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Control and Seed Biology of Chinese Tallow Tree

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Control and Seed Biology of Chinese Tallow Tree Candice Prince, Greg MacDonald, Heather VanHeuveln, Leah Aidif
Page 1: Control and Seed Biology of Chinese Tallow Tree

Control and Seed Biology of Chinese Tallow Tree

Candice Prince, Greg MacDonald, Heather VanHeuveln, Leah Aidif

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Chinese Tallow Tree (Triadica sebifera)

• Tallow tree, popcorn tree

•Native to Eastern Asia

• Introduced to U.S. in late 1700’s

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

Cheryl McCormick, Bugwood.org

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Uses for Chinese Tallow Tree

•Seed oil used for soap manufacture

•Ornamental:•Attractive fall color• Fast growth•Resist pests

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

Cheryl McCormick, Bugwood.org

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PLANTS Database, USDA, NRCS (2019) Atlas of Florida Plants 2019

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• Wetlands and uplands• Floodplain and riparian forests, coastal

prairies, mixed woodlands

• Disturbed sites (roadsides, urban areas, etc.) and landscapes

• Full sun to shady conditions

Charles T. Bryson, Bugwood.org

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• FLEPPC Category I

• Florida Noxious Weed List

• Spreads into undisturbed sites

• Displaces native species

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• Small tree (20-50 feet tall)

• Branches freely• Multiple shoots when

cut or damaged

• Deciduous

• Fissured bark

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

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• Leaves:• Alternately arranged• Acuminate tips, rounded leaf

bases, entire margins

•Milky sap when leavesare removed

James H. Miller, Bugwood.org

Cheryl McCormick, Bugwood.org

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Identification• Flowers: small and yellow, on spikes (8 inches)

• March – May

• Fruit set: begins in July, ripening occurs through November

John M. Randall, Bugwood.org

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

David DuByne, Oil Seed Crops

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Identification• Fruit: 3-lobed capsule (1/2 inch wide)

• Turn brown, split open 3 seeds coated with white tallow aril

John M. Randall, Bugwood.org

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

David DuByne, Oil Seed Crops

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• Trees produce seeds within 3-8 years

• Large trees may produce over 100,000 seeds per year

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

David DuByne, Oil Seed Crops

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• Seeds are dispersed by water, birds

•White aril increases buoyancy

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

David DuByne, Oil Seed Crops

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Germination Studies

• Studies on seed biology (2014-2016)• Effect of aril presence, storage on germination• Emergence timing and seedbank longevity

• Seeds collected from Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park• 4 harvest times (every 2 weeks), starting in late October

after capsule split

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Effect of Aril Presence

• Seeds were soaked in water for 48 hours, and the aril was either removed or left intact

•Non-soaked seeds with intact aril included as control

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Effect of Aril Presence











H1 H2 H3 H4


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Harvest Time

Control Intact Removed



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Effect of Aril Presence

•Removal of aril increases germination• Possible barrier to water and/or gases• Increased with later harvest time

•Possible interaction with black mold (Pullularia spp.)?• Grows and feeds on aril

H1 H2 H3 H4

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Effect of Storage

•Germination of fresh seed compared to seed stored for 6 months (5 C, 20 C)

•No effects of harvest time or storage temperature

• Storage decreased germination compared to fresh seed• Non-germinated seed still viable (possible dormancy?)

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Seed Fill

• X-ray imaging used to evaluate seed fill



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Seed Fill

• X-ray imaging used to evaluate seed fill

• 27% of sample seed were compromised:• Lack of embryo development• Predation

• In total, about 50% of seeds produced by a tree are either empty or non-viable



compromised filled

2015 Seed Fill Characteristics of Triadica sebifera

at Paynes Prairie Gainesville, FL

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Emergence Timing and Seedbank Longevity

• Exclusion frames placed under trees • Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park

• Seedling emergence monitored every month for 3 years

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Emergence Timing and Seedbank Longevity








March April May June July August



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Emergence Timing and Seedbank Longevity

• Soil was excavated underneath the frames and seeds evaluated for viability

•No seeds were viable

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Emergence Timing and Seedbank Longevity

• Seedlings emerge in spring• Varies regionally with seasonal warming or other factor• Emergence when canopy is still open

•Canopy closure seedling emergence decreases

•Very limited emergence and seed viability after 2-3 years

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Managing Chinese tallow tree




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• Limit ornamental plantings

•Remove existing plants before seeds are produced

•Avoid use of mulch that may be contaminated with seeds

•Prevent seed spread and dispersal

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• Hand-pull young seedlings (including all roots)• Repeated pulling for resprouts

• Cut tree down to ground level

• Girdling for large trees:• Cut through bark 6 inches above the ground,

circling the tree base

• Repeated mowing on small saplings and resprouts

Chris Evans, Bugwood.org

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Chemical – Foliar Applications

•For seedlings, resprouts, and small trees

•Fall treatment

• Imazamox, imazapyr, triclopyr, aminocyclopyrachlor

•Check your labels, use surfactant

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Chemical – Basal Bark

• For individual trees, reducing off-target damage

• Triclopyr ester with basal oil

• Apply 12-15 inches above ground on the trunk

• Wet thoroughly for good control

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Chemical – Cut Stump

• For individual trees, reducing off-target damage

•Cut trunks horizontally at or near the ground level

• Triclopyr, imazapyr, aminopyralid

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Chemical – Incision Point Application (Hack and Squirt)

• For individual trees, reducing off-target damage

•One hack for every 6 inches DBH

•Aminocyclopyrachlor (100%)• 0.5 mL per hack

Hank Stelzer

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• Enloe SF, Langeland K, Ferrell J, Sellers B, MacDonald G. 2018. Integrated Management of Non-Native Plants in Natural Areas of Florida. University of Florida #SP 242. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/wg209

• Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. https://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-directory/triadica-sebifera/

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• Michael Durham

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Thank you! Questions?

[email protected]
