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Contact Person: Student Government Office Manager 348 Memorial Union (530) 752 – 3632 ASUCD SENATE AGENDA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS 6:10, Student Community Center January 9, 2014 I. Call to Order II. Quorum Roll Call III. Appointments and Confirmations Election of a new protemp Nonga: Thomas Thomas: accept Mitchel: Wonders Wonders: accept Thomas: Hi I’d like to be your protemp because I’ve prioritize senate. I have less school responsibilities now and I’m willing to make senate a more worthy, more accountable, and more relevant body. Wonders: Hi everybody. I would really like to be protemp. I don’t take it lightly, and I think a lot of change can be enacted through this position. I’m willing to put my full effort. With 7-4-1 Thomas is the new protemp A. IAC Members Spencer: this is Adina, she’s a transfer and was involved in student government in both those schools before. And obviously we like the transfer student perspective. obviously she’s new to the university, but her energy is something I’m looking forward to in IAC Questions were the same IN LAST TIME’S MINUTES. Adina: one that accurately represents what the student body wants, one that’s transparent Adina: I would go with the second one, one that would be abused. Because I faith in student government that someone would stop it Adina: I suppose I would like our commission to explore all options and go into that bill knowing all the options to make sure we’re doing what’s right Adina: I would love to see the student body accurately represented. Making sure we’re talking to people. My past experience we spent hours tabling to get the right opinion.
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Contact Person: Student Government Office Manager348 Memorial Union

(530) 752 – 3632


6:10, Student Community Center January 9, 2014

I. Call to Order

II. Quorum Roll Call

III. Appointments and Confirmations

Election of a new protempNonga: ThomasThomas: acceptMitchel: WondersWonders: acceptThomas: Hi I’d like to be your protemp because I’ve prioritize senate. I have less school responsibilities now and I’m willing to make senate a more worthy, more accountable, and more relevant body.Wonders: Hi everybody. I would really like to be protemp. I don’t take it lightly, and I think a lot of change can be enacted through this position. I’m willing to put my full effort.With 7-4-1 Thomas is the new protemp

A. IAC Members

Spencer: this is Adina, she’s a transfer and was involved in student government in both those schools before. And obviously we like the transfer student perspective. obviously she’s new to the university, but her energy is something I’m looking forward to in IACQuestions were the same IN LAST TIME’S MINUTES.Adina: one that accurately represents what the student body wants, one that’s transparentAdina: I would go with the second one, one that would be abused. Because I faith in student government that someone would stop it Adina: I suppose I would like our commission to explore all options and go into that bill knowing all the options to make sure we’re doing what’s rightAdina: I would love to see the student body accurately represented. Making sure we’re talking to people. My past experience we spent hours tabling to get the right opinion.Adina: I’d go with an 8Watson: Motion to confirmConfirmedWatson: unit director report

B. Student-Police Relations Committee Chair  

Sandstrom: This is Ben Marchman. It was a unanimous decision to choose Ben. We had Daniel, Jenna, and a couple of others sitting on. Anyway, Ben’s an awesome candidate. His dad and brother are currently police officers. His interview was amazing and he’d bring a lot of structure back. He’s already been working over winter break and attended the Davis police department advisory board

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meeting. So he’s already shown initiative. He’ll bring a lot of perspective with family background and his own background. He can elaborate on that. I urge for a speedy confirmationWonders: What’s the biggest obstacle between students and the police department?Benjamin Marchman: the pepper spray incident was a year before I came in. Even then talking to people applying to Davis was very negative. There’s a fear there. There’s a general dislike of students by the community so it’s on both sides. That’ll be hardest to get over but with continuous communication, that’s fallen apart, we can see some changes.Sahota: What would you be willing to go about to work with the AV540 students on campus and making them feel more safe?Marchman: First of all talking about what their concerns are especially in relation to police relation. I really want to feel their representation. My first goal in my head is to go ahead and meet with different student groups. LGBTQIA, AV540, students of color, and see what we can do. I know there have been problems with other groups. There have been a few hate crimes, and so to see their concerns and then see what the police can do about those fears.Symthe: what’s your plan for increasing the presence and knowledge of the committee so students can get answers?Marchman: it’s one of the most important committees. It’s something that won’t go away and is continual. Having them know that I’m there…a lot of organization doesn’t even know that they’re on that committee…getting the word out, with the newsletter, that they can come and speak their minds on this community. I really want to start forums and really get the word out there and open these forums up for problems that can be easily communicated to the police departmentWooster: a lot of times with committees we have great ideas and then it’s a problem sustaining the committee. How will you overcome this and keep the committee energized?Marchman: I agree and even the police chief said that the turnover rate is a huge problem. So to me it’s all about communication. There has to be a mentoring period and I’d like to institute that. I believe those are key members. Their entire job is to be there and…it is difficult, it’s a large committee. But I really want to set our goals to what I do at this time. I don’t just want everyone…it’ll be a mess. Hopefully it’ll be a long term instead of a short term goal. They have to be realistic. You won’t improve student police relations in just two months. My first goal is to see what each group wants and seeing what we can do and then project more goals from there. Our long term strategic goal is to improve relations overall.Mitchel: how do you intend on improving Greek and police relations?Marchman: I’m willing to get more versed and improve my knowledge of the Greek community. Really talk to leadership and see what they want. Of course it’ll be tough. There’s noise violations, but these problems can be overcome and I’ll be willing to look over these issues. I’m willing to expand my knowledge I admit I’m a bit ignorant in that. But I’ll call as many people as I can cause their dealings with the police are really important and reflect upon the whole student bodyNonga: What qualities do you bring to the table?Marchman: My father has been a police officer for 31 years and was the president of the Glendel Police (Counsel?)…so I’ve been around city politics. My brother…so I know there’s a difference between college and city police. Also I’ve been working for ASUCD for a year now. I’ve met most of you, met the contacts, and you know it’s nice to bring in someone who won’t be lost within this large association. I’m sort of fresh but at least I have the contacts and connections.Garg: I was wondering if you could talk about a specific project beyond outreach you have in mindMarchman: There was I think the student assistant to the chancellor, Patrick, he was talking about a bike safety program as well as simple things like property theft which is a big problem at Davis. There’s simple fixes also known as locking your door. So I really want to outreach to that and there are simple ways to improve situations. It’s easier for students to get the information. There’s a website. Thomas: motion to confirm this candidateConfirmed

C. AAC Members

Sever: We have 4 awesome candidates here. All of them are very qualified. 2 are new and 2 are returning. Some are missing class right now, so I urge for a speedy confirmationSmythe: Thanks for your dedication. What has AAC done that you’re proud of, and what would you

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like to see in the future?Kurland: When I heard about all the events, I think it’s great what they want to do for the campus. I’m really excited to see what I can do with this commission.Kumar: I just joined, so Monday was my first meeting. What they do is really cool for bringing people together and collaborating and staying focused.Tuan: To develop project…Yu: passNonga: What are pressing academic needs that AAC would help out on?Kurland: there’s a mentor-mentee program, it’d be nice if an upper classman gave me advice, that’s really cool.Kumar: I think just putting out the information more, like the 392.0 so that everyone’s more informed.Tuan: Students might not realize they need help, and so they aren’t being proactive to get assistanceYu: You want a degree and get a job you’re interested in, so we put the resources out there and we advertise them so they can. It helps to know what resources are out there.Watson: A lot of students talk about major advisors aren’t the most helpful and positive. So what are some steps you can take as a commissioner to remedy this?Kurland: passKumar: I think they’re motivated by mentors and peers. There are peer advisors, and making connections, like the mentor programs we will have, will encourage studentsTuan: the mentor mentee projects can help...having someone with more experience will definitely helpYu: I don’t think it’s always true. A lot of advisors we have are trained peer advisors.Thomas: motion to confirmConfirmed

D. ECAC Members

Garg: This was a very lengthy and extensive interviewing process. We got an unprecedented number of applicants. We were able to fill this position with wonderful delightful students. We have 6 of our 9 commissioners here today. I urge for a speedy confirmations. The interviews were thorough. I had up to 7 people on the interviewing panel and they made it through that.Watson: I was there for all of them except Monday. They’re amazing candidates, we grilled them, but in a good way. We stayed until 9 O’clock talking about them in great detail. I would urge for a speedy confirmation, just trust usSmythe: I do trust you, but I have to ask do you think that ECAC should focus on program or policy? You already had itAndrew: So I believe the two are inseparable. Policy has to be the backbone for the programs.Santico: I agree with my new commissioner, but I think we need to support more on the policy and programming already going onSabrina: I personally believe policy is a big role Ong: I love how policy is the backbone. ECAC is a commission and should have that influence on campus. I think it’s important to be out there so the average student knows what ECAC is about and just to have that confidence that we’re doing active things.Nonga: what qualities or experiences would contribute to ECAC?Andrew: So for me I am a first year here. My senior year of high school I was in We the People. We had to work together closely and I believe my experience working in the team will lend to this commission.Jackie: I work at the student recruitment retention center…so I would hope my qualifications okaySabrina: from high school, I was president so I have the admin skills. I’m also an intern for Jackie and that’s where I’m going for that tooJackie: I worked with southern California …for Obama…to reach students. That’s what ECAC doesEsther: I work that the CCC and also on board for black student union. I’m also a tour guide. They all come together. I have a lot of experience working with groups and planning events. I’m really excited to get into the policy side of thisElisa: I grew up in England and moved here in high school… so I know what it’s like moving to a new culture. So that’s what I can bring.

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Nonga: motion to confirmConfirmed.

E. Outreach Assembly

Ashe: OA had lots of great applicants. A lot of them have club or marketing experience or OA experience. They have a proactive attitude in getting involved in OA so I urge for a speedy confirmationThomas: what clubs do you think are right for the picking for ASUCD? What clubs can ASUCD work with easily?Gayane: should reach out to mostly all clubs on campus because we can get more people interestedSandhya: I agree with her. We can focus on clubs with lots of people to reach out to lots of peopleGenetics clubInternational ClubValerie: borderact clubSara: international club as wellDomestic and international student clubPremed AMSAThomas: how would you get that club involved with ASUCD?Gayane: communicate through social networks like FacebookSandhya: OA can attend their meetings and participate in their events to get informationI have a bit of a pull over there I’m the media chair.Marissa: flyering and going to the iHouse and making them awareKy: come join us for some fun events cause we have amazing peopleValerie: I’m already in model UN so just bring it out to themMarianna: directly contact them. Email them and get their meetings.Nonga: can you give an example of a time you did outreach? Is there a concrete example?Gayane: I had an internship with the state assembly and we had to outreach in my neighborhood. It was fun talking to people and getting them interestedSandya: officer and through that I work on advertising through fb and other stuffI was on OA for a year so that’s my outreachI’m a transfer and I was part of government over there. we passed out free things and flyers and try to get people involvedI was part of my link crew club in high school. We used social media and flyers and went to classrooms and set up a fair for clubs and activitiesI was part of the newspaper and went to classes to inform what we’re aboutI passed out flyers and posted things on social media for the genetics clubISA we table a lot and contact a lot of other clubs. Things like thatKy: when I was in my student government in high school, we always ask for student comments and listen to what they want before making a decisionEvans: what do you think the role of OA is in generating candidate pools when we’re going through hirings. Advertising jobs, opportunities, leadership roles, and create that buzz about ASUCDGayane: pass

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Sandhya: passI think UC Davis student should be involved in ASUCD events and voting because it’s for them. They should have voice in what they doTransfer students and freshmen because they don’t know how voting is done. So OA can explain thatI also agree with herI think tabling and flyering are really effective with that. And providing incentive like free food.OA can attend more meetings to have more active relationship so that they can tell about their events and from there ASUCD can explain theirsI agree and they should get members talking because word spreads.Nonga: say you’re talking to a president of a club, how would you pitch ASUCD to them? To make them want to be involved in ASUCD?Gayane: I would say that ASUCD is important because it connects with clubs and actual government. If clubs needs funds, we can connect them to the gov and help them financialSandhya: makes lots of decisions that’s implemented to students in the university so it’s important for students to know. I think it’s really important because ASUCD …The most obvious would be we do give out funding and resources to reach out more and be more involved so we can help them with that part.I think a lot of clubs don’t know all the resources we have. Just providing that incentive and letting them know about these resourcesExplain how their club can be more involved if they were involved in ASUCD and benefit them to growJust reach out to them and knowing we can probably help them be more activeOA can have advising hours. Also just telling them what resources are availableDefinitely tell them resources financially. A lot of clubs can benefit knowing other clubsI also agree with her that we should reach out to them and let them know of resources and opportunitiesNonga: motion to confirmConfirmedNonga: motion to go into public discussionPublic Discussion

F. EPPC Members

EPPCMoed: they’re all fantastic, some of them served previously, some are new. I think some of the members of the public I encourage you to look to other aspects of ASUCD not just senate. EPPC meets Tuesday nights.Garg: congrats, how do you think students can contribute more to make UC Davis a not polluting UC. UC Davis is the most polluting UC…Jessica: I think that outreach and talking that letting people know is really important thing to do. If students don’t know, then they can’t do anything about it. Melissa: I think a big one is I know a lot of people drive to campus and have parking passes. Maybe some campaign maybe that’s something EPPC can doJessie: earth week, we should have a day dedicated to this topic to educate students

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and staffMargaret: I agree we should inform people that that’s actually a problem and what we can do. You would think that Davis is really green. A lot of people do drive but we have lots of bike pathsWonders: really quickly, tell me a cool project of idea that you have for EPPCKelly: getting some presentation during the freshmen orientation to inform everyone at onceJessie: I just want us to complete our waste audits Dana: I think it’d be nice if we can get more organic waste bins outside the CoHoAmy: I’m interested in a compost program where we can gather their compost stuff around the neighborhoodMargaret: I think we should make it easier to recycle and compost in the dormsJessica: I want to work with units to reduce their own wasteTiffany: I would like to work on composting on campus and more places they can recycle batteries.Wonders: motion to confirm the candidatesConfirmedWonders: motion into BnF confirmationsWithdrewThomas: motion to OA confirmations

G. Court Justice

Sandstrom: you’ve seen them before. These are the last two in order to fill the whole bench of ASUCD court. I hope there’s no more to be asked, but they’re both really qualified. Ross is going to law school. Davis is a sophomore and has been working for the court already and actually ran for ASUCD his first quarter here. Liked their comments on neutrality within the court. So with that I urge for a speedy confirmation.Wonders: I’d just like to remind them we’ve grilled them extensively in the past. Tell me about how you maintain neutralityAndaru: Well, I have a lot of experience in debate, I’ve judged a lot of debate, done a lot of debate, done almost every type of debate there is. I know how important it is for a judge to be as neutral as possible and coming out of the debate judging what has been said.David: I heard about the role of laws and courts in society and I think it’s important for courts to be neutral because they resolve issues and for issues to be resolved effectively, both sides have to be given a fair shake. What’s really important is the evidence, not who your buddies are. Neutrality won’t be difficult for me because coming from a family of attorneys, I’d find it easy to be neutralRoss: I won’t compare ASUCD to any institution at large. But there can because we’re at the same age group, same classes, there’s a tendency to extra governmental influence like friend groups. Whether it’s the judge or justices rule, it’s their job to keep what the law or ruling verbatim. I never been involved in ASUCD but I think bringing something…I’m good at legal affairs and coming from an outside situation I won’t have much biasness.Smythe: have you read the ASUCD constitution and if not how quickly would you read itAndaru: I have read it. It’s the courts jobRoss: I got asked that last time and have read it multiple times since. I have a legal notebook that I keep things.David: I have read the constitution in fact I read it every night before I go to sleep. It’s on my door and on my mirror and I really live and breathe and ASUCD constitution.Smythe: have you read the bylaws?Andaru: yupRoss: I’ve read the bylaws and judicialDavid: I actually have the bylaws taped to my bikeNonga: motion to confirm

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Watson: I wasn’t there, we suspend a lot of bylaws to get legislation passed. What’s your stance on that?Ross: the court can’t really do anything. You need a third entity, I mean we would look at it per case basis. That’s how it operates.David: I mean obviously if you suspend the bylaws constitutionally I don’t have a problem with it. But if a student filed a suit with us then we’d look at it.Smythe: how do you feel about how the constitution is editedRoss: these been kind of ad hoc.Smythe: do you agree with the process?Ross: yes, there is always room for improvement.

H. BnF

Griffiths: Artem was a commissioner before and he’s like an audit god. I was commissioner with him last year and people respect him. I have 2 more people coming today. Conrad and Christina and Rupali…everyone’s well vetted. Wonders: in BnF look at a bill do we look at finances or merits?Rupali: I think it’s in the grey area. We need to consider both the merits and the finance. Need to understand the demand for the bill and then look at the finances. If it’s reasonable financial endeavor go ahead and pass itChristina: I think if the bill is useful and doesn’t strain the finances then it shouldn’t be a problemConrad: I think we should look at finance first and then weigh merit laterArtem Senchev: that’s a really interesting question because how do you put a financial number for the merits of a bill? The other part, well for the financial merits, there’s a lot of ratios that can be used. Such as the dollar per student or student per dollarThomas: to what degree do you think BnF should be in the writing of the ASUCD budget?Conrad: I think we should be 100% involved. We should develop it as we use itRupali: we also see different bills come in so we have a good idea of what type of budget to proposeChristina: BnF and finance is our name. I think we need the input of other commissions as well. I don’t know if I would have enough experience to make a call on the budget but maybe colleaguesArtem: to be an advisory role to senate when they write the budgetWatson: two bills…if both pass it’ll deplete reserves? Would you pass both or will you fail one…I mean what would you do within that scenario?Conrad: I think we should make the decision and recommend both or no or one bill. To my understanding we should be making the decision in that regardRupali: I think if they’ll deplete reserves we shouldn’t pass both of them. We can look at merits and then recommend one.Christina: agree going to debt is badArtem: we will look at the financial merit of both bills assuming we have the assets. And we’ll approve them and deny them assuming the money is there and let senate decideWatson: motion to confirmConfirm

IV. Unit Director ReportsA. CCE

Tanzi: hi everyone. So I apologize that I couldn’t do it last quarter, but I was sick. I do plan to do one this quarter probably 8 or 9. First things first, we have our new website up. it’s beautiful, I love it so much. Creative media is wonderful. I worked really really hard on this one page in particular and I’ll just show it to you. It literally lists every environmental club, unit, office on campus. Tell them to go to my website under get involved. And all of them are links. So one of my goes for CCE is to be a center for the environment and making that resource was the most obvious step. I also talked to marketing about Facebook things. We did a lot of tabling,

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farmers market, we got like 200 email addresses this year. I just throw in the senate email address and you’ll have to get in. big events that happened is CSSC. They have two things called convergences every year. It was at Humboldt state university. We did a lot of good stuff. Lots of workshops and things. Lots of underclassmen went, and that was great. Let’s see. Fossil free UC is still a thing. They might make that a whole separate club. At one point this year a few students met with katehi, and on Halloween they did this fossil free haunting, it was cute, but effective. We have a field guide we have a class every single quarter. it’s a field trip based class. We take them to the domes, the co-op, do a craft day with aggie reuse. A lot of students who take that class become involved with environmental things. I’ll tell you about the class. There’s weekly readings…it’s not just a tralala class, you actually think and do things. It’s still really fun and you do things. We’re working on our ESLP with guest speakers. You can come to one or two lectures or take it for units. We’re on track with our time line. We have a list of potential speakers. We applied for the go green grant. Traveling throughout California and maybe some in Oregon. We got a decent amount for that. It helps us do ESLP. one thing you should all know is that we sell compostable goods. It’s a rule that PanHellenic made that any philanthropy event has to be zero waste. And no sorority has bought from us this year. I have zero for IFC because they haven’t showed interest in compostables. So those of you involved with Greek life… On that note, we’re trying to start a reusable. Whole earth festival. Hose down. other than that, we want to utilize them. It’ll be nice if we can rent them out when people are having events. We kind of have been working in meeting…there’s the whole safety with whose washing them. Red cup cleanup is still running strong. You get 2 cents per cup. We got 800 in total to give to the charity of our choice. We’ll see if we can give some to the scholarship fund maybe? That’s what I would like to do. TGIF is a thing. It’s also the green initiative fund. It’s a student fee that I’ll be proposing. I’ve hired some interns to help me do some research. We already have the whole thing what it would look like written up. we have meetings with the environmental stewardship….they let us know cool things. If you care about those things, let me know. There’s this film called the last crop that we’re trying to screen. It’s about the problem of family farms not being inherited from our kids. It features some Davis locals. So that’s probably in the spring, but we started fundraising efforts. That’s basically what happened. Things I want to do more of is work on connecting the campus groups more. I made that resource but now I want everyone to know everyone else. CCC issues are also environmental issues usually, but I haven’t done that much. We had a peace workshop in our ESLP class. And when there was that fundraising for that recent typhoon, the CSSC group are in solidarity in doing hunger strikes and stuff. That’s basically everything. And thank youSmythe: before I ask my question, the green initiative fund is on the fee task force. That’s being addressed. I’ve been working with tanzi and her interns. Have you had problems with like outreach to fill staff positions or are you fully staffed?Tanzi: for paid staff we’re good. And volunteer, it’s more that we have students who want to volunteer and I don’t really know where to put them because it’s you know all the stuff we’re trying to do, it’s something I’m working on learningSmythe: I know you have this great website, but have you worked with any of those organization or clubs? Have you incorporated clubs into your procedures?

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Tanzi: we worked with Calpirg to put on this clean car show. The gardens have been contacting us a lot. We work really closely with the CSSC club. That kind of deal.Smythe: how close are you with establishing a work relationship with the CCCTanzi: It’s high on my to-do listSahota: the haagan daaz honey bee haven are always looking for volunteers. Thomas: last year I’d make a commitment to your staffer to get you on the weekly CSI bulletin. To which CSI said we can buy that at Costco for cheaper. Tanzi: because Costco is far and you need a Costco cardWonders: so you guys had a conference to send people to and you fundraised for it and you went. Cool that’s interesting. I think that’s really cool. Good for you. The website is super sweet. Far out. I was a little alarmed by what you said about PanHellenic and IFC. I’m kind of disappointed that PanHellenic hasn’t gotten back to you. If there’s anything we can do to help out to that. Tanzi: we were going to literally email everyone. That was our next stepSherman: they had a turnover. I’d be happy to work with you. A lot of the philanthropies do involve more ….I’d want to work with you sooner rather than later.Wonders: we have resources for that. Other than that, you’re killing itMcManus: great unit director report. Evans: I am part of a large social club on campus and I’m wondering what we do to hit that market right now?Tanzi: I just mentioned PanHellenic because they have that rule. as for clubs, it’s hard to find out which is why I wanted to do the CSI thing. I should reach out to SOS because it’s gigantic.Evans: ……Tanzi: as for red cups, we can pick them up even though they aren’t recyclable.Watson: I am on the CCC staff. You can message me…I just need to put you on the agendaSherman: for the red cup initiative, I know a lot of house parties, are there outreach towards the general community? Tanzi: there was a thing called the sustainability showcase. That was awesome. We had the red cup cleanup. CCE has a problem with outreach when we’re in the basement. Evans: wait we have space on the first floor that’s open now. Smythe: I just want to thank you for being here. staying for quite a while. So with your permission, I’ll move out. But I’ll defer to NongaNonga: I suggest you collaborate with outreach assembly. New commissioners would probably would work on that.Kapur: CCE will come next week. So you should all read it. read long range plansSmythe: motion into consideration of old legislationConsideration of Old Leg

V. Committee Reports

Committee on Committees-Watson: hi everyone. This is something we talked about when I worked with Armando. I talked about it in terms of my platform. How do we keep all the people who make all the decisions…I will work my

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butt off for it.Sherman: I really want to be on this committee because I want to be more involved in academic senate. I want to put in the time and effort to get thereLockhandwalla: I’ve been working with them since sophomore year. It’s my platform to work with the academic centerWatson and Sherman.Entrepreneurship Fund-TorresInternet and Networking Committee-MitchellStudent Police Relations Committee-GuptaURSAC-Wonders & ThomasABOC-Xiong & Thomas Aggie Public Arts Committee-NongaStudent Health and Wellness Committee- Wonders & SmytheIUSC-NongaSAAAC-Yee & SahotaDREAM-WatsonUSC-LokhandwallaCRACK-ThomasSSFAAC-ThomasMediaboard-NongaRROC- WatsonMarketing-Sherman and Smythe11-1-0 ex-officio reports in writingMotion into public announcements

VI. PresentationsA. Jonathan Goh regarding Experimental College

Jonny: Thanks for allowing for me to speak. I’m a Davis native, a student and EC instructor. It’s my obligation to remind you of yours. Unlike most students, Davis is my home. There are mostly visitors to pad your transcript and leave. The fact that none of you voted to support the EC shows your ignorance of the EC. Through the EC John taught a class to avoid being drafted to the Vietnam War. The EC even boasted having…freedom movements of the 60s. The EC was created to give the oppressed a safe haven to express themselves. These days it’s now shown as an updated hippie gym. Who needs it when we have the ARC and freedom of expression because we have a rock wall. Over 600,000 in capital reserve and you can’t have 30,000 to help the EC? I won’t let you do any more damage. I wouldn’t be allowed to express myself on campus without EC. I found that none of the outlets allowed me and my students to practice this art. They had 100 classes taught by the students and community. I immediately grasped the….I began teaching and I gave up my share of class fees and taught for free. It’s a sacrifice I would make any day for the love of my community, jujitsu, and EC. We jumped into action immediately. What sacrifice has the senate made to exist? EC made money to Senate since 2008. And in those 5 years what kind of assistance has the Senate done to help us? It’s incredibly disheartening that 12 students would actually oversee cuts of their own. It’s called backstabbing. They’re more focused on making a profit off the students. And not one of you voted to keep busses. Are senators the ones….how do senators make money? They don’t, while cutting valuable student resources. I believe one of you said EC is a dead unit and in the 5 years EC needed help, the senate did nothing. It sounds like senate is a dead unit. Maybe we should cut you guys. EC has been constantly changing staff with little motivation and guidance. EC will not be able to pull itself out of the hole senate has dug. The senate has the power to reorganize the structure of EC. I demand action now. Bring back EC classes. I will rally those who support EC to restore its glory. I motion to divide the house to see which senators support the EC.Thomas: I’d like to talk about bankruptcy. It’s a term being thrown around. When any institution is bankrupt, there are options. It will usually not come back as the same. I’d like to point out the fact that the capital reserves are over 600,000. It’s actually less than 50,000. I met with our business manager to talk about this. We have less than 50,000 in reserves, I don’t know where the 600,000 number is coming from. When a unit goes into bankruptcy, it needs to be reinvented. I’m personally

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for reigniting this unit in 2014 if the student body is for it. Also Davis is my home and plan on living here the rest of my life. Rick: I am the chair of the EC instructor advisory board. While I appreciate my fellow instructor’s passion, his views about senate do not represent the views of EC. Many thanks for those on the Senate. The EC courses offer tremendous value to students. It provides an environment where we can develop relationships, mostly mentorship relationships. The value of mentor and mentee relationships was highlighted by AAC earlier. It offers internships and opportunities that are crucial to the success of students given the tight job market. In short, EC is incredibly valuable asset for UC Davis. I encourage senators to look at the comments over the change.org website. It’s currently supported by 400 signatures and comments. There have been organizational problems, and it’s been difficult for parties on various sides. I think it’s difficult for ASUCD whose facing problems in a number of units. It’s different for the interim managers and the new business manager. With the vacuum that his departure created, I understand your difficult situation. The irony is that in fall 2014 with the advisory board, EC made the changes necessary to move forward. One problem was lack of institutional memory. New members would…the instructor advisory board provides this memory. The EC has marketing problems and was based on print media, which has been on great decline. Unfortunately the aggie also has been suffering. What EC did was cut marketing budget in response to the problem. In the fall, EC finally constructed a viable website which was set to launch this quarter. So it’s ironic to suspend EC courses program in fall when it’s finally set to be highly successful moving forward. We projected to cut deficit in half this year even…and was scheduled to put… Motion to extend timeRick: I’d emphasize essential changes were made in fall. We couldn’t address the lingering effects of over 5 years of operating losses. Primary change was to change instructor compensation. Something we’ve been asking for over 5 years. In the fall, we could get instructors truly passionate to increase revenue by 67%. While this wasn’t too little, it was too late. In the fall we exhausted EC’s reserves. It was its own unit reserves I want to point out. By 2008, it was about 120,000 independent reserves. In the last 5 years, it’s been in exhaustion with its own internal reserve. So not a harm to the senate. It’s difficult for me to explain to people why the EC a 47 year part of UC Davis culture had its courses suspended. I would appreciate advice from senate to how I’d respond to that. The difficulty in recent years is simply the marketing is inadequate. People always say they wish they found it sooner. Students seem to be intensely loyal once they find it. So I hope the value of EC is clear. I hope we’re in agreement there have been serious problems/. I hope we can also agree that EC has worked extremely hard in the last quarter to rectify the problems created by past leadership, which unfortunately ASUCD wasn’t aware of. Now that we have a new permanent ASUCD office manager to mentor unit leaders, and now that Senate has the sensitivity for more direct communication with units…and people doing the day to day ground level work, I’m optimistic of its future. The value of EC hasn’t changed. It’s the one place students control their learning experience. It’d be unfortunate if this campus culture has been diminished or lossed.Watson: so a couple of things were mentioned that we didn’t care. I need everyone to understand. We just got confirmed last night. But we did go until they literally kicked us out of the room and we debated about it. We had multiple votes. That’s why we did keep the gardens and then come back together without the debt rising and rising so we can talk about it and then eventually bring it back. We had no decision to kill it forever. We want it sustainable for years to come. We try to keep one part open so that it is around and work together with you all. Understand again, that was week 10, week of finals. We were planning to come back and have these conversations. So I appreciate that you guys came outKapur: this is really ironic because I asked if you had to cut a unit, what unit would you cut? They said the EC. I thought it was bad. I think Mariah is right. Brand new senators voting on a vote like that. I remember it was a daunting experience when I first got in. Well now it’s about moving forward. There’s a bill introduced tonight on that issue. So I think we should introduce the bills so we can do it with the people who care about it in the room. When people show up, it’s an important issue. I also think they should go around and you should vote on them. What you said last meeting isn’t on the record yet. So no one can say I didn’t say that because you voted on the minutes. So I think you should introduce the bills, approve the minutes, and then talk about a game plan. So it’s not a back and forth of angry public members. A lot of informed people are here and we should take their consideration in account. How many people of experimental college were here?

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Thomas: I’d like to say that any losses of student fees hurts the student body. This unit lost 15,000 this quarter alone, not to count the last 5 years of losses. If any other unit did that, they would change astonishly. We did it because 15,000, given a 20% increase, losing another 15,000 would be devastating to the association and student body. ASUCD was more focused on profiting…..the EC instructors have been working on this for years. We couldn’t get an EC director for the life of us. If we can’t get an EC director, …..At the end of the day I have to look out for students first. We cannot spend any more money. We’re not allowed to, based on our laws. I’m happy to get up to speed by 2014.Sara: I just wanted to talk about my personal experience at EC. I’ve heard a lot of hopeful things and the willingness to work for us. A lot of us really, really care. Rick said a lot of things I already wanted to say. I came back as a grad student in chemistry. When I found the EC in January, it was life changing. People as other grad students, staff, faculty, undergrad, community, we got an opportunity to interact with each other. One of the great joys is the ability to interact with students and learn from them. I’m a professor and I know there are things you guys can teach me. I don’t know everything in the world. I have a great deal of things to talk about that’s not chemistry. I’d like to interact with students with a more personal relationship. Instructors get to know students and student’s instructors. You can build a community. One of the most important things about the EC is that education is in the most profound sense personal growth. You get the opportunity to share what you know, which is very rare. I really hope what I’m hearing to try to get this back together is something we really can do together.Sahota: I just want to chime in a lot of problem we dealt with at the EC is the turnover. We face that too at the senate table. There’s also lack of constitutional memory. We all agree we should have addressed that 5 years ago but hasn’t. I just want you all to know we worked on task force, the skeleton amount of money to get EC running ASAP. They’ll have access to the catalogs in the spring so we can start in the fall. We are trying to do what we can. But we want EC to remain on this campus. So on that note, what we’re going on from here is spring budget is coming up. This quarter is fundamental for progress for EC. Bottoms: I just want to say a couple more efforts that are happening, when we saw the huge problem with EC especially during the financial deficit, a lot of us really acted. Eric just walked in he’ll speak on this. He led the effort with Criselle. What we can do to launch those before course registration. There was very little way for the new unit director to change things this quarter. That’s why we saw EC lose its last bit. I would also like to add that yes EC did build the reserves on their own. Hopefully with this task force, we can create a model that’s effective and see with student affairs what we can doSahota: The advisory board, I don’t know if the Senate table knows about it. Quickly I want to get that bill out there so people can know what the task force is.With 9-2 Intro to New Leg

B. Controller regarding Human Resources Budgeting

VII. Public Announcements

Thomas: tomorrow I’m hosting ASUCD 101 for my interns. I think it’s really rad and I’d like to invite new senators and interns around. It’s between 2 and 4. What’s going to happen is I’ll explain to my interns the structure of ASUCD. The president even offered to talk to us. If you have any interns. Lara: I just have one thing. It’ll take like 7 minutes. At the last meeting I crunched the meetings for SOCC and we owe you money. I want to show you how much money we owe you. Garg: we thought we’d show you where the money goesLara: so the formatting on the pages might be confusing, but what we did was we divided expenses into 4 categories. Hotel, transportation, registration fees, and the other we grouped into the last box. Janice wanted us to break down what funding was going where so we broke that down. it’s in here I’ll pass it around. You can see the forms of payment, income sources, total remaining, and then 1500. So that’s what I did if you look at the 2nd box, so for busses it was 82.72 and we paid for that using Hectors….so because we thought that our bill was vetoed, they gave us the 8000. But at the bottom, it’s in the packet, it was understood that any money that was leftover would go back to him. So that’s what happened. But in the end we got money from you. So we thought we’d take the money to cover you. So the second box you shouldn’t worry about. You should worry about the 1st

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the 3rd and the 4th. We exhausted all funding sources before we came to your money. Then third box…. (explained the chart) At the end of the day there’s a 499.04 remainder that we’ll return to you.Thomas: thank you. If we required this out of every institution, we’d be much sounder as a whole. I’m glad everyone’s here paying attention. Really appreciate that $500 and it will go a long way. Thanks so much for your hard workWooster: I just want to highlight this part of my ex officio report. It was a great meeting. I printed out slips that asked for names, commission goal, and personal goal. It was so, so great. There were a few things that were said but many, many more that crossed my mind….to help advertise more events, I just wanted to bring them up. it’s a cool bonding activity. One of them wants a tattoo, I want more sleepKapur: four things. On Saturday there’s a swim meet, they’re undefeated. I think swimming is a sport that didn’t get a lot of …. I was on Lobby Corp on Tuesday and there’s a lot of things they were asking me. Lobby Corps one of the most successful and does so much. It’s come so far and none of us were there. Justin gauss wrote a bill to require you to go. This is serious shit. We should be working on that. Last thing is hopefully you all read the aggie. Next year winter break is 2 weeks. Imam get drunk in college. The reason for it was religious accommodations. I want to talk about it and possibly talk about it. move in weakened is on Yom Kapur. Moed: …..Kapur: I want to place it on the agenda for next it. and if you’re a Niners fan you’re gonna lose on the weekendBottoms: go Niners. I want to reiterate that please please come to the 20-20 meeting this Saturday. Everyone in ASUCD… we’re giving everyone….so please come out and if you can’t you can send an email ahead of time so I can print them out and express your views during strategic planning. Also wanted to say we were going to meet and find out all the reasoning for the shortening of the break. So once I meet with her, I’ll let all of you know so we can draft a resolution. Donna: As you guys know, a million clean cars in California. We’re super excited and looking forward to working with the governor. We’re also working to get rid of fracking. Make textbooks more affordable. We the PERGS are going to release a report based off of the textbook crisis. We got a new campus organizer, her names Emily. The last thing I want to mention is that Calpirg is hiring. You can apply at us perg.org/jobs. If you’re not graduating, again usperg.org/jobsWonders: be careful about going to Thomas’s thing. He looked him dead in the eye and said we’re breaking up the controller room next yearMcManus: if you’re interested in testing the registration portal, let me know. And the new smartsite is just the first step. Basically, it’s not just a new look, it’s being replaced at the end of next year. If you’re interested in reforming the LRP let me knowMotion to adjourn

VIII. Status of Legislation Previously Passed

IX. Introduction of New Legislation

SR to support the reorganization of EC to continue providing students ways to supplement their college SB implement long range plan for project compostSB for attendance in commissionSB clarify the role of the network admin team in the electionsSB for violation points in smartsite in electionSR to pursue and end action ….SR belt measureMotion to appointments and confirmations

X. Consideration of Old Legislation A. SB#13 Thomas

Thomas: I spent a great deal of time looking at 10 minute breaks. One thing we can change is 10

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minute breaks. The notion of a 10 minute break….do not follow California state law….it makes break take as long as it wants to. We’re just adjusting the bylaws to what we do, but make it so that breaks take less than 17 minutes. That is all.IAC: it’s all for making things efficient. There are a few questions in text. I really think this will make senate more efficient and it’s frustrating to see people get food and EC stuff is being talked about and there’s only one person more than quorum.Smythe: motion to public discussionEvans: this is line 8ish. I’m pretty sure the law applies when the crime is committed. They were still illegal at that time, so pull that out.Smythe: I was in IAC when this was seen. This is a dangerous attempt by the protemp to increase his power. He refers to himself in third person all the timeSmythe: this is good. This is solidMitchell: how will this be enforced? Will I be scolded for a minute?Thomas: if anyone breaks the bylaws, there are no significant measures. I consider them best practices. You’re subject to a close section and/or a court case that can lead to student judicial affairs being involved. The last court cased was by senator gauss…..Mitchell: would it be possible to have one 15 minute break and a 10 minute break later. Call Senate Bill 13 To questionWatson: you had a question, Katie?Sherman: I just want to know that not just the protemp can make a break. Bottoms: you can motion for a break.Watson: call to questionPasses

B. SB#15 BurkeWithdrawn

C. SB#18 Waaland

Waaland: I know it’s been a long meeting, this is pretty straight forward. Just clarifying a lot of things about the bylaws about hiring justices. There was one thing I wanted to talk about really fast. I brought this up with IAC that I wanted the chief justice to be hired from the ASUCD court. I talked to the original author, Sergio. Originally, chief justices were hired through the court, but he accidentally reversed it, and so this is the responsible thing to do. Evans: I think we have equal opportunity…IAC: most of this is just clarifying. Jenna took some of this from the judicial code. The only thing is what Jemma mentioned about application being open to only chief justices. Having a chief justice whose familiar….I’m pretty sure such restrictions restrict for other positions as well.Smythe: I’ like the IAC commission chair to talk about that discussion you had about hiring within the court.McManus: there were obviously it was stricken. Let’s just leave it there for right now and talk about it. if we don’t have to pursue that then we can cross it out. Some members of the commission didn’t feel like that would be a requirement. As far as the arguments in favor of this, again, I already said it, I really think it’s responsible to hire within the courts. Then they’d be familiar with the operations of the cool. That’s my opinion.Jemma: we also I on my own time talked to some members of the court. They were saying that historically, justices that have been hired from not within the court system has been kind of disastrous. Jefferson: there have been 3 hired outside of the court…………Lara: this part was the most contentious part. I want to talk about my view on this. this is where IAC was split on it. we all voted yes because we took it out. My personal view is that it’s discriminatory. If you’re hiring for the best, shouldn’t you be limited that pool of 8. The IAC chair couldn’t apply. I understand that the best person would be from the court in most cases, but that shouldn’t be the case. If all the candidates on the court suck, they shouldn’t be hired. You’re just drawing down your pool.Jefferson: the current method requires a 2/3 vote to indict that senate, and 2/3 in IAC and then 2/3 in SenateNonga: I feel uncomfortable limiting opportunity based on….

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Smythe: sure usually a commissioner gets this position because of experience, same with unit directors but we like to keep it openJemma: let’s just strike it then since you’re not in favor.Wonders: call this bill to questionSmythe: we have to take out the part that’s stricken.Bottoms: I would recommend looking at the ineligible Wonders: call this bill to questionSmythe: people are confused we should make sure we’re not confused before we pass thisBill PassesWonders: motion into presentationsThomas: we have to be out of here in an hour so I want to do committee assignments before we leaveWonder: Motion into Committee Assignments

XI. Ex-Officio Reports A. Commission Chairs

Moedo Completed interviews and informed applicants of acceptanceo Held first meetingo Reached out to SROo Begin brainstorming ideas for quartero Plans to begin working with bike barn

Severo Mentor program meetingo 392.0->SASCo Last lecture in Feb?o Courseloado Technology meetingso 5ko Meeting on Monday

Mentor program-meeting with Peer Advisors from each college, ICC, RHAT to include them in our program and add their expertise. From there will develop our mission statement, Hope to launch in the spring

392.0-partner with SASC for their four events this quarter Last Lecture-Enderle agreed! Hopefully confirming a date in February Have new commissioners! Yay!

o Other Su meetings are in progress- date changed to May 18th

Working to test out a courseload platform- on committee with Carly More tech meetings- improve myucdavis, new reg portal, ect

B. Outreach Assembly Speaker Ashe

o Held meeting on Wednesdayo Talked about club outreach ideas and upcoming winter events

C. ASUCD Controller

XII. Elected Officer Reports A. President

Weekly Report 12/14/2013 - 1/9/2013

a. Safeboats meeting with Risk, Legal and Student Affairs

a. Sent emails and quarterly reports

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b. Meeting with Chancellor

c. Coffee and emails/proposals with Bradley

a. Call with Felicia re: scholarship

b. Call with Janice and Eric

c. Exec office catch up

a. Brief meeting with Mark Champagne

b. Star and Patrick Bi-Weekly Update

c. Meeting with Intern Yuri

d. Meeting with Ryan Hively re: Courseload

e. Meeting with Courtney from Student Housing

f. Meeting with Director of Special Projects, Joyce

a. Experimental College re: Davis Enterprise

b. Meeting with UCD Pre-Health AMSA

c. Davis PD Community Advisory Board meeting

d. Meeting with Milt

e. Meeting re: ASUCD renovations

f. Meeting with the Aggie

g. Executive Staff meeting

a. Meeting with Cal Aggie Camp director, Olivia

b. Meeting with former Senator Tal Topf

c. Meeting with Janice and Anne re: Gilhooly

d. Meeting with Intern Alison

e. Meeting with Aggie Reuse director, Kristie Wu

B. Vice PresidentC. ASUCD Senators

Wonderso Winter breako Dude, I met John Kerryo Right back at it again

Shermano 1/5-arrived after international travel, met John McCaino 1/6-started classes

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o 1/8-lunch with a few first years Thomas

o Legislation-writing over breako Hired internso Conducted intern meetingo Scheduled tour of units for ASUCD 101o Met with internso Held 5 OHo Created office standards, clean Senate officeo Finally got remaining quarterly reports and sent whole bunch to SGAOo Wrote out quarterly plan as senatoro Assigned interns to projectso Planned regular meeting times for quarters with business manager and adopted unitso Assembled committee c-host(?)o Worked on Guide for 1st Yearso Met with California Aggie team to strategize for fee initiativeo Continued to live with ex-Senator Maxwell Kappes, God rest his soulo Discussed the office of protempore with Senatorso Sought many fellow senator’s plans for the quarter

Smytheo Monday Jan. 6th:

Participated in ECAC interviews.  was interviewed by The Aggie about affordable education  Fee Referendum meeting with The Aggie

o Tuesday Jan. 7th: Participated in EPPC interviews. Participated in ECAC interviews.

o Wednesday Jan. 8th: Aggie Scholarship logistics meeting Held Office Hours. Participated in ECAC interviews.

o Thursday Jan. 9th: SENATE

XIII. New Student Court Cases/Prior Weeks Verdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements

XIV. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

XV. Public Discussion (Unscheduled)

Mike: Hi folks. I’m an instructor at EC. Was a student undergrad. I taught as a student and now I’m an old guy still teaching at the EC. It’s not a student thing. This is the broader community. It’s a much bigger issue because it’s not just Davis. I teach two classes. One of these things, how many things teach DJ programs. One question is how effective is my program? I ran into my student another day at a big convention. This was the second largest convention in north America. So everyone’s there. Stevie wonder is there. I see the old student and he hands me a card. It said National Marketing Director. From a little EC class. How many don’t make it full bachelors or full PHDs. The other thing is that we are sustainable. The business plan is kind of a train wreck. People came in….having an instructors advisory board so students….instructors don’t know what they’re doing and can’t educate everyone. I feel bad about that stereotype. As far as marketing goes, we had 0 marketing. We had the catalogue and that was it. people kind of forgot

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about it. so we shot ourselves in the foot by taking our money way. That’s it. it’s a broader culture thing, not just UC Davis, and there are a lot of passionate people. We’re one of the two on the west coastRick: it’s the fact that in the absence of adequate support, it’s a stressful daunting position. The advisory board was created to support the director. Chriselle needs to be commended for the work she’s done. Not all directors have had the support she has received because not all directors realized that an advisory board was available.Mike: there’s a lot of people really passionate about it. when I put it on my FB page, a lot of people from all over the world are horrid and ask what can we do? Marketing is the biggest problem. I had a small little piece on aggie TV and had 2 years of a waitlist. 2 years. Thank youSmythe: I want to thank you call for coming out. I want to talk to Rick. I was on the thread of emails and you read over the bill that creates the task force, which is our response. And you are a coauthor. And you found it to be an effective way to address EC’s problems. I think the thread has 65 emails so it was unfortunate that it occurred week 10 of the quarter. I think this task force represents our best united front. I think that this task force represents our best hopes to solve that in a quick manner.Lokhandwalla: has members from ASUCD. Exec, controller, and senate. We still don’t’ know what to do about EC. We want to work towards making EC back by 2014.Sara: there’s a lack of student interest and commitment. I can understand that impression. But I started out as an undergrad at Davis it’s made me feel like a member of the student and local community. It integrates both students and the local community. I’m not a first year vet student and I wouldn’t be where I am now without the EC. While UC Davis is a great facility, I didn’t have the access to….build people in ways that academia classes cannot. I feel like a lot of characteristics that’s made me who I am as a person came from interactions in the EC. It allows us to interact with faculty and emphasize things they can’t include in their courses. Honestly I can talk for a really long time about this. I do appreciate everything ASUCD Senate is doing right now to try to bring back the EC. The lack of awareness for the college…I had no idea that these positions were opened. So please consider the lack of student involvement a lack of awareness rather than interest or commitment.Celia: I’m a professor at the medical school. I wish I discovered it much sooner. I’m delighted to hear the senate is interested in reinstituting the classes in the fall. There’s one concern though. If there’s no classes in the summer or spring, some instructors would be compelled to teach at a different venue. Thank you.Rick: thanks two quick things. I hope one of the senators will correct me if I’m in error. The resolution suggests a reinstatement of at least a skeleton EC course program for summer 2014 with an understanding that you can’t just make a program the size of EC successful overnight. It has to be done in a stage wise manner. The resolution also authorizes marketing in winter and spring. The EC instructors and director are working on a pro bono instruction initiative….offer instruction for free during the interim period. The problem isn’t that they won’t donate their time. It’s there’s no access to equipment, so they might look off campus or elsewhere in their need to continue providing instruction. So there’s a

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concern instructors would leave because they are dedicated to their EC students…that would also help counter the unfortunate misunderstanding that the EC was shut down or will never offer classes again. That’s a difficult misunderstanding to address. It’ll be incredibly helpful if the senate supported the pro bono instruction initiative. That is not in the resolution. What is the provision for marketing in winter and spring. It is arguably a marketing initiative. Also it wouldn’t cost any money. The EC had its own space so it won’t have cost to ASUCDEvans: we’ll hash out a bunch of issuesRick: one of the major operating problems was that it was offering classes, even free classes, and paying for space when we had its own space. The EC also wasn’t making use of its space in their own ways, a problem also addressed in the fall. A right solution, just a little late. So actually there will be no cost.Sara: I just want to say once again, these people have been really supportive. I just can’t tell you how much the EC means to me and many other students. Wonders: I’d like to point out to the Senate members of the ….something should be learned from that. Also let’s be careful about generalizing the whole Senate. Just a side note. Dr. Shubert, the changes necessary to change EC had been made but unfortunately it’s just a little too late. I’d be surprised if there’s a member of this table unwilling to work their butt off to get back online ASAP. Another thing, EC had its territory improached upon by student affairs…the ARC. Also a question about some units receiving subsidies while others did not. We tend to prioritize the dollar to student ratio and then see which reaches out to the most studentsEvans: offering skeleton classes and doing courses again next year, task force has to act really quickly. So we can do tweaking for budget hearings for next spring. Ad also how supportive the EC is to the community and not just the students…contract if we enroll 10% of class ….partnering with UC Extension…not to compete…comfortable numbers from the undergrad. Going on the pro bono model, I think that’s really cool. But we’d still have some costs like updating the EC website. We still need someone to manage the website and space, so there will be costs associated with that.Esteban: I took a class last quarter with Johnny. It changed my life. I went to the ARC and like crashed and didn’t want to do this anymore. It ain't for me. So jonny said to check out the EC. That’s the first time I heard of the EC. So when I first came I hear about the ARC. The EC has been here for 40something years, why haven’t I heard of it. I took … what’s really great about the EC that I don’t see at the ARC is that there’s a constant exchange that people want you to get better. For example, there’d be a brother that sees me at the CoHo and goes like hey you coming to class right? And I’d go. You’re constantly exchanging with someone. As of right now, because the EC is closed, I have to commute to Sac to take a Brazilian jujitsu class there. that’s really inconvenient. The devotion started and came from the EC. Torres: I am just thankful for everyone coming out. Obviously this is really important. From fall when I was the adopted senator…find ways to market the EC to get back to the way it was. Also Dr. Shubert was there in those conferences. It used to be so successful because we used the aggie, but now we’re using new technology. So as you know the website just came up this quarter. it’s a little too late. I did read the 85 chain email, but I know that seeing these conversations that

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the right points were made. So I just wanted to say that I want to continue being the adopted senator for EC and seeing those plans I envisioned to the EC. There was no mention of funding, and I would like to work with the task force to find that funding just like ASUCD gets funding for scholarshipsDonnelle Yoshino: after about 10 years I started teaching there. what the ARC does is it teaches beginning social dance, and the only way to take dance is EC….now it’s in west sac….Davis is my community and I would hate to see this not come back. It has changed my life like all these people. I reiterate all the points my colleagues have made and I’d love to help crank out all the details to bring back ECRick: I like to address controller Evans about the costs of the pro bono instruction … in terms of management website, the director has stayed on even with the suspension, so there’s no cost involved with her oversight…the website finally got where it to be because a EC student acted a liaison with creative media. The website structure is already there and was done in the fall. Also it’s my understanding that the EC like other ASUCD pays a fixed fee regardless of the suspension. So with due respect, I don’t think there will be costs of the kind you bring up. I hope Senate keeps bringing up these concerns though because it is healthy.Watson: I just want to know what to do. I would love to start with Sahota and for her to explain what we can do starting right nowSahota: Monday IAC will be seeing the bill. Then BnF will see the bills, then there will be a vote next week. Once that’s rolling, we need a number what the bare minimum amount of money that needs to be allotted or raised so classes can start in the fall. That way during spring budget hearings we can fight for the appropriate amount. In the meantime, Schubert has a really great idea. The task force needs to be consistent and make sure publicity doesn’t die. That it will quickly reach back. Second is keeping the teachers interested. So one keeping students, keeping teachers around, figuring the budget.Rick: I like to begin by addressing a remark about the encroachment of the ARC in the EC market. There are 7 Thai restaurants. The fact of the matter is there is a very large market on campus and in the broader community. There’s plenty of market for both. The problem is the ARC has been marketing while the EC hasn’t.Watson: I want you to talk about the budget and the base number so that you can move on in the springRick: I’m not in the position to talk about particular figures tonight. I’ll be more comfortable after review with controller Evans. Had the suspension not taking place, the EC was projecting a profit for next budget year. A great thing about the university is that students turn out every 4-6 years. Thinking of transfers and freshmen, we have an incredible way to market in low costs through transition transfer programs and orientation programs and AggieTV to transfer students and freshmen. Which the EC has neglected prior to fall. The instructor EC pro bono….was to raise funds. the idea is to ask students to give a donation. At present 7 instructors have volunteered for the pro bono initiative. But it’s difficult to recruit without a guarantee without the support of the senate. One of the greatest complaints is that the EC hasn’t been marketing for the instructors. Which brings us back to our previous remarks. Idk the exact numbers but I’d be happy to sit down with the controller. It’s worth noting given the size of the unit, the career staff

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position the EC is being eliminated due to downsizing, it’s a complicated process and I’ll just leave it at that. That’ll save the EC $40,000 a year. That’ll instantly make it profitable. I can’t speak to specific numbers but that’ll give you a sense of what might be involved.Mike: real quickly, we had a meeting and we were talking about reinstating the catalogue full size and getting ad space. I took that meeting and I went by several business owners and see if they’re interested. I had 7 businesses that says please give me the plan I want to see it, including wells Fargo. The other 6 were individually own, and not a corporate. We have the ability, we just need to plug things in and let it flySahota: there are two quick things. 1 this is the best and worst example of institutional memory not being kept. As adopted senators, we need to make sure that our ……they came back. What we’re asking it’s been received. We need to put in the effort as well to help them. We suspended them, but we’ll be the ones to unsuspended themThomas: just for a little bit of background, the senate was given this information week 10. We probably should have known before week 10 just how bad EC was doing. Last year, EC lost 40,000. That’s enough to power half our units. And then to lose 15,000 in a quarter. we’re doing the right thing. I’m so excited to hear these changes. The EC projections were a little excited and weren’t based on things we can make decisions on so we had revised provisions. So it’ll still be a struggle, but the instructor advisory board, it needs to be transparent and public. There needs to be undergrad student leadership in a pivotal position. More students have heard of the EC other than the big three and four.Smythe: I’m glad we had more sentiments expressed. I want to talk more about the task force. So we have a lot of talk about kind of outreach marketing from Mike. The task force will work that everyone pertinent to decision making are going to come together and talk about what exactly EC needs to function. Basically what we’re doing here without the formal procedures hindering us here. and then be officially presented with a plan. The resolution is a sentiment, an opinion expressed formally. I think it’s important to note not only are we passing a resolution, the bill is going to make it happen. I think we should divide the house on the pro bono. And then you can take that to the instructors like oh here’s what the senators feelChristina: I first learned about EC …. For me that was a big selling point rather than going to Sb or SD. I can take a class that’s not graded outside of academia. I can learn martial arts, massage, yoga, or whatever to relax and then go back to studying. I’m very happy to hear that senate is working on bringing it back. I’m hoping it’d come back sooner, but as soon as we canRick: In response to senator Thomas, I appreciate it if controller Evans can verify the losses. I’m under the appreciation that these ….the projections were EC internal projections, unfortunately ASUCD budget projections…..there was no formal structure to informing all parties.Thomas: we’ll get the budget online accurate up to date by the end of the week? So maybe in two or three weeks?Rick: the ASUCD is a student organization. EC is a student run unit. The advisory board is just that. It provides advice. She is the director and makes all the decisions. All I can do is advise her. So I hope we haven’t led the senate with the

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impression that the instructor advisory board is not leading the EC.Smythe: I just want to say with the task force, the director of the college is the chair of the task force. Although they are a part of it, the director of EC is the chair. Yes there’s faculty perspective, but ultimately it’s run by the student leaderEvans: do you have what you wanted me to clarify? I just want to double checkRick: senator Thomas has maintained that the EC lost 15,000 in Fall quarter alone. Evans: it was 15,500 in summer and quarter. Rick: I do think it’s important to be careful about the exact figures. It’s not a good figure semiannually or quarterly. And last year we lost 40,000.Evans: yes so 40,000 was lost from reserves.Mitchell: thanks members of the public for talking. I was kind of wondering give 30,000. Why did we need 30,000? Mike: I was told about the 600,000. Apparently those are wrong. Mitchell: yeah no we have no money to give out. we should have a huge fundraiser, raise awareness. Get the word out. They’ll get involved if students know they’re losing something.Public: I know you guys pumped the brakes. I got in an accident…if there was an earlier signal, why didn’t you guys do this earlier.Victoria: I’m a prospect student. The EC is a taking point that’s special to not only UC Davis but also the community around it. I really feel this is a great thing for transfer students and would like it to be there in the futureThomas: I’d like to address the question from the man in the back. The EC’s director never got back to us back then. And during budget hearings, which was a 60 hour process, I was being critical of every line item. I didn’t have the skills or knowledge to dig deep on EC. Thank youRick: the pro bono initiative is so called because the instructors aren’t being paid. Evans had expressed concern to ancillary costs, I hope I addressed those. The idea is that the students are required to pay nothing. Instead they will be encouraged to give a donation. Some do require materials on students, but so far none of the instructors that volunteered require none. Much of the equipment provided is owned by the instructors. So because the EC has not been financially healthy, instructors been picking up the slack on equipment that would normally be provided by EC for quite some timeBottoms: I would recommend that maybe this week we get together and run the numbers and just double check the things that go on with the courses and the sites they will happen at. I would recommend dividing the house next week and not this week.Rick: if I may, one of the gravest concerns is facilities. There’s a plan, it’s not clear to me…Thomas: we’ll renovate the south silo as early as this summer. And the space will be accounted for. I’d love to talk to you at length with this to see what you want. But considering we intend to have EC in that space in 2014 we should have you in the talks. It’ll be an interior overhaulWooster: hello, first thank you for everyone who spoke. Especially Dr. Shubert, your poise is such a great example. We’ve gotten so far and done it calmly. I’m the EAC chair. Commission chairs advise the senators but don’t have a vote in this space. With that we were also uninformed, but I would like to offer now if EAC could do

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anything to help, especially with the marketing. If anyone thinks that would be helpful I would like to extend thatRick: one of the elements in the fiscal decline of EC prior fall really rested on the fact that previous EC directors were focused on UC Davis undergrad students. It’s really the mix of the undergrad and others that provide the EC with primary strength in addition to a source of finance. Some of my students have been students with me for over 15 years. So outreach to community is incredibly important and has been sorely neglected. Ironically we were rolling out the famers market tabling when the suspension notice came to us. And by far the most common comment was that the EC still exists? And the second most was oh cannot UC Davis students take classes? The EC can expect a substantial increase in revenue if we market to residents as well. I would be very pleased to communicate with you further.Jenny: I think you guys got the point of our stories. I’d rather spend the time explaining what’s done…Sahota: we have a thread going on with a few members of EC. I want it to get to all of you however.Rick: it’s been very difficult for me to know what I was and was not at liberty to say to others. I wanted to honor my inclusion to ASUCD discussion. I erred on the side of excess caution, so I’d appreciate if the senate could clarify what I am and am not allowed to tell students and members of EC.Smythe: hopefully you received the task force…you can say whatever you want to say. Also those procedures will be set so you can know what to say and cannot say in the task forceSahota: I’m assuming for the email….Rick: it’s actually for all the….Bottoms: so the one thing that we can’t disclose info we have to follow university policy. So with media relations. I think it’ll be very clear from now on what’s public and what’s not. The only thing that might not be would be negotiations with renovation.Thomas: we follow the brown act. Any meeting we talk about is absolutely public knowledge, unless anything explicitly stated. The task force is actually illegal if it’s not public. I caution not to talk about personnel matters, hiring’s, firings, stuff like that. Just go crazy. It’s public. We serve the publicNonga: just a quick point I wanted to make, the more transparent we are, the better it is. The more communication we have, the better we can catch miscommunication and mistakes.Thomas: one last thing, I want there to be the correspondents going through the proper channel. Feel free to always email us at senate.ucdavis.edu. we will respond because we don’t get that many emails. If you have an issue you want to share, tell us what to do, so senate.ucdavis.eduSmythe: I really appreciate once again. If anyone else wants to speak about their experience at EC, if not, I want to move forward and summarize what has been said. Mike: It’s just an experience. I ran into some issues. The original pictures up there, weren’t ours. I googled martial arts classes and it popped up. I had a hard time convincing him that it isn’t one of our pictures. It took me forever to convince anyone to look into it and luckily they took it down before we got sued. Another

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issue when we’re talking about oh the directors aren’t responsive. It’s probably because if we hire a new director every year how can you learn to do your job let alone fix issues within a year. I think the senate really needs to think about this and reorganize it as part of the task force. The structure of EC. There’s no way we can have new employees to know how to do their job in a yearSmythe: thanks you hit a common thread….all of us are hired in the same way. But the purpose of the task force is to evaluate the structure.Thomas: it’s fundamental that we hire at a year to year basis. All people come in with such little knowledge, but that’s what college is about. That’s the fundamental point of ASUCDSmythe: thank you, now it’s time to move forwardKapur: we’re pretty much done right? I have a few questions. Evans, you said there’s a contract with UC Extension? Is that a contract or an MOU?Bottoms: an MOU can be a contract but all that mediations….entity can’t sue each other. It just goes up the food chain. The mediation wouldn’t go friendly to us if we break it.Kapur: I think we need long range plans like living documents. I’ve talked to 10 unit directors that they don’t know what their long range plan is. The VP should hand them the long range plan when they get hired. Someone said no one cared about the unit and that’s why there’s no unit director. Some people just don’t have the time to be unit director but really careGriffiths: show up to these commission meetings. They’re on the third floor on the MU. Both commissions can make things heard and we have specialized people that can refer…. I’m pretty sure both these task force and resolutions will be passed. Add your voice if there’s a special market, bring that up. so you guys can help build EC back to what it was. IAC is Monday 5:10 pm and BnF 7:10 pmSmythe: the task force will be public, so if you have tangible advice for them, that’s probably the best venue to do that. So those will be posted and it’ll be public knowledge. Get your voice heard in there. Kapur: don’t hesitate to communicate with these people outside of these meetings too. If you’re a student here, these are your elected officials. Unit directors aren’t here, but I hope she’ll be here senate meeting next yearNonga: really quick, we also have Office hours to talk to youMoed: I just want to again thank everyone for coming. It’s nice that everyone in the room agrees on something. So thanks for coming here and it set a different tone. That said, it’s a great time for us to move forward. I think we’ve started this conversation and it’s moved but we all have research to do.Watson: move into appointments and confirmationsIAC Confirmations

XVI. Any Other Business

XVII. Adjournment

Adjourned at 11:55

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