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Compromis Final 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014







    jointly notii!" to t#! Co$%t on &' S!t!*!% +,&-





    CERTAINES ACTIVIT/S DANS LE MALACHI GAPnotii3 4onjoint!!nt 5 l6 Co$% l! &' 7!t!*%! +,&-

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014



    The Hague, 17 September 2013

    On behalf of the State of Amalea (the Applicant an! the "epublic of "itania (the

    "e#pon!ent, in accor!ance $ith Article %0(1 of the Statute of the &nternational 'ourt of

    u#tice, $e ha)e the honor to tran#mit to *ou an original of the Special Agreement for

    #ubmi##ion to the &nternational 'ourt of u#tice of the +ifference# bet$een the Applicant an!

    the "e#pon!ent concerning 'ertain Acti)itie# $ithin the alachi -ap, #igne! in The Hague,

    The .etherlan!#, on the 17th!a* of September in the *ear t$o thou#an! thirteen/

    Amba##a!or of the State of Amaleato the ing!om of The .etherlan!#

    Amba##a!or of the "epublic of "itaniato the ing!om of The .etherlan!#

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014






    The State of Amalea and the Republic of Ritania,

    Considering that !ifference# ha)e ari#en bet$een them concerning the certain acti)itie#

    $ithin the alachi -ap

    Recognizing that the artie# concerne! ha)e been unable to #ettle the#e !ifference# b*


    Desiring further to !efine the i##ue# to be #ubmitte! to the &nternational 'ourt of u#tice(hereinafter the 'ourt for #ettling thi# !i#pute

    In furtherance thereofthe artie# ha)e conclu!e! the follo$ing Special Agreement

    Article 1

    The artie# #ubmit the 4ue#tion# containe! in the Special Agreement (together $ith

    'orrection# an! 'larification# to follo$ to the 'ourt pur#uant to Article %0(1 of the 'ourt5#


    Article 2

    &t i# agree! b* the artie# that Amalea #hall act a# Applicant an! the "epublic of "itania a#

    "e#pon!ent, but #uch agreement i# $ithout pre6u!ice to an* 4ue#tion of the bur!en of proof/

    Article 3

    (a The 'ourt i# re4ue#te! to !eci!e the 'a#e on the ba#i# of the rule# an! principle# of

    international la$, inclu!ing an* applicable treatie#/

    (b The 'ourt i# al#o re4ue#te! to !etermine the legal con#e4uence#, inclu!ing the right#

    an! obligation# of the artie#, ari#ing from it# u!gment on the 4ue#tion# pre#ente! in

    the 'a#e/

    Article 4

    (a roce!ure# #hall be regulate! in accor!ance $ith the applicable pro)i#ion# of the

    Official "ule# of the 201% hilip '/ e##up &nternational a$ oot 'ourt


    (b The artie# re4ue#t the 'ourt to or!er that the $ritten procee!ing# #houl! con#i#t of

    emorial# pre#ente! b* each of the artie# not later than the !ate #et forth in the

    Official Sche!ule of the 201% hilip '/ e##up &nternational a$ oot 'ourt


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    Article 5

    (a The artie# #hall accept an* u!gment of the 'ourt a# final an! bin!ing upon them

    an! #hall e8ecute it in it# entiret* an! in goo! faith/

    (b &mme!iatel* after the tran#mi##ion of an* u!gment, the artie# #hall enter into

    negotiation# on the mo!alitie# for it# e8ecution/

    &n $itne## $hereof, the un!er#igne!, being !ul* authori9e!, ha)e #igne! the pre#ent

    'ompromi# an! ha)e affi8e! thereto their re#pecti)e #eal# of office/

    +one in The Hague, The .etherlan!#, thi# 17 th!a* of September in the *ear t$o thou#an!

    thirteen, in triplicate in the :ngli#h language/

    Amba##a!or of the State of

    Amalea to the ing!om of the.etherlan!#

    Amba##a!or of the "epublic of "itania

    to the ing!om of The .etherlan!#

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    T#! +,&: P#ili C; J!77$ Int!%n6tion6l L6< Moot Co$%t Co!tition

    ==S!4i6l A>%!!!nt==

    T#! St6t! o A6l!6 ?; t#! R!$*li4 o Rit6ni6

    T#! C67! Con4!%nin> C!%t6in A4ti?iti!7 ,000 meter#/ ?ithin appro8imatel* 100 nautical mile# of the coa#t of

    "itania, the Strait al#o contain# #e)eral oceanic ri!ge# an! plateau#, $here the $ater !epth i#

    at place# a# little a# 20 meter#/ A ma6or international #ea lane tra)er#e# #ome of the !eeper

    area# of the Strait of alachi/ A map of the alachi -ap an! it# neighboring lan! ma##e# i#

    attache! a# Appen!i8 A hereto/

    3/ The Strait of alachi it#elf contain# abun!ant fi#h an! #hellfi#h #toc=#, an! Amalean

    fi#hing )e##el# ha)e hi#toricall* plie! almo#t e)er* part of the Strait, regularl* coming $ithin

    le## than %0 nautical mile# of the "itanian coa#t/ @i#h account# for roughl* %0 of the protein

    content of the Amalean !iet/ Amalea5# fi#hing in!u#tr* #upplie# the !ome#tic mar=et an! i#

    al#o re#pon#ible for e8port# generating more than > of the countr*5# BS+ %> billion -+/

    The in!u#tr* !irectl* emplo*# o)er 2>0,000 people/

    %/ "itania, b* contra#t, ha# ne)er !e)elope! a commerciall* #ignificant fi#hing in!u#tr*

    an! it# people !o not con#ume #ignificant 4uantitie# of #eafoo!/ "itanian fi#hing in the Strait

    of alachi i# limite! to #e!entar* fi#h #pecie# foun! $ithin fi)e nautical mile# of the


    >/ &n the 1C%0#, "itanian geologi#t# !i#co)ere! #ignificant re#er)e# of petroleum an!

    natural ga# beneath the #eabe! in the Strait of alachi, though at the time it $a# nottechnologicall* fea#ible to e8ploit the#e !epo#it#/

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  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    11/ Amalea #igne! B.'OS in une 1C;3, but ha# ne)er ratifie! it/ Ho$e)er, on 13 une

    1C;%, the re#i!ent of Amalea, b* proclamation, a##erte! hi# countr*5# claim to a 200

    nautical mile ::F/ Among other thing#, the roclamation al#o claime! the right to control

    energ* pro!uction, a# $ell a# the e#tabli#hment an! u#e of artificial i#lan!#, in#tallation#, an!

    #tructure# ha)ing economic purpo#e#, $ithin the ::F/ ?ith re#pect to the Strait of alachi,

    the proclamation !eclare! that the boun!ar* bet$een Amalea5# an! "itania5# e8clu#i)e

    economic 9one# $a# to be !etermine! b* the t$o countrie# in accor!ance $ith e4uitable

    principle#, gi)ing !ue con#i!eration to Amalea5# hi#torical !epen!ence on fi#hing re#ource#/

    12/ Amalea $a# among the fir#t nation# in the $orl! to !e)elop an! implement

    #u#tainable fi#hing practice#/ &n 1C;0

    nautical mile# from the coa#t of "itania/ E* then, a!)ance# in oil an! ga# e8traction

    technolog* $ere #uch that "itania belie)e! the e8ploitation of the :rebu# fiel! coul! become

    commerciall* fea#ible $ithin the ne8t !eca!e/

    1>/ Eet$een 1C;; an! 1CC2, Amalea an! "itania engage! in e8ten#i)e negotiation# about

    the !emarcation of their ::F claim# in the Strait of alachi, re#ulting in a treat* !ate! 30

    arch 1CC2/ ?ith re#pect to an area of appro8imatel* 1,200 #4uare nautical mile#, =no$n a#

    the alachi -ap, the partie# agree! to apportion their re#pecti)e right# a# #et out in the

    e8tract# of the alachi -ap Treat* at Appen!i8 E hereto/ The area# pre)iou#l* claime! b*

    each #tate a# it# :8clu#i)e :conomic Fone out#i!e of the alachi -ap $ere #tipulate! to

    con#titute that #tate5# unconte#te! ::F/

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014



  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    1C/ The bree!ing groun! of the +orian $ra##e occupie# le## than >0 #4uare =ilometer#

    $ithin the #hallo$ $ater# of the Siriu# lateau, an area of the continental cru#t in the alachi

    -ap appro8imatel* %0 nautical mile# from the "itanian coa#t an! appro8imatel* 1;0 nautical

    mile# from the coa#t of Amalea (seeAppen!i8 A/ The Siriu# lateau i# geomorphologicall*

    an! geologicall* relate! to the "itanian lan!ma##, $here the $ater# are on a)erage le## than

    20 meter# !eep/

    20/ &n late 200

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    &f it i# appro)e! b* the appropriate "itanian authoritie#, :8cel#ior lan! it#elf

    (con#i#ting of the reclaime! lan!, all a##ociate! #tructure#, an! the off#hore

    $in! farm $ill be built entirel* out#i!e of the alachi -ap an! $ithin

    "itania5# unconte#te! e8clu#i)e economic 9one/ Therefore, Amalea5# con#ent

    for the pro6ect i# not re4uire!/ To the e8tent that an* acti)itie# relating to the

    con#truction of :8cel#ior lan! $ill ta=e place $ithin the alachi -ap,

    "itania $ill ta=e appropriate mea#ure# to en#ure that #uch acti)itie# are carrie!

    out in full compliance $ith "itanian la$, a# $ell a# $ith "itania5# obligation#

    un!er the alachi -ap Treat* an! an* applicable norm# of international la$/

    23/ A# part of the "itanian licen#ing proce##, :&- $a# re4uire! to con!uct an

    en)ironmental impact a##e##ment (:&A for the :8cel#ior lan! pro6ect/ Bn!er "itanian la$,

    an :&A for a propo#e! marine !e)elopment pro6ect i# re)ie$e! b* "itania5# +epartment of

    "e#ource anagement an! an* other go)ernment agenc* claiming a #pecific intere#t/ &f all

    re)ie$ing agencie# are #ati#fie! $ith the :&A an! other information relating to the pro6ect,

    the +epartment of "e#ource anagement i##ue# a licen#e authori9ing the !e)eloper to

    procee!/ Bn!er the#e la$#, :&A re4uirement# appl* to acti)itie# on or in "itanian territor*

    an! an* other area# o)er $hich "itania ma* e8erci#e #o)ereign right# in accor!ance $ith

    international la$/ &n earl* 200;, :&- #ubmitte! an :&A for the :8cel#ior lan! pro6ect/

    The :&A !i! not a!!re## the potential impact# of the !re!ging program on the $ater# of the

    alachi -ap, or on fi#h #pecie# li)ing there/

    2%/ Amalea con#i#tentl* maintaine! that "itania ha! no right to engage in or to allo$

    !re!ging $ithin the alachi -ap, an! that e)en if it !i! ha)e #uch a right, "itania coul! not

    permit #uch !re!ging to procee! $ithout at lea#t a full :&A #pecificall* co)ering all of it#

    potential impact#/ Amalea e8pre##e! particular concern regar!ing the fate of the +orian

    $ra##e, gi)en the pro8imit* of it# onl* =no$n bree!ing groun! to the propo#e! !re!ging in

    the Siriu# lateau/ "itania maintaine! that it# regulator* proce##e# complie! $ith

    international la$/

    2>/ Shortl* after :&- file! it# :&A, the Amalean :n)ironmental rotection Agenc*

    publi#he! a report prepare! b* the &nternational eague for Su#tainable A4uaculture (&SA,

    an international nongo)ernmental organi9ation $ho#e member# inclu!e prominent marine

    #cienti#t# from aroun! the $orl!/ The report conclu!e! that an* ma6or !re!ging acti)it* in the

    alachi -ap $oul! li=el* interfere $ith ongoing re#earch an! con#er)ation effort#, an! coul!potentiall* pro)e cata#trophic for nati)e #pecie# an! eco#*#tem#/ &t al#o #ugge#te! that

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    becau#e of the pre#ence of ga# h*!rate# at the foot of the Siriu# lateau, an un!er$ater

    lan!#li!e coul! threaten particularl* gra)e !amage/ Amalea5# @oreign ini#ter for$ar!e! the

    report to the "itanian Amba##a!or an! urge! her to #ubmit it to the appropriate authoritie# for

    con#i!eration in the a##e##ment of the pro6ect/ The Amba##a!or re#pon!e! that neither #he

    nor her #uperior# $ere authori9e! to interfere $ith the in!epen!ent regulator* role of the

    "itanian +epartment of "e#ource anagement/


  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    2C/ @ollo$ing the lan!#li!e, Amalean authoritie# in#titute! an emergenc* monitoring

    program !e)elope! an! implemente! b* &SA for #e)eral #pecie# li)ing on the Siriu# lateau

    $ithin the alachi -ap, inclu!ing the +orian $ra##e/ :arl* re#ult# of the program, relea#e!

    in @ebruar* 2010 re)eale! that the lan!#li!e ha! an imme!iate an! #ignificant negati)e

    impact on the =no$n +orian $ra##e population/ Amalea5# @oreign ini#ter contacte! her

    counterpart in "itania to a!)i#e him of thi# !e)elopment, #tating that Amalea $oul! hol!

    "itania re#pon#ible for economic lo##e# cau#e! b* harm to the fi#hing #toc=# once it# preci#e

    impact ha! been !etermine!/

    30/ The total catch of +orian $ra##e reporte! b* Amalean fi#hing companie# to the

    ini#tr* of @i#herie# b* the en! of 2010 an! 2011 ha! fallen to 2> an! 1>, re#pecti)el*,

    of the le)el# reporte! in 2000/ E* @ebruar* 2012, &SA !eclare! the +orian $ra##e to be an

    en!angere! #pecie#, an! recommen!e! that commercial fi#hing be #u#pen!e! in!efinitel*

    until it# population $a# regenerate!/ At the #ame time, &SA note! that there $a# !oubt

    among e8pert# in the fiel! $hether the number of +orian $ra##e in the Siriu# lateau $oul!

    return to prelan!#li!e le)el# before the en! of the centur*/

    31/ &n anuar* 2010, a "itanian oil an! ga# e8ploration )e##el con!ucting #onar mapping

    operation# in the alachi -ap to the $e#t of the Amalean Trench, !i#co)ere! the $rec= of

    the #chooner Cargast, $ho#e captain $a# Eal!ric Ger!igri#, an Amalean e8plorer an!

    cartographer/ The $rec= $a# appro8imatel* ;0 nautical mile# from the neare#t point on the

    Amalean coa#t/

    32/ Hi#torian# ha)e long agree! that Ger!igri# !ie! at #ea on 10 arch 1>10, $hen the

    Cargast the fir#t of $hat $oul! become a #tan!ar! mo!el of Amalean #chooner# K

    !i#appeare! in the Strait of alachi !uring a #torm/ At the time the Cargast$ent !o$n,

    Ger!igri# hel! a letter of mar4ue from the ing of Amalea, $ho grante! the #hip to him for

    u#e to bring glor* to the ing!om of Amalea/ 'ontemporaneou# recor!# in!icate that the

    ing pro)i!e! an! the "o*al Trea#ur* pai! for a batter* of 20 2%poun!er cannon# a# $ell a#

    a complement of lighter $eapon#, cau#ing one commentator to ob#er)e upon the #hip5#

    mai!en )o*age that #he i# the mo#t formi!able )e##el bearing Hi# a6e#t*5# e#cutcheon *et

    to pl* our #ea#/ ong ma* #he #ail in Hi# #er)iceL The cre$ of the )e##el appear# to ha)e

    been recruite!, emplo*e!, an! pro)i#ione! b* Ger!igri# u#ing fun!# pro)i!e! b* pri)ate

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    financial bac=er#, $ho hope! to reco)er their in)e#tment through #hare# of the foreign

    trea#ure the* hope! he $oul! bring bac= to Amalea/

    33/ "itanian hi#tor* boo=# !e#cribe Eal!ric Ger!igri# a# a ruthle## Amalean pirate,

    re#pon#ible for the plun!er an! !e#truction of the "itanian capital of Helio# !uring the $ee=

    of % arch 1>10/ On their return to Amalea from $hat contemporar* recor!# #ai! $a# a )er*

    #ucce##ful tra!ing mi##ion to recentl* !i#co)ere! o)er#ea# territorie#, Ger!igri# an! hi# cre$

    lai! #iege to Helio#, #etting fire to the to$n, =illing hun!re!# of people, an! #tealing mo#t of

    the to$n5# pri9e! religiou# an! cultural icon# a# $ell a# all of the preciou# ob6ect# that the*

    coul! carr*/ Among the ob6ect# #tolen $a# the Sacre! Helian 'oronet, $hich $a# place! on

    the hea!# of "itanian monarch# !uring their coronation ceremonie#/ &t ha! been =ept in the

    'hapel of Saint .icola# in Helio#/ Accor!ing to legen!, the 'oronet K reporte!l* ma!e of

    gol! an! preciou# #tone# K $a# a gift from the go!# to the fir#t =ing of "itania in the fourth

    centur* A/+/ O)er the centurie# it ha# ac4uire! m*thical importance in "itanian iconograph*,

    an! a #t*li9e! image of the 'oronet occupie# the center of the flag of "itania to the pre#ent

    !a*/ Hi#torian# are unanimou# in their a##umption that the cargo that $ent !o$n $ith the

    Cargast, an! that la* #ome$here in the !epth# of the Strait of alachi, containe! not onl* the

    'oronet, but a )a#t arra* of preciou# #tone#, gol! an! other coinage, an! be6e$ele! artifact#

    obtaine! not onl* !uring the Sac= of Helio# but !uring the tra!ing mi##ion that prece!e! it/

    3%/ Amalean rime ini#ter Eee#le* re#pon!e! to the !i#co)er*, claiming the Cargast

    an! all of the cargo that might be on boar! a# the propert* of Amalea, to be hel! in tru#t for

    all human=in!/ He note! that the $rec= #houl! be protecte! from tho#e $ho ha)e no right

    to it/ The re#i!ent of "itania imme!iatel* re#pon!e! $ith gratitu!e for our #hare!

    un!er#tan!ing that the uni4ue propert* on boar! the Cargast, #acre! to the people of "itania,

    mu#t be treate! $ith !ignit* an! re#pect, but al#o noting our feeling of !eep offen#e that

    Amalea, or an* other countr*, $oul! claim o$ner#hip or control of our nation5# birthright/ A#

    an! $hen appropriate, the content# of the #hip #houl! be brought to the #urface for careful

    re#toration an! pre#er)ation, an! thereafter treate! in a manner con#i#tent $ith international


    3>/ &n an inter)ie$ $ith S)en#=a +agbla!et time! to commemorate the >00thanni)er#ar*

    of $hat ha# become =no$n a# the Sac= of Helio# on % arch 2010, "itanian ini#ter of

    'ultural Affair# -loria !e Sou#a !eclare! that if later in)e#tigation# re)eale! the pre#ence of

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    the Sacre! Helian 'oronet on boar! the #hip, thi# $oul! be the reali9ation of a !ream of

    generation# of our ance#tor#, in $ho#e honor the entire population of "itania $ill, a# one,

    $elcome home thi# re)ere! #*mbol of our nation/ She note! that the me!ia ha! in recent

    !a*# reporte! the arri)al at Amalea5# main airport of a number of internationall* =no$n

    !i)er# e8perience! in reco)ering trea#ure lo#t at #ea, an! #tate! that "itania $ill not tolerate

    the pre#ence of looter# K of an* nationalit* K an*$here near the Cargast, an! $e re#er)e the

    right to #en! na)al patrol )e##el# to the area to pre)ent the !e#ecration of our national

    heritage/ Ho$e)er, no "itanian #hip# $ere #ent to the $rec= #ite after that #tatement $a#



  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    alachi -ap Treat* a# $ell a# cu#tomar* international la$/ The licen#e, the re#i!ent

    #tate!, #houl! be !eclare! null an! )oi!, an! of no legal effect/ On behalf of all "itanian#,

    $e inten! to #ee= the return of the item# alrea!* in Amalea5# po##e##ion, inclu!ing the

    'oronet, $hich are the #acre! propert* of our people/

    %0/ Shortl* after the "itanian re#i!ent5# public #tatement, "itania5# .a)* began to patrol

    the area of the $rec= ($hich patrol# continue to the !ate of thi# Special Agreement/

    Although there ha)e been no report# of )iolent confrontation#, Amalea ha# )ehementl*

    ob6ecte! through !iplomatic channel# to $hat it# rime ini#ter calle! thi# unla$ful

    incur#ion /M "itania ha# gone be*on! the lamentable creeping 6uri#!iction e8erci#e! b* #ome

    #tate# un!er the gui#e of protecting un!er$ater cultural heritage, to full blo$n unla$ful

    a##ertion of po$er be*on! it# o$n territor*/

    %1/ On 13 @ebruar* 2011, at appro8imatel* 1>00 hour# local time, theRosehill, an

    Amaleanregi#tere! crui#e #hip carr*ing >>< pa##enger#, 70 of $hom $ere Amalean#, an!

    21> cre$ member# of )ariou# nationalitie#, !eparte! from Amalea an! hea!e! to$ar!#

    "itania/ Helio# $a# to be theRosehill5# fir#t port of call on it# regular 20!a* )o*age aroun!

    the region/ Eecau#e con#truction of :8cel#ior lan!5# h*!roelectric plant $a# complete an!

    final #tep# $ere being ta=en to !e)elop the $in! farm, in re#pon#e to cu#tomer#5 re4ue#t# the

    Rosehill5# o$ner# ha! obtaine! permi##ion for the )e##el to na)igate clo#e to the lan!/

    %2/ A# theRosehillapproache! :8cel#ior lan!, theDaedalus, a #tolen "itanianflagge!

    *acht un!er the control of O#car !e u9, a "itanian citi9en, carr*ing a cre$ of 10 an! $ith an

    un!etermine! number of other# on boar!, $a# #pee!ing to$ar!# the lan!/ The captain of the

    Rosehill, #a$ that hi# #hip $a# on a colli#ion cour#e $ith the fa#tapproaching Daedalus, an!

    trie! to maneu)er theRosehilla$a*/ He $a# force! to )eer to$ar! the lan! an! to

    accelerate in or!er to a)oi! $hat #eeme! an imminent colli#ion/ +e#pite $hat later

    in)e#tigation# !e#cribe! a# the heroic effort# of the captain an! cre$ of theRosehill, the #hip

    #truc= the lan! $ith #ignificant force/ TheRosehill5# captain imme!iatel* ra!ioe! the

    Amalean authoritie# about the inci!ent/

    %3/ The impact cau#e! rupture# to three o8*fuel #torage tan=# on the i#lan!, in turn

    lea!ing to a #erie# of e8plo#ion# that =ille! fi)e of the "itanian national# $or=ing on

    :8cel#ior lan!/ The e8plo#ion# al#o tore large hole# in the hull of the Rosehillan! cau#e!

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    fire# that #prea! through part# of the #hip, $hich began to #in=/ Eefore nightfall, 127

    pa##enger# an! cre$ of theRosehillha! !ie! from the e8plo#ion#, burn#, #mo=e inhalation, or

    !ro$ning, an! 1>0 other# $ere in6ure!/ ;C of the !ea! $ere Amalean national#/

    %%/ u9 #teere! theDaedalusa$a* from the lan! to the north$e#t/ ?ithin minute# of

    theRosehill!s!i#tre## call, the Amalean 'oa#tal rotection Ser)ice (A'S i##ue! an alert

    !e#cribing theRosehillcolli#ion a# apparentl* cau#e! b* a *acht that ha! hurrie!l* left the

    #cene/ The alert note! that the *acht ha! been #een #pee!ing a$a* bearing $e#t north$e#t,

    creating a !anger for other )e##el#/

    %>/ A# theDaedalus!re$ $ithin about 23 nautical mile# of Amalea5# coa#tline, it $a#

    pic=e! up on ra!ar b* theIcarus, an Amalean .a)* @a#t "e#pon#e 'utter, un!er thecomman! of 'aptain ?alter Ha!!oc=/ 'aptain Ha!!oc=, $ho ha! follo$e! the A'S alert#,

    #et out at full #pee! to intercept theDaedalus/ ?hen theIcarus$a# $ithin )i#ual range,

    'aptain Ha!!oc= i##ue! an or!er o)er #e)eral !ifferent ra!io fre4uencie# commonl* u#e! b*

    )e##el# in the Strait of alachi, or!ering theDaedalusto #top/

    %, Amalea5# enal 'o!e ha# #pecificall* inclu!e! offen#e# committe! in

    Amalea5# unconte#te! ::F an! the alachi -ap/ Amalea5# Attorne* -eneral conclu!e! that

    un!er that 'o!e her countr*5# court# ha! 6uri#!iction to tr* u9 for )iolation# of Amalean

    criminal la$#, an! he $a# charge! $ith 127 count# of mur!er, a# $ell a# rec=le##

    en!angerment, negligent operation of a #eagoing )e##el, an! )ariou# propert* crime#/

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    %;/ "itania imme!iatel* file! a formal prote#t $ith the Amalean :mba##*, claiming that

    the arre#t an! pro#ecution of u9, a "itanian citi9en, $ere illegal un!er international la$/

    "itania argue! that it ha! e8clu#i)e 6uri#!iction o)er the allege! offen#e#, an! !eman!e! that

    u9 imme!iatel* be returne! to "itania for in)e#tigation into $hether there $a# a ba#i# to

    pro#ecute him for theRosehillacci!ent/ "itania al#o note! that it e8pecte! the full

    cooperation of Amalea, a# a #ignator* to B.'OS, in re#ol)ing the #ituation regar!ing O#car

    !e u9/

    %C/ Amalea !ecline! to repatriate u9, noting that "itanian criminal la$ !i! not e8pre##l*

    pro)i!e for pro#ecution of offen#e# committe! out#i!e the countr*5# territorial $ater#, an!

    therefore u9 might ne)er be re4uire! to an#$er for hi# crime#/ &n#tea!, Amalea put him on

    trial/ u9 $a# ultimatel* con)icte! of nearl* all of the charge# again#t him, an! hi#

    con)iction# $ere affirme! b* the 'ourt of 'riminal Appeal# in une 2012, an! b* Amalea5#

    Supreme 'ourt in anuar* 2013/ u9 i# currentl* #er)ing a life #entence in a me!ium#ecurit*

    pri#on in Amalea, an! $ill not be eligible for parole until 2032/

    >0/ &n @ebruar* 2013, Amalea5# ini#tr* of @i#herie# publi#he! a report conclu!ing that

    pro6ecte! commercial e8ploitation of the +orian $ra##e $oul! ha)e amounte! to no le## than

    BS+ 2>0 million annuall* o)er the ne8t fi)e *ear#/ Eeing unable to fi#h the +orian $ra##e

    for the fore#eeable future, Amalea !eman!e! reparation# from "itania for the lo## of thi#


    >1/ After #e)eral month# of un#ucce##ful negotiation#, the partie# !eci!e! to refer the

    matter in)ol)ing the lo## of the +orian $ra##e, along $ith the unre#ol)e! !i#pute# in)ol)ing

    the Cargastan! theRosehill, to the &nternational 'ourt of u#tice, an! for thi# purpo#e ha)e

    agree! to the term# of thi# Special Agreement/ &n a!!ition, Amalea ha# agree! to place all

    ob6ect# remo)e! from the Cargast, an! an* other# that might be brought to the #urface !uring

    the pen!enc* of thi# ca#e b* ilo Eelle99a, in e#cro$ hel! b* the ini#tr* of 'ulture of the

    -o)ernment of 'ana!a, $hich ta=e# no po#ition on an* of the i##ue# in !i#pute/

    >2/ Amalea an! "itania are both member# of the Bnite! .ation# #ince 1C%>, an! each ha#

    #igne! an! ratifie! the Gienna 'on)ention on the a$ of Treatie#/ Eoth ha)e been member#

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    of the &nternational aritime Organi9ation #ince 1C

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    (! Amalea $a# $ithout 6uri#!iction to tr* u9 in connection $ith theRosehill

    colli#ion, an! mu#t return him to "itania imme!iatel*/

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    A!n"i@ A


    (not to 746l!)

  • 8/13/2019 Compromis Final 2014


    A!n"i@ B

    E@4!%t7 %o t#! -, M6%4# &+ M6l64#i G6 T%!6ty *!t

    the #eabe! an! #ub#oil

    (c neither art* #hall e8erci#e it# right# hereun!er in a manner $hich un!ul* inhibit# the

    e8erci#e of the right# of the other art* an! nothing in thi# Treat* #hall be interprete!

    to ren!er the alachi -ap or an* portion thereof the #o)ereign territor* of either

    art* an!

    (! the artie# #hall cooperate $ith each other in relation to the e8erci#e of their

    re#pecti)e right# gi)ing !ue regar! to each art*5# uni4ue intere#t# in the alachi

    -ap, inclu!ing, but not limite! to, in the ca#e of Amalea the protection of fi#herie#,

    an! in the ca#e of "itania it# !e#ire to !e)elop re#ource# l*ing beneath the $ater/
