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Cook, Larry- Natural Living

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NATURAL LIVING By: Larry Cook Page 1 of 39 [I. Drink Pure Water] Water Filtration Introduction The tap water you drink, bathe in or wash your clothes with may contain arsenic, lead, copper and other heavy metals. It may also contain fertilizer residues, asbestos and pesticides that have leached into groundwater. Here in the U.S. several hundred thousand underground storage tanks are thought to be leaking paints and toxic chemicals. There are about 30,000 hazardous waste sites that contaminate groundwater. The livestock industry produces 130 times more excrement than humans do, and it flows untreated into our water systems. There are also viruses, bacteria and parasites that contaminate water supplies. Most city municipalities add the extremely toxic chemicals chlorine and fluoride to our water. So, if you’re going to drink your tap water, installation of a high-quality water filter is highly recommended. Remove the Chlorine With so many pollutants soaking into groundwater and flowing through municipal pipes, it’s no wonder our cities look for inexpensive, effective ways to clean it up. While some cities don’t treat water at all and others filter it, most add chemicals to kill bacteria. Chlorine is the highly toxic chemical most commonly used to make city water bacteriologically safe. However, that doesn’t mean it’s pure. Chlorine does destroy pathogenic bacteria; unfortunately, it isn’t “target-specific” and also destroys our friendly intestinal bacteria required for proper digestion and a strong immune system. Chlorine has been linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer, and it isn’t effective against certain parasites. Chlorine is added to kill organisms, but remember, you’re an organism too! An effective way to remove chlorine from your tap water is to install a high-quality water filter. Remove the Fluoride Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry that’s added to most municipal water supplies in the United States. Unfortunately, fluoride kills most of our beneficial enzymes; attacks the hypothalamus gland in the brain; inhibits proper functioning of the thyroid gland; can cause weakening of the bones; and can cause dental fluorosis in children, which is an irreversible mineralization disorder of the teeth. Sodium fluoride is also a central nervous system toxin that can diminish IQ, even in small doses. Although we’re told that fluoride is added to our water supply to prevent cavities, numerous large-scale studies have shown no difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in the United States. If you’d like to keep this poison out of your body and your children’s bodies, install a high-quality water filter in your home. Ozone Treatment While many argue that we need chlorine to keep our drinking water safe, much of Western Europe uses ozone gas and ultraviolet light to purify
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[I. Drink Pure Water]

Water Filtration IntroductionThe tap water you drink, bathe in or wash your clothes with may contain arsenic, lead, copper and other heavy metals. It may also contain fertilizer residues, asbestos and pesticides that have leached into groundwater. Here in the U.S. several hundred thousand underground storage tanks are thought to be leaking paints and toxic chemicals. There are about 30,000 hazardous waste sites that contaminate groundwater. The livestock industry produces 130 times more excrement than humans do, and it flows untreated into our water systems. There are also viruses, bacteria and parasites that contaminate water supplies. Most city municipalities add the extremely toxic chemicals chlorine and fluoride to our water. So, if you’re going to drink your tap water, installation of a high-quality water filter is highly recommended.

Remove the ChlorineWith so many pollutants soaking into groundwater and flowing through municipal pipes, it’s no wonder our cities look for inexpensive, effective ways to clean it up. While some cities don’t treat water at all and others filter it, most add chemicals to kill bacteria. Chlorine is the highly toxic chemical most commonly used to make city water bacteriologically safe. However, that doesn’t mean it’s pure. Chlorine does destroy pathogenic bacteria; unfortunately, it isn’t “target-specific” and also destroys our friendly intestinal bacteria required for proper digestion and a strong immune system. Chlorine has been linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer, and it isn’t effective against certain parasites. Chlorine is added to kill organisms, but remember, you’re an organism too! An effective way to remove chlorine from your tap water is to install a high-quality water filter.

Remove the FluorideFluoride is a toxic industrial waste product from the phosphate fertilizer industry that’s added to most municipal water supplies in the United States. Unfortunately, fluoride kills most of our beneficial enzymes; attacks the hypothalamus gland in the brain; inhibits proper functioning of the thyroid gland; can cause weakening of the bones; and can cause dental fluorosis in children, which is an irreversible mineralization disorder of the teeth. Sodium fluoride is also a central nervous system toxin that can diminish IQ, even in small doses. Although we’re told that fluoride is added to our water supply to prevent cavities, numerous large-scale studies have shown no difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in the United States. If you’d like to keep this poison out of your body and your children’s bodies, install a high-quality water filter in your home.

Ozone TreatmentWhile many argue that we need chlorine to keep our drinking water safe, much of Western Europe uses ozone gas and ultraviolet light to purify

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municipal water supplies. Since passage of The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments in 1986, a number of cities in the U.S. have shown interest in ozone treatment. Today there are over 400 water plants using this method. Mitsubishi Electric has developed environmentally friendly ozone water treatment technologies. When combined with activated carbon filtration, ozonation removes agricultural chemicals and industrial wastes. Ozone is not only the strongest disinfectant known for potable water treatment, but it is also extremely versatile: it can enhance taste, remove undesirable color, destroy harmful algae and oxidize many organic compounds. While it’s not simple, ozone treatment has been shown to be economically viable for water treatment systems.

Reverse Osmosis TreatmentMost home water filters on the market won’t remove sodium fluoride from your tap water. However, reverse osmosis will, and it will also effectively remove bacteria, viruses and parasites, as well as chlorine. In fact, most of the modern units take out nearly all toxins, gases and minerals. Tap water is pre-filtered to remove suspended matter and dissolved solids, then forced through a very fine semi-permeable membrane, which separates pure water molecules from remaining contaminants. The purified water is then stored in a pressurized tank. When “tapped,” it passes through an activated carbon post filter, ensuring the best possible taste. Although effective in removing contaminants and especially fluoride and chlorine, it also discharges a large amount of wastewater during the process. You can find reverse osmosis filters at hardware stores and on the Internet.

Deionization Resin FiltrationIf you want to remove fluoride, chlorine and other contaminants from your tap water, you may want to install a deionization resin filtration system. Deionization resin filtration is the filtration technique used by the electronics and biomedical industries to obtain ultra pure water, and it’s available for home use through Custom Pure. Custom Pure MB Filters also use activated carbon absorption. This combination produces distilled quality, delicious tasting water, and effectively removes chlorine and chloroform, fluoride, lead, arsenic, asbestos, rust, copper, sodium, sulfates, nitrates, sediments, pathogens and other dissolved solids. Their systems also include an optional ultraviolet light sterilizer for bacteria reduction. For the ultimate in affordable in-home water filtration, consider deionization resin filtration by Custom Pure.

Water SoftenersDepending on where you live, your tap water can be classified as either relatively “hard” or “soft.” Hard water contains much more calcium than does soft water, whereas soft water contains more magnesium. Soft water saves on gas and electric bills, because it takes more energy to create hot water from hard water. Softening the water removes large-molecule pollutants like lead and arsenic. Traditional softeners add sodium to the water, making it a poor choice for drinking and a burden to our soils. Fortunately, new

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technologies employ magnetic water conditioners that retain the beneficial minerals found in “hard” water as well as introduce cleansing benefits associated with “soft” water. GMX International offers a university-tested magnetic water conditioning system that uses a salt-free solution effective for both commercial and residential use.

[II. Avoid Synthetic Food]

Avoid Synthetic and Artificial FoodOne of the greatest threats to the human race is the all-pervasive, ongoing, deliberate manipulation of our food supply—from the farm to the shelf, and at every step in-between. The contamination of our food with synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, preservatives, food dyes, stabilizers, artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners, fake vitamins, growth hormones, tranquilizers, and antibiotics, combined with production techniques that utterly decimate the nutritional value of our food, such as genetic engineering, irradiation, high-temperature processing and hydrogenation, is the primary root cause of degenerative disease in America today. Only organically grown food is guaranteed to be free of human manipulation and synthetic chemicals, and that’s why we should eat organic food.

Avoid Pesticides & HerbicidesThere is overwhelming evidence that pesticides and herbicides cause cancer and are extremely dangerous to humans and the environment. They usually kill by attacking the nervous system or the hormonal system. Numerous studies funded by the U.S. government, universities and nonprofits indicate that when we eat regular food, we’re also eating micro-doses of these toxins. In fact, after extensive research of government data, the Environmental Working Group has concluded that more than one million preschoolers consume at least 15 pesticides per day in their food. Unfortunately, pesticides and herbicides accumulate in our body cells, fatty tissue and in the nervous system. And what do you suppose happens to your body after accumulating deadly poison for years or decades? That’s right, disease. Which is precisely why we should choose organically grown food.

Avoid GMO foodAccording to most estimates, over 70% of the food found in grocery stores has been genetically modified. Genetic engineering involves viruses, antibiotics and DNA restructuring at submicroscopic levels. GMO food doesn’t taste or look better, nor is there proof that it has more nutrition, or that it can feed more people. These designer plants are not regulated or labeled, but they are patented. Farmers typically use seeds gathered from one crop to grow another, but if a farmer grows a GMO crop, he must continue to buy seeds each year from the GMO patent holder, or risk being sued. Farmers who have their regular crops contaminated with GMO pollen can also sued, for patent infringement. So if you’d rather eat non-patented, time-tested,

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nature-designed food and help stop the corporate takeover of our food supply, buy organic food.

Avoid Irradiated foodIrradiation is a process that delivers deadly gamma radiation into meat and other foods to kill bacteria that can cause food poisoning or spoilage. The radiation may come from nuclear material, x-rays or electronic beams. Fecal contamination of slaughterhouse animals is the primary reason for irradiation since animal waste in food or water is the cause of most food poisoning. Irradiation creates free radicals, and diminishes or destroys vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Irradiation also destroys the chi energy, live enzymes and friendly bacteria required for good health. Lab animals fed irradiated foods have produced tumors, kidney failure, reproductive problems and miscarriages. Irradiated food is not labeled. So if you’d prefer to eat pure food, the way nature intended, eat organic food.

Avoid Preservatives & AdditivesArtificial food additives such as stabilizers, preservatives and flavorings are used in food to ensure uniform color, flavor, texture and longevity. The average additive consumption, including pesticides, is about nine to ten pounds per person per year. Unfortunately, the body treats these chemical-based compounds as poison, since they have no redeeming value other than to trick our senses. Research has shown that many of these additives cause hyperactivity, behavioral changes, allergies, tumors, cancer and other serious ailments. Since 1959 over 25 chemical food additives have been banned because they cause cancer and other diseases in lab animals. Nevertheless, synthetic food additives continue to be used in our food supply. So, if you’d like to eat a chemical-free diet, go organic.

Avoid AspartameAspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used in over 5,000 products worldwide. Aspartame is created from two synthetic amino acids bound in methanol. When consumed, this man-made chemical acts as an excitotoxin. As Dr. Russell Blaylock has explained, an excitotoxin over-stimulates neurons and therefore causes nerve damage and brain damage. It is this over-stimulating effect that tricks the brain into sweetness. Aspartame causes weight gain because it stops the trigger of feeling full, and because the liver has less energy for fat burning when Aspartame is being processed. Hundreds of studies give conflicting reports about its safety. Those funded by the Aspartame industry suggest that Aspartame is safe, while most other studies conclude that Aspartame can cause health problems, especially with the nervous system.

Avoid SugarRefined sugar is addictive, and can cause a variety of health problems when consumed on a regular basis. Sugar has no nutritional value, and in fact it’s actually an anti-nutrient since the body must use reservoirs of minerals, enzymes and vitamins to process it. Bacteria living in our intestines

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manufacture many B vitamins, but too much sugar kills them, which in turn depletes B vitamins and lowers immune function. Lower immune function opens the door to ear infections in children, and sickness in adults. Regular intake of sugar creates an acidic condition that quickly consumes the body’s minerals—especially calcium. It also releases cortisol, which is the fight or flight hormone that causes stress. Although derived from plants, sugar is a man-made substance that upsets the delicate balance of the body, to our detriment.

Avoid Refined & Hydrogenated OilsVirtually all oil and margarine products sold in supermarkets are processed to such a degree that if they’re consumed on a regular basis, disease can follow. For oil, the refining process often involves a chemical solvent for extraction and a very high temperature for processing and deodorizing. Margarine is hydrogenated, meaning that hydrogen has been added to the oil to make it hard at room temperature. The result in both cases is an abundance of very harmful trans-fatty acids. Trans-fatty acids in cell membranes weaken the membrane’s protective structure and alter normal transport of minerals and other nutrients. This creates an elevation of blood cholesterol levels, and metabolic disorders that can cause arthritis, heart disease and cancer. The alternative to these highly refined and toxic oils is unrefined, organic, cold-pressed oils found at health food stores.

Avoid Refined SaltUnrefined sea salt, meaning, it’s been dried at low temperatures and is not further processed, has about 4 percent trace minerals, which is a profile similar to that found in our blood. There are about 60 trace minerals in unrefined sea salt, all of which provide numerous health benefits. Sea salt has a purifying effect on toxic residues in food, aids in the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and helps to build the immune system. However, highly processed salt is stripped of all trace minerals due to high temperature processing, contributes to high blood pressure, and has no redeeming value. Furthermore, potassium levels in the body, not salt intake, regulate salt content in the body. Therefore, for optimum health, avoid highly refined salt, use unrefined sea salt instead, and be sure to eat foods high in potassium.

Avoid MSGMonosodium glutamate, or MSG for short, is a drug. MSG has no flavor, and artificially enhances the taste of food by changing the way the tongue, nervous system and brain communicate. It does this by causing neuron cells in the mouth to over-react to different flavors. Unfortunately, these over-stimulated cells exhaust themselves and die. Within 30 minutes of eating high levels of MSG, neurons swell up like balloons and die after three hours, and with lower doses they die after 18 to 24 hours. For this reason, many researchers state that MSG is a neurotoxin. More than 500 million people worldwide react severely to very small amounts of MSG. And common

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reactions include dizziness, headache, flushing and burning sensations. MSG is never safe—even if you don’t react to it.

[III. Eat Organic Food]

Eat Organic FoodThe best food to stock in your home is organic food because it’s the least toxic, best tasting and most nutrient-dense food available. Organic food is not genetically modified or irradiated, and is free of sewage sludge fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, preservatives and additives. Organic food is grown using farming techniques that maintain and replenish the fertility of the soil by working in harmony with nature. Organic farmers create an ecosystem of living organisms in the soil—such as worms and microorganisms—which help plants absorb nutrients and therefore naturally ward off insects and disease. When you pay extra money for organic food, you’re paying for the extra labor and materials required to produce the best food possible. If you’re on a budget, you can always find fresh, reasonably priced, organic food at CSA’s, Farmers Markets and Health Food Stores.

Join a CSACommunity Supported Agriculture, also known as a CSA, is a system which allows you to have a direct relationship with a farmer during the growing season. Typically, you pay the farmer at the beginning of the growing season, or sometimes throughout the growing season, and in return the farmer supplies you with food every week, or every other week. Most farms participating in this program supply only organically grown food. This arrangement provides benefits to both you and the farmer. You get a variety of organic food at a reduced price and the farmer has a steady income for producing food throughout the growing season. CSAs make eating organic food an affordable arrangement for large families on a budget. In fact, some farms even let their members help out on the farm, which reduces the cost of organic food even more.

Visit a Farmer’s MarketWith over 3,000 farmer’s markets in the United States, it should be fairly easy to find one close by if you live in a major city. Similar to Community Supported Agriculture, you get to deal directly with the farmer or the farmer’s representative, which benefits the farmer and you. The farmer makes a little more money selling directly to the end customer, and you often pay less for the food than you would at a retail store. Not all farmers markets include produce from organic farms, but many do. If you like to get out and meet people, shopping for organic food at a farmers market is a great way to save money, get farm fresh produce and enjoy the sense of community and vibrance of an open market. To find one near you, visit this web site (www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets) or talk with management at your local health food store.

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Have it DeliveredMost large cities now have businesses that deliver organic food directly to your home or office, once or twice a week. Sometimes you get to choose the type of produce to be delivered, but usually the assortment of produce is determined by the delivery service and the farms with which they are associated. Home delivery of organic produce is obviously more expensive than leaving home to get it, but if you lead a busy lifestyle, home delivery may be the answer for you. It’s a convenient way to buy organic that more and more people are embracing. In fact, it has become so popular that many cities have more than one organic food delivery service. To find one near you, do a Google search on the Internet for “organic delivery” and the city where you live. You can also look for advertisements in local alternative publications, or talk with management at your local health food store.

Go to a Health Food StoreAlthough some conventional grocery stores are finally carrying organic produce in limited quantities, health food stores devote most of their produce section to organic food. You’ll pay top dollar for organic produce at a conventional grocery store, and that is why many people believe it is so expensive. However, although organic food certainly costs more than conventionally grown food, you’ll find that overall it’s less expensive when you shop at your local health food store. And most large health food stores carry a wide variety of organic produce all year long. Natural food stores not only carry a large assortment of organic produce, but also carry a wide variety of boxed, canned or frozen foods that are all organic or partially organic, and are free of synthetic chemicals and additives. Shopping at a health food store is a rewarding experience that offers you access to some of the highest quality food available, yet at reasonable prices.

[IV. Shop at a Health Food Store]

Health Food Store ShoppingHealth food stores, better known as natural food stores, consciously stock products that are better for you and the environment, and refuse to carry products considered by natural living standards to be unhealthy. For example, conventional grocery stores sell products packaged with artificial preservatives, food dyes and flavorings, while health food stores do not. Health food stores stock a wider variety of fresh organic foods at lower prices than conventional stores. You’ll also find natural beauty products, whole food supplements, nontoxic cleaning supplies, natural healing remedies, educational materials and other natural living lifestyle products at health food stores. So, if you’re serious about living a healthier lifestyle then your best option is to shop at your local health food store.

Natural & Organic FoodNot all food carried in a natural food store is organic, but most of it, whether canned, boxed or frozen, is free of synthetic chemical additives such as

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preservatives, food dyes and artificial flavorings. Most natural food products have been processed to retain maximum nutritional value, thereby eliminating the need to add synthetic vitamins and minerals. If you’re on a budget, then visit the bulk food section and the produce section, where you can get large quantities of nutritious organic food at much lower prices than you’d pay at a conventional grocery store. You’ll also find organic meat, meaning that the animals were raised without artificial growth hormones, tranquilizers, antibiotics, pesticides and other toxic chemicals. By buying natural food at a health food store, you maximize nutrition, minimize toxins, and spend less money doing so.

Health & Beauty ProductsHealth food stores offer a variety of natural beauty products, including toothpaste, shampoo, make-up, skin creams, deodorant, bar soap, moisturizers and more. Whereas conventional beauty products are created from mostly synthetic chemicals, natural beauty products are created from mostly plant-derived ingredients. What we put on our skin is absorbed into the body. And many of the synthetic ingredients used in conventional beauty products are known to be toxic. On the other hand, plant-derived ingredients are nontoxic and they offer numerous healing properties. For example, natural lavender bar soap will provide you with a soothing effect on the nerves, among other medicinal benefits. Pure botanical products cost more because they’re more expensive to produce, but these plant-based beauty products are also more therapeutic.

Supplements & Healing RemediesHealth food stores carry a wide variety of natural supplements and natural healing remedies. Whereas regular grocery stores offer synthetic drugs designed to manage or suppress symptoms, health food stores offer plant-based supplements and healing remedies formulated to help your body operate better. The difference is one of approach: conventional over-the-counter drugs sold at grocery stores can alleviate symptoms, but they don’t address underlying issues. So the problem still exists when you stop taking the drug. On the other had, plant-based supplements and healing remedies help to nourish the body so it can actually repair, rejuvenate and heal. Important supplements include flax oil, green super-foods, probiotics and enzymes, while natural healing remedies include herbal formulations, homeopathics, essential oils and flower essences.

Products from Recycled ResourcesMost paper products sold in conventional stores are made from virgin resources. These include paper plates, bathroom tissue, paper towels, sanitary pads, diapers and more. On the other hand, health food stores stock similar products, but they’re created from recycled resources, which contributes to our environmental health. For example, if every house in the United States replaced just one box of conventional face tissue with recycled ones, we could save 280,000 trees. Also, most conventional products are bleached with chlorine, which is a source of dangerous dioxin and other

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chemicals. On the other hand, natural manufacturers use peroxide and nontoxic whiteners so that their products are safe for the environment, and the skin. This is especially important for women and babies, since they use products that touch their skin for long periods of time.

Non-Toxic Cleaning ProductsMost cleaning products sold in conventional stores, such as dish soaps, laundry detergents and bathroom cleaners, rely on harsh, and usually toxic, petroleum-based chemicals to do their job. These cleaning products are poisonous to humans and the environment, and they can cause serious damage to our health. On the other hand, natural cleaning products found at health food stores use mostly plant-based ingredients to do their job. Ingredients such as coconut oil, olive oil, peppermint oil, orange peel extract, grapefruit seed extract, lemon oil, enzymes, and more, making natural cleaners very safe for people and the environment. From washing clothes to cleaning the bathroom, nontoxic cleaning products effectively clean all areas of the household. And because of their plant-based properties, they even offer a delightful aroma wherever they’re used.

Books & ResourcesWhen you truly understand the natural living lifestyle and thereby apply it on a daily basis, you’ll have more energy, better health, and a happier life. To that end, health food stores make it their mission to provide a variety of educational resources for personal enrichment. They stock dozens of specialty books covering topics such as vegetarian cooking, conscious parenting, yoga, detoxification, alternative healing treatments, and much more. Many have computers available so you can research a specific ailment or natural healing remedy. Larger health food stores offer classes on cooking, supplements, alternative health care and plenty of other topics. And the employees are often educated in specific areas of natural living and are more than happy to answer your questions. So don’t be shy about stepping into a health food store, because their mission is to help you understand the natural living lifestyle, and succeed.

[V. Eat Healthfully]

IntroductionThe majority of health problems plaguing most Americans today, such as degenerative disease, obesity and low energy, is primarily due to the national habit of eating over-processed, devitalized, pre-packaged, slightly toxic foods on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Most Americans over-eat, yet are malnourished, due to their food choices. Therefore, in order to achieve optimal health, your goal is to eat a variety of fresh, whole, organic, nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, beans and legumes; and to eat only organic meat, if you eat meat. It’s NOT about dieting. Healthy eating is about choosing to eat whole foods from the produce section and learning how to prepare nutritious meals from fresh, whole food, instead of boxed, canned

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or frozen foods. Yes, you can incorporate packaged foods into your meals, but to truly eat healthily, eat fresh, whole foods on a daily basis.

Eat Whole, Organic FoodsThere are two important components found in whole, organic foods that are critical to optimal health: 1) natural digestive enzymes and 2) abundant nutrition. Natural digestive enzymes are found in raw, whole plant foods. These important enzymes help to predigest our food and aid greatly in the absorption of nutrients. Unfortunately, enzymes are destroyed by cooking, industrial processing and most types of commercial packaging. And, without Enzymes, only partial digestion occurs, placing a burden on the rest of the digestion process. Organically-grown food comes from soil with an abundance of live worms and other beneficial microorganisms. Worms and microorganisms, not found on conventional farms, help ensure minerals and other nutrients are infused into our food. Thus, eating a variety of whole, organic food far outweighs the benefits of any other dieting program.

Minimize Processed FoodsProcessed foods are packaged foods, whether boxed, canned or frozen. Should you shun all packaged foods in order to maintain good health? Absolutely not. But packaged foods ought to be a small portion of your diet, not the majority of it. Why use frozen or canned vegetables when you can use fresh, organic foods that have live enzymes and an abundance of nutrition? Perhaps the fresh version is out of season, you say. In that case, don’t buy the canned or frozen version; instead, buy a different vegetable—one that is available in its raw, fresh form. If you know that certain produce is in season in your area, buy it instead and prepare your food around what’s available, not what a recipe calls for. When you buy locally grown foods from the produce section you help your community and you end up eating what nature intends for you to eat during each season.

Balance Acid & AlkalineSome foods cause the body’s chemistry to be more acidic, while others cause it to be more alkaline. I’m not referring to stomach acid, but instead to the blood’s pH and to the state of the fluids between our cells. An overly acidic condition forces the body to borrow minerals, including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium, from organs and bones to buffer the acid and safely remove it from the body. Many experts agree that chronic acidity is a primary cause of degenerative disease because an acidic state allows pathogens to thrive, whereas an alkaline state does not. So our goal is to keep our bodily fluids more alkaline by eating alkaline-forming foods. Processed foods such breads, pasta, cereals, coffee, sugar, white rice, boxed and canned foods, along with meat and dairy, contribute to an acidic state. On the other hand, most whole, raw organic plant foods contribute to an alkaline state.

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Balance Yin & YangChoosing which food to eat based on the Japanese Macrobiotic concept of yin and yang is for the balancing of the energy of our consciousness. Yin is an expanding, feminine quality and yang is its complement: a contracting, masculine quality. A predominance of either too much yin or too much yang energy creates unbalanced states of consciousness, and can be linked to the food we eat. Have you ever talked with someone who seemed “spacey” to you? That would be considered an overly yin condition, and is often due to too much sugar in their diet. And what about someone who has inflexible opinions and can’t incorporate new ideas. That is an overly yang condition, and could be due to too much meat in their diet. The goal is to be just slightly more yang than yin, which is grounded, but not overbearing and inflexible. Minimizing meat and sugar in your diet is a good start to balancing your yin and yang energy.

Minimize MeatOver half of all the water used in the United States is for animal production, and the meat and dairy industry is the single largest source of water pollution in the United States. Raising animals for food is also the single greatest reason for deforestation throughout the planet. Demand for meat is so high that virtually all animals used for food today are grown in steel cage factory farms under horrible conditions. Sickness is so rampant that animals are given drugs and antibiotics just to keep them alive until slaughter. Most meat has any number of contaminants, including multiple disease-causing organisms, high levels of pesticides and herbicides, tranquilizers, artificial growth hormones, and the rendered parts of diseased or dying animals. These contaminants contribute to a wide variety of diseases found in Americans today. The best way to stay healthy and prevent environmental destruction is to minimize, or completely eliminate, meat consumption.

Minimize DairyHuman breast milk is approximately five and a half percent protein and is designed to double an infant’s birth weight in about 180 days. Cow’s milk, on the other hand, is about fifteen percent protein and is meant to double the weight of a calf in just forty-seven days. The high protein content of milk produces an acidic environment in the human body. To correct the acidic environment, the body will withdraw calcium from the bones—known as osteoporosis—to bring the pH level back in balance. Although dairy is high in calcium, it can’t be fully assimilated because of the high phosphorous content. For factory-farmed dairy cows, antibiotics are used to slow disease, tranquilizers are used to calm frayed nerves, and artificial growth hormones are injected to increase milk production—all of which is consumed when we drink dairy. If health is your goal, minimizing your dairy intake will do your body good.

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Maximize Vegetarian FoodsOur digestive system is created to easily digest plant food, but not flesh, which makes us herbivores by nature. Consider that the hydrochloric acid in our stomach is only 1/20th the strength of that found in carnivores. Carnivores require the stronger acid to process the flesh they consume. Furthermore, our intestines are 12 times the length of our body, whereas carnivores have intestines three times the length of their body. This is important because once a carnivore digests its prey, the remains need to be quickly flushed through to prevent rotting. On the other hand, when we eat meat, the combination of weak stomach acid and long intestines means putrification occurs throughout the digestive system, which can lead to disease—not to mention constipation for a large percentage of Americans. Yet, a plant-based diet works perfectly for us because the longer journey properly breaks down the fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates and nutrients.

[VI. Use Potent Supplements]

Supplements IntroductionMost farm soil is depleted of many important minerals, which means that our food—even organic food—doesn’t always have optimum nutritional value. One of the best ways to overcome this deficiency is to take supplements on a regular basis. There are hundreds of supplements to choose from, which can make it pretty confusing to choose which are best for you. From a natural living perspective, you’ll want to choose supplements made from whole foods, and which retain their whole food status when they’re consumed. These types of supplements, found at health food stores, contain most or all of the original components of the source from which the supplement was derived. They are very “nutrient-dense,” the way nature intended. Synthetic supplements should be completely avoided, and supplements that provide a specific mineral or vitamin are best used under the guidance of an alternative health care professional.

Green Superfoods & ChlorophyllMost health food stores have a “green foods” section where you’ll find products such as alfalfa, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina and wild blue-green algae, as well as custom blends. Besides offering a variety of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids, they all contain large amounts of chlorophyll. Once ingested, chlorophyll releases its magnesium bond and a cellular vortex starts sucking in heavy metals and cleansing the blood, which is why chlorophyll is considered a major blood purifier. It stops bacterial growth in wounds, removes drug deposits, and counteracts all toxins, including radiation. It also builds blood, renews tissue, promotes healthful intestinal flora, activates enzymes that produce vitamins A, D, and K, reduces high blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. Chlorophyll-packed superfoods are supplements we ought to take every day.

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Wheat Grass JuiceFresh wheat grass juice, found at health food stores and juice bars, is a powerhouse of nutrition. It has all the major and trace minerals we require, is packed full of vitamins including vitamin B, E and K, has all the essential amino acids, contains essential fatty acids and over 80 enzymes. And fresh wheat grass juice is very abundant in chlorophyll. The sweetness of wheat grass juice is part of its power—the sugar in the grass helps deliver the chlorophyll into the bloodstream quickly. The sugars crystallize in the intestinal tract, which draws toxins out of the tissues. One ounce of wheat grass juice can contain up to 18,000 units of beta-carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A. The juice is loaded with enzymes that help detoxify the body of harmful substances, and is one of the most powerful detoxifying agents you can consume.

AlfalfaAlfalfa has a rich mineral profile and contains abundant chlorophyll, which is considered a major blood purifier. Alfalfa roots can dig down over 100 feet, giving the plant access to minerals and trace minerals that other plants can’t acquire. The Arabs were the first to name alfalfa, which means “father of all foods.” Alfalfa cleans and tones the intestines and removes harmful acids from the blood. Alfalfa is rich in protein, carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, silicon, cobalt and zinc. Alfalfa provides these minerals in a balanced form, which promotes absorption. Alfalfa also contains eight enzymes that help assimilate protein, fats and carbohydrates. Alfalfa alkalizes and detoxifies the body, especially the liver. Alfalfa supplements can be found online and in the green superfoods section of health food stores.

Barley GrassBarley is an annual cereal plant that has been cultivated for hundreds of years. Although the barley grain is most often used, the plant’s true nutrition is found in the leaves, specifically, the young green shoots that form before the grain sprouts. Barley grass contains a vast array of vitamins and minerals, including five of the B vitamins, even B12. It also contains folic acid, beta carotene and vitamins C and E. Laboratory analysis of green barley grass has turned up traces of more than 70 minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Barley grass also contains 18 amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Green barley grass also has a highly alkalizing effect, because it contains buffering minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Barley grass supplements are whole food supplements, and can be found online and at natural food stores.

SpirulinaSpirulina is a whole food that helps to protect the immune system, lower cholesterol and facilitate mineral absorption. Spirulina is high in chlorophyll, protein and beta-carotene. The cell wall of Spirulina is composed entirely of complex sugars interlaced with amino acids, simple sugars and sometimes

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protein. The cell wall is fully digestible and helps strengthen body tissues, especially the connective tissues. Spirulina is packed with other nutrients, including vitamin B12. t has a rich supply of a blue pigment that has been shown to inhibit the development of cancer. Spirulina detoxifies the liver and kidneys, builds and enriches the blood, cleanses the arteries, enhances intestinal flora, and inhibits the growth of fungi, bacteria, and various strains of yeast. A number of manufacturers make it available as a powder, capsule or tablet, and it can be found online or at your local natural food store.

ChlorellaChlorella contains much more chlorophyll than green leafy vegetables, making it a very powerful green superfood. Its small size requires centrifuge harvesting and special processing to improve the digestibility of the tough outer wall, which makes it more expensive than Spirulina. However, the cell wall binds to heavy metals, pesticides and carcinogens such as PCBs and then escorts the toxins out of the body, making it a particularly valuable supplement. Chlorella has less protein and a fraction of the beta-carotene than Spirulina, but more than twice the nucleic acid, also known as RNA and DNA. Nucleic acid is responsible for cell renewal, growth and repair. Chlorella is also abundant in iron, zinc and vitamin A. Chlorella supplements are available online and at your local natural food store.

Wild Blue-Green AlgaeWhereas spirulina and chlorella are grown in man-made tanks, wild blue-green algae grows in Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon. It’s harvested in the summer and then freeze-dried to preserve its nutritional profile. Over98% of its nutrients are bio-available, which means they can be used directly by the body in the same form in which they naturally occur. This algae contains all eight essential amino acids, and has high neuropeptide concentrations to help repair, rebuild and strengthen neurotransmitters in the brain. Nearly 50% of its lipid content is the Omega-3 essential fatty acid. It has a full spectrum of minerals and trace minerals, as well as a wide range of vitamins, especially the B vitamins. The protein cell wall is a source of glycogen, which is used by the liver for energy. This very powerful whole food supplement is available online and at natural food stores.

Probiotics“Probiotic,” literally meaning “for life,” is a term used to describe the friendly bacteria and fungi that inhabit both the large and small intestines. There are over 400 different species of micro-flora that live in the gut, and two very important ones include acidophilus and bifidus. Acidophilus plays a major role in the prevention of disease. It also aids in the production of vitamins; an increase in the absorption of calcium; normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood; and production of digestive enzymes. Bifidus lowers the pH of the intestines, manufactures specific B vitamins, ensures regular bowel movements, and can help stop gas while promoting proper immune function. Unfortunately, they are easily destroyed by antibiotics, alcohol, drugs and a poor diet. Therefore, probiotic supplementation is highly recommended.

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EnzymesEnzymes are considered the “sparks of life.” These energized protein molecules regulate and govern all living cells in plants and animals, and are responsible for providing the energy for all biochemical reactions that occur in nature. Enzymes cannot be made from synthetic, non-plant sources. There are three major enzymatic classifications: metabolic, digestive and those obtained from food. Metabolic and digestive enzymes are produced in the body, but food enzymes are not—they only come from food. Processing or cooking food above 112 degrees destroys food enzymes. These vital helpers predigest our food and aid greatly in the absorption of nutrients. Without them, either from food or supplementation, the natural process of full digestion is lost, which puts an undue strain on the digestive system. Taking enzyme supplements helps ensure proper digestion and nutrient absorption.

Flaxseed OilFlaxseed oil is an excellent source for essential fatty acids, which are the basic building blocks of fats. They are categorized as Omega-3 and Omega-6 and are required for proper functioning of nerve cells and cell membrane walls. All cells are enveloped by a membrane composed mostly of essential fatty acid compounds. Without a healthy membrane, cells lose vital nutrients, electrolytes and their ability to hold water. They also lose their ability to communicate efficiently with other cells and respond appropriately to regulating hormones. Research has shown that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids help prevent heart attacks, lower blood pressure, reduce allergies and inflammation, offer anti-cancer properties, and may help combat a host of degenerative diseases. An easy way to get an abundance of these important Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids is to consume cold-pressed, organic flax oil every day.

Apple Cider VinegarUndistilled, organic and naturally fermented apple cider vinegar has been referred to as one of nature’s most perfect foods because it offers numerous health benefits. Apples are a rich source of potassium, and the main function of potassium is to keep the tissues soft and pliable, and to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. With potassium, which is the master mineral, toxic poisons are literally placed “in solution” so they can be flushed out of the body. Apple cider vinegar improves digestion, relieves chronic fatigue, zaps sore throats, helps normalize weight, helps lower blood pressure and can ease arthritis by flushing toxic crystals from joints. Plus, it’s a natural antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs, bacteria, mold and viruses. And that’s just the beginning! Just two teaspoons a day helps keep the doctor away.

AntioxidantsAntioxidants devour free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage cells, and if left unchecked, can cause a suppressed immune system and lead to degenerative disease. They are a primary cause of sagging skin

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and wrinkles. Free radicals are created when cells are under attack from various toxins, and are caused by tobacco smoke, pollution, stress, and hydrogenated or rancid oils, among other things. Antioxidants, found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and especially dark green vegetables, counter the effects of free radicals. There are also animal-based antioxidants such as co-Q10, mineral-based antioxidants such as selenium, and herbs with antioxidant properties such as bilberry, ginkgo and green tea. Numerous manufacturers produce antioxidant supplements, which can found online and at natural food stores.

GarlicGarlic has been used since biblical times and has an amazing array of healing properties. It contains an amino acid derivative that has an antibiotic effect. Another component of garlic dilates blood vessel walls. And garlic also contains many sulfur compounds that promote healing. Garlic is known to increase circulation; remove abdominal obstructions; eliminate parasites, yeast, worms and bad bacteria; relieve the stinging of insect bites, nettles, poison ivy and oak; clear ear infections; detoxify the body; enhance immune system function; lower blood pressure, and help promote healing of virtually all diseases. Garlic can be eaten raw, or taken as an encapsulated supplement. Cooked garlic however does not retain the properties of raw and supplemental garlic. You can find garlic supplements online and at natural food stores.

[VII. Detoxify Your Body]

Detoxification IntroductionAll of us take in minute amounts of poison every day. Much of the food we eat contains pesticides, herbicides, dyes, preservatives, flavorings, processing chemicals, artificial growth hormones, antibiotics and even tranquilizers. On top of that, air pollution and numerous environmental toxins also seep into our bodies through our lungs and skin. When the body is overloaded with these poisons, the detoxifying organs, such as the liver, kidney and skin, are compromised. When this happens, the immune system is weakened, other systems don’t function properly, and degenerative disease can occur. Therefore, to prevent disease from gaining a foothold in your body, it’s important to proactively help your body remove toxins. This process is called “detoxification,” and can be done on your own if you are well, or under the guidance of a holistic health care professional if you are suffering from a disease.

Colon CleansingYears or decades of eating a less than perfect diet will cause the intestines to accumulate layers and layers of fecal mucoid matter. As a result, food moves more slowly through the intestines, nutrients aren’t well absorbed, moisture

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is decreased, worms and parasites colonize, unfriendly bacteria thrive, free radicals are formed and toxins can’t be properly eliminated. Fecal mucoid matter buildup also causes stagnant pus pockets filled with various poisons and harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, a dirty colon will also cause disease to manifest anywhere in the body because every tissue of the body is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel. Therefore, cleaning the colon is essential if you want vibrant health, and there are plenty of options for doing so, including Bentonite clay, Psyllium husk powder, herbs, hydrotherapy, and others.

Hydrated Bentonite ClayBentonite is a type of clay that comes from volcanic ash and is often used as a thickener in facial masks because it absorbs excess oil and dirt from theskin. Internal use of volcanic ash goes back to the indigenous peoples of the high Andes Mountains, tribes in Central Africa, and the Aborigines of Australia. When taken internally, it acts like a sponge to bind and eliminate non-nutritive and harmful substances from the colon. It can absorb 180 times or more of its own weight of these toxins, thereby making it a powerful detoxification tool. Hydrating bentonite clay makes it easier to take orally, and is manufactured by suspending pure, microfine bentonite clay in purified water. Hydrated Bentonite clay is usually taken with Psyllium husk powder because the synergy of the two removes ample amounts of toxins and fecal mucoid matter.

Psyllium Husk PowderPsyllium husk powder swells 40 to 60 times its weight when liquid is added. The psyllium binds to the fecal matter as it moves through the intestinal tract, causing it to swell as it absorbs water and waste material in the bowels. This process forms a soft, bulky mass that passes through the colon more quickly and easily than without the Psyllium husk. The Psyllium helps to ensure that potentially toxic waste is more effectively removed from the colon. Psyllium is not digested in the small intestine, but is partially broken down in the colon, where it acts as a food source for friendly flora. Hydrated Bentonite clay is usually taken with Psyllium husk powder because the synergy of the two removes ample amounts of toxins and fecal mucoid matter. The best way to take psyllium husk powder is to mix two rounded teaspoons with six ounces of warm soymilk.

Herbal FormulasPrior to and during a colon cleanse, it is wise to take an herbal formulation specifically designed for colon cleansing. The herbs prepare the way for the bentonite clay and Psyllium husk powder, ensuring that the fecal mucoid matter is more easily dislodged from the intestinal walls. Various natural product manufacturers sell herbal formulas specifically designed for colon cleansing. Arise & Shine’s product is called “Chomper,” Nature’s Secret has ablend called “Super Cleanse For Your Colon,” Dr. Schultz offers one called “Intestinal Formula #1,” and Dr. Foster’s Essentials offers “Colon Detox Caps.” These blends offer a variety of herbs to serve numerous purposes,

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including laxative functions, stool softening, destruction of parasites and the loosening of fecal matter from intestinal walls, among other purposes. Custom herbal formulations blends can be found online and at natural food stores.

Minerals & Nutritional SupportFor maximum effect during a colon cleanse, abstaining from solid foods for part or all of the cleanse is highly recommended. Therefore, it is very helpful to take nutrient-dense supplements because bentonite clay not only removes toxins, but also removes minerals. You can take one or more green superfoods, such as Klamath Lake algae, chlorella or spirulina. You can also take a liquid mineral formula. Arise & Shine makes one that you can order from their Web site, and several varieties are sold in natural food stores. Although you won’t be eating solid foods, you can drink freshly-pressed vegetable and wheat grass juices. Freshly-pressed, organic vegetable juices are packed with vitamins and minerals, help cleanse the intestinal tract and can allay hunger, while fresh wheat grass juice is a natural blood purifier that has an excellent nutritional profile.

Enemas & ColonicsWhen doing a colon cleanse, flushing out the intestinal tract with water is highly recommended because this helps move the fecal matter out faster and more thoroughly. Most people cringe at the idea of doing an enema themselves, or at the thought of a colonic, administered by a colon hydrotherapist. But it’s an amazing way to rid the body of unwanted and decaying waste that has been building up in the intestines for years, or even decades. And it’s a perfect complement to the custom herbal formulas, bentonite clay and psyllium husk supplements. You can easily administer an enema to yourself in the comfort of your own home with an enema bag. Or, you can visit a colon hydrotherapist who will help you get the maximum benefit out of a water cleanse. Whichever method you choose, you only need to go through the process once every year or two to experience significant rejuvenation results.

A Ten-Day Colon CleanseThere are many ways to do a colon cleanse and the 10-day cleanse is a good one for beginners. For the first seven days, eat only organic and plant-based foods and drink fresh carrot/apple/beet juice, along with two ounces of wheat grass juice every day. Also, take a colon cleanse herbal supplement every day. Starting on Day 4, replace dinner with bentonite clay and psyllium husk drinks. From Day 8 through Day 10, eliminate all food and instead alternate between the herbal supplements and the bentonite clay and psyllium husk drinks throughout the day, concluding with an enema. Continue to drink the fresh wheat grass juice every day. On Day 11, eat an organic salad to break your fast. Also, take probiotic supplements to jump-start your colon. You’ll be astounded by how much stuff came out of you and how great you feel because of it.

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Parasite & Worm CleanseSystemic parasites and worms are a greater problem than most people think, including medical doctors. And getting rid of them isn’t easy. Some symptoms of these organisms include a voracious appetite, weakness, a withered yellow look, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation, cravings for sweet or burnt foods, grinding teeth while sleeping, and a host of others. Worms and parasites enter our bodies in a variety of ways, but one of the most common is through uncooked and undercooked meats. We may also be exposed through our pets. Some herbs and supplements used to fight parasites and worms include black walnut, pumpkin seeds, wormwood, cloves, garlic, raw onions, raw rice, colloidal silver, prickly ash bark and thyme, to name a few. You can find parasite cleanse products online and at natural food stores.

The Lemonade DietNatural Living advocate Stanley Burroughs developed the Lemonade Diet, which is also known as the Master Cleanse. The lemonade diet consists of drinking fresh-squeezed organic lemons, water, organic maple syrup and organic cayenne pepper for ten days, without food. Additionally, a daily salt-water flush and / or an herbal laxative tea are advised. The lemons provide citrus juice for cleansing properties, the pure maple syrup supplies numerous minerals and vitamins, while the cayenne pepper not only provides many B and C vitamins, but also loosens mucous and warms the body. The salt-water flush and the herbal tea help the colon evacuate unwanted debris. Approximately 6 to 12 glasses of lemonade are consumed per day. After the third day or so the digestive system shuts down and the body goes about the business of removing toxins. On the 11th day the fast is broken with fresh organic orange juice.

Lymph CleanseThe lymphatic system is part of our internal “garbage-disposal” system and is also part of our immune system. The lymph system transports nutrients to cells and removes waste from cells. Unlike blood, lymph fluid can dig deep into tissue to remove toxic waste such as acids and mucous. Lymph glands then collect the waste material and dump it into the bloodstream for delivery to the colon, kidneys, lungs or skin for elimination. Unfortunately, this valuable system is often severely neglected. When not properly cared for, the lymph system can be overloaded with toxins, and then health is compromised. However, there is a simple treatment you can do to help your lymphatic system function properly, and that’s exercise. Daily exercise, especially bouncing on a mini-trampoline, will stimulate the lymph fluid and help eliminate harmful toxins from the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar CleansePure, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has been used successfully for thousands of years to cleanse and purify the body of toxins. Organic apple cider vinegar has numerous vitamins, minerals and trace minerals, especially potassium, which aids in the cleansing and healing process. With potassium,

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which is the master mineral, toxic poisons are literally placed “in solution” so they can be flushed out of the body. Plus, apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic that fights germs, bacteria, mold and viruses. Drinking a few teaspoons a day will be of great benefit and will aid in the detoxification process, making it an excellent compliment to the colon cleanse. Just be sure to get pure, organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar, found in the natural foods section at supermarkets or at natural foods stores, because the highly processed varieties do not have these health benefits.

Chelation TherapyChelation therapy is the preferred method of removing heavy metals—such as cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic—from the body and the brain. Chelation therapy involves the use of substances that can bind to a toxic metal and then help remove it from the body. Chelating agents can be taken orally, through the skin, or as an IV drip. The phrase “chelation therapy” usually refers to the use of a few substances specifically designed for heavy metal detoxification. The most popular are EDTA, DMSA, and DMPS, which are acronyms for synthetic amino acid substances. Diagnosis and use of these chelating agents must be performed by a health care professional. However, they are highly effective and if you suspect that you or your child has neurological challenges and/or behavioral issues, including Attention Deficit Disorder and Autism, chelation therapy is strongly recommended.

Skin CleanseSometimes we can neglect the largest organ in the body, which is our skin. The skin is considered the third kidney because it expels toxins, which is why you want to keep it in good working order. Keep your skin properly functioning by using a stiff, natural bristle brush to exfoliate dead cells. This process will allow your pores to breathe and eliminate properly. Another popular way of removing dead cells and promoting skin health is through a sugar or salt scrub at your local spa. While there, you may want to relax in the sauna or steam room to perspire toxins out of your body. And epsom salt baths, along with sea salt and pure essential oils, is a relaxing way to draw toxins out of your body. A number of manufacturers sell pre-packaged mixtures that you can add to your bath water, and they can be found online or at natural food stores.

[VIII. Exercise Regularly]

Exercise IntroductionMost of us know that regular exercise is good for our health. Unfortunately, most of us don’t do it, to our detriment. Record numbers of Americans are now dangerously obese, due to a combination of poor diet and lack of exercise. Every health book, and every success book, tell us that if we want to be healthy and successful, we must exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes a day several times a week. Exercise gets the blood moving, the muscles working, the energy flowing and the toxins leaving. Exercise is grounding.

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Exercise is weight-reducing. And exercise will keep you feeling strong and motivated. The good news is that as difficult as it may seem to get started, you’ll find that nearly everyone agrees that once you do, you’ll want to continue. It’s a health building and success-making habit that will change your life forever.

Health BenefitsRegular exercise can lower your resting heart rate, which means your heart pumps more blood per beat and is not overworking when you are at rest. Exercise can also lower or help control your blood pressure, and reduce your total cholesterol, lowering the LDL while increasing the HDL. It also reduces the amount of bad fatty acids in your blood, and improves the functioning of your immune system. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and increases insulin sensitivity to prevent against type II diabetes. You can look forward to less anxiety and depression, improved stress management, and better self-esteem, appearance, and sleep. Plus, regular exercise gives you the experience of goal-setting and the dedication necessary to achieve your goals. It’s a health-building and success-making habit that will change your life forever.

Choose a GymWhile joining a gym is an added cost, remember that you are investing in yourself. You’ll find that today’s aerobic equipment has come a long way from traditional treadmills and stair-steppers. There are new, sophisticated machines at today’s gyms, like elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, and rowing machines. They have digital tracking to monitor your heart rate, distance, effort and mileage. Even the treadmills and stair-steppers have been upgraded. They’ll tell you when you’re on target for fat-burning or cardio training. Most gyms offer a variety of fun aerobics classes tailored for various fitness levels. Consider working with a personal trainer who will create a custom program to help you meet your goals. Now is the time to invest in a health-building and success making habit that will change your life forever.

Aerobic ExerciseTechnically speaking, aerobic exercise improves the body’s ability to acquire and deliver oxygen to its working muscles. Aerobic activities elevate heart rate and respiration for a sustained period. This improves the efficiency of the heart and lungs, helps to lose fat and control weight, and increases muscle and joint flexibility. Aerobic activities are sustained physical activities such as bicycling, jogging, stair climbing, swimming, and of course, nearly all sports activities. Most gyms offer multiple aerobic options, including elliptical trainers, stationary bikes, rowing machines, treadmills, stair-steppers and music-based exercise classes. Adopting a regular aerobic exercise program, whether indoors or outdoors, will help to build your health and give you more success in life.

Anaerobic Strength Training

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Anaerobic strength training activities are short in duration, and emphasize building muscle rather than burning oxygen. Examples of anaerobic activities include football, pushups, sit-ups, softball, and weight lifting. Strength training is anything that causes resistance against body movements in order to strengthen muscles. Building muscle is important because muscle mass helps to burn calories, instead of being stored as fat. Strengthening major muscle groups helps to reduce the risk of injury, and allows daily tasks to be done with ease and efficiency. And most load-bearing exercises promote bone growth, thereby lowering the risk of Osteoporosis. Adopting a regular strength training exercise program, whether indoors or outdoors, will help to build your health and give you more success in life.

Endorphins – A Natural HighRegular exercise not only produces outstanding health benefits, it also gives a natural high thanks to an increase of endorphins. Endorphins are morphine-like substances that attach to opiate receptors in the brain, and the word “endorphin” means “morphine within.” When activated, opiate receptors block pain signals to the nervous system, providing the body with a natural pain reliever that also causes a euphoric effect. Twenty different types of endorphins have been discovered in the nervous system. Endorphins, however, don’t work for long periods of time because our bodies also make endorphin enzymes, which eradicate them. Nevertheless, regular exercise becomes nearly addictive for most people because of the endorphins, and that’s plenty reason enough to adopt this health buildingand success making habit that will change your life forever.

[IX. Build Your Chi Energy]

Chi Energy IntroductionChi energy animates all living things. Though it’s invisible, we feel it every day. Can’t wait to do something? Your chi is probably strong. Can’t get out of bed? It’s probably weak. Angry, frustrated or depressed? It’s probably stuck. And a weakened or blocked flow of this vital essence is considered the beginning of all disease. Conversely, when you consciously cultivate and build your chi, you build your health, and your personal power. An example of strong personal power is dealing with an irate individual while having enough chi energy to be calm in the midst of their storm. Such mastery brings invaluable coping skills to one’s life, and can be achieved through the practice of yoga, as well as several martial arts disciplines, including Qigong, Thai Chi, Aikido and Kung Fu.

YogaYoga comes from India, and involves stretching into a variety of postures. The postures help to integrate the mind, body and spirit, hence the meaning of the word yoga, which is “union.” An emphasis is placed on postures that lengthen and twist the spine to keep it flexible and healthy. Each pose

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promotes the flow of energy through the nervous system and can assist in the elimination of toxins. But beyond stretching and strengthening, yoga clears pathways within the body. The natural chi energy can then flow straight through, like a laser beam of light, to illuminate the way and provide mental and emotional fitness. Most people experience a deep sense of well being after their first class, and regular practice cultivates an abundance of chi energy for health, mastery and natural living.

Martial ArtsOne of the best ways to develop chi energy is by practicing a martial art. There are plenty to choose from, and most of them originated in China. Interestingly, Chinese martial arts came from the same roots as Chinese medicine. Martial artists were trained in medicine, while doctors were trained in martial arts. Monks were both doctors and martial artists, and were practitioners of “energy medicine.” Chinese martial arts are classified as being either external or internal. External arts use muscular force, speed and sheer strength to produce power. Internal arts use chi energy combined with muscle strength to produce power. Tai chi, Aikido and Kung Fu are internal arts. Along with fighting techniques, internal training often includes standing meditation and other exercises to develop chi energy.

QigongQigong is often considered the root, or “grandfather,” of not only all forms of martial arts, but also of Chinese healing systems. This ancient practice of healing, health maintenance and self-development dates back thousands of years, and current Qigong teachers often come from a long lineage of a particular style. The practice involves posture, movement, self-massage, breathing techniques, and meditation. These practices are designed to cultivate, increase, and refine chi energy. Impure or stale energy is eliminated, while the flow of healthy, pure chi is enhanced. The ultimate goal is to fully develop your body, mind and spirit. With training and experience, you can use qigong for self-healing. When it’s used to heal others, the practice is known as medical qigong.

Thai ChiTai chi emphasizes a continuous movement and breathing system that exercises all the major muscle groups while circulating internal chi energy. There’s no wasted effort because the whole body moves in unison. Each part of the body is balanced by another part while it gently transforms into the next movement. When we consciously direct our movements, we can consciously direct our energy. And it is this circulation of chi energy that promotes health. In fact, regular practice of Tai chi increases strength,stamina, and flexibility, and also reduces blood pressure, improves immune function, and reduces stress hormone levels. It cultivates the link between mind and body, while enhancing balance and coordination. So if you’re looking for a therapeutic chi-building workout, tai chi may be the perfect choice.

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AikidoThe study of Aikido involves character building and self-defense techniques, with an emphasis on winning over the discord within oneself. Aikido focuses on controlling the chi energy centered in the abdominal region in order to subdue an opponent. It works to neutralize an attack by meeting blows, rather than blocking them. This art emphasizes nerve points that, when pressed, can bring down an adversary without risk of serious injury or death. The focus is on freeing oneself from grips, throwing an opponent to the ground by using leverage maneuvers, and then immobilizing the opponent by placing pressure on the joints. During practice, students match their movements to those of others, thereby avoiding collisions and conflicts. They discover their own strengths and weaknesses, build their chi energy, and master themselves as they master the art.

Kung FuKung Fu is a smooth and fluid art form, as each movement melds into graceful action. Properly coordinated chi energy creates the fluidity associated with Kung Fu. This style of martial arts is one of the fiercest and most revered, and requires a strict code of physical and mental discipline. Without strong and flexible muscles, proper body mechanics, and the management of chi energy, many movements of Kung Fu are impossible to perform correctly. Therefore, basics are a vital part of the training, since a student can’t progress to advanced stages without them. Basics training can include stretching, stance work, basic conditioning, meditation, kicking, and punching techniques. However, the practice is worth the goal, because Kung Fu is the ultimate art for chi building and self-mastery.

[X. Use Natural Medicine]

Natural Medicine IntroductionMost of us are taught that we need to go to a medical doctor when we are sick or afflicted with a degenerative disease. What we aren’t taught is that the real doctor is already within us as the innate wisdom of the body. The philosophy of natural medicine is that given the right conditions, the body will heal itself. Whereas the conventional medical model tries to kill foreign invaders with antibiotics, control defective body systems through toxic drug intervention, or cut out unresponsive systems through surgical techniques, natural medicine rarely includes toxic agents. Instead, herbs, homeopathic remedies, dietary changes, detoxification, supplements and other non-toxic therapies are used to help the body heal itself of the affliction. The outcome is permanent, lasting results without the need for ongoing drug management of diseases or conditions.

Conventional Medicine is Disease ManagementThe treatment philosophy used by most medical doctors relies on the concept of identifying diseases, pathogens or symptoms, and then prescribing drugs to manage or combat those conditions. It’s a system that considers the

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disease, pathogen or symptom to be the actual problem, as opposed to addressing the underlying causes that produced the problem in the first place. This medical model, largely created by the pharmaceutical industry, then uses patented synthetic drugs to manage the problem. Unfortunately, use of synthetic drugs often harm the body—which we call side effects—and since they don’t treat the root cause, they’re used for years or decades, leading to disease management, instead of a cure. On the other hand, natural medicine seeks to reverse root causes of our health issues through non-toxic means and lifestyle changes, thereby bringing about permanent, drug-free results.

Natural Helps to Reverses Root CausesThe role of the natural doctor is to figure out how, why and where the body’s ecology and energy is dysfunctional, and then suggest ways to get it functioning again through nontoxic means. The first priority is to educate the patient about proper diet and other lifestyle choices that affect health. From there, herbs, homeopathic remedies, supplements, detoxification, acupuncture or other nontoxic therapies may be prescribed to help build and nourish bodily systems. For example, a child with an ear infection—which is often the result of a weak immune system—may be given herbs to ward of the infection, but may also have dairy and other allergens removed from the diet so that the immune system will function properly again. Such treatment—from educating the parents to dietary changes to nontoxic remedies—creates permanent results.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and AcupunctureNearly five thousand years ago the ancient Chinese recognized a vital energy behind all life, which they called chi. Chi is the animating force that controls the functioning of every organ in the body, and is known as the “life force” by shamans, “prana” by yogis, and “bioelectric energy” by modern scientists. Healing practitioners discovered that chi flows along specific pathways in the body, now called “meridians.” Disease can arise when there is a deficiency or imbalance of chi energy in the meridians and their related physiological systems. Correcting the imbalance in energy flow is the goal of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Herbs are used to unblock or redirect energy, while insertion of very fine needles next to meridians can cause a desired shift in energy flow as well. As the vital energy is restored to proper flow, symptoms of illness disappear.

AyurvedaAyurveda has been practiced in India for at least 5,000 years, and is a natural system of medicine. The Ayurvedic physician first identifies the constitutional type of the patient, and then uses nontoxic therapies to strengthen it. The constitutional type is based on the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. Combinations of these elements are known as the doshas. Your dosha is your constitutional makeup. There are three main types: Vata, which is predominately air; Pitta, which is predominately fire; and Kapha, which is predominately earth and water; plus four combination

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types. Once the dosha is established, a specific treatment plan is then designed to guide the individual back into harmony. Treatment may include dietary changes, exercise, yoga, massage, herbal tonics, medicated enemas, and other nontoxic therapies.

NaturopathyNaturopathy is a philosophy of nontoxic medicine that believes the body can heal itself of ailments and disease, when given the right conditions. Licensed Naturopathic doctors are not only schooled in similar subjects found in conventional medical schools, but are also trained in natural therapeutics such as botanical medicine, natural childbirth, acupuncture and clinical nutrition. During the initial visit, a Naturopath will investigate a patient’s symptoms, perform a detailed exam and acquire samples for laboratory analysis. She may also consider nutritional status, metabolic function and toxic load before recommending treatment. Treatment may include lifestyle changes, botanical medicine, detoxification, homeopathy, and acupuncture. By treating the whole person, instead of a disease, Naturopaths enjoy a high success rate with their patients.

HomeopathyHomeopathy is based on an energetic medicine model known as “The Law of Similars,” or “like cures like.” Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, minerals and other natural substances. Through a process known as dilution and succussion, these substances are reduced to an energy pattern, or essence. The energy essence is known to stimulate the body’s immune system to heal whatever pattern of symptoms would be found in a large dose of the same substance. Homeopathic practitioners prescribe specific homeopathic remedies based on the pattern of symptoms found in their patient. The remedy causes an adjustment of subtle energy to activate the body’s defense mechanism. Once activated, root causes of symptoms are dealt with and symptoms of health problems fade away. Homeopathy is often effective with people who have chronic diseases, long-term emotional problems, or recurring illnesses.

Chiropractic care began in 1895 when a janitor, who had been deaf in one ear, was able to hear again once D.D. Palmer pushed one of his vertebra back into place. The janitor had a vertebral subluxation in his neck, meaning the vertebra was stuck in an abnormal position. When Palmer moved the vertebra back into position, nerves in that region were able to function again, restoring the janitor’s hearing. When misaligned vertebrae are physically adjusted into proper alignment, nerves in that region then operate at greater efficiency, allowing the body to more fully heal itself. Conversely, when vertebrae remain misaligned, the nervous system is compromised and parts of the body may not function properly, which can lead to functional problems or disease. Chiropractic care is the process of physically aligning vertebrae back into appropriate positions so that nerve signal flow is restored to full function.

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Network Spinal AnalysisChiropractor Dr. Donald Epstein noticed many years ago that some chiropractors were using gentle touch techniques instead of physical adjustments. He discovered that the gentle touches were encouraging the spine and nervous system to realign on their own. Some techniques worked around the neck area, others near the tailbone, and still others around specific vertebrae. He found that these methods achieved excellent results and developed a comprehensive system that is now known as Network Spinal Analysis, or NSA. NSA practitioners use gentle touches to the spine and tissue around the spinal cord to stimulate the nervous system and spine to properly align. When the nervous system is operating without interference—whether from a subluxated vertebra or tension on the nervous system from the spine in another form—then the body can achieve a higher level of healing and alignment.

MassageTherapeutic massage, also known as bodywork, is one of the most pleasant preventive care methods you can use. Its various forms have been used for thousands of years because it increases circulation, relieves tension and muscle spasms, and stretches and releases connective tissue. Massage can break down or prevent the formation of adhesions, and can actually increase the number of red blood cells. Massage improves muscle tone, and stimulates lymph circulation to assist in the elimination of wastes, lactic acid and other toxins. While an office in a clinic may feel more professional, it’s also very common and legitimate for a therapist to work from a home office, or even to give you a massage in your own home. Although massage therapy isn’t cheap, it’s an investment in your well-being that has lasting therapeutic effects.

Natural Remedy: Flower EssencesNearly 100 years ago Dr. Edward Bach developed the first system of flower remedies, called the Bach Flower Remedies. He believed that physical problems were manifestations of emotional problems, and that if the emotional problems could be healed, then the physical problems would also be healed. Bach discovered that certain flowers and plants stimulate the body’s natural healing systems and help to stabilize emotional problems. Flower remedies are diluted essences of plants and flowers that hold the healing life force energy until needed. They work with the body on an energetic and emotional level, rather than a physical level. Flower essences are especially useful for traumatic events and emotional duress. They’re chosen based on one’s emotional state and personality type, and can be found at health food stores, specialty stores and on the Internet.

Natural Remedy: Essential Oil AromatherapyEssential oils are pure extracts from many parts of a plant, especially the oil essence located between the cells of the plant. These essence molecules are many times more concentrated as an essential oil than in the dried plant. They play a key role in the biochemistry of the plant and act as regulators

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and messengers. They give the plant its aroma and are believed to protect it from parasites and disease. Pure essential oils easily pass through our skin to penetrate deeply into the tissues, interstitial fluid and bloodstream. Once there, they enhance the natural functions of our body. Simply inhaling an essential oil creates an immediate olfactory response and allows for quick absorption into the bloodstream. Essential oil use, called aromatherapy, is a safe and effective way to promote health and well-being.

Natural Remedy: HerbsMedicinal herbs for healing purposes have been used for thousands of years. When used properly and with care, they are quite safe, and effective. There are three major classifications for herbs: tonics, specifics and heroics. Tonics nourish cells and organs, and are used for long periods of time. Specifics have a specific job to do for a limited time and fine-tune biochemical processes or enhance the flow of chi. Heroics blast through energy blocks and dramatically move or inhibit energy. Herbs can be taken as tinctures, teas or capsules. Manufacturers make it easy to use herbs by providing both the functional purposes behind each herb, as well as suggested dosages. Dozens of herbs and herbal combinations are available today to help facilitate healing in almost any area of the body.

[XI. Visit A Holistic Dentist]

Holistic Dentistry IntroductionHolistic dentists understand the importance of a healthy immune system and therefore avoid or minimize controversial materials and procedures that can harm health. Such dentists receive the same training as their conventional counterparts, and perform the same procedures. However, they minimize the use of x-rays, or instead use newer technology that reduces radiation exposure by up to 90%. They use non-toxic materials such as composite resins rather than mercury amalgam to fill cavities. They address root canals and periodontal disease in a holistic, non-toxic manner, and they avoid the use of fluoride, a known poison. Other services may include removal of mercury amalgam fillings and the detoxification of residual mercury deposits. Holistic dentists often work in conjunction with other natural health care professionals.

Mercury Amalgam FillingsThe use of mercury in conventional dentistry is highly controversial, and is probably the main reason to choose a holistic dentist, since holistic dentists don’t use it. Mercury amalgam fillings—also called silver fillings—contain about 50% mercury. Mercury is 500 times more toxic than lead, and the second most toxic substance to Man, next to plutonium. Traditional dental authorities allege that elemental mercury is rendered harmless in fillings because it is chemically bound to the silver. However, studies have shown that mercury vapor does escape from fillings and is then absorbed by the

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rest of the body, including organs. Absorption increases when eating hot foods or liquids, and when chewing. This low-level but constant mercury exposure can contribute to a variety of health problems if the immune system is compromised.

Root CanalsTeeth are composed of three primary sections: the enamel, which is the outer part of the tooth; the dentin, which is a bone-like tissue that makes up most of the tooth; and the pulp, which containsnerves, arteries, veins, and lymph vessels. If bacteria eat away enamel or dentin, the result is a cavity, which can be filled. However, if bacteria invade the pulp, it will likely become infected, and die. The result is a painful toothache that must be dealt with. The root canal process removes the infected pulp and replaces it with a sterile substance so that the tooth can be saved. Unfortunately, some bacteria might remain, and if the immune system is weak, they may proliferate and cause harm in other parts of the body. Therefore, many holistic dentists prefer an extraction to a root canal to ensure that all bacteria are removed.

Periodontal DiseaseBacteria in the mouth like to collect into a sticky film called plaque, especially in the space under the gums, called a pocket. If plaque isn’t removed on a regular basis, and if the body’s resistance to bacteria is low, then periodontal disease begins. This can progress to create deeper pockets, inflammation, more infection, and bleeding gums. Standard treatment for periodontal disease is surgical removal of the infected tissue and a dose of antibiotics. However, since unbalanced body chemistry and lowered immune function contribute to bacteria overgrowth, the holistic dentist will suggest dietary changes and specific supplements to improve body chemistry, thereby trying to avoid surgery altogether. The holistic dentist will also use deep cleaning to remove calcified tartar stuck to the teeth, and give proper oral hygiene techniques for home care.

Fluoride & FluoridationYou might be surprised to learn that nearly all holistic dentists are against the use of fluoride. That includes in their office, fluoridated toothpaste, fluoride tablets and water fluoridation. Fluoride is poison. Fluoride kills beneficial enzymes; attacks the hypothalamus gland; inhibits proper functioning of the thyroid gland; can cause weakening of the bones; and can cause a mineralization disorder of the teeth in children. It will also diminish IQ, even in small doses. The belief that fluoride consumption will actually result in stronger enamel has been discredited. Furthermore, there are no studies available that conclusively indicate fluoridation—in any form—has reduced tooth decay. Holistic dentists understand this, and therefore reject the use of this poison on their patients.

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[XII. Health Food Shopping List]

Health Food Shopping IntroductionArtificial food additives such as colorings, flavorings and preservatives are not put there for your benefit; but rather, the benefit of the manufacturer. Stripping food of its vital taste and nutrition and then using chemicals to trick your senses does not equate good nutrition. Health Foods however, are made without harmful processing or chemicals, and they’re delicious and nutritious.

Organic GrainsOrganic grains—such as brown rice, millet, spelt, rye, quinoa, wheat berries and others—are an excellent source of nutrition that can be used in most any meal. Organic grains come in a wide variety of delicious textures and are very affordable. For best digestion and nutrient absorption, simply soak overnight and then cook as directed.

Organic Beans & LegumesOrganic beans and legumes—such as kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, white beans, lentils and others—are an excellent source of protein that can be used in most any meal. Organic beans and legumes come in a wide variety of delicious textures and are very affordable. For best digestion and nutrient absorption, simply soak first and then cook as directed.

Organic ProduceEating whole, organic vegetables every single day is the most important step to take towards living a healthy diet. Only the live foods found in the produce section offer the full nutrition that Nature intended for optimum health. Whether you turn them into salads, use them in stir-frys or cook them in soups; fresh, organic vegetables are the ultimate health food.

San-J Tamari SauceSan-J Tamari Sauce is a specialty soy sauce with a distinct salty flavor that can be used to enhance virtually any cooked dish, especially stir-frys and soups. San-J naturally brews their tamari sauce for up to six months, and they don’t use MSG or artificial ingredients. Using tamari sauce in your cooking is probably the best step you can take to create delicious and healthy meals.

Bragg Liquid AminosCreated from non-GMO soybeans, Bragg Liquid Aminos is a specialty seasoning that’s packed with amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life and are required for vitamins and minerals to function properly. This unique flavor enhancer is free of salt and artificial ingredients, and will enhance any meal when used during cooking, or when sprayed on a finished dish.

Real Salt Sea Salt

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Real Salt Sea Salt is extracted from protected salt beds found in Utah and is prepared for use without additives, chemicals or heat processing. Unlike highly refined common table salt, this all-natural sea salt is packed with more than 50 trace minerals, including natural iodine. Use this flavorful, good-for-you sea salt without guilt or worry to enhance any meal.

Frontier Mexican SeasoningFrontier Mexican Seasoning is a combination of spices—including chili peppers, cumin, garlic and paprika—that gives kick and flavor to any cooked meal. None of the spices are ever irradiated, and for safety reasons Frontier fumigates their spices with carbon dioxide instead of chemicals. Mexican spice seasoning makes health food cooking easy for anyone, especially amateurs.

Simply Organic CuminSimply Organic Cumin provides an earthy flavor that will enhance the taste of any cooked dish, especially when used in conjunction with tamari sauce. This organically grown seed is never irradiated, and for safety reasons Simply Organic fumigates their spices with carbon dioxide instead of chemicals. Cumin is one of the few spices that makes health food cooking easy for anyone, especially amateurs.

Barlean’s Flax OilBarlean’s Organic Flax Oil is an excellent source of essential omega-3 fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids are critical to proper cell function. Barlean’s oils are cold-processed without the use of chemicals, and then sealed in black containers to ensure maximum nutrition and freshness. Because of its delicious nutty flavor, the best way to use this flax oil is to add it as a condiment on your food.

Spectrum Coconut OilSpectrum Coconut Oil is an excellent cooking oil because the medium chain fatty acids are very resistant to heat. This naturally processed oil is non-hydrogenated, making it trans fat free. Using coconut oil for cooking not only prevents consumption of trans fats produced when using conventional oils, but it also adds that unique and desirable coconut flavor to your cooking.

Napa Valley Olive OilNapa Valley Organic Olive Oil will deliver a delicious golden sweet flavor to most any dish. Using only certified organically grown olives, this oil is extracted through cold-process technology to ensure maximum nutrition. Use this unfiltered olive oil in or on your favorite recipes for a tasty flavor boost and its many nutritive properties.

Earth Balance Buttery SpreadEarth Balance Buttery Spread is the best tasting, most nutritious and good-for-you spread available. This dairy-free spread is made from a patented custom blend of organic expeller pressed oils, and since they’re not

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hydrogenated, this product is completely free of trans fats. Replace your butter and margarine with this amazing alternative that will get you hooked the moment you try it.

Follow Your Heart VegenaiseFollow Your Heart Vegenaise is the best tasting, all natural cholesterol-free spread available. Vegenaise is made without eggs, dairy, artificial ingredients or sweeteners, and because it’s fresh, it will be found in the refrigerator section of your local health food store. Use this flavorful and healthy spread on sandwiches, in dips and dressings, and even in favorite recipes.

Miso Master Red MisoMiso Master Red Miso, which is a fermented soybean paste used to flavor soups and other recipes, is one of the best tasting misos on the market. This all-natural Miso paste is made from organic whole soybeans, organic whole grains and sun-dried sea salt. When added to a broth of fresh ginger and almond butter, it makes a soup that’s incredibly delicious.

Maine Coast Dulse SeaweedMaine Coast Dulse Seaweed is packed with minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fiber, protein and even phytochemicals, which fight radiation poisoning. This organic and wild sea vegetable is checked for a wide range of contaminates before being packaged for consumption. Dulse seaweed offers a rich flavor and abundant nutrition good for most any soup or other cooked dish.

Health Food Shopping ListThirty Three Suggested Health Foods (part 2)

MaraNatha Almond ButterMaraNatha Almond Butter is a high protein, all natural nut-butter without preservatives or other synthetic chemicals. Almonds, whether raw or roasted, offer an abundance of flavor and nutrition. As a nut-butter, almonds can be enjoyed on toast, in soups, in cereal, in smoothies, and even in your favorite stir-fry.

Annie’s Woodstock DressingAnnie’s Woodstock Dressing is one of the best tasting dressings on the market. Made without artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, this thick and uniquely flavored sauce adds zing to any dish. Annie’s Woodstock Dressing should be in every pantry because it not only enhances the flavor of salads, but also stir-frys, burritos, pasta and virtually any recipe.

Lightlife 3-Grain TempehLightlife 3-Grain Tempeh is a fermented chewy food made with organic soybeans and grains. Although Tempeh has little flavor of its own, frying it in coconut oil and then adding tamari sauce and spice makes it an ideal cholesterol-free meat replacer. Cook it up and use it in salads, or try it in stir-frys, burritos, pastas and all your favorite recipes.

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White Wave 5-Grain TempehWhite Wave 5-Grain Tempeh is a fermented chewy food made with organic soybeans and grains. Although Tempeh has little flavor of its own, frying it in coconut oil and then adding tamari sauce and spice makes it an ideal cholesterol-free meat replacer. Cook it up and use it in salads, or try it in stir-frys, burritos, pastas and all your favorite recipes.

Westbrae Natural Chili BeansWestbrae Natural organic Chili Beans are a versatile, convenient and nutritious addition to any recipe. Packed without chemical preservatives or flavorings, these cholesterol-free kidney, pinto and black beans provide substantial amounts of protein and fiber. Use these beans in your favorite soups, stir-frys, burritos or any recipe for added nutrition and flavor.

Alvarado Street Flour TortillasAlvarado Street Flour Tortillas are delicious, organic, whole grain tortillas that work perfectly for burritos and other recipes. These chemical-free and preservative-free tortillas are made from sprouted grains for maximum nutrition and digestibility. You can find these tasty tortillas at your local health food store in the freezer or refrigerator section.

Amy’s California Veggie BurgerAmy’s California Veggie Burger is a delicious, nutritious and cholesterol-free meat substitute. Made without any artificial flavorings or preservatives, this dairy free organic veggie burger bristles with flavor and texture. Simply fry it in coconut oil and then it add to organic bread, dressing, tomatoes and sprouts for an ultimate burger experience.

Wildwood SW Veggie BurgerWildwood’s Southwest Veggie Burger is a healthy, tofu-based and cholesterol-free meat substitute. Made without eggs, dairy or synthetic preservatives, this organic veggie burger is incredibly delicious. Simply fry it in coconut oil and then it add to organic bread, dressing, tomatoes and sprouts for a highly satisfying veggie burger experience.

Tofurky Deli SlicesHickory Smoked Tofurky Deli Slices are delicious, cholesterol-free meat alternatives that will satisfy even the most demanding of taste buds. Made without MSG or genetically modified ingredients, these healthy deli slices are smoked in a real smokehouse over hickory chips to give a sweet, smoky flavor. Find these flavor-packed deli slices at your local health food store.

Ezekiel Sesame BreadEzekiel Sesame Bread is made from freshly sprouted organic grains that contain all of the fiber, bran, vitamins and minerals of the original grain. This healthy, nutrient dense and flavorful bread doesn’t use conditioners, artificial

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flavors, colors or preservatives. You can find this naturally nutritious whole grain bread at your local health food store.

S.D. Soy Dairy Herb TofuMade from organic soybeans, Soy Dairy Herb Tofu is a delicious, protein-rich, cholesterol-free mea- replacer that works in virtually any meal. This firm tofu with a subtle sweet aftertaste is made without anti-foaming agents, synthetic chemicals or preservatives. To use this delicious tofu, just fry it in coconut oil, add some tamari sauce and go from there.

Eden Apple ButterEden Apple Butter is an all-natural, healthy, delicious blend of organically grown apples that have been cooked very slowly. Sweetened with just a little apple juice concentrate, this apple butter is free of processed sugar and synthetic additives. Sure to be a hit with the little ones and adults alike, you can find this amazing apple butter at your local health food store.

Pacific Soy Vanilla Oat BeveragePacific Soy Vanilla Oat Beverage is a delicious, healthy, dairy-free beverage perfect for virtually any use. Made from organic cooked oats and natural vanilla flavor, this sweet and flavorful drink is free of soy, artificial flavorings and synthetic preservatives. Enjoy this wholesome beverage in breakfast cereals, smoothies, baked foods or right from a cup.

Arrowhead Mills Spelt CerealArrowhead Mills Spelt Cereal is a delicious and healthy whole grain cereal made from organic spelt and organic fruit concentrate sweeteners. You won’t find any artificial colors, flavorings or preservatives in this nutty flavored cereal. Packed with fiber, protein and other nutrients, this flavorful and good-for-you cereal can be found at your local health food store.

Alvarado St. California BreadAlvarado Street California Bread is a delicious, organic, whole grain bread made from wheat, millet, oats, corn, lentils and soy beans. This chemical-free and protein rich bread is made from sprouted grains for maximum nutrition and digestibility. You can find this all-organic flavor-packed bread at your local health food store.

Food For Life Corn TortillasFood For Life Corn Tortillas are all-natural flavor-bursting tortillas made from sprouted organic whole kernel corn. These healthy, nutrient-dense and extremely delicious corn tortillas don’t contain artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. You can find these nutritious whole grain tortillas at your local health food store.

White Wave SeitanWhite Wave Seitan is a form of wheat gluten, which is the protein of the wheat kernel. Although Seitan has little flavor of its own, frying it in coconut

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oil and then adding tamari sauce and spice makes it an ideal cholesterol-free meat replacer. Cook it up and use it in salads, or try it in stir-frys, burritos, pastas and all of your favorite recipes

[XIII. How To Shop at a Health Food Store]

Our first stop: the produce section. Here you'll find an abundance of organically grown foods. Organic food is the least toxic, most nutritious and best-tasting food available. Organic foods are not genetically modified. They’re never irradiated. And they’re grown without the use of persistent pesticides, herbicides or other toxic chemicals. In my book I explain in detailwhy it's important to avoid non-organic foods. You won’t be consuming the toxic chemicals that, over time, can create costly, chronic health problems. Buying organic is well worth your money. Although organic food does cost more than conventionally grown food, you’ll save money in the long run because you’ll be eating a healthier diet. And you’ll find better deals on organic products at a natural food store than at a conventional grocery store.

You’re already familiar with most types of organic food found in the produce section. But there will be some items that may be new to you—like sprouted foods.

For a seed to sprout, it needs a lot of energy. As a result, sprouted foods are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. That energy and nutrition gets transferred to you when you eat sprouted foods. And not only are sprouted foods nutritious, they’re packed with flavor. Sprouted foods are a great addition to salads, burritos and numerous other dishes.

Most of the food you eat should come from the produce section. In my book I explain how important it is for us to eat live, whole food. And live, whole food is found only in the produce section—not in the other areas of the store.

It’s easier than you think to make delicious homemade meals. In my book I provide a shopping list and meal plans to make it easy for you to prepare food at home. But sometimes, we want or need the convenience of a quick meal. So, just like conventional grocery stores, health food stores have an abundance of boxed, canned and frozen or refrigerated foods. But there are several key differences between the types of packaged foods offered in conventional grocery stores and what’s offered in health food stores.

For starters, health food stores usually don’t offer packaged foods with synthetic chemical ingredients. That means no synthetic preservatives, no synthetic colors and no synthetic flavorings. These often toxic chemicals are found in most packaged products at conventional grocery stores. As I discuss

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in my book, they can derail the health and functioning of many people, especially children.

Most packaged products found in natural food stores include only the ingredients made by nature. And their processing is kept to a minimum to retain as much nutritional value as possible. The result: You’ll get better nutrition and more flavor from these all-natural products.

Another significant difference is that health food stores stock an abundance of products made from organically grown ingredients. These products are good for you, and our environment. And, they taste better, too.

Health food stores also carry a wide variety of packaged foods that are vegetarian or vegan. Vegetarian products are free of all animal products except for dairy and, in some cases, eggs. Vegan products are completely free of any animal ingredients. For example, Veganaise spread is made without eggs or dairy. Yet it’s delicious—and much better for you than conventional mayonnaise. Vegetarian and vegan diets are becoming more and more popular because they have been found to be some of the healthiest diets of all.

The selection of packaged foods at a natural food store includes a wide variety of meat substitutes or alternatives. These products are delicious enough to satisfy any meat-eater. And they’re perfect for people who would like to transition easily from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet. There are also many varieties of protein-rich tofu, tempeh and other soy products. Tempeh is made with fermented soybeans. It’s delicious – and mixes wellinto stir fries, burritos and other dishes. All of these products are easily cooked and flavored. And they work well as a meat substitute because of their texture. My next video will teach you how to prepare and cook these delicious meat alternatives.

Most health food stores have a bulk foods section. If you have a large family, or if you’re on a budget, this is the perfect place to buy organic and save money. Here you’ll find organic grains, nuts, breakfast cereals, beans, and plenty more.

You’ll have three major advantages when you shop in the bulk section: First of all, you can buy as much or as little of any particular item as you want. Secondly, you can fill up your own container with the bulk products you want to buy – and reuse that container. By doing this you’re saving the natural resources normally used in packaging. The third advantage to the bulk food section has to do with your wallet: Bulk food costs less than packaged food.

You’ll also appreciate the wide variety of organic grains to choose from, in addition to beans, nuts and other types of raw ingredients. Grains are packed with nutrition, and if you vary your grains throughout the week you’ll

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never have a boring meal. You’ll also always have maximum nutrition – and more money in your pocket.

One area where you’ll find a difference between conventional grocery stores and health food stores is in the health and beauty aids section. This section is really several sections in one.

Let's start with personal-care products. Products such as toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, hand soap, moisturizer or cosmetics usually include mostly, or only, botanical ingredients, meaning plant-based ingredients. What you use on your body is absorbed into your body. And, many of the synthetic chemicals used in today’s conventional products can be toxic to the body.

Plant-based ingredients are not only nontoxic, but they also have medicinal value. For example, many types of natural body care products use pure essential oils as one of their ingredients. Essential oils are plant-based and contain the therapeutic value of the plant from which it came. For example, pure Lavender oil—found in many products—is known to have a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, thereby relieving tension, depression, and nervous exhaustion in general.

Different manufacturers use different botanical ingredients. You can experiment to find the products that work best for you. Or see my personal recommendations that I include in my book.

Two other major categories found in the health and beauty section are supplements and natural healing remedies. Supplements are designed for continuous use, and natural healing remedies are used to help overcome certain conditions.

In a conventional grocery store you’ll find an aisle of synthetic based drugs designed to manage symptoms. But in a health food store, you’ll find natural remedies which use herbs or herbal formulations, flower essences, or homeopathic remedies; each type is designed to work with your body, instead of against it. Many of these remedies are formulated to help build your immune system and/or provide functional support to organs and other bodily systems. For example, the herb Echinacea is a well-known immune booster and is to be taken at the first signs of a cold.

There are numerous resources at your disposal to help you learn and understand which of these remedies may be best for you based on your condition. In addition to several books written about the topic, there is often knowledgeable staff available to help guide you.

The health and beauty section also has a wide variety of supplements available: probiotics, enzymes, flax oil and green super foods, to name just a few. These supplements are usually consumed on a regular basis to help

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build nutritional levels and promote optimum functioning of the digestive system. In my book I give a full explanation of a variety of important supplements that are beneficial to most people.

While you’re shopping for health and beauty aids, don’t forget to check out the detoxification section. This section is a very important one. Here you’ll find bentonite clay, psyllium husk powder, and herbal formulas designed to help rid your body of built up waste, including from your colon. For example, when decaying matter in the intestines accumulates, it compromises your ability to absorb nutrients. Most people find that removing this build-up improves their overall energy level. Colon cleansing brings your intestines back to optimal function. In my book, I devote an entire chapter to colon cleansing and detoxification because it’s an important step towards vibrant health.

The health and beauty section also offers an assortment of books devoted to the natural living lifestyle. In addition to my book, I highly recommend John Robbins’ well-written book, The Food Revolution, How your diet can help save your life and the world.

Natural food stores carry a wide assortment of nontoxic cleaning supplies. These range from dish soaps to laundry detergents, surface cleaners to toilet cleaners and even all-natural air fresheners. These products use botanical, plant-based ingredients instead of harsh chemicals, making them safe for you, your children and the environment. For example, I use Bio-Kleen laundry detergent and absolutely love the smell of my clothes straight from the washer. And, yes, these plant-based, nontoxic cleaners work as well as or even better than conventional cleaners.

For the sake of the environment and the future of the Earth, it’s a really good idea to buy products made from recycled resources. And health food stores stock a wide variety of products made from recycled resources. In addition to using primarily recycled materials in the manufacturing process, these products are also made without the use of highly toxic chemicals. This means that they’re safer for you, and they conserve our natural resources. I especially recommend that your babies use these products instead of their counterparts found in conventional grocery stores.

Depending upon which health food store you shop at, you may also have access to pre-made, packaged healthy meals that come from local vendors. It’s better to grab one of these meals rather than going to a fast food joint.

The variety of departments and products that you’ve seen here is just the beginning: A natural food store will generally have anything that you’d expect to see in a conventional grocery store. And much more. But unlike conventional products, these goods will be produced without synthetic chemicals or extreme processing. They’ll be free of the chemical stew that

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afflicts many conventional products. And you’ll enjoy the high quality and variety of a health food store’s inventory—including plenty of unique products that aren’t sold in conventional stores.

The bottom line: You can do all your normal grocery shopping at a natural food store—because natural food stores have products equivalent in most ways to those at ordinary grocery stores. The difference: What you find at a health food store will be better for you, and your family.

The most important part of a natural food store is that you begin shopping there! Now that you understand the basic layout of a health food store, your next step is to start shopping at one. In my book, The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Living, I offer additional information you may want to have on hand when you go to a health food store, including my personal shopping list and meal plans.

Be bold, go to your local health food store, and start shopping—You CAN do it.
