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Computer Graphics The Rendering Pipeline - Review CO2409 Computer Graphics Week 15.

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Computer Graphics The Rendering Pipeline - Review CO2409 Computer Graphics Week 15

Computer GraphicsThe Rendering Pipeline - Review

CO2409 Computer Graphics

Week 15

Lecture ContentsLecture Contents

1. The Rendering Pipeline2. Input-Assembler Stage

– Vertex Data & Primitive Data

3. Vertex Shader Stage– Matrix Transformations– Lighting

4. Rasterizer Stage5. Pixel Shader Stage

– Textures

6. Output-Merger Stage

The Rendering PipelineThe Rendering Pipeline

• We looked at the rendering pipeline of DirectX:

• We have seen all the key stages now– But Geometry Shaders and

Stream-Ouput are beyond the scope of the module

• Today we recap each stage– Before moving on to some much

more advanced material over the next few weeks

Input-Assember StageInput-Assember Stage

• The key input data are the vertex coordinates of our geometry– (X,Y,Z) position for each vertex

• Other parts of the pipeline also need additional per-vertex data:– Vertex normals

• if using lighting to find colour at vertex

– Vertex colours• if not using lighting

– Texture coordinates / UVs• if we use textures• Multiple sets if we blend multiple textures

• The Input-Assembler stage collects together the vertexes and indexes used in the geometry

Vertex Data FormatsVertex Data Formats

• So we have seen that the input vertex data is more than just a list of vertex positions

• Additional data required depending on how we intend to render the model– With textures, lighting etc.

• We use custom vertex data formats for flexibility– Different syntax in C++ and HLSL, but important to realise this

refers to same data: the original geometry ready for the pipeline

// C++ structurestruct BasicVertex{ D3DXVECTOR3 Pos; D3DXVECTOR3 Normal; D3DXVECTOR2 UV;};

// Matching HLSL structurestruct VS_INPUT{ float3 Pos : POSITION; float3 Normal : NORMAL; float2 UV : TEXCOORD0;};

Vertex BuffersVertex Buffers

• A vertex buffer is just an array of vertices– Defining the set of vertices in our geometry– Each vertex in a custom format as above

• The buffer is managed by DirectX– We must ask DirectX to create and destroy them…– …and to access the data inside

• The array is usually created in main memory then copied to video card memory– Need it on the video card for performance reasons

• First saw vertex buffers in the week 5 lab

Primitives / Index BuffersPrimitives / Index Buffers

• The vertex data just defines points– We usually want to define triangles in the geometry– Or other primitives, e.g. lines

• The vertex data alone can define the primitives– Each triplet of vertices defining a triangle

• Or we can use an index buffer– An simple array of integers that

index the vertex buffer– A triplet of indexes for each triangle– No duplication of vertices– Saw index buffers in week 9

• We have also seen triangle strips

Vertex 3

Vertex 2

Vertex 1

Vertex 0







Index Buffer Vertex Buffer

– Reuses previous vertices, works with or without an index buffer

Vertex Shader StageVertex Shader Stage

• The vertex / index data defines the 3D geometry– Next step is to convert this data into 2D polygons

• We use vertex shaders for this vertex processing

• The key operation is a sequence of matrix transforms– Transforming vertex coordinates from 3D model space to 2D

viewport space

• The vertex shader can also calculate lighting (using the vertex normals), perform deformation etc.– Although we will shift lighting to the pixel shader next week

• Some vertex data (e.g. UVs) is not used at this stage and is simply passed through to later stages

From Model to World SpaceFrom Model to World Space

• The original geometry is stored in model space– A local space with a convenient origin and orientation

• Each model has a world matrix– That transforms the model geometry from

model space to world space:

– These axes are often extracted from the matrix













• This matrix defines position and orientation for the model

• Has a special form containing the local axes of the model

From World to Camera SpaceFrom World to Camera Space

• We view the models through a camera– Which is part of the scene

• A camera has a view matrix– Transforms the world space geometry

into camera space

• Camera space defines the world as seen by the camera– Camera looks down its Z axis

• The view matrix is the inverse of a normal world matrix– We often store a world matrix for the

camera and just invert it as a final step– Allows us to treat a camera like a model

Camera Space to ViewportCamera Space to Viewport

• Each camera has a second matrix, the projection matrix

• Defining how the camera space geometry is projected into 2D– Defines the camera’s field of view– And the distance to the viewport– Often called the near clip distance

• Final step is to scale the projected 2D geometry into viewport pixel coordinates– Performed internally by DirectX

• Covered this material weeks 6-9


• We looked at the mathematical lighting models used to illuminate 3D geometry (week 11)

• We showed how lighting can be calculated while vertices are being transformed– In the same vertex shader

• The calculations need a normal for each vertex– Which also needs to be transformed into world space– Because the lights are in the world

• Several effects combined for final vertex colour:– Ambient, diffuse, specular

• We showed how to implement their formulae

Rasterizer StageRasterizer Stage

• This stage processes 2D polygons before rendering:– Off-screen polygons are discarded (culled)– Partially off-screen polygons are clipped– Back-facing polygons are culled if required (determined by

clockwise/anti-clockwise order of viewport vertices)

• These steps occur by setting states– Saw states in week 14 blending lab

• This stage also scans through the pixels of the polygons – Called rasterising / rasterizing– Calls the pixel shader for each pixel encountered

• Data output from earlier stages is interpolated for each pixel– 2D coordinates, colours, UVs etc.


• The Rasterization Stage scans the 2D triangle geometry to determine all the pixels within

• The Pixel Shader stage is called for each pixel found• The data passed to the Pixel Shader is interpolated (blended) from the

output data of the three vertices from the triangle• This way each pixel gets slightly different data and effects are smoothed

across the triangle surface

Pixel Shader StagePixel Shader Stage

• Next each pixel is worked on to get a final colour– The work is done in a pixel shader

• Texture coordinates (UVs) map textures onto polygons– UV data will have been passed through from the previous steps– Textures are provided from the C++ via shader variables

• Textures can be filtered (texture sampling) to improve their look – Textures covered in week 12

• Texture colours are combined with lighting or polygon colours to produce final pixel colours

Output-Merger StageOutput-Merger Stage

• The final step in the rendering pipeline is the rendering of the pixels to the viewport– Don’t always copy the pixels directly, because the object we’re

rendering may be partly transparent

• This involves blending the final polygon colour with the existing viewport pixel colours– Saw this in the Week 14 lab– Similar to sprite blending

• Also the depth buffer values are tested / written– We saw the depth buffer in the week 8 lab– Will see them in more detail shortly
