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December 2014 Volume 5, Issue 1 A Community of Warmth and Welcoming A Quarterly Publication of the Jacksonville Jewish Center Hanukkah Happenings and Hannukiah Lighting Tips Hanukkah Happenings and Hannukiah Lighting Tips Hanukkah Happenings and Hannukiah Lighting Tips pages 6 and 7 pages 6 and 7 pages 6 and 7 CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS
Page 1: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

December 2014 Volume 5, Issue 1 A Community of Warmth and Welcoming

A Quarterly Publication of the Jacksonville Jewish Center

Hanukkah Happenings and Hannukiah Lighting Tips Hanukkah Happenings and Hannukiah Lighting Tips Hanukkah Happenings and Hannukiah Lighting Tips pages 6 and 7pages 6 and 7pages 6 and 7



Page 2: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

2 December 2014

Mazel Tov to All Who Have Celebrated Milestone Events in Their Personal or Professional Lives!

JJC Family Milestones

Members of the Jacksonville Jewish Center and its High Holiday Choir honored their longtime choir director, Judy Geller Nevel, in an intimate gathering over the summer. Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community.

Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed their new son, Logan Howard Wolpin, born on July 22, 2014, in Sunnyvale, CA. Grandparents are Rick & Cindy Wolpin. Great-grandparents are Carole Wolpin and the late Howard Wolpin.

Mazal tov to M. David Epstein & Edie Bellard who were married on Wednesday, August 20, 2014, at the Jacksonville Jewish Center.

Faye & Dan Hedrick welcomed a baby girl, Ellen Sylvia Hedrick, born on August 29, 2014. Grandparents: Rozie Hecht and Jonathan Goodman, Sandra and Chuck Hedrick.

Blanche Slott had a 100th Birthday on September 4, 2014.

Rhonda Fleisher came in first place in her age group (50 to 60 years old) in The Wounded Warriors 8K Run on September 6, 2014. Her time was 45 minutes and 44 seconds!

Mazel tov to Laurie Hecht on the marriage of her daughter, Samantha, to Ryan Halverson on October 17, 2014, in New York City.

Todd and Finesse Blumenthal welcomed their daughter, Bria Indigo Blumenthal, born in Atlanta, GA, on October 21, 2014. The grandparents are Sue Ann Blumenthal and the late Henry Blumenthal, Lydia Scruggs and Rick Scruggs.

Jane and Ira Grann welcomed a grandchild, Kyle Lawrence Haire, born on October 29, 2014. Parents are Renee & Clay Haire.

Esther & Michael Raffol welcomed their son and daughter, Jack Thomas and Eliana Harriet, on November 4, 2014. Best wishes to their proud grandparents, Arlene & Evan Yegelwel, and Mary Anne & Robert Raffol.

Mazal tov to Stephanie Shacter and Brian Zimmerman who were married on November 9, 2014, in Miami. The bride is the daughter of Joseph & Helen Shacter. The groom is the son of Stephen & Cindy Zimmerman.

Sarah and Michael Cheatham welcomed a baby boy, Zachary Asher, born on November 11, 2014, in Jacksonville. Brother is Sebastian.

Mazal tov to Erin Rogozinski & Arlen Weintraub who were married on Saturday evening, November 15, 2014, at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. The bride is the daughter of Dr. Chaim & Jeanine Rogozinski. The groom is the son of Tracy & Ellen Weintraub. Grandmother is Ella Rogozinski.

We are happy to print your family’s milestones or announcements that we have received a written request for. If you have a milestone you would like to announce, please contact Danielle Berke at 268-4200, ext. 115, or email [email protected].

Celebrate our community Simchas Celebrate our community Simchas Celebrate our community Simchas this month at the this month at the this month at the

Jacksonville Jewish Center!Jacksonville Jewish Center!Jacksonville Jewish Center!

Evelyn Mizrahi

Dec. 5–6, 2014 / 14 Kislev 5775

Daughter of Dennis & Betsy Mizrahi

Zachary Shainbrown

Dec. 26–27, 2014 / 5 Tevet 5775

Son of Mark & Kendall Shainbrown

Bar Mitzvah of

Zoe Mail

Dec. 19–20, 2014 / 28 Kislev 5775

Daughter of Steven & Andrea Mail

Bat Mitzvah of

Bat Mitzvah of

Page 3: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

From the Rabbi

Who can retell the things that befell us? Who can count them?

– Mi Yimalel, traditional Hanukkah song

O ne of my all-time favorite films is Director Barry Levenson’s

Avalon. The film’s opening scene takes place at a family Thanksgiving

dinner. Sam Krichinsky, the family’s patriarch, recounts to his enthralled grandchildren the story of the family’s arrival in America shortly after the turn of the 20th century. The narrative, spanning five decades and three generations, chronicles an all too familiar

tale of family disintegration, one occasioned by the cultural forces of American life. At first the family lives across the street from one another; the children move to different parts of suburbia, the grandchildren to far-flung corners of the country. I grew up taking family for granted: Passover Seders at my parents’ home, Thanksgiving dinners at my aunt’s and uncle’s; lazy summer days in their swimming pool, Hanukkah parties in a rented room at the old Arbeiter Ring, the Workmen’s

Circle building in lower Manhattan, annual family weekends at kosher resorts in the Catskills. By growing up in Jacksonville far away from other family members, my children will undoubtedly have a very different set of memories than I did.

Yet it is precisely this paucity of family life that sharpens their curiosity to know more about the family tree, the branch to which they belong, the leaf on the twig that represents their individual selves while connecting them to a greater whole. Nor is this desire confined to children alone. Genealogy websites and family-tree research are booming. From “ancestry.com” to “familysearch.org,” to the services of professional genealogists and the Smithsonian’s guide to the recording and preservation of oral history among relatives, there are more resources than ever before to help one recover the lost stories of family life. The proliferation of virtual reality hasn’t dulled our desire to know from where we have come; on the contrary, among all the fictitious narratives of the web and High Definition plasma television, somewhere

deep inside each and every one of us there is an urge to reclaim our past and know our roots.

It is for this very reason that the genealogy lists found time and again in the book of Genesis are of such profound importance. Not because we need to know by heart the Edomite kings that reigned in successive generations, or the name of Esau’s first grandson by his second wife’s eldest child, but rather simply because the Torah wants to say these are your cousins, and though they may be the descendants of Ishmael or Esau, the family’s black sheep, they are still part of our story. To consign them to oblivion and leave no trace of their lives in our memories would be to extinguish a part of ourselves. These “begats” and “begottens,” are tales of who we are, who we might have been, or even who we are thankful that we didn’t become. Our genealogies represent the sum of our spiritual and biological DNAs, a veritable treasure trove of tales of foolishness, wisdom, heroism, serendipity, the random road taken, the path more traveled . . . or less traveled, as the case may be.

How far back can you go – two, three, perhaps four generations? Do you know the name of your great-great-grandparents? At what point is your genealogy shrouded in mist? At what point will the fog of time swallow the fact of our existence for our descendants?

Hanukkah is a time of story-telling. Indeed, while the candles are burning each night of the festival offers an ideal time to share the gift of family stories. Furthermore, since Hanukkah does not have any of the restrictions of Shabbat or Yom Tov, we might well use this as an opportunity to record the stories of parents and grandparents. What was Jewish life for them growing up? What do they remember about their parents and grandparents?

We can shape the future by preserving the past; we can make sure that our children and their children know from where they came, the mistakes their elders made, the challenges they were able to overcome, their successes and failures. Our own life stories are worth telling because we have been created in God’s Image, and somehow our journey contains a spark of the Divine. It is the sanctity of such stories that make them worthy of telling, even as it is the virtue of telling them that make such stories sacred.

Long after our children and grandchildren break, lose or outgrow the plastic, metal and electronic gifts

(Continued on page 13)

Making Your Family Story Part of Hanukkah

December 2014 3

Rabbi Jonathan


“We can shape the

future by preserving

the past; we can

make sure that our

children and their

children know from

where they came,

the mistakes their

elders made, the

challenges they were

able to overcome,

their successes and


Page 4: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

4 December 2014

Our Modern Miracles “Morrow, up to Silk. Five seconds left in the game. Do you believe in miracles? YES!”

T hose words have become part of one of the most famous moments

in sports history. As the United States Hockey Team defeated the team from the Soviet Union at the 1980 Winter Olympics, play-by-play announcer Al Michaels perfectly captured the way much of the US was feeling. Their

team, made up of largely unknown amateur hockey players, had defeated the team that had proven itself to be the best in the world on multiple occasions. The only word appropriate to describe that event was “miracle.”

Ever since I learned of this event and saw the 2004 movie based on it, Miracle, I have always

associated it with Hanukkah. The holiday of Hanukkah is known as the Festival of Lights, but also as a holiday on which we recognize the miracles in our lives, (and yes, on the hockey rink, too). The four letters on the dreidel spell out “Nes Gadol Hayah Sham,” a great miracle happened there. When we light the Hanukkiah each night we

recite a blessing over the candles, but also one to celebrate the miracles of Hanukkah and today. Sh’asah nisim l’avoteinu bayamim hahem, bazman hazeh – Thank you God who has made miracles for our ancestors in the days of old, and continues to make miracles for us today.

There’s a commentary that explains that the miracles we talk about are not miracles that are beyond the world of nature, but rather are events that can occur, albeit rarely, and are made miraculous by occurring at the needed time. Thus the miracle of the Sea of Reeds splitting is that it happened exactly when the Israelites needed it to. This is a much more accessible understanding of what a miracle is. It gives us something reasonable to hope for and to work towards, as opposed to something far-fetched that we are not confident can actually be achieved.

The miracles of Hanukkah we know about, but what are the miracles that we recognize in our own times? I could write about any number of things here; that we are able to wake up each morning; that we can live freely as Jews in the United States; that we have a thriving modern State of Israel; that families can stay together and stay in touch no matter how much distance separates them; all of these things I consider to be modern day miracles.

But even beyond these, our own community is full of miracles. A thriving day school and religious school where children learn the foundations of Judaism, create lasting Jewish friendships, and learn the skills necessary to prepare them for a Jewish life. Newly revamped Setzer Youth Education Hebrew High and informal education programs where students learn that Judaism is something that can extend into all areas of their lives and through all years of their education. A robust Shabbat youth program that creates opportunities for children and adults of all ages to have an engaging, meaningful, and fun experience at shul on Shabbat morning. Surely, these too are modern day miracles.

What makes them miracles? Not that they are programs that are impossible to achieve, that can only happen at isolated instances, but precisely because they are achievable – that they all are programs we are working on and achieving at this very moment. As the commentary says, what makes something a miracle is not what happens, but when it happens, and these miracles are happening now.

(Continued on page 10)

Rabbi Howard


From Rabbi Tilman

Come Join Us…

Be Part Of A Havurah

The word havurah comes from

the Hebrew word “haver”,

meaning friend. A havurah is a

small circle of friends who share your values

and interests. They will become your extended

family within the greater synagogue

community. Your “haverim” (friends) will be

there to rejoice with you in times of happiness

and support you in times of difficulty.

If you choose to join a havurah, it will become a

wonderful way to experience the warmth and

support of a close-knit community. It’s an

opportunity to develop friendships with individuals

and/or families who share similar interests by

creating an extended family to enjoy Jewish life

together by celebrating holidays, planning family

events, and participating in social action projects.

Your havurah will enrich every aspect of your

Jewish life.

If you are interested in learning more about the

Jacksonville Jewish Center Havurah

experience, contact Amy Levinson at

[email protected], or Paula Garfinkel

at [email protected].

“The miracles of

Hanukkah we

know about, but

what are the

miracles that we

recognize in our

own times?”

Page 5: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

December 2014 5

Our Animal Instinct

Cantor’s Cantillations

H umans and other animal species have maintained a close

relationship since the story of creation, when all of the land animals were created on the same day. The Noah story took this relationship to the next level, as God decides to save Noah, his family, and all animal species. This relationship continues throughout biblical times, highlighted by Rebecca’s care for a

stranger’s camels by the well. The connection between humans and other animals is so strong that the Talmud coins the term tzaar baalei hayim, a prohibition against the suffering of animals.

This preamble is important because it affirms why the Jacksonville Jewish Center has

been home to a number of animal programs the past few weeks. In honor of Parashat Noah, we held a moving Bark Mitzvah ceremony for over 40 dogs from our community. Owners recited blessings of thanksgiving while their four-legged friends received their Jewish names and kosher treats

courtesy of our Jacksonville Jewish Center USY. Our Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

Middle Schoolers visited our zoo two days later to learn about the important rescue work of our very own Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens.

Elementary School students from our Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious School enjoyed a biblical scavenger hunt, weaving their way through the zoo using a special passport designed to teach everyone about the animals mentioned in the bible. Participants learned about common Hebrew names derived from animals as well as animals symbols used throughout Jewish history. One modern twist included the use of “arkies,” where students took pictures with biblical animals found throughout the zoo.

Skipping ahead to early November, our Dubow Preschool enjoyed a visit from a local petting zoo, learning about each of the animals and the importance of taking good care of our fellow creatures.

It’s truly been a season of the animals. We look forward to continuing to find new ways to help bring Torah and Judaism to the masses in an exciting and educational way.

Hazzan Jesse Holzer Now blogging at The Cantor's Corner Follow me @TheHazzan

Hazzan Jesse Holzer


learned about


Hebrew names

derived from

animals as well

as animals

symbols used


Jewish history.”

Page 6: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

6 December 2014

Bat Mitzvah weekend of Evelyn Mizrahi, daughter of Dennis & Betsy Mizrahi

Friday, December 5 Saturday, December 6

Morning Service: 7:10 AM Weekly Portion:

Evening Service: 5:15 PM VAYISHLACH Oneg Service: 7:30 PM Shaharit: 9:00 AM

Candle lighting: 5:07 PM Family Minyan: 10:30 AM

Minha: 5:00 PM

Shabbat ends: 6:05 PM

Friday, December 12 Saturday, December 13

Morning Service: 7:10 AM Aufruf of Jessica Ruby

Evening Service: 5:15 PM & Blake Levine

Candle lighting: 5:09 PM Weekly Portion: VAYESHEV

Shaharit: 9:00 AM

iShabbat: 10:30 AM

Minha: 5:00 PM

Shabbat ends: 6:07 PM

The first night of Hanukkah starts after sundown on

Tuesday, December 16.

Gan Shabbat is offered on Saturdays at 11:00 AM and Shabbat babysitting (available for children

aged 1-5 in the DuBow Preschool) is provided every Saturday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

Bat Mitzvah weekend of Zoe Mail, daughter of Steven & Andrea Mail

Friday, December 19 Saturday, December 20

Morning Service: 7:10 AM Weekly Portion: MIKETZ

Evening Service: 5:15 PM Shaharit: 9:00 AM

Candle lighting: 5:11 PM Family Minyan: 10:30 AM

Minha: 5:00 PM

Shabbat ends: 6:10 PM

Bar Mitzvah weekend of Zachary Shainbrown, son of Mark & Kendall Shainbrown

Friday, December 26 Saturday, December 27

Morning Service: 7:10 AM Weekly Portion: VAYIGASH

Evening Service: 5:15 PM Shaharit: 9:00 AM

Candle lighting: 5:15 PM Camp Shabbat: 10:30 AM

Minha: 5:00 PM

Shabbat ends: 6:13 PM

December Daily Service Times

Sundays: 8:30 AM & 5:15 PM

Mondays-Thursdays*: 7:10 AM & 5:15 PM

*Please note, morning minyan will begin at 8:30 AM on Thursday, December 25, in observance of the

Federal Holiday.

December Service Times

Services will be led by Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner, Rabbi Howard Tilman and Hazzan Jesse Holzer

The SoShul Network is planning its third

annual Hanukkah celebration on

Tuesday, December 23.

All 20 and 30 somethings of the

Jacksonville Jewish Center are invited to

join in the festivities at Intuition Ale Works

from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.

There will be appetizers, candle lighting,

shmoozing, and some of the best local

beer to enjoy. To RSVP, please email

[email protected]. We

hope to see you there!

Are you ready for some football!


Hanukkah Happenings

Page 7: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Hanukkah Happenings (continued)

December 2014 7




Page 8: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Sisterhood Spotlight

8 December 2014

Social Action

T his is the third year that the social action committees of Congregation Ahavath Chesed

and the Jacksonville Jewish Center are coordinating efforts for all of us to do Mitzvot. Volunteer opportunities have been increased this year and there is something for everyone to do.

Once again we will be cooking, packaging and delivering between 450 and 480 meals this year for the Aging True “Meals on Wheels” program. There will be between 45 and 48 routes that will need drivers. Pick up for “Meals on Wheels” will be at 9:00 AM on the 25th. Meals will be prepared and packaged on December 24 at The Temple beginning at 9:00 AM. We will need about 20 people to do the cooking and packaging of the meals. If you are interested in volunteering for preparation, please contact Rhoda Goldstein at [email protected] or by calling 268-8124.

We will also be asking members of our community to bake or buy cookies that will be packaged and delivered to local first responders and police sub-stations. All cookies will be collected and

packaged on December 24th, beginning at 9:00 AM. Cookies need to be dropped off at The Temple between December 22nd and noon on December 24th. Another 10 drivers will be needed to deliver these. Cookie packages will be picked up for delivery at 11:00 AM on December 25th. To volunteer to help with preparation or for more information, please contact Rhoda London at [email protected] or by calling 268-9787.

If you are interested in making any of the above deliveries, please respond to Wiatt Bowers at [email protected] or by calling at 813-785-5012.

Also, we have added many other opportunities for YOU to help this year. We will be cooking dinner at Ronald McDonald House in the afternoon and will need 6 to 8 people to prepare these meals. Also, save your tabs from drink cans and other pull top cans to be donated to Ronald McDonald House.

This year we will be collecting gently worn or new coats, hats, gloves, scarves and blankets to be

(Continued on page 13)

December 25th Mitzvah Opportunities

Page 9: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Galinsky Academy

I n addition to the usual courses of

algebra, creative writing, and geography, Martin J. Gottlieb Day School’s middle schoolers leave campus weekly to engage in an equally

important piece of their curriculum: the Mitzvah Program. Led by Edith Horovitz, Vice Principal of Middle School, the Day School students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades participate in a variety of activities around town designed to bring their Jewish Studies lessons to life.

The Mitzvah Program has a sound basis in secular educational theory as well. In general, middle schoolers benefit from project-based learning, meaning that when they experience what they are learning in class it becomes real for them. The program also ties into their language arts lessons because students write about their experiences back at school.

“The mission of our Mitzvah Program is to take our learning to another level. By taking our students out into the world to do worthy deeds, we turn each one into a mensch – a person of integrity and honor,” says Horovitz.

Because the Talmud teaches that we should perform acts of tzedakah for Jews and non-Jews alike, community service projects include delivering dozens of turkeys and bags of groceries to needy families at Beauclerc Elementary, providing Christmas gifts to disadvantaged children through the MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation and Jewish Family and Community Services, and working with disabled students at Mt. Herman Exceptional Education Center.

Middle Schoolers in Mensch Training

I s there something great

happening in town for my family? Of course, is what we tell families who are looking for fun, engaging experiences with their baby, toddler and preschool aged children!

Currently we are offering several opportunities for families with little ones to meet other families, to build relationships and enjoy time together. So what is going on at the JJC and DuBow Preschool? These programs are open to the entire Jewish community! Wednesdays – Family Music & Movement Class at 10:00 – 11:00 AM: You and your child

will enjoy the rhythms in this class. You will have a CD to play during the week and then come together for a musical hour of singing, dancing, playing instruments and make-believe. www.familymusicandmovement.com. Fridays – Shalom Baby Free Playgroup 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Come join us as we play, talk, sing, make a craft or share a story, and celebrate Shabbat! This playgroup is open to all in the Jewish community. Moms, dads, grandparents and caregivers can come with their babies and toddlers to socialize and play. Tell a friend! Upcoming dates at the DuBow Preschool – December 19, January 9 and 23: On December 5, we are taking Shalom Baby on the road! Meet us at the Julington Creek Public Library for a fun, Hanukkah themed Shalom Baby! Saturdays: Gan Shabbat: A special, interactive preschool service especially designed for families with children birth to 5 years of age. All families are welcome to attend every Saturday at 11:00 AM.

(Continued on page 10)

Great Family Programming at the Jacksonville Jewish Center and DuBow Preschool

December 2014 9

Page 10: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Galinsky Academy (continued)

10 December 2014

(...from page 9) Sundays at the Park: Back by popular demand, we will be meeting at the DuBow Preschool playground, one Sunday soon! Hanukkah Parent Workshop: Come to the 2nd Galinsky Academy Holiday Workshop for parents of young children. Rabbi Tilman will be sharing details about this holiday and Shereen Canady will be sharing songs, recipes and stories to share with your family. Come join us in the home of Falyn Shilts on December 2, at 10:00 AM.

Another wonderful resource that many moms enjoy is becoming an active member of the Jewish Mom’s Playgroup! To learn when and where they meet next, visit [email protected].

For details about all these activities and what we have planned for the future, call Shereen Canady, at the DuBow Preschool at 268-4200 ext. 143 or visit our website www.dubowpreschool.org.

(...from page 4) This year as we light our Hanukkah candles

and recite the blessings, let’s be sure to recognize the ancient miracles while we pay special attention to the modern miracles that we are creating every day in our Jacksonville Jewish Center community.

Do you believe in miracles? Yes.

Rabbi Howard Tilman Follow me on Twitter ‏@TweetsOfTorah

From Rabbi Tilman (continued)

Page 11: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Galinsky Academy (continued)


O ur Religious School has been having such an exciting year so far! Through a brand new

rotation of music, art, cooking, technology and literature, students are learning about our rich culture in a most enjoyable and effective style. Students, parents and staff all agree that our newly-reimagined school is better than ever, as

indicated by much greater family involvement, increased

enrollment, and lots of happy faces in our school! One of our biggest successes this year has been

with the Madrichim program. A madrich (boy assistant) or madricha (girl assistant) is a teenager who attends our Religious School as the newest members of the staff. These young adults are wonderful role models for our students, and their efforts make a real difference in the Religious School experience for everyone. Some are assigned to a specific grade level, keeping attendance records and making sure that each class moves smoothly to their next arts rotation. A few madrichim work as Hebrew tutors, while others are classroom or office assistants. Regardless of their assignment, all of these teenagers

are enthusiastic and responsible team players that are a great addition to our Religious School families.

Although they are volunteers, our madrichim are already receiving their own great benefits from this program, too! Students may earn community service credit for their time. The experience in the classroom under the guidance of a seasoned professional is an invaluable introduction to any teen

who is considering a future as a teacher or educator. Even if they aren’t considering a position in education, these young adults are learning the responsibilities of holding down a job while in a safe and caring environment. It also looks great on a resume, whether looking for a camp or afterschool position, or filling out college applications. The professional staff becomes a great personal reference contact for a first-time job. It is a win-win situation for both the school and the young adult!

We are so proud of the wonderful job that our Jacksonville Jewish Center teens are doing in our congregational school. Todah Rabbah to all of them! Visitors from Gainesville: Congregation B’nai Israel

T he Bernard and Alice Selevan Religious School is delighted to host

an entire Congregational School from Gainesville on Sunday, December 7. We will be celebrating Hanukkah together and

sharing our new “Judaism Through the Arts” program with these students in grades K-7.

The students will arrive by bus, along with their teachers, rabbi, and several of their teens, in time for our regular Sunday School classes. At noon, many of our students and their families will stay for a lunch and field day activities. Members of our own Kadima and USY will also be invited to join us; many of our students have already connected with youth group members from Gainesville through regional conventions. Steven Resnick, our Jacksonville Jewish Center youth director, will work with Lois Tompkins (Principal of the JJC Religious School) and Suzanne Chester (Principal of the B’nai Israel Religious School) to plan an enjoyable and educational event.

We look forward to making new friends and building a long-lasting relationship with our neighbors!

Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious School’s Successful Madrichim Program,

Plus Visitors from The Swamp

December 2014 11

Page 12: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

12 December 2014

Going from Awesome to Amazing Through Teamwork

“T his is a new year. A new beginning. And things

will change.” –Taylor Swift . Yes, I did just quote T-Swizzle. For the first half of this year, I’ve done a lot of observing. I’ve seen the amazing mark my predecessor has left on this

community. I’ve noticed the interesting dynamic between the youth in our programs. I’ve also noted the continued warmth and naches that this amazing kehillah still has.

However, “the times,” as Bob Dylan says, “are changing.’ Starting in January, Setzer Youth Education is going to be completely redesigned and running like a well oiled machine. Every program is going to be reviewed and given a new, brighter looking future and I, for one, cannot wait! I already have plans for Chalutzim, Kadima and USY moving forward and I’m currently working with Rabbi Tilman to review and renew our Hebrew High program. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have gotten off to a great start,

but I can’t wait to get my hands dirty to help them to hit the next plateau.

I’m going to do my part to provide you and your children with amazing programming and fantastic leadership opportunities…, but I’m going to need your help. Pushing your kids to attend programs that they may not be 100% into may help them to broaden their horizons and have a great time at a program they never would have thought of attending otherwise. Making sure to RSVP for programs shows them that follow through needs to happen in order to be successful in life. Communicating questions and concerns shows that you are invested in their bright futures. Finally, volunteering shows them that you want to be a part of their experience.

One of the reasons I came back to JJC is because I remember what a warm and wonderful community this is. Last time I was here, as an advisor from 2005-2008, I remember parents welcoming me into their homes, asking for meetings just to see how college was going, and asking all about our programming.

(Continued on page 13)

Oren Margol Break the Fast Thank You...

“Thank you to all who made donations to establish the Oren Margol Break the Fast Fund. The Congregation’s continued contributions are appreciated, and we look forward to gathering with you as family and community, as we come together each year for the Break Fast for many years to come.”

— The Margol Family

Recognizing the importance of the congregational Break the Fast, members of the Margol family and other generous donors have come together to create this newly formed endowed fund to honor Oren and enhance our beautiful congregational Break the Fast tradition.

Oren Daryl Margol was born February 6, 1965, the son of Bennie & Barbara Margol; father of Eden and Joel; brother of Drew (Michelle) and Seth; and uncle of Lauren (Brandon), Gabrielle, Yitzchak, Asher, Yonnie, Yacov, and Shuie. The youngest of 3 boys, Oren's bright smile and dynamic personality would light up any room. Oren, along with his first cousin & best friend, Lane Oren Strumlauf, graduated from Wolfson High School and the University of Florida, where they were members of Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity. Following graduation from college, Oren began his professional insurance career working as a partner at Vandroff Insurance Agency since 1989. Oren was a lifelong member of the Jacksonville Jewish Center, where he and his children, Eden and Joel became Bat & Bar Mitzvah. The honor of the Break the Fast in his memory has great meaning as it symbolizes his love of family, friends and Jewish Holidays.

The Block family Harriet & Ernie Brodsky Merle & Ron Cherry The DuBow family Dina & Howard Fetner Nancy & Doug Friedman Friends of Beverly Goldstein Karen & Henry Gare Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner Doris & Jeff Goldstein Debbie & Mel Gottlieb Risa & Stuart Herman

Edith & Bruce Horovitz Jodie & Eric Leach Stacy & Jeff Leach Joanie & Ron Levin Samantha & Michael Levin The Family of Oren Margol Charles Mibab Judy B. Mizrahi Cheryl & Jay Plotkin Jen & Rick Plotkin Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin Inbal & Todd Rasner

Barbara & Michael Schneider The Selevan family Buddy Shorstein Helen & Edward Siegel Ann & Leon Silke Anne Bernstein & Joel Slotnick Melissa & Lane Strumlauf Wendy & Mark Talpalar Alison & Brent Trager Jeff Thorsen Lisa & Bud Wolfson

Galinsky Academy (continued)

Page 13: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Table of Abraham Topic: Mercy and

Compassion in the Abrahamic Traditions The Atlantic Institute of Jacksonville cordially

invites you to the Table of Abraham event entitled

"Mercy and Compassion in the Abrahamic

Traditions" to be held at the Jacksonville Jewish

Center on Thursday, December 4, at 6:30 PM.

The purpose is to create an environment to

allow new encounters and discussion that can

enhance mutual understanding and respect

between people of different faith traditions. This is

not a fundraising event.

Moderator Cheryl Tupper, Vice President of

The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, will host a

panel of three notable individuals from the

Jacksonville religious community including Rabbi

Jonathan Lubliner. In addition, the panel will

include Rev. Kyle Reese, Pastor of Hendricks

Avenue Baptist Church Jacksonville, and Imam

Abdullah Antepli, Chief Representative of Muslim

Affairs at Duke University.

RSVP is required by visiting: http://


compassion-abrahamic-traditions. For more

information, contact Kanybek Ibraev, at The

Atlantic Institute-Jacksonville at 904-379-2915.

December 2014 13

Social Action (continued)

(...from page 8) donated to the homeless in our community. If you knit or crochet, this is a great opportunity to share your talents and provide articles that will keep many of our citizens warm this winter. Both The Temple and The Center will have areas to collect these items for several weeks prior to December 25. Please call each to get information regarding drop-off times.

For those who may prefer to support this Mitzvah project by making a monetary donation, contributions to The Temple’s “Sandy Miller Social Action Fund” will help to cover some of the expenses of this day. If you need more information, contact any of the above volunteers.

(...from page 12) It is something that I enjoyed and still enjoy

now, but I’d like to see it happen with more vigor as we renew our commitment to your child and their Jewish experience. Please feel free to tell other’s about our programming. Haven’t received an email? Contact me! Have an idea about passing out our Setzer Youth Education tri-folds at an outside program? Let me know! The only way this program is going to go from awesome to amazing is with teamwork! As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

L'shalom v'ahava,

Steven Resnick, Youth Director Twitter: @YDResnick [email protected]

Galinsky Academy (continued)

(...from page 3) we give them on Hanukkah, they will continue to have the imperishable stories of family history, but only if we have cared enough to share them. At the end of each generation, there is a fork in the road of time: only the stories that have been told and retold, recorded and passed will live into the future; all other tales, no matter how wonderful, will pass into the graveyard, the realm of the eternally forgotten. Do we not owe our children and grandchildren the heritage of stories that ultimately belongs to them?

Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner

Now blogging at rabbilubliner.wordpress.com Follow me on Twitter ‏@rabjlubliner

From the Rabbi (continued)

Page 14: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

14 December 2014

Adult Education

Maggie Anton is coming January 21st!

M aggie Anton is the award-winning

author of historical fiction series Rashi’s Daughters and Rav Hisda’s Daughter. She is a Talmud scholar, with expertise in Jewish women’s history. Anton speaks to Jewish organizations all over the country about the research behind her novels. Maggie Anton was

born Margaret Antonofsky in Los Angeles, California, where she still resides. Raised in a secular, socialist household, she reached adulthood with little knowledge of her Jewish religion. All that changed when David Parkhurst, who was to become her husband, entered her life, and they both discovered Judaism as adults. That was the start of a lifetime of Jewish education, synagogue involvement, and ritual observance. This was in addition to raising their children and working full-time as a clinical chemist for Kaiser Permanente for over 30 years.

In 1992 Anton learned about a women’s Talmud class taught by Rachel Adler, now a professor at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. To her surprise, she fell in love with Talmud, a passion that has continued unabated for twenty years. Intrigued that the great Talmudic scholar Rashi had no sons, only daughters, Anton researched the family and decided to write novels about them. Thus acclaimed trilogy, Rashi’s Daughters, was born, to be followed by National Jewish Book Award finalist, Rav Hisda’s Daughter: Apprentice. Still studying women and Talmud, Anton has lectured throughout North America and Israel about the history behind her novels.

The Jacksonville Jewish Center Adult Education Community, partnered with Hadassah, will be sponsoring a luncheon as well as an evening program on Wednesday, January 21, 2015. Look for more details coming out soon!

Save the Date for the Marilyn & Louis Safer Shabbaton on March 6 and 7

Judy Klitsner is a bible scholar and master teacher of the Hebrew Bible at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, where she has been teaching for more than two decades. A disciple of the great Torah teacher Nechama Leibowitz, Judy has had a profound impact on a generation of students, of whom many now serve as teachers and heads of Jewish studies programs in the US, the UK and Israel. In her teaching and in her writing, Judy weaves together traditional exegesis, modern scholarship and her own original interpretations that are informed by close readings of the biblical text. She lectures internationally at synagogues, campuses and adult education programs that span the denominational spectrum and she holds a visiting lectureship at the London School of Jewish Studies. Judy’s teaching style is lively, interactive and text-based, and she is particularly fond of uncovering the “vibrant conversation” that takes place between the Bible’s parallel stories. Judy Klitsner is the author of Subversive Sequels in the Bible: How Biblical Stories Mine and Undermine Each Other (Jewish Publication Society, paperback by Koren Publishers). The book received a 2009 National Jewish book award.

Hebrew Class

Do you know your alef-bet, but still get lost in our Jacksonville Jewish Center services? Our “Intermediate Service Skills” class is for you! Taught by Lois Tompkins, this class will guide you through the siddur (weekday as well as Shabbat). You’ll learn more advanced reading skills, fluency, and discuss our Jacksonville Jewish Center customs. Whether you want to eventually learn to lead a portion of the service, or just feel more engaged, join us on Thursday mornings at 8:30 AM (right after minyan) and Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM.

Beginner’s classes have already begun for learning the fundamentals. Yet, if you would like learn to read Hebrew, please watch for new Beginner’s class to begin in the spring. Information about Adult education opportunities can be found on our website at www.jjcadulteducation.wordpress.org or by contacting Lois Tompkins at [email protected].

Author Maggie Anton, Marilyn & Louis Safer Shabbaton and More!

Page 15: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

With Sincere Appreciation

Before After

December 2014 15


Adult Education Fund In memory of Raymond Cohen by Rabbi Joseph Hirsch Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious School Fund In memory of Neil Sager by Linda & Philip Bloom In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Pamela & Jay Diamond Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Debbie Kerschner In honor of Alyssa Zunic's Bat Mitzvah by Kim Glasgal & Peter Levy In honor of Alyssa Zunic's Bat Mitzvah by Mauri & Alan Mizrahi In honor of Rebekah Selevan's birthday by Rachel & Craig Morgenthal Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Robin & Marco Rand In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Ellen & George Rubens Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Ellen & George Rubens In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Linda, Todd, Sydney, Sam & Thelma Schweber Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Lois & Bob Tompkins In memory of Neil Sager by Paige & Ilan Wajsman & family In memory of Hilda Zeifman by Howard Zeifman

Bertha & Hyman Selber Beautification Fund In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Ina & Alan Taffet In memory of Jan Morris by Ina & Alan Taffet In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Ina & Alan Taffet

Betty Schneider Memorial Youth Fund In memory of Sarah Marks by Penny & Jeff Marks

Bud Shorstein Kiddush Fund In memory of Sara Weinstein by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Fanny Proulx by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Paul Bossen by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Neil Sager by Naomie & Bob Bossen Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Herbert Weinstein by Naomie & Bob Bossen In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Joseph Dukes by Daron Dukes In memory of Joseph Dukes by Daron Dukes In honor of Carole Feldman's 70th birthday by Marvin Feldman In memory of Leon Zeifman by Elaine & Marshall Hodz In memory of Leon Rothenberg by Elaine & Marshall Hodz In memory of Abraham Hodz by Elaine & Marshall Hodz In memory of Hilda Zeifman by Elaine & Marshall Hodz In memory of Julie Halpern by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Helen Koslowski by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Lillian Presser by Neil Presser In memory of Jack Shorstein by Margo & Stanley Ruby In memory of Jan Morris by Margo & Stanley Ruby

Building Fund In memory of Edward L. Becker by Glenn & Matthew Beckerman In honor of Marilyn Mass' birthday by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In memory of Warren Ort by Lawrence Ort In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Paige & Ilan Wajsman & family In memory of Joseph Young by Iris & Charles Young In memory of Leon Zeifman by Howard Zeifman

Byron Morris Fund In memory of Jan Morris by Peggy & Dolph Ageloff In memory of Jan Morris by Karen & Stuart Appelbaum In memory of Jan Morris by Barbara & Greg Arnold In memory of Jan Morris by Gayle & David Bailys In memory of Jan Morris by Sheila & Ron Baruch In memory of Jan Morris by Rita & Harold Baumgarten In memory of Jan Morris by Naomie & Bob Bossen In memory of Jan Morris by Ruchel Broadman In memory of Jan Morris by Marjie & Myron Butler In memory of Jan Morris by Rebecca Cohn In memory of Jan Morris by Cindi & Moti Demri In memory of Jan Morris by Anita Dittman In memory of Jan Morris by Linda, Laurie, Susan, Helen & Michael Dubow In memory of Jan Morris by Bobbie & Don Edelman In memory of Jan Morris by Debbie & Alan Fialkow In memory of Jan Morris by Phyllis & Bob Fischer In memory of Jan Morris by Carole & William Foor In memory of Jan Morris by friends of the Margol family In memory of Jan Morris by friends of the Morris Family In memory of Jan Morris by Marilyn & Harold Garber In memory of Jan Morris by Beverly Geller In memory of Jan Morris by Alois & Irwin Gendzier In memory of Jan Morris by Estelle Kritz & Sheldon Gendzier In memory of Jan Morris by Jane & Marshall Gerson In memory of Jan Morris by Linda G. Ginsberg In memory of Jan Morris by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In memory of Jan Morris by Hilda & Sol Goldman

In memory of Jan Morris by Annette & Jerry Goodfarb In memory of Jan Morris by Gloria Greenberg In memory of Fanny Proulx by Bobbie Heyman In memory of Jan Morris by Bobbie Heyman In memory of Jan Morris by Elaine, Marshall & Ellie Hodz In memory of Jan Morris by Ann & Richard Howell In memory of Jan Morris by Helen & Lawrence Jaben In memory of Jan Morris by Clara Jaffe In memory of Jan Morris by Rhoda & Norman Kagan In memory of Jan Morris by Marcelle & Nolan Karstaedt In memory of Jan Morris by Marcia & Norman Kleiman In memory of Jan Morris by Ellen & Hank Kopp In memory of Jan Morris by Iris & Mark Kraemer In memory of Jan Morris by Ruthie Kramer & family In memory of Jan Morris by Cathrine & Keith Kupperman In memory of Jan Morris by Dorothy Legum In memory of Jan Morris by Christina & Mark Levine In memory of Jan Morris by Sylvia Lubliner In memory of Jan Morris by Penny & Jeff Marks In memory of Jan Morris by Pearl Marton In memory of Jan Morris by Carol & Harvey Matoren In memory of Jan Morris by Hilda, Risa & Steven Mazo In memory of Jan Morris by Rachel & Craig Morgenthal In memory of Jan Morris by Jerald Morris In memory of Edward Halpern by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Faye Jost by Robin & Jeffery Morris In honor of Edie Bellard & David Epstein's wedding by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Norma Margol by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Helen Koslowski by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Scott Magnes' mother by Robin & Jeffery Morris Speedy recovery to Jackie Goldman by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Byron Morris by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Five Saliman by Robin & Jeffery Morris Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Sonya Morris In honor of Helen Diamond's 100th birthday by Sonya Morris Speedy recovery to Harold Baumgarten by Sonya Morris In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Sonya Morris Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Sonya Morris In memory of Byron Morris by Sonya Morris In memory of Jan Morris by Ruth & Bernie Nachman In memory of Jan Morris by Dorann & Chuck Penney In memory of Jan Morris by Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin In memory of Jan Morris by Penny & Tom Powell In memory of Jan Morris by Susan & Ned Price and Michael Price In memory of Jan Morris by Robin & Marco Rand In memory of Jan Morris by Kate Robbins In memory of Jan Morris by Kim & David Robbins In memory of Jan Morris by Sara Robbins In memory of Jan Morris by Elias Rosenblatt In memory of Jan Morris by Diane & Mitchell Rothstein In memory of Jan Morris by Ellen & George Rubens In memory of Jan Morris by Barbara & Eliot Safer In memory of Jan Morris by Judy & Herman Paul and Rubye Safer In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Bess Saliman In memory of Floyd "Five" Saliman by Bess Saliman In memory of Jan Morris by Frieda & Leonard Saraga In memory of Jan Morris by Shirley Schemer In memory of Jan Morris by Ilene Schinasi In memory of Jan Morris by Marilyn Schinasi In memory of Jan Morris by Laura Schulman In memory of Jan Morris by Sandy & Robert Selwitz In memory of Jan Morris by Helen & Edward Siegel In memory of Jan Morris by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Jan Morris by Carole Solomon In memory of Jan Morris by Kathy & Bruce Stark In memory of Jan Morris by Rita & Manny Stearman In memory of Jan Morris by Lynn Sussman In memory of Jan Morris by Joan & Ben Talpalar In memory of Jan Morris by Millie & Edward Tannen In memory of Jan Morris by Rose TIncher In honor of Lindsay & Mike Snyder's wedding by Joanie & Sonny Waitz In memory of Jan Morris by Carol & Manuel Wallace In memory of Jan Morris by Hilda, Risa & Steven Warfield In memory of Jan Morris by Pearl & Morris Weiner In memory of Jan Morris by Harold Weisstein In memory of Jan Morris by Sharon & Bruce Witten In memory of Jan Morris by Amy & Dan Wyzan In memory of Jan Morris by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In memory of Jan Morris by Elsie Yellin In memory of Jan Morris by Rachel Carren & Mark Young

Camp Ki Tov Fund Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Ginette & Charles Mizrahi

Page 16: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

Contributions (continued)

Cemetery Fund In memory of Joseph Kaufman by Penny Powell & Becky Bromberg In memory of Mary Kaufman by Penny Powell & Becky Bromberg In memory of David Kane by Barbara & Albert Datz In memory of Sara Eder by Carol Eder Smith, Shawn Smith & Les Eder In memory of Anne M. Franzblau by Linda & Nathan Franzblau In memory of Irving Franzblau by Linda & Nathan Franzblau In memory of Dorothy Schemer by Linda & Nathan Franzblau In memory of Dorothy Katz by Alois & Irwin Gendzier In memory of Harry Katz by Alois & Irwin Gendzier In memory of Anna Goodfriend by Helen Goldman In memory of Perry Kantor by Sharon & Stanley Kantor In memory of Sarah Mannis by Libby Katz In memory of Harry Sinton by Ellen & Hank Kopp In memory of Khonan Kufman by Tamara & Boris Kufman In memory of Allan Levine by Susan & Mitchell Levine In memory of Maurice Holllinger by Hilda Mazo In memory of Gertrude Rosenberg by Hilda Mazo In memory of Annie Mazo by Hilda Mazo In memory of Nissen Mazo by Hilda Mazo In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Penny & Tom Powell In memory of Jan Morris by Stephanee Rose In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Stephanee Rose In memory of Jack Shorstein by Marilyn & Sonny Sandler In memory of Edward Sherline by Ellen & Jay Sherline In memory of Nathan Siegel by Helen & Edward Siegel In memory of Arthur Siegel by Helen & Edward Siegel In memory of Harriet Nabutovsky by Helen & Edward Siegel In memory of Sam Siegel by Helen & Edward Siegel In memory of Ruth Nurenberg by Carole & Barry Sinoff In memory of Jerome Goldin by Irene Sloat In memory of Pearl Safer Englander by Marlene, Michael, Cheryl & Saul Sussman In memory of Lena Weiss by Marlene, Michael, Cheryl & Saul Sussman Thank you to Joe Honigman, Nathan Sandler and Joel Bressler for your many years of service to the Hevra Kaddisha by Ina & Alan Taffet In memory of Bea Browdy, Fred Kupperman and Simon Selber by Ina & Alan Taffet

Charles Palot Youth Fund In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Dolly, Rod & Laura Corlin

Choir Fund In memory of Raymond Cohen by Marcia & Norman Kleiman In memory of Neil Sager by Pearl Marton In memory of David Stempelman by Pearl Marton In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Pearl Marton In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Pearl Marton

Debbie Katz Camp Ramah Fund In memory of Gilbert Chenkin by Helen Hill & Audrey Chenkin In memory of Edward Halpern by Leslie Held In memory of Betty Moss by Rosanne & Andy Kauss In honor of the birth of Logan Howard Wolpin by Sharon Kesler In memory of Selma H. Kessler by Laurette & Mark Kessler In memory of Linda Gordon by Deb & Cliff Miller In memory of Linda Zeifman by Jeanne & Martin Sandberg In memory of Jennifer Rutansky by Wendy & Jeff Sapolsky In memory of Betty Moss by Phyllis & George Strumlauf In memory of Esther Wolpin by Carole Wolpin

DuBow Preschool Fund In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Claire & Arnold Berkman In memory of Edward Halpern by Linda & Philip Bloom Thank you to Janis Dorman for her many years of dedication to the Center's Yearbook by Ruchel Broadman In memory of Neil Sager by Ruchel Broadman In honor of Jonah Greenburg by Ruchel Broadman In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Ruchel Broadman In honor of Nancy Davis receiving the Federation's Ilene Sari Selevan Young Leadership Award by Ruchel Broadman In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simchat Torah by Ruchel Broadman In memory of Elliot Hammer by Margery & Edward Corristan In memory of Neil Sager by Linda, Laurie, Susan, Helen & Michael DuBow In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Linda, Laurie, Susan, Helen & Michael Dubow In memory of Norma Margol by Linda, Laurie, Susan, Helen & Michael DuBow In memory of Neil Sager by Phyllis & Bob Fischer In memory of Edward Halpern by Nancy & Doug Friedman In memory of Suzi Roey by Marilynn & Ira Goldfield Speedy recovery to Helen Shacter by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In honor of the birth of Jonah Greenburg by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In appreciation of Judy Paul by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In memory of Edward Halpern by Doris & Jeff Goldstein In memory of Edward Halpern by Judy Greenfield In memory of Elliot Hammer by Barbara & John Harris In honor of Ellen Sylvia Hedrick by Michelle & Drew Margol In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Judy & Ed Mizrahi In memory of Charlotte Fletcher by Judy & Ed Mizrahi In memory of Edward Halpern by Judy & Ed Mizrahi

In memory of Edward Halpern by Mauri & Alan Mizrahi In memory of Edward Halpern by Rachel & Craig Morgenthal In honor of Ellen Sylvia Hedrick by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Edward Halpern by Donna & MG Orender In memory of Edward Halpern by Cheryl & Jay Plotkin In memory of Elliot Hammer by Jade & Greg Rouzeau Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Arlene Rubin In memory of Dorothy Blum by Shirley Schemer In memory of Neil Sager by Debra & Leonard Setzer In memory of Edward Halpern by Debra & Leonard Setzer In memory of Elliot Hammer by Melanie & Ben Setzer In memory of Edward Halpern by Melanie & Ben Setzer In honor of Michael DuBow receiving the Federation's Joe P. Safer Community Service Award by Beth & Mark Shorstein In memory of Edward Halpern by Judy Shorstein In memory of Elliot Hammer by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Irene Sloat In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Marilyn Stein In memory of Jan Morris by Nancy, Todd, Brandon & Mick Tarchis In memory of Edward Halpern by the Cook family In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by the DuBow family In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by the DuBow family In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by the DuBow family In memory of Edward Halpern by the Koplow family In memory of Edward Halpern by the Malloy family In memory of Edward Halpern by the Singal family In memory of Edward Halpern by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In memory of Neil Sager by Elsie Yellin In honor of Jonah Greenburg by Elsie Yellin In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Elsie Yellin In honor of Nancy Davis receiving the Federation's Ilene Sari Selevan Young Leadership Award by Elsie Yellin In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Elsie Yellin In memory of Elliot Hammer by the Wilson Family

Education Fund In memory of Inez Achord by Karen & Phil Adler In memory of Frances Rosin Adler by Karen & Phil Adler In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Tricia & Jack Bettman In memory of Linda Zeifman by Adrienne & Rick Cornaire In honor of Carole Feldman's birthday by Joanne & Leo Davis In memory of Neil Sager by Paula & Ken Horn and Jennie & Jon Debardeleben In memory of Neil Sager by Nancy & Harvey Eber Speedy recovery to David Robbins by Nancy & Harvey Eber In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Rhoda & Norman Kagan In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Shirley & Richard Kravitz In memory of Esther G. Fishler by Carole Slonin In memory of Linda Zeifman by Sara Jane & Robert Smith

Educational Endowment Fund In memory of Frances Rosin Adler by Karen & Phil Adler

Elayne & Marty Brown Education Fund In memory of Harold Harry Sneider by Rita & Harold Baumgarten In memory of Elayne Brown by Alison Brown In memory of Elayne Brown by Marcie, Dylan, Mason & Michael Brown

Gene Kornblum Fund In memory of Neil Sager by Marilynn & Ira Goldfield In memory of Edward Halpern by Annetta Kornblum In memory of Neil Sager by Annetta Kornblum

General Fund In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Rita & Harold Baumgarten In memory of Henry Bernard by Edward Bernard In memory of Ethel Harris by Edward Bernard In memory of Mary Glynne Davies Morgan by Tricia & Jack Bettman In memory of Diana Bailey by Harriet & Ernie Brodsky In memory of Betty Moss by Sharon & Richard Browdy In memory of Jack Shorstein by Sharon & Richard Browdy In memory of Neil Sager by Gabby & Jeff Bubis In memory of Beatrice Cantor by LaVerne & Andy Cantor In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Jay Cohen In memory of Elizabeth C. Kane by Barbara & Albert Datz In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Risa & Lawrence Datz In memory of William Davis by Alice & Paul Davis In memory of Ann Feldman by Carole & Marv Feldman In memory of Evelyne Edwards by Phyllis & Bob Fischer In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Phyllis & Bob Fischer In memory of Diana Bailey by Phyllis & Bob Fischer In memory of Jack Brookner by Bonnie Gelman In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Annette Johnson In memory of Izie Lang by Shelley King

16 December 2014

Page 17: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Sylvia & Walter Kraemer In memory of Norma Margol by Sylvia & Walter Kraemer Speedy recovery to Dr. Mitchell Rothstein by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Rachel & Craig Morgenthal In memory of Neil Sager by Rachel & Craig Morgenthal In memory of Edward Halpern by Cindi, Simona, Leigh, Heather and Michael Franti… namaste, from your Atlanta Yoga sisters In honor of my birthday by William Nascimento In memory of Edward Halpern by Sharon & Steven Navarro In honor of our Simhat Torah honorees - Steve Mizrahi, Alyse Nathans & Robin Shorstein by Evelyn & Ira Peck In memory of Edward Halpern by Sherry & Jerry Perchik In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Rose Tincher & Lori Perry In memory of Sara Plotkin by Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin In memory of Diana Bailey by Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin In memory of Nathan Pozin by Jean Pozin In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Jean & Harry Robbins In memory of Joseph Rosenbloom by Stephanee Rose In memory of Bertha Kulchinsky Statland by Stephanee Rose In memory of Diana Bailey by Kimberly & Richard Sisisky In memory of Neil Sager by Lauren & Gary Snyder In honor of the 60th anniversary of Helen & Edward Siegel by Phyllis & Gerald Sohn In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Rita & Manny Stearman In memory of Edward Halpern by the Ardus Design Group, Inc. In memory of Raymond Cohen by the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Florida In memory of Neil Sager by the Staff and Students of the DuBow Preschool In honor of Carole Wolpin by Angela Thomas & Dan Tuchmann In memory of Edward Halpern by Anita & Harold Watsky In memory of Beverly Goldstein by David Weiss

Hazzan Holzer's Discretionary Fund In memory of Raymond Cohen by Karen & Stuart Appelbaum In appreciation of Hazzan Holzer by Gabrielle & Jeff Bubis L'Shanah Tova and thank you to Carolyn Krestul by Chary & Michael Greenburg In memory of Shirley Ansbacher by Carolyn Krestul In memory of Jack Shorstein by Carolyn Krestul In memory of Raymond Cohen by Carolyn Krestul Thank you to Hazzan Holzer for all you do for our family and our congregation by Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin In memory of Max Hochman by Frieda & Leonard Saraga In honor of Penny's & Toby's Bark Mitzvah by Rexine & Charles Trager

Henry & Miriam Kramer Library Fund In memory of Linda Gordon by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In memory of Linda Zeifman by Carol & Harvey Matoren In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Robin & Marco Rand In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Ilene Schinasi In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Melanie & Ben Setzer

Hesed Fund In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Ellen & Hank Kopp

Horty T. Gendzier Camp Ramah Fund In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Barbara & Michael Schneider In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Barbara & Michael Schneider In memory of Jack Becker by Barbara & Michael Schneider In memory of Betty Moss by Barbara & Michael Schneider

Israel Scholarship Fund In memory of Norma Margol by Leslie Held In memory of Raymond Cohen by Leslie Held In memory of Neil Sager by Joanie & Sonny Waitz In memory of Charlotte Setzer by Joanie & Sonny Waitz

Jack Manasse Memorial Fund In memory of Jack Manasse by Karen & Henry Gare

Jakob Rogozinski Endowment Fund In memory of Edward Halpern by Jodi Shapiro and Erin & Jessica Rogozinski

Joseph & Dorothy Mizrahi Jewish Music Fund In memory of Milton Dobrin by Dora & Leonard Dobrin In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Annette Weitzman Randolph by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Morris Weitzman by Ann & Leon Silke

L'Dor V'Dor Fund In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Linda & Philip Bloom In memory of Alfred Francis by Kathy & Allan Cohen In memory of Gertrude Nathan by Carole Goldberg In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In memory of Edward Halpern by Annette & Jerry Goodfarb In memory of Jan Morris by Debby & Don Kaye In memory of Milton Millrood by Debby & Don Kaye In honor of Belle Leah Horovitz by Christina & Mark Levine In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Christina & Mark Levine In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Christina & Mark Levine and family In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Christina & Mark Levine and family In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Karen Numerof

In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Merle & Harris Rittenberg

In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Jean & Harry Robbins In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Rita & Manny Stearman In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by the Nathan Slaff family In memory of Sylvia Millrood by the University of Florida Foundation

Louis & Marilyn Safer Shabbaton Fund Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Polina Koropova & Yefim Brunfon In memory of Jan Morris by Polina Koropova & Yefim Brunfon In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Barbara & Eliot Safer In memory of Louis Safer by Barbara & Eliot Safer In memory of Shana Temel by George Temel

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Fund In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Karen & Stuart Appelbaum In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Hanna Bendit In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Hanna Bendit In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Anne M.Levy & Richard B. Bermont In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Naomie & Bob Bossen In honor of Michael DuBow receiving the Federation's Joe P. Safer Community Service Award by Ruchel Broadman In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simchat Torah by Zelda & Jeffrey Charatz In memory of Stuart Walters by Adrienne & Rick Cornaire In honor of Barry Zisser's special birthday by Edie & Herb Fishler Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Doris & Jeff Goldstein In memory of Charlotte Fletcher by Renee & Alan Gordon In memory of Inez Achord by Renee & Alan Gordon In honor of our Simhat Torah honorees - Steve Mizrahi, Alyse Nathans & Robin Shorstein by Renee & Alan Gordon In memory of Raymond Cohen by Jane & Ira Grann Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Jane & Ira Grann In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Chary & Michael Greenberg In honor of Gil Sapolsky's Bar Mitzvah by Chary & Michael Greenburg In memory of Raymond N. Gross by Ruth Hope Gross In memory of Neil Sager by Eva & Ira Jackler In honor of Alyssa Zunic's Bat Mitzvah by Eva & Ira Jackler In memory of Arnold Fine by Sheila & Leo Jacobson Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Mimi & Marty Kaufman L'Shana Tova by Audrey & Evan Klippel In memory of Raymond Cohen by Christina & Mark Levine and family In memory of Neil Sager by Ilana Manasse In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Carol & Harvey Matoren In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Carol & Harvey Matoren In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Faye & Steve Mizrahi In memory of Neil Sager by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Diana Bailey by Cheryl & Jay Plotkin In honor of Gil Sapolsky's Bar Mitzvah by Cheryl & Jay Plotkin In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin In memory of Beverly Kaufmann's mother by Faye & Sam Price In memory of Raymond Cohen by Robin & Marco Rand In memory of Neil Sager by Merle & Harris Rittenberg In memory of Edward Halpern by Merle & Harris Rittenberg In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Merle & Ron Rittenberg In memory of Linda Gordon by Meryl & Harris Rittenberg In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Ellen & Alan Rosner In memory of Raymond Cohen by Ellen & Alan Rosner In memory of Neil Sager by Ellen & Alan Rosner In memory of Raymond Cohen by Diane & Mitchell Rothstein In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Barbara & Eliot Safer In memory of Irving Housman by Eleanor Sapolsky In memory of Simi Housman by Eleanor Sapolsky In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Debra & Leonard Setzer In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Debra & Leonard Setzer In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Debra & Leonard Setzer In honor of Michael DuBow receiving the Federation's Joe P. Safer Community Service Award by Debra & Leonard Setzer In honor of Nancy Davis receiving the Federation's Ilene Sari Selevan Young Leadership Award by Debra & Leonard Setzer In memory of Jan Morris by Debra & Leonard Setzer In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Ellen & Barry Setzer In memory of Jan Morris by Ellen & Barry Setzer In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Judy Soffler In memory of Edward Halpern by Rita & Manny Stearman In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Millie & Edward Tannen In memory of Lewis Spitzer by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In memory of Raymond Cohen by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel Speedy recovery to Doris Singer by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel

Contributions (continued)

December 2014 17

Page 18: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel Speedy recovery to Joni Shmunes by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In honor of Michael DuBow receiving the Federation's Joe P. Safer Community Service Award by Elsie Yellin

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Library Fund In memory of Manny Ruben by Alice & Paul Davis In memory of Reba Ruben by Alice & Paul Davis In memory of Ruth Golkow by Alice & Paul Davis In memory of Edward Halpern by Marilyn Freedman In memory of Irene Edell by Francine Isert In memory of Dorothy Kessler by Sylvia & Walter Kraemer In memory of Hyman Goldman by Sylvia & Walter Kraemer In memory of Herbert Robert Kolb by Millie & Edward Tannen

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Mitzvah Fund In memory of Edward Halpern by Shirley & Abe Bielski In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Shirley & Abe Bielski In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Carole Goldberg In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In memory of Diana Bailey by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Phyllis & Larry Goldberg In memory of Robert A. Goldman by Irma Goldman In memory of Neil Sager by Edith & Bruce Horovitz In honor of Alyssa Zunic's Bat Mitzvah by Edith & Bruce Horovitz In honor of Hannah Silverstein's Bat Mitzvah by Edith & Bruce Horovitz In memory of Neil Sager by Jack Slaughter & Sam Jacobson In memory of Rose Epstein by Mimi & Mickey Kersun In memory of Neil Sager by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Neil Sager by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Jan Morris by Marilyn & Mike Mass In honor of Nancy Davis receiving the Federation's Ilene Sari Selevan Young Leadership Award by Mauri & Alan Mizrahi In honor of Michael DuBow receiving the Federation's Joe P. Safer Community Service Award by Mauri & Alan Mizrahi In memory of Beverly Goldsein by Rachel & Craig Morgenthal In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Rivka & Michael Ohayon In memory of Neil Sager by Sandy & Robert Selwitz In memory of Debbie & Steve King's father by Sandy & Robert Selwitz In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Millie & Edward Tannen In honor of Rachel Levy's Bat Mitzvah by Rose Tincher

Mass Family Endowment Fund In memory of Pearl Mass by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Ed Mass by Marilyn & Mike Mass

Mizrahi Torah Fund In memory of Julius Albert by Francis & David Albert In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Naomie & Bob Bossen In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Ruchel Broadman In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Bonnie Gelman In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Chary & Michael Greenberg Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Deborah & Alan Katz In memory of Inez Achord by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Faye & Steve Mizrahi In memory of Neil Sager by Faye & Steve Mizrahi In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Faye & Steve Mizrahi In memory of Neil Sager by Robin & Marco Rand Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Jaquie & Michael Resnick In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Howard Roey In honor of Marilyn Mass' birthday by Jeff & Traci Flome and Valerie & Adam Weinroth In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Elsie Yellin

Moss Memorial Fund In memory of Raela & Norman Moss by Rosanne & Andy Kauss

Myra Thier Lazarus Camp Ramah Fund In memory of Neil Sager by Barbara & Michael Schneider In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Barbara & Michael Schneider In memory of Kathy Cohen's mother by Barbara & Michael Schneider

Neal F. Portnoy Youth Fund In memory of Neil Sager by Harriett & Sheldon Kaplan In memory of Jan Morris by Harriett & Sheldon Kaplan In memory of Jack Shorstein by Rhonda & Ricky Passink In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Rhonda & Ricky Passink In memory of Edward Halpern by Rhonda & Ricky Passink

In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Rhonda & Ricky Passink In memory of Charlotte Fletcher by Rhonda & Ricky Passink In memory of Neal Sager by Rhonda & Ricky Passink In memory of Jan Morris by Rhonda & Ricky Passink In memory of Charlotte Fletcher by Barbara & Jerry Portnoy In memory of Edward Halpern by Barbara & Jerry Portnoy In memory of Jan Morris by Barbara & Jerry Portnoy In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Barbara & Jerry Portnoy In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Bonnie & Neil Sandler In memory of Sylvia Millrood by Shari & David Shuman In memory of Bess Safer by Lynn Sussman In memory of Neil Sager by Lynn Sussman In memory of Diana Bailey by Lynn Sussman

Oren Margol Break the Fast Fund In memory of Oren Margol by Harriet & Ernie Brodsky In memory of Oren Margol by Merle & Ron Cherry In memory of Oren Margol by Dina & Howard Fetner In memory of Oren Margol by Nancy & Doug Friedman In memory of Oren Margol by Karen & Henry Gare In memory of Michail Bekman by Svetlana & Yakov Goldiner In memory of Oren Margol by Doris & Jeff Goldstein In memory of Oren Margol by Debbie & Mel Gottlieb In memory of Oren Margol by Risa & Stuart Herman In memory of Oren Margol by Edith & Bruce Horovitz In memory of Oren Margol by Jodie & Eric Leach In memory of Oren Margol by Stacy & Jeff Leach In memory of Oren Margol by Joanie & Ron Levin In memory of Oren Margol by Samantha & Michael Levin In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Bobbi & Bennie Margol In memory of Oren Margol by Charles Mibab In memory of Oren Margol by Judy B. Mizrahi In memory of Oren Margol by Cheryl & Jay Plotkin In memory of Oren Margol by Jen & Rick Plotkin In memory of Oren Margol by Rose Lynn & Herb Plotkin In memory of Oren Margol by Inbal & Todd Rasner In memory of Oren Margol by Barbara & Michael Schneider In memory of Oren Margol by Buddy Shorstein In memory of Oren Margol by Helen & Edward Siegel In memory of Norma Margol by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Oren Margol by Anne Bernstein & Joel Slotnick In memory of Oren Margol by Melissa & Lane Strumlauf In memory of Oren Margol by Wendy & Mark Talpalar In memory of Oren Margol by the Block family In memory of Oren Margol by the DuBow family In memory of Oren Margol by the Selevan family In memory of Oren Margol by Jeff Thorsen In memory of Murry Wolfson by Lisa & Bud Wolfson In memory of Oren Margol by Family of Oren Margol In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Friends of Beverly Goldstein Happy 90th birthday to Ina Colen by Bobbi & Bennie Margol

Prayer Book Fund In memory of Morris Tarlyn by Elli & Charles Zimmerman

Rabbi Lubliner's Discretionary Fund In memory of Neil Sager by Joette & John Anderson In honor of Edie Bellard & David Epstein's wedding by Joette & John Anderson In memory of Neil Sager by Karen & Stuart Appelbaum In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Adele & Lawrence Bacow In memory of Ida Weber by Estelle & Stuart Beckerman In memory of Moshe Sosnowiec by Hanna & Morris Bendit In memory of Charles Bloch by Agnes & Mitch Bloch In memory of Serafima Kaplan by Polina Koropova & Yefim Brunfon In memory of Anna Koropova by Polina Koropova & Yefim Brunfon In memory of Lillian Shander by Sondra & Sherwin Burman In memory of Sydney Shander by Sondra & Sherwin Burman In memory of Beverley Shreiber by Merle & Ron Cherry In memory of Leo Shreiber by Merle & Ron Cherry In memory of Diana Cohn by Mary & Jerry Cohn In memory of Jack Dittman by Anita Dittman In memory of Tessie Taxier by Anita Dittman In memory of Mollie Gutman by Bobbie & Don Edelman In memory of Steven Michael Gutman by Bobbie & Don Edelman In memory of Ann Coleman by Bobbie & Don Edelman In memory of Sidney Edelman by Bobbie & Don Edelman In memory of Charlotte Fletcher by Annette & Jerry Goodfarb In appreciation of Rabbi Lubliner by Minda & Neil Gordon In memory of beloved husband, Henry Heller by Maxine Heller In memory of beloved brother, Harvey Freedman by Maxine Heller Thank you to Rabbi Lubliner for all of his help by Elaine & Marshall Hodz In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Marcelle & Nolan Karstaedt In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Sylvia & Walter Kraemer In memory of Khonan Kufman by Svetlana & Vladimir Kufman In memory of Edward Ziskind by Ginny & Dennis Lafer In memory of Elizabeth Ziskind by Ginny & Dennis Lafer In memory of Harvey Lippman by Phyllis & George Levin In memory of Regina Laks-Katz by Sylvia Lubliner

Contributions (continued)

18 December 2014

Page 19: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

December 2014 19

In memory of Rabbi Chaim Immanuel Lubliner by Sylvia Lubliner In memory of Samuel Marks by Jo & Alan Marks In memory of Anna Schneider by Penny & Jeff Marks In memory of Dr. Bee Becker by Penny & Jeff Marks In memory of Bessie Greenspan by Sindi & Morris Miller In memory of Rebecca Miller by Skip Miller In memory of Herman Miller by Skip Miller In honor of Shlomo Ovadia Menaged by Diane & Mitchell Rothstein In honor of Debra & Leonard Setzer's gift to the Galinsky Academy by Diane & Mitchell Rothstein In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Diane & Mitchell Rothstein In memory of Sidney S. Mack by Vina & Bill Schemer In appreciation of Rabbi Lubliner for all that you do by Sandy & Robert Selwitz In memory of Neil Sager by Lauren & Michael Setzer In memory of Neil Sager by Melanie & Ben Setzer In memory of Philip Wilson by Francine Smith In honor of the Rogozinski/Weintraub wedding by Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Weintraub In memory of Neil Sager by Jane & Bruce Wernow In memory of Neil Sager by Katie & Howard Wernow In memory of Neil Sager by Seth Wernow In memory of Neil Sager by Shana Wernow In memory of Neil Sager by Shari, Sheldon & Marisa Wernow In memory of Neil Sager by Sylvia Wernow

Rabbi Tilman's Discretionary Fund In appreciation of Rabbi Tilman by Gabrielle & Jeff Bubis In appreciation of Rabbi Tilman by Minda & Neil Gordon In honor of Rabbi Tilman speaking at our wedding by Rachel Sacks & Michael Leherer In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Lita & Ron Poehlman In memory of Bertha Goldstein by Lita & Ron Poehlman In recognition of the new professionals of the Jacksonville Jewish Center by the Jacksonville Jewish Center Staff

Rene Mibab Endowment Fund In memory of Melvin Friedman by Mareda & Michael Friedman

Scharf Beautification Fund In memory of Beatrice Scharf by Janet & Michael Scharf In memory of Nollie Hinton by Janet & Michael Scharf In memory of Sandra Woulfin Pourmanaf by Francine Smith

Sylvia & Milton Hecht Program Fund In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Estelle Kritz & Sheldon Gendzier In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Marilyn & Charles Feldstein In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Phyllis & Bob Fischer In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Linda G. Ginsberg In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Renee & Alan Gordon In honor of Helen Diamond's 100th birthday by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Marilyn & Mike Mass In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Hilda Mazo In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Robin & Jeffery Morris In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Bonnie & Neil Sandler In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Florence & Jerry Schemer In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Shirley Schemer In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Lauren & Michael Setzer In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Beth & Mark Shorstein In honor of Ellen Sylvia Hecht by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Sylvia Hecht by Rita & Manny Stearman In memory of Sylvia Hecht by the DuBow family

Sylvia H. Shorstein Archives Fund Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Sylvia Lubliner Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Naomie & Bob Bossen Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Pearl Marton Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Fran Schwartz

Sylvia H. Shorstein Scholarship Fund In memory of Jack Shorstein by Gary Baumgarten In memory of Jack Shorstein by Mayer Becker In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Mayer Becker In memory of Jack Shorstein by Hanna Bendit In memory of Jack Shorstein by Claire & Arnold Berkman In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Ruchel Broadman In memory of Jack Shorstein by the Lil & Yorke Doliner Charitable Foundation, Inc. In memory of Jack Shorstein by Claire & Jack Eff In memory of Jack Shorstein on Boss's Day - he was the best by Beverly Parker & Brittany Ferguson In memory of Jack Shorstein by Jane Freedman In memory of Jack Shorstein by Paul Glickstein In memory of Sylvia & Jack Shorstein by Richard Stern and Lance Goodman In memory of Jack Shorstein by Leslie Held Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Judy & Stanley Jacobs In memory of Jack Shorstein by Barbara & Larry Jaffe In memory of Jack Shorstein by Sharon & Stanley Kantor In memory of Sylvia & Jack Shorstein by Susan Stern Kaufman In memory of Jack Shorstein by Mimi & Mickey Kersun In memory of Jack Shorstein by Sharon Kesler

In memory of Jack Shorstein by Carole & Jack Knee In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Joyce & Howard Korn In memory of Sylvia & Jack Shorstein by Anita Stern Marino In memory of Jack Shorstein by Cheryl & Jay Plotkin In memory of Jack Shorstein by Louise Rothenberg Robinson In memory of Jack Shorstein by Ellen & Alan Rosner In memory of Jack Shorstein by Sheila & Leo Rubin In memory of Jack Shorstein by Debra & Leonard Setzer In memory of Neil Sager by Beth & Mark Shorstein In memory of Edward Halpern by Beth & Mark Shorstein In honor of Edie Bellard & David Epstein's wedding by Beth & Mark Shorstein In memory of David Balter by Beth & Mark Shorstein In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Beth & Mark Shorstein In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Judy Shorstein In memory of Neil Sager by Robin & Michael Shorstein In memory of Rose Schechtman by Robin & Michael Shorstein In memory of Nelly Saenger by Robin & Michael Shorstein In memory of Philip Schechtman by Robin & Michael Shorstein In honor of Milo's Bark Mitzvah by Robin & Michael Shorstein In memory of Samuel Harris by Robin & Michael Shorstein In memory of Mary Harris by Robin & Michael Shorstein In memory of Jack Shorstein by Shari & David Shuman In memory of Sylvia & Jack Shorstein by David Stern and family In memory of Jack Shorstein by Phyllis & George Strumlauf In memory of Jack Shorstein by Joanie & Sonny Waitz In memory of Jack Shorstein by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Elsie Yellin

Weiss/Leibo Fund In honor of Marsha & Ronnie Pollock's new home by Judy Greenfield In honor of Marsha & Ronnie Pollock's new home by Ann & Leon Silke In memory of Sidney Leibovitz by Marsha & Ron Pollock In memory of Wallace Rubenstein by Marsha & Ron Pollock

Wilbur Margol Fund for Campus Enhancement In memory of Norman P. Freedman by Carol Freedman In memory of Harry Jarchower by Marilyn Margol In memory of Norma Margol by Marilyn Margol In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Marilyn Margol In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Charlotte Fletcher by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Neil Sager by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Anita Geist by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Jan Morris by Wendy & Fred Pozin In honor of Jeff Shenkman's wedding by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Norma Margol by Wendy & Fred Pozin In honor of Alyse Nathans being honored as the JJC's Aishet Chayil on Simhat Torah by Wendy & Fred Pozin In honor of Steve Mizrahi being honored as the JJC's Hatan Torah on Simhat Torah by Wendy & Fred Pozin In honor of Robin Shorstein being honored as the JJC's Kallat Bereishit on Simhat Torah by Wendy & Fred Pozin In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Kate Robbins Happy 100th birthday to Blanche Slott by Kate Robbins In memory of Neil Sager by Kim & David Robbins In memory of Oren Margol by Kim & David Robbins In memory of Beverly Goldstein by Kim & David Robbins In memory of Renee Wolfson Moses by Phyllis & George Strumlauf

Witten Chapel Fund In memory of Sally Waldman by Sharon & Bruce Witten In memory of Sol Waldman by Sharon & Bruce Witten In memory of Maxine Funk by Sharon & Bruce Witten

Contributions (continued)

Page 20: CONTACT HAZZAN HOLZER FOR MORE DETAILS · Hazzan Holzer presented Judy with a plaque on behalf of the choir for the many years of service to our community. Matt & Kat Wolpin welcomed

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We Are Saddened by the Passing of Our Members...

In Memoriam

… Beverly Stein Goldstein, beloved wife of the late William “Bill” Goldstein, on Saturday, September 6, 2014. We extend our condolences to her children: Jeffrey (Doris) Goldstein, Nancie (Mark) Severs, Janet Goldstein, Lynn (Leonardo) Maiman; grandchildren Ellen (Houman), Max, Aliza, Aaron (Megan), Noah (Sumalai), David, Ilan, Faye, Neil, and Elana; great-grandchild, Terran; and beloved poodle Mazel.

… Norma Margol on Sunday, September 28, 2014. We extend our condolences to her children Andee (Chuck) Goldstein

and Steve (Cheryl) Margol; to her sister Lil (Milton) Cohen; to her grandson Adam (Stacey) Goldstein; her great-grandson Ethan; and to other extended family members in our community.

… Sylvia T. Hecht on Tuesday, October 7, 2014. We extend our condolences to her children Larry (Rose) Hecht and Rozie Hecht; to her sister Helen Diamond; and to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

… to Roz Abramson on the passing of her mother, Mary Glynne Davies Morgan, in New Zealand on Tuesday, September 2, 2014.

… to Sonya Morris on the passing of her son, Jan Morris, on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. Other family members include Jan's siblings, Debbie Simkin, Jeffery (Robin) Morris, Jerald Morris, and Joel (Carol) Morris, and all his nephews and nieces.

… to Stacey Aubrey (Albert Miller) on the passing of her father, Allan Sidney Hanhart, on Saturday, September 13, 2014, in Boynton Beach, FL.

… to Lawrence (Barbara) Jaffe on the passing of his sister, Diana Z. Bailey, in Miami on Sunday, September 21, 2014. Other family members include her husband Richard Bailey; her sons Marlin and Brian Bailey; two grandchildren; and all of Lawrence and Barbara's family.

… to Elaine (Marshall) Hodz and Howard Zeifman on the passing of their sister, Linda Zeifman on Tuesday, September 23, 2014.

… to Harry Koslowski on the passing of his mother, Helen Koslowski, on Thursday, October 2. Mrs. Koslowski was preceded in death by her husband, Samuel, and daughter, Esther. Other family members include daughter, Eva (David) Kroh; 5 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

… to the family and friends of Inez Achord who passed away Wednesday, October 8, 2014, after a brief illness. Inez worked at the Jacksonville Jewish Center for 35 years.

… to Marilyn (Charles) Feldstein, Peter Weinberg, Ed Weinberg, and Sandy Pollan on the passing of their aunt, Helen Bialolenki, on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Helen Bialolenki's other family members include her great niece Rebekah, and great nephews Jakob Pollan and Gary and David Gruber. Helen Bialolenki is also survived by her daughters Claudia (Bob) Salomon, Elandra (Marty) Weinberg, and Pamela (Nick) Amore.

… to Neil (Minda) Gordon on the passing of his mother, Linda Gordon, on Sunday, October 19, 2014. Linda Gordon's other family members include her husband Sidney Gordon; son, Jonathan (Michelle) Gordon; daughter, Lisa (Andrew) Pearlman; sister, Ivy Greene; and grandchildren, Josh and Jennie Gordon, Talia and Daphne Gordon, and Eva and Miles Pearlman.

… to Stuart (Karen) Appelbaum on the passing of his mother, Sylvia Appelbaum, on Thursday, November 13, 2014. Sylvia Appelbaum's other family members include her husband, Jerry Applebaum; two sisters, Zelda Berkowitz and Arlene Mazer; and grandchildren Josh and Michael Appelbaum.

… to Randi (Sam) Rogozinski on the passing of her father, Harvey Starsky, on Thursday, November 13, 2014, in the morning. Harvey Starsky's other family members include Arlene Starsky; daughter Lori (Larry) Schwartz; and grandchildren Jessica, Dana and Max Rogozinski, and Harrison, Sara and Mark Schwartz.

We Extend Our Condolences to Our Members Who Have Lost Loved Ones...
