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Conceptualizing and Perceiving Culture January 24, 2010 Group 1 MGT 4375-BOAL.

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Conceptualizing and Perceiving Culture January 24, 2010 Group 1 MGT 4375-BOAL
Page 1: Conceptualizing and Perceiving Culture January 24, 2010 Group 1 MGT 4375-BOAL.

Conceptualizing and Perceiving Culture

January 24, 2010Group 1


Page 2: Conceptualizing and Perceiving Culture January 24, 2010 Group 1 MGT 4375-BOAL.


“Soft” field

No “hard and bottom line”

ConceptVarious definitions and types

Perception Individual view

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2.1: Why are there so many definitions of culture?

Personal definitions

Expert definitionsWide variations

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Culture Definitions

Culture...“consists of patterns, explicit, and

implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols...” Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn (1952)

Mental programming” Geert Hofstede (2001)

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Culture Definitions cont.

Is “communication” Edward and Mildred Hall (1990)

Is “a shared meaning system found among those who speak a particular language dialect, during a specific historical period, and in a definable geographical region.” Harry Triandis (2002)

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Definition of Culture

General terms: encompassing values and practices

Specific definition: tailored to task at hand

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2.2: Can there be a very large and a very small number of cultures?

Travelers’ experience with various cultures

Harry Triandis’ 32-item scaleFour cell typology

Dimensions: Individualism-Collectivism Power Distance

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Triandis’ Four Generic Types of Culture

HC, horizontal collectivismCommunity sharing culturesCommunist societies

VC, vertical collectivismAuthority-Ranking cultures70% of the world’s culture

AfricaLatin America Asia

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Triandis’ Four Generic Types of Culture cont.

HI, horizontal individualismEquality-Matching culturesBalance market pricing with equal emphasis on a

very generous welfare systemCountries:


VI, vertical individualismMarket-Pricing culturesUnited States of America

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The challenges of the 4 generic types

Four generic types, also known as meta-categories

Problems: Fusions

SwedenTask of globalization

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2.3: Can collectivists be self-centered and selfish?

Individualism: individuals make decisions and pursue courses of actions that benefit them and possible the small number of others, such as the nuclear family they consider important

Collectivism: the fact that individual subordinates personal desires when they conflict with the larger group or culture in which activities occur


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2.4: Value paradoxes exist in all cultures.

For example, how can a national culture value freedom and dependence simultaneously?

A study was done by Marieke de Mooij about cross-cultural paradoxes to show why advertisements were more successful in one nation or a group of nations but not in others

The study starts of with value paradox

-“statements that seem contradictory but are actually true”

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Value ParadoxesGermans value individual freedom but stress that

when there's too much freedom then that can lead to disorder (freedom-affiliation paradox).

Dutch and Scandinavians cherish individual freedom, but at times feel that relationship needs are much more powerful (freedom-affiliation paradox).

French think that individual freedom goes together with dependence on power holders (freedom-dependence paradox).

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Individualism vs. a group setting

Advertisements targeted toward the group-oriented Japanese tend to focus on one celebrity compared to Americans take notice to more group activities in social settings or at home

Mooji feels that value paradoxes reflect the difference between the desired and the desirable in life

Since the Japanese are so group oriented they feel that the group rubs off to much on them and they prefer to be more individualistic compared to Americans who feel isolated and alone at times and find comfort within groups

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Understanding value paradoxes

Culture is so complex because value paradoxes are so important

Understanding the value paradoxes in culture enhances our understanding of it

Values are perceived so differently in every culture that’s why it makes it so difficult to understand the relationship between cultural values and cultural practices

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2.5: How are cultural values and cultural practices related?

Cultural values are consistently and negatively associated with cultural practices.

Cultural practices are the way things are (practices and the actual operations of institutions).Ex: the law, religious systems, and the education


Cultural Values are different. They are the ways things should be. Ex: power-distance, humane orientation, and

uncertainty avoidance

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Influence of cultural values on cultural practices

Religion in the hospitals conflicting with abortion

In Scandinavia, although egalitarian, often distributes fines according to total income. Ex: speeding ticket

Strong evidence supporting that practices can influence value over time Ex: Equal employment opportunity which has

positively affected women, racial and ethnic minorities, and older workers.

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Power Distance

Power distance is important when analyzing the negative correlation between values and practices

Power distance is the degree to which a culture accepts wide differences in authority, power differences, and status privileges. Ex: Sweden is an equality matching nation and they often

follow this pattern ( repatriate story – consensus based mgmt)

Power distance is measured as one of the biggest gaps Hard to globalize; “everybody fit” Ex: $3 Million Scenario; only yes, no and why

In sum, relationship between values and practices is significantly negative., and the gap wide, especially with power distance.

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2.6: Does Culture Matter?

Where do our values come from?

Hofstede’s Study

Points of Crisis

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2.7: Are demographics more important than culture?

Demographic groups vs. Cultural groups

Which has more groups? Why?

When is culture more important?

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2.8: Should we advocate only one perspective on culture?

Two approaches to cross-cultural studiesEtic (culture-general)Emic (culture-specific)

EticBased on dimensions such as power distance and

individualism-collectivismQuestionnaire survey

Emic“Thick” description of cultureEmphasises distinctive and unique features

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Should we advocate only one perspective on culture? cont.

Three specific approaches to study of culture developed:1. Cross-cultural comparison

Etic approach Stresses the rating and rankings of cultures

through use of survey

2. Intercultural interaction Emic approach Reality is socially constructed Each culture distinctive with unique values

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Should we advocate only one perspective on culture? cont.

3. Multiple cultures perspective Profiles contrasting perspectives of cultures and

what happens when interactions occur Uses both etic and emic approaches Example: BrainLAB company

Less than 10% of the 220 national cultures in the World are monocultural

Imperative to analyze ethnic, religious, and geographical aspects of each national culture

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Should we advocate only one perspective on culture? cont.

Researches tend to analyze cultures with an approach they are most comfortable with

Cross-cultural differences and globalizationUnderstanding etic and emic differences is crucial

in business and non business activities

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Perceiving Culture

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2.9: Do proper introductions and greetings simultaneously require kissing,

bowing, and shaking hands?

The book “Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands” features the four generic types of culturesCommunity sharingAuthority ranking Equality matchingMarket pricing

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Do proper introductions and greetings simultaneously require kissing, bowing,

and shaking hands? cont.

Community sharing = Kissing and/or hugging

Authority ranking = Bowing

Equality matching and market pricing = Shaking hands

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How do people in these countries greet one another?




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Answer to Paradox 2.9

Do proper introductions and greetings simultaneously require kissing, bowing, and shaking hands?

Answer: Sometimes all three are very acceptable, depending on the degree of cultural sophistication of those interacting with one another.

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2.10: Are cultural stereotypes valid?

Definition: a stereotype represents a distorted view or mental picture of groups and their supposed characteristics

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Examples of Cultural Stereotypes




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Answer to Paradox 2.10

Everyone stereotypes, and sometimes they are valid

However, always try to move beyond stereotyping to obtain a better understanding of the culture

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2.11: Are the distinctions between levels of culture relevant in a globalizing world?

Different levels of cultureDeepest level

Norms and valuesSuperficial level

Ways of acting and dressing

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Are the distinctions between levels of culture relevant in a globalizing world?


• Fortune Magazine- Superficial Level• MTV example- Deepest Level

• Level of culture will matter, but deepest level will become more transparent

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2.12: Do insiders understand their own cultures better than outsiders do?

InsidersDepth of understanding

OutsidersObjective Detached

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Do insiders understand their own cultures better than outsiders do? cont.

The author believe both, insiders and outsiders, have great point of views.Differential understandingReinforce

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2.13: Can global citizenship and the effects of root cultures exist simultaneously?

The first six years of life are known to determine our personalities and the manner in which we interact with one another. According to Sigmund Freud

More and more people today have lived at least 3 months or more in their nonnative culture. The book refers to these people as citizens of the world.

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Transpatriates & Expatriates

Also known as “global nomads” which is business professionals frequently or constantly traveling the globe in search of business opportunities.

Expatriates-an individual sent by a business firm to work abroad for a relatively short time, such as 1-5 years.

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Can culture change quickly?

Do you think culture can change slowly or quickly?

The book references China’s cultural change from 1988-1999.

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ChinaVisible & invisible aspects of culture

Visible changes have dramatically changed Invisible changes are more difficult to point out

China is becoming a consumer oriented society, which is emphasizing on education and hard work.

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Robert Putman (1993)Southern Italy

12th century Sicily was conquered by Fredrick, a German who became the first king.

Established a fair and equitable system of governance.

After his death his successor subverted it to create a corrupt and harsh environment.

Putman demonstrates that cultural patterns, set in motion by King Fredrick’s successors, exists in southern Italy today.

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Northern ItalyGuilds arose in the 14th

Century emphasizing on education and training workers in specific needs.

Introduced free and relatively clean elections, while implementing a fair and equitable court and police system.

Today citizen involvement in local activities and elections is crucial to the success of Northern Italy.

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Cultural change

It is possible to change the basic values of a culture through:Mass immigrations, business, and non-business

activities linking cultures, and cross-cultural marriages
