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Comprehensive Micro Lab Test

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  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    BIO 2420

    Intro to Microbiology

    Sample Comprehensive Laboratory exam

    Created by R Rohde


  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    5. Identify the gram reaction seen at the pointer.

    6. Identify the morphology (shape).

    7. Identify the arrangement.

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    11. Identify the staining technique.

    12. What is the purpose of the white structure seen at the pointer.

    1. Why is an acidic dye used for this technique!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    1". Identify the staining technique.

    15. Identify the purpose of iodine in this technique.

    16. #ame the primary morphology seen in the slide.

    17. #ame the most li$ely %enus and species seen in this image.

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    22. Identify the method.2. What is the purpose of this method!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    & '

    6. Identify which tue illustrated a non*motile organism.

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    7. Identify microscope part + 1

    ,. What is the magnification of

    part +1!

    -. Identify microscope part + 6 that islaeled 1/.

    ".What is the magnification when

    using the oil immersion o0ectie lens!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test



    . Identify the acteria that is found on plate &.

    ". Identify the acteria that is found to produce the greenlue pigment seenin image '.

    5. 'etween these two acteria (& and ')3 which one produces a solule pigment!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    1. Identify which sector(s) isare positie for the rea$down of the mil$ protein


    2. #ame the en4yme that is present when a acteria can rea$down this protein.

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    1". In the nitrate reduction test shown aoe3 what two reagents were added to

    determine if nitrate reductase is present!

    15.2nd reagent

    16.What rdreagent must e added to the inconclusie tue aoe to determine if nitrate

    has een totally reduced!

    17.If the inconclusie tue stays the same color as aoe after this reagent (+16 answer)is added3 what does that outcome mean!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    1,.Identify the end*product that has een produced in the tue on the right.

    1-.Identify the amino acid that is the sustrate in this test.

    2.or which acteria3 is this test a presumptie test (positie indicator)!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    26. #ame the test.

    27. #ame the p indicator in this test.

    2,. What is the purpose of this test!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    5. ou hae een gien a sample of urine to determine whether or not

    it8s li$ely to e a urinary tract infection (9:I). :he only information you $now

    is that you hae a gram negatie rod in the urine that ;swarms< on agar. :he

    only iochem test you hae aailale in the la is the urea test and it turns up positie.

    'ased on this information3 what is the most likelyorganism that is causing this 9:I!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    4 Based on the observations !ith hemolytic activity and bacitracin$

    identi%y the gen"s and species most li&ely isolated on this plate

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    "5. Which familyof acteria is the I=>i test useful for most often!

    "6. :he following results were noted for the I=>i test (?3 ?3 *3 *). 'ased

    on these results3 what is the identification of the most li$ely gram*negatie

    enteric that we8e studied in our la!

    "7 and ",. If the I=>i results were reersed (*3 *3 ?3 ?)3 which two li$ely gram*

    negatie enterics would you suspect ased on our las!

    "-. Which simple test could one use to differentiate etween these two acteria!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    ' (he c"lt"re t"rned p"rple !ithin )* seconds

    o% adding the oxidase reagent to the s!ab Isthis a positive or negative test+

    , -ame !hich bacteria is positive %or this test

    that also is assachrolytic and prod"ces a bl"ish.green pigment

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    / Identi%y this selective and di%%erential media that allo!s %or

    i%%erentiation bet!een Staph. aureusand Staph. epidermidis

    )0 -ame !hich sector yo" !o"ld %ind S. aureus

    )) -ame the ingredient that ma&es this plate 1selective

    )2 3hy is sector 1) t"rning yello!+

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    )* 3hat does MB stand %or in this test+

    )5 3hich bacteria are inhibited on this plate+

    )' -ame the bacteria isolated on the above plate

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    2' Identi%y !hich dis& the bacteria is totally resistant to

    2, Identi%y !hich dis& the bacteria is most s"sceptible to

    2/ 6 70 -ame 2 reasons %or the colonies seen in the inhibition 8one atthe arro!

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    9n enteric c"lt"re gave the %ollo!ing res"lts: gram positive cocci$

    ;amma#alpha hemolytic$ bacitracin negative$ optochin negative$

    Bile esc"lin slant t"be entirely blac&$ 5*< -aCl broth t"rbid

    4) Based on the res"lts above$ name the gen"s and species o% the most

    li&ely bacteria

    42 -ame the beta.hemolytic$ gram positive bacteria that is %o"nd in

    the Group Bstreptococc"s organisms

    4* 9 s&in s!ab gave the %ollo!ing res"lts: gram positive cocci$

    Catalase positive$ halophile$ %erments mannitol Based on these res"lts$

    name the most li&ely gen"s and species

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    7* On this =e&toen enteric media >=?$ are the isolated colonies

    L@As or -L@As+

    75 3hat other characteristic is observed !ith the isolated colonies+

    7' -ame one bacteria that !o"ld give this res"lt

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    , Identi%y by gen"s and species

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test



    )2 Identi%y this proto8oan that can ca"se dysentery %rom drin&ing

    non.p"ri%ied !ater !hen camping$ etc

    )7 3hat class does this proto8oan belong to+

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    25 Identi%y this %lagellate proto8oan >gen"s only?

    2' -ame the type o% specimen >"rine$ etc? one !o"ld have to

    ac"ire to vie! this microbe

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    4 Identi%y the helminth >;en"s 6 species that prod"ces this egg?

    It is the ) ro"nd!orm in%ection in the DS9

    * Speci%ically$ ho! !o"ld one obtain a sample o% these eggs to I

    them %or a clinical diagnosis+

  • 7/26/2019 Comprehensive Micro Lab Test


    5 Identi%y this microbe by gen"s

    ' -ame the class+
