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Connected Dots Reveal that UN Military Forces Are Now Prepared to Invade the United States.pdf

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Connected Dots Reveal that UN Military Forces Are Now Prepared to Invade the United States 30 Aug, 2015by Dave Hodges Print this articleFont size -16+ The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States. Yesterday, and despite being a speed reader, I spent almost three hours reviewing a mountain of material that I have been sent by people from around the country. About half way through my review, I had an epiphany. I began to see the interconnections between events unlike I have ever seen before. Previously, some of the material stood out as stand alone information. However, as I moved from one item to another, I began to connect the dots like I have never done before. Please allow me to provide for you the dot connections followed by a comprehensive analysis of what is coming in a more precise manner than I have previously reported.

Connected Dots Reveal that UN Military Forces Are Now Prepared to Invade the United States

30Aug, 2015by Dave Hodges

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The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States.

Yesterday, and despite being a speed reader, I spent almost three hours reviewing a mountain of

material that I have been sent by people from around the country. About half way through my review,

I had an epiphany. I began to see the interconnections between events unlike I have ever seen


Previously, some of the material stood out as stand alone information. However, as I moved from one

item to another, I began to connect the dots like I have never done before. Please allow me to provide

for you the dot connections followed by a comprehensive analysis of what is coming in a more

precise manner than I have previously reported.

DOT CONNECTION #1: Secretary of State, John

Kerry, Signs the UN Small Arms Treaty In Violation

of the US Constitution

Secretary of State, John Kerry, signing away America’s freedom, security and longevity by putting his name on the

UN Smalls Arms Treaty in violation of the Constitution which states that any treaty must be approved by the Senate

on a two-thirds vote.

The above photo of Kerry signing the UN Small Arms Treaty reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s

infamous quote about having “peace in our time” after he signed the Munich Accords with Hitler just

prior to World War II. Inside of these “accords” contained the seeds for World War II. Inside this UN

treaty lies the destruction of American culture and society as we have known it.

Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words as this will be the net effect of the UN Smalls Treaty.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama are “yucking it up” after setting up Americans up to be totally

defenseless in the face of tyranny by obliterating the Second Amendment and a citizenry’s right to self-defense.

The clear intent of President Obama’s administration to disarm the American people should be very

concerning to all Americans who know and appreciate their knowledge of world history. According to

the University of Hawaii’s Democide Project, there were 19 genocides in the 20th Century. Everyone

of them was preceded by gun confiscation. President Obama is a Harvard man and, as such, should

we not assume that the President has some working knowledge about this aspect of history.

DOT CONNECTION #2: Humvee Vehicles Needed

to Fix Walmart Plumbing Issues UN Vehicles Being Transported to Texas

The following video shows Humvee vehicles in a Texas Walmart. Additionally, UN vehicles have been

photographed as they are being shipped into Texas. Texans, prepare to defend yourselves!

The following video presents the aforementioned information beginning 5 minutes into the


This action commenced in April of 2015 and continues through today. In fact, The Common Sense

Show has been reporting on the sightings of UN military vehicles in this country, in significant

numbers, for longer than a year.

DOT CONNECTION #3: The American Military Is

Being Systematically Being Disarmed

Not only does the Obama administration plan to disarm the people of America, they are

systematically disarming the military as well while, at the same time, beefing up the foreign troop

presence on United States soil.

As UN vehicles continue to deploy into the United States, we are witnessing the systematic disarming

of the American Military. DAHBOO 777 first published the following account of the American military

disarming itself by putting what everyone thought was excess military equipment into mothballs at

underground munitions storage areas such as the one featured below at the Red River facility. The

reason that it is quite clear that this is a disarming is that if a rapid deployment of this equipment were

ever needed in time of war, the grid lock that would result at a facility like this or any other storage

facility constructed in this manner, would prevent the timely and proper deployment of men and


DOT CONNECTION #4: We Now Have the Lens of

Historical Perspective DAHBOO 777 first published the above featured video on March 2, 2015. At the time, I wasn’t initially

that suspicious of this activity. We were reducing our military operating size in the Middle East and

subsequently, at the time, this seemed like an outgrowth of this activity. Please keep in mind this

video was published almost a full month before the public revelation of Jade Helm 15.

The first time that most had heard of Jade Helm is when the following photos were released from a

March 27, 2015 Ft. Lauderdale Special Operations Forces dissident extraction drill in which the

following photos were captured by concerned local citizens.

Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015.

Also on March 27, we witnessed waiting white vans designed to transport these (actors) political dissidents to their

new residences at the nearby FEMA camps. These van have also been seen traveling through select

neighborhoods through out the country. This political extraction drilll, held in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. exposed to two lies:

(1) Jade Helm was not supposed to start until July 15 and (2) Jade Helm was only in 7 states. Florida was not on the

original Jade Helm maps and documents.

The the country was quickly introduced to Jade Helm maps and the infamous and mysterious logo.

Jade Helm 15 map.


If this won’t wake up the nation, then nothing will.

There is a reason why Obama is downsizing the military at a time when we are facing the strong

possibility of going to war with China and Russia. This action by Obama is highly suspicious. Further,

the military movement of equipment in this country is unprecedented and has been covered, in detail,

on this site for the past six months.

The strategy seems clear: Reduce the size of the military, disarm much of the military as we see with

Red River and as you will take note of in the next section, there is a growing foreign troop presence

that is very well documented. Further, these events have caused me to view Jade Helm in, yet,

another light. What Jade Helm also accomplishes besides dissident extraction and the

implementation of martial law, is the mobilization and control of most of our domestically based

military under one central authority, Jade Helm. If I wanted to neutralize the American military prior to

a take over, this is exactly what I would do.




On August 29, 2015, I received a very disturbing email from a reader.

Dave, My son-in-law is a wild land firefighter based in Chelan, WA. As I’m sure you are aware the fires in Washington are some of the worst in the nation right now. I spoke with him last night after he came off of a 20 day shift. He has been battling the Wolverine fire which lies in a very remote part of the county only accessible by Boat or Helicopter. This is the same remote area that the U.S. Army Airborne division has been using to practice helicopter mountain training.(https://www.wenatcheeworld.com/news/2015/jul/06/army-considers-helicopter-training-in-ncw/) While battling the fire and establishing fie lines around Holden Village, he and his crew came upon two Blackhawk helicopters on the ground in a remote part of the forest. He said that soldiers drew their weapons on his US Forest service fire crew and told them they couldn’t be in the area because it was a restricted Military zone. He said all of the soldiers were in US Army uniforms, but two of them appeared to be Russian (wearing US Army uniforms) and in his opinion the Russian soldiers seemed to be in charge. My son-in-law challenged the soldiers stating they were there to save structures threatened by the fire and they would continue to do their job, at which point all the rifles in the company pointed at him. At this point he said he actually felt

threatened for his life and he and his crew retreated going around the helicopter crew. This led to a discussion as to whether or not the US Army had been involved in possibly starting the fires which now burn approximately 135,000 acres. Please withhold my name for obvious reasons.

This is not the only time we have seen, or heard of Russian troops in places where they should not

be. As far back as 2011, Sherrie Wilcox sent to me a video of Russian soldiers training inside of DHS


To one more of hundreds of documented incidents of this type, here are pictures of Russian

commandos at Ft. Carson.

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans,

Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand


They are not coming, they are here.

The Russians have even been depicted the Mural at Denver International Airport near baggage.

Don’t forget about Obama’s 2010 great giveaway of oil-rich Alaskan Islands which could be used as a prelude to


Soon this will be a familiar sight in our communities only their helmets will be blue.

Please allow me to remind the readers that Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann and myself have been on

the front line warning about these events over the past several years. And through Agenda 21,

America will soon lose control over 90% of its land as depicted below in a biodiversity map. Agenda

21 is synonymous with the United Nations.

Put this map into your GPS, it will tell where you soon cannot go. The UN’s manifestation of forcing people into

stack and pack cities.

The Impetus for the Take Over of the United States

All of these connected dots will coalesce along the lines of a catastrophe which would legitimize the

use of UN aid in the form of blue-helmeted troops and their military equipment which is already being

stored on US soil.

Most people would point to a false flag which would be needed to set the take over into motion.

However, I do not think that a false flag will be needed. All the globalists have to do is let nature

Who are the massive amounts of DHS acquired bullets for?

take its course and let the economy collapse and the ensuing chaos would provide the backdrop to

justify the placement of UN troops on the street. And these UN troops would be a buffer against a

military that may not cooperate with the give away of the country by the current President.

The new enemies of the state.

DHS tipped its hand about the direction this was going several years ago when they acquired 2700

armored vehicles and over two billion rounds of ammunition. And let’s not forget that DHS has not

only acquired ammunition and armored vehicles, they have been practicing. And who have they been

practicing for? You are not going to like the answer to this question as depicted in the above target

shooting poster created by DHS.
