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Contentspaininthelowerback.org.s3.amazonaws.com/How Back Pain...Contents 1.0 How Back Pain Starts 5...

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Contents 1.0 How Back Pain Starts .................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 How doctors manage slip disks: .............................................................................................. 7

What To Do About a Bulging Disc in Your Back? ............................................................................. 8

Gynecological Conditions and Back Pain ......................................................................................... 13

Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma ...................................................................................................... 15

Back Pain and Tendons ..................................................................................................................... 18

Back Pain Interventions ..................................................................................................................... 20

How to relieve back pain ............................................................................................................... 20

How do I find the cause? ...................................................................................................................... 22

Bones and Back Pain .......................................................................................................................... 23

Brief History of Osteoarthritis and Back Pain ................................................................................. 24

What are the symptoms? ..................................................................................................................... 26

How do doctors determine if osteoarthritis is present? .................................................................. 26

What if I test positive for osteoarthritis: .......................................................................................... 26

How does the doctor manage osteoarthritis? .................................................................................. 26

How intervention helps: ................................................................................................................... 27

Cholecystitis and Back Pain ............................................................................................................... 27

Depression and Back Pain ................................................................................................................. 29

The signs: .......................................................................................................................................... 30

How to Manage Slip Disks with back pain ...................................................................................... 31

Watch Out For the Slipped Disc Symptoms You Might Miss. ....................................................... 33

What to Do About a Bulging Disc in Your Back? ............................................................................ 36

How To Deal With Pinched Nerve in Your Lower Back ................................................................. 41

Sciatica Cure: Treatment or Time? .................................................................................................. 45

The 3 Best Ways to Find Sciatica Pain Relief ................................................................................. 49

What is Spinal Stenosis and What is the Best Spinal Stenosis Treatment? ............................... 51

Five of the Best Lower Back Pain Exercises ................................................................................... 55

Pelvic Tilts ........................................................................................................................................ 58

Cat Arch Stretch .............................................................................................................................. 58

Knee to Chest .................................................................................................................................. 58

Back Extension ................................................................................................................................ 58

Hamstring Stretch ........................................................................................................................... 59

Finding Relief for Back Pain .............................................................................................................. 59

Can You Cure Back Pain or Simply Manage it? .............................................................................. 61

Physical Therapy ............................................................................................................................. 68

Heat Therapy ................................................................................................................................... 68

Massage ........................................................................................................................................... 68

Surgical Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 68

Medication ........................................................................................................................................ 69

Back injury compensation - how hard is it? .................................................................................... 72

BACK PAIN TIPS AND REMIDIES. .................................................................................................... 75

disclaimer .............................................................................................................................................. 78

This report is compiled by DB|INC,we are not doctors or trained in any

medicinal profession or any related subjects the content in this report is

gathered from various sources. you should always consult a doctor or

medical professional with any problems mentioned in this report. we

wish you all good health and a happy life.

Information provided in our book should not be used as a replacement

and is not meant to disregard medical advice in any circumstance.

Always remember anything contained in this book should prevent or

delay you to seek medical attention or advice. This books purpose is

solely informational and educational and is not an authoritative and

complete resource for back pain resolution and, or anything pertaining to


Always seek medical advice before you begin any new treatment,

exercise, or anything mentioned, ensure that it will not harm you or

aggravate any existing conditions you may have. If you have any

questions concerning the validity or benefit of anything contained within

this publication, always consult your doctor or medical physician if you

have a problem with you health see a doctor to make sure it isn’t

anything sinister before you start experimenting with anything in this

book. Do not discount or ignore any guidance or advice from a medical

professional because of anything contained within this compilation. This

book is by no means the solution for every person suffering from back

problems or back pain. Trying to stay up to date is our geol we try and

stay up to date with new and emerging information, however, the

medical field is changing daily and new methods are being discovered,

the information in this book may not always be the most recent updates.

We are not responsible as publishers and distributors of this e-book for

any lack of or outdated information concerning this subject herein.

The publishers and distributors of this e-book do not bare liability or

responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property as a result of

the information and content set out within this book and all the

information that it contains is to be used solely at the reader’s discretion,

and judgement.

Brought to you By DB|INC. ALL COPYRIGHT RESERVED 2011.

1.0 How Back Pain Starts

When considering back pain we must concern ourselves with its

variants. For instance, back pain can start with slip disks, which in

medical terms is called “Herniated nucleus pulposa.” (HNP) Doctors

define slip disks as ruptures of the “intervertebral disk.” The

intervertebral rests between the vertebrae (Spinal Column) of the


The interruption has variants, including the “Lumbrosacral,” (L4 and L5)

as well as cervical C5-7. The cervical is at the neck and belongs to other

parts of the back and neck as well. When doctors consider slip disks

they often look through etiology, which includes neck and back strains,

trauma, congenital/inborn bone malformation, heavy lifting, degenerated

disks, and/or weakness of ligaments.

After carefully considering, etiology doctors consider Pathophysiology,

which includes protrusions of the “nucleus pulposus.” The center

connects to the column or spinal canal and perhaps compressing the

spinal cord or the nerve core, or roots, which causes back pain. If the

spinal cord is compressed restraining the roots and cord often back pain,

numbness, and the motor functions may fail.

The assessments in medical terms are based on Lumbrosacral, which

may include acute or chronic pain at the lower back. The pain may

spread out to the buttocks and move toward the legs. The person may

feel weakness, as well as numbness. In addition, such pain can cause

tingling around the legs and foot. The final assessment may include

ambulation, which emerges from pain.

The cervical is considered. The symptoms experts look for is neck

rigidity, deadness, weakness, and “tingling of the” hands. If the neck

pain spreads the pain down to the arms and continue to the hands,

experts will consider slip disks. Yet other symptoms may occur, such as

weakness that affects the farthest points, or the higher boundaries of the

body. The lumbar curves is at the lower back region and is situated in

the loins or the smaller area of the back, which doctors consider also,

especially if the patient has difficult straightening this area with the

curvature of the spine (scoliosis) and away from the area influenced.

When doctors consider back pain, they will review the diagnostics after

conducting a series of tests. Diagnostics may arise from tendon reflex, x-

rays, EMG, myelograms, CSF, and/or Laséque signs. CSF helps the

doctor to analyze the increases in protein while EMG assists experts in

viewing the involvement of the spinal nerves. X-rays are used to help

experts see the narrow disk space. Tendon reflexes are tested, which

the doctors use tests to look deep into the depressed region, or the

absent upper boundary reflexes, or in medical lingo the Achilles'

reactions or reflex. Myelograms assist the expert in seeing if the spinal

cord is compressed. The tests start if the Laséque signs show positive

results behind etiology findings, Pathophysiology, assessments, and so


1.1 How doctors manage slip disks:

Doctors prescribe management in medical schemes to isolate or relieve

back pain. The management schemes may include diet whereas the

calories are set according to the patient’s metabolic demands. The

doctor may increase fiber intake, as well as force fluids.

Additional treatment or management may include hot pads, moisture,

etc, as well as hot compressions. Doctors often recommend pain meds

as well, such as those with NAID. The pain meds include Motrin,

Naproxen, Dolobid, or Diflunisal, Indocin, ibuprofen, and so on.

Additional meds may include muscle Relaxers, such as Flexeril and

Valiums. The common Relaxers are diazepam and cyclobenzaprine

hydrochloride, which diazepam is valiums and the other Flexeril.

Orthopedic mechanisms are also prescribed to reduce back pain, which

include cervical collars and back braces.

What To Do About a Bulging Disc in Your Back?

The discs of the spine are very important as they act like cushions that

separate each set of vertebrae in the back. They absorb shock when

you move, which protects the bone from injury.

Each back disc is made up of two main parts. Firstly, the strong outer

covering called the annulus. And secondly, a soft jelly like center called

the nucleus. The nerves of the spine are located directly behind each

spinal disc. This is the source of the pain experienced with bulging discs.

The cause of the pain is the pressure on the nerves that occurs from the

changes that are taking place in the damaged disc.

Bulging disc or more commonly referred to as herniated disc in the back

can lead to a great deal of pain. When you suffer a bulging disc, the

outer layer of the disc is damaged, and the jelly in the center of the disc

will begin to shift into the weaker part of the disc.

This shift in substance in the disc, results in a 'bulge' in the disc wall,

hence it's name. This bulge in the disc wall will put pressure onto one of

the nerves of the spine, which is why the condition is so painful.

A bulging disc can cause discomfort and disability in various parts of the

body. Approximately 90% of bulging discs occur in the lower back or

lumbar area of the spine.

Symptoms of a bulging disc depend very much on the location of the

affected disc in the spine. Some people may experience pain in their

legs and hips if the lower back is affected. While others may feel pain in

the arms if the problem is in the shoulder region in the upper back. Only

a proper medical examination can determine the presence of a bulging

disc. This will include X-rays. MRI or CT scans.

So what can you do about a bulging disc in your back? Firstly, the

treatment you receive will depend on the severity of the pain you have

from a bulging disc. Your doctor will assess your needs best and

recommend the best course of treatment.

Rest plays an important role in the recovery of a bulging disc. This helps

to relieve the pressure and stress on your spine. A good mattress

combined with a pillow under your knees in bed can help to alleviate the

pain. A word of caution though. Too much rest is not advised after the

initial onset of pain, as it can make the muscles become weaker and

aggravate the condition.

Mild exercise is often suggested and you may be referred to a physical

therapist. Under their instruction they will give you the correct exercises

to improve and strengthen your back muscles, reducing inflammation

and pain. You can also be shown ways to improve your posture to offer

maximum rest and less stress to your spine.

In the treatment of pain relief, doctors often prescribe anti-inflammatory

medications, such as ibuprofen, codeine or aspirin. However, if the pain

is more severe, you may be offered an epidural steroid injection. As well

as relieving pain they act as an anti-inflammatory as well.

If the pain is so severe that it is affecting your quality of life and mobility,

surgery may be suggested. This is often used as a last resort due to the

possibility of permanent nerve damage. Surgery is usually considered in

cases when the protrusion of the disc is more in the spinal canal. The

surgery is aimed at relieving the pain and reducing further wear and tear.

A bulging disc can be very painful, so it is important to know which

activities you should avoid so as not to aggravate the condition. You

should protect your back when lifting, learning the correct techniques.

Using a good posture when sitting or standing. The correct chair and

mattress that support your back are essential.

Maintaining a healthy weight can make a big difference in controlling the

pain of a bulging disc. Less weight means less stress for your spin

Regular exercise is important to keep your back flexible and healthy.

You should also be aware that age is another risk factor for bulging

discs. Discs tend to become weaker and less elastic with age. Sadly

there is nothing that can be done about the ageing process, but taking

good care of yourself will help in controlling the affects of a bulging disc

Hypercortisolism is a long medical term that defines Cushing’s

syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome is a hyperactive disorder that affects the

adrenal cortex and results in excessive secretion of cortisol, which is

passed from Glucocorticoids. Cushing’s syndrome can increase sex

hormones and mineralocorticoids.

The pituitary glands are stimulated by hypothalamic. The pituitary glands

are also affected by carcinoma and/or adenoma. As well, the adrenal

glands are affected by hyperplasia when Cushing’s syndrome is present.

When Cushing’s syndrome is present, exogenous secretes into the

ACTH via the neoplasm, which is malignant. It continues onto the

gallbladder and lungs. You will need to read the anatomy of the skeleton

system to see how it affects the spinal column, which in turn causes

back pain.

The disorder prolongs or submits excessive administration of ACTH

and/or Glucocorticoids into the system, which transmits to the cortex.

Since ACTH is secreted excessively into the system, it causes joint pain,

edema, fragile skin, weight gain, hypertension, ecchymosis, fatigue,

weakness, hirsutism, mood swings, and so on. The symptoms carry onto

create acne, abdomen striae, slow healing, moon face, muscle waste,

recurrent infections, buffalo humps, gynecomastia, truncal obesity, and

so on. We see that obesity, joint pain, weight gain, edema, and other

elements of the disorder causes back pain as well.

The symptoms are considered before diagnostics is conducted. Doctors

will use a variety of tests to discover Hypercortisolism or Cushing’s

syndrome. In short, Cushing’s syndrome is a condition set up by weak

muscles and obesity, or abnormal conditions of the body’s functions.

The tests conducted to show Cushing’s syndrome include blood

chemistry, dexamethasone suppression, X-rays, GTT, CT scans,

angiography, ultrasonography, and so on. During testing doctors will

look for decreases in “17-OHCS,” osteoporosis, tumors, especially in the

pituitary glands and adrenal glands, decreases in potassium, increases

in cortisol, sodium, Aldosterone, ACTH, etc. Doctors will also search for

decreases in eosinophilis, red blood cells, and white blood cells.

When the condition is noted, doctors recommend management. Diets

are instructed, which include low-calorie, sodium, carbohydrates, etc.

The patient is ordered to take high-protein and potassium regimens as

well. Activity is ordered, yet only as tolerated by the patient.

Once management starts, the doctor will monitor the patient. During

monitoring your doctor will perform additional tests, which include UO,

I/O, VS, glucose, ketones, and so on. Radiation therapy is prescribed in

the worst conditions.

Cushing’s syndrome can lead to further complications, including

nephrosclerosis, insufficient adrenal, fractures, arteriosclerosis,

infections, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, CHF, arrhythmias, psychosis,

and so on.

If you are diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome, it is important to maintain

your diet, balance fluids, rest, and limit intake of water. Your doctor will

set up a regimen and/or management scheme, which you should follow

accordingly to avoid further complications. Since this disorder affects the

entire body and puts you at risk of fractures, peptic ulcers, etc, it is

important to follow precise orders.

Fractures can lead to serious back pain. Fractures are outlined in

medical terms as permanence breaks of the bones. Cushing’s syndrome

puts you at risk of fractures, which could include greenstick, avulsions,

pathologic, depression, oblique, spiral, compound, compressed, etc. In

addition to fractures, obesity will cause back pain. If possible, try to

reduce your weight. You can ask your doctors about workouts suited for

your condition, which you can act on to reduce weight. Your doctor may

suggest some steps you can take to reduce weight as well.

Cushing’s syndrome can cause back pain, yet various other diseases

can cause pain to the back as well, including cholecystitis. Learn more

about the inflammatory disease to see how it causes back pain.

Gynecological Conditions and Back Pain

Women may sometimes achieve gynecological conditions, which start

PMS (Premenstrual syndrome), endometriosis, inflammatory pelvis

disease and so on. The condition causes back pain from inflammatory

and swelling symptoms. Endometriosis occurs when endometrium is

present. The mucous membrane, i.e. endometrium has a lining that is

only present in the womb. The lining functions with the ovaries and other

areas of the body. When inflamed, it causes back pain.

PMS is overrated. The condition is chiefly physiological, i.e. it only has

physical traits that appear. PMS includes backaches, swelling, bloating,

headaches, leg pain/cramps, cramps, abdomen pain/cramps, and other

related physical conditions. PMS DOES not have mental and emotional

symptoms, yet the emotions can act out when pain is present. Bloating,

inflammation, swelling, etc causes back pain. Bed rest, regimens of

over-the-counter PMS painkillers, compression, ice packs, etc can take

care of the common pain caused from PMS.

Gynecological conditions can lead to limitability of spacing, which adds

pressure. The pressure when overloaded can cause injury. The pelvis

and spinal canal can suffer serious injury if too much pressure is applied,

and insufficient spacing is present. Pressure can lead to sticking,

scarring, and/or spinal cord damage, which can devastate you with pain.

In addition, sciatica can set up, as well as movement restriction of the

muscles, which of the two, sciatica is next to impossible to resolve.

Adhesive can cause back pain as well. Adhesive is seen as two

connecting substances, chemicals, etc, such as bone and muscles.

Adhesive means that potential scarring is present, which the scar has

bridged two joining skeletal, or non-skeletal structures amid and that the

structures were ordinarily not connected. For instance, the muscles do

not connect to the flesh directly, which is an abnormal structure.

Gynecological conditions may include symptoms that emerge from

gonorrhea, pelvis inflammatory conditions, PMS disorders, etc.

Endometriosis is a condition that sets up gynecological problems as

well, which is the migration of liner tissues deriving from the uterus and

expanding to exterior locations outside of the female womb. This

condition affects women, yet some men have been known to suffer

gynecological symptoms as well.

Regardless of what started gynecological issues, the symptoms all

include back pain, and specifically around the lower region. The

condition can damage the nerves, which revolve around the Central

Nervous System. (CNS) This baby is the largest structure in your

system, which has confused medical experts for years. The central

nervous system houses vital nerve roots, endings, etc, which if these

nerves are disturbed it causes neurological conditions. Sometimes

gynecological conditions move with neurological flow, since scarring and

inflammation causes interruptions to a few of our bodies leading nerve


When the nerves are irritated, fluids begin retention cycles and cause a

person to gain weight. For instance, did you know that during the female

cycle, she will gain around five pounds a week or so before the period

starts? Yes and the weight gain will remain in tact up to one week after

she has stopped her cycles.

Now, the problem here is water retention, yet behind this fluid buildup is

a basic scar. The scar is usually hidden in the bands of connective

tissues, buried deep that it takes special gadgets above x-rays to find

the problem. The bloating you notice women may derive from “Pelvic

Congestion Syndrome,” (PCS), which sometimes can link to fractures.

You can quickly make the congestion disappear by lying flat on your

back and resting for a short while.

However, if the congestion continues you may need to contact your

doctor. Sometimes the swelling emerges from tumors, or prior surgeries.

Make sure that your doctor is aware of previous surgeries.

Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma

Some of the common problems that cause back pain merge from

musculoskeletal conditions and neurological conditions. However, back

pain also arises from arthritis, muscle disorders, etc, including multiple

myeloma. Muscle myeloma is abnormalities and proliferation of the

plasma cells within the bone marrow. According to etiology aspects,

doctors believe that multiple myeloma derives from genetics,

environment, and unknown sources.

The physical condition merges from a single tumor, which starts in the

bone marrow and disseminates into the liver, lymph nodes, spleen,

bones, and kidney. Tumors of this nature set up in plasma cells, which

manufacture abnormal counts of immunoglobulin. The tumor then

triggers activities, such as osteoblastic, which leads to destruction of

bones and extends all through the body.

Symptoms emerge from the actions, which include headaches,

hemorrhaging, height loss, severe, and constant bone pain,

splenomegaly, fractures, hepatomegaly, deformations of the skeletal

muscles, ribs, sternum, and renal calculi. Multiple infections often

emerge from the tumor as well.

As you can see, the symptoms will cause back pain as well, since the

skeletal system, muscles, ribs, etc, are affected.

How multiple myeloma is noted:

Doctors order x-rays, bone marrow biopsy, blood chemistry, bone scan,

hematology, urine chemistry, immuoelectrophoresis, and Bence Jones

tests to note multiple myeloma.

If the doctor spots diffusions that point to spherical punch-outs of bone

lesion, the search carries on to discover potential osteoporosis. As well,

the doctor will look for osteolytic lacerations of the cranium, and

widespread of demineralization.

Doctors will look for various signs that diagnose multiple myeloma,

including monoclonal spike, increases in count of juvenile plasma cells,

and so on. Once tests are completed management, interventions, and

other steps are taking to avert paraplegia, gout, acute renal failure,

seizures, hemorrhaging, urolithiasis, infections, and fractures.

If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, it is recommended that you

sway away from lifting heavy objects. Lifting may cause constipation. In

addition, you should avoid over-the-counter medications, since it to can

cause variant symptoms to emerge. You will need to wear braces, casts,

or splints also to avoid fractures.

Occult blood could set in if you have multiple myeloma, which doctors

will often recommend that you watch for its symptoms. Strength training

exercises or exercises that exercise the muscles is highly recommended

to those with multiple myeloma. Doctors often set up medical

management schemes, which include diet forced fluids, transfusion

therapy, mouth and skin care, etc.

As the management scheme is setup, the doctor will monitor the patient,

since falling is dangerous. In addition, the patient is monitored, since

bruising and infections could set in and increase the symptoms.

Activities and bed rest is incorporated into the scheme. The patient must

also learn stress reduction strategies.

Post-radiation and post-chemotherapeutic treatments are issued in

severe cases. In addition, the patient is monitored for infections,

bleeding, and imbalances of electrolyte. Patients are encouraged to

monitor symptoms at home, including symptoms that merge from

fractures, seizures, and renal calculi.

If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, you will experience pain

over the entire body. You can minimize the pain by following your

physician’s recommendations. In addition, you will need to learn more

information about your disease from the ACS. (American Cancer


Unfortunately, back pain emerges from a variety of conditions, including

cancerous diseases. In fact, hemophilia can cause back pain, which we

can discuss briefly.

Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder. The disease is

characterized by various symptoms, yet it is separated from Hemophilia

A and B. VIII is the common disorder, which deficiencies. Deficiencies

also emerge IX B disorders. To learn more about back pain, study

diseases, disorders, muscle skeletal disorders, and so on.

Back Pain and Tendons

The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the

posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote

mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once

the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the

fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of

cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the

nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system,

such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers,

muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through

sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are

sent from motor impulses and carries onto the organs and muscles.

Collagen is produced from the muscle fibers, which the tendons

surround the fibers via the softer tissues. (Paratenon)

Injuries in this area occur when a person suddenly stretches, or

overexerts the tendons. The back muscles in the leg make up the

gluteus medius, (Hamstrings) biceps femoris, (Hamstrings), gluteus

maximus, iliotibial tract, Sartorius, adductor Magnus, gastrocemius,

semitendinosus, and the soleus. In this area, the muscles can be

completely ruptured, or incompletely ruptured. The soleus, tibia, fibula,

Achilles, etc, is the areas that are usually strained, or ruptured. The pain

can caused from the injury can also affect the back. Since the legs are

limited, as well as the tendons, muscles, etc, mobility is limited, which

restricts muscle movement. This means that muscles are not exerting

daily on the level it requires to function properly. Tendons operate akin

to the ligaments.

Ligaments are vigorous bands that mingle with threads of collagen fiber.

The fiber connects to the bones. The fiber bands and bones connect and

encircle the joints. We get our strength from these joints. Tendons are

ligaments and muscles respectively, since tendons join with the

muscles, which make up connective proteins and/or collagen. Tendons

make up fiber proteins. The protein fibers are created in the cartilages,

bones, skin, tendons, and interrelated connective tissues. Tendons are

affected when various conditions interrupt its actions, including simple

tendonitis, and peritendinitis.

Tendons are also interrupted when spinal or neck injuries occur. Neck

injuries include whiplash, which many people believe is a head injury.

Contrary to their notions, whiplash is a neck injury usually caused from

rear-ends motorized collisions. Whiplash is neck damage, which can

cause disjointed, fractures, ruptured spines, etc. Whiplash can lead to

edema, hemorrhaging, and so forth. The problem causes pain around

the neck and shoulders, but extends to the back. Whiplash can also

depress the nerves, which leads to linear and/or comminuted difficulties.

Comminuted difficulties arise from bone damage.

Spinal injuries often occur during falls, slips, inappropriate movement,

muscle exertion, automobile accidents, trauma, and so on. In fact, the

coccyx lies at the bed of the second spinal column. Damage to this baby

can lead to serious problems, which the coccyx is non-supported. The

coccyx creates the fused bones. The fused bones reside at the baseline

of the spinal columns. The bones in summary are the tailbone.

The coccyx is at greater risk than any other element within the skeletal

structure, since the coccyx can break easily from falls, thus leading to

coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a condition of the spinal that can create

damning pain. Back injuries and injuries to the neck can affect the

airway, breathing, and blood circulation. Some injuries require


Resuscitation is the process of clearing the airway. The act is performed

by smoothly tilting the head back and lifting the chin. The tongue is

pulled clear so that air can travel to the lungs. If neck injuries are

present, you want to take extra precautions if resuscitation is necessary.

Once you clear the airway use your ear, placing it over the mouth and

listen for breathing. You can also put the hand over the mouth to feel

breathe. If you cannot get results after testing for breathing, you will

need to test the carotid pulses located in the neck to check for


Back Pain Interventions

How to relieve back pain

Doctors often prescribe a variety of exercises, diets, stretch exercises,

etc to relieve back pain. According to statistics, more than 200 million

Americans alone suffer back pain. Some patients endure surgery, while

others find ways to minimize the pain. Unfortunately, some people turn

to alcohol and drugs to relieve such pain.

When pain is chronic, it makes it difficult to cope with daily duties. Most

pain in the back starts at the lower region. With so much suffering, many

people make a hobby out of finding relief.

Back pain mild or chronic can slow activities, mobility, and so on. While

there are, many medical causes and sometimes-mysterious causes the

fact is the majority of people in the world fail to maintain ROM of the

joints by stretching and exercising regularly.

For this reason, back pain is the number one cause of time loss and

money spent. The fact is back pain alone is one of the prime reasons

that people must call in to work sick. According to statistics, the increase

in back pains the total estimate of loss and medical costs soars up to

$60 billion dollars annually.

Some people are lucky. That is some people mysterious experience

back pain and in a few months, the pain vanishes, never returning.

Lucky dogs!

While the large percentage of people soon recover naturally from back

pain, another percentage makes up 100 and these people find relief by

modifying their weight, adjusting sitting arrangements, and stretching.

Still, others suffer enduring back pain. Some of these people will sit

inappropriately in chairs, or on couches until they lower back finally

dents, forming the shape of the chair position they had sit. These people

often spend a lifetime indulging in over-the-counter meds, such as

analgesics. If they would get off the couch, align the back with stretch

exercises and support of Chiropractors, thus the pain may disappear.

Still, other people suffer life-long back pain due to injuries, trauma,

disease, and so on. The downside is these people rarely get the

treatment they deserve, since it is rarely recommended by doctors. In

short, doctors will often recommend over-the-counter medications, i.e.

painkillers to resolve the problem. Doctors rarely tell patients to exercise,

diet, etc. Sometimes you may hear, “Loose some weight,” yet the doctor

will rarely tell the patient how it is done.

Painkillers work to eliminate inflammation and sometimes pain, yet what

doctors fail to tell the patients is that some of these painkillers are in fact

killers. In addition, painkillers do not have the same affect on all persons.

For sure, some painkillers will reduce pain for some, while others may

continue hurting.

This leads us to drug addictions and alcoholism, since these people

need help coping with the pain, and if doctors are not offering that help,

thus drugs and alcohol is the answer. We have another problem.

In view of the facts, back pain recoveries lay behind information. When a

patient has an idea as to what is causing his/her pain, thus he/she can

move to treatments that help them to find relief.

Fact: When a person is aware of cause, effect, only then can he take

action to eliminate the cause. When a person is aware of cause, he

moves to acceptance, in turn acceptance moves him to act.

How do I find the cause?

You find the cause by researching your condition. Once you begin

research your eyes will open, which leads you to discuss with your

doctor, treatments to eliminate your pain. Doctors prescribe medicines,

recommend tests, and encourage surgeries in some instances, thus

these people rarely focus on REAL HEALTH, which includes exercise.

Exercise has proven to reduce even the worst back pain. Exercise has

gone as far as proven to prevent death from internal injuries. Most

people would ordinary die after six months from internal injuries;

however, one person stood against doctors and should them that

exercise is the gatekeeper to good health.

Bones and Back Pain

In the entire body are around 206 skeletal bones, which include the long

bones, short, fat, and uneven bones. Inside the bones are red blood

cells, (RBC), bone marrow, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.

Magnesium is silvery white elements of metallic that start from organic

compounds and works with calcium to afford support and strength to the

muscles, which the bones connect with to defend the internal organs

and movement. Calcium is similar to magnesium, yet it is produced from

alkaline metals from the earth.

The body’s skeletal muscles give us the support we need to move,

stand, walk, sit, and so while supporting the posture. Muscles contract,

shorten, and expand. The muscles attach to bones, as well as tendons.

Once the muscles begin to contract, it stimulates the muscle fiber, which

feeds off the motor neurons. The nerves are made up of extensions of

nerve cells, which are thread-like and transmit impulses outwardly from

the body of cells. (Axon) The cell bodies are branched extensions of

nerve cells (Neurons), which receive electrical signals from other nerves

that conduct signals back to the body of cells. This action emerges from

dendrites. Dendrites transmit nerve impulses to the main area of the

body that when interrupted can cause major problems. We call this

large, major system the Central Nerve System. (CNS) Dendrites are also

called the tree sometimes, since it stores minerals that crystallizes the

system and forms the shape of a tree. The CNS is a network of neurons,

or nerve cells that include the muscle fibers. The fibers and nerve cells

chain together and consist of cell bodies, dendrites, axon, etc. Messages

are conveyed through these neurons, which sensations are transmitted

to the brain, thus carrying motor impulses that reach the vital organs and


We use our muscles and the components combined to move. The

skeletal muscles are transmitters also, since these muscles send energy

that creates muscle contractions and forms as ATP. The muscles also

form as adenosine Triphosphate, ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate

Phosphate), and hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is reactions that occur with fluids.

Thus, chemical reactions emerge with compound reactions and causes

decomposition. In addition, it reacts by producing two or more additional

compounds, which may include a combo of glucose and/or minerals, etc.

Adenosine Triphosphate is components of our RNA. The compounds of

adenine and organic ribose sugar, which makes up the components of

nucleic acid and energy, which is carried via molecules. Ribose has five-

carbon sugars, which is discovered in living cells. Its constituents, RNA,

plays a vital part in the metabolically structure, since compounds include

nucleic acids, riboflavin, and ribonucleotides exist. Riboflavin is

necessary for growth and energy. The pigments are made up of orange-

yellow crystals, which derive from Vitamin B complex. Riboflavin is vital

to particular enzymes also. Riboflavin is sometimes known as Vitamin G

and lactoflavin as well.

We achieve tone from our muscles, since they act as retainers. The

action causes the muscles to hold back a degree of contractions, which

breaks down the transmission of nerve impulses or white crystalline

compounds that release from the ends of neuron fiber (Acetylcholine) by

use of enzymes known as cholinesterase.

The enzymes of the brain, blood, and heart decomposes acetylcholine,

breaking it down into acetic (Vinegary) acids and choline, which

suppresses its' stimuli and affects the nerves. The action is sometimes

known as acetyl-cholinesterase. Enzymes are proteins, which are

complex. The elements produce from the living cells and promote

specific biochemical reactions. Enzymes act as catalysts.

Each element outlined makes up the parts of the body that when

affected can lead to back pain. For instance, if the muscle tone fails to

hold back contractions, and breaking down of nerve impulse

transmission at a given time, the muscles are overexerted, which

causes back pain.

Brief History of Osteoarthritis and Back Pain

At the spinal column are the elongated columns of bones, which the

thoracic ribs support. The thoracic ribs push the bones the length of

bone structure. The ribs join with the spinal column in various areas.

Joints connect with these ribs, which are field of studies, since they often

wear and tear, causing gradual degenerative diseases, such as


Osteoarthritis is defined in medical terms as a metabolically dysfunction

of the bones. The results of the drops in our life-sustaining chemicals,

which promote activity causes the bones to reduce mass whilst

increasing porosity. The disease can cause osteoporosis to set in and

intensify risks of fractures.

How do doctors consider osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis?

Doctors often consider etiology aspects, including hyperthyroidism,

deficiency of estrogen, Cushing’s syndrome, immobility, increases in

phosphorus, liver illness, lack of exercise, deficiency of calcium and

protein, deficiency of Vitamin D, and bone marrow conditions. Wear and

tear of specific joints as mentioned above is also linked to osteoarthritis.

According to the Pathophysiology in medical terms, osteoarthritis is

assessed by considering the rates of bone resorption that exceeds the

rate of the bone structure or formation. Experts will often test the patient

while considering rises in “bone resorption” and increases in phosphate

(Salt of Phosphoric Acids) that stimulates the parathyroid activities.

Phosphoric acids will form ester, which emerge from reactions via

alcohol, metal, and radicals. If estrogen shows a decrease in resorption,

it could also show traits of osteoarthritis.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms may emerge from Kyphosis or otherwise known as

Dowager’s hump. Back pain, as well as damage to the thoracic and

lumbar may be present. In addition, the patient may loose height, and

demonstrate an unsteady walk. Joint pain and weakness is also present.

How do doctors determine if osteoarthritis is present?

First, they assess the symptoms and then request tests, such as x-rays

and photon absorptiometry. X-rays of course helps the doctor to locate

thinning of bone structures, porous structures in the bones, and rises in

vertebral curvatures. The photon tests help the expert to spot decreases

in minerals.

What if I test positive for osteoarthritis:

If you test positive then the doctor considers treatment. The treatment

often includes management, interventions, and further assessments.

Further assessments help the doctor weed down potential

complications. The complications often include pathologic fractures,

which are complex.

How does the doctor manage osteoarthritis?

No two people are alike therefore medical management varies. Yet,

most doctors set up a high-calcium, protein diet, as well as increasing

minerals, vitamin regimens, and boron.

Doctors may include in the management scheme alcohol and caffeine

restrictions. In addition, the scheme may compose tolerated exercise,

monitoring, lab studies, specifically studies on phosphorus and calcium.

Doctors may also include into your management scheme estrace

increase, i.e. estradiol or estrogen intake. Supplements with calcium

carbonates (Os-CAL) are often prescribed as well. Additional treatment

includes mineral and vitamin regimens, exercise, and so on. Many

doctors prescribe Aldactazide, Dyazide, which is a thiazide diuretic

hydrochlorothiazide. Over-the-counter meds, such as the NAID-based

painkillers is prescribed as well. Prescriptions often include ibuprofen,

Motrin, Indocin, Clinoril, Feldene, Ansaid, or flurbiprofen, voltaren,

naproxen, Dolobid, and naprosyn is often prescribed.

How intervention helps:

Interventions assisted by nursing staff include balanced diets, pain and

musculoskeletal assessment, monitoring, meds, home care instructions,

posture training, body mechanic support and training, and so on. The

patient should also be informed about osteoarthritis as outlined by the

Foundation of Osteoarthritis. In addition, the doctor is advised to allow

the patient to express his/her emotions, feelings, etc in relation to the


Cholecystitis and Back Pain

Cholecystitis is an acute and/or chronic disorder that emerges from

inflammation. Inflammation stretches to the gallbladder. The common

conditions are linked to cholelithiasis, or the start of gallstones. You may

wonder how back pain starts from this disorder, yet if you continue

reading, you can see how it affects the spine. Gallbladder infections can

cause lower back pains, specifically sharp pain, since it is a

membranous sac located in the muscles. The sac stores in bile in the


Cholelithiasis may derive from bile pigments, obesity, cholesterol,

estrogen therapy, calcium stones, and infections of the gallbladder. The

disease can cause chest pain, indigestion, and so on. Cholelithiasis also

causes episodic pain from colicky symptoms, which expend to the

epigastric, which lies up or over the abdomen and radiates to the

shoulders and back. The worst condition puts the patient at risk of

jaundice. If the condition continues, the patient will feel repeated spurts

of nausea, which causes vomiting. Flatulence, steatorrhea (Excess fats

in stools), belching, pruritus, ecchymosis, dark urine, and discolored

stools are signs of Cholecystitis. Ecchymosis is the fleeing of blood,

which travels to the tissues and onto the ruptured, or fissure blood

vessels. We see back pain issues arising since the sensory nerves

submit messages, which travel to the muscles. Once the message

arrives at the muscles it continues to travels to the organs and blood

vessels. The process continues to the skin and at last reaches the brain.

Motor and sensory signals are necessary to submit actions that promote

healthy spinal columns, which if these signals are interrupted, thus back

pain occurs.

During testing doctors will search for obstructions of the biliary trees,

kidney stones, and distention of the bile duct and calcui. Liver scans,

ultrasounds, gallbladder testing, and cholangiograms help the doctor to

spot such symptoms. Hematology is tests that help the doctor to note

increases in the white blood cells. (WBC) Blood chemistry shows

increases in bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, LDH, lipase, AST, and

bilirubin transaminase. The condition can lead to further complications,

which include pancreatitis, (Pancreas inflammation) hemorrhaging,

peritonitis, cirrhosis, and leads to the perforations of the intestinal


Alkaline phosphatase is an issue as well that could lead to back pain.

Alkaline phosphatase is any of the body’s phosphatase. The elements

are optimally live within the mediums of alkaline and occur from high

volumes of concentrations into the liver, bones, placenta, and kidneys.

Thoracic spinal column is an element that protects the vital organs.

Thoracic protects the backbone also. Thoracic also shields the lungs,

liver, and the heart. As you can see the disorder or the symptoms

emerging from the disorder spread near this area posing thus, threat to

the spine.

To correct serious conditions, laparoscopic laser cholecystectomy,

cholecystectomy, and choledochostomy is considered. The surgical

procedures are only conducted in the worst conditions, since doctors

use nurse intervention strategies to avert the symptoms and condition

from reaching further complications.

If you notice, the symptoms inside this disorder include obesity, chest

pain, colicky symptoms, and so on. The symptoms cause back pain,

since when chest pain starts it adds additional stress, which affects the

muscles, joints, connective tissues, ligaments, tendons, cartilages, and

so on. The pain emerges from overloads of stress, specifically to the

tendons, ligaments, connective tissues, and joints.

Back pain alone can cause serious stress. Anytime a disease causes

stress to the tendons, ligaments, connective tissues, muscles, bones,

etc, it can cause back pain.

In addition to disease sports, injuries can cause back pain. In view of the

facts, we can all learn proper sports tactics to help us reduce injuries.

Depression and Back Pain

Back pain includes depression, which emerges from fractures. Fractures

include pathologic, complete/incomplete, avulsion, comminuted,

depressed, compression, and oblique, greenstick, simple, compound,

spiral, and transverse. The conditions noted in hip fractures include

intracapsular, Intertrochanteric, and extracapsular. Each problem rests

within the blood vessels, yet it starts with fractures. Blood vessels make

up the arteries, capillary, and veins. As you can see chest pain can lead

to back pain, since the blood vessels travel. Overexerting the bones can

cause fractures, which lead to depression and related symptoms.

In fact, damage here may derive from osteomyelitis, Cushing’s

syndrome, bone tumors, aging, malnutrition, immobility, multiple

myeloma, osteoporosis, trauma impacts, and so on. Fractures can lead

to serious back pain. When fractures break the bones, it affects the bone

covering known as penosteum. The covering is transparent and has a

rich outlay of neurons. Fractures often are caused by trauma impacts,

such as car accidents, falls from horses, etc.

The signs:

If neurological conditions are, involved the patient will feel toe

numbness. The legs and feet may feel weak. Abolish reflexes are

reduced if the fracture is at the lower region of the back. Muscle spasms

and muscle reflexes often occur at the higher area of the back. If you

have such fracture, bed rest is recommended to reduce the pain. If acute

back conditions exist, experts will need to assess the problem. Broken

back is an acute condition, which you should avoid rolling, or logrolling.

Fractures include the stable and unstable breaks. If the fracture is

unstable, it can severely damage the spine. In such case, the doctor will

surgically correct the problem or recommend that the patient wear a

cast. The damage can tear the nerves. If you feel you have broken your

back, you are wise to avoid atypical movement, since it will progress the

problem when pressure is applied to the area.

If the fracture is spontaneous, the doctor can help minimize the pain by

prescribing a brace. You will need to avoid applying weight to the area

where the fracture rests. Bad falls can break the coccyx, which can sit in

coccygodynia. Below the triangular bones at the lower back and near the

baseline of the spinal column, the hips are joined with bones that set on

either side and form parts that connect to the pelvis. (Sacrum) This area

joins with five merging bones, which are fused with the sacrum and is

commonly known as the coccyx.

Fractures emerging from the coccyx may include bruising of the

periosteum, which is treated by steroid injections. Periosteum is a

membrane, which the connective' tissues meticulously empower each

bone within the skeletal structure, excluding the articular exteriors.

Fractures can also invent bursitis. When one of the bursa is disrupted it

will inflame, swell, and cause pain. The problem emerges from friction.

Friction is often increased when bursitis starts, since instead of

separating particular tissues, the fluids emerging from bursa stand in the

way. Bursitis includes obturator internis, trochanteric, and ischial. Bursa

conditions such as the named rest near the buttocks, lower back, and


To avoid bursitis you may want to avoid sitting, standing, or lying in one

position at all times. Instead, shift your resting states. Doctors will often

inject a mixture of anesthetic lidocaine and steroids to correct bursitis.

In addition to fractures and bursitis, back pain can start from

gynecological conditions. The condition is related to reproductive organs

and disease. Females are the prime targets who experience pain from

this condition. The condition causes pain, swelling, and inflammation.

The condition will affect the spinal cord.

How to Manage Slip Disks with back pain

Slip disks is a problem that causes back pain, yet it is one of the many

variants as to why back pain starts. Once doctors decide is a disk is

slipped they often assign management schemes to the patient. It is

important that the patient follow the instructions, otherwise the pain

could get worse. Your doctor will provide you systematic instructions if

you are diagnosed with back pain, such as slip disks.

How to manage:

Doctors often order back and skin care, such as massage therapy and

so on. You can purchase back mats with massagers cheap, as well as

sauna foot tubs. Doctors also recommend bed rest, as well as alignment

of the entire body. You can learn stretch exercises, which work

amazingly to relieve pain. If the disks are causing dramatic pain, doctors

may include logrolling strategies ever couple of hours. If you continue

treatment in office, doctors will monitor your records and order laboratory

tests, such as I/O, VS, and UO. TENS is “transcutaneous electrical

nerve” stimulations, which is often ordered as well.

Patients with back pain often set up with diets, orthopedic treatments,

meds, and so on. Antacids are recommended for many patients, which

include Aluminum hydroxide gels (Gelusil) and Maalox, which are

magnesium and/or aluminum based.

Once you are diagnosed with slip disk or herniated nucleus pulposa you

will need to continue treatment, including medical administration and

nursing interventions. The strategies are set up under doctor’s orders,

which vary from patient to patient.

Often doctors will prescribe NAID, which include painkillers such as

Indomethacin, Dolobid, Motrin, Clinoril, Ibuprofen, Ansaid, Feldene, etc.

Flexeril and valiums are prescribed to relax the muscles.

Doctors will use chemonucleolysis combined with chymopapain

treatment as well, or discase. Chemonucleolysis is the process of

breaking down “disk pulp” by using enzymes, which are injected into the

“pulpy material” of a certain “intervertebral disk.” The purpose is to

liquefy and decrease pressure on neighboring “nerve roots” in slip disks.

Chymopapain is obviously enzymes from papaya, which is found in

juices. The mission is to breakdown proteins. The treatment works

alongside common management schemes, such as bed rest, hot pads,

stretch exercises, moisture, and hot compressors.

Various other treatments and management schemes are set up

otherwise potential complications could arise. The complications include

urine retention, infections of the upper respiratory, urinary tract

infections, muscle degeneration or atrophy, chronic back pain,

thrombophlebitis, progressive paralysis, and so on.

Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the veins, which formulate blood

clots. If complications arise, doctors may consider surgical procedures to

intervene. The interventions may include microdiskectomy, spinal fusion,

percutaneous lateral diskectomy, laminectomy, etc.

Laminectomy is the process of surgically excision the vertebral posterior

arch. The patient is administered fluids through I.V. as well as related

treatment such as ROM exercises, which are done prior to and after

back surgery. Isometric exercises are commonly ordered when back

pain is present. Spinal fusions are described as stabilizations of the

“spinous” progressions along with the “bone chips” of the ilium and its

surroundings, or iliac crest. Harrington rods of metallic implants are

potentials as well and describe spinal fusions.

In addition to slip disks, back pain may arise from fractures, which may

emerge from trauma, aging, osteoporosis, steroid therapy, multiple

myeloma, osteomyelitis, bone tumors, Cushing syndrome, immobility,

malnutrition, and so on. Fractures are defined in many ways, which

include compression, avulsion, simple, etc.

One thing for sure, when it comes to back pain one must take measures

to prevent further complications, since back pain is one of the worst

possible pains one can endure.

Watch Out For the Slipped Disc Symptoms You Might Miss.

With millions of work days lost each year and up to 80% of us suffering

from some kind of back problem in our life time, it is easy to see how a

slipped disc could initially be missed or misdiagnosed as simply back

pain. But for those suffering with a slipped disc, it is far from a simple

back pain. Understanding what a slipped disc is, can go someway to not

missing the symptoms of this very painful and debilitating condition.

The spine is made up of a number of bones which are given the

necessary cushioning by small and spongy discs. These discs act as

shock absorbers, much the same as in a car. The spine remains in good

health because of these discs. However, if the disc gets damaged, it

may rupture, this is known as a slipped disc.

The leaking jellylike substance can place pressure on the spinal cord or

on a single nerve fibre and causes pain either around the disc or

anywhere along the area controlled by the nerve. So the term 'slipped'

disc is not strictly true. But refers to portions of an abnormal or

degenerated disc protruding against nerve tissue. The most common

area affected is the lower back, but any disc can rupture, including those

in the neck.

There are three main causes of a slipped disc; wear and tear, spinal

injury and being overweight. As you grow older, the less flexible the

discs in your spine become. They are then prone to injury during

strenuous exercise or prolonged physical activity.

An injury to the spine can cause the disc to tear. The disc contains a

fluid or gel like substance that is responsible for the cushioning function

of the disc. Once damaged this can leak and the disc breaks. Being

overweight can also put pressure on the discs and lead to a slipped disc.

A slipped disc can put pressure on the nerve roots which in turn causes

excruciating pain in the whole body. If the slipped disc is in the lower

back, then you will experience pain and numbness starting from the leg

to the buttock.

So why might slip disc symptoms be missed if it is so painful? There are

two reasons for this. Firstly, as back pain is so common you or your

doctor may put it down to a trapped nerve or muscle strain. If you have a

history of back trouble, it may well be diagnosed as a continuation of this

existing condition.

In some cases the pain can be referred along the course of the nerve

and produce varying degrees of pain in the back or neck along with

numbness or weakness in the corresponding organs, arms or legs. It

can even lead to pain in the shoulder, arms or hands. Not places you

would necessarily associate with a slipped disc.

A slipped disc in the lower back can cause tingling, weakness or pain in

the buttocks, back, legs or feet. It can also cause tingling around the

anus or genitals. Pain in these areas could be associated with many

simple causes and ignored, not associating them with a slipped disc.

Secondly, if the disc is not placing pressure on any of the nerves, then

you might not experience any pain at all. But any pain in the legs

accompanied by uncontrolled bladder or bowels should be seen by a

doctor as soon as possible, as this is known as equine syndrome.

Once having been correctly diagnosed with a slipped disc, the treatment

is usually medication and some specific exercises. Depending on how

bad the slipped disc is, recovery can often take several months.

Although it is tempting to stay in bed, this is not advisable long term as it

can weaken the muscles. So mild activities are advised, but always take

advice from your doctor as to the correct amount of activity you should


If medical measures are not successful, you may then be referred for

surgery, known as discectomy. This is often used as a last resort due to

the potential for permanent nerve damage. However, in most cases this

is not necessary as time and care usually resolve a slipped disc.

What to Do About a Bulging Disc in Your Back?

The discs of the spine are very important as they act like cushions that

separate each set of vertebrae in the back. They absorb shock when

you move, which protects the bone from injury.

Each back disc is made up of two main parts. Firstly, the strong outer

covering called the annulus. And secondly, a soft jelly like centre called

the nucleus. The nerves of the spine are located directly behind each

spinal disc. This is the source of the pain experienced with bulging discs.

The cause of the pain is the pressure on the nerves that occurs from the

changes that are taking place in the damaged disc.

Bulging disc or more commonly referred to as herniated disc in the back

can lead to a great deal of pain. When you suffer a bulging disc, the

outer layer of the disc is damaged, and the jelly in the centre of the disc

will begin to shift into the weaker part of the disc.

This shift in substance in the disc, results in a 'bulge' in the disc wall,

hence its name. This bulge in the disc wall will put pressure onto one of

the nerves of the spine, which is why the condition is so painful.

A bulging disc can cause discomfort and disability in various parts of the

body. Approximately 90% of bulging discs occur in the lower back or

lumbar area of the spine.

Symptoms of a bulging disc depend very much on the location of the

affected disc in the spine. Some people may experience pain in their

legs and hips if the lower back is affected. While others may feel pain in

the arms if the problem is in the shoulder region in the upper back. Only

a proper medical examination can determine the presence of a bulging

disc. This will include X-rays. MRI or CT scans.

So what can you do about a bulging disc in your back? Firstly, the

treatment you receive will depend on the severity of the pain you have

from a bulging disc. Your doctor will assess your needs best and

recommend the best course of treatment.

Rest plays an important role in the recovery of a bulging disc. This helps

to relieve the pressure and stress on your spine. A good mattress

combined with a pillow under your knees in bed can help to alleviate the

pain. A word of caution though. Too much rest is not advised after the

initial onset of pain, as it can make the muscles become weaker and

aggravate the condition.

Mild exercise is often suggested and you may be referred to a physical

therapist. Under their instruction they will give you the correct exercises

to improve and strengthen your back muscles, reducing inflammation

and pain. You can also be shown ways to improve your posture to offer

maximum rest and less stress to your spine.

In the treatment of pain relief, doctors often prescribe anti-inflammatory

medications, such as ibuprofen, codeine or asprin. However, if the pain

is more severe, you may be offered an epidural steroid injection. As well

as relieving pain they act as an anti-inflammatory as well.

If the pain is so severe that it is affecting your quality of life and mobility,

surgery may be suggested. This is often used as a last resort due to the

possibility of permanent nerve damage. Surgery is usually considered in

cases when the protrusion of the disc is more in the spinal canal. The

surgery is aimed at relieving the pain and reducing further wear and tear.

A bulging disc can be very painful, so it is important to know which

activities you should avoid so as not to aggravate the condition. You

should protect your back when lifting, learning the correct techniques.

Using a good posture when sitting or standing. The correct chair and

mattress that support your back are essential.

Maintaining a healthy weight can make a big difference in controlling the

pain of a bulging disc. Less weight means less stress for your spine.

Regular exercise is important to keep your back flexible and healthy.

You should also be aware that age is another risk factor for bulging

discs. Discs tend to become weaker and less elastic with age. Sadly

there is nothing that can be done about the ageing process, but taking

good care of yourself will help in controlling the affects of a bulging disc.

Gouty arthritis causes back pain, since it affects the joints. Gouty arthritis

is a joint disease, which inflammation causes deposits of uric (Acid in the

urine) acid crystals. The acids are slightly soluble, which are present in

blood and urine. The acids are produced by breakdowns of body waste

known as nitrogenous matters, or substances.

Gouty arthritis in etiology aspects emerge from hyperparathyroidism,

genetics, polycythemia Vera, decreases in uric excretion, and chronic

renal (Kidney) failure.

Gouty affects the metabolic flow, as well as causes abnormal purine

results of metabolism. The problem results to secretion of urates and

increases in blood and uric.

The symptoms occur from actions that affect the metabolism. The

symptoms include joint pain, swelling, redness, malaise, tachycardia,

elevations in skin temperature, and so on. Tophi in worst conditions

affect the outer ear, ankles, and toes.

Doctors often conduct a series of tests to find gouty. The tests include

synovial analysis of fluid, hematology, and blood chemistry.

If increases of ESR, or uric is noted Synovial fluid is tested. If the results

show positive sodium urates crystal formation, thus management is

planned. The doctor may start management before the tests are

administered, especially if he/she suspects that gouty is present.

Management is followed by interventions and additional assessments.

Once the patient has a set diet, monitoring, lab studies, exercise, etc,

the doctor moves to intervene with further complications.

Management includes an alkaline-ash diet and low-purine. Fluid is

increased, which the doctor also recommends that the patient avoid

kidney beans, anchovies, sardines, liver, alcohol, and shellfish. Aspirin is

prescribed, as well as NSAIDs to reduce the pain. The doctor often

prescribes Motrin, Ibuprofen, Flurbiprofen, Naproxen, Piroxicam, and so


The diet must be maintained, as well the patient should increase fluid

intake up to three quarts daily. Once the management plan is set in

motion, doctors will start to assess the patient’s integumentary rank.

Additional actions are taken, including skin care. The joints are monitor

to reduce edema, pain, and slowness in the range of motion. (ROM)

You can take actions at home to reduce pain caused from gouty. Since

gouty can lead to damaged cartilages, or renal calcui, doctors

recommend home care. Home care often includes daily foot and skin

care, stress reduction, avoidance of fasting, limited alcohol, and

monitoring your symptoms.

Since gouty affects the joints, cartilages, connective tissues, ligaments,

tendons, etc, back pain emerges from gouty arthritis.

If you experience pain in the back, you may want to address the issue

with your doctor. Since mobility is limited, you will need to learn stretch

exercises to minimize the pain. You can learn additional helps to limit

pain. For instance, when sitting you can practice helpful strategies to

avoid injury, such as using an armrest to lower the body, as well as

avoid bending or twisting when you raise your body from the chair.

You can learn additional strategies in proper sitting, lying down,

standing, lifting, etc, to reduce back pain and other pain that emerges

from gouty arthritis.

If you have a problem with obesity, you may want to create a diet and

exercise regimen to lower your weight. Studies have proven that

exercise will reduce pain emerging from nearly all diseases. Of course,

some people cannot exercise due to paralysis, yet if possible learn

stretch exercises to reduce our pain. Talk to your doctor about routines

that are designed to limit back pain.

In addition to gouty arthritis, some people suffering back pain merging

from Osteomyelitis, which is a disease of the bones affected by bacterial

infections that trigger the soft tissues and bones.

How To Deal With Pinched Nerve in Your Lower Back

A pinched nerve can be a very painful and debilitating condition, and can

vary in severity from one person to another. A pinched nerve is the result

of a nerve that travels between the vertebrae being compressed. There

are many causes for this, for example, trauma to the back, degenerated

discs or bone spurs.

A pinched nerve to the lower back can cause symptoms such as

soreness, numbness, tingling or burning to the nerve path. If the back

has been traumatized enough, it can cause the vertebral joint to become

inflamed and the muscles of the back to tighten around the area.The

lowest nerves that exit the back, extend through the legs down to the

toes. So a pinched nerve in the lower back may only cause symptoms in

the leg.

There are several treatments that can be used to help you deal with the

pain associated with a pinched nerve of the lower back. However, before

you undertake any treatments it is always best to check with your doctor

first to make a proper diagnosis, and recommend an appropriate course

of action.

Techniques designed to deal with a pinched nerve in your lower back

should aim to help reduce the compression of the vertebrae through

traction and realignment, to help the muscles loosen up and therefore

lessen the pain and minimize the inflammation.

Apart from the professional care you may get, there are several steps

you can take to lessen the effects of a pinched nerve for yourself. To

start with a good mattress is very important.

Many of us hang onto our mattresses for far too long. The recommended

life of a mattress is no more than 10 years. Most importantly you should

find the right mattress for you. Consideration should be taken as to your

height, weight, the way you sleep and any health issues such as a bad


A mattress that supports your body properly will help to relieve stress on

the muscles and joints of the back. Many people think that if they have a

bad back that a firm mattress is the answer. This is not necessarily true,

and in some cases can do more harm than good. So some research and

professional advice should be sought.

Many people are finding memory foam mattresses effective as they have

the ability to compress, but then come back to their original shape. This

means memory foam does not place nearly the same resistance on the


Proper posture is very important when dealing with a pinched nerve of

the lower back. This includes sitting as well as standing. So finding the

right chair can make a big difference in alleviating your symptoms. It has

been shown that at times you can put up to six times the pressure on

your back when you sit compared to when you are lying down.

A good chair will be able to provide your lower back with proper lumbar

support. A good ergonomic type of chair that allows for height and back

adjustment can ease stress on the lower back. If obtaining a new chair is

not an option, for example at work, consider an insert lumbar cushion

which can give your back the support it needs.

For the relief of pain associated with a pinched nerve of the lower back,

electric stimulation devices have proved effective for some people.

These block the same pain receptors that cause the nerves to irritate

due to a pinched nerve.

A micro-current is passed through the affected area and has been

shown to stimulate healing. Some devices can make the muscles

contract when placed over a motor point of the muscle, causing them to

loosen up.

One simple treatment for a pinched nerve is an ice pack. This needs to

be administered within the first 72 hours of the condition. An ice pack

can reduce the inflammation and numb the pain associated with a

pinched nerve. It should not be used however, for more than 20 minutes

at a time as it can tighten back muscles temporarily.

After 3 days when the swelling has had a chance to go down, hot packs

are a useful way to increase circulation and thereby loosen up the

muscles. They should not be used before this, as heat can increase

inflammation. Moist heat seems to be better than dry, so a moist heat

pack is preferable. Sitting in a whirlpool or Jacuzzi is a great way to help

the muscles relax. Combined with the moist warm heat, the massaging

jets can all help to ease pinched nerve pain.

There are now many good over the counter topical analgesics for pain

relief. Menthol is the active ingredient in many of them which helps block

pain receptors and relieve pain in the soft tissue and joints. If the pain is

very severe then professional help should be sort. Your doctor should be

able to prescribe medication for temporary pain relief.

There are many health care professionals that you can go to, to help

deal with a pinched nerve in your lower back such as a chiropractor or

even consider an acupuncturist or physical therapist if self help methods

do not help the condition. But it is worth remembering that pain is there

for a reason, to tell you that something is wrong. So always consult your

doctor first to decide on the best course of action.

Sciatica Cure: Treatment or Time?

Sciatica occurs when there is compression at the base of the spine. The

sciatic nerve runs down your lower back, down through each leg. When

there is compression of the spine, the muscles around the sciatic nerve

become inflamed and cause pain to this region.

The pain that is associated with sciatica travels from the lower back

through the thigh, calf, ankle and even toes. Often it affects one leg only,

which can feel numb or tingle. The duration of the condition varies from

one person to another. It can severely reduce your mobility and interfere

with daily routines.

Many people who are suddenly struck with sciatica, feel the need to bed

rest. While this may help in the short term to relieve the initial pain, lying

in bed for more than a couple of days can actually make the sciatica


This is because the spinal structure can deteriorate further if there is no

movement. This results in the back becoming weaker. When you

exercise, the discs in your back remain lubricated and your muscles and

joints stay flexible. So is there a sciatica cure or treatment, or is time the

only answer to cure sciatica?

For many the pain that comes with sciatica can be very debilitating. It

can come on very suddenly and is usually the result of a strenuous

physical activity, or an activity that required unusual amounts of lifting or

movement. Even long periods of driving can spark off an attack of


For this reason many people find that once they have identified and

ceased the cause, with appropriate care, the pain goes away with time

on its own.

However, for many it can be hard to change our lifestyles in order to stop

sciatica on a long term or permanent basis. But there are some very

simple self help cures you can try to alleviate sciatica. Most of them are

not quick fix cures and require the sufferer to persevere for a period of

time before they feel any relief.

Posture is very important in the treatment of sciatica. This is why having

a suitable mattress and chair are often found to solve the problem of

sciatic pain. It is recommended that you should change your mattress

every 10 years at least. If choosing a new mattress, do some research

on the best one for you and seek advice. You should take into

consideration the way you sleep, height, weight and any conditions you

have, such as sciatica.

A mattress that supports your body properly will help to relieve stress on

the muscles and joints of the back. Memory foam mattresses have

become very popular with people who suffer from back problems.

Memory foam mattresses have the ability to compress, but then return to

their shape, placing less resistance on the joints.

The same is true of a chair. A chair should provide you with good lumbar

support. An ergonomic chair that can be adjusted in height and back

comfort can ease stress on the lower back. If a new chair is not an

option, an insert lumbar cushion may give some relief to sciatica. This

has the advantage of being portable, so you can take it to work, friends


Although you may not feel like it, one of the best healing cures for

sciatica is actually gentle exercise. Exercises developed for sciatica are

very specific and are based on targeted stretching exercises. Stretching

exercises loosen tight muscles and increase spaces between vertebrae,

allowing more space for the spinal nerves.

Yoga is often used in the relief of sciatica. Movement is a good option in

reducing pain. Doing exercises that stretch piriformis muscles are very

helpful in controlling sciatic pain.

However, depending on the cause of your sciatic condition, some

exercises may need to be avoided, Therefore it is always advisable to

check with your doctor first before starting any exercise.

Medicines are commonly used to treat sciatica in the form of pain relief.

There is no magic pill for curing sciatica, but pain relief is often very

welcome. There are several types of medicines used in the pain relief of

sciatica. Firstly, anti inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or codeine.

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe a muscle relaxant.

Steroid based treatments are another option. Epidural or corticosteroid

steroid injections can be given by a doctor to help reduce inflammation

in the effected area.

For immediate relief at the onset of sciatica, ice packs are very

beneficial. These need to be used within the first 48 hours of the onset of

sciatic pain and help to bring down the inflammation around the injury.

Remember never to place ice directly onto the skin. Ice should be used

for 15 minutes at a time on and 30 minutes off. Heat should not be

applied for the first 48 hours as it can increase inflammation.

After 48 hours heat can be applied in the form of warm towel, heat pads,

or warm baths as moist heat works better than dry heat. sitting in a

Jacuzzi can also help ease the pain.

Surgery is only used as a last resort in cases of sciatica. This is because

there is the risk of permanent nerve damage to the spine. Surgery is

usually performed only after all other avenues have been tried and the

patient is experiencing severe pain and lack of mobility. On occasions

the nerve compression can lead to other problems such as bladder


Therefore, the above sciatic treatments can help by curing or reducing

the pain of sciatica, but overall time does definitely seem to play a big

part in the recovery from sciatica. One of the most important cures for

sciatica seems to be identifying the cause and rectifying it.

The 3 Best Ways to Find Sciatica Pain Relief

The pain from sciatica can be excruciating, accompanied by numbness

and tingling in the leg. Sciatica occurs when the muscles around your

sciatic nerve become inflamed and causes sciatic pain. The sciatic nerve

runs down your lower back, down through each leg. Sciatica is

commonly known as a pinched nerve. Or sometimes the sciatica can be

the result of a ruptured or herniated disc putting pressure on the

radiculer nerve, which connects to the sciatic nerve.

The duration and severity of the pain varies from one person to another.

It normally affects the lower back and one leg only, but pain may also

extend to the feet and toes. Here I have identified three best ways to find

sciatic pain relief.

Firstly, while many people feel the need to rest in bed with sciatica,

exercises are actually the best way to start the healing process. A small

period of rest is often recommended (2-3 days), but no longer as this

can weaken the back muscles and being inactive can make the pain


The spinal structure can deteriorate further if there is no movement. This

results in a weaker support for the back. When you exercise the discs,

the fluids between them are well lubricated and healthy.

A regular, gentle program of exercise is recommended. Targeted,

stretching exercises such as Yoga can help alleviate sciatic pain.

Stretching exercises loosen tight muscles and increase spaces between

vertebrae, allowing more space for the spinal nerves. Depending on the

cause of the sciatic pain, certain exercises may have to be avoided, so

always check with your doctor before embarking on an exercise


Secondly, medication is often used as an option for sciatic pain relief.

Sciatic pain is best treated with an anti-inflammatory drug such as

ibuprofen or codeine. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe a muscle

relaxant in severe cases; an injection of cortisone may be given by your

doctor. This is however only a temporary solution. Medication will only

alleviate the pain, but they will not heal the underlying problem. Looking

at your lifestyle and finding the cause of your sciatica will help you to

treat this painful condition on a more long term basis.

And finally, heat or ice are often an effective pain relief for sciatica and

easy to use at home. Ice is always advised immediately after an injury.

Ice reduces the inflammation around an injury and relieves acute pain.

Ice should be used for 15-20 minutes at a time, no more as it can stiffen

the muscles. This should be done 15-20 minutes on and 30 minutes off

for the first 48 hours. Heat should not be applied at this time.

Heat can be applied 48 hours after the injury as it helps increase the

circulation, helping the healing process. Heat can be applied half an

hour on and one hour off for best results.

If the pain is ongoing a combination of ice and heat can be used. Ice

should be used first and applied for 15-20 minutes, wait 30-60 minutes

then apply heat for 30-45 minutes. Using ice and heat will reduce pain

and inflammation and increase circulation, resulting in lasting pain relief

for some patients.

Remember when using ice. not to apply it directly to the skin. Ice cubes

in a plastic bag or wrapped in a cloth or using a commercial ice pack all

work well.

Heat works best when used in conjunction with moisture. Wet heat such

as wet towels is effective as is a hot bath or Jacuzzi, which has the

added benefit of a massage.

Which ever form of pain relief you decide on for sciatica, it is always

advisable to seek the advice of your doctor first to get an accurate

diagnosis and best possible treatment for your condition. Pain from

sciatica can be very debilitating. So for long term relief from sciatica

pain, it is best to identify the cause of the injury and try to rectify this first.

What is Spinal Stenosis and What is the Best Spinal Stenosis


Spinal stenosis is an abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal which

causes compression or squeezing of the spinal cord and nerves that

radiate from the area which is affected. The most common cause of

spinal stenosis is osteoarthritis-related bone damage.

Symptoms of spinal stenosis depend on where the narrowing of the

spine is located. Compressed nerves in the lower spine can cause pain

and cramping in the legs. This pain is more noticeable after long periods

of walking or standing. Whereas, compression of the nerves in the neck

can cause pain in the neck, shoulders, arms and hands.

To make an accurate diagnosis, a physical examination is necessary.

Your reflexes will be tested and you will require X-rays, MRI or CT scans

to show if spinal stenosis is the cause of the back pain.

The treatment for spinal stenosis depends on the amount of pain you are

suffering. For mild pain, your doctor may prescribe, anti-inflammatory

medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin or codeine. Or your doctor may

give you epidural steroid injections. These contain corticosteroids and

help to reduce inflammation.

You may be referred to a physical therapist to help build strength and

flexibility to your spine. This is often the most common initial step in

treatment. Physical therapy for spinal stenosis, places emphasis on

strengthening and stretching the muscles of the back and improving


Some modification of activities may be required. Most patients with

spinal stenosis will usually feel more comfortable when flexed forward.

The discomfort of walking may be eased by leaning on a walking stick,

walker or shopping cart.

An exercise routine may be gradually built into your daily life such as

walking. In fact keeping your joints and spine healthy by regular

exercise, helps maintain spinal strength and flexibility. If sitting for long

periods of time, you should ensure that you have a chair that supports

your lower back and can be height adjusted.

Maintaining a healthy weight and diet all help in the treatment of spinal

stenosis. Losing even a small amount of weight is often sufficient in

relieving back pain. By removing just ten pounds or more means the

spine supports less load.

A lumbar support cushion can be of great benefit if you cannot change

your chair. This also has the advantage of being portable. For moderate

to severe pain, you may be advised to wear a back brace, which will

help support the spine.

It cannot be stressed enough how important the right mattress is. Many

of us hang onto our mattresses for far too long. Ten years is the

recommended life span of a mattress. If you have a back condition

including spinal stenosis, it is best to get professional advice on the type

of bed that will be best for you. Using pillows for support under your

knees in bed can help to relieve the stress on your back muscles and

help with the pain of spinal stenosis.

As with many spinal conditions, surgery is often used only as a last

resort if other methods have failed and pain is severe. In these types of

spinal stenosis cases a decompression laminectomy may be performed.

This is the removal of extra bone mass that has developed and is

compressing the nerves. This procedure allows the nerves more space

and should reduce the pain.

Depending on the extent of the spinal stenosis, surgery may remove

enough of the supporting structures of the spine that support needs to

be added. In this case a spinal fusion procedure is carried out.It can be

performed at the same time as a laminectomy or separately. Spinal

fusion, fuses two or more vertebrae together to offer more support for

the spine to prevent problems of instability of the spine. However, most

spinal stenosis cases will not require surgery and it is generally an

elective procedure.

More recent developments in treatment for spinal stenosis include laser

spine surgery. This is minimally invasive, where a laser is inserted

through a series of tubes. The laser may be used to burn off or deaden

the nerves causing the pain. There are several advantages to this type

of surgery. The recovery time is shorter, less anaesthesia is used and

there is reduced post-operative pain.

Spine implants are another relatively new surgical option for spinal

stenosis. Spine implants are designed to be implanted into the spine and

then correct the compression issues.

The chosen treatment for spinal stenosis depends on many factors and

a patient should not only consult with their doctor or specialist, but

research all the options before deciding on their course of treatment.

Sometimes it is advisable to get a second opinion or talk to an

orthopaedic or neurosurgeon before making the final decision.

Five of the Best Lower Back Pain Exercises

It is estimated that up to 80% of us will suffer from some form of back

trouble, sometime in our lives. Many back conditions are due to bad

posture or work related movements. While others may be due to injury

or illness. Millions of work days are lost each year as a direct result of

back problems, particularly lower back pain. So why are we not looking

after our backs better?

Hindsight is a very valuable gift, which is why most of us don't think

about taking care of our backs until it is too late and they hurt. Heavy

and incorrect lifting, housework, gardening even driving all take their toll

and put stress and strain on the back. Many people are required at work

to sit in an office for long hours, often in an inappropriate chair.

Surprisingly, inactivity is one of the biggest causes of lower back pain.

Besides these lifestyle factors connected with lower back pain,

sprained ligaments ,lower back injuries, slipped disc, Sciatica,

pregnancy or strain in the muscles can contribute to lower back pain.

Whatever the reason, it can cause immense pain and discomfort and be

very debilitating.

The treatment for someone with lower back pain involves giving them

pain relief in the form of medication such as an anti-inflammatory like

ibuprofen, massages and exercises. Exercises that are designed to

strengthen the muscles of the stomach, legs and back are

recommended. Along with certain stretching exercises to keep the

muscles and tissue flexible.

Here I have outlined five of the best lower back pain exercises. For

good back health, these should be maintained even when the lower

back pain has ceased. Some of these are very quick, but simple and aim

to strengthen your core muscles that will support your back.

As always, before embarking on any treatment yourself, it is advisable

to see your doctor first to get an accurate diagnosis. This is because

some back conditions need to be treated in very different ways, such as

a slipped disc, and you could do more harm than good.

Pelvic Tilts

This exercise is for strengthening lower back muscles. Lie on your

back on an exercise mat and place your hands on your stomach.

Squeeze your pelvic and abdominal muscles, (this can sometimes take

some practice), and press your upper body on the floor, making the

curve of your back almost straight. Repeat twelve to fifteen times.

Cat Arch Stretch

Get down on all fours with your palms flat on the floor below your

shoulders and your knees below your hips. Drop your head down and

stretching your hips, gently try to raise your back from the middle

towards the ceiling. Your back should form a curve towards the ceiling.

Hold this position for fifteen seconds then return to the start position.

Doing this in front of a mirror can help get the correct position. Repeat

twelve to fifteen times.

Knee to Chest

This exercise is good at relieving the stress on your lower back and

relieving lower back pain. Lie on an exercise mat, bend one of your

knees and bring it close in to your chest. Extend your other leg along the

floor. You can support your knee with your hands. Hold this position for

fifteen seconds. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. Do this exercise

ten times on each leg.

Back Extension

These stretches for lower back pain treatment help strengthen back

muscles. For this exercise, lie down on your stomach, near the edge of

your bed. Your upper body, just above your hips, should be positioned

hanging outside the bed, parallel to the floor.. Keeping your hands

crossed on your chest, bend your upper body to make your head touch

the ground. Come back to the start position and repeat twelve to fifteen


Hamstring Stretch

Tight hamstrings often occur when you have been in a seated position

for long periods of time. This can cause lower back pain. To stretch

hamstrings, lie on your back on a mat with your legs straight out in front

of you. Lift your left leg up and hold the back of your hamstring. Pull your

leg towards your body as far as you comfortably can. Hold this position

for twenty to thirty seconds. Slowly release and repeat with the other leg.

Repeat this exercise five times with each leg

These a just a few exercises for lower back pain. Some warm up

exercises are advisable before you start such as walking. And as with

most things prevention is better than cure. All the above lower back pain

exercises should be performed on a regular basis to keep your back

healthy and pain free.

Finding Relief for Back Pain

Are you suffering from lower back pain? If you do not have any

underlying medical conditions, then the most likely reason for the pain

you feel would either be sitting or bending for extended periods of time,

your sleeping position, or your bed. In this article, we will discuss how

we can avoid lower back pain and provide a couple of alternatives so we

can prevent you from waking up sore every morning.

Sitting or bending for extended periods of time can cause lower back

pain because of our body's tendency to adapt to the position we are in.

Stay in one position long enough and you will find it harder to stand up

or get out of it. Additionally, the body has a tendency to sink when sitting

into a position. Once this occurs, your weight will be carried by your

pelvis. To prevent this from happening, be sure to change your position

every once in a while whenever you are in the office or at your desk to

ensure that your body is contoured into a variety of positions. This

prevents the body from adapting to a single position. You can do this or

you can use a lower back support pillow or a lumbar support cushion to

provide support for the inward curve of your spine. Lower back support

pillows and lumbar support cushions can also be used in car seats for

those who drive for extended number of hours.

The same thing applies to sleeping as well. When we sleep on our

stomach and on our back, there is a huge chance that you'll end up

feeling pain in the lower back, shoulder, or neck the moment you wake

up. Sleeping on either side and alternating your position is one way of

ensuring that you don't wake up with a stiff neck or back.

Your mattresses can also cause lower back pain especially when they

have begun to lose their firmness and strength. Spring mattresses are

often to blame for this. As spring mattresses become older, they lose the

strength of the springs to support your weight. This leads you to sleeping

in a non-level manner, resulting in the development of lower back pain.

The same goes for foam mattresses as well. Foam mattresses lose their

firmness and strength to support your weight in a matter of months. The

best practice you could employ is to know when to change your

mattresses and learn how to choose the best mattress for back pain.

In choosing a back pain mattress, be sure to consider these things:

* Determine which feels comfortable for you: a soft, medium-firm, or a

firm mattress.

* Number and placement of coils, type of padding and mattress depth in

a spring mattress.

* Natural curves for spine support.

You can also try buying latex foam mattresses to alleviate your lower

back pain. Latex mattresses are made of rubber which ensures the

longevity of its firmness and strength. If you have the resources, you can

buy air mattresses that features control mechanisms to reduce the

chances of lower back pain. These mechanisms allow you to select the

firmness and the comfort of your bed with a touch of a button.

A little exercise and stretching every now and then will also provide relief

and soothe your lower back pain. If you're suffering from lower back

pain, then try using either a back support pillow or a lumbar support

cushion. So if you want to feel more comfortable when you doze off then

consider buying a new mattress for your bed. Back support pillows,

lumbar support cushions and mattresses - quite simple solutions to such

a pain-in-the-back, right?

Can You Cure Back Pain or Simply Manage it?

Back pain can be felt on the neck, upper back, lower back and even on

the tailbone. It is common for people to experience back pain every once

in awhile, as a number of things can trigger the pain. However, when the

pain becomes chronic, it may be necessary to seek medical attention

lest it turns into an even worse condition. To cure back pain, it is

necessary to first find out where the pain is coming from and to find out

the underlying causes of the pain. Chiropractic doctors specialize in

treating conditions of the musculoskeletal system, so they may be able

to help in determining whether there is an underlying condition causing

the pain.

Most people experience lower back pain, as a result of bad posture,

muscle strain, or injury. The most common causes of pain in the lower

back include; osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, fractures, osteoporosis, and

spondylolisthesis, among others. The cure for lower back pain can

significantly depend on the specific condition causing the pain. There are

several treatments that can be used to cure back pain and while minor

pain can easily be managed, those who are suffering from severe back

ache may need to employ more professional treatments. Some of the

most common treatments for back pain include, but are not limited to:

Here are 5 tips to relief for the lower back pain during pregnancy. One of the most important needs when pregnant is a good nights rest if you sleep in a very uncomfortable position, it will probably increase your back pain problem. It is good practice to use a maternity belt to support the belly and therefore support the back by reliving the weight on the lower back. Most women do not realise, that the weight is still present, even when lying down. Another method is to wrap pillows just below the belly, this helps when asleep, pile plenty of pillows around you until you feel really comfortable, this will help with the pain and help you to sleep more soundly. The feet are very susceptible to pain and can affect the back, so wear lo-heeled shoes or a sensible trainer. If you still have pain in the feet or back, massage will relieve this, either get your partner, or a professional, to massage the areas required and you will feel much relived. One of the best methods of pain relief or cure, is to adopt a light workout routine, maybe a short walk, or very soft exercise, and of course a light stretching routine, all combined will relive that nagging pain, or even stop it completely, as your body changes throughout your pregnancy , the exercise and stretching will help you to cope with the extra weight that you will be carrying stretching the muscles will help or alleviate pain and cramp. Keeping a good posture is essential to your comfort, and whatever you do avoid carrying heavy weights, rest as much as possible, do not stand for long periods with out a break, but slouching and sitting in the same spot for to long will irritate you, so remember good posture always.

Support for the lower back is a must, a rolled up towel or blanket is ideal for this. Overall make sure you get plenty of sleep; try lying on your left hand side put a pillow between the legs and as mentioned before, plenty of pillows and support around you.

So to summarise you should use all these methods together and it will help you greatly, good luck with your pregnancy and stay healthy.

Exercise During Pregnancy

Start early in your pregnancy and strengthen your back muscles this will

help later in your term, as you put on the weight and more strain on the

back, remember just take it easy do not overdo the exercise routine,we

Are all different some people will be younger, lighter etc, so what ever

type of person you are adapt your exercise routine to suit you and your

needs, always seek expert advice, and consult your doctor at all stages.

For some women the thought of exercise during pregnancy is as

appealing as a root canal without novacane. In their minds they have a

nine month pass to keeping up with their gym routine. The first three

months they are battling morning sickness and exhaustion. The next

three months they are beginning to show. The last three months are so

uncomfortable that walking ten feet to the bathroom is pure torture, so

there is no way they will be able to walk on a treadmill for ten minutes.

On the other side of the coin, there are some women who do not let

something as little as creating a life stand in their way of exercise.

These are the women we might see actually teaching a class at the gym,

or speed walking throughout our neighborhood with their protruding


Most of us however fall somewhere in the middle and that is just how

their doctors like it. Exercise comes highly recommended when

pregnant. Not only does it help control weight gain, but some women

swear it helps with delivery also. There are some things to keep in mind

in order to protect yourself and your growing little one.

For starters you need to keep an eye on your heart rate as you are

working out. Letting your heart rate rise to high could be dangerous to

your little one especially in your first trimester. You want to maintain a

steady heart rate and should do the talk test throughout your workout to

make sure you are at a safe level. The talk test is when you talk during

your workout. If you are having a hard time talking and wind up huffy

and puffing more than getting out actual words, then you are working too

hard and need to take it down. Most doctors recommend that you work

at a pace where talking is challenging but still doable.

Pregnancy is not the time to try out new exercise routines. This means

that you should not try the new spinning class that your gym offers.

Stick with the routine you have already been doing and that your body is

use to. You may find that you have to make some modifications to some

of your exercises as your pregnancy progresses. If you are a runner, a

modified low impact jog through out your first trimester is fine but once

you enter your second trimester and begin to show, your jog has to be

brought down to a walk. For those of you who love sit ups, crunches

and floor pushups, you can continue to do these up until you hit about 14

weeks or so. After that time period no floor exercises are recommending.

If you do not have any sort of exercise routine in place before you get

pregnant, this still does not give you a free pass. Almost every doctor

will tell you that walking is a great exercise for any pregnant women who

are not high risk. Walking at least thirty minutes, three times a week is a

safe way for a pregnant woman to stay active.

Walking is something you can do through out all three trimesters though

you might find yourself moving at a slower pace by your third trimester.

Another great plus to walking, especially as you approach your due date,

is that walking can actually bring on labor. Many doctors will advise their

patients to walk, walk and walk some more in the weeks leading up to

their due dates to get things rolling. Some women who have walked

throughout their entire pregnancy have an easier delivery and recovery


The days of pregnant women kicking their feet up and not moving from

the couch for nine months are days of the past. While strenuous

exercise is a no no pregnancy is no longer a good excuse to stop


Physical Therapy

If the pain becomes unmanageable and you have found that it has

significantly affected your performance, physical therapy may be able to

help cure back pain. These include various exercises that can help to

improve muscle performance. Those who don't want to employ surgical

procedures or take medication should see a chiropractor, as they

employ non-invasive procedures.

Heat Therapy

In mid cases, placing a hot compress on the back can help reduce the

symptoms of back pain. If you want to relieve yourself of minor back

pain, then you should place a hot wrap around the affected area. Let it

sit there for at least four hours for immediate relief.


If your back pain has been bothering you for quite awhile already, you

can also opt to employ massage therapy. This is especially effective if

you get it from a professional massage therapist. Acupressure has also

been proven to help, as it targets certain pressure points to cure back


Surgical Procedures

In very severe cases, usually when the pain has become chronic, it may

be necessary to seek surgery. There are several surgical procedures to

cure back pain. Surgery is best suited for people suffering from scoliosis,

spinal stenosis, compressional fracture, and lumbar disc herniation.

However, before getting surgery, it is important to seek other kinds of

treatments first. Surgery may also be the best Sciatica cure, though you

can always go to a chiropractor if you are against it.


There are various medication that can help cure back pain such as; non

steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, naproxen, ibuprofen, and other kinds

of pain relievers. It is advisable to seek advice from a doctor to find out

the right dosage.

The kind of treatment you should employ depends entirely on the

severity of your condition. It is important to seek proper medical advice

before going through any medical procedures. People who are suffering

from minor back pain have reported significant improvement by

employing various home remedies.

There are several kinds of medication that can be bought over the

counter. However, most of the stronger types of pain relievers can only

be obtained with a doctor's prescription. Most pain relievers are great for

pain management. It is still important to check if you have any allergies

to certain types of medication or if you are taking any other kinds of

medication that may have serious drug interactions with the kind of pain

reliever prescribed for you.

If your job requires you to sit in front of a computer all day, you have to

make it a point to do some walking exercises everyday. Sitting all day

can lead to severe back pain, especially if proper posture is not always

followed. It is also worth noting that not all treatments may work to cure

back pain. If you are suffering from acute lower back pain, the pain may

continue to persist even after employing several treatments. If this is the

case, you should go back to your doctor to ask for other treatment


If your back pain continues to persist for more than three months, then

you may be suffering from chronic back pain. Dealing with chronic pain

can be difficult, as it can lead to a cycle of sleeplessness, which in turn

can cause other kinds of problems when it comes to your performance

at work. This is why it is imperative to have yourself checked, especially

if the pain has been around for too long. If you want to cure back pain,

the best way to do so is to have a health care practitioner guide you.

Back injury compensation - how hard is it?

Injury of the back can range between very severe injury to the spine, that

can be a permanent or short term injury that comes and goes very fast.

Many people will experience back pain in their lives, in fact thousands of

working hours are lost through back injury and back pain

You may be wise to consider applying for compensation for injury to the

back if it is a work related accident or a injury caused by a third party, if

its not your fault.Finacial loss is all to common in these circumstances

and if you have a long term injury you will need financial compensation.

Many injury’s to the back are caused at work or when driving, caused by

lifting items that are to heavy, or repetitive strain injury, it could be your

posture suffers from sitting badly for long periods, falls and accidents of

all kinds are more causes, take note of time and place the accident

happened and all the details, witnesses and causes

When driving and being involved in an accident, whiplash is one of the

most common injuries to the neck damaging the tendons joints muscle

and discs. This happens when the head is forced back fast violently and

then forward whipping the neck with tremendous force. Passengers in

the back of the vehicle are more prone to this type of injury.

spinal cord injury’s are also caused in driving accidents as well as many

other back injury’s and can be severe enough to debilate,for a long or

short time. so seek the best medical advice about the time your injury

will take to heal

It is probably worth the time to speak to a legal professional if you think

that you have a case for compensation, you will need to be represented

professionally in order to get the right amount of compensation that’s if

you have a case, a professional injury lawyer would determine this for


Many cases are settled out of court especially if you have a good case,

there could be a number of claims for damages that you could make .Its

common for your lawyer to fight the case for no win no fee, so if you

loose it doesn’t cost you anything, he or she earns their fee from the

damages settlement, on a percentage basis.

If proven that your injury was caused by someone else, then you would

be entitled to a number of damages. Like compensation for

psychological problems, medical treatments that you had to pay for

before the award and expenses and costs for on going treatment and of

course your pain and suffering. It’s well worth taking a professionals

view on this

Remember you would be wise to seek a recommendation when it comes

to picking your legal team, or at least do some research before

committing to just anyone, you need an experienced lawyer who

specialises in injury claims. They will advice you on whether it worth

pursuing the case and the type of compensation you can expect

It does not always reach the court room, sometimes after the case has

been brought and filed, your lawyer may be approached by the other

sides legal team and an offer to settle out of court ,put before him, this

would avoid the cost of court hearings and be beneficial to both partys,if

the amount offered is enough for you needs.

Loss of income or earnings can also be claimed for in addition to your

other claims, especially if your injuries are long term or short term or

even permanent. But you would have to qualify for those.

You now have to consider if you have a case and is it worth putting

yourself through going to court, which can be very stressful,

If you have lost out through someone else’s neglect physically

psychologically and financially, then you have to prepare yourself for the


First by hiring the best lawyer you can find and being prepared to go to

court and follow it through to the end.

You might be fortunate and the case is settled out of court this does not

always happen though, so have that in mind.

Have all your evidence and witnesses at the ready, all your expenses,

loss of earnings, the full story of what happened to you and the

consequences of that.

The no win no fee rule is in your favour and gives you the chance to

bring the case to court. make sure you have all your doctors medical

evidence documented and get your legal team to determine the amounts

of compensation you are entitled to It could be a fast case, even settled

out of court or it could drag on for a long time depending on the

curcumstances,so be prepared for a battle, If you have a good case it

can be very beneficial to go ahead so do your homework and get the

compensation you need and deserve.


I would like to point out, total rest is the only thing that will work so

let the back heal and rebuild healthy muscle tissue. Don't push it

too quickly, or you'll find yourself back at square one. Be patient

If you use a heating pad, do not just leave it on. I know it feels

good, but if left on for hours, it will re-inflame the area causing

more pain. Most doctors say to use one for 20 minutes every hour,

at most. Go ahead and soak in a tub of hot water (moist heat is

best) and make sure to add Epsom salts to the water. It will help

relax the muscles and draw out the soreness. While you're

soaking, take the time to meditate. It helps with the pain too.

(3) There are simple exercises that are wonderful for chronic back

pain. All your yoga moves start with lying on your back. They

started with legs together, feet out straight, arms at about 45

degrees from our body, and feet and toes straight up, at a right

angle to the ankles. Slowly raise legs to chest and hold with arms

around them for a count to three. Release and repeat. Then raise

knees to chest and left arm out to side, slowly twist knees to right

side as far as possible without pain. If you feel pain, stop. As the

exercises progress, you will be able to eventually reach the floor

with the knees. Repeat three times and do other side

Resume lying on floor in position, left arm out to side. Slowly raise left

leg to about 90 degree angles to body and try to touch the floor on the

right side. Repeat 3 times,

Repeat with right side.

One of the things the yoga instructors teach is to send positive

energy to the points of our body that was in pain. By using these

yoga positions and exercises, your back pain can completely go.

Stretching those muscles is what is important. Do not do anything

that causes pain, if you feel pain stop and consult your yoga


(4) Put an ice pack on the affected area - the ice reduces swelling which


Pressure on the nerves. If it is extremely painful, go back and forth

(10 minutes each)

from ice to heat (this causes blood-flow to the area which is

healing). If I have a flare-up the first thing I do is place ice on my

back (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off) .

(5) Many chiropractors recommended an Inversion Unit for

patients who have chronic back pain they work as a home traction

unit, taking stress off the back discs. Check it out on Google and

find the best one for you. Also, if you do office-type work, get a

chiropractic-type chair. They are not expensive. You sit on a

forward-slanted seat with your knees resting on a padded bar. This

forces your back into a straight position. As uncomfortable as it

sounds, it is not at all uncomfortable. In fact, it is very comfortable

and you do not even notice that there is no back to rest against. All

your weight is being held up by your knees, so there is less weight

on your lower back.

(6) Yoga can help tremendously. Another thing that you might find

very helpful with your back pain is to avoid sleeping on the

stomach - it puts extra stress on the lower back muscles. If at all

possible, sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees to

keep your back straight, or sleep on your side with a pillow

between your knees, again keeps the back straight with less stress

on the lower muscles.

(7) go to your local pool and try holding onto the side in deep

water, let your legs hang down, this opens the back up. Hanging

from bars might do the same thing. About chest high walk across

the pool. Walking against the water seems to strengthen your

muscles. It is impossible to walk fast, so it doesn't seem to harm

the muscles. Try to get as much water exercise as possible. If you

don't have access to a pool, try going to a hotel or motel where

there is a pool, explain to them what you'd like to do and see if

they can make arrangements to let you in for a lesser fee.


Here are some tips that will not damage you. Try floating in a

swimming pool. Try swimming if you can, pool or sea. Try hanging

from a beam as long as you can stand it. Find a good bench seat,

then shuffle forward onto the balls of your ankles and let your butt

sag over the bench. You take the weight of your body on to the

palm of your hands, but you must keep your arms straight. This is

likened to hanging from a beam, remember if you feel more pain

stop, just be gentle with your back and be aware of the problem,

no sudden movements, when walking always try and keep you

stomach muscles tight, after a while you muscle will strengthen,

this is the centre of your body it will help to reinforce your back.


This report is compiled by DB|INC,we are not doctors or trained in any in

medicinal profession or any related subjects the content in this report is

gathered from various sources. you should always consult a doctor or

medical professional with any problems mentioned in this report. we

wish you all good health and a happy life.

Information provided in our book should not be used as a replacement

and is not meant to disregard medical advice in any circumstance.

Always remember anything contained in this book should prevent or

delay you to seek medical attention or advice. This books purpose is

solely informational and educational and is not an authoritative and

complete resource for back pain resolution and, or anything pertaining to


Always seek medical advice before you begin any new treatment,

exercise, or anything mentioned, ensure that it will not harm you or

aggravate any existing conditions you may have. If you have any

questions concerning the validity or benefit of anything contained within

this publication, always consult your doctor or medical physician if you

have a problem with you health see a doctor to make sure it isn’t

anything sinister before you start experimenting with anything in this

book. Do not discount or ignore any guidance or advice from a medical

professional because of anything contained within this compilation. This

book is by no means the solution for every person suffering from back

problems or back pain. Trying to stay up to date is our geol we try and

stay up to date with new and emerging information, however, the

medical field is changing daily and new methods are being discovered,

the information in this book may not always be the most recent updates.

We are not responsible as publishers and distributors of this e-book for

any lack of or outdated information concerning this subject herein.

The publishers and distributors of this e-book do not bare liability or

responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property as a result of

the information and content set out within this book and all the

information that it contains is to be used solely at the reader’s discretion,

and judgement.

Brought to you By DB|INC. ALL COPYRIGHT RESERVED 2011.

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