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European Journal of Agronomy 16 (2002) 239 – 262 Review Consequences of climate change for European agricultural productivity, land use and policy Jørgen E. Olesen a, *, Marco Bindi b a Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 50, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark b Department of Agronomy and Land Management, Uniersity of Florence, P. le delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze, Italy Received 1 August 2001; received in revised form 8 January 2002; accepted 20 January 2002 Abstract This paper reviews the knowledge on effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in Europe and the consequences for policy and research. Warming is expected to lead to a northward expansion of suitable cropping areas and a reduction of the growing period of determinate crops (e.g. cereals), but an increase for indeterminate crops (e.g. root crops). Increasing atmospheric CO 2 concentrations will directly enhance plant productivity and also increase resource use efficiencies. In northern areas climate change may produce positive effects on agriculture through introduction of new crop species and varieties, higher crop production and expansion of suitable areas for crop cultivation. Disadvantages may be an increase in the need for plant protection, the risk of nutrient leaching and the turnover of soil organic matter. In southern areas the disadvantages will predominate. The possible increase in water shortage and extreme weather events may cause lower harvestable yields, higher yield variability and a reduction in suitable areas for traditional crops. These effects may reinforce the current trends of intensification of agriculture in northern and western Europe and extensification in the Mediterranean and southeastern parts of Europe. Policy will have to support the adaptation of European agriculture to climate change by encouraging the flexibility of land use, crop production, farming systems etc. In doing so, it is necessary to consider the multifunctional role of agriculture, and to strike a variable balance between economic, environmental and social functions in different European regions. Policy will also need to be concerned with agricultural strategies to mitigate climate change through a reduction in emissions of methane and nitrous oxide, an increase in carbon sequestration in agricultural soils and the growing of energy crops to substitute fossil energy use. The policies to support adaptation and mitigation to climate change will need to be linked closely to the development of agri-environmental schemes in the European Union Common Agricultural Policy. Research will have further to deal with the effect on secondary factors of agricultural production, on the quality of crop and animal production, of changes in frequency of isolated and extreme weather events on agricultural production, and the interaction with the surrounding natural ecosystems. There is also a need to study combined effects of adaptation and mitigation strategies, and include assessments of the consequences on current efforts in www.elsevier.com/locate/eja * Corresponding author. Tel.: +45-89991659; fax: +45-89991619. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.E. Olesen). 1161-0301/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S1161-0301(02)00004-7

European Journal of Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262


Consequences of climate change for European agriculturalproductivity, land use and policy

Jørgen E. Olesen a,*, Marco Bindi b

a Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 50,DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark

b Department of Agronomy and Land Management, Uni�ersity of Florence, P. le delle Cascine 18, 50144 Firenze, Italy

Received 1 August 2001; received in revised form 8 January 2002; accepted 20 January 2002


This paper reviews the knowledge on effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in Europe and theconsequences for policy and research. Warming is expected to lead to a northward expansion of suitable croppingareas and a reduction of the growing period of determinate crops (e.g. cereals), but an increase for indeterminatecrops (e.g. root crops). Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations will directly enhance plant productivity and alsoincrease resource use efficiencies.

In northern areas climate change may produce positive effects on agriculture through introduction of new cropspecies and varieties, higher crop production and expansion of suitable areas for crop cultivation. Disadvantages maybe an increase in the need for plant protection, the risk of nutrient leaching and the turnover of soil organic matter.In southern areas the disadvantages will predominate. The possible increase in water shortage and extreme weatherevents may cause lower harvestable yields, higher yield variability and a reduction in suitable areas for traditionalcrops. These effects may reinforce the current trends of intensification of agriculture in northern and western Europeand extensification in the Mediterranean and southeastern parts of Europe.

Policy will have to support the adaptation of European agriculture to climate change by encouraging the flexibilityof land use, crop production, farming systems etc. In doing so, it is necessary to consider the multifunctional role ofagriculture, and to strike a variable balance between economic, environmental and social functions in differentEuropean regions. Policy will also need to be concerned with agricultural strategies to mitigate climate changethrough a reduction in emissions of methane and nitrous oxide, an increase in carbon sequestration in agriculturalsoils and the growing of energy crops to substitute fossil energy use. The policies to support adaptation andmitigation to climate change will need to be linked closely to the development of agri-environmental schemes in theEuropean Union Common Agricultural Policy.

Research will have further to deal with the effect on secondary factors of agricultural production, on the qualityof crop and animal production, of changes in frequency of isolated and extreme weather events on agriculturalproduction, and the interaction with the surrounding natural ecosystems. There is also a need to study combinedeffects of adaptation and mitigation strategies, and include assessments of the consequences on current efforts in


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +45-89991659; fax: +45-89991619.E-mail address: [email protected] (J.E. Olesen).

1161-0301/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S1 161 -0301 (02 )00004 -7

J.E. Olesen, M. Bindi / Europ. J. Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262240

agricultural policy to develop a sustainable agriculture that also preserves environmental and social values in the ruralsociety. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Global warming; Climate change; Crops; Livestock; Policy; Impact assessment; Adaptation; Mitigation; Europeanagriculture

1. Introduction

Agriculture is situated at the interface betweenecosystems and society. As such agriculture isaffected by the changes in the global environmen-tal conditions, but agriculture also contributes toabout 20% of the emissions of greenhouse gases,notably methane and nitrous oxide (Rosenzweigand Hillel, 2000). The agricultural ecosystemsvary from highly intensive farming systems suchas the arable cropping systems of western Europeto the low-input farming systems such as subsis-tence farming in sub-Saharan Africa. The highestemissions of greenhouse gases from agricultureare generally associated with the intensive farmingsystems (IPCC, 1997), whereas some of the lowinput farming systems currently located in mar-ginal areas may be most severely affected byclimate change (Reilly and Schimmelpfennig,1999; Kates, 2000).

The overall driving force in agriculture is theglobally increasing demand for food and fibre.This is primarily caused by a growing world pop-ulation with a high demand for food productionand a wealthier world population with a higherproportion of meat in the diet (Evans, 1998). Theresult is that agriculture globally exerts increasingpressure on the land and water resources of theearth, which often results in land degradation, e.g.soil erosion, salinisation and pollution (Kirch-mann and Thorvaldsson, 2000).

Climate change is expected to affect agriculturevery differently in different parts of the world(Parry et al., 1999). The resulting effects dependon current climatic and soil conditions, the direc-tion of change and the availability of resourcesand infrastructure to cope with change. There is alarge variation across the European continent inclimatic conditions, soils, land use, infrastructure,political and economic conditions (Bouma et al.,1998; Rabbinge and van Diepen, 2000). These

differences are expected also to greatly influencethe responsiveness to climatic change (Parry,2000).

Most of Europe has experienced increases insurface air temperature during the 20th century,which amounts to 0.8 °C in annual mean temper-ature over the entire continent (Beniston and Tol,1998). Results of GCM model simulations indi-cate that large climatic changes may occur overthe European continent as a result of the likelyincrease in atmospheric concentrations of green-house gases caused by anthropogenic emissions.The results of an analysis of a number of GCMsimulations indicate that annual temperaturesover Europe warm at a rate of between 0.1 and0.4 °C decade−1 (Parry, 2000). The greatest in-creases are expected over southern Europe andnorth-east Europe. The general pattern of futurechanges in annual precipitation over Europe is forwidespread increases in northern Europe (between+1 and +2 percent decade−1), rather smalldecreases over southern Europe (maximum −1percent decade−1) and small changes in centralEurope.

The aim of this paper is to review the currentknowledge on the impact of climate change onagriculture in Europe and to put this into thecontext of current agricultural policy. The paperdiscusses the possible effects of climate change onEuropean agricultural policy as well as the inter-action between agriculture and other importantsectors of European society.

2. European agriculture

Europe is one of the world’s largest and mostproductive suppliers of food and fibre (Table 1).The 15 countries of the European Union (EU)thus alone accounted for 10% of the global cerealproduction and 16% of global meat production in1998.

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Table 1Population, land area, agricultural area and annual production in the EU, the EU+12 and in Europe in per cent of total world sums

EU (%) EU+12 (%) Europe (%)World

13Population (million) 175666 26Land area (Mha) 13048 2 3 17

3Agricultural area (Mha) 44938 1010 142081 19Cereal production (Gt)

56Pulses production (Gt) 11 12 177 9Oil crop production (Gt oil) 121037 12648 21Root and tuber production (Gt)

433Fruit production (Gt) 12 14 179 11Vegetable production (Gt) 156263 323 4Fibre crop production (Gt)

223Meat production (Gt) 16 20 2422 27Milk production (Gt) 39562

Population data are based on FAO statistics from year 1995, and land use and production data are based on FAO statistics from1998. The EU currently covers 15 countries, and 13 countries have applied for EU membership. The EU+12 covers current EUmember countries plus countries that have applied for membership, excluding Turkey.

Agriculture in the EU accounts for only 2% ofthe total GDP, but accounts for 5.6% of totalemployment. The vulnerability of the overalleconomy to changes that affect agriculture istherefore low, but locally effects may be large.Throughout Europe dairy and meat productionare major activities, which in combination withintensive arable farming systems result in highagricultural outputs in both EU and in Europe asa whole (Table 1). Agricultural land use in thedifferent regions in Europe is shown in Table 2.

Europe can be divided into a number of majoragricultural regions determined by both environ-mental and socio-economic factors (Fig. 1). Re-gions 1 to 5 in Fig. 1 are mainly characterised bymarket-oriented agriculture, which has been heav-ily influenced by the EU Common AgriculturalPolicy (CAP). Agriculture in the northern region1 is limited by climatic and soil conditions andonly a small percentage of the land is cultivated(Table 2). Agriculture in large parts of region 2 isdominated by the wet conditions along the At-lantic coasts, and grasslands dominate this area.More intensive arable and livestock farming isseen in region 3, which has small-scale, mixed orlarge-scale intensive farming systems. In themountainous region 5 both market-oriented agri-culture and transitional forms from extensivemixed farms to market-oriented farming occur.

Region 4 is characterised by the drier and warmerMediterranean climate, which has led to a diversepattern of agriculture. A market-oriented type ofagriculture with mainly crop cultivation, includingfruit trees, olive and grapes, predominates (Table2). Alternatively, in this region considerable areasof the traditional small-scale type of agriculturestill occur (Kostrowicki, 1991).

Fig. 1. Major agricultural regions in Europe (see Table 2 forregion names and characteristics).

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J.E. Olesen, M. Bindi / Europ. J. Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262 243

Table 3Development in wheat area and wheat yield (16% moisture content) in main European regions

Wheat area (1000 ha)Region Wheat yield (Mg ha−1)

1985–1989 1995–1999 1975–19791975–1979 1985–1989 1995–1999

1. Nordic 495a 477a 509a 3.7a 4.4b 5.2c

2. British Isles 2038b1243a 2034b 4.7a 6.5b 7.8b

8005b 8724c 4.4a6870a 6.0b3. Western 7.1c

7392a4. Mediterranean 6430b 5597c 2.1a 2.6b 2.7b

369a5. Alpine 403b 356a 3.9a 5.0b 5.4c

3304b 3367b 3.3a3001a 4.1ab6. North eastern 3.7b

6438a 5215b7. South eastern 3.1a6301a 3.7b 3.1a

– 32710 – –– 1.68. Eastern

Data is based on FAO statistics. Numbers with different letters within a row in each category are significantly different at the 95%confidence level.

Regions 6–7 in Fig. 1 had three types of agri-culture: traditional, market-oriented and so-cialised agriculture. The extent of the lattercategory has been rapidly diminishing since thelate 1980s, leading to a type of agriculture thatresembles western Europe. Root crops and cerealsare important in this region. Yields are, however,low due to low production intensity. A largeproportion of the population in these countrieslives in rural areas (Table 2). Region 8 is theEuropean part of the former USSR, which usedto be dominated by large-scale socialised agricul-ture, but which is now slowly adapting to a morequality-oriented agriculture (Bouma et al., 1998).

The proportion of the population that lives inrural areas is highest in the Alpine and Mediter-ranean countries and in the former socialisedcountries of central and eastern Europe (Table 2).More than 40% of the population in south-easternEurope thus live in rural areas, which makes thispopulation highly dependent on agriculture.

2.1. Trends in European agriculture

The trends in European agriculture are domi-nated by the CAP of the EU. The CAP reform of1992 reduced intervention prices by one third andsubstituted this by area payments, including set-aside schemes. This process of reducing and trans-forming subsidies is continued in the new CAPreform, which is part of the Agenda 2000 reform(CEC, 1999). There is need for further reform to

facilitate the accession of eastern European coun-tries into the EU.

The trends in European agriculture can be illus-trated by the development of wheat area and yieldover the past 25 years (Table 3). Yields haveincreased rapidly by about 0.15 Mg ha−1 yr−1 inthe northwestern part of Europe (regions 2 and3). Yields in the Nordic and Alpine regions haveincreased by only half this rate, and there hasbeen virtually no change in yields in the Mediter-ranean region (Supit, 1997). This has lead to areduction in wheat area in the Mediterraneanregion and an increase in northwestern Europe.The wheat yield in the former socialised countriesof central and eastern Europe (regions 6 and 7)have declined following the change to democracyand liberalised economies in the late 1980s.

2.2. Climatic constraints to European agriculture

Biological systems are based primarily on pho-tosynthesis, and are thus dependent on incomingradiation. However, the potential for productionset by the radiation is greatly modified by temper-ature and rainfall. The main effect of temperatureis to control the duration of the period whengrowth is possible in each year (Rotter and van deGeijn, 1999). Also other processes linked with theaccumulation of dry matter (leaf area expansion,photosynthesis, respiration etc.) are directly af-fected by temperature. Rainfall and soil wateravailability may affect the duration of growth

J.E. Olesen, M. Bindi / Europ. J. Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262244

through effects on leaf area duration and thephotosynthetic efficiency through stomatalclosure.

In northern countries the length of the growingseason, late spring and early autumn frosts andsolar radiation availability are typical climaticconstraints. In these environments the duration ofthe growing season (frost or snow-free period)limits the productivity of crops. For example inGermany the growing season is 1–3 monthslonger than in Scandinavian countries (Mela,1996). The short growing season is the main causeof the lower wheat yields in the Nordic countries(Table 3). Moreover, night frosts in late spring orearly autumn increase the agricultural risk inthese environments.

The wet conditions along the Atlantic coast andin the mountainous regions causing cold andrainy summers cause yield and quality losses inmany arable crops. These wet conditions alsoaffect soil workability and reduce the number ofmachinery work-days (Brignall and Rounsevell,1995). This is the main reason for the small areaput down to cereals in the British Isles and Alpinecountries compared with other regions (Table 2).Permanent pastures dominate in these areas.

In Mediterranean countries cereal yields arelimited by water availability, heat stress and theshort duration of the grain-filling period. Perma-nent crops (olive, grapevine, fruit trees etc.) aretherefore more important in this region. Thesecrops are affected by extreme weather events(such as hail and storms) which can reduce orcompletely destroy yield. Irrigation is importantfor crop production in many Mediterranean coun-tries due to high evapotranspiration and restrictedrainfall.

The continental climate of eastern Europe(from central Poland and eastwards) causing drierconditions and greater amplitude of the annualtemperature cycle limits the range of crops thatcan be grown. The most productive regions inEurope in terms of climate and soils are located inthe great European plain stretching from South-east England through France, Benelux and Ger-many into Poland. There are additional lowlandregions, e.g. the Hungarian plains, where equallyfavourable conditions prevail. However, the

largest areas with predominantly suitable soils arefound in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (Rabbingeand van Diepen, 2000), which is also revealed inthe large wheat growing area of the eastern Eu-ropean region (Table 3).

The yields in eastern Europe have been re-stricted considerably by the agricultural policiesand the socio-economic conditions in these coun-tries. This can be demonstrated by the studyperformed by Rabbinge and van Diepen (2000),who compared simulated water limited wheatyields with the observed national wheat yields forall of Europe. Fig. 2 shows that the simulatedyields are in fairly good agreement with the ob-served yields for countries of EU and westernEurope, whereas simulated yields for the formersocialised countries are considerably higher thanobserved yields. In particular the simulated yieldfor Belarus is 9.5 Mg ha−1 compared with anobserved yield of only 2.3 Mg ha−1.

Fig. 2 shows some deviations between threedifferent simulation studies for EU countries.Both van Lanen et al. (1992) and Rabbinge andvan Diepen (2000) used the WOFOST model, butthe latter study used a more detailed soil andclimate database, and these results are thereforeprobably more credible.

Fig. 2. Observed versus simulated regional or national wheatgrain yields (16% moisture content) for three studies; (1)Rabbinge and van Diepen (2000), (2) van Lanen et al. (1992),(3) Harrison et al. (2000a).

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3. Biophysical response to climate change

Biophysical processes of agroecosystems arestrongly affected by environmental conditions.The projected increase in greenhouse gases willaffect agroecosystems either directly (e.g. responseto CO2 and tropospheric ozone) or indirectly viaeffects on climate (e.g. temperature and rainfall).The exact responses depend on the sensitivity ofthe particular ecosystem and on the relativechanges in the controlling factors.

3.1. CO2 effects on system producti�ity

Plant photosynthesis has long been known torespond to atmospheric CO2 concentration(Dahlman, 1993). However, this response dependson the photosynthetic pathway of the plants. Theresponse is thus much smaller in C4-plants (tropi-cal plants including maize) compared with C3-plants (Allen, 1990).

The second primary effect of CO2 enrichmenton plants is to reduce stomatal aperture andstomatal density, which causes a reduction instomatal conductance and thus transpiration.Both C3- and C4-plants are affected in this way.An average reduction of 20% of stomatal conduc-tance has been found with a doubling of thecurrent CO2 concentration (Drake et al., 1997).However, effects of soil water availability and leafarea index reduce the impact on totaltranspiration.

There is a third primary effect of CO2 enrich-ment, which is the reduction of dark respirationbecause CO2 and O2 are mutually competitivesubstrates on the ribulose biphosphate carboxy-lase enzyme for ribulose biphosphate followed bya reduction in activity of respiratory enzymes(Ogren, 1984; Bunce, 1994). Maintenance respira-tion has been found to be reduced by 20% for adoubling of the current atmospheric CO2 concen-tration (Drake et al., 1997).

The resulting effects of these primary responsesof plants to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrationare increasing resource use efficiencies for radia-tion, water and nitrogen. The highest response isseen for water use efficiency, which is affectedpositively by all three factors and increased in

Fig. 3. Relative effects of CO2 concentration on wheat grainyield in experiments. Ambient CO2 is set to 1. Open symbolsrepresent data from field experiments (OTC, FACE), filledsymbols represent data from pot or glasshouse experiments.The solid line shows the mean estimated response (Downing etal., 2000).

both C3 and C4 species. The water use efficiencyin wheat has been found to increase by about 50to 60% for a doubling of current CO2 concentra-tion (Downing et al., 2000). Some of the CO2

effects are enhanced or modified by changes inplant structure (Pritchard et al., 1999).

The observed response of grain yield in wheatto variation in CO2 concentration is illustrated inFig. 3. This graph draws on data from 12 whole-season studies with different CO2 concentrationsunder a wide range of experimental conditions,from pots in growth chambers or glasshouses toopen top chambers (OTC) or free air CO2 enrich-ment (FACE) facilities (Downing et al., 2000).Fig. 3 shows a mean yield increase of 28% for adoubling of current CO2 concentrations. There issome variation in the growth response of C3 spe-cies to enhanced CO2. A large proportion of thisvariation can be attributed to warm temperaturesenhancing the relative CO2 response (Dahlman,1993).

3.2. Effect of other en�ironmental changes

The increase in CO2 concentration is not theonly environmental factor that may affect agricul-ture in the future. Increased surface receipts of

J.E. Olesen, M. Bindi / Europ. J. Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262246

UV-B radiation due to stratospheric ozone deple-tion, and increased tropospheric ozone concentra-tion will influence future agricultural performanceand will condition agricultural response to climatechange. Experiments have shown that Europeancrops are generally resistant to increased UV-Bradiation (Allen et al., 1999; Papadopoulos et al.,1999). A doubling of tropospheric ozone concen-tration has been shown to reduce wheat yields by9% (van Oijen and Ewert, 1999). However, therelative yield reduction from ozone was lowerwith increased CO2 concentration.

3.3. Climate effects on system producti�ity

3.3.1. TemperatureAt middle and higher latitudes of Europe,

global warming will extend the length of thepotential growing season, allowing earlier plant-ing of crops in the spring and earlier maturationand harvesting. Less severe winters will also allowmore productive cultivars of winter annual andperennial crops to be grown. This is of particularimportance for C4 species since the pyruvate phos-phate dikinase is sensitive to low temperature(Edwards, 1986). This enzyme plays a key role inthe regeneration of phosphoenol pyruvate, theacceptor of CO2 in C4 species.

Cropping areas may expand northwards incountries such as Finland and Russia. The shiftswill be most pronounced along the current mar-gins for production of specific crops. In FinlandCarter et al. (1996) found a northward shift ofareas suitable for spring cereals of 120–150km °C−1 increase in annual mean temperature.Spatial shifts northwards and into central Europehas also been estimated for warmer season cropslike grain maize and grapevine (Kenny and Har-rison, 1992; Kenny et al., 1993).

In warmer, lower latitude regions of Europe,increased temperatures increase respiration, re-sulting in less than optimal conditions for netgrowth. Another important effect of high temper-ature is accelerated development, resulting in has-tened maturation of determinate crops andreduced yield (Rotter and van de Geijn, 1999).

3.3.2. WaterAgriculture of any kind is strongly influenced

by the availability of water. Climate change willmodify rainfall, evaporation, runoff, and soilmoisture storage. Changes in total seasonal pre-cipitation or in its pattern of variability are bothimportant.

Agriculture is already the largest consumer ofwater resources in semiarid regions (Yeo, 1999).The demand for water for irrigation is projectedto rise in a warmer climate, increasing the compe-tition between agriculture and urban as well asindustrial users of water (Arnell, 1999). Morewater will be required per unit area under drierconditions, and peak irrigation demands are alsopredicted to rise due to more severe heat waves(Parry, 2000).

3.3.3. Climatic �ariabilityExtreme meteorological events, such as spells of

high temperature, heavy storms, or droughts, canseverely disrupt crop production. Recent studieshave considered possible changes in the variabilityas well as in the mean values of climatic variables(Semenov and Porter, 1995). Where certain vari-eties of crops are grown near their limits of maxi-mum temperature tolerance, heat spells can beparticularly detrimental (Ferris et al., 1998).

3.3.4. Soil fertility and erosionSoil organic matter plays a key role in building

and sustaining soil fertility, affecting physical,chemical and biological soil properties (Rounsev-ell et al., 1999). Increased temperature will in-crease the turnover rate of organic matter. Theeffects are likely to be highest during winter time,and increased turnover may lead to buildup ofinorganic nitrogen in the soil and increased risk ofnitrate leaching. The overall effect of climatechange on soil organic matter levels and nitrateleaching will depend on how climate change af-fects soil moisture during the summer season(Leiros et al., 1999), on the counteracting effect ofincreased carbon inputs from the growth-enhanc-ing effect of increased atmospheric CO2, and onincreased nitrate uptake by the vegetation (Inesonet al., 1998a,b). Depending on the actual situa-tions this may lead to enhanced CO2 emissions,

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which probably will be most pronounced frompeat soils and also affect the use of these soils foragricultural purposes (Hartig et al., 1997; Chap-man and Thurlow, 1998). N2O emissions may alsobe enhanced under some conditions affected byboth changes in temperature, soil moisture andcarbon input (Ineson et al., 1998b; Kamp et al.,1998).

Drier soil conditions will increase the vulnera-bility to wind erosion, especially if winds inten-sify. Higher evaporation will also increase the riskof salinisation of soils in regions where totalrainfall is restricted (Yeo, 1999). An expectedincrease in rainfall, caused by stronger gradientsof temperature and pressure and more atmo-spheric moisture, may result in a larger frequencyof high intensity precipitation events, causing in-creased soil erosion (Favis-Mortlock and Guerra,1999).

3.3.5. Crop protectionThe majority of the pest and disease problems

are closely linked with their host crops. Thismakes major changes in plant protection prob-lems less likely (von Tiedemann, 1996), althoughthere have been very few studies on the effect ofclimate change on the interaction of crops anddiseases (Coakley et al., 1999).

Conditions are more favourable for the prolif-eration of insect pests in warmer climates, becausemany insects can then complete a greater numberof reproductive cycles (Cammel and Knight,1992). Warmer winter temperatures may also al-low pests to overwinter in areas where they arenow limited by cold, thus causing greater andearlier infestation during the following crop sea-son. Insect pests are also affected directly by theCO2 effect through the amount and quality of thehost biomass (Cannon, 1998).

Altered wind patterns may change the spread ofboth wind-borne pests and of the bacteria andfungi that are the agents of crop disease. Somepests also act a vectors of plant viruses, and thereare indications that problems with virus-vectornematodes may increase with climate change(Neilson and Boag, 1996).

Unlike pests and diseases, weeds are also di-rectly influenced by changes in atmospheric CO2

concentration. Higher CO2 concentration willstimulate growth and water use efficiency in bothC3 and C4 species (Patterson, 1995; Ziska andBunce, 1997). Differential effects of CO2 and cli-mate changes on crops and weeds will alter theweed-crop competitive interactions, sometimes forthe benefit of the crop and sometimes for theweeds.

The control of weeds, pests and diseases is alsolikely to be affected by these changes (Patterson,1995; Coakley et al., 1999). Observed changes inleaf surface characteristics due to CO2 effects mayinterfere with herbicidal control and with uptakeof systemic fungicides. The effectiveness and dura-tion of pesticide control is also affected by envi-ronmental conditions, such as temperature,precipitation, wind and air humidity. This mayhave both positive and negative effects onefficacy.

3.3.6. Constraints on managementThe weather directly affects the ability to man-

age soils, crops and livestock properly. Detrimen-tal soil compaction can occur, if tillage and trafficis performed when the soil is too wet (Soane andvan Ouwerkerk, 1994). Soil workability is one ofthe key factors determining the spatial distribu-tion of crops in Europe (Rounsevell et al., 1999).This means that currently wet areas would benefitfrom a drier climate in terms of machinery work-days (MacDonald et al., 1994). Similar benefitsfrom a drier climate may occur for grasslands inwet temperate areas where poaching by grazinglivestock is currently a problem (Rounsevell et al.,1996).

One of the most important restrictions in themore humid parts of northern Europe is theavailability of dry weather conditions for harvest-ing cereal grains. A warmer climate will result inearlier harvests, which on its own will be benefi-cial in terms of the number of hours available forcombine harvesting (Olesen and Mikkelsen, 1985).

3.4. Agricultural systems response

3.4.1. Cereal and seed cropsCereals, oilseed and protein crops including

pulses are generally determinate species, and the

J.E. Olesen, M. Bindi / Europ. J. Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262248

duration to maturity depends on temperature andin many cases daylength. A temperature increasewill therefore shorten the length of the growingperiod and reduce yields, if management is notaltered (Porter and Gawith, 1999; Tubiello et al.,2000). Simple management options to counteractthe warming effect are changes in sowing datesand use of longer season cultivars (Olesen et al.,2000; Tubiello et al., 2000). This warming effect iscounteracted by the CO2 fertilisation effect, whichalso will lead to increased symbiotic nitrogen fixa-tion in pulses (Serraj et al., 1998).

A climatic warming will expand the area of allcereals northwards. The cropping area of thecooler season seed crops (e.g. pea, faba bean andoil seed rape) will probably expand northwardsinto Fenno-Scandinavia with a climate warming.There will also be a northward expansion ofwarmer season seed crops (e.g. soybean andsunflower). An analysis of the effect of climaticchange on soybean yield for selected sites in west-ern Europe suggests mainly an increase in yield(Wolf, 2000a).

Yield reductions with increasing temperaturehave been predicted for eastern Europe, and theyield variability may increase, especially in thesteppe regions (Alexandrov, 1997; Sirotenko etal., 1997). However, these estimates did not in-clude the direct effect of increasing CO2.

Table 4 gives a summary of mean relativechanges in yield for a number of grain crops inEurope based on published studies. The scenariosand the adaptation options used in these studiesdiffer considerably, but all studies have includedboth the climate change effect and the directeffects of CO2 concentration on crop production.All studies indicate a larger yield increase or asmaller yield reduction in northern Europe com-pared with southern Europe. The results forsunflower seem to indicate yield reductions. How-ever, most of these results were based on only onecultivar (Harrison and Butterfield, 1996), and it islikely that changes in management and cultivarselection will reduce these yield decreases.

Future cereal crop production will depend notonly on climate change effects, but also on furtherdevelopments in technology and crop manage-

Table 4Relative increase (per cent) in water-limited or irrigated yield of crops in regions of Europe for scenarios of climate change for year2050 and for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration relative to 1990 level

2050Crop 2×CO2 Source

North South North South

Rainfedc, e, g, h, i−16231822Wheat

104 −28 140 −36 b, eGrain maizeSunflower −38−25 −40 −14 a, i

65 45 – – jSoybean20Potato k8 ––

Grapevine f, g––1224

Irrigated158 −11Grain maize 231 −21 b, i

i, j81 13Soybean –17––1 k23Potato

Only estimates including both climate and CO2 effects on crop production are considered. The estimates were taken from simulationruns including simple adaptation measures such as changed sowing date, where possible. The North region here is equivalent toregions 1, 2, 5, 6 and northern parts of region 5 in Fig. 1. The South region includes regions 4, 7 and southern parts of region 5.The studies include: (a) Harrison et al. (1995), (b) Wolf and van Diepen (1995), (c) Semenov et al. (1996), (d) Hulme et al. (1999),(e) Alexandrov and Hoogenboom (2000), (f) Bindi et al. (2000), (g) Harrison et al. (2000a), (h) Iglesias et al. (2000), (i) Tubiello etal. (2000), (j) Wolf (2000a), (k) Wolf (2000b).

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Table 5Wheat production (Mt) in European regions in 1995–1999 and possibilities for increased production due to yield gap and due toclimate change by 2050, given no change in wheat area

Yield gap Climate change 2050Region Production 1995–1999

0(1) Nordic 135(2) British Isles 516962 16(3) Western

15(4) Mediterranean 10 512 1(5) Alpine

14(6) North eastern 6121216 5(7) South eastern

52(8) Eastern 183 42

234Total (regions 1–8) 79178Regions 1–5 96 25 26Regions 6–8 81 209 53

The yield gap is defined as the difference between maximum obtainable yields as calculated by Rabbinge and van Diepen (2000) andyields in 1995–1999. The climate change effect for year 2050 was estimated by multiplying the relative yield increases by themaximum obtainable yields. Separate yield increases for South and North Europe were taken from Table 4.

ment to increase productivity. This technologyeffect may be assessed by comparing currentyields for wheat in Table 3 with the simulatedyields under optimal management. This differ-ence defines the yield gap. Table 5 compares theestimated yield gap for wheat with the estimatedyield increase from climate change for year 2050using the estimates from Table 4. The relativeyield increase from climate change in easternEurope (region 8) was set to the same value asfor south Europe. The yield increase from cli-mate change in regions 1–5 is of the same mag-nitude as the yield gap, whereas the yield gapfor regions 6–8 is four times higher than theyield benefits obtained from global change. Thepossibilities for increased yields in eastern Eu-rope through technological changes thus far out-weigh the possible effect of climate change.

It has been claimed that the yield effects ofincreasing atmospheric CO2 is relatively insignifi-cant in comparison to effects of technology(Amthor, 1998). Whereas this may be true whencomparing with technology changes in USA andwestern Europe over the past century, it doesnot necessary hold when yields are not limitedby technology, but by environmental constraints,e.g. wheat production in the Mediterranean re-gion.

3.4.2. Root and tuber cropsPotato, as well as other root and tuber crops,

is expected to show a large response to risingatmospheric CO2 due to its large below groundsinks for carbon (Farrar, 1996) and apoplasticmechanisms of phloem loading (Komor et al.,1996). On the other hand warming may reducethe growing season in some species and increasewater requirements with consequences for yield.Climate change scenario studies performed usingcrop models show no consistent changes inmean potato yield (Table 4), but an almost con-stant increase in yield variability is predicted forthe whole Europe, which raises the agriculturalrisk for this crop. However, available crop man-agement strategies (i.e. advanced planting andthe cultivation of earlier varieties) seem effectivein overcoming these changes (Wolf, 2000b).

Root crops such as sugar beet may be expectedto benefit from both the warming and the increasein CO2 concentrations, as these crops are notdeterminate in their development and an extendedgrowing season will increase the duration ofgrowth, provided sufficient water is available.

3.4.3. Horticultural cropsHorticultural crops include both vegetables

and ornamental crops, either field-grown or

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grown under protected conditions. The main effectsof a climatic warming anticipated for protectedcrops are changes in the heating and coolingrequirements of the housing.

Most field-grown vegetables are high valuecrops, which are grown under ample water andnutrient supply. Therefore they mainly respond tochanges in temperature and CO2. Responses tothese factors vary among species, mainly dependingon the type of yield component and the responseof phenological development to temper-ature change. For determinate crops like onion,warming will reduce the duration of crop growthand hence yield, whereas warming stimulatesgrowth and yield in indeterminate species likecarrot (Wheeler et al., 1996; Wurr et al., 1998). Forlettuce, temperature has been found to have littleinfluence on yield, whereas yield is stimulated byincreasing CO2 (Pearson et al., 1997).

For many field-grown vegetable crops, increas-ing temperature will generally be beneficial, withproduction expanding northwards. A temperatureincrease will in some areas offer the possibility ofa larger span of harvesting dates thus giving acontinuous market supply during a longer periodof the year. For cool-season vegetable crops suchas cauliflower, large temperature increases maydecrease production during the summer period insouthern Europe due to decreased yield quality(Olesen and Grevsen, 1993).

3.4.4. Perennial cropsGrapevine is a woody perennial plant, which

requires relatively high temperatures. A climaticwarming will therefore expand the suitable areasnorthwards and eastwards (Kenny and Harrison,1992; Harrison et al., 2000a). However, in thecurrent production areas the yield variability (fruitproduction and quality) may be higher underglobal change than at present. Such an increase inyield variability would neither guarantee the qual-ity of wine in good years nor meet the demand forwine in poor years, thus implying a higher eco-nomic risk for growers (Bindi et al., 1996; Bindi andFibbi, 2000). However, yields in grapevine may bestrongly stimulated by increased CO2 concentra-tion without causing negative repercussions on thequality of grapes and wine (Bindi et al., 2001).

Olive is a typical Mediterranean species that isparticularly sensitive to low temperature and watershortage, thus both the northern and southernlimits of cultivation are conditioned by the climate.The area suitable for olive production in theMediterranean basin may increase with climatewarming (Bindi et al., 1992).

The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions hasencouraged the growing of energy crops such aswillow and Miscanthus (Kahle et al., 2001). Thesecrops are established over a period of a few years,and subsequently harvested every year or every fewyears. These crops are generally indeterminate andwill be favoured by conditions that extend thegrowing season and increase the light or water useefficiencies. For willow production in the UK atemperature increase of 3 °C may increase yields byup to 40% (Evans et al., 1995).

3.4.5. Forage crops and grasslandsForage crops include cereals for silage and some

root crops. When these crops are grown as foragecrops, the yield components and the quality criteriachange. The effects of climate change on produc-tion and quality of wheat whole crop silage dependson the relative magnitudes of changes in CO2

concentration and temperature (Sinclair and Selig-man, 1995). If the CO2 effect dominates, then ayield increase but a decrease in digestibility willresult, and vice versa if the temperature increasedominates. Yields of indeterminate crops such assugar beet and of silage maize can be expected toshow a larger increase, especially in northern Eu-rope, than the yield of whole crop cereals. This willlead to changes in the types of forage crops grown,with an increase in forage maize production innorthern areas (Davies et al., 1996; Cooper andMcGechan, 1996).

Permanent grasslands occupy a large propor-tion of the European agricultural area (Table 2).The type of grassland varies greatly within Eu-rope from grass and shrub steppes in the Mediter-ranean region to mires and tundra in northernEurope. Temperate grasslands vary from inten-sively managed monocultures to species-rich com-munities with local variations depending on soiltype and drainage. The different species will differin their responses to CO2 and climate change,

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resulting in alterations in the community structureof grasslands in the future. However, the manage-ment and species-richness of grasslands may in-crease resilience to change (Duckworth et al.,2000). Legumes, which fix nitrogen from the at-mosphere, may benefit more from a CO2 increasethan non-fixing species (Schenk et al., 1995). Thishas experimentally been found to lead to largernitrogen inputs to grass-clover swards (Zanetti etal., 1996).

Intensively managed and nutrient-rich grass-lands will respond positively to both the increasein CO2 concentration and to a temperature in-crease, given that water supply is sufficient(Thornley and Cannell, 1997). The direct effect ofa doubling of CO2 concentration may alone causea 20–30% increase in productivity of N-richgrasslands (Jones et al., 1996; Cannell and Thorn-ley, 1998). The importance of water managementincluding drainage may, however, be even moreimportant under changed climatic conditions innorthern Europe (Armstrong and Castle, 1992).The positive effect of increased CO2 on biomassproduction and water use efficiency can be offsetby climate change, depending on local climate andsoil conditions (Topp and Doyle, 1996a; Riedo etal., 1999). These effects will also determine thespatial distribution of agricultural grassland(Rounsevell et al., 1996). The response of inten-sively managed grasslands to temperature changemay also depend on the response of grass growthto the cutting or grazing regime used. A properevaluation of these effects requires that the sourceand sink relations are considered, in particular asaffected by phenology and defoliation (Schapen-donk et al., 1998).

There is controversy over the response of N-poor and species-rich grassland communities. Ex-perimental studies in such grasslands have shownlittle response or even a reduction in productionwith CO2 enrichment (Korner, 1996). Simulationstudies have on the other hand shown that this isjust a transient response, and that the long-termproductivity increase of N-poor grassland ecosys-tems may relatively be much larger than that ofN-rich systems (Cannell and Thornley, 1998).This is caused by a reduction in nutrient lossesand an increase in nitrogen fixation by elevatedCO2 (Luscher et al., 2000).

3.4.6. Li�estockClimate and CO2 effects influence livestock sys-

tems through both availability and price of feedand through direct effects on animal health,growth, and reproduction (Fuquay, 1989).

The impacts of changes in feed-grain prices orthe production of forage crops are generally mod-erated by market forces (Reilly, 1994). However,effects of climate change on grasslands will havedirect effects on livestock living on these pastures.Results from a simulation study suggest that theimpact on milk production for grass-based sys-tems in Scotland would vary depending on thelocality. Conversely, for herds grazing on grass-clover swards milk output may increase regardlessof site, when the concentration of CO2 is en-hanced (Topp and Doyle, 1996b).

Livestock production may be negatively af-fected in the warm months of the currently warmregions of Europe, as has been found for parts ofthe USA (Klinedienst et al., 1993). Warming dur-ing the cold period for cooler regions may on theother hand be beneficial due to reduced feedrequirements, increased survival, and lower en-ergy costs. Impacts will probably be minor forintensive livestock systems (e.g. confined dairy,poultry and pig systems) because climate is con-trolled to some degree. Climate change may, how-ever, affect requirements for insulation andair-conditioning and thus increase or decreasehousing expenses in different regions. The impactof climate change on housing depends not only ontemperature, but also on radiation and wind(Cooper et al., 1998). Climate change will alsoaffect the turnover and losses of nutrients fromanimal manure, both in houses, storages and inthe field. An example of this is the increase inammonia volatilisation with increasing tempera-ture (Sommer and Olesen, 2000).

4. Adaptation and mitigation

4.1. Adaptation

To avoid or at least reduce negative effects andexploit possible positive effects several agronomicadaptation strategies for agriculture have been

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suggested. A number of different methods forstudying adaptation to climate change have beenapplied in literature (Mendelsohn and Dinar,1999). These include the testing of adaptationoptions as specified in agroecosystem models, pos-sibly linked with farm level economic models, andthe use of agroecological zone analysis or Ricar-dian models. The latter methods compare currentfarm practices and performance with current cli-mate and climate variability and based on this,response functions of farm value to climatechange can be generated.

Studies on the adaptation of farming systems toclimate change need to consider all the agronomicdecisions made at the farm level (Kaiser et al.,1993). Economic considerations are very impor-tant in this context (Antle, 1996; Rounsevell,1999). Results of farm level analyses on the im-pact and adaptation to climate change have gen-erally shown a large reduction in adverse impactswhen adaptation is fully implemented (Mendel-sohn and Dinar, 1999). This often implies landuse changes (Parry et al., 1999). Indeed the possi-bility exists for a global increase in agriculturalproductivity, if adaptation is at least partiallyeffective in lower latitude countries, and the pro-ductivity increase in mid and higher-latitude agri-culture is exploited. However, this may havenegative effects on farm income through decreasesin prices (Reilly, 1999).

The agronomic strategies available include bothshort-term adjustments and long-term adapta-tions. The short-term adjustments have been stud-ied using agroecosystem models, but often not ina systematic way (Easterling, 1996). Both short-term adjustments and long-term adaptations areincluded in the Ricardian models, but not in anexplicit way. This makes these models unsuitablefor exploring specific adaptation capacities(Schneider et al., 2000).

4.1.1. Short-term adjustmentsShort-term adjustments to climate change in-

clude efforts to optimise production without ma-jor system changes. They are autonomous in thesense that no other sectors (e.g. policy, research,etc.) are needed in their development andimplementation.

For spring crops climate warming will allowearlier planting or sowing than at present. Earlierplanting in spring increases the length of thegrowing season; thus earlier planting using longseason cultivars will increase yield potential, pro-vided moisture is adequate and the risk of heatstress is low. Otherwise earlier planting combinedwith a short-season cultivar would give the bestassurance of avoiding heat and water stresses(Tubiello et al., 2000). Winter cereals are requiredto have reached a specific growth stage before theonset of winter to ensure winter survival, and theyare often sown when temperatures approach thetime when vernalization is most effective (Har-rison and Butterfield, 1996). This may mean latersowings in northern Europe under a climaticwarming (Harrison et al., 2000b; Olesen et al.,2000).

External inputs are used to optimise the pro-duction of crops in terms of productivity andprofitability. The use of fertilisers is generallyadjusted to the removal of nutrients by the cropand any losses of nutrients that may occur duringor between growing seasons. The projected in-creases in atmospheric CO2 concentration willincrease crop growth and nitrogen uptake by thecrop, and thus increase the need for fertiliserapplications. On the other hand climatic con-straints on yields may lead to less demand forfertilisers. Changes in climate may also causelarger (or smaller) losses of nitrogen throughleaching and gaseous losses. This may also lead tochanges in the demand for fertiliser (Porter et al.,1995). The use of pesticides reflects the occurrenceof weeds, pests and diseases. Global warming will,in many areas, lead to a higher incidence of theseproblems and thus to a potentially larger use ofpesticides. The use of pesticides can, however, bekept low through the adoption of integrated pestmanagement systems, which targets the controlmeasures to the observed problem.

Current fertiliser and pesticide practices arepartly based on models and partly on empiricalfunctions obtained in field experiments. Thesemodels and functions are updated regularly withnew experimental evidence. This process willprobably capture the response of changes in theenvironment through CO2 and climate. It is im-

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portant that agricultural researchers and advisorsare aware of the possible impact of global changeon the use of external inputs, so that older empir-ical data are used with caution.

Several water-conserving practices are com-monly used to combat drought. These may alsobe used for reducing climate change impacts(Easterling, 1996). Such practices include conser-vation tillage and irrigation management. Conser-vation tillage is the practice of leaving some or allthe previous season’s crop residues on the soilsurface. This may protect the soil from wind andwater erosion and retain moisture by reducingevaporation and increasing the infiltration of rain-fall into the soil. Irrigation management can beused to improve considerably the utilisation ofapplied water through proper timing of theamount of water distributed.

4.1.2. Long-term adaptationsLong-term adaptations refer to major structural

changes to overcome adversity caused by climatechange.

Changes of land use result from the farmer’sresponse to the differential response of crops toclimate change. Studies reported by Parry et al.(1988) for central Europe showed an ‘optimalland use’ in which the area cultivated with winterwheat, maize and vegetables increased, while theallocation to spring-wheat, barley, and potatodecreased. Changes in land allocation may beused also to stabilise production. In this casecrops with high inter-annual variability in produc-tion (e.g. wheat) may be substituted by crops withlower productivity but more stable yields (e.g.pasture). Crop substitution may be useful also forthe conservation of soil moisture.

Crop breeding may be considered as anotheradaptive response to climate change by the use ofboth traditional and biotechnological techniquesthat allow the introduction of heat and droughtresistant crop varieties. Collections of genetic re-sources in germ–plasm banks may be screened tofind sources of resistance to changing diseases andinsects, as well as tolerances to heat and waterstress and better compatibility to new agriculturaltechnologies. Genetic manipulation may offerpossibilities for more rapid adaptation to stresses

aggravated by climate change (Goodman et al.,1987).

New land management techniques (minimumtillage, stubble mulching, etc.) or managementstrategies (e.g. irrigation scheduling) may be usedto improve irrigation efficiency in agriculture(Kromm and White, 1990). Moreover a wide ar-ray of techniques (such as inter-cropping, multi-cropping, relay cropping etc.) can be also usefulto improve water use efficiency. Restrictions inthe availability of good-quality irrigation watermay increase the need for such techniques.

Nutrient management will need to be adaptedto changes in the turnover of nutrients in soils,including losses. It may thus be necessary to revisestandards of soil nitrogen mineralisation and theefficiency of use of animal manure and otherorganic fertilisers. There is a range of manage-ment options that will affect the utilisation offertilisers and manure, including fertiliser place-ment and timing, changed crop rotations and useof cover crops.

Changes in farming systems may be necessaryin some areas for farming to remain viable andcompetitive. In many regions of Europe, farmshave become specialised in either specific livestockor arable farming. This specialisation is oftenlinked to the local soil and climate conditions.Dairy farming is thus often located in conditionswhich ensure a proper water supply to the grassand forage crops during summer, as continuity offeed supply is essential. Specialised pig or poultryproduction on the other hand only requires accessto cereals and protein feeds, which are easier andcheaper to transport. These farms are thereforeless reliant on local feed supply, but often haverestrictions on the disposal of urine and manurefrom production. Specialised arable farms withproduction of vegetables, cereals, seed crops,fruits etc. often have only a few species on thefarm, depending on soil and climate conditions.These specialised farms, especially dairy farmsand arable farms, will probably respond more toclimate change than mixed farms. On mixed farmswith both livestock and arable production thereare more options for change, and thus a largerresilience to change in the environment.

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4.2. Mitigation

Agriculture has a range of options to furtherreduce greenhouse gas emissions, either directly byreducing energy use and emissions of methane andnitrous oxide or by substitution of fossil energy useand carbon sequestration in soils. Methane emis-sions can be reduced through changes in animalfeeding strategies and through changes in manurehandling, e.g. production of biogas from animalslurry. Nitrous oxide emissions may be reducedthrough changes in manure handling, more effi-cient nitrogen use and changes in crop and soilmanagement (Rosenzweig and Hillel, 2000). Anumber of agricultural management options in-cluding conservation tillage practices, crop residuemanagement, cover crops and altered crop rota-tions have been suggested as measures for carbonsequestration in soils (Smith et al., 2000). Advan-tage should be taken of the fact that some of themeasures simultaneously may reduce the net emis-sion of several greenhouse gases. However, climatechange may affect the emission of greenhouse gasesfrom agriculture (Mosier, 1998).

4.3. Relations to other sectors

The major beneficiary from agriculture and hor-ticulture is the food industry. This industry isbecoming more oriented towards the global mar-ket, a trend that is being strengthened by theliberalisation of world trade. Parts of the foodindustry will therefore be less reliant in the futureon the local supply of produce and demand forproducts. However, a small part of the Europeanfood industry relies on local food brands (special-ities), some of which are registered and protectedby EU regulation (Obst et al., 1996). Such localfood specialities may be particularly susceptible toclimate change, because they rely on high qualityproducts, which often have a long local traditioncoupled with favourable natural conditions.

Land use is likely to change in the future, drivenby agricultural policy and demand for foods, recre-ational areas, environmental protection, urbanisa-tion, etc. (Bouma et al., 1998). All these factors willprobably to some extent be influenced by globalchange.

Agriculture is a major user of water resources forirrigation, especially in southern Europe (Table 2).The anticipated changes in climate suggest warmerand drier conditions for this region during sum-mer. This will enhance the demand for freshwater,especially for agriculture and human consumption(Vorosmarty et al., 2000). It is likely that this willlead to increasing restrictions on irrigation inagriculture and horticulture.

5. Implications for policy and research

Two current trends are considered to continueto dominate the agenda for agricultural policy inEurope during the first part of the 21st century.These are (1) the change to market economy andresulting increasing efficiencies and productivityin the agriculture of the former Soviet Union andeastern Europe, and (2) the continued trade liber-alisation enforced by institutions like the worldtrade organisation, which from 1995 have in-cluded agriculture in the liberalisation efforts.These changes along with the reform of the EUCAP during the 1990s has considerably reducedthe budgetary costs as the driving force in EU’sagricultural policy (Matthews, 1996). This meansthat resources previously tied up in price supportcan now be made available to be invested inenvironmental schemes (Potter and Goodwin,1998).

In addition to these current trends, Europeanagricultural policy will need to consider supportfor the adaptation of European agriculture toclimate change. This may be done by encouragingas much as possible the flexibility of land use,crop production, farming systems and so on. Thiswould be feasible utilising the main agriculturalresources (Table 6). In some cases such adapta-tion measures would make sense without consid-ering climate change, because they help to addresscurrent climate variability. In other cases, themeasures must be implemented in anticipation ofclimate change, because they would be ineffectiveif implemented as a reaction to climate change(Smith and Lenhart, 1996). Policy should includeaspects related to both adaptation and mitigation.Parts of the agricultural land may be used for

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carbon storage and substitution of fossil fuel, andthere is a large scope for reducing greenhouse gasemissions from agriculture (Mosier, 1998).

Policies supporting the adaptation of agricul-ture to climate change may conflict with the cur-rent rigid structures of the EU CAP. Much of thefinancial support in the CAP is currently based oneither the 1992 arable area or on country basedquotas of livestock production. As climate changewill affect the agricultural productivity differen-tially in various European regions, this will createan additional incentive to change the CAP to-wards a more flexible system, which is less depen-dent on regional production capacities.

European agricultural policy increasingly fo-cuses on multifunctionality as its target and its

organising principle (Tait, 2001). The concept ofmultifunctionality requires different interpretationand variable balance among the environmental,social and economic functions in different Eu-ropean regions. In fertile areas and under fa-vourable climatic conditions, priority will need tobe given to production, but regulations must en-sure that negative external environmental impactis kept within acceptable limits. In less fertileareas or areas with difficult climate, priority hasto be given to financial support for the environ-mental and social functions of farming systems.Between these two extremes are a wide range offarming systems with varying degrees of justifica-tion for financial support for their social andenvironmental functions, and varying ability to

Table 6Suggested resource based policies to support adaptation of European agriculture to climate change (modified from Easterling, 1996)


Reforming agricultural policy to encourage flexible land use. The great extent of Europe cropland acrossLanddiverse climates will provide diversity for adaptation

Water Reforming water markets and raising the �alue of crop per �olume of water used to encourage more prudentuse of water. Water management, that already limits agriculture in some regions, is crucial for adapting todrier climate

Nutrients Impro�ing nutrient use efficiencies through changes in cropping systems and de�elopment and adoption of newnutrient management technologies. Nutrient management needs to be tailored to the changes in cropproduction as affected by climate change, and utilisation efficiencies must be increased, especially fornitrogen, in order to reduce nitrous oxide emissions

Agrochemicals Support for integrated pest management systems (IPMS) should be increased through a combination ofeducation, regulation and taxation. There will be a need to adapt existing IPMS’s to the changing climaticregimesImpro�ing the efficiency in food production and exploring new biological fuels and ways to store more carbonEnergyin trees and soils. Reliable and sustainable energy supply is essential for many adaptations to new climateand for mitigation policies. There are also a number of options to reduce energy use in agriculture

Genetic diversity Assembling, preser�ing and characterising plant and animal genes and conducting research on alternati�e cropsand animals. Genetic diversity and new genetic material will provide important basic material for adaptingcrops species to changing climatic conditions

Research Encouraging research on adaptation, de�eloping new farming systems and de�eloping alternati�e foods.capacity Increased investments in agricultural research may provide new sources of knowledge and technology for

adaptation to climate change

Enhancing national systems that disseminate information on agricultural research and technology, andInformationencourages information exchange among farmers. Fast and efficient information dissemination and exchangesystemsto and between farmers using the new technologies (e.g. internet) will speed up the rate of adaptation toclimatic and market changes

Culture Integrating en�ironmental, agricultural and cultural policies to preser�e the heritage of rural en�ironments.Integration of policies will be required to maintain and preserve the heritage of rural environments whichare dominated by agricultural practices influenced by climate

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survive in free market trading conditions. Climatechange will challenge the current balance betweenthe basic functions of agriculture in specific re-gions, and in some cases exacerbate existing re-gional differences. Agricultural support policiestherefore need to adapt a flexible approach basedon clear aims for the basic functions of agriculturein different European regions. Under severe cli-mate change scenarios, even these basic functionsmay have to be re-evaluated, and some traditionalEuropean farming systems may have to bechanged or abandoned.

Policies to support adaptation and mitigationwill need to be linked closely to the developmentof agri-environmental schemes. There are severalreasons for this: (1) Climate change may enhancesome of the current negative environmental effectsof agriculture, and create new ones, (2) Climatechange may threaten some of the traditional low-intensity farming systems, which are critical tonature conservation and protection of the ruralenvironment (Bignal and McCracken, 1996), and(3) many of the measures to protect the agricul-tural environment will also reduce greenhouse gasemissions, e.g. by changes in cropping systems(Kuemmel et al., 1998) or adoption of conserva-tion tillage practices (Uri, 1999). In terms ofemissions reductions, priority need to be given tochain-oriented methods, i.e. methods that seek toincrease carbon, nitrogen, water and energy useefficiencies in the whole food chain. Such methodsshould be implemented within other environmen-tal policies that aim to increase resource use effi-ciencies (Oenema et al., 2001).

Climate change is not expected to significantlyaffect global food supply (Rosenzweig and Parry,1994; Parry et al., 1999). These authors estimatedthat developing countries would be more severelyaffected by climate change than the developedcountries that are generally located in temperateregions. This could lead to an increase in theimportance of Europe for world food supply.However, estimates of future food production anddemand are associated with high uncertainties(Doos and Shaw, 1999). The internal demand foragricultural products in EU is expected to stayflat for the coming period, whereas world fooddemand will increase given a population increase

to 9–10 billion in the next 30–40 years. In thelonger term this may prove favourable for thefarmers and the food industry in Europe, increas-ing the need for agricultural land.

Another factor that may become more impor-tant for land use in western Europe is the trendtowards less intensive and organic farming sys-tems, which will be less productive per unit areaand thus require more land for the same output.Europe has capacity to significantly increase agri-cultural production (Rabbinge and van Diepen,2000), and this capacity may be enhanced byglobal change due to increased crop productivity(Table 4). Part of this capacity may instead bedirected towards organic farming systems, thusmaintaining current agricultural production withless intensive production systems.

The EU CAP aims to maintain a viable ruralsociety including the cultural heritage of manyrural areas of Europe. This is partly a concern tomaintain a proper management of the farmedcountryside to protect biodiversity and preventdesertification and land abandonment, a concernthat has traditionally been much stronger in Eu-rope compared with the US (Potter and Goodwin,1998). These efforts may be severely affected inregions, where the economic sustainability of tra-ditional farming systems is being threatened bymarket forces, and which may be susceptible toeffects of climate change. Such regions are proba-bly most abundant in southern Europe.

Another aim of the CAP is to reduce environ-mental impact of agricultural production, e.g.through more judicious use of fertilisers and pesti-cides. This effort may also be affected by globalchange. Warmer conditions will generally increasethe need for crop protection measures, leading toan increase in pesticide use. Warmer temperatureand higher CO2 concentration may lead to higherdemands for nitrogen fertiliser. However, the ef-fects on nitrogen losses to the environment aredifficult to predict. Reducing such negative envi-ronmental impacts may lead to renewed use ofagronomy, because cropping systems and cultiva-tion methods will need to be adapted to newdemands and to changing environmental condi-tions (Rabbinge and van Diepen, 2000).

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Climate change related policy actions are es-pecially urgent where there are long lead timesor large investments at stake. This is the casefor some of the large-scale irrigation systems,some of which already deplete available waterresources. However, more information on thelikely effects of climate change at the detailedregional level is needed before specific actionscan be taken. This will also require use of muchmore elaborate models of adaptation to climatechange (Reilly and Schimmelpfennig, 2000).Such regional impact assessments will need toconsider the interactions with other sectors, inparticular the hydrological sector, which inmany European areas deliver water for irriga-tion in agriculture. This may not only affectMediterranean countries severely. Also centraland north European countries may be affected,e.g. through changes in seasonal changes ofriver-flow (Middlekoop et al., 2001). Regionalimpact and adaptation assessments should beencouraged, and their results should be collectedat national and European levels to be used forformulating a climate change policy for the Eu-ropean agricultural sector.

The impact assessments need to be conductedin close collaboration with the stakeholders, andeffort should also be put into increasing theawareness of individual farmers and decisionmakers on the issues of climate change and theneed for adaptation of farming practices. De-spite the public debate, the current awareness ofclimate change in the farming community ap-pears to be low (Robinson, 1999). Studies onadaptation measures will also need to link thefarm level decision making to the policy deci-sions made at local, regional or large scales(Chiotti and Johnston, 1995).

Research will have to deal with some ‘un-known aspects’ that due to their complexityhave not yet been studied in detail. These in-clude the effect on secondary factors of agricul-tural production (e.g. soils, weeds, pests anddiseases), the effect on the quality of crop andanimal production, the effect of changes in fre-quency of isolated and extreme weather eventson agricultural production, and the interaction

with the surrounding natural ecosystems. Studiesshould also investigate combined effects ofadaptation and mitigation strategies, and includeassessments of the consequences on current ef-forts in agricultural policy for a sustainable agri-culture that also preserves environmental andsocial values in the rural society.

6. Conclusions

The effects of global change are on the wholelikely to increase productivity of European agri-cultural systems, because increasing CO2 concen-tration will directly increase resource useefficiencies of crops, and because warming willgive more favourable conditions for crop pro-duction in Northern Europe. However, this willrequire adaptation of current farming systems tonew climatic conditions.

Climate change resulting from increasedgreenhouse gas emissions may be expected toreinforce the current trends of increasing cerealproductivity in north-western Europe and re-duced productivity in Mediterranean region.This could lead to intensification of farming sys-tems in northern Europe and increased extensifi-cation in southern Europe.

The increased intensification of farms innorthern Europe could in combination with anincrease in the need for plant protection andincreased turnover of soil organic matter lead tonegative environmental side effects. In southernareas the disadvantages will predominate. Thepossible increase in water shortage and extremeweather events may cause lower harvestableyields, higher yield variability and a reduction insuitable areas for traditional crops.

Agricultural and environmental policies willhave to support the adaptation of Europeanagriculture to climate change, and to supportthe development of agricultural strategies to mit-igate climate change through a net reduction ingreenhouse gas emissions. Research should sup-port such policies by studying combined effectsof adaptation and mitigation strategies.

J.E. Olesen, M. Bindi / Europ. J. Agronomy 16 (2002) 239–262258


This study was part of the ACACIA project,which was funded by the Environment Pro-gramme of the Research Directorate General ofthe Commission of the EU.


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