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CONVOCATION - services.viu.ca · Hych’ka Si:em. All my relations. Louise Mandell, Q.C. Chancellor...

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June 23, 2017


Ah si:m súlxwe:n, si:m si:yeyu si:m ‘imisnne’tun mustimuxw,

si:em titumathut, si:em shsi’ém, si:em titumels. Tle’snun nuwilum

utl Snuneymuxw tumuxw u tunu kweyul. Ní cu wà qux huyé

un sya:ys ulup i i ce:p uw tecul ce wi’ult Slh’xwimuthut si:em

Shqwaluwuns u tu titumathut ct. Huy’ul ci:tálu si:em.

Ah, respected Elders, respected friends and relatives,

respected visitors, respected students, respected dignitaries,

respected teachers. Welcome into Snuneymuxw territory,

today. You have left other work to be here today; you came

to show honour and respect to our students today. With the

utmost gratitude, we thank you respected ones.

Graduates – Congratulations on your great achievement. Your credential is a love letter home.

There are moments of a life that stand, as T.S. Eliot says, “the still point of the turning world.” You stand in the rapids of such a transition point. From student, now graduate – you will navigate the river of your life, which only you can do.

Advice from Albert Einstein: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” The future you were capable of imagining is already a thing of the past. Know in your heart how truly great you really are. You are a hero in your own storm – you made it through. You have credentials from VIU. No guarantee – but statistically, your credential correlates to higher income. Your families, friends, your teachers, those who enabled you – they have gifted you. No obligation – they were so happy to.

Here at VIU, on this landscape of reconciliation, you have learned lessons from Indigenous sacred economy – ancient wisdom which holds the answer of how to increase your wealth with these credentials, while paying back tenfold, all those who supported you.

Consider the law of the coppers. From a long time ago, amongst Pacific West Coast Peoples, coppers are precious – they were currency. When a Chief receives a copper, the copper is named and painted. This increases the power of the copper and the wealth of the Chief. The copper further increases in value, by the deeds the Chiefs do.

Your credential is like a copper. It already has your name on it. Now, listen to your deepest values and find your own unique way to stand for them. You increase the value of your name/credential by the deeds you do. A final gentle reminder to keep the sacredness kindled, through love, through gratitude, through hope, and through noticing your raw and radical fearlessness to be the best of who you are.

Hych’ka Si:em. All my relations.

Louise Mandell, Q.C. Chancellor

Serving in a volunteer capacity, the Chancellor acts as an ambassador for and a champion of the University. The Chancellor is the titular head of the university, presiding over convocation ceremonies, conferring degrees and providing advice to the President. The Chancellor is a member of the Board of Governors and the Senate.

Message from the Chancellor

Graduates of 2017 – I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations on your achievements.

As you reach the end of your post-secondary journey – or move on to further education – I would like you to reflect on your accomplishment and the hard work, dedication and support it took to get you to this moment. You are about to cross the stage and begin the next part of your life’s journey. Whether you know exactly where you are going and what you are doing, or you are considering different options, it will be an adventure. There will be exciting opportunities as well as more hard work ahead. You now have the tools and skill sets needed to succeed in today’s knowledge-based economy and make meaningful, rewarding contributions to the world.

Demand for workers with a post-secondary education is rising. A recent report commissioned by the Conference Board of Canada finds that nearly three-quarters of today’s jobs are filled by workers with post-secondary education. The report also found that employers are increasingly seeking employees with critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and employees with post-secondary credentials earn, on average, 30 per cent more money than those without.

What this means to you as graduates is that the credentials you are leaving with today are more important than ever.

Thank you for choosing VIU to receive this essential education, and for all of your contributions to our community. We have a richer and more vibrant community because of each and every one of you.

VIU exists to serve our students and the communities that look to us for relevant, responsive and innovative educational programs and services that are accessible to all. We are continually growing and innovating to meet the needs of our students and communities. The construction on the Nanaimo campus is a good example of this – we are building new facilities such as a Health and Science Centre and updated Marine, Automotive and Trades Complex to educate students today so they have the skills and knowledge they need to fill in-demand jobs and pursue fulfilling careers on Vancouver Island and beyond. Further, some of our facilities will have a near zero-carbon footprint as the buildings will be heated and cooled through our new District Geo-Exchange Energy System using water in the old mine shafts beneath the Nanaimo campus.

Now that you are about to go out and start contributing to the world in meaningful ways, I’d like to remind you that you are joining a community of more than 75,000 alumni living, working and making a difference across the globe. Please stay in touch and come back to visit. We want to hear your stories! You are now part of the VIU family and are always welcome here.

Sincerely, from a President proud of all of you.

Dr. Ralph Nilson President and Vice-Chancellor

Message from the President

Academic ProcessionStephanie Richards, Macebearer

Wade Calder, Piper

O CanadaSarah Wood, Pianist

Rita Gower, Vocalist

Master of Ceremonies Welcome and Introductions

Fred Jacklin, Registrar

Opening of ConvocationDr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor

Welcome to AlumniErin Brook, President, VIU Alumni Association

Graduate Candidate OathDr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor

Presentation of GraduatesDr. Carrie Chassels, Associate Vice President, Student Affairs

Remarks from the PresidentDr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor

Closing of ConvocationDr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor


Reception to follow at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre

Friday, June 23, 2017 | 10 am


Convocation Ceremony


Academic ProcessionStephanie Richards, Macebearer

Wade Calder, Piper

O CanadaSarah Wood, Pianist

Rita Gower, Vocalist

Master of Ceremonies Welcome and Introductions

Fred Jacklin, Registrar

Opening of Convocation

Welcome to AlumniErin Brook, President, VIU Alumni Association

Graduate Candidate Oath

Presentation of GraduatesDr. Carrie Chassels, Associate Vice President, Student Affairs

Remarks from VIUShelley Legin, Chief Financial Officer and Vice-President Administration

Closing of Convocation


Reception to follow at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre

Friday, June 23, 2017 | 2:30 pm



Convocation SuiteVIU's Ceremonial Convocation Suite was created by world-renowned artist Arthur Vickers, OBC, DFA, and given by Coast Capital Savings to the University in May 2015 to support our institutions' common goal of inspiring and celebrating the generations of VIU students, graduates and alumni. The suite also reflects a shared value of Coast Capital Savings and VIU - the belief in the power of education to change peoples' lives and build strong, vibrant communities. There are three distinct pieces in the Ceremonial Convocation Suite: the Chancellor's Chair, The Keeper of Wisdom and Knowledge; the President and Vice-Chancellor's Chair, The Keeper of Knowledge; and the Ceremonial Parchment Bentcorner Box (Huupukwanum) where the parchments are held before being bestowed upon the University's graduates.

The suite is an integral part of the University's convocation ceremony. The Chancellor and President & Vice-Chancellor reside in the two chairs during the ceremony, surrounded by the University's faculty and graduates. During the ceremony, each graduate, after receiving their parchment, is invited to touch the lid of the Ceremonial Parchment Bentcorner Box, marking the end of their VIU education and the beginning of the next chapter of their lives. Through this tradition they leave their imprint on the wood, symbolizing the impact and impression they will leave on VIU and weaving their story together with all the graduates who came before them and all who will come after them.

When the ceremonial convocation pieces are not in use at VIU's convocation ceremonies they are on public display at the University's Nanaimo campus in the Welcome Centre (Building 300).

VIU's graduation convocation ceremony begins with a procession of the graduating students, faculty, and distinguished guests into the theatre, led by a bagpiper.

When the platform party has assembled onstage, a smaller procession, known as the Chancellor's Procession enters the theatre, accompanied by the drumming of VIU's Elders-in-Residence. The Chancellor's Procession consists of the Chancellor, President, Board Chair, Vice-Presidents, Registrar, and Macebearer.

Ceremonial Convocation Pieces

VIU Mace

MaceDuring the Middle Ages, a metal-clad wooden mace was an effective weapon in battle. As newer and more powerful arms were developed, its military significance diminished, and it was transformed into a symbol of authority. Today, the ceremonial mace is used in many government assembly locations, such as the British and Canadian Houses of Parliament, and in university ceremonies such as this.

The mace used for VIU’s convocation was designed and created by retired art instructor John A. Charnetski in 1994. The metre-long mace is made of stainless steel and gold-plated cast bronze. It features four guardian eagles and enameled medallions bearing VIU’s Coat-of-Arms and arbutus emblems.

Coat-of-ArmsGranted in 1995, the Coat-of-Arms is used at VIU’s convocation and on ceremonial documents such as parchments. It pays tribute to the University’s west coast location with eagles (also representing wisdom), evergreens, mountains, sea and rivers. As well, it includes symbols that reflect the aspirations of higher learning – books outlined in gold symbolizing wealth, knowledge and understanding; the sun which symbolizes enlightenment and life. The Coastal First Nations are honoured by the red wreath and the canoe recognizing their sea-based culture.

PaddleThe paddle that is carried in an out of the theatre by the President was given to the University by Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo when he was installed as Chancellor in 2008. This paddle, made by Brian Bob, Qwuyutsapulth of the Coast Salish/ Ucluelet First Nation, is carved of yellow cedar and signifies teamwork, pulling together, like in a canoe. The salmon carved onto the blade represents journeys; salmon leave the place where they are hatched but return later in their lives, much in the same way that youth earn an education and then return home to bring

their skills and knowledge back to their communities. During his installation celebrations, Chief Atleo presented a paddle to each of the four regional campuses with the wish that it be used at special occasions, like a graduation ceremony. The paddle given to the Nanaimo campus is a steering paddle, which helps guide us in our important journeys. It has since become an important symbol and tradition in our Convocation ceremonies.

VIU Mace

VIU Paddle


June 23, 2017 – 10 amApplied Business Technology

Sahra Dawn Lee Ali* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Kristen Melody Allen* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Elizabeth Ann Avis* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Brie-Ann Karlie Ballance* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Alexa Lynne Berg* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Anna-Claudia Bulletta* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Mara Avila Burke* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Marie Jenny Christina Carpen* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Mary Antonette Casten* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Melanie Anne Denman* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Arlene Elizabeth Forster* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Danielle Nadine Froude* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Samantha Goldie* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Veronica Elizabeth Groenewold* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Shanae Ella Hahndel* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Katarina Hein* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Raelyn Hemstreet* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Alexandra Mary Henriksen* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Michelle Dawn Hollingshead* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Keira Ann Hoorn* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Michelle Janet Johnson* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Carolin Patricia Jones* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Jennifer Margaret Kammer* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Gabrielle Maria Knoop* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Becky-Lou Kogstad* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Omobola Morufat Komolafe* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Nicole Langlois* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Rylend John Lee* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Sierra Michelle Liptak* Accounting Assistant Specialty

Erin-Francis Macalister* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Mikah Sharoline Mainhood* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Rylie Elizabeth Pierce* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Nicole Elizabeth Puska* Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty

Taylor Lynn Rae* Administrative Assistant Specialty

Please note that not all programs grant distinction status.

Vancouver Island University Graduating Students

This program was prepared a week before convocation and therefore may not be complete. Although students marked with an asterisk have not yet fully met their graduation requirements at the printing date of this program, they are on track to do so shortly after.

MacebearerThe mace is carried by a retiring member of the VIU community in recognition of contributions and service to Vancouver Island University.

For a complete list of past macebearers, please visit viu.ca/convocation/macebearers.asp. Stephanie Richards

Deep Bay Marine Station

Although students marked with an asterisk have not yet fully met their graduation requirements at the printing date of this program, they are on track to do so shortly after.

Yamuna Nayanakanthi Ranatunga Arachchi*

Accounting Assistant Specialty Alexandra Nicole Rinas*

Accounting Assistant Specialty Sara Marina Robinson*

Accounting Assistant Specialty Emily Ross*

Legal Administrative Assistant Specialty Jessica Mira Rupcich*

Administrative Assistant Specialty Nadine Marie Wagner*

Accounting Assistant Specialty Taylor Alise Wall-Baker*

Administrative Assistant Specialty Karla Elizabeth Joy Wilson*

Administrative Assistant Specialty Darilyn Mampusti Ylagan*

Accounting Assistant Specialty Ariel P. Zimmer*

Accounting Assistant Specialty

Applied Business Technology Online

Tyniel Marrie Child* Accounting Assistant Specialty


Talea Nicole AshdownAngela (Angelina) Lynn BarkanyiKelsey Anne BoormanChristina Elzabeth Robyn BrownChelsea Roberta CleughMykayla Maria DayDanyelle Autumn FaithClaire Felker*Alysha Cora-Beth Ferguson*Julia Kristine Elizabeth JacksonOlivia Allson Ann McLellanAdonica Naomi Neary*Patricia NganElsie Esther OrregoTalia Grace ParentStella Reina LondonoAlexandra Elizabeth Salmond

Lauren Emily Sayce*Kate StalkerBlue Kathryn Nixon ThomasMarla Lynnette Jennessa Wilson

Hairstylist Foundation

Shauna Davis Ariel M Demo*Shawna Nicole Deroy*Rebecca Patricia Douglas*Jessica Joan Fraser*Gabrielle Kennedy Mayor*Shokoofeh Sadat Mohammadi*Treena Sheree Sangha*Kohana Rose Seki*Emily Ana Soufane*Keely Lyn Wood*

Horticultural Technician

Sean Joseph McDonell

Professional Cook Level 1

Lee DimondFlorencia Gomez QuinterosJoel Jason HusbandBenoit Ormitas PerreaultJackie Geneviven Sarah Roper*William Robert TaylorKale Wyse

Culinary Arts

Isabella Margaret Bannard Hall*Akayla Tashannie Brown*Natalija Robin Burec*Deonya Marie CaloriCrystalle Claudia Cecilia CecilRoy Alfred Randall Cooper*Jordan Adilson Eagle*Yijie Han*Jess Lee Hardy*Michael Lozier-TilkinJamie Patrick Johnstone*Lingzhe Kong*Derik Launier*

Brett Callum Laurie*Stephanie Ann Lavoie*Alexandra Hanne Leuven*Andrea Lynn MaguireKeenan Oliver Martens*Nicholas Robert McGraw*Fan Mo*Jordan Lynn Rowe*Kyle Alexander Scott*Francisco de Borja Serrano Galvez*Shuang Song*Samantha Nicole Traer*Natasha Amy van Walleghem*Haixin Wang*

Professional Baking and Pastry Arts

Eve Elinora BarrieauAnna Alexis BlixhavnJulia Lauren BroadwayKevin Frank BumsteadAlyssa Lynn CampbellNicole Danielle DaviesPierce Alton Joseph DesharnaisRachel Nicole FehlerLindsey Helen Marie FryMaya Gabrielle Leigh HollyoakJames Angus ImrieClaire Elizabeth LawsonKathryn Leigh MartinSarah Emily Martin OsborneCarly Jane MissioIndia Constance ParharAlycia Lynn RitchieKalayna RossiJessica Elizabeth Ann ScottBianca Brittany SpekMichelle Nicole StefaniRiley Elizabeth Ganton TeschNatalie Karen Tisdelle*Sarah Anne UjackShanon Marie Nichols WebsterRebecca WilliamsMiranda Nadine Wood

June 23, 2017 – 2:30 pm4th Class Power Engineering / Process Operator

Connor John BentleyJohn Douglas BoweScott Thomas ComptonRyan Gurbachan GillBradley Jacob HiebertAmanda Garcia HolmgrenIan Attermann LarsenDuncan Michael LavigneAdam Jamie McLeodMichael MillarSpencer Johnathan Miller

Charlene Dawn SamuelsZubair Ali Sidhu

Automotive Service Technician

Robert Henry Barnes*Brianna Nicole Busby*Dayton Thomas Coles*Felicia Victoria Collet*Darcy Darbyshire*Thomas Richard Perry Flegel*Ralph Walter Shish Fred*Stephen Gagnon*Rory B Gallacher*Peter Art George*

Raymond Thomas Stanley Goldsmith*David Jake Greenwood*Matthew Cody Greskovits*Jake Clifford Harder*William Russell Helps*Spencer Gordon Irving*Ryan Aubrey King*Jason Edward Knorr*Brandon Micheal Londeau*Adam Garrett Lower*William James Martin*Luke Michaud*Daniel Roy Anthony Moody*Ridge Morgan Parlee*

This program was prepared a week before convocation and therefore may not be complete.

Joseph Ernest Rawlings*Nicholas William Saggers*Surinder Kumar Sharma*Coltyn Dean Lester Smith*Aiden John Romeo Squire*Thomas McLeod Stewart*Bryce Lyndon Thomas Tocher*Kody Lee Robert Whicher*Tyler Whicher*Victoria Jane White*


Matthew Teagan AinsworthEric AlbertsonNathaniel Michael Darren BaptisteRobin Rose Cardinall-RedfernAnsel Evan DeaneReid Della-RosaLuke Julian EscaravageNathan FrostCallum Thomas GemmaTyler Richard KayTyler Dennis KenmuirDaniel Dale KilshawSeok Jun LeeAustin Conner MarlingThomas Benjamin MarrsTyler Joseph NornHayden Lachlan OrrTrevor Ryan PaquetteLeo Christopher PeleshytykBrenden James John RichardsJayce Kenneth RossNicholas SkulstadStremming Willem Johan Eden


Barry AitkenBradley Jordan BaterJay David ClarkLucas Wesley ColvinAshley Marlena DefraneDakota Star FarenholtzBenjamin Murray FisetteLogan James Oliver GrantGrant Eric GuayDylan HaugenBrett Richard HunterMatthew James HykawayJordan Craig Ronald Kailer-DoreRalph Alexander Valentino KangasEric Terryl LamKarl David LofstromGuillermo Alberto McCullChristopher James Stanley McFarlaneChristopher Dennis McKelvieMitchell NelsonSonja Tracy NewbyMarcus Robert SchanMatthew Robert WebbDanielle Grace Samantha White

Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation

Clayton Leigh Albright*Brandon David AtkinsonConor John Boyle*Dayne Richard Budd*Coltan James CastleJonathan Kent ClimieErik Robert EivindsonThomas Chester Eytcheson*Marco Ferreira*Lee Clifford Foreman*Spence Anthoney Gaspardone*Keith Frederick GilsonSterling GunnellKaleb Gordon Hall-WeberKyle Christopher InfantiJackson Jamieson IrvineZachary Evan IrwinBrandon Lee Istace*Harrison Steele Ivens*Oscar Adrian Johnston*Ken Chikin Lee*Jeffrey Alexander Legrow*Marcel Phillip Lessard*Teagan Gomerich Lewis*Isak Gene Maximchuk*Hudson Fraser Meredith*Jacob David Nelson*Paul Allan PerssonDayton Taylor Popham*James Wesley Sandifer*Justin Shaaheil Sharma*James Aaron Simpson*Thomas Jackson SmithChristopher James Volkers*Dane WeatherillJoseph William WhelanEric Wlliam Wiersma

Motorcycle and Marine Technician

Zarrid Wyeth Royce Cook*Jesse Dean Cox*Benjamin William Doffe*Sarah Ellen Fulton*Scott Gamble*Jordan John Richard Floyd Hawksworth*Michael Aaron Heyes*Frank Joseph Hillier*Pavel Krapka*Kathleen Ann Marie Martin*Eric L Norrie-Loewenthal*Mark Oliver Roehlig*Troy Paul Sansome*Trevor Scott Hamilton Smith*Riley Edward Strom*Heinz Uniewski*

Refrigeration Air-Conditioning Mechanic

Dylan Daniel Lebrun*Sheldon Michael MacPherson*Nolan Thomas Toften*

Welder Foundation

Dean Patrick Lea AldisSamuel Lloyd AndersonCaroline N BarnettMathew Alexander BoylesBrett Joshua ButlerConrad Edward CarlsonTyler Emmet CarlsonNatalie Kate ChesterMagdalen Veronica ClaytonTyler Allan Crowe*Kyle Andrew DemersAndrew Lorn Stewart DesjardinsMatthew William DobinsonKale Larry EddyRachel Sarah EyreConnor Lee FergusonMacKenzie Gary FitzgeraldBrandon Greggory FraessWesley Daryle FrankEdward Leo Thomas GillespieIsaac Spencer GodkinJeanna Ashley JohnnieJesse Duncan LalondeJoshua Bryant LaveryLesley Ann LawrenceCamden Arthur Vaughn Le PatourelKaitlynne Maureen LewisBrianna Gillian LittlejohnSiobhan Reynolds Efford LynchAaron Michael McTaggartKeenen Wade MenzelSusan Lee MerriamGriffin Edwin MeyerBailey Alexandra Misfeldt-JohnsonJoseph Raymond NikirkMorgan PasternakScott Robert PattersonJohnathan David PhanDakota Jade PiecEverett Clyde PierceConnor Gage PresleyGraeme Robert PrestonLucas Neil PughConnor David Jager ReidDallas William RobertsMacKenzie RobinsonJeremy Dayl Albert SauteurBradley Adam SherlawKyle Leslie StrachanJeremy Andrew SwansonBenjamin Ryan ThatcherKiyoshi Hideki TomiyamaWilliam James TurnerKaleb Frank VelsenJaxon Kendall WilsonOwen Kenneth YarockiKristopher Mark Michael Zulinski

The Vancouver Island University Alumni Association represents all those who have graduated from the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Centre, 1936 – 1959; Vocational Training School in Nanaimo, 1959 – 1971; Malaspina College (all campuses), 1969 – 1989; Malaspina University-College (all campuses), 1989 – summer 2008; and now VIU and helps create opportunities for past graduates to reconnect with their old friends and faculty.

• Stay in touch with the Vancouver Island University Alumni Relations Office.

• Share your news and achievements with other alumni, current students and your instructors.

• Re-establish old friendships and start new ones.

• Make connections with other people currently in your field.

• Receive your alumni benefit card to gain access to special group rates and exclusive products and services.

• Become an alumni ambassador to establish a legacy at Vancouver Island University by volunteering your time to help with programs and events.

Visit our website at viu.ca/alumni and update your profile or call 250.740.6215.

Over at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, join other alumni, faculty, staff members and guests for a reception in the Newcastle Lobby – your first VIU Alumni event!

This is a great opportunity to celebrate with your classmates, instructors, and guests. A commemorative backdrop and photographer will be set up to take free pictures of you with your friends and family. These pictures will then be posted online at VIU’s Alumni Association’s Facebook page facebook.com/viuaa. This reception is free for all graduating students and their guests. Refreshments and finger foods will be provided.

The Campus Store will also have commemorative parchment frames and other souvenirs for sale at the reception.

Port Theatre

Conference Centre

We invite our graduates and guests to a reception following the graduation convocation ceremony.

The reception will be held at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 200 metres from the Port Theatre.

After the Ceremony

Welcome Alumni

VIU’s International GraduatesInternational students from the following countries have graduated with credentials from Vancouver Island University

AfghanistanAlbaniaArgentinaArubaAzerbaijanBahrain BangladeshBarbados

BoliviaBrazilBrunei DarussalamBurundiCameroonChinaChileColombia

Czech Republic DenmarkDominican RepublicEcuador EgyptEl SalvadorFranceGermany

GhanaHong KongHungary IcelandIndia IndonesiaIranIsrael

ItalyJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKuwait LatviaLebanon


NicaraguaNigeria OmanPakistanParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandRussia

RwandaSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSouth KoreaSweden SwitzerlandSyriaTaiwan

TanzaniaThailandTogoTrinidad & TobagoTunisiaTurkey UAE UgandaUkraine

United Kingdom United StatesVenezuelaVietnamYemenZimbabwe

BOARD OF GOVERNORSAllan Wiekenkamp, ChairMakenzie Leine, Vice-ChairChris BurnleyGregory ConstableSheila Davidson

Dr. Linda DerksenWarren ErhartTerence FitzgeraldLouise Mandell, Q.C.Claire I. MogloveDr. Ralph Nilson

Jonalan OddleifsonAubrey RobertsonImtiaz Taj Erralyn Thomas

FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORSGrant Starko, ChairRob Grey, Vice-ChairWilliam Litchfield,

Executive DirectorDave BoydCatherine DyckRoss Fraser

Karla HarrisGeorge HrabowychDon HubbardJeet ManhasSean McCueJason NelsonDr. Ralph Nilson

Jim OlsenJoyce SmithDon TamelinNathan ThorntonMichael WalkerBruce WilliamsDr. Robert Wolanski

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORSErin Brook, President (BA ’04)Leif Bogwald (BA ’02)John Bratkowski (BBA ’10)Paris Gaudet (Health Service Worker

’01, Social Services Worker ’00)Robert Lee (BA ’04)Erin MacDonald (BBA ’09)

Tim Mawdsley (BA ’02)Michael Olson (BBA ’07)Caroline Roach (BBA ’10)Aubrey Robertson, Student RepresentativeEmeka Udeagha (MBA ’14)

SENATEDr. Ralph Nilson, ChairDr. Elizabeth McLin, Vice-ChairMartin BarnettDr. David BigelowDr. John BlackErin BrookGordon BuzzardDr. Brian DickTerence FitzgeraldMaurice GallantRita GowerKamala HaughtonDr. John Hinde

Christine HoltBen Hyman Fred JacklinChris JaegerDr. Harry JanzenRachel LambDr. Sylvie LafrenièreDr. Hope LeithLisa LewisDr. Ross MacKayDr. Paula MadziyaJean MaltesenArjan ManhasLouise Mandell, Q.C.

Dr. Don NoakesHeather PastroPhoebe PatigdasDr. Graham PikeDr. Scott PriestmanSarah SegalDr. Daniel SimonsDr. Andrea SmilskiGlynis SteenLeslie SundbyCarla TilleyDr. Dave TwynamDr. David Witty

This convocation program is designed and produced by VIU's University Relations department and printed by VIU's Printing Services.


Alumni Association

FoundationThe VIU Foundation’s sole purpose is to support the growth and success of VIU. As a separately registered charitable organization, all gifts made to the Foundation benefit VIU.

The Alumni Association provides an opportunity for all Alumni to engage and connect with their alma mater to support the success of the University and students through mentoring, capital projects, scholarships and other activities.

Under the University Act of British Columbia, Vancouver Island University has a bicameral governance structure. The role of the Board of Governors and the Senate is that of strategic oversight, setting overall vision and strategic direction.

The Board of Governors is responsible for overseeing the administrative and business affairs of the University, including finances and property.

The Senate has responsibility for the academic matters of the University and opportunities to offer advice to the Board where academic matters interface with matters of business.
