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Conscious Living with Danae Fentie
Page 1: Conscious Living with Danae Services96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · Chakra Balancing and Reiki. Food My goal is to support you in all aspects of your


Living with

Danae Fentie

Page 2: Conscious Living with Danae Services96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · Chakra Balancing and Reiki. Food My goal is to support you in all aspects of your


Danae Fentie believes in whole person well-being and her mission is to create harmonious experiences and share her philosophies and systems for embodying optimal well-being, from cell to soul, for the individual and collective. She guides her individual, family and corporate clients to achieve lasting self-confidence, improved choices around food, optimize digestion and energy levels, and increase their spiritual connection. Connecting others to their healing nature is the essence of all of her offerings.

Danae’s research is based on the essences of quantum physics, the energetics of the body, holistic wellness & whole food nutrition, all utilized to support each of her clients to live their most conscious lifestyle.

There are a range of services Danae offers to her clients from self-care & wellness coaching, customized cleanses, biofeedback, yoga and additional nutritional support. To start, Danae recommends that each of her clients participate in a SCIO Biofeedback wellness report, in order to fully understand how their bodies have been affected by the choices they make. Then, together she guides you in creating a plan for your optimal well-being and most conscious lifestyle.

Danae also offers support through offering physician formulated supplements and her natural skin & body care line, The Conscious Collection, for sale, locally and online.

I look forward to guiding you in your wellness journey! Learn more about my lifestyle service offerings below. - Danae

Self-care from Cell to Soul


Page 3: Conscious Living with Danae Services96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · Chakra Balancing and Reiki. Food My goal is to support you in all aspects of your


We are living in exciting times where Science and Spirituality are intersecting. Science is proving our thoughts shape our reality and they have actually discovered what they are calling, the God Particle. We are self-

regulating, manifesting beings. We are designed to heal ourselves and often we have not been taught the tools to tune in and heal.

‘I coach clients to tap into the intelligence of their bodies and healing capabilities through awareness, nutrition, movement,

mindfulness and spiritual connection, providing a deep understanding and application of intuitive guidance. I illuminate habitual patterns of unconscious reaction in order to find positive

solutions to create conscious habits that resonate change. All of this is accomplished through an increased awareness of self-care; intentional actions towards physical, emotional, spiritual and

mental well-being. We synergize your innate intelligence with the intelligence of food, herbs and other gifts from nature.’

Read more to discover which services best support your Conscious Lifestyle.

Private Yoga Whether you are new to yoga, interested in taking your practice to a new level, or dealing with an injury, my private yoga sessions are available to address your specific goals. My one-on-one attention will provide you with a safe space and guidance to help you develop the ability to turn your practice into a daily, nurturing, self-care tool.

Private Meditation One-on-one meditation is ideal for meeting your mental and physical well-being needs. We use a variety of techniques including progressive relaxation, visualization, and guided meditation to help ease mental chatter, become more aware, and develop better patterns for reducing stress.

Spinal Detox By using therapeutic-grade essential oils, a spinal detox is ideal for helping us reach our fullest, healthiest potential. Our spine is a vital part of our health and the spinal fluid can be a host to dis-ease, bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens. A series of essential oil spinal detoxing can help clear away these pathogens, and allow your spine to balance the pathways of the body. The combination of oils and heat help retain our immune systems and increase the energetic flow of the spine and associates fluids. After the initial session, recommendations are included for future sessions. See available packages for more information!

Spiritual Coaching All healing is contained within and stems from our spiritual connection. This distance from the Divine cuts us off from the replenishing source of our spirit. As a spiritual health coach, I help guide you towards reconnecting with the Divine through use of prayer, meditation, contemplation, rituals, working with spirit guides, and examining your beliefs. Together, we will look into your unique, spiritual needs and help with disconnection, intuitive error, mental and emotional blocks, and physical ailments associated with your spiritual blocks.

Science & Spirit

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In addition, family and corporate spiritual coaching services are available to assist with understanding daily habits and how they are affecting your life. My services help you focus on developing spiritual habits that support the individual as well as the family or corporate dynamic.

SCIO Biofeedback Wellness Scan The SCIO Biofeedback wellness report is designed to provide insight into the habitual patterns you have been participating in, throughout your life. By using the SCIO machine to measure the electrodes in your body, I am able to outline your overall health conditions, by looking into past medications, past ailments and nutrient deficiencies, and gather this information in order to help you achieve optimal wellness, as per your body’s communication.

This scan is great for those who are feeling stuck, who have tried various wellness programs and don’t know where to turn next. We focus on the specific areas brought up during the wellness report and develop ways to create a more conscious lifestyle.

With this session, we can focus on: addictions, aging issues, brain balancing, chakra balancing, digestion issues, emotional stress, fatigue, food allergies, focus and concentration, hormone imbalances, insomnia, meditation techniques, mild depression, stress reduction, toxicity learning disorders, weight loss, and much more.

After your initial SCIO Wellness Scan, 4-6 biofeedback stress reduction sessions are suggested, to see effective results in implementing new habits. Wellness feedback and notes will be provided with each session. Together, we will become aware of what needs balancing and create tangible goals, including nutritional suggestions and specific action items. In addition, you will receive a week of email support with each session. See available packages for more information!

*This report is not the replacement of a physician, and does not diagnose any clinical diseases.

Biofeedback Stress Reduction Biofeedback is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using conscious and subconscious signals from their own bodies. Most scientists believe that relaxation is a key component in biofeedback treatment of many disorders, particularly those brought on or made worse by stress. Their reasoning is based on what is known about the effects of stress on the body. In brief, the argument goes like this. Stressful events produce strong emotions, which arouse certain physical responses which promote imbalance (the precursors to dis-ease). Individuals differ in the way they respond to stress. Many experts believe that these individual physical responses to stress can become habitual. When the body is repeatedly aroused, one or more functions may become permanently overactive. Actual damage to bodily tissues may eventually result.

Biofeedback is often aimed at changing habitual reactions to stress that can cause pain or disease. Many clinicians believe that some of their clients have forgotten how to relax. Feedback of physical responses such as skin temperature and muscle tension provides information to help clients recognize a relaxed state. The results of a biofeedback session may also act as a kind of reward for reducing tension, 4-6 biofeedback stress reduction sessions are suggested, to see effective results The therapeutic effects range from the mundane to the complex, from localized tooth pain to whole body health.


men are they who

see that spiritual is

stronger than any material

force - that thoughts rule

the world.’

Ralph Waldo

Page 5: Conscious Living with Danae Services96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · Chakra Balancing and Reiki. Food My goal is to support you in all aspects of your


Biofeedback Nutritional Profile In addition to the full wellness report from your SCIO Biofeedback scans, I can provide you with a full nutritional profile, in order to help you achieve your goals based on the nutrients, food sensitivities, and digestive needs determined by your wellness report.

This additional profile is available to help you look into your current overall health by diving more deeply into the specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids, allergies, micro-nutrients, and enzymes, that are flagged on your wellness report. I will outline a plan for you with food specifics, including recipes, your hydration and oxygen needs, as well as outline any essential oils that can help you achieve wellness. We’ll also outline any stress or toxic exposures to be aware of.

This session will provide you with how to make optimal dietary and lifestyle habits based on your unique body composition and nutritional needs. Quarterly reports are suggested in order to help you stay balanced at the change of each season, and nutritional coaching services and conscious product sweeps are available as well. See available packages for more information!

Energetic Offerings Human beings, along with everything else in the universe, are made up of energy. Everything consists of energy vibrating at various frequencies. When vibrating energies encounter each other, there can either be resistance or flow. When energy flows, health & well- being are present. When it does not, and resistance is present, balance begins to deteriorate, eventually leading to discomfort and dis-ease. Energy healing is the practice of restoring flow & energy to the entire being; mind, body & soul. Danae customizes her energetic sessions for the personal needs of the individual and calls on offerings like Chakra Balancing and Reiki.

Food My goal is to support you in all aspects of your well-being in ordered to help you live a full, happy and balanced


Whole foods are full of nutrients, in natural form, available in a variety of colors and flavors. We need to consume the variety of colors & flavors to receive the perfect balance of nourishment, to achieve and maintain vital well-


Mindful nutritional choices are in accordance with a happy life. This takes the sabotage and guilt right out of a habit we must engage in, at least three times a day.

During coaching sessions, we will not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. Instead, our focus will be to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding. We will create sustainable habits through staging your dietary changes, easing yourself into your new lifestyle rather than a culture shock approach (which

is not sustainable).

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Coaching Nutritional coaching is useful in understanding your health concerns, the food choices you are making, and the nutritional impact these choices are having on your body. I offer assistance and guidance to determine which nutrients and whole food sources will align you with your goals, and can suggest (but not prescribe) any supplements that may be needed. In addition, I will provide education about the importance of whole foods to create deeper awareness in your body, and most importantly to make gradual, sustainable changes in your daily routine. You will develop a special relationship with food by understanding and experiencing the flavors, textures and unique nutritional offerings. In addition, family and corporate nutritional coaching services are available to assist with understanding daily habits and relationships around food and how they are affecting your life.

Cleansing If you are feeling fatigued, overwhelmed, desiring to lose weight, having problems with joint pain or toxicity, food-based cleanses are ideal for bringing your body back to balance. Cleansing is a great way to boost the immune system, enhance energy, and even aid in weight loss. My 7-day food cleanses are available to assist you with sample menus, recipes, shopping lists, self-care tools and tips to help you acclimate before, during and after the cleanse. In addition, you will receive two 30-minute coaching sessions, one before and one after your cleanse, to discuss your wellness goals and enhance your experience. Longer cleanses are available for those interested in a 21- or 30-day program. Types of cleanses include digestive reset, anti-inflammatory, food allergens, seasonal, liver, or pathogen specific: parasites, bacterial, fungal and candida.

Conscious Cooking Classes My in-home sessions begin with an initial consultation to discuss eating habits and food preferences as well as desired acquired skills. I offer a variety of whole food and healthy dessert sessions to choose from, custom designed for your nutritional needs.

Cupboard Cleanup The cleanup offerings are available to help you understand which spices and foods you are using and provide you with suggestions on what to eliminate and what to incorporate more of. I’ll provide you with shopping lists and suggestions on how to improve the health of your cupboards, medicine cabinets, home products, and more.

Grocery Store Tour Join me on an outing to your local health food store to better understand labels, which foods to select and which ones to avoid, and how to support your overall wellness.

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Consulting & Speaking Always interested in sharing her enthusiasm and knowledge, Danae has been in public speaking since she was a pre-teen. Danae has beat the odds, overcome adversity and healed herself through what she calls a Conscious Lifestyle. She has a knack for motivating and educating a crowd through engaging information and interaction.

Danae enjoys sharing moving stories that draw out emotions in her audience and leave them feeling like they are capable of accomplishing anything. She will energize listeners with stories that inspire peak performance, move

your audience to action, engage them through mindfulness & movement techniques and create a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.

Danae speaks on a variety of topics regarding wellness through nutrition, mindfulness, spiritual connection, optimal living & human potential. She works with schools, corporations, wellness facilities and for small groups and has

been asked to speak at ceremonies, seminars and school events.

Danae's topics include (but are not limited to).

Workshops Topics

Radical Self Care & Creating Healthy Habits

Stress Management & Living a Thriving Life

Meditation & Mindfulness

Women & Men’s Wellness

Gut & Brain Health

Eating for Energy & Food as Medicine

Exploring Intuitive Guidance

Intuition in Business

Contact Danae today to learn more about topic offerings, availability, pricing and to see if she is a good fit with your organization. Danae is also available for custom content creation including (but not limited to):

Group & Corporate Wellness Programs

Educational Videos

Newsletters and written content

Danae also offers business consulting in all areas of well-being. Perfect for businesses looking to upgrade their wellness philosophies and programs.

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Conscious Living 3 & 6 Month Coaching Program

For those who seek an upgrade in several areas of their life, like: nutrition, product awareness, spiritual connection or emotional well-being. Our lifestyle is created by each choice we make, including our daily habits. If we seek to

adjust our lifestyle, our habits need to be examined and aligned accordingly. Receiving accountability, for an extended period of time (3, 6 months & beyond) creates the difference between temporary improvements and

sustained well-being. Working together for several months also allows you time to ease into your upgraded habits and explore many areas of your life, worth improving.

3 & 6 Month Radiant Self-Care Package

Self care is the new health care, according to your Conscious Lifestyle. This is about having a positive relationship with your mind, body and spirit, by creating intentional daily habits (and action) to

support your overall well-being.

During your Radiant Self-Care Sessions, learn more about your body functions and simple and effective ways to optimize them. Discover self-care practices to reduce stress, improve sleep quality

and increase energy levels. Create sustainable change through engaging in healthy habits, which support self-care. The more you know and understand about your body the easier it is to maintain

balance and to communicate your desires and needs.

We only cause harm to ourselves and others, because we are distracted and disconnected from the true source of pain or lack, or desire. Aligning with Radiant Self-Care allows you to connect and get

clear on how to best support yourself, on every level.

3 Months Includes 6 Month Includes• 4 Conscious Living Coaching Sessions

• 3 Yoga & Meditation Sessions

• 2 Biofeedback Stress Reduction Sessions

• SCIO Wellness Session

• Chakra Balancing

• Conscious Product Sweep

• 8 Coaching Sessions

• 6 Yoga & Meditation Sessions

• 3 SCIO Wellness Sessions

• 2 Biofeedback Stress Reduction Sessions

• Chakra Balancing

• Conscious Product Sweep

Lifestyle Packages For those seeking sustainable change, monthly packages increase the likelihood of follow through, with the guiding support of your Conscious Lifestyler. All Lifestyle Packages include email support between

sessions, handouts & recipes and 10% off additional services.

Suggested services are packaged here and all packages can be customized to fit your specific needs and budget.

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Nutritional Well-being

Mindful nutritional choices are in accordance with a happy life. This takes the sabotage and guilt right out of a habit we must engage in, at least three times a day.

During coaching sessions, we will not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. Instead, our focus will be to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding. We will create sustainable habits through staging your dietary changes, easing yourself into your new lifestyle rather than a culture shock approach (which is not sustainable).

We will explore what is beyond the facts of the food, and tap in to the wisdom of the food, also known as its energetics. Learning about the way foods affect your organ health and energy, creates an understanding and connection that allows you to tap into your intuition when choosing how and what to eat. Remember, your taste buds do change and enjoyment and delicious taste do not have to be compromised to eat for optimal well-being.

Nutrition Concepts we will explore:

• Food combining • Flavor profiling • Whole foods & Acid/Alkaline • Emotional connections to food and

eating for healthy emotions • Demystifying food label claims • Clarifying common food trends • Body language: foods and messages from

our organs and feedback systems • Energetics of food and timing

Includes... • 6 Conscious Living Coaching Sessions

• Nutritional Profile with Biofeedback

• Cupboard Cleanup • Grocery Store Tour

3 Months Includes 6 Month Includes• 6 Conscious Living Coaching Sessions

• 3 Private Yoga or Meditation

• Clean Cooking Class or Kitchen Organization

• Grocery Store Tour

• 2 SCIO Wellness Sessions

• Conscious Product Sweep

• 8 Coaching Sessions

• 6 Yoga & Meditation Sessions

• 3 SCIO Wellness Sessions

• 2 Biofeedback Stress Reduction Sessions

• Chakra Balancing

• Conscious Product Sweep

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Conscious Cleansing

Most people are performing at lower levels than they are capable of doing. and all of their systems: body, mind and spirit are functioning at levels below optimal (and often even normal) for them. Depressed peak performance is a symptom that will improve when you incorporate healthy habits

and cleansing practices.

Cleansing the body is a great way to boost the immune system, enhance energy and even aid in weight loss. We accumulate toxins daily from various sources: environment, bad water, products

(such as cosmetics, hair products and household cleaners) and processed or unwashed foods. Some common signs of toxicity are fatigue, brain fog, coated tongue, and joint pain. Every choice either

adds to or takes away from your quality of life and longevity.

Cleansing is best if practiced mindfully and with plenty of time to rest. Cleansing will leave you feeling lighter, brighter and with new direction as to how to better support your Highest Good.

Because cleansing goes beyond the physical, additional avenues of support are offered, during your cleanse. Receive a cleanse Guide that walks you through daily cleanse habits, recipes, resources and

more. Enjoy pre and post support to ensure sustainable change.


• 4 Conscious Coaching Sessions

• Nutritional Profile with SCIO

• Customized Cleanse

• 4 Biofeedback Sessions - Cleanse Focused

• Conscious Product Sweep

Move into Mindfulness

For those who seek more presence and joyful awareness. Mindfulness is defined as conscious awareness, where we acknowledge our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations as present moment communication. The fast paced society we live in, often leaves us reacting in automatic and habitual patterns. Conscious awareness allows you to examine what thoughts, habits and relationships need to shift to step into more ease & effortlessness. This package provides insight into mindfulness techniques,

as well as specific guidance and support towards your Conscious goals.


• Spiritual Coaching

• 4 Yoga & Meditation

• 4 Biofeedback Stress Reduction Sessions

• Chakra Balancing

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Conscious Living

With Danae

Self-care from cell to soul

Fort Worth, Tx 76114 817.994.9136

[email protected] www.danaefentie.com
