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High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Construction noise and vibration Monthly Report January 2018 London Borough of Camden February 2018 www.gov.uk/hs2

High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Construction noise and vibration Monthly Report ‐ January 2018 London Borough of Camden

February 2018


High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, Two Snowhill Snow Hill Queensway Birmingham B4 6GA

Telephone: 08081 434 434

General email enquiries: [email protected]

Website: www.gov.uk/hs2

A report prepared by Costain Skanska on behalf of HS2 Ltd.

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has been tasked by the Department for Transport (DfT) with managing the delivery of a new national high speed rail network. It is a non-departmental public body wholly owned by the DfT.

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has actively considered the needs of blind and partially sighted people in accessing this document. The text will be made available in full on the HS2 website. The text may be freely downloaded and translated by individuals or organisations for conversion into other accessible formats. If you have other needs in this regard please contact High Speed Two (HS2) Limited.

© High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, 2018, except where otherwise stated.

Copyright in the typographical arrangement rests with High Speed Two (HS2) Limited.

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

Page 2

Contents Non-technical summary ............................................................................................................... 3

Abbreviations and descriptions ..................................................................................................... 4

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5

2 Applicable legislation, policy and guidance............................................................................. 6

2.1 National Policy ........................................................................................................................... 6

Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE) ........................................................................................ 6

Planning Practice Guidance - Noise ...................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Legislation .................................................................................................................................. 8

Local Environmental Management Plan: London Borough of Camden ................................................ 9

2.3 Relevant Standards .................................................................................................................... 9

2.4 Assessment Criteria ................................................................................................................... 10

LOAELs and SOAELs for construction noise and vibration ................................................................. 10

3 Monitoring methodology .................................................................................................... 11

3.1 Measurement methodology and equipment ............................................................................. 11

3.2 Measurement locations ............................................................................................................. 12

4 Summary of results ............................................................................................................ 12

4.1 Noise measurement data summary ........................................................................................... 12

4.2 Exceedance of trigger levels ...................................................................................................... 13

4.3 Complaint summary .................................................................................................................. 15

Appendix A – Site locations ........................................................................................................ 16

Appendix B – Monitoring locations .............................................................................................. 18

Appendix C – Measurement data ................................................................................................ 19

Appendix D – Measurement graphs ............................................................................................. 24

Appendix E – Equipment information .......................................................................................... 32

Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Non-technical summary This noise and vibration monitoring report fulfils HS2 Limited’s commitment detailed in the Environmental

Minimum Requirements (EMRs), Annex 1, Code of Construction Practice, to present the results of noise and

vibration monitoring carried out within the London Borough of Camden (LBC) during the month of January


The report presents data from noise monitoring installations operated by the HS2 Area South EWC

Contractor in the vicinity of the DB Cargo worksite (ref.: S001-WS01) where erection of hoarding and

demolition scaffold, soft strip and demolition are underway, along with site establishment works at the

former Addison Lee site. Further noise monitoring installations within the London Borough of Camden will

be put in place over coming months, in advance of significant demolition and construction activities, and

resulting data incorporated within future monitoring reports.

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London Borough of Camden

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Abbreviations and descriptions Table 1: Abbreviations and descriptions

Abbreviation / description Meaning

LpAeq,T See equivalent continuous sound level

LpA90,T LpA90,T reflects the soundscape in the lulls between individual

events. It is the A-weighted sound pressure level that is exceeded

for 90% of a given time interval, T, measured fast time-weighting

(F) and quoted to the nearest whole number of decibels. LpA90,T is a

parameter that is widely used to quantify background noise.

LpAmax LpAmax is the maximum A-weighted sound pressure level attained

during a given time interval, T (30 seconds, 5 minutes etc.) It is

normally measured using slow (S) or fast (F) time weighting. It is

generally used when assessing the likelihood of night-time sleep


Ambient sound A description of the all-encompassing sound at a given location and

time which will include sound from many sources near and far.

Ambient sound can be quantified in terms of the equivalent

continuous sound pressure level, LpAeq,T

decibel(s), or dB Between the quietest audible sound and the loudest tolerable

sound there is a million to one ratio in sound pressure (measured in

Pascal (Pa). Because of this wide range, a level scale called the

decibel (dB) scale, based on a logarithmic ratio, is used in sound

measurement. Audibility of sound covers a range of approximately


decibel(s) A-weighted, or dB(A)

The human ear system does not respond uniformly to sound across

the detectable frequency range and consequently instrumentation

used to measure sound is weighted to represent the performance of

the ear. This is known as the ‘A weighting’ and is written as ‘dB(A)’.

Equivalent continuous sound pressure level, or LpAeq,T An index used internationally for the assessment of environmental

sound impacts. It is defined as the notional unchanging level that

would, over a given period of time (T), deliver the same sound

energy as the actual time-varying sound over the same period.

Hence fluctuating sound levels can be described in terms of an

equivalent single figure value.

Maximum sound pressure level The maximum level of sound identified during a given time interval,


Sound pressure level The parameter by which sound levels are measured in air. It is

measured in decibels. The threshold of hearing has been set at 0dB,

while the threshold of pain is approximately 120dB. Normal speech

is approximately 60dB at a distance of 1 metre and a change of 3dB

in a time varying sound signal is commonly regarded as being just

detectable. A change of 10dB is subjectively twice, or half, as loud.

Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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1 Introduction 1.1.1 The nominated undertaker is required to undertake noise (and vibration) monitoring as

necessary to comply with the requirements of the High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands)

Environmental Minimum Requirements, including specifically Annex 1: Code of Construction

Practice, in addition to any monitoring requirements arising from conditions imposed through

consents under section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act, 1974 or through Undertakings &

Assurances given to third parties. Such monitoring may be undertaken for the following


monitoring the impact of construction works;

to investigate complaints, incidents and exceedence of trigger levels; or

monitoring the effectiveness of noise and vibration control measures.

1.1.2 Monitoring data and interpretive reports are to be provided to each relevant local authority on

a monthly basis and shall include a summary of the construction activities occurring, the data

recorded over the monitoring period, any complaints received, any periods in exceedance of

agreed trigger levels, the results of any investigations and any actions taken or mitigation

measures implemented. This report therefore provides noise and vibration data, and

interpretation thereof, for monitoring carried out by the HS2 Area South EWC Contractor

(EWC) within the London Borough of Camden for the period 1st to 31st January 2018.

1.1.3 Noise monitoring installations operated by the EWC are currently in place in the vicinity of the

DB Cargo worksite (ref.: S001-WS01). Works being carried out by the EWC at other worksites

within Camden are of a limited nature and are not subject to continuous noise or vibration

monitoring. Active construction sites in the local authority area during this period include:

DB Cargo shed and adjacent land on Granby Terrace, worksite ref. S001-WS01

­ Works activities include erection of hoarding and the demolition scaffold on Park Village

East, soft strip of buildings, asbestos removal and initial demolition activities. Works at the

former Addison Lee site include surveys and site preparation in advance of installation of


St James’ Gardens, worksite ref. S003-WS01

­ Works activities include archaeological surveys and tree clearance.

National Temperance Hospital, Insull Wing, worksite ref. S003-WS02

­ Works activities include pre-demolition surveys.

Walkden House, 67-75 & 77-79 Euston Rd, worksite ref. S003-WS03

­ Works activities include pre-demolition surveys.

Thistle Hotel, Cardington Street, worksite ref. S003-WS04

­ Works activities include pre-demolition surveys

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London Borough of Camden

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Ibis Hotel, 3 Cardington Street & 1-3 Cobourg Street, worksite ref. S003-WS05

­ Works activities include pre-demolition surveys

Former National Temperance Hospital, 110-122 Hampstead Road, worksite ref. S003-


­ Site activities include staff accommodation and deliveries.

93-103 Drummond Street, 11-15 Melton Street, 54-64 Euston Street, 69 Cobourg

Street, worksite ref. S003-WS07

­ Works activities include hoarding and pre-demolition surveys.

Euston Square Gardens (west), worksite ref. S003-WS08

­ Works activities include site set up and tree clearance (extended working hours due to

public and highways interfaces).

1.1.4 Please refer to Appendix A for plan identifying active worksites within the London Borough of


1.1.5 All EWC construction and engineering works are currently being undertaken within the core

working hours identified within the HS2 Code of Construction Practice (CoCP), viz. 08:00-

18:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 13:00 Saturday, unless otherwise stated. As identified

within the CoCP and where agreed with the local authority, certain activities including

deliveries, movement to place of work, unloading, maintenance and general preparation work

may also take place for a period of one hour either side of the core working hours.

2 Applicable legislation, policy and guidance

2.1 National Policy

Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE)

2.1.1 NPSE seeks to clarify the underlying principles and aims in existing policy documents,

legislation and guidance that relate to noise. The statement applies to all forms of noise,

including environmental noise, neighbour noise and neighbourhood noise. The statement sets

out the long term vision of the Government’s noise policy, which is to “promote good health

and a good quality of life through the effective management of noise within the context of

policy on sustainable development”.

2.1.2 The guidance promotes the effective management and control of noise, within the context of

Government policy on sustainable development and thereby aims to:

avoid significant adverse impacts on health and quality of life;

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mitigate and minimise adverse impacts on health and quality of life; and

where possible, contribute to the improvements of health and quality of life.

2.1.3 The statement adopts established concepts from toxicology and applies and adapts them to

identify how varying levels of noise impact may be classified in terms of their effect. The

classification categories as detailed within the NPSE are as follows:

No Observed Effect Level (NOEL) - the level below which no effect can be detected.

Below this level no detectable effect on health and quality of life due to noise can be


Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) - the level above which adverse

effects on health and quality of life can be detected; and

Significant Observed Adverse Effect Level (SOAEL) - the level above which significant

adverse effects on health and quality of life occur.

2.1.4 It is recognised that SOAEL does not have a single objective noise-based level that is applicable

to all sources of noise in all situations and therefore the SOAEL is likely to be different for

different sources, receptors and at different times of the day.

Planning Practice Guidance - Noise

2.1.5 Government's Planning Practice Guidance on noise (PPG) provides guidance on the effects of

noise exposure, relating these to people's perception of noise, and linking them to the NOEL

and, as exposure increases, the LOAEL and SOAEL.

2.1.6 As exposure increases above the LOAEL, the noise begins to have an adverse effect and

consideration should be given to mitigating and minimising those effects, taking account of

the economic and social benefits being derived from the activity causing the noise. As the

noise exposure increases, it will then at some point cross the SOAEL boundary.

2.1.7 The LOAEL is described in PPG as the level above which "noise starts to cause small changes

in behaviour and/or attitude, e.g. turning up volume of television; speaking more loudly;

where there is no alternative ventilation, having to close windows for some of the time

because of the noise. Potential for some reported sleep disturbance. Affects the acoustic

character of the area such that there is a perceived change in the quality of life".

2.1.8 PPG identifies the SOAEL as the level above which "noise causes a material change in

behaviour and/or attitude, e.g. avoiding certain activities during periods of intrusion; where

there is no alternative ventilation, having to keep windows closed most of the time because of

the noise. Potential for sleep disturbance resulting in difficulty in getting to sleep, premature

awakening and difficulty in getting back to sleep. Quality of life diminished due to change in

acoustic character of the area."

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London Borough of Camden

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2.2 Legislation

High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017

2.2.1 On 23 February 2017 Royal Assent was granted for Phase One of HS2. The High Speed Two

Bill is now an Act of Parliament (law) i.e. High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017.

The Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs) detailed in the Act set out the high level

environmental and sustainability commitments and are contained in the EMR General

Principles document supported by a series of papers:

Annex 1: Code of Construction Practice (see below)

Annex 2: Planning Memorandum

Annex 3: Heritage Memorandum

Annex 4: Environmental Memorandum

Environmental Minimum Requirements: General Principles

2.2.2 The Environmental Minimum Requirements - General Principles require that the controls to

be implemented in delivering the scheme (including the EMRs, powers contained in the Act

and Undertakings) will ensure that impacts which have been assessed in the ES will not be

exceeded. If the significant adverse impacts identified in the ES are likely to be exceeded, all

reasonable steps will be taken to minimise or eliminate those additional impacts.

2.2.3 The EMRs also require compliance with the undertakings and assurances.

2.2.4 Annex 1 to the EMRs comprises a Code of Construction Practice (CoCP), which shall be

adopted and implemented by the nominated undertaker in delivering the works, the high

level requirements of which are set out below.

Environmental Minimum Requirements Annex 1: Code of Construction Practice

2.2.5 The CoCP sets out the general control measures to be implemented and the standards to

which the nominated undertaker and its contractors will comply in delivering the scheme. Its

aim is to ensure that likely significant construction effects that are reported in the

Environmental Statement will either be avoided or mitigated. Notwithstanding this,

nominated undertaker will take all reasonable steps to design and construct the scheme so

that noise and vibration from the construction does not give rise to adverse effects. Where it is

not reasonably practicable to achieve this, noise and vibration from construction of the

scheme will be reduced as far as is reasonably practicable. This approach is considered to align

with the noise policy aims set out in the Noise Policy Statement for England and the principles

of Best Practicable Means1 2.

1 HM Government 1974, section 72 Control of Pollution Act 1974, The Stationery Office Limited

2 HM Government 1990 , section 79 Environmental Protection Act 1990, The Stationery Office Limited

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2.2.6 The general control measures and monitoring arrangements for noise and vibration identified

in the CoCP have been considered in the development of the noise and vibration monitoring


Information paper E23: Control of Construction Noise and Vibration

2.2.7 In addition to the Environmental Minimum Requirements themselves, Hs2 have produced a

number of information papers in order to explain the project commitments and how they will

be applied to the design and construction of the scheme. In particular Information Paper E23:

Control of Construction Noise and Vibration outlines measures that will be put in place to

control the effects of noise and vibration that might otherwise arise from the construction of

the scheme. This document also includes the HS2 Construction Noise and Vibration Policy

which details LOAELs and SOAELs for construction noise and vibration.

HS2 Sustainability Policy

2.2.8 HS2's sustainability policy sets out HS2 Ltd's commitment to be an exemplar project. It states

that HS2 Ltd "will promote high speed rail and balance community, environmental and

economic issues". The key theme identified that relates to noise impact is "Environmental

change: seek to avoid significant adverse effects on communities, business and the natural,

historic and built environment. Minimise impacts where they occur and deliver enhancements

as far as practicable to ensure there is no net loss to the natural environment." This reflects

the Noise Policy Statement for England's three aims and the need to avoid the noise impact of

a scheme being treated in isolation.

Local Environmental Management Plan: London Borough of Camden

2.2.9 The Local Environmental Management Plan (LEMP) sets out site specific control measures to

be adopted by HS2 Contractors working within the London Borough of Camden (LBC). This

LEMP builds upon the HS2 general environmental requirements set out in the Control of

Construction Practice (CoCP).

2.3 Relevant Standards

British Standard (BS) 7445-2: 1991 ‘Description and Measurement of Environmental Noise’

2.3.1 BS7445-2: 1991 defines parameters, procedures and instrumentation required for noise

measurement and analysis.

BS5228: 2009+A1: 2014 ‘Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites’

2.3.2 BS5228: 2009+A1: 2014 provides a ‘best practice’ guide for noise and vibration control, and

includes sound power level (SWL) data for individual plant as well as a calculation method for

noise from construction activities. Part 1 relates to noise and part 2 relates to vibration.

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London Borough of Camden

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2.4 Assessment Criteria

LOAELs and SOAELs for construction noise and vibration

2.4.1 The sound levels that are considered the LOAELs and SOAELs for construction noise are set

out in Table 1 of the HS2 Construction Noise and Vibration Policy included within Information

paper E23 and re-produced in Table 2 below.

2.4.2 Where baseline ambient levels exceed the LOAELs or SOAELs set out in Table 2, adverse

effects on health and quality of life due to construction works are considered to arise when the

specific construction noise level exceeds the baseline ambient level. Furthermore, in line with

the code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites (BS5228-1),

significant adverse effects on health and quality of life are considered to occur when SOAELs

are exceeded for at least the time periods set out in Appendix B Paragraph 2 of E23.

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London Borough of Camden

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Table 2: Construction noise effect levels for permanent residential buildings (outdoor at the façade)

Day Time (hours) Averaging Period T Lowest Observed

Adverse Effect

Level LpAeq,T (dB)


Observed Adverse

Effect Level

LpAeq,T (dB)

Mondays to Fridays 0700 - 0800

0800 - 1800

1800 - 1900

1900 – 2200

1 hour

10 hours

1 hour

1 hour









Saturdays 0700 - 0800

0800 - 1300

1300 - 1400

1400 – 2200

1 hour

5 hours

1 hour

1 hour









Sundays & Public

Holidays 0700 – 2200 1 hour 55 65

Any night 2200 – 0700 1 hour 45 55

3 Monitoring methodology 3.1 Measurement methodology and equipment

3.1.1 As far as reasonably practicable, long term noise monitoring installations have been deployed

at locations which are considered to be representative of potential construction noise impacts

upon sensitive receptors, taking into consideration the need for access, maintenance and

power supply. Prior to installati0n, consultation has taken place with the local authority and

other stakeholders regarding the selection of the location.

3.1.2 Noise monitors have been installed at a height of approximately 4m above ground level,

approximating to first floor level, and are generally located in free-field locations in order to

minimise the influence of reflections. Where noise monitors are not located in the free-field

i.e. at distances less than 3.5m from a reflecting surface other than the ground, this is

indicated in the relevant data table.

3.1.3 The noise monitoring equipment is compliant with the requirements for a ‘class 1’ instrument

as defined in BS EN 61672-13 and BS EN 61672-24 and microphones are fitted with effective

windshields. Details of monitoring equipment, calibration and maintenance are provided in

3 BSI, BS EN 61672-1:2013 Electroacoustics. Sound level meters. Specifications, London: BSI, 2013. 4 BSI, BS EN 61672-2:2013 Electroacoustics. Sound level meters. Pattern evaluation tests, London: BSI, 2013.

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Appendix E. Continuous noise data are logged for every 5 minute interval for relevant

measurement indices.

3.1.4 Within this report data are presented in decibels in terms of the LAeq,T index. This is the A-

weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure levels and is a notional steady level which,

over a given period of time, T, would deliver the same sound energy as the actual time-

varying sound over the same period. Data pertaining to the relevant time averaging periods

(as identified in Table 1), e.g. LAeq,10hr for the 10hour period between 8am-6pm during a

weekday, are presented in the main body of the report, whilst the full LAeq,1hr data set across

the month is presented in Appendix C for each measurement location.

3.1.5 Any data which has been collected under unsuitable weather conditions (for example during

rainfall or wind speeds exceeding 5m/s), missing data or unusually high/low levels is

highlighted within the data tables presented in Appendix C.

3.2 Measurement locations

3.2.1 Current EWC noise monitoring locations are identified within Error! Reference source not

found., below, and shown on the monitoring location plan contained in Appendix B.

Table 3: Monitoring locations.

Worksite Ref. Monitor Ref. Location and GPS reference

S001-WS01 N001 Park Village East lamppost #1

Adjacent to Cubitt Court, 100 Park Village East

529019E 183045N

N002 Park Village East lamppost #2

Adjacent to Richmond House, Park Village East

528932E 183120N

N003 Park Village East lamppost #9

Adjacent to Silsoe House, Park Village East

528869E 183223N

No04 Mornington Terrace lamppost #7

Adjacent to Mornington Terrace, Clarkson Row

528966E 183271N

4 Summary of results 4.1 Noise measurement data summary

4.1.1 A summary of measured noise levels over the reporting period are presented in Error!

Reference source not found., below, for each measurement locations. This identifies the

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London Borough of Camden

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LAeq,T for each of the relevant time periods averaged over the calendar month, along with the

highest single period LAeq,T value for any day that was found to occur within the month (shown

in parentheses).

4.1.2 Appendix C contains tables presenting the LAeq,1hr levels measured each hour over the month

for each measurement locations.

4.1.3 Appendix D presents graphs of the noise monitoring data over the month for each of the

measurement locations. Data presented includes the hourly LAeq values and, where relevant,

the LAeq,T values (where T corresponds to the averaging time periods identified in Error!

Reference source not found.).

4.2 Exceedance of trigger levels

4.2.1 Where construction noise levels exceed the significant observed adverse effect levels (SOAEL)

set out within Error! Reference source not found., relevant periods will be identified and

summary statistics provided in order to evaluate ongoing qualification for noise insulation and

temporary rehousing.

4.2.2 The significant observed adverse effect levels (SOAEL) at the fixed monitoring locations were

not exceeded by EWC works over the course of the month.

Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Table 4: Summary of measured LAeq,T dB data over the month.

Worksite ref. Monitor ref. Facade /

Free field

Weekday average LAeq,T

(highest day LAeq,T)

Saturday average LAeq,T

(highest day LAeq,T)

Sunday average LAeq,T

(highest day LAeq,T)

0700 -


0800 -


1800 -


1900 -


2200 -


0700 -


0800 -


1300 -


1400 -


2200 -


0700 -


2200 -


S001-WS01 N001 Free-field 61.6 63.2 61.9 60.0 56.2 56.8 60.6 60.6 61.1 55.8 60.3 55.9

(66.2) (66.0) (63.6) (60.8) (59.0) (57.8) (61.8) (62.4) (62.0) (56.4) (62.3) (56.1)

N002 Free-field

62.6 63.8 63.1 61.3 57.4 58.8 61.8 62.6 62.5 57.4 61.7 57.1

(65.1) (69.6) (64.6) (63.1) (58.7) (61.0) (63.9) (64.9) (63.7) (58.1) (64.3) (57.9)

N003 Free-field 63.2 64.7 63.7 61.8 57.9 59.3 62.1 63.1 62.8 57.3 62.1 57.8

(66.3) (69.2) (65.8) (63.2) (59.9) (60.9) (64.5) (65.3) (64.1) (58.1) (64.9) (58.5)

N004 Free-field 63.6 65.0 64.7 63.8 59.6 63.3 63.6 63.1 62.7 57.2 62.5 59.9

(65.6) (66.7) (68.5) (66.6) (63.2) (64.1) (64.3) (63.7) (63.3) (60.2) (63.2) (64.3)

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4.3 Complaint summary

4.3.1 Table 4 provides a summary of complaint information related to noise and vibration received during the reporting period, along with the findings of

any investigation.

Table 5: Summary of complaints.

Worksite reference Complaint summary Results of investigation

Utilities trial holes - Various

Resident from Regent’s Park complained that utilities trial holes (Harrington St and Stanhope St) did not have acoustic barriers erected.

Occasional issues of wind loading and traffic management/sight lines identified with use of acoustic barriers giving rise to health & safety risks. LBC advised of issues and contractor re-briefed on implementation of acoustic screening.

S001-WS01 Resident at Park Village East complained of noise coming from DB Cargo shed / railway cutting during the night time, including: rattling from bulldozing of stones and debris and noise from a generator.

Network Rail carried out routine track maintenance works (rail replacement) during the night time periods referenced. During daytime hours Network Rail carried out consented HS2 related activities, including the deconstruction of a trackside building and associated slab. Operation of generator at DB Cargo reviewed. Fault with battery identified, causing generator to start. Fault remedied.

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Appendix A – Site locations

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Appendix B – Monitoring locations

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Appendix C – Measurement data For each noise measurement location the LAeq,1hr dB levels are presented for each hour over the measurement period. Data marked * may be affected by wind

speeds above 5m/s or rainfall. Cells shaded yellow within the data tables correlate to the daily time periods identified in 90ik.

The significant observed adverse effect levels (SOAEL), as identified within Error! Reference source not found., were not exceeded over the course of the


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Worksite: N003

Day 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

01/01/2018 60.4 58.4 55.3 56.1 55.6 54.8 56.7 53.6 53.4 55.7 57.6 57.3 59.5 60.8 59.4 60.2 60.6 59.9 61 59.4 58.3 66.1 57.4 57.1

02/01/2018 56.3 54.8 53.3 50.9 51.1 56.5 60.1 60.4 61.4 60.8 63.2 64.9* 63 63.1 63.5 62.7 62 62.7 63.7* 62.3 62.9* 61.5* 60.5 62.5*

03/01/2018 56.8* 54.8 60.7 56.2* 53.6 58.7 60.3 61.7 64.5 62.9 62.4 62.5 61.5 63.1 61 61.9 61.3 63.3 63.1 61.1 60.1 58.7 57.5 57.2

04/01/2018 55.3 52.4 53.6 47.7 54.7 60* 63.4* 65.2* 66.3* 64.4* 63.7 62.9 62.2 62.7 62 62.7 62 61.9 62.6 61.6 59.9 59.5 62.4* 58.6*

05/01/2018 57.5 56.5 54.2 55.3 55.8 56.2 60.8 62.1 64.5 63.2 62.2 61.2 61.7 62 61.7 62.7 62.3* 61.4 62.4 61.2 61.3 60.2 58.4 57.8

06/01/2018 56.3 54.2 53.4 53 51.5 54.7 56.1 58.1 59.9 60 61.8 61.1 62.4 61.6 62.1 61.4 62.1 61.2 62.7 61.6 60.7 59.2 59.2 57.2

07/01/2018 57.7 56.3 55.1 54.5 52.2 52.6 55.8 55.9 58.3 59.6 61 61.5 61.6 62.7 62.7 62.3 62.3 61.8 61.7 61.1 60.3 60.2 59 57.4

08/01/2018 55.7 54.7 53.2 51.9 55.4 57.3 61.5 62.8 66.8 74.3 63.3 70.3 73.4 64.5 64.9 68.2 63.9 63.1 63.4 62.4 62 59.9 59.4 58.5

09/01/2018 55.2 55 51.2 52.1 54.9 54 60.8 62.7 73.7 64.1 64.4 65.1 68.6 67.1 63.3 70.1 64.4 62.4 63.7 63.4 60.8 60.9 59.2 58

10/01/2018 56.9 55.5 53.1 54.3 57.6 56.9 62.2 63.4 65.5 66 68.9 70.6 75.1 66.6 66.4 65.9 64.5 63.2 63.9 61.5 61.7 59.8 59.2 65

11/01/2018 57.5 54.3 51.7 52 54.3 55.3 61.8 63.4 68.7 66.2 65.2 67 66.2 66.6 67 66.8 64.6 64.4 64.4 63.5 61.1 59.6 60.1 57.8

12/01/2018 57.9 58.7 54.3 54.6 55.9 57.5 63.8 65.4 68.1 70.2 67.9 69.4 67.3 67.3 66.9 64 64.1 64.9 64.3 63.3 61.3 61.4 59.5 60.5

13/01/2018 59.8 56.5 54.8 55.9 56.7 54.7 57.9 58.7 60.4 62.2 60.8 61.8 62.4 62.5 62.8 62.7 61.7 62.7 62.8 62.4 62.3 60.6 60 59.2

14/01/2018 59.9 56.1 56.6 55.1 52.8 54.5 53.9 55.8 56.7 59.8 61.6 61.4 62.4 62.5 61.9 62.2 62.6 61.9 62.7 61.3 63.7 59.1 58.7 58.3

15/01/2018 54.6 54.1 51.3 51.6 53.1 60* 64.5 66.3 67.5* 67.3* 68.4* 65.8* 65.8* 65 65.3 66.9 64.1 66.1 65 63.1 62.1 60.3 59.8 58.5

16/01/2018 56.2 54.6 53.3 53.2 55.2 56.2 61.6 63 66.6 65.6 63.9 64.1 66.3 63.9 63 63.9 63.6 64.2 64.9 63.2 61.6 61.5 61.2 57.3

17/01/2018 58.7 55.5 53.5 58.5 53.7 55.9 61.2 63.3 65.5 65.2 65 63.7 63.5 63.4 63 63.4 63.5 64.2 64.8* 63.4 61.5 60.5 61.1 61.6

18/01/2018 59.8 57.9 56 56.7 59.2 60.5 62.4 64.7 65.1 64.6 63.7 63 63.3 63 63.1 63.2 63.1 63.6 64.2 63.2 61.5 60.8 61 58.1

19/01/2018 56.1 57.2 51.5 54.6 55.8 55.5 61.4 63.9 67 64.6 64.5 63.4 63.4 63.4 67.2 65.6 64 64 64.3 64.3 62.5 62.7 61.6 60.1

20/01/2018 58.5 57 56.1 54.9 55.3 54 57.7 60.9 63.3 64 65 65.1 64.6 65.3 65.6 64.5 64.9 63.7 64.7 63.8 62 62.6 60.2 59

21/01/2018 59.8 58 55.1 55.4 55.4 56.1 56.6 57 58.5 61.9 64.8* 64.9 66.5* 65.9* 65.1* 65.2 65.4 67.3* 67.4* 65.1* 62.6 60.1 60 58

22/01/2018 58.7 55.2 52.9 53.8 56.9 57.8 62.8 64.3 67.2 68.9 63.9 64.4 62.1 62.8 64.8 62.6 62.4 62.2 63.2 62.1 60.7 59.9 58.2 58.6

23/01/2018 56.6 55.6 52.5 51.6 53.5 57.9 62.3 64.2 65.9 65.8 64.3 64.1 64.3 63.1 63.2 62.9 62.4 63.1 63.9 63.4 62.2 60.9 60.8 58.7

24/01/2018 58.2 55.4 53.9 50.6 55.4 58 61.9 64.1 65.8 66.1 65* 64.5* 68.1* 68.1* 67* 67.3 66.5* 66.6* 65.8 64.9 61.7 60.3 61.5 59

25/01/2018 57.6 56.4 53.2 52.1 56.8 57.6 62.8 64.3 65.4 64.6 62.8 62.4 63.6* 62.6 64.4 63.5 63.2 63.5 63.4* 63.4 61.3 60.5 59.5 59.6

26/01/2018 58.8 56.7 52.8 54 55 56.3 60.1 63 64.4 64.4 63.5 62.1 63.3 63.5 62.7 63.8 63.9 63.9 63.4 62.3 62.3 60.4 58.9 58.7

27/01/2018 57.1 56.1 55 55.3 53.6 54 56.1 59.4 60.8 61.2 61.2 61* 62.4 63 63.9 64.6* 63.2 63.6 64.7 63.2 61.9 61.2 60.5 60.5

28/01/2018 59.2 57.9 57.4 56.2 57.1 53.9 56.2 57.9 59.2 60 60.6 60.9 61* 61.8* 61.9 62.1 61.7 60.3 60.9 60.7 60.1 58 58.3 58.8

29/01/2018 55.3* 53.6 51.6 49 53.8 56.3 60.3 62.5 64.7 63.3 62.2 62.2 62.2 61.7 64.2 64.3 63.6 62.7 63.8 62.4 61.8 60.1 57.4 59.2

30/01/2018 55.6 54.2 52.4 53.1 54.6 56 62.3 63.2 65.4 64.2 63.2 63.1 63.8 63 63.6 62.9 61.7 62.9 62.9 62.3 60.7 61.4 60.9 60.3

31/01/2018 58 56.2* 54.8* 53.6 55.4 59 61.5 65.9 66.3 65.7 66.1 65.8 66 64.5 63.7 63.5 63.4 64.5 63 62.9 61 61.7 59.8 58.3

*measurements potentially affected by winds above 5m/s or rainfall

S001-WS01 Monitor ref.:

Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Appendix D – Measurement graphs

Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Appendix E – Equipment information Table 6: Equipment information

Construction noise and vibration monitoring Report January 2018,

London Borough of Camden

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Equipment Serial no. Laboratory



Field calibration

(<3 months)

Monitoring start


N01 01dB Duo 12380 11/04/2017 17/11/2017 30/08/2017

N02 01dB Duo 12381 11/04/2017 17/11/2017 29/08/2017

N03 01dB Duo 12379 10/04/2017 17/11/2017 29/08/2017

N04 01dB Duo 12362 10/04/2017 17/11/2017 29/08/2017

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, Two Snowhill Snow Hill QueenswayBirmingham B4 6GA www.gov.uk/hs2
