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Contentful with Netgen Layouts workshop

Date post: 21-Jan-2018
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Advanced layouts and block management Ivo Lukač @ PHPCE, Poland 2017
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Advanced layouts and block

management Ivo Lukač @ PHPCE, Poland 2017

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• Ivo Lukač, co-founder of Netgen, Croatia Also: developer, site builder, architect, consultant, project manager, evangelist, speaker, event organiser, business developer, …

• Netgen, web agency, Zagreb, Croatia, ~20 employees

• 15 years of experience building complex content-centric web solutions, using eZ Publish since 2004, Symfony since 2013.

• Clients and partners in Germany, Switzerland, Norway, etc.

About me

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We wanted to improve the process of building

complex web solutions and make it more efficient!

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We wanted to find the intersection of typical web

project phases and improve there

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So what is the common ground for backend,

frontend, site building and content?

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We figured its about layouts and blocks :)

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- backend developers implement features that need to be placed somewhere on the interface (layout), reuse when necessary

- frontend developers apply design on HTML markup which describes the layout

- editors place content in prepared blocks

- site builders manage the front interface with set of layouts and blocks

Layouts and blocks

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- SaaS solutions like Webflow, Wix, etc

- not on enterprise level

- hard to extend

- prototyping/wireframing tools exporting to HTML/CSS

- what about backend?

- responsiveness still hard

- CMS specific tools

- usually focused on one page, one persona

Many ways to skin a cat

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• Layout and Block Management System

• an independent view layer for content driven sites/applications

• suppose to control all markup in <body>

• no WYSIWYG, doesn’t mess with frontend (CSS/JS)

• highly extensible and customisable

What is it?

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• Symfony full stack

• uses Symfony routing and Twig extending feature to inject Layouts

• Can be tightly coupled with Symfony full stack apps

• eZ Publish / eZ Platform

• PoC with Sylius eCommerce

• Could be loosely coupled with any other systems

• PoC with Contentful


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• Separation of front and backend layer

• Implementing front layer for headless backend(s)

• Deploying design systems

• Fast micro/additional site building

• 2-phase replacement of legacy systems

Use cases

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• Layout - responsible to render the layout of a page consisting of Zones with Blocks

• Zone - a placeholder for Blocks. More Blocks can be added in a Zone, rendered one after other

• Shared Layout - a special layout which purpose is to hold Blocks in Zones that can be linked (reused) in other Layouts

Defining layouts

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• Block - responsible for handling specific features. It renders a specified Block View template. Blocks can use Items from a specified Collection

• Collection:

• manual - items picked from the backend

• dynamic - Query fetches data from the backend.

Defining blocks

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• Layout Resolver - decides what Layout will be used for which request. It traverses Layout mappings and picks the first one which fits the requested URL and matches additional conditions

Resolving layouts

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• Layout mappings - a configuration that defines which Layout is applied to which Target URLs under what Conditions

• Target - an abstraction which defines one or more URLs in a generic or backend specific way (e.g. home or all article URLs)

• Condition - additional matchers, could be anything known in request context (e.g. type of content, GET parameter, time of the day, user group, …)

Layout mappings

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- use Contentful as content storage

- create a Symfony app that shows content from Contentful and uses CMF routing

- use Layouts to manage typical pages

The task

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- a headless cloud CMS

- features spaces and content types

- no content hierarchy

- provides REST API

- PHP SDK and Symfony bundle provide abstraction of the API with a service for each space - Client


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Symfony 3.4 beta1

- install

- create new database

Step 0

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Contentful bundle

- require “contentful/contentful-bundle”

- enable and configure Contentful bundle

Step 1a

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- create Contentful service

- show configuration:phpbin/consolecontentful:info

- add caching for spaces and content types

- run caching script:phpbin/consolecontentful:sync

Step 1b

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Symfony CMF dynamic router

- require “symfony-cmf/routing-bundle”

- install needed database tables:phpbin/consoledoctrine:schema:update--force

- enable and configure Symfony CMF routing

Step 2a

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- create Contentful entity, a local proxy for remote Contentful entry (caching and routing purposes)

- extend Contentful service to load the Contentful entity

- test loading of example Contentful entity

- verify new row in the database: mysqlphpce-uroot-p-e"select*fromorm_routes"

- try the route

Step 2b

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View Controller

- create Contentful entity view controller action

- configure CMF dynamic router to use it

- add content enhancer so the View controller gets the Contentful entity

- try the route again

Step 3

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Netgen Layouts

- set private composer repo:”repositories":[{"type":"composer","url":"https://packagist.netgen.biz"} ],

- require “netgen/block-manager”

- docs.netgen.io/projects/layouts/en/latest/reference/install_instructions.html

Step 4a

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- install needed database tables:phpbin/consoledoctrine:migrations:migrate--configuration=vendor/netgen/block-manager/migrations/doctrine.yml

- install assets:phpbin/consoleassets:install--symlink--relative

- enable Layouts and configure routing

- configure admin access with basic auth

Step 4b

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- inject Layouts Resolver in Twig templates

- create “Home” layout

- map that layout to home URL

- create shared layout for header and right column

Step 4c

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Manual item selection with Content Browser

- integrate Contentful bundle with ContentBrowser

- docs.netgen.io/projects/cb/en/latest/cookbook/index.html

- docs.netgen.io/projects/layouts/en/latest/cookbook/custom_value_types.html

Step 5a

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- add Layouts item type for Contentful entity

- add ContentBrowser item types for Contentful entity and client

- add ContentBrowser backend that browses Contentful entities

- add additional ContentBrowser columns for Contentful entity

Step 5b

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- include bootstrap4 CSS

- select products for home grid

- add images:{%forimageinitem.object.getImage()%} <imgsrc="{{image.getFile().getUrl()}}?h=120&w=200"/> {%endfor%}

- check route table:mysqlphpce-uroot-p-e"select*fromorm_routes"

Step 5c

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Collection query

- docs.netgen.io/projects/layouts/en/latest/cookbook/custom_query_types.html

- add Contentful collection query

- configure “latest posts” block

Step 6

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Layouts Resolver target

- docs.netgen.io/projects/layouts/en/latest/cookbook/custom_target_types.html

- add 2 target types, for Contentful entity and space

- add Twig extension for target type templates

- create a “product” layout and map it

Step 7

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Layouts Resolver condition

- docs.netgen.io/projects/layouts/en/latest/cookbook/custom_condition_types.html

- add Layouts Resolver condition type for Contentful content type

- use the condition for “product” layout

Step 8

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Contentful field block

- docs.netgen.io/projects/layouts/en/latest/cookbook/custom_blocks.html

- add Contentful field block type

- create a “blog post” layout

Step 9

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Cache all Contentful entries

- finalize sync script

- run sync script:phpbin/consolecontentful:sync

- show debug info

Step 10

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- just released v0.9 with layout translation capabilities

- adding more features (like user policies, ad-hoc content etc.)

- launching projects based on Layouts and eZ since end of 2016

- first launches by early adopters (agencies from Germany, Italy) last month, several other starting


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- open source the core

- make it sustainable with commercial add-ons

- integrate tightly with other Symfony based systems

- make loose integrations with everything else easy via REST/SOAP, …


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Thank you

[email protected]/twitterilukac.com/linkedin

