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Concept of Innovation

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  • 8/7/2019 Concept of Innovation


    Innovation in the minds of Young India

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    Organizational Behavior

    [School of Petroleum Management]Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Gandhinagar

    Research project on Innovation in the

    minds of Young IndiaSubmitted To Dr. Satish Pandey

    Submitted By

    Abhik Tushar Das (Roll No -20104001)

    Ajay Cecil (Roll No -20104002)

    Anand Kumar Singh (Roll No -20104003)

    Date 21-Mar-11

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    The project would aim at identifying the factors influencing the students at PDPU

    about Innovation, as a concept and its role in society. A questionnaire based

    survey is conducted to identify the factors affecting the course objectives.

    Research Problem

    The innovation index of India is only 56 among 130 countries on the Innovation

    index and has dropped down the list compared to the previous list. This can be

    attributed to the perception of people towards Innovation and also the design of

    the pedagogy in Universities. The project aims at surveying a group of young

    students at the Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) and develops a

    meaningful conclusion towards identifying the problem.


    The research objective is to seeks to explore answers to the following questions:

    What according to you best defines Innovation? Which of the below do you think are important attributes for becoming an


    Do you believe that the PDPU campus has fostered an environment forInnovation?

    Where do you think India stands in terms of world ranking on Innovation? Do you believe that Innovation comes only from your DNA and cannot be


    Do you feel that your academic course has encouraged Innovative thinkingwithin yourself?

    What according to you hinders India from becoming the top country in theworld for Innovation?

    Who do you feel has the most important role in creating Innovativethinking?

    According to you what could become factors for furthering Innovation inIndia?

    Do you think that you could benefit as students if a technology forum onInnovation was established on campus?

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    Research Approach

    The approach for the research project would involve the following:

    1. Collection of relevant information and literature reviews to understand theconcept of innovation.

    2. Analyzing the existing psychology of students about innovation.3. Conducting a questionnaire based sample survey for obtaining individual


    4. Applying business statistics tools (mean, median, and mode) further present thedata in numerical form (as per table below).

    Thus, the research project would involve four stages.

    a) Questionnaire formationb) Data collectionc) Data analysisd) Conclusions

    Data Source

    The primary data (samples) would be obtained through questionnaire basedsurvey.

    Other reports/ studies would be obtained from various published sources andon-line journals (based on their availability in the public domain).

    Data Analysis

    Based on the existing studies, the following sets of factors identify the

    perceptiveness regarding the innovative thought processes in the minds of


    a) Academic curriculumIt measures innovation as a function of the course pedagogy in theuniversity and its ability to foster the minds of young students to adopt an

    out-of-the-box thinking ability.

    b) Personality traits

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    It measures the inherent qualities in an individual and its effects on

    innovative thinking.

    c) Global perspectiveThis measures the effect of globalization on the ability of an individual tothink innovatively, and its role in promotion of innovation as a unique


    To assess the significance of these factors in determining the perceptiveness of

    students regarding innovation, a questionnaire based survey was conducted. The

    questionnaire is given in Annexure.

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    1. What according to you best defines Innovation?

    Inference: According to survey 58 % of the respondents define innovation as an application of

    a fresh idea

    2. Which of the below do you think are important attributes for becoming an Innovator?

    Inference: According to survey 37.5 % of the respondents rates creative mind as the most

    important attribute for becoming an innovator.

    Q1definition Answer

    a 28

    b 2

    c 14

    d 4

    e 0

    Q2 rank1 rank2 rank3 rank4 rank5

    a 4 14 12 8 10

    b 16 10 10 12 0

    c 10 8 12 14 4

    d 0 4 4 6 34

    e 18 10 10 8 0

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    3. Do you believe that the PDPU campus has fostered an environment for Innovation?

    Inference: According to survey 29% of the respondents believe that pdpu campus has fostered

    an environment for innovation.

    4. Where do you think India stands in terms of world ranking on Innovation?

    Inference: According to survey 1/3 of the respondents believe that India ranks between 35 to 50in the world ranking of innovation. According to 2010 survey by World Bank and the

    Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , India holds 56 position.

    5. Do you believe that Innovation comes only from your DNA and cannot be nurtured?

    Inference: According to survey 45.8 %respondents disagree that innovation comes by birth and

    can not be nurtured.

    Q3PDPU Answer

    a 2

    b 14c 10

    d 12

    e 10

    Q 4Ind iarank Answ er

    a 8

    b 4

    c 12

    d 16

    e 8

    Q5DNA Answer

    a 2

    b 6

    c 0

    d 22

    e 18

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    6. Do you feel that your academic course has encouraged Innovative thinking within yourself?

    Inference: According to survey37.5% of the respondents agreed that academic courses

    encourage innovative thinking in oneself.

    7. What according to you hinders India from becoming the top country in the world forInnovation?

    Inference: According to survey 37.5 % of the respondents believe lack of coordination in

    government departments prevents India to becoming the top country n the world forinnovation.

    Q6course Answer

    a 2

    b 18c 8

    d 14

    e 6

    Q7 rank1 rank2 rank3 rank4 rank5

    a 2 16 6 16 6

    b 12 4 10 12 8

    c 14 8 8 2 14

    d 18 4 12 2 10

    e 0 14 10 12 10

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    Q10 Answer

    a 18

    b 32

    c 0

    d 0

    e 0

    8. Who do you feel has the most important role in creating Innovative thinking?

    Inference: According to survey83.3% of the respondents believe that the individual has most

    important role in creating innovative thinking.

    9. According to you what could become factors for furthering Innovation in India?

    Inference: According to survey 62.5 % of the respondents feels developing ones skill set is the

    most important factor for the innovation.

    10.Do you think that you could benefit as students if a technology forum on Innovation wasestablished on campus?

    Inference: According to survey 66.6 % of the respondents agrees to the fact that one could

    benefit as students if a technology form on innovation was established in campus.

    Q8 rank1 rank2 rank3 rank4 rank5

    a 40 4 0 0 4

    b 2 24 10 8 4c 2 16 10 16 2

    d 0 0 12 10 26

    e 4 4 14 14 12

    Q9 rank1 rank2 rank3 rank4 rank5a 14 18 6 0 12

    b 2 14 12 14 6

    c 30 4 4 8 2

    d 2 6 10 12 18

    e 0 6 18 14 10

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    Innovation drivers Weightage

    1 Academic curriculum 33.33%

    2 Personality traits 33.33%

    3 Global perspective 33.33%




    Innovation Drivers Results

    (% of


    1 Academic curriculum 31.46

    2 Personality traits 42.68

    3 Global perspective 25.86

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    The ability to innovate is a vital core competency that you should possess as a

    manager for successful businesses. The process of innovative thinking should

    however begin early in the life of the individual. At the university level the student

    can be empowered in his thoughts from his interaction with intellectual minds,

    faculty can play an important role in nurturing and stimulating innovation,

    academics will govern the right path for the individual and provide a forum forinteraction on innovative ideas. This will set the stage for an environment where

    the learning will shift to innovative thinking. Innovation is the application of a

    new idea, a process or a different way of doing things and innovative thinking is

    the beginning of this process. Our study reflects that Personality traits are the most

    important factor responsible for being an innovator. However, contrary to this

    popular belief, it is well established by studies that academics also plays a major

    role in developing innovators. It is not just a single factor but a combination of

    both that leads to successful innovative thinking in the individual or student. We

    have lot to learn from other countries such as Iceland, Sweden and Hongkong at

    the top of the innovation index. Finally, we can rightly claim that the pillars of

    innovation are built at the university level.

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    1. Maital & Seshadri, S.M. & D.V.R (2007), Innovation Management, London: Sage, p117-140.

    2. Barton Rabe, C.B.R (2006), The Innovation Killer, Broadway, New York: Amacom,P 9-20

    3. Subbarao, E.C (2008), An Eye for Excellence, New Delhi: Harper Collins, p 22-354. http://www.insead.edu/facultyresearch/centres/elab/documents/GIIFinal0809.pdf5. http://www.livemint.com/2010/03/03213600/Iceland-tops-innovation-index.html6. http://www.tenfacesofinnovation.com/thebook/index.htm7. The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from Ideo, America's Leading Design Firm

    by Tom Kelley

    8. http://www.amazon.com/Innovation-Entrepreneurship-Peter-F-Drucker/dp/0887306187/ref=cm_lmf_img_2#reader_0887306187

    9. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/SOUTHASIAEXT/Resources/223546-1181699473021/3876782-1191373775504/indiainnovationfull.pdf

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    What according to you best defines Innovation? (choose any one)a) Application of a fresh ideab) An inventionc) Doing things differentlyd) New technologye) Dont know

    2. Which of the below do you think are important attributes for becoming an Innovator?(Rank 1-5, 1 has highest rank)

    a) Motivation __b) Visionary __c) Independent minded __d) Defy the crowd __e) Creative minded __

    3. Do you believe that the PDPU campus has fostered an environment for Innovation?a) Strongly agreeb) Agreec) Undecidedd) Disagreee) Strongly disagree

    4. Where do you think India stands in terms of world ranking on Innovation?a) Top 15b) 15 20c) 20 35d) 35 50e) 50 60

    5. Do you believe that Innovation comes only from your DNA and cannot be nurtured?a) Strongly agreeb) Agreec) Undecidedd) Disagreee) Strongly disagree

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    6. Do you feel that your academic course has encouraged Innovative thinking withinyourself?

    a) Strongly agreeb) Agreec) Undecidedd) Disagreee) Strongly disagree

    7. What according to you hinders India from becoming the top country in the world forInnovation? (Rank 1-5, 1 has highest rank)

    a) Bureaucracy __b) Lack of coordination in govt. Departments __c)

    Poor quality in post graduate studies __

    d) Lack of vision __e) Poor funding __

    8. Who do you feel has the most important role in creating Innovative thinking?(Rank 1-5, 1 has highest rank)

    a) Individual (you) __b) Classmates __c) Faculty __d) PDPU __e)

    Clubs __

    9. According to you what could become factors for furthering Innovation in India?(Rank 1-5, 1 has highest rank)

    a) R&D initiatives __b) Foreign collaboration __c) Developing ones skill set __d) Venture capitalists __e) Technology Park & Incubators by govt. __

    10.Do you think that you could benefit as students if a technology forum on Innovation wasestablished on campus?

    a)Strongly agreeb)Agreec)Undecidedd)Disagreee)Strongly disagree
