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Condition of service for senior staff 2011 (1)

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1 CHAPTER I GENERAL Section 1: TITLE These regulations may be cited as the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Conditions of Service for the Senior Staff. Section 2: DEFINITIONS In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires: 1 Council means the Governing Body for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) hereinafter referred to as “the Council”. 2 Management Board means a Board or a Committee established by the Council for the management of an Institute, Centre Project or a Unit of the Council. 3 Institute means an establishment under the Council with adequate infrastructure and other facilities and having at least ten (10) Senior Members with the relevant expertise for carrying out its mandate. For purposes of these regulations, Institute includes the Head Office of the Council. 4 Centre means an entity having at least six (6) Senior Members which is established to carry out specific functions within the mandate of an Institute. 5 Unit means an establishment under the Council below the status of a Centre with at least four (4) Senior Members having specialised function both in research and development. 6 Project is an activity within an Institute, Centre or Unit with specific objectives, duration and budget.




These regulations may be cited as the Council for Scientific andIndustrial Research Conditions of Service for the Senior Staff.

Section 2: DEFINITIONSIn these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires:

1 Council means the Governing Body for the Council for Scientificand Industrial Research (CSIR) hereinafter referred to as “theCouncil”.

2 Management Board means a Board or a Committee establishedby the Council for the management of an Institute, Centre Projector a Unit of the Council.

3 Institute means an establishment under the Council with adequateinfrastructure and other facilities and having at least ten (10) SeniorMembers with the relevant expertise for carrying out its mandate.For purposes of these regulations, Institute includes the HeadOffice of the Council.

4 Centre means an entity having at least six (6) Senior Memberswhich is established to carry out specific functions within themandate of an Institute.

5 Unit means an establishment under the Council below the statusof a Centre with at least four (4) Senior Members havingspecialised function both in research and development.

6 Project is an activity within an Institute, Centre or Unit withspecific objectives, duration and budget.


7 Division means a constituent of an Institute with a minimum ofthree (3) Research Scientists and focused on thematic area ofresearch and related activities. In the case of non-core researcharea such a division must have a minimum of three (3) SeniorMembers.

8 Section means a component of a Division within an Institutewith at least one Research Scientist and focused on a particularproject or function. In the case of non core research area, such asection must have a minimum of one (1) Senior Member.

9. Director-General means the Chief Executive of the CSIR orany officer who is appointed to act in that capacity.

10. Deputy Director-General means an officer appointed to assistthe Director-General to co-ordinate Research and Developmentactivities.

11. Secretary means the officer appointed as Secretary as definedin the Legislative Instrument establishing the Council and includesany officer who is appointed to act in that capacity.

12. Director means an officer appointed by the Council and chargedwith responsibility for directing the administrative, scientific andtechnical functions of an Institute and includes any officer who isappointed to act in that capacity. This may include analogouspositions at corporate level of the Council.

13. Senior Staff means an officer appointed by the Council to apost not below the rank of Technical Officer and equivalent gradesup to and including Chief Technologist and equivalent grades byvirtue of his/her qualification.

14. Officer means a Senior staff

15. Established Officer means an officer employed on a permanentor contract basis for a duty period of not less than twelve (12)months or under special contract terms.


16. Temporary Officer means an officer employed on month-to-month basis, or for a duty period of less than twelve (12) monthsor under special contract terms.

17. Spouse means an officer’s wife or husband whose name appearson any official records as having been married to him or her.

18. Child means an officer’s own issue or stepchild or legally adoptedchild registered with the Council.

19. Expatriate Officer means an officer who is not a Ghanaian.

20. Misconduct means any act of wilful commission or omission ornegligence on the part of an officer which amounts to a failure toperform in the proper manner any duty imposed upon him/her assuch or which contravenes any statue or any bye-law or regulationof the Council or an officer’s behaviour or action which is prejudicialto the efficient conduct of the business of the Council or anInstitute or which tends to bring the Council or an Instituteinto disrepute.

21. Consultancy is any approved professional work undertaken byan Institute or an officer, which involves the use of the Council’stime and/or resources for a consideration: monetary or in kind.

22. Code of Conduct means laws that regulate the conduct of CSIRstaff.

23. Gender Reference in these regulations to the Masculine Gendershall include the Feminine Gender.

Section 3: DUTIESThe duties of every officer shall be as described in the Schemeof Service, letter of appointment, and as determined by theDirector-General through the Director of an Institute.

Section 4: HOURS OF WORK1. An Officer will normally be required to attend work for not less

than the minimum number of hours a week as shall be determinedby the Council or the Government from time to time.


2. A Senior Staff required to work for a reasonable period outsidenormal working hours shall be paid overtime at rates to bedetermined by the Council.

3. A nursing mother will be allowed appropriate number of hours inaccordance with the Labour Laws of Ghana

Section 5: POSTINGSAn officer may be stationed or otherwise transferred from oneInstitute to any other Institute or wherever his services areconsidered in the opinion of the Director-General to be most usefulin the interest of the Council.

Section 6: SECONDMENT1. Officers may be allowed to take up appointments on secondment

for periods not exceeding two (2) years on application to theDirector-General through the Director of the Institute. Anapplication for a longer period will have to be determined by theCouncil.

2. The details of the grant of any secondment will be spelt out ineach case.

Section 7: CATEGORY OF OFFICERSThese Conditions of Service are applicable to all senior staff specifiedin Appendix 1 hereto.




Section 8: ELIGIBILITY FOR APPOINTMENTTo be eligible for appointment, a candidate must have the requisitequalifications and/or experience as may be laid down from time totime by the Council in its Scheme of Service.

Section 9: TENURE OF OFFICEThe tenure of office for all categories of staff covered by theseConditions of Service shall be subject to satisfactory performance oftheir duties and work output in their respective grades.

Section 10: APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE1 Candidates shall normally apply in response to an advertisement,

but shall be free to apply for consideration for appointment intoan appropriate Institute/Centre depending on availability ofvacancies.

2 Candidates shall complete approved application forms. Theyshall name three (3) referees at least one (1) of whom shall befrom institutions where the candidates concerned pursued theirstudies or acquired their relevant professional or industrialexperience.

3 Candidates shall be interviewed by a competent AppointmentPanel constituted in accordance with Council regulations withinninety (90) days of the closing date of the advertisement. ThisPanel shall include at least two (2) persons who have expertknowledge in the candidate’s field of specialization.

4 The effective date of appointment, unless otherwise stated in theletter of appointment, shall be the date of assumption of duty.


Section 11: MINIMUM ENTRY QUALIFICATIONSThe minimum entry qualification for categories 1 (a) and 2 (a) officers,as specified in Appendix 1 hereto comprising the Technical Officer/Administrative Assistant/Accounting Assistant and equivalent grades,shall normally be the WASSCE with passes in three (3) core subjectsincluding English and Mathematics and passes in three (3) electivesubjects or equivalent educational qualification and the Diploma orits equivalent from a recognised University or educationalInstitution.The entry qualification for the Technological grade undercategory (a) shall be the BSc in relevant field.

Section 12: FULL-TIME APPOINTMENTExcept where otherwise specifically stated, all appointments in theCouncil shall be full-time. Any function outside the scope of theappointment, carrying additional remuneration may only be acceptedwith the permission of the Director-General acting on behalf of theCouncil.

Section 13: TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT1. A temporary appointment shall be made by the Director on behalf

of the Director-General. Such appointment shall be on month-to-month basis and shall not exceed six (6) calendar monthswithin which period the appointment must be regularised inaccordance with Section 8 above.

2. The effective date of regularising temporary appointment to full-time appointment shall be the date of engagement on temporaryappointment.

Section 14(a): CONTRACT APPOINTMENTContract Appointment may be made where skills are not available forspecialised areas for specific activity and specific period.The regulations relating to full-time appointments shall apply to allcontract appointments and the terms of contract shall be embodiedin the letter of appointment.

Section 14(b): CONTRACT APPOINTMENTS FOR RETIRED STAFFContract Appointments for retired staff may be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Section 15: DECLARATION OF AGEEvery officer on first appointment is obliged to disclose his age withbirth certificate or other authentic documents which cannot later bealtered.

Section 16: MEDICAL EXAMINATION1. Appointment to an established post is subject to evidence of

satisfactory health on a medical certificate issued by a MedicalOfficer recognised by the Council.

2. In spite of his apparently satisfactory medical certificate, if withinan officer’s probationary period, it is established that he suffersfrom a major disease, which was not detected at the time ofmedical examination and which is likely to seriously interferewith his work, his appointment may be terminated on therecommendation of a Medical Board.

Section 17: PROBATION AND CONFIRMATION1. An officer appointed to an established post shall be on probation

for a period of twelve (12) calendar months after which he willbecome eligible for confirmation in accordance with the termsand conditions specified in the letter of appointment. Theconfirmation shall be made subject to satisfactory report on hiswork and conduct by the Director.

2. The Council may at any time and for a good reason terminate theappointment of an officer who is on probation. If the terminationis not due to an officer’s misconduct, he shall receive threecalendar months notice or one (1) month’s pay in lieu of notice.Termination of appointments of such officers should be referredto the Director-General for approval.

3. The Director-General, on the recommendation of the Director ofan Institute, may extend the probationary period of an officer bynot more than twelve (12) months if he considers it necessary, ormay waive or reduce the period.

4. At the end of the probation period, a report on the appointeeshall be submitted by the Head of Division/Director toManagement. If found suitable, their appointment shall be


confirmed, otherwise the appointment shall be terminated. Inmarginal cases, the panel may recommend an extension of theprobationary period by up to twelve (12) months at the end ofwhich the appointee candidate shall be interviewed again.

Section 18: ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL1 All Senior Staff shall be required to submit completed Annual

Performance Appraisal Forms through their Directors to theDirector-General on or before April 30 each year.

2 The Director-General shall communicate in writing to the SeniorStaff through the Director the result of the Appraisal Report.




Section 19: PROMOTION REGULATIONS1 Promotion of officers shall be in accordance with promotion

procedures specified in Sections 20-27 of these regulations andalso any other procedure as approved by the Council from timeto time

2. The promotion date shall be 1st January every year.


1. The minimum qualification for promotion from the grade ofTechnical Officer/ Administrative Assistant and equivalentto that of Senior Technical Officer/Senior AdministrativeAssistant and equivalent shall be the Diploma or itsequivalent in the relevant field from a recognised Universityor educational Institution.

2. Candidates for promotion to the Senior Technical Officer/Senior Administrative Assistant grade will be expected tohave served a minimum period of three (3) years in the gradeof Technical Officer/Administrative Officer and equivalent.

3. Promotion shall be based on satisfactory appraisal report.



Technical Officer/Senior Admin. Assistant and equivalent toPrincipal Technical Officer/Principal Admin. Assistant andequivalent shall be Diploma or its equivalent in the relevant fieldfrom a recognised University or educational Institution.

2 Candidates for promotion to the Principal Technical Officer/Principal Administrative Assistant grade will be expected to haveserved a minimum period of three (3) years in the grade of SeniorTechnical Officer/Senior Administrative Assistant and equivalent.

3 Promotion shall be based on satisfactory appraisal reports.


Technical Officer/Principal Admin. Assistant and equivalent toChief Technical Officer/Chief Admin. Officer and equivalent shallbe Diploma or its equivalent in the relevant field from a recognisedUniversity or educational Institution.

2 Candidates for promotion to the Chief Technical Officer/ChiefAdministrative Assistant grade will be expected to have served aminimum period of five (5) years in the grade of Principal TechnicalOfficer/ Principal Administrative Assistant and equivalent.Promotion from Technologist to Senior Technologist would requirea minimum of four (4) years in the grade of Technologist.

3 Promotion shall be based on satisfactory appraisal reports.


Section 23: PROMOTION FROM SENIOR TECHNOLOGIST TOPRINCIPAL TECHNOLOGIST1 The minimum qualification for promotion from the grade of Senior

Technologist to Principal Technologist shall be BSc in relevantfield or equivalent from a recognised University or educationalInstitution.

2 Candidates for promotion to Principal Technologist grade will beexpected to have served a minimum period of four (4) years inthe grade of Senior Technologist.

3 Promotion shall be based on satisfactory appraisal reports.

4 Candidates shall show evidence of participation in the productionof Research/Technical Publications.

Section 24: PROMOTION FROM PRINCIPAL TECHNOLOGIST TOCHIEF TECHNOLOGIST1 The minimum qualification for promotion from the grade of Principal

Technologist to Chief Technologist shall be BSc. in relevant fieldor equivalent from a recognised University or educationalInstitution.

2 Candidates for promotion to Chief Technologist grade will beexpected to have served a minimum period of five (5) years in thegrade of Principal Technologist.

3 Promotion shall be based on satisfactory appraisal report.

4 Candidates shall show evidence of participation in the productionof Research/ Technical Publications.

5 Candidates for promotion to Chief Technologist shall beinterviewed.

Section 25: CRITERIA TO BE USED IN PROMOTION1 Promotions shall be made according to merit, which will be

determined by efficiency, qualifications, experience, sense ofresponsibility, capacity for cooperation with other staff, initiative,


attitude to work, general behaviour and, where relevant, qualityleadership.

2 An officer will not be considered for promotion if

(a) He is a temporary employee

(b) He is serving a probation period

(c) He is on study leave of more than one year duration

(d) He has not passed a prescribed promotion test

(e) He has not undergone a prescribed relevant trainingprogramme.

Section 26: UPGRADINGThe effective date of upgrading a serving officer who so qualifies forupgrading by securing a higher qualification shall normally be thedate he obtained the higher qualification or as stated in the letterupgrading him.

Section 27: PROMOTION AND UPGRADING AUTHORITY1 Promotion and Upgrading to various grades shall be made on

behalf of the Director-General by the Promotion Panel and hisrepresentative.

2 Promotion and Upgrading will be communicated to the successfulcandidates by the Director-General or his representative.

3 Any promotion or upgrading made contrary to the above shall bedeclared null and void.




Section 28: SALARIES AND POINTS OF ENTRY1. Salary scales shall be approved by the Council.

2. The point of entry in a salary scale for a newly appointed officerwill be fixed according to rules laid down by the Council.

Section 29: WRONGFUL PLACEMANT ON SCALE OR GRADE1. Where an officer has been wrongly graded or placed on a wrong

point in a salary scale, the Director-General shall cause the errorto be rectified.

2. In such circumstances, any arrears that may be due shall bepaidto the officer concerned.

3. Where there has been an overpayment, the Council may takereasonable steps to recover the amount involved.

Section 30: ANNUAL INCREMENTSAnnual Increments shall be granted to deserving staff including thoseon study leave, unless the Director-General has approved arecommendation by the Director to the contrary.

Section 31: INCREMENTAL DATE1. The incremental date for all appointments shall be the first day of

January each year.2. However, an officer who assumes duty after 30th September shall

be granted an increment on 1st January of the year following theensuing year.

Section 32: TEMPORARY OFFICERS1. Temporary officers shall be paid a fixed monthly salary.




1. All leave shall be taken within the calendar year except as providedfor under section 34(3). Any leave not taken when due shalllapse, except that a Director may, in exceptional cases, giveapproval in writing for leave to be deferred up to a maximum oftwo (2) years leave entitlement. The Director-General may directany officer to take his deferred or accumulated leave, if in hisopinion, it is in the interest of the Council so to do. Any officerwho fails or refuses to comply with such directive, shall forfeitsuch leave forthwith.

2. If before an officer takes the whole of his leave due him, he seekspermission to attend to some urgent personal matter, part of hisleave may be granted and deducted from his earned leave.Permission shall be sought and may be granted in writing. Ifgiven verbally in an emergency, it should be put in writing assoon as the officer returns to work.

3. When an officer’s resignation is accepted, proportionate leavemay be granted, provided that he has completed three (3) workingmonths service with the Council.

4. Where an officer is summarily dismissed for disciplinary reasons,he may on leaving the service of the Council, be grantedproportionate leave subject to the provision in 33 (1) above.

5. Where an appointment is terminated by the Council on groundswhich are non-disciplinary, proportionate leave may be granted,even though the officer has not served for six (6) months.

6. Leave shall be taken on dates determined by the Director of theInstitute concerned. Before proceeding on leave an officer shall


complete a leave application form and obtain his Director’s writtenpermission.

7. An officer may be required by his supervisor to interrupt his leaveto discharge any duty, or to undertake a course of instructionduring his leave. The remaining portion of the leave shall betaken at a later date. Close supervision must be made by theAdministration to ensure that a recalled officer takes the rest ofhis leave within the year.

8. Time spent on the course of instruction is not leave-earned orleave-consumed. However, an officer who goes on study leavemust forfeit his accumulated leave.

9. Before proceeding on leave an officer shall submit handing-overnotes to his Director.

10. A Director shall inform the Office of the Director-General whenproceeding on leave.

11. An officer who wishes to travel outside Ghana during his leaveshall inform the Director-General through his Director. Directorswho wish to travel outside shall inform the Director-General.

12. Where an officer is compelled to proceed on leave or to extendhis leave, such leave shall count against the officer’s earnedleave. Where the officer has already exhausted his earned leave,the compulsory leave shall be debited against the officer’s futureleave. Where the appointment is terminated, such period ofcompulsory leave shall be commuted to cash and deducted fromhis benefit.

Section 34: ANNUAL LEAVE1. The leave year shall be the calendar year (i.e. from January to


2. The current leave rates are forty-two (42) working days excludingSaturdays, Sundays and Public holidays.


3. An officer on first appointment shall earn proportionate leave.However, an officer appointed after 30th June shall have hisproportionate leave credited to the following year’s leave.

Section 35: CASUAL LEAVE1. If, before an officer takes the whole of his leave due him, he

seeks permission to attend to some urgent personal matter,casual leave may be granted and deducted from his earned leave.The permission shall be sought and may be granted in writing. Ifgiven verbally in an emergency, it should be put in writing assoon as the officer returns to work.

2. If after an officer has taken all his annual leave, it becomesnecessary for him to attend to an urgent personal matter, hemay apply for permission to absent himself from duty. Suchcasual leave, if granted, will not exceed a total of five (5), workingdays in a year.

3. In exceptional circumstances, casual leave may be extendedbeyond the maximum entitlement, in which case, any additionaldays so granted shall count against the officer’s future annualleave. However, if the appointment of an officer who has takenleave in advance is terminated, the number of days so takenshall be commuted to cash and deducted from his benefits.

Section 36: COMPASSIONATE LEAVE In exceptional circumstances, the Director may grant up to fivedays compassionate leave to an officer in distress. Such leaveshall only be granted after the officer has exhausted his annualleave as well as his casual leave entitlements.

Section 37: EXAMINATION LEAVELeave of absence to sit for approved examinations may be granted toan officer by his Director on application.

Section 38: MATERNITY LEAVE1. A pregnant officer shall have a right to maternity leave of a

maximum of three months (on full pay) of which not more thatsix weeks may be taken before confinement on the production ofa certificate from a recognised medical officer that her confinementmay be expected within the six weeks.


2. Maternity leave shall be additional to annual leave entitlement orto earned leave.

3. Maternity leave will count towards increment where applicable,and towards retiring award, if any.

4. Such officer who is nursing a child will be allowed to be absentfor this purpose for two (2) hours each working day for up to ninemonths after delivery.

Section 39: LEAVE-WITHOUT-PAY1. Approving Authority

(a) The Director of Institute/Director of Administration isempowered to grant leave-without-pay up to a maximum of one(1) year for all members of staff.

(b) Leave-without-pay beyond one year, but not exceeding twoyears, shall be approved by the Director-General on therecommendation of the Director.

2. Application for leave-without-pay(a) An officer who applies for leave-without-pay shall completean approved application form which shall be submitted to theDirector of Institute/Director of Administration at least three (3)clear months before the proposed commencement of the leave.

(b) An officer requesting leave-without-payshall be expected to prepare comprehensive handing-over notes(indicating among other things, the stage reached in his work.)

(c) Leave without pay will be granted for up to a period of oneyear in the first instance. It is renewable for up to another oneyear. Leave without pay shall not exceed two (2) years.

(d) An officer on leave-without-pay who intends to be away frompost for a period exceeding two (2) years shall be required toresign from the service of the Council at the expiry of the two (2)years and should have previously given three (3) months’ noticeof resignation.


3. Eligibility for leave-without-pay(a) Officers with a minimum period of two (2) years continuous


(b) In cases of emergency such as illness of spouse or child,the minimum requirement may be waived and the length ofperiod of leave-without-pay shall mutually be agreed uponbetween the Director and the applicant.

(c) An officer granted leave-without-pay must serve a minimumperiod of twice the duration on his return to post before hebecomes eligible for consideration for further leave-without-pay.

(d) An officer who has enjoyed study leave under the Council’ssponsorship shall not be eligible for leave-without-pay untilhe has completed serving his bond.

(e) An officer who has been granted or guaranteed loan by theCouncil shall settle the loan in full or make suitablearrangements to settle it.

4. Resignation while on leave-without-payAn officer on leave-without-pay shall give three months’ noticeof resignation from the service of the Council or shall pay one (1)month’s salary in lieu of notice.

5. Resumption of dutyAn officer who fails to resume duty within fourteen (14) continuousdays of the expiry of leave-without-pay without reasonableexplanation shall be deemed to have vacated his post.

6. Incremental creditsThe period spent on leave-without-pay shall not earn incrementalcredits, except where the period does not exceed six (6) months.

7. PromotionThe period of leave-without-pay shall not count towards theminimum number of years for eligibility for promotion to theCouncil’s Promotions Regulations, except where the period isless than six (6) months.


8. Accommodation and rent(a) An officer granted leave-without-pay exceeding six (6) months

shall pay rent at economic rates for his bungalow or flatas shall be determined by the Council from time to time andhe shall be required to make suitable arrangements for thepayment of rents as they fall due (currently 3 times the normalrate) or face ejection.

(b) For leave-without-pay extending beyond one (1) year, an officershall be required to vacate his bungalow or flat after 12 monthsor face ejection.

9. Retiring benefitsOfficers granted leave-without-pay shall be required during theperiod of leave to make their own arrangements to maintain pensionpremiums in full where applicable.

10. LoansStaff who have been granted loans by the Council shall settlethem in full before proceeding on leave-without-pay or shall makesuitable arrangements to settle them while on leave.

Section 40: STUDY LEAVEStudy leave with full or partial sponsorship may be granted to eligibleofficers under regulations specified and administered by the Council.

1. ObjectiveTraining shall aim at raising the level of competence of an officerto enable him to contribute more effectively to the overallobjectives of the Council.

2. General PrinciplesThe general principles guiding training shall be as follows:

a. that the training shall take place at a recognised institutionor establishment;

b. that the training shall normally be done locally;

c. that training should be sought outside the country only wherefacilities for such programmes do not exist locally;


d. that as much as possible the focus of training shall fall withinthe priority areas of CSIR.

3. Eligibility for study leavea. An officer must have worked in the Council for a minimum

period of two (2) years and be medically fit.

b. Notwithstanding (a) above, the period of national serviceundertaken in an institute of the Council may be credited tothe required minimum period.

c. An officer should fully satisfy the entry requirements foradmission to the training institution or establishment.

4. Conditions for study leavea. An officer awarded study leave by the Council will be required

to enter into a bond to return to the employment of the Councilafter completion of the course.

b. An officer will be subject to the Council regulations anddiscipline while on study leave.

c. An officer shall be expected to complete the approved courseof study.

d. An officer shall ensure that progress reports from his traininginstitution are submitted to the HRD Committee. Half-yearlyreports will be required for courses whose duration exceedsix months. For courses of duration up to six (6) months, aCompletion Report will be required.

e. Request for programme extensions, changes of courses orcontent of course or termination of course will have to receiveprior approval of the HRD Committee on the advice of theDirector of the officer’s institute and his supervisor.

f. Upon completion of course, the officer shall be required toreport to duty post within two (2) weeks from the completionof the course, following which the officer who has studied


outside Ghana may be granted resettlement leave of two (2)weeks duration.

g. An officer shall be required to submit a Completion Reportone to the Council and the other to his institute within four(4) weeks of assuming duty. Guidelines for preparing theCompletion Report may be obtained at the Head Office andalso at the institute.

h. An officer shall submit two (2) copies of his thesis, dissertationand other training reports to the Council and to the sponsoringinstitute.

i. Assets/equipment provided by the Council for the use of theofficer in training in any institution shall remain the propertyof the Council. It shall be the prerogative of Council toadminister such assets in pursuit of its own objectives.

j. It shall be the responsibility of an officer of the Council onstudy leave to notify the Council of any award that he shallreceive during the tenure of leave, within a month of the receiptof such award so that cognizance will be taken of it in hisstudy leave terms.

5. TenureTenure of study leave shall be as follows:

a. Two (2) years for the M.Sc/M.Phil with a possible extensionof one (1) year as may be necessary. The extension of timecan only be granted if it is supported by a favourablerecommendation from the officer’s supervisor;

b. Three years for full-time PhD with a possible extension of one(1) year as may be necessary as stated in (a) above;

c. Up to five (5) years for part-time PhD programme with apossible extension of one year as stated in (a) above.


6. Sponsorship and BondingThere are four (4) categories of sponsorship with appropriatebonding schemes.

a. Full SponsorshipUnder this category, the officer shall be a full-time studentand shall be paid salaries, allowances and training-relatedfees by the Council. On completion of the course, the officershall be bonded for two (2) times the duration of training up toa maximum of five (5) years.

b. Full-time Partial SponsorshipUnder this category, the officer shall be a full-time studentand shall be paid salaries, allowances by the Council whilehe pays his own training-related fees. On Completion of thecourse, the officer shall be bonded for one and a half timesthe duration of training.

c. Part-time Partial Sponsorship (Day Release)Under this category, the officer shall be a part-time studentand shall be paid salaries and allowances by the Councilwhile he pays his own fees. On completion of the course,the officer shall be bonded for the same period of duration oftraining.

d. Full-time Worker (Attends Class after Working Hours)

Under this category, the officer shall be a full-time workerand shall attend classes after working hours. No training-related cost shall be paid by the Council. On completion ofthe course, the officer shall not be bonded.

7. BreachIn the event of a breach of the foregoing obligations, the followingactions shall be taken:

a. An officer shall not be eligible for any benefits arising out ofthe Superannuation contributions made by the Council duringthe total period of his absence under training.


b. An officer shall be liable to refund to the Council all expenditureincurred on him or on his behalf by way of salaries paid duringthe total period of his absence in training and advances ofallowances paid to him.

c. The guarantors on the bond shall be jointly liable to (b) aboveif the officer is not able to pay.

8. Obligations of the Council for Study Leave Tenable in GhanaFor an officer granted study leave in Ghana, the Council shall beresponsible for the following expenses:

a. Sponsorship for Full-time Residential Coursesi. Full salary plus increments when earned

ii. Payment of approved academic fees, training allowance,boarding and lodging at rates to be determined by the Councilfrom time to time.

iii. Payment of Maintenance and Travelling Allowances wherethe officer possesses a means of transport and same is usedin connection with the approved training provided the officeris entitled to maintenance allowance. Such claims shouldbe submitted on the appropriate CSIR Form certified by theSupervisor.

iv. Payment for the cost of preparation of five (5) copies of thesis;will be paid subject to the submission of the appropriatereceipts.

v. Granting permission in case of married officers, on request,for retention of the Council accommodation allocated to theofficer for occupancy by his family.

b. Sponsorship for Full-Time Non Residential Coursesi. Full salary plus increments when earned;

ii. Payment of approved fees;


iii. Payment of Maintenance and Travelling Allowances wherethe officer possesses a means of transport and same is usedin connection with the approved training provided the officeris entitled to maintenance allowance. Such claims shouldbe submitted on the appropriate CSIR Form certified by theSupervisor. Commuted allowance shall also be payable whereapplicable.

iv. Payment for the cost of preparation of five (5) copies of thesis,will be paid subject to the submission of the appropriatereceipts;

v. Payment of appropriate training allowance to an officerresiding outside his normal place of abode at rates to bedetermined by the Council from time to time;

vi. On request, a married officer may be permitted to retain theCouncil accommodation allocated to him for occupancy byhis family.

c. Partial Sponsorship for Full-Time Trainingi. An officer shall be a part-time student;

ii. Payment of salaries and allowances shall be made to theofficer

iii. An officer shall pay his own fees.

d. Partial Sponsorship for Part-Time Trainingi. An officer shall be a part-time student;

ii. Payment of salaries and allowances shall be made to theofficer;

iii. An officer shall pay his own fees.

e. Zero Sponsorship for Full-Time Workeri. The officer shall be required to continue to do his normal

work at his Institute, and shall be released as and when


necessary to attend lectures, seminars, or any otherbusiness in connection with the approved study or training.

f. Books and Equipment Allowancei. Book Allowance shall be paid in accordance with the existing

rates of the allowance for Senior Staff. (No additionalpayments are to be made).

9. Obligations of the Council for Study Leave Tenable OutsideGhana

It is recognised that it might be necessary to grant awards tomembers of staff to undertake research or to work for higherdegrees or for the purpose of keeping abreast of new developmentin their fields at institutions/universities outside the country.Where it is found necessary for an officer to undertake studiesoutside the country, serious efforts should be made to secureexternal support (i.e. fellowships) for the officer so that theCouncil’s financial commitments will be reduced.

a. Full Council GrantWhere no external support of any kind is available, Council should,subject to the availability of funds, meet all training expenseswhich shall consist of the following:

i. Economy return fare between Ghana and the place of study;

ii. All approved fees (e.g. registration, tuition, examination);

iii. Payment of cost of preparation of five (5) copies of thesis;payment will be made against bills;

iv. Books and special equipment allowances as in 8 (f) above;

v. Payment of salary plus increments when earned;

vi. Payment of subsistence allowance at ScholarshipsSecretariat rates applicable to officers receiving salaries whilein training.


b. Grants from other Sourcesi. Where the officer wins an award from sources outside the

Council, the value of the award shall be taken intoconsideration in determining the Council’s responsibilitiesdescribed in (a) above.

ii. Where the value of the award is less than that normally givenby the Council, the Council will make up the difference to thecandidate;

iii. Where the value of the award is equivalent to or more thanthe normal Council award, no further grant will be offered tothe candidate.

c. Study leave and accommodationi. An officer granted study leave of more than twelve (12) months’

duration, tenable outside the country, will be required to vacatehis accommodation provided by the Council, immediatelybefore his departure.

d. Study Leave and PromotionThe period spent on study leave shall not count towards theminimum period required for promotion. Officers on study leavefor more than one (1) year will not normally be considered forpromotion until they return to post. However, Officers who areproceeding on study leave and are eligible may apply forconsideration for promotion before they leave.

Officers on study leave will normally be eligible for salaryincrements as they become due.

10. Administration of Fellowship Awards

The award scheme shall be administered by a Human ResourceDevelopment Committee of Council constituted as follows:

a. Compositioni. The Director-General as Chairman

ii. Deputy Director-General


iii. Director of Administration

iv. Director of Finance

v. One (1) Director to represent the Physical Sciences

vi. One (1) Director to represent the Biological Sciences.

vii. Head of Human Resource Development as Member/Secretary

viii. Two (2) Senior Members, one (1) representing the PhysicalSciences and the other representing the Biological Sciences.

ix. One nominee to represent Senior Staff.

x. One nominee to represent Unionised Staff.

b. Tenurei. Election and tenure of members of the Committee shall be in

accordance with relevant provisions under the Conditions ofService for staff of the Council.

c. Number of Meetingsi. The Human Resource Development Committee shall meet at

least four (4) times a year.

d. Terms of Referencei. To consider and approve applications and other relevant

mattersii. To ensure that applications submitted fully satisfy the

requirements for the award of fellowship.

Section 41: RESETTLEMENT LEAVEAn officer who travels from abroad to assume duty, after a course ofstudy of not less than one (1) year, shall on arrival, be given fourteen14 consecutive days resettlement leave. The leave shall start fromthe day following the date of disembarkation. Officers should reportfor duty before they take the resettlement leave.




Section 42: GENERAL RULES1. An officer who is required to undertake a mission outside the

country, (e.g. for the purpose of training, conference, etc.) maybe provided with a round-trip fare at economy rates.

2. Consideration based on existing government regulations may begiven to an application for a loan to pay for passages foraccompanying members of family or dependants.

3. An officer appointed by the Council from outside Ghana may, asthe Director-General deem fit, be provided with an economy classair or first class sea passage to Ghana on first appointment.Passages shall also be provided for the spouse and up to three(3) children.

4. The Council shall bear the cost of transportation of the luggageby sea of an officer who travels to Ghana by air either on firstappointment or for not less than one (1) year sojourn outside thecountry on approved assignment. The following are the currentrates:

(a) Staff - 3.4 cubic metres(b) Spouse - 3.4 cubic metres(c) Children- 3.4 cubic metres

Alternatively, the Council will bear the cost of excess air baggage atthe following rates:

(a) Staff - 20 kg(b) Spouse - 20 kg(c) Children- 20 kg


5. Notwithstanding (4) above, the Council shall not pay the passageof the spouse of an officer, if the spouse is gainfully employed inGhana and is entitled to free passage for the family from hisemployer.

6. When an officer whose fare and/or passage have been paid bythe Council resigns after working for less than three (3) years hewill have to refund pro rata to the Council the total expensesborne by the Council in respect of fares and passages for himselfand other members of his family and dependents.




Section 43: MEDICAL ATTENTION1. An Officer, his spouse and children not above twenty-one (21)

years and those in school not above twenty-five (25) years shallbenefit from the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).However, where the medical treatment is not covered by the NHISthe treatment shall be borne by the Council. The maternityexpenses and approved midwifery and delivery charges incurredby an officer shall be covered by the NHIS. The Council shallbear the cost of any maternity and related expenses notcovered by the NHIS. The Council shall bear the cost ofprovision of prescribed dentures, and medical, optical andprosthetic appliances once every two (2) years on application.

2. An officer shall be responsible for one third of the maintenancefees in hospitals while the Council bears two-thirds.

3. Medical treatment shall be taken at Government, University orMission Hospitals or at the Council approved medical centres.However, in case of any emergency, medical treatment may betaken from any qualified medical practitioner and reasonable billssubmitted for payment in accordance with (1) above.

4. An officer may, on the prior approval of the Council, consult aregistered Herbalist/ Traditional Healer in case of any peculiarsickness which cannot normally be treated by orthodox medicineand reasonable bills submitted for payment.

5. The provisions under this section shall apply to officers who retirein accordance with the Council’s rules and regulations.


Section 44: ILL-HEALTH PROCEDUREThe ill-health procedure of the Council is as follows:

(a) When an officer suffers from ill-health which causes hisabsence from duty for a continuous period of 14 days, heis required to furnish the Director of his Institute with a reportfrom a Medical Officer.

(b) If this report certifies that continued absence from duty isnecessary, the Director may allow sick leave with full payfrom the date when the officer first fell sick for a period notexceeding six (6) months from that date.

(c) If at the end of this period, the medical officer certifies thatfurther absence from duty is desirable, the Director may grantanother period of sick leave not exceeding six (6) months onhalf salary. No payment of salary will be made after thisperiod should the Council grant any further dispensation.

(d) During any period of absence from duty on account of illness,an officer is required to provide the Director with a reportfrom the Medical Officer at intervals of one (1) month fromthe date of the first report.

(e) The cost of approved travel for medical attention within Ghanashall be borne by the Council.

(f) During absence from duty on account off ill-health, an officerwill remain liable to pay rent for accommodation provided bythe Council unless he and his family vacate theaccommodation.

(g) On the expiry of sick leave granted to him, an officer whofails to resume his duties contrary to medical advice will bedeemed to have vacated his post if he continued to be absentfor fourteen (14) working days from the day following that onwhich his sick leave expired.


(h) In cases of chronic ill-health of an officer’s dependents(spouse/children), the Council may decide to limit its financialresponsibility in respect of such dependants.

Section 45: INSURANCE AGAINST HAZARDS1 As far as possible, an officer engaged on work agreed to be

hazardous, which is likely to disable him, shall be insured againstsuch hazards. Group insurance should be preferred whereapplicable.

2 Periodic medical check-up shall be arranged for officers engagedon jobs which expose them to health hazards.

3 All staff shall be covered by the Workmen’s Compensation Law,1987 (PNDCL 187)




Section 46: COUNCIL HOUSING AND RENTAL SCHEMEa. Provision of Accommodation by the Council

i. The Council may provide reasonable accommodation forSenior Staff for which rent will be paid at rates approvedby the Council from time to time.

ii. Accommodation may not be provided for an officer of theCouncil whose spouse is already enjoying this facilitycommensurate with the officer’s status in the public servicein the same town.

b. Accommodation and Study Leavei. An officer granted study leave for local training or on a

sandwich course would be allowed to retain hisaccommodation provided by the Council for the period of thestudy leave.

ii. An officer granted study leave for more than twelve (12)months’ duration, tenable outside the country will be requiredto vacate his accommodation provided by the Councilimmediately before his departure.

c. Accommodation and leave-without-payAn officer granted leave-without-pay shall be required to payrent at prevailing Council approved commercial/regular rentceiling for the category of accommodation for a period oftwelve (12) months after which he will be required to vacatethe premises.


d. Accommodation and ResignationAn employee who terminates his appointment by resignationshall be required to vacate the Council’s accommodation onthe expiry of his period of notice of resignation.

e. Accommodation and Termination of Appointment An employee whose appointment is terminated with orwithout forfeiture of benefits shall not be allowed to stay inCouncil’s accommodation for a period exceeding three (3) months.

f. Accommodation and Voluntary Retirement An employee who leaves the service of the Council on voluntaryretirement shall be required to vacate the accommodation on thedate on which he leaves the service of the Council.

g. Accommodation and Compulsory RetirementAn employee who leaves the service of the Council oncompulsory retirement shall be required to vacate theCouncil’s accommodation within six (6) months. Rent shall bepayable at prevailing Council rates for the category ofaccommodation.

h. Accommodation and contract appointmentStaff on contract appointment who are already in the Councilaccommodation may be permitted to continue to occupy suchaccommodation for a period not exceeding one (1) year.

i. Accommodation and SecondmentAn officer on secondment shall be entitled to retain the Council’saccommodation during the approved period of secondmentprovided that he is not given accommodation by the organisationto which he is seconded.

j. Accommodation and Death of a Serving OfficerThe spouse and/or children of a deceased member of staff shallbe allowed to live in the Council accommodation for a period notexceeding six (6) months after the incidence of death. The rentdue for the occupancy of the accommodation by the spouse and/or children shall be recovered from any benefits due the deceased.


Section 47: OWNER OCCUPIER SCHEMESenior staff who qualify to be housed by the Council shall benefitfrom the Owner-Occupier Scheme.

(i) The Council shall pay Owner Occupier Allowance to staffwho live in their own houses.

(ii) When such houses are secured by a fence and entrancegate, an additional allowance shall be paid.

(iii) The rate of these allowances shall be determined by theCouncil from time to time.

(iv) On making the application for Owner Occupier Allowance,staff will be required to provide documentary evidence ofownership and shall be resident in the house.




Section 48: GENERAL

The rules and regulations regarding the grant of loans and allowanceswill be determined by the Council from time to time. The granting ofsuch loans and allowances in all cases shall be subject to theavailability of funds.

Section 49: SALARY ADVANCE1. Salary Advance on First AppointmentA salary advance may be taken on security, on the authority of theDirector of the Institute, when an officer is first appointed and shallbe limited to one (1) month’s salary exclusive of allowances; thisamount shall be refunded in six (6) consecutive monthly instalmentswithout interest.

2. Special AdvanceIn the event of a verified death of an officer’s father, mother, spouse,brother, sister or ward, and in the event of theft, fire and other personalhardships, disasters, etc., an officer may on application and subjectto availability of funds be granted an advance of up to three (3) monthssalary to be repaid without interest over a period not exceeding twelvemonths commencing from the ensuing month; i.e. not the samemonth of granting the loan. An officer may obtain this advance asoften as possible provided the last advance has been paid.

Section 50: SPECIAL LOANAn officer may, on application and subject to availability of funds, beconsidered for a Special Loan for the purchase of household durableconsumer goods such as furniture, radio, television set, cooker,refrigerator and other electrical equipment.


Section 51: LOANS FOR PURCHASE OF MEANS OFTRANSPORTProvided the nature of an officer’s work warrants the acquisition of ameans of transport, an officer considered eligible to receive an advancefor the purchase of means of transport may be granted a loan accordingto the rules of the Council’s Car Loan Scheme.

Section 52: LIMITATION OF ADVANCES AND LOANSAn Advance or loan shall be granted to an officer only when the totalmonthly deductions on advances and loans shall not exceed 60%of the officers gross monthly salary.

Section 53: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE1 An officer who uses his own means of transport for official

duties shall be entitled to monthly vehicle maintenanceallowance at rates to be determine by the Council from time totime.

2 Maintenance allowance shall be paid in respect of a cartemporarily off the road for repairs up to a maximum period ofsixty (60) consecutive days.

3 Maintenance allowance shall be drawn when an officer is on full-pay leave in Ghana.

4 Payment of maintenance allowance shall cease immediately acar is sold or damaged beyond repairs.

Section 54: KILOMETRIC ALLOWANCEKilometric allowance shall be paid to officers who use their own meansof transport for official journeys made outside an officer’s normal placeof work at a rate to be determined by the Council from time to time.

Section 55: COMMUTED TRANSPORT ALLOWANCEOfficers with means of transport and living at a distance from theirmain place of work may be granted on application, commuted transportallowance at rates to be determined from time to time by the Council.However, officers without means of transport and living at a distancefrom their place of work shall be granted on application, commutedtransport allowance at half the rate payable to those with means oftransport.


Section 56: RESPONSIBILITY ALLOWANCEResponsibility Allowance shall be paid to Heads of Divisions, Headsof Sections and analogous positions at rate to be determined by theCouncil from time to time.

Section 57: ENTERTAINMENT ALLOWANCEEntertainment Allowance shall be paid to Heads of Divisions, Headsof Sections and analogous positions at rates to be determined bythe Council from time to time.

Section 58: WARM-CLOTHING ALLOWANCEOfficers proceeding to colder climates for approved missions (e.g.training, conference, etc.) shall be entitled to warm-clothing allowanceonce every five(5) years on conditions and rates to be determined bythe Council from time to time. All other regions would be determinedby the Council.

Section 59: PERMANENT TRANSFER GRANTThe Council shall pay an employee transferred to a different stationof the Council, a transfer grant equivalent to one (1) month’s basicsalary. When the employee is transferred at his own request he willonly be reimbursed with the cost of the travel expenses involved atthe existing Council rates where official transport is not available forhis movement.

Section 60: TEMPORARY TRANSFER/INCONVENIENCEALLOWANCEIn the case of an officer on temporary transfer, the rates for subsistencenight allowance shall apply during the duration of the period of thetemporary transfer for a period not exceeding three (3) months.

Section 61: TRAVELLING AND LUGGAGE ALLOWANCEAny officer who retires after five (5) years service with the Council orwho is transferred or who first assumes duty shall be entitled totransportation to convey up to ten (10) tonnes of luggage or in lieu,an allowance at existing government rates shall be paid.

Section 62: PROFESSIONAL ALLOWANCEProfessional allowance shall be paid to Senior Staff who haveprofessional qualification and are members of recognized professionalbodies.


Section 63: ACTING ALLOWANCE1. An acting allowance shall be paid to an officer formally asked by

Council to act for not less than four (4) consecutive weeks in anyof the following positions:

(a) Head of Division

(b) Head of Section

2. Acting allowance shall be the difference between the officer’ssubstantive basic salary and the minimum point of the scale tothe post in which he is to act.

Where an officer is more than one step below the position in whichhe is to act, the acting allowance shall be the difference between hissubstantive basic salary and the minimum of the next higher scale.

Section 64: DUTY ALLOWANCE1. Duty Allowance shall be paid to an officer formally required by

Council to perform duties additional to his full-time work for aperiod not less than three (3) consecutive weeks.

2. The rate shall be 20% of an employee’s basic salary for theperiod.





Disciplinary action may be taken against an officer in respect ofmisconduct. Misconduct includes the following;

a. Misappropriation/embezzlement of funds

b. Misapplication/misuse of funds or mis-procurement

c. Pilfering and/or theft

d. Vacation of Post

e. Divulging any confidential information obtained from officialsources/ or publication of an unauthorized material

f. Misrepresentation/ forgery due to falsehood, fraudulence ornegligence

g. Immoral conduct or indecency

h. Assault or battery on premises of the Council or its institutes/centre or station

i. Rudeness, or insulting behaviour and/ or Insubordination

j. Drunkenness while on duty

k. Improper use of Council property or wilful damage to Councilproperty

l. Conviction for felony or other criminal offences

m. Incitement of workers to engage in illegal actions

n. Dishonesty

o. Gross dereliction of duty


p. Sexual harassment

q. Discrimination

Section 66: DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE1. For any of the above offences, the Director-General shall appoint

a Disciplinary Committee made up of a Chairman and four othermembers including a Senior Staff from a cognate Institute whoshall not be below the grade of the affected officer. Therecommendations of the Disciplinary Committee shall besubmitted to the Director-General for final decision.

2. In all proceedings of a Disciplinary Committee, an officer accusedof misconduct shall be informed in writing of the basis on whichproceedings are initiated.

3. The officer shall appear before the Committee to explain anddefend his conduct. He shall be entitled to call witnesses andhear testimonies and cross examine any witnesses called bythe Committee.

4. The Director-General has the power to direct an officer againstwhom proceedings of a major offence are being taken or about tobe taken, or against whom criminal proceedings are being initiatedto proceed on interdiction.

5. The salaries and allowances of an interdicted officer shall bepaid in accordance with prevailing government regulations.

6. If proceedings do not result in the officer’s dismissal or removal,any salary and allowances withheld from him shall be restored.

Section 67: PENALTIESThe following penalties may be imposed in disciplinary proceedingsin respect of misconduct.

a. Summary DismissalTermination of appointment with forfeiture of all retirementbenefits payable by the Government and also under theCouncil’s Superannuation Scheme except such as are


permitted to be paid by regulations on the said Scheme insuch circumstances.

b. TerminationCessation or ending of appointment with or without reductionin retiring benefits.

c. Reduction in RankDemotion

d. Reduction in SalaryAn immediate adjustment of salary to a lower point on thesalary scale attached to the post in question.

e. Deferment of IncrementPostponement of the date on which increment is due withcorresponding postponement in subsequent years.

f. Stoppage of IncrementNon-payment for a specified period of an increment otherwisedue.

g. SuspensionForbidden to go or denial of access to place ofduty or work with consequential loss of pay and allowancesfor a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days.

h. Severe ReprimandWritten rebuke

2. Right of Appeala. An officer adversely affected by any decision of a Disciplinary

Proceeding may, within 14 days of notification to him or thedecision, appeal against such decision to the Director-General or the Council.

b. If the officer fails to appeal within the stipulated fourteen (14)days of notification to him, the decision shall be upheld.

c. To facilitate the appeal procedure, the officer may requesta copy of the report.




Section 68: PROCEDURE FOR GRIEVANCES1. Where an officer is aggrieved by the implementation of any

provision of these Regulations with reference to him, he shallsubmit in writing the grounds of his grievances to his Director

for redress.

2. If the grievance could not be redressed to the satisfaction of thepetitioner, the petitioner may request that his grievance be referredto the Director-General and subsequently to the Council.

3. The Institute Director shall forward the petition to the Director-General with his comments on the redress. If the petition isaddressed to the Council, the Director-General shall forward it toCouncil with his comments. The decision of the Council shall beupheld.




Section 69: MODES OF LEAVING THE SERVICE OF THECOUNCILThe recognised modes of leaving the service of the Council withoutloss of appropriate entitlements shall be:

a. Resignationb. Retirementc. Terminationd. Death of Serving Officer

Section 70: PROCEDURE FOR LEAVING THE SERVICE1. With the exception of Section 69(d) above, any officer on leaving

the Service of the Council shall:

a. Prepare full handing-over notes and where relevant, a fullaccount of the research he has conducted, showing theresults, the stage reached and describing any uncompletedresearch projects, as well as any problems encountered,together with suggestions for the continuation of the work.This report should be submitted to the Director of the Institute,with a copy to the Director-General not later than a fortnightbefore the departure of the officer.

b. Complete a clearance form as approved by the Council whichwill be countersigned by the Director of his Institute beforethe officer leaves the service of the Council.

2. These formalities {sub-section (a) and (b)} must be completedbefore payment of terminal benefits can be authorised by theDirector-General.


3. The Council, without further authority than this paragraph, canuse the terminal benefits for settling debts owed it by an officersevering his connection with the Council.

Section 71: RESIGNATION1. An officer who wishes to resign or terminate his service with the

Council shall give three months notice or shall pay one month’ssalary in lieu of notice; such notice shall be addressed to theDirector-General through the Director of the Institute.

2. When a Director of an Institute receives a notice for resignation,he will forward it to the Director-General with hisrecommendations. The Director-General will then inform the officerin writing through his Director whether or not his resignation hasbeen accepted. If the resignation is accepted, the Director-General shall inform the Director of Finance of the effective date.

3. Resignation will not usually be accepted where criminal ordisciplinary proceedings have been, or are about to be, institutedagainst an officer.

4. An officer who ceases to attend duty for ten (10) consecutiveworking days before his resignation is accepted will be deemedto have vacated his post.

Section 72: RETIREMENT1. Compulsory Retirement

An officer will be required to retire compulsorily from the serviceof the Council at the age of sixty (60) years. The effective dateshall be the last working day or the end of month of birth. Anyextension of service beyond this age shall be subject to rulesmade by the Council from time to time.

2. Voluntary RetirementAn officer may retire voluntarily after the age of forty-five (45)years subject to the rules of the Superannuation or any otherScheme to which the officer may belong. Such as an officershall give three months notice or forfeit one month’s salary inlieu of notice.


3. Retirement on Medical GroundsAn officer may be required to retire if a Medical Board has declaredhim incapable, by reason of any infirmity of mind or body, ofdischarging the duties of his office and if such infirmity is likelyto be prolonged. The Director of an Institute may, at any time, orif an officer so requests, call upon an officer to present himself forexamination by a Medical Board.

Section 73: TERMINATION/DISMISSAL1. The appointment of an officer is terminable on either side by

giving three months’ notice or upon the payment of one month’ssalary in lieu of notice.

2. The Council reserves the right to terminate the appointment ongrounds of:

(a) Inefficiency(b) Incompetence(c) Indiscipline(d) Misconduct (Section 65)

e. Vacation of PostAny officer who absents himself from work without permission orreasonable cause for more than ten (10) consecutive workingdays shall be deemed to have vacated his post. Such an officershall be deemed as terminating his appointment with the Councilwithout giving the required notice and shall be subject to theprovisions in Section 67 (b).

(f) Government Statutory OrderAn officer’s appointment may be terminated by Governmentthrough an Executive Instrument/ Order.

(h) Summary Dismissal {see Section 67 (a)}

Section 74: RETIREMENT/PENSION SCHEMESThe recognised retirement schemes for officers leaving the Serviceshall be:

a. Superannuation Pension Schemeb. Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT)c. Provident Fund Scheme


a. Superannuation Scheme1. The Superannuation Scheme is open to all Senior Staff who

have not previously contributed to the Social Security and havenot previously contributed to the Social Security and NationalInsurance Trust (SSNIT) Scheme. Any contributor to SSNIT, onjoining the CSIR, may freeze his SSNIT contribution and join theSuperannuation Scheme provided that he will be able to makethe required number of years to qualify for pension.

2. Officers on post-retirement contract who are on Governmentpayroll may contribute to the Superannuation Scheme but willnot be eligible for pension.

3. To be eligible for pension, an employee should have contributedto the Scheme for a minimum of ten (10) continuous years formembers who joined before 1st January 2000, or fifteen (15)continuous years for members who joined from January 2000.

4. The Superannuation Scheme is made up of monthly contributionsby an employee and the employer. The prevailing rates are 10%(subject to change) and 12.5% respectively.

5. The benefits under the Scheme are:i. Full Pension;ii. Non Payable Gratuity Loan of 25% (which can be accessed

within two (2) years before retirement)

b. Social Security and National Insurance Trust Scheme1. The Council requires an established officer to participate in a

contributory Social Security Scheme when he opts not tocontribute to the Superannuation Scheme. The Social SecurityScheme is made up of monthly contributions from the employeeand the employer. The prevailing rates are 5% and 12.5%respectively.

2. The benefits are:

i. Full pension at sixty (60) years, having made a minimumcontribution of two hundred and forty 240 months inaggregate.


ii. Reduced Pension for early retirement from fifty-five (55) yearsand below 60 years and having made a minimum contributionof 240 months;

iii. Lump sum payment option of 25% of an employee’s twelve(12) years pension. This will be paid to the employee at thepresent value based on discount at the prevailing TreasuryBill rate.

These are the prevailing rates and are subject to change by the SSNIT

c. Provident Fund SchemeIt is a voluntary supplementary retirement plan open to allcategories of staff. The prevailing rate is 15% of monthly basicsalary. The benefits of the scheme include the granting of loansunder various loan programmes.

Benefits paid out comprise:· Staff’s own contributions· Accrued interests· Death or disability benefits

Section 75: DEATH AND OTHER SEVERANCE PACKAGESa. Funeral GrantOn the death of a serving officer, the Council shall donate to thebereaved family, an amount of money which shall be reviewed fromtime to time, towards funeral expenses. Council shall also providetransport to convey the deceased to his registered hometown inGhana or place of burial in Ghana at the convenience of the bereavedfamily. The bereaved family shall be provided with appropriate transportto accompany the corpse and subsequently convey the personaleffects of the deceased to the appropriate destination if required.

b. Ex-Gratia Award for Deceased StaffOn the death of a serving officer, an ex-gratia award amounting tosix months salary of the staff shall be paid to the spouse and/ orchildren and in the absence of these, the next of kin.


c. Ex-Gratia Award for Retired StaffWhen a confirmed officer with not less than five (5) years serviceretires from the service of the Council, an ex-gratia award shallbe paid to him at a flat rate of six (6) months salary for the entire

period of his service.

d. Death or Spouse/ChildrenIn the event of the death of a spouse or child of an officer, theCouncil shall donate to the officer, an amount of money towardsfuneral expenses. This amount may be reviewed from time totime.

e. Survival PensionOn the death of an employee who has served the Council for notless than ten (10) years, survival pension shall be paid to thespouse and children at rates to be determined by the Councilfrom time to time.

a. Redundancy AwardAn employee who becomes unavoidably redundant shall beentitled to a redundancy award at the following rates:

i. One (1) month pay for each completed year of service up to five years.

ii. Two (2) months pay for each completed year of service where the employee has served the Council for a period of five years or more.





In cases where there is ambiguity in the interpretation of any provisionof the Conditions of Service, the matter shall be referred to the Councilfor a decision.


These Conditions of Service shall be reviewed by the Council, fromtime to time at least every five (5) years, to reflect changing conditionsand/or circumstances.


The Conditions of Service specified in the Regulations shall prevail inall cases of conflict with any other terms of employment.


These Regulations shall be deemed to have come into effect on the(subject to DMC approval)


Approved by Council on this........................................................









(a) Technical Officer/Field Officer / Printing Officer/Transport Officer/Draughtsman/ Maintenance Officer/ Catering Officer.

(b) Senior Technical Officer/Senior Field Officer/ Senior PrintingOfficer/Senior Transport Officer/ Senior Draughtsman/ SeniorMaintenance Officer/Senior Catering Officer.

(c) Principal Technical Officer/ Principal Field Officer/ PrincipalPrinting Officer/Principal Transport Officer/Principal Draughtsman/Principal Maintenance Officer/Principal Catering Officer /Technologist.

(d) Chief Technical Officer/Chief Field Officer/Chief Printing Officer/Chief Transport Officer/ Chief Draughtsman/ Chief MaintenanceOfficer/Chief Catering Officer/ Senior Technologist.

(e) Principal Technologist

(f) Chief Technologist


(a) Administrative Assistant/Accounting Assistant /AuditingAssistant/Stores Officer/ Purchasing Assistant/ MarketingAssistant/ Library Assistant/ Security Officer/Front Desk Officer/Public Relations Assistant.

(b) Senior Administrative Assistant /Senior Accounting Assistant/Senior Auditing Assistant / Senior Stores Officer/ SeniorPurchasing Assistant/ Senior Marketing Assistant/ Senior LibraryAssistant/ Senior Security Officer /Senior Front Desk Officer.


(c) Principal Administrative Assistant /Principal AccountingAssistant/Principal Auditing Assistant /Principal Stores Officer/Principal Purchasing Assistant /Principal Marketing Officer/Principal Library Assistant / Principal Security Officer/ PrincipalFront Desk Officer

(d) Chief Administrative Assistant/Chief Accounting Assistant /ChiefAuditing Assistant /Chief Stores Officer/ Chief PurchasingAssistant / Chief Marketing Assistant / Chief Library Assistant /Chief Security Officer/ Chief Front Desk Officer.



Assistant Farm Manager Field Officer

Assistant Binder/Printer Printing Officer

Assistant Transport Officer Transport Officer

Works/Workshop/Estate Maintenance OfficerSuperintendent

Stores Superintendent Stores Officer

Superintendent Telephonist/Receptionist Front Desk Officer



