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Contribution of Multiple Assessment Methodologies in a Theory-driven Evaluation of Motivation Among...

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Introduction Increasing need for effecve monitoring and evaluaon in global health programs to improve project management, track progress and scale-up successes. Program evaluaons oſten take too long liming use of data to support implementaon or make improvements The Care Community Hub (CCH) pilot in Ghana follows a 2 year mixed methods, theory-drive (Figure 1) evaluaon model to assess how the provision of the Community Health Nurse (CHN) on the Go mobile health applicaon influences the job sasfacon, movaon and health knowledge of nurses. Objecve: To highlight the evaluaon approach to understanding the pathways through which the outcomes are reached in order to make programmac changes throughout the project. Care Community Hub CHNs posted to rural areas as part of Ghana's government's Community-based Health Plan- ning and Services system lack movaon due to professional isolaon and lack of support CCH seeks to provide knowledge, learning, movaonal and communicaon tools through mobile technology (see details in Figure 3) to CHNs to improve their well- being, connectedness and movaon. The pilot is implemented by Grameen Foundaon from June 2014 to May 2016 in 5 districts in Ghana (Figure 2). Data collection methods Mixed method approach with mulple me points of data collecon and review: outcome evaluaon with baseline and endline assessments, roune monitoring and process documen- taon throughout the project. Theory-driven approach that acts as a framework that guides program design as well as its evaluaon. The Theory of change displays the pathways through which the various CCH applicaon modules work to increase the movaon and job sasfacon levels of the parcipang CHNs , improving their perfor- mance and ulmately the quality of maternal, newborn and child health care. Evaluaon in tandem with program development and implementaon acvies, ulizing data from CHNs to feedback into the intervenon design Main purpose of ongoing monitoring and process documentaon driven by the TOC is: 1.To assess how well the CCH acvies adhered to the original design of the project during im- plementaon (fidelity) including the level of acvies delivered and parcipaon (dose deliv- ered and received/reach), the level of sasfacon among parcipants, and quality of program management; 2. To examine the proposed change pathways in the theory of change to document the emer- gence of precondions, intermediate and direct outcomes, explore the underlying drivers of change, and assess the integrity of the project design; 3. o examine the role of contextual factors on the CCH intervenon; and 4. To provide data during the course of implementaon to facilitate real-me, or close to real- me, feedback to program staff thus facilitang a connuous learning process and program adaptaon. The mixed-method approach ulizes different acvies to collect data from key populaons of interest and stakeholders throughout the lifeme of the project outlined in Figure 4. Results Results from 2 rounds of process documentaon and ongoing monitoring are summarized in Figure 4. CONTRIBUTION OF MULTIPLE ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES IN A THEORY-DRIVEN EVALUATION OF MOTIVATION AMONG COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSES IN GHANA 1. THEORY OF CHANGE ASSUMPTION: CHNs feel unmotivated and frustrated with their jobs. SOUMYA ALVA, PhD, JSI Research & Training Insitute Inc. SOPHIA MAGALONA, MPH, JSI Research & Training Insitute Inc. LINDA VESEL, PhD, Concern Worldwide US Innovations for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health, an initiative of Concern Worldwide U.S., accelerates the discovery and testing of creative solutions to understand and overcome barriers that prevent essential health services from reaching women and children. JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. collaborates with Innovations to provide technical oversight and support for research, monitoring, and evaluation along with Ivy League Consult Af- rica, the in-country research partner. 3. CHN ON THE GO MOBILE APP Ada East, Ada West, & Ningo Prampram South Dayi & South Tongu Health Centers & CHPS Community Health Nurses Supervisors Pilot districts 50 215 55 4. EVALUATION ACTIVITIES 2. PROJECT AREA HOME SCREEN LEARNING CENTER POINT OF CARE PLANNER ACHIEVEMENT CENTER STAYING WELL SUPERVISOR APP
Page 1: Contribution of Multiple Assessment Methodologies in a Theory-driven Evaluation of Motivation Among Community Health Nurses in Ghana

Introduction Increasing need for effective monitoring and evaluation in global health programs to improve

project management, track progress and scale-up successes. Program evaluations often take too long limiting use of data to support implementation

or make improvements The Care Community Hub (CCH) pilot in Ghana follows a 2 year mixed methods, theory-drive

(Figure 1) evaluation model to assess how the provision of the Community Health Nurse (CHN) on the Go mobile health application influences the job satisfaction, motivation and health knowledge of nurses.

Objective: To highlight the evaluation approach to understanding the pathways through

which the outcomes are reached in order to make programmatic changes throughout the project.

Care Community Hub CHNs posted to rural areas as part of Ghana's government's Community-based Health Plan-

ning and Services system lack motivation due to professional isolation and lack of support CCH seeks to provide knowledge, learning, motivational and communication tools through

mobile technology (see details in Figure 3) to CHNs to improve their well-being, connectedness and motivation.

The pilot is implemented by Grameen Foundation from June 2014 to May 2016 in 5 districts in Ghana (Figure 2).

Data collection methods Mixed method approach with multiple time points of data collection and review: outcome

evaluation with baseline and endline assessments, routine monitoring and process documen-tation throughout the project.

Theory-driven approach that acts as a framework that guides program design as well as its evaluation.

The Theory of change displays the pathways through which the various CCH application modules work to increase

the motivation and job satisfaction levels of the participating CHNs , improving their perfor-mance and ultimately the quality of maternal, newborn and child health care.

Evaluation in tandem with program development and implementation activities, utilizing data from CHNs to feedback into the intervention design

Main purpose of ongoing monitoring and process documentation driven by the TOC is: 1.To assess how well the CCH activities adhered to the original design of the project during im-

plementation (fidelity) including the level of activities delivered and participation (dose deliv-ered and received/reach), the level of satisfaction among participants, and quality of program management;

2. To examine the proposed change pathways in the theory of change to document the emer-gence of preconditions, intermediate and direct outcomes, explore the underlying drivers of change, and assess the integrity of the project design;

3. o examine the role of contextual factors on the CCH intervention; and 4. To provide data during the course of implementation to facilitate real-time, or close to real-

time, feedback to program staff thus facilitating a continuous learning process and program adaptation. The mixed-method approach utilizes different activities to collect data from key populations of interest and stakeholders throughout the lifetime of the project outlined in Figure 4.

Results Results from 2 rounds of process documentation and ongoing monitoring are summarized in Figure 4.




ASSUMPTION: CHNs feel unmotivated and frustrated with their jobs.

SOUMYA ALVA, PhD, JSI Research & Training Insitute Inc.

SOPHIA MAGALONA, MPH, JSI Research & Training Insitute Inc.

LINDA VESEL, PhD, Concern Worldwide US

Innovations for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health, an initiative of Concern

Worldwide U.S., accelerates the discovery and testing of creative solutions

to understand and overcome barriers that prevent essential health services

from reaching women and children. JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.

collaborates with Innovations to provide technical oversight and support

for research, monitoring, and evaluation along with Ivy League Consult Af-

rica, the in-country research partner.


Ada East, Ada West, & Ningo


South Dayi & South Tongu

Health Centers & CHPS

Community Health Nurses


Pilot districts







