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Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program...

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Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC, Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 1 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a process to ensure programs are systematically and intentionally improving services and increasing positive outcomes for the children and families served. CQI is a cyclical, data-driven process; it is proactive, not reactive. A CQI environment is one in which data is collected and used to make positive changes. This process should be utilized even when things are going well. CQI is an ongoing process that involves a Plan, Do, Check, Action cycle. A Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) can help you: 1) Demonstrate to the program administration and staff that the program has made gains. 2) Develop a logical and organized path for quality improvement. Sometimes there are several areas that need improvement. You may have some steps that can be accomplished immediately or in a few months. Some issues identified on the PIQRI or HOVRS plans may take all year or even 2 years to complete. The Compliance (PICC) steps need to be completed as soon as possible or at least by the start of the next school year. 3) All PI staff should have a Professional Development Plan. The monitoring visit may have identified the need for staff training in certain areas. The CQIP can be very helpful as administrators help PI staff develop their Professional Development Plans. 4) Demonstrate to ISBE that your program is in compliance with the grant requirements for Prevention Initiative. When the grant was approved, your program’s authorizing official agreed that your program would comply with everything stated in the grant. The CQIP is divided into three parts. Section One (1) allows the program to address the non-compliance issues identified on the PICC. Section Two (2) allows the program to address the Areas for Improvement identified on the PIQRI and Section Three (3) is reserved for the HOVRS. Make sure the Authorized Official signs, provides his or her title, and dates the document before it is submitted to ISBE. Remember, this needs to be completed on all three sections of the CQIP. The authorized official is the person that submits the grant to ISBE and is responsible for the appropriate use of grant funds. A CQIP is for program improvement. It is a working document that will be revisited and updated annually. It is a requirement of the grant that you submit your CQIP within 30 days of receiving your monitoring reports and before implementation, the plan needs to be reviewed by an ISBE consultant and must be approved. Please remember to include the following steps (as applicable) when developing your CQIP: 1) research (best practices, professional development, etc.), 2) professional development and/or gathering resources (as applicable), 3) program plan for implementation, 4) Implementation of the plan, 5) evaluation, and 6) adjust or revise as needed.
Page 1: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 1

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a process to ensure programs are systematically and intentionally improving services and increasing positive outcomes for the children and families served.

• CQI is a cyclical, data-driven process; it is proactive, not reactive. • A CQI environment is one in which data is collected and used to make positive changes.

This process should be utilized even when things are going well. • CQI is an ongoing process that involves a Plan, Do, Check, Action cycle.

A Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) can help you: 1) Demonstrate to the program administration and staff that the program has made

gains. 2) Develop a logical and organized path for quality improvement. Sometimes there are

several areas that need improvement. You may have some steps that can be accomplished immediately or in a few months. Some issues identified on the PIQRI or HOVRS plans may take all year or even 2 years to complete. The Compliance (PICC) steps need to be completed as soon as possible or at least by the start of the next school year.

3) All PI staff should have a Professional Development Plan. The monitoring visit may have identified the need for staff training in certain areas. The CQIP can be very helpful as administrators help PI staff develop their Professional Development Plans.

4) Demonstrate to ISBE that your program is in compliance with the grant requirements for Prevention Initiative. When the grant was approved, your program’s authorizing official agreed that your program would comply with everything stated in the grant.

The CQIP is divided into three parts. Section One (1) allows the program to address the non-compliance issues identified on the PICC. Section Two (2) allows the program to address the Areas for Improvement identified on the PIQRI and Section Three (3) is reserved for the HOVRS.

Make sure the Authorized Official signs, provides his or her title, and dates the document before it is submitted to ISBE. Remember, this needs to be completed on all three sections of the CQIP. The authorized official is the person that submits the grant to ISBE and is responsible for the appropriate use of grant funds.

A CQIP is for program improvement. It is a working document that will be revisited and updated annually. It is a requirement of the grant that you submit your CQIP within 30 days of receiving your monitoring reports and before implementation, the plan needs to be reviewed by an ISBE consultant and must be approved.

Please remember to include the following steps (as applicable) when developing your CQIP: 1) research (best practices, professional development, etc.), 2) professional development and/or gathering resources (as applicable), 3) program plan for implementation, 4) Implementation of the plan, 5) evaluation, and 6) adjust or revise as needed.

Page 2: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 2

Working through the CQIP Process

Step One: Gather a team to work on the CQIP. The team should include the Prevention Initiative Authorized Official, Administrators, Supervisors, Home Visitors, and Support Staff, as applicable. You can contact your ISBE consultant for support if needed. 217-524-4835 or

[email protected] Step Two: Review and discuss the strengths, areas indicated for growth (PIQRI/HOVRS A+), and non-compliance issues (PICC). Celebrate your strengths. Identify which policies, procedures or processes led to each strength so you can keep those components strong. Then consider the areas

that need improvement. How can the program work toward correcting them? What is priority?

Step Three: Develop a plan. Develop a plan to address every non-compliance issue indicated on the PICC and all of the Areas for Improvement indicated on the PIQRI and HOVRS. Begin to identify steps to be taken to rectify or improve the issues. Use the templates

provided on the ISBE website to create the plans. http://www.isbe.net/earlychi/default.htm Feel free to contact the ISBE Early Childhood Division at any time for help. The program can choose to develop the CQIP at the program level or site level. Make sure to consider any professional development you may need to access through the Ounce of Prevention Fund, Baby TALK or other PD provider and include that information in your plan.

Step Four: Submit the CQIP to ISBE. Electronically submit the completed CQIP to ISBE via email: [email protected]. The plan should not be implemented until you receive ISBE approval.

Step Five: Implement Plan

Research (best practices, professional development, etc.) Access professional development and/or obtain resources Develop a program plan for implementation

Implement the plan Evaluate implementation Revise as needed

Step Six: Update the Plan

Programs will update the Continuous Quality Improvement Plan in the years they are not monitored and submit it electronically no later than June 1 each year the plan is in effect. [email protected]

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Template

Page 3: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 3

Information to be completed at the top of the CQIP includes the Program Name, RCDT, and the fiscal year of the program monitoring site visit. The date that should be entered next to PICC/PIQRI should reflect when you completed that part of the CQIP. The date that should be entered next to HOVRS A+ should reflect when you completed the HOVRS part of the plan. The program name is the grantee, school district or agency. The home visiting program with in the school district or agency may have a different name. For example, a grantee is Children’s Home Association of Illinois and the home visiting program name within that agency is Good Beginnings. Therefore Children’s Home Association of Illinois will be filled in by Program Name. The RCDT number represents Region, County, District and Type. This information can be found on IWAS or in FRIS. The first 5 columns in each part of the CQIP constitute the original plan.

The first column, on the left, represents the PI Compliance Checklist Number for the PICC plan, the PIQRI section for the PIQRI plan, and the HOVRS section for the HOVRS plan. The first column to be completed, or the first column shaded in pink,

is the Non-Compliance Issue. Then in order from left to right are columns titled, Action Steps/Resources/Professional Development to address issues, Person Responsible, and Timeline.

The last three columns, shaded in grey, are for follow-up in the two years following your initial plan submission. Do not complete this section for your original plan.

Page 4: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 4

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Template


At the bottom of each plan, PICC, PIQRI, and HOVRS, is a place for the Authorized Official’s ELECTRONIC signature, his or her title and the date signed. As you can see, there is a disclaimer at the bottom stating that the Authorized Official, by signing the document (or typing in his or her name), is certifying that he or she has read, understood and will comply with all the provisions of this plan. Also, that the person approving this plan has the legal authority to do so.

Page 5: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 5

Prevention Initiative Compliance Checklist Sample Plan

The first column, shaded in pink, represents the PI Compliance Checklist Numbers. The numbers on this CQIP correspond to the numbers on the PI compliance checklist. For example, if the Compliance Checklist notes Non-Compliance for #4, then this should be addressed in the CQIP in the row numbered 4, shaded in green.

In this example, the compliance issue reads, # 4. Program has a mission statement based on shared beliefs developed cooperatively by parents/guardians, families, staff members, and community representatives.

The next column is labeled Non-Compliance Issue. It is shaded in pink. In this column, explain what your non-compliance is, for example, if for Compliance Indicator Number 4. Mission Statement, the program had a non-compliance issue of not having the program mission statement available publicly, then in Column 2, Row #4,

write “Program mission statement was not publicly available.” Simple description of the non-compliance in the correct row matching the compliance number is sufficient. If other compliance issues are “IN” compliance, indicate N/A or leave them blank.

Page 6: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 6

Prevention Initiative Compliance Checklist Sample Plan


The next column, shaded in pink, is entitled Action Steps/Resources/Professional Development to address issues. In this box, describe what actions will be taken to correct non-compliance issues. Using a previous example, if the non-compliance issue is that the mission

statement is not publicly available, describe the steps the program will take to address this, such as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the IFSP forms to include the program mission statement. The program will post the program mission statement in the room program groups are facilitated.”

The next column, shaded in pink, is Person Responsible. For each corrective action step, list the person responsible to see it is completed. This may be a home visitor, program support staff, an intake specialist, a program supervisor, program administrator, all of the above or someone else.

In this example it reads Dan Smith, Program Support Staff and Jane Jones, Program Supervisor.

Page 7: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 7

Prevention Initiative Compliance Checklist Sample Plan


The last column to complete for the CQIP is the Timeline, shaded in pink. This is where the program will indicate the date the step should be completed. Please indicate the date by month and year. Remember, for any items marked as non-compliant, compliance is required as soon as possible or no later than the beginning of the

next fiscal year. Programs must be in compliance to satisfy the terms of the grant and to the Early Childhood Block Grant part of the Administrative code. This example reads, “June 2016.” PICC 2nd Example:

Page 8: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 8

Prevention Initiative Quality Rating Instrument Plan

Notice the gray shaded areas. These are sections of the PIQRI that will be scored but will not count against the program for PI Monitoring and programs will not be required to write a plan to address any Areas for Improvement on the shaded subscales. Please note that there are indicator rows that the CQIP does not identify on this plan. Refer to the PIQRI to identify the indicator rows you do not need to address in the CQIP.

Complete the PIQRI CQIP, using the same process as previously described for the PICC.

Prevention Initiative Quality Rating Instrument Sample Plan

This sample plan is based on the PIQRI Scale B, Subscale 5, Indicator Row 1 – Guidelines and Policies for Transition Plans The first column, shaded in pink, states the PIQRI scale and subscale: B5, with a brief description: Transition Plans

In the second column, shaded in pink, state in your own words the non-compliance issue to be addressed. For example: Program has informal and insufficient policies and procedures for transitions.

Page 9: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 9

Prevention Initiative Quality Rating Instrument Sample Plan

(continued) In the third column the program will list the action steps to be taken to address the issue. Please note each STEP is numbered and those numbers are referenced in the next two columns.

For example:

1. The program supervisor will research Best Practices regarding Transition Plan policy and procedures

2. The program supervisor will draft Transition Plan Policies and Procedures 3. The program supervisor will seek feedback from applicable community collaborators

and discuss the development of MOUs 4. The program supervisor will seek feedback from program staff 5. The program supervisor will finalize the Transition Plan Policies and Procedures 6. The program supervisor will draft and execute MOUs with applicable community

collaborators 7. The program supervisor will provide the final version of the Transition Plan Policies and

Procedures and provide appropriate training to staff 8. The program supervisor will check in on the implementation of the Transition Plan

Policies and Procedures during staff meetings, administrative supervision and reflective supervision

In the fourth column, shaded in pink, you will see the person responsible, the position, and the action step or steps that person is responsible. For example, Program Supervisor, Jane Jones is responsible for action steps number one through number eight. Also, the entire staff will participate in action steps 3, 7, and 8. In the fifth column, shaded in pink, list the action step number, and the month and the year each action step is planned to be complete. For example, action step number 1 is planned to be completed in January of 2016, action step number 2 is planned to be completed in February of 2016, and so on.

Page 10: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 10

Home Visiting Observation Rating Scales A+ v2

There are seven scales that comprise the HOVRS. The first set of scales, indicated by the red arrow, addresses Home Visit Process Quality, and focuses on home visitor practices during the visit. These scales will be scored for PI Monitoring. The program will need to write a plan for each item identified as “Area for Improvement” or non-compliance issue. The second set of scales, indicated by the orange arrow and shaded in grey, address Home Visitor Effectiveness, and evaluates the home visit as reflected by the parent, the child, and the interaction between the parent and the child. These scales will be scored for your information. You are encouraged to use this information for program improvement, including reflective supervision. The results gathered from these scores will not be used for PI Monitoring and the program is not required to address these results in the CQIP. Complete the HOVRS A+ v2 CQIP, using the same process as previously described for the PICC.

Page 11: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 11

Home Visiting Observation Rating Scales A+ v2 Sample Plan

Column 1, shaded in blue, reads Responsiveness to Family. This is the HOVRS section that contains the non-compliance.

In the second column, shaded in blue, state the Non-Compliance Issue to be addressed in your own words. For example: Scale 6. Home Visitors need to be more responsive to families and include them in visit planning, specifically planning the visit agenda and activities

In the third column, shaded in blue, Action Steps are listed. Remember to number the steps to be referenced in the third and fourth columns.

For example: 1. The supervisor will implement a book study: Developmental Parenting: A Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners (Boyce and Roggman). The Book Study will last 8 months and the home visitors will meet monthly. 2. The supervisor will check in with staff during staff meetings and reflective supervision. 3. The supervisor will schedule an opportunity to practice conversations through role play midway through the book study and at the end of the book study. 4. The supervisor will observe home visits with all home visitors.

Page 12: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 12

Home Visiting Observation Rating Scales A+ v2 Sample Plan

(continued) The person or people responsible are listed in the fourth column, with the appropriate action step. This column is shaded in blue.

For example: Jane Jones, Program Supervisor will be responsible for action steps 1 through 4. This plan also indicates that all staff will participate in action steps 1 through 4.

The fifth column will indicate the Timelines for action steps. It is shaded in blue.

For example, action steps 1 and 3 will be complete by August 2016, action step 2 will be implemented February through September 2016, and action step 4 will be completed in October 2016.

Page 13: Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP) … as, “The program will revise the PI program brochure, parent permission forms, and the ... CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan

Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Instructions

Illinois State Board of Education – ISBE, Prevention Initiative – PI, Early Childhood – EC,

Rev. 2/16 Continuous Quality Improvement – CQI, Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – CQIP 13

And Remember!

At the bottom of each plan, PICC, PIQRI, and HOVRS, is a place for the Authorized Official’s ELECTRONIC signature, his or her title and the date signed. As you can see, there is a disclaimer at the bottom stating that the Authorized Official, by signing the document (or typing in his or her name), is certifying that he or she has read, understood and will comply with all the provisions of this plan. Also, that the person approving this plan has the legal authority to do so.

The last three columns, shaded in grey, are for follow-up in the two years following your initial plan submission. Do not complete this section for your original plan. Programs will update the Continuous Quality Improvement Plan in the years they are not monitored and

submit it electronically no later than June 1 each year the plan is in effect. [email protected]
