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Coober Pedy 08 86 725 691 Phone: 86 725 036 STATE AUDITOR ... · We already have five fuel outlets...

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Tel: 08 8672 5920 https://cooberpedytimes.com Thursday 18 May 2017 SERVING THE OPAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD SINCE 1982 ISSN 1833-1831 STATE AUDITOR GENERAL TO EXAMINE COUNCIL’S FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS Photo: Jason Wright Tour our our our ouris is is is ist P t P t P t P t Par ar ar ar ark Coober Pedy 08 86 725 691 BULLS GARAGE On-site Service Centre Phone: 86 725 036 According to correspendence that is filed (publically) on the DCCP website council has been requested to submit late financial statements to the Minister that oversees local government departments, Mr. Geoff Brock. In a letter to Mayor Michelle Provatidis on 16 March 2017, Mr. Brock said, “I note that Council has taken some steps to address financial governance problems. However, I remain extremely concerned that several statutory requirements have still not been met and no specific time frames have been provided for when this situation will be rectified.” “As a consequence, I require Council to rectify these statutory shortcomings immediately, including finalisation of the 2015-16 audited financial statments. Should this not occur, I will be left with no other option than to consider exercising my powers under Chapter 13 Part 3 of the Local Government Act 1999” “I also expect Council to continue providing regular progress reports to the Office of Local Government.” In a further development the State Treasurer Mr. Tom Koutsantonis has requested that the State Auditor General examine the DCCP finances. 10 May 2017 Dear Mayor Provatidis Examination of the District Council of Coober Pedy's accounts As you may be aware, the Treasurer, the Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP. requested that I examine the District Council of Coober Pedy's (the Council) accounts under section 32(1)a of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987 (PFAA). Section 32 of the PFAA sets out the requirement for the examination which include: (1b) The Auditor-General must conduct an examination under section 32(1) if requested to do so by the Treasurer. (2) After making an examination under section: 32(1), the Auditor-General must prepare a report setting out the results of the examination. (3) The Auditor-General must deliver copies of the report to the Council, the Treasurer and the President of the Legislative Council and the Speaker of the House of Assembly. Enclosed is a copy of Section 32 of the PFAA for your reference We will contact the council's Chief Executive Officer in the near future to discuss the examination requirements, timing and process. Auditor General 2.4.2015—Public Finance and Audit Act 1987 Above: Cr. Albert McCormack, Cr. Boro Rapaic, Cr. Paul Reynolds, Mayor Michelle Provatidis, Cr. Kyle Hay, Cr. Nigel Wayne, Cr. Justin Freytag. Not present Cr Ian Crombie, Cr. Paul Athanasiadis By Margaret Mackay Again from the Auditor General's office: 21 April 2017 Dear Mayor Provatidis, Request for Information "As you are aware the Local Government Act 1999 requires the Council's auditor to provide an opinion on the controls exercised by the Council over the receipt, expenditure and investment of money, the acquisition and disposal of property and the incuring of liabilities during the financial year (controls opinion). The counci's auditor was to provide a controls opinion for the time for the 2015-16 financial year. I would appreciate a copy of the Council's: audited financial report for the year ending 30 june 2016 external auditor's opinion on the financial statement and controls opinion for the year ending30 June 2016 external auditor's management letter(s) for the 2015-16 audit year together with the Council's letter(s) of response The provision of the 2015-16 financial accounts and external audit information and documentation will enable consideration and determination of any proposed examination activity that may be undertaken across the local government sector or in respect of your Council. Because this information is not readily visible on our council’s website, even though it is ‘published’ in a sense, the Coober Pedy Regional Times will endeavour to keep you informed. STOP PRESS It is with great sadness that we say farewell 19/5/2017 to much loved resident and long term Electricity Manager/Supervisor Graeme (Wally Norton) We extend our love and sympathy to Wally’s much loved wife Katrina Norton. We look forward in the months to come, to reading Wally’s amazing story. See page 11 for the details of Wally’s service at Port Kenny

Tel: 08 8672 5920 https://cooberpedytimes.com Thursday 18 May 2017


ISSN 1833-1831


Photo: Jason Wright

TTTTTourourourourourisisisisist Pt Pt Pt Pt ParararararkkkkkCoober Pedy 08 86 725 691

BULLS GARAGEOn-site Service Centre

Phone: 86 725 036

According to correspendence that is filed (publically)on the DCCP website council has been requested tosubmit late financial statements to the Minister thatoversees local government departments, Mr. GeoffBrock.

In a letter to Mayor Michelle Provatidis on 16 March 2017,Mr. Brock said, “I note that Council has taken some stepsto address financial governance problems. However, Iremain extremely concerned that several statutoryrequirements have still not been met and no specific timeframes have been provided for when this situation will berectified.”

“As a consequence, I require Council to rectify thesestatutory shortcomings immediately, including finalisationof the 2015-16 audited financial statments. Should thisnot occur, I will be left with no other option than toconsider exercising my powers under Chapter 13 Part 3of the Local Government Act 1999”

“I also expect Council to continue providing regularprogress reports to the Office of Local Government.”

In a further development the State Treasurer Mr.Tom Koutsantonis has requested that the StateAuditor General examine the DCCP finances.

10 May 2017

Dear Mayor Provatidis

Examination of the District Council of CooberPedy's accounts

As you may be aware, the Treasurer, the Hon TomKoutsantonis MP. requested that I examine the DistrictCouncil of Coober Pedy's (the Council) accounts undersection 32(1)a of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987(PFAA).

Section 32 of the PFAA sets out the requirement for theexamination which include:

(1b) The Auditor-General must conduct an examinationunder section 32(1) if requested to do so by the Treasurer.

(2) After making an examination under section: 32(1),the Auditor-General must prepare a report setting outthe results of the examination.

(3) The Auditor-General must deliver copies of the reportto the Council, the Treasurer and the President of theLegislative Council and the Speaker of the House ofAssembly.

Enclosed is a copy of Section 32 of the PFAA for yourreference

We will contact the council's Chief Executive Officer inthe near future to discuss the examination requirements,timing and process.

Auditor General

2.4.2015—Public Finance and Audit Act 1987

Above: Cr. Albert McCormack, Cr. Boro Rapaic, Cr. Paul Reynolds, Mayor Michelle Provatidis, Cr. KyleHay, Cr. Nigel Wayne, Cr. Justin Freytag. Not present Cr Ian Crombie, Cr. Paul Athanasiadis

By Margaret Mackay

Again from the Auditor General's office: 21 April 2017

Dear Mayor Provatidis,

Request for Information

"As you are aware the Local Government Act 1999requires the Council's auditor to provide an opinion onthe controls exercised by the Council over the receipt,expenditure and investment of money, the acquisition anddisposal of property and the incuring of liabilities duringthe financial year (controls opinion). The counci's auditorwas to provide a controls opinion for the time for the2015-16 financial year.

I would appreciate a copy of the Council's:• audited financial report for the yearending 30 june 2016• external auditor's opinion on the financialstatement and controls opinion for the yearending30 June 2016• external auditor's management letter(s)for the 2015-16 audit year together with theCouncil's letter(s) of response

The provision of the 2015-16 financial accounts andexternal audit information and documentation will enableconsideration and determination of any proposedexamination activity that may be undertaken across thelocal government sector or in respect of your Council.

Because this information is not readily visible onour council’s website, even though it is ‘published’

in a sense, the Coober Pedy Regional Times willendeavour to keep you informed.


It is with great sadness that we say farewell19/5/2017 to much loved resident and long

term Electricity Manager/SupervisorGraeme (Wally Norton)

We extend our love and sympathy to Wally’smuch loved wife Katrina Norton.

We look forward in the months to come, toreading Wally’s amazing story.

See page 11 for the details of Wally’s serviceat Port Kenny

DISCLAIMER: Opinions and letters published in The CooberPedy Regional Times are not necessarily the views of the

Editor, or Publisher. The Coober Pedy Regional Timesreserves the right to edit or omit copy, in accordance with

newspaper policies. Letters to the Editor must be attributed witha name, address and contact phone number - names and town

of origin will be printed, or may be withheld at the Editor’sdiscretion. During the course of any election campaign, letters

to the editor dealing with election issues must contain theauthor’s name and street address (not PO Box) for publication.

Right of reply is always available.

Page 2 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017

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Editor - Margaret MackayPO Box 275 Coober Pedy SA 5723

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WINTER SOLSTICEWednesday, 21 June

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Coober Pedy - An underground town, builton the back of opal mining





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The Opal Capital ofthe World

*Coober Pedy - situated on the largestformation of opal in the world*Spacious underground living*Beautiful Opal Gemstones

*Over 40 Nationalities living together


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Coober Pedy is a lizardfriendly town


Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 3

Letter to the editorRE: TRUCK BAY

The truck bay next to the Shell has existed since1994 and has provided a service to long haul truckdrivers. Since then we have provided showerfacilities and coffee breaks, free of charge in a safeand secure environment with 24 hour CCTVcoverage.

This service that be sorely missed if the current DistrictCouncil has its way and shuts the truck parking bay.

Is Council going to provide showers, coffee, lighting, and24 hour CCTV and staffing at rate payers expense if theydecide to move the existing truck bay? So on that point Iam very confused!

Other users of that service are numerous including ourmilitary, local transport and of course our Grey Nomads.More than local Coober Pedians would know about.

This appears to me as a tactic by the council to help anothercouncillor to put through a road for a fuel outlet that hasonly just come to light, even though the sealing of theUnnamed Road has been contentious for over two years.

Council has incurred considerable expense because of theunrelenting efforts of some councillors to make thishappen where in my opinion the only beneficiary is theStuart Range Caravan Park.

The road in question is a dead end road that runs in frontof the Croatian Club to the boundary of the Stuart RangeCaravan Park. The proprietor of that Park, Councillor PaulAthanasiadis has been pushing for an extra access road tohis caravan park that he originally claimed was due to atraffic and safety issue. Councillor Athanasiadis now admitshe really needed a secondary road for a fuel outlet.

Sharyn Baines as councillor moved a motion (C63-15)on21st April 2015 that the Council enter into a formal roadclosure program for the un-named road via Flinders street.

That motion was carried but this council andadministration have never implemented the road closureprogram even though Mayor Provatidis had the castingvote to close that road.

Councillors Reynolds and McCormack motioned for asection 270 review on the decision to close the road. That 89

page report prepared by council lawyers was paid for withratepayer’s money!

How much did that cost? AND is it true that the UnnamedRoad has already cost Ratepayers around $200,000?

We already have five fuel outlets in Coober Pedy, 2 ofthem are for sale with a population of around 1700, andanother is ridiculous.

The council and CEO are in discussion to move the truckbay across the road from its current location. It was re-cently stated at a meeting on the 30th March 2017 byDeputy Mayor Rapaic’s wife Robin that it cost council$25000 a year for dust suppression on that lot.

Wouldn’t it be the same if it was moved across the road?

My family have operated this premises since 1993 and isthe only 24 hour service station between Pt Augusta andAlice springs and employs around 30 local residents. Myfather started his first service station Kypros Auto repairsin 1973 and always employed locals since way back then.

Should Council go ahead with this plan to close the cur-rent truck bay the ramifications could result in the loss ofjobs something that my family would be very reluctant todo and would be done with a very heavy heart.

We have never been in the position to retrench staff be-fore.

Maybe it’s about time that the current council try to workwith the existing businesses and its community instead ofsome councillors in using their position to feather theirown nest.

Yours sincerely

Family representative

Bundi Pantelis


Long haul truck drivers and other transport have used thetruck stop in Hutchison Street next to the 24 hour road-house since 1994

Page 4 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017



By Margaret Mackay

Born 05/03/1931; Ordained 03/08/1955Diocese of Port Pirie; Deceased: 15 May 2017

Rev Mgr Francis J Cresp

Fr. Frank Cresp, Coober Pedy first Catholic Priest arrivedin Coober Pedy in 1965 and lived in a caravan whileadministering to a large but sparsely populated parish thatextended from Coober Pedy to Uluru, just into WesternAustralia, parts of the Northern Territory, Queensland andNew South Wales.

It was Fr Frank Cresp that oversaw the building of the 21metres long and 139 square metres church that existstoday. The Underground Church of Saints Peter and Paulwas built for travelling tourists as well as the localpopulation between Port Augusta and Alice Springs andwas the only Catholic Church on the main route betweenthese towns.

2015 marked 50 years from the time the church officiallyopened. Fr. Frank Cresp, continued living in the oldcaravan until the dugout behind the church was ready tooccupy in 1967.

Much earlier residents would have fond memories ofpredecessor Fr. Bill Wauchope, who was the Catholic BushPriest from 1958 – 1964. Fr. Bill was based in Hawkerand at that time used an old Combie Van to administer topastoralist families and workers, fettler and highwayscamps in the outback until 1964 Fr. Frank Cresp replacedhim when he moved to Coober Pedy in 1965.

Catholic Priests have generally taken an active interest inoutback horse events, being an activity that hastraditionally combined much of the outback. Father FrankCresp along with Ron Gough, Ian Rankin, FrankTitheradge and Dick Nunn were the original founders ofthe Coober Pedy Amateur Racing Club.

To this day Father Frank Cresp has continued to sponsorthe Barrell Race (10 - 15 year old) at Coober Pedy’s annualRace Club meet.

Body worn video is being rolled out as part of theoperational equipment being used by South AustraliaPolice.

The state-wide implementation of the overt recordingdevices is starting with officers based at the Hindley StreetPolice Station in Adelaide’s CBD.

Following extensive research into equipment andappropriate storage options for the video content recordedby the cameras, SA Police began a procurement processlast year.

Now, up to 1000 body worn video cameras will beintroduced as part of standard policing equipment,providing an overt recording device to be attached tofrontline police officer’s uniforms at the start of eachshift.

The camera, attached to the police vest at the front of theshoulder, will be activated by the officer wearing it duringinteractions with the public.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Dickson said the keyobjectives for SA Police were to improve the safety offront line officers, improve productivity, provideappropriate evidence in judicial matters and increase publicconfidence.

“There will be a staged deployment of the cameras over athree year period,” he said.

“SA Police has invested considerable time and effortalready in this project to ensure that the gathering andstorage of this footage is appropriately managed.

“The experience of other agencies to date tells us that asan evidence gathering tool this technology can result inquicker resolution of both criminal matters and otherconflicts.

“Generally, the wearing of the video devices has alsoresulted in better behaviour from members of the publiconce they realise their actions are being recorded whichin turn results in a safer environment for the members ofthe public, innocent bystanders and the police.

“We know that these cameras are part of modern policing,providing an important two-dimensional record of eachinteraction.

“While they are not failsafe, we believe they are a valuableaddition to our technology which will improve the safetyof operational police.”

SPECIFICATIONS:* SAPOL are using the Edesix VB-320 recordingdevice* It is built from tough PVC, is water and dustresistant and able to withstand extremetemperature variations* It is compact, measuring 8.4cm x 6.2cm and 3cmthick and weighs only 100g* The camera lens is a wide angle capturing 130degrees* Captured video is fully encrypted and can onlybe downloaded via a specialised SAPOL dockingsystem* Once recorded original video cannot be viewed,edited or deleted on the camera by the user* The video will be uploaded into a specialised andsecure software package that is contained withinthe SAPOL records system

Opal miner Aurelia Krmac talks with Fr Frank whois sitting on the step of his caravan in 1965

Fr Frank Cresp baptises a baby in the newly builtunderground Catholic Church

Opal miners with Fr Frank Cresp (holding hand drill) at the entrance to thenew Church, being a work in progress at the time,1965

Body worn video coming to a police officer near you


See on Youtube

Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 5


Dear Editor,

I don't believe that DCCP will fully charge all of thebusinesses for their agreed power usage. Are some ofthose who have enjoyed free electricity over the yearswithout saying a word, part of the decision makingprocess in the background?

Some of the poorer residents are currently having theirpower disconnected while others enjoy free power giftedapparently by means of neglect? It is so shameful that wepeasants are expected to pay off power bills for thosewho seem to consider they are more entitled. And willthose in high places who kept quiet about it all of thoseyears continue to make our decisions? I say, if this is thecase - RESIGN!

Where else are you forced to pay a bill or“charges” that are not even itemised?

The so called more prominent individuals appear tomonopolise the monthly council meetings with their owndevelopment whims, while in my view also being in aposition of power to manipulate changes to those aroundthem accordingly!

In my opinion, the unprofessional standard of recording,maintaining and storing of documents and records hascontributed to the situation that Council now faces.

The CFS is currently looking for their allegedly missing$1000.00 prize from the 2016 Opal Parade! Council cannotfind the related documents and are unsure if they evenhanded the prize over! In my opinion this is more thanneglect, this is sloppy!

It can only benefit our progress to break up what appearsas a majority faction controlling the entire council andblocking equitable progress in our town! The Auditor-General is looking at Coober Pedy! Should we expectmore surprises?

I suggest it would be more noble, dignified, respectfuland quite accepted if all Council members just resignedand let an experienced administrator sort out what I seeas a deep cess-pool of dare I suggest, incompetence andself serving?

The sincere people who have invested their lives into thistown now need a reason to stay. Can anyone save atown that many consider to be dying a slow death at thehands of it’s long and short-term leaders?

Julie Knight

Business/Street L 80W 100 MV HPAirport Terminal ACC Church 1 Big Winch BP Bus Station CP Doctor’s Surgery CPARC Race Club DCCP Linesman Shed Desert Cave Underground Café Drive In 1 Dusty Mechanics Holly Crescent IGA Italian Club


Est totalCost ?

The questionsjust keep on



Now a forced tax on RATEPAYERSNow a forced tax on RATEPAYERSNow a forced tax on RATEPAYERSNow a forced tax on RATEPAYERSNow a forced tax on RATEPAYERS

LITTLE MINERS &THE OPAL EXPRESS!Friday the 5th of May saw in the beginning of 6 months

worth of Coober Pedy stops for the Great SouthernRail's iconic Ghan.

The Little Miners took a 42km trip out to the Manguri sidingto get a look at this rolling piece of central Australian heritage.

It's a great opportunity for local businesses to capture a fewtourist dollars. The Little Miners message, this issue is, "Keepan eye out for those big white buses every Friday".

"Welcome these guys and sell, sell, sell this town". CooberPedy has so much to offer and this is a great opportunity toshowcase our great little town!

Cutting an imposing figure across a baron landscape, the boyswere in awe of this massive machine. As the train sat idling ithissed periodically as built up air pressure in the compressorreleased. Xavier turned and explained "That's the air for thebrakes". Clever little miner.

The Ghan will be delivering an average of around 300 eagertourists to Coober Pedy every Friday for the next 6 months.Whilst there are a number of businesses on the official itinerarythe passengers are given free time to seek out their owninterests.

Little Miners Xavier & Xael watch the giant Ghan roll in Little Miner, Xavier standing on the Ghan track at Manguri

Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 6

Due diligence is an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract,or an act with a certain standard of care.

It can be a legal obligation, but the term will more commonly apply to voluntaryinvestigations.

A common example of due diligence in various industries is the process throughwhich a potential acquirer evaluates a target company or its assets for an acquisition.

The theory behind due diligence holds that performing this type of investigationcontributes significantly to informed decision making by enhancing the amount andquality of information available to decision makers and by ensuring that thisinformation is systematically used to deliberate in a reflexive manner on the decisionat hand and all its costs, benefits, and risks.

To the Editor

Can residents of Coober Pedy believethat over 6 years have now passed

since the Honourable JusticeMansfield handed down the NativeTitle claim on May the 11th, 2011 in

favour of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Native Title Claim

Group for land around and includingthe Township of Coober Pedy.

Unfortunately, “An Indigenous Land UseAgreement between William HerbertLennon Senior, Ian Crombie, David Brownand Jean Wood on behalf of the AntakirinjaMatu-Yankunytjatjara Native Title ClaimGroup and/or the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal Corporationand the State of South Australia and theDistrict Council of Coober Pedy (CooberPedy ILUA).” is today still far fromcompletion.

Government officers conceding thecomplexities and the issues raised in theirattempt to produce this Coober PedyILUA have been the cause for this lengthydelay. I am certain that the HonourableJustice Mansfield was not expecting sucha time delay that for over 6 years hasfrozen all dealings with Crown Landwithin the boundaries of the Coober PedyTownship.

As a Licensed Surveyor entrusted tocreate public roads over access tracksmaintained by the Council I was initiallytold that it would take 6 months for theproduction of the ILUA. Then informedof a delay caused by the governmentinability to fund the claimants’ solicitorand thus move the creation of the ILUAforward. The delays causing me to seekalternative arrangements to save thefieldwork and plan data. To this end,neither the government nor council willfinancially commit to a solution to savethese public road creation surveys.

Interestingly, an extract from MayorBaines Coober Pedy Council AnnualReport for 2012/13 tabled in the Houseof Assembly on May 6 2014 stated…TheNative Title negotiations concerning thelocal government area of Coober Pedy isall but finalised.

NATIVE TITLE 6 YEARS ONDevelopment still frozen in Coober Pedy!Development still frozen in Coober Pedy!Development still frozen in Coober Pedy!Development still frozen in Coober Pedy!Development still frozen in Coober Pedy!

Dear Editor,

I am a business owner on thecorner of Seventeen Mile Rd and

Hutchison St.

For many years now I have madecomplaints to DCCP about the floodingand damage these wrongly constructedroads are causing to my business andinconvenience to my guests who bringmuch needed business into this town,thus employment for families.

Nothing has changed over the yearsdespite surveyors and engineersassessing the road and determining theroads and drainage be fixed by CouncilWorks.

Water is forced directly into my TourismPark and Bulls Garage by the extremecurving surface of the arch of the roads.This water can quickly become a smallriver gushing the whole length of my parkwhich means at times I cannot usesections of my land as intended, tooperate my business.

The savage increases in fees and chargeswhereby the community now finds itselfpaying for security lighting andadvertising for the more privelegedsector of the town, signals that possiblycriminal mismanagement has been takingplace in our council.

I am now asking myself and my legaladvisors why am I paying so much tothe DCCP?

Your roads are clearly damaging theoperational entitlements and furtherdevelopment of my business.


Richard Abbott explaining to Debby Clee in front of the Experience Motelhow the GPS is used to locate features when surveying Hutchison Street


Westpac Foundation’s 200Community Grants now open

On 23rd December 2015 AttorneyGeneral Rau finally responded to aquestion asked by The Honourable JohnDarley, MLC in the Legislative Councilin 2013, as to the date from whichcompensation would be due to theclaimants for land. freehold Thedetermination date, being from theenactment of Prime Minster Whitlam’s1975 Racial Discrimination Act

In November 2016 I learnt that CrownLaw ceased work on the ILUA, as theNorthern Territory government appealeda Native Title compensation claim atTimber Creek. The appeal challenged theHonourable Justice Mansfield’s formulato determine the claimant’scompensation. While this appeal washeard in February I understand that thepublication of the appeal determination isstill some months away. Given the HighCourt outcome will affect the assessmentof all NT compensation claims it mayaffect the Coober Pedy ILUAcompensation claim amount.

Once this compensation claim is settledand before thean ILUA can be finalisedthe government must still negotiate NativeHeritage issues over sites alreadyidentified with in the Coober PedyTownship, these locations remainingsecret for fear of desecration.

On 22 November 2016 I spoke withAttorney General Rau at the ‘CountryCabinet’ Community Meeting at CooberPedy to express my concerns on the holdup in producing the ILUA.

This delay in producing an ILUA has alsonegated the processing of all applicationsto freehold crown land, which hasresulted in no dugout construction, thesubsequent loss of income for buildingsuppliers and trades.

Perhaps all residents in Coober Pedyshould now be seeking compensation dueto the economic impact caused by thegovernment’s tardy progress in deliveringthe Coober Pedy ILUA?

Richard AbbottLicensed Surveyor , Adelaide

While I calculate my losses caused bycouncil’s alleged mismanagement of publicroads at the northern end of town, I havedecided I will no longer be paying myCouncil Rates until work rectifying council’simpact on my business is carried out.

I also see Council has shut the water fillingstation in the north end of Hutchison St,again! This hinders tourists who need tofill up before checking in if they have beenunable to book a water site during their stayin Coober Pedy. We need a functioningcouncil that builds useful infrastructure thatwill add value to our efforts to runworthwhile businesses.

Why do you need a safari of caravansblocking traffic in Hutchison Street eachmorning, as they queue up to fill their waternext door to the council offices beforeleaving town?

The 17 Mile Road/Flat Hill Road by-pass isa much more streamline way for touristswith large vans or trailers to get back onthe highway, rather than negotiating theobstacles in Hutchison Street, particularlyat the roundabout and in front of council.

Questions: when was the new water fillingstation passed by council? I seem to recallCouncil spending about 140k to "beautify"councils offices. Is this how the moneywas spent and was this infrastructureincluded?

When will the northern end filling stationbe open again to encourage tourists to comedown the main street?

A workshop on Due DiligenceA workshop on Due Diligence for Elected Members was held on Wednesday

17th May at 9.00 am in the Council Chambers

If you are or know of a not-for-profitgrassroots community organisation givingopportunities to those who need it mostin our local community, nominate or applytoday via westpac.com.au/grants

Applications for WestpacFoundation’s 200 Community Grants

are now open, until 9 June.

Community Grants are $10,000 each andalso include non-financial support viaWestpac’s ‘More than Money’ program,

helping to maximise the social impact andsustainability of grantees.

M. Mackay

Sincerely,George Russell O.A.M.

Coober Pedy

Page 7 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017


Celebrating 30Years of the

DCCPFollowing a referendum that returned a 84% vote

against it, the District Council of Coober Pedy(DCCP), undeterred, came into being at the

beginning of 1987.

Most people preferred the Coober Pedy Progress andMiners Association (CPPMA) to the laws and regulationsof full local government. They were assured that thechange would mean more effective management withgreater accountability and greater access to governmentfunding.

The first Council members were CPPMA committeemembers and were twelve in number. At the next electionit went to 1 Mayor and 8 Councillors.

I wonder what the vote in a referendum would be now inlight of 30 years DCCP local government.Regards,Sue Britt

Photo shows some of the first Councillors with inaugural Mayor John Thrower and CEO Neville Hyatt, 1987L-R Cr Geoff Ferguson, Cr Peter Chrisakis, Neville Hyatt (CEO), Cr John Smith, Cr Boro Rapaic,John Thrower (Mayor), Cr Ralph Adamo, Cr Steve Marjanovic and Peter Schar.Out of town were Councillors: Frank Pennisi, Arthur Gouletsas, Peter & Sieglinde Bruhns and George Floros.

The first Council members were CPPMA committeemembers and were twelve in number.


in 1986 Coober Pedy Progress &Miners Association 1920-1986

was dissolved, andconsequently ‘became’ the

District Council of Coober Pedy.

Editor’s NoteEditor’s NoteEditor’s NoteEditor’s NoteEditor’s NoteMargaret MackayMargaret MackayMargaret MackayMargaret MackayMargaret Mackay

No. 57 of 1986An Act to amend the Coober Pedy (Local

Government Extension) Act, 1981.[Assented to 2 October 1986]

The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows:

Short title.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the “Coober Pedy (LocalGovernment Extension) Act Amendment Act, 1986".(2) The Coober Pedy (Local Government Extension) Act,1981, is in this Act referred to as “the principal Act”.Commencement.

2. (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act shall come intooperation on a day to be fixed by proclamation.(2) Section 6 shall come into operation on assent.Repeal of long title and substitution of new title.

3. The long title to the principal Act is repealed and thefollowing long title is substituted:An Act to provide for the dissolution of the Coober PedyProgress and Miners’ Association Incorporated and thetransfer of its operations to the District Council of CooberPedy; and for other purposes.Amendment of s.3- Interpretation.

4. Section 3 of the principal Act is amended-(a) by striking out the definitions of “allotment” and “thearea”; and(b) by striking out the definitions of “council” and“owner” and substituting the following definition:“the council” means the District Council of Coober Pedy.Repeal of ss. 4 to 12 (inclusive) and substitution of new sections.

5. Sections 4 to 12 (inclusive) of the principal Act arerepealed and the following sections are substituted:Dissolution of the Association.

4. (1) The Association is dissolved. (2) The following provisions apply on the dissolutionof the Association-(a) all real and personal property vested in or belongingto the Association immediately before its dissolution shallvest in and belong to the council;




(b) all the rights and liabilities of the Association shallvest in or attach to the council;(e) all the moneys of the Association and the accounts inwhich those moneys were kept immediately before itsdissolution shall vest in the council;(d) (i) all claims, actions and proceedings which but forthe dissolution of the Association could have been madeor commenced by or against the Association may bemade or commenced by or against the council in allrespects as if the Association had not been dissolved andthe council were the Association;and(ii) all claims, actions and proceedings which before thedissolution of the Association had been made orcommenced by or against the Association may becontinued by or against the council in all respects as ifthe Association had not been dissolved and the councilwere the Association (and the name of the council shallbe substituted for the name of the Association in anysuch claim, action or proceedings);(e) the person holding the office of Executive Officer ofthe Association immediately before its dissolution shallbe deemed to have been duly appointed as the chiefexecutive officer of the council under the provisions ofthe Local Government Act, 1934;and(f) all persons employed by the Association immediatelybefore its dissolution shall be deemed to be employed bythe council under the same terms and conditions ofemployment as they were employed by the Associationand the service of those persons with the Associationshall be deemed to be service with the council.(3) The provisions of the Local Government Act, 1934,with such modifications as may be prescribed byregulation, shall apply in relation to all charges levied bythe Association that remain unpaid at the time of theAssociation’s dissolution as if the charges where ratesimposed by the council under the Local Government Act,1934.

(4) Any by-law made by the Association and that remainsin force immediately before its dissolution shall be deemedto be a bylaw made by the council under and in accordancewith the Local Government Act, 1934.(5) The Registrar-General shall, on the application of thecouncil and the production of such duplicate instrumentsof title and other documents as the Registrar-General mayrequire, register the vesting of any estate or interest inland in the council that occurs by virtue of this section.(6) No fees or stamp duty are payable in respect of anapplication made under subsection (5).Service of members of Committee of the Association.

5. If-(a) immediately before the dissolution of the Associationa person was a member of the Committee of Managementof the Association;and(b) the person is appointed as a first member of the council,the person shall, for the purposes of the Local GovernmentAct, 1934, be deemed to have held office as a member ofa council constituted under that Act for the period duringwhich he or she was a member of the Committee.Expiry of Act.

6. This Act shall expire on a day to be fixed byproclamation.Amendment of constitution.

6. The constitution of the Coober Pedy Progress andMiners’ Association Incorporated is amended-(a) by striking out subparagraphs (3) and (4) of paragraph5 and substituting the following subparagraph:(3) The members of the Committee holding office on 1October, 1986, shall continue to hold office until section5 of the Coober Pedy (Local Government Extension) ActAmendment Act, 1986, comes into operation.;(b) by striking out paragraph 8;and(e) by striking out subparagraphs (1) and (2) of paragraph 9.

In the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, I hereby assentto this Bill.D. B. DUNSTAN, Governor


At the next election it went to 1 Mayor and 8 Councillors,John Thrower lost and Eric Malliotis was elected as Mayor.

Page 8 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017

30 YEARS AGO - 1987Way back when the Council communicated directly with the community,

and the community were not afraid to have their say either

Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 9

Flash back to Coober Pedy’s first Council in 1987 -Up until recently council communicated informationdirectly to the community, and the residents were notafraid to have their say either - all together in the one pot.

These days when residents and even the State Governmenthave their say in the local newspaper, the local councilappear prepared to blatantly boycott the people’s press!

Is council playing hide & seek with information?Since last last July it would seem fair to say, there hasbeen NO legible or useful information released to theCoober Pedy community from the council.

After a season of well deserved bad publicity, councilseem to sulk and now avoid using the newspaper foranything more than a statutory requirement. Councilinformation is rarely found in the same place twice,

displaying a total lack of regard for the residents andratepayers needs and expectations of where they normallyexpect to find their news!

Council are now saying that they will publish their ownnews 4 times per year inside Rates Notices. If you donot pay rates then you will need to work out how to findinformation for yourself.

The Coober Pedy Regional Times is now into what itbelieves is its second boycott by the council since 2013when councilors and mayors have appeared to takeumbrage (aggrieved, affronted, annoyed, angry,indignant, resentful) over so-called bad publicity resultingin negative action against the residents who use thenewspaper, or lobby the editor in their quest for a fair go,or at least voice their opinion.

For the second time, the town has had to watch whileour seemingly vindictive leaders undermine the localnewspaper, or as some have suggested try to damage thebusiness (surely not?) We have heard the justificationsbefore - debatably cheaper for example!

Surely the overwhelming expense of the previous“newletter” exercise was enough to teach our wastefulcouncil that fake news serves no purpose other than tocontinue the wastefulness. Despite many requests it wasnever revealed to the public exactly how much it cost ourtown for the council to photocopy thousands of colourpropaganda sheets, repair photocopy machines, and payRicoh a charge on each sheet. Not to mention the team ofpaid collators, while most of the organisations in townwere allegedly shredding the offensive disinformation.

Boycotting the newspaper did not close down the freepress before, and it will not close it down this time.

An enlightened organisation would take the bad press anduse it to improve the culture of the organisation and showrespect that the media provides a voice for vulnerable residents.

March 1987

By Margaret Mackay

PUBLIC NOTICES & CLASSIESSee page 2 for Rates, Deadlines & Publishing Dates

Page 10 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017

Location with viewsOriginally built 1920’s




2017 Coober Pedy Circuits

April Pipalyatjara 3 April RegistryFregon 4 April AJO –

Mimili 5 AprilIndulkana 6 April

May Coober Pedy 22 May 25 May

June Ernabella 5 Jun RegistryAmata 6 Jun AJO -

Mimili 7 JunIndulkana 8 Jun

July Coober Pedy 24 Jul 27 Jul

August Ernabella 7 Aug RegistryFregon 8 Aug AJO –

Mimili 9 AugIndulkana 10 Aug

September Coober Pedy 25 Sep 28 Sept

October Pipalyatjara 9 Oct RegistryAmata 10 Oct AJO –Mimili 11 OctIndulkana 12 Oct

November Coober Pedy 27 Nov 30 Nov

December Ernabella 11 Dec RegistryFregon 12 Dec AJO -Mimili 13 DecIndulkana 14 Dec

The Coober PedyCatholic Church

celebrates 50 years of the opening ofSs. Peter and Paul underground

church on Thursday the 29th of Junewith Bishop Greg O'Kelly and the

priests of the Diocese along with allwho wish to attend at the 5:30 pm


Saturday the 1st July we will haveMass at 6:30pm with the Bishop andthen a dinner at the Croatian Club

for any and all who wish to celebratethe Anniversary.

Sunday morning Mass at 10:00 amwith Bishop Greg O'Kelly when we

will celebrate Confirmation and FirstEucharist (Holy Communion) with

the children followed by a lightbrunch at the Parish Dugout.

Ph: (08) 8361 9148Fax: (08) 8239 1125

[email protected]

PO Box 3097,Melbourne Street,

North AdelaideSA 5006

Featured in a post card, ex show home. Professionally renovated.3 bedrooms (hey dig more!) This secure family home has too many features

to list. All furniture, electricals etc included.Asking 135K. Tel 0419032071

“In Coober Pedy 1300 premises will ‘go live’ while in Roxby Downs 2600 premiseswill have NBN services available,” he said.

“The rollout work in both towns was started in November last year. This is thebiggest civil project ever attempted in Australia and despite the fact that it was intatters when we came to government with the WA and SA contactors in default,the government has pulled it back into shape and it is now meeting all of itsprojections.

The NBN’s high-speed broadband services are fast and reliable, enabling house-holds and smalls businesses to be more productive and better connected for yearsto come.”

The fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) services will deliver maximum wholesale speedsto retail services providers of up to 100Mbps (download) and up to 40Mbps(upload).

Anyone interested in more information about the NBN is invited to attend infor-mation sessions being held in May hosted by the NBN-

Monday 22 MayCoober Pedy Business ForumMud Hut Motel - St Nicholas Street, Coober Pedy7pm to 9pm

Tuesday 23 MayCoober Pedy community information sessionCoober Pedy Post Office - Hutchison Street, Coober PedyDrop in anytime between 2pm and 6pm, no appointment necessary

Friday 26 Maynbn™ network goes live !

NBN to Go Live in CooberPedy and Roxby Downs

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased toannounce the communities of Coober Pedy and also

Roxby Downs will be able to be connected tofast reliable NBN broadband on May 26.

NBN fibre to node being rolled out in Coober Pedy in August 2016


Soulmate of Katrina (Kat)So many of our dreams left unfinished.

"I love you - I love you more"Dearly loved by all our families

Service to be held at45 Flinders Highway on Friday May

26th 2017 at 11:00amPort Kenny

South Australia

NORTON: Graeme (Wally)Passed away May 19th 2017


Page 11 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017



The family of the late Panayiotis(Peter) ALEXOPOULOSWish to thank everyone most

sincerely for their kind sympathy andsupport during their recent

Bereavement.Your gentle sympathy and practical

Kindness and support will beremembered with great affection and

gratitude.Maria would like to offer a

Special thank you to the followingpeople:

Robin and Boro Rapaic, TracyHarris, Family of Effie Korbetis,

Zara Kyrtzaliotis, the GreekOrthodox Community in Coober Pedy,

the ambulance staff and staff atCoober Pedy Hospital



Live, work and enjoy the best regional South Australia has to offer!

Careers in Child ProtectionAboriginal Family PractitionerDepartment For Child ProtectionCoober PedyTemporary Role Available Until 11/05/2018Vac No: 2017-19905$60,019 - $73,661 p.a. (AHP1)The Aboriginal Family Practitioner is accountable to the Supervisor, Kinship Care for supporting, training and educating Kinship Carers in practical day to day care while monitoring and supporting kinship care placements and achieving a high quality service in the engagement of Aboriginal families. You will assist in the development and implementation of a holistic culturally based service that provides specialised and innovative services while developing and maintaining effective working relationships with the Aboriginal community and other key stakeholders in order to achieve quality outcomes for Aboriginal families and their children.

People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply.

For further information about the role and to submit your application please visit: www.childprotection.sa.gov.au/work-with-us

Enquiries to: Rosanne Farrington, Ph: (08) 8207 8926

Applications close 11pm Wednesday, 24 May 2017



Mining Act 1971Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant Exploration Licences over the areas described below.

Applicant: Teck Australia Pty LtdLocation: Tallaringa area - approx. 120 km

west of Coober PedyTerm: Two years Area in km2: 215Reference No: 2017/00031

Applicant: Teck Australia Pty LtdLocation: Tallaringa area - approx.110 km

southwest of Coober Pedy Term: Two years Area in km2: 209Reference No: 2017/00032

Plans and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website: http://www.minerals.dpc.sa.gov.au/exploration/public_notices or by contacting Mineral Tenements on 08 8463 3103.

Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: http://www.minerals.dpc.sa.gov.au/land_access/community_information or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements.

J Martin Mining Registrar Department of the Premier and Cabinet Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy



Energy efficiencygrants available

The state government has createda $31 million program for energyefficiency audits and upgrades.

The program is open to large energyusers – over 160MWh/year.

Grants are available for 75 per cent ofthe cost of audits (up to $15,000) and50 percent (up to $75,000) for upgradessuch as solar, power factor connectionand replacement of equipment.

Funding for efficiency upgrades isavailable without having an audit, butyou will require a business casejustification for the upgrade.

For more information phone: 0407 775868 or email [email protected] Close: 31 May 2017

Westpac Foundation’s200 CommunityGrants now open

Applications for WestpacFoundation’s 200 Community

Grants are now open, until 9 June.

Community Grants are $10,000 eachand also include non-financial supportvia Westpac’s ‘More than Money’program, helping to maximise the socialimpact and sustainability of grantees.

If you are or know of a not-for-profitgrassroots community organisationgiving opportunities to those who needit most in our local community,nominate or apply today viawestpac.com.au/grants


Wendy Brown (Kutjib.c. 1958 d.22.04.16 (58 yrs)

(bur.) MimiliDearly missed by family and friends

B.C. Trueman (1 yr on)Grants to boostinvestment in recycling

and wasteinfrastructure

Grant funding is available forinfrastructure projects that will

boost investment in SouthAustralia’s resource recovery and

recycling industry.

Local councils and businesses in thewaste and resource recovery sector canapply for up to $150,000 toward inno-vative projects that divert recyclablematerial from landfill; up to $300,000 willbe available for large-scale regionalprojects.

The funding, offered by Green Indus-tries SA, is part of a three-year $12 mil-lion programme aimed at increasing thecapacity of recycling systems and re-processing infrastructure.

The grants will assist companies, localauthorities and organisations to install in-frastructure and provide innovative ap-proaches to increase the recovery of re-sources and reduce the amount of wastesent to landfill each year.

In the most recent round of recyclinginfrastructure grants, the Governmentawarded $2.88 million to 19 projects ex-pected to generate 67 jobs.

Applications for infrastructure fundingare open until Friday 23 June 2017. Thegrant guidelines and application form areat www.greenindustries.sa.gov.au (clickon ‘Funding’).

The previous grants funding roundhelped create 67 jobs across the Statewhile also improving waste infrastruc-ture.




South Australia is endeavouring tolead the development of new

nationally consistent laws, that willstem the supply of chemicals used to

manufacture crystalmethamphetamine (ice).

Minister for Police Pete Malinauskas willtoday call on Federal Justice MinisterMichael Keenan, to appoint SA as thenational lead in the development of newnationally consistent regulations.

The control of chemicals used in theproduction of ice vary across Australia.Since 2014, the Law, Crime andCommunity Safety Committee (LCSCC)have been working to introduce a nationalregulatory regime. The Committee meetstoday in Melbourne.

SA Police (SAPOL) has alreadyundertaken a comprehensive review ofcross jurisdictional controls on ‘precursorchemicals’ and are ready to develop andtrial regulations that could be adopted at anational level.

Stemming the supply of the chemicalsused to manufacture methamphetaminewill have a considerable impact on thevolume of methamphetamine beingproduced in Australia.

Combatting the rise of ice within thecommunity is a key priority for the SouthAustralian Government.

In February 2017 the Premier appointedan Ice Taskforce, charged withdeveloping a rapid response to the growingimpact of ice within the community.

Currently the regulation of ‘precursorchemicals’ is the responsibility ofindividual States and Territories.

In South Australia the sale and possessionof precursor chemicals used in theproduction of controlled drugs sits withinthe Controlled Substances Act 1984.

The Law, Crime and Community SafetyCouncil (LCCSC) assists the Council ofAustralian Governments (COAG) bydeveloping a national and trans-Tasmanfocus on fighting crime and promotingbest practice in law, criminal justice andcommunity safety.

Minister for Police, Pete Malinauskas,"Ice use has grown at a rapid rate acrossAustralia, and is causing more damagethan any other illicit drug in history."

"Through the Ice Taskforce a range ofrecommendations are being developed tocounter the growth of methamphetaminein SA. Blocking the availability ofchemicals is critical to reducing thevolume of ice available on our streets."

"Today I will be calling on the FederalJustice Minister to appoint SA to lead thedevelopment of new laws, which willsignificantly hinder the methamphetaminesupply chain."

"SAPOL has already undertaken asignificant review of national regulations,and we are ready to act. Disabling themanufacture of ice means that less ofthe drug will be available, prices will rise,further reducing consumption."

Use “FAST” to remember andrecognise the signs of stroke:Face – Has the person’s mouthdrooped?Arms – Can they lift both arms?Speech – Is their speech slurred?Do they understand you?

Page 12 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017


Check that your entries are stillcurrent

Story timeLions club9:00 am till 10:00 amAny age welcome

Lions clubWater safety program11.30am till 12.30pmStory timeLions club9:00 am till 10:00 amAny age welcome

Lions clubWater safety program11.30am till 12.30pm24 months to 36 months

TWIGHLIGHT GOLF with asocial ambrose 3 – 6 holecompetition from 6pm

CP SHOOTERS CLUB7pm Friday night Clay TargetShotgun

SUNDAYSPlay GymWhen Pool closes


What’s OnWhat’s OnWhat’s OnWhat’s OnWhat’s On in the COOBER PEDYCOMMUNITY? & Visiting Services


CATACOMB Church Serviceand Sunday School 9:30amSunday. Bus pickup available.Ph 8672 5038

CP SHOOTERS CLUBNo shooting over the holidaysbut pre-arranged shooting willtake place.

Ring John DiDonna on0427649389 or Susy Chapmanon 0401092264 to book a time ..


20172017201720172017Term 1: 30 January - 13 April

Term 2: 1 May - 7 July

National Walk Safely toSchool - Friday 19 May 2017

Term 3: 24 July - 29 Sept

Term 4: 16 Oct - 8 Dec

Active Girls Group 3:15-5:00pm; Ages 8-17 (SophieReynolds)


Wednesday-Links 11:00 –2:00pm Ages 17 and older(Sophie Reynolds)

GREEK CLUB - Bingo 7.30 pm

Coober Pedy Scrabble7.30pm United Club .All skill levels welcome

AA Meeting7 pm Catholic ChurchPh no. 1800222222

Late Night Fridays 6:00 –10:00pm; 11-17(SophieReynolds)

Active Boys Group 3:15-5:00pm; Ages 8-17 (SophieReynolds)

GREEK HALL - WINTERCharcoal BBQ & Salad7pm every FRIDAY night

The next State electionwill be held on 17

March 2018



The next Local Councilelections will take placeduring November 2018

What’s OnEnquiries

[email protected]

telephone 86725920

IncorporatingWaters & Younger

Ph: 8291 2111 AdelaidePh: 8672 5979 Coober Pedy

Fax: 8291 2101

Mob: Richard 0422 428 850 [email protected]

Mob: Kezia 0414 522 [email protected]

2017 Visits to2017 Visits to2017 Visits to2017 Visits to2017 Visits toCoober PedyCoober PedyCoober PedyCoober PedyCoober Pedy

30 January - 8 February27 February - 3 March19 - 28 April29 May - 2 June

13 - 28 July14 - 18 August4 - 15 September16 - 28 October13 - 24 November4 - 8 December (to be confirmed)

Income tax returns lodged electronically for aprompt refund (within 14 days subject to ATO)

We also specialize in providing sound, practicalaccounting & taxation advice to individuals,families, businesses & SMSF’s

Other services provided –• preparation & lodgment of business activitystatements (BAS)• registration for ABN’s, GST and Tax FileNumbers• establishing new companies, superannuationfunds (SMSF) and trusts• superannuation advice• tax planning• preparation of budgets• general business advice• auditing• capital gains tax information, advice &record-keeping• estate planning (Wills etc)

CFS TRAINING Monday eachfortnight 7-9 pm. Call Wayne Borrett0439881049

Peer Support GroupYouth shed9:00 am till 10:00 amAny age welcome

Youth shedWater safety program10.30pm till 11.30pm36 months and up


Baby bounce10:00amlibrary

Contact the library staff on86724634Parent Education & SkillsGroup11:30 am till 1:30 pmAny ageWelcome

Lions clubLunch provided


Little Musicians10:30 am till 11:15 amStarts term 2Any age welcomeCoober Pedy Area SchoolMeet at officeWater safety program11.45am till 12.45pm12 months to 24 months

Coober PedyArea SchoolSwimming Pool

Community playgroup9am till 10:30amLibrary board room thenterm 2 in new kindy


Drop in Centre; 11:00 – 2:00;Ages 8-17 (Sophie Reynolds)

MINE RESCUE/SES Training(Alternate Saturdays)0427725446

CP SHOOTERS CLUBNo shooting over the holidaysbut pre-arranged shooting willtake place.Ring John DiDonna on0427649389 or Susy Chapmanon 0401092264 to book a time .

CROATION CLUBHappy HourSaturdays 6-7pm


COMMUNITYThe Coober Pedy Regional Times

will record a passing if we hearabout it, and particularly wherefamilies choose to have their

relative acknowledged

Page 13 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017


BOLAND BACKHOE SERVICESLocal family business with a Tip truck, backhoe and bobcatwith auger attachment for hire at reasonable rates. Availablefor hire to mining companies and pastoral properties

Contact Ken or NolaHome phone (08) 86723451Ken’s Mobile 0417828186

John’s Pizza Bar& Restaurant

OPEN 7 DAYS 10AM - LATE10% Discount for PensionersPh:08 8672 5561 Fax:08 8672 5537Email: [email protected] Street opposite Desert Cave Hotel

Located in IGA MALL





AccommodationOasis Tourist Park

RestaurantsJohn’s Pizza BarOutback Bar & Grill

Opal ShopsJust OpalsSeven Stones Jewellers

Fuel OutletsOpal Miner’s EnterprisesBulls Garage

Other ServicesBridgestone TyresMik Lee @ BullsBoland Backhoe ServicesCoober Pedy Glass WorksMcArdle’s Freight

ClubsReturned Soldiers LeagueGreek CommunityAustralian Italo Miner’s ClubCroation Club

EMERGENCY NUMBERS:Ambulance, Fire and Police - 000National Security Hotline: 1800123400

Police StationsCoober Pedy: 08 86725056Marla: 86707020Oodnadatta: 86707805

Coober Pedy Hospital 08 86725009

Coober Pedy School 08 86725077

District Council Coober Pedy: 86724600

Australia Post:Coober Pedy: 86725062Marla: 86707001Mintabie: 86705000Oodnadatta: 86707819


















• Fuel Gas Refills • General Engineering & Light Fabrication• Industrial & Hardware Supplies • Filters all types • Hydraulic Fittings

• Oils • Bearings • V Belts • Hosing • Air Fittings • Trailer Parts• Safety Gear • Chain Blocks • Slings • Rigging Gear • Cigweld Agent

OME OPENING HOURS:Mon - Fri 7.00am - 5.00pm

Sat 7.00am - 1.00pm; Sun Closed CHEAP FUEL

Searle Trading Pty Ltd/ Opal Miners' EnterprisesLot 1299 Old Water Tank Rd, Coober Pedy SA 5723

Phone: (08) 86725830 ABN: 44 761 266 367

The Opal Capital of the World

TTTTTourourourourourisisisisist Pt Pt Pt Pt ParararararkkkkkCoober Pedy 08 86 725 691

BULLS GARAGEOn-site Service Centre

*Phone: 86 725 036

Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 14

By Margaret Mackay

Coober Pedy residents have been watching withgreat interest as a new shed is erected at the

McArdle Frieght Depot in Flat Hill Road.

Brian McArdle director of the freight company said theirnew shed 30 mt long 18 mt wide 6 metre high shed willallow the staff to drive in and unload freight under cover.

“It’s an all-weather shed, and the trucks will drive in onconcrete, when I can get some concreters up here. All upit will be much more professional”, said Brian.

“The cost of the shed is around the quarter of a milliondollar mark”, Brian told us quietly. “I’ll certainly be gonebefore it’s paid off so the kids will have to deal with it’,he laughed!

The shed has plenty of breeze-way options in the summerwith 4 x 5 metre Rolla Doors. It houses a Cold Roomand is fitted out with LED lights. The shed walls androof are fully insulated with 55ml thick, silver-backedinsulation.

Brian said they hope to do a little landscaping in the futureand will install 2 x 30KL water tanks to catch the waterthat will run off the roof.

Brian McArdle is probably more of a ‘local’ than most ofthe regulars living in Coober Pedy today.

The McArdle family have been involved in Coober Pedysince Brian’ father Ross McArdle took up a position asBus and Transport depot manager at Coober Pedy in 1972

Ross later built the first caravan park in Coober Pedy andserved wholeheartedly on the local Progress and MinersAssociation until it was transformed into a council in 1987.

Ross was also one of the instigators alongside BillMcDougall in getting a St Johns Ambulance based inCoober Pedy. He later became the Secretary Administratorof the Coober Pedy Hospital.

Brian McArdle is one of Ross and Iris McArdle’s fourchildren Brian, Alan, Gwenda and Colin. Brian was alwaysaround trucks and became more involved with truckingaround the age of 16

Providing a first class freight service to Coober Pedy andthe outback also involves Brian and his wife Lyn and theirchildren Tamara, Travis and Jarrod McArdle.

Currently McArdles Freight Service runs 6 double roadtrains to Coober Pedy each week. One of those continueson to Oodnadatta and every second week to William Creek.Although sometimes the run requires a round trip withthe road train, and so it goes to both towns.

Another one of those weekly road trains continues on toMarla and Mintabie on a Friday.

In addition McArdles have a triple road train that runsweekly to Darwin and to all places in between.

In other words McArdle’s Freight have got the outbackcovered!

The beneficiary of the old shed is the Coober Pedy GlidingClub. The shed was donated to the club by the McArdles,on the proviso that they remove it.

We are now looking forward to seeing the progress ofthe Gliding Club now that they have a ‘new’ shed..

McArdle’s Freight have got theMcArdle’s Freight have got theMcArdle’s Freight have got theMcArdle’s Freight have got theMcArdle’s Freight have got theoutback covered!outback covered!outback covered!outback covered!outback covered!

Brian McArdle Director of McArdle’s Freight

View of the shed showng the 55ml thick insultation in progress, and the drive-in doorways

McArdle’s road train pulling up at the PinkRoadhouse in Oodnadatta. A welcome

sight for the locals

The shed will be a work in progress for a little whileto come but this is the overall effect now that the

body of the structure is complete

Page 15 Coober Pedy Regional Times Thursday 18 May 2017


We asked that $250,000 bequarantined from the profits ofthe sale of the family home and

exempted from the AgedPension means test.

Older Australians could keep this moneyto pay for essentials such as health andaged care as they grew even older – andkeep their part or full pension, and theconcessions that go with them.

Around one in four National Seniors’members have told us they live inunsuitable houses – they are too big, tooexpensive to maintain, or even unsafe ifyour mobility is compromised.

Our aim was to help those olderAustralians who most needed it – the oneson part and full aged pensions, that topout at $888pf for a single person and$1339.40pf for a couple, includingsupplements.

The government's initiative is more aboutsuperannuation than downsizing. It’scomplex and relies on the transfer ofsurplus sales proceeds intosuperannuation.

That money will then be considered forthe means test. So those who want todownsize will lose some, most, or all oftheir pension depending on the calculations.

That was a key reason why many home-owning pensioners were staying put beforethe budget, and it’s hard to see how thatwill change because of this initiative.There’s also the added issue of stamp dutycosts, which vary from state to state.But here’s a couple of scenarios.

A single pensioner in a house worth$870,000 (the Melbourne median houseprice is $850,000) sells and downsizes toa $320,000 single bedroom unit. Theymake $550,000 on the sale and would beable to put $300,000 into a super account,leaving $250,000 cash.

The Coober Pedy Shooters Club Would Like toWelcome All the New Shooters To Our Club


Shotgun Shoot BracketAir PistolSponsored Allan & Ngaere DawsonFriday 21st AprilWinners Congratulation to1st Dale Price Scored 4382nd Chris Warrior Scored 4033rd John Di Donna Scored 334

BracketAir PistolSponsored Allan & Ngaere DawsonFriday 28th AprilWinners Congratulation to1st John Di Donna Scored 4072nd Dale Price Scored 4003rd Harley Staines Scored 170

Pistol Shoot Bracket 20/20Sponsored Umoona Opal Mine & MuseumSaturday 22 AprilWinners Congratulation to:1st Alex Trouptsis Scored 162.5 (.22)2nd Dale Price Scored 147 (9mm)3rd Baldeep Singh Scored 138.5 (.22)

Results Bracket Drop Down TargetsCongratulation to:1st Dale Price Scored 30 (perfect score)2nd John Di Donna Scored 21

Pistol Shoot Bracket 20/20Sponsored Umoona Opal Mine & Museum Saturday 29th AprilWinners Congratulation to:1st Dale Price Scored 179.2 (.22)2nd Chris Warrior Scored 159 (.22)3rd Harley Staines Scored 137.1 (.22)

Results Bracket Drop Down TargetsCongratulation to:1st Dale Price Scored 292nd Chris Warrior Scored 263rd John Di Donna Scored 21

Results Rifle Rim fire Shoot50m/100m Rapid FireSponsored AU Internet & Computer ServicesSunday 23rd AprilWinners Congratulation to:1st Dale Price Scored 91/912nd Simon Giumelli Scored 94/783rd John Di Donna Scored 74.2/77

Results Rifle Rim fire Shoot50m/100m Rapid FireSponsored AU Internet & Computer ServicesSunday 30th AprilWinners Congratulation to:1st Tina Boyd Scored 86/772nd James Michie Scored 84/583rd John Di Donna Scored 84/48

‘DOWNSIZING’ POLICY OVER-LOOKS THE MOST NEEDYNational Seniors’ Rightsizing proposal was pretty straightforward.

This puts them over the pension threshold,without considering any non-home assets(e.g. car and furniture). They would needto earn a return of 4.25% pa on their$550,000 in super and cash just to replacethe pension (now $23,096pa, includingsupplements, with no tax payable), andthat’s a tall order in today’s economicclimate. They’d also lose the pensionconcession card, which is worth $2-3,000pa.

Now let's look at a different example. Acouple who are self-funded retirees havemore than $821,500 in non-home assetsso are not eligible for a pension. They areasset rich because they have a home worth$2.4 million. They downsize to a unit worth$1.8 million. They can add a further$600,000 in proceeds from the sale to theirsuper, taking it to a total of $1,421,500.The minimum income they allowed to drawis $71,075 pa, with no tax payable.

They are winners, but hardly living a lifeof luxury.

One estimate I saw in post-Budget analysisestimated 10,000 homeowners may takeadvantage of the new scheme each year.That's a fraction of the number ofpensioners in Australia who would be helpedby a genuine downsizing policy.

National Seniors believes it’s good to haveincentives for Australians to better fundtheir retirement. But as you can see fromour examples above, this policy is hardly agame-changer.

At the same time, some full and part-pensioners may look at this as a significantdisincentive to downsize.

National Seniors will continue to campaignfor a genuine downsizing policy and withalmost two million pensioners who arehomeowners, this is a policy the FederalGovernment needs to get right.

Ian HenschkeChief AdvocateNational Seniors Australia0418 815 319

Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 16

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey haswelcomed Treasurer Scott Morrison’s second Budgetand said the Government remains on target to bringto deliver a surplus by 2021.

“There are a number of Budget announcements whichwill directly affect people living in Grey and I am pleasedwith further funding for programs that we have done verywell in recent times,” he said.

“There is solid investment in roads funding with $6.5mfor upgrades of the Oodnadatta Track and a further $10munder Roads to Recovery funding for local councils.

Rowan said he is pleased of the confirmed contributionof the works being undertaken on the Oodnadatta Trackin the Budget totalling more than $6m.

Two projects on the Oodnadatta Track are:

· $3,250,000 will go toward the Oodnadatta track50km – 75km south east of Oodnadatta. The work willinvolve forming and sheeting of targeted sections withcrushed rocks. Sheeting will be 150mm-200mm in depthwith 23 metre formation having carriageway width of 9metres and table drains on each side of the road. Workscheduled to be completed this month.

· $3,300,000 This work is located on the OodnadattaTrack from the township to approx. 46km south east6 ofthe town.

· The work will involve forming and sheeting oftargeted sections with crushed rocks. Sheeting will be150mm-200mm in depth with 23 metre formation havingcarriageway width of 9 metres and table drains on eachside of the road. Work scheduled to be completed inJune.

Councils will be very pleased our voice has been heardand the budget re-instates the SA only Suplementary LocalRoads Program with an allocation of $40m over the nexttwo years.

Even more importantly indexation of the FinancialAssistance Grants to councils will be restored. As regionalMP's, Tony Pasin the Member for Barker and I havefought hard for these outcomes and they will greatly pleaseour local councils,” he said.

“The announcement of the $472m Regional Growth Fundincluding a further $200m for the Building Better Regionsprogram will provide a great many new opportunities forour communities.”

“There will be $272m allocated under the Regional GrowthFund to drive major projects of $10m or more, enablingrural communities to unlock opportunity and potential andthere will be another three rounds of the StrongerCommunities Program.”

“Mr Ramsey said farmers will be apply for drought loansthrough a new national Regional Investment Corporationinstead of the difficult process they have dealt with beforein SA with PIRSA managing the process.

"We have all been perplexed as to why farmers interstatehave been able to access these loans but farmers in thisstate cannot. This will level the playing field,” he said.“I was very pleased to see the $20,000 instant tax write-offs for small business with turnovers up to $10m extendedfor another twelve months. This has been an enormouslypopular measure and is driving local investment."

Mr Ramsey said the inclusion of $110m to support theestablishment of a solar thermal plant in Port Augusta iswelcome news, backing up the Government's commitmentto this project made during the election.

“Doctors will be very pleased indexation of the Medicarerebate will be restored,” he said.

“A billion dollars has been allocated to Landcare and theGovernment is investing in three pumped hydro projectsaround Australia including a feasibility study into one inPort Augusta.”

Summary of 2017 Budget for theFederal Seat of Grey

Coober Pedy Liberalcommittee AGM

Local Liberal Party AGM chaired by RowanRamsey while he was in town, attended byMember of the South Australian LegislativeCouncil Andrew McLachlan - New Liberalcommittee members are Ann Haydon,Ronda Michell, Paul Howard

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey was inCoober Pedy recently to attend an AGM of the localLiberal Party. Mr. Ramsey took the opportunity tomeet with some members of council and to look

over the new hybrid power plant.

“I visited a number of sites including council where I metwith the Mayor, CEO and some individual councillors,”he said.

“On this visit I was accompanied by Member of the SouthAustralian Legislative Council Andrew McLachlan

“I discussed a wide range of issues with councilrepresentatives and then was able to tour the new electricitygeneration facility with Electricity Developments Ltd(EDL).

“This was a great opportunity to view some of the world’sbest renewable technology at this cutting edge facility andI was pleased to see the Federal Government investmentbenefitting the people of Coober Pedy,” said Mr. Ramsey.

Andrew McLachlan and Rowan Ramsey were shownaround the Coober Pedy Power Station complex

upgrades by Gareth Jones, Construction Manager

Further afield Andrew McLachlan and RowanRamsey looked inside one the wind turbines withGareth Jones, Construction Manager and Daniel

O’Connor, Operator / Maintainer.

Thank you to Drive-In VolunteerColin Kruger

Volunteer Colin Kruger receiving a ‘thank you’__certificate from Chairperson Matt Key at AGM.

The drive-in projector was serviced on Thursday April27 2017 which means we had to clean out all the filters,vents and insides and check the focus and colour balanceon screen. “It gave me a great opportunity to snap thiscandid shot of the projector's insides!” said Matt.

“ We also replaced the globe which was feeling a littleworse for wear after 4 years of having 40,000 volts passedthrough it! There is a lot going on in the big black box!”

“Thanks to Christopher Sturgeon from Edge DigitalTechnology for his ongoing support to the Drive-In andGeorge at the Oasis Tourist Park Coober Pedy forproviding accommodation.”

“If you're even interested in learning how it all works,feel free to approach me on any film night”, said Matt.

The 2017 Drive-In Committee Chairperson Matt Keypresented Volunteer Colin Kruger with a recognitioncertificate for raising over $1400 in the past three years.

"We have had many people donate money to the drive-in,often by putting extra money in when attending films andthrough bottle and can donations, and I feel that it’simportant to mention one individual specifically by name.”

“Colin Kruger has been our biggest and most consistentdonor and supporter and in the past three years he hasdonated over $1400 worth of bottles and cans," saidChairperson Matt Key

Drive-In projector during a recent service

Thursday 18 May 2017 Coober Pedy Regional Times Page 16

A beautiful sunrise photographed by local resident, Tim Webb taken on the 15 May through the centre of the two Senvion Wind Turbines

Mulga snake. (Pseudechis australis) found at Potch Gully (near Crow’sRoad about a week ago (11 May) by local resident Jennifer Riessen

Former resident resident David Hunter firstly identified the snake as aMulga, and then it was confirmed by local resident Tim Webb.

Residents should note that snakes are still moving about this close toWinter. It would appear that our seasons are becoming longer, especially

the warmer seasons.

Also known as: King brown snake. Found: throughout Australia, except inVictoria, Tasmania and the most southern parts of Western Australia - the

widest distribution of any Australian snake.

It is one of the longest venomous snakes in the world, the largest inAustralia and is the second-longest in Australia (surpassed only by the

coastal taipan).


Bearded Dragon hatchling born around the 15 May could certainly bean indication of weather changes. Bearded dragon eggs generally

need the high temperatures of the outback summer to hatch!

Tim Webb ©
