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CONTENT!blog.bulletproof.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Bulletproof-Coach... · 5! THE!OPPORTUNITY!...

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Page 1: CONTENT!blog.bulletproof.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Bulletproof-Coach... · 5! THE!OPPORTUNITY! Positive!change!occurs!more!efficiently!and!effectivelywiththehelpofaskilled coach.

















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Introduction                 3  

The  Opportunity               5  

Course  Structure               7  

Section  One:  Bulletproof  Fundamentals       8  

Section  Two:  Bulletproof  Coaching         13  

Section  Three:  Coaching  Practice         15  

Section  Four:  Transforming  Passion  into  Profit     16  

Section  Five:  The  Next  Step           16  

Training  Schedule               17  

The  Certification  Process             20  

Investment                 22  

Continuing  Professional  Development  (CPD)       23  

Frequently  Asked  Questions           25  







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Welcome  to  the  Bulletproof  Coach  Training  Program!  


Dave   Asprey   and   I   are   thrilled   that   you   are   considering   training   as   a   Certified  

Bulletproof   Coach.   Bulletproof   Coach   Training   is   the   first   in   its   class:   the   gold  

standard   certification-­‐training   program   in   coaching   for   high   performance   and  

human  potential  development.  


Our  commitment  is:    


ü To   support   you   in   becoming   a   highly   successful,  well-­‐remunerated   coach  who  

has   the   skill   and   knowledge   to   support   your   clients   in   achieving   their   goals,  

realizing   their   potential   and  maximizing   their   energy,   resilience   and  


ü To  teach  you  how  to  coach  others  to  live  from  a  state  of  high  performance.  

ü To   provide   you   with   a   personally   transformative,   professionally   enlightening  

(and  fun)  training  experience!  


The  demand  for  highly  trained  coaches  is  at  an  all-­‐time  high.  Hundreds  of  thousands  

of  people  each  year  seek  out  the  help  of  coaches.  From  life  coaches,  health  coaches  

and  performance  coaches,   to  wellbeing   coaches,   success   coaches,  mindfulness  and  

spiritual   coaches,   there   is   a   coach   for   every   aspect   of   life.   Up   until   now,   if   you  

wanted  to  train  as  a  life  coach  or  health  coach,  for  example,  you  would  embark  on  a  

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training  program  that   is   focused  solely  on  that  niche  area  –   life  coaching  or  health  



We  have  deconstructed  the  most  transformative  insights,  tools  and  hacks  from  each  

of  these  aspects  of  coaching,  and  re-­‐integrated  them  into  a  highly  effective  integral  

coaching  system  –  Bulletproof  Coaching.  Once  you  have  completed  our  training  you  

are  going  to  be  one  of  the  first  of  a  new  generation  of  coaches  with  the  knowledge,  

skills  and  expertise  to  help  clients  make  profound  changes  in  every  aspect  of  their  

lives  more  quickly  and  easily  than  would  otherwise  be  possible.    


Does   this   excite   and   inspire   you?   If   so,   you   sound   like   a   great   fit   to   become   a  

Bulletproof  Coach.    


We  are  looking  forward  to  welcoming  you  into  our  course!  





Dr.  Mark  Atkinson  –  Bulletproof  Medical  Director    




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Positive   change   occurs   more   efficiently   and   effectively   with   the   help   of   a   skilled  

coach.   As   a   certified   Bulletproof   Coach   you   will   have   the   knowledge,   skill   and  

presence  to  enable  the  client  to  grow  and  evolve  into  a  way  of  being,  thinking  and  

behaving   that   enables   them   to   develop   excellence   and   achieve   their   goals,   whilst  

flexibly  adapting  to  the  challenges  along  the  way.  You  will  be  able  to  empower  your  

clients  to  create  a…    

High  performance  life  fuelled  by  optimal  energy,  resilience,  excellence,  

work/life  balance  and  fulfilling  relationships.    

Traditionally,   most   people   achieve   exterior   success   at   the   expense   of   their   own  

health  and  relationships.  This  makes  for  an  unfulfilling   life.  As  a  Bulletproof  Coach  

you  will  be  know  how  to  facilitate  a  way  of  being  and  living  that  ensures  vitality  and  

wellbeing   on   the   inside   and   success   and   performance   on   the   outside.   It   is   deeply  

transformative  and  enlightening  work!  

The  opportunities  for  you  as  a  Bulletproof  Coach  are  considerable,  they  include:  

ü Significantly   enriching   and   enhancing   your   own   performance,   well-­‐being   and  

quality  of  life.  

ü Developing  a  new  career  for  yourself  as  a  Bulletproof  Coach.  

ü Continuing   to   practice  within   your   defined   professional   role   but   doing   so   in   a  

more   effective,   fulfilling   and   coaching   orientated   way   by   using   the   skills   and  

knowledge  you  have  acquired.  

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ü Using  your  new  qualification  as  a  Bulletproof  Coach   for   leveraging  a  change  or  

promotion  in  your  job.  

ü Expanding  your  range  of  services  to  include  coaching.    

ü Working  within   the   corporate   environment   as   a  Bulletproof  Coach.  This  might  

for   example   involve   setting  up   a   high  performance  program   for   employees,   or  

providing  resilience  and/or  skills  based  workshops.  


Other  benefits  of  becoming  a  Bulletproof  Coach  include:  

ü Significantly   increasing   your   income   by   being   able   to   charge  more   because   of  

your  expanded  skill  set  and  knowledge  base.  

ü Attracting   more   clients   because   of   your   confidence   and   ability   to   assist   most  

people  in  achieving  their  personal  and  professional  goals.  

ü Showcasing  the  certification  as  a  unique  selling  point  when  applying  for  jobs  or  


ü Enhancing  feelings  of  competency  because  of  your  ability  to  draw  on  numerous  

skills  and  tools.  


To  be  a  Bulletproof  Coach  is  to  be  someone  who  is  committed  to  realizing  their  own  

potential,  helping  others  to  do  the  same  and  being  rewarded  financially  for  doing  so.    




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Our   Bulletproof   Coach   Training   Programme   commences   with   a   two-­‐day   coach  

training  workshop   in  Pasadena,  California   (October  21-­‐22,  2015).  This   takes  place  

prior  to  the  Third  Annual  Bulletproof  Biohacking  Conference  (October  23-­‐25,  2015).  

When  you  sign  up   to   the  coach   training  we  will  provide  you  with   ticket   to   the  BP  

conference  free  of  charge!  

The  distance-­‐learning  component  of  the  training  then  commences  October  26,  2015.  

This  is  provided  through    

• Our  online  Bulletproof  Training  Centre  –  which  hosts  our  videos,  podcasts,  PDFs  

and  other  resources.  

• Teleconferencing  –  in  which  we  meet  and  connect  via  telephone  or  through  the  


The  Bulletproof  Coach  Training  consists  of  five  sections:  

1. Bulletproof  Fundamentals.  

2. Bulletproof  Coaching.  

3. Coaching  Practice.  

4. Transforming  Passion  into  Profit.  

5. The  Next  Step.  

The   following   provides   an   overview   of   these   sections   and   on   page   17   is   the  

timetable  of  when  they  will  occur.    

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As  a  general  rule  of  thumb  you  will  receive  access  to  pre-­‐recorded  videos  and  other  

resources  on  a  Monday  and  on  the  Thursday  of   that  same  week  take  part   in  a   live  

Q&A  with  the  course  instructor.  





Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  

ü Be   able   to   provide   an   overview   of   the   Bulletproof   High   Performance   Model,  

process  and  ‘big  ideas.’  

ü Explain  and  deconstruct  the  terms  energy,  resilience  &  performance.  

ü Describe   the   four   zones   of   human   living:   Bulletproof   (high   performance),  

renewal,  survival  and  exhaustion.  

ü Provide  an  overview  of  the  hallmarks  of  the  immature  ego  and  the  mature,  high  

functioning  ego-­‐self.  

ü Know  how  to  significantly  enhance  your  time  management  skills.  

ü Know  how  to  identify  and  update  belief  systems  

ü Be  able   to  provide  an  overview  of   the   core   theories,  practices   and   tools  of   the  

three  pillars  of  Bulletproof  Coaching:  biohacking,  mastery  of  consciousness  and  

Bulletproof  resilience  training.  

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Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  

ü Understand  the  terms  biohacking  and  the  quantified  self.  

ü Have  an  in-­‐depth  understanding  of  the  Bulletproof  Diet.  

ü Be  able  to  personalize  the  Bulletproof  Diet  for  maximum  sustainable  energy.    

ü Be  familiar  with  the  Bulletproof  recommended  supplements  and  nootropics.  

ü Know  the  top  Bulletproof  hacks  for  sleep,  happiness,  the  brain,  fat  loss,  sex  and  

stress  reduction.  

ü Have   a   good   understanding   of   the   evidence   base   for   cyclical   ketogenic   diets,  

MCT’s,  butter  and  coffee.  

ü Understand  the  multiple  sources  of  energy  and  power.  

ü Have  a  good  understanding  of  the  principles  of  skilful  energy  management.    

ü Be  able  to  identify  and  address  sources  of  energy  drain  and  energy  renewal.  

ü Know  which   innovative   technologies  and  apps  can  help  accelerate  your  clients  

development  and  performance.  

ü Know   the   top   Bulletproof   hacks   for   improving   productivity   and   positively  

influencing  outcomes  and  people.  






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Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  

ü Know   how   to   access,   activate   and   harness   the   four   innate   intelligences   –  

awareness,  head,  heart  and  gut  (hara).  

ü Facilitate   the   experiential   shift   in   states   of   consciousness   between   head,   heart  

and  hara  and  the  dualistic  selves  and  non-­‐dualistic  selves.  

ü Know   how   to   integrate   the   ‘shadow’   and   resolve   the   barriers   to   human  

flourishing  and  performance.  

ü Describe  the  main  brain  states  and  characteristics  of  each.  

ü Know   how   to   consciously   shift   state   of   consciousness   on   demand   and   access  

states  that  enable  excellence  and  high  performance.  

ü Have   a   good   understanding   of   the   flow   state   and   the   psychobiology   of   high  


ü Know  how  to  support  your  clients  in  creating  flourishing  relationships.  

ü Know   how   to   guide   your   clients   in   radically   letting   go   of   personal   fear,  

resentment  and  resistance  to  reality.  







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Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  


ü Be  able  to  provide  an  overview  of  the  Bulletproof  approach  to  resilience  training.  

ü Have  a  basic  understanding  of,  and  be  able   to  succinctly  describe,   the  research  

and  science  behind  the  Bulletproof  Heart  Rate  Variability  Training  device.    

ü Know  how  to  activate  the  hearts  intelligence  and  create  internal  coherence  and  

enhanced  resilience  through  heart  rate  variability  training.    

ü Integrate  the  Bulletproof  Resilience  System  into  your  personal  and  professional  


ü Describe  what   stress   is   and   help   your   clients   become   aware   of   their   personal  

somatic,  behavioural,  cognitive  and  emotional  stress  indicators.  

ü Facilitate  your  clients  awareness  of  the  contributing  factors  that  are  giving  rise  

to  their  experience  of  pressure  and  stress.  

ü Know  how  to  develop  a  plan  for  clients  that  enables  them  to  integrate  resilience-­‐

building  skills  in  their  daily  routines.    

ü Be  able  to  teach  clients  how  to  increase  their  emotional  awareness  and  improve  

mental  clarity  for  better  decision-­‐making,  problem-­‐solving  and  planning.  

ü Be   able   to   describe   and   build   psychological   flexibility   and   the   six   core   factors  

that  cultivate  it;  contacting  the  present  moment  (be  here  now),  defusion  (watch  

your  thinking),  acceptance  (open  up),  self-­‐as-­‐context  (awareness),  values  (know  

what  matters),  and  committed  action  (do  what  it  takes).    


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ü Have  tools  for  developing  psychological  acceptance,  reducing  the  believability  of  

negative  thoughts  and  becoming  mindful  without  the  need  for  meditation.  

ü Know  how  to  nudge  your  clients  towards  a  more  compassionate,  mindful  way  of  

being,  one  that  drives  higher  performance  and  greater  authentic  success.  





Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  


ü Have  a  good  understanding  of   the   flow  and  structure  of  a  Bulletproof  coaching  


ü Know  the  core  attributes  of  an  ‘effective’  Bulletproof  coach.  

ü Know   how   to   access   a   state   of   presence   and   engagement   and   from   that   state  

facilitate  your  coaching  session.  

ü Be  able  to  support  your  client  in  setting  an  agenda.  

ü Know  how  to  help  your  clients  access  goals  from  the  head,  heart  and  gut  (hara)  

and  then  achieve  their  goals  using  the  Bulletproof  goal  achievement  system.  

ü Brainstorm  options  with  your  clients  for  effective  action  steps.  

ü Help  clients  identify  and  access  the  inner  and  outer  resources  available  to  them.  


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ü Identify  the  barriers  to  change  and  potential  obstacles  to  success.  

ü Have   a   good   understanding   of   how   to   illuminate   the   clients   unconscious  


ü Know   how   to   help   your   clients   update   their   beliefs   and   free   themselves   from  

self-­‐limiting  narratives.    

ü Be  clear  as  to  how  you  can  help  your  clients  shift   into  a  state  of  Presence  from  

which  empowering  narratives  arise  and  can  be  embedded.  

ü Be   know   how   to   ask   questions   that   penetrate   to   the   truth   and   shift  


ü Use   reframing,   metaphor,   analogy,   acknowledging,   appreciation,   articulating  

what  is  happening,  interpretation  and  brainstorming  in  a  respectful  manner  that  

deepens  the  client’s  awareness.  

ü Appropriately  utilize  bottom-­‐lining,   interrupting  and   refocusing  for   the   sake  of  

client’s  goals  and  agenda.  

ü Be  familiar  with  the  Bulletproof  forms,  coaching  agreements  and  checklists.  

ü Know  and  agree  to  the  Bulletproof  code  of  ethics  and  standards  of  practice.    

ü Be  clear  on  what  to  do  if  your  client  needs  therapy.  

ü Define  boundaries  around  coaching  work  and  therapeutic  work.    

ü Be   aware   of   the   legal   risks   involved  within   the   coaching   process   and   be   clear  

about  how  to  proactively  minimise  them.  

ü Be  aware  of  the  things  you  should  avoid  doing  within  your  coaching  practice.  

ü Confidently  assess  whether   the  needs  of  a  potential   client  match  your  services  

and  skills  as  a  coach.  

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Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  

ü Understand  the  concept  of  making  microresolutions,  commitments  to  a  limited,  

specific,  and   measurable   change   in   behavior   or   attitude   that   produces  an  

immediate  and  observable  benefit.  

ü Know  how  to  facilitate  clients  through  the  Bulletproof  change  process.  

ü Understand   the   importance   of   specifying   and   summarizing   action   steps   with  


ü Be  able  to  create  personalised  plans  with  results  that  are  attainable,  measurable,  

specific  and  have  target  dates.  

ü Know  the  top  Bulletproof  strategies  for  making  sustainable  behavioural  change.  

ü Know  how  to  reassess  success/relapse/lapse/recycle  and  determine  next  steps  

in  the  coaching  process.  



Between   Feb   2nd   and   March   10th   2016   there   will   be   a   twice-­‐weekly   coaching  

practice  training  session  that  you  can  call  into.  They  take  place  on  Tuesdays  at  08:00  

a.m.  PDT  and  Thursdays  at  6.00  p.m.  PDT  and  last  for  one  hour.  See  page  18.  This  is  

the   stage   of   the   training   that   you   will,   under   supervision,   put   into   practice  

everything  that  you  have  learned  so  far.    


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Upon  completion  of  this  section  you  will:  


ü Be   able   to   describe   the   five   key   building   blocks   of   every   successful   coaching  


ü Have  clarity  about  your  target  market  and  their  needs.  

ü Be  clear  about  what  value  you  offer  and  what  to  charge.  

ü Know  effective  strategies  for  maximising  your  value.  

ü Have  created  a  one-­‐page  business  plan.  

ü Have   an   understanding   of   proven  marketing   strategies,   including   networking,  

direct  contact  and  follow-­‐up,  public  speaking,  writing  and  publicity,  promotional  

events  and  advertising.  

ü Be  able  to  describe  what  you  do  and  explain  it  ways  that  engage  others.  

ü Know  how  to  leverage  other  people  and  relationships  to  generate  clients  for  you.    



This  is  the  final  part  of  the  training  program.  In  this  section  we  will  be  reflecting  on  

and   summarizing   the   course,   clarifying   the   certification  process   and  exploring   the  

subjects   of   how   to  maintain  personal   and  professional   excellence   as   a  Bulletproof  



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Bulletproof  Coach  Training  Workshop       Oct  21  –  22  (Pasadena,  CA)  




Biohacking  I                 Mon  26th  Oct  2015  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  29th  Oct  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Biohacking  II                 Mon  2nd  Nov  2015  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  5th  Nov  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Mastery  of  Consciousness  I           Mon  9th  Nov  2015  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  12th  Nov  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Mastery  of  Consciousness  I           Mon  16th  Nov  2015  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  19th  Nov  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Bulletproof  Resilience  Training  I         Mon  23rd  Nov  2015  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  26th  Nov  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Bulletproof  Resilience  Training  II         Mon  30th  Nov  2015  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  3rd  Dec  6.00  p.m.  PDT  





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Bulletproof  Coaching  Process  I         Mon  4th  Jan  2016  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  7th  Jan  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Bulletproof  Coaching  Process  II         Mon  11th  Jan  2016  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  14th  Jan  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Bulletproof  Coaching  Process  III         Mon  18th  Jan  2016  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  21st  Jan  6.00  p.m.  PDT  

Sustainable  Behavioural  Change         Mon  25th  Jan  2016  

Live  Q&A             Thurs  28th  Jan  6.00  p.m.  PDT  




FEB  2016  

Tuesday:  2nd,  9th,  16th,  23rd  at  8:00  a.m.  PDT  

Thursday:  4th,  11th,  18th,  25th  at  6:00  p.m.  PDT  


MARCH  2016  

Tuesday:  1st  and  8th  at  8:00  a.m.  PDT  

Thursday:  3rd  and  10th  at  6:00  p.m.  PDT  




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Passion  into  Profit             Mon  14th  March  2016  

Live  Q&A           Thurs  17th  March  6.00  p.m.  PDT  




The  Next  Step             Mon  21st  March  2016  

Live  Q&A           Thurs  24th  March  6.00  p.m.  PDT  


The  course  finishes  on  Thursday  24th  March  2016  










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There  are  two  levels  to  the  certification  process:  the  first  involves  being  awarded  a  

Certificate   of   Completion.   This   confirms   that   you   have   completed   the   training  

program.   The   second   level   involves   passing   an   assessment   process   in   which   you  

provide  evidence  that  you  have  the  experience  and  competence  to  be  certified  as  a  

Bulletproof  Coach.    

Certificate  of  Completion  

A  Certificate  of  Completion  is  awarded  once  you  have    

ü Completed   each   of   the   five   sections   and   submitted   an   assessment   for   each   of  


ü Attended  at  least  4  coach  practice  sessions.  

ü Had  a  minimum  of  8  sessions  with  your  coach  buddy  

The  Assessment  Process  


Having  completed  the  Bulletproof  Coach  Training  program  you  are  eligible  to  enter  

into  our  certification  process.  If  successful,  you  will  become  a  Certified  Bulletproof  

Coach.   The   certification   process   should   be   completed   within   three   months   of  

finishing  the  training  program.    


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The  process  involves:  

1. Coaching  five  different  clients  (gratis)  and  providing  each  with  a  total  of  8  once-­‐

weekly  coaching  sessions.    

2. Submitting  a  log-­‐book  providing  evidence  of  a  minimum  of  40  hours  of  coaching  


3. Submitting  one  30-­‐minute  MP3  recording  of  a  client  session.  

4. Submitting   a   statement   of   competence,  where   you   describe   the   types   of  work  

you   intend   to   include   in   your   Bulletproof   coaching   practice,   the   competencies  

that   enable   you   to   do   this,   areas   of   work   you   are   not   qualified   for,   and  

identification  of  learning  needs  for  continuing  professional  development.  

5. Providing  evidence  of  professional  indemnity  insurance.  

Upon  successful   certification  you  will  be  awarded  with  a  Certificate   in  Bulletproof  

Coaching  and  certified  as  a  Bulletproof  coach  for  three  years.  









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Your  investment  is  $3997  USD  or  six  payments  of  $750  USD.  *    

This  includes  

ü The  complete  Certified  Bulletproof  Coach  Training  program.  

ü A  complete  coaching  tool  kit  of  forms,  exercises  and  promotional  materials.  

ü Certification  as  a  Bulletproof  Coach.    

ü Free  3-­‐Day  Conference  Pass  to  the  2015  Bulletproof  Biohacking  Conference  

(value  $1599).  

ü Featured  as  a  Certified  Bulletproof  Coach  on  our  website  directory  free  of  

charge  for  one  year.  (Value  =  $3,000).  

ü Free  Bulletproof  heart  rate  variability  training  device  (value  $129).  

ü Eligibility  to  become  an  associate  member  of  the  Association  for  Coaching.    

ü Becoming   a   Bulletproof   affiliate   and   receiving   commission   and   discount   on  

Bulletproof  products.  


*  This  does  not  include  tax  





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Continuing  Professional  Development  (CPD)  


Continuing   Professional   Development   (CPD)   is   a   continuing   learning   process   for  

coaches,   which   enables   you   to   meet   the   needs   of   your   clients   by   delivering   high  

quality   coaching   –   whilst   also   maintaining,   expanding   and   fulfilling   your   own  



In  order  to  retain  your  certified  status  as  a  Certified  Bulletproof  Coach  you  will  be  

required  to  achieve  a  minimum  of  30  hours  of  Continuing  Professional  Development  

(CPD)  each  year.  One  CPD  credit  equals  one  hour  of  educational  activity.  Within  the  

credit  minimum  of  30  total  credits,  15  credits  must  be  “external”  and  the  remaining  

15  relating  to  “personal”  activities  


External  Activities  

These   include:   being  mentored   (max.   of   5   credits),   attending   workshops/courses  

relating   to   human   potential   development   and   coaching   (max.   of   10   credits),  

attending  the  Bulletproof  biohacking  conference  (10  credits).  


Personal  activities    

This   includes   reading  and  submitting  a   summary  of  at   least   ten  of   the  Bulletproof  

Coaching  ‘prescribed’  books  (max.  of  10  credits)  and  at  least  50  hours  of  a  personal  

development  practice  such  as  meditation,  neurobiofeedback  or  heart  rate  variability  

training  (max.  of  5  credits).  

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You   will   be   required   to   keep   a   CPD   diary,   which   will   record   all   CPD   events   and  

practices.  The  CPD  year  runs  from  the  day  that  you  are  certified.  A  commitment  to  

ongoing   CPD   and   personal   and   professional   growth   is   required   in   order   to   retain  

your   annually   renewable   status   as   a   Bulletproof   Coach.   You   will   be   offered   the  

opportunity   to   renew   and   required   to   provide   evidence   to   support   your   ongoing  

status  every  12  months.  In  the  event  that  renewal  does  not  happen  for  any  reason  

you   will   not   be   authorized   to   claim   or   state   that   you   are   a   Certified   Bulletproof  



Coaching  Supervision  


This  service  allows  you  to  reflect  on  your  work  with  a  senior  Bulletproof  coach  and  

to  receive  support  and  guidance  as  needed.  Regular  sessions  are  conducted  between  

the   coach   and   their   supervisor,   which   provide   an   opportunity   to   review   his/her  

coaching   activities   and   reflect   upon   any   issues   that   emerge.   This   may   involve  

discussion   of   particular   cases.   As   a   minimum   guideline   this   CPD   programme  

recommends  a  one-­‐hour  supervisory  session  for  every  ten  of  your  coaching  hours  (if  

you  are  inexperienced)  or  a  one-­‐hour  supervisory  session  for  every  twenty  hours  (if  

you  are  experienced).  Each  session  costs  $150  USD.  



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Frequently  Asked  Questions  


Who  can  become  a  Certified  Bulletproof  Coach?  

Anyone  who   is  passionate  about   realizing   their  potential  and  helping  others   to  do  

the  same.  


How  Do  I  Apply  &  Pay?      

Go  to  www.bulletproofexec.com/coach-­‐training    


Can  you  tell  me  more  about  the  coaching  practice  section?    

From  February  2nd  2016  we  will  be   running  a  coaching  practice  sessions   that  you  

can   access   either   by   phone   or   skype.   In   these   sessions   we   will   be   teaching   you  

coaching  skills  and  providing  you  with  an  opportunity  to  practise  them  with  other  



How   do   I   arrange   accommodation   for   the   Bulletproof   Coach   Training  


The  workshop  will   be   taking   place   at  Westin   Pasadena  Hotel.  We   have   secured   a  

discounted   room   rates.   Click   here.     The   nearest   airports   are   Burbank   (Bob   Hope  

Airport)  is  30  minutes  and  LAX  is  60  minutes  by  car.        


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Cancellations  &  Refunds  

We   understand   that   unexpected   life   situations   do   arise.   If   you   are   unable   to  

complete  the  training  according  to  the  schedule  set,  you  should  e-­‐mail  us  to  request  

a  time  extension.  Please  note  that  we  do  not  provide  refunds  and  encourage  you  to  

sign  up  only  if  you  are  committed.  


What  coaching  body  are  you  affiliated  with?    

We   are   organisational   members   of   The   Association   for   Coaching   -­‐  

www.associationforcoaching.com.   Launched   in   July   2002,   the   Association   for  

Coaching's   Vision   is   "to   be   the   leading   membership   association   for   Professional  

Coaches   and   Organisations   involved   in   Coaching   or   related   Training   to   enable  

individuals   and   businesses   to   develop,   expand   and   achieve   their   goals".   Once   you  

have   completed   your   training   and   become   certified   you  will   be   able   to   join   as   an  

affiliate  member.    


How  many  hours  per  week  will  I  need  to  commit  to  the  training  program?    

It  will   vary  but   on   average   you  will   need   to   set   aside  between  3   and  5  hours  per  

week.   This   covers   the   personal   development   practices,   the   coaching   practice,  

reading  and  assignments.  





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Who  will  be  delivering  the  training  program?    

The  training  will  be  delivered  by  predominantly  by  myself  Dr.  Mark  Atkinson.  Dave  

Asprey  will  be  delivering  the  Bulletproof  Q&A  session  on  Wednesday  21st  October  at  

the   workshop   and   also   delivering   a   series   of   pre-­‐recorded   Bulletproof   training  



Who  are  Dr.  Mark  Atkinson  and  Dave  Asprey?  


Dr.  Mark  Atkinson  is  an  Internationally  renowned  integrative  functional  medicine  

physician   and   personal   development   teacher.   He   is   the   medical   director   at  

Bulletproof  and  the  course  leader  for  the  Bulletproof  Coach  Training  program.  

Dave  Asprey,  founder  of  Bulletproof  and  author  of  New  York  Times  bestseller  The  

Bulletproof  Diet,  is  a  Silicon  Valley  investor  and  technology  entrepreneur  who  spent  

two   decades   and   over   $300,000   to   hack   his   own   biology.   Dave   lost   100   pounds  

without   counting   calories   or   excessive   exercise,   used   techniques   to   upgrade   his  

brain  by  more   than  20   IQ  points,   and   lowered  his  biological   age  while   learning   to  

sleep  more  efficiently  in  less  time.  Learning  to  do  these  seemingly  impossible  things  

transformed  him  into  a  better  entrepreneur,  a  better  husband,  and  a  better  father.  

Dave   is   the  creator  of   the  widely  popular  Bulletproof  Coffee,  host  of   the  #1  health  

podcast,  Bulletproof  Radio  and  author  of  the  New  York  Times  bestselling  book,  The  

Bulletproof  Diet.    Through  his  work  Dave  provides  information,  techniques  and  keys  

to  taking  control  of  and  improving  your  biochemistry,  your  body  and  your  mind  so  

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they  work   in   unison,   helping   you   execute   at  levels   far   beyond  what   you’d   expect,  

without  burning  out,  getting  sick,  or  allowing  stress  to  control  your  decisions.  

If  I  have  any  further  questions  whom  do  I  ask?  


Just  e-­‐mail  us  at  [email protected]  we  will  be  delighted  to  help.  

