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Computer advancement and History

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Page 1: Computer advancement and History
Page 2: Computer advancement and History

Computer Advancement

Kamran Faisal (13)

S. Taimoor Hussain (59)

Khubaib Ahmad Esabzai (10)

M. Danial Jan (34)

M. Haider Ali (35)

BZU Multan

Page 3: Computer advancement and History

Mechanical Approach & Humanistic Approach

Hardware, in the computer world, refers to the physical

components that make up a computer system. Like body of

computers, designs, working capabilities, etc.

Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the

design, construction, operation, structural disposition,

manufacture and application of robots and computer

systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information


Page 4: Computer advancement and History

Mechanical & Automation Development History

Chinese Introduced Abacus Calculator.[2600 BC]

Aristotle’s Idea, The Greek philosopher Aristotle imagines the

great utility of robots, writing, "If every tool, when ordered, or even of

its own accord, could do the work that befits it … then there would be

no need either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves for

the lords.“[ 322 BC ]

The Lie Zi first time described “Automation” . [250 BC]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

Greek mathematician “Hero of Alexandria” described a

machine to automatically pour wine for party guests . [AD 50 ]

Leonardo da Vinci designs a clockwork knight “Da Vinci's

Knight” that will sit up, wave its arms and move its head and

jaw. It's not certain whether the robot was ever built, but the

design may constitute the first humanoid robot.[AD1495]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

John Napier introduced a system called "Napier's Bones,"

made from horn, bone or ivory the device allowed the capability

of multiplying by adding numbers and dividing by subtracting.

[AD 1617]

Blaise Pascal invents a machine, called the Pascaline, that can

add, subtract, and carry between digits.[AD 1642]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

Gottfried Leibniz demonstrates binary arithmetic, a discovery

that shows every number can be represented by 0 and 1 only.

This was the root of the programming languages.[AD 1679 ]

Joseph Marie Jacquard invents an automated loom that is

controlled by punch cards. Afterward, These Punch cards

became popular in computer programming.[AD 1804]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

The Difference Engine is a mechanical calculator first

purposed and developed by Charles Babbage(The father of

mechanical Computer) that was capable of computing several

sets of numbers and making a hard copies of the results. [AD


The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit

(ALU), basic flow control, punch cards, and integrated

memory and is the first general-purpose computer concept. He

first time introduced ALU, MU and CU.[AD 1837]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

A lady August Ada Byron( Italian Mathematician) , who

was the first programmer in the history of computer. She helped

Babbage in his Analytical Engine. Her first program was to

calculate Bernoulli numbers. [AD 1837]

George Boole was a mathematician and logician, who

invented first time Boolean Algebra. He is regarded in

hindsight as a founder of the field of Computer Science.[AD


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Mechanical & Automation Development History

Italian author Carlo Collodi writes Pinocchio, a children's

book about a marionette who turns into a real boy. The literary

theme of mechanical men who come to life will flourish along

with the technological evolution of robots--most recently, in

movies like Steven Spielberg's A.I. and in TV characters like

Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. [AD 1881]

Herman Hollerith developed a method for machines to record

and store information onto punch cards to be used for the US

census. He later formed the company we know as IBM today.

[AD 1896]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

L. Frank Baum invents one of the literary world's most

beloved robots in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: the Tin

Woodsman, a mechanical man in search of a heart. The

character is seen as a symbol for the soullessness of

mechanized industry.[AD 1900]

Czech playwright Karl Capek popularizes the term "robot" in a

play called "R.U.R. (Rossums Universal Robot)." The word

comes from the Czech robota, which means drudgery or

forced work. The play ends with robots taking over the earth

and destroying their makers.[AD 1921]

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Mechanical & Automation Development History

Film director Fritz Lang releases Metropolis, a silent film set

in a futuristic urban dystopia. It features a female robot--the

first to appear on the silver screen--who takes the shape of a

human woman in order to destroy a labor movement.[AD 1926]

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Computer Development Historyof Generations

Initially discovered by Thomas Edison, the vacuum tube

formed the building block for the entire electronics industry.[AD


Vacuum tubes were later used as electron valves in the 20th

century to build the first electronic computers.[AD 1906]

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Computer Development HistoryFirst Generation[1942-1959]

ENIAC was built at University of Pennsylvania.[AD 1943]

Dr. Howard Aiken designed Mark-1 or ASCC. This computer

was the first design in which binary language was used. After it,

he designed further Mark series successfully.[AD 1944 – 1959]

EDSAC was the first designed computer in which stored

program concept was used.[AD 1949]

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Computer Development HistoryFirst Generation[1942-1959]

Magnetic Drums for memory

only solve one problem at a time

Main Memory 100 bytes to 2 kilobytes

Use Vacuum tubes

Using a great deal of electricity

displayed on printouts.

Special rooms to house them with air conditioning

Specially trained technicians to run & maintain

A first-generation programming language

is a machine-level programming language.

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Robotic Development History[1942-1959]

American science fiction author Isaac Asimov publishes a

short story, "Runaround," that introduces the "Three Laws of

Robotics"--rules that every robot is programmed to obey:

A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction,

allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings

except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such

protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.[AD


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Robotic Development History[1942-1959]

Industrial robotics pioneer George Devol files a

patent (pictured) for the first programmable

robot and coins the term “Universal

Automaton.“[AD 1954]

George Devol and Joseph Engel Berger

(pictured) form the world's first robotics

company, Unimation. It is purchased by

Condec, which later is bought, in part, by

industrial manufacturing giant Eaton.[AD 1956]

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Computer Development HistorySecond Generation[1959-1965]

The name transistor comes from the word 'trans' of

transmitter and the word 'sistor' of resistor.

The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories by

William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain.[AD


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Computer Development HistorySecond Generation[1959-1965]


RCA 501

Philco Transact S-2000

NCR 300 series

IBM 7070, 7080, 7090, 1400 series, 1600 series

Honeywell 800, 400 series

General Electric GE 635, 645, GE 200

Control Data Corp. CDC 1604, 3600, 160A


Burroughs B5000, 200 series

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Computer Development HistorySecond Generation[1959-1965]

Second-generation programming language is a

generational way to categorize Assembly Languages.

Transistors replaced vacuum tubes

Allowing computers to become smaller,

Smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient

Magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.

Atomic energy industry, business

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Robotic Development History[1959-1965]

Unimate, the world's first industrial robot, goes to work on a

General Motors assembly line.[AD 1961]

Rosie the robot appears on The Jetsons, an animated TV

program about a family from the future. The iconic house maid

becomes one of the best-known robot characters in recent

history.[AD 1962]

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Computer Development HistoryThird Generation[1965-1971]

The IC Integrated circuits [AD 1965]

The IC revolutionized the entire electronic technology. Ex: The

Pentium Processor contains 3.1 Million Transistors in 1.5 inch


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Computer Development HistoryThird Generation[1965-1971]

integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of


silicon chips, called semiconductors

drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.

keyboard and monitors and interfaced with an operating system

they were smaller and cheaper

Pascal, C, Fortran, C++, Java, C#

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Robotic Development History[1965-1971]

The AICSRC begins development of Shakey, the first mobile

robot. It is endowed with a limited ability to see and model its

environment and is controlled by a computer that fills an entire

room.[AD 1966]

HAL 9000 (Heuristically programmed Algorithmic computer)

appears in the Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space

Odyssey, written by Arthur C. Clarke. The artificially

intelligent computer runs the spaceship Discovery--and

eventually goes berserk. The character reflects concern about

the increasing power of intelligent machines over man.[AD


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Computer Development HistoryFourth Generation[1971-1990]

Intel publicly introduced the world's first single chip

microprocessor, the Intel 4004 (U.S. Patent #3,821,715),

invented by Intel engineers Federico Faggin, Ted Hoff, and

Stanley Mazor. It revolutionized computer design.[AD 1971]

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Computer Development HistoryFourth Generation[1971-1990]

Microprocessor, Hard disk, Ram

SQL (for database access) and TeX (for text formatting)

Integrated circuits

Operating system

IBM introduced its first computer for the home user,

GUI technology

More fastest, cheaper, less power conception

Introduction of mouse

MS DOS 1, 2, 3, 4[AD 1981-1988]

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Robotic Development History[1971-1990]

R2-D2 and C-3PO appear in George Lucas' Star Wars films.

The plucky androids are arguably the best-known robots in

modern culture.[AD 1977]

The Terminator Movie, in which a robotic assassin from a post-

apocalyptic future travels back in time to eliminate a waitress,

whose son will grow up and lead humanity in a war against

machines.[AD 1984]

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Computer Development HistoryFifth Generation[1990-Present]

Artificial Intelligence came in this generation.

Massively Parallel computing/processing

voice recognition


Touch screen

Finger print recognition

MS DOS 5 & 6[AD 1991-1994]

Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP

VISTA, 7, 8

Windows 8.1 [AD Oct 18, 2013]

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Computer Development HistoryFifth Generation[1990-Present]

Tianhe-2 or TH-2 (Chinese: literally "Skyriver-2") is a

33.86 petaflop(20,000 trillion calculations per second),

supercomputer located in Guangzhou, China.[AD


It is currently the world's fastest supercomputer.

Tianhe-2 runs a total of 3,120,000 processor cores

divided among 16,000 nodes.

The system is configured with a total of 1.404

petabytes of memory and a parallel storage system

with 12.4 petabytes of space.

1 Petabyte = 1048576 Gigabyte

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Robotic Development History[1990-Present]

Sony developed Aibo robots like dog, which had abilities to

navigate around itself and respond to a set of limited

commands.[AD 1999]

Honda's humanoid robot ASIMO steps onto the stage. Standing

1.3 meters tall, it can walk and run with a near-human gait.[AD


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Robotic Development History[Present/Beyond]

The robotics business hits the big time, becoming a $1.06

billion business in North America. Pictured is the humanoid

robot Speecys SPC-003.[AD 2004 - Present]

Self-Assembling Robot Furniture, Developed by Swiss

BioRobotics Laboratory, this fantastic set of roving robots

rolls into position and assembles into whatever piece of

furniture you need at that moment.

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Robotic Development[Present/Beyond]

The human consciousness robot BINA48 is like human and

stores memories of the human in the head. The somewhat-

creepy project is the work of the Terasem Movement, an

organization that seeks to prevent the finality of death by

allowing humans to store their consciousness in technology,

where it will live on forever.

Losing weight is never easy. That’s why Autom, this adorable

big-eyed robot, wants to know all about you. She asks

questions about your food intake and activity levels every day,

then gives you tips on getting and staying healthy.

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Robotic Development[Present/Beyond]

Some South Korean students are learning English

from outsourced teachers who happen to be based in

the Philippines – but the teachers have a constant

classroom presence in the form of egg-shaped robot

Engkey. The schools are happy because the robot

teachers are cheaper than human teachers, and the

students are happy because many of them find a

robot less intimidating than a human teacher.

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Robotic Development[Present/Beyond]

Researchers are developing itty-bitty solar-powered robots

that could move in swarm formations to gather data from

targets and it wouldn’t matter much if some were lost or

destroyed in the process because they would be so cheap to


Japanese researchers are developing a homeworking robot

which helps in home maintenance and settle the things at the

right place where home user want. It can cook and serve in

front of you.

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Robotic Development[Present/Beyond]

Da Vinci Surgical Robot is popular among

prostate and heart surgeries.  During surgery

the unit is remotely controlled by a surgeon

who moves the robot arms while watching

through an endoscopic camera.  This robot

has become popular because it can perform

complex operations while being less

invasive.   Patients have reported less pain,

blood, and a faster healing during recovery

than normal surgeries.

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Computer Development[Present/Beyond]

In now-a-days Windows 8 and 8.1 are working or may be in

the future:

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Disadvantages of Computer

Potentially destroy your social life and interactions with


It may effect to the destruction of your eye sight due to


It may cause pimples and wrinkles.

It may damage your studies and life.

Too much time in front of monitor may make you fat.

Distract towards unproductive activities.

Cause violation of privacy, impact on labor force, health risks,

impact on environment, distraction from work, and possible

antisocial influences.

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Disadvantages of Robot

Robot works on human instructions, who can track the robots in

wrong direction.

Robots can’t help like human in emergency because robots still

need serious development.

Robots can’t work more than installed instructions, limited


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