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Students from Cirincione Primary School, Bagheria, are pleased to share with their comenius friends the new healthy cookbook, full of tasty recipes! Try them!!!
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Direzione Didattica Statale “G. Cirincione” Bagheria
Page 1: Cookbook

Direzione Didattica Statale “G. Cirincione”Bagheria

Page 2: Cookbook


250 grams of butter, 250 grams of dark chocolate, 250 grams of sugar,

250 grams of flour, 6 eggs, 1 packet of baking powder 

Melt the chocolate with the butter in a double boiler, then remove from heat and add sugar, add eggs, one at a time, and

mix them into the mixture. Finally, add the flour sifted with baking powder. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Page 3: Cookbook


1.5 liters of meat stock

1 sachet of saffron

1 stalk of celery

2 car rots

60 grams of butter

60 grams of parmesan cheese

1 egg

300 grams of r ice

1 onion

200 grams veal meat

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

150 grams of green peas

150 grams of mozzarella


I n one liter of broth cook the r ice. A dd the remaining half -liter of broth where you previously dissolved saffron, little by little. W hen the r ice is cooked, add the butter , Parmesan, egg, salt and pepper . M ake and refr igerate for at least 2 hours.

For the filling

F inely chop an onion, a stalk of celery and two car rots, fr y in a little oil and butter . A dd the minced veal. W hen the meat is well browned, add the peas and cook them. Blend with half a glass of white wine. A dd a tablespoon of tomato paste and half a glass of warm water . W hen the water has evaporated and the sauce is cooked and nar row, turn off the heat and allow to cool. D ice the mozzarella and keep it aside.

To prepare the arancine

W ith wet hands form small balls of r ice w ith a diameter of 6 cm, carved out a niche in each r ice ball and fi ll i t w ith the fi lling and a cube of mozzarella. Tightly close the arancin e, pass in a mixture of water and flour , then in bread crumbs and store in the fr idge for at least 2 hours. F ry in hot oil and serve.

Page 4: Cookbook


10 aubergines

seed oil

1 celery

2 large onions

300 grams of green olives

3 tablespoons salted capers


2 teaspoons of sugar

1.5 pounds of tomatoes


Wash the aubergines, remove the stems and cut into cubes. Fry in hot oil seeds and put them to drain on paper towels. Place them in a bowl and sprinkle with vinegar.

Clean and cut in thin slices celery and onions. Cut into coarse pieces green olives and desalinate capers. Clean and remove the peel tomatoes by cutting them into small cubes.

In a large skillet, fry in olive oil the onions and let them become brown. Then add one by one celery, olives, capers. At the end, when all the ingredients are cooked, add the diced tomatoes, add salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. When cooked, let it cool down and add the fried aubergines and stir. The dish should be eaten cold.

Page 5: Cookbook

BAKED ANELLETTI 350 grams of anelletti pasta

250 grams of chopped lean veal

200 grams of peas

7 dl of tomato sauce

half an onion

1 carrot

1 celery heart

1 bunch of parsley

1 bunch of basil

50 grams of grated cheese

1 glass of dry white wine

extra virgin olive oil


bread crumbs


pepper Procedure

Finely chop the onion, the carrot, the celery and parsley and let it brown everything in a pan with four tablespoons of olive oil and a knob of butter. Add the minced meat and brown over medium heat, pour in a splash of wine and let it evaporate. Then add the peas and cook, then pour the tomato puree and season with salt, pepper and basil leaves.

Stir and cook for 40 minutes, incorporating a little hot water if the fund tends to shrink too.

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water, drain and toss with the prepared sauce and grated cheese.

pour into a buttered baking dish and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and level the surface. Cover with the other bread crumbs mixed with the cheese kept aside and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Page 6: Cookbook


1 kg of fennel

500 grams of sar dines

600g bucatini pasta

2 chopped onions

6 anchovies in oi l

50 grams of pine nuts

50 grams of raisins

50 grams of toasted almonds

a pinch of saffron

olive oi l, salt


browned br eadcrumbs


Boil the fennel in lightly salted water , wher e you will cook then the pasta.

A fter decapitate and clean the sardines, depr iving them of the central bone. So, chop the fennel and fr y them with fi nely minced onions, the anchovies in oil, pepper , pine nuts, saffron, the raisins, and the sardines.

Boil the pasta in the water of fennel, dr ain and mix them with two-thir ds of sar dines sauce, put it into a big pan. Then, spent the r est of the sauce on the pasta, spr inkle with chopped toasted almonds and browned br eadcr umbs and bake for 10 minutes

Page 7: Cookbook


800 grams of swordfish cut into thin slices

30 grams of grated ragusano cheese

150 grams of bread crumb

1 tablespoon of salted capers

1 bunch of parsley

olive oil




Gently beat the slices of swordfish with a meat mallet after they have been covered with plastic wrap. Cut them in half and place on a work surface. Salt them lightly.

In a bowl, add the bread crumb, a pinch of salt and pepper, washed and chopped parsley, and stir. Pick up approximately three quarters of this mixture, mix it with the well-rinsed and chopped capers and grated ragusano cheese. Drizzle with a little olive oil and distribute it on the slices of swordfish.

Wrap the fish forming the rolls and stick with long toothpicks to prevent it open.

Put the rolls in a lightly oiled baking dish, then pour over the mixture of remaining breadcrumbs and go in a very hot oven, 220 degrees for about ten minutes. Remove from the oven and serve immediately, piping hot.

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Tomato sauce 700 ml

Buffalo mozzarella or Fior di latte 600g

8-12 basil leaves

Extra virgin olive oil q.b.

Sale q.b.

Preparation of the dough


Approximately 600 ml of warm water

20 grams of salt

12 grams of yeast

1 kg of flour type 0

2 teaspoons of sugar

Place the flour on a pastry board and forme a hollow in the center. Take a glass bowl, pour in 150 ml of warm water, the crumbled yeast and sugar. Stir well to melt the whole thing and pour it in the center of the flour. Begin to mix the ingredients, in order to get some sort of soft cream. Done this in another 150 ml of warm water, dissolve 20 grams of fine salt (keep in mind that this step is very important, because if the salt is not properly dissolved may deteriorate much the dough) and insert them into the flour.

Mix it all gradually integrating the remaining warm water and a little flour if necessary until dough is compact, smooth and soft, and then form a ball and place in a large floured bowl, cover with a cloth and let it rise in the refrigerator for 24 hours at not more than 4 °. Avoid storing in high places, as it may more easily be exposed to sudden changes in temperature, better to put it down.

To form the disc, take a ball and place them on a flat floured, started to crush it with your fingers always starting from the center and going out, do not pull it by the edges. Turn it back on itself several times, each time taking care of the floor where flour worked. Remember that the board should be more about two or three centimeters, while the central part must be no more than half a centimeter. The cakes that you advance you can save them in an airtight tray in a warm place.

Pour the tomato sauce in a bowl and season it with 2 tablespoons oil and salt. Roll out a stick of pizza dough (previously prepared) to form a circle with a diameter of about 30 cm. Sprinkle the tomato sauce, chopped coarsely mozzarella, and then the three basil leaves and finally a drizzle of olive oil, bake in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes at 250°. After cooking the pizza Margherita serve immediately.

Page 9: Cookbook


125 grams of flour 00

125 grams of sugar

2 eggs

half a bag of baking powder

3 apples cut into slices

60 g butter

grated rind of 1 lemon

a bit 'of lemon juice

powdered sugar

vanilla extract or vanilla extract

half a glass of milk.


Cut the apples into slices and pour the lemon juice to prevent them from becoming black.

Work the butter with the sugar until it is well blended. Add the eggs and mix, add the flour and vanilla extract.

Add the grated lemon and baking powder, half a cup of milk and mix.

After mixing well put the mixture into a cake tin already lined with baking paper.

Arranged the apple slices inside the compound, creating circles from the center to the edge, all nearby without leaving too much space between the slices.

Bake in an oven preheated to 140 ° C for about 50 minutes. Check the cooking by inserting a toothpick into the mixture. If the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is ready.

Remember that during cooking, the oven may be opened only after it has spent at least 1/ 3 of the cooking time, otherwise your cake could deflate!

Page 10: Cookbook


INGREDIENTS FOR PASTRY 600 grams of flour 300 grams of butter 300 grams of sugar 6 egg yolks 4 tablespoons of marsala

INGREDIENTS FOR THE CREAM CHEESE 800 grams of fresh ricotta cheese 300 grams of sugar 150 grams of dark chocolate drops

A pinch of salt Grated rind of one lemon PROCEDURE Prepare the pastry by mixing the ingredients well, being careful not to overwork the dough to prevent the butter becoming the dough too soft. Once you have the dough into a ball, wrap it in a cloth and place it in the fridge for a few hours. Meanwhile, prepare the cream cheese. Put the drained ricotta cheese into the mixer with the sugar. At the end put the chocolate drops and pour well the ingredients . Flatten a disk of pastry on the thickness of about ½ inch, directly on oven paper and the size of the pan, so that it can also cover the edges. Place the disc in the baking pan and line up the edges and cover with a thin layer of sponge cake. At this point add the cream ricotta cheese and cover it with another disc of pastry that must be well sealed at the edges. Place in an oven, preheated to 180 °, for about an hour. When cooked, allow to cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar. It's a dessert that should be eaten cold.
