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Consumer Attitude Towards Chick Shampoo of Cavin Kare

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Consumer attitude towards chik shampoo Introduction In the past days the needs and wants of man were limited and they don’t have the ideas of using the cosmetics and other chemical items, which have now available in the market, this is because of knowledge. The needs of people have increased man following to change life style over the year. New discoveries, innovations, through scientific research and developments in creating newer products and services to satisfy not only the wants of man, but also to provide comfort living of man. Now the market is fledged with specialized products wants for health, care hair care, skin care, hygienic care, home care and fabric care and so on. Cavinkare company manufacturing and marketing verities of products for convenience and comforts of all the people all over the world, by considering the factors like price, quality, quantity etc.. And by also considering the economic condition of high and low income of the people. But now days their many companies exists and they produce many products which many brand, that is why for competing in market. Cavinkare company is one of the good and for most companies in our country, that produce more number of products and brands of consumer good both in pure herbal and chemical. Bapuji Academy Of Management And Research,Davanagere Page 1
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In the past days the needs and wants of man were limited and they don’t have the

ideas of using the cosmetics and other chemical items, which have now available in the

market, this is because of knowledge.

The needs of people have increased man following to change life style over the year.

New discoveries, innovations, through scientific research and developments in creating newer

products and services to satisfy not only the wants of man, but also to provide comfort living

of man. Now the market is fledged with specialized products wants for health, care hair care,

skin care, hygienic care, home care and fabric care and so on.

Cavinkare company manufacturing and marketing verities of products for

convenience and comforts of all the people all over the world, by considering the factors like

price, quality, quantity etc.. And by also considering the economic condition of high and low

income of the people. But now days their many companies exists and they produce many

products which many brand, that is why for competing in market.

Cavinkare company is one of the good and for most companies in our country, that

produce more number of products and brands of consumer good both in pure herbal and


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The word shampoo in English is derived from Hindi champo and dates to 1762. The

Hindi word referred to head massage, usually with some form of hair oil. Similar words also

occur in other North Indian languages. The word and the service of head massage were

introduced to Britain by a Bengali entrepreneur Sake Dean Mahomed. Dean Mahomed

introduced the practice to Basil Cochrane's vapour baths while working there in London in

the early 19th century, and later, together with his Irish wife, opened "Mahomed's Steam and

Vapour Sea Water Medicated Baths" in Brighton, England. His baths were like Turkish baths

where clients received an Indian treatment of champi (shampooing), meaning therapeutic

massage. He was appointed ‘Shampooing Surgeon’ to both George IV and William IV.

In the 1860s, the meaning of the word shifted from the sense of massage to that of

applying soap to the hair. Earlier, ordinary soap had been used for washing hair. However,

the dull film soap left on the hair made it uncomfortable, irritating, and unhealthy looking.

During the early stages of shampoo, English hair stylists boiled shaved soap in water

and added herbs to give the hair shine and fragrance. Kasey Hebert was the first known

maker of shampoo, and the origin is currently attributed to him. Commercially made

shampoo was available from the turn of the 20th century. A 1914 ad for Canthrox Shampoo

in American Magazine showed young women at camp washing their hair with Canthrox in a

lake; magazine ads in 1914 by Rexall featured Harmony Hair Beautifier and Shampoo.

Originally, soap and shampoo were very similar products; both containing the same

naturally-derived surfactants, a type of detergent. Modern shampoo as it is known today was

first introduced in the 1930s with Drene, the first shampoo with synthetic surfactants.

In modern society, the practice of good personal hygiene is usually a minimum

expectation instilled within children from the earliest possible moment. Most civilized

societies demand it, even take it for granted. But the history of shampoo, or the product used

specifically for shampooing of the hair, is confined to about a century of very recent

development. Before innovations in shampooing, the hair was maintained with a combination

of soap, perfumes, and essential oils, none of which provided the quality of cleanliness and

luster of a modern shampoo, because it took innovations in modern science to truly

understand the composition of hair soil in order to develop cleansing formulas to combat it.

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The history of human hygiene, however, emerges with the dawn of civilization, when humans

perceived themselves as distinctly different from other creatures. In a way, the science of

shampoo is one among many milestones of achievement in personal hygiene, a pinnacle of


In the “bursts” of human development beginning about 5000 B.C., early civilization

began to arrange itself around agricultural and urban centers. By as early as 4000 B.C.,

Virginia Smith suggests, a cosmetic routine emerged during the Eurasian Bronze Age

wherein beauty was managed through a system of pampering, from bathhouses to hairstyling.

Smith identifies her “history of clean” as one of ellu, the “ancient Mesopotamian word

meaning a type of glittering, strikingly luminescent, or beautiful cleanliness” (2007). But

while surely most of the pampering rituals were reserved solely for the upper echelon of

society (something which remained true throughout much of history), the broad acceptance of

personal cleanliness had “become an established feature of society” by about 3000 B.C.,

because the emerging sense of human society came to believe that “the extra ‘polish’ or

‘finish’ given by their grooming and adornments separated them from all other animals”


In the ancient world, Egypt was the center of a thriving cosmetic trade, and early

cosmetic scientists learned to exploit virtually every known natural resource for its purpose,

from local raw materials to harvested domesticated products, such as lotus flowers for

essential oils. Like today, the ancient cosmetic toilette used pumice stone as an exfoliator,

“and the natural sponges found in warm seas [were] used for sluicing the body” (Smith

2007). Beauty was itself a deeply revered attribute. The ancient Greek word kosmos meant “to

order, to arrange, or to adorn” while its derivative, the antecedent to the English “cosmetics,”

was kosmetikos, which meant “having the power to beautify” and was a quality attributed of

the high priestess who maintained the beauty of the temple.

The beauty ritual was also prominent in the Babylonian courts in the third millennium

B.C., where archaeological evidence of a palace shows multiple bathrooms complete with

clean, running water. In addition, evidence of soap said to have been made from animal fats

boiled with ashes has been found in clay jars, though it is unclear precisely what the soap was

used for (Naiman 2004). Evidence of more widespread personal hygiene can be found later in

the classical Greek period. The Greek emphasis on the purity of clean water and personal

cleanliness would be further standardized by the Romans, whose bathhouses and aqueducts

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remain famous examples of technological innovation in the ancient word designed to improve

the quality of life, perhaps most importantly for reasons related to one’s personal health,

hygiene, and cosmetic appearance.

Bathers still commonly used abrasive surfaces such as pumice to scrape away soil,

and they followed that with perfumed oils and lotions, though recommendations by the

second-century physician Galen in such texts as De Sanitate Tuenda (“On the Healthy Life”)

began pointing to soap products as beneficial to personal hygiene (Smith 2007). But even

among royalty, where hair was styled and perfumed, if soap was used in the hair it could not

have impressed its users. Besides being irritating to the eyes, most standard soap was

ineffective in properly cleansing the hair. Soap was difficult to wash out and left behind a

dull film. Good shampoo, let alone the word itself, was still centuries away.

From popular culture, it is easy to dismiss the concept of personal cleanliness in the

Middle Ages. Indeed, Virginia Smith identifies an ascetic basis for the era following the fall

of the Roman Empire that suggests a reason for such a belief: the Judeo-Christian ethic

emphasized the purity of the soul and, hence, inner cleanliness took a privileged position over

the outer body. But even as waterways such as the Roman aqueducts were either destroyed in

war or fell into disrepair, communal bathhouses remained a vestige of many urban centers

throughout the Middle Ages, despite the long-standing edict of A.D. 745 by Pope Boniface

that forbade unisex bathing facilities. Eventually, however, as bathhouses became houses of

ill-repute in growing urban centers and as disease, particularly syphilis, became widespread

(largely related to the bawdy undercurrent of the public bathhouse), most closed with

approval from religious leaders in the constantly changing political climate.

It seems clear, though, that where opportunity for maintaining one’s personal

cleanliness existed, people took advantage of it. In some circumstances, however,

opportunities for accomplishing one’s personal cleanliness may have been fewer, and

activities such as delousing one’s hair may have been one of the few still-available practices.

Nevertheless, the “countdown to modernity” that began in the seventeenth century had begun,

and gradually the present-day hallmarks of “safe, convenient, and civil methods” of personal

hygiene began to emerge (Smith 2007).

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Bathhouses had made their triumphant return long before Dean Mahomet arrived in

London. A native of the Bengal region of India under the rule of the English East India

Company, Mahomet entered into the service of the English Company’s army at an early age

before going on to travel in Ireland and England. Mahomet documented his journey in his

Travels, the first book written in English by an Indian. Published in 1794, Travels was an

epistolary text, or a series of letters supposedly composed to a friend during his time abroad.

In one letter, Mahomet acquaints his reader with the technique of Indian therapeutic massage

that includes “the practice of champing, which is derived from the Chinese.” Mahomet quotes

from “the ancients,” that a “female masseuse/shampooer, with her agile art, runs over his

body and spreads her skilled hands over all his limbs.” In other words, a relative to modern

massage therapy, the shampooer “rubs [the client’s] limbs, and cracks the joints of the wrist

and fingers…[which] supples the joints, but procures a brisker circulation to the fluids apt to

stagnate, or loiter through the veins, from the heat of the climate” (Mahomet 1997).

Upon arriving in London, Mahomet’s initial work was with the Honorable Basil

Cochrane, who claimed to have drawn upon British inspiration to devise a kind of vapor bath

cure (something in practice in Britain’s Indian colony) for use in improving the general health

of lower-class Londoners. After a while, Mahomet accumulated some wealth and opened up

his own Indian-style public eating house. When he was forced to sell his interest in the shop,

Mahomet returned to the bathhouses and, though in many cultures washer people are among

the lowest classes, Mahomet battled against type and the constraints of the alien culture and

rose to the challenge of carving out an identify for himself. Mahomet implemented Indian

shampooing methods he had practiced under Cochrane and, alongside the traditionally vapor

bath, he employed a broad range of new treatments that helped him become the preeminent

practitioner of his trade, eventually becoming the “shampooing surgeon” to royalty

(Mahomet 1997).

The practice of shampooing (from the Hindi champi) via the Chinese was popular

among the colonizing English in India, so it translated well to London, if only because the

description portrayed young, skillful women practitioners with “long fingers, and a satined

skin.” Ultimately, however, it was the “idea of shampooing for health” that made the practice

so popular in medical circles, where the concept got taken up and redeployed for other uses

within a few decades (Mahomet 1997). But soon the word “shampoo” was used specifically

to describe hair and scalp massaging products, often made from soap boiled in soda water and

mixed with herbs for fragrance and health benefits. According to the Online Etymology

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Dictionary, the term “shampoo” was first recorded with respect to the meaning “to wash one’s

hair” in 1860 and as a noun meaning “the soap used for shampooing the hair” a few years

later, in 1866. But hair care was still an uncomfortable burden, particularly for those with

heavier, longer hair. Luckily for them, chemists began experimenting with solutions to this

problem. Indeed, shampoo would become the realm of science, when the problem could be

understood at a chemical level and the proper formulas could be developed to address the


At the turn of the century, when hair care was still a deeply troublesome practice, the

industry was poised for a breakthrough. In 1898, the Berlin chemist Hans Schwarzkopf

opened a drugstore with a section dedicated to perfume. When that part of his business

proved especially successful, the chemist focused his efforts on developing new products for

it--most importantly, products for the hair. According to the current company's Web site,

“Hans dislike the expensive oils and harsh soaps used to wash hair, and inspired to create a

better solution.” What Schwarzkopf developed was a water-soluble powder shampoo. It’s

ease of use made the product so popular that by the next year Schwarzkopf began to supply

his powder shampoo to virtually every drugstore in Berlin—and with an eye on the

international market (Schwarzkopf-professional.com). Despite the powdered shampoo’s

convenience, the soap products it still contained caused undesirable alkaline reactions that

dulled the hair.

An article published in the New York Times in May 1908 outlines a number of “simple

rules” on “How to Shampoo the Hair.” It is aimed specifically at women, claiming that

“every woman likes to have her hair not only daintily and becomingly arranged, but soft and

glossy in appearance and texture the shampoo is a necessary part of the treatment,” whether

the feat is to be achieved by oneself or with the help of “one’s maid or hairdresser.” The

article explains hair is best shampooed at night, following a thorough combing and brushing

of the hair, and then carefully singeing all split ends. After an olive oil-based Castile soap is

applied with a stiff brush, the hair is rinsed four times, the latter rinses with cooler water to

prevent the head from overheating and limit the potential for catching a cold. If it sounds like

a difficult regimen to follow, it should be noted that in 1908, many “hair specialists

recommend the shampooing of the hair as often as every two weeks, but from a month to six

weeks should be a better interval if the hair is in fairly good condition” (emphasis added). In

other words, the gradual build up of soils both natural and from the environment over the

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course of two or more weeks clearly necessitates the ritual, if only because less demanding

hair care products were only just emerging.

Indeed, the same year as the article hit newsstands, Dr. John Breck introduced one of

the first shampoos to America before going on to develop one of the world’s first pH-

balanced shampoos in 1930. Under Breck’s reign, the business and products remained local,

known only to his native New England. His son Edward took over management of the

company in 1936 and soon partnered with illustrator Charles Sheldon, the artist responsible

for creating the first pastel portraits of “Breck girls.” The campaign would become one of the

longest running in American history as Sheldon created 107 total oil and pastel portraits,

including that of seventeen-year old Roma Whitney, whose profile would become the

registered trademark of the company in 1951. Additional portraits were created by Sheldon’s

successor, Ralph William Williams, who employed professional models and helped lift the

company to the peak of its success in the 1960s (Minnick 1998).

Meanwhile, Hans Schwarzkopf continued to innovate in Europe, and in 1927 he not

only introduced one of the world’s premiere liquid shampoos but also launched his

international empire of hairdressing technique institutes. Descendant lines of the

Schwarzkopf Institute for Hair Hygiene remain active around the world today, implementing

new products and continually innovating in the industry of hair care, from the first

nonalkaline shampoo in 1933 to perms, hair sprays, and mousses. In 1980, the company led

the way in a major environmental concern by converting to CFC-free aerosol spray cans

(Schwarzkopf-professional.com). Today it operates under the name of “Schwarzkopft and

Henkel” and is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Henkel brand is well known in

the United States, responsible for such major brands as Dial and Right Guard. The worldwide

network remains strong, and the company remains a leader in hair care innovation, the

science of which continues to develop with our understanding of the science of hair itself.

The hair-specific composition of shampoo products is designed for the individual’s

desire to practice both good personal hygiene as well as the “cosmetic ritual that addresses a

concern for appearance” (Wong 1997). The proper cleansing of hair must address the

complexity of soil that builds up from a combination of airborne contaminants, hair care

products and, most importantly, oily hair lipid and sebum secreted by glands in the skin.

When this natural byproduct combines with external pollutants, they build up on the

individual follicles of hair and the hair takes on an oily, slick appearance. The innovations in

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hair care in the past one hundred years focus on this issue by using materials that target the

hair lipids through “highly surface-active” cleansing agents called surfactants to break down

and distribute healthy natural oils while washing away contaminants (Wong 1997).

The composition of shampoo has been developed and marketed to specific types of

hair since the early nineteenth century, but modern shampoos have achieved a pinnacle of

performance and specificity. Though the primary attribute of a good shampoo is effective

cleansing of the hair, shampoo manufacturers must address a wide array of needs, from

conditioning and anti-dandruff formulas to specially styled and color-treated hair. There are

also milder shampoos for babies and shampoos containing natural, often plant-derived

ingredients to replace harsher chemicals (Wong 1997). Shampoo may be a late entry in the

arena of personal hygiene, but our knowledge of cleanliness is one that remains under intense

scrutiny by scientists as we adapt to battle the ever-changing world of dirt and filth—a world

that is now understood microscopically.

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Every journey begins with the first step. The journey called Cavinkare began with a

young mind taking the road less taken. In 1983 with a single product offering, Cavinkare

started out as a small partnership firm. More steps followed and with the innovative

Entrepreneur C.K. Ranganathan at the helm, Cavinkare emerged into a successful

business enterprise.

In line with the company’s progressive outlook,Beauty Cosmetics, the earlier name,

was rechristened to CavinKare in November 1998. 'Cavin' a literary word

in Tamil, symbolizes beauty and grace. The company logo signifies dynamism, modernity,

and a positive attitude towards the future - the spirit of the people behind the phenomenon

called CavinKare.

Smart marketing and a clear product positioning ensured CavinKare’s growth from

strength to strength, broadening its product portfolio extensively. The company now markets

ten major brands. The turnover from all the companies in the CavinKare group touched Rs.

400 crores in 2003-2004.

Over the years, CavinKare has achieved significant milestones, and a competitive

edge with sound understanding of mass marketing dynamics. The company offers quality hair

care, skin care, personal care, food products and home essentials, borne out of a keen

understanding of consumer needs.

Today, CavinKare has established a firm foothold in the national market. Efforts

towards self sufficiency with backward integration has allowed CavinKare, along with its

Group Companies manage its own advertising & media buying, product packaging and

research and development activities.

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Corporate practice:

CavinKare's astute professionalism, innovative products, and consistent quality

are results of its significant corporate practices. CavinKare is backed by 500 employees who

are proficient in their respective fields. The company has a network of 1400 stockiest and a

distribution system that reaches out to 7 lakh outlets through out the country.


The work culture at CavinKare features lots of freedom, immense responsibility

and due credits in creating an ambitious and admirable Indian Company.

CavinKare provides its employees an atmosphere of easy informality, and an

absence of restrictive hierarchies or functional boundaries. Communication is encouraged

across levels and departments; cross functional teams flourish; the top management to the

junior most employees participate in open house sessions; value based management is often a

part of the agenda in many meetings; and innovations big and small are applauded. These are

the factors that drive the corporate entity called CavinKare.

Communication among people is the life force of CavinKare's vibrancy and

dynamism. Numerous forums exist. There is dialogue sessions, intranets, attitude surveys,

etc. They help encourage interaction among people in many settings and in different contexts.


• December - 2004 Inauguration of new R&D center - CavinKare Research

Center (CRC)

• Chik Shampoo in top 100 brands in India – ET

• November 2004 - C K Ranganathan honored by Distinguished Services


• October 2004 - CavinKare moves to new office “Cavin Ville”

• October 2004 - C K Ranganathan was awarded Entrepreneur of the year

given by Economic times

• April 2003 - Chik Shampoo won the AAA award given by Advertisement

Association of Chennai

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• Nov 2003 - First Major Acquisition gaining leadership in the pickles market

through Ruchi

• March 2002 - CKPL reached 243 crores

• 15th Dec. 2002 - Limelite Chennai's first upmarket salon opened

• July 2002 - Trends Invogue started

• 2000-2001 - Went beyond Rs.200 Crores

• 2001 – Created an In-house media buying outfit, CavinKare Advertising Pvt


• 2000 – Made its presence online with SAP 4.0B

• 2000 - Set up a division for exclusively focusing on its export initiatives

• 2000 – Changed corporate logo to reflect true personality of the company

• 1999 - Enters Talcum Powder segment in the South

• 1998 – Witnessed the launch of Indica Hair Dye with herbal extracts

• 1998 - BCL renamed as CavinKare Pvt Ltd to revamp its corporate image

• 1998 - Saw the launch of Fairever, a revolutionary Fairness Cream with


• 1998 - On popular demand, Deodorants were added to the Spinz Range

• 1997 - Introduced Spinz perfumes to the masses

• 1993 - Nyle Herbal Shampoo was launched for consumers beyond the South

• 1991 - Floated Packaging India Pvt Ltd for supplying packaging laminates

• 1991 - Saw the launch of Meera, a herbal hair wash powder

• 1990 – Set up Beauty Cosmetics Pvt Ltd with the aim of producing world

class products

• 1983 – Set out as Chik India, a firm that marketed Chik Shampoo


Trends in vogue envisions itself being the largest and most- coveted chain of family

beauty salons in India, and to be the first to bring change in the industry through product

innovations, customers-centric service delivery mechanisms, and gratifying the ever-

changing needs of the customers.

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1. To provide the customers an unparalleled service experience.

2. To provide the customers the largest range of “natural” products and services.

3. To be the first to introduce sub-formats and values-added services.

4. To be the most preferred family beauty salon chain for customers, employees and

alliance partners.

5. To provide consistent profits to all stockholders.

Values and Beliefs:

What makes CavinKare the company it is today are the core values and beliefs

that are adhered to by one and all in the organization. These are:


The Company values honesty and truthfulness above everything else in all its

interactions. Our thoughts, words, and actions shall be the same. We shall try our utmost to

fulfill promises and honors commitments.


The Company shall be fair in all its dealings with people inside and outside. We

will follow rules, norms, and procedures, not only to the letter, but in spirit as well; we will

show common decency in all our dealings with people; we will not exploit undue advantages;

and we will respect the rights of others.


The Company values highly all efforts that lead to high standards in everyday

work and results. We shall attempt to be the best in class in anything we choose to work on.

We shall encourage any individual or collective effort in promoting excellence.


The Company values innovative thinking, innovative approaches, and

innovative solutions in our regular work life. We will always look for better ways of doing

things; we will seek new ideas to solve problems; and we will experiment with new concepts,

ideas and solutions.

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The Company believes that openness to new ideas, thoughts and opinions makes

relationships stronger and more productive, we shall listen to others; we shall openly discuss

among colleagues all that are appropriate; and we shall welcome ideas from everywhere.


The company believes that trust is an important ingredient for effective

functioning within the organization and with the outside world. While we shall protect our

legitimate business interests, we would also approach the people, issues and associations with

straightforwardness, optimism, and positive outlook.


The Company believes that people have infinite potential. We have an

extraordinary capability to exert and extent the limits of the possible. We shall aim for stretch

goals, ambitious targets, and ever- receding horizons.


The Company values the individual belief of ownership and accountability. All

our employees are an integral part of the company and have a high stake in its well being, as

well as in shaping its destiny. Individually and collectively we assume responsibility for all

our actions and their consequences.


The Company strongly believes that time is an invaluable resource. We shall favour

speedy decisions, actions and programs. Within the limits of all our values, we respect speed

as a winning ingredient in this fast moving and fast changing world. We shall use speed to

slash red tape and complacence.


our customers and consumers deserve the best deal from us. We shall aim not to

just satisfy them but deliver more than their expectations to delight them.


Our Company believes that sustained progress and growth are achieved through

leadership characterized by inexhaustible personal energy and exceptional ability to energies

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others. We shall promote leaders within the ranks who unleash latent energy within the



Our Company believes that flexibility and adaptability are essential conditions to

survive and thrive in a chaotic fast moving world. While we hold true to our basic beliefs and

values, we shall continuously introspect and reassess the needs for change in the way we do



The term ‘product’ interpreted in a narrow sense as well as in a broad sense.

In its narrow sense as well as in the general sense, a product is a set of tangible physical and

chemical attributes assembled in an easily identifiable and readily recognizable form, in other

word, a product is any object which has an identifiable physical existence in the sense, books,

furniture, fruits etc. constituted products.

However in modern marketing, the term ‘product’ is not used in its narrow sense. The

term product is used in a broad sense. The term product has been defined by many authorities

on marketing. Some of the important definitions of the ‘product’ are

According to Philip kotler: “a product is any thing that can be offered to a market

for attentions, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It

includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations and ideas.”

Products of cavinkare limited:

For the last two decades cavinkare ltd has been providing the Indian market with a

high range of quality beauty products that are backed by modern research an development a

state of art production facility and above all the selection of safest ingredients for its products.

The company has wide range of products in hair care, skin care and personal care segments.

Cavinkare Company has six major brands- Fairever, Chick, Nyle, Meera, Indica and

Spinz. While its shampoo brands (chick & Nyle ) contributes 50% to the company’s

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Turnover. The fairever cream contributes 30%. The balance is from spinz (Deodorant,

perfume ) indica hairdye and other products. “we plan to close this fiscal with a turnover of

rupees 240 crore ”, says Ranganath.

Some of the major products of cavinkare company are dealt here:-

Hair care products :

1. Chik shampoo:

India's second largest selling shampoo, Chik Shampoo revolutionized

the shampoo industry with innovative sachet packaging and other insightful market offerings

like 50p price points, floral fragrances etc. Chik Shampoo expanded the Indian shampoo

market by penetrating deep into rural India.

Chik Shampoo is formulated with Active Double Conditioners that condition

the hair and makes hair soft and helps keep it more manageable than ever. Chik Shampoo is

economically priced and is available in 2 variants - Black and Jasmine and in pack sizes of 4

gms & 8ml satchets and in 60 ml, 120 ml, 250 ml & 500 ml bottles.

2. Nyle active herbal shampoo:

Nyle active herbal shampoo a quality offering from the company is one among the top 3

shampoo brand in the market.

Nyle Active Herbal Shampoo contains time tested herbs like shikakai,

reetha, tulsi and henna that gently nourish the hair while it's Aloe –Vera extracts penetrate

deep into scalp and restores moisture to it. The result : your hair shines with health. Nyle

Active Herbal shampoo is available in 3 variants:

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REETHA for Black & Shine: (Reetha, Amla, Henna, Aloe vera)

Reetha is a time tested natural cleanser. Henna is a traditional, natural deep

conditioner for shiny hair. Amla strengthens hair fibres and reduces hair loss. Along with

Aloe vera's deep moisturizing, making the hair black and shiny.

SHIKAKAI for Bounce and Shine: (Shikakai, Henna, Amla, Aloe vera)

Shikakai reduces hair loss and removes dandruff. Henna is a traditional,

natural deep conditioner for shiny hair. Amla strengthens hair fibres and reduces hair loss.

Along with Aloe vera's deep moisturizing, they give the hair bounce and shine.

TULSI for Strength and Shine: (Tusli, Henna, Amla, Aloe vera)

Tulsi is an effective anti-microbial agent that keeps the scalp clean &

healthy. Henna is a traditional, natural deep conditioner for shiny hair. Amla strengthens hair

fibres and reduces hair loss. Along with Aloe vera's deep moisturizing, they lend hair strength

and shine. Nyle Active herbal shampoo is available in the following pack sizes : 8ml satchet

and in bottles of 120 ml, 200 ml, 450 ml and 1000 ml.

3. Meera badam shampoo:

Meera Shampoo is formulated with Badam – an active source of herbal

proteins, to nourish and strengthen you hair from root to tip and shikakai or kunkudukkai to

gently cleanse the hair and scalp.

It comes in 2 variants – shikaki & kunkudukkai (reetha). It is available in 8ml satches and

100 ml bottles.

4. Meera herbal hair wash:

A name synonymous with Healthy Hair for years, Meera Herbal Hairwash

powder offers you the perfect protection against damage from exposure to harsh elements in

today’s changing external environment. With Meera, your hair not only gets long

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nourishment and protection, but also extra conditioning that helps your hair stay naturally

healthy and soft for years to come! Improved Meera Herbal Hairwash Powder has Shikakai,

Tulsi, Vettiver, Green Gram and Reetha for complete hair nourishment and conditioning.

Available in three variants – Regular, Rose & Jasmine, Meera hair wash powder is

available in Sachet, 50 g refill, 100g refill and 100g containers.

5. Meera herbal hair oil:

Meera Herbal Hair oil is yet another testimony to CavinKare’s long tradition of innovating

and offering outstanding value to the consumers. Consumers wonder at times as to how can

they verify the claims of different brands having different ingredients. Now, for the first time,

in Meera Herbal Hair oil, they can actually see the ingredients which are mixed in the hair

oil. The five herbs (Amla, Henna, Hibiscus, Vettiver and Fenugreek) in the inner perforated

tube continuously nourish the pretreated oil and these herbs can actually be seen by the


Meera Herbal Hair Oil offers you a modern form of your mother’s traditional

recipe that gave you that special care that made your hair strong thick and healthy. It is

available in two sizes – 100ml and 200ml

Skin care products:

1. Fairever fairness cream:

This is a high profile product of the company and today the most

successful product of the company. It is one of the leading brands in the market today.

The fairever cream contributes 30% to the company’s turnover. With a 13%

market share in the rupees 718 crore fairness cream market, fairever is next only to the

two decade-old brand fair & lovely.

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The Fairever Fairness Cream now comes with a unique blend of Fruit Vitalizers,

an extract from the goodness of fruits, which help provide nourishment to the skin.

Vitamins from the fruit vitalizers get absorbed easily, giving skin a natural glow. Apart

from this, the cream also contains the goodness of saffron, the age–old traditional

fairness secret, and milk, a powerful natural fairness ingredient, rendering a shimmering

glow to the face of the Indian consumer.

Fairever is available in stylish 80gm, 50gm, 25gm and 9gm packs.

2. Fairever mantra fairness cream:

Fairever Mantra is a unique fairness cream that combines the best

natural, time-tested fairness ingredients from across India to give you natural fairness in just


It contains ingredients such as chironji and almonds from North India, honey and

lime juice from the East, orange oil and yeshtimadhu from the West, and manjishta and

marigold from the South. Fairever Mantra also contains haldi, milk, rose, bhringraj and

calendula, making it a perfect combination for fairness. It is the end result of intensive

research among experts in traditional systems of medicine like ayurveda, siddha and unani, as

well as modern dermatology.

Fairever Mantra Fairness Cream is available in 50g, 25g and 9g packs.

3. Beautiful skin winter fairness lotion:

Exposure to winter sun can lead to dry and darker skin. New Beautiful Skin Winter Fairness

Lotion from Fairever brings you the double benefits of moisturizing and fairness in a

luxurious lotion. Intense moisturizers keep your skin soft, while triple sunscreens protect your

complexion from the winter sun. It also contains the goodness of Fairever that works from

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within, and leaves you fairer and radiant in just 4 weeks Beautiful skin Winter Fairness

Lotion is available in 100 ml and 50 ml packs. Personal care products:

1. Chick talk:

Chik Talc is here to take you over! Enjoy cool new freshness in two

fragrances – Fresh Floral and Fresh Lavender available in 100 gm and 50 gm packs

respectively Come along, indulge to your hearts content.

2. Spinz deodorants:

Discover a great new way to stay bright and lively, all day

long. Spinz perfumed deos are available in two exciting variants. Exotic gives you the charms

of a floral bouquet, while Enchante wins you over with its lavender-based notes. Designed to

suit your style, both variants work like a deo that also promises you the unforgettable

fragrance of a perfume. Available in 150 ml, & 75 ml cans, the two fragrances - Exotic and

Enchante - are long lasting and truly international. So go ahead, enjoy life non-stop.

SWOT analysis:


Some of the strengths of an organization are:

a. Availability of necessary infrastructure

b. Adequate production capacity

c. Skilled manpower

d. Good manufacturing practices, quality assurance and quality control.

e. Appropriate corporate philosophy on R & D

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f. Availability of top R & D personnel and budget.

g. Facilities for product and process development

h. Good location

i. Wide distribution network.

j. Motivated staff

k. Liquidity position

l. Adequate Reserve and Surplus

m. Brand image

n. Consistency in earning profits

o. Good corporate image

p. Efficient management

q. Philosophy and human resource development

r. Flexible/responsive


Some of the weaknesses of an organization are:

a) Rising cost of operations

b) Growing union pressures

c) Non-availability of raw material

d) Scarcity of capital

e) Weak credit worthiness


Some of the opportunities of an organization:

a) Growing population

b) Increase in disposable income

c) Good monsoon

d) Easy availability of money

e) Availability of appropriate technology

f) Favorable government policy

g) Presence of favorable cultural environment

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Some of the threats of an organization are

a) Tough competition

b) Political instability

c) Tight money market

d) Difficulty in retaining technical experts

e) Changing customer tastes and preferences



This is the age of high competition. In the present market situation the large scale

producer or large care manufacturer cannot sale his product in the market with out any

distribution channels. Due to lot of complexity of production and distribution strategies the

manufacturer cannot be able to handle both functions at a time. Hence, there is a lot of need

for distribution channels and these distribution channels have grown widely with a various

complexities. These channels of distributions will vary from product to product, place to

place and time to time.

Hence, the distribution of products plays a vital rule in a marketing of products. The

smooth flow of product from producer to consumer depends largely on the activity carried on

by the distributors and dealers.


This project report specially refers to the “consumer attitude towards chick shampoo with

special reference to Patil Agency. It was started in the February 2007 with a initial capital of

rupees 8 lacks by Mr. Nirmala C.S, it located in church road near super market Davanagere.

It has a sufficient space to store bulk quantity of the product.

Objectives of the dealer’s:

Prime objective is to do business and earn more profit.

To promote and sale chik shampoo of the cavinkare company.

To increase the sales volume annually.

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To maintain good relationship with customers , suppliers and also general public.

To satisfy employees work in the firm by providing sufficient remuneration and

motivation them to achieve higher performance.


It is a sold trading firm

Founder of the firm:-

Mr. Nirmala C.S, who manage overall business transaction by himself.

Organization structure of Patil agencies :-

At present patil agencies having

One manager

One accountant

One computer operator

One warehousing in charge

Six sales men

Two delivery boys

The manager and accountant look after office affairs like accounts, day to day sales,

credit sales, calculation credits and major activities.

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Sales performance of a dealer:

Right from the beginning it has gained profit with the increase of sales day by day due

to the efficient staff. The keen interest of the owner is the business has maintained the staff to

improve the business.

Month Sales (in lack) rs Stock (rs)

2007 Feb. 9.60 1.3

March 10.00 1.15

Mode of receipts:

The booking boys collect cash on behalf of the firm by visiting the

retailer everyday. The firm offer the discount to its retailer against the payment made by the

retailer as under.

Discount Payments of days

2% Within 7 Days

0% Above one week

Patil agencies keep in constant touch with the relations, which have created good relations

between them. It helps them to book the orders effectively.

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Marketing mix strategy

MARKETING: It is the comprehensive terms and includes all resources and a set of

activities necessary to direct and facilities the flow of goods and services from producer to


According to businessmen marketing has twin activities.

a) Matching the product or service with demand.

b) Transfer of ownership and possessions is of the flow of goods from primary producers

to ultimate consumers.

According to Prof. Philip kotler "Marketing is the analysis, planning,

implementation and control of programmed design to being derived exchanges with target

audiences for the purpose of personal and mutual gain". It relies heavily as the adaptation

and co-ordination of product, price, promotion and place for achieving response.

Prof. Henry. L Hanson in his little Marketing text techniques and cases

defines “Marketing as the process of discovery and translating consumer needs and wants

into product and service specification creating demand for these products and services and

then in term expanding the demand.”

American Marketing Association defines “marketing as the performance of

business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers

or users".

The key to understand marketing is to understand the implications of the word strategy.


A marketing strategy specifies a target and related marketing mix. In a target market a

fairly homogenous group of customers to whom a company wishes to appeal are needed.

Similarly in a marketing mix, the controlled variables which the company puts together co

satisfy this target group is needed.

Marketing strategy is the heart of marketing plan. The concept strategy usually comes

from two plans. We have a grand strategy or corporate strategy leading with company

mission and co-objectives.

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Marketing strategy is the functional strategy. It is related to marketing as are

functional area of business. The corporate strategy plan is the master company plan at

provides guidance to all managers about the directions ,in which the firm wants to go and the

position it wants to achieve the strategic plans sets the boundaries for all other functional

planning objectives are developed from co-objectives.

So marketing strategy is a consistent, appropriate feasible (possible) act of principles

through which particular company hopes to achieve its long terms customers satisfaction and

profitability objectives is a particular competitive environment.


Marketing mix refers to the amounts and Kinds of marketing variables, the firm is

using at a particular time under marketing mix we include mainly product mix, distribution

mix, communication mix and service mix.

Prof. H. Bordan of the Harvard Business School conceived the idea of 'mix' of

marketing functions. According to, "the marketing mix refers to the appointment of efforts,

the combination. The designing and the integration of the elements of marketing into a

programme a mix which as the basis of an appraisal of the market force will best achieve

the Objectives of an enterprise at a given time".

Thus marketing mix is a plan designed to analyse the marketing problems, these

problems are analyzed.

a) By utilizing the important forces emanating team the marketing operations of an


b) By adopting procedure and policies for an efficient marketing programme

(distribution policies, promotional policies etc)

Marketing mix is popularly divided into 4 tools called four ps of marketing mix

product, price, place and promotion. Particular marketing variables are shown below.

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Marketing Mix

I. Product Mix

Product is the most and important single component of marketing mix of the

company. A satisfactory product is the starting part of all marketing activities. Before

selling a product, a company should decide the exact nature of the product to be sold.

A product strategy of a company comprises the plan for marketing its products the

company develops a product design to achive the s objectives, it will have a product program

suitable to the product position in the life cycle.

1. Product Variety

Varieties of product studies and offered to customers according to Quantity and

Quality. The company offers a variety of products change pattern fashion, Bison super,

Luxol Gold, Silk Splendor, Weather coat, walmasta etc.

2. Quality

Quality of the product offered to customers is of excellent standard or grade is

because the motto adopted is customer satisfaction

Product mix strategy of cavinkare company:

Having experienced the power of packaging in it own brands and sensing the

immense potential of setting up on in-house packaging resources, packaging India Pvt limited

(PIPL) was established by cavinkare limited. PIPL was primarily setup to manifacture

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ProductPrice Promotion Sales

Product VarietyQualityDesign Features Brand name

List Price Discount Allowances Payment PeriodCredit Terms

SalesPromotion Advertising Sales forcepublic relation

ChannelsCoverage’sAssortments Locations Inventors

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laminates for its own products. Today it is one of the largest flexible packaging companies in

south India with an existing capacity of about 1500 metric turns per annum.

The packaging arm of cavinkare, the ‘polymer division’, was setup with the existing

task of having cater to a wide spectrum of packaging requirements, from the hi-end

automobile components to the plastic containers of consumer goods. This clearly indicates

the importance given by the company towards achieving quality packaging.

Price mix strategy:

Price is a major marketing text and help in directing the product to a specific

consumer segment. Price is the value of a product expressed in terms of money. Price is a

powerful instrument in which both the buyers and sellers are interested.

The right place can be determined through the price research and by adopting the test

marketing techniques decision concerning price to be follows for a period of time may be

called price policies. A manufacturers not free to adopt his own policies but his pricing must

be aimed at offering reasonable price to the consumer ensuring of fair return on investment

to the manufacturer the modern manufacturer must not only know the worth of his own

product. But he must also know that competition offer.

Several Factor Influencing the Decision in Determining Price

1. Target share of the market.

2. Demand for the product.

3. Competitive reaction.

4. Other parts of marketing mix i.e. product, distribution channels and promotions.

Price mix strategy of CavinKare limited:

The company while fixing the price for a particular product looks in to various

factors. Important being market conditions, general economic conditions, price of the

compotators etc. CavinKare limited has adopted a pricing policy which is quite competitive.

The prices of its products are some what high than compare to its compotators prices for

example, fairever cream is higher than HLL’s fair & lovely. The market leader in the

segments. The company various the prices of its products whenever a sales promotions

scheme is in action.

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Promotion mix strategy:

It includes all the activities the company makes to communicate and promote its

products to target customers. Its programme consists of advertising, sales promotion, public

relation , direct and online marketing.

Communication is the soul of marketing process. Transmission of messages from

manufacturer to consumer can be described as promotion. Promotion is conducted through of

our popular methods. Advertising, Sales promotion and Publicity.

1.Advertising Strategies

Identified sponsors define advertising as any paid form of non personal presentation

and promotion, goods, services or ideas.

Advertising is formative and educative to consumer the effect of advertising is more

of indirect nature cream direct. But it is very helpful in creating image.

1. Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is referred to activities, which stimulate consumer purchasing and

effectiveness. Sales promotion effects are usually short term and therefore are closed to

active short term objectives like branding boosting sales, test marketing, image building etc.

2. Publicity

Publicity is also called marketing public creations receiver receives it as a fact rather

than promotion by the company. These facts would come from columnists, Journalists,

newspaper and reviewers’ publicity is highly advantageous. It creates good image and public

awareness at minimum company expenditure.

Promotion mix strategy adopted by CavinKare Ltd :-

Cavikare Ltd has its own promotional strategies. Its efficient & successful strategies

have earned the company a leading edge over its compitations.

The company doesn’t pursue personal selling as an strategy. Instead, its relies upon

advertising and sales promotions strategies.

The company enjoy’s a strong support from leading advertising agencies like

Rubecon, Euro RSCG, Fountain head and Ogiluy & Mather to maintain excellent &

successful brand building and communication strategies.

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Cavikare ad spending for 2005 – 2006 was about 41 crores, which is about 25% of

sales. The percentage may be high, but the absolute figure is quite small when comparing to

what the industry leader spend. Though it spends small amount, the company has been able to

gain considerable market share. The company advertises in the various media important

being newspapers, magazine & television. The company folling with modern technology has

designed its websites & effectively advertising in the net.

The company’s websites offers various business opportunities for those who are

interested deal with the company.

Apart from advertising has also developed effective sales promotions strategies. The

company markets its products through opinion leaders-beauticians. Recently, it even

organized a barbers-meets in Mumbai, to promote its shampoo sales. The company also quite

frequently launches or re-launches the products. This strategy of the company has proud to be

quite effectively. The company also offers various ‘premiums’, price off’s on its products.

For example, Indica hair dye was reformulated to have its effects(i.e to keep hair black)for 30

days instead of 31 day as before.

Distribution mix strategy :-

It means distributing the goods to various place where there is demand their

goods this play a very important role in marketing mix. It stands for matching arrangement

for the smooth flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer; it is concerned

with creation of place, time and possession utilities.

In distribution process middleman or intermediaries plays a very important

role. They injure smooth flow of goods and services they are commonly called as

distribution channels. Distribution includes channel of dissatisfaction, transportation,

warehousing and control.

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Distribution mix strategy of cavinkare company:-

The channel of physical distribution adopted by CavinKare Ltd, is as follows

The company has adopted indirect channels of distribution. The channels of

distribution adopted by the company are illustrated in the following diagram.

In this channels the company users the services of an super stockiest for the initial

distribution of goods. The agent in turn distributes to wholesaler who in turn sell to retailers

the retailer sell to the ultimate consumers.

Cavinkare group has a well defined distribution network. It has a network of around

3000 stockiest & reaches out to 6 lakhs outlets.The no of shops in which the company’s

products are sold in increasing by day to day.

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C&F agent





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Problems in the marketing of cavinkare company’s products:

1. Cavinkare limited is quite a small and new entrant in the sector.

2. The company seriously suffers from lack of identity. The products of the

company are quite familiar in the market; but the company is relatively unfamiliar.

Not many people know who manufacture the product like chick, fairever, spinz doo’s

etc.. Although these products brands are popular in the market.

3. The number of stockiest and dealers of company are limited when compared to

market leaders in FMCG sectors. The company has poor penetration in the rural

markets. The distribution channel still needs to be strengthened.

4. The advertisement made by company for its products are quite insufficient.

5. Sales promotions methods are required to be more effectively formulated.

6. The company faces stiff competition from international and foreign brand as well.

The quality to certain international brand names in unsatisfactory.

Objectives of study:

1. To study the needs and importance of chick shampoo .

2. To analyse the influencing factors of buying decision of consumers.

3. To study the consumers attitude towards chick shampoo of cavinkare product.

4. To find out ways and means to overcomes the competition.

5. To know the service provided by Cavinkare company.

Scope of the study:

The scope of the study is restricted to davanagere city only. The study is done to

ascertain the consumers attitude towards chik shampoo in davanagere city on the factors

which influence them to purchase cavinkare products.

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a. The project will help in understanding the attitude of consumers towards chik


b. The project helps to study market potential of Cavinkare Company.

c. This study helps to put theoretical aspects of the study.

d. This project will enable the company the company to implement recommendation


Research design:

The research work conducted on the basis of exploratory research. This study will

emphasize the ability of the firm to clean about distributors its competitor.

The research design is the basic plan, which guides the data collection and analysis

through different phases of the projects. It is therefore a frame work, which specified the type

of information to be collected, the source of data and collection procedures.


The important point for the validation of any research study is based on what type of

methodology is adopted.

Project report is based on following data.

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data.

1. Primary data:

Primary data is the first hand data which is collected from survey anaysis . Here the

marketing survey is done by conduction a survey on “Random sampling “basis. It is

conducted through structured questionnaires.

The advantage of using primary data for analysis is that developed personally and offers

the latest information.

Primary data for the study is follows.

Discussions help personally with distributors and agents in Davanagere city.

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Data collected through questionnaires using survey method. About to user

selected on random sampling technique were interviews personally.

For propose of survey 50 respondent consider

2.Secondary data:

It is second hand data. Secondary data has been collected from some earlier search

work and are applicable in the city were research has presently undertaken.

Following is the sources of secondary data.

Newspapers and magazines.

Company broader and guidelines books.

Text books.

Company declares or agencies.


Limitations of the study:

a. The study is limited to distributors of Davangere city only.

b. Time consistent.

c. Personal bias of respondents.

d. The sample study is restricted 50 respondents.

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Survey Analysis of the study

Table – 1

Showing Gender of the Sample Users

Sl. No.

Sex No. of RespondentsPercentage


1 Male 20 40%


30 60%


50 100%

Source: Survey Data



chart showing the gender of the respondents


The above table shows that 60% of the samples consumers are belonging to the Female

Respondents and remaining are from male category.

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Table - 2

Showing the distribution of respondents on the

Basis of their Marital Status

Sl. No.

Marital StatusNo. of



1 Married 8 16%


42 84%

Total 50 100%

Source: Survey Data



Married Unmarried

The above table shows that 16% of the respondents are married and 84% are unmarried.

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Table – 3

Showing the Age of the Sample Users

Sl. No.

AgeNo. of



1 15-20 Years 12 24%%

2 20-25 Years 22 44%

325-30 Years

10 20%

4Above 30 Years

6 12%

Total50 100%

Source: Survey Data

15-20 Years 20-25 Years 25-30 Years Above 30 Years 0















no o

f Re



From the above table, its clear that chick shampoo is used by almost all age groups. But

significantly most of the users are in the age group of 20 – 25.

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Table – 4

Showing the distribution of respondents on the

Basis of their Qualification

Sl. No.

QualificationNo. of



1 S.S.L.C. 14 28%

2 Degree 28 56%


4 8%

4Any others

4 8%

Total 50 100%

Source: Survey Data

S.S.L.C. Degree Post-graduate Any others 05




4 4


no o

f the




This table also shows that most of the users are degree holder (i.e 56%). 28% have completed

SSLC 8% are Post-graduate.

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Table – 5

Showing the Occupation of the Respondents

Sl. No.

OccupationNo. of



1 Students 32 64%

2 Business/ Profession 8 16%


4 8%

4House wife

6 12%

Total 50 100%

Source: Survey Data

Students Business/ Profession Employee House wife 0
















f res



The above table clearly state that 64% of the respondents are students. 16% are Businessman,

8% are Employees & the remaining 12% are housewife.

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Table – 6

Table showing the no of sample users who have used chick shampoo

Used No of respondents Percentage total

Yes 46 92%

No 4 8%

Source: Survey Data

Yes No05

101520253035404550 46




f res



92% of the respondents have used chick shampoo at least once & the remaining 8% have not

used chick shampoo even once.

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Table – 7

‘factor of influence’ of sample users of chick shampoo

Sl. No.

TypeNo. of



1 Quality 20 40%

2 Price 12 24%


8 16%


6 12%


4 8%

Source: Survey Data

Quality Price Packing Advertisement Friends05



128 6 4



f res



The table above signifies the factors that influenced the respondent to buy chick shampoo.

Most of the users (i.e. 40%) have purchased chick shampoo due to the better quality it offers.

The price has influenced 24% of them to buy chick shampoo. Package, advertisements and

friends have bageed 16%, 12% & 8% respectively.

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Table – 8

‘Satisfaction’ derived by the sample users regarding quality of chick shampoo.

Quality No of respondents Percentage total

Yes 42 84%

No 8 16%

Source: Survey Data

Yes; 42

No; 8

84% of the respondents are satisfied with the quality of chick shampoo and the remaining

16% are not satisfied with the quality.

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Table – 9

Opinion of sample users regarding the price of chick shampoo.

Price No of respondents Percentage total

Cheap 20 40%

Reasonable 24 48%

High 4 8%

Very costly 2 4%

Source: Survey Data

Cheap Reasonable High Very costly05



4 2



f res



Regarding the price of chick shampoo, about 48% of respondents opined that the price is

‘reasonable’, only 8% & 40% felt that it is quite cheap.

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Consumer attitude towards chik shampoo

Table – 10

Table showing the opinion of sample users regarding the packing of chick shampoo.

Packing No of respondents Percentage total

Satisfied 10 20%

Good 14 28%

Excellent 26 52%

Poor - -

Source: Survey Data

Satisfied Good Excellent Poor 0
















f res



The packing of chick shampoo is excellent according to 52% of the respondents 28% of them

feel that packing is good & 20% feel that packing is satisfied.

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Table – 11

Table showing the kind of changes the sample users prefer in the packing of chick shampoo.

Changes No of respondents Percentage total

Size 10 20%

Color 18 36%

Design 16 32%

Quality of material 6 12%

Source: Survey Data

Size Color Design Quality of material 0
















f res



As it is clear from the table, 36% of respondents prefer a change in the color of the packaged

used. 32% prefer a change in design of the packaged. The respondents who prefer a change in

size & quality of material used for packing are 20% &12% respectively.

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Table – 12

Table showing the opinion of sample users regarding the advertisements of chick shampoo.

Advertisements No of Respondents Percentage total

Effectively 40 80%

Ineffectively 10 20%

Source: Survey Data




Effectively Ineffectively

80% of the respondents feel that the advertisements of chick is quite effective other 20% feel

that the advertisement needs to improve.

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Table – 13

Table showing the kind of changes preferred by sample users with regard to the

change in advertisement.

Response No of respondents Percentage total

Yes 24 48%

No 26 52%

Source: Survey Data



52% of the respondents feel that advertisement need no change while 48% do feel that ad’s to

be change in certain aspects.

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Table – 14

Table showing the opinion of sample users regarding the availability of chick shampoo.

Availability No of respondents Percentage total

Yes 48 96%

No 2 4%

Source: Survey Data

Yes No0










50 48




f res



96% of the respondents opined that its available near their house & the remaining 4% opined

that its not available regularly.

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Table – 15

Table showing the opinion of sample users regarding the regular availability of chick


Regular No of respondents Percentage total

Yes 44 88%

No 6 12%

Source: Survey Data

yes No05




Series 1



f res



88% of the respondents opined that chick shampoo is available regularly to them & the

remaining 12% opined that its not available regularly to them.

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Consumer attitude towards chik shampoo

Suggestions : -

Based on the survey, this chapter has been fabricated. The survey results have been

widely studied. This chapter is intended to suggest the company about its products & at the

same time to derive conclusion & from the study undertaken.

The survey has helped to amass a lot of valuable information with regard to the chick

shampoo in particular and the company- CavinKare limited in general. The survey and others

have also pointed out many short-coming in the products of the company with a view to

improve the overall performance of the company, the following few suggestions have been


1. Promotion of corporate identity:-

Mainly the company suffers from lack of corporate identity. This is an issue of

serious concern. Various ad’s and others have rarely, emphasized the company logo. This has

resulted in quite a lot of problem. Therefore, the company should strongly promote its

corporate identity.

2. Reduction in the price:-

The price of the products should be still reduced. A cheaper rate is always

recommended. The price if effectively regulated can be a major factor in increasing the sales

of the product.

3. Improvement in the quality of chick shampoo:-

Another worrying aspect for the company is that its inconsistency in the quality

offered. In this regards the company should try to improve the quality of the product. Along

with improving quality, a consistency in quality will easy better customer loyalty.

4. Change in color & design of packing:-

The packing of the products is quite effective. A slight improvement in the color &

design is suggested. This is because the MNC’S in the FMCG sector are making their packs

attractive with bright colors & to compete with them an effort in this direction is appreciable.

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Consumer attitude towards chik shampoo

5. Improvement in advertisements:-

The Ad’s of the company should be improved more and more different media for

advertisement should be chosen .In the current context, advertising through internet is


6. Improvement in distribution network:-

The company presently has a distribution system which is mainly concentrated in

semi-urban & urban area. The company should make a concentrated effort in the direction of

increasing the no of stockiest. By this, he company should see the its product are available in

very outlet in the city.

7. Improvement in the sales promotion strategy:-

Sales promotion tool should be still more effective utilized. currently, sales

promotion seems to be in the second agenda of the company. The company should, in order

to improve sales must offer reasonable offer in the market.

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Consumer attitude towards chik shampoo

G. Conclusion

From the study, we can derive the following conclusion about the products of

Cavinkare limited.

1. The company products are familiar in the market. Most of the people who were surveyed,

do use chick shampoo-Cavinkare limited highest selling product.

2. The quality of the product has obtained somewhat mixed reaction, quite a many feel that

there is a inconsistency in the quality of the product and they need a consistent quality of the


3. Many users have used the shampoo for only a couple of times and have been discontinued

is, reason being lack of consistent quality.

4. Most of the respondent feel that the price of chick shampoo is quite reasonable. Only a few

responds opined that price of is high therefore, it can be safely concluded that the price of

company is reasonable.

5. Regarding packing, the respondents are quite happy. They feel that the packing is very

excellent. Many has given that packing is good.

6. With regards to advertisements, a mixed opinion is seen. Many see advertisements as

reasonable effective.

7. The distribution system in Davangere city of the company’s product is quite appreciated in

the survey. Almost all the respondents have opined that chick shampoo is available near their

house and it is regularly.

In all, the conclusion indicate that the company products enjoy a reasonable position

in the eyes of the customers. The products of the company especially chick shampoo needs to

improve its quality and in other aspects.

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Consumer attitude towards chik shampoo



Marketing management, Philip Kotler 13th edition. Published by Dorling Kindersley

(India) Pvt. Ltd., licensees of pearson Education in South Asia. Page no.102


WWW.Google.com (last accessed on 02-4-2011)

WWW.Cavinkare.com (last accessed on 24-4-2011)

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