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Contract Managing the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony

Date post: 26-Jan-2015
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Effective contract management is the key to the success of any project and ignoring it can lead to failure. In this session Bill Morris reveals how to build a strong contract management structure that will mitigate risk. Presented by: Bill Morris, LVO (International Olympics Committee) at PfH Live 2014
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Managing risk and opportunity – the importance of Contract Management in the creation of the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony June 24 th 2014
  • 1. Managing risk and opportunity the importance of Contract Management in the creation of the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony June 24th 2014

2. Bill Morris LVO 2006 - 2013; Director of Culture, Ceremonies, Education and Live Sites for London 2012 (LOCOG) Previously Project Director of Live Events for BBC Originally a journalist & radio and tv producer with the BBC Now advisor to the IOC 3. London 2012 Ceremonies Signature moments for London Games Key opportunity to define and project London/UK to itself and the World The largest TV audience on record A Ceremony is not just a show - 60% is defined protocol but also a profound statement of the World meeting in peace and celebration of Olympic values 4. Ceremonies Risks and Opportunities Opportunities Global audience Articulate who we are National Pride Showcase for creative London Great start for the Games 5. Ceremonies Risks and Opportunities Generic Risks; One off, and live will it work? Creative and subjective Living up to the hype Comparisons with previous games Comes first - can make or break a games London Specific Risks Beijing/Athens Budget the ratchet effect Global economic context Weather Public Transport/city infrastructure The Dome! 6. Ceremonies - strategy Change the game - Be ourselves! Remember London 2012 Promise Welcome the world Inspire young people British identity and character RISK; Creatively bold and protect the space for leading creative figures to work Danny Boyle/Thomas Hetherwick RISK; Broadcast has to work harder for us 7. Mitigating risk the role of Contract Management MITIGATION; Logistically assured the ceremony and the city World class production team Task Force to manage the City MITIGATION; Build stakeholder trust How to build a Contract Management Structure to support the mitigation plan 8. Contract Management Structure Study of previous ceremonies In house, contract out or .? A hybrid Open procurement for a production partner Formation of joint venture, single purpose London 2012 Ceremonies Ltd shared risk Contract Managed via joint Company Board All finance transparent Single production fee upfront JV Procurement Team then built network of over 100 sub-contractors 9. Ceremony development - City Logistics/Partnerships Established Task Force 27 two years in advance; Govt, Mayor, Police, Transport, Local Authorities, security services etc To plan, coordinate and deliver all logistics across the whole of London on Ceremonies Days As important as creative success Event Plan for each day 10. Olympic Opening Key themes/directions Isles of Wonder Pride in London/Great British achievement and values; Home of innovation and invention Creativity, culture and music The birthplace of modern sport A unique debating chamber for the free world Narrative arc from agrarian and industrial revolutions to the making of the digital age. A showcase of human endeavour and emotion A more intimate and porous ceremony but also idiosyncratic and humorous A celebration of London's East End as lungs of the Industrial Revolution and the creation of he modern world - through to the birth of the Internet London - The world's meeting place for great ideas, great minds and great performance 11. Opening Ceremony Lets remember.. RUN VT 4 Mins 12. The official Emblem of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd is protected by copyright. London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd 2007. All rights reserved. Thank you
