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Conflicts and Change in the Middle East

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Conflicts and Change in the Middle East. Main Ideas. The creation of Israel has led to conflicts between Jews and Arabs The search for peace between Jews and Arabs has had some success A revolution in Iran has led to an Islamic republic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Conflicts and Change Conflicts and Change in the Middle East in the Middle East
Page 1: Conflicts and Change in the Middle East

Conflicts and Change in Conflicts and Change in the Middle Eastthe Middle East

Page 2: Conflicts and Change in the Middle East

Main IdeasMain IdeasThe creation of Israel has led to conflicts

between Jews and ArabsThe search for peace between Jews and

Arabs has had some successA revolution in Iran has led to an Islamic

republicIraq has been involved in several

international conflicts

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Key Themes and ConceptsKey Themes and Concepts

Diversity : how has the diversity in the Middle East affected its recent history ?

Conflict : what efforts have been made to end conflicts between Israel and its Arab neighbors?

Interdependence : why did the Persian Gulf War involve many nations from around the world ?

Belief systems : How is Islamic fundamentalism effecting life in the Middle East today ?

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Page 5: Conflicts and Change in the Middle East

The Impact of GeographyThe Impact of Geography

Oil in the region has brought power to some Middle eastern countries.

The world is so concerned with this region due to dependence on oil.

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In Quest of a HomelandIn Quest of a Homeland

After WWII many Jewish survivors of the Holocaust migrated to Palestine

Both Jew and Palestinians claim rights to this land which has led to violent clashes.

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CreationCreation of Israel of Israel

1948 Britain withdraws, and the Jews establish the State of Israel

Both the U.S. and USSR recognize the newly created state.

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First Arab-Israeli WarFirst Arab-Israeli War

The Arabs were determined to destroy the state of Israel

1948. The day after Israel proclaimed itself a nation Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria invaded Israel

Israel is victorious

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Palestine Liberation Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)Organization (PLO)

Led by Yassir Arafat Used terrorist tactics

and fought a guerrilla war against Israelis at home and abroad.

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Second Arab-Israeli WarSecond Arab-Israeli War

1956. The Suez Crisis. Nasser of Egypt nationalizes Suez Canal

Britain and France assist Israel with an invasion.

Israel defeats Egyptians but U.S. and USSR force Israel to withdraw.

Canal is left to Egypt

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Third Arab-Israeli WarThird Arab-Israeli War

1967. The Six Day War. The Israelis mount a pre-emptive strike against Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria.

Israel takes control of the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan heights

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Fourth Arab-Israeli WarFourth Arab-Israeli War

1973. Egypt and Syria attack Israel on the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur.

Known as the Yom Kippur WarAlthough Israel was taken off guard, they

still manage to repulse the attack

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Positive OutcomesPositive Outcomes Egypt and Israel began

to seek peace 1979, Egypt and Israel

sign the Camp David Accords to end war between the two countries

Israeli prime minister Begin; U.S. president Carter; Egyptian president Sadat

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Not So Positive OutcomesNot So Positive Outcomes

1987. Young Palestinians mount the intifada, or uprising

Teenagers defied Israeli soldiers with tactics ranging rock throwing to suicide bombings.

Crackdowns on the Intifada led to more violence

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A Step in the Right DirectionA Step in the Right Direction

1993. Direct talks are held between Israel and the PLO.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat sign agreement giving Palestinians limited self-rule in Gaza and JerichoRabin; Clinton; and Arafat

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Civil War in LebanonCivil War in Lebanon

Palestinian refugees entering Lebanon after 1967 created a Muslim majority in Lebanon

A civil war between Christians and Muslims began in 1975

Order was restored by 1990

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Roadmap of PeaceRoadmap of Peace

The U.S., UN, EU, and Russia outlined a roadmap of peace.

This would establish a Palestinian stateIn return the PLO had to make democratic

reforms and halt its use of terrorism

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Total Security for IsraelTotal Security for Israel

2001 Ariel Sharon elected as prime minister of Israel

His objective was to ensure total security of Israel

Some critics feel that he has impeded the peace process

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The Iranian RevolutionThe Iranian Revolution

U.S. helps Muhammad Reza Pahlavi (the Shah) gain control of Iranian government

The Shah was overthrown in 1979 by fundamentalist Ayatollah Khomeini

1989 Khomeini dies, moderates take over

Shah Khomeini

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Impact of the RevolutionImpact of the Revolution

Extreme hostility toward the westStrict adherence to Muslim traditionsMany rights taken away from womenIranian militiamen seize American

embassy and hold hostages for more than a year

Iran begins to encourage revolutions

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Islamic FundamentalismIslamic Fundamentalism

During the 1970s and especially after the Iranian Revolution many Muslims opposed westernization

They sought to apply Islamic principles to the problems of their nation.

Examples – Libya, Algeria, and Turkey

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Saddam Hussein and IraqSaddam Hussein and Iraq

Under Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship, Iraq was involved in several conflicts in the Middle East

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Iran-Iraq WarIran-Iraq War

1980. There was a border dispute between Iran and Iraq.

Hussein mobilized his forces and they quickly seized control of the border

War broke out between the two countries that lasted nearly 8 years, and devastated both countries

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Persian Gulf WarPersian Gulf War

1990 Iraq invades Kuwait and seized its oil fields The U.S. saw this as a threat to Saudi Arabia and

the flow of oil When Iraq refused to withdraw from Kuwait, the

1991 Persian Gulf War began The U.S. and its allies quickly won and liberated

Kuwait Hussein remained in power

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We’ve Come Full CircleWe’ve Come Full Circle

Diversity : how has the diversity in the Middle East affected its recent history ?

Conflict : what efforts have been made to end conflicts between Israel and its Arab neighbors?

Interdependence : why did the Persian Gulf War involve many nations from around the world ?

Belief systems : How is Islamic fundamentalism effecting life in the Middle East today ?
