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Content marketing-benefits-Cordlife

Date post: 24-Jul-2015
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Discussing opportunity areas

Discussing opportunity areas

We had a basic discussion regarding lead generation through SEM and related processes

However, any lead generation process demands a proper content plan so that the audience may consume these content and then decide to turn into brand-loyal individual.

Why Content is King? - A Study by SAP.

Content is important. But why?

What can quality content do?

Any good content serves the following purposes:

• Earns confidence of potential customers through trust building.

• Content is shared on social media network.

• Good content thus, packs in a strong viral quotient too.

• Viral content urges people to turn to loyal followers and brand advocates.

What will be the content cycle for Cordlife?

Informative and shareworthy content on stem cell banking.

People like it and share it among their social connections.

Content goes viral. Viral content

generates trust.

Trust leads to brand advocacy and more

people come looking for information.

Content Cycle for Cordlife is Shown Below:

How will FPS create content for Cordlife?

How will FPS Create Share-worthy Content?

Treat keywords as hot sauce and create

content around them.

Create contextual

content that follows latest

Google Algorithm updates.

Create content using

a voice or tone that is unique to CordLife.

Create catchy headlines that

will immediately

grab attention.

Use latest new about

the industry to create

fresh content.

Create sequential

content and use one

content to promote another.

Recycle the content

pieces that have

maximum shares.

Work as per content

calendar to provide a

steady flow of free


How will content help to capture leads?

Content will drive traffic back to website of Cordlife or to the landing page where leads are captured.

It is then up to the sales team to convert the captured leads into customers.

As per the study of SAP, 14.6% of organic traffic is converted into customers compared to 1.7%

conversions through outbound marketing.

Nature of content we are looking at

• Informative articles - Important for article marketing.

• Informative videos - Can be used for YouTube marketing.

• Slideshare presentations - These can be highly effective as people use the platform for serious information.

• Online PR marketing - Online press releases also play a vital role in creating a brand identity and generating a trust factor. There are several high Page Rank PR sites that send

quality traffic which end up either as direct leads or as brand advocates.

Content is the present – and future – of marketing

If you agree with us, lets have another cup of coffee.
