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Computer & Internet Safety

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The Spiritual and the Technical. Computer & Internet Safety. Welcome…about me. Converted 26 years ago as a freshman at UNC Chapel Hill Graduated 1991, BS in Math & CS Worked around gaming for 18 years Gadget head Just to be clear…I’m a geek…not a nerd  Relax…slides will be posted. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
COMPUTER & INTERNET SAFETY The Spiritual and the Technical
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COMPUTER & INTERNET SAFETYThe Spiritual and the Technical

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Welcome…about me Converted 26 years ago as a freshman at UNC

Chapel Hill Graduated 1991, BS in Math & CS Worked around gaming for 18 years Gadget head Just to be clear…I’m a geek…not a nerd Relax…slides will be posted

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The Spiritual “As no one is discharged in time of war, so

wickedness will not release those who practice it.” Ecclesiastes 8:8

Be honest with yourself… Spiritual principle – if you allow sin & Satan to

remain, even if it is “just every once in a while”, you are a slave to that sin (John 8:34)

Can’t expect to lead our families if we aren’t dealing with our sins!

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The Spiritual “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not

commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:27-28

Don’t think, “my spouse and I watch together…to spice things up”

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.” Job 31:1

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The Spiritual “I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds

of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me.” Psalm 101:3

Maybe you think, “I will look away during the ‘bad scenes’”

Not sexual/lustful, but violence or crime/murder Receiving pay channels with this type of content Ask yourself, “What am I bringing into my home?”

(commercial with mom & mob boss) What am I exposing my heart/soul/conscience to?

(1 Timothy 4:2 “seared as with a hot iron”)

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The Spiritual “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I,

the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:5-6 (cf Ezekiel 18:20)

Need to understand the generational impact of our decisions and sins!

We think it is not seen…that our kids don’t know…but they do! Kids know how to access your history!

Repent, get open, and get help…Rick Fuller leads a purity group for men

If you know it is happening…turn them in!

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The Spiritual “Train a child in the way he should go, and when

he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 All of the tech in the world won’t train our kids…we

must! Kids figure technology out much quicker than we

do Takes training, meaning continual teaching and

monitoring of progress

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The Spiritual Much easier to just be lazy

Keeps the kid(s) busy and out of our hairThey don’t get in any “trouble” when they are

using the devices…really? What are we teaching them?

I get my entertainment & joy from this little boxShould be from loving relationshipsEscape & selfish retreat (lunch out)

Concern for everyone, families, single and stay at home moms, etc.

Satan wants your kids!

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The Spiritual What really happens…when they spend too much

time connected?Play in virtual worlds completely unsupervised

and unfilteredLearning without the benefit of a parent to

interpret and help teach values Some are playing online…interacting with…who

knowsSatan does not sleep while we are plugged into

“The Matrix”!

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The Spiritual What are the results?

Like Rick talked about Sunday…see the passion they play with and how they respond (slam controller, etc.)…to things that aren’t real!

Lose contact and compassion with real human beings

Perpetuates the “people are objects” mentality…forget they are souls (Matthew 9:36 “harassed and helpless”)

Retards ability to build relationships

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The Spiritual What really happens…online?

Cyber bullying (it’s happening in our neighborhoods!)

“Sexting” – posting suggestive or worse pictures…that picture is out there forever (it’s happening in our church!)

Seemingly innocuous sites can contain objectionable content (Flickr, Instagram, Tumblr)

Cyber predatorsPerceived anonymity – would you really say…or

do…THAT (anger, flirting, etc.)?Happens in chat rooms, social media like

Twitter/Facebook, IRC, etc.

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The Spiritual What are the results?

Encourages narcissism (Romans 12:3)○ Do you think people really care that you just got

back home with the “tastiest Frappuccino eva”?Encourages voyeurism (Instagram, etc. both

ways)Balance between relationships and addiction?

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The Spiritual What are the results?

Over sharing makes you vulnerable!Google “Kevin Krautwald Raleigh NC”…within

just a few links○ Spouse and all kids names (passwords?)○ Home address & phone (vacation?)○ Employment

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The Spiritual Why not just shut it all down? Go all Amish on ya!

Nothing wrong with appropriate entertainmentCan be a source of enjoyment and bonding with

family and friendsSchool work & grades are all on the internetMay need it for workLots of good, spiritual content…but “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge

it out” Matthew 5:29-30

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The Spiritual Gain personal conviction: you cannot help anyone if you

are consumed by these things…seek help Be involved with your kids!

Sit with them while they consume mediaKnow what they are playing/watchingDon’t let worldly ratings determine what is appropriate


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The Spiritual Teach and give tools to make good decisions

Discuss how to handle inappropriate situations○ Don’t get on internet at friend’s house○ Kids should always know they can call you

(ala driving)Discuss what happens at school/friend’s house

○ Bullying/peer pressure/manipulation○ Friend’s house: what did you watch?

When kids have friends over, “invade their privacy”

Would rather protect my child and be “lame” than let Satan get a foothold so I can be “cool”

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The Spiritual Practicals for home computer usage

Talk about it and set clear boundariesUse the computer in a “public” area…they don’t

have to have a computer in their room/behind closed doors

No unallowed sitesNo erasing browsing history…no history = guiltyDisable the “private browsing” feature

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The Spiritual Put time limits on usage

Determine what is a reasonable amount Put controls in place to monitor this (more later)Have the kids earn time

○ Homework○ Chores

Don’t make it to be the “awesome prize” Remember: computer use is a privilege, not a


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The Spiritual Do technology and worship services go together?

Useful for electronic bible & note takingAppropriate to text during service?How does God see this?Appropriate for kids to play games instead of

attending classes?What is this teaching our kids?WWJD?

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The Technical: Home Network Have a firewall/router

First line of defense○ Filters all traffic from internet○ Prevents people from “seeing” your

computer/files (Wargames/ping)Provides wireless network

○ Set it up with WPA password○ Can use MAC address filtering○ Guest network

Still on G? Time for a new one!

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The Technical: Home Network Stay one step ahead

Apartment vs close neighborhood vs larger lotsChange your passwords

○ Router/admin ○ Wireless○ Computer

Use non-identifying SSID

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The Technical: Home Network ASUS

$40 RT-N12$125 RT-N66U

○ Better wireless coverage/speed○ USB ports for drives/printers○ Gigabit LAN ports

Linksys/Cisco Netgear Buffalo Belkin Paying for features, stability, and performance

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The Technical: Home Network Apple

Airport Express $99○ Basic router, small range (N only)○ Stream music to rooms○ Printer

Airport Extreme $199○ Better wireless range (adds A&C)○ Wired ports

Time Capsule $299○ Backup, automatic with Mac

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The Technical: Home PC Setup per user accounts

Fine grain control over what is appropriate for each family member


Mac: http://support.apple.com/kb/ph4600

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The Technical: Home PC Setup filtering

Prevent access to websites and content that is inappropriate

www.opendns.com $Freewww.netnanny.com $40www.k9webprotection.com $FreeHave your spouse set the password

Accountability Softwarewww.covenanteyes.com

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The Technical: Home PC Disable Incognito on Chrome:


Disable InPrivate mode on IEJust setup parental controls!

Disable Private Browsing in OSX: http://www.ehow.com/how_8125784_disable-private-browsing-safari.html

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The Technical: Home PC Backups

Mac: Time MachinePC

○ Built into Windows○ Acronis Backup and Recovery $75○ Paragon Backup and Recovery $40○ SyncBack $Free

Off site or “cloud” backups

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The Technical: Game Systems Setup parental controls

Xbox360: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/security/xbox-live-parental-control

PS3: (sub accounts) http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/basicoperations/parentallock.html

Similar for Xbox One and PS4 Netflix, browser, etc. Screen content in your home Ask about what they played with friends

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The Technical: Mobile iOS, iPhone or iPod Touch

Parental Controls: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4213

Apple Configuration Utility: http://support.apple.com/kb/dl1466

Restrict apps & content, basic web filteringFind Friends App

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The Technical: Mobile Android: 4.3/Jellybean

Parental Controls: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/google-android/3461359/parental-control-on-android/

Limit time, apps used, browserNetNanny ($?)MobileMinder ($30/year)

Disable all network access with your provider

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The Technical: Online Pray before going online! Be careful what you share (Facebook, etc.)…make

a phone call! Never use a debit card online (just cause it says

VISA != credit card) If you don’t go to pirate sites, you are much better

off! Don’t open files…even from people you know… Use STRONG passwords (internet banking, etc.)

> 8 characters, mix of characters & symbols, h@x0r5ty13 (hackerstyle)

Don’t access private sites (bank, etc.) from public WIFI

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The Technical: Online ALL of your emails are being mined for data…ALL

of them (it’s not just the NSA) Websites are tracking your every

move/purchase/etc. Apple FaceTime uses end to end encryption Skype uses end to end as well for audio/video, but

text chat goes through MS servers

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Thanks! Questions?

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Online Resources Internet:

http://www.internetsafetyproject.org Mac



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Online Resources Windows


Generalwww.wikipedia.orgwww.howstuffworks.comwww.lynda.com/home/ViewCourses.aspxwww.engadget.com (Get your inner geek on!)
