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609 16 Configuring the Publish Process This chapter describes how to configure the publish process for Siperian Hub data using message triggers and embedded message queues. For an introduction, see “Publish Process” on page 346. Chapter Contents Before You Begin Configuration Steps for the Publish Process Starting the Message Queues Tool Configuring Global Message Queue Settings Configuring Message Queue Servers Configuring Outbound Message Queues Configuring Message Triggers JMS Message XML Reference


16Configuring the Publish Process

This chapter describes how to configure the publish process for Siperian Hub data using message triggers and embedded message queues. For an introduction, see “Publish Process” on page 346.

Chapter Contents

• Before You Begin

• Configuration Steps for the Publish Process

• Starting the Message Queues Tool

• Configuring Global Message Queue Settings

• Configuring Message Queue Servers

• Configuring Outbound Message Queues

• Configuring Message Triggers

• JMS Message XML Reference

Before You Begin

610 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Before You Begin

Before you begin, you must have completed the following tasks:

• Installed Siperian Hub, created the Hub Store, and successfully set up message queues according to the instructions in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for your platform

• Completed the tasks in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide to configure Siperian Hub to handle asynchronous Services Integration Framework (SIF) requests, if applicable

Note: SIF uses a message-driven bean (MDB) on the JMS message queue (named siperian.sif.jms.queue) to process incoming asynchronous SIF requests. This required queue is set up during the installation process. as described in the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for your platform. If your Siperian Hub implementation does not require any additional message queues, then you can skip this chapter.

• Built the schema according to the instructions in Chapter 5, “Building the Schema”

• Read the introduction to the publish process in “Publish Process” on page 346.

Configuration Steps for the Publish Process

After installing Siperian Hub, you use the Message Queues tool in the Hub Console to configure message queues for your Siperian Hub implementation. The following tasks are mandatory if you want to publish events in the outbound message queue:

1. Configure the message queues on your application server.

The Siperian installer automatically sets up message queues and the connection factory configuration. For more information, see the Siperian Hub Installation Guide for your platform.

2. Configure global message queue settings. For more information, see “Configuring Global Message Queue Settings” on page 612.

3. Add at least one message queue server. For more information, see “Configuring Message Queue Servers” on page 613.

4. Add at least one message queue to the message queue server. For more information, see “Configuring Outbound Message Queues” on page 616.

Starting the Message Queues Tool

Configuring the Publish Process 611

5. Generate the JMS event message schema for each ORS that has data that you want to publish. For more information, see “Generating and Deploying ORS-specific Schemas” on page 843.

6. Configure message triggers for your message queues. For more information, see “Configuring Message Triggers” on page 620.

After you have configured message queues, you can review run-time activities using the Audit Manager according to the instructions in “Auditing Message Queues” on page 946.

Starting the Message Queues Tool

To start the Message Queues tool:

1. In the Hub Console, connect to the Master Database.

Message queues are defined in the Master Database.

2. In the Hub Console, expand the Configuration workbench, and then click Message Queues.

The Hub Console displays the Message Queues tool.

Navigation Pane Properties Pane

Configuring Global Message Queue Settings

612 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

The Message Queues tool is divided into two panes.

Configuring Global Message Queue Settings

To configure the global message queue settings for your Siperian Hub implementation:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. Specify settings for Data Changes Monitoring, which monitors the queue for outgoing messages.

To enable or disable Data Changes Monitoring, click the Toggle Data Changes Monitoring Status button.

4. Specify the following monitoring settings:

Pane Description

Navigation pane Shows (in a tree view) the message queues that are defined for this Siperian Hub implementation.

Properties pane Shows the properties for the selected message queue.

Monitoring Setting Description

Receive Timeout (milliseconds)

Default is 0. Amount of time allowed to receive the messages from the queue.

Receive Batch Size Default is 100. Maximum number of events processed and placed in the message queue in a single pass.

Message Check Interval (milliseconds)

Default is 300000. Amount of time to pause before polling for inbound messages or processing outbound messages. The same value applies to both inbound and outbound message queues.

Configuring Message Queue Servers

Configuring the Publish Process 613

Click the button next to any property that you want to change.

5. Click the button to save your changes.

Configuring Message Queue Servers

This section describes how to configure message queue servers for your Siperian Hub implementation.

About Message Queue Servers

Before you can define message queues in Siperian Hub, you must define the message queue server(s) that Siperian Hub will use for handling message queues. Before you can define a message queue server in Siperian Hub, it must already be defined on your application server according to the documented instructions for your application server. You will need the connection factory name.

Message Queue Server Properties

This section describes the settings that you can configure for message queue servers.

Out of sync check interval (milliseconds)

If configured, periodically polls for ORS metadata and regenerates the XML message schema if subsequent changes have been made to design objects in the ORS. For more information, see “Generating and Deploying ORS-specific Schemas” on page 843.

By default, this feature is disabled—set to zero (0)—and is available only if:

• Data Changes Monitoring is enabled.

• ORS-specific XML message schema has been generated using the JMS Event Schema Manager.

Note: Make sure that this value is greater than or equal to the Message Check Interval.

Monitoring Setting Description

Configuring Message Queue Servers

614 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

WebLogic and JBoss Properties

You can configure the following message queue server properties.

WebSphere Properties

IBM WebSphere implementations have the following properties.

Adding Message Queue Servers

To add a message queue server:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. Right-click anywhere in the Navigation pane and choose Add Message Queue Server.

Property Description

Connection Factory Name

Name of the connection factory for this message queue server.

Display Name Name of this message queue server as it will be displayed in the Hub Console.

Description Descriptive information for this message queue server.

Property Description

Server Name Name of the server where the message queue is defined.

Channel Channel of the server where the message queue is defined.

Port Port on the server where the message queue is defined.

Configuring Message Queue Servers

Configuring the Publish Process 615

The Message Queues tool displays the Add Message Queue Server dialog.

4. the Message Queues tool displays Specify the properties for this message queue server. For more information, see “Message Queue Server Properties” on page 613.

Editing Message Queue Server Properties

To edit the properties of an existing message queue server:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. In the navigation pane, select the name of the message queue server that you want to configure.

4. Change the editable properties for this message queue server. For more information, see “Message Queue Server Properties” on page 613.

Click the button next to any property that you want to change.

5. Click the button to save your changes.

Configuring Outbound Message Queues

616 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Deleting Message Queue Servers

To delete an existing message queue server:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. In the navigation pane, right-click the name of the message queue server that you want to delete, and then choose Delete from the pop-up menu.

4. The Message Queues tool prompts you to confirm deletion.

5. Click Yes.

Configuring Outbound Message Queues

This section describes how to configure outbound JMS message queues for your Siperian Hub implementation.

About Message Queues

Before you can define outbound JMS message queues in Siperian Hub, you must define the message queue server(s) that will service the message queue. For more information, see “Configuring Message Queue Servers” on page 613. In JMS, a message queue is a staging area for XML messages. Siperian Hub publishes XML messages to the message queue. External applications retrieve these published XML messages from the message queue.

Message Queue Properties

You can configure the following message queue properties.

Property Description

Queue Name Name of this message queue. This must match the JNDI queue name as configured on your application server.

Configuring Outbound Message Queues

Configuring the Publish Process 617

Adding Message Queues to a Message Queue Server

To add a message queue to a message queue server:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. In the navigation pane, right-lick the name of the message queue server to which you want to add a message queue, and choose Add Message Queue.

The Message Queues tool displays the Add Message Queue dialog.

4. Specify the message queue properties. For more information, see “Message Queue Properties” on page 616.

5. Click OK.

Display Name Name of this message queue as it will be displayed in the Hub Console.

Description Descriptive information for this message queue.

Property Description

Configuring Outbound Message Queues

618 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

The Message Queues tool prompts you to choose the queue assignment.

6. Select one of the following options:

7. Click the button to save your changes.

Assignment Description

Leave Unassigned Queue is currently unassigned and not in use. Select this option to use this queue as the outbound queue for Siperian Hub API responses, or to indicate that the queue is currently unassigned and is not in use.

Use with Message Queue Triggers

Queue is currently assigned and is available for use by message triggers that are defined in the Schema Manager according to the instructions in “Configuring Message Triggers” on page 620.

Use Legacy XML Select (check) this option only if your Siperian Hub implementation requires that you use the legacy XML message format (Siperian Hub XU version) instead of the current version of the XML message format. For more information, see “Legacy JMS Message XML Reference” on page 652.

Configuring Outbound Message Queues

Configuring the Publish Process 619

Editing Message Queue Properties

To edit the properties of an existing message queue:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. In the navigation pane, select the name of the message queue that you want to configure.

4. Change the editable properties for this message queue. For more information, see “Message Queue Properties” on page 616.

Click the button next to any property that you want to change.

5. Change the queue assignment, if you want.

6. Click the button to save your changes.

Deleting Message Queues

To delete an existing message queue:

1. In the Hub Console, start the Message Queues tool. For more information, see “Starting the Message Queues Tool” on page 611.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. In the navigation pane, right-click the name of the message queue that you want to delete, and then choose Delete from the pop-up menu.

4. The Message Queues tool prompts you to confirm deletion.

5. Click Yes.

Configuring Message Triggers

620 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Configuring Message Triggers

This section describes how to configure message triggers for your Siperian Hub implementation. You configure message triggers in the Schema Manager tool.

About Message Triggers

Use message triggers to identify which actions within Siperian Hub are communicated to external applications, and where to publish XML messages. When an action occurs for which a rule is defined, an XML message is placed in a JMS message queue. A message trigger specifies the JMS message queue in which messages are placed. For example:

1. A user inserts a record in a base object.

2. This insert action initiates a message trigger.

3. Siperian Hub evaluates the message trigger and sends a message to the appropriate message queue.

4. An outside application polls the message queue, picks up the message, and processes it.

You can use the same message queue for all triggers, or you can use a different message queue for each trigger. In order for an action to trigger a message trigger, the message queues must be configured, and a message trigger must be defined for that base object and action.

Types of Events for Message Triggers

The following types of events can cause a message trigger to be fired and a message placed in the queue.

Events for Which Message Queue Rules Can Be Defined

Event Description

Add new data • Add the data through the load process

• Add the data through the Data Manager

• Add the data through the API verb using PUT or CLEANSE_PUT (either through HTTP, SOAP, MQ, and so on)

Configuring Message Triggers

Configuring the Publish Process 621

Add new pending data

A new record with a PENDING state is created. Applies to state-enabled base objects only.

Update existing data

• Update the data through the load process

• Update the data through the Data Manager

• Update the data through the API verb using PUT or CLEANSE_PUT (either through HTTP, SOAP, MQ, and so on)


• If trust rules prevent the base object columns from being updated, no message is generated.

• If one or more of the specified columns are updated, a single message is generated. This single message includes data from all of the cross-references in all output systems.

Update existing pending data

An existing record with a PENDING state is updated. Applies to state-enabled base objects only. For more information, see Chapter 7, “State Management.”

Update, only XREF changed

• updating data when only the XREF has changed through the load process

• updating data when only the XREF has changed through the API using PUT or CLEANSE_PUT (either through HTTP, SOAP, MQ, and so on)

Pending update, only XREF changed

An XREF record with a PENDING state is updated. This includes promotion of a record. Applies to state-enabled base objects only. For more information, see Chapter 7, “State Management.”

Merging data • Manual Merge via Merge Manager

• Merge via the API Verb (either though HTTP, SOAP, MQ etc.)

• Automatch and Merge

Merging data, Base object updated

Merging data when the base object has been updated

Unmerging data • Unmerge the data through the Data Manager

• Unmerge the data through the API verb using UNMERGE (either through HTTP, SOAP, EJB etc.)

Events for Which Message Queue Rules Can Be Defined (Cont.)

Event Description

Configuring Message Triggers

622 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Considerations for Message Triggers

Consider the following issues when setting up message triggers for your implementation:

• If a message queue is used in any message trigger definition under a base object in any Hub Store, the message queue displays the following message: “The message queue is currently in use by message triggers.” In this case, you cannot edit the properties of the message queue. Instead, you must create another message queue to make the necessary changes.

Accepting data as unique

• Accepting a single record as unique via the Merge Manager

• Accepting multiple records as unique via the Merge Manager

• Having Accept as Unique turned on in the Base Object's Match rules (this happens during the match/merge process)

Note: When a record is accepted as unique—either automatically through a match rule or manually by a data steward—Siperian Hub generates a message with the record information, including the cross-reference information for all output systems. This message is placed in the queue.

Delete BO data A base object record is soft deleted (state changed to DELETED). Applies to state-enabled base objects only. For more information, see Chapter 7, “State Management.”

Delete XREF data An XREF record is soft deleted (state changed to DELETED). Applies to state-enabled base objects only. For more information, see Chapter 7, “State Management.”

Delete pending BO data

A base object record with a PENDING state is hard deleted. Applies to state-enabled base objects only. For more information, see Chapter 7, “State Management.”

Delete pending XREF data

An XREF record with a PENDING state is hard deleted. Applies to state-enabled base objects only. For more information, see Chapter 7, “State Management.”

No action Applies only to Activity Manager. Returned only by a cleanse_put operation and only if delta detection is enabled. If delta detection is not enabled, then an Update action type is returned.

Events for Which Message Queue Rules Can Be Defined (Cont.)

Event Description

Configuring Message Triggers

Configuring the Publish Process 623

• Message triggers apply to one base object only, and they fire only when a specific action occurs directly on that base object. If you have two tables that are in a parent-child relationship, then you need to explicitly define message queues separately, for each table. Change detection is based on specific changes to each base object (such as a load INSERT, load UPDATE, MERGE, or PUT). Changes to a record of the parent table can fire a message trigger for the parent record only. If changes in the parent record affect one or more associated child records, then a message trigger for the child table must be explicitly configured to fire when such an action occurs in the child records.

• In addition to base objects, message triggers can be configured for dependent and relationship objects. However, only insert and update actions are available for dependent and relationship objects.

Adding Message Triggers

To add a message trigger for a base object:

1. Configure the message queue to be usable with message triggers. For more information, see “Editing Message Queue Properties” on page 619.

2. Start the Schema Manager according to the instructions in“Starting the Schema Manager” on page 90.

3. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

4. Expand the base object that will be monitored, and select the Message Trigger Setup node.

Configuring Message Triggers

624 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

If no message triggers have been set up, then the Schema Tool displays an empty screen.

5. Do one of the following:

• If no message triggers have been defined, click Add Message Trigger.


• If message triggers have been defined, then click the button.

Configuring Message Triggers

Configuring the Publish Process 625

The Schema Manager displays the Add Message Trigger wizard.

6. Specify a name and description for the new message trigger.

7. Click Next.

The Add Message Trigger wizard prompts you to specify the messaging package.

8. Select the package that will be used to build the message. For more information, see “Configuring Packages” on page 198.

Configuring Message Triggers

626 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

9. Click Next.

The Add Message Trigger wizard prompts you to specify the target message queue.

10. Select the message queue to which the message will be written.

11. Click Next.

The Add Message Trigger wizard prompts you to specify the rules for this message trigger.

Configuring Message Triggers

Configuring the Publish Process 627

12. Select the event type(s) for this message trigger.

For more information, see “Types of Events for Message Triggers” on page 620.

13. Configure the system properties for this message trigger:

Note: You must select at least one Triggering system and one In Message system.

For example, suppose your implementation had three source systems (A, B, and C) and a base object record had cross-reference records for A and B. Suppose the cross-reference in system A for this base object record were updated. The following table shows possible message trigger configurations and the resulting message:

Check Box Description

Triggering System(s) that will trigger the action.

In Message For each message that is placed on a message queue due to the trigger, the message includes the pkey_src_object value for each cross-reference that it has in one of the 'In Message' systems.

In Message Systems Resulting Message

A Message with cross-reference for system A

B Message with cross-reference for system B

Configuring Message Triggers

628 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

14. Identify the system to which the event applies, columns to listen to for changes, and the package used to construct the message.

All events send the base object record—and all corresponding cross-references that make up that record—to the message, based on the specified package.

15. Click Next if you have selected an Update option. Otherwise click Finish.

16. If you have clicked the Update action, the Schema Manager prompts you to select the columns to monitor for update actions.

17. Do one of the following:

• Select the column(s) to monitor for the events associated with this message trigger, or

C No message – no cross-references from In Message

A & B Message with cross-reference for systems A and B

A & C Message with cross-reference for system A

B & C Message with cross-reference for system B

A & B & C Message with cross-reference for systems A and B

In Message Systems Resulting Message

Configuring Message Triggers

Configuring the Publish Process 629

• Select the Trigger message if change on any column check box to monitor all columns for updates.

18. Click Finish.

Editing Message Triggers

To edit the properties of an existing message trigger:

1. Start the Schema Manager according to the instructions in“Starting the Schema Manager” on page 90.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. Expand the base object that will be monitored, and select the Message Trigger Setup node.

4. In the Message Triggers list, click the message trigger that you want to configure.

The Schema Manager displays the settings for the selected message trigger.

5. Change the settings you want. For more information, see “Adding Message Triggers” on page 623 and “Types of Events for Message Triggers” on page 620.

JMS Message XML Reference

630 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Click the button next to editable property that you want to change.

6. Click the button to save your changes.

Deleting Message Triggers

To delete an existing message trigger:

1. Start the Schema Manager according to the instructions in“Starting the Schema Manager” on page 90.

2. Acquire a write lock according to the instructions in “Acquiring a Write Lock” on page 30.

3. Expand the base object that will be monitored, and select the Message Trigger Setup node.

4. In the Message Triggers list, click the message trigger that you want to delete.

5. Click the button.

The Schema Manager prompts you to confirm deletion.

6. Click Yes.

JMS Message XML Reference

This section describes the structure of Siperian Hub XML messages and provides example messages.

Note: If your Siperian Hub implementation requires that you use the legacy XML message format (Siperian Hub XU version) instead of the current version of the XML message format (described in this section), see “Legacy JMS Message XML Reference” on page 652 instead.

Generating ORS-specific XML Message Schemas

As described in “ORS-specific XML Message Schemas” on page 348, to create XML messages, the publish process relies on an ORS-specific schema file (<ors-name>-siperian-mrm-event.xsd) that you generate using the JMS Event

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 631

Schema Manager tool in the Hub Console. For more information, see “Generating and Deploying ORS-specific Schemas” on page 843.

Elements in an XML Message

The following table describes the elements in an XML message.

Field Description

Root Node

<siperianEvent> Root node in the XML message.

Event Metadata

<eventMetadata> Root node for event metadata.

<messageId> Unique ID for siperianEvent messages.

<eventType> Type of event, as described in “Types of Events for Message Triggers” on page 620. One of the following values:

• Insert

• Update

• Update XREF

• Accept as Unique

• Merge

• Unmerge

• Merge Update

<baseObjectUid> UID of the base object affected by this action.

<packageUid> UID of the package associated with this action.

<messageDate> Date/time when this message was generated.

<orsId> ID of the Operational Record Store (ORS) associated with this event.

<triggerUid> UID of the rule that triggered the event that generated this message.

Event Details

<eventTypeEvent> Root node for event details.

<sourceSystemName> Name of the source system associated with this event.

JMS Message XML Reference

632 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

<sourceKey> Value of the PKEY_SRC_OBJECT associated with this event.

<eventDate> Date/time when the event was generated.

<rowid> RowID of the base object record that was affected by the event.

<xrefKey> Root node of a cross-reference record affected by this event.

<systemName> System name of the cross-reference record affected by this event.

<sourceKey> PKEY_SRC_OBJECT of the cross-reference record affected by this event.

<packageName> Name of the secure package associated with this event.

<columnName> Each column in the package is represented by an element in the XML file. Examples: rowidObject and consolidationInd. Defined in the ORS-specific XSD that is generated using the JMS Event Schema Manager tool. For more information, see “Generating and Deploying ORS-specific Schemas” on page 843.

<mergedRowid> List of ROWID_OBJECT values for the losing records in the merge. This field is included in messages for Merge events only.

<dependentSourceKey> Applies only to an insert in or update of the relationship of dependent objects.

Field Description

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 633

Filtering Messages

You can use the custom JMS header named MessageType to filter incoming messages based on the message type. The following message types are indicated in the message header.

Example XML Messages

This section provides listings of example XML messages.

Accept As Unique Message

The following is an example of an Accept As Unique message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Accept as Unique</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>192</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-10T16:33:14.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata>

Message Type Description

siperianEvent Event notification message.

<serviceNameReturn> For Services Integration Framework (SIF) responses, the response begins with the name of the SIF request, as in the following fragment of a response to a get request:


<message>The GET was executed successfully - retrieved 1 records</message>





JMS Message XML Reference

634 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

<acceptAsUniqueEvent> <sourceSystemName>Admin</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>SVR1.1T1</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-10T16:33:14.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>2 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> <sourceKey>SVR1.1T1</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>2 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-08-13T20:28:02.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-10T16:33:14.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>1</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>SYS0 </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>0</dirtyInd> <firstName>Joey</firstName> <lastName>Brown</lastName> </contactPkg> </acceptAsUniqueEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

AMRule Message

The following is an example of an AMRule message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>AM Rule Event</eventType> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <interactionId>12</interactionId> <activityName>Changed Contact and Address </activityName> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdateLegacy</triggerUid> <messageId>291</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T11:43:42.979-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <amRuleEvent>

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 635

<eventDate>2008-09-19T11:43:42.979-07:00</eventDate> <contactPkgAmEvent> <amRuleUid>AM_RULE.RuleSet1|Rule1</amRuleUid> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>64 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-08T16:24:35.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-18T16:26:45.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>2</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>SYS0 </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Johnny</firstName> <lastName>Brown</lastName> <hubStateInd>1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> <cContact> <event> <eventType>Update</eventType> <system>Admin</system> </event> <event> <eventType>Update XREF</eventType> <system>Admin</system> </event> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>PK1265</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> <sourceKey>64</sourceKey> </xrefKey> </cContact> </contactPkgAmEvent> </amRuleEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

JMS Message XML Reference

636 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

BoDelete Message

The following is an example of a BoDelete message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>BO Delete</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>328</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:35:53.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <boDeleteEvent> <sourceSystemName>Admin</sourceSystemName> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:35:53.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>107 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>WEB</systemName> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>107 </rowidObject> <creator>sifuser</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T14:35:28.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:35:53.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <hubStateInd>-1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </boDeleteEvent></siperianEvent>

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 637

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

BoSetToDelete Message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>BO set to Delete</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>319</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:21:03.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <boSetToDeleteEvent> <sourceSystemName>Admin</sourceSystemName> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:21:03.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>102 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>WEB</systemName> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>102 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:21:03.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>SYS0 </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <hubStateInd>-1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </boSetToDeleteEvent></siperianEvent>

The following is an example of a BoSetToDelete message:

JMS Message XML Reference

638 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Delete Message

The following is an example of a Delete message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Delete</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>328</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:35:53.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <deleteEvent> <sourceSystemName>Admin</sourceSystemName> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:35:53.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>107 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>WEB</systemName> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>107 </rowidObject> <creator>sifuser</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T14:35:28.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:35:53.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <hubStateInd>-1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg>

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 639


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Insert Message

The following is an example of an Insert message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Insert</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdateLegacy</triggerUid> <messageId>114</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-08T16:02:11.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <insertEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>PK12658</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-08T16:02:11.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>66 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>PK12658</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>66 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-08T16:02:11.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-08T16:02:11.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Joe</firstName> <lastName>Brown</lastName> </contactPkg> </insertEvent>

JMS Message XML Reference

640 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Merge Message

The following is an example of a Merge message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Merge</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdateLegacy</triggerUid> <messageId>130</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-08T16:13:28.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <mergeEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>PK126566</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-08T16:13:28.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>65 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>PK126566</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> <sourceKey>SVR1.28E</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <mergedRowid>62 </mergedRowid> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>65 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-08T15:49:17.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-08T16:13:28.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>SYS0 </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Joe</firstName>

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 641

<lastName>Brown</lastName> </contactPkg> </mergeEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Merge Update Message

The following is an example of a Merge Update message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Merge Update</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>269</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-10T17:25:42.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <mergeUpdateEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>P45678</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-10T17:25:42.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>83 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>P45678</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <mergedRowid>58 </mergedRowid> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>83 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-10T16:44:56.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-10T17:25:42.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>1</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Thomas</firstName>

JMS Message XML Reference

642 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

<lastName>Jones</lastName> </contactPkg> </mergeUpdateEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

No Action Message

The following is an example of a No Action message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>No Action</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>267</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-10T17:25:42.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <noActionEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>P45678</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-10T17:25:42.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>83 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>P45678</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>P45678</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>P45678</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>83 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-10T16:44:56.000-07:00</createDate>

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 643

<updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-10T17:25:42.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>1</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Thomas</firstName> <lastName>Jones</lastName> </contactPkg> </noActionEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

PendingInsert Message

The following is an example of a PendingInsert message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Pending Insert</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>302</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T13:57:10.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <pendingInsertEvent> <sourceSystemName>Admin</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>SVR1.2V3</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-19T13:57:10.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>102 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> <sourceKey>SVR1.2V3</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>102 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy>

JMS Message XML Reference

644 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

<lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>SYS0 </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <hubStateInd>0</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </pendingInsertEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

PendingUpdate Message

The following is an example of a PendingUpdate message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Pending Update</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>306</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:01:36.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <pendingUpdateEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>CPK125</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:01:36.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>102 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>CPK125</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName> <sourceKey>SVR1.2V3</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>102 </rowidObject>

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 645

<creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>sifuser</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:01:36.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <hubStateInd>1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </pendingUpdateEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

PendingUpdateXref Message

The following is an example of a PendingUpdateXref message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Pending Update XREF</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>306</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:01:36.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <pendingUpdateXrefEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>CPK125</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:01:36.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>102 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>CPK125</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <xrefKey> <systemName>Admin</systemName>

JMS Message XML Reference

646 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

<sourceKey>SVR1.2V3</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>102 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>sifuser</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:01:36.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <hubStateInd>1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </pendingUpdateXrefEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 647

Unmerge Message

The following is an example of an unmerge message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>UnMerge</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>145</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-08T16:24:36.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <unmergeEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>PK1265</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-08T16:24:36.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>65 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>PK1265</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <mergedRowid>64 </mergedRowid> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>65 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-08T15:49:17.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-08T16:24:35.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>SYS0 </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Joe</firstName> <lastName>Brown</lastName> </contactPkg> </unmergeEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

JMS Message XML Reference

648 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Update Message

The following is an example of an update message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Update</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>120</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-08T16:05:13.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <updateEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>PK12658</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-08T16:05:13.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>66 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>PK12658</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>66 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-08T16:02:11.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-08T16:05:13.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Joe</firstName> <lastName>Black</lastName> </contactPkg> </updateEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 649

Update XREF Message

The following is an example of an Update XREF message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>Update XREF</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>121</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-08T16:05:13.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <updateXrefEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>PK12658</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-08T16:05:13.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>66 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>PK12658</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>66 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-08T16:02:11.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>admin</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-08T16:05:13.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <firstName>Joe</firstName> <lastName>Black</lastName> </contactPkg> </updateXrefEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

JMS Message XML Reference

650 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

XRefDelete Message

The following is an example of an XRefDelete message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>XREF Delete</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>314</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:14:51.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <XrefDeleteEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>CPK1256</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:14:51.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>102 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>CPK1256</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>102 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>sifuser</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:14:54.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <hubStateInd>1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </XrefDeleteEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 651

XRefSetToDelete Message

The following is an example of an XRefSetToDelete message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><siperianEvent> <eventMetadata> <eventType>XREF set to Delete</eventType> <baseObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_CONTACT</baseObjectUid> <packageUid>PACKAGE.CONTACT_PKG</packageUid> <orsId>localhost-mrm-CMX_ORS</orsId> <triggerUid>MESSAGE_QUEUE_RULE.ContactUpdate</triggerUid> <messageId>314</messageId> <messageDate>2008-09-19T14:14:51.000-07:00</messageDate> </eventMetadata> <XrefSetToDeleteEvent> <sourceSystemName>CRM</sourceSystemName> <sourceKey>CPK1256</sourceKey> <eventDate>2008-09-19T14:14:51.000-07:00</eventDate> <rowid>102 </rowid> <xrefKey> <systemName>CRM</systemName> <sourceKey>CPK1256</sourceKey> </xrefKey> <contactPkg> <rowidObject>102 </rowidObject> <creator>admin</creator> <createDate>2008-09-19T13:57:09.000-07:00</createDate> <updatedBy>sifuser</updatedBy> <lastUpdateDate>2008-09-19T14:14:54.000-07:00</lastUpdateDate> <consolidationInd>4</consolidationInd> <lastRowidSystem>CRM </lastRowidSystem> <dirtyInd>1</dirtyInd> <hubStateInd>1</hubStateInd> </contactPkg> </XrefSetToDeleteEvent></siperianEvent>

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

652 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

This section describes the structure of legacy Siperian Hub XML messages and provides example messages. This section applies only if you have selected the Use Legacy XML check box in the Message Queues tool (see “Configuring Outbound Message Queues” on page 616). Use this option only when your Siperian Hub implementation requires that you use the legacy XML message format (Siperian Hub XU version) instead of the current version of the XML message format (described in “JMS Message XML Reference” on page 630).

Message Fields for Legacy XML

The contents of the data area of the message are determined by the package specified in the trigger. The data area can contain the following fields:

Message Fields

Field Description

ACTION Action type: Insert, Update, Update XREF, Accept as Unique, Merge, Unmerge, or Merge Update.

MESSAGE_DATE Time when the event was generated.

TABLE_NAME Name of the base object table or cross-reference object table affected by this action.

RULE_NAME Name of the rule that triggered the event that generated this message.

RULE_ID ID of the rule that triggered the event that generated this message.

ROWID_OBJECT Unique key for the base object affected by this action.

MERGED_OBJECTS List of ROWID_OBJECT values for the losing records in the merge. This field is included in messages for MERGE events only.

SOURCE_XREF The SYSTEM and PKEY_SRC_OBJECT values for the cross-reference that triggered the UPDATE event. This field is included in messages for UPDATE events only.

XREFS List of SYSTEM and PKEY_SRC_OBJECT values for all of the cross-references in the output systems for this base object.


Applies only to an insert in or update of the relationship of dependent objects.

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 653

Filtering Messages for Legacy XML

You can use the custom JMS header named MessageType to filter incoming messages based on the message type. The following message types are indicated in the message header.


Applies only to an update of relationship of dependent objects.

Message Type Description

SIP_EVENT Event notification message.

<serviceNameReturn> For Services Integration Framework (SIF) responses, the response begins with the name of the SIF request, as in the following fragment of a response to a get request:


<message>The GET was executed successfully - retrieved 1 records</message>





Message Fields (Cont.)

Field Description

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

654 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Example Messages for Legacy XML

This section provides listings of example messages.

Accept as Unique Message

The following is an example of an accept as unique message:








Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 655

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

BO Delete Message

The following is an example of a BO delete message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

656 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

BO set to Delete

The following is an example of a BO set to delete message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 657


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Delete Message

The following is an example of a delete message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

658 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 659

Insert Message

The following is an example of an insert message:








Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

660 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Merge Message

The following is an example of a merge message:










Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 661

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Merge Update Message

The following is an example of a merge update message:









Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

662 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Pending Insert Message

The following is an example of a pending insert message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 663


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Pending Update Message

The following is an example of a pending update message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

664 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Pending Update XREF Message

The following is an example of a pending update XREF message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 665


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Update Message

The following is an example of an update message:






Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

666 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide









Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Update XREF Message

The following is an example of an update XREF message:



Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 667












Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

668 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide

Unmerge Message

The following is an example of an unmerge message:










Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 669

Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

XREF Delete Message

The following is an example of an XREF delete message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

670 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

XREF set to Delete

The following is an example of an XREF set to delete message:


Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

Configuring the Publish Process 671


Your messages will not look exactly like this. The data will reflect your data, and the fields will reflect your packages.

Legacy JMS Message XML Reference

672 Siperian Hub Administrator Guide
