 10 9Sanitation 28 28 28 28 31

Total Highways and Streets 62 61 61 67 72

. Culture and RecreationRecreation <I 22 28 30 31 31Parks <I 11 11 12 12 12Senior citizens center 11 10 10 13 14Transportation 14 16 16 17

Total Culture and Recreation 58 65 72 74

Conservation of Natural ResourcesCounty extension service 4 2 2 2 2Land and water conservation 2 2 1 1 I

Total Conservation of Natural Resources 6 4 3 3 3

Total 533 543 568 586

Percentage Change From Prior Year 0.4% 1.9% 4.6% 3.2%


1 Only five years of information available.

2 Service has been contracted out effective fiscal year 2005.

3 All employees oftbis office are state employees effective fiscal year 2005.

<I Additional facilities were placed in service in fiscal year 2005.

Data Source:Troup County Human Resources Department





















Troup County, GeorgiaOperating Statistics by Function/Program (Unaudited)

Last Four Fiscal Years I


Emergency responsesFires extinguishedInspections

Refuse collectionRefuse collected (tons per day)

LibraryVolumes in collectionTotal volumes borrowed


I Information prior to fiscal year 2006 is unavailable.

Data Source:

Various County Departments.


Fiscal Year

2006 2007 2008 2009

2,214 2,293 2,214 2,379358 384 359 262

1,040 530 501 360

21.1 23.0 42.5 34.3

135,164 145,714 143,619 152,287.163,217 154,389 136,671 164,084

Troup County, GeorgiaCapital Asset Statistics by FunctionlProgram (Unaudited)

Last Four Fiscal Years 1

Fiscal Year


Fire stationsRefuse collection

Collection trucksStreets and highways

Traffic signalsParks and recreation



1 Information prior to fiscal year 2006 is unavailable.

Data Source:VariOllS County Departments.
























January 22, 2010



To the Board of CommissionersofTroup County, Georgia

We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the discretely presentedcomponent unit, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of Troup County,Georgia, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2009, which collectively comprise the County's basicfinancial·statements and have issued our report thereon dated January 22,2010. We conducted our auditin accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and thestandards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by theComptroller General of the United States.

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

In planning and performing our audit, we considered Troup County, Georgia's internal control overfinancial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing ouropinions on the financial statements, but not to for the purpose of expressing an opinion on theeffectiveness of Troup County, Georgia's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we donot express an opinion on the effectiveness of Troup County, Georgia's internal control over financialreporting.

A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management oremployees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detectmisstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination ofcontrol deficiencies, that adversely affects Troup County, Georgia's ability to initiate, authorize, record,process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting pri;nciples suchthat there is a more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of Troup County, Georgia's financialstatements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by Troup County,Georgia's internal control.

A material wealmess is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results inmore than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not beprevented or detected by Troup County, Georgia's internal control.

Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in thefirst paragraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control thatmight be significant deficiencies or material wealmesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internalcontrol over financial reporting that we consider to be material wealmesses, as defined above.

Compliance and Other Matters

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether Troup County, Georgia's financial statementsare free ofmaterial misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws,


regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and materialeffect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion oncompliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not expresssuch an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters thatare required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.

We noted certain matters that we reported to management of Troup County, Georgia, in a separate letterdated January 22,2010.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, the audit committee, the Boardof Commissioners,· and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be andshould not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Yours truly,

~.~p-t&,e~J. K. BOATWRIGHT & CO., P. c.Certified Public Accountants




January 22,2010



To the Board of Commissionersof Troup County, Georgia


We have audited the compliance of Troup County, Georgia, with the types of compliance requirementsdescribed in the U. S. Office ofManagement and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 Compliance Supplementthat are applicable to each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2009. Troup County,Georgia's major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor's results section of theaccompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. Compliance with the requirements of laws,regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to each of its major federal programs is the responsibility ofTroup County, Georgia's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on Troup County,Georgia's compliance based on our audit.

We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in theUnited States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Govemment AuditingStandards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits ofStates, Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliancewith the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effecton a major program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about TroupCounty, Georgia's compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as weconsider necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for ouropinion. Our audit does not provide a legal determination on Troup County, Georgia's compliance withthose requirements. .

In our opinion, Troup County, Georgia, complied, in all material respects, with the requirements referredto above that are applicable to each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2009.

Internal Control Over Compliance

The management of Troup County, Georgia is responsible for establishing and maintaining effectiveinternal control over compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts and grantsapplicable to federal programs. In planning and performing our audit, we considered Troup County,Georgia's internal control over compliance with the requirements that could have a direct and materialeffect on a major federal program in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose ofexpressing our opinion on compliance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on theeffectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on theeffectiveness of Troup County, Georgia's internal control over compliance.

A control deficiency in an entity's internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation ofa control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned


functions, to prevent or detect noncompliance on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a controldeficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the entity's ability to administera federal program such that there is a more than a remote likelihood that noncompliance with a type ofcompliance requirement of a federal program that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented ordetected by the entity's internal control.

A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results inmore than a remote likelihood that a material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of afederal program will not be prevented or detected by the entity's internal control.

Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the firstparagraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control that mightbe significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internalcontrol over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, the audit committee, the Boardof Commissioners, and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be andshould not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Yours truly,

Cj+(,~~#4&,fc!'-'.J. K. BOATWRIGHT & CO., P. C.Certified Public Accountants


Troup County, GeorgiaSchedule ofExpenditures ofFederal Awards

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

Federal Grantor/ Federal

Pass-Through Grantor/ CFDA Grant Federal

Program Title Number Number Expenditures

U. S. Department of Justice

Office of Juvenile Justice and

Delinquency Prevention:

Passed through Council of Juvenile Court

Judges of Georgj,a: ..~',Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant

October 1,2007 - September 30,2008 16.523 05B-ST-0001 $ 6,073

Office of Juvenile Justice and

Delinquency Prevention:

Passed through Council of Juvenile CourtJudges of Georgia:

Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant

October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2009 16.523 06B-ST-0001 1,781

Subtotal 7,854

U. S. Department of Transportation

Passed through State of Georgia

Department of Transportation:

Airport Improvement Program

January 1, 2006 - December 31,2008 20.106 AP090-9890-29(285) 95,748

Passed through State of Georgia

Department of Transportation:

Formula Grants for Other Than

Urbanized Areas

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 20.509 GA-18-4029 63,640


Troup County, GeorgiaSchedule ofExpenditures ofFederal Awards

For The Year Ended June 30,2009

Federal Grantor/ FederalPass-Tbrough Grantor/ CFDA Grant Federal

Program Title Number Number Expenditures

U. S. Department of Transportation (continued)

Passed through Georgia Department ofHuman


Passed through McIntosh Trail Regional

Development Center:

Coordinated Transportation Program:

Capital Assistance Program for Elderly

Persons and Persons with Disabilities

July 1,2008 - June 30, 2009 20.513 MTRDC 090404 $ 36,149

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

Passed through State of Georgia

Governor's Office ofHighway Safety:

State and Community Highway Safety

October 1, 2007 - September 30,2008 20.600 GA-2008-000-00604 7,817

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

Passed through State of Georgia

Governor's Office ofHighway Safety:

State and Community Highway Safety

October 1, 2008 - September 30,2009 20.600 GA-2009-00-00843 27,777

Subtotal 35,594


Troup Coun.tY, Georgia

Schedule ofExpenditures ofFederal Awards

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

Federal Grantor/ Federal

Pass-wough Grantor/ CFDA Grant Federal

Program Title Number Number Expenditures

u.s. Department ofHealth and Human Services

Passed through Georgia Department ofHuman


Passed through McIntosh Trail Regional

Development Center:

Coordinated Transportation Program: ..

Special Programs for the Aging, Title ill,Part B, Grants for Supportive Services and

Senior Centers

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 93.044 MTRDC 090404 $ 4,664

Passed through Georgia Department

ofHuman Resources:

Passed through Chattahoochee-Flint Regional

Development Center:

Special Programs for the Aging-

Title ill, Part C - Nutrition Service

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 93.045 04-171-02-09 121,368

Passed through Georgia Department ofHuman


Passed through McIntosh Trail Regional

Development Center:

Coordinated Transportation Program:

U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

July 1,2008 - June 30, 2009 93.558 MTRDC 090404 81,885

Passed through Georgia Department ofHuman


Passed through McIntosh Trail Regional

Development Center:

Coordinated Transportation Program:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Social Services Block Grants

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 93.667 MTRDC 090404 189,577


Troup County, GeorgiaSchedule ofExpenditures ofFederal Awards

For The Year Ended June 30,2009

Federal Grantor/ Federal

Pass-Through Grantor/ CFDA Grant Federal

Program Title Number Number Expenditures

U. S. Department ofAgriculture

Passed through State of Georgia

Department of Early Care and Learning:

Summer Food Service Program for Children

June 2, 2008 - July 18, 2008 10.559 S08-08016 $ 10,343

Passed through State of Georgia

Department ofEarly Care and Learning:

Summer Food Service Program for Children

June 1,2009 - June 30,2009 10.559 S09-08016 31,943

Subtotal 42,286

U. S. Department Homeland Security

Passed through Georgia Emergency Management


Salary Supplement

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 97.042 P-08-9-063 17,634

Passed through Georgia Emergency Management


Interoperable Communications Equipment Grant

October 1, 2007 - May 30, 2010 97.055 20047GS-H7-0047 438,036

Passed through Georgia Emergency Management


Homeland Security Grant Program

July 1, 2007 - February 28,2010 97.067 2004-GE-T7-0054 461,163


Troup County, Georgia

Schedule ofExpenditures ofFederal Awards

For The Year Ended June 30, 2009

u.s. Department of Education

Passed through Georgia Department ofHuman


Passed through McIntosh Trail Regional

Development Center:

Coordinated Transportation Program:

Vocational Rehabilitation Grants to States

July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Passed through Georgia Department of Community


Community Development Block Grant

September 7, 2007 - September 6, 2009



MTRDC 090404


$ 43,575


Total $ 2,139,173

Note 1 - Basis ofPresentation

This schedule of expenditures of federal awards includes the federal grant activity ofTroup County, Georgia

and is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. The information in this schedule is presented in accordancewith the requirements ofOMB Circular A-133, Audits ofStates, Local Governments, and

Non-Profit Organizations.

Note 2 - Coordinated Transportation

This program includes awards from three federal agencies and is passed through the Georgia Department of

Human Resources and McIntosh Trail Regional Development Center under one transportation contract.

Note 3 - Program Cluster

Awards under Special Programs for the Aging, Title III, Part B, Grants for Supportive Services and Senior

Centers and Special Programs for the Aging, Title III, Part C - Nutrition Service are within the Aging Cluster.


Troup County, GeorgiaSchedule ofFindings and Questioned Costs

For The Year Ended June 30,2009

Section I - Summary of Auditors' Results

Financial Statements

Type of Auditors' report issued

Internal control over financial reporting:Material Weakness(es) identified?Significant deficiencies identifiednot considered to be material weaknesses?

Noncompliance material to the financialstatements noted?

Federal Awards

Internal Control over major programs:Material Weakness(es) identified?Significant deficiencies identifiednot considered to be material weaknesses?

Type of auditors' report issued on compliancefor major programs:

Any audit findings disclosed that arerequired to be reported in accordance withOMB Circular A-133, Section .501 (a)?

Identification ofmajor programs:



None Reported



None Reported





Name ofFederal Program

Community Development Block GrantInteroperable Communications Equipment GrantHomeland Security Grant Program

Dollar threshold used to distinguish betweenType A and Type B programs:

Auditee qualified as low-risk auditee?




Troup County, GeorgiaSchedule ofFindings and Questioned Costs

For The Year Ended June 30,2009

Section II - Financial Statement Findings

No matters were reported.

Prior Year Financial Statement Findings

08-1 Expenditures Exceeded Budget

Condition: Expenditures exceeded budget at the legal level of control.

Recommendation: The County should review the budgeted expenditures periodically to providefor reductions in aiiticipated expenditUres or amendments to the budget to ensure thatexpenditures do not exceed budgeted amounts.

Current Status: The corrective action plan was submitted and implemented. This fmding isclosed.

Section ill - Federal Award Findings and Questioned Costs

No matters were reported.



