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Configuring OwnCloud Installation

Date post: 05-Jul-2018
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  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    Confguring OwnCloud installation

    ownCloud is a web suite that provides a cloud storage over the network ,

    data can be uploaded via web browser or using sotware client. Data will be

    stored on the server and can be downloaded or access any time with

    browser. The project is based on PHP and a SQLite, MySQL

    (MariaDB), Oracle or PostgreSQL dataase, so it can run on all platorms

    that meet these requirements. t provides almost all possibility o unctions

    that are available on commercial suites! it is released under "#$%v& license,

    so you can setup own cloud storage server without any additional cost!

    commercial version o ownCloud is also available. 'ere is the small guideto setu! ownCloud " on CentOS #$%.


    "s mentioned earlier, it is based on $'$ and database combination,

    database can be any o the above our.

    cd (etc(yum.repos.d(




    [isv_ownCloud_community]name=Latest stable community release of ownCloud server (CentOS_CentOS-6)tye=rm-mdbaseurl=!tt"##download$oensuse$or%#reositories#isv"#ownCloud"#community#CentOS_CentOS-6#%%c!ec&='


    rpm ivh http)((dl.edoraproject.org(pub(epel(-(/0-+-1(epelrelease-0.noarch.rpmyum install owncloud


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    yum install httpd

    ch2confg levels 3&4 httpd on

    (etc(init.d(httpd start

    5urther we need to allow *6%789 with apache at http and https as ollows)


    *elect 5irewall confguration)

    *elect Cutomi:e)


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    "llow or *ecure ;;;

  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    5urther we need to install >ysql to get the confgurations as ollows)

    yum install mysqlserver

    ch2confg levels 3&4 mysqld on(etc(init.d(mysqld start

    ;e will be confguring our ownCloud server to ta2e advantage o the morerobust >y*?% database instead o the *?%ite deault implementation. To doso, we must confgure >y*?% frst as)


    [root@server1 ~]# mysql_secure_installation

    NOTE: RUNNIN !"" !RT$ O% T&I$ $'RIT I$ RE'O((EN)E) %OR !""(y$*"$ER+ER$ IN RO)U'TION U$E, "E!$E RE!) E!'& $TE '!RE%U""-,

    In or.er to lo/ into (y$*" to secure it0 e2ll nee. t3e current  4assor. 5or t3e root user6 I5 you2ve 7ust installe. (y$*"0 an. you 3aven2t set t3e root 4assor. yet0 t3e 4assor. ill 8e 8lan90so you s3oul. 7ust 4ress enter 3ere6

    Enter current 4assor. 5or root enter 5or none;:


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    Remove anonymous users= [->n] ? ENTER666 $uccess,

    Normally0 root s3oul. only 8e alloe. to connect 5rom 2local3ost26 T3isensures t3at someone cannot /uess at t3e root 4assor. 5rom t3e netor96

    )isallo root lo/in remotely= [->n] ? ENTER666 $uccess,

    Ay .e5ault0 (y$*" comes it3 a .ata8ase name. 2test2 t3at anyone canaccess6 T3is is also inten.e. only 5or testin/0 an. s3oul. 8e remove.8e5ore movin/ into a 4ro.uction environment6

    Remove test .ata8ase an. access to it= [->n] ? ENTER )ro44in/ test .ata8ase666666 $uccess,

    Removin/ 4rivile/es on test .ata8ase666666 $uccess,

    Reloa.in/ t3e 4rivile/e ta8les ill ensure t3at all c3an/es ma.e so 5ar ill ta9e eBect imme.iately6

    Reloa. 4rivile/e ta8les no= [->n] ? ENTER666 $uccess,

    'leanin/ u4666


     !ll .one, I5 you2ve com4lete. all o5 t3e a8ove ste4s0 your (y$*"installation s3oul. no 8e secure6

    T3an9s 5or usin/ (y$*",

    No movin/ toar.s t3e (ysql 4rom4t:

    mysql u root p

    $ut the >ysql password which you selected beore, @ create a database orownCloud in >ysql prompt)

    CA6"T6 D"T"B"*6 owncloud!

    "ssign privileges to a new >y*?% user to handle database operations orownCloud)

  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    #A"7T "%% O7 owncloud. to owncloudElocalhost D67T56D BFdatabase+password!


    7ow, i you go to your $ address or domain name ollowed by G(owncloudG inyour browser, you will see a page that loo2s li2e this)

    Clic2 on *torage @ database)


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    7ow select >y*?%(>ariaDB and create an admin account as in my case have choosen owncloud as my admin account and a desired password orthat user)

    n the lower tab below the >y*?%(>ariaDB give the entry o theusernameHowncloud passwordHdatabase+passworddatabasenameHowncloud.

     Then press 5inish setup.


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    Mounting the ownCloud share with *untu +$, Deskto!

    ;e can mount the shared point with the other machines, here will show youthe way to process to moint it through ;ebD"I tools in another 8buntuDes2top machine. There are two methods to use ownCloud J as a client in8buntu Des2top.

    • >anual mount by giving entries installing davs3

    • By installing ownCloud J client

    will e/plain both o them, you can use any o them to mount.

     4.1 Manual mount through davfs2

    am running the command on my second machine server3.e/ample.com)

    sudo aptget update

    sudo aptget install davs3

    ;e will allow nonroot users to mount and unmount the ;ebD"I shares bytyping)

    sudo dp2greconfgure davs3

    $3oul. un4rivile/e. users 8e alloe. to mount Ce8)!+ resources= oving ahead will be adding my usernameHsrijan to ;ebD"I group)


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


     sudo usermod a# davs3 srijan

    ;e want to ma2e the permanent mount point in server3.e/ample.com, so will give the ollowing entries in the (etc(stab)

    sudo vi (etc(stab


    MN3.M-0..M(owncloud(remote.php(webdav (home(srijan(owncloud davs


    7ow in userHsrijans home drive will create directories, one to mount theshare point and another to hold the confgurations details)

    m2dir P(owncloud

     m2dir P(.davs3

    5urther create a fle as)

    vi P(.davs3(secrets

    MN3.M-0..M(owncloud(remote.php(webdav owncloud database+password

    6nsure that the fle is writable by only you by using the fle manager or byissuing the ollowing command)

    chmod - P(.davs3(secrets

    7ow we will mount it as ollows)

    mount owncloud(

    sri7an@serverD:~ su.o mount onclou.>lease enter t3e username to aut3enticate it3 server 

    1FD61GH661>onclou.>remote6434>e8.av> or 3it enter 5or none6  Username: owncloud lease enter t3e 4assor. to aut3enticate user onclou. it3 server 1FD61GH661>onclou.>remote6434>e8.av> or 3it enter 5or none6  assor.: database_password sri7an@serverD:~

  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    7ote) The given credentials will be used urther, so please ta2e a note o it)

    8sername) owncloud$assword) dataase-!assword

    5urther i you fnd any permissions error in the older then change the olderpermission as owner o the user)

    chown A srijan)srijan owncloud(

     To automatically mount the older on login at server3.e/ample.com, add themount P(owncloud command to the P(.bashrc fle.

    vi P(.bashrc

    K...Lmount P(owncloud

    "ter mounting successully you can get some error Aesource temporarilyunavailable and Certifcate warnings then it can be removed as ollows)

    • 5or Aesource temporarily unavailable)

    vi (etc(davs3(davs3.con


    • 5or Certifcate warnings)

    you use a selsigned certifcate, you will get a warning. you are willing tota2e the ris2 o a man in the middle attac2, run this command instead)

    echo GyG Q mount P(owncloud R (dev(null 3R@M

     4.2 ownCloud 7 clent nstallaton b! ownCloud

    Open lin2 and select the distribution 8buntu M1.1, urther in your 8buntuDes2top put the commands)

    cd (tmpwgethttp)((download.opensuse.org(repositories(isv)ownCloud)des2top(/8buntu+M1.1(Aelease.2eysudo apt2ey add S Aelease.2ey


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    sudo sh c Gecho debhttp)((download.opensuse.org(repositories(isv)(ownCloud)(des2top(/8buntu+M1.1( ( RR (etc(apt(sources.list.d(owncloudclient.listGsudo aptget updatesudo aptget install owncloudclient

    t will install ownCloudclient in the 8buntu M1.1 Des2top. Thats it openownCloudclient

    $ut the server path as MN3.M-0..M(owncloud and then put your

    credentials o usernameHowncloud and passwordHdatabase+password


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    5urther i you are using it without !tts theen you can ignore the error and

    move ahead)



  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


     Then it will map the ownCloud with your de2stop)

    "nd then fnally all data will get synced)


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    " Mounting the ownCloud share with .indows

    ;e can access the data rom ownCloud J server on a window machine also. There are many methods to this, you can chec2 this lin2 or them. will

    e/plain two o them.

    M. will be using the ownCloud clients or that. Open lin2 and downloadthe windows client rom here 

    *imply install the client and it will wor2 or you.


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    6nter the details http)((MN3.M-0..M(owncloud)

    "gain give your credentials< user=owncloud  and  password=database_password = which

    we have settup while installing the ownCloud J and the window will appear)


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    You can open the local folder to access the files locally.

    3. Cyberduc2 ver 1.4.

    There is another method to access the ownCloud 7 server. I will be using Cyberduck for that. For 

    this you need to install it from this U!.

    "ownload the installer and install it simply by doing ne#t $$ne#t.


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


    Cyberduck has a very nice user interface.

    %nter the credentials & connect '*$'6+$,$',,#owncloud#remote$!#webdav with

    user=owncloud and assword=database_assword'

    (ive the credentials and it will connect.


  • 8/16/2019 Configuring OwnCloud Installation


