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Connect B2 LP Teachers Manual

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Teachers Manual for Connect Lower Primary curriculum for Christian Religious Education
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T e a c h e r ' s m a n u a l

a christian education curriculum for children aged 7 to 9 years.

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For the teacherWhat you will fi nd in each lesson 4Music and drama CD and CD-ROM 6Curriculum stance 7Training and support 7Five circles of learning 8Connect icons 9

Introduction—God keeps his promises 10Lesson 1 Wanted: rescuer Exodus 1:1—2:10 12 Lesson 2 Saviour to the rescue! Exodus 3:1—4:17 22Lesson 3 Rescue resisted Exodus 7:1—10:29 30Lesson 4 Rescue complete Exodus 11–14 42Lesson 5 God teaches his people Exodus 19–20 50Lesson 6 God lives with his people Exodus 25–40 58Lesson 7 God’s people rebel Numbers 13–14 66Lesson 8 Remember the rescue Deuteronomy 4–11; 28–29; 30:11–20 74Lesson 9 Into the Promised Land! Joshua 1–6 82Lesson 10 Jesus the rescuer Various 90

Introduction—God’s promise for the world 100Lesson 11 The gospel: then and now Genesis 12:1–9; Romans 1:1–17 102Lesson 12 The good news about the gospel! Romans 1:18—3:31 110Lesson 13 The response to the gospel Romans 4:1–15 120Lesson 14 Gospel obedience Romans 6–7 128Lesson 15 The Spirit of the gospel Romans 8:1–17 138Lesson 16 The hope of the gospel Romans 8:18–39 144Lesson 17 Children of the gospel have a job to do Romans 10:9–15; 12:1–8 152Lesson 18 The gospel is our strength Romans 16:25a; Ephesians 6:10–17 160Lesson 19 Christmas: God’s promises fulfi lled in Jesus Luke 1; 2 Corinthians 1:20 170Lesson 20 Jeane Joshua 1:9 178

Christmas assembly Matthew 1 188

Special lesson—The environment Genesis 1—2; 2 Peter 3:13 194

Teaching ideas Help with classroom management 200Helpful teaching techniques 202Teaching Memory verses 205Is your class different? 208The special needs of indigenous students 210Understanding the student: the learning theory undergirding Connect 211Using appropriate language in the (S)RE class 213When a student wants to make a response 214Christian Education outcomes 215

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For information about what is included on your Music and drama CD and CD-ROM, refer to page 6.



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Chapter 13 shows how the people obeyed God’s command to explore the land. Twelve spies were selected, one from each tribe of Israel, to explore the land and bring back a report to Israel. The spies reported that the land was good, ‘rich with milk and honey’ (Numbers 13:27), the people were strong and the cities large and fortified (Numbers 13:28). Things took a downturn when 10 of the spies spread a bad report among the people (Numbers 13:31–33). To take the land would be difficult! They would have to fight these huge people in their strong cities. How quickly the spies had forgotten the mighty God who brought them out of Egypt and would go before them, driving out the nations to give them the land. Only Caleb and Joshua trusted God (Numbers 13:30; 14:6–9). The rest of the people, however, grumbled against God. They rejected Joshua and Caleb and attempted to stone them.

As a result, God’s anger burned against his people. Their faithlessness and disobedience was abominable, especially since God was just about to fulfil his promises to them. Initially, God was preparing to wipe out Israel completely and start again with Moses and his family (Numbers 14:11–12). However, Moses was quick to defend God’s honour and reputation and to intercede for Israel (Numbers 14:13–19). God relented, forgiving the people and keeping his promise—but to the next generation. God declared on oath that the grumbling generation would not enter into the Promised Land but would die in the desert as they had asked to do (Numbers 14:20–25). So Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years until everyone over 20 years of age died and their children had grown. This account reveals God to be faithful, gracious and just and able to fulfil his promises, despite the disobedience and faithlessness of his people.

LESSON AIM ■ To help students to understand that even when

his people are disobedient, God is trustworthy and still keeps his promises.

LESSON OUTCOMESStudents will learn about:

■ the 12 spies who were sent to explore the land that God had promised to give Israel

■ how Israel was disobedient to God.

Students will learn to: ■ state which promise to Abraham God was

going to fulfil ■ recognise God’s faithfulness to his people,

even when they are disobedient.

MEMORY VERSEChrist died only once to take away the sins of many people. But when he comes again, it will not be to take away sin. He will come to save everyone who is waiting for him. Hebrews 9:28 (CEV)

» Bible backgroundLessons 1–6 showed that God rescued his people from Egypt with a mighty hand. He made a covenant with Israel and brought them through the desert to the edge of the Promised Land. While God’s people did show some faithful obedience to the instruction of their good and powerful God, Israel’s complaints against God and their disobedience to his word (Numbers 11–21) were clear. Their most blatant rejection of God is recorded in Numbers 13–14.

God’s people rebelNumbers 13–14

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BEFORE YOU START ■ If you intend to use an interactive whiteboard,

review the PowerPoint slide(s) for this lesson on the CD-ROM that comes with this manual.

■ You will need to photocopy and enlarge the Visual aid on page 72 of the Beekeeper.

■ You will need to provide enough ‘spies’ for each student. Follow the directions from the Visual aid on page 73 of the 12 spies craft. Depending on the skill level of your students and the time you have in class you may prefer to have the ‘spies’ already cut out. Otherwise the students can cut them out in class. Ensure you have folded the paper correctly, and drawn the fi gure on the front fold, and then demonstrate where to cut so your students can copy.

» teacher’s prayerPray that your students continue to learn about God’s promises and how they have been fulfi lled.

Thank God for his faithfulness, even when his people are faithless.

» You will need ✔ A CEV Bible marked at Numbers 13:17–20 ✔ Visual aid on page 17 or the colour

print-out from the CD-ROM of the Journey to the Promised Land map and stickers (see Introduction to Lessons 1–10)

✔ Visual aid on page 18 of God’s big promises to Abraham from Lesson 1

✔ Visual aids on pages 72–73 of Beekeeper and 12 spies craft (see Before you start)

✔ Scissors and pencils ✔ Activity books ✔ God is faithful (track 9), Lesson 7 drama

part 1 (track 14) and Lesson 7 drama part 2 (track 15) on CEP’s Lower Primary CD

✔ CD player or MP3 player and portable speakers

✔ Materials for Taking it further (optional) ✔ Moses, The 12 spies, Promised Land and

40 years of wandering from the Coloured Visual aid pack

✔ The CD-ROM from this manual if you intend to use an interactive whiteboard to display the PowerPoints of either the lessons, song words or prayers.

OTHER RESOURCESIf your lessons are longer than the standard, you may fi nd the following resources useful.

■ Remember the Lord (track 2) on Colin Buchanan’s Colin’s favourites CD.

■ God is in control (track 3) on CEP’s Lower Primary CD.



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Display the Visual aid on page 17 or the colour print-out from the CD-ROM of the Journey to the Promised Land map. Ask a

student to come and point to Kadesh-Barnea.

They were at the edge of the land God had promised to Abraham.

■ Who can tell us the promises God made to Abraham so long ago? (Accept responses.)

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Display the Visual aid on page 18 of God’s big promises to Abraham from Lesson 1 and ask a student to read it out.

God certainly kept his promise that Abraham would have a very large family. The whole nation of Israel had come from his son Isaac. Another promise was that God said he would give his people land.

There in Kadesh-Barnea, the people of Israel were excited. They couldn’t wait to go into the land that God had promised them. But before they could enter the land, God told Moses to send 12 men to go into the land and bring back a report of what it was like.

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Display the Coloured Visual aid of The 12 spies if you have it and read Numbers 13:17–20 from your

CEV Bible.

■ What things were they trying to find out about the land? (Accept responses. How many people were living there and how strong they were. They were to see how good the soil was and what kinds of trees grew there.)

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Hand out the Visual aid on page 73 of the 12 spies craft so that each student has a copy. Demonstrate how to cut out the

figure so that when the paper is unfolded there are 12 characters holding hands. Distribute pencils and scissors to each student.

The 12 spies set off. They explored the whole land as Moses had instructed them. Meanwhile the people waited. And waited. And waited. What if the spies had been captured? Why were they taking so long?

After 40 days the spies returned. They were carrying an enormous bunch of grapes. It was so big it took two men to carry it on a large pole. The people were excited and crowded around the spies, waiting to hear what they had to say.

» Way inI want you to imagine that you are sitting next to your very best friend! He or she tells you that just outside the classroom door, there is some delicious honey to eat.

You jump up and are just about to run over to open the door to grab some when some of your classmates shout to warn you. They say not to go outside because there are lots of bees and you could get stung and hurt.

■ Would you go outside or stay inside? Why? (Accept responses.)

Now, you trust your best friend—they’ve never lied to you before, but you’re having doubts and feeling scared. What do you do?

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Display the Visual aid on page 72 of the Beekeeper.

Well, what you don’t know is that your best friend has a beekeeper suit in your size and has it ready for you to put on. The suit will protect you and will ensure you don’t get stung by any bees. You can now easily open the door and go outside without fear of getting stung!

In our lesson today we are going to hear about Israel and how some of the people were scared of doing what God asked and how others trusted God and knew that he would protect them.

» Bible focusLast lesson we heard about how God gave Moses instructions so Israel could build a special tent so they could meet with God in person.

It was now more than a year since God had used Moses to rescue Israel from being slaves in Egypt. And all this time the Israelites had been living in the desert. Remember how we have been looking at our map each week to find out where the Israelites had moved to?

Well, now they were at a place called Kadesh-Barnea.

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» Connections ■ How did Israel show they didn’t trust God in

today’s lesson?(Accept responses. They didn’t believe that God would protect them when they entered the Promised Land and wanted to return to Egypt and be slaves again—even after witnessing so many of God’s powerful events as he led them out of Egypt and through the desert.)

■ How might we show that we don’t trust God sometimes?(Accept responses. We might not believe God’s promises to us, that if we love and follow Jesus then our sins are forgiven and we will live forever with God in heaven. We might not obey God’s words in the Bible because we don’t trust that God knows what is best for us.)

None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes but we can be happy because we see that these mistakes don’t stop God’s good promises to us.

■ Was God still going to keep his promise, even after the Israelites grumbled against him?(Accept responses. Yes, once the Israelite children grew into adults, God was going to take them into the Promised Land so that his promise to Abraham would still come true.)

Have a think about whether God will still keep his promises to us, even when we grumble or when we are not thankful for the things he has given us.

Yes! God is faithful to his promises! That means God keeps his promises. God promises that when we trust and follow Jesus, he brings forgiveness of sins.

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Display the Visual aid on page 17 or the colour print-out from the CD-ROM of the Journey to the Promised Land map.

Ask a student to come and place a sticker on Kadesh-Barnea on the map.Bible icon

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Ask students to open their Activity books to Lesson 7. Students can listen to God is faithful (track 9) on

CEP’s Lower Primary CD while they complete their activities. Fast fi nishers can colour in their 12 spies craft.

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Display the Coloured Visual aid of the Promised Land and play Lesson 7 drama part 1 (track 14) on

CEP’s Lower Primary CD.

Let’s look at our 12 spies craft and draw worried, scared faces on our characters. But only draw those worried, scared face expressions on 10 of our spies because there were two spies who thought differently. On the end two characters, let’s draw confi dent smiles. Their names were Caleb and Joshua.

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Play Lesson 7 drama part 2 (track 15) on CEP’s Lower Primary CD.

God suddenly appeared in a cloud. His people had been disobedient.

■ How had the Israelites been disobedient?(Accept responses. They didn’t trust God and his promises and didn’t believe that he could protect them when they went into the Promised Land. They actually wanted to return to Egypt to be slaves again.)

Then God told them that no adult would be able to enter the Promised Land. All those who had been disobedient would have to wander in the desert until all their children grew up and were adults themselves.

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Display the Coloured Visual aid of 40 years of wandering if you have it.

Then their children would be allowed to live in the Promised Land.

■ Who can remember the names of the two spies who believed and trusted God?(Accept responses. Caleb and Joshua.)

Caleb and Joshua were already adults, but because they trusted God, they were also allowed to enter the Promised Land with all the grown-up children. But this would be in 40 years time!

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Show students how to break off Caleb and Joshua from the chain of the 12 spies craft and write the names ‘Caleb’ and ‘Joshua’

on the two they have broken off.


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Measure the distance from the foot of Mount Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea on the Journey to the Promised Land map. This is the distance the Israelite people walked from last lesson to this lesson.

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Students could listen to the Lesson 7 drama Parts 1 and 2 (tracks 14 and 15) on CEP’s Lower Primary CD and act out what they hear.

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The spies brought back huge grapes to show the people what grew in the land God had promised them. Students could split into small groups of three or four and fi nd out about the different varieties of grapes available. It may be helpful to fi nd a webpage with information (such as the following, http://localfoods.about.com/od/grapes/tp/typesgrapes.htm, viewed February, 2012) and give out one type of grape to each group, who then report back to the class with two facts about the particular grape.

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Explain that the people of Israel were very sad when they heard that because they had been disobedient, God would not let them go into the land. This is what happened next. Students read Exodus 14:39–45 together as a class and answer the following questions.

■ What did the Israelites decide to do? ■ What did Moses say about their plan? ■ Were the Israelites successful or were

they defeated? ■ Why were they defeated?

The solution to the Activity book is below:

» Concluding prayerHeavenly Father, thank you for showing us how you were fulfi lling your promise of land to Abraham through Moses and your people Israel. Thank you that we can trust your promises and always rely on you. Amen.

» taking it further

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God loves his people (track 4) on CEP’s Lower Primary CD.

Supplementary songs are also suggested in Other resources at the start of the lesson.

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Space & Vision iconTHE SPIES’ NAMES

Students use the 12 spies craft from the lesson and copy the teacher as they write the spies’ names on the fold-out characters. They were Shammua, Shaphat, Igal, Palti, Gaddiel, Gaddi, Ammiel, Sethur, Nahbi, Geuel, Caleb and Joshua.

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» For next lesson ■ You will need to practise drawing the Visual aid

on pages 80–81 of the Sketch starters.

» teacher refl ections ■ Are you using the Activity books successfully?

Do your students enjoy them?

■ Did students have time to make their spies during the lesson?during the lesson?

» notes


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© 2012 the purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.

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Join hands with Blu-Tack.

Fold a4 paper four times. Trace and cut out.


© 2012 the purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.

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