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Conjunctions, Prepositions and Interjections used in a short storyJeremy lived out on Coney Island with his mother, father, and sister Cleo. He'd inhaled the smell of the ocean since the day he was born, and there was nothing in the world he liked better than to go for a walk on the beach. Rain or shine, Jeremy hit the beach every day. He watched ships in the distance, listened to the waves, buoy-bells and foghorns, felt the sand and water on his feet and dreamed about sailing. Beach walks always made him hungry, and what Jeremy liked to eat was fish. In fact, anything that came out of the sea was just fine.One day, after a particularly excellent walk, during the course of which he'd seen a three-masted schooner go by and a horseshoe crab wandering around at the shoreline, Jeremy went home and was delighted to see that his mother had bought lobsters for dinner. They were on the kitchen counter, still alive, wriggling their legs and antennae. Jeremy inspected them. He was seriously hungry and wanted to reserve the biggest one for himself. One of the lobsters was quite a bit bigger than the others. Its shell was almost black. Jeremy picked it up and looked into its beady little lobster eyes."Hey boss!" the lobster whispered. "Get me out of this jam and I will definitely make it worth your while." Jeremy, startled, nearly dropped the lobster."Keep your cool, kid. That fat lady over there might be watching us.""Hey, that's my mother," Jeremy said."Oops, sorry. Listen boss...you look smart. Think of something, fast. Get me outta here!"Jeremy thought fast. He petted the lobster like it was a cat and carried it over to his mother at the stove."Mama, this is the most amazingly beautiful lobster I've ever seen. Would it be all right if I kept him as a pet and had a sardine sandwich for dinner instead?" Jeremy's mother shot him a strange look. "But Jeremy, you love lobster. I got them especially for you.""Please, mama.""Well, if that's what you really want, I guess it's all right.""Thanks, mom." Jeremy hustled the lobster out of the kitchen and up to his room. "Whew," the lobster said, "that was mighty close. The water in that dirty pot was almost boiling. Boss, you sure are one sharp character, and this is your lucky day, because...I am a magic lobster.""Really?"That's right. And you've got some wishes coming.""I do?""Sure, but I'll need a few things first. Like some water salt water in a clear tank, so I can see out. And please, please get these rubber bands off my claws." Jeremy rummaged around the house until he found a decent-sized clear plastic tub. He filled it with water and sea salt and put the lobster in."Brrr. Hey, this water's cold, kid. Go get me some warm water, fast!""You sure are fussy," Jeremy said. "I thought you lobsters didn't like hot water.""Did I say hot? Warm, kid. Think vacation in Florida."Jeremy fetched warm water. Then he had to sit through dinner eating a sardine sandwich while everyone else devoured lobsters with home-made mayonnaise.Before going to bed that night, Jeremy leaned over the plastic tank on his table. The lobster seemed to be taking a little snooze."Hey!" Jeremy said. "I've thought up a wish. How does this work?""Hunh? Oh, yeah...uhm, tell me...what're you gonna wish for?""What I've really always wanted is a sailboat. Nothing too big, maybe a yawl. I'd paint her green and red and call her The Green Dolphin. I want to sail around the world, see the southern constellations, weather storms, ride out monster waves, catch fish, mend ropes, get some tattoos, smoke a pipe and play the accordion." "Whoa, kid. Try to keep it simple. Here's the deal...you want a sailboat? OK, go to sleep now and dream of that sailboat. Then, with the magical power granted me by Neptune, I'll have it out there waiting for you just off the beach in the morning. Green and red, just like you said." Jeremy dreamt of the Green Dolphin all night long.Early the next morning, Jeremy raced out onto the beach, expecting to see his new sailboat fully rigged and ready to ply the bounding main. What he saw instead were some tar-stained plastic bottles bobbing in the low tide and some dead jellyfish on the sand. When he got home from school, Jeremy sat down to have a talk with the lobster."Uh, to tell you the truth, kid, you forgot to feed me last night. I'd like to see you conjure up a whole sailboat on an empty stomach." "OK, OK," Jeremy said. "Let's see, I read somewhere that lobsters eat little fish, barnacles and seaweed, is that right?""Well yeah, kid. Usually that kind of stuff is all right, but a nice hamburger, rare, with some smoked oysters and spinach and maybe an eye-dropperful of your daddy's best whiskey...that'd make me feel highly magical, if you know what I mean.""Yeah," Jeremy said. "I guess so."Jeremy got all the stuff for the lobster's dinner, then watched him eat it. Wasn't a pretty sight."Ah, delicious! Now, what was it you were wishing for again?""A sailboat. Something with two masts, painted green and red.""Oh yeah...listen kid, why don't we start out with something a little smaller? See, I haven't done this for a while.""All right. How about a sextant?""A sex...what?""You know: a navigational instrument, made of brass, with lenses and a mirror, used to gauge the angle of the sun at noon, or the other stars at night. I got a book about how to use a sextant from the library, but they're expensive and I don't think my parents would buy me one.""How big is one of these six-shooter things?""Sextant. Not too big. Like a camera, I guess.""All right, you got it! Now let's get some shut-eye, huh? Remember, dream about that saxophone you want and it'll be here when you awake, all shiny and new."Jeremy woke up excited and anxious to go out on the beach to take a reading of the sun with his new sextant, but he couldn't find the thing anywhere. He tapped on the lobster's tank and woke him up. "Hey," Jeremy said. "Where is it?" "Where's what, kid? You're bothering me." "The sextant I wished for." "Oh...listen, kid, I tried real hard, honest. But I couldn't work my magic because I was...'cause I was lonely.""I didn't know lobsters got lonely.""Sure we do, same as anyone. Here's what you do...there's gotta be a fish store here in the neighborhood, right? Well, you go on in there and tell the nice man you want the prettiest little female-type lobsterette he's got. Tell him to make her about two pounds, with long hind legs, a fan-shaped tail and dainty claws with rubber bands on 'em. You got that, kid?""Yeah, I got it."So Jeremy broke his piggy bank and spent his savings on a blue-shelled female lobster, the prettiest one in the whole fish store, according to the fishmonger. The magic lobster seemed highly pleased with her. He winked his beady eyes, clicked his claws and smoothed back his antennae."Ooh-la-la! Nice work, kid. She's gorgeous. You drop her right on in here and then go get us something to eat.""Then will you get me a sextant?""Well, let's talk about that, kid. See, a sexton's kinda complicated. I couldn't quite get it to look right. Maybe you ought to wish for something simpler.""All right. How about a ship's whistle, on a rope lanyard? Then I could at least pretend I was about to board a sailboat for a round-the-world voyage. Can you manage that?""Sure kid, sure. Ship's whistle. Nothing could be simpler. Now get lost for a while. Me and this nice-lookin' lady got to get acquainted."Strange noises from the lobster tank kept Jeremy awake most of the night.Next morning there was no trace of a ship's whistle anywhere in the house.Jeremy got angry. "Hey, where's the whistle I wished for? You said it was easy. Are you sure you're a magic lobster?" "Huh? Sure I am, kid. Of course I am. I just forgot to tell you...I need some magic clothes. You know, a silk top hat and cape and a black cane with a white knob on the end that I can use as a magic wand. What do you expect me to do, unless I got the right outfit? Besides, I gotta look sharp for my new girlfriend here..."Jeremy put on his jacket, pulled the magic lobster out of the tank and headed for the beach. "Hey kid, what's going on? You sore? Just say so. I'll try to work a little harder, I swear. You're not going to sell me to some restaurant, are you?" Jeremy didn't answer. He walked down to the beach and out onto the long pier. The lobster began to shake in terror."Hey kid, what're you gonna do?""I'm throwing you back where you belong. You're no magic lobster.""Aw, don't do that, kid. It's murder out there. Nothing but other fish trying to eat me and fishermen in boats trying to catch me in a trap. It's cold and dark and it's tough to find food. Besides, I am too magic. I can talk, can't I?""Yeah, but you're just a big liar."Jeremy threw the magic lobster as far as he could. It waved its claws in the air, made a splash and was gone. A few bubbles rose to the surface.Jeremy kept the female lobster as a pet. Her bright blue shell reminded Jeremy of the sea on a clear day. She didn't seem to miss the magic lobster much either

Conjunctions, Prepositions and Interjections used in a Persuasive SpeechHumans... we are believed to be the smartest creatures on earth. We have our own special ways of communicating and acting around others. In fact, every single day, we talk, act, and behave so that our words and actions meet the primitive expectations of society.I like to think of my entire body as a coffee machine; my heart the multi-colored coffee beans before they're ground; my mind the filter, and my words and actions as the coffee. And what happens to coffee beans? Before you put them into the machine, all of them are multi colored and special in their own ways. But after they are ground up and blended together, the uniqueness within each bean is obscured. Once they have traveled through the filter, all people can see is just the plain coffee that they wanted. Nobody will ever see the rainbow colored beans in the darkish brown liquid. Just like nobody can see your initial thoughts and decisions, that are at conflict with your words and actions. All people can see and taste is the generic, finished product.Maybe you're afraid that if you do not "filter" your original ideas and intentions, others will reject or dislike you. Perhaps they will see your ideas and decisions as too strong or too bitter, so you instinctively feel the need to change or to filter your coffee beans. People would be so surprised if they saw MY original coffee beans. They would be shocked when they found out the real person I am. When I was in 4th grade, I transferred to a new school. It was my 5th week there when I saw a kid being bullied on the playground. I was playing on the swings when I heard screeching and screaming noises from the other far end. I asked the girl beside me what it was all about.She was like: "Oh, don't worry about it, it's just the 6th graders teaching the new kid in our grade a lesson." She said it as if everything was so natural. She then smirked then whispered in my ear: "Don't tell anyone that I told you this but he has the plague!" I was confused, so I asked her what kind of plague he had, and she told me "It's the 'nano plague'." She then explained that it was a virulent disease caused by nano worms that bit into your face, causing a permanent red mark. And if others touched the victim or touched something that he'd touched before 3 seconds had passed, they would be infected as well. Frankly, I was dying to see what that that kid looked like.When I got to the other side, I was astounded. I had never seen that many students circled around and cheering about something. I squeezed my way into the center of the circle, but the "plague" was nowhere to be found. All I saw were the backs of two or three tall guys dressed in our school uniform. They all seemed to be pointing, and talking to something on the floor. Even though I didn't quite get what they were saying, and I couldn't quite see who or what they were talking to, my assumption was the plague.Then I saw that most of the older spectators were laughing, so I laughed with them. As if the things the tall guys were saying were amusing in some way. After a while I actually started to enjoy myself. Gradually the guys at the back started moving aside. My heart beat rapidly as I stretched out my neck for a better view of the inner circle. I was actually expecting to see a monster looking plague or perhaps a clone of Frankenstein or something. But to my surprise, it was just a normal boy. He might not have been the most stylish person I'd seen, he might have had glasses that were way too big for his face, he also might have a birthmark that covered up a little less than one third of his face, but to me, he was just a normal human being. Who deserved to be treated like one. The smirk gradually vanished from my face. It was then that I realized that this was not a game, this was not something funny, this was bullying.For a moment, there were just way too many thoughts and ideas going through my mind, and I was just overwhelmed. I remember thinking and asking myself questions like: Should I go in and help him? Should I at least stop it and tell an adult? But instead of following my heart, and doing what was right, I froze. I froze there like a statue, too shocked to even blink. The shouting noises seems to have faded into the background. And I seemed to have faded in my own world. I regretted that I'd ever laughed at him. The feeling of complete melancholy, the feeling of downright regret and hatred, the feeling of resentment made an alliance and loomed over me. I felt like I was gagging on salty waters, but too afraid and too bashful to use my arms and legs to swim to the surface.He must have noticed me, for he looked up at me with all the strength he had left. He was bruised all over his face. For about ten seconds, he looked at me and I looked at him. He then mouthed the words: "Help, please." Instead of standing up for him, I backed down.I walked backwards, further and further back until I stumbled and fell out of the circle of spectators. I looked in his direction until the gap in the crowd started to fill in. Then I walked away fighting back tears.I wanted to march up and tell the aggressors and the spectators that what they'd done was inhumane. I wanted to tell everybody that they did not have the right to pick on a boy one third of their size, they did not have the right to tell a boy that he wasn't beautiful, just because of a subtle birthmark on his face. I wanted to tell them that they were the definition of ignorance and failure. I wanted to tell them that what they were doing was wrong! But instead, I walked away and let the victim down. Three years have passed since the incident, and a lot has changed and happened. But strangely, that scene is as clear and concise in my mind as it was then. The regret and the pain stings just as much as it did then. The incident has became a scar that has formed on my heart and never seems to heal. It's like a curse that can never be broken. I'll bet he has forgotten and hated me for what I have done. And I have hated myself for not speaking up. But I know that it's too late now and I have already lost a chance to be brave and to be myself.So with this opportunity, I wanted to show and tell everybody that: Sometimes, the things you see about me are only the things I reveal. The things you think you know about me are only the things I let you know about. There is much more of me that I haven't revealed, of which you have absolutely no idea. Perhaps the reason that people are afraid to reveal their true identities is that they might think their thoughts are too bitter, unlikable, unique and different. I'm a great example of that! I could have followed my heart and stood up for the boy, but instead, I went with the flow and didn't help a person in need.I hope that people will learn from my experience and stop filtering their own unique coffee beans just to go with the flow. Please always be the person that you really are. I want to tell everyone that it's okay to go upstream. You don't always have to end up in the same position as others. And that's what makes this world colorful.

Conjunctions, Prepositions and Interjections used in an Informal LetterRosni AliasNo.3,Jalan Sutera,Taman Cempaka,43600 Bandar Baru Bangi,Selangor.12 March 2012Dear Zarina, Hello. How's life? I hope you are in the best of health. How's my beloved Uncle Johari? I miss him too. The reason I write this letter is to tell you about my expedition to Langkawi. Guess what? We just came back from Langkawi . I went there with 25 of my classmates and my class teacher. Mr, Zaid had kindly accompanied us for the 3 day-trip. You should have joined us. It was such an awesome experience!Well, on the first day, we arrived at Langkawi in morning after a short flight. After that, we were taken to Langkawi Geopark, a UNESCO World Heriatage Site where we could see magnificent rock formations. We were taught the history of the place and some fossils of fish could also be sighted. This is a wonderful opportunity to understand geogical aspect of the island at the Geopark. After visiting Geopark, we were taken to Pulau Dayang Bunting which about an hour boat ride. I forgot to mention that the boat ride itself was so exciting and adventurous. Once, at the island, we were greeted by monkeys and soon, we saw a breathtakinng lake, with its gree clear water. Theres only one word to describe the view. Its a real Wow! Not forgetting the fish spa where thousands of catfish nibble at your feet when you lower feet into the water. Again, this is a new experience for me. Other than that, we could really enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island. But we didnt stay there for a long time. The next day, we went to Underwater World where we saw the penguin, giant fishes, colourful onemones and all sorts of marine life there. I'm sure, it's heaven for fish lovers. One advantage of this trip is I could learn about the marine life. Well, on the final day, we went to Mahsuri Tomb and Padang Mat Sirat to relive the legend of Mahsuri. It was a good experience since I managed to see the historic sites and understand Mahsuri legend better. Besides that, I also learn about the importance of being true to our words and do not spread false gossips since these can lead to horrible consequences. I also managed to make friends with some other tourists visiting the site. I heard from my mother that you will be coming to visit us soon. Yahoo! Cant wait to see you. Okay, I guess I have to have to pen off now. Hope to see you in the next letter. Please convey my love and regards to my uncle and aunti. Take care!

Love, Rosni


ARTICLE 1 felt the sand and water on his feet used to gauge the angle of the sun at noon, or the other stars at night. a sextant from the library, but they're expensive and I don't think my parents would buy me one." Jeremy lived out on Coney Island with his mother, father, and sister Cleo. better than to go for a walk on the beach a horseshoe crab wandering around at the shoreline. "Hey boss!" the lobster whispered "Hey, that's my mother," Jeremy said. Get me outta here!"

ARTICLE 2 But I know that it's too late now and I have already lost a chance to be brave and to be myself. Just like nobody can see your initial thoughts and decisions, that are at conflict with your words and actions. The regret and the pain stings just as much as it did then. Before you put them into the machine Just like nobody can see your initial thoughts and decisions, that are at conflict with your words and actions. There is much more of me that I haven't revealed, of which you have absolutely no idea

"Don't tell anyone that I told you this but he has the plague!" "Help, please." "Oh, don't worry about it, it's just the 6th graders teaching the new kid in our grade a lesson."

ARTICLE 3 I went there with 25 of my classmates and my class teacher. But we didnt stay there for a long time. Once, at the island, we were greeted by monkeys and soon, we saw a breathtakinng lake Hope to see you in the next letter Besides that, I also learn about the importance of being true to our words and do not spread false gossips since these can lead to horrible consequences. Hello. Wow! Yahoo!

Funtions of the identified conjuctions, prepositions and interjections from the selected texts.Conjunctions are an integral part of the English language. If used properly, they can improve almost any type of writing. Frombusiness writingto academic writing, conjunctions help create better sentences. However, using them incorrectly or not using them at all results in choppy and incoherent writing. A conjunction is a part of speech that functions as a connector between two sentences, clauses, phrases, or words. The proper use of conjunctions allows for more natural flow and rhythm in your writing. The improper use of conjunctions often results in writing that sounds choppy and disjointed.There is three types of conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions, Subordinating conjunctions and correlative conjunctions. The conjunction and can be said as the most widely used conjunction. It is used to introduce the sentence, implying continuation. At the same time it is used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses along or together. Under certain circumstances and also used as also and then. The conjunction but used to suggest in an affirmative sense what the first part of the sentence implied in a negative way (sometimes replaced by on the contrary). For example the sentence that I took from the first article. A sextant from the library, but they're expensive and I don't think my parents would buy me one." To suggest that only one possibility can be realized, excluding one or the other and to suggest the inclusive combination of alternatives, the conjunction or will be used. Or is really important to give other options or ideas. A preposition always goes with a noun or pronoun which is called the object of the preposition. The preposition is almost always before the noun or pronoun and that is why it is called a preposition. The preposition and the object of the preposition together are called a prepositional phrase. The preposition on can be used as preposition of time also as a preposition of place and direction. For example the sentence Jeremy lived out on Coney Island with his mother, father, and sister Cleo. The usage of on in this sentence is to point the position and location of Jeremy. To is also a preposition and it is used to explain movement to a place or country. At also can be used as preposition of place and time at the same time. As an example, the sentence from article 1, a horseshoe crab wandering around at the shoreline. The word at here give the meaning of next to or by an object.Of also is a very important preposition. It gives explanation and shows who or what does it belong to and what does it show. The preposition into also used to indicate the activity of entering the room or building. At the same the into also used to show the activity of putting something in a box or machine. For example we can see the sentence from article 2. Before you put them into the machine.An interjection is one of the eight major parts of speech, along with verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. Some grammarians believe that interjections are the least important part of speech. This is because interjections are not generally required in order for the meaning of a sentence to become clear. An interjection is a word solely designed to convey emotion. It expresses meaning or feeling. An interjection wont relate grammatically to the other parts of the sentence and it doesnt help the reader to understand the relationship between words and phrases in the sentence. Instead, it simply conveys to the reader the way the author is feeling. Interjections are rarely used in academic or formal writing, but are common in fiction or artistic writing. They are usually, but not always, offset by an exclamation point.Interjections commonly used at the beginning of the sentence. Many also associate interjections with a punctuation mark designed to convey emotion: the exclamation point. For example, we can see the sentence from article 1. "Hey boss!" the lobster whispered. Like mentioned above, a lot interjections were used in short story that I picked. At first I picked an academic writing, and it was really hard to find interjections were used. An interjection can also be used by itself as a stand-alone sentence. For example, the word Yahoo from article 3. This is grammatically correct, although Yahoo does not contain a subject and action that is normally required for a complete thought to be expressed.


Task 2- Listening and analysing a songTHE SCRIPT SuperheroesAll her life she has seenAll the meaner side of meThey took away the prophet's dream for a profit on the streetNow she's stronger than you knowA heart of steel starts to grow

All his life he's been toldHe'll be nothing when he's oldAll the kicks and all the blowsHe won't ever let it show'Cause he's stronger than you knowA heart of steel starts to grow

When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been struggling to make things rightThat's how a superhero learns to fly(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power)

When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been working every day and nightThat's how a superhero learns to fly(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power)

All the hurt, all the liesAll the tears that they cryWhen the moment is just rightYou see fire in their eyes'Cause he's stronger than you knowA heart of steel starts to grow

When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been struggling to make things rightThat's how a superhero learns to flyEvery day, every hourTurn the pain into power

When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been working every day and nightThat's how a superhero learns to fly(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power)

She's got lions in her heartA fire in her soulHe's a got a beast in his bellyThat's so hard to control'Cause they've taken too much hitsTaking blow by blowNow light a match, stand back, watch them explode

When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been struggling to make things rightThat's a how a superhero learns to fly

(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power)When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been working every day and nightThat's a how a superhero learns to fly(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power){Power, power, power, power, power}Oh, yeah...{Power, power, power, power, power}(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power){Power, power, power, power, power}{Power, power, power, power, power}Ooh, yeahWhoa(Every day, every hourTurn the pain into power)When you've been fighting for it all your lifeYou've been struggling to make things rightThat's how a superhero learns to fly

The song Superheroes sung by a boy band called The Script is one of their latest song released worldwide on August 2014. According to The Script lead vocalist Danny ODonoghue, Superheroes is a song written for unsung heroes out in the world. The song calls out people who are going through the hardest of times but can keep their head held high. This song talks about the people in this world who have been fighting all their life and working day and night to make things work.Theres many reason why I like this song very much. First of all the catchy rhythem and melody of this song. I started to like the song since the first time I heard it in hitz.fm. Furthermore I am a Script fan. So this song really got my attention. So right after hearing it for the first time in radio, the next thing I did was searching for the video of the song in youtube. I am the person who like to listen to a song while watching the video of it, because there will be some hidden stories or messages that the singers or the bands try to convey to their fans.The music video of the song Superheroes, has a really deep meaning. The music video depicts a story of a destitute man who picks through the dumps every day. But hes different. He leaves home in a suit, to protect his daughters sense of dignity. Superheroes is all about the road to triumph : pain. The songs lyrics covers a poor father and his little daughter in struggle of dignity and a future. He fights for his dignity as a father, all the while knowing that she constantly suffers their poverty. The father knows that their poor isnt his fault. The father didnt quit and fights for a better future for himself and his daughter.I must admit that the video really did inspired me. All the challenges we face in our life its suppose to make us strong, not weak. Sometimes, even myself I quit without even trying. Why? Because I am afraid of getting hurt and losing. The pain and sorrows we face take away our authority to be brave and strong and at that very moment we will be searching for an antidote to cure the pain. This song became my antidote. Each and every words in this song asked me to not to give up in anything I do. We will be thinking that, it is the end of the world when we lost something we like or we lose in something we have been trying hard to win. But its nothing compared to the challenges few people face out there yet still standing strong and walking with pride.The second verse in this song really got my attention. I felt like the lyrics in the second verse meant for me myself. In this verse the song talks about the boy who has been told for all his life by the people that dont believe in him at all that he's gonna be nothing and he's gonna achieve nothing in life. He will never be what he always wanted to be and he's been bullied by them for all his life and he's cried and cried and cried until one day he decides enough is enough and he made himself stronger by finally gathering his courage and beliefs. He is going to prove to people that he can do this and make something out of his life and he is a strong boy as he doesn't let things in his life show or stop him doing anything.For someone who's been lied to and decided so many time in their life this just hits home. I still remember how I got bullied during my high school. Being an SJK(T) student when I was in primary, going to high school was really hard for me. I had some hardtime communicating with the other students, because I was so used to using my mother tongue in my daily conversations when I was in primary. My fellow bathmates start to pick on me. They laughed at me. They booed at me. The names we hear in movies, it was given to me. Mr. High Pants, Specy Indian Boy. Well, I can put a list for this.But I took it positively. Those insults I faced I took it as my motivation. I did felt like giving up at that moment. Me being an ordinary teenage boy, I spend early stage of my high school life sitting at the corner of the classroom, emoing and thinking whats my mistake. Then I came to realise that there is no time to waste. I pick myself up, learned how to communicate in proper English and proper Malay language. I start to mix around with people. Those people who insult me, start to become my friends and I really start to enjoy my high school life.I still remember a famous words by Friedrich Nietzsche's original line from "Twilight of the Idols", "From life's school of war: what does not kill me makes me stronger". Life is a struggle. Life will through curveballs at you, it will humble you, it will attempt to break you down. And just when you think things are starting to look up, life will smack you back down with ruthless indifference. The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy, its a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Remember that the times when its most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested.When I was a kid, I remember questioning myself. Does superheroes really exist? If they do where are they living right now? What type of superpowers would they have? Well this song really answered those questions that I always had in my mind. Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. They are the real SUPERHEROES. Those people who never give up eventhough they have put in asylum. A superhero is someone who gets up one more time than he is knocked down. To be superhero, you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will. Believe. Believe that you can do it. Believe that you can prove to people they are wrong about you. That is what this song is all about.It happens so little in our modern world where an artist or anyone really takes the time to understand, to look deeper, to help the broken. So this song is for all those people out there who are brave enough to not broken. I would recommend this song to all the people regardless the age. This song motivates people to never quit and always strive for the best. In future, when I become a teacher, without any doubts I would ask my students to listen to this song as well. The reason why I would like to do so is, I want the student to recognise the superheroes that they are surrounded with,especially their parent who are willing to sacrifice their lifetime for their kids.Those who are thinking of ending their life, because there is no other way, they should listen to this song. The day we give up on our dreams is the day we give up on ourself. Everyday every hour, turn the pain into power, the lyric in the song. Theres no option to give up since there is always a way to succeed in life. Be a Superhero, not a superzero.

ReflectionThe coursework of English Language Proficiency really thought me a lot. I would say so far for this semester its the only coursework that I enjoyed doing. Under the guidance of my beloved lecturer and my fellow friends, I get to finish the assignment on time. Thanks to God for that. Because, to be honest I am the last minute guy who like to do things last minute and get messed and stressed up. But amazingly I finished it on time without any rushing.So, three tasks were given for this assignment. First task is about reading and analysing the different text types. The second one was about listening and analysing a song. And the third one is to write reflection about the whole coursework, which I am doing right now. In the first task, to be more in detail we were asked to select 3 types of texts and identify conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. Although I love to read English novels and all, I have to admit that I faced some hard time, identifiying the grammar components. This happened to me because, before this I never really take initiative to know the elemebts of conjunctions, prepositions and interjections, although It have been thought to us since primary school itself. This task really made me to study and understand the functions of those three components. Well, I am positive that the next time around I wont be struggling to identify them like how I did for this task. I also learned about the correct rules to use conjunctions, prepositions and interjections.Task 2 is where I learned that even assignment have the elemen of fun. We were asked to choose an English song that we enjoyed listening to and asked to describe the song. We were also asked to do reasoning about why we liked this song and in what way it has affected us. I am a music lover. We all know that songs can be healer and companion for us whenever we are alone. This task gave me the chance to study the song which I currently liking the most which is Superheroes, by the Script. I will say that my love towards this song have gotten deeper because of this task. Because, before this I didnt really studied the lyrics. I will just play the song and sing along with it. This time, I analysed the song and my oh my, how deep is the meaning of this song. Mr, Abdul Latiff maybe will realise how personal was this song for me from the explanation that ive given on why I like this song very much.English is fun. Without any doubts this assignment proved it. At the same time, this coursework was an eye openener for me because I realised how important is grammar for English language. At the same time, I also learned about the importance of having good llistening skill. I will be looking forward to another fun coursework like this in next semester.