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Context & Issues Paper - educe.co.uk Committee on SEEDA and...EDuce ltd . St John’s Innovation...

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South East England Regional Assembly Select Committee on SEEDA and Sub- Regional Working Context & Issues Paper : Appendices October 2008 Prepared for South East England Regional Assembly by: EDuce ltd St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS 01223 421685 [email protected] www.educe.co.uk Makesfive ltd 18 St Augustine’s Road Canterbury CT1 1XR 01227 762727 [email protected] www.makesfive.com

South East England Regional Assembly Select Committee on SEEDA and Sub-Regional Working  

Context & Issues Paper : Appendices  

October 2008

Prepared for South East England Regional Assembly by: EDuce ltd St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS 01223 421685 [email protected] www.educe.co.uk Makesfive ltd 18 St Augustine’s Road Canterbury CT1 1XR 01227 762727 [email protected] www.makesfive.com

SEEDA & Sub-Regional Working

South East England Regional Assembly Select Committee on SEEDA and Sub-Regional Working




Appendix A  Interviewees ..................................................................................... 2 

Appendix B  References ....................................................................................... 3 

Appendix C  Partnership maps ............................................................................. 7 

Appendix D  Sub-Regional Partnerships reconfigured ......................................... 11 

Appendix E  LAA economic development priorities in the South East ................ 15 

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Appendix A Interviewees

We are very grateful to all of our interviewees for the time, thoughts and evidence in informing the Context and Issues paper.

Sara Anthony Acting Leader Programme Manager, West Oxfordshire Network Andy Carr Innovate Thames Valley Manager, Thames Valley Economic Partnership Rafiq Chohan Head of Economic Development, Diversity & Equality, Slough Borough

Council Ian Coates Deputy Regional Director - Strategy, GOSE Ashley Curzon Acting Head of Regeneration, Isle of Wight Council Peter Dean Managing Director, Hampshire Economic Partnership John Foster Economic Development Manager, Maidstone Borough Council Colin Fox Executive Director, Milton Keynes Economy & Learning Partnership Peter Grant Manager, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Skills & Productivity

Alliance John Gregory Co-ordinator, South East Economic Partnerships Central Richard Harrington Managing Director, Aylesbury Vale Advantage Sean Hickey Acting Chief Executive Officer, Buckinghamshire Economic and Learning

Partnership Roger House Chairman, Federation of Small Businesses (South East) Sebastian Johnson Oxford Strategic Partnership Co-ordinator, Oxford City Council Lou Kizwini Regional Director, Groundwork South East Therese Lawlor Head, Strategy & Innovation, Basingstoke Borough Council David Liston-Jones Chief Executive, Thames Gateway Kent Partnership Paul Lovejoy Executive Director - Strategy, SEEDA Peter Marsh Regional Director of Skills, Learning and Skills Council Allan McColgan Welfare Reform Manager, Jobcentre Plus Pam McHale Head of Area Investment Policy, SEEDA Megan McKibbin Executive Director, Kent Economic Board Carol McKinley Chief Executive, RAISE Ross McNally Executive Director, South East Chambers Kieran McNamara Head of Strategic Economic Development and Skills, East Sussex County

Council Tony Mernagh Executive Director, Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership Jean Mitchell Executive Director, Oxfordshire Economic Partnership Hamish Monro formerly chair East Sussex Economic Partnership and member of East

Sussex Strategic Partnership Margaret Morton Rural Towns Co-ordinator, Action for Surrey Rural Towns Aengus Murray Inward Investment Manager, Thames Valley Economic Partnership Andrew Osborne Economic Development Manager, Ashford Borough Council John Shaw Project Director, Sea Space (Hastings & Bexhill) Kathy Slack Area Director, Hampshire and Isle of Wight, SEEDA Alistair Smith Chief Executive, West Sussex Economic Partnership Barbara Smith Director, Employability and Skills, SEEDA Jacinta Thorley Chief Executive, South East Rural Community Councils Bernie Topham Chief Executive, Eastleigh Borough Council Jeff Walters Economic Development Manager, Southampton City Council Jeremy Whittaker Regeneration and Economic Development Manager, Shepway District

Council Chris Windridge South East Network Coordinator, Action for Market Towns Di Woolloff Locality Manager - Surrey & Sussex, GOSE

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Appendix B References

Audit Commission & National Audit Office (2006) Delivering Efficiently: Strengthening the links in public service delivery chains www.audit-commission.gov.uk/reports/NATIONAL-REPORT.asp?CategoryID=ENGLISH^576&ProdID=D2432F30-E8F5-4CCB-8DC0-4875E4059329 Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform and Communities and Local Government (2008) Business support at the local level www.berr.gov.uk/bbf/simplifying-business-support/page46305.html Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform and Communities and Local Government (2008) Prosperous Places www.berr.gov.uk/regional/sub-national-review/page40430.html Centre for Enterprise (2008) Employment and Skills Boards: Current and Potential Role www.cfe.org.uk/page.php?p=103 Communities and Local Government (2007) Operational Guidance for LAAs www.communities.gov.uk/publications/localgovernment/laaoperationalguidance Communities and Local Government (2008) Creating Strong, Safe and Prosperous Communities www.communities.gov.uk/publications/localgovernment/strongsafeprosperous Communities and Local Government (2008) Transforming Places, Changing Lives: a framework for regeneration www.communities.gov.uk/publications/citiesandregions/transformingplaces Communities and Local Government (2008) Reforming the Local Authority Business Growth Incentives Scheme: Consultation paper www.communities.gov.uk/publications/localgovernment/reforminglabgiconsultation Communities and Local Government (2008) Why Place Matters and Implications for the Role of Central, Regional and Local Government www.communities.gov.uk/publications/citiesandregions/whyplacematters Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008) 14-19 education reforms: consultation response and next steps www.dcsf.gov.uk/14-19/index.cfm?go=site.home&sid=51&pid=419&ctype=None&ptype=Contents Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (2008) Raising Expectations: Enabling the System to Deliver www.dcsf.gov.uk/14-19/documents/raising%5Fexpectations%5Fenabling%5Fthe%5Fsytem%5F080317.pdf

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Department for Children, Schools and Families (2008) 16-18 Transfer Guidance: Sub-regional groupings and assessment process www.dcsf.gov.uk/14-19/documents/16-18_Transfer_Guidance_Sub_Regional_Designation_Process_30.7.08.pdf Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills/ Department for Work and Pensions (2008) Work Skills http://publications.dius.gov.uk/workskills/ Department for Trade and Industry (2006) Evaluating the impact of England’s Regional Development Agencies: Developing a Methodology and Evaluation Framework www.berr.gov.uk/files/file21900.pdf Department for Work and Pensions (2008) No one written off: reforming welfare to reward responsibility www.dwp.gov.uk/welfarereform/noonewrittenoff/index.asp GHK (2007) Interim Report: SEEDA Sub-Regional Partnership Review www.seeda.co.uk/RES_for_the_South_East_2006-2016/docs/InterimReportApril2007.pdf HM Treasury (2006) Prosperity for all in the global economy - world class skill (‘The Leitch Review’) www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/independent_reviews/leitch_review/review_leitch_index.cfm HM Treasury (2007) Sub-National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/spending_review/spend_csr07/reviews/subnational_econ_review.cfm HM Treasury (2007) The future role of the third sector in social and economic regeneration: final report www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/media/2/B/thirdsectorreview_finalreport.pdf HM Treasury (2008) Regional funding advice: guidance on preparing advice www.hm-treasury.gov.uk./media/B/1/regional_funding_advice300708.pdf HM Treasury, BERR and SEEDA (2008) The South East England Economy - a joint response to changing economic circumstances www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/documents/uk_economy/regional_economies/ukecon_economy_regional.cfm Jones, A & Morris, K (2008) Can collaboration help places respond to the changing economy? (Work Foundation) www.indsoc.co.uk/research/publications/publicationdetail.aspx?oItemId=31 Local Government Association (2007) Prosperous communities II: vive la dévolution! www.lga.gov.uk/lga/publications/publication-display.do?id=21917 Local Government Association (2008) Sub-national review of economic development (SNR): LGA response www.lga.gov.uk/lga/core/page.do?pageId=746249

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North, D et al (2007) Devolution and regional governance: Tackling the economic needs of deprived areas (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) www.jrf.org.uk/bookshop/details.asp?pubID=929 North West Regional Assembly (2007) Scrutiny Inquiry into the Relationship between the NWDA and Sub-Regional Partnerships in the North West: Background consultation paper www.nwrpb.org.uk/downloads/documents/jul_07/nwra_1185461633_SRPs_Inquiry_Background_Paper_.pdf PA & SQW (2006) Evaluating the impact of England’s Regional Development Agencies: Developing a Methodology and Evaluation Framework (DTI Occasional Paper 2) www.berr.gov.uk/files/file21900.pdf SEEDA (2000) Regional Economic Strategy 2000-2001 www.seeda.co.uk/RES_for_the_South_East_2006-2016/RES_2000-2001/index.asp SEEDA (2000) Regional Economic Strategy 2002-2012 www.seeda.co.uk/RES_for_the_South_East_2006-2016/RES_2002-2012/index.asp SEEDA (2006) Regional Economic Strategy 2006-16 www.seeda.co.uk/RES_for_the_South_East_2006-2016/ SEEDA (2007) Regional Economic Strategy 2006-16 Implementation Plan www.seeda.co.uk/RES_for_the_South_East_2006-2016/RES_Implementation_Plan/ SEEDA (2008) Corporate Plan 2008-11 www.seeda.co.uk/Corporate_Plan_2008-2011/ SEEDA (2008) Rural Action Plan www.seeda.co.uk/RES_for_the_South_East_2006-2016/RES_Action_Plans/ SEEDA, Learning and Skills Council and Jobcentre Plus (2008) The South East Employment and Skills Accord www.seeda.co.uk/News_&_Events/Event_Reports/2008_Events/Regional_Employment_&_Skills_Summit/docs/SouthEastAccordOnIntegratedEmploymentSkills.pdf South East England Regional Assembly (2008) SEEDA’s Strategy and Activity for the Coastal South East: Context and Issues Paper www.southeast-ra.gov.uk/documents/committees/select_committee/coastal_se/seeda_strategy_and_activity_in_coastal_se-context_issues.pdf South East England Regional Assembly (2008) SEEDA’s Strategy and Activity for the Coastal South East: Final report www.southeast-ra.gov.uk/documents/committees/select_committee/coastal_se/final_report.pdf

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South East England Regional Assembly (2008) SEEDA’s Approach to Labour Force and Employment Context and Issues Paper www.southeast-ra.gov.uk/documents/committees/select_committee/labour_force_employment/labour_force_and_employment-context_issues.pdf

South West Regional Assembly (2007) Economic Development and Local Area Agreements in the South West: Final report and recommendations of the Regional Scrutiny and Review Panel www.southwest-ra.gov.uk/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=3421

Appendix C Partnership maps

C.1 Sub-Regional Partnerships (from April 2008)

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C.2 Small Town Rural Partnerships C.3 Area Investment Frameworks and area programmes (to April 2008)


Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway TownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTowns

Brighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and Hove



Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell ForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForest


Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and MaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenhead



East SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast Sussex



Milton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton Keynes

West BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest Berkshire

Isle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of Wight




West SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest Sussex

© Crow n Copyright Ordnance Survey. 'Boundary Line' 2007. License No. 100029140 Produced by SEEDA © All rights reserved 2008

Small Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town PartnershipsSmall Rural Town Partnerships

Berkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBerkshire SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTBucks & MK SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTEast Sussex SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTHampshire SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTIsle of Wight SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTKent and Medway SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTOxfordshire SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTSurrey SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRTWest Sussex SRT


Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway TownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTowns

Brighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and Hove



Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell ForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForest


Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and MaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenhead



East SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast Sussex



Milton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton Keynes

West BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest Berkshire

Isle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of Wight




West SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest Sussex

© Crow n Copyright Ordnance Survey. 'Boundary Line' 2007. License No. 100029140 Produced by SEEDA © All rights reserved 2008

Area ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea ProgrammesArea Programmes

Milton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames Valley

Area Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment FrameworksArea Investment Frameworks

Brighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurBrighton, Hove & AdurChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorChannel CorridorCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexCoastal West SussexEast KentEast KentEast KentEast KentEast KentEast KentEast KentEast KentEast KentEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillHastings & BexhillNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentNorth KentPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsPortsmouth & South East HantsSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthampton

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C.4 South East Economic Partnerships(prior to 2008) C. 5 Local Skills for Productivity Alliances


Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway TownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTowns

Brighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and Hove



Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell ForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForest


Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and MaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenhead



East SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast Sussex



Milton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton Keynes

West BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest Berkshire

Isle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of Wight




West SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest Sussex

© Crow n Copyright Ordnance Survey. 'Boundary Line' 2007. License No. 100029140 Produced by SEEDA © All rights reserved 2008

Economic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic PartnershipsEconomic Partnerships

Brighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBrighton & HoveBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireBuckinghamshireEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexHampshireHampshireHampshireHampshireHampshireHampshireHampshireHampshireHampshireIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightKentKentKentKentKentKentKentKentKentMedwayMedwayMedwayMedwayMedwayMedwayMedwayMedwayMedwayMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireOxfordshireSurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyThames ValleyWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest Sussex


Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway Medway TownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTownsTowns

Brighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and HoveBrighton and Hove



Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell Bracknell ForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForestForest


Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and Windsor and MaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenheadMaidenhead



East SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast SussexEast Sussex



Milton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton KeynesMilton Keynes

West BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest BerkshireWest Berkshire

Isle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of WightIsle of Wight




West SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest SussexWest Sussex

© Crow n Copyright Ordnance Survey. 'Boundary Line' 2007. License No. 100029140 Produced by SEEDA © All rights reserved 2008

Local Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity AlliancesLocal Skills for Productivity Alliances

BerkshireBerkshireBerkshireBerkshireBerkshireBerkshireBerkshireBerkshireBerkshireHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWHampshire & IoWKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayKent & MedwayMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBMKOBBSurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySurreySussexSussexSussexSussexSussexSussexSussexSussexSussex

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C.6 Regional Economic Strategy 2006-16: map showing Diamonds for Investment and Growth, South East Plan areas, etc

SEEDA & Sub-Regional Working

Appendix D Sub-Regional Partnerships reconfigured


The Berkshire Economic Strategy Board (BESB) is currently under development as the overarching economic partnership for Berkshire. Its role will be to co-ordinate economic assessments and research and produce a Berkshire Economic Strategy (updating the previous Thames Valley Economic Strategy); and provide the focus for economic input to the Local Area Agreements developed by the six unitary authorities, and to a possible future Multi Area Agreement. There will be four working groups, each comprising business representatives and public sector stakeholders, on: Global Competitiveness, Smart Growth, Sustainable Business and 2012. BESB will engage with business via the existing Thames Valley Economic Partnership (TVEP). TVEP previously received core funding from SEEDA as a sub-regional partnership and continues to be funded by SEEDA for work on innovation and inward investment. TVEP is a membership body, with around 75 participating organisations, mainly from the private sector. Subscriptions form a major source of funding.

Brighton and Hove

The Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership is well-established as the vehicle for engaging local businesses and representing the business and economic development perspective in local structures and processes, linked to the Brighton and Hove Business Forum. It has worked with the Council and local partners in developing the City’s first Employment and Skills Strategy, and leads on economic development aspects of the Brighton and Hove Public Services Board, 2020 Community Partnership (the LSP) and the LAA, including the current review of the Brighton and Hove Economic Strategy.


The Buckinghamshire Economic and Learning Partnership has evolved from the existing Buckinghamshire Economic Partnership. Its role is to lead on the economic strategy for the county and Economic Development elements of the Local Area Agreement; provide an amalgamated structure for businesses comprising Buckinghamshire Ambassadors and Buckinghamshire Business Leaders Network; and integrate the existing lifelong learning partnership.

East Sussex

The East Sussex Business Board is being set up as a successor to the East Sussex Economic Partnership, enabling business engagement and sitting firmly within the ambit of the East Sussex Strategic Partnership which is convened by East Sussex County Council (ESCC). In taking these proposals forward, ESCC places substantial emphasis on building a robust and broad-based evidence base to demonstrate what business needs are and how they can be best addressed.

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The Hampshire Economic Partnership (HEP) continues as the Sub-Regional Partnership for Hampshire, though with a different set of relationships with partners in South Hampshire given the establishment of the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH). The work of Hampshire Economic Partnership is closely aligned with RES priorities, and the partnership is actively involved in shaping the Hampshire Local Area Agreement. PUSH now leads on the economic development strategy for South Hampshire and a wider housing and regeneration agenda linked to the status of this area as one of the Government’s 29 ‘New Growth Points’. It also covers one of the Diamonds for Investment and Growth in the RES, and has successfully negotiated one of the first Multi Area Agreements in the country. PUSH is revising its governance structure and is likely to include an Economic Development Delivery Board and a Business Group of 10-15 key business leaders and business representatives to advise on progress and priorities. There is also an Employment and Skills Board under development, as a sub-group. HEP, through its chair, is playing a key role in setting up the PUSH Business Group, and will maintain its existing network of Task Groups, which draw business membership from the whole of Hampshire.

Isle of Wight

A new arrangement is being developed for the Isle of Wight, to will include an Isle of Wight Economic and Environment Board allied to the existing Local Strategic Partnership structure and governance. The Isle of Wight Council has undertaken a review of functions previously carried out by the Council and the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership and is working with SEEDA and business leaders to secure active business engagement. This includes a proposal for an independent private sector Business Council, which will represent and advise on economic and business-related issues. Discussions have been held with business people who were board members of the previous Isle of Wight Economic Partnership to discuss how the private sector can support the new arrangements.

Kent and Medway

The Kent Regeneration Board is currently being established, intended to be better integrated with Kent County Council Economic Development than its predecessor (Kent Economic Board - KEB) and thus better resourced. The Board of KEB had undertaken its own review of the partnership prior to the SEEDA Sub-Regional Partnership Review. KEB is a formal working group of the Kent Partnership, leading on the Economic Success theme and has led the process of setting indicators for the Economic Development and Environment element of the original Kent LAA. As KRB, the remit will also include Environmental Excellence, High Quality Homes and Keeping Kent Moving. An early task will be to develop the Kent Regeneration Strategy, to incorporate the existing Kent County Council strategy.

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The Skills for Economy Task Group of KEB has acted as the Local Skills and Productivity Alliance for Kent, and this is to evolve into Kent and Medway Employment and Skills Board under the Kent Regeneration Board umbrella. The KEB Enterprise and Innovation Task Group has led in developing partnership proposals for Place-Based Innovation Teams. This will become a KRB Task Group and there will also be Task Groups on the Environment and Transport and on Housing Quality, Built Environment and Social Regeneration. Between 40 and 50 businesses are closely involved with KEB and task groups. A wider audience is involved through periodic business events. The new KRB will have up to four business representatives including the KRB chairman (who is also a member of the overarching Kent Partnership). The Thames Gateway Kent Partnership is one of the three sub-regional partnerships in the Thames Gateway (the others being in neighbouring RDA regions). It provides a forum for partners in North Kent to come together to discuss and agree priorities, and to take action on the strategic economic and regeneration issues. There are three regeneration partnerships under the TGKP umbrella: Kent Thameside, Medway Renaissance, Swale Forward - all funded by Communities and Local Government. The partnership has a key role in the development of the Diamond for Investment and Growth in the Thames Gateway Kent area; facilitates consultation on the joint RDA Economic Development Investment Plan (which crosses three RDA boundaries), and the Economic Investment Fund; and is exploring the establishment of a possible MAA. Medway Council and Kent County Council support TGKP as the economic partnership for North Kent. (SEEDA support for the previous Medway Economic Board ended in March 2008.)

Milton Keynes

The Milton Keynes Economy and Learning Partnership builds on the existing Milton Keynes Economic Partnership, which had led on a major review of the Milton Keynes economy and economic development action plan.


The Oxfordshire Economic Partnership (OEP) is evolving to align more closely with other structures at County and District level, and to strengthen engagement with businesses. Previously it was not directly engaged with the LAA process. The Economic Development Team of Oxfordshire County Council is now co-located with OEP.


The Surrey Economic Partnership has an established and prominent leadership role, for example leading the economic theme group contributing to Surrey’s Local Area Agreement. It also works closely with West Sussex Economic Partnership in supporting the development of the Gatwick Diamond.

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West Sussex

The West Sussex Economic Partnership (WSEP) is evolving to play a more focused role in representing business and economic development priorities within broader West Sussex structures. It has been involved in LAA development but the County Council has the main responsibility for this. WSEP leads work with Surrey Economic Partnership on the Gatwick Diamond, and collaborates closely with other partnerships along the Sussex Coast.

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Appendix E LAA economic development priorities in the South East

The total number of LAAs in the region is 19. The indicators listed relate to economic development, skills and employment objectives or are closely associated with these.

Indicator no. (from National Indicator set)

Indicator detail No. of LAAs which include target in the region

155 Number of affordable homes delivered (gross) 18

163 Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 2 or higher


186 Per capita reduction in CO2 emissions in the LA area 15

154 Net additional homes provided 14

117 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET)


152 Working age people on out of work benefits 10

171 New business registration rate 9

164 Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 3 or higher


79 Achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19 7

187 Tackling fuel poverty - % people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating


192 Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting 5

150 Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment 4

151 Overall employment rate 4

165 Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 4 or higher


116 Proportion of children in poverty 3

161 Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved 3

153 Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods


159 Supply of ready-to-develop housing sites 2

162 Number of Entry Level qualifications in numeracy achieved 2

167 Congestion - average journey time per mile during the morning peak 2

172 Percentage of small businesses in the area showing growth 2

13 Migrants’ English language skills and knowledge 1

144 Offenders under probation supervision in employment at the end of their order or licence


148 Care leavers in employment, education or training 1

166 Median earnings of employees in the area 1

173 Flows on to incapacity benefits 1
