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Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design

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    Developing A Parametric ShaftComponents Design Module

    Computer Science EssayThe word parametric means the geometric definitions of the design, such as dimension, can be

    varied at any time in the design process. The parametric design technique can help the designer

    to incorporate the original design to incorporate into the construction of the model. The special

    and particularly challenging on parametric design are can apply analytical and experimental

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    methods to predict and analyze the behaviour of each design candidate. Parametric modelling is

    accomplish by identifying and creating a parametric description of a component. A parametric

    description is then developed as macros using a suitable programming language.

    SolidWorks is an example of a solid modeling CAD software that allow the creation of solid

    model and manipulating data structure using user develop macros. Solid module is the computer

    model that allows us to modify the instruction using API. API is an (application programming

    interface) that have a set of functions, procedures and methods to support requests made by

    computer programs. In SolidWorks (API) was included for macro and third party development.

    SolidWorks also allows for the integration of third-party modules. Some of these modules can be

    represent, such as generating a special shaped hole, extrude and others.

    1.1 Project Background

    Parametric Shaft Design Module for SolidWorks with CAD for mechanical products is an

    effective way to reduce product development time. The module will developed to help designer

    in the process of a component analysis and specification of shaft size, deflection, vibration

    characteristics, required keys and/or splines.

    SolidWorks is used as a solid modelling CAD software that allow the creation of solid model and

    manipulating data structure by using user interface macros. This module includes the process of

    developing the theory of mechanical engineering and computer software.

    This project will be provide exposure and demonstrate the methods using available API to

    programming languages such as Visual Basic, or one of the family. The module would will

    perform the calculations on the shaft and create a solid model of the designed according to the

    user input. Hence, this project will examine the functions and ability of the macro recorder that

    has been builds in the SolidWorks.

    1.2 Objectives

    The objective of this project is to develop a parametric shaft components design module for

    SolidWorks. The module can perform the design calculation for:

    Size of shaft

    Shaft deflection

    Shaft vibration characteristic

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    Size required for key and/or splines at shaft

    The module will developed by using available API in SolidWorks software. The implementation

    needs the languages to be use such as Visual Basic, or one of the C families. The suitable

    languages will be tries on this project and will use the chosen language to perform a module.

    Finally, the project will demonstrate the suitable language method and guideline to implement

    the language using available API.

    1.3 Scopes

    To full fill the objective given, there are some working scopes to be accomplished:

    Background study on SolidWorks API.

    Indentify the suitable language on ease implementation.

    Program interaction structure

    Background study on requirements for shaft:



    Vibration characteristic

    Required keys and/or splines

    Development of macros:

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  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    manipulating shapes at one extreme, to customized application programs, such as those for

    analysis and optimization, at the other extreme [Zeid 1991]. Between these two extremes, typical

    tools currently available include tolerance analysis, mass property calculations, and finite

    element modelling and visualization of the analysis results. The basic role of CAD is to define

    the geometry of design for an example such as a mechanical parts, architectural structure,

    electronic circuit, and so on. This is because the geometry of the design is essential to all the

    subsequent activities in the product cycle. The greatest benefits of CAD is can save considerable

    time. CAD also can reduce the errors caused by the geometry of the design. There are many

    CAD software package available as Rhinoceros 3D, SketchUp, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, CATIA

    and the other few software.

    2.1 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).

    Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) generally allow the user to plan and control

    manufacturing operations through computer interface. One of the most mature areas of CAM is

    numerical control (NC). The machine tool is control by using programmed instructions. For an

    example to control grinds, cuts, mills, punches, bends, or turns raw into a finished part. The

    computer can now generate a considerable amount of NC instructions based on geometric data

    from CAD database plus additional information supplied by the operator. Another significant

    CAM function is the programming of robots. These robots may perform individual task such as

    welding or assembly or others.

    2.2 Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

    Computeraided engineering (CAE) commonly applies on a computer system in engineering

    applications. CAD can be concerned as a subset of CAE. CAE allow the designer to simulate and

    analyze the design. The software fits into two categories: engineering based and non-engineering

    specific. The engineering based software for mechanical engineering applications is the software

    with a CAD system and the most user used for method of computer analysis in engineering is the

    finite element Method (FEM). This approach is used to determine stress, deflection, vibration,and heat transfer (e.g., ANSYS and MSC/NASTRAN). The non-engineering specific computer

    aided applications contain software for word processing and mathematical solvers (e.g.,

    Mathematica, MathCAD and Matlab).

    2.4 SolidWorks

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    SolidWorks is the CAD software with three-dimensional (3D) design. The software can run on

    Microsoft Windows. Dassault Systmes, S. A. (Velizy, France) is a developer of SolidWorks

    software. SolidWorks is currently one of a most popular 3D mechanical CAD (MCAD) product

    on the market.

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    2.4.1 SolidWorks Approach

    SolidWorks is one of the software of a parasolid-based solid modeller and using a parametric

    feature based approach to create a models and assemblies. Parameters are refers to determine the

    value of the shape or geometry of the model or assembly. Parameter can be geometric

    parameters, such as parallel, horizontal or vertical, or numeric parameters, such as circle

    diameter or line length. Numeric parameters can be refers with each other through the relation,

    that allow them to capture design intent. Design intent is the part of the creator wants to changes

    and updates a model. SolidWorks can recognize the design intent and keep all the shape that the

    user wants. SolidWorks have the shapes and operation to construct the part of a model. A 2D or

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    3D sketch of shapes is normally begins with shaped-based features. The shapes are then extrude,

    cuts, or add from the part of a model. Operation-based features is not a sketch-based but it have

    include features such applying draft to the face of a part. Creating a model in SolidWorks usually

    begin with a 2D sketch or 3D sketch. The sketches are includes with geometry such as points,

    lines and others geometry. The parametric on SolidWorks is a dimensions and relations that

    drive the geometry of the model. SolidWorks have the ability that allows the user to roll back

    through the history and changes the part of design. SolidWorks also contains additional advanced

    mating features. The model assemblies can accurately reproduce the rotational movement like an

    actual component.

    2.4.2 SolidWorks Add-in Products.

    The main product of SolidWorks contains tools for 3D modelling and freeform surfacing.SolidWorks have capabilities to import and read the numerous file types from the others 2D and

    3D CAD programs. An application-programming interface (API) has been included in

    SolidWorks for custom programming in C#, C++, and Visual Basic (VB). API is a computer

    program that uses a set of function, procedures, and method or service providers to support the

    user command. Macros and third party development has been combining in SolidWorks

    application-programming interface (API). SolidWorks also allows for the integration of the third-

    party modules design.

    2.4.3 Macro in SolidWorks

    SolidWorks macro is a shortcut task to perform repeatedly in SolidWorks 3D CAD software.

    Macro in SolidWorks is a series of command system and actions that and can be stored by safe

    the macro file. Macro can run within SolidWorks whenever users need to perform the task.

    SolidWorks allow user to record or build a macro and then play the macro with automatic repeat

    the series of commands or actions.

    2.5 Researcher studyElasis and FIAT Auto started to test parametric and associative (P/A) techniques since 6 years

    ago. Fiat is one of the first automotive companies that have test P/A features in development of a

    new car. Car body design is very critical and time-consuming activity for design modifications

    during car development of a new car body and the same parametric model is reuse for future

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    platforms are the reasons to develop a new P/A design methodology. The methodology is base

    on P/A but should have the concept of archetype. An archetype is a set of logical and parametric

    features of an object. The system can be use to build the relative CAD model. The advantage of

    the archetype design can generate different components with simply changing its parameter


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    The phases of design methodology were the following:

    Define the vehicle reference model( developed with explicit CAD systems and procedure)

    Build the design development history (list of modification)

    P/A modeling of new vehicle model.

    Optimization phase

    Model update during vehicle development14.8 Design of ShaftsThe shafts may be designed on the basis of

    1. Strength, and 2. Rigidity and stiffness.

    In designing shafts on the basis of strength, the following cases may be considered :

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    (a) Shafts subjected to twisting moment or torque only,

    (b) Shafts subjected to bending moment only,

    (c) Shafts subjected to combined twisting and bending moments, and

    (d) Shafts subjected to axial loads in addition to combined torsional and bending loads.

    We shall now discuss the above cases, in detail, in the following pages.

    The traditional process of modelling and the new method based on P/A approach have been

    compare in qualitative. The development time of model is longer for P/A method, because it is

    necessary to build P/A library archetypes. P/A library enables to reduce time design because it is

    reduced the modifying phase. The explicit design takes always the same time for every style


    For the reason, P/A approach seems to be strong enough to manage several style modifications,

    saving time and costs. [1]

    The authors present an application of Visual Basic Application Programming Interface (API) to

    develop numerical and procedural algorithm into CAD software. The focus is on Reverse

    Engineering embedded into SolidWorks. There are many applications is need to remodel the

    tessellated surface into an editable solid feature, to analyze it and to manipulate. SolidWorks is

    widely used commercial software about engineering modelling and computer aided design.

    SolidWorks is base on parametric definition of component and feature and it can be used in very

    intuitive way. Other engineering modelers (such as Catia) have dedicated module for reverse

    engineering. Specific reverse engineering software (such Rapidform) does not allow the building

    of parametric feature-based models. In many cases there also need to implement specific

    algorithm to perform dedicated an accurate computation which cant be found in any commercial

    software. These are the main reason to API within a commercial software. Recent SolidWorks

    have improved the method supported by native object and they have been interlaced with very

    powerful Mathematical Utility. Using API into SolidWorks we can manipulate three kind of

    object from:

    SolidWorks (model native entities)

    math utility database (math entities)

    User defined entities

    The native geometrical objects concern the sketch entities (point, line, circle, spline, etc) and

    their constrains, the features (extrusion, revolution, loft, etc) the assembly management (mating,

    inserting, moving, etc). the math native objects concern points, vectors and transformations for

    manipulate entities (projecting from model space to sketch space and vice versa, performing

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    basic operation on vector, etc). the software without API the user can only access to single model

    entity and the direct access to internal database is not permitted. Using API database of entity

    can be directly accessed saving time to execute command and model entities can be interlaced

    with math and user defined ones. [2]

    2.6 Conclusion

    The computer software is no substitute for the human thought process. The user is control the

    system and the computer is the driven to assist the user on the platform. Numbers generated by a

    computer can be far from the truth if the user entered incorrect input, if the user misinterpreted

    the application or the output of the program. The user task is to ensure the validity of the result.

    The user must check the application



    3.0 Introduction

    In this chapter, the whole process of this project will discuss. Since this project is conduct by

    computer programming software, there are methods to create the module.

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    3.1 Design Flowchart of ProjectImplementation.

    The flowchart is for general view for the whole project that will be use during the first semester

    and second semester. The figure 3.1.1 is show the overall progress of this project.




    Parametric shaft design module for SolidWorks


    How to create a solid model of shaft design according to the user input


    To develop a macro for creating a solid model of designed shaft driven by the result of the




    Literature research

    System Specification

    Development of macro

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    Macro can interact between the user and the module with userform. The user should properly

    design a userform so they can command the macro what they want to do. Userform can did on

    Visual Basic Editor or others languages.

    3.5 Run a Macro.Run or Play icon in SolidWorks macro is the last process of development of macro. In is easy to

    run a macro, the user should follow a few steps and SolidWorks will generate a module that have

    been design by the user.

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    essay.php#ixzz3E3EjIClTvThe material used for shafts should have the following properties :1. It should have high strength.

    2. It should have good machinability.

    3. It should have low notch sensitivity factor.

    4. It should have good heat treatment properties.

    5. It should have high wear resistant properties.

    The material used for ordinary shafts is carbon steel of grades 40 C 8, 45 C 8, 50 C 4 and 50 C 12.

    The mechanical properties of these grades of carbon steel are given in the following table.

    Table 14.1. Mechanical properties of steels used for shafts.Indian standard designation Ultimate tensile strength, MPa Yield strength, MPa40 C 8 560 - 670 320

    45 C 8 610 - 700 35050 C 4 640 - 760 37050 C 12 700 Min. 390

    When a shaft of high strength is required, then an alloy steel such as nickel, nickel-chromium or

    chrome-vanadium steel is used.

    14.3 Manufacturing of Shafts

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    of the gear. In this sketch, draw and define the base circle, pitch circle, and outside diameter

    circle constraining each of their centers at the origin of the blank. The typical design approach

    for the spur gear is to define the pitch and outside diameter of the gear as user inputs.11

  • 8/10/2019 Conceptual Design is the Very First Phase of Design


    Equation 2 is used for finding the base diameter. The involute curve originates at the base circle

    of the gear. The involute curve is defined by the set of parametric equations (equations 3 and 4)below. In the following equations, Db represents the base diameter, D represents the pitch

    diameter, represents the pressure angle and rb represents the base radius. The values of t in the

    parametric equations are used to define an interval over which to draw the curve.Base Diameter: Db = D*cos() (Eq. 2)Parametric Involute Equations: x(t)=rb(cos(t)+t*sin(t)) (Eq. 3)

    y(t)= rb(sin(t)-t*cos(t)) (Eq. 4)

    Figure 2: Sketch of the Necessary Construction Circles for the Spur Gear
